October - The Police News
October - The Police News
The Police News VOLUME VIII, NUMBER 10 Galveston County Edition October 2011 How Many Did He Really Kill? The Story of Roy Alan Stuart By Breck Porter, as told by Matt Wingo One very active serial killer back in the early 80's was a man by the name of Roy Alan Stuart. He is currently serving time in prison for Aggravated Kidnapping, a life sentence. I received a phone call one day around 1981, from a Sheriff in North Texas. He told me of the man named Roy Alan Stuart and told me of his suspicions that Stuart had killed several women in North Texas near Amarillo. The pencils went to work and phone calls were made. Backgrounds on Stuart ensued. In tracking Stuart he was placed at or near the areas and times of the killings of girls from Arizona to Amarillo and then we learned he lived in Brazoria County. My count is unofficially 14. Roy Stuart had nine arrests for sexual assault and intended sexual assault. In 1971 he was arrested of the murder of Kay Sands in Amarillo. Then Stuart was arrested for the murder of Linda Kay Simmons in Amarillo. Both murders were in 1971. Stuart had nine arrests for sexual assault resulting in a final murder conviction in 1975 of another Amarillo woman. The murder charges did not "stick". He was found guilty by an Amarillo jury of the Aggravated Sexual Assault only to have the case returned in 1978. He got out of his 99 year sentence by pleading guilty for 15 years and one day in the Texas Department of Corrections. Stuart was received by TDC on May 17, 1975. On September 8, 1982 Stuart was released from the Darrington prison unit in Brazoria County. He apparently liked Brazoria County for its presence next to and easy ingress and egress to the serial killer shopping malls of Houston. Stuart moved to Brazoria with his new wife he had married while he was in TDC. Stuart also loved fishing and carried his serial killer alibi tool kit with him always, fishing poles, a Texas fishing license and accoutrements. Stuart always had Roy Alan Stewart his reason for being "near water", or in the area. Stuart loved fishing on FM 2004 and in the many Galveston waterways. On State Highway 288 between Houston and Angleton there are many canals and other waterways, coincidentally right there in the area where the bodies of women were being dumped. While living near Flagstaff, Arizona as a teenager no history of killings of women of this nature had occurred in the 60s. As he grew older and moved around to San Angelo and Amarillo killings began to occur, women were reported missing from the cities only to be found in rural areas, strangulation and asphyxiation were the causes of the deaths. Some were found near water or if no water was present they were found underneath overturned water troughs. Women reported being abducted, raped and strangled only to be allowed to flee. Then they stopped, Stuart had changed residence to TDC in 1975. However, Stuart actually lived in San Angelo 2/1967, Canyon, Texas, 2/1969, 1970-1971 Tucson, 1972 Amarillo, 2/1974 Amarillo, summer 1974 State of Missouri, and again in Amarillo in 1974. Stuart had family in Houston, Texas and Belton, Missouri. His date of birth is March 3, 1948. I contacted Jim Montero of the Houston Police Department Chicano Squad after Stuart was released in 1982 and we had found our first body. We began long interval surveillance of Stuart. He was found to have an affinity for Houston, Galveston and Bay City prostitutes. Obviously he did not kill all he encountered, but he had frequent contacts. Surveillance on Stuart yielded much information but not on the murders. Stuart continued to kill and dump bodies for several more years despite frequent police surveillance. It seemed that Stuart did go without killing for a period of time, and though married, continued his consortium with Houston, Galveston and Freeport prostitutes. The body of a black female was found in Brazoria County on State Highway 288 near the Harris County line in 1988. Usual and customary investigation occurred and the surveillance on Stuart continued. Stuart was seen in a known area of prostitution in Houston while under surveillance. He was observed driving irregularly and was stopped and found to be intoxicated by an HPD officer. His vehicle was towed per the arrest and was searched incidental to arrest. In the vehicle were the fingerprints of our new decedent along with matching hair and a broken windshield. The female was known as a "tough guy" and apparently fought him hard. After making bond before the murder charge could be filed Stuart entered a hospital and had back surgery for a recent injury, I believe it was fighting this woman. Prevailing law and especially judges were different back then, right after all the civil rights wars of the 70s. A Harris County Judge ruled that the search incidental to arrest was invalid and thus the evidence of the murder was considered fruit of the poisonous tree, never to be used again. On August 1, 1989 Stuart was in Freeport trolling for prostitutes. He found one who happened to be friendly with local police Captain Larry Bullard. Stuart was taking pain medication and muscle relaxers for his ailing back. It was arranged that Matt Wingo Stuart deliver prescription medication to a local. He was arrested and on June 3, 1991 Stuart pled no contest to Delivery of Controlled Substances and received 11 years and 9 days in TDC. He did a portion of the time and then returned to his home and the streets. Surveillance had continued off and on with Stuart, but years take a toll on what may continue to be done. Myself and Jim Montero of the HPD Chicano Squad put in many a thought and hour on Roy Stuart. Then as happens in many of these type cases luck was on our side, and a young girl’s. Stuart had traveled to Bay City and found a target. He took her to his home near Brazoria, stripped her and assaulted her. She was tied up and Stuart felt she was secure. But when he turned his back she ran out the door and into the street nude where she was seen by neighbors. Stuart was arrested and a search was run on his home on June 6, 1994. He was tried and convicted and in the guilt or innocence phase of his trial, he pled true to the enhancements of prior convictions and on October 19, 1994 he received a life sentence by a jury in Brazoria County in Cause # 27748 for this Aggravated Kidnapping. Today Stuart resides in the McConnell Unit of TDC in Beeville, Texas. He has TDC # 00723681 and is eligible for parole on May 17, 2024. He will be 76 years old. They’re called the “Truancy Guys” THE POLICE NEWS Police News Publishing Co. LLC 9118 Jamaica Beach Galveston TX 77554 CAFE Editor & Publisher Breck Porter editor@thepolicenews.net Open Monday – Saturday 6am-2pm Art Director Diane Jolley jolleygraphics@att.net Galveston Printing Mirror Publishers, Inc msblick@mirrorpub.com 413 24th Street 409-763-9289 Open fOr BuSineSS WelcOMe Back! Galveston News Office 409-762-NEWS Business Office 409-632-0042 Advertising/Distribution 409-632-0082 Nationwide Toll Free 1-888-788-8967 Carpet Cleaning "We clean the out of your carpet!” • Upholstery & Drapery Cleaning • Stripping & Waxing • 24 Hour Water Extractions Bonded & Insured - Galveston’s Finest The Police News is published monthly in Galveston TX. To subscribe or inquire about your subscription call: 1-888-788-8967 Toll Free Copyright 2011 – All rights reserved Page 2 - The Police News SHAMPOO & $ STEAM CLEANING LIVING ROOM, 89.95 FORDINING & HALL Additional Rooms $18.95 409-256-1569 FORT BEND COUNTY - Corporal 10 years old, they’ll get one message. Roger Barton and Deputy Jerome Ellis When they get older, the message has to share common goals. They want chil- change because we face different quesdren to remain in school and they want tions. But we’re bringing the truth to students to stay out of trouble by attending class. The deputies are part of a Truancy Abatement Assistance Program conducted by the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office along with numerous partner agencies, ranging from Fort Bend Partnership for Youth, Fort Bend From left, Deputy Jerome Ellis, Juvenile Outreach Coordinator Dennis County Juvenile McAfee and Corporal Roger Barton. Probation, and other local law enforcement agencies, to them in a style that fits their age. Sixth all of the school districts in the county. graders and above are into relationships; Their marching orders are simple: they face drugs or other issues, so our Keep kids in school. message has to fit the age. Dennis McAfee, the Juvenile Out“We have to stay current with the law reach Coordinator for the Sheriff’s Of- and also on what these kids are doing,” fice, created the four-phase program 13 Ellis said. years ago. “Truancy is the gateway to Other forms of contact will come in delinquency,” McAfee said. “That’s the the nature of home visits, curfew checks battle.” and truancy sweeps. Barton said the county is fortunate to In the 2010-11 school year, depuhave the additional effort to fight tru- ties made 321 presentations in 94 area ancy. schools - elementary to high school. “We are grateful to have a sheriff that They assisted Juvenile Probation Enstrongly believes in prevention pro- forcement Officers in 1,255 daytime grams,” said Barton. school and night-time home curfew Sheriff Milton Wright said this is one checks, contacting 924 juveniles on of the few truancy programs conducted probation. They also made 64 home by sheriff’s offices around the state. contacts for Lamar CISD and Stafford “I recognized the need many years ago MSD. when we noticed the number of daytime “In the midst of all that,” Ellis said, burglaries and criminal mischief cases “we’re putting together multi-agency involved so many juveniles,” Wright initiatives for truancy patrols with posaid. “Our initial goal was to reduce the lice officers, school personnel, connumber of kids without supervision on stables and others to search neighborthe street, which is now shown by the hoods, stores, and restaurants for kids dramatic reduction in daytime burglar- who should be in school.” ies and criminal mischief cases.” There were eight truancy sweeps durWright recalls the first time a multi- ing the year in targeted areas, which agency truancy sweep was conducted. resulted in 167 juveniles being investi“The first year, Dennis did it by him- gated for truancy. They also served 41 self,” Wright said. “The next year, we Directives to Apprehend - the term used made 130 contacts in one day with nu- for warrants for juvenile-age offenders. merous agencies involved. The next “We’ve found that successful truancy time we made a sweep that number was prevention works best at around the age cut in half, and the third time, it was of 10,” said McAfee, adding the official down to three contacts. “age of culpability” in the State of Texas “It was at that point we expanded the is 10. program to work with juveniles in the Mary Gready, co-founder of the Fort school systems to make it a more full- Bend Partnership for Youth, produced time effort,” he said. two booklets “Now That You’re Ten,” Barton and Ellis are veterans at this and “Before It’s Too Late,” illustrating job. Barton has worked in the truan- the consequences students may face in cy program for eight years and Ellis the juvenile justice system. joined the effort six years ago. During These booklets are part of the Truthe school year, the Truancy Guys will ancy Guys’ presentations to fourth- and make contact with almost 24,000 stu- fifth-graders. Gready works for the Fort dents in all phases of the program. Bend County Juvenile Probation Office. Some of that will be during addresses “When school officials are having to school assemblies. trouble with kids, an ‘official presence’ “We have to make our presentations - someone who has a badge - can make age-appropriate,” Ellis said. “If they’re Truancy Guys..Cont. on page 11 Busted and Cuffed Eddie Ray Brown Robbery & Kidnapping Rusty Lee Marett Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child Indecency with a Child Harry Clifford Dryden Felony Theft (2 Counts) Brandon Marlo Miller Unauthorized Use Motor Vehicle Aggravated Assault w/ Deadly Weapon Kelly Nadine Edwards Aggravated Asslt w/ Deadly Weapon (2 Counts) Lovers Lane: A policeman was patrolling a local parking spot overlooking a golf course. He drove by a car and saw a couple inside with the dome light on. There was a young man in the driver's seat reading a comput- Melvin Edwards Burglary of Bus. & Residence er magazine and a young lady in the back seat knitting. He stopped to investigate. He walked up to the driver's window and knocked. The young man looked up, cranked the window down, and said, "Yes Officer?" "What are you doing?" the policeman asked. "What 61st Street Diner Corey Schleifer Aggravated Sexual Asslt of a Child Indecency with a Child Michael Leroy Hardy Felony Theft (6 Counts) Michelle Ernestina Cruz Felony Theft (2 Counts) Phillip Sheldon Darden Felony Theft (2 Counts) Luis Anthony Ramos Felony Theft & Residence Burglary Titania Advincula Valdez Assaulting Public Servant & Felony Theft does it look like?" answered the young man. "I'm reading this magazine." Pointing towards the young lady in the back seat, the officer then asked, "And what is she doing?" The young man looked over his shoulder and replied, "What does it look like? She's knitting." "And how old are you?" the officer then asked the young man. "I'm nineteen," he replied. "And how old is she?" asked the officer. The young man looked at his watch and said, "Well, in about twelve minutes she'll be sixteen." SUBSCRIBE TO THE POLICE NEWS ®YES - $45.00 a year. All subscriptions mailed First Class, 12 issues for the Police News Mail my Police News to: Name _____________________________________________________________________ Breakfast Lunch Burgers Address ____________________________________________________________________ AGalveston Legend Name______________________________________________________________________ at 1017 61st Street Address____________________________________________________________________ New Owners – New Menu Open 6 a.m. – 2 p.m. Daily ® Check Enclosed ® Money Order ® Charge my credit card: ® Visa ® Master Card ® American Express ® Discover Credit Card Billing Address: City_______________________________________State______Zip____________________ Expiration Date___________ Card Number ______________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________________________ Make checks payable and mail to: < The Police News 9118 Jamaica Beach, Galveston TX 77554-9644 Call: 409-762-6397 or Call Toll-Free: 1-888-788-8967 Or subscribe online at: www.PoliceNewsOnline.com To Pay by Phone Call 409-752-6397 > ✃ 409-974-4227 City ______________________________________ State _____ Zip ___________________ The Police News - Page 3 A&A–D&P 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE • • • • • • • Heavy Duty Unlock Any Car NO JOB TOO FAR Jump Start or TOO SMALL! RV Towing Off Road Service Out of Town Towing Emergency Auto Repair Operated by the Anderwalds 409-740-0581 - 409-740-1622 Toll Free: 866-740-1622 The Police Dog A woman saw an ad in the local newspaper which read: “Purebred Police Dog $25.” Thinking that to be a great bargain, she called and ordered the dog to be delivered. The next day a van arrived at her home and delivered the mangiest looking mongrel she had ever seen. In a rage, she telephoned the man who had placed the ad, “How dare you call that mangy-mutt a purebred police dog?” ”Don’t let his looks deceive you, ma’am,” the man replied, “He’s in the Secret Service.” League City Citizens Police Academy and Alum Receive State Awards Volunteers have raised almost $10,000.00 for police needs LEAGUE CITY - The League City Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association has been awarded the prestigious Alumni Association of the Year award by the Texas Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association Board. The award was presented at the annual State training conference in Galveston in August. LCCPAAA Board Member and longtime member Sharon Pavey received the State Award for Volunteer of the Year. Receiving a nomination for Development of a Citizens Police Academy Program was League City Police Officer Christy Galyean. Her nomination recognized her accomplishments and her outstanding performance as a CPA Coordinator. The League City Citizens Police Academy Alumni Assoc. was created in 2002 and has grown from a small organization of local business people and city employees to more than 125 active members. The volunteers are dedicated to making a positive difference in their community by improving its quality of life through their special assistance programs and by supporting and promoting the mission League City Police Dept. Citizens continue to register for the Citizen Police Academy classes in greater numbers to understand and appreciate the dedication and courage it takes to be police officers. Upon completion of the 15 weekly classes, the graduates may join the Alumni Association. This year, through their fundraising, the volunteers have raised almost $10,000.00 to purchase a Bite Suit for the new K9 officer and a Kevlar vest for the department’s new dog. The volunteers have also contributed to “Carl’s Crusaders”. Carl’s Crusaders is a foundation named for a League City Police Officer who has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Chief Michael W. Jez said, “My congratulations to our volunteers and their leadership. The Citizens Police Academy is one of the many ways that residents can get involved in the community and contribute to our efforts toward a safer living environment. The Police Department is proud of our Alumni Association”. policenewslink.com Late Breaking Police News! LOANS up to $1240 • NO CREDIT CHECK – GUARANTEED LOANS ON YOUR CLEAR CAR TITLE Join the HomeTown Team Come home to HomeTown Bank, where we take a personal interest in serving your family and commercial needs. The HomeTown Team believes good banking means good service, and as a community bank we take special pride in our many contributions to the communities we serve. (Car must be licensed & running. We must be able to verify income & address) NO TITLE? We also offer: • SIGNATURE & STARTER LOANS • INCOME TAX PREPARATION 2323 Broadway St, Galveston Now with six full-service locations serving your needs, including our newest bank in Downtown Friendswood: 409-765-5988 Galveston: 1801 45th St. • 45th & Seawall Blvd. Friendswood: 3211 FM 528 • 601 S. Friendswood Drive League City: 1406 W. Main • Alvin: 1050 North Bypass 35 Main Bank Phone: (409) 763-1271 • Seawall Branch: (409) 763-5252 Internet: www.htbna.com www.WesternShamrock.com Page 4 - The Police News 2011 Galveston Battle of the Badges Is Picking Up Steam By Lt. Jorge Trevino Two months and two weeks is what the countdown reads as of this morning on our Battle of the Badges Website and everything is coming together well. This year, we have several returning fighters signed up and training hard but we are seeing a lot of new faces as well. A few weeks ago I spoke to Ms. Kristena Glenn, felony prosecutor with the Galveston County District Attorney’s Office. She attended the event last year and apparently decided that this was something worthy of her bucket list. You can’t help but admire her courage. It is not every day that you hear a 5’6” 115 lbs. female proclaim that she wants to fight and much less often when this fighting will be done in front of 5,000 people. I can picture her at last year’s event with the crowd cheering and the punching and the blood and the violence and amongst all this she decides, “I want to do that!” Her call was a pleasant surprise because one of the challenges we face each year is putting together female matches. Female matches are something that people just can’t seem to get enough of. We were fortunate to have Officer Loraine Franco, a 115 pound female GPD officer ready and willing to lace up the gloves against Ms. Glenn and are grateful to have several more young ladies recently express an interest in participating. That was not the case early on in the match making process. During a recent matchmaking meeting with Galveston Firefighter Jim Williams and desperate to make more female bouts happen, I asked or actually texted my daughter to inquire if she would be interested in fighting in this year’s event. I only had to wait a few seconds to receive her response. There were no questions and no apparent hesitation whatsoever in her return message. In it she simply wrote “HELL YEAH … when do we start training!!” I can only assume that she gets this from her mother. Shortly thereafter, we were able to find Galveston County Sherriff’s Deputy Amanda Quintanilla who quickly jumped on board and also started training right away. My daughter was a ring girl in 2009 and 2010 and really enjoyed the event. I am going to be a little nervous seeing her fight for the first time but I would not allow her to do so if I did not have a lot of confidence on the safety measures in place. USA Boxing is again sanctioning the bouts and will be on hand to officiate all of the matches. Their rules require that a physician be ringside at all times. Last year we had Dr. Melillo and Dr. Miller ringside and once again are happy to report that none of the fighters sustained any significant injuries. One of our fighters was transported to the E.R. for precautionary measures but returned in time for the after party and was seen with a cold beverage in hand enjoying the rest of the evening. For the first time and in an effort to accommodate growing interest in the event we have reached out to nearby agencies for fighters. The Texas City Police Department will be sending us Officer Adan Hernandez and the University of Texas Medical Branch Police Department will be sending us Officer Derrick Fillmore and Officer Corbitt. We looked long and hard for a match for HPD Officer Tommy Derry. Tommy’s seven years with GCSO and five years with GPD make him one of our own regardless of his current place of employment. Fighters were hesitant to take on Tommy because of his reputation for being a skilled fighter. The Drug Enforcement Administration answered the call and will be sending us Agent Pedro Ayarzagoitia to take on Tommy. Pedro is also a skilled fighter and has eight HPD/HFD Guns and Hoses fights under his belt with a winning record of 5 wins with only 3 defeats. This is certain to be an entertaining match and will have sparks flying once the bell rings. We have 17 fights currently on the roster and are hopeful that at least 15 will make come fight time. The reality is that firefighting and law enforcement are dangerous professions and people get hurt. We have lost fights to on the job injuries in 2009 and 2010 and have already had to scrap 3 fights this year for the same reason. We are right on target for our December 3rd 2011 Galveston Battle of the Badges and are encouraged by the fact that our VIP tables are in high demand and should be sold out soon. We know that this year’s show will surpass last year. Attendance for 2010 was approximately 2300 with 2011 bringing in a little over 4500. We hope you will come out and cheer on our “Hometown Heroes Fighting for a Cause”. A lot of time and effort goes into this event and this year we are raising funds for the Shriner’s Burn Hospital and the Galveston Boy’s and Girl’s. Lt. Jorge Trevino, Galveston Police Dept. Event Director Get your POLICE NEWS wherever you see these outdoor dispenser boxes. Meet Your Match Your Community Your Credit Union If you can’t beat them, join them! Get your tickets at COASTAL COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION! GALVESTON ISLAND POLICE & FIRE DEPARTMENTS Present the Battle of the Badges BOXING TOURNAMENT December 4, 2010 Moody Gardens Convention Center at 7:00 PM Tickets $15 ADULT and $5 CHILD under 12 ($20 at door) All Proceeds benefit The Boys and Girls Club of Galveston 2302 Church Street or 69th Street & Stewart Galveston, TX 77550 • 765-6067 2600 FM 1764 • La Marque (next to Walmart) www.coastalcommunityfcu.org The Police News - Page 5 DPS officers honored on Texas First Responders Day AUSTIN - Two Department of Public Safety (DPS) troopers who died in the line of duty and a DPS Agent severely injured on duty were recognized with Star of Texas Awards at the State Capitol in September. The awards, presented by Lt. Governor David Dewhurst, were created by the Texas Legislature to honor peace officers, firefighters and emergency medical first responders who have been seriously injured or killed in the line of duty. DPS Criminal Investigations Agent Armando Lopez Jr. (not pictured), stationed in North Texas, was shot in 2009 by a bank robbery suspect in Dallas as he and other members of a federal task force made entry into an apartment. Agent Lopez was hit in the stomach area by a shotgun blast. Lopez was back on duty eight months later, earned a Purple Heart from DPS and continues his work as a CID Agent. The task force members earned DPS Director’s Awards for their efforts during the shootout. Also honored were Highway Patrol Cpl. David Slaton, who died in a twovehicle wreck in September 2010 in Montague County, and Jonathan McDonald, a Lubbock area Highway Patrol trooper, who died in November 2010 in a one-vehicle on-duty crash. They were the 84th and 85th officers killed in the line of duty in DPS history. Their families accepted the award on their behalf, as friends, family and fellow DPS officers gathered in support. The Star of Texas Awards coincide closely with 9-11, which has been designated as Texas First Responders Day. ily am... F ForFun . lop . F p p Fli p Flo p. Fli p Flo Fli DICKINSON POLICE DEPARTMENT Alias Names: Race: 03-14-1975 Weight: 5”10” Eyes: Brown Scars/Marks/Tattoos: Warrant #: Court: www.facebook.com/galvestonvictorian • 800.231.6363 TIP Multiple G81110374 Thomas registered the above address as his residence, and was found not to be living at the address. Thomas is on parole and a parole violation warrant has also been issued by the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole. Phone: 281-337-6359 Case #: 11001490 Tim Cromie Confirm Warrants through TCIC/NCIC and Dickinson Police Department before taking enforcement action. Dickinson Police Department Communication: (281) 337 4700 Warrant Division - (281) 337-6349 Criminal Investigation Division - (281) 337 6309 5/9/11 10:34 AM steer clear of infected areas. bies.com om Go to www.Survivecoastalz to see how you can get As Low As 2.99% Poor Thelma, her worst nightmare came true when zombies attacked her quiet, suburban neighborhood...and her car wouldn’t start. Luckily, her friend Louise had just gotten a great rate on a new vehicle, so together they ed - far away from the infected! FREE $50.00 Gas Card for new, used or reenance from other lenders. Staying Alive...Staying Alive...Don't be "late" to get a gas card & a great rate! October 31st is the the Drop-dead date! Page 6 - The Police News 170 Hazel Galveston Co. JP 8-1 Detective: Valid thru 08.31.2011. Rates not valid with other discounts. Inclusive rates include all fees and taxes. 14 day advance payment. 69 White Last Known Address: 4416 31st St Dickinson, Texas 77539 Offense: Fail to comply with Sex Offenders Duty to Register 6300 Seawall • Galveston • TX • victoriancondo.com # Robert Walter Thomas Robert Thomas Male Sex: DOB: Height: Hair: Summary: VictPolNwsflfl678.2011.indd 1 Jonathan McDonald Wanted 4 NIGHTS ~ 4 PEOPLE ALL INCLUSIVE $598! alveston Victorian G eck List Vacation Ch s 3Flip Flop wels o 3Beach T es 3Sunglass ts 3Beach HaLotion 3Sun Tan David Slaton APR* 5K MORNING ‘BEACH RUN FOR LIFE’ A WARRIOR CAUSE – Help Us Fight For Life! Galveston Island 5K Beach Run Benefit For: Officer Chris Sanderson Galveston Shoreline beach course T-Shirt for 1st 300 registered participants Post race beverages/Children activities Timed event, awards will be given PREREGISTRATION: a.) By email entry @ www.PorrettoBeach.com HOUSTON -‘Finish Strong’ -‘Sports Authority’ 6426 Washington Ave. Galleria/Post Oak Saturday, October 15, 2011 in Galveston, Texas 8 a.m. start/finish at Porretto Beach 10th and Seawall, Galveston, TX 77550 OR GALVESTON: -‘Marios Restaurant’ -‘Academy’ 61st Street 49th Seawall Blvd. PACKET PICK UP LOCATIONS: Houston: ‘Finish Strong,’ ‘Sports Authority,’ Galveston: Mario’s 61 Street FEES: 5K: $50 through September 30th and $60 after that (remember no race day admission). About the Race: The run is a benefit in efforts to raise money to assist Officer Chris Sanderson and his family with medical bills that are a result of the extensive medical treatment that Chris has been and is continuing to go through. It is stressful enough to have to deal with the illness and any money raised will assist in reducing the added stress of bills. Additionally, the race will have a two hour cut off and every participant must be at the turn around point within 1 hour. The race will start and end on Porretto Beach. Refunds and Rain: There will be no refunds for this benefit. The race will take place rain or shine and may be delayed or cancelled if hazardous conditions such as flooding or lighting are imminent. Please make checks payable to: Christopher Sanderson Benefit First Name _________________________ Last Name __________________________ Age on 09-03-11 ____ DOB ___________ Address ________________________________ City________________________________ State ______ Zip Code ____________ Women: S M L XL Todd Duncan of Texas City was arrested by a League City undercover Constable Deputy and Texas City Police on warrants charging him with three cases of Aggravated Robbery. Duncan and another man pistol whipped a couple in their Alvin home and got away in a police chase. The undercover officer tracked him down three weeks later in a Texas City trailer house. He tried to run again but was brought down by Texas City Police dog, Jimmo. b.) pick up registration forms at the following locations: st T-Shirt: Mens: S M L XL XXL Todd Duncan Number of extra shirts At $10 each: ____WAIVER AND AGREEMENT: I, the person submitting this entry, am aware that participating in this race event is a potentially hazardous activity, and that I (or my child, if I am signing as parent or guardian) should not so participate unless physically able. I certify that I am (or my child is) medically fit to participate, and will have sufficiently trained for the event prior to participation. I (and my child, if I am signing as a parent or guardian) agree to abide by the rules and the decisions of any event official relating to participation, and assume all risks associated with participation in the event or any associated event or activities, including (but not limited to) falls, contact with other participants, effects of the weather such as high heat and/or humidity, and traffic or road conditions, all such risks being known and appreciated. In consideration of acceptance of the entry fee, and intending to be legally bound, I (and my child, if I am signing as a parent or guardian) and anyone entitled to act on my (or our) behalf, assume all risks associated with participation, and waive any and all claims whatsoever against, and fully release (1) Porretto Beach, (2)The City of Galveston, Galveston Parks Board, it’s agents, directors, officers and representatives, and Galveston Island 5K Beach Run Benefit for Chris Sanderson, (3)all race day volunteers, (4) and all event promoters and sponsors and their representatives and successors, from any and all claims, damages, liability, or injury of any kind arising to me or by me whether based upon negligence or any other theory of law, resulting from my (or my child’s) participation in this event, without obligation or liability to me (and my child.) I also understand that my (and my child’s) entry fee is non-refundable. I have read this agreement carefully, and understand it, and certify my agreement by my signature below. NOTE: Runners under 18 years of age must have parent’s signature (on parent’s signature line) or read and check online waiver. Signature ________________________________ Date _________ Parent Signature & Date __________________________________(if under 18) Settlement reached in Seawall store clerk wrongful death suit GALVESTON - A final judgment has been reached in a lawsuit arising from the death of a Galveston convenience store clerk. The eight-page document filed in Galveston County’s 10th District Court explains that a jury was waived and all parties involved in the litigation agreed to $120,000 being awarded to Mosammet Shanina Razu, the widow of Abdul H. Heje. Razu and the couple’s son, Mohammed Meje, sued ABHI Enterprises Inc., doing business as Galveston Seawall Citgo, and Stripes LLC, the store’s property owner, in December 2009 over inadequate security at the establishment where Heje worked. Abdul H. Meje, 40, died the morning of Jan. 31, 2008, after four armed men robbed the store. One of the robbers shot the Heje in the chest behind the checkout counter. “The risk of a crime of violence occurring on the premises in question was reasonably foreseeable to the defendants, however, they failed to exercise ordinary care in providing for the safety of their tenants, employees, and invitees, in view of, and commensurate with, this risk.” The judgment orders Mohammed Meje to be compensated an approximate total of $30,000 by 2025 while attorney Neil Baron of Dickinson, the child’s guardian ad litem, is to receive $4,500. The Police News - Page 7 Galveston Co. Grand Jury Indictments in September ANTIONE, FREDERICK DEWAYNE INJURY TO CHILD BARBOZA, ISSAC ANTHONY BURGLARY OF A VEHICLE W/2 PRIORS BENSON JR, DENNIS RAYNARD FELONY EVADING ARREST WITH PRIORS BRODT, MANDY LOUISE FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED BROOKS, BRYAN KEITH FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER BROWN, EDDIE RAY ROBBERY & KIDNAPPING CASARES, DAVIS ADRIAN AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT OF CHILD (3 COUNTS) & SEXUAL ASSAULT OF CHILD CHERAMIE, CHRISTINE BETH FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED CHRISTOPHER, CORY ANDREW FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER COPELAND, MATTHEW JAMES UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF FIREARM BY A FELON CRAVEN, MATTHEW HARRISON POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE DEBOIS, TIFFANY DANIELLE FELONY THEFT WITH TWO OR MORE CONVICTION DONALDSON, SHAWN MICHAEL FELONY CRIMINAL MISCHIEF DOTSON, DEMETRICT DWAYNE FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER DOZIER, DAMON LEE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ELLIS, ARRON LEE ASSAULT ON PUBLIC SERVANT FOREST, HOLLY JO UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF FIREARM BY A FELON GATES, DANIELLE DENISE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE GATLIN, ANTONIO CATRELL AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON GILMER, STACIA WALLACE OBTAIN PRESCRIPTION BY FRAUD GONZALES, ELOY FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER HEARNE, DAVID RAY RETALIATION HINOJOSA, ELIZABETH AUBREY FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED HOCKLEY, VOHN EUGENE FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER HUDDLESTON, SHAWN DAVID POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE JAIME, JULIO CLEMETE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE JOHNSON, GEORGE MICHAEL POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE JORDAN, RHONDA RECHELLE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE KELLEY, DANIEL EDWARD POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE W/ INTENT TO DELIVER KELLY, CHARMEKA FRANSHAY FELONY THEFT WITH TWO OR MORE CONVICTION LANG, NGUYEN VAN POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE LEDBETTER, MICHAEL WAYNE FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED LEE, ELAINE UNAUTHORIZED USE OF VEHICLE LOPEZ, CHRISTOPHER RENE SEXUAL ASSAULT OF CHILD LORD, FLOYD RAYMOND FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER MARETT, RUSTY LEE AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT OF CHILD (2 COUNTS) & INDECENCY WITH A CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT MARTIN, PATRICK BRANDA POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE MARTINEZ, MICHAEL ADAM FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER MELONTREE, BEVERLY DAPHNE FELONY EVADING ARREST WITH VEHICLE MILLER, BRANDON MARLO UNAUTHORIZED USE OF VEHICLE & AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON MILLER, CHERISE NICOLE FELONY FORGERY (2 COUNTS) MILLER, CLINTON DANIEL FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER MINIX, KESHIA NICOL FELONY THEFT <$1,500 WITH TWO OR MORE CONVICTION MITCHUSSON, JANA DENISE ASSAULT ON PUBLIC SERVANT MODISETTE, JAMES HOYTE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE OSHAUGHNESSY, BRIAN JAMES POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE PHILLIPS, DALWENDA DENERE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ROBERTS, KHALEYN JOHQUIN FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER RODRIGUEZ JR, SERGIO FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER SCHLEIFER, COREY AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT OF CHILD & INDECENCY WITH A CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT SCRANTON, TRUMAN EARL FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER SHUMATE, BRIAN LEE AGGRAVATED ROBBERY (2 COUNTS) SPORLEDER, ANNA MICHELLE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE & FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED THOMAS, RONALD FRITZGERALD AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON WALKER, ERIC TAMASO AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON WILLIAMS, THADDEUS TOSHIBA KIDNAPPING YOUNG, GEORGE ANTHONY FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER ALLEN, FRED DOUGLAS FELONY FORGERY BLACK, SHANE WILLIAM POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE BLANCHARD, LONNIE LEE SEXUAL ASSAULT OF CHILD BRIERS, MICHAEL WAYLON TAMPERING WITH PHYSICAL EVIDENCE BUENROSTRO, ROBERT OSCAR JR INDECENCY WITH A CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT CRAYTON, PAUL ANTHONY MURDER CRUZ, MICHELLE ERENSTINA FELONY THEFT (2 COUNTS) CRAYTON, PAUL ANTHONY AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON DARDEN, PHILLIP SHELDON FELONY THEFT (2 COUNTS) DAVIS, MICHAEL WAYNE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE DRESNER, AUSTIN STUART FELONY CRIMINAL MISCHIEF DRYDEN, HARRY CLIFFORD FELONY THEFT (2 COUNTS) EDWARDS, KELLY NADINE AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON (2 COUNTS) EDWARDS, MELVIN BURGLARY OF A BUILDING & BURGLARY OF A HABITATION JAIL ELIZONDO, JOE RAMIRO INTERFERENCE WITH CHILD CUSTODY BOND Page 8 - The Police News ELLSWORTH, KYLE SILAS BURGLARY OF A VEHICLE W/2 PRIORS JAIL ENGLISH, DEVON SEAN ROBBERY JAIL EPLER JR, JERRY FRANCIS FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER FERNANDEZ, RUDY FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED GARZA, RUEBEN III STALKING GONZALES, JOSE ALFREDO AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT OF CHILD GRACIA, ISRAEL ANTONIO FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER GRAYS, DEMARCUS JENARD TAMPERING WITH PHYSICAL EVIDENCE GRIGG, ROY GERALD III ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY - FAMILY VIOLENCE WITH PRIOR GROOM, DERRICK JERMAINE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE GUAJARDO, DAWN MARIE THEFT FROM PERSON HANSEN, MATTHEW ALAN ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY - FAMILY VIOLENCE W/PRIOR HARDY, MICHAEL LEROY FELONY THEFT <$1,500 WITH PRIOR CONVICTIONS (6 COUNTS) HAYNES, RAYSHAWN DEANDRE ROBBERY HENDERSON, ANTHONY DEWAYEN AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON HOLMES, FAVIAN JASON PAUL AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON HUNT, JORDAN RANDALL AGGRAVATED ASSAULT SERIOUS BODILY INJURY FAMILY VIOLENCE ISTRE, JOSEPH GLENN INJURY TO A DISABLED JACK, DOMINIQUE JAMAH POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE JONES, LORI ELIZABETH POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE LARRY, BRANDY AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON LINKEY, JOSEPH EUGENE DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED MANDUBOURG, LLOYD AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON MARTIN JR, JOHNNIE FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER MARTIN, DANIEL WAYNE ROBBERY MCGEE, PEARL SPOTTS FELONY EVADING ARREST DETENTION WITH VEHICLE MCMICHAEL, COLEMAN DALE ROBBERY METCALFE, CHRISTOPHER ALLEN FELONY ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY FAMILY VIOLENCE BY STRANGULATION NEUMAN, DOUGLAS EDWARD AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON NEWTON, EARL DRAKE ASSAULT ON PUBLIC SERVANT ORNELAS, REGO BERTO AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON PEREZ, VANESSA ELAINE BURGLARY OF A HABITATION PETE, LLOYD HAMPTON ROBBERY RAMOS, JOSEFINA FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED RAMOS, LUIS ANTHONY FELONY THEFT & BURGLARY OF HABITATION REQUENEZ, MARCUS ALBERT SEXUAL ASSAULT OF CHILD & AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON RODRIGUEZ, FRANCISCO FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED RODRIGUEZ-REYNA, JONAS SANTOS FELONY EVADING ARREST DETENTION W/VEHICLE RUIZ, JOE DANIEL FELONY EVADING ARREST DETENTION WITH VEHICLE SANTOS, EDWIN AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT OF CHILD SCHULTZ, KATHLEEN JOYCE FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED SCRANTON, JAMELLE ALEXANDER FRAUDULENT USE OF ID SEREAL, WHITNEY JOSEPH POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUSBTANCE SPEARS, JOHN PATRICK AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON & FELONY ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY FAMILY VIOLENCE BY STRANGULATION SPELLS, COURTNEY JAMAAL FELONY EVADING ARREST DETENTION WITH VEHICLE STARLING, MARGARET GAIL AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON STEWART, GEORGE ROGER POSSESSION OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY STONEY, AUSTIN IRVIN FELONY ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY FAMILY VIOLENCE BY STRANGULATION SYLVESTER, LARRY TIMOTHY POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE TORRES-RAMOS, ENRIQUE DE-JESUS SEXUAL ASSAULT OF CHILD TROTTER II, TIMOTHY MICHAEL POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DELIVER VALDEZ, TITANIA ADVINCULA ASSAULT ON PUBLIC SERVANT & FELONY THEFT WITH TWO OR MORE CONVICTION VARGAS, MARINA REYES POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DELIVER VASQUEZ, JOSE MANUEL AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON VENZANT, PRENTIS RAY POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE & TAMPERING WITH PHYSICAL EVIDENCE VERRETT, ALDEN JOSEPH FELONY EVADING ARREST DETENTION WITH VEHICLE VILLARREAL, LLANIRA POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE WAGNER, MICHAEL JAMES POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE WHITE, ROBERT RYAN INDECENCY WITH A CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT In Memoriam Deputy Dirk Ray Knearem Chambers County Deputy Sheriff Dirk Ray Knearem, 40, was killed October 17, 2004, in an automobile accident on Highway 73, at the intersection of Highway 124, near the Chambers County-Jefferson County border. The deputy was making a left-hand turn when his patrol car collided with another vehicle. Knearem had served with the Chambers County Sheriff’s Department for two years, and had been in law enforcement for a total of 16 years. He is survived by his fiancee. GALVESTON - A Galveston man sued for false arrest and imprisonment says the suit is harassment. Henry Glamann submitted his fivepage response to the lawsuit in Galveston County’s 56th District Court denying the causes of action filed by Jacob Mook’s of Brazoria County. Mook filed suit against Glamann last month, accusing Glamann of holding him and his family at gunpoint during an emergency potty stop near his home about six months ago. Glamann says he is not liable because “the plaintiff’s own acts or omissions Pearland Police Officer Henry O. Wendell, Jr. Officer Henry Wendell, 43, was struck and killed by a vehicle while directing traffic at Main Street and Plum Street following a high school football game on October 6, 1967. The impact knocked him 85 feet. The driver of the vehicle was arrested and charged with murder by auto. He was sentenced to only 6 months probation. Officer Wendell had only served with the agency for 2 months. He was survived by his wife and five children. proximately caused or contributed to The family waited about 10 minutes his alleged injuries and the plaintiff was on the shoulder of the road for the child contributory negligent for failing to ex- when Glamann approached them with a loaded revolver keptwanted them from If you have information on any ofand these fugitives c ercise ordinary care.” leaving, the Office suit says. Galveston County Sheriff’s 409-766-2322 or 1-866-2 He adds Mook’s claims “are frivolous, Authorities were called in to free Mook brought in bad faith and for the purpose and his family, who claim the incident of harassment.” inflicted severe mental anguish and lastThe suit says Mook and his family were ing harm upon them. returning home from a recreational trip just as his young daughter announced that she needed to use the bathroom. Mook pulled the vehicle over to a loPOLICENEWSLINK.COM cation close to Glamann’s residence, but For late breaking police news! not on his property, so the girl could use BOYD, ALEXA M DELOSSANTOS, WILLIAM the family’sAKA portable potty. TALLANT, ALEXIS W M 06/05/1987 W F 12/06/1988 TAT L LEG “DADDY’S GIRL” TAT C NECK “J G W/ROSE” LKA SAN LEON ENDANGERING CHILD Have You Seen This Man? Deputy Frank Pleasants Bell Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Deputy Frank Pleasants Bell, 55, was struck and killed by a car, October 10, 1930, while assisting several people who had been injured on the highway. He was struck by a passing car as he stepped from behind a parked car. The driver of the car that struck him was charged with negligent homicide. Deputy Bell had been with the agency for three years and was survived by his wife and two children. Deputy Sheriff Odell McDuffie Liberty County Sheriff’s Deputy Odell McDuffie, 43, was killed in an automobile accident, October 25, 2010, on FM 770 in Saratoga, Texas. He was returning from transporting a juvenile to the Hardin County Detention Center at one o’clock in the afternoon, when his patrol car left the roadway. He overcorrected, causing the vehicle to strike a grove of trees and burst into flames. Deputy McDuffie suffered severe injuries and died at the scene. McDuffie had served with the Liberty County Sheriff’s Department for 17 years. He is survived by his wife and three daughters. FUGITIVES WANT GALVESTON COUNTY Family makes roadside potty stop, held at gunpoint PIERCED NOSE Serving Galveston for 100+ years! LKA SANTA FE POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ** ESCAPE RISK** Downtown Galveston: 222 Kempner Galveston TX 77550 409-763-4641 Fax: 409-762-2158 FERNANDEZ, LINDSEY ALEXANDER W F 11/08/1984 TAT R LEG TAT R HIP TAT L CALF TAT R CALF LKA SEABROOK POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE League City Police are looking for this man suspected in the theft of credit cards from three churches in League City and Nassau Bay. The men entered the churches asking about child care services. “While one of them looked around the facility, the other stole credit cards from the employee’s purse in the office. In the other case, credit cards were stolen from a purse in a vehicle parked in the church parking lot. Police gathered surveillance photos from a nearby retail store. Police urge anyone with information to call League City police detective Matthew Weems at 281-338-4182. Galveston West End: GONZALES, FERNANDO BERNARDO 13680 FM 3005 W M 05/11/1976 Galveston TX 77554 LKA BACLIFF 409-737-1488 SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD Fax: 409-737-9146 ING s R ' E T a CA l l & e URANT Voted Best Italian B Restaurant & Friendliest DLIAiN RESTA I TA Closed Mondays DEBRA KAY Tues. RICHARDSON, – Fri.············Lunch 11 – 2 p.m. W F 01/01/1962 Tues.TAT – Thurs.······Dinner 5 – 10 p.m. LR LEG SMALL FLAME Fri. – Sat.·············Dinner 5 – 11 p.m. TAT BOTH EYEBROWS Sunday··················Dinner LKA LEAGUE CITY5 – 10 p.m. POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE See our Review at www.galvnews.com Service in Galveston Co. RUDD, JAMES ANDREW W M 06/18/1984 TAT UR ARM Galveston TAT BACK – TAT NECK LKA LEAGUE CITY POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 31st & Avenue P 409-763-9036 TAT TAT TAT Police Brutality A cop stops a man for running a stop sign and he gives the cop a lot of grief explaining that he did stop (don't they all). After several minutes, the cop explained to the gentleman that he didn't stop, he just slowed down a little. The gentleman said "Stop or slow down, what's the difference?." The cop pulled the guy out of the car and worked him over for about a minute and then said "Would you like for me to stop or just slow down?." Seawall at 89th street – Galveston M ov i e H o t l i n e : 4 0 9 - 74 1 - 170 0 Featuring the latest in stadium-seating, comfortable high-back rocking seats and DTS digital sound Systems. — Lobby ATM — All major credit cards accepted All “R” rated Movies Require an ID – Visit us @ www.pccmovies.com FREE LARGE DRINK WITH PURCHASE MATINEE $5.75 ANY SHOW PRIOR TO 6:00 P.M. OF A SMALL POPCORN The Police News - Page 9 C re 401 Cop Killer To Die October 27th E. R. Johnson Family Mortuary Eddie R. Johnson Owner/Funeral Director ESCO PEST CONTROL Cremation, Monuments, Pre-Arrangements, Insurance and Notary Services WDI Inspections Termites - Rodents Roaches - Ants - Fleas Birds - Trapping “ Quality, Distinctive, Professional Service 3828 Avenue O/PO Box 5 Galveston, TX 77550-6626 Ph: 409-762-8470 Fax: 409-762-8480 Email: erjfm@aol.com 409-737-3200 Steve Spicer – Owner 9355 Jamaica Beach Galveston, TX 77554 www.escopestcontrolinc.com CREATIONS UPHOLSTERY David Gillioz, Owner 409-927-2747 12531-1/2 FM 1764 – Santa Fe, TX 77510 Boats - Motorcycles - Jeeps - Pickups - Convertibles Automotive - Commercial - Marine - Residential Come see us for all your Upholstery Needs! Ask people why they have deer heads on their walls and they will tell you it’s because they’re such beautiful animals. I think my wife is beautiful, but I only have photographs of her on the wall. SAN ANTONIO An execution date of Oct. 27 has been set for a death row inmate convicted nine years ago of killing San Antonio Police Officer Hector Garza. Police officers Frank Martinez Garcia filled the magisJr. trate courtroom in the basement of the Bexar County Courthouse as state District Judge Melisa Skinner read the “order setting execution date” aloud to Frank Martinez Garcia Jr. Also in attendance was District Attorney Susan Reed, who served as lead prosecutor at his capital murder trial in 2002. Garcia, 38, remained on death row during the minutes-long hearing but followed the events via video conferencing equipment. Garza, 48, was shot and killed by Garcia on March 3, 2001, after responding to a domestic dispute on S. San Eduardo St. Two officers were initially called to the residence to stand guard while Garcia's wife removed her possessions from their house. Officers were called back a few minutes later for another disturbance involving Garcia and his wife. The two were arguing in a bedroom. Garcia had his back to Officer Garza while he attempted to separate the two. Garcia suddenly spun around and shot Officer Garza in the head with a Mac-10 semi-automatic handgun. Garcia then shot and killed his wife before chasing the woman's brother-inlaw. After running out of ammunition he went back into the home and got an AK47 and shot and wounded the brother-inlaw and then shot Officer Garza again as he lay on the ground. He was apprehended and charged with two counts of capital murder and three counts of attempted capital murder. He was convicted of the capital murder charges and sentenced to death. His mother was also charged in connection with starting the incident that led to the murders and sentenced to one year in prison. Officer Garza had been employed with the San Antonio Police Department for 25 years. nternational Tony’s Car Care nternational Car Care 409-763-1515 BACK IN Since 1994 BUSINESS 1328 Postoffice, Serving Galveston County Welcome all old and Galveston new customers! Serving Galveston Open Mon-Fri. 8 - 5:30 County pm Since 1994 1328 Postoffice, Galveston 409-763-1515 1328 Post Office St. Galveston TX 409-599-3463 TOM ESTEP Concealed Handgun Training Photos & Fingerprints included Ammo Available $95 All Inclusive www.tomestepshooting.com 281-455-0846 Page 10 - The Police News Truancy Guys..Cont. from page 2 a difference,” Barton said. “We give students resource manuals to get them help. If they need clothes, let’s go to Second Mile Mission or some of the other clothes outlets. Pregnant? Lamar CISD has a great program for students who are pregnant. They may not know about these resources.” The Truancy Guys work with Fort Bend ISD, Lamar CISD, Needville ISD, Stafford MSD, Brazos ISD, Katy ISD and the St. Laurence Catholic School system. Some of the school personnel they work with are Annette Henderson in Fort Bend ISD and Rhett Gray at Lamar CISD. Both target truancy issues for their respective districts. The deputies quite often partner with Juvenile Probation Officers to verify compliance with probation rules by conducting home checks, school checks or to find students who are “in the system” who aren’t in class when they’re supposed to be. They also make monthly presentations to first-time Juvenile misdemeanor offenders and their parents. Part of the school assembly’s educational process is showing a film produced by the deputies of what really happens to a juvenile if arrested in Fort Bend County. “We show that video and you can hear a pin drop,” Barton said. The deputies realize there’s a doubleedged sword in what they do. “Today, I am here to teach you, but if you choose to break the law I may be back to arrest you,” said Barton. “We tell them what will happen to them if they break the law. On the other hand, we want them to know that we care for them and we will do anything to protect them.” Ellis said they realize their work is important to the students, parents, and the school districts. “When you see those kids, you realize you may be the only positive influence they face in their lives,” Ellis said. “Everyone can remember the last exchange they had with a police officer. We have to give them a positive outlook, something that breathes hope and structure.” They make house calls, too. At the parents’ request in LCISD and Stafford MSD, they’ll visit a home, talk to students and parents, identify problems, offer advice, and make referrals to resources within the county. Ellis describes their efforts as planning. Mental Health Deputies Honored GALVESTON - The Gulf Coast Center recently honored the Mental Health Deputies of Galveston and Brazoria Counties Sheriff Departments for their outstanding dedication and service. Dawn Caron, Director of Crisis Services, Gulf Coast Center coordinated the event honoring the deputies. The Galveston County Sheriff’s Department, who implemented the first Mental Health Deputy Program in the United States, has been recognized nationally with the American Psychiatric Association Gold Award for Excellence. The Brazoria County Mental Health Deputy Program is the second such unit started in Texas. Mike Winburn, Executive Director of the Gulf Coast Center, stated “Our Mobile Crisis Outreach Team works in conjunction with these specially trained officers whose professional response to a person in crisis is critical to their safety. Mental Health Deputies are trained to stabilize the situation and transport individuals for screening, telemedicine services or to a hospital unit. This combined effort allows for the individual to receive treatment in the least restrictive environment.” In addition to the initial crisis response, the Mental Health Deputies must assess the individual to determine what level of care may be needed and then facilitate the appropriate clinical treatment. In addition to the initial crisis response, once the situation is stabilized the Mobile Crisis Outreach Team can provide follow up services up to 90 days to lessen the chance of future episodes. This includes scheduling outpatient appointments and referrals to community resources. Honorees included Capt. B.T. Joseph, Sgt. Kevin Walker, Investigator Chris Howell, Major Raymond Tuttoilmondo, Administrative Assistant Brenda Castro, Investigator Krystal Stinson, Deputy Sean Hodder, Deputy Ricco Velez, Sgt. Pat Matocha, Deputy Clinton Lobpries, Investigator Wayne Cook, Deputy Emily Hunt, and Mobile Crisis Outreach Team members Marvin Jackson, Shalis Gordon, Crystal “Chrissy” Carpenter, Shannon Griffin, Chrystal Nixon, Amanda Ripple, Patrice Johnson, MCOT nurse Myra Siversten, and Crisis Director Dawn Caron. “We give them a plan. If a kid starts making poor decisions, like truancy, the results begin to change and limits what they can do with their lives. We try to get them to look at it that way: A plan, not a threat.” McAfee is proud of the work the deputies take on and how they conduct themselves with students and teachers. “Can you tell we’ve got the right guys for the job?” When asked what motivates these deputies after numerous years on the job, Barton and Ellis simply point to a sign posted on their office wall that reads, “Somebody Needs You! On your worst day on the job, you are still some child’s best hope.” Bienvenidos a Henry's Salvadorian food, burgers, seafood and more! Daily Specials - Breakfast All Day Drive-Thru Window Service Open 6 am - 10 pm 2823 Broadway Galveston 10-years at the same location 409-765-8400 Frank's PAINT & BODY SHOP Complete Auto Body & Collision Repair Frame Repair - Custom Body & Paint Work We Do It All - Insurance Claims Welcome Free Estimates - All Work Guaranteed 2027 39th, Galveston 409-762-4106 The Police News - Page 11