7195 LuLu Fez March April Q8


7195 LuLu Fez March April Q8
March/April 2014
2014 DIVAN
From the Pote...
Potentate . . . . . . . . . Bob Gold
Chief Rabban . . Matt Hallowell
Fez and return it to
Dear Nobles:
the office.
I am writing this article
on Jan. 20, 2014, just 19
Committee is hard at work
days into my administragetting members for our
tion-wow-I report to the
next class. Many thanks to
Pote’s office everyday
Noble Charlie Graham and
about 10AM and stay until
his committee for their
my wife; Norma calls and
continued help.
tells me I need to do somePlease notify the office
thing around the house. Of
of sickness or death of
course it doesn’t get done.
any Noble in LuLu Shiners.
I hope you have noticed
The Office has for sale
the changes that have
Hats, Ties, Ladies Pins,
started in the Fez-Birthday Illustrious Sir Bob Gold
Ladies Scarf’s and 2014
wishes, Black Camel
Potentate 2014
shirts both ladies and
notices, Articles from your
elected Divan, Fez BoostAs announced when I took office I will
ers, printing of the newly made Nobles
work with any Club or Unit that needs my
and their recommenders.
help this year with meetings or fund
I intend to make more changes as we
raising. Just contact me or the Recorder
go along this year in hopes that the memand I will respond A.S.A.P.
bers and ladies enjoy this magazine.
Norma and I would like to thank the
I attended a well attended Northeast
Nobles and Ladies that attended your Unit
Shrine Club Brunch along with the RWGM
and Club installation. The food was
Robert Bateman. I think Bro. Bateman
outstanding, gifts plentiful and the
had a great time. I am now preparing for
entertainment out of this world. Many
the Grand Lodge Officers to officially visit
thanks to The Fink’s for the entertainment
LuLu Shrine Center. We expect well over
and Chief Rabban Matt Hallowell and
450 Masons for breakfast from region 1.
Lady Bobbie along with Lady Gloria and
Our Circus and Rodeo Chairman’s,
Noble Frank Rodgers for all the help with
Nobles Doug & Don Fink along with Noble
Decorations and table arrangements. Our
Dave Caddick are well under way with
Office once again did a great job in the
their preparations to put on the 2 biggest
bookkeeping and table seating. Thank you
fundraisers at LuLu.
Chrissie and Rich Schultz for all your help.
I am looking forward to the Joe
Conklin Show on Saturday, April 12,
2014 at LuLu Shrine Auditorium. I
hope that the membership and friends
of the members will come out and
L.R.”Bob “Gold
support LuLu that night. Call the Office
Potentate 2014
for Tickets or fill out the blank in the
Asst. Rabban . . . . . . Joe Rocco
HP&P . . . . . . . . . . . . Zalig Stein
Oriental Guide . . Scott Simkins
Treasurer. . . . . . . . Chris Mason
Recorder . . . . . Harry Reiter P.P.
The Voice of LuLu
Illustrious Sir Bob Gold & Lady Norma
invite you to join them by attending the
Saturday, March 29, 2014 at
50 Bustleton Pike, Feasterville, PA 19053
6:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:15 P.M.
8:00 ʹ 11:00 P.M.
Open Bar (all evening)
Introduction of Officers & Guests
Dinner Served
Music & Dancing by dŽŶLJ͛ƐĂŶĚ
Dinner Choices of
Broiled Salmon Champagne Sauce
Boneless Breast of Chicken Francaise
Prime Rib of Beef Au-Jus
Served with Sweet Potatoes Duchesse & Fresh Vegetable Medley
Peach Melba or Fresh Fruit for Desert
$65.00 per person
Nobles: Black Tie or Dark Suit
Ladies: Formal or Semi-Formal Attire
Please submit reservations & payments by March 21, 2014
Event Chairmen:
Noble John P. Casanover & Lady Mindy 215-350-3923
Noble Gerald I. Jay & Lady Arlene
Mail Reservations to: LuLu Shriners, 5140 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
Noble _____________________________________ Lady _____________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________
Phone # (
) ______________ Seat with _________________________________________________
Dinner Choice of: _____ Salmon _____ Chicken
_____ Prime Rib
Check enclosed for _____ person(s) @ $65.00 Total $ _______
Recorder’s Remarks
Our Potentate has reon March the 9th, the
ally hit the road running.
Potentate’s Ball on March
The Potentate’s theme
29th Brookside Manor at
for the year is “Fun,
Somerton Springs. Please
Family & Fellowship”.
see the flyers for both of
We all need to get
these events with all the
behind him and support
details in this issue of the
his initiatives in this enFez. April 12th will feature
deavor to bring back the
a Comedy Night with Joe
fun & fellowship at LuLu.
Conklin “The Man of a
Ill. Sir Bob has many Harry L. Reiter P.P.
Thousand Voices”. This is
new activities planned Recorder
open to the public so
which will require a lot of
invite your family, friends
support to be successful. Let’s make
and neighbors for a fantastic night
this an inspiring and fun place for
of comedy.
the new younger members of our
It is almost Circus time with the
fraternity. They are the future and
Hammond Circus returning to Lulu
it is up to all of us to show them the
in May. This is a major fundraiser
friendship and camaraderie that
and requires all of us so that it will
makes us all proud to be a Noble
be a financial and public relations
at LuLu.
success. This year’s Circus will
Several events will be held in
feature 7 performances and will be
March including for the ladies
held Thursday thru Sunday, May
National Women’s History Month
15, 16, 17 & 18.
Once again, I thank you for
allowing me to serve as your
Recorder. If I can help you in any
way please do not hesitate to call
my office @ 610-828-9050 or email
me at recorder@lulushriners.org
The official bi-monthly
publication of the LuLu Shriners.
Business Manager: Harry L. Reiter
5140 Butler Pike
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
Business Phone: 610-828-9050
Website: www.lulushriners.org
Editor: Bernie Homer
2605 Egypt Rd.,Trooper, PA 19403
Business Phone: 610-539-8400
All articles must be submitted
electronically to:
fez@lulushriners.org with the
subject “LULU FEZ”
All ads must be submitted
electronically to:
We would like to thank everyone who
has submitted articles and photos.
Harry L. Reiter P.P.
MAY/JUN 2014 . . APR 1
All articles not submitted electronically may not be published as
submitted due to possible errors
that may occur during translation.
MAY/ JUN . . . . . . APR 1, 2014
SEPT/OCT . . . . . AUG 1, 2014
Motor Unit Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Black Camel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
LuLu Klownz Spreading
Christmas Cheer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Instillation of New Potentate . . . . . . . . 6
Entertainment by Joe Conklin. . . . . . . . 7
Legion of Honor
Change of Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Sighting from the Crow’s Nest . . . . . . . 9
Bucks Co. Shrine Club,
Club of Year 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
LuLu Concert Band Oldest
Shrine Band, Still Shines . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Concert Pianist Noble
Lance Wiseman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Masonic Breakfast Photos . . . . . . . . . . 11
The Rod & Gun Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Minneapolis 2014 Imperial Session . . . 13
Birthdays for March and April . . . . . . . 14
Final Talk by Outgoing Potentate
Gary Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Fellow Nobles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Exciting Circus & Rodeo News . . . . . . 16
Letter from Father Lolk . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
LuLu History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19
Unit & Clubs Installations
Was a Monumental Success . . . . . . . . 20
Message from The President of
Delaware Co. Shrine Club . . . . . . . . . . 20
LuLu Mounted Guard Shares
in Celebration and Sorrow . . . . . . . . . 22
Nobles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
LuLu Fez Boosters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
“A Life of My Own” Meeting
Eleanor Roosevelt . . . . . . . . . Back Cover
Visit our website often to
stay informed of the latest
news and upcoming events:
Or go to our
site with our
QR Code by
taking a picture with a
smart phone
LuLu Motor Unit Winter 2014 Report
By Carl Levin, President
Obviously, due to the weather, most of us have
not been riding our motorcycles or had our collector cars out in the snow either., but the Motor Unit
has been alive and doing indoor activities. This
past Sunday, we had our third annual Superbowl
Party and though the promise of snow kept a few
away who were supposed to attend, those of us
who made it had a great time where we enjoyed
each others company and ate our faces off. We
also served camels milk, soda and even had some
of the hard stuff for those who wanted it. All this
for just $20.00 per person in our beautiful Motor
Unit Room with a large TV screen and surround
sound. This party is open to everyone, so you can
bring your wife, relatives, and friends next year.
We recently had our floors cleaned and polished
and they look great. Almost new! The Ward family
deserves a big pat on their backs for the great
catering job they did. I want to thank all who
helped out and participated in making this party
as great as it was. We bet on blocks and have four
prizes. Three $50.00 at the quarters and $100.00
for the game winner. Our Colonel won one of the
prizes as did the Hallowells and the Wards. The
big money was won by Jim Lutz. On February 15,
2014 we will be having our Valentines Party at
The Springhouse Tavern. All are invited for a good
meal and a lot of fun. It is a dress up event. The
Motor Unit is always looking for new members
who will be active and be willing to hold office. It
doesn’t require a lot of work and the fun you will
have makes it more than worthwhile. Our meetings are the second Thursday of each month at
7:30 PM in our room. Come to a meeting and
check us out. Until then, be safe and keep the
shiny side up.
Nobles that are now traveling
with the Black Camel
“May your soul be bound up in the bond
of eternal life".
Harvey Julius Eliason
Rachel Iglesias
Wednesday, March 5
The Fixers
Concert Band
Tuesday, March 11
Spreading Christmas Cheer
By Ed (Zounds) Blum, 2014 King Klown
Friday, March 14
Brew Meister
Saturday, March 15
Klownz Hospital
Parade Falls
Thursday, March 20
Klownz Hospital
Monday, March 24
LOH Ladies
Tuesday, March 25
String Band
Wednesday, March 26
The Fixers
Wednesday, April 2
The Fixers
Saturday, April 5
Yacht Club
Commander’s Ball
Tuesday, April 8
Yacht Club
Ladies Dinner
Once again the Klownz unit spreads Christmas Cheer to the
Children at Shriner's Hospital. On Christmas morning 2013 there
were 10 of our Klownz who visited the 7 children who were inpatients
at the hospital. Along with our Klownz, several of our ladies and
children accompanied us to help give out gifts to the kids and put
much needed holiday smiles on their faces.
The Klowns shown are: Pell Mell (2012-13 King Klown), Finky,
Zounds, Fuzzy, Georgie, Chappy, Hutch, Hopper, and Popsee. Not in
the photo but also present for the visit was Jingles.
LuLu was also represented by one of our Klown friends and
brother Noble, Oscar Stevenson who was there and represented
Delaware County Shrine Club.
This is an annual visitation that the Klownz love to do and is always
much appreciated by the Children their families and the Hospital staff.
Saturday, April 12
LuLu Comedy Night
Thursday, April 17
Hospital Board
Tuesday, April 29
Keep up on dates
Calendar updates daily
The Installation of The Illustrious Potentate
Sir Bob Gold and His Divan for 2014
Ill.Sir Gary Davis congratulating
Ill.Sir Bob Gold after being installed
potentate of LuLu Shriners for 2014.
Illustrious Sir to be Bob Gold with
proud Family.
Bob Gold being sworn in by outgoing
Potentate Gary Davis.
Illustrious Sir Bob Gold swearing in his divan.
New first lady Norma Gold presenting Bob
with his Fez.
Proud son Noble Alan Gold with his
dad Illustrious Sir Leonard "Bob" Gold.
Wayne Lewis Noble of the Year at
Lu Lu 2013.
Past & present Nobles of the year members.
Back by Popular Demand
One Night Only -
Saturday, April 12th, 2014 - 7:30 P.M.
LuLu Shriners Auditorium
5140 Butler Pike
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
Only $30 Per Person (General Admission)
90 Minutes of Rollicking Fun!
One of the most sought after entertainers in the tri-state area.
Fearless, Uncanny and Hilarious!
Known for his dead on impersonations of Politicians, Athletes & Film Stars.
Soft Drinks & Beer for sale.
Proceeds are for the benefit of LuLu Shriners and are not tax deductable.
Purchase Tickets
Send to: LuLu Shriners, 5140 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting PA 19462
Name: _____________________________
Street: _____________________________
City: _________________ State: ____ Zip: ____________ Phone: _________________
# of tickets ________ at $30.00 ea. Total Enclosed: $______________
Legion of Honor,
Change of Command
On Sunday the 5th of January 2014 the
Change of Command took place at 1400hrs in
the Grand Ballroom of LuLu Shiners. The
Legion of Honor presented their colors as they
exchanged the Unit flag to the incoming
Commander, Edwin Matlack. The Illustrious
Potentate Leonard R. Gold presented the flag
to Matlack from out going Commander
Carl Wade. The ceremony was followed by a
reception and lunch. The other officers this
year are, 1St Vice Commander, Chuck
Holloway, 2nd Vice Commander, Jerry Udell,
and Adjutant/ Finance, Gary M. Portnoy.
“Sightings From The Crow’s Nest”
Ahoy!! Yachtsmen Land Lubbers Wanna Be’s
By Carl Levin, President
Well, we have set sail for a Great Year under Command
of our newly installed Commodore Dean Soderberg. He and
his “Bridge” were installed by Ill. Sir “Bob” Gold at Pine
Crest Country Club with some 40 Crew Members present.
He has planned a great Cruise for 2014 with fantastic Ports
of Call along the way.
The most significant Port on the horizon is the
Commodore’s Ball, April 4th and 5th at The Bucks Club in
Jamison. All Shriners, Ladies and Friends are encouraged
to attend. Call Como Dean for Reservations at 215-2663442. This weekend event includes a Tour of Historic
Doylestown, optional Golf, a MAASYC Meeting, and Saturday Dinner with entertainment by The Joey Vincent Show,
and Dancing.
During March, April and May, the Yacht Club will sail to
several other Yacht Club affairs in MASA. Do not hesitate,
join the Crew. It is not necessary to own a boat.
Membership for 2014 is open.
Two worthy Nobles joined the
Crew in January:
Noble James Kennedy (Lady
Alice) and Noble Robert Durante
The Old Salt
(Lady Marie)
Send a message to Noble Harry
Speth, P.C., at 215-682-0450 for information and a Petition
to come aboard the “Greatest Yacht Club in Shrinedom”.
On the Binnacle List, it is with sorrow we remember
First Lady Rachel Iglesias, wife of Ill. Sir Manny (1982),
who joined the Caravan of Black Camels January 24th.
“Keep Both Oars in the Water and Steady Your
Course” until we meet again.
Bucks County Shrine Club’s Club of the Year in 2013
2014 has not started out with a bang but the sound of
snowing falling but this has not stopped this club in its tracks.
Our first meeting hosted the entire Divan, four Temple elected
officers, five Past Potentates and the largest January meeting
we have had in a number of years. Ill Sir Manny installed all
the newly elected Bucks Officers and we are proud to have
been given Club of the Year for 2013. Past President Bob Swan
was elected to Noble of the Year for Bucks County’s past Nobles and presented with his placket.
Ill Sir Manny Iglesias helped by Past Grand Master Edward
O. Weisser were our January speakers, informing us about
Valley Forge and many of the little known facts of interest.
February saw Noble Larry Good Captain of the Washing
Crossing the Delaware reenactment guiding us through the
hazards of the Delaware River and of Washington’s Boat Crew.
We also had our annual Memorial Service for who members
who have taken their final ride on the Black Camel. As you
read your Fez our March Meeting will be entertained by The
Irish Dancers who we had last year to celebrate St Patrick’s
Day followed by Ill Sir Joel Brookstein in April with a presentation on our Hospital in Philadelphia.
Past President Jack Richards (also a member of the
Permanente Life Committed) will be Captain of our Float Committed for 2014. At their first meeting it has been decided to
compensate our driver for parades with the additional responsibilities of checking of the float two weeks prior to any parade
to make sure that all is in operating order. Also the Float
Committee is asking any interested Nobles in Lu Lu if they
would like to be members of the Float Participants during
Parades. The first parade is just around the corner March
15th. If interested call Jack at 215-264-5121 or email him at
jrich2255@msn.com . Our Blind Squire is still selling his stash
of his winter nuts to help keep our float afloat and orders can
be given to Past President and now Chief Rabban Matt
Hallowell 215-620-1741or hallowellm@aol.com or Ill Roy
Knauth 215-355-3796 or royknauth@verizon.net either will
be happy to take you order.
Bucks is also working with Crescent Temple on membership of Nobles who live here in the county as we did in past
years, so if you know a Noble that lives in Bucks County invite
him and his lady to our meetings the first Tuesday of each
month at Vereinigung Erzgebirge 130Davisville Road Warminster Pa 18974 Third Vice President Nat Cooper 267-679-9137
natecooper720@comcast.net will be more than happy to take
your reservations. We are looking forward to seeing you there.
Roy L. Knauth P.P.
LuLu Concert Band, the Oldest Shriners' Band,
Still Shines
Our band is the oldest concert band in the shrinedom
(originated in 1892). From this historical photo, one can
see the glory of it's hay day. The King of Marches,
John Philip Sousa, once conducted the band in live
Now under the leadership of President Noble Bennet
Wartman and Vice President Noble Howard Pressman,
and the baton of World Renowned concert pianist Noble
Lance Wiseman, our band is regaining it's force. We are
enjoying very much the opportunity to play for the
brothers at meetings and gatherings. Thank you all for
your encouragement!
We want to share more joy and magic of music and
fellowship with you in 2014. This year, LuLu Shrine
Center and Arts International will present two family
pops concerts featuring light classics and popular
favorites entitled “Springtime at LuLu” and “Autumn
Family Concert”. All proceeds from both concerts go to
LuLu Shrine Center, proud supporters of the Shriners
Hospital for Children. The concerts will also have
special themes and invited guests.
Join us for an evening and afternoon of magic as the
colors of the seasons are celebrated through a musical
journey. First join us on Friday May 9, 2014 in the
grand ballroom of LuLu Shrine Center, as world
renowned concert pianist Noble Lance Wiseman, conductor of the LuLu Shriners Concert band entertains
you with light classical and popular favorites. It is also
a perfect time to celebrate Mother's Day weekend, with
friends, families and a dinner. Before winter settles in,
join us for a lovely afternoon on Sunday November 23,
2014 also in the grand ballroom of LuLu Shrine center
when LuLu Shriners Concerts Band joins forces with
Arts International Festival orchestra for an annual Fall
Concert. Arts International, LuLu Shrine Center’s
resident orchestra, an “off-shoot” of LuLu Shriners
Concert Band, was formed one year ago for the
purpose of providing a forum for our band and to
enlarge our influence in the community.
Noble Lance Wiseman has performed recitals and as
soloist with orchestras in major concert halls throughout the United States and Europe, in such prestigious
halls as: Hochschule der Kunste (Berlin), Wigmore Hall
(London), Salonica State Symphony Orchestra (Greece),
San Francisco Chamber Orchestra etc. In the past two
years, he has done eight concert tours of China, anticipating his ninth tour this coming summer. In April, he
will be making his third concert tour of Eastern Europe
where he has performed as soloist with the Donetsk
State Philharmonic, the Donetsk National Theater orchestra, the Saint Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra
etc. His CD recordings may be found at selected libraries
such as the Tianjing Music Library as well as local
libraries (Abington, Pa. etc.). He has been accorded the
honor of being cited in the “Vincent Persichetti Papers”
in archival materials at the Music Division of the New
York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln
Center. He has recorded two commercial discs for the
Piano Disc label.
So be sure to watch for further details in the Fez as
these concerts draw near. Remember, you can always
check on details by calling the office at LuLu Shrine center at 610-828-9050. Don’t forget to mark your calendars! We look forward to sharing a good time with
you all!!
Springtime at LuLu
Celebrate Mother's Day
Friends, Families, Dinner
All Proceeds Benefit LuLu Shrine Center
Entertainment by World Renowned Concert Pianist
Noble Lance Wiseman Playing Light Classical
and Popular Favorites
On May 9th (Friday),
2014 at 7:00PM
At The LuLu Shrine Center
5140 Butler Pike,
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
$20.00 per Person (Dinner & Concert)
Dinner: Buffet Style Dinner with
multiple entrees
Please RSVP by calling the
LuLu Shrine Center at 610-828-9050
First 100 callers will receive a special gift.
Masonic Breakfast Photos
Grand Master, Bob Bateman &
Potentate Bob Gold
Grand Master & his staff with Potentate & his divan
All Past Masters
Guest's from Shrine Hospital and LuLu members
Time out for a Prayer
LuLu Divan & Pote's son Alan.
LuLu photographer get's in
a picture
Grand Mater & Potentate enjoying
breakfast with the brethren
It's called the chow line in the service
“Noise from the Shooting Shed”
The LuLu Rod and Gun Club
By Tom Spoltore PP, LuLu Shriners Rod and Gun Club.
Well, the holidays are a distant memory, spring
blossoms are anxiously being awaited. As we look
forward to the warm days ahead, how about making
some plans and joining us for some outdoor fun? Our
pistol competitions are presently under way, so if you're
not a member of the club and would like to participate,
give us a call.
Our President,
Ed Neifeld, is in
the process arranging a guest
speaker who is an
expert on fly- fishing. We are all
awaiting a chance
to show what
good students we
are by utilizing his
tips to land some big fresh water fish. The dates for some
of our outings will be posted in our next Fez article. We
also hope to have a new website up and running in the
coming months. We plan on posting current events on
the website as well. A guided fishing event is also on
schedule for this year. We will be traveling to Cape Cod
to catch some big strippers among other varieties of fish.
Judging from the good report on the last fishing trip, I'm
sure it will be a lot of fun and sell out quickly.
Hey, don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to
come along as a guest. Our group is very friendly, I'm
sure after a couple of minutes you'll think you knew
everyone all of your life. You definitely don't want to be
left on the dock waving good bye to us as we motor out
for the big ones. So stay tuned for further information
on this trip.
27 February 2014
Rod & Gun Club Meeting
27 March 2014
Rod & Gun Club Meeting
24 April 2014
Rod & Gun Club Meeting
22 May 2014
Rod & Gun Club Meeting
Okay, now that you thought all of the fun was waiting
for the warm weather, think again. By the time you've
read this article, we will have had several gatherings to
make some real noise and smell the sweet odor of burning cordite (I know, I know, it's not cordite--just thought
I'd see if you
shooters were
attention). Our shooters are always
looking for a
chance to show
off their skills.
Guests are welcome to join us
on any of our
outings, so if you know a club member, give them a call
to find out what our plans are. Also, if you think you
would like to attend one of our shooting events, and are
in need of a hand gun or shot gun, no worries mate, our
club members will be happy to share one of theirs.
Remember, we usually hold our meeting on the 4th
Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM, in room #5 at LuLu
Temple. There are, however, times when we have a
change of venue, so make sure to call if you plan on attending.
But before I sign off I have a little quiz for you…
"While shooting, what would be a reason to bury
your rear site?” This is an easy one. If you think you
know the answer, shoot me an email. All correct
responses will be entered for a chance to win a club gift.
As always, keep your fishing line wet and your
powder dry.
President: Ed Neifeld
(215) 643-0372
Vice President: Chas Pierro
Secretary: Laird Bevitz
(215) 860-7531
Range Officer PP: Tom Spoltore
Scan with Your Smart
Phone’s QR Reader
2014 Imperial Session Registration Form
5 Night package (double occupancy) Includes: airfare, airport transfer, deluxe accommodations,
1 dinner, 2lunches, 5 full breakfasts, hospitality, and 2 escorted tours. $1999.00 per couple $1099.50 single
Name:___________________ Lady__________________
City, State, Zip___________________________________
Phone ______________Email_______________________
Arrival Date___________________________ Departure Date_______________________
Bed Type:
Twin____ Queen: ____ King: ____
Special Request ______________________________________________________________
A deposit of $250.00 IS REQUIRED TO RESERVE YOUR ROOM. The balance is due by June 13, 2014
Package 5 Nights _____
$ _________
Send deposit and registration for to:
LuLu Shriners (Attention: Chrissy)
5140 Butler Pike
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
Office-(610) 828-9050
Email– Chrissy@lulushriners.org
March 2014
John T. Braun
Mark L. Johnson
Vytas F. Kabas
Robert L. Wasko
Gary G. Hutchison
John K. Frawley
Vincent Gravina
Anthony C. Nocito
Victor G. Rondeau
Eric L. Rehling
Richard D. Stentz
Walter J. Mecleary
George U. Fisher
Eugene K. Albert
Charles R. Wallgren
Arthur G. Segal
Thomas J. Roberts
Daniel J. Kelly
John H. Buckwalter, Jr.
Robert J. Irwin
Brian J. Rickabaugh
David A. Jay
Gaetano J. Mazzoni
William C. Lex, Jr.
Wister S. Baisch
Harvey R. Turner, Jr.
Robert W. Schickling
Thomas C. Halikman
David B. Creelman
Peter Gergo, III
James G. McLean
Michael F. Ryan
Stephen M. Goodley
Frank W. Podrebarac
David Thomas Reppert
Wesley A. Ruppel
Robert D. Shalala
Eric H. Flynn
Brian C. Funk
Robert C. Jackle
James S. Wylie
H. Benjamin Lehman, Jr.
Alfred I. Gery
Kenneth M. Kulju
Richard L. Shingleton
Bernard Homer
David A. Widmeier
Richard L. Henderson
Thomas H. Spoltore
Patrick McIntosh
Marcos A. Zerpa, Jr.
Louis C. Kahn
Timothy O. Wilson
Seth M. Foster
William E. Myers
Robert Dillon
Sheldon L. Soskin
Rudolph Pellegrini
Walter R. West
Barry A. Fessler
Frank E. Ehrenfeld, III
Barry C. Leiber
Robert L. Meals, Jr.
Michael A. Vitale
Michael W. Rabinowitch
Albert Leonberger
Allan Michels
Edward L. Klopp
John H. Tettemer
Earl E. Ebling
Michael D. Olinger
Harry D. Barr
Alan J. Rubert
George G. Williams
David A. Gingras
John E. Lynde
Thomas G. Rodman
Alex G. Shaw Jr.
Mitchell J. Cole
Daniel J. Hartnett
Michael R. McCormick
Robert G. Banner
Robert J. Smilk
Harris B. Brody
Norman M. Winokur
Thomas C. Lay, Sr.
Vincent J. Fazio
Warren H. Barnhart
Michael J. Bane
Rick L. Marschall
John C. Brower, III
Douglas E. Spotts
Dennis L. Robinson
John G. Bamford
Morris J. Cherrey
Charles L. Johnson, Jr.
Robert W. Bailey, Jr.
Rollen W. Cobb
Anthony C. Cebula
Gerald W. Schmidt
James Mudry
Lance Wiseman
Zalig H. Stein
Todd A. Stalker
William O. Markelwith
David W. Woodhead
Oscar Stevenson, III
Robert R. McQue, Sr.
Dan A. Rose
Robert E. Dripps
Ronald Gruno
Austin C. Brown, Jr.
Arthur L. Butterwick
Gerald D. Powlus
Lester R. Worthington
James DiRado
Peter W. Clark
Baron Rowland
Harold F. Oswald, Jr.
Emil J. Gombosi
David A. Schad
James J. Crawford
Bransby W. Bushey
Charles G. Getzoff
David Y. Sharp
Richard W. Rice
Robert M. Porter
Jon D. Fox
George W. Jones
Robert M. Mills
Garry H. Lippen
Thomas O. Felke
Donald Glassman
Philip F. Formicola
Manuel D. Brandow
Joseph R. Morgan, Jr.
Murray K. Saltzman
Clinton G. Latoff
J. R. Dotsey
Alan J. Griffith
James G. Guba
Craig A. Bernstein
Vincent Lupoli, Jr.
Harry M. Gacad
Lewis W. Walters
Robert N. Self
Robert J. Hartman
John Annand
Frederick Edward Ryan
Harry E. Snyder
Zachary P. Hulayev
Angel L. Pinto, Jr.
Marks R. Pfeiffer
Ernest F. Padovani
Gilbert W. Belsky
Craig L. Biddle
Dean R. Schacklett, Jr.
Christopher T. Cordeiro
Arnold H. Gelman
Elwood E. O’Brien
Walter R. Clark
Charles A. Lusch
Thomas J. Drumm
Spencer H. Collmann
Gregg A. Strom
Arthur J. Jervis
Lee R. Perlmutter
Samuel J. Underland, III
Robert Gale
Ralph G. Lund
Arthur E. Scena, Jr.
Benjamin G. Baird
Paul J. Feigel, Sr.
Ira M. Feldman
April 2014
Richard J. Lamontagne
Thomas Howard
Calvin E. Williams, Jr.
Robert J. Watkins
Jerome D. Udell
John P. Reinhardt
Arthur Love
Edmond P. Crocheron
William R. Zimmerman
Norman A. Fox
Robert D. Fighera, Jr.
Mark T. Johnston
Bradford D. Houchins,
Rudolph Stroh, Jr.
Carl A. Emilius, III
Gerald I. Jay
Noel A. Perloff
Harry H. Alderfer
Robert Lankin
Thomas W. Haffly
Brad Seecof
Donald P. Cornagie
William E. Jackson, Jr.
Mark J. Richards
Dale J. Fetterman
John R. Davis
Raymond Cardona
David W. Caddick, II
Bryan C. Werner
Peter E. Perry
William H. Bromley
James F. Anthony, III
Eric R. Feld
Harvey Lerner, MD
David C. Thompson
Rodney H. Kirkner
James A. Barr Jr.
Lee E. Grover
Alan M. Maslin
Howard J. Naulty, Jr.
Edward C. Sealander
John C. Lochel
Frederick J. Fedak
Edwin N. Matlack
Carlo P. Malantonio
Karl R. Mayro
Alan D. Call
Robert N. Self, Jr.
Joel H. Brookstein
Theodore Kurtzman
Joseph P. Shacklett
Perry A. Gaber
Christopher F. Fellin, Jr.
Henri C. Levit
Stuart Whitman
James E. Kennedy, Jr.
Frederick A. Tucker
Joseph P. Simek
Carl R. Loudenslager
Yasser A. Al-Khatib
James K. Exum
Nevine E. Schlichting
William A. Niemeyer
John H. Benner, III
William N. Graves
Alan P. Michelbacher
Kenneth W. Froley
Carl J. Rogers
David J. Poore, Jr.
Vincent Bocchinfuso, Jr.
Raymond W. Blaisse
John P. Anders
Reaves C. Lukens, Jr.
Bryan L. Emilius
Walter E. Kelly
David E. Marks
Stuart E. Konefsky
Jagdish Mundkur
Kevin T. Joyce
William K. Carney
John K. Richards
Jean Elmer DeBarth
James H. Weeks
Jerome P. Pressman
Paul A. Huss
Thomas J. Schmidt
Richard A. Wagner
Sheldon L. Groner
Final Talk From Outgoing Potentate Gary Davis
At the Business & Installation meeting held on January
2, 2014, the outgoing Potentate gave his closing remarks
and installed the 2014 Potentate. A motion was made by
Reverend Lolk and seconded from the floor to have the
remarks placed in full in the minutes and published in the
next Fez. The motion carried and the remarks follow...
Over the past year I have tried to implement a different
way of thinking. The reality is that we are all resistant to
Change. It is certainly easier to do the things we have
always done the way that we did them rather than to
change. Yet change happens all around us every day. The
truth is… We need to Change with the Times in order
to survive.
We are all getting older and some are passing away.
Widows tend not to come out alone. Some don’t want to
drive at night. Some are losing interest or becoming
disillusioned. Some are demitting… and some are being
Younger members need to step-up to the plate and
take over. We all need to take responsibility and see they
attend, get active and have that opportunity. This can only
be achieved through mentoring.
It is because of my mentor that I became active. I
would suspect that that is the case for many of you as well.
Perhaps the best mentoring program is for the signers
to invite their candidates to our meetings or events and
get them comfortable being here. But again, for this to be
effective… we must all take an active part and change
what we’ve always done.
We once boasted 8,000 members – Now we barely
have 1,600!
There were 8 shrine clubs – Now there are 6! Soon
there may be 5?
We held events with attendance of 400 – Now we
struggle to get 100 out!
Do you see the picture? How is doing what we have
always done working out for us?
It is O.K. not to step up to the plate and run for office.
Not everyone has the wear-with-all to step up and try to
make a difference.
However, it you don’t step-up then you should not
complain, or look for fault in the people that do.
You should support their efforts and in doing so,
support YOUR Shrine.
If we continue the small-minded practice of supporting
our Temple based on “who” is in charge - we are doomed!
Doomed to kill ourselves by our own hand!
Continuing in the same footsteps will lead to a certain
destiny. In the very near future your decision will not be
whether to attend a Shrine function. Rather, it will be to
join Crescent, Nur or Raja - because LuLu will have died!
I hope that some of you heed my words tonight and remember that we are all Brothers first. All too often we forget the teaching of Freemasonry that we learned in our
prerequisite mother Lodges.
We have the potential to turn this thing around. If we
are united – we are unstoppable!
Let’s not let any private animosities get in the way of
saving our Shrine! Let us work together for the betterment
of All! Certainly while it is within our power to do so!
As this is my last official talk as your Potentate, I would
like to thank you all for the help, aide and support
extended during my term.
I hope that in some small way, I have made a positive
difference to LuLu and our Nobility.
On behalf of Lady Cheryl and me, we extend our newly
elected Divan continued success and wish everyone a joyful holiday season and a healthy and productive New Year.
Fellow Nobles
I am happy to say how excited I am
about our new year to come, We've had
such a great time ringing in the new year
watching illustrious sir Gary Davis go out
as old man time and Bob Gold our new
potentate come in as baby time. All that
attended had a wonderful time enjoying
delicious food and good music.
Thanks to Zalig Stein and Lady Gail for all their help
making this event a success.
The Best was yet to come at unit and club night. The
barbershop quartet was different and enjoyable, the DJ that
followed was so entertaining and the food was scrumptious.
I would like to congratulate all newly installed officers and
all officers that have moved up on the line.
Honestly I can say this entire divan is looking forward to
doing all we can for the nobility within our power.
Please help us serve you by coming out to all the events
at LuLu that you can. If we all work together we will make
our temple strong. WE NEED YOU !!
Wow Masonic Breakfast:I can only say WOW, we had the
largest amount of mason's and friends attend ever, if you
missed it you missed a great event. Between the Right
Worshipful Grand Master Robert J Bateman and our
Illustrious Potentate Bob Gold who gave such a great speech
on how proud we are to be masons. We all need to petition
as many good men as we can. For every mason raised to the
3rd degree the lodge will receive $50.00.
Thank you to the Grandmaster for talking up the shrine
to our audience giving us the incentive to do all we can do.
Charles T. Graham thank you for all you do, thanks to
everyone who helped make this affair a wonderful success
it was.
Yours in Faith
Joseph Rocco
Assistant Rabban
Exciting Circus and
Rodeo News
By Finky and Stinky (Doug and Don Fink)
After several record breaking years for the circus,
Illustrious Sir Bob Gold has decided to appoint my
brother and I as Chairmen of the Circus and Rodeo.
We are wasting no time coming up with new,
innovative marketing ideas for both the circus and the
rodeo. Being the Chairmen of both events enables us to
market both events together in some cases. This type of
marketing will save us a lot of money. We wish to thank
everyone who has helped us make the last four circuses
a huge success. Believe it or not, it has been a challenge,
but a very enjoyable challenge for us.
We have asked Past Potentate Bill Morwald and Noble
Dave Caddick to be our Co-Chairmen for both the Circus
and the Rodeo. One of the most important people on our
team is Linda Endrick, wife of Noble Rick Endrick. Linda
has worked diligently behind the scenes for many years
and has been an integral part in making the Circus such
a big success. We have asked her to continue to be a part
of our team. She has accepted and will continue to be
the Secretary of the Circus as well as the Rodeo.
The goal for this team will be to increase revenue
and decrease expenses while running a top notch
Circus and Rodeo. We are looking forward to setting
some new records in 2014.
We are always looking for suggestions and or
assistance in improving our operations. Specifically we
are looking for volunteers in any of the following areas:
marketing and advertising, getting ads for the
Circus/Rodeo books and getting donations (or discounts)
on the many items that we sell or give away at our
events. If you have skills or connections in any of these
areas please let us know. To help out call or email Finky
at 610-633-3333 or Finkyclown@aol.com.
Aging: Ego Integrity or Despair?
When it comes to the time to write my
column I usually struggle as to what could I
write that is not overly Christian, since I
know that a fair number of my readers are
not Christian and therefore I’d wind up
being offensive to another way of understanding. Today I thought of a subject that
all of us experience every day, namely that
of aging. My mother told me once that I was
“born very young”. The one thing she did
Father Otto Lolk
not tell me is that I had been aging ever
Chaplain of LuLu
since. This year I’ve reached my 78th year
Past Master,
and still counting. No matter whether you
Frankford Lodge 292 are younger or older than I, you still will be
aging everyday you live; it is something we
all have in common, namely we age from
womb to tomb. So let me ask: what do we have to face, what are the
challenges & what are the resources to engage this reality?
First of all let me acknowledge that there is uniqueness to everybody’s experience. Nothing that I am about to say will relativize our
experiences of aging. For instance, I could never say to anyone yes,
I know exactly what you feel. Why? Because I haven’t ever walked
in your shoes, felt the way you feel or made decisions that no one
can discredit you of. However, there are areas of commonality.
Obviously our experiences do converge. We all move through the
same sequences of infancy, childhood, adolescents and different
stages of adulthood. We all have parents, we all went through many
kinds of growth challenges. Yes, there are all kinds of resources available through the behavioral sciences. So my hope is that we will have
a better sense of our commonality & that the things we face will not
slip up on us unawares. Also, that we have better
insights & be better equipped to be compassionate with each other
& be better enabled to handle our own life challenges.
Carl Jung, a famous psychologist, spoke of this part of life as the
“evening of life”, others refer to it as the “winter of life” or “the golden
years”, (though I never did find the gold). It is that last
climatic time before the concluding phase of our lives. For instance,
I now have to wear reading glasses. If it weren’t for my glasses I
could never use the telephone or read a book or magazine or do
many things because my eyes have begun to go down. I know what
it is like to have my physical strength as it used to be. Close friends
and family tell me that I don’t hear so good anymore. I am retired &
feel like I am sitting on the sidelines of life, where I am no longer
needed & nobody has much to me for me, nobody seems to feel like
I have any significance anymore. I do know what it is like to have
many of my family and friends to be inhabitants of the next realm
and that creates a lot of loneliness.
The truth is that at the “end of our lives” the “evening of our
lives”, is going to be with many similarities to our childhood, adolescents and you adulthood years. The person that I am to become, I
am at this very moment in the process of forming. The decisions I
make now are going to affect the kinds of capacities that I am going
to have at the end of my life. What I am to be, I am, at this moment
becoming. The habits that I am developing now, the ways I make my
decisions now, whether I meet the new with courage or run from
them & thereby retreats which leads to some form of immaturity; all
these are very, very significant habits for my future to come. So one
doesn’t wait until one is 65 and then begin to get ready, no, we don’t
wait until the “evening of life” to start thinking about it. No, you & I,
at this moment are laying some kind of foundation for how we are
going to handle the challenges of those wavering days ahead. It
doesn’t matter whether we do this consciously or not is not
the question.
So what are the growth challenges ? and what are the resources
for us? Eric Erickson, in his enlightening book called “The eight
stages of man” suggested that there are 8 successive challenges that
every one of us faces. He makes the 8th challenge the climatic final
one the “sunset of our lives”. He calls it “ego integrity” v.s. “despair”.
One might pause here and say the Erickson’s whole theory is that we
come up to a crisis, which are moments of turning, where the road
forks, and we have the opportunity to go this way or that way. One
way leads us further into our fullness, the other is a retreat back from
it. So the achievement of ego integrity is the positive response to the
challenges of life, despair would be the negative response.
Allow me to give you my sense of what Erickson is trying to get
at. But, darn it, I already ran out of spaces on this page. We’ll just
have to wait for us to receive my three perspectives on this matter
with the next issue. So stay tuned & lets see what we come up with
starting next time.
God Bless you richly.
The Rev. Otto Lolk
Chaplain LuLu Temple
Past Master Frankford Lodge 292
3135 Clark Avenue
Trevose, PA 19053-6603
The History of the Shrine & LuLu (16)
Chapter LIX (59)
A Decade of Change – Part III, 2013
By Noble Harry Speth, Historian
2013 – Ill. Sir Gary Davis, Potentate – accompanied by his Lady
Cheryl – selected the theme of “Fun,
Family and Fellowship”. The Temple
Business and Installation of Temple
Officers held Wednesday January 3rd,
found all Line Officers advanced and
Noble Zalig Stein installed Oriental
Guide. The Treasurer, Noble Chris
Mason and the Recorder, Ill. Sir Harry
Reiter incumbents continued in their
Offices. Colonel of Units, Noble
Charles Quaste, continued his appointment.
Units and Clubs Officers Installation/Potentate’s Reception (1/5) was
well attended (about 200). Held in the
Grand Hall, the event included an elegant dinner with supreme entertainment. For the first time in Temple
recorded history, the Lu Lu 2013
Annual Directory was expanded to
include all members of Lu Lu. A 190
page Publication, one of which was
available, free of charge, upon
request. Additional copies could be
purchased at a nominal charge.
The Annual Masonic Breakfast
(1/26) found attendance somewhat
reduced due to poor weather. Several
of the Divan Officers’ wives and
Grand Lodge Officers’ wives attended
this event. All were impressed by the
remarks of the R.W. Grand Master Jay
W. Smith.
The Daughters of the Nile, Queen’s
Luncheon, held 2/9 at Old York Road
Country Club, recognized Queen
Shirley Metzger and her core of
Officers. Most of the Lu Lu Divan
members and their Ladies also
The “Italian Night” (2/16) was a
revised venue from spaghetti and
meatballs last year to an interactive
Dinner Theater titled “The Godfather
and Friends”, with authentic Italian
cuisine. The 4th Annual National
Women’s History Celebration (3/10)
featured Guest Speaker Beth Allen
The Annual Breakfast/Brunch
with the Easter Bunny (3/16) was a
great success. Children and parents of
Shriners and Friends (about 300)
enjoyed Breakfast, an Easter Egg
Hunt, and a visit and pictures with
the Easter Bunny.
The special public performance of
“Defending the Caveman” was held
4/20 in the Great Hall. The “One
Night Only” Show proved to be a
financial success.
A One-Day Class & Ceremonial
(Man to Mason to Shriner) held 4/27
found forty one (41) men becoming
Masons and 25 of them Created as
The 72nd Annual Lu Lu Shrine
Circus held May 16th through the
19th in Lu Lu’s outdoor Arena
completed seven shows, as scheduled, even though some were a bit
wet. Hamid Circus presented an
excellent production. In spite of the
weather, we faired financially better
than expected.
Ocean City (NJ) Family Weekend
(5/31-6/2) was Co-Hosted by Ill. Sirs
Joel Brookstein and Rick Lamontagne. Housing was primarily at The
Forum, but also available at The
Tahiti (NESC) and The Impala (DCSC).
The “after parade luncheon” was
staged at the Tahiti. Unfortunately,
again, we missed a Concert by our
Concert Band. Great weather, a
greater team of members lead to a
great parade of Shriners on the
Imperial Council Sessions (139th)
was held in Indianapolis (IN) June
29th through July 5th, included
optional motor coach transportation
with stops at the Grand Lodge of
Indiana, the Veterans Memorial
Plaza, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (and track tour), the Scottish Rite
Cathedral and MURAT Temple. Included in the Business of Imperial
was the election of Noble John A.
Cinotto (MURAT) to Imperial Potentate. Some sixty (60) Divan, Members
and Ladies had a wonderful trip.
The 8th Annual Picnic and Bazaar
held 8/10 in the Court Yard, included
entertainment by The String Band,
our Klownz, Pony Rides, Games, and
a visit by several animals from the
Philadelphia Zoo! With great weather,
this event continues to grow as a
great opportunity to show off
Masonry and Shrinedom to neighbors
and friends.
Lu Lu’s Annual Paper Drive
again started in May and continued
into the Fall, is one of two major
Fund raisers for the Shriners
Hospitals, Philadelphia Unit. This
effort, which is also supported by
the presence of our Shepherds
Float, at the Middletown Grange
Fair (8/14-18), individual donations
by Units, Clubs and Members, and
the net profit of the Annual Golf
Outing held on 9/9 at the Spring
Mill Country Club, resulted in a
total donation to the Hospital in
December of $33,000.
Ill. Sir Gary’s Potentate’s Cruise
(7/27-8/9) included air-fare to
Barcelona and 12 nights aboard the
Celebrity Cruise Line ship “EQUINOX”,
with eight Ports of Call (Rome, Naples,
Ephesus, Athens, etc.). All 48 attendees
great trip.
MASA Fall Meeting (9/5-8) was
again held in Virginia Beach, VA. Lu
Lu was again housed at the Holiday
Inn Express with all Ocean Front
Rooms. The weather was beautiful,
the rooms were good and everyone
enjoyed the Hospitality Room. Some
ninety five (95) Nobles, Ladies,
families, friends and children enjoyed
the Boardwalk (concrete), shopping,
eating, and the Shrine Parade. In the
Parade, Lu Lu probably set a record:
each Unit/Club that participated came
away with a Trophy – five First-Place
and one Second-Place Trophies.
The 25th Annual Liberty Pro Rodeo
held in Lu Lu’s Arena, was presented
September (6 shows: 9/13-15 and
9/20-22). We attempted to hold the
Rodeo for two weekends, but it proved
to be less profitable. “Nothing ventured- nothing gained”.
The 16th Annual Charity Golf Outing was held (9/9) at Spring Mill Country Club in Ivyland. With good weather,
hundred (100) Players and one
hundred twenty four (124) for Dinner,
a good time was had by all.
The Quarterly Temple Business
Meeting held 9/18 was fairly well
attended. Previously having been published in the FEZ, a brief
discussion was held concerning a Dues
increase of $5.00 per year for the next
five years (starting 2014). A Motion
was Made, Seconded and Passed with
more than a majority present.
The Second Annual Fall Concert,
entitled “Broadway and Beyond”, con-
ducted by our own Noble Lance Wiseman, was held October 6th in the
Great Hall. The International Festival
Orchestration was joined by the Lu Lu
Concert Band and several other
talented guests. An inexpensive Sunday afternoon proved to be very well
The 8th Annual “House of
Horrors” this year scheduled eleven
(11) evenings, starting October 11th
through November 2nd. One night was
rained out. In attempting to improve
the bottom line, some changes were
made in advertising and also, discount
Attendance was reduced and we lost
one evening, resulting in a reduced net
The Potentate’s Ball (11/16)
honored Ill. Sir Gary and Lady Cheryl
in the Great Hall. Gary’s Theme of
“Fun, Family and Fellowship” highlighted the evening. Officers and
Guests of Lu Lu were introduced as
well as Visitors from other Temples.
With an Open Bar and a delicious sitdown dinner by “Grand Buffet”, Music
and Dancing by “Purple Reign”, a
wonderful evening was enjoyed by the
one hundred plus (100+) in
November 10th the Legion of
Honor hosted its Annual Trip to the
Tomb of the Unknown in Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, VA. Two
bus-loads of Nobles, Ladies and
Friends looked on as our Potentate Ill.
Sir Gary Davis and Noble Carl Wade,
Cdr. Of the Legion of Honor, presented
the Wreath prepared by the Legion
Ladies, while our Color Guard stood
by. The Day Trip included a side trip to
the Arlington House (formerly known
as the Custis-Lee Mansion), the
Kennedy Grave Site and Dinner at
ALMAS Temple.
A Lu Lu Ceremonial was held 12/7,
which included a trip to Shriners Hospital, Philadelphia, for a visit and
lunch. Upon return to Lu Lu, the Candidates and their Ladies were ac-
corded brief visits to the various Unit
Rooms and the Clubs in the Great Hall.
Only six (6) Masons were created
Shriners. For the first time in many
years, several Divan Members participated in the colorful Pageant.
The Annual Election Meeting
(12/18) was brief. The Elected Line Officers moved up and Noble Scott
Simkins was elected Oriental Guide.
New Year’s Eve Party (12/31) was
held in the Great Hall and found seventy five (75) Nobles, Ladies and
Friends in attendance. The Dinner
was an excellent Buffet, with Dancing
by a DJ. Old Man Time was played by
Ill. Sir Gary Davis and the Baby New
Year by Potentate Elect Noble “Bob”
During this year, a major property
improvement was completed at the
Merrymac entrance to the Shrine Center. The Parking Area and approaching Driveways were expanded, rolled,
black topped and lined. Further, fencing was installed. These measures will
reduce the amount of dirt being
tracked inside and prevent parking on
the nearby grass.
The Installation of Divan Members
is required to take place the 1st
Wednesday in January. However, since
this year January 1st was a Wednesday, the Temple re-scheduled this
event for January 2nd a Thursday. Unfortunately, a severe Winter Storm occurred and the Installation was poorly
attended. However, Ill. Sir Gary announced his selections for:
Noble of the Year – Noble Wayne
Club of the Year – Bucks County
Shrine Club
Unit of the Year – The Klownz
Two Ceremonials this year created
only 33 Nobles. The Membership
Committee worked hard but the Temple lost 111 by Suspension, 51 by
Death, and other changes resulted in
a loss of 116 Nobles. Membership, on
12/31/13, fell from 1703 to 1587.
Ill. Sir Frederick C. Leiser (1985)
died July 24, 2013.
Unit and Club
Installation Was a
Monumental Success
I must confess that the 2014
Unit and Club Installation was a
monumental success. Equally
successful was the 2013 New
Year’s Eve Party. Without puffing,
no less than 40 Nobles, their
Ladies, and guests proclaimed this
was one of the best New Year’s Eve
Parties LuLu has had. If you were
not an attendee, I would encourage considering the
2014 New Year’s Eve Party.
My 2014 goal is to visit as many clubs and units as
scheduling will permit. Very often, communication is
effective it it’s face to face. I sought an elected position
to make LuLu the best Oasis in Shrinedom. Accomplishing this requires your help, aid, and assistance.
You’re thoughts and suggestions are encouraged and
greatly appreciated.
I along with my Lady Gail look forward to greeting
you and your Lady at the Potentate’s Ball.
Zalig H. Stein, HP&P
Message from The President of Delaware
County Shrine Club
By Doug “Finky” Fink
I am very excited about being elected to the position of
President of Delaware County Shrine Club this year.
Delaware County has a strong line of officers. Chris Ricciuti
is our Vice President and Ed Blum is our Second Vice
President. Gene Geary is our Secretary and Joe Morgan is
our Treasurer. I am grateful that Past President Pete Gergo
has offered to help me as much as possible.
Please mark your calendars for our next dinner meeting
which will take place on April 17. at the Towne House, in
Media, PA. I have a great program planned. The Lulu
Klownz will do a presentation that will certainly entertain
you. You will be surprised to learn how much the Klownz
do for the Shrine and our community. I think you will enjoy
this program, so please plan to attend.
We will only have five dinner meetings this year and we
hope to make them all very enjoyable. Everyone is
welcome to join Delaware County Shrine Club, or come and
have dinner with us. Every dinner will include a speaker
that will be entertaining or educational. We plan on doing
the Paper Drive and we will work hard at the Circus, Rodeo
and Haunted House. We intend to continue to be involved
with all the Lulu Shrine functions as we have in the past.
Lu Lu Mounted Guard Shares in Celebrations
and Sorrow
This year has already seen both celebrations and sorrow. On
January 17th we joined Jack and Mabel Clapp in celebrating their
50th wedding anniversary thanks to the invitation of their two
daughters Debbie and Linda. The party was a total surprise to
them both and we all know how Jack likes surprises. Our early sorrow is the loss of Rachel Iglesias, Ill Sir Manny’s long time partner
in life which we were privileged to share a small part. Rachel has
always been there to support Manny and the Horse Patrol in everything they have dreamed up over the years whether is was a Minstrel Show, taking care of the horses, attending Temple Affairs or
her favorite job that of cutting the grass with her John Deere
Tractor. We will sincerely miss her.
Winter in the barn is no different than summer in the barn except it is colder and this year that is an understatement. Mucking
stalls has new meaning when you have to be careful that the
Horse’s donations do not freeze in the manure spreader. If you took
one look at our herd we should have known it was going to be an
extremely cold winter. Each look more like Woolly Mammoth’s thus
than Horse’s and each has the unique ability to find some mud to
roll in matting and caking their bodies to an extent that not even
daily brushing is a help. This Spring will supply an abundance of
hair the likes of which will be able to stuff a multitude of mattresses
or plaster a couple of houses, boy I can’t wait.
January was so busy,
trying to attend and enjoy all
the Holidays Parties that were
rescheduled because of the
weather. The Potentate’s
Installation, New Year’s Eve
party (seeing our 2014 Potentate in a baby diaper)
and Masonic Breakfast, etc.
As Chief Rabban I am proud to represent our
Nobles who wish to improve and enhance the
legacy of LuLu leadership, and to improve the
future by always having fun as Family, Brotherhood
and Fellowship for all our upcoming Shrine events
this year. This is helping children and protecting
their childhood. Nobles call it Love to the Rescue
Thank you
Matt Hallowell
Chief Rabban
Our first meeting is now history and we are preparing our
schedule of events for 2014. Our Treasurer Charlie Roberts will be
attending the Winter Meeting of IHSP to prepare for Imperial. Our
Drill Master Ill Sir Bill will be scheduling practices hopefully when
and if the weather breaks. Temple Parades, the Circus, Rodeo,
Imperial and MASA are all on the schedule, well maybe not the
St. Patrick’s Day Parade and only because of who wants to see
Wooly Mammoth’s in a Parade. We are still planning a trail ride
for each month not only to exercise the horses but the riders as
well. So if you have an interest in riding come out and joins us at
our meetings.
With our new Chuck Wagon and planning on using it at every
parade and we are still looking for both a driver and a Super
We are also still looking for that eighth member for our award
winning Drill Team so if you have an interest in horses, own a
horse, or have ridden before our meetings are on the fourth
Tuesday of every month at Lu Lu Temple in the Mounted Guard
Room at 7:00. We hope to see you soon and again thanks for
your support.
Roy L Knauth P.P. Captain
Christopher Mason,
Gary Davis, P.P. (2013)
Earl W. Laney
Robert H. Parkinson
Elmer H. Booz, Jr.
James N. Katsaounis
Shelly Novack
Georgine Collins
Finky & Stinky
Michael J. Sherlock
Sylvester C. Richardson
Frances L. Burg
Zalig H. Stein
William F. Macintire
Rudolph Pellegrini
Joseph J. Iandolo
Margaret E. Waller
LuLu Shrine Celebrates
The 5th Annual
5140 Butler Pike
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
Na onal Women’s History Month 2014
“A Life of My Own:
Mee ng Eleanor Roosevelt”
Presented by
Actress Linda Kenyon
You will truly feel when you leave that you have been in the presence of Eleanor!
Sunday, March 9th, 2014
12 noon to 3PM
LuLu Shrine Shriner’s Auditorium-5140 Butler Pike, Plymouth Mee ng
A Light Lunch, Dessert, and Beverages will be served
This event is Ladies Only so bring your female friends, neighbors and rela ves!!!
Register by: March 3rd, 2014
Make Check Payable to: LuLu Shriners
Send to: LuLu Shrine, 5140 Butler Pike, Plymouth Mee ng, PA 19462-1235
This event is coordinated by the Divan Ladies
Name: ______________________________________________________
Number of Guests :_________________Telephone:____________________
Total @ $15.00 per person: ____________________ Open Sea ng

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