July/August 2014


July/August 2014
July/August 2014
2014 DIVAN
From the Pote...
I was reading a publication from another
Shrine Center and came
across this article which
I thought needed to be
reprinted and sent to
our members at LuLu. I
thought this was a great
way to start my article.
a Mason. The sequins
represent the tears that
a crippled or burned
child sheds when in
pain. The color represents the blood a crippled or burned child
sheds while undergoing
treatment or surgery.
The Fez should be
worn with pleasure to
yourself and honor to
the Fraternity.
from the willingness to Illustrious Sir Bob Gold
ask how a new idea or Potentate 2014
Sitting in this office,
direction might work
known as the Pote’s
rather than all the reasons it might
Parlor, you have moments where you
not. It is a cultural shift whose time
reflect about all the Potentates that
has come. Anyone can deflate a great
preceded you and what they thought
concept by not nurturing the thought.
about while sitting behind this masAnyone can give reasons for things
sive desk. Some of the decisions they
not to work. If nothing changes then
had to make that allowed this fraternothing has to be done. It’s easy to
nity to flourish and grow. Being
say no and hard to say yes. Harmony
human, I hope I always make the
comes from remembering our
right decisions.
Masonic obligations that we took at
And now for what’s happening
the altar to each other. Harmony is
around LuLu. We have just
supporting each other but not letting
Circus chaired by
incompetence prevail for the sake of
I would like to
Harmony. Harmony is the selection of
hard work on
the right people to guide us into the
in the past. I
would like to thank the Nobles and
Another psychological monument,
their Ladies who worked the Food
hanging in the Potes office is a picture
Booths which raised much needed
of a fez and over written is this” The
funds to help run LuLu. A big shout
Fez, the Fez is the badge of a Shriner
out to the Wednesday Crew that
as the lambskin apron is the badge of
saw that the Arena was set up and
Article continues on page 4
Potentate . . . . . . . . . Bob Gold
Chief Rabban . . Matt Hallowell
Asst. Rabban . . . . . . Joe Rocco
HP&P . . . . . . . . . . . . Zalig Stein
Oriental Guide . . Scott Simkins
Treasurer. . . . . . . . Chris Mason
Recorder . . . . . Harry Reiter P.P.
12:00 to 3:00 P.M.
Brookside Manor
Flyer will appear in the
next 2 issues of the Fez.
The Voice of LuLu
Thursday, September 4th
Sunday, September 7th
Please join us for the annual Fall MASA Convention.
LuLu will be staying at the Holiday Inn Express, 2607 Atlantic Avenue, Virginia Beach on
this four day, three night Shrine Caravan. It is sure to provide fun for the whole family.
This package includes hospitality room, lunch after the parade, breakfast each
morning, complimentary parking, heated pool and hot tub with MASA registration per
couple. Children under six are free.
Please fill in the tear-off below and mail with a $125.00 per room deposit to reserve your space .
Ill. Sir Gary Davis, P.P. and Lady Cheryl
Event Chairman
Make checks payable to:
LuLu Shriners
5140 Butler Pike
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
$125.00 Deposit
by July 28th
Call the office for Info:
Full Payment by
August 27th
2014 MASA at Virginia Beach
I/we would like to reserve ____room(s) for MASA. My check in the amount of $_________is enclosed.
Daytime Phone #: __________________________ Unit/Club:_________________________________
Special Request: _____________________________________________________________________
Recorder’s Remarks
8 -10 hour days of meetWe just completed
another Circus - our 73rd
ings and discussions. One
of the proposed changes is
Final figures are not
an increase of the per
completed yet but from all
capita fee each member
preliminary reports, it
pays to Imperial by
was a financial success.
$12.00. This money is not
retained by us but goes
rental featuring a motorstraight to Shriners Intercycle thrill show and
national. This I am sure
monster trucks was a Harry L. Reiter P.P.
will be a very heavily
financial success for LuLu. Recorder
debated issue.
This is an outside rental
For many years proper
which requires minimal workers
dress was the rule at all stated
from LuLu but generates substanmeetings of the temple but in recent
tial income for the Temple. It is
years it has deteriorated on occahoped we can hold Two of these
sion to unacceptable levels. Let’s
events each year.
raise it back to the level that reflects
Our next arena rental will be a
the quality and pride of all who beBrazilian Bull Riding on Saturday
long to LuLu Temple. Coat and tie
June 21st. This is always an excitwith your fez is requested.
ing day and requires minimal
My office is the cornerstone for
staffing from our Nobility. This also
communication. Do I have your
generates great income for the
email? If not, you are missing
Temple. If you would like to help
on the periodic newsletters
out, please contact me as I am sure
events & other happenings
there is something everyone can do.
that I regularly send out.
We still have many nobles that
your information to
have not paid their 2014 dues.
and I
Please check and make sure you
have a current dues card. We will
As I have stated many times; I
soon be sending out a 2nd dues
am here to aid and assist you with
notice to all Nobles who have not
Protocol, By-Laws, Membership,
paid in 2014.
Hospital or just general Shrine
The Nobility will be off to the
140th Imperial Session in MinCall 610-828-9050 if I can help
neapolis, MN. the first week of July.
The Divan will be attending daily
sessions and will be considering
various By-Law proposals and
Harry L. Reiter P.P.
Hospital agenda items. This is an
intense week long series of daily
From The Pote continued . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Quaker City Montco Shrine Club . . . . . 6
A Night in Casablanca
A Message from Scott Simkins . . . . . . . 6
Oriental Guide
LuLu Yacht Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Ill Sir William Niemeyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Memorial Chair Fund Contributions
The Rod & Gun Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The Black Camel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Joint Meeting of Conestoga . . . . . . . . . 9
and Delaware County Shrine Club
Letter from Father Lolk . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
LuLu 2014 Circus Photos . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Circus, Circus, Circus! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
by Doug Finky Fink
Hudson Valley, NY Trip . . . . . . . . . . 12-13
A Little Jazzy! Autumn Benefit . . . . . . 14
Family Concert for LuLu
From The Desk of The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Legion of Honor
LuLu Motor Unit Report . . . . . . . . . . . 15
LuLu History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17
From Zale To LuLu Noble . . . . . . . . . . 17
LuLu Shriners Family Picnic . . . . . . . . . 18
A Message from The Chief Rabban . . 19
Buck’s County Shrine Club . . . . . . . . . 19
Birthdays for July & August. . . . . . . . . 20
LuLu Mounted Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
LuLu Fez Boosters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
LuLu’s Liberty Pro Rodeo . . . Back Cover
Visit our website often to
stay informed of the latest
news and upcoming events:
SEPT/OCT 2014 . . . . . AUGUST 1
All articles not submitted electronically may not be published as submitted
due to possible errors that may occur during translation.
SEPT/OCT . . . . AUG 1, 2014
Or go to our
site with our
QR Code by
taking a picture with a
smart phone
NOV/DEC . . . . OCT 1,2014
From The Pote continued
running in time for the circus. The Office staff starting with
our Recorder Ill.Sir Harry Reiter,PP saw that things in his
control were run without a hitch, the ladies in the office
June Durr and Chrissy Schultz worked without a complaint
( at least to me). The Treasurer Noble Chris Mason once
again worked untiring in keeping our bills and funds
straight and answered all the questions I had. A round
of applause for our Oriental Guide Scott Simkins who
chaired the Ticket Booths and fielded all complaints
and is well on his way to learning what happens at a
Circus. I would like to thank Lady Joy Rocco for chairing the Novelties Booth. It was set up one day and when
the rains came it was blown down. She managed to
reset her entire booth up again using a booth and on
the other side of the midway using the tables for
display and continuing selling her novelties. You have
my everlasting gratitude for all the hardship you had
to endure. There are many units and clubs that performed outstandingly in seeing that the 2014 Circus
was a success. Delaware County Shrine Club whose
club ran the Funnel Cake Booth, Quaker City Shrine
Club ran the Pop-Corn, Cotton Candy, Lemonade.
Chicken Nuggets and French Fries were headed by
Lady Kate Adamson, Lady Linda Endrick, Lady Cheryl
Davis and Lady Sally Baird. Hats off to the ever reliable
Stewards for their booths, all the Ladies in the Ticket
Booths who did an outstanding job in seeing that the
lines moved. A special thanks to the Provost Guard for
seeing that money pickups were handled without a
A Special thanks to our Treasurer Chris Mason and his
Lady Bea for handling the money booth and the outstand-
The official bi-monthly publication of the LuLu Shriners.
Business Manager: Harry L. Reiter
5140 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
Business Phone: 610-828-9050
Website: www.lulushriners.org
Editor: Bernie Homer
2605 Egypt Rd.,Trooper, PA 19403
Business Phone: 610-539-8400
All articles must be submitted electronically to:
fez@lulushriners.org with the subject “LULU FEZ”
All ads must be submitted electronically to:
We would like to thank everyone who has submitted articles and photos.
ing job they did under pressure the entire Circus. What a
great job the Motor Unit and Arab Patrol did in collecting
parking and seeing that the cars got parked.
If I missed anybody please excuse me, it wasn’t
We have just come back from our Family Weekend in
Ocean City, NJ., and we all had a great time. Once again our
units paraded down the Boardwalk to a huge crowd. I would
like to thank the Chairman Noble Gene Geary and Delaware
County Shrine Club for hosting LuLu as the Potentates Club
for the weekend.
On the horizon we have a 3 Day, 2 nights Hudson Valley,
NY trip on Wed. – Friday, August 20-22, 2014 conducted by
Boscov’s Travel. Call for reservations 1-800-782-5605 and
a Second 3 Day, 2 Night trip to Seneca Lake Wine Trail on
October 7-9, 2014. Call 1-800-782-5605 for reservations.
You will have lots of fun and a nice Ladies Gift.
Yours In The Faith,
Leonard “Bob” Gold
Potentate 2014
Wednesday, July 2
7PM - Concert Band
Friday, July 4
Independence Day
Lower Southampton Parade
Saturday, July 5 to
Thursday, July 10
Imperial Session
Monday, July 14
7:30PM - Klownz
Wednesday, July 16
7PM - Divan
Thursday, July 17
Hospital Board Meeting
Saturday, July 19
Klownz Hospital
Tuesday, July 22
7:30PM - Mounted Guard
Wednesday, July 23
7PM - Stewards
Thursday, July 24
7PM - Rod & Gun Club
Saturday, August 9
LuLu Family Picnic
Monday, August 11
7:30PM - Klownz
Tuesday, August 12
9:45AM - Investment
Advisory Committee
Wednesday, August 13
5PM - Finance Advisory
7PM - Divan Meeting
Wednesday, August 20 to 22
Pote’s Trip to NY
Tuesday, August 26
7:30PM - Mounted Guard
Thursday, August 28
Keep up on dates
calendar updates daily
The Homer Group
Continues to Grow!
Given the growth of our promotional strategy, website
development, and online marketing services, we're proud
to announce our new division: Navitas, a creative marketing
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2605 Egypt Road, Trooper, PA 19403
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Proud designers and developers of LuLu’s
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Quaker City Montco Shrine Club
A Night In Casablanca
On May First an intrepid group of adventurers from
Quaker City Montco Shrine Club approached the outskirts
of Casablanca, the restaurant, on Route One in Warminster. The early arrivals waited comfortably in the cozy bar
of the restaurant passing time, until the appointed dinning hour, as people normally do in that environment
with conversation and drink. At 6:30 pm the group was
lead into the dining area, a large room lined with low
couches, over stuffed pillows and an interesting North
African décor.
The feast began with a ceremonial washing of the
hands as would a typical Moroccan Family since meals
are eaten communally, no utensil just flat bread and your
hands. What followed was an eight course banquet consisting of hummus, babaganoush, flat bread, Bastia (an egg and chicken
dish wrapped in flaky filo dough), a lamb or rabbit course, followed by a
choice of either shishkabob or chicken prepared in three different styles,
then couscous with roasted vegetables, fresh fruit, baklava and finally a
glass of mint tea.
Entertainment was supplied by a curvaceous belly dancer twisting and
turning to Middle Eastern Music who encouraged local participation. The
general feeling of members and guests was that this meeting was more
of an experience than just a meal and a speaker.
Fellow Nobles
As the "new kid on the block" I have
enjoyed meeting many nobles and their
ladies over the last couple of months. As
a Master Mason I have learned that the
more you put into an endeavor the more
you get out of it. The same is true with
being a Shriner.
The success of our circus clearly
demonstrated that. Many volunteers
worked for months planning and others
worked endless hours during circus
week. Thank you. It was a success.
I am very proud to have been there
with you. I look forward to working
with you as we put that same enthusiasm, into making our shrine
stronger. Some have told me that we
do not have the same number of
members as we use to. But there is
no reason we can't be stronger than
the past.
Scott Simkins
Oriental Guide
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Scott Simkins
Oriental Guide.
“Sightings From The Crow’s Nest”
Ahoy!! Yachtsmen Land Lubbers Wanna Bs
By The Old Salt
The Memorial Day Ceremony and the picnic which
followed respectfully, was well done and some great
fun. We honored three Yachtsmen who joined the
Caravan of Black Camels since last May. Some 50
Nobles, Ladies and friends enjoyed this feast at the Elk
River Community Center.
Our next Port of Call is Ocean City Weekend. As I
write this article, that is ahead through my binoculars.
We will have paraded on the Boardwalk in our Dress
Whites. We will look Sharp!
As we embark from Ocean City, we will set our
course SSE toward Spring Grove Marina, Solomons,
MD to rendezvous with other MASA Yacht Clubs for the
Annual Gathering (some ten Yacht Clubs participate).
This Event, July 24-27, includes a Boat (Yacht)
Parade, a Boat Decoration Contest and endless
Housing is available at the Holiday Inn Solomons
or aboard a Yacht (Space
Available). All Shriners
and Ladies may participate. For more information, contact Noble Erv
Kaucher, P.C./MAASYC The Old Salt
and V.C. of L.L.S.Y.C.
With Sympathy, we note the passing of First Lady
Dorie Knorr, wife of Ill. Sir Griff Knorr, P.C. (1964)
and P.P. (1981).
“The Greatest Yacht Club in Shrinedom”
invites you to join us for Social and Charitable Events.
Contact Noble Harry Speth, P.C. for membership information at 215-682-0450.
Until we see you again through the binoculars –
“Keep Both Oars in the Water and Steady
the Helm”!!
Ill. Sir William Niemeyer Memorial
Chair Fund Contributors!
Zalig Stein– In Memory of Fraida Arbeter
Doug Fink– Finky & Kim
Don Fink– S nky & Nancy
Bob Gold– In Memory of Samuel Gold
Dennis Gold– In Honor of The Gold’s 35th Anniversary
LuLu Scouts– LuLu Shrine Scou ng Associa on
Shelly Novack– In Memory of Isaac H. Novack, Jeanne!e Novack & Alfred Ewens
Mike Sherlock– LuLu Brewmeisters 2014
William Enright– Stewards 2014
“Across the Sights and Along the Lines”
of The The LuLu Rod and Gun Club
By Chas Pierro, 1st VP, LuLu Shriners Rod and Gun Club.
Our Club Top Shot competition took place early in April
and the several members were right on the mark. Noble
MarkWahn took top honors with a score of 480+ out of 500.
Following closely behind were Top Gun Nobles.
Stu Konefsky, Harris Brooks and Gary Portnoy. Club Past
President, Tom Spoltore was kind enough to turn over the duties of Range Officer to me for that event, and I can assure that
all of these guys could hold their own on any firing line.
That said we were pleased when Nobles Wahn, Konefsky
and Portnoy were able to participate and represent the Club
on May 17 at an invitational TOP GUN
event that was sponsored by the
renowned Masonic Police Shield and
Square Club. Our 3 best guns shot
against their best 3 guns, with the
combined score taking top honors.
Our Club all held their own and fell
just short of the astonishing score of
498 that was set by LuLu Noble Hugh
McGinniss representing the Shield
and Square Club that day. All one can
say is that we wish they could have
taped the whole event and play it as a
public service message to be viewed by any “bad guys’ who
may be lurking on our Philadelphia 5-county area streets.
The above photo shows both teams. The only missing
photo is of our Club Past Pres., Tom Spoltore with his “Crying
towel.” Cheer up Tom! Hopefully, we can recruit Noble Brother
Hugh (who is also a LuLu R & G Club member) to represent
our team at the next staged match.
Looking ahead, by the time you read this article 18 of our
members will have returned from our June 4-6 LuLu sponsored Striper Tournament in Cape Cod with their boxes full of
filets and tall tales. Great food and the best camaraderie will
I am sure have been enjoyed by all.
Our next trek up to the Lehigh Valley for Sporting Clays is
scheduled on June 11, and will be overseen by our resident
26 June 2014
Rod & Gun Club Meeting
25 September 2014
Rod & Gun Club Meeting
23 October 2014
Rod & Gun Club Meeting
As always, keep your fishing line wet and
your powder dry.
scattergun expert Noble Karl Beckers.
Speaking of avid shooters and sportsmen, Club members
Karl and Noble Ray Bloemker just returned from a week long
hunting safari in South Africa during which they successfully
harvested some specimen plains game including trophy gemsbok, impala, wildebeest and warthog.
Future Club events are being planned for each month, the
time and dates for which will be listed on our Club webpage.
We will be having at least one shooting event every month.
Those events will include trap, sporting clays and handguns.
Club members will also be practicing hard to improve their skills as they
prepare for our second annual Club
live bird Brew and Blast event that is
in the planning stages for sometime
this fall. While I am sure we all would
agree with our new Firearms Safety
Committee Chairman Mark Wahn that
alcohol and firearms certainly don’t
mix, anyone who attended our event
last year can attest that at the end of
a most satisfying 2 days of sporting
clays and pheasant hunting, we all enjoyed the wonderful libations and culinary treats that were
prepared and served by our R & G Club Master Chefs.
If you have always wanted to learn how to handle a
firearm safely, or maybe cast a fly line, why wait? All you need
do to join the Club is to contact any of the Officers and members listed below, and you will be assured of having the time
of your life and many happy memories..
As we sign off, I am not sure if anyone came up with the
winning answer to the question of what type of fish do you
need to catch in Pennsylvania to be issued an angler award
from the state, and how long does that fish have to be? Send
in your correct answer to the Club President and win a $25.00
WAWA gift card.
President: Ed Neifeld
(215) 643-0372
Vice President: Chas Pierro
Secretary: Laird Bevitz
(215) 860-7531
Range Officer PP: Tom Spoltore
Scan with Your Smart
Phone’s QR Reader
Nobles that are now traveling
with the Black Camel
“May your soul be bound up in the bond
of eternal life".
George G. Walker Jr.
David R. Stover III
Harvey Saligman
Jann T. Sherin
Fred Bauer
First Joint Meeting of Conestoga Shrine Club
and Delaware County Shrine Club
The first joint meeting of Conestoga Shrine Club
and Delaware County Shrine Club was a rousing
success. We had been collaborating for approximately one year to make this meeting a possibility.
It finally materialized and was lots of fun. The
magician was very good and everyone had a great
time. We plan another joint meeting for November
20. This meeting will take place at the Delaware
County restaurant Townhouse in Media. We hope
everyone will plan to attend.
The circus was a huge success and we want to
thank everyone that was involved. We especially
want to thank the whole Delaware County Shrine
Club group that worked two booths. The line to the
funnel cake booth was constant and at times you
could not see the end of it. We appreciated the
accolades that Illus. Sir Bob Gold gave us for the
success of the circus.
By the time you receive this, Ocean City weekend will be over. I hope everyone had a great weekend and I thank Delaware County Shrine Club for
hosting the Divan and Illustrious Sir Bob Gold at
the beautiful Impala Hotel. I know it will be a fun
Don’t forget about our next meeting that will take
place in June. We have scheduled Dr. Dave Bressler
to speak about his business and his success in
business. It should be very informational.
Egointegrity vs Despair
The three perspectives that I
wanted to talk about last time, but
didn’t have space to include are grace,
providence and hope. These three
resources offer us a positive way to
respond into our futures of aging.
Grace, first of all, is the framework
the bible places around all of life.
Father Otto Lolk
If it can ever get into the depths of our
Chaplain of LuLu
Past Master,
being that this life we’ve been living,
Frankford Lodge 292 come to us out of gracious generosity
that came to us from someone who is
boundless in resources and had nothing but blessing at heart
for you; if a sense of grace is in fact the reason on which our
little life floats, it we think of ourselves as the creation and
object of grace, then we have every reason to feel good about
ourselves no matter what our circumstances; whether physical, economic, mental, or some other circumstance that
attends the way we come into the evening of our life.
Let me ask you to think for a moment: what do you finally
depend on for your self understanding? What if you had but
one thing to say to another about what would best describe
your essence? You have only three options from which to draw
on your answer. Either you could draw on in terms of what
you have, that is you could say: I am so much net worth, I own
this or that. Having is one way that one could identify oneself.
Secondly you can identify yourself in terms of what you have
done. That is you can make the performance, on the stage of
history, to be the most important thing that you want to tell
someone else. Somebody asks you what is most important
about you, you could say I am an actor, a real estate agent, a
parent, a priest, or whatever. In other words you can answer
either in terms of what you have or what you have done as to
what is most important about you.
The third possibility is the realm of being. That is you can
suggest that the most important thing about you is that I was
created by a generous, gracious God who wants me to live.
What is most important about me is that God created me. God
loves me no matter what; God will be the source of my future,
even beyond death. If your sense of being is that you are
graciously called into existence by God, then what is most
important about you is not what you have or what you have
done; they are largely insignificant about you. You have every
reason however, to be grateful for all you have been given.
The second resource is a thing I call Providence. Providence is the belief that history is more a matter of destiny than
of happenstance. Instead of thinking that my past was just a
jumble set of chaotic circumstances that have no rhyme or
reason, providence helps me to believe that God, at my birth,
gave me real power. He gave me the abilities to act and
choose, on the stage of history with my own genuine autonomy. Yes, He shares life with me but does not control me as a
puppeteer. My creation was the moment when God ceased to
be everything, so that I could become something. It is the two
of us, God and me, who now share power together. Which is
to say that God cannot be accused of being the sole cause of
everything that happened to me. The image, I get, is that this
ingenious God surround my life like an invisible shield, (like
ozone that shields us from the deadly rays of the sun), which
means that nothing had come through to touch my life that
didn’t first pass through Him. God didn’t originate everything
that happened to me, but He certainly touched my life, in such
a way, that those things that happened to me, turned into
growth & compassion. God does not protect me from all pain,
but in every situation there is a way for me to grow and to be
blessed. Which means that I can look back on life, that I had
lived, and see that even in my mistakes, the sins I sinned and
were sinned against me, that lo & behold, God had always
been part of it all and even transmuted those negatives into
something good.
The third resource is Hope. Hope is the ability to look forward with expectancy. Hope is the ability of believing that
what lies ahead, also has promise and possibility. The way I
learn to look expectantly toward the future is to remember,
reflectively, that goodness and mercy had followed me all the
days of my life.
I believe, if you can take Grace as your way of understanding yourself now, Providence as your way of understanding
the past, then Hope will be the lens through which you look
into the future. The same mystery, who gave you life, will give
you a future every bit as ingeniously good as He gave you your
past. The God of the good old days can be trusted for the good
new days as well. You will be able to say with conviction the
words of the psalmist: “Surely goodness and mercy have
followed me all the days of my life”. Psalm 23 and have reason
to believe that “I will dwell in The House of the Lord forever.”
The Rev Otto Lolk
Chaplain LuLu Temple
Past Master Frankford Lodge 292
3135 Clark Avenue
Trevose, PA 19053-6603
LuLu 2014 Circus Photos
Circus, Circus, Circus!
What a great 2014 LuLu Circus. Elephant
rides, hot dogs, cotton candy, popcorn, funnel
cakes and much, much more. Even the rain
on Friday night didn’t dampen our enthusiasm as we got through it and the show went
on. The crowds on Sunday were HUGH, but
we managed to handle it all with our
They were fantastic. Stinky, Finky and
Cochairman Dave “Digger” Caddick want to
thank all of them for the hard work and
tremendous dedication that they showed over
the four days. Hamid Circus did a fantastic
job entertaining
the crowd as
they always do.
All in all, it was
another great
We are already planning and working on
our rodeo in September. If you are interested
in joining a great group of Nobles and
Ladies and volunteering to help us at
the Rodeo, contact Doug “Finky” Fink at
finkyclown@aol.com.com or Don “Stinky”
Fink at 610-633-3333 See you all at the rodeo.
Travel with Lulu Shrine 2014
Hosted by Bob & Norma Gold
Highlights of the
Hudson Valley, NY
Wednesday – Friday
August 20 - 22, 2014
3 days, 2 nights
Enjoy the pastoral beauty of the Hudson Valley in New York. The area has inspired artists, poets, politicians and even chefs. Enjoy the
stained glass windows created by Henri Matisse and Marc Chagall at Union Church of Pocantico Hills. On your tour of Kykuit, enjoy the
stories of the four generations of Rockefellers who called it home. Tour the Culinary Institute of America then enjoy a gourmet lunch
prepared and served by the students. Spend an afternoon at the Franklin Roosevelt National Historic Site. Take a short stroll on the
Walkway Over the Hudson. See where future Army officers train on a tour of the United States Military Academy at West Point. End
your stay with lunch at the Thayer Hotel and a wine tasting at Brotherhood Winery, America’s oldest winery.
Your Tour Includes:
Round trip transportation via private motorcoach equipped with reclining seats and restroom.
Two (2) night’s hotel accommodations at the Hampton Inn, Poughkeepsie, NY. Baggage handling for one
bag per person included.
6 meals – 2 Breakfasts, Wednesday dinner at Shadows on the Hudson, Thursday Lunch at the Caterina
de’ Medici Restaurant at the Culinary Institute of America, Thursday Dinner at River Station Restaurant
and Friday Buffet Lunch at the Thayer Hotel.
Guided tours of the Union Church of Pocantico Hills, Kykuit and the Culinary Institute of America
Visit to the Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site
Stroll out onto the Walkway Over the Hudson, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world.
Driving and walking tour of the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY
Tour and Tasting at Brotherhood Winery
Services of a Boscov’s Travel Tour Director
All taxes and gratuities for included features
Gratuity for tour director, motorcoach driver and local guides
Money is due by July 9, 2014
Call 1-800-782-5605
$58 per person
(Based on a minimum of 10 full paying passengers &
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: All rates are based on a minimum of 30 fully paid participants per coach. Should the number of paid
passengers fall below 30, the rates are subject to change. RESERVATIONS: A deposit of $100 per person is due at time of booking
in order to confirm your reservation. Deadline for final payment is June 25, 2014. PAYMENTS: You may charge any portion or the
entire amount to your Boscov’s Charge, MasterCard or Visa. If paying by check, make it payable to Boscov’s Travel.
CANCELLATIONS: A cancellation fee of $10 per person plus any non-recoverable costs will be assessed if cancelled more than 45
days prior to departure. From 45 days to 15 days prior to departure, $100 plus any non-recoverable costs, 14 days or less prior to
departure – NO REFUND. TOUR COSTS: It is assumed that each individual will use all portions of the tour; there is no refund for
unused sightseeing, meals, admissions, or transportation. CHANGES IN ITINERARY: None are anticipated, but we reserve the right
to make such changes if they are for the comfort of our guests or due to conditions beyond our control. GRATUITIES: Your tour
includes all customary gratuities for included meals, baggage handling, local guides, tour director and motorcoach driver.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Boscov’s Travel acts solely in the capacity of agent on behalf of its patrons, arranging transportation, lodging,
sightseeing, meals and other services, and as such is not responsible for damage, loss, delay, injury, or accident due to any act or
default on the part of any company or person engaged in providing transportation, lodging, sightseeing, meals or other services which
are part of this tour. Rates quoted are based on tariffs current at time of printing and are subject to changes.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DELUXE PROTECTION PLAN: PREMIUM RATE - $58.00 PER PERSON. This policy provides benefits up to the policy limit, for nonrefundable arrangements if you must cancel or interrupt your trip for one of the following covered reasons occurring to you or an
immediate family member (even at home or not traveling with you) and which requires the care and attendance of a Legally Qualified
Physician at the time of loss occurring on or after the date of application: 1) sickness, injury or death; 2) unannounced strike causing
cessation of service for at least 48 hours or weather conditions causing the same to your common carrier; or 3) unemployment
termination if with the same employer at least 3 continuous years. See coverage limits below. NOTE: Insurance Must Be Purchased
with Deposit and is Non-Refundable. Minimum of 10 people purchasing insurance required for group plan rate. If less than
10 people purchase insurance, the premium is subject to increase.
PROTECTION PLAN BENEFITS: Trip Cancellation – Tour Cost; Trip Interruption – 150% of Tour Cost; Cancel for Work
Reasons – Tour Cost; Trip Delay - $150/day; Baggage & Personal Effects - $1,500; Baggage Delay (24 hours) - $400;
Emergency Accident & Sickness Medical Expenses - $50,000; Emergency Evacuation/Repatriation - $250,000; Accidental
Death & Dismemberment - $25,000; Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services – Included.
PROG #6697
SEND TO: Boscov’s Travel, 200 Neshaminy Mall, Bensalem, PA 19020. For more information please call
215-355-3737 or 1-800-782-5605.
___I want to join Bob and Norma Gold and Lulu Shrine on the Highlights of the Hudson Valley tour on
August 20-22, 2014.
Enclosed is my deposit of $______ for ____ people
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A Little Jazzy! Autumn Benefit Family Concert for LuLu
“Fun, family, fellowship”! Celebrate Thanksgiving
nia over the past two decades and is passionate
and bringing in the Holiday Season on the afternoon
about the Masons.
of Sunday Nov. 23, 2014 at 1 pm in the grand ballOur Concert Band and Arts International Festival
room of LuLu Shrine Center, with good food, music,
Orchestra have recruited outstanding new members.
friendship and laughter. This is the fourth family pops
concerts which will
A close-up of the 2013 Annual Fall Concert
be presented by
“Broadway and Beyond, Continued”. Brother
Wiseman conducting the LuLu Concert Band
LuLu Shrine Center
& the Arts International Festival Orchestra, an
and Arts Interna“offshoot” of LuLu Shriners Concert Band. It
was formed one year ago for the purpose of
providing a forum for our band and to enmovie music, and
large our influence
in the community.
etc.). World renowned concert pianist
Come check us
Noble Lance Wiseman will perform solos
and conduct LuLu’s resident orchestra,
the Holiday and
Arts International Festival Orchestra
above all, supwhich will be joined by our Concert Band,
as well as members of well known commuShrine!!!
nity orchestras. There will also be special
surprise guest performers! Lunch will be Brothers from the Band entertaining staff and
To update you
start at 1 pm. You will love the sound patients at the Shriners Hospital for Children.
our Band,
and quality.
LuLu Shriners Concert Band is preserving its 122 year
Noble Lance Wiseman has performed
history, under the leadership of President Noble Bennett
recitals and as soloist with orchestras in major
Wartman and Vice President Noble Howard Pressman,
concert halls throughout the United States and
and the baton of World Renowned concert pianist Noble
Europe, and will be performing concerts again
Lance Wiseman, our band once again is going strong.
in China in July/ August and November/DecemWe
were invited by Shriners Hospital for Children to
ber. He has entertained numerous times at
a musicale during the the Blue Cross Broad
Masonic facilities such as Elizabethtown
of 30,000 people on May 4.
Masonic Village, the Grand Lodge of Pennsylva-
From The Desk of The Legion of Honor
A reminder of the Tomb trip to Arlington National
Cemetery November 9, 2014. The Illustrious Sir and
the LOH Commander will be laying the wreath in the
afternoon. The fee is $65 per person, which includes
dinner at Almas Shrine in Washington. Trip is scheduled from 08:00 hrs. To 22:30. For information and
sign up call Gary Portnoy, P.C. (215) 249-1305
• In September we will have our annual BBQ. The
Ladies are invited to be part of the picnic. Notices
will be going out for signup for the event.
• October meeting will be at the Shrine.
• November 24, meeting is scheduled at
The Masonic Village, Lafayette Hill, at
19:30 Hrs.
• We welcome Edward Cervonka P.P to our unit.
It is always an honor to have a Potentate as
a member.
• And finally, a reminder that the Rodeo scheduled
for September11-14 needs your support in
collecting tickets at the gate. The LOH
Commander wishes to thank all who gave their
time to collect circus gate tickets.
Enjoy your summer
LuLu Motor Unit Report for Spring 2014
By Carl Levin, President
Our Motor Unit is alive and well and we have been
growing in membership. Our meetings are starting to get
better attendance, also. We had the usual help at the circus in the parking lot Nobles: Dave Handler, Dale Estus,
Illustrious Sir Roy Knauth, Chris Schneider, Nate Cooper,
Emil Gombosi, Lady Maryann Brown, and Myself.
Most of the shows had fair attendance, but Sunday
night’s show had a turnout that rivaled the Rodeo. We
had cars parked all over the place and not much room
for many more. Illustrious Sir Joel Ward was in the
hospital during most of the event or he would have
attended as would Hal (Big Huey) Myers had he been in
good health.
We did not have a great turnout at the Doylestown
Memorial day Parade, led by our Colonel, Chuck Quaste,
but neither did most of the other clubs and units. It
seems that a lot of the Nobles go away for this holiday.
This is one busy weekend with memorial services at
cemeteries, Rolling Thunder Ride to DC., Wounded
Warrior Walk and Ride and of course picnics.
If you are involved with many organizations and vet-
erans groups as I am, you just cannot do them all. Those
who helped out at the circus were invited to The Potes
Parlor by Illustrious Sir Bob Gold after the last show. I
am sure those who attended had a nice time.
Maryann and I had to be somewhere else that
evening, so we had to miss it. For those who don’t already know, on June 14, 2014 I will be riding in The
Iron Butt Rally on my Harley. It involves riding 1000
miles in 24 hours.
I have already collected $150.00 in sponsor fees, all
of which goes to MDA. Lane Bradley and my daughter
Tamara will also be participating in the ride. I will be
bring Lane into the Motor Unit next year.
We do need some of the newer members to step up
and take some of the officer’s positions, then move up to
the Presidency in the future. This can’t be the
Roy-Joel- and Carl show forever. We are all getting older.
In closing, I would like to thank all of you who have
helped out and participated in making our unit successful
this year and look forward to seeing you at our summer
events. I hope to see you in September at our next meeting.
The History of the Shrine & LuLu (16)
Chapter LXI (61)
Part II – The Later Years 1998-2014
By Noble Harry Speth, Historian
In the year 2000, with membership growing and interesting Speakers, the Club moved its meeting place
to the V.E. Club in Feasterville. Also
this year, the Summer Board Meeting
was moved since the Mill Race Inn
was flooded. R.W.P.G.M. Edward
Weisser addressed the meeting
in October.
are recorded through
2005: i.e. a Judge;
the Shrine Hospital;
Doylestown Hospital;
John Roushey Impersonation of George
Women’s Shelters; a
Genealogist; Reverse
Mortgages, etc.
was performed by the “Squaws”
of the Club. The Latch Hook Rug
depicting Past Potentates was
actually “hooked” by the Ladies of
the Divan.
Membership in LVSC, originally
139, peaked at 278 in 1984 and
then began to decline. Today,
the Club has approximately
50 members.
In every organization, some
members come and go away after
Various Lenape Valley Shrine Club Members
Boston - 1984.
Through 2009, the
Club reported having good entertainment, a Christmas Party, Trips,
Dinner Theaters, A/C Casinos, etc.
It participated continuously in
Paper Drives, Circus, Rodeos, their
Float in Shrine Parades.
For many years, from about
1978 until his passing in 1998, the
part of Chief Wahoo on Lenape’s
Float was primarily played by Ill.
Sir George Burg. The part has also
been played by Joe Simek, Carl
Emilius, Ken Arrigy, and probably
The Float is housed in the Barn
at LuLu. The Headdress is no longer
available. The most recent and current Chairman of the Float Committee is Noble Richard Pruitt. Over the
years, the Float has been towed by
Ill. Sirs Bill Woehr and Charles
Young, also by Nobles John Milne,
George Walker and probably by others.
In recent years, the Nobles Richard Pruitt and Raymond Cardona Ill.
Chief Wahoo Costume Sir Charles Young Preparing LVSC Float for Parade.
has not been worn, but
the members appear
serving a few years. Others serve as
with the Float wearing their yellow
Line Officers and stay on for years.
jackets, which were authorized
members keep the organizain 1987.
tions strong and thriving. LVSC is
no different. Following is the list of
To update the 1981 Report of
members noted for continuous
“Latch Hooking”, it is noted that
service. These members were/are
after Design approval, the actual
the “Movers and Shakers” of LVSC:
production of the LVSC Latch Hook
Noble William S. Woehr, Founding
President 1972, later Potentate
Noble Samuel T. Brown, Secretary
10 years (1973-1982)
Noble George J. Burg, Jr., President 1977 later Potentate 1986
FEZ Reporter (Chief Wahoo)
13 years (1986-1998)
Ill. Sir Alvin W. Levenhagen (ZEM
ZEM), President 1988
Ill. Sir Charles R. Young (1996),
President 2 years (2005, 2010)
Noble Bernard S. Bergman,
Secretary 5 years (1988-1992)
Ill. Sir Frank H. Guinn (2004),
President 2007
Noble George H. Deitwiler, III
Secretary 12 years (1993-2004),
President 1992
Noble John E. Rebhorn, Secretary
3 years (2005-2007)
Noble Barry McBride, President
2 years (2006-2007)
FEZ Reporter 7 years (2005-2012)
Noble Richard Pruitt, President
2 years (2002, 2013),
Secretary 4 years (2009-2012)
Zale Stein H.P. & P To LuLu Nobles
Thanks to the Fink Brothers and many volunteers, the
circus was a success. Followed by the monster car show,
I can see the adrenal high. The fall
will bring the rodeo. Again, it will
be a Fink Brother’s production. Don
and Doug are expert producers,
however they cannot do it alone;
volunteers are needed. Come out,
help the shrine, enjoy conversation
with your fellow nobles.
My lady, Gail, and I attended
Spring MASA. I found the seminars
informative. More importantly, interacting with other shrines,
trumped the seminars. Nobles, our issues, are not specific
to LuLu. Rather they are global. If we are to continue in
our mission, steps must to be initiated today. The potentates to be need your help. Remember, the only stupid idea
is the one not mentioned.
July will bring Imperial Session. As a delegate, I will
attend, along with LuLu’s other delegates, attend full multi
all day seminars. I hope to gather positive ideas to benefit
Throughout this year, I have attended many club meetings. Regrettably, scheduling prevented my attending unit
meetings. I will endeavor to do better.
Noble Raymond Cardona,
President (2012), Secretary 2 years
Ill. Sir Bill Adamson (2010),
President 2014
The Club still meets on the 3rd
Tuesday at Giuseppe’s in Richboro
and encourages your attendance.
Contact President Ill Sir Bill Adamson (2010) for a reservation.
Fu n, Fa mi ly an d Fe llows hip
PRESENTS an Outdoor
LuLu Shrine Center
5140 Butler Pike * Plymouth Meeting, PA. 19462 * 610 - 828 - 9050
Saturday, August 9, 2014 11:00 AM
RSVP by July 31, 2014
Come for the Picnic,
Food & Fun.
Open to All Members
and their family, friends and neighbors.
$ 5.00 Per Person (in Advance)
Kids under 3 are FREE
($10.00 at the Door)
Family Picnic
Please fill out & return with your check,
RSVP by July 31, 2014
Make check payable to: LuLu Shriners
Send to: 5140 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA. 19462
Name of attending Noble/Person__________________________________________________
Total Adults Attending ____________
Total Kids Attending __________
Your phone #____________________
Amount of check _____________
A Message From The Chief Rabban
Nobles - as Chief Rabban I am very proud to be your Liaison representing LuLu
Temple when we travel.
It takes many volunteers to make a successful circus and it is because of YOU
that we had 7 excellent shows. Looking forward to the same volunteer enthusiasm at
the Rodeo!
The Imperial session begins in July in Minneapolis. This is a great opportunity to
join with fellow Nobles from across the globe, to get into the convention spirit, to hear
success stories from former patients, and to better understand how you are part of
this philanthropic organization.
Remember It's not what the Shrine can do for you but what you can do for the
Shrine regarding the children under our care for years to come.
Thank you
Matt CR
Bucks County Shrine Club
Even when we can get all the help in the world something always seems to get us in trouble and they say
lightning never strikes twice in the same spot. Our own
Captain Jack Richards was able to but together a full
boat crew for the Doylestown Memorial Day Parade.
Dave Caddick rushed to have our truck repaired and on
the road, the tank was full but as fate would have it our
long time driver Brad Houchins had a problem with the
electric jack and we were unable to attend at the last
minute. Thanks to all who promised and help try to get
the float in the parade it is not an easy job and we all
need to work together.
Our speaker on May 6th was Ill Sir Joel Brookstein
with a presentation on our Hospital in Philadelphia and
what is new and going on. June 3rd brought Duke Donley Bucks County Sheriff and member of Lu Lu Temple
to our round dinner. Well it may not be a round up but
it is the last meeting until the fall.
4th of July Parade in Feasterville on what else
July 4th He can be hailed at 215-264-5121 or email
him at jrich2255@msn.com . Since there are not
that many going to Imperial this year it may be a
great time to make plans to help us out. We still
need some help on refurbishing some of the melted
ice burgs of the float this year and the truck will be
ready for sure.
Our Blind Squire is almost sold out of his winter
stash of nuts to help keep our float afloat and orders can
be given to Past President and now Chief Rabban Matt
Hallowell 215-620-1741or hallowellm@aol.com or
Ill Roy Knauth 215-355-3796 or royknauth@verizon.net
either will be happy to take you order.
At our May Director’s meeting our Lady’s Auxiliary
gave us a sample of the material that they are using to
have a new banner made out of to our parades. Our
Ladies have always been our biggest supporters so I
would like to take this time and thank each and every
one of them for all the work they have done to help keep
us afloat.
Buck’s is still working on invitations to Crescent
Temple Nobles who live here in the county
and asked them to join us with their ladies at
our meetings the first Tuesday of each month at
Vereinigung Erzgebirge 130 Davisville Road
Warminster Pa 18974 Third Vice President Nat
Cooper 267-679-9137 natecooper720@comcast.net
will be more than happy to take your reservations
but please no later than Monday morning before the
meeting and preferably the Friday before. We are
looking forward to seeing you there.
But remember Captain Past President Jack
Richards is now putting the crew together for the
Roy L. Knauth P.P.
July 2014
Adam S. Twersky
Albert S. Wiesner
Albert W. Bailey
Allen Mandelbaum
Anthony J. Garvey
Anthony J. Volk
Arnold Lash
Arthur H. Douglas
Arthur J. Hicks, Jr.
Arthur R. Krohnert
Barry E. Clipner
Bernie Shuster
Bradford D. Houchins
Bruce A. Tomlinson
Carl F. Bornmann, Jr.
Carl J. Durr
Charles A. Griffith
Charles J. Dean
Charles R. Frohlich
Charles T. Logan
Christopher L. Saffici
Clifford E. Frater
Clyde H. Treffeisen
Craig B. Simkins
Daniel P. Martin
David F. Collins
David J. Guba
David W. MacFarland
Donald C. Stambaugh
Donald L. Baker
Donald R. Poole, Jr.
Earl S. Colella
Edgar A. Mitchell
Edmund Politowski
Edward C. Moritz
Edward R. Dudlik
Edwin W. White
Ernest F. Grothe
Erwin Raichle, Jr.
Eugene J. Frohlich
Ferdinand R. Hauptman
Frank Hall, Jr.
Frederick E. Simkins
Gary M. Brownstein
George I. Gilson
George W. Metz
George W. Myers
Gerson Schwartz
C. E. Bishop
Guy K. Homer
Hans M. Glang
Howard L. Pressman
James A. Fahey
James C. Walls
James C. Wright, Jr.
James Sanceciz
Jay S. Allison
Jeffrey E. Comport
Jeffrey L. Barto
John B. Gross
John Burke
John D. Roberts
John J. Hunt
John J. Waring, Jr.
John S. Milne, III
John Soloway
John W. Bryant
Joseph A. Conan
Joseph P. Mann
Joseph R. Long
Joseph W. Kelly
Julius G. Ferraro
Karl E. Beckers
Kenneth G. Marley
Lawrence J. Roantree
Lawrence S. Williams
Leonard R. Gold
Michael F. Duffy
Michael G. Comfort
Michael S. McKale
Morton Weinstock
Myron C. Kaufman
Otis W. Erisman
Otto C. Kuehn, Jr.
Paul H. Leopold
Philip F. Walter
R. C. J. Brown
Ralph B. Watson, Jr.
Randall S. Evans
Raymond T. George
Richard B. Biddle, Jr.
Richard E. Ciccotelli, Jr.
Richard G. Conant
Richard S. Gillie
Rick S. Freedman
Robert F. Cmiel
Robert F. White
Robert H. Walters
Robert J. Cathers
Robert J. Cepielik
Robert J. McGonigle
Robert L. Dennis, Sr.
Robert Mayer
Robert W. Shinn
Roberto Durante
Roger E. Shaver
Samuel A. Monastra
Samuel Linski
Santo M. Minghenelli
Shane P. Meenan
Timothy J. Malloy
Wilhelm F. Haug
William C. Jamieson
William H. Jowett
William J. Kelly
William L. Earl
Winton E. Hewitt
Paul K. Price
Paul L. Lewis
Paul W. Ziegler
Peter W. Houck
Ralph D. Anglin
Raymond C. Strickland
Raymond F. Swrnson, Jr.
Raymond S. Beck
Richard A. Kirkman
Richard C. Karr
Richard J. Kirk
Richard K. Gaver
Richard L. Carter
Richard M. Simpson
Richard S. Demers
Richard W. Allgood
Rinaldo Cantone
Robert D. Hayes
Robert H. Hodges, Jr.
Robert H. Robinson
Robert J. Eppinger
Robert J. Hreha
Robert J. Ritchie
Robert L. Ochotny
Robert W. Tinney
Ronald Boice
Ronald J. Long
Russell A. Buggey, Jr.
Scott H. Kozin
Scott R. Harp
Scott R. Hilsee
Sean Gallagher
Sheldon Novack
Spencer Butterwick, Jr.
Stanley A. Kolmetzky
Stephen J. Hardeski
Steven M. Seder
Steven O. Sacks
Sylvester C. Richardson
Theodore J. Bickel, III
Thomas G. Elliot
Thomas Gamon, IV
Thomas J. Bannar
Thomas M. Knotts
Thomas W. Aiken
Walter O. Thaler
Walter W. Schwartz
Wayne E. Bailey
William B. McIntyre
William D. Markert
William E. Straub
William E. Swan
William H. Kohler
William H. Marley, Jr.
William H. Mays
William T. White
William W. Weisser
August 2014
Adam J. Soloff
Albert R. Sr. Cortese
Albert T. Robinson
Alexander F. Cabot
Andrew T. Milne
Anthony J. Nunno
Arthur C. Hayes, MD.
Arthur W. Shannon
Barry J. MacBride
Benjamin C. Lentz
Burton Stein
C. W. Kile, Jr.
Carl Capobianco
Charles M. Jones
Charles M. Zell
Charles R. Otto
Charles T. Williams
Daniel A. Nolan, Jr.
Darrel E. Swank
David M. Handler
Edward J. Neilson
Edward O. Weisser, Jr.
Edward T. MacConnell
Edwin J. Lobley
Elmer L. Jones, Jr.
Eric V. Mayro
Eugene Briggs
Eugene M. Cook, Jr.
Eugene W. Scholl
Francis X. Dufner
Frank H. West
Frank Johnson, Jr.
Frederick H. Ruderick
Frederick H. Straub, III
Gabriel J. Imhof
Gene F. LoConte
George T. Rowland, III
Gerald M. Ellis
Gregory T. Lees
H. E. Petersohn
Harris H. Brooks
Harry Bonet
Harry C. Kirchhoff
Harry F. Speth, Jr.
Harry J. Paulussen
Henry H. Halsman
Herbert Kaplan
Howard J. Naulty, III
Hugh J. McGinniss
Jack D. Enoches
James Boffa
James H. Jones
James H. Phillips
James I. Mills
James W. Lutz
Jay E. Kaplan
Jeffrey A. Voice
Jerome Rudman
Jerry J. Hamilton
Jerry Sharf
John A. Davidson, Jr.
John A. Divel
John A. O’neill, Jr.
John B. Wagner
John C. Singletary
John E. Clapp
John J. Nolan
John M. Ketrick
John R. Schumann
John S. Wilson
John W. Dean, V
John W. Fontaine, II
Joseph D. Ochotny
Joseph H. Schlecht, Jr.
Joseph J. Cassidy
Joseph P. Mallee, III
Kenneth H. Gable
Larry J. Folmar
Lawrence R. Haney
Leon H. Strohecker, Jr.
Leon S. Malmud
Leonard P. Ulan
Louis W. Eggert
Marc H. Schlessinger
Mark A. Wahn
Mark E. Barnard
Mark E. Weand, Jr.
Mark P. Gatta
Martin Bashoff
Matthew B. Dwyer
Michael A. Kent
Michael D. Hudson
Michael D. Moore
Michael F. Coyle
Michael F. Schleigh
Michael J. Horton, Sr.
Milton H. Cohen
Morris Novick
Mortimer J. Gilbert
Morton Lader
Nicholas C. Lutz, Jr.
Nicholas Kiefer
LuLu Mounted Guard
In my last article I was remiss in mentioning
that Ill sir Gary Davis also help share the load for
Lu Lu Temple in pulling the Hospital Float at the
St Patrick’s day Parade.
The first weekend in May brought fair weather
to our ride at Fair Hill MD again this year. We had
all six of our horses ridden by Ill Sir Manny, Ill
Sir Roy, Ill Sir Bill, President Ron, Secretary
Charles, Nobles Wild Bill and Dale. Also occupying us we three of our Ladies our President Wife
Shirlee, my wife Sharon and Dale’s girlfriend
Gwen who not only brought out our lunch but
joined us in the park for a wonderful time. We
were also joined by another M.A.S.A. rider and
his wife for the afternoon. Saturday evening at
dinner we were also treated to many humorous
stories told by Fran Norbeck who came down for
the evening and was to give us a demonstration
on riding English the following day. Unfortunately
our weekend was cut short due to the death of Ill
Sir Gary Davis’s mother. We broke camp early
Sunday morning returned the horses to their
stable and were all able to make the services for
Gary and his family.
This year we are now down to six riders able
to drill with Drill Master Ill Sir Bill has set
practices up already started with members meeting every Thursday at LuLu and will continue on
through June. This year due to circumstances
beyond our control we will not be at Imperial in
Minneapolis St Paul even though we had already
made plans and arrangements to Medinah
Temple to use their stables.
Circumstances prevented us from participating
on May 26th at the Doylestown Memorial Day
Parade even though we had been asked to carry
the Color’s for LuLu, and which we always
do proudly.
May also brought the Circus back to town and
we rode security, helped park cars, collected at
the front gate and letting our guests get up and
personal with the horses. Ill Sir Gary and Finky
collected for us around the parking lot as well.
Thanks guys.
As always we are always looking for that new
member for our award winning Drill Team so if
you have an interest in horses, own a horse, or
have ridden before our meetings are on the
fourth Tuesday of every month at LuLu Temple in
the Mounted Guard Room at 7:00 or come out to
the arena and watch us practice you never know.
We hope to see you soon and again thanks for
your support.
Roy L Knauth P.P. Captain
Enjoy Life Your Way
with Maintenance-free Living in an
Active Retirement Community
live entertainment, a
bowling alley, parties, clubs, a Wellness Center, an award-winning
chef, a library and more.
security and frees you from the hassles of home maintenance. You
also gain peace-of-mind in knowing that quality health care services
are available should you need them.
New Apartments Under Construction!
We broke ground on 60 brand new apartments with premium
features like granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, a patio
or balcony, walk-in closets, a washer and dryer, and indoor access
to amenities. One-bedroom, one-bedroom/den and two-bedroom
into these homes in August 2015.
SCHEDULE A VISIT: 610-828-5760
Masonic Village at Lafayette Hill, 801 Ridge Pike, Lafayette Hill, PA
www.masonicvillages.org | Open for Everyone
Masonic Villages
on Facebook
Elmer H. Booz, Jr.
Frances L. Burg
Georgine Collins
Gary Davis, P.P. (2013)
Bob Gold, Potentate 2014
Joseph J. Iandolo
James N. Katsaounis
Earl W. Laney
William F. Macintire
Christopher Mason, Treasurer
Shelly Novack
Robert H. Parkinson
Rudolph Pellegrini
Sylvester C. Richardson
Michael J. Sherlock
Zalig H. Stein
Finky & Stinky
Margaret E. Waller
Georgina Smith
Edith R. McCarren
William D. Pugliese
Pearls of the Oda/
Gloria Rogers
Betty Rotenbury
James C. Umlauf,
P.P. A.K.A. “Jimbo”
Ethel Paki
Georgie Robinson
5140 Butler Pike
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
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Show Times: 7:30 pm, 11, 12, & 13, 2:00 pm on the 14th
Receive the same discount offer when
purchasing your tickets online
or call.