Christophe Hutin Architecture
Christophe Hutin Architecture
Christophe Hutin Architecture Building freely « What Christophe tells us is that, today’s architecture has a main problem, a problem of fondations, a problem with its goals and its own production. Its goals, because one can realize that architecture has forgotten that it should take care of the very poor first, because their living conditions are intolerable. Especially because we obviously have the technical means to solve this question Its production, because one can understand that the constraints of legislation, reglementation, pretentiousness, good taste, harmony that we want to preserve or reach – all the walls that lock architecture – are unbearable. Simply because they chain up life itself. How could it be possible that we have so much resources and still we are not able to solve housing problems ? How can we accept that some men and women still don’t have places to sleep and live in ? Why did’nt we continue what we started during the years following the war, that is to say, building almost one million of housing units every year ? How comes the fact that we have so much knowledge and ressources, and still we are blocked by a past that we artificialize, idolize, perfect, and caricature ? How could we loose the faith in future and how did we become blind regarding all the contributions given by modernity ? How could we let ourself being prisoner of so much rules, grils and constraints while we have so much power ? It is incredible (and depressing), that the walls which trap architecture are higher and thicker here than over there, is’nt it ? It is incredible (and stimulating) that one has to go into the slums to find the reasons to hope and to fight in order to change the today’s world, is’nt it ? It is incredible (and exciting) that one has to go so far to remember that we can perceive the world in a more sensitive and efficent way by looking carefully to particular lives, isn’t it ? » Patrice Goulet * * Learning from Soweto – Building freely Christophe Hutin and Patrice Goulet, Actes Sud Editions, coll. L’Impensé, june 2009 Architecture office Architecture office Office team Christophe Hutin Architect - Diploma Architecture school of Bordeaux, France : final sudent project, «Long term space flight simulator» with grade A pass (2002/2003) - Diploma University of Science Claude Bernard, Lyon : post graduate diploma, «Integrated physiology in extreme conditions» (2002-2003) - Diploma University of Bordeaux 2, France : college graduate, «Aerospace biology», physiology laboratory (2001) - Consultant for the European space agency (ESA), (2002) - Award winning scholarship «L’envers des villes» : «Study South Africa Townships» (2005) - Professor at Architecture school of Bordeaux, France (2015) - Professor at Architecture school of Toulouse, France (2009/2014) - Professor at Architecture school of Britany, Rennes (2004/2007) - Professor at Witts University, Johannesburg, South Africa (2006) Nicolas Hubrecht, Architect Vincent Puyoô, Architect Saskia Frankenberger, Architect Maindi Murua Berra, Architect Stéphanie GASPARINI, Architect Marion HOWA, Architect The office Christophe Hutin architecture 6, rue Turenne 33 000 Bordeaux France Tél : +33 (0)5 56 79 30 37 / Fax : +33 (0)5 56 44 52 16 Email : registered at the «Ordre des architectes» n° régional aquSO1984 n° siret 79739136400016 registered at the «Mutuelle des architectes français», police n° 157934B Projects Transformation OF THREE BUILDINGS (530 dwellings) Bordeaux, France 2012, competition, prize winner, Under construction Architects : Christophe Hutin, Lacaton & Vassal, Frederic Druot Client : Aquitanis Area : 68 000 m2 Cost : 28 990 000 € excluding VAT The buildings G,H and I of the «Grand Parc» offer the capacity to be transformed and to offer very beautiful housing among which the qualities and the comfort will be redefined in the long term. While the projects of high-rise buildings for high status residences are defined as models of a responsible housing for the future, the G, H and I buildings offer the opportunity to reach these qualities right away, in a generous, economic and sustainable manner. The project proposes new qualities of spaces by addition of privative outer spaces and optimizes the dimensions, the light, the views and the comfort of apartments, without modifying the existing structural organization. These extensions enlarge the space of using and evolution of the housing and offer the possibility, as in a house, to live outside while being at home. REHABILITATION OF THE GrAND PArC POLYVALENT THEATEr Bordeaux, France 2013, project in progress Architects : Christophe Hutin, Lacaton & Vassal, Frédéric Druot Client : Municipality of Bordeaux Area : 2300 m2 Cost : 4 400 000 € (excluding VAT) The important is to re-open this exceptionnal place, deserted for 25 years, but which still lives in the inhabitants’ memory. The architecture and the interior organisation of the place are unique and will be conservated. The activities will be social, cultural and artistical. The project showcases the qualities of the different spaces, and increase the livel of competence and performance. Our purpose is to create a place of expression and popular education for each inhabitant. The polyvalent theatre will allow for social , cultural and generational mixing. The place will receive international, national and local productions. Local associations will work in very good conditions. This project is important for the life and the history of the area but also for the Bordeaux urban district. EXPOSITION RÉUNIONS ESPACE POLYVALENT ÉVENEMENTS INFORMATION CAFÉ REPAS DE QUARTIER RÉPÉTITIONS SPECTACLES EXPOSITION ÉVENEMENTS REPOS PERSONNEL «LES HAUTS PLATEAUX 2» Bègles, near Bordeaux, France 2014, project in progress Architect : Christophe Hutin, with Lafarge Industry. Client : Domofrance Cost : 1 450 000 € excluding VAT Between 11 and 16 houses. This project aims to make unique each flat in collective housing, for each inhabitant and each family, in order to break the standardisation process in housing. It means to offer exception for everybody. This principle represents a straight continuation of the Structural approach in housing, embodied mainly by the work of Frei Otto led in Berlin, Okohaus. Here, the project propose a 3D subdivision in which each volume will give one house to build. Two large concrete slab are stacked up, by a distance of 6 meters high. Upon both of them, the next inhabitants will be able to buy a volume, in which they can imagine and build themselves their own duplex house. The classical reglementation which normally is applied on individual houses will be enforced for each of these houses. Among others, each project will require a building permission. All the different volumes offer the same building capacity and the same rights than a classical parcel of land in a lot. From hence, the project is called : vertical lot. Thus, this structure will welcome between 11 and 16 individual houses. This project has been requiring years of researches with Lafarge Industry, lawyers, solicitors, land surveyor, and the municipality. Progresses in law are a key issue to bring innovations in the housing field. - VERTICAL LOT PROJECT TRANSFORMAtION OF «LA VACHERIE», OPEN AIR EDUCAtION PLACE Blanquefort, near Bordeaux, France 2011, competition, winner Under construction Architect : Christophe Hutin Client : Municipality of Blanquefort Area : 1740 m2 Cost : 1 400 000 € excluding VAT The ‘Vacherie’ is located in an extraordinay situation. On the southern hillside of Blanquefort, between the romantic Parc of Majolan, the vineyard of the agricultural highschool, and the Château Dulamon, it used to be a farm from the 19th to the mid 20th century, dedicated to the raising of cows and production of milk. Its architecture shows both romantism of the era and incredible avant-gardism in farming techniques. Today, this place is beautifully wild, thought it is located inside the city. The project wishes to give back to the Vacherie its original vocation of agricultural use. It will also be a place to host young people in distress and to welcome short stay tourism. It includes the restoration of the main cowshed for recieving the public, the construction of a new sheepfold for a local shephered and his 180 ewes, the transformation of the old farmer’s houses into rooms for ledding the milk being proceesed into cheese and saleroom, the construction of a new house for the shepherd and his family, and the collective construction of holliday cottage. «HAUTS PLATEAUX 1» - INNOVATiNG HOUSiNG bUiLDiNG Bègles, near Bordeaux, France 2012, Under construction Architect : Christophe Hutin with Lafarge Client : Domofrance Area : 1700 m2 Cost : 2 420 000 € excluding VAT 20 housing plots Regarding the constant spreading out of the cities and with the issues which result from it (distance between residences, activities and services, pollution..), it is today necessary to develop an alternative to the suburbs model, adapted to the current economic and social context. The densification and quality of life are neither opposite nor incompatible and particulary quality to inhabit. It is a question of creating new housing conditions which rehabilitate to the inhabitants the idea and the desire of community life in a denser city, by reconciling the need for intimacy, often expressed by the desire of a house, with the need for the collective and density. An economic and rational structure is created, it adapts to each situation in which it is established . This structure propose large floors areas made of boxes being able to support pavements or sixty cetimeters soil, support for garden. In the second time, freedom is given to each inhabitant to build his own housing, with an architect of it’s choice. TRANSFORMATION OF THE NEDERBERG BUILDING Johannesburg, South Africa 2015, studies in progress Architects : Christophe Hutin, Nicolas Hubrecht Client : Johannesburg Social Housing Compagny JOSHCO Area : 4904 m2 Cost : 95 900 € (excluding VAT) The project aims to reuse the existing buildings of Johannesburg and to adapt them fully to the contemporary way of life. Located in the very city center of Johannesburg, the Nerderberg building was built in the sixties and used to be a retirement residence. The project is to transform this place to social housing. This 10-stored building overlooks on his North front, to a great municipal garden with beautiful trees. The Southern facade – which corresponds with the corridor for the dwellings – is fully made of glass and its original windows are slightly framed. The project proposes to transform the 54 existing studios into social dwellings and to create 6 extra dwellings. The Northern facade will be extended by a structure made of concrete, of 3,60 meters large, in order to enlarge the size of each of the dwellings, from 32 to 43 squared meters. Also, the inhabitants will be able to close the new extension of their apartment with a sliding glassed system, and thermical curtains, as if it was a wintergarden. This space offers a powerful and economical thermical regulation of the interior spaces, and a very nice place to live in between the inside and the outside. The concrete structure, after the sliding glass system, includes also individual balconies. The ground floor will be opened to the existing garden, and will be partly usable by small shops on the street side. The roof top will welcome a collective laundrette, and the all space will be used as opened air terrasse for drying laundry. 50 000 DWELLINGS AROUND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AXES Communauté urbaine de Bordeaux 2011, Urban planning Architects : Christophe Hutin, Lacaton & Vassal, Frederic Druot Client : Communauté urbaine de Bordeaux Area : 780 000 inhabitants, 27 municipalities Cost : 546 500 € (excluding VAT) As architects, city-planners and landscape designers, we study the strategy and the feasibility of building 50 000 new dwellings in the Bordeaux’s metropole territory. The mission includes to study the ending of urban spawl, the reduction of expenses due to urban travel, the limitation of greenhouse gases, the reduction of charge and investments of a municipality in city planning. The proposition draws up an inventory of the different existing situations, tries to embetter with economical transformations the existing fragile dwellings, and to produce new housing on already serviced places. No demolition, no cutting off, no master plan, but little by little, from case to case, with precision and attention. Cities can be transformed if one is able to change the way to see it. Let’s see cities as collections of capacities and energies that deserve to be extended, rather than an inert mass to sculpt. One could benefit to understand them more as agglomeration of activities and inhabitated spaces rather than a catalog of images either new either out-of-date. Changing the way of looking the cities leeds to regard what is existing as a living value. The possibility of a new happy and delighted start. So be it, the Bel Air neighbourhood could become the Camponac apartment building in Pessac, Genicard could turn into the Bois le Prêtre Tower, the Langevin secondary school could evolve as the ecological housing of Frei Otto in Berlin. Approching spaces by seeing their capacity of being transcended is something exciting. The Existing starts to give imagination. Learning from soweto : the squatter camp of freedom parc Freedom Parc, Johannesburg South Africa 2005, Urban Study, Diaporama 527 houses, Documentary film (120’) Architect : Christophe Hutin Client : « Envers des villes », program of the French Institute of South Africa The townships of Johannesburg were born with the apartheid. Far away from the city center, they gather formal neighbourhood, and informal squatter camps, in which live 15% of the population of the city in 1994. In the squatter camp of Freedom Parc, the people build themselves their own houses. The constructions are intuitive and spontaneous and they deal with the act of building in a very poetic way. Since they are built with a great freedom, they can put into question a lot of our principles : our vision of comfort and our determined and procedural building culture. Even if each house represents one repeted unity, they are all done with an unexpected richness and diversity. The squatter camp of Freedom Parc shows how architecture can be freed. It tells us how life is more important than any esthetic consideration. In SOWETO, the most famous township of Johanneburg, these informal houses are meant to be demolished and replaced by generic RDP houses. Even though it brings about an amazing urban culture, full of hope. TOUR OF bORDEAUX - FOUR DAYS OF tREKKING Tour of Bordeaux, France 2003 Four days of trekking Architect : Christophe Hutin The « Stalker » project is a collective work between reaserches and actions on urban territory, especially in the field of the so called « wasted lands ». We decided to travel by walking, around Bordeaux, during four consecutive days, fully imersed in those spaces which called to our mind fantasy and freedom. Between the edge of the woods and the outskirts of the city, we crossed slowly and magically railroads, bypasses, highways, bridges. Always a little river to pass under train lines and roads, always a hole in a fence, a lonly and opened gate, always a dog... CREATION OF AN ARcHEOLOGIcAL cENTER Colomiers, near Toulouse, France 2013, Built Architects : Christophe Hutin, Nicolas Hubrecht Client : Archeodunum Cost : 1 100 400 € excluding VAT Area : 860 m2 The project concerns the creation of an archeological center regrouping storage rooms and researcher offices. From the street the only visible element is a wall of roman ancient amphoras. These amphoras are coming from the excavations carried out by the archeologists. The project is composed of two volumes implanted in «U » carried out on one level, one concerning the excavations storage located at the Southern end of the plot with a maximum height of 3.9 meters, the other regrouping the offices is located at the Northern end is a height of maximum of 3.2 meters.` In the plot center, the overlap of the two volumes comes to create a large cloister. The three closter’s elevation are completely glazed with sliding door over height. The center of the cloister will be treated using a pond. This pond will contribute to the visual comfort of the whole interior spaces open on the cloister and it ll refresh it during summer time. As a whole, the project aims to respect to the maximum the evironment in which it comes to be establihed. Invisible from the street, because of it’s low height, it creates using a simple and contemporary architecture made of light materials ( boarding steels and polycarbonate and steel structure) a vast cloister, space of introspection. B A' fontaine sur pierres humides roches plates pas japonais A B' N 0 1 3 5 FRENCH INSTITUTE Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, 2012 Architects : Christophe Hutin, Nicolas Hubrecht Client : French Embassy (IFAS) Area : 600 m2 Cost : 164 258 € excluding VAT The building of the 62 Juta street is located in the inner city, near the Nelson Mandela Bridge. The two floors of 291 square meters, each one, present many potentialities, a beautiful height under ceiling (2,85m), vast spaces, luminous, and largely ventilated, opening to many amazing outside view , view on the trees in the North and view on the skyline of the city in the South. The program of the IFAS includes common spaces for temporary uses and more private spaces for permanent use. Naturally, each one of these parts comes to take seat on one of the two floors. On the first floor, there are the main entrance of the IFAS, spaces of reception, consultation, research, conferences as well as food service. On the second level, more quietful, we find the workspaces corresponding to the permanent organization of the IFAS. Current discomfort within the two floors, comes primarily from the old steel windows that having acoustic and thermal weaknesses. In order to answer as well as possible to the comfort desired for interior spaces the whole of the exterior windows are replaced by double glazing window in aluminium. The whole of these windows are conceived with double side hung, in order to allow the users a broad possibility of natural ventilation. The project opens on the outside aim to maximize crossing spaces, natural ventilation and insulated double glazed windows, no air-conditioning nor no permanent heating is envisaged. This building, when the night will comes, will be enlightened with colors of the french flag. Then the position of the cultural institute will be clear to everyone. OFFICE SIX COCKTAIL BAR Melville, Johannesburg, South Africa 2009 Architects : Christophe Hutin, with Nicolas Hubrecht Area : 170 m2 The Six cocktail bar is the heart of the neighbourhood of Melville, one of the lively place of Johannesburg. Since the seventies, journalists, artists, and many intellectuals moved in this neighbourhood, and so on, the legendary fame of Melville grew up, until nowadays. With the hindsight of this brilliant past, Melville embodies today this ideal rainbow nation. The crowd is a mix of students, artists, and regulars. In brief, the Six cocktail bar is simply the safest place of Melville... thus a universe all by itself. In 2008, the owner decided to buy the adjoining commercial office, with the desire to expand his activity. The project that we realise was simple : to propose more space, more volume while maintaining the spirit of the place. sink sink sink sink N RECEPTION hOUSE FOr PUBLIC «ChÂTEAU ABBADIA» CHATEAU ABBADIA / Création d'un pôle d'accueil / HENDAYE Hendaye, France 2012, competition, unbuilt Plan Masse échelle 1/500 Architect : Christophe Hutin Client : Hendaye municipality 0 1 5 10 1 5 6 ENTRÉE DU TUNNEL DE LA NADIRANE 20 OBSERVATOIRE N Overlooking one of the most beautiful bays in the world, the domain of Abbadia is part of the exceptional geography of the Basque Country. Antoine d’Abbadie mixed in this area a scientific approach with a romantic landscape design of his time, as demonstrated by the castle-observatory built by Viollet le Duc on the highest place of the site. His work was founded on astronomical surveys established using axes and alignements. Our project is based on this notion of axes that draw the link between architecture and landscape. 1 Axe Deux Jumeaux - projet 2 2 PREMIÈRE NADIRANE 4 Vue sur l'allée des cèdres depuis le projet MIRE DU MÉRIDIEN 3 3 Vue panoramique sur la baie de Txingudi. STATIONNEMENT VOITURES The aim is to highlight this extraordinary site and make it accessible to the public, while respecting this historical heritage. The building is situated in order to enjoy the best views of the castleCHATEAU and the enchanting ABBADIA coast landscape. 4 Axe depuis le Chateau vers la Rhune 5 Axe de la première nadirane - deux jumeaux 6 Axe de l'observatoire - la mire méridien LOCAL TECHNIQUE STATIONNEMENT VÉLOS / Création d'un pôle d'accueil / HENDAYE CHEMIN PIÈTON 7 EMPLACEMENT DE LUNETTE EQUATORIALE PISTE CYCLABLE 7 Vestige de la coupole, Lunette Equatoriale CHATEAU ABBADIA / Création d’un pôle d’accueil / HENDAYE Façade Ouest échelle 1/500 01 5 10 20 EXTENSION OF A DANCE AND MUSIC SCHOOL N Blanquefort, near Bordeaux, France 2011, conpetition, unbuilt Architects : Christophe Hutin, Vincent Puyoô Client : Blanquefort Municipality Area : 500 m2 Cost : 700 000 € excluding VAT B C A 4 C' 26,50 2 5 10 6 de Massif 7 8 9 Limite bande 6m 1 Percussions 59 m2 2 Jardin d'hiver - kiosque 146m2 Studio rÈpÈtition 20 m2 3 Studio rÈpÈtition 20 m2 Pratique collective 70 m2 Danse 100 m2 HALL B' 4 SALLE POLYVALENTE Rencontre information 63,4 m2 BUREAU DIRECTION CloÓ tre ATRIUM SECRETARIAT 5 ACCUEIL 294160 7,7 Rue AmÈdÈe Tastet The project is established on the maximum constructible area defined by the existent construction of the school, two buildings perpendicular and the 6 meters retreat from the constructible limit. In front of the Amédée Tastet street, a vast orchardschool covering the whole plot area is based. The dance pole, near the existing dance room, and the music pole are regrouped around an interior garden, a meeting-information hall and a wintergarden. Rampe 6,5% Circulation 63,4 m2 ATTENTE WC HAND. SALLE DE MUSIQUE 1 SALLE DE MUSIQUE 2 SALLE DE MUSIQUE 3 SALLE DE MUSIQUE 4 SALLE DE MUSIQUE 5 CLASSE CLASSE SALLE DES INSTITUTEURS A These spaces dedicated to the improvisation event allow on the one hand solar contributions for the new northern room, on the other hand the extension of the activities of the school and the apparitions of new artistic practices. 10,7 A' 0 1 5,6 Circulation 13,6 m2 The project of extension of the music and dance school of Blanquefort is based, around three major poles : meet, music and dance. It is the question of ensuring the co-education and the diversity of the practices while decompartmentalizing the styles and while opening to a large audience. It is here question about artistic expression, expression of oneself : emotion, pleasure, poetry, improvisation should have their place in a music school. 0 1 5 10 BUR ZA’ABEEL PARK FALLING WATER Dubaï, United Arab Emirates 2009, Comptetition Thyssen Krup Elevator, unbuilt Architects : Christophe Hutin, Nicolas Hubrecht, Vincent Puyoô, Guillaume Lesage, Xin Huang Area : 2 400 m2 A building cascades, in answer to a wish of cultural and urban innovation in Dubai. The building produces a cascade comparable with the most remarkable unspoiled sites (the Niagara, Lake Victoria), introducing a new dialog between nature and artifice. The structure of the building is made up of six tower of water storage a height of 110 Meter. This fresh water is produced by a power station of sea water desalination included in the structure. Water is brought to become an extremely invaluable resource. Its control will be without any doubt a major universal stake. It is thus a question of proposing an infrastructure innovating in the field of the production and the storage of fresh water in urban environment. The monumental, marvellous, mythological character from this project does not come only from its vertical dimension (too much forced, in comparison with Dubai’s tower), but from the power and the energy of water, its proportions and his report at the city. This spectacular building can create an interest out of commun run. It evokes with radicality and force the various wonders of the world everywhere admired. 01 5 10 20 CONCERT HALL «L’ESTAMINET» Uzeste, near Bordeaux, France 2008 Architects : Christophe Hutin, Vincent Puyoô Client : SCI Uzestoise / Bernard Lubat Area : 358 m2 Cost : 350 000 € excluding VAT The building, founded in Uzeste in 1937 by Alban and Marie Lubat, had been café, restaurant, hotel, grocer, cinema, dance hall… being transformed in the course of time into emblematic place of the history of the village and the rural life of the South of Gironde. It became since 1978 and under the aegis of musician Bernard Lubat, the epicentre of work of the Lubat Company and the founder place of the festival of Uzeste Musical, acquiring by-there, an international notoriety and frequentation. The building was the object of many work to adapt it to the evolution of the functions, until its state of outdatedness obliges to close it and to consider its reorganization. With a simple order which emanates directly from the artist : to transform the place into “research laboratory transartistic”. The project proposes to elarge the volume of the theater, the creation of balconies with acoustic and sensual forms, to displace the entry in a wintergarden and the offices reception of the Lubat Company in the part in the past occupied by a housing. A very particular care was taken in the development of the elements which testify to the last activity of the place (tiling, frontage, old walls), while answering the technical requirements of a place of innovation and drastic standards as regards acoustics or reception of the public. The whole in an extremely reduced budget for this kind of equipment. N 0 1 2 5 ART aFRICa CENTER Stellenbosh, South Africa 2006, Southbank competition, unbuilt Architects : Christophe Hutin, Ronan Lacroix, Nicolas Hubrecht, Vincent Puyoô Client : Spier Holdings Area : 152 790 m2 Stellenbosh city is located to the south extremity of Africa continent, 50 km far away from Cap town.The mediterranean climate favorised the developpement of a wine-producing, In july 2006, the society Spier Holdings, very active in the production and diffusion of South Africa Arts organises a competition in order to create «a new part of the city» bringing together around an African Art Museum, dwellings, shops, an hotel and proximity public equipments. The site is located close to the Eerste river. A lot of tourist equipments situated face to the Helderberg mountain are already implanted around it.To reveal and optimise contextual qualities, the museum is situated on the river border, connected to the existant by a pedestrian pont, he offers on the North Est a panoramic view of the Helderberg mountain range. Like this the landscape begins to be a principal part of museum art work presentation. The museum regroups permanent and temporary exhibitions, event and audiovisual rooms under a huge steel frame 10 meters large and 250 meters long, easy to build and very flexible in using and interior installations. G2 G2 F1 C1 general offices B5 F5 H1 A24 F8 F4 A12 B2 H1 A11 F3 A16 3X rehearsal space A15 A13 A31 A14 THE GOLDEN BAOBAB F2 G1 A18 D4 receiving dock A17 B1 F9 H1 public place A21 A25 A17 A21 A17 A17 A17 B4 B3 summer exhibition D4 Temporary exhibition Temporary exhibition H2 H1 H2 G2 H1 H1 Removable space entrance zone H2 H2 H2 H2 storage D4 E1 Workshop space E1 F information 4 X performance space collection display D2 H1 H2 D5 H2 art shed hall multi purpose space D1D3 public place I1 Temporary exhibition lounge D1D3 G1 summer exhibition Events Area N On the West part, a huge porch roof 10 meters large, protects the long glazed front from the sun and creates a vast open space to receive a diversity of uses and events. On the Est part, the museum is open to vast trellised vines of wine recovering all the complementary program of the museum, parking, artists workrooms, administrative and search center, auditorium. A huge golden baobob, with a steel shell supported by a frame similar to the statue of the liberty’s one, passes through the trellised vines of wine to create a view point 110 meters high where it is possible to contemplate the sea. H1 F6 A22 A23 A4 A4 Event Area 0 5 10 20 50 The other elements of the program are implanted on the both sides of the museum to maximise the benefits of the site view. Dwellings on the South Est are opened to the West hillside, whereas hotel and shop equipments are located on the North, opened to the mountain view. 0 50 200 SELF BUILDING COLLECTIVE HOUSING PARiS Paris, 20th district 2015, call for project, unbuilt Architect : Christophe Hutin Client : Municipality of Paris Cost : 714 000 € (excluding VAT) Size : 677 m2 in self-constructions, 153 m2 for private gardens, 275 m2 for collective gardens This project is an infrastructure which allows the expression of the freedom of the inhabitants. This innovating concept of « vertical lot housing » is based on the use of economical and performing system of construction. The proposed infrastructure is made of eight naked slabs which offers a volume to build. On each of them, the inhabitants can build a duplex house with their own wishes. The ground floor is a great garden of stones and fern, composed as a miniature of the mountain range of the Pyrénées. This architecture lends itself to any kind of appropriation. This project defends a certain art of living, based on the pleasure of expression of one’s freedom, with an appetite for adventure and discovering. HOUSING COOPERATIVE PROJECT Bègles, Near Bordeaux, France 2014, Feasability Study Architect : Christophe Hutin Client : Boboyaka Association Area : 1575 m2 Cost : 2 400 000 € excluding VAT The Boboyaka association is a group of friends, aged from 55 to 70 years-old, who wish to create a new form of housing environment in which they can get older together. They do share common values, such as a spirit of solidarity, the wish of empowerment of oneself, transmission between generations, commitment in local public life and pleasure of a table to share. Thereby, they carry a concrete project of political utopia, characterised by a remarkable avant-garde. Besides, They are very different characters, as if lifted straight out of a novel, with amazing personal dreams. The chosen place for the project is a beautiful 300 squared-meters garden in Bègles, which presents great qualities: wild nature, high trees, a pond in wintertime, a well-maintained vegetable garden, some hidden huts built by children of the neighbourhood, an attended growing vegetation, and carpets of fresh flowers. Thus, the project will pay attention to all these details. It is designed in direct relationship with the environment : facing a beautiful tree, glassed in order to reflect the landscape, opened to create panoramic views. It needs 18 private flats, and a number of common spaces. Here, architecture is used for making life more interesting than architecture itself. STUDY FOR THE CREATION OF AN INNOVATIVE HOUsING BUILDING Soweto, South Africa 2011, unbuilt Architect : Christophe Hutin, with Lafarge Client : Calgro 45 housing plots Regarding the constant spreading out of the cities and with the issues which result from it (distance between residences, activities and services, pollution..), it is today necessary to develop an alternative to the suburbs model, adapted to the current economic and social context. The densification and quality of life are neither opposite nor incompatible and particulary quality to inhabit. STUDY FOR THE CREATION OF A INNOVATING HOUSING BUILDING Christophe Hutin architect 6 rue turenne 33 000 Bordeaux, FRANCE tel : +33 ( 0)5 56 79 30 37 / fax : +33Sunlight (0)5 56 44 52 16 / / 21 December : 87 ° 15,5 4 4 Sunlight 21 June : 38 ° North 4 South RESTAURANT 2 PARKING 7,3 4 3,5 It is a question of creating new housing conditions which rehabilitate to the inhabitants the idea and the desire of community life in a denser city, by reconciling the need for intimacy, often expressed by the desire of a house, with the need for the collective and density. An economic and rational structure is created, it adapts to each situation in which it is established. This structure proposes large floors areas made of boxes being able to support pavements or sixty centimeters soil, support for garden. In the second time, freedom is given to each inhabitant to build his own housing, with an architect of it’s choice. 11,5 4 4 8,6 2 20,6 05 04 03 02 01 STUDY FOR THE CREATION OF A INNOVATING HOUSING BUILDING Christophe Hutin architect 6 rue turenne 33 000 Bordeaux, FRANCE tel : +33 ( 0)5 56 79 30 37 / fax : +33 (0)5 56 44 52 16 / / URBAN PLOT «nÉrIGEan» rEStruCturatIon Bordeaux, France 2008 Competition Incité / Arc en rêve Architects : Christophe Hutin, Nicolas Hubrecht, Vincent Puyoô Area : 7 500 m2 To question the architecture of an urban plot of the historical center town of Bordeaux and to propose a strategy of transformation without nostalgia nor concession with the picturesque one. It is proposed that a large garden of 3 500 m2 is arranged in heart of a small plot. True community property with all the inhabitants, it is not defined by a precise plan but composed of simple emotional devices : a large central tree, huts with birds laid out around the residences and a large vegetable treillised vineyard around the programs of the groundfloor. Vertical circulations are moved outside with elevators. The entirety of the residences thus becomes accessible to everybody. Completely glazed wintergardens connecting to the garden have just replaced the too closed old frontages. They offer according to the seasons, a thermal modulation with the residences and ensure inside a maxima light and sunning. The residences are large and profit great heights under ceilings specific to the buildings of Bordeaux. On the street side, the 18th century façades are preserved, and restored without modifications. The project is composed of 103 residences from 2 to 6 rooms with an objective of 30% of social housing. At the ground floor, the existing shops and services are preserved and new ones will come to be established. On each street, a large hall is released making it possible to reach in the middle of the plot. The garden becomes public at the opening hours of shops. The ground floor of the project accommodates various programs : shops, services, ballroom, crib, bicycle parking, halls with rooms for separate collection… But it accommodates also a guard and a gardener, true conductors of this space experimentation of the democracy. This project aims to reintroduce the living in the heart of the frame. THREE SOCIAL HOUSINGS Bordeaux, France 2006 Restructuring building Architects : Christophe Hutin, Nicolas Hubrecht Client : private Area : 200 m2 Cost : 180 000 € (excluding VAT) Serious renovation of a building of the twentieth century in the center of Bordeaux. The back part of this building of three levels was opened to give access to wide balconies and to a garden situated in the southwest, in heart of islet. The appartements propose two vast and appropriable rooms. The covered balconies situated in extension of the stays, are considered as real living rooms usable during many months a year. The typology and the decay of the building made possible to obtain public financing, to propose housing with social character. N 0 1 5 RESTRUCTURING APARTMENTS Bordeaux, France 2005 Architects : Christophe Hutin, Nicolas Hubrecht Area : 180 m2 Cost : 170 000 € (excluding VAT) Located in the center of Bordeaux, this project proposes an important renovation of an old building created during the 18th century.This insanitary building of 3 dwellings only profits from natural light by the street façade.The back of this building is surrounded by private garden located in center block. Floor plan of the building are minimize and to substitute, a patio and a hugh glazed façade on three levels is created. The interior organisation achieves to propose huge floor with view crossing from the street to the patio. High wood door makes possible the partition of the space (bedroom/lounge) for the three dwellings. The objective of this project was to conserve an old housing typology, a classic façade, and to offer a contemporary architecture made of huge space with natural light open to the outside. gainetechnique 0 1 3 5 HOUSE IN aRTiGues-PRÈs-boRDeauX Artigues-près-Bordeaux, France 2011 Architects : Christophe Hutin, Nicolas Hubrecht Client : private Area : 160 m2 Cost : 120 000 € (excluding VAT) Situated in the agglomeration of Bordeaux, in the residential area, near a city park, this town house with workshop on two levels, intended for a couple with children, was realized in three months for a very limited budget. In the Northeast, the parcel of land is lined by the brook of Güa, in the South and on the West, the immediate environment consists of suburban houses. The project of rectangular shape, creates the maximum of surface possible for the ground, that is 114 m2. All the spaces of the house is concentrated in the first floor, the workshop of the client being situated on the groond floor flush with the street. This one consists of a vast workshopclosed in polycarbonate, of an adjacent office, as well as a wide terrace covered with 30m2 oriented towards garden. An independent entrance located near the right of way following the South of the parcel of land allows to reach directly at home without crossing by the workshop. In the intimate floor, rooms corresponding to bedrooms are situated side street, they quite consist of wide aluminum sliding plate glass windows with lighters. The internal views escape the immediate environment and are widely opened on the park. Overlooking the garden, the living room is totally opened on the outside, two sliding sets three leaves any heights give access to an outside terrace 2,10 wide overhanging bamboo and other vegetations situated in the northeast. The inside finishes are simple, pave concrete polished on the ground, under ribbed aluminum face, aluminum joineries anodized nature, paint of partitions and walls in white. The heating is assured by a reversible air conditioning, and by wood stoves, the one situated in the workshop, the other one in the stay. This very compact project and in moderate costs privileges a direct report with the outside and the internal spaces ready to be invested. poêle chambre 3� 11m2 Atelier 41 m2 Terrasse� couverte 42 m2 Salle d'eau� 8,5 m2 dressing� 7,5 m2 terrasse 16 m2 Séjour-Cuisine 41 m2 poêle bureau 15 m2 cellier 17,5 m2 chambre 11 m2 2� chambre 1� 10 m2 N Plan RDC 0 1 3 5 N Plan R+1 0 1 3 5 PROTOTYPES OF BIO-CLIMATIC HOUSES (T2,T3,T4 and T5) Year : 2010 Architect : Christophe Hutin, with Nicolas Hubrecht. Size : 46 to 82,5m2 Cost : 80 000 to 110 000 € (excluding VAT) These prototypes of bio-climatic houses come from reasearches on industrial building systems, studies of phisiology which led us to find an alternative of the so called «passive house» or «HQE operations», and works about self-help housing, appropriation of spaces and comfort of the dwelling. But the interest of the bio-climatic houses remains in the fact they are affordable for modest families. The structure is from industrial standards of horticultural greenhouses : the broadest covered space for a limited budget. Inside this structure, the core of the house is a wooden modul - thermally insulated - whose size is ajustable with the needs of the family. The volume left in the greenhouse gives an additional space to the house, a wintergarden, which aims to regulate the temperature of the house. The structure is in galvanized steal, the enveloppe of the house in cristal clear polycarbonate panels. The size of the wooden modul varies from 46 to 82,5 squared meters in fonction of the needs, the aditionnal wintergarden from 40 to 60 squared meters. Most of the time, thoughout the year, this additional space is assimilated as an extenstion of the main room. Extensions and appropriations AFFORDaBLE HOUSE Wellington, South Africa 2009, Competition Architects : Christophe Hutin with Nicolas Hubrecht and Vincent Puyoô Client : ABSA Area : 66 m2 Cost : 5500 € (excluding VAT) This house is made with a standard industrial structure of horticultural greenhouse. This kind of construction is employed commonly in this area for plants production. This extremely powerful constructive system offers very interesting possibilities. The design is optimized and the construction is robust because it is used in the field of agriculture. We decided to use a greenhouse for a dwelling in order to produce the largest top structure, affordable for a limited budget. Inside the structure, a module of 52 m2 is closed and insulated. The residual space inside the greenhouse, between the wooden modules, give more place for the uses of the house. This wintergarden offers also a thermical regulation of the dwelling. This « in between » space is as a filter between inside and outside. The structure is made with galvanized steel and covered with polycarbonate translucent. The interior height is of five meters : it brings about future extensions in a duplex. The surface of the basic module is fifty two square meters with an additional surface of 40m2 of wintergarden. Several months of the year this additional surface will be used as an extension of the principal room. HOUSE IN oRDos Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China 2008 Architects : Christophe Hutin, Nicolas Hubrecht Client : Jiang Yuan Water Engineering LTD Area : 1 000 m2 The project Ordos 100 is without precedent in the history of architecture : 100 architects of the whole world propose 100 houses, reflections of the one time production. The house “Hutin” is located far from bank on the high part of the site, opening on the river and the reliefs surrounding. Of a surface of 1,000 m2, it comprise spaces of life, service and gardens. It is opaque on the limits north and west, thus closing the ground with the dominant winds, and opens towards the river and the slopes like in the light of the south. Spaces are not characterized by functions but by qualities, a diversity of environments, a flexible partition. A garden is arranged on the roof (steppe and yurt) and in frontage, protected from the wind. 1 5 N N 0 1 5 0 1 5 HOUSE IN cesTAs Cestas, near Bordeaux, France 2008 Architects : Christophe Hutin, Ronan Lacroix Client : private Area : 194 m2 Cost : 154 000 € (excluding VAT) The house is located on a timbered piece, in edge of a riding school, with broad sights on this one. The clients were passioned of horses. It is manufactured starting from a horticultural greenhouse, delicately established between the trees, to profit from their shade in summer. Inside the greenhouse, the house is made up of three houses isolated and finished out of plaster, separated by two wintergardens. A 2 2 2 3,44 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2,95 2 2 2 4,66 3,34 ep ep ter couv 2 18 m2 séjour+cuisine 57 m2 bureau 20 m2 3,64 terrasse couverte 1 28 m2 chb 1 15 m2 chb 2 17 m2 6,4 6,2 6,2 2,5 wc 1.70 m2 LL sdb 7,2m2 4,5 cellier 7 m2 TE wc 1.9 m2 SL The summer, the thermal regulation is ensured by an intelligent automatic system. 2 10,93 6,3 The wintergardens create an effect of filter between the interior and the outside of the dwelling. They collect passive energy in winter and they heat the rooms of the house. The evening, these rooms are closed and store the heat. 2 4,63 ep ep A' 30,1 N HOUSE IN cAILhAu Cailhau, France 2008 Architects : Christophe Hutin, Nicolas Hubrecht Client : private Area : 160 m2 Cost : 188 000 € (excluding VAT) Cailhau, village high perched of the Aude. The ground, below the village, open largely in the western south, on the landscape and the chain of the Pyrenees. The house, made up of a structure 30 meters length metal, is posed on the highest point of the site, without modifying the aspect of the ground. Its party taken is simple : to profit since all the parts of the house from the vast horizon. Thus, whereas in north the frontage is relatively closed, the western southern part is entirely glazed and gives access to a broad covered semi terrace. The project proposes a vast cover to be protected from the direct rays of the sun and a transverse natural ventilation between the frontages north and south to moderate the interior climate the summer. Frontages out of polycarbonates positioned on the pinions is and western, allow to protect itself from the local winds. 0 1 3 5 HOUSE IN lIBOURNE Libourne, France 2007 Architects : Christophe Hutin, Vincent Puyoô Client : private Area : 220 m2 Cost : 155 000 € (excluding VAT) Rehabilitation of an agricultural wine storehouse on a plot located in a residential suburb. The stone building is covered by a large wooden carpentry and is composed of a dwelling part and a big space of work. The project does not modify the envelope. The frontages are preserved and most of the roof is covered out of transparent polycarbonate. The dwelling part, remade in framework wood, keeps the same influence. The old workspace becomes a large wintergarden filled of light and ventilated by opening in roof (it contributes largely to the thermal regulation of the building). The dwelling crossing and is entirely glazed on the wintergarden. N 0 1 2 5 REALISAtION OF A PARK Tarbes, Hautes Pyrénées, France 2007 Architects : Christophe Hutin, Nicolas Hubrecht Landscape architect : Cyrille Marlin Client : private Area : 4 400 m2 Cost : 44 000 € (excluding VAT) The ground is tes-Pyrénées, to dely afforested a only volume situated in the HauTarbes, on a vast wiproperty consisted of of house of 500 m2. We suggested redefining the whole park, reprocessing the open spaces, the ponds and the existing roads. A real landscape walking was recreated around the property. This revaluation of the park was accompanied by the realization of a horticultural greenhouse in polycarbonate, widely opened on the park. The proprietors feeling cramped in the main rooms of their house, wished a vast and flexible space with many usings. This horticultural greenhouse of 6 m of top, can become at their wish, a space of exhibition, a orangery, a veranda, a showroom for collection cars, etc. Olivier HOUSE IN BoRDeAuX Bordeaux, France 2007 Architects : Christophe Hutin, Saskia Frankenberger Client : private Area : 135 m2 Cost : 142 000 € (excluding VAT) Located in the agglomeration of Bordeaux, in a residential neighboorhood, this project urban house on two levels is designed for a family with two childrens.The house is implanted on a plot with aligment rules. The adaptation to this constraint is the origin fo the trapezoïdal form of the house. At the point of this trapeze, in proximity of the street, is disposed an interior patio with 56 meters high composed of a cherry tree and a large place for car park. The street façade of the patio is composed of a transparent and a translucid wall, which manage to filter with light complexity the exterior and the street opposite. This trapezoïdal patio manages to assume the geometrical complexity of the plot, in benefits all the interior spaces of the house is composed of hugh rectangular spaces. On the garden the house façade is totaly opened and glazed on the two levels. The huge lounge-kitchen and all the bedrooms situated on the first floor can be totally open to the outside and can benefits of a large view of the deep and narrow garden. HOUSE IN SAINT JEAN D’ILLAC Saint Jean d’Illac, near Bordeaux, France 2006 Architects : Christophe Hutin, Nicolas Hubrecht Client : private Cost : 290 000 € (excluding VAT) Area : 280 m2 Situated at 30 km distance from Bordeaux, this project is located on a housing development plot. The environment doesn’t present any particular quality. The aim of this project is to live the plot in his totality. As fences a rustic hedge composed of different types of plants (variety of flowering period and colors is used to close the plot limite. The inspiration of this house comes directly from the 50 th century american program« case study houses », this house could be the number 50. All the house is conceived on one floor, the garden correspond of the datum level. All the façade are totaly glazed protected by porch roof and steel shade. Every part of the house is independant and is prevent from vis-à-vis. A particural attention has been given to the design and to the execution of the metal frame which is very light and delicate. 0 1 2 5 HOUSE IN TABANAC Tabanac, near Bordeaux, France 2005 Architects : Christophe Hutin, Nicolas Hubrecht Client : private Area : 145 m2 Cost : 130 000 € (excluding VAT) Located on hillside close to the Garonne river, the village of Tabanac offer an ondulating landscape made of wineyard. The plot of land present a very inportant slop from the street level situated on the East side to the river located on the Westside. The house is implanted precisely on the first shelf slop break and is inscribe delicately between the trees. All living rooms are totally open on the west side to the wooded hillside.Under the overhang terrace disposed in continuity of living space, natural soil is falling down brutaly. The structure frame is in steel, fondation are in steel pile. The impact of the house on the site is minimize in order to avoid modification on the natural soil. This is an ecologic project, not from ecological point of view but in a contextual advance. Client desire was to live the site in a very natural way,with all the originaly quality of the plot. Budgetary constraints oblige to find a constructive system the more simple and the more adapted to the site particularity. 0 1 5 10 HOUSE IN MONTPEYROUX Montpeyroux, Dordogne, France 2004 Architects : Christophe Hutin, Nicolas Hubrecht, Julien Garcia Client : private Area : 130 m2 Cost : 90 000 € (excluding VAT) Located 100 km far away from the Est of Bordeaux, Montpeyroux has undalating landscape with very faraway view. The surface of the plot is arround 4000 thousand square meters. This plot presents a slop of 3 per cent. The long shape of the house allows panoramic view to the faraway hillside. Implanted according to the axe of houses situated in proximity, the project presents no vis-à-vis. This very economic project proposes a rational constructive principe. The frame is in wood, as the wall and the floor, the two long façades are totaly glazed. A thermical curtain allows the possibility to protect the façade from uv in order to control interior climate and environment. According to the nature of the soil and economic constraint, the house is elevated from the existant ground floor. A project of economic garden has been conceived on the plot. A field of one hundred savages types of flowers will be plant. This project proposes to live this part of field in a very natural way. 0 1 3 5 HOUSE Le Bouscat, near Bordeaux, France 2003, built Architect : Christophe Hutin, Client : private Area : 150 m2 Cost : 110 000 € (excluding VAT) This project is located in a residential neighbourhood of Bordeaux. This projet concerned the renovation of an «échoppe», a type of habitation very present in the agglomeration of Bordeaux. It was a very ancient conception of housing, only the street façade has been conserved. The plan and the section has been totaly redesigned in order to propose a contemporary architecture. The ground floor is an open plan set crosswise. From the street we can discern the depth of the plot which is long and narrow.The client desire was to benefit of every conventional space of a house with the minimum of partitioning. The straight stair is partitioning the space: entry, kitchen, and living room are organised around this staircase. This plan presents a minimal arrangment for this type of habitat. A bay window with four sliding windows is widely open to the garden and create an intimate relation between interior and exterior. IN LE BOUSCAT cREABOIS COMPETITION Alpes, France 2003 Architects : Christophe Hutin, with Nicolas Hubrecht et Julien Garcia Ingeneer : Sébastien Duval Client: Créabois Size : 25m2 Building in the mountains brings about differents topics such as : wind, snow, cold, slope, acces. A particular attention is focusing on respect for the environnement and awareness of natural habitat. We propose a shelter, directly inspired by the mountain huts. The surface area is 24 square meters. Seasonal use brought us to seasonal architecture. The principle is to print on the paper enveloppe of the wooden structure, protected mountain flowers. The paper is fixed in spring after the melting snow, then it stays during the summer. In spetember, it is taken out at the end of the season, and so forth, every year. The structure remains naked during winter time, subjet to the snow, just as the wood a plant. This system brings the poetic dimension of the project, and make people aware of fragility of the natural environment and ephemeral nature of life. Exhibitions - Editions - Publications - Movies EXHIBITIONS / eDITION-PUBLICATIONS / MOVIES Exhibitions 2013 Les Terrasses de l’Arche, Nanterre South african townships, photographies 2013 Arc en Rêve architecture center, Bordeaux Transformation of 3 dwelling buildings, Grand Parc, Bordeaux 2012 Arc en Rêve architecture center, Bordeaux 50 000 dwellings, Bordeaux 2012 La Plateforme, Rennes Le monde en chantier - Les architectes et leurs manifestes 2010 International meeting of photography, Arles Learning from Soweto 2009 Arc en Rêve architecture center, Bordeaux Construire librement / carte blanche Christophe Hutin 2007 Arc en Rêve architecture center, Bordeaux Architectural creation and urban innovation in the historical center of Bordeaux 2007 Architectural House Rhône-Alpes, Lyon Nouvelles vagues / Biennale of Contemporary Art of Lyon Photographies and videos of the south african townships 2007 La Plateforme, Rennes Personal exhibition of recent projects 2006 Arc en Rêve architecture center, Bordeaux House histories : presentation of three houses projects 2005 Arc en Rêve architecture center, Bordeaux East/West-North/South : Township today, videos and photographies Edition 2009 L’enseignement de Soweto – construire librement Christophe Hutin and Patrice Goulet Actes Sud Edition, coll. L’impensé, 104 pages, 70 illustrations EXHIBITIONS / eDITION-PUBLICATIONS / MOVIES Publications 2013 march april Learning from «Sky, Soweto», L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui 2013 september Parcours «Christophe Hutin, contre-architecte», D’Architectures 2009 oct-nov «Hutin/Lubat : the Uzeste conservatory», L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui 2009 sept-oct «Engagements - Pour un droit à la ville», L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui 2007 «Open fields», Archi pas chère – tome 2 – Ouest France Edition 2007 june-july Two houses in Gironde, D’Architectures 2005 april Townships of Soweto to Freedom Park, D’Architectures Movies 2007 The steal house Doc 26’, On stage production 2004 Tour de Bordeaux ATN, Julien Garcia, Christophe Hutin, Damien Mazières Doc 2x48’ coproduit avec le FRAC Aquitaine Press Review da ’ d’architectures 220 - septembre 2013 PARCOURS Christophe Hutin TECHNIQUE Sol souple d’architectures 220 - septembre 2013 spécial logements collectifs - technique : sol souple RÉALISATIONS Lacaton & Vassal, Ballot & Franck, Lipa et Serge Goldstein, CAB, Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours, Arc/Pôle, François Brugel, Bruno Gaudin da ’ DOSSIER Spécial logements collectifs D ’ A R C H I T E C T U R E S, L E M AG A Z I N E P R O F E S S I O N N E L D E L A C R É AT I O N A R C H I T E C T U R A L E – F R A N C E 1 2 € - B E L G I Q U E 1 2 , 5 € D O M / S 1 3 € - TO M / S 1 4 5 0 C F P - C A N A DA 1 6 , 9 5 $ C A D - S U I S S E 1 9 F S - M A R O C 1 2 0 M A D - T U N I S I E 1 4 T N D MAGAZINE > PA R C O U R S Christophe Hutin, contre-architecte DR par Karine Dana Tout architecte possède un imaginaire référent plus ou moins explicite, plus ou moins équipé et ouvert. Celui de Christophe Hutin s’est constitué à Soweto, en Afrique du Sud, où il a puisé foi en l’expérimental et dans la pertinence d’une pensée du faire. BIOGRAPHIE > 1974 : naissance à Tarbes. > 1994 : échec au concours de la Marine marchande. Départ pour l’Afrique du Sud. Inscription à l’école d’architecture de Bordeaux. > 1996 : vainqueur du Tour des îles britanniques à la voile. > 2003 : diplôme de l’école d’architecture de Bordeaux, « Simulateur de vol spatial de longue durée ». Création à Bordeaux de l’agence d’architecture Christophe Hutin. DEA en physiologie appliquée aux conditions extrêmes, université Claude-Bernard, Lyon. Consultant à l’Agence spatiale européenne (ESA) pour le Programme d’études préparatoires aux missions habitées. … 8 En 1994, après avoir échoué au concours de la Marine marchande, Christophe Hutin part pour l’Afrique du Sud en pleine campagne présidentielle. Logé à Soweto, il participe à la construction de Schaks, des maisons à ossatures bois et bardage en tôle montées en quelques heures et capables d’évoluer très rapidement selon la vie de l’habitant. L’enseignement est forcément percutant. Il en retient une attitude de fond : être précis et indéterminé. Après cette expérience critique très à l’écart de la pratique dominante, il entreprend des études d’architecture à Bordeaux, où il tient aujourd’hui son agence, puis à Paris. Il fréquente les ateliers de Jean-Philippe Vassal, Jacques Hondelatte et Bernard Barto et, dans le cadre de son diplôme sur le vol spatial habité, commence des études en physiologie à la faculté de médecine de Lyon. Tirant parti de ces superpositions d’influences, il met progressivement en place une méthode de travail à la fois pragmatique et cultivée, construite à partir des individus, des situations existantes, de la complexité du réel. Ces variables invitent bien volontiers l’improvisation à prendre part au projet. Pour Christophe Hutin, enseignant à l’école d’architecture de Toulouse, il s’agit de partir de l’expérience pour amener le projet et non l’inverse. Le dessin s’avère alors un outil de précision et de confrontation des hypothèses, mais en aucun cas un instrument de formalisation et de certitude. « L’architecture repose sur le fantasme de l’idée géniale d’une seule personne qu’une équipe mettrait des mois à concrétiser. Pour D’ARCHITECTURES 220 - SEPTEMBRE 13 ma part, je vais plutôt passer des mois à réfléchir autour de contingences pour que, peut-être, à la fin, une idée ressorte. » Ainsi jamais l’architecture ne doit précéder le réel. Et c’est l’usage, non pas la fonction – anticipation forcée –, qui génère une matérialité. Dans cette optique, la notion même de commande ne va pas de soi, mais renvoie à un processus à rebours que Hutin s’attelle fréquemment à déclencher lui-même. Il propose par exemple à la mairie de Bègles de réaliser une opération de logements sociaux sur le principe d’un lotissement vertical. Outre le travail sur le potentiel que peut avoir une structure à supporter toutes les libertés possibles, l’architecte réfléchit à l’abrogation de l’idée de copropriété, jusqu’à proposer à la municipalité que les circulations verticales lui soient rétrocédées. Autre commande de terrain : trouver une alternative à la maison de retraite par la question foncière. Pour loger un groupe de retraités sans capital, l’agence travaille à l’optimisation de résidus urbains délaissés par les promoteurs et dont la Ville serait soulagée de se débarrasser. C’est dans cet esprit de minutie urbaine que Hutin aborde l’appel à idées lancé par la Communauté urbaine de Bordeaux pour la construction de 50 000 logements, alors associé à Lacaton & Vassal, Frédéric Druot et Cyrille Marlin. Selon l’équipe, le territoire de la CUB recèle suffisamment d’opportunités construites existantes, qu’il suffit de prolonger et de combiner pour générer 180 000 logements nouveaux sans avoir besoin d’artificialiser ses réserves. Une démarche alors très difficile à faire entendre. Cette pensée de la ville par le hors-champ doit sans doute trouver ses propres voies d’exercice, même s’il semble que la situation économique oblige aujourd’hui à écouter davantage les approches urbaines ajustées, aptes à faire de l’indétermination un facteur d’évolutivité. � ATELIER D’ARCHITECTURE SKY, SOWETO Ce projet cristallise les positions de Christophe Hutin sur l’enseignement de l’architecture : confronter les élèves aux contingences d’une situation réelle pour expérimenter le projet. Pendant deux semaines, onze étudiants de l’école d’architecture de Toulouse et onze étudiants de l’université de Johannesburg ont travaillé au sein de l’orphelinat de SKY (Soweto Kliptown Youth) dans le quartier de Kliptown, au sud-ouest de Johannesburg, près de Soweto. Véritable institution, cet orphelinat est un lieu d’éducation, de création artistique et de lien social. Les nombreux bâtiments s’organisent autour de sa cour principale : un réfectoire-cuisine, une bibliothèque-centre informatique, des dortoirs pour garçons et filles. Situé dans un quartier non reconnu officiellement, le centre communautaire ne bénéfi- cie pas de connexion au tout-à-l’égout, ses douches ne sont pas raccordées, sa cour principale très en pente est l’objet d’importants ruissellements les jours de pluie, inondant les dortoirs. En amont de l’atelier, les étudiants ont collecté tout type d’information pour formuler des propositions et les confronter à la réalité. Ainsi, leur projet de drainage constitué de deux bassins filtrant a été réduit et compacté, leur système d’étanchéité simplifié au regard de la dureté du sol existant et le raccord de deux toilettes extérieures à un tuyau existant déjà en attente a été préféré à la création de toilettes sèches. Surface déterminante du projet, une dalle de 400 mètres carrés en béton drainant Hydromedia absorbe les contraintes de sol et offre une scène pour les activités de danse et de musique. � Atelier Learning from du 19 au 30 novembre 2012 : dirigé par C. Hutin & D. Estevez (Ensa Toulouse), en partenariat avec les étudiants de l’atelier d’architecture d’Alex Opper (université de Johannesburg). En collaboration avec Carin Smuts architecte (Afrique du Sud)/Kinya Maruyama architecte (Japon). Il s’est déroulé dans le cadre des saisons croisées : France-South Africa Seasons 2012 & 2013 (<>) avec le soutien de Lafarge et de l’Institut français d’Afrique du Sud. Enseignant vacataire : Nicolas Hubrecht. Étudiants : Alexandre Lefoll, Antonin Ducasse, Mesquida, Bastien Caroline Toma, Clément Ouaine, Judith Sedeno Fuente, Laurence Page Saint-Cyr, Marine Riom, Meryem Bouhaddou, Roméo Mivekannin, Sarah Landry. … > 2004 : réalisation d’une maison à Montpeyroux (Dordogne). > 2008 : participation au concours international « Villa Ordos 100 projets ». > 2011 : extension de l’école de musique et de danse de Blanquefort (Gironde). Relocalisation des bureaux de l’IFAS à Johannesburg. Réalisation d’une maison à Artigues (Gironde). Lauréat du concours pour la transformation des bâtiments G, H, I au Grand Parc à Bordeaux avec Lacaton & Vassal et Frédéric Druot. > 2012 : réalisation de l’Archéo- © Photos DR dunum à Toulouse. Lancement du projet Les Hauts Plateaux, lotissement vertical innovant à Bègles. 9 > PA R C O U R S © Philippe Ruault MAGAZINE ARCHÉODUNUM, COLOMIERS (HAUTE-GARONNE) À la demande de la société suisse d’archéologie Archéodunum de réaliser ses locaux d’activités, les architectes ont répondu en s’appuyant sur le caractère ordinaire, voire inintéressant, d’un site existant, traduisant ainsi l’impact de la pratique des archéologues sur l’espace et le paysage. Le terrain est situé dans la ZAC des Ramassiers, calé entre des zones d’activités à l’est et au sud et des logements individuels au nord et à l’ouest. Le site, plat, sans arbre, ne présente ni qualités particulières, ni vue prenante sur les environs. Un plan général du quartier prévoit la réalisation en fond de parcelle d’un talus paysagé, bâché et composé de plantes grasses. Les architectes ont voulu introvertir l’organisation du bâtiment, tout en développant une approche du paysage à partir de l’usage. Le projet s’organise en deux parties autour d’un cloître : l’une, située à l’extrémité nord, abrite les zones administratives et de recherche ; la seconde, au sud, regroupe les zones de stockage et de lavage des fouilles. Le système structurel à ossature métallique permet une flexibilité de l’organisation des espaces intérieurs. De plain-pied et de faible hauteur, le bâtiment profite d’un bassin central technique. Celui-ci contribue au confort thermique de l’édifice et permet la récupération des eaux pluviales. Un talus périphérique ceinture le terrain. Il est constitué de pierres de montagne en éboulis qui favorisent l’apparition d’une faune et d’une flore naturelles, de plantes de zones humides et d’arbres fruitiers. � [ MAÎTRE D’OUVRAGE : SCI TOLOSA – MAÎTRES D’ŒUVRE : CHRISTOPHE HUTIN, NICOLAS HUBRECHT, JÉRÔME GODART, VINCENT PUYOO – BET : STRUCTURE MÉTALLIQUE, CESMA ; ÉTUDE VRD, BÉTON, THERMIQUE, FLUIDES SECOTRAP – SURFACE : 860 M2 – COÛT : 929 200 EUROS HT – CALENDRIER : CONCEPTION, 2010 ; CONSTRUCTION, 2011-2012 ] 10 D’ARCHITECTURES 220 - SEPTEMBRE 13 11 © Photos Philippe Ruault MAGAZINE > PA R C O U R S MAISON & ATELIER, ARTIGUES (GIRONDE) À la suite de la vente de leur logement social, un couple avec deux enfants s’adresse à Christophe Hutin pour faire construire leur maison. Acquérir un terrain à un prix raisonnable est bien sûr déterminant pour rendre réalisable ce projet à faible budget. Le site retenu à Artigues, en périphérie de Bordeaux, est caractéristique des territoires extra urbains, avec ses échangeurs, ses hangars commerciaux et ses lotissements. Une situation hybride au réel potentiel car dotée d’espaces verts et de respirations favorisant des manières d’habiter ouvertes, tout comme l’exploitation d’une structure commerciale. Le terrain de petite superficie se distingue par la présence d’un grand cèdre et d’un cours d’eau aux rives bordées de roseaux côté nord, mais également par un sol de très mauvaise qualité. 12 D’ARCHITECTURES 220 - SEPTEMBRE 13 Cette contrainte implique de placer l’atelierbureau-garage en partie basse et l’habitation en surplomb avec sa terrasse en porte-à-faux. L’architecte aborde ainsi le projet par la possibilité de relations et de superpositions qu’il offre avec le paysage. Il travaille en prenant en compte à la fois les usages des habitants et les vues qu’ils souhaiteraient avoir depuis la maison. Celle-ci sera pour ainsi dire une intersection, une limite, la plus légère et évolutive possible, entre un intérieur et un extérieur. Fondations par pieux métalliques battus, structure acier, bardage en plaques métalliques petites ondes laquées blanc et polycarbonate, dalle béton ciré au sol, menuiseries extérieures aluminium teinté anodisé naturel et double vitrage constituent le cadre perméable de ce projet d’habitation. � © Photos DR RDC R+1 [ MAÎTRE D’OUVRAGE : PRIVÉ – MAÎTRES D’ŒUVRE : CHRISTOPHE HUTIN, EN COLLABORATION AVEC NICOLAS HUBRECHT – SURFACES : 110,50 M2 DE MAISON + 15 M2 DE BUREAU + 41 M2 D’ATELIER – COÛT : 104 271,72 EUROS TTC (HORS HONORAIRES, 14 % DU MONTANT DES TRAVAUX HT). PART D’AUTOCONSTRUCTION RÉALISÉE PAR LE CLIENT : 25 000 EUROS HT. PRIX/M2 DE SURFACE HABITABLE : 1 152,17 EUROS TTC (HORS BUREAU-ATELIER). PRIX/M2 DE SURFACE UTILISABLE : 655,70 EUROS TTC (AVEC BUREAU-ATELIER) – LIVRAISON : MARS 2011 ] 13 MAGAZINE 14 > PA R C O U R S D’ARCHITECTURES 220 - SEPTEMBRE 13 DIX-SEPT LOGEMENTS EN ACCESSION SOCIALE, PREMIÈRE PHASE, BÈGLES SOUMIS À LA QUESTION > DA : Q UEL EST VOTRE PREMIER SOUVENIR D ’ ARCHITECTURE ? Christophe Hutin : Construire une maison en deux heures à Soweto. C HRISTOPHE H UTIN … Inspiré par l’opération de logements évolutifs réalisée par Frei Otto pour l’IBA à Berlin, ce projet de lotissement vertical a d’abord été étudié pour l’Afrique du Sud. Il repose sur l’idée d’offrir à l’échelle collective les qualités d’usages et de liberté propres à la maison individuelle, tout en profitant des commodités d’un site dense. Construit dans le cadre du projet d’aménagement de Bel Air, le projet des Hauts Plateaux est situé entre la route de Toulouse et la gare de Bègles, en bordure de Villenave-d’Ornon. Ses planchers superposés, de 120 à 220 mètres carrés, comprennent une partie construite et une partie évolutive : 50 % de surface habitable, 25 % de surface de jardin et 25 % de surface intermédiaire offrant une possibilité d’extension pour les dix-sept logements en gradin, dont deux sont à rez-de-chaussée, cinq à R+1, cinq à R+2 et cinq autres en duplex à R+3 et R+4. L’habitant peut ainsi étendre son logement sur des surfaces non shonées, et donc acquises à moindre coût. L’architecture devient une capacité à se laisser habiter et investir, à se laisser faire en somme. Elle porte sur la création de réseaux, de circulations verticales, sur la relation au climat et le potentiel technique des planchers en béton brut de finition, d’une capacité de 1 t/m2. Pour sa première phase, cette opération est livrée en Vefa, ce qui contraint à vendre des logements « finis ». Une seconde phase, plus radicale dans son économie et l’appropriation qu’elle met en jeu, proposera à la vente d’uniques surfaces de planchers intelligentes, adaptables à toutes les interventions. � > Q UE SONT DEVENUS VOS RÊVES D ’ ÉTUDIANT ? CH : Des projets et des raisons d’embêter tout le monde, en particulier nos élus et nos maîtres d’ouvrage. > À QUOI SERT L’ ARCHITECTURE ? CH : « À rendre la vie plus intéressante que l’architecture. » Elle sert en premier aux gens pour qui elle est faite. > Q UELLE EST LA QUALITÉ ESSENTIELLE POUR UN ARCHITECTE ? CH : Avoir un cœur, un esprit et les sens qui vont avec, simplement être en vie. Être libre. > Q UEL EST LE PIRE CH : La prétention. DÉFAUT CHEZ UN ARCHITECTE ? > Q UEL EST LE VÔTRE ? CH : L’impatience, difficile pour des luttes de longue haleine. > Q UEL EST LE PIRE CAUCHEMAR POUR UN ARCHITECTE ? CH : Faire des bâtiments BBC, HQE, RT 2042 et jolis en plus. > Q UELLE EST LA COMMANDE À LAQUELLE VOUS CH : Je rêve de désirs, pas de commandes. RÊVEZ LE PLUS ? > Q UELS ARCHITECTES ADMIREZ - VOUS LE PLUS ? CH : Anne Lacaton, Jean-Philippe Vassal et Frédéric Druot. Ils sont les plus proches d’une longue liste. > Q UELLE EST L’ ŒUVRE CONSTRUITE QUE VOUS PRÉFÉREZ ? CH : La tour de Pise, une surprise est possible. > C ITEZ UN OU PLUSIEURS ARCHITECTES QUE VOUS TROUVEZ SURFAITS. CH : Si on peut régler ses comptes, alors je dirais les néo-modernes, leur approche mortifère est un fléau, surtout dans l’enseignement. La matérialité, la verticalité, la pérennité…, un jargon impressionnant mais vide de sens. > U NE ŒUVRE ARTISTIQUE A - T- ELLE PLUS PARTICULIÈREMENT INFLUENCÉ VOTRE TRAVAIL ? CH : Tout l’artistique influence mon travail, c’est son rôle. L’art nous ouvre des voies, pose des questions essentielles. Le travail de Bernard Lubat, avec qui j’ai travaillé m’a fait évoluer sur de nombreux points, l’improvisation en particulier. > Q UEL EST LE DERNIER LIVRE QUI VOUS A MARQUÉ ? CH : Le dernier livre que j’ai lu est Aventures d’un gourmand vagabond de Jim Harrison, entre deux repas en Italie. De la lecture à 10 000 calories. > Q U ’ EMMÈNERIEZ - VOUS SUR UNE ÎLE DÉSERTE ? CH : Ma fiancée et rien d’autre. Si, j’oubliais : un bateau bien sûr. > Q UELLE EST VOTRE VILLE PRÉFÉRÉE ? CH : Le village de mon enfance en montagne, Arrens-Marsous [Hautes-Pyrénées]. > L E MÉTIER D ’ ARCHITECTE EST- IL ENVIABLE EN 2013 ? CH : C’est plus une profession qu’un métier, aujourd’hui. Les architectes comme les autres font carrière, voilà pourquoi. Sinon, c’est un beau métier, il faut y faire attention, il a chaud aux fesses. > S I VOUS N ’ ÉTIEZ PAS ARCHITECTE , QU ’ AIMERIEZ - VOUS FAIRE ? CH : Je pourrais faire bien d’autres choses, pas de problème avec ça, ma vocation était d’être marin. Je n’ai pas fini ma vie active, on verra bien ce que me réservent l’avenir et moi-même. > Q UE DÉFENDEZ - VOUS ? CH : La vie sous toutes ses formes. Réagissez à cet article sur 15