May 2016 Grapevine - Christ Lutheran Church
May 2016 Grapevine - Christ Lutheran Church
A monthly newsletter of Christ Lutheran Church, Ferndale WA May 2016 I am the vine, you are the branches. - John 15:5 Confirmation—May 15 One Worship Service, 10:00 a.m. Eighth graders Maggie English, Reese Gillespie, Aedan Schapler, Zach Schroeder, and Lukas Wolter will affirm their baptism during the service of confirmation on Pentecost Sunday, May 15 at 10:00 a.m. These confirmands spent two years of classroom time learning about Lutheran Catechism and Lutheran Tradition, Biblical “ancestors”, Biblical stories and Biblical history, the Creed, discipleship, Jesus, other beliefs, and tough questions. During their third year of confirmation, they have worked with their confirmation mentors on service projects both inside and outside the church and discussed the five promises they will make on their confirmation day. They will present their service projects to their families and mentors at a dessert banquet the afternoon before they are confirmed. Confirmation on May 15 will be a joyful day! Please attend the 10:00 a.m. worship service where the confirmands will affirm their faith and receive special gifts from the congregation. Please stay after worship for the reception in the Fellowship Hall where the confirmands will have a display board with photos and memories of their life of faith. A basket for cards from members of the congregation will be located near each display. Star Park Our community is gaining a new park…and CLC has a chance to be a part of creating it! CLC members will volunteer Tuesday, May 31 in two shifts to help erect the playground on its first day of building. Please choose either the 12:30-5:00 p.m. shift (at least 5 slots available) or 5:30-9:00 p.m. shift (at least 20 slots available) on the sign-up sheet in the narthex. We also encourage you to purchase a CLC T-shirt for $7 (or borrow one from the pile) late this month so we can show our church’s support for this community project. All ages and abilities welcome! And please bring a friend! On page 3 of this newsletter check out the Tool List to fill out and turn into the city if you are able to loan tools for the project. Contact Pastor Jana or Michael Isensee ( for more info, or visit Sponsored by the Evangelism Committee. 2017: THE YEAR OF THE 50-500! What an opportunity to both honor our founders and embrace the future! Did you know? Next year marks CLC’s 50th year of ministry and the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Young and old, new and long-time members: If you have ideas for our year of celebration or if you’d like to help make plans, please contact Beth Andres ( or Nancy Tupper ( soon. This month we celebrate two important ministries at CLC: Confirmation and Stephen Ministry. On May 8 we are commissioning three new Stephen Ministers, and on May 22 we’ll hear a sermon from new Stephen Minister Shauna Torretta. On May 15 we’ll confirm five youth who will affirm their identity given to them in baptism: “Beloved child of God.” me. It is an honor to know that God has given me this task of ministering through my own trials and my own witness of daily grace and salvation. When I think of both of these ministries my first thought is about grace. The kids who will be confirmed on May 15 will be affirming the grace they received in their baptisms. They will say yes to living the rest of their lives in and through God’s grace. That doesn’t mean they have all the “answers” to questions of faith or are free from doubt, but it does mean that they promise to live in response to God’s unconditional and unmerited love. They will strive to lead Christ-like lives and be part of faith communities to be challenged and grow in grace through faith. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. 1 Peter 1:3-5 And when I think about Stephen Ministers, I see in them the embodiment of grace. They listen to, pray for and support many people in our congregation freely and without judgment. Their own life experiences have helped them understand their own need for grace, and they pass on to others the good news of Christ’s grace to heal and to restore. Let us pray. Lord, we thank you that you are always present in our lives. You have given us the knowledge that whatever we are asked to endure, you are there to light our paths. When everything around us seems dark and impossible we choose to seek your face and know that you are there to bring us through whatever pain we are experiencing. Be with all of us as we go out to minister to others and to tell them the good news. Last month Stephen Minister Renee Pfeiffer wrote and offered a powerful devotion about grace at a Stephen Ministry supervision meeting. I asked her permission to share it with you here: Have you gone through difficult circumstances and later realize, “Wow, I made it!” In the next thought it becomes very clear that it wasn’t “I” but God’s grace that brought me through it. Whether it be physical pain, grief, emotional or spiritual pain, my faith in God’s mercy and grace is like a light shining in the darkness. It doesn’t necessarily eliminate the experience but his light eliminates the fear and reminds me that God will guide me through it. Sometimes it comes in the form of family and friends giving of their time and support. Sometimes it comes in the form of words and sometimes when things seem totally overwhelming, you give in to his presence through faith and prayer. Our difficult experiences in life have given us all tools to be Stephen Ministers. Our experiences of grace have given us hope to share with others. We are God’s disciples here to witness and share his mercy and grace and unconditional love. It is humbling, to In Jesus name we pray, Amen. Renee, along with our other Stephen Ministers, marinate in Christ’s grace so that they can share that grace with you. Take advantage of the grace of prayer during the Stephen Ministry prayer station during worship on May 22. And may you sense the grace and peace of Christ that passes all understanding, 2 Pastor Jana We live in Christ, and share His love with all people. 3 We live in Christ, and share His love with all people. May Is Stephen Ministry Month at CLC What Is Stephen Ministry? A Stephen Minister is not: Stephen Ministry is grounded in Jesus’ command to love one another. Through one-to-one caring relationships, those who are hurting receive the love and care they need to support them. Is life more than you can handle alone right now? Are your health, your attitude, or your relationships suffering? Are you adjusting to a new job, a change in marital status a serious illness, the death of a loved one, a recent move? A counselor or therapist; A problem solver; A casual visitor. Stephen Ministry helps meet the needs of individuals who are: Would you like to have someone in your life who really cares? Everyone goes through difficult times. Having someone to care, to listen, to share God's love with you can help you get through the confusion, stress, or loneliness you may be experiencing. Stephen Ministers Are Called to Be Caregivers Hospitalized; Terminally ill; Bereaved; In a job crisis; New members of the church; Disabled; Homebound; In a spiritual crisis Looking for a caring Christian friend. How Does the Referral Process Work? Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you fulfill the law of Christ. ~ Galatians 6:2; A person—either you, a relative or a friend— is hurting and in need of Christian care. The Stephen Leaders learn about this need for care from the pastor, the person, or a friend— always with the person’s permission. Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you. ~ Psalm 55:22a; A Stephen Leader meets with the person to talk about Stephen Ministry. Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. ~ Matthew 11:28 With the person’s permission, the Stephen Leader assigns a Stephen Minister to meet on a weekly basis with the person. The Stephen Minister continues to provide distinctively Christian care for the person in strict confidentiality. Encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:14b God Is the Cure Giver Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. ~ 1 Peter 5:7 What Is a Stephen Minister? A Stephen Minister is: A child of God who walks beside a hurting person; A caring Christian friend who really listens; A lay person who has received 50 hours of training in how to provide distinctively Christian care. Consider allowing a Stephen Minister to walk with you on your journey to wholeness. Contact Stephen Leaders Victoria Baum, Linda Osgood or Pastor Jana for more information. 4 We live in Christ, and share His love with all people. Make Your Momma Proud! Bible Conversations Contribute to the CLC Blood Drive This group will meet Mondays May 2 and 16, 7:00–8:30 p.m. at home of Gary and Carolyn Jonson, 5997 Malloy Ave. Wouldn't your mom be proud if you stepped forward to give a pint of blood? You will have that opportunity soon. We have 27 generous souls who have committed to giving their time to donate blood. Bible Conversations this year is focusing on Sunday mornings’ second lesson texts in year C of lectionary. Now we will be calling Sasha Seiden, donor source representative from Bloodworks Northwest, and set the date for them to send the bloodmobile to our parking lot. How's that for convenient? Articles from current issues of The Lutheran also provide topics for discussion. Come and join the discussion! Did you know, a person having open heart surgery can use 50 pints of blood? You can see why there is a constant shortage of blood. Your blood is always needed! For information contact Carolyn at 384-1126. The ball is rolling and picking up speed. So jump in with us and contact CLC Parish Administrator Sam Blanton to add your name to the list (360-384-1422 or Silent Auction Make your momma proud, Dave Schlack and Dave Magelssen Who: Everybody, so invite a friend! Where: Christ Lutheran Fellowship Hall When: June 12, following 10:00 a.m. service Why: Fundraiser for Kids For Christ youth group activities, such as the National Youth Gathering in Detroit Sing to the Lord a New Song! Hey! Do you like to sing in church? Would you like to try singing or playing an instrument in the worship band? Possible Auction Items: Good Burger, Claire’s, Mugshots, Dairy Queen, El Nopal, Haggen, baked goods, our very own Kids For Christ members, and so much more! The band now meets every Sunday after the 11:15 a.m. service in the sanctuary for rehearsal for the following Sunday. We would love to see you just show up at rehearsal! Cash, checks and credit cards accepted! For more information call or text Contemporary Music Director Matt Springer at 360-319-4496 or email him at Free Fellowship Events Mark your calendars for these events. All Are Welcome! World Hunger An offering for World Hunger was collected on Easter Sunday in the amount of $691.75. Thank you for sending this tangible, life-giving gift to the far corners of our world. What a glorious way to celebrate Easter! 5 May 8 - Mother's Day Brunch Bring mom for quiche, fruit and muffins. May 15 - Confirmation Sunday A reception celebrating the confirmation of Reese Gillespie, Maggie English, Zach Schroeder, Lukas Wolter, and Aedan Schapler will be held in the Fellowship Hall where we will be serving cake along with cookies, fruit, and beverages. We live in Christ, and share His love with all people. Greetings from the Preschool I am hoping that sometime in the month of April you were able to view the video/slide show about the Preschool that was shown at the Sunday morning worship services. Because the Preschool does all its work during the week, many in the church are unaware of all that happens on a day to day basis. It was the Preschool’s desire that the video/slide show would give you a bit of insight and appreciation for this ministry and its importance in the lives of the children and families it serves. If you didn’t get a chance to see it other opportunities will be available in the future. Special thanks to Gary Jonson for sharing his gifts and talents with the children in the design and construction of bird houses. Sunday Adult Education Opportunities Join the adult education class weekly, Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m. in the conference/cry room. All are welcome. April 24 & May 1—Spirituality vs Religion: How Are they Different? How Are They the Same? The previous session was about how spirituality can be helpful in our day to day lives and how it differs from religion. Our next class will be about how a myriad of religious resources that can enhance our personal lives. May 8—ELCA votes - A time for conversation and prayer around our role as U.S. residents and as people of faith in ensuring our election systems promote dignity and respect for all. May 15— No Adult Class May 22— Mental Illness: Connecting to God's love. How one can journey through mental illness to faith, with real life examples. May 29— No Adult Class June 5— Synod Assembly report Ride Share Helping him were a variety of others from CLC along with a few dads from the preschool. The children truly enjoyed working with wood, nails, and hammers (with no bruised fingers) and doing something kind for their feathered friends. May marks the last month of the preschool year and lots of exciting things are planned: Mother’s Teas, a trip to the Fire Station, Bike Day Carnival, Summer Birthday Celebrations, All School Picnic at BP Park, and of course graduation. 36 of our children will be moving on to Kindergarten next year; very exciting! Registration still remains open for the 2016-17 school year afternoon classes—Tues, Wed. and Thurs., 12:45–3:15 p.m. for ages 3–5. Please direct people to our web site for more information, With joy, CLC Preschool Director Liza Okan Don't let lack of transportation prevent someone from attending church, classes and other opportunities at Christ Lutheran Church. A list of volunteers is being put together to make sure that everyone can participate in the faith life at Christ Lutheran. Please contact Jan or Dave Schlack at 360-221-4004 or if you are in need of a ride, or to volunteer. The Ferndale Food Bank Please remember our neighbors when you shop at the grocery store and include a few items for the food bank. The need is great and the donations are greatly appreciated! Thank you for caring. Also, the Ferndale Food Bank needs empty egg cartons in order to distribute the eggs they receive or purchase. Just leave them in the bin in the hall. Thank you. 6 We live in Christ, and share His love with all people. The Other Bank News Handicapped Parking The number of families coming for help has been growing. In the past few months we have been helping an average of 75 families made up of 236 children and their parents, 369 people in all. Since some people come every other month, the total number is actually larger than this. All your donations of detergent, dish soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste and much more, make a real difference in how much we have to give to theses families. They all express their thanks. Thank you for all the ways you show the love of Christ to the Ferndale Community!. There are six handicapped parking spaces in our CLC parking area. Two are immediately outside the Narthex doors, two are at the end of the sidewalk outside the education wing, and two are in the middle lot between Pastor Jana’s office and the storage shed. All six spaces are identified with signage for handicapped parking. Thank you for leaving these spaces open for those with handicapped insignia on their vehicles. It is so exciting for people to come in and find clothes for their growing children, or towels or bedding in the clothing bank. However, we are getting low on funds to keep the Other Bank stocked through the end of this school year. Please Keep in Prayer Please continue to hold these individuals and their families in your daily prayers: It was also good to see some of you at the Open House. You were able to see the Clothing Bank and the small closet packed with OB supplies for distribution. Currently the Ferndale School District reports that 46.45% of students qualify reduced lunch. None of the food stamp dollars (now called SNAP) can be used for hygiene and cleaning supplies. The loved ones of Ted Blakeslee and Esme Wormald; Scott, Jenica, Neil, Mike, Jerry, Judy, Ruth, Calvin, Pavel, Jake, Becky, Dick, Cameo, Karen, Sophia, Joe, Suzanne, Ron, Betty, Darryl, Darryl Paul, Kristen, Kim, Jeff, Jennifer, Meagan, Jen, Rich, Margaret, Alison, Rich, Priscilla, Connie, Jan, Gael, Autumn, Tom, Yvonne, Marlene, Jerika, Jen, Kathie, Madeline, Charles, Kathleen, Bruce, Jon, Betty Ann, Miranda, Deb, Ralph, Carolyn, Amanda, Curtis, Dave, Carol, Logan, Lisa, Kevin; Those who travel; Ray, Kathleen, Nancy, and all who are homebound, or in nursing homes and assisted living facilities; Melissa, Robert, David, Scott, Thomas, Joshua, Rick, and all who are serving in the military; Those struggling with addictions and illnesses affecting the mind and spirit; Those struggling with deteriorating health. May 22 is Other Bank (OB) Sunday. We will hear that morning during worship services about the vital and compassionate work being done at the Other Bank, and a designated offering to support the ministry will be received. You can donate items to the Other Bank and the Clothing Bank by placing items in the bin to the left, just inside the church entrance. Items may also be or delivered directly to the Ferndale Resource Center at 2nd and Vista from 9:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m. Monday–Friday. For more information or to assist with the Other Bank Contact Louisa Underwood at 7 We live in Christ, and share His love with all people. Retreat Day for Women at CLC Synod Assembly Saturday, May 14, 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. "Centering on Christ" will be the theme we explore in private reflection, group sharing, walking the labyrinth, learning about mandalas and more. Lunch will be provided. Consider bringing a friend to spend this last day of the Easter Season on the eve of Pentecost. On May 20 and 21, CLC Synod Assembly voting members Pastor Jana Schofield, April Boyden, Scott Boyden, Kaleb Ode, and Jonathan Osgood will meet in Everett with other ELCA church leaders from our synod under the theme “GLOCAL.” Deaconess April Boyden will facilitate this event brought to you by the Evangelism Committee. April is a Lutheran Deaconess and Certified Spiritual Director and currently serves as a Hospital Chaplain. She has been leading retreats and facilitating support groups for more than 20 years. GLOCAL takes the best of what we have learned from our Global Missions ministries and applies those same principles of companionship and accompaniment to our local ministries. A $10 donation is suggested to assist in covering supplies. (All women are welcome, don’t let money be an obstacle). Our keynote speaker (and Churchwide Representative) will be Sunitha Mortha, Mission Formation Director from the ELCA Global Mission Unit. Through her presentations and a variety of workshops led by members of her GLOCAL Team and local leaders, we will ponder how we engage those around us. The workshops will provide concrete examples of how our congregations can meet our neighbors and join in God’s work already taking place in the neighborhood. Sign up in the narthex at Christ Lutheran, or call to reserve a space: 360-384-1422 Do You Enjoy the Labyrinth? Do you find yourself longing to learn more or wanting to share the labyrinth with others? Then our Labyrinth Ministry Team Needs YOU! We will also tend to the business of the synod: receive reports, elect new synod council members, vote on constitutional changes and proposed resolutions, celebrate ministry anniversaries, and join in vibrant worship together. Come to the adult education class on Sunday, June 5 at 10:15 a.m. to hear about our voting members’ experiences at Synod Assembly! We are looking for people who love walking the labyrinth in prayer to help facilitate walks, promote the use of the labyrinth, and pray for those who come to walk the labyrinth. Training provided. Labyrinth events and frequency of meetings to be determined by the group; any availability and interest welcome. Some funds available to send committed persons to labyrinth facilitator training. For more information, contact 8 We live in Christ, and share His love with all people. Ferndale Community Meal Save These 2016 Dates May 15—Confirmation Sunday Thank you for your continued, generous support of the Ferndale Community Meal; we really could not do it without you! The designated offering in March totaled $485. The next designated offering will be received May 8 at both worship services. June 12—Youth Sunday The FCM served 127 guests at the two meals in March. Ham, donated by Hempler's, was served at the delicious Easter meal. The meals are always well planned and nutritious and served by happy volunteers. On April 9, a Cub Scout troop joined us to help serve and did a fantastic job! June 26–July 1 One worship service at 10:00 a.m. One worship service at 10:00 a.m. beginning for the summer Confirmation Camp at Lutherwood July 25–29 Vacation Bible School for preschool through sixth grade at CLC August 6 Ferndale Uncorked Fundraiser for Interfaith Coalition’s Our House in Ferndale The next meals will be at 10:00 a.m. on May 14 and 28 at United Church in Ferndale. If you would like to join the fun and volunteer to help, contact the FCM Coordinator, Joanne Flores at or 398-3409. September 11 God's Work, Our Hands Sunday Easter and Pentecost Worship Crafty Ladies This month we worship Jesus and spread Christ’s love with these special emphases: The “Crafty Ladies” will meet May 21, 9:00 a.m.–12:00 noon, at the Correll Park Club House. May 1—The Sixth Sunday of Easter Dedication of quilts for Lutheran World Relief All are invited, even if you don't have a craft to work on. The conversation is always lively and fun! This is a good way for new members of the church to get acquainted with a great group of ladies. May 8—The Seventh Sunday of Easter Commissioning of new Stephen Ministers Community Meal offering May 15—Pentecost Confirmation ONE SERVICE AT 10:00 a.m. Call Carol Gahm, 312-0267, for more information or directions. May 22—Holy Trinity Sunday Shauna Torretta preaching Other Bank special offering May 29—The Second Sunday of Pentecost Noisy Offering collected Children’s Communion Instruction June 12—Youth Sunday We transition to one worship service at 10:00 a.m. for the summer—through Labor Day. Has your child received instruction in Holy Communion? If your child/grandchild can read and is ready, please contact Pastor Jana for an individual one-on-one instruction about Holy Communion in your home or at church during the Easter season which ends May 14. 9 The Vision of the KFC KIDS at CLC To build disciples of strong faith to go out together in the world and do God’s work. Kids For Christ Youth Leader of the Month KFC will not be slowing down during the last six weeks of the 2015–2016 school year. Here is what you can expect: Kaleb Ode (a.k.a. Tabasco) is the youth leader of the month for May. Here are some things you might not know about him. May 1: High school KFC Sister: Lauren Ode May 6–7: Whatcom GO! Night Birthday: March 23 May 15: Middle school KFC Favorite Color: Orange May 22: All-you-can-eat at Dairy Queen June 11: Silent Auction set-up Favorite Bible Story: Matthew 13, The parable of the sower. Ask him about his part in the Godspell production of this parable. June 12: Silent Auction Confirmation Verse: Colossians 3:23 Quidditch Position: Chaser, sometimes seeker Everyone is looking forward to Whatcom GO! Night. We will come together in fellowship, worship and fun with other congregations within Whatcom County. We start at Lutherwood playing games, eating pizza and worshiping. Then we will go to the Trampoline Zone followed by swimming at Arne Hannah Aquatic Center. We will finish off the night back at Christ Lutheran Church with more games, activities, movies, and breakfast. Kaleb (or Tabasco as he is affectionately called at Camp Lutherwood) has been a great addition to the CLC staff and especially our youth program as the assistant to the youth minister. Kaleb has been our drummer in the worship band for the last couple years, and has been drumming since he was in the fifth grade. The Silent Auction will be returning this year: Sunday, June 12 after the 10:00 a.m. service, followed by brunch. Kaleb is a chaser on his Quidditch team, which recently made it to the Quidditch World Cup in South Carolina, April 16–17. Youth Minister Ashley Linn He recently graduated from Western Washington University with degrees in Recreation and Business Administration with an emphasis in marketing. He is an outstanding counselor at Lutherwood where he has been for the past five summers, and is now on staff there year-round. Kaleb is a confident, God-driven young man who is an excellent male role model for all the youth. Kaleb lives out his faith in everything he does, and isn't afraid to show it. He is pretty much a Kid himself and the youth enjoy his boisterous personality and fearlessness. Thanks, Kaleb—you’re awesome! 2015 Whatcom GO! Night 10 The Vision of the Youth and Confirmation Ministries at CLC To support youth and families, to hear and share stories of faith from the Bible and one another so that they live with faith and trust in God. Youth Sunday School Service Project Update News Update The Sunday School students and teachers would like to thank the congregation for helping with our Lenten service project. Here is the Sunday School schedule for the remainder of the school year: May 1, 8, 22: Sunday School May 15, 29: NO Sunday School (Confirmation and Memorial Day) June 5: Last day of Sunday School June 12: Youth Sunday Members of the congregation were given a Bible verse based on peace for each day of Lent and every Sunday and Wednesday there were ideas to put coins in the peace boxes: God is our strength. Put a coin in your Peace Box for every bottle of glue and glue stick in your home. God unites and ties us together. Put a coin in your Peace Box for every pair of shoelaces in your house. You helped raise $395.01 to help support Mine Detection Dogs. Youth Sunday is coming soon: June 12. This is a time to recognize the Sunday School students, teachers, secret saints and helpers. The Kids will take over the service serving as ushers, greeters, communion assistants, and readers. Students are choosing how they would like to participate during the service on June 12. These dogs are trained to sniff out landmines in war-torn countries, which could otherwise be used to kill or injure innocent people. For the first time in history more land mines are coming out of the ground than are going in. Each class will also choose a song they wish to be sung during the Youth Sunday worship service. The service will begin at 10:00 a.m., but we ask that the students arrive at 9:30 a.m., especially the ushers and greeters. Christ Lutheran Sunday School teachers Following the Youth Sunday church service there will be a brunch hosted by the Fellowship Committee, and the annual silent auction, both in the Fellowship Hall. Proceeds from the auction will help fund events for our youth program. Lutherwood/Confirmation Camp! June 26–July 1, 2016 Spend a week at Camp Lutherwood with Pastor Jana and Ashley growing deeper in faith and having a blast at camp! Sunday School Superintendent Ashley Linn Camp Lutherwood on Lake Samish is just a 30 minute drive from Ferndale but a world away for kids to experience fun adventure and growth in their faith. Kids For Christ Is Selling $12 cookie dough April 24–May 8 Here are the flavors you can choose from: Pastor Jana will serve as the Camp Lutherwood Resource Pastor and Youth Minister Ashley Linn will attend camp and lead sessions for our confirmation students. We invite kids first grade through high school to sign -up for that week of camp. See for information and to register. Contact Ashley for information on using fundraising dollars. Chocolate Chip Candy with mini M&M bits Oatmeal raisin White chocolate mac nut Snicker doodle Contact Ashley to order yours. 11 The Vision of the Youth and Confirmation Ministries at CLC To support youth and families, to hear and share stories of faith from the Bible and one another so that they live with faith and trust in God. New Sunday School Format: Rotation Faith Formation The Sunday School teachers are proud and excited to announce a new Sunday School format this fall. We will still be using the Spark curriculum, but with a twist. The Sunday School kids will spend three weeks going in depth with each story using various rotations: Art Bible Skills Science Games Computer Lab Video Creative Drama The structure will look different than it does currently. Preschool–sixth graders (with the high schoolers as helpers) will meet in Teacher Tammy’s preschool room for the first ten minutes of class every Sunday where they will hear the story, sing songs, pray, give their offering and relate their own lives to the story we’re talking about. The Confirmands will join us occasionally, but will be in their confirmation classroom for the majority of the time. Then, the Shepherds will take their classes to begin the second and third portions of the hour. The flock breakdown is as follows: preschool–kindergarten, lower elementary (first–third), and upper elementary (fourth–sixth). The confirmands and high schoolers will have their own classes. Each Sunday we will have two different rotations; students will spend roughly twenty minutes in each rotation and then switch to the second. Teachers will only be teaching one of the rotations of the two twenty-minute blocks. For example, if Joe is the teacher for games and Judy is the teacher for computer lab one Sunday, Joe could have the lower elementary students first to play games with while Judy has the upper elementary for computer lab (both based on the current story). Then at the twenty minute mark the students would switch classes and the upper elementary would be with Joe for games and lower elementary with Judy for computer lab. Help Wanted: With this new format, we will still need teachers (shepherds) for the 2016–2017 school year, but they will get to choose which rotation they would like to do. Therefore, if they would like to lead games for each unit, the teachers will only have to teach every third Sunday School day. If you would like to teach, please contact Ashley, with the rotation you are interested in teaching, or if you would rather teach each week for a three week unit. Facebook: Ashley Linn KidsForChrist, Text: 360-393-6653 VBS Preschool: $20/week Vacation Bible School Is Coming July 25-29, 2016 (four- and five-year-olds) "Seasons of Love" will be the theme for this week of Bible lessons, crafts, games, and daily fun! VBS Day Camp: $40/week (entering first through sixth grades) Counselors from Camp Lutherwood will be our leaders, but we need other volunteers! $75 maximum/family for the week Please contact Janet at to help with outreach, snack, daily clean-up, hospitality, or daily check-in. The registration form is available at along with information about where to send the completed form (one per child) and your payment. 12 Christ Lutheran Church Council Meeting—April 12, 2016 Unofficial Minutes; amended to fit available space Members Present: . On the Table—requested by Scott: Members Absent: Consent Agenda, Minutes and Treasurer’s Report: Community Requests: Pastor's Report: Preschool Name: Committee Minutes: Online/Electronic Giving: Child care provider job description: 13 Christ Lutheran Church Council Meeting—April 12, 2016 Unofficial Minutes; amended to fit available space ELCA grant proposal: Columbarium: Rules and Regulations: Three-volley salute policy: Labyrinth request: Committee to approve Three-Volley-Salute Policy: Synod Assembly Young Adult Rep replacement: Council goals: Physical Growth: Vision and Strategic Focus for 2014–19 Grow Disciples date and extended appreciation to this subcommittee. Spiritual Growth: Increase Spiritual Landscape Dion memorial funds: Expand Boundaries collar has been coopted by neo-Nazi group. Scott 14 Council Corner Next Executive Committee Meeting: May 3, 6:30 p.m. Next Council Meeting: May 10, 6:30 p.m. PLANNING OUR FUTURE AS A FAMILY It seems we “newbies” are settling in on the council and things are beginning to make sense. Our council discussions remind me of my home family planning for the future. Questions come up. What do we want to do? How do we want to do it? How will we pay for it? How important is it? How will what we do improve our lives and/or the lives of others? Our challenges are also your challenges. We all need to be part of how we move forward, determine community needs, and process various viewpoints. We will wrestle with difficult questions of how to accomplish what we envision for the coming years. Over the next few months we will be asking you, each other and God for support and understanding as we determine our future direction. Our church council is asking the same questions on a different scale. We have taken our direction from the CLC Learning Team’s report. It is clear that we have three main areas of consideration, which will focus our prayers, thoughts and time over the coming years. Council president Beth Andres explained in the March Newsletter that we are focusing on three main things; People Outreach, Building Improvements, and celebration of the 50th anniversary of CLC and the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Spring feels like new beginnings with wonders to come. Here we are, as a congregation. Our spring has arrived. We are thinking, processing, growing and preparing. We will all share in how we will continue to develop our dynamic church. We are not just a building with a name and a street address and seats for Sunday morning. We are active, amazing people with so much to contribute to God, our community, and one another. It is a wonderful thing to be part of such important work and such wonderful people. Shifting these three areas of focus from a plan to a “do” is largely what we council members are focusing on. We are trying to clarify, and find consensus for clear meaningful plans of action. We wish to be fiscally responsible, while visioning a future that allows for growth and celebration of who we are as a church family, and community members. We also seek to provide a positive spiritual community for all ages in which we demonstrate love and peace in a world filled with conflicts and challenges. Mary Kanikeberg Fellowship Committee council representative Send your suggestions for Council Corner topics to or talk to Vice President, Dave Magelssen. Contact Your Council Representatives *Council President Beth Andres Evangelism Committee Carolyn Jonson Social Concerns Committee Dave Schlack *Council Vice President Dave Magelssen Fellowship Committee Mary Kanikeberg Stewardship Committee Kevin Wolter *Council Secretary Nancy Tupper Parish Education Committee Janet Wilhoite Worship & Music Committee Erin Carampot *Church Treasurer Bruce Mathias Preschool Committee Scott Boyden Youth Committee George Holmes *Executive Committee (plus the pastor) Property Management Committee Pat Kuehnel 15 Is There Life After Death? by the Rev. Kirby Unti, Bishop NWWA Synod As printed in the May 2016 edition of The Spirit. The Spirit, a publication of the Northwest Washington Synod of the ELCA, is intended for members of synod congregations and organizations. Follow this LINK for a full PDF version of The Spirit. One of the questions that I assume many pastors are asked is, “Do you believe in life after death?” I just recently had this conversation with a woman whose husband, Andy, I buried at age 50. It has always been important for me as both person and pastor to be honest about what I believe and not to give out “pat” pastoral responses. The truth is I don’t know if there is life after death and I won’t know until I die. All I can go on are some clues that I have observed while living on this side of death. Death has been one of my greatest teachers, as I have been privileged to be with many people as they are dying and breathing their last breath. It has often amazed me how many people go through a stage of dying where they are talking out loud to relatives that have gone before them. I experienced this with both my father and my mother. It appeared as if my father was working overtime to wrap up some unfinished business before he died. On several occasions he would say, “I am not done yet.” Such occasions may well be a clue that a person has one foot in this life and one foot in whatever is to come. Likewise, I have had several occasions to talk to people who have had near-death experiences. Their stories are indeed quite compelling. What has amazed me the most is the reassurance such folk have in facing death when it comes. Perhaps the greatest clue for me about life after death is the joy of holding a new born baby in my arms. I know of no experience that equals this in magnitude. Holding one who has spent nine months being molded into a breathing, living, crying, and gurgling human being speaks to me of a creative force that is beyond my imagination. I remember how wowed I was in kindergarten when the seed that I planted in a Styrofoam cup of dirt turned into a bean sprout. Bean sprouts are pretty impressive—but come on, a baby? My reasoning goes like this, “Whatever force is behind the creation of a baby surely has the capacity when death comes to create new life.” The force for me is the God I have come to know as the Life Giver in so many facets of my life. I must add that May is my month to believe in the power of life. It is the month that restores my soul after a long, dark, cold and very wet winter. Winter is when everything dies for me and I have to fight extra hard against the darkness. May is life in full bloom. The yard is still green, the rhododendrons are in all of their glory and the trees are thick in leaves, needles and green. Death and life are baked into all of the creation giving me great cause to believe that, when death comes, [I should] be prepared for the likelihood that life will follow. I loved Andy in life and there is nothing more that I want for my friend Cheryl, than to see him again. Will it happen? I don’t know. This is what faith is all about for me - trusting the clues that God provides along the way. I do know this about the death of my own parents: if I never see them again I will not mourn because they gave to me in this lifetime enough blessing to last the all of my life. NW WA Synod, ELCA, M–F, 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. 5519 Phinney Ave. North, Seattle, WA 98103-5829 Phone: 206-783-9292; Toll free: 844-597-0452; Fax 206-783-9833; Synod Staff Rev. Kirby Unti, bishop Rev. Nancy Winder, assistant to the bishop Rev. Kathryn Buffum, assistant to the bishop Rev. Jerry Buss, assistant to the bishop Stay in touch and in the know! Synod Website Calendar Do you receive the Weekly Update eNews? and director for evangelical mission Margaret Spatafore, synod office administrator Susan Berg, synod relations administrator 16 We live in Christ, and share His love with all people. Faith and Everyday Life Playing Games The thunder rolled across the sky. “I’m scared, Mommy!” “It’s OK, ‘tis only the angels bowling.” Bowling? Does God have time for games? Maybe the Bible stories are too sacred to utilize for humor? Should we be seriously serious whenever we approach the words that convey the gift of life? In a world that is crazy; where some have little to eat, others are homeless, wars are constant, and despair is the menu for the news, is there time to play? For the Christian, is having time for play even an option? Or, is it possible that the “words of life” are also meant to tickle our funny bones, engender a deep belly laugh, or bring about that joyous contagion that only Play, in all its aspects, can bring? Q. What excuse did Adam give to his children as to why he no longer lived in Eden? A: Your mother ate us out of house and home. Can you imagine Jesus with a smile on his face? We can imagine Moses angry, afraid, or triumphant. How about smiling? Do you suppose God chuckled when the people at Babel tried to communicate? Or how do you think God reacted when David danced so exuberantly around the Ark of the Covenant that his short ephod flew up and revealed his nakedness? I can’t help but give thanks that the God I know smiles, laughs, dances, plays games, and deeply encourages us to find the time to Play with each other and with him. Do you suppose that God plays with you, too? Stay alert! Q: Why didn’t they play cards on the Ark? A: Because Noah was standing on the deck. (Groan. . .) Lutheran Counseling Network May Youth Birthdays Lutheran Network Counselors available in Bellingham Melanie Springer Cool, MA, LMHC Positive Psychology Counselor Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, 2600 Lakeway Drive; 360-715-2166, ext. 2 May 6—Elena W. May 27—Lucy N. May 14—Chloe H. May 28—Noah G. May the Lord bless and keep you another year through!!! Margaret Mary Pierce, MA, LMHCA Therapy for Individuals and Couples, Spiritual Direction Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, 1720 Harris Avenue; 360-927-6753 17 We live in Christ, and share His love with all people. Sunday Monday 1 Quilt Dedication 10:00 AM Coffee Hour 10:15 AM Sunday School (Preschool through adult) 11:15 AM Contemporary Worship 12:30 PM Worship Band Rehearsal 6:00 PM KFC—Middle school Wednesday 2 Pr. Jana's Day Off 9:00 AM Traditional Worship Mothers' Day Tuesday 3 9:30 AM Stephen Minister Training 11:30 AM Preschool Mothers' Tea 12:30 PM Quilters 7:00 PM PEP (Preschool Event Planners) Meeting 7:00 PM Bible Conversations at the Jonson’s Thursday 4 9:00 AM Bulletin Announcements Deadline 11:30 AM Preschool Mothers' Tea 2:45 PM Preschool Mothers' Tea 6:30 PM Property Management Committee Meeting 6:30 PM Executive Committee Meeting Friday 5 5:30 PM Worship and Music Committee Meeting Saturday 6 7 Office Closed 9:30 AM Stephen Minister Training 2:00–4:00 PM Youth Minister Office Hours 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Ferndale Community Meal Committee Meeting (UCF) 8 9 Pr. Jana's Day Off Community Meal Offering New Stephen Ministers Commissioned 9:00 AM Traditional Worship 10:00 AM Mother's Day Brunch 10:15 AM Sunday School (Preschool through adult) 11:15 AM Contemporary Worship 12:30 PM Worship Band Rehearsal 6:00 PM KFC—High school Pentecost 6:30 PM Council Meeting 12:30 PM Quilters Preschool Classes Monday–Friday 9:30 AM–12:15 PM & 1:00–3:15 PM (No afternoon classes on Monday or Fridays) 15 16 NO Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship (One service for Confirmation) 11:00 AM Reception for Confirmands 11:30 PM Worship Band Rehearsal 6:00 PM KFC—Middle school 9:00 AM Newsletter Submissions Due 12:30 PM Quilters 7:00 PM Bible Conversations at the Jonson’s 22 9:00 AM Traditional Worship 10:00 AM Coffee Hour Office Hours Monday–Thursday 8:30–11:30 AM & noon–3:00 PM (Closed 11:30 AM to noon for lunch) 23 Pr. Jana's Day Off Other Bank Designated Offering 18 11:15 AM Contemporary Worship 12:30 PM Worship Band Rehearsal 13 Office Closed 14 9:00 AM Women's Retreat— Centering on Christ 10:00 AM Ferndale Community Meal Served 3:00 PM Dessert Banquet— Confirmands and families (CLC Fellowship Hall) 19 6:30 PM Preschool Committee Meeting 20 Office Closed 21 9:00 AM Craft Group Synod Assembly 25 9:00 AM Bulletin Announcements Deadline 2:00–4:00 PM Youth Minister Office Hours 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 10:15 AM Sunday School (Preschool through adult) 12 6:30 PM Evangelism Committee Meeting 9:00 AM Bulletin Announcements Deadline 2:00–4:00 PM Youth Minister Office Hours 4:00 PM Quarterly Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 24 Last Day of Preschool Classes 12:30 PM Quilters 11 9:00 AM Bulletin Announcements Deadline 11:00 AM Pastor and Youth Minister Meeting 2:00–4:00 PM Youth Minister Office Hours 6:30 PM Youth Committee Meeting 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 17 Pr. Jana's Day Off Confirmation Sunday Holy Trinity Sunday 10 5:30 PM Council At the Table Dinner 26 Pastor Jana at Synod Candidacy Committee (Seattle) 7:00 PM Preschool Graduation (Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall) 27 Office Closed 11:00 AM Preschool Year-End Picnic 28 10:00 AM Community Meal Served 6:00 PM KFC—High school NO Sunday School Noisy Offering 9:00 AM Traditional Worship 10:00 AM Coffee Hour 11:15 AM Contemporary Worship 12:30 PM Worship Band Rehearsal 6:00 PM KFC—Middle school 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 Pr. Jana's Day Off April 2016 Memorial Day: Office Closed 12:30 PM Quilters A 12 month calendar is available at 18 We live in Christ, and share His love with all people. Celebrating 125 Years New QR for CLC It stands for Quick Response Code, which is exactly what your hand held electronic device does when you scan it. 1891–2016, Immanuel Lutheran Church 5782 Lawrence Rd, Everson 2016 marks 125 years of ministry for Immanuel Lutheran Church in Eastern Whatcom County. Many members of CLC are part of that history. As such you are invited to gather with Immanuel and others who are part of their history the weekend of July 30 and 31, 2016 under the theme Written into what looks like a very pixelated graphic, are actually those ones and zeros that all computers read. Following a confusing pattern, your computer reads the ones and zeros and deciphers what is “written” in the QR Code. God With Us for 125 Years Gathering to: The CLC QR directs your web browser to the church website: Give it a try. Honor the Past Celebrate the Present Discover God’s Future Saturday, July 30—“Family Reunion” Food and refreshments will begin at 4:00 p.m. followed by a banquet in the early evening. Opportunities for conversation with past members and former pastors will take place, memories will be made and shared, music sing, pictures taken, bellies filled and laughter heard inside and outside the church. Save Your Change The next Noisy Offering will be graciously received during both worship services on May 29. Let's “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord" when our CLC children come around during the Children’s Moment with their cans. Sunday, July 31—“Worship Celebration” At 10:00 a.m. followed by cake and refreshments. Rev. Kirby Unti, bishop of the NW Washington Synod of the ELCA will preach, pastors will vest and process, an alumni choir will sing, and praise and thanks to God will be spoken, sung and heard. Please mark your calendar now and plan on joining the celebration of this time in history and ministry of Immanuel Lutheran Church. Please leave a message with the Immanuel Church office (360-952-5876 or if: The deadline for submissions to an upcoming edition of the Grapevine is 9:00 a.m. on the 15th of the preceding month. You wish to RSVP for this event To be in the Alumni Choir. Practices are Saturday 3:00 p.m. and Sunday 9:15 a.m., Music can be sent to you ahead of time; You are clergy attending; You have any questions. Email items you would like included to or leave a copy on the desk in the church office. Add your shared memories to the 125th Anniversary page on the Immanuel website: 19 Individual articles exceeding 1/4 page (Arial, 11pt) may be edited to fit available space. Christ Lutheran Church, ELCA 5904 Vista Drive, P.O. Box 845 Ferndale, WA 98248 Office Hours Monday–Thursday (closed Fridays) 8:30–11:30 a.m. & noon–3:00 p.m. Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. September –May 10:00 a.m. June–Labor day Children (infant–six years) are welcome at any time in the cry room during worship. Our childcare providers will nurture and care for them, at no charge. Contact Us Church: 360-384-1422 Preschool: 360-380-2233 Fax: 925-480-5594 Our Staff Pastor Rev. Jana Schofield Youth Minister Ashley Linn Preschool Director Liza Okan Parish Administrator Sam Blanton Preschool Teachers Cheryl Johnson Lavonne Eggink Preschool Teachers’ Assistant Assistant to the Youth Minister Kaleb Ode Inside this edition Silent Auction Custodian Letha Nungesser Planning for CLC’s Future Choir Director Rachel Wulff Women’s Retreat Pr. Jana’s thoughts on Grace Contemporary Music Director Matt Springer Organists Sue Gault Carolyn Jonson Bishop Unti’s thoughts on Life After Death 20
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