May/June 2014 - LuLu Shriners


May/June 2014 - LuLu Shriners
May/June 2014
2014 DIVAN
From the Pote...
Potentate . . . . . . . . . Bob Gold
Chief Rabban . . Matt Hallowell
Club meetings and would
Dear Nobles:
We are now 5 months
like to thank the Nobles for
into our year of 2014,
their kind reception given
what a ride! Every day a
to me and my Chief Aide
new challenge, never in
Rick Endrick. The Ill. Sir
my forty odd years in
Wm. Niemeyer Memorial
business have I observed
Chair Fund is being well
so much going on in one
received by the Units and
place with so many loyal
Clubs and we thank you
Shriner’s being involved
in advance for your
and in most cases with
their Ladies. I thank all of
Our Circus and Rodeo
you for the help and
Committee is working to
advice that is given and Illustrious Sir Bob Gold
make 2014 the most outwelcomed.
standing year to date and
Potentate 2014
A big HORRAH to the
a large thank you to the
Divan Ladies for the very
Committee Chairs Doug and Don Fink
successful National Women’s History
who only call me after I take my shower
Month 2014 affair. I truly thought I met
in the morning.
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt in my office. Lady
On the agenda for May is LuLu
Bobbie Hallowell (our Chief Rabban’s
Shriner’s Family Weekend at Ocean City,
Wife) did an outstanding job of arranging
NJ. May 30th, 31st and June 1st, 2014.
the program.
The Shrine’s official Headquarters is in
Ill. Sir Harry Reiter, Recorder & Past
conjunction with Delaware County Shrine
Pote 1990 and his Lady Peggy, past Queen
Club and the Potentate and Divan are
of the Nile and a Queen in our eyes, Lady
staying at the Impala Motel, located at
Norma and I would like to thank them for
10th and Ocean Ave. The package
arranging one of the most delightful Pote’s
includes 2 nights, 2 mornings full breakBalls that we have ever attended at LuLu
fast, Saturday Lunch, Hospitality room for
Shriner’s. The atmosphere, the food,
2 days. The Cost is $300.00 Per Couple,
music all added up to a delightful night
Single $260.00. Call Noble Gene Geary for
that was enjoyed by all who attend this
Reservations 215-729-6451 or e-mail
affair. Ill.Sir Harry and Lady Peggy , Noble
Rich Endrick and Lady Linda, Noble Jerry
Lady Norma and I have two short trips
Jay and Lady Arlene, Noble John
we are offering to the members and
Casanover and Lady Mindy, thank you all
are in the Fez. The dates
for making the Potes night one to
are Wednesday to Friday, August 20 to 22,
2014(3 days, 2 nights) to Hudson Valley,
I have been attending lots of Unit and
Article continues on page 4
Asst. Rabban . . . . . . Joe Rocco
HP&P . . . . . . . . . . . . Zalig Stein
Oriental Guide . . Scott Simkins
Treasurer. . . . . . . . Chris Mason
Recorder . . . . . Harry Reiter P.P.
Ceremonial and
Business Meeting
June 21, 2014
The Voice of LuLu
Thursday, September 4th
Sunday, September 7th
Please join us for the annual Fall MASA Convention.
LuLu will be staying at the Holiday Inn Express, 2607 Atlantic Avenue, Virginia Beach on
this four day, three night Shrine Caravan. It is sure to provide fun for the whole family.
This package includes hospitality room, lunch after the parade, breakfast each
morning, complimentary parking, heated pool and hot tub with MASA registration per
couple. Children under six are free.
Please fill in the tear-off below and mail with a $125.00 per room deposit to reserve your space.
Ill. Sir Gary Davis, P.P. and Lady Cheryl
Event Chairman
Make checks payable to:
LuLu Shriners
5140 Butler Pike
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
$125.00 Deposit
by July 28th
Call the office for Info:
Full Payment by
August 27th
2014 MASA at Virginia Beach
I/we would like to reserve ____room(s) for MASA. My check in the amount of $_________is enclosed.
Daytime Phone #: __________________________ Unit/Club:_________________________________
Special Request: _____________________________________________________________________
Recorder’s Remarks
Nobles, our next business
ous decisions and plans for
meeting and ceremonial is
our future. Shriners from all
June 21st. Shrine memberover the world and their
ship will be conferred on this
families will be in attendance
Day. You must have a 2014
at this year’s session from
Dues card for admittance.
July 6th to 10th in MinI hope we get a large
neapolis, MN.
membership turnout for this
Various unit competitions
meeting to welcome our new
and performances, as well as
Nobles to LuLu. All Units and
a Shrine parade will be held.
Clubs should be represented Harry L. Reiter P.P.
There is a marketplace selland be prepared to sign up Recorder
ing all sorts of Masonic and
our new Nobles. None
Shrine merchandise as well
should leave that day without joining a
as other items.
Unit & or Club.
The Sessions are the place to reconI have been asked by many of you to
nect with old friends and make lots of
continue my explanation of various
new ones.
terms and events we are all involved in
GENERAL ORDER #1: This publicaas Lulu Nobles and Shriners.
tion will be printed and distributed to
the Temple Recorders shortly after
The Shrine has two corporations Imperial sessions. It contains all the ByOne is the fraternal side and the other
Laws changes and/or additions that
is the hospital. The Iowa Corp. deals
were voted on by the representatives at
with the fraternity and its bylaws,
the session.
events, conventions and the Imperial
LuLu Temple has 4 representatives
officers and their duties. It is the social
who are able to vote on all legislation
side of our fraternity.
concerning the fraternity and hospitals
The Colorado Corp. deals with all
presented on the floor during the daily
matters concerning the hospital system
sessions. These daily sessions usually
and has a separate Board of Governors
run from 8:00AM until 4:00 PM daily
which oversees the operation, construcfor 5 days and are attended by all your
tion, fundraising and administration of
Divan officers and your representatives.
your 22 hospitals.
General Order #1 also lists all the
committee members and appointments
volunteers and are elected to office each
made by the Imperial Potentate for his
year at Imperial Sessions. The elected
year in office.
line is 13 years to reach the station of
I hope this explains a few of the
Imperial Potentate. The Imperial
things that may be of interest to you
Potentate may be on the road as much
and I will continue to explain more in
as 300 days a year visiting shrine
future issues.
centers the hospitals and various civic
As always, if I can help or answer
and community events.
any questions concerning By-Laws,
Protocol or general Shrine or Hospital
a year in various cities, usually the
questions please call my office at 610home of the Imperial potentate if
828-9050 or
possible. This is dependent on the city’s
ability to house the Nobles and their
Harry L. Reiter P.P.
At the convention we discuss variRecorder
From The Pote continued . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Black Camel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
From the Desk of Legion of Honor . . . . 5
Bucks County Shrine Club . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Northeast Shrine Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Highlights from The Potentate’s Ball . 8-9
Concert Pianist Noble
Lance Wiseman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
LuLu Concert Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Letter from Father Lolk . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
LuLu Motor Unit Report . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Hudson Valley, NY Trip . . . . . . . . . . 15-17
LuLu History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19
The Ides of March Came & Went . . . . 19
LuLu Mounted Guard Help
Share the Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Minneapolis 2014 Imperial Session . . . 21
The Rod & Gun Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Birthdays for May and June . . . . . . . . 23
Buck’s County St. Patrick’s Parade . . . 24
General Order #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Ill Sir William Niemeyer Memorial
Chair Fund Contributions . . . . . . . . . . 26
LuLu Yacht Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
LuLu Fez Boosters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
LuLu’s 73rd Annual Circus. . . Back Cover
Visit our website often to
stay informed of the latest
news and upcoming events:
Or go to our
site with our
QR Code by
taking a picture with a
smart phone
From The Pote continued
The official bi-monthly
publication of the LuLu Shriners.
Business Manager: Harry L. Reiter
5140 Butler Pike
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
Business Phone: 610-828-9050
Editor: Bernie Homer
2605 Egypt Rd.,Trooper, PA 19403
Business Phone: 610-539-8400
All articles must be submitted
electronically to: with the
subject “LULU FEZ”
All ads must be submitted
electronically to:
We would like to thank everyone who
has submitted articles and photos.
NY. $595.00pp (couple) or single $759.00. The Second Trip is Tuesday to Thursday,
October 7 to 9, 2014 to Seneca Lake Wine Trail (3 days, 2 nights) and the cost is
$513.00 pp (couple), Single $676.00.
This is all arranged through Boscov’s Travel and we should have a Great Time.
2014 Imperial Sessions this year in Minneapolis, Minnesota from July 5th to July
10th, 2014. The package includes Airfare, Airport transfer, Deluxe accommodations,
One dinner, Two lunches, Five full breakfasts, Hospitality and two escorted tours of
Historic St. Paul and Still Water-the birthplace of Minnesota., the cost for a couple is
$1999.00 and single is 1099.00. We will be staying at Best Western Normandy Inn
and Suites, 405 S. 8th St., 3 blocks from Imperial in the center of town.
After Imperial Sessions comes 2014 Fall MASA Sessions at Virginia Beach, VA.,
and we are staying at the Holiday Inn Express, 2607 Atlantic Ave., Virginia Beach.
This package includes Hospitality Room, Lunch after the parade, Breakfast each
morning; complimentary parking, heated pool and hot tub, MASA registration per
couple and Children under six are free. The cost is $589.00 a couple and single is
$570.00 and hospitality only $40.00.
This is the first half of our year that is full of Fun and Fellowship.
L.R. Bob Gold
Potentate 2014
Nobles that are now traveling
with the Black Camel
“May your soul be bound up in the bond
of eternal life".
Harvey Julius Eliason
Merill M. Smith
William A. Niemeyer, PP 1979
Oliver D. Goldman
Joel J. Whitcomb
Archibald M. Fenner
Elmer L. Jones, Jr.
Vincent Lupoli, Jr.
Ralph B Watson, Jr.
Dean E. Kinkel
From the desk of
the Legion of Honor
A few things to mark on your calendar:
May’s meeting will be dinner to honor our
ladies plus entertainment for the night. Watch
for sign up for reservations. In the same
month the Circus comes to town. Ticket
collectors will be needed for all 6 events starting May 15th; your LT Commander will be in
touch for sign ups.
If you know of anyone who has a flag that
needs to be retired bring it to any meeting of
the LOH, or place it in the barrel in the lobby
of the shrine. 23 June 2014 there will be a
Flag retirement Ceremony during the stated
The date is November 09, 2014 for the
Tomb trip to Arlington National Cemetery. The
Adjutant, Gary M Portnoy, is taking reservations; fee is $65 per person and covers ALL
expenses. Everyone is welcome to participate
in this event. The day begins with a light
breakfast snack at the Shrine, box lunch, then
a trip to Smithsonian Air & Space on the Mall,
and on to the Cemetery to lay the wreath.
Dinner will be at Almas Shrine in Washington.
The trip is scheduled from 08:00 hrs. to
22:30 hrs.
We are looking for a few good men to be
color guard as events arise. Check for
postings of the events.
A motion was passed to purchase a
$500.00 paver at the Veterans Grove Memorial at Elizabethtown. Donations are welcome.
The paver reads LuLu Shriners, Legion of
Honor Remembers and Honors our Brothers
in Arms.
We wish to thank Mrs. Marda Craig for her
presentation, What it takes to be a General’s
wife. Marda is the wife of Major General,
Wesley E. Craig The Adjutant General to the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Both the
ladies and gentlemen joined to hear the
Bucks County Shrine Club
We sincerely need to thank a lot of Nobles who just made
the St Patrick’s Day Parade a success. Our own Captain Jack
Richards was able to draft a full boat crew. With the help of
the Mounted Guard’s whose horses still looking like Woolly
Mammoth’s Bucks was able to have a new tow vehicle, since
our is being repaired by Dave Caddick who originally donated
it to us. Ill Sir Bill Morwald picked up and pulled the float, Ron
Schumann helped row while traversing the crowds along the
route who were excited to see it. We captured some photo’s is
this year’s parade and hopefully there is room in this issue to
share them with you.
Our speaker’s and entertainment so far this year have had
all entertained and leaving with a little more knowledge.
April’s meeting had Ed Mac Connell discussing National Health
Care and the effects it has on our aging population. We tried
for Donald Trump but his one paragraph explanation of
“Dumbo Care” would not have been long enough to help us try
to understand only a little as to how it will effect our future.
As you read this in the Fez our May 6th speaker will be Ill Sir
Joel Brookstein with a presentation on our Hospital in
Philadelphia and what is new.
Our Blind Squire is still selling his stash of his winter
nuts to help keep our float afloat and orders can be given to
Past President and now Chief Rabban Matt Hallowell
215-620-1741or or Ill Roy Knauth
215-355-3796 or either will be happy
to take you order.
Captain Past President
Jack Richards is now putting the crew together for the Memorial
Day Parade in Doylestown May 26th and he can be reached at
215-264-5121 or email him at We also need
some help on refurbishing parts of the float this year, you see it
would appear that some of the ice burgs have melted and need to
be redone.
Buck’s has now sent out invitations to Crescent Temple
Nobles who live here in the county and asked them to join us
with their ladies at our meetings the first Tuesday of each
month at Vereinigung Erzgebirge 130Davisville Road Warminster
Pa 18974 Third Vice President Nat Cooper 267-679-9137 will be more than happy to take your
reservations. We are looking forward to seeing you there.
Roy L. Knauth P.P.
Northeast Shrine Club
By Laird Bevitz
Northeast Shrine Club has been a vibrant club of LuLu Temple
who has many activities planned for our members. Our motto is
“Northeast Shrine Club. Home of the Happy Shriner” We aim to
live up to that motto.
To encourage new members of Northeast Shrine Club President Joe Long and the Executive Committee has waived membership dues and initiation fees for all new members for the 2014
year. For further information contact Joe Long at 215-742-2105.
Our President Joe Long and our executive committee have
planned some interesting meetings and activities for our members for the coming months.
Captain (and noble) Russell Schultz will be a guest speaker at
our April meeting talking about The Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge. The Freedoms Foundation is a patriotic organization
dedicated to promoting the ideals and principals of our free society. This should be a very entertaining meeting.
Monday, May 5th is our annual Northeast Shrine Club and the
Ladies Auxiliary’s Past Presidents night at Cannstatter VolksfestVerein. A scrumptious buffet is planned with cocktails and hors
d’oeuves included. Music will be provided by Tony “D”. The
theme of the evening is: Without Our Past, We Have No Future.
Cost is $70 for member and lady, $35 for a single member. Non
Member and Lady are $80 and $40 for a single Non Member.
The end of May brings LuLu’s Ocean City Family Weekend.
Friday, May 30th to June 1st. Northeast Shrine Club has reserved
rooms at The Tahiti Motor Inn, 12th Street and Ocean Avenue.
The weekend package includes Hospitality Room, Continental
Breakfast Friday and Saturday, Hot Dog Lunch Deck Party on Friday, Post Parade Lunch Deck Party on Saturday with Live Deck
Entertainment Friday and Saturday Night. The costs are 2 nights
for $245, 3 nights for $320. Apartment rates are $480 (four
adults) for three nights. For further information contact Bob
Swan at 215-674-1935.
President Joe Long has arranged a special trip, via luxury
motor coach, to the Carrier Intrepid Museum and the 9/11
Ground Zero Memorial in New York City on Sunday, June 8th.
The bus will leave from Cannstatter Volksfest-Verein’s parking lot
at 7 A.M. The cost is $75 per ticket. This includes all admission
costs to the two venues and a box lunch. For further information
contact Joe Long at 215-742-2105
Friday, May 9
Lance Wiseman Concert
Tuesday, May 13
Investment Advisory
Yacht Club, Ladies Dinner
Outside Temple
The Homer Group
Continues to Grow!
Given the growth of our promotional strategy, website
development, and online marketing services, we're proud
to announce our new division: Navitas, a creative marketing
and digital agency.
Friday, May 16
Saturday, May 17
Sunday, May 18
Friday, May 23
Monster Truck Show
2605 Egypt Road, Trooper, PA 19403
610.539.8400 •
Proud designers and developers of LuLu’s
award winning website and newsletter.
Saturday, May 24
Monster Truck Show
Sunday, May 25
Monster Truck Show
Yacht Club Elk River
Monday, May 26
Memorial Day Parade
Friday, May 30
Ocean City Weekend
Saturday, May 31
Ocean City Weekend
Sunday, June1
Ocean City Weekend
I'll lead you home."
Heather Wahl Bloemker
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office 215.345.7171
cell 215.307.8557
www HeatherWahlBloemker com
Tuesday, June 10
Yacht Club,
Ladies Dinner
Friday, June 13
Keep up on dates
calendar updates daily
Highlights from The Potentate’s Ball
Illustrious Sir Bob Gold & Lady Norma
at The Brookside Manor at Somerton Springs on March 29, 2014
The Potentate and his Divan with their wifes.
Illustrious Sir Bob Gold and Lady Norma.
Smile for the camera.
LuLu Potentates on display.
Visiting Potentates and a friend.
The Potentate’s family.
Plenty to eat.
The dance floor is open.
Dance to the music.
Plenty to drink.
Photographer is also a drummer.
The Brook Side Manor sign.
Springtime at LuLu
Celebrate Mother's Day
Friends, Families, Dinner
All Proceeds Benefit LuLu Shrine Center
Entertainment by World Renowned Concert Pianist
Noble Lance Wiseman Playing Light Classical
and Popular Favorites
On May 9th (Friday),
2014 at 7:00PM
At The LuLu Shrine Center
5140 Butler Pike,
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
$20.00 per Person (Dinner & Concert)
Dinner: Buffet Style Dinner with
multiple entrees
Please RSVP by calling the
LuLu Shrine Center at 610-828-9050
First 100 callers will receive a special gift.
LuLu Concert Band
Springtime at LuLu”
Celebrate Mother's Day - fun, family, fellowship!
Bring in spring on Friday May 9, 2014 at 7pm at
the grand ballroom of LuLu Shrine Center, as world
renowned concert pianist Noble Lance Wiseman,
conductor of the LuLu Shriners Concert band
entertains you with light classical and popular
favorites. Celebrate Mother's Day weekend and
bring in the colors of the season with music,
family, friends and a dinner. This is
the first of two family pops concerts which will be presented
by LuLu Shrine Center and
Arts International which
features light classics
and popular favorites
entitled “Springtime at
LuLu” and “Autumn
concerts go to LuLu Shrine
Dinner will be served at 7 pm and
the concert will follow. There will be a choice of
3 delicious entrees plus side dishes. Audience members will also have the opportunity for last minute
Mother's Day Shopping at the jewelry concessions
table and book table where Noble Daniel Wiseman,
published author, will be doing a book signing on
his novel Black Market Alley, a saga which takes
place during the Korean War. Special prizes will be
offered to lucky winners in our gift basket raffle.
Noble Lance Wiseman has performed recitals
and as soloist with orchestras in major concert halls
throughout the United States and Europe, and has
been a frequent performer in China and Donetsk,
Ukraine in the past two years.
Join us as Noble Wiseman dazzles with favorites
including music by Chopin, "Boogy Bumble Bee"
(jazz variations on Flight of the Bumble bee), the
jazzy nimble fingered "Kitten on the Keys", and his
own arrangement of the timeless Autumn Leaves.
Also included is a special guest appearance by the
LuLu Shriners Concert Band.
To update you on our Band, LuLu Shriners Concert Band has been invited by Shriners
Hospital for Children to provide a
musicale during the The Blue
Cross Broad Street Run of
30,000 on May 4. Due to
an unwavering labor of
after a brief sabbatical,
our band is back on its
feet and growing and
improving more each year.
We hope to see our band tradition assume under the leadership of
band president Noble Bennett Wartman and
vice president Noble Howard Pressman, a tireless
effort is being made to preserve its122 year history.
We welcome all musicians. In addition, non-musician members are sorely needed to help with
important logistics to ensure efficient band
rehearsals and performances. Our rehearsals end
with snacks and social, a great way to bond with
your fellow shriners!
Remember, you can always check on details
by calling the office at LuLu Shrine center at
610-828-9050. We look forward to seeing you there
and sharing our musical tradition with you!!!
Life Embraced by Grace
In our last issue I began to raise the
question of what are the resources
available to lay the foundation for our
being able to come to positive conclusions for our life now rather than a
negative one. The biblical vision of
reality offers us three very distinct
resources. These resources speak
directly to the realities of our present,
our past and our future. With my present circumstances I have a way of lookFather Otto Lolk
ing at myself in the mirror and like God
Chaplain of LuLu
in the book of Genesis, looking at all He
Past Master,
Frankford Lodge 292 created, and be able to say about myself and say “I’m good, I’m good, I’m
very, very good. Our present resource
tells me how to make a positive
response to my aging now. Grace is the framework that the
bible places around all my life. If it ever can get into the depth
of my being that this life I am living now, came to me out of
the gracious generosity that came to me from someone who
is boundless and has nothing but blessing at heart for me; if a
sense of grace is in fact the ocean on which my little life floats,
then I can think of myself as a creation and object of that grace
and then I have every reason to feel good about the self no
matter what the circumstances; whether physical, economic,
emotional or some other circumstances that may come to me
in the evening of my life.
Many years ago I was part of a small group meeting where
our leader asked us to identify what it was that was most
important about ourselves. If one had only one thing to tell
anyone about yourself, what would that be? Let me ask you
to think about that for yourself before you read on. What
would you say to another person that would best describe
your essence? You really have only one of three options from
which to draw your answer. Either you would identify yourself
in terms of what you have; this is you could say I am a person
of so much net worth, I own this or that, I have this type of
family etc. Having is one of the ways that human beings can
identify themselves. Secondly one could identify oneself in
terms of what you have done. That is one can make performance, on stage of his history, to be the most important thing
that you want to tell somebody else, ie. I’m an actor, a real
estate agent, an engineer, a doctor, a priest, a mother, a
parent, etc. You can either identify yourself in terms of what
you have or in terms of what you have done. The third possibility that one could use as your answer is in the realm of what
is the most important thing about you: “I was created by a
generous and gracious God who wants me to live. When I look
at the depths of my life, what is most important about me is
that God created me and God who loves and adores me, no
matter what I have or done or failed to have done. I am
reminded that I didn’t make myself, I am His creation, I am
“the sheep of his pasture, the creature of His loving” and that
is what is most important about me.
So when one gets to the evening of one’s life and the things
you have or the things you have done are largely insignificant;
you are what you are by “the grace of God”. That’s the thing
to cling to above all else. What that does for you is when you
don’t have anything anymore, or you can’t do anything anymore, you still have reason for looking yourself in the mirror
and feel positive about yourself. Your worth comes from your
Creator. The thing that one depends on most, when you stand
before your Maker is not what you have or made of yourself,
but what He has made of you. Grace is the biblical answer as
to how you can feel good about yourself no matter what.
I’d be very curious about you as to when, if ever, this Seminole sense of reality first broke in upon your consciousness?
You see being is the gift that comes from God, it is the font out
of which all our doing and having has come from. It is foundational, it is unearned, undeserved, it is simply gracious, it
is a gift. If we could ever sense that our real worth is not what
we have or have done, but in what God has done, then that
brings us a sense of worth. If you have never touched grace
then the sunset of your life could well be a time of despair.
What I’m suggesting is that there is a way to feel good
about yourself that has nothing to do with what you have or
what you were able to do, it has everything to do with how
you understand yourself being the recipient of the gift of God.
“By the grace of God you are what you are”. I’m floating on
something that will always support me no matter how much
or how little I have or can do and still have reason to feel
positive about me. Grace is the way to achieve ego integrity.
The next issue I’ll describe one of two more resources:
ones past and ones future.
The Very Rev. Otto Lolk
Chaplain LuLu Temple
LuLu Motor Unit Report
By Carl Levin, President
The Motor Unit has started to re-awaken. Our
Super Bowl party was a success and fairly well
attended. Those who were there had a great time
and though a few were disappointed with the outcome of the game, still enjoyed some great food
and drink.
Our Ladies night/Valentines party at The
Springhouse Tavern was a rousing success even
though the weather kept a few who had signed up
away. I don’t know that I would have made it
either if I did not drive a truck with four wheel
drive. It was icy, slippery and dangerous driving.
We were having such a good time that the staff
had to keep pointing to their watches in order to
get us to leave. Those of you who missed these
events will have another chance next year as we
have already booked those events and Valentine’s
Day actually falls on Saturday in 2015.
At our March meeting we took in three new
members and also had the best attended meeting
in two years. I have at least two more members
who are interested in joining, so we are on the
rebound. I would like to see some of the older
members start attending meetings and events
once again. At the Fairless Hills Parade we had
four bikes and a few cars and trucks, but we also
had some of our members pulling other units
floats in the parade and Our Potentate riding in a
members Mercedes convertible.
I am very happy to state that The Colonels bike
is finally running fine and he carried one of our
members in his sidecar in the parade. Thanks go
to Sir Roy for the pictures that are in this article.
With regards to the last Fez in which I was listed
as president of the Yacht Club, it was a typo. It
can’t happen as I get SEASICK. Same first name,
different last name. Wrong Carl! If you are riding
scooters or mini bikes in parades or at event, you
should be in the Motor Unit. Our meetings are the
second Thursday of each month and you will find
them interesting and will have a nice time
interacting with your fellow nobles.
Travel with Lulu Shrine 2014
Hosted by Bob & Norma Gold
Highlights of the
Hudson Valley, NY
Wednesday – Friday
August 20 - 22, 2014
3 days, 2 nights
Enjoy the pastoral beauty of the Hudson Valley in New York. The area has inspired artists, poets, politicians and even chefs. Enjoy the
stained glass windows created by Henri Matisse and Marc Chagall at Union Church of Pocantico Hills. On your tour of Kykuit, enjoy the
stories of the four generations of Rockefellers who called it home. Tour the Culinary Institute of America then enjoy a gourmet lunch
prepared and served by the students. Spend an afternoon at the Franklin Roosevelt National Historic Site. Take a short stroll on the
Walkway Over the Hudson. See where future Army officers train on a tour of the United States Military Academy at West Point. End
your stay with lunch at the Thayer Hotel and a wine tasting at Brotherhood Winery, America’s oldest winery.
Your Tour Includes:
Round trip transportation via private motorcoach equipped with reclining seats and restroom.
Two (2) night’s hotel accommodations at the Hampton Inn, Poughkeepsie, NY. Baggage handling for one
bag per person included.
6 meals – 2 Breakfasts, Wednesday dinner at Shadows on the Hudson, Thursday Lunch at the Caterina
de’ Medici Restaurant at the Culinary Institute of America, Thursday Dinner at River Station Restaurant
and Friday Buffet Lunch at the Thayer Hotel.
Guided tours of the Union Church of Pocantico Hills, Kykuit and the Culinary Institute of America
Visit to the Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site
Stroll out onto the Walkway Over the Hudson, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world.
Driving and walking tour of the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY
Tour and Tasting at Brotherhood Winery
Services of a Boscov’s Travel Tour Director
All taxes and gratuities for included features
Gratuity for tour director, motorcoach driver and local guides
$58 per person
(Based on a minimum of 10 full paying passengers &
Day 1 - Traveling north today, you’ll make a rest stop
mid-morning. Arriving in the Hudson Valley, you’ll have a
guided tour of Union Church of Pocantico Hills to view
the stained glass windows created by Henri Matisse and
Marc Chagall. The Rose Window created for the church
by Henri Matisse was commissioned by Nelson A
Rockefeller and honors the memory of his mother, Abby
Aldrich Rockefeller, an admirer of Matisse. The glorious
Good Samaritan window by Marc Chagall is a memorial
to Abby Aldrich Rockefeller’s husband, John D.
Rockefeller, Jr. At the Visitors Center of Phillipsburg
Manor, you have a chance to have lunch (at your own
expense), in the Tastefully Yours Café. This afternoon enjoy a guided tour of Kykuit where four
generations of Rockefellers lived in this hilltop paradise. Following the guided tour, you’ll travel to
Poughkeepsie, NY where you will have dinner at Shadows on the Hudson. After dinner, check-in to
the Hampton Inn. (Dinner)
Day 2 – After breakfast at the hotel, travel to Hyde Park, NY. This
morning you’ll tour the Culinary Institute of America. Some of the finest
chefs in the world have honed their skills at this renowned cooking
school. Lunch is included today in the Caterina de’ Medici Restaurant
and is served by the students. This afternoon you’ll visit the Franklin
D. Roosevelt National Historic Site. You will tour FDR’s home and
museum and can stroll the grounds. Later this afternoon you’ll return
to your hotel for some rest and relaxation before enjoying dinner at the
River Station Restaurant. (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
Day 3 – After breakfast at the hotel and checkout, and
before we leave Poughkeepsie, you’ll visit the Walkway Over
the Hudson. The longest pedestrian bridge in the world was
opened to the public in Fall 2009. If you feel adventurous,
take a walk out over the Hudson River. There are benches
to sit and enjoy the view. You’ll then travel to the United
States Military Academy at West Point, NY. Here you’ll have
a driving and walking guided tour of the Academy. Your
guide will tell stories of West Point and its graduates who
shaped our nation. The tour stops at the Main Cadet
Chapel, Trophy Point and the Plain. The tour also includes
the West Point Museum. The tour requires moderate
walking with some stairs in the museum. Lunch is included today at historic Hotel Thayer on the
grounds of West Point. Before leaving the Hudson Valley, you’ll visit Brotherhood Winery, America’s
Oldest Winery. Tour the winery and taste some of its award winning wines. (Breakfast, Lunch)
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: All rates are based on a minimum of 30 fully paid participants per coach. Should the number of paid
passengers fall below 30, the rates are subject to change. RESERVATIONS: A deposit of $100 per person is due at time of booking
in order to confirm your reservation. Deadline for final payment is June 25, 2014. PAYMENTS: You may charge any portion or the
entire amount to your Boscov’s Charge, MasterCard or Visa. If paying by check, make it payable to Boscov’s Travel.
CANCELLATIONS: A cancellation fee of $10 per person plus any non-recoverable costs will be assessed if cancelled more than 45
days prior to departure. From 45 days to 15 days prior to departure, $100 plus any non-recoverable costs, 14 days or less prior to
departure – NO REFUND. TOUR COSTS: It is assumed that each individual will use all portions of the tour; there is no refund for
unused sightseeing, meals, admissions, or transportation. CHANGES IN ITINERARY: None are anticipated, but we reserve the right
to make such changes if they are for the comfort of our guests or due to conditions beyond our control. GRATUITIES: Your tour
includes all customary gratuities for included meals, baggage handling, local guides, tour director and motorcoach driver.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Boscov’s Travel acts solely in the capacity of agent on behalf of its patrons, arranging transportation, lodging,
sightseeing, meals and other services, and as such is not responsible for damage, loss, delay, injury, or accident due to any act or
default on the part of any company or person engaged in providing transportation, lodging, sightseeing, meals or other services which
are part of this tour. Rates quoted are based on tariffs current at time of printing and are subject to changes.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DELUXE PROTECTION PLAN: PREMIUM RATE - $58.00 PER PERSON. This policy provides benefits up to the policy limit, for nonrefundable arrangements if you must cancel or interrupt your trip for one of the following covered reasons occurring to you or an
immediate family member (even at home or not traveling with you) and which requires the care and attendance of a Legally Qualified
Physician at the time of loss occurring on or after the date of application: 1) sickness, injury or death; 2) unannounced strike causing
cessation of service for at least 48 hours or weather conditions causing the same to your common carrier; or 3) unemployment
termination if with the same employer at least 3 continuous years. See coverage limits below. NOTE: Insurance Must Be Purchased
with Deposit and is Non-Refundable. Minimum of 10 people purchasing insurance required for group plan rate. If less than
10 people purchase insurance, the premium is subject to increase.
PROTECTION PLAN BENEFITS: Trip Cancellation – Tour Cost; Trip Interruption – 150% of Tour Cost; Cancel for Work
Reasons – Tour Cost; Trip Delay - $150/day; Baggage & Personal Effects - $1,500; Baggage Delay (24 hours) - $400;
Emergency Accident & Sickness Medical Expenses - $50,000; Emergency Evacuation/Repatriation - $250,000; Accidental
Death & Dismemberment - $25,000; Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services – Included.
PROG #6697
SEND TO: Boscov’s Travel, 200 Neshaminy Mall, Bensalem, PA 19020. For more information please call
215-355-3737 or 1-800-782-5605.
___I want to join Bob and Norma Gold and Lulu Shrine on the Highlights of the Hudson Valley tour on
August 20-22, 2014.
Enclosed is my deposit of $______ for ____ people
____I wish to include the OPTIONALGROUP INSURANCE** AT $58 PER PERSON.
** Optional Insurance must be purchased at the time of deposit and is non-refundable.
____I DECLINE the Comprehensive Trip Insurance
TELEPHONE (HOME)_____________________(CELL)_________________E-MAIL:___________________
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EMERGENCY CONTACT_______________________________TELEPHONE_________________________
IMPORTANT: I have read and agree to the above terms and conditions of the operator participant
agreement and I authorize the use of my credit card if indicated as form of payment.
I wish to use my BOSCOVS CHARGE**
I wish to use my MasterCard/Visa # _________________________________________EXP: ______ SEC. CODE: ______
I wish to pay by CHECK – please make it payable to BOSCOV’S TRAVEL.
CHECK #___________________________
The History of the Shrine & LuLu (16)
Chapter LIX (60)
Part 1- The Early Years: 1972-1997
By Noble Harry Speth, Historian
In March 1972, the Organizational Meeting of Lenape Valley
Shrine Club was held at Conte’s
Cross Keys Inn, one mile north of
the center of Doylestown. Ill. Sir
Fred H. Straub, Jr., (1972),
Recorder, John Paul Koitzsch,
Nobles William Woehr, John Milne,
Raymond Mills, Walter Bachman
and others, attended this Meeting
and an Interim Board of Officers
was appointed. The Potentate
directed the Charter would be
issued when 150 Nobles joined or
December 31, 1972, whichever occurred first! Noble William Woehr
was appointed the first President,
Noble John Milne as Secretary,
Nobles Raymond Mills as first VP,
Fred Warrington as 2nd VP, William
Graham, Treasurer, Samuel Brown
as Secretary.
Each member attending the
Organizational Meeting was given a
list of Shriners living in the “Upper
Bucks Area”, to contact and invite
them to become a Charter Member
of this new Club. Potentate Straub
recognized that Shriners in this
area were joining the Clubs under
control of RAJAH TEMPLE.
During the Fall of 1972, while
meeting every third Tuesday, to
promote sociability among the
members and to encourage new
members, the Club scheduled two
Family events: September 19th, a
Clam Bake took place at the Bucks
County Police Grove in Pipersville,
and October 28th, the First Annual
Ladies Nite was held at the
Doylestown Country Club. “There
was a good representation from the
Club in Atlantic City for the MASA
Convention and at the LuLu Picnic
at West Point Park.” Probably, some
Lenape members attended the
Corner Stone Laying Ceremony for
the new Mosque on Butler Pike on
November 11, 1972.
As reported in the September
1972 FEZ, the membership reached
110. By December 31st, the
membership reached 138, and the
Charter was issued by Ill. Sir
Fred Straub.
By 1976, The Club boasted “
regular Annual Activities include
our Clam
Bake in June, Pocono Mountain
Week-End in the Fall, and Ladies’
Nite in October. Also, of course,
participation by the Club in all our
Temple affairs.”
In the January 1973 FEZ, the
first group of Elected Officers are
listed. Apparently, that was too late
for the Temple Directory. However,
among those Elected Officers, were
President Raymond Mills and
Secretary Samuel T. Brown (19731982/10 years), who also served as
the Reporter for the Club to
the FEZ.
The details of the organization
of a Float representing Lenape
Valley Shrine Club are sketchy,
but it appears between 1973
and 1975, it came to fruition,
probably largely due to the efforts
of Nobles Bill Woehr, George Burg
and Ken Arrigy – all Charter
Members. In the first years, the
Float was towed by a Station
Bill Woehr.
History reports in 1976, “The
Lenape Valley Shrine Club’s
decorated Golf Cart and Trailer with
the Tee Pee and Indian or Indians,
are a familiar site to all Nobles at
LuLu Parades and Outings.”
The Club was named after the
Indians who roamed this section of
Bucks County years ago. The
Lenape Indians, who later became
part of the Delaware Tribe, were
from the Doylestown area. Hence,
the name of the Club became the
Lenape Valley Shrine Club.
About 1978, Noble George Burg
attended an Indian POW WOW in
Perkasie and met Art Thomas, a
Native American. They struck up a
friendship that lasted many years.
As a result, Art Thomas obtained
and presented to Noble Burg, an
authentic Indian Chief Headdress.
“Between 1976 and 1984, the
Float appeared in all the Imperial
Parades. By 1984, it was anticipated that five or six more Nobles
would be costumed shortly. It was
hoped that in the future years, that
with some help from the “Squaws”,
the number of Nobles in costume
would increase substantially.”
In 1982, Ill. Sir Bill Woehr asked
Noble John Milne to tow the Float to
Denver for the Imperial Parade. He
agreed, and also towed it to New
Orleans, in 1983.
By 1984, the Club had taken in
278 members and some 200 were
active. After a few years of holding
Dinner Meetings at Conti’s Crossed
Keys, the Club moved to the
Warrington Inn located at Route
611 and Bristol Roads at least until
1997, after which they variously
met at the Bucks County C.C.; the
U.G.H. Club, Bristol Road, Trevose;
The Erzgebirge Club, Davisville
Road, Warminster; The Valley
Stream Inn, Langhorne and finally,
since 2009, Guisseppi’s Restaurant,
Richboro. Since the founding, however, the Dinner Meeting has always
been the Third Tuesday of the
Month, except July and August.
In 1981, First Lady Catherine
Knorr, Chaired a Project for each
Unit and Club to “Latch Hook” a
Wall Hanging depicting their Group.
The “Lenape Squaws” met, agreed
on a design, had it approved, and it
was produced and is currently
displayed in the perimeter hall of
the Mosque.
Since founding, the Club has
attempted to have respected Speakers from Civic, Patriotic and
National Organizations; Local Police
Chiefs; I.R.S.; Social Security;
Hospitals; State Police; Moravian
Pottery Company; the F.B.I.; the
Coroner’s Office; Waste Management; Judges; a Medicine Man;
Drug Enforcement; Phila. Bomb
included an Impersonation of Dolly
Madison; an Impersonation of
George Washington; the Kensington
Mis-Fits (a small string band), trips
to Music Theaters; trips to the
Casinos in Atlantic City, and the
LuLu KLOWNZ, etc.
In 1985, Noble Ed Mangan made
a significant donation to LuLu. He
presented the concrete tables and
benches for use in the Temple Court
Yard. They are still enjoyed by the
Temple, its Clubs and Units, as well
as outside renters for picnics and
receptions, etc. during the Summer
In the early years, a Picnic
was held in August, at various
locations; a Clam Bake was held
in the Fall; a Ladies’ Nite, usually
held in the Fall (the U.G.H. Club;
regular meeting place), and a
On June 6th, 1997, the Club
celebrated its 25th Anniversary
with a Dinner at Williamson’s
Banquet Hall. At that time, a
Moravian Ceramic Tile, significant of the Club, was created
and given to each attendee. The
one received by Noble John
Milne, P.P., has been donated to
LuLu, and can be seen in our
Lobby Display Case.
End of Part I – See Chapter 61
for “The Later Years”.
The Ides of March came
and went
Attention my LuLu family; it is now
time to play. Our Ladies celebrated
Women’s History Month. My Lady, Gail,
raved. The event was well attended. Kudos
to the committee. Personally, I would
encourage every LuLu Lady, their daughters and friends to attend the 2015
Women’s History Month Luncheon. Guys,
there was a benefit. The Honey Do List
was not touched.
The Potentate’s ball, likewise, was an
affair not to be missed. I have attended
MASA Potentate’s Balls. In comparison, we are as good as or
better than any other Temple. If you were not able to attend, you
missed an evening of fellowship. The production team, Ill Sir
Harry Reiter and his Lady Peggy; a job well done. Without their
dedication, this affair as well as others would not adhere to LuLu
In LuLu there is no rest. Full steam ahead. The circus, the
circus is coming. The committee is working diligently to arrange
four days of entertainment beyond reproach. Personally, I will be
a clown, who will amuse all as they enter the midway. I trust I
will welcome many Nobles, their families, and friends showing
their support for our Shrine and treating them to a great
To many, I may seem first a clown and second a Noble. I assure
you, that my legacy should be a LuLu Noble Clown who wants the
best for our Shrine. Who are ready to roll up their sleeves? Who
is ready to run with me? I cannot hear you.
Zale (aka Popsee D Klown)
LuLu Mounted Guard Helps Share the Load
With our horses still looking like Woolly Mammoth’s the
LuLu’s Mounted Guard decided not to bring them to the
St Patrick’s Day Parade but this did not stop us from participating. Ill Sir Bill Morwald pulled Bucks County’s Float,
our President Ron Schumann rowed the entire length of
the parade and both Dale Estes and I participated with the
Motor Unit.
March has not been the best month for our animals
Stole has had a hoof infection and Günter had to have
surgery. Both are recovering at this writing and we hope
to have them back up to snuff when you read this article.
Again this year we are having a weekend ride at Fair
Hill MD on the first weekend in May. This use to be a Mid
Atlantic Horse Assoc Ride but has been run by our own
Charles Roberts for the past few years. This year we have
seven rider’s
sighed for the
weekend. Drill
Master Ill Sir
Bill has set
already started
with members
meeting every
LuLu and will continue on through June with Tuesday’s
and Thursday’s set aside for practice. As you can tell we
want to come home with first place at Imperial. Speaking
of which our
plans already
include traveling to Minneapolis St Paul
with our entire
Drill Team
27th we had a
Remembrance Gathering for Rachel Iglesias, Ill Sir
Manny’s wife of many years which we were privileged to
share a small part at LuLu Temple. Thank you Manny for
allowing us to share this time with you.
May 26th will be the Doylestown Memorial Day Parade
and again we have been asked to carry the Color’s for
LuLu, which we are always proud to do. With our new
Chuck Wagon and planning on using it at every parade and
we are still looking for both a driver and a Super Scooper.
There is no formal training needed for either possession.
May also brings the Circus back to town and we will all be
there to ride security and letting our guests get up and
personal with the horses.
We are also still looking for that eighth member for our
award winning Drill Team so if you have an interest in
horses, own a horse, or have ridden before our meetings
are on the fourth Tuesday of every month at LuLu Temple
in the Mounted Guard Room at 7:00. We hope to see you
soon and again thanks for your support.
Roy L Knauth P.P. Captain
“Noise from the Shooting Shed”
The LuLu Rod and Gun Club
By Tom Spoltore PP, LuLu Shriners Rod and Gun Club.
All right, All Right, All Right
McConaughey famous line. Congratulations to Mr.
McConaughey for his award winning performance.
That's quite a prestigious award, but hold on for a
minute. He has nothing on us. Before I explain why I
say that, let me tell you about some upcoming Rod &
Gun Club events.
The fishing trip
we announced in
the last Fez article
was sold out in a
couple of days.
This June we will
be driving to
Orleans, MA for
our big fishing
trip. It looks as
though we will have 18 guys looking to catch the big
ones. We are almost guaranteed to be stocking our
coolers with some good eating strippers. Our Sporting
Clays expert Karl Beckers who is also an avid fisherman hooked us up with a great deal. We will have an
experienced Capt. on each boat, rods, lures; bait and
even fish cleaning are included in the package at a
very reasonable price. All we have to do is sit back,
relax and enjoy the camaraderie and keep our lines in
the water.
Our club will also be attending a fly fishing
demonstration at the Orvis store in the Plymouth
Meeting Mall. If you're interested in attending,
check our web page for the time and date. This will
be our second fly fishing class there. The first one
was so interesting and informative that we decided
24 April 2014
Rod & Gun Club Meeting
22 May 2014
Rod & Gun Club Meeting
26 June 2014
Rod & Gun Club Meeting
As always, keep your fishing line wet and
your powder dry.
to go back again this year. Whether you are
a novice
or an experienced angler, when it comes to fishing
every little bit of information helps.
As you can see by the attached picture our Pres. and
member Larry Miller had a GREAT Day of fishing. They
went out with Dave one of the guides from (Koinonia
Guide Service) that came to one of our meetings and
instructed us on how to catch fish and boy did they ever
do that, 16 Small Mouth Bass in 4 hours.
Our Top Shot competition is scheduled for April 5th,
so stand by for the top shot winner announcement in
the next Fez article. Matthew McConaughey, eat your
heart out, because in our opinion, the Academy award
pales in comparison to our Top Shot Trophy.
Speaking of shooting we will be having at least one
shooting event every month. Those events will include
trap, sporting clays and handguns. Our resident hunting
guide Chas Pierro is already planning a fall trip for some
pheasant hunting and sporting clays. So stay in the loop.
Check out our web site on LuLu's web page for all of our
events, meetings and club updates.
Hey before we sign off, the winner of the last month
quiz was Gary Portnoy. He responded with the correct
reason to bury the rear site. If you are shooting a fixed
sight hand gun and it is shooting low, you put the front
sight blade higher than the rear sight blade, which
causes the bullet to elevate. I told you it was any easy
question. The next trivia contest winner will be
receiving a $25.00 WAWA gift card. Here it is, what type
of fish do you need to catch in Pennsylvania to be issued
an angler award from the state, and how long does that
fish have to be? All the correct responses will be eligible
for winning the prize.
President: Ed Neifeld
(215) 643-0372
Vice President: Chas Pierro
Secretary: Laird Bevitz
(215) 860-7531
Range Officer PP: Tom Spoltore
Scan with Your Smart
Phone’s QR Reader
May 2014
Aaron L. Weinstein
Albert G. Kammerle
Alfred F. Hagerty
Benjamin S. L. Buck, Jr.
Bennett Goldstein
Bradford Gajkowski
Bruce Blum
C. H. Walker, Jr.
C. L. Metzger, Jr.
Cahrles B. Woodward, III
Carl R. Burich
Charles C. Beck
Charles Steinberg
Chester H. Atkins
Christopher D. Zenzel
Claude W. Ely, Jr.
Corey D. Leadbeater, Jr.
Daniel C. Gallagher
David C. Garrett
David E. Bischoff
David J. Kleinguenther
David W. Caddick
Domenic C. Marcellino, Jr.
Dritan Kolonja
Edward A. Liebert
Edward C. Stendel
Edward D. Neifeld
Edward J. Campanella
Edward Vincent Russell
Edwin Pearl
Edwin S. Foody
Eugene J. McGovern, Jr.
Frank G. Humphries, Jr.
Frank Kibler, Sr.
Frank R. Butler
Franklin R. Rogers
Gary Davis
Gary F. Cardamone
George G. Mabrey
George W. Mano
Gerald L. Ewers
Glen R. Scott
H. L. Dubs, Jr.
H. R. Graul
Harvey I. Salwen
Henry Ford
Hilary A. Kaufman
J. C. Rickabaugh
J. D. Amos
Jack I. Laveson
Jack M. Seligson
Jacob B. Adams, III
James R. Flick
James Schmidt, Jr.
Jay A. Fuggiti
Jeffrey A. Perlman
Jeffrey F. Templeton
Jeffrey P. Lees
Jerome Miller
Joel L. Ward
John A. Wishwanick, Jr.
John B. Satterthwaite
John D. Greenfield
John D. Lightbody
John E. Belle
John J. Duffy
John L. Partington
Joseph A. Arnold
Joseph Constantine, Jr.
Joseph F. Ritchie
Joseph J. Spera
Joseph Mennen
Joshua D. Scoll, DPM
Joshua P. Friedrich
Leland B. Clark
Leon Zollo
Leonard Brownstein
Leonard R. Bezar
Louis A DeCenzi
Mark A. Seelaus
Martin I. Bogdon
Marvin Mandel
Melchior Myers, Jr.
Michael B. Lehman
Michael R. Francis
Michael T. Pastuszek
Norman O. Pfeiffer
Otto Lolk
Peter Geyer
Peter J. Bitto
R. Donald Reilly
Ray Reinard
Raymond D. Diesinger
Raymond G. Pepe
Raymond Godfrey
Richard D. Fitch
Richard D. Mukalian
Richard E. Rodzwic
Richard J. Ruggeri
Richard L. Bowman
Richard P. Weber Sr.
Richard R. Anderson
Richard T. Moll
Robert C. Fennimore
Robert J. Taylor
Robert L. Taylor
Robert R. Cassel
Robert Rodgers, Jr.
Roy Reinard, Jr.
Scott Kattelman
Scott R. Loev
Stanley E. Feltz
Stuart J. Visnov
Thomas B. Phares
Thomas W. Smith, Jr.
Timothy J. Cataldi
Vincent Schiazza
Wallace E. Lyall
Walter E. Friz
Walter E. Mehl, Jr.
Walter O. Ford
Wayne Arnow
Wes J. Davis
Wesley R. Reustle
William B. Atkinson
William C. Bobbitt, Jr.
William E. Bean
William G. Hyndshaw, Jr.
William H. Herrmann, Jr.
William H. Karasch
William J. McCarthy
William J. Vohs
William M. Patrick
William R. Hagmeier
William W. Marshall, Jr.
Michael J. Kempster
Michael J. Nophut, Jr.
Michael W. Vandorick
Norman S. Pfeiffer
Olafs Gaibiselis
Paul C. Swanger
Percy G. Sussex
Peter C. Todd
Peter M. Harow
Raad J. Alsarraj
Richard A. Kurtz
Richard E. Parks
Richard L. Learn
Robert C. Duckett
Robert D. Jacoby, Sr.
Robert H. Phillips
Robert J. Bateman
Robert J. Exler
Robert R. Robinson, Jr.
Robert S. Martell
Ronald C. Unterberger
Ronald L. Young, Sr.
Rudolph E. Stanek
Russell F. Hunsperger
Samuel Carlisi
Scott W. Woehr
Seamus P. McCaffery
Sheldon C. Pickel
Stanley P. Stahl
Theodore A. Ehlke
Thomas A. Haffly
Thomas A. Spoltore
Thomas H. Helenski
Thomas J. Lardani, Jr.
Thomas J. Scaricaciottoli
Vincent D. Delaney
Vincent J. Ciliberti
Walter D. Snyder
Warren L. Beach
William A. Klosz
William C McGarvey
William C. Hophan
William G. Dickup
William G. Savage
William G. Waltz
William N. Schrope
June 2014
Adam M. Patrick
Alan L. Flinn
Albert WM. Baehr
Americo J. Santella
Andrew C. Featherman
Andrew F. Pincus
Andrew J. Reiter
Arthur D. Becker
Augustine J. Palazzo
Bart I. Davis
Bryan C. Spencer
Carl A. Currey
Carl Levin
Carl R. Kammerle
Carl Zapf
Charles T. Cummings
Chris D. Schneider
Christopher J. Cappelletti
Clayton H. Melson, Jr.
Craig S. Shivers
Daniel C. Marschall
Daniel Rivers
David G. Gerstlauer
David G. Graefe
David Jacoby
David S. Soroka
David W. McSurdy, Jr.
Dennis C. Gold
Dennis S. Ziemba
Donald A. McMillan
Edward M. Geary, Jr.
Eugene H. Braeunig, Jr.
Francis X. O’Malley
Frank Ciamaichelo
Frank Jones, Jr.
Frank T. Bohn
Frederick D. Bauer
Gabriel Goldstein
Gary L. Altmiller
George H. Clyde
George W. Robertson
Gerald McGrath
Gordon L. Bell
Harold Diamond
Harold M. Vansant
Harry E. Wanner, III
Harry M. Schwartz
Harry M. Turner, Sr.
Herbert Alfred Schmidt
Howard G. Loflin
Howard I. Hatoff
Ian P. Korman
Jack Ayoub
James C. Umlauf
James E. Walls, Jr.
James J. Diem
Jeffrey T. Rowlands
Joel W. Kleinguenther
John A. Boyd
John F. Torbett, Jr.
John Featherman
John H. Green, Jr.
John Henry Carey
John Hophan
John P. Devitt
John R. Haffly
John S. Milne, IV
Joseph F. Walker, Jr.
Joseph J. Ochotny, Jr.
Joseph John Schuck
Joseph Roth
Joseph S. Canaris
Karl D. Miller
Kenneth M. Given,MD.
Kenneth N. Miller
Kenneth R. Bryner
Kenneth R. Carr, Jr.
Kurt Ritthaler, Jr.
Laird S. Bevitz
Leonard J. Kahn
Leroy Richmond
Louis A. Meier
Luis A. Arroyo
Mark B. Cohen
Martin D. Nelson
Melvin C. Stein
Michael A. Ticcino
Bucks County Saint Patrick’s Day Parade
From Jerry Farrell
LuLu received a lot of
applause and thank you’s
from the crowd for what they
do for children.
Ill. Sir William Niemeyer Memorial
Chair Fund Contributors!
Zalig Stein– In Memory of Fraida Arbeter
Doug Fink– Finky & Kim
Don Fink– Snky & Nancy
Bob Gold– In Memory of Samuel Gold
Dennis Gold– In Honor of The Gold’s 35th Anniversary
LuLu Scouts– LuLu Shrine Scoung Associaon
Shelly Novack– In Memory of Isaac H. Novack, Jeannee Novack & Alfred Ewens
Mike Sherlock– LuLu Brewmeisters 2014
William Enright– Stewards 2014
JULY/AUG 2014 . . . JUNE 1
All articles not submitted electronically may not be published
as submitted due to possible
errors that may occur during
SEPT/ OCT . . . . AUG 1, 2014
NOV/DEC . . . . . OCT 1,2014
“Sightings From The Crow’s Nest”
Ahoy!! Yachtsmen Land Lubbers Wanna Be’s
By Carl Levin, President
If you missed the Rendezvous in Jamison the
weekend of April 4th and 5th, to honor Commodore
Dean of LuLu Yacht Club and Commodore Skip
Garlits of Crescent Yacht Club, you missed a great
With Hospitality on Friday, local Tours on Saturday, plus an evening Dinner at the Buck Club, with
Entertainment by “The Joey Vincent Show”, the combined Yachtsmen and 58 Ladies of the two Yacht
Clubs, had a fantastic time!!
A few Nobles and Ladies of LuLu will next come
ashore May 15th-18th to assist “Operation Circus” at
the LuLu Arena.
Memorial Day Weekend, the Crew will again
rendezvous at the Elk River, (MD) Community Picnic
area. Memorial Day Services will be held on Sunday
at 12:00 Noon, followed by a fantastic Cook-Out! Last
year, some 60 Nobles, Ladies and Friends attended.
All Shriners, Ladies and Friends are Welcome! Make
Reservations by calling Noble Shane Couturier at
Our May/June Social Activity will be in Ocean City
(NJ). Our Bunks will be
at The Forum Motel,
8th and Atlantic. We will
Parade on the Boardwalk Saturday afternoon. Hospitality is
included with reservations through The Arab
Next Issue will provide details about the
MAASYC Rendezvous in
The Old Salt
July in “The Solomon’s”
Why not participate with “The Greatest Yacht Club
in Shrinedom”! Send a message to Noble Harry Speth,
P.C., for information and a Petition to become a Member
With Sympathy, we note the passing of Noble Oliver
Goldman, a member since 1981.
Until we see you again through the binoculars –
“Keep Both Oars in the Water and Steady Your Course”!!
Elmer H. Booz, Jr.
Frances L. Burg
Georgine Collins
Gary Davis, P.P. 2013
Bob Gold, Potentate 2014
Joseph J. Iandolo
James N. Katsaounis
Earl W. Laney
William F. Macintire
Christopher Mason, Treasurer
Shelly Novack
Robert H. Parkinson
Rudolph Pellegrini
Sylvester C. Richardson
Michael J. Sherlock
Zalig H. Stein
Finky & Stinky
Margaret E. Waller
Georgina Smith
Edith R. McCarren
William D. Pugliese
Pearls of the Oda/
Gloria Rogers
Betty Rotenbury
A Y 15,16,17
1 5 ,1 6 ,1 7 & 18
5140 Butler Pike
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
K 2 / ˜ FRIDAY 7pm
SATURDAY 11am, 3pm, & 7pm
SUNDAY 12noon & 4pm
1hoursrs before showtime
Gates open 1hou
Shriners A
LuLu Shriners
Butler P
5140 Butler
Meeting P
A, 119462
Plymouth Meeting
Call 610
610 - 8828
28 - 99050
0 50
Buy ongeet the
es only
ticket sa
or adv
cket sales - Visit

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