Winter 2013 - Westminster Chapter
Winter 2013 - Westminster Chapter
Volume 3, Issue 1 Winter 2013 The Westminster Associator A Quarterly Newsletter of the Westminster Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution Proudly Serving Carroll County, Maryland, Chapter Established 9 March 1985 S P E C I A L P O I N T S O F I N T E R E S T : C h a p t e r T o H o l d F i f t h A n n u a l S p r i n g D i n n e r / B u s i n e s s M e e t i n g Chapter Wins at State Level Chapter active since past newsletter Looking for stories and pictures for the newsletter and website I N S I D E TH I S I S S U E : Officer’s Message 2 MDSSAR Annual Meeting: Save the Date 2 New Member Inducted 2 In Memoriam 3 Challenge from the Sate Society 3 Operation REACH Announced 4 October Business Meeting Highlights 4 News From the Board of Managers 5 Reminders 5 Getting to Know Your Compatriots 6, 7 Calendar 8 The Westminster Chapter will hold its Fifth Annual Spring Dinner and Business meeting on Thursday, 14 March 2013 at 6:30 P.M. in the Buttersburg Inn. The restaurant is located at 9 North Main Street, Union Bridge, Maryland. The menu for the meeting consists of fried chicken, potatoes, vegetable of the day, beverages and dessert. Total price, including tax and gratuity, is $18.00. A registration form is included in this newsletter. To make your reservations, please send a check, payable to Westminster Chapter SAR, by 1 March 2013, to our Treasurer, Compatriot Leonard Easton. His address is 1355 Streaker Road, Sykesville, Maryland 21784. Our speaker will be Bobby Crumbaugh, the winner of our chapter’s C h a p t e r Knight Essay Contest. He’ll be reading his essay, “More than Common Sense.” All members are invited to come and urged to bring significant others and invite prospective new members. A Good Time Had by All at Last August’s Dinner/Business Meeting! E a g l e S c o u t S t a t e L e v e l Carroll County resident Robert Crumbaugh, an Eagle Scout, was this year’s winner, not just in our chapter, but at the state level for the SAR Eagle Scout Award. Formally called the Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Scholarship, this is a national program open to all Eagle Scouts who have not yet turned 19 during the application year. The application consists of a two-page entry form, four generation ancestral chart, and 500 word essay. Our winner, who W i n s a t is also our Knight Essay winner, submitted a shortened version of his Knight Essay entry. His application, chosen at the state level, will now compete at the National level for an award of $8,000 (runner up gets $4,000 and the second runner up $2,000). Robert will be presented with his state award at the MDSSAR Annual George Washington Luncheon on 23 February 2013. P a g e 2 The Westminster Associator A Quarterly Newsletter of O f f i c e r s ’ M e s s a g e On behalf of Cecil, myself, and the rest of the officers , I’d like to extend the warmest wishes in this coldest of seasons to all of our chapter’s Compatriots. While the intent is to get this newsletter out every quarter, the effort is still new enough that it moves in fits and starts. The intention is ever the same, though: to inform you of events that have happened, showing how we as a chapter have been active; to announce what will be happening in the near future at a chapter, state and national level in which you may want to take part. Consider these items that are reported in this issue: August Dinner Meeting was held October Business meeting held and officers elected The State Society had its Semi-Annual Meeting The State Board of Managers has met a couple of times, out of which there are a number of topics you should consider We’ve had awards given out for Eagle Scout and the Knight Essay Contest Sadly, two of our members have passed away There are several upcoming events, some with very near-term deadlines, especially the State Society’s George Washington Luncheon (16 Feb 2013 deadline) and our Spring Dinner/Business Meeting (1 March 2013 deadline). We urge you to attend and to get involved. Also included is a new feature to introduce all of our members to each other. This may take a number of issues to catch everyone up on everyone else’s background, but it’s our hope that this will help promote camaraderie among us. So, please enjoy this issue, let us know how we can improve it, and we look forward to seeing you at upcoming events! James F. Engler, Sr. Vice President, Westminster Chapter S t a t e A n n u a l M e e t i n g : S a v e t h e D a t e ! At the January Board of Managers meeting for our state Society, it was reported that this year’s MDSSAR Annual Meeting will be held 13 April 2013 at Grey Rock Mansion, 400 Grey Rock Rd., Pikesville, MD 21208. The birthplace of Revolutionary patriot, John Eagar Howard, the site has been used before by MDSSAR for meetings, and is always a pleasant and enjoyable location for our events. Considering its close location, all our chapter’s Compatriots are urged to attend. Details are pending, so check back regularly for details at N e w M e m b e r I n d u c t e d A u g u s t M e e t i n g a t Shown at right is Compatriot Art Petruccelli, his wife Cathy, MDSSAR 2VP Doug Favorite and Westminster Chapter President Cecil Massie, as Art was sworn into the SAR and received his certificate at our August Dinner/Business Meeting. See Art’s biography in our new “Getting to Know Your Compatriots” section. V o l u m e 3 , I s s u e 1 P a g e I n 3 M e m o r i a m Since our last newsletter, we have lost two of our chapter Compatriots. While a few short sentences cannot do justice to describing their lives, it is only right that we note their passing and celebrate their lives. T h o m a s R . P e t e r s , S r . On 23 October 2012, at 2:00 A.M., chapter Compatriot Thomas R. Peters, Sr . passed away after battling a long illness. Born 13 Jun 1926, he was a WWII Veteran and Boy Scoutmaster. He joined SAR and our chapter in 1991. He was preceded in death by his wife, Nellie W. Peters (nee Boone), and his son Tom R. Peters, Jr. . He is survived by six children, 23 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. He was buried 26 October 2012 at St. Louis Cemetery, Clarksville, MD. R i c h a r d N . H y s o n Compatriot Richard N. Hyson died Wednesday, 7 Nov 2012, at home in Hampstead. He was born in Hampstead 13 Mar 1930, and at the time of his death had been married to Martha Martin Hyson for 55 years. He graduated from Hampstead High School in 1947 and Baltimore Business College in 1948. He was a veteran of the Korean War, serving from 1948 to 1952, when he was discharged as a Master Sergeant. He worked as a rural carrier in Hampstead for the US Postal Service for 37 years before retiring. He was a member his entire life of St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hampstead and served as the church council president and on other committees. He was a member of the Historical Society in Carroll County, a member of the Stewartstown Historical Society and a 60-year member of the American Legion Post 200 in Hampstead, serving at one time as its Commander. He was the secretary of the Hampstead Cemetery Company. He joined the Sons of the American Revolution and our chapter in 1998, and served as the Flag Committee Chair for many years, as well as regularly attending our business meetings and dinners and participating in colonial uniform at the Westminster Memorial Day Parade, marching with his Compatriots. He enjoyed gardening, traveling, antiques and his home. He is survived by his wife, and two daughters. He was buried at Hampstead Cemetery, Hampstead, MD. C h a l l e n g e F r o m t h e S t a t e S o c i e t y A new Washington Memorial is being established in Maryland. A statue of George Washington is planned to stand before the courthouse in Hagerstown, the county seat of Washington County. MDSSAR President Lou Raborg is challenging the SAR chapters in the state to donate $100 towards defraying the costs involved with the statue’s design , fabrication and installation. So far, at least 7 chapters have taken up the challenge (Christian Ardinger, SGT Lawrence Everhart, GEN William Smallwood, COL Henry Hollingsworth, COL Aquila Hall, CAPT John Smoot, Thomas Stone). Will we be the next? Let this be a topic for our March business meeting! P a g e The Westminster Associator 4 O p e r a t i o n R E A C H A n n o u n c e d At the January Board of Manager’s meeting the Board of Managers and Officers of MDSSAR were briefed on Operation REACH (Reaching Every American Compatriot at Home), a new National recruitment program with the goal of increasing SAR membership. A joint project of NSSAR and, this continues a successful partnership established with Operation Ancestor Search (part of the Wounded Warrior effort, it provided free accounts to soldiers to allow them to research their ancestry while recovering in hospital from wounds received in battle) and continued by an arrangement to digitize all pre-1970 SAR applications. Ultimately, the idea is to provide a means to generate a pre-application to SAR based on the person’s viewing of the digitized pre-1970 SAR applications, and the form would be sent to National, which in turn would forward to the state societies and thence down to the local chapters for further action. This may be implemented by the appearance on a family tree of a leaf that would serve as a hint that the subscriber might have ancestors appearing in the pre-1970 applications. Periodically, these hints would be e-mailed to subscribers. In responding to these hints, messages would explain the SAR application process and encourage them to join SAR. In responding to these messages, the subscriber would then fill out a “pre-application form” which would flow down to local points of contact. The tentative schedule was to start with targeted implementations in Texas and Virginia starting 1 Jan 2013 and run through second quarter 2013, with results reviewed at the July 2013 Congress. However, after discussion, the pilot was extended to cover Virginia, DC, and Maryland. Tilghman “Tim” McCabe Jr. (Secretary and Registrar, GEN Smallwood Chapter) is the state chair for Operation REACH and reports that there are 4,673 subscribers in Maryland alone. We are looking for local “ambassadors”, who can be professional and diplomatic, to serve as our chapter’s point of contact. As an added inducement, ambassadors will be given a free subscription, so that they can help prospective members in the membership process. O c t o b e r B u s i n e s s M e e t i n g H i g h l i g h t s A chapter meeting was held 26 Oct 2013 at the Chapter Presidents house in Westminster. The highlights of the meeting were: the induction of Louis Abel as the newest member of the chapter; the awarding of a SAR war service medal to Charles Wolfe and the presentation of the SAR law Enforcement Commendation Medal to SGT Keith Benfer, Westminster Police Department for his exceptional service, accomplishments and leadership in conducting the Westminster “Shop with a Cop Program” Sgt. Benfer provided the chapter members an overview of the “Shop with a Cop” program and the opportunities the program provides for deserving children to purchase Christmas gifts for family members. Also at the chapter business meeting, a slate of officers was put forward for the upcoming year. There was a nomination from the floor for President, the first time in recent memory, but ultimately the officers elected were the following: President: Dr. Cecil Massie Vice President: James F. Engler, Sr. Left to right: MDSSAR President Raborg and Chapter Secretary: Charles Hedges President Massie, Charles Wolfe, Louis Abel and SGT Treasurer: Leonard Easton Benfer Chaplain: Dr. Charles Wolfe Registrar: James Haines Officers begin their new terms at the March business meeting. V o l u m e 3 , I s s u e N e w s 1 f r o m P a g e t h e B o a r d o f 5 M a n a g e r s Since our last newsletter, the Board of Managers for MDSSAR has met twice, and in each case, there were items reported that may be of interest to our chapter Compatriots. At the Semi-Annual meeting on 6 October 2012 at Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, Frederick, the following items were mentioned: There have been some issues with the maintenance of the MDSSAR website. President Raborg has appointed with the Board’s concurrence Chris Raborg as the new webmaster. Any comments or news items for the state webmaster should be directed to our President, Cecil Massie and to our VP and webmaster, Jim Engler, who will forward them. Operation REACH was mentioned, with the need for a state chair raised (see the related article in this newsletter.). More details were given out at the start of the January 2013 Board of Managers meeting. President Raborg challenged all chapters to work on getting an active Americanism Poster Contest program started. The SGT Lawrence Everhart chapter has reported taking up the challenge. A new part of the Washington Rochambeau Route (WRR) is being developed, to cover the route taken by Rochambeau's aides. Research is ongoing. The Atlantic Middle States Association, SAR, will be holding its 2014 district conference here in Maryland. All details need to be arranged by the end of 2013, and while there are some volunteers to help in this task, more are always welcome. Contact President Massie, VP Engler, or MDSSAR President Raborg if interested in helping out. The 12 Jan 2013 Board of Managers meeting was held at the Maryland Club in Baltimore. Among the topics of the meeting: Operation REACH was briefed (see the article in this newsletter for a synopsis). Present Raborg announced the Ardinger Challenge. The Christian Ardinger chapter offered to donate $100 to the George Washington Statue project in Hagerstown if other chapters would match that amount (see the article in this newsletter on the status). We need more SAR representation at the December Patriot’s Ball. While there were 110 attendees, most came from other societies that were invited. The Nominating Committee reported the slate of officers for election at the Annual Meeting. Besides the current Officers moving up in position (which will ultimate result in each becoming State President), our own VP Jim Engler has been nominated to serve as Third Vice President. Congratulations! R e m i n d e r s .Electronic Edition. Paper copies of The Westminster Associator go out to members for whom we have no e-mail address; electronic copies (viewable using the freely downloaded Adobe Acrobat™) are sent to the rest of our chapter members. If you have a new or changed e-mail address, please let President Massie and VP Engler know (contact information on the back) , as sending electronically will save our chapter the cost of printing and postage. Articles Needed. Are there any items you’d like to share with the rest of the chapter? If so, contact Compatriot Engler for inclusion in the next issue of The Westminster Associator. Photos and Memories Needed. Anyone with photos of or information on past events, please contact Compatriot Engler at 410.781.6622. His goal is to have a complete chapter photo history on our website (see our website’s “Chapter History” page for progress on this project). Website Updated. The Chapter website has been updated to include recent chapter activities. Check us out at If you see anything to change or add, contact the webmaster. Ideas Needed. From the reports at the Board of Manager Meetings and the Annual and Semi-Annual meetings, many of the chapters are very active. What would you like to see our chapter doing? Do you have ideas about increasing our fund-raising to allow us to do even more? Tell us! Bios Needed. Know your Compatriots! Starting with this issue, we’re planning on running short bios on current members. So please send your paragraph bio and a current picture to, or send to Jim Engler at 2038 Red River Rd., Sykesville, MD, 21784. P a g e The Westminster Associator 6 G e t t i n g t o K n o w Y o u r C o m p a t r i o t s This new feature in The Associator is an attempt to help our membership get to know one another and our backgrounds. Often the only time we see some of our fellow SAR Compatriots is at our business meetings, Memorial Day Parade, or another chapter-sponsored event. Some of us for various reasons can’t make those events either. We hope to have a mix of new and current members’ biographies in each issue L e o n a r d E a s t o n Born in Baltimore City, 1949, Leonard has lived a good portion of his life in the Sykesville area and was part of the last graduating class of Sykesville High School (1967). He enlisted in December of that year in the U.S. Navy and mustered out October 1971. While in the Navy he was Communication Technician/ Crypto Operator stationed at: CINCLANTFLT-NATO HDQS, Norfolk, VA.; NAVCOMSTA, Sidi Yahia, Morocco; TDA, aircraft carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt; aircraft carrier USS Independence; Navy Space Project Office, Washington, D.C.. Leonard graduated from Catonsville Community College with an A.A. Degree. He retired in 2006 as bank manager from a Mercantile Bank affiliate after 34 years. He was treasurer of the Westminster Retail Merchants Association (19831990), awarded the Rotary Member of Year (20032004) and a Paul Harris Fellow, Mt. Airy Rotary Club. Leonard presently is employed by the State of Maryland, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Division of Cost Accounting and Reimbursements, Springfield Hospital Center. Married to Patricia, they have one daughter, and two grandchildren. Leonard’s hobbies include genealogy, woodworking, playing with guns, and general handyman stuff around the house. He is a member of the Mayflower Society. Leonard joined the SAR and our chapter in 1991 and has continued serving as our chapter Treasurer since 1992. He is also our Eagle Scout Award Chairman. He joined our chapter through his ancestor, Thomas Cornelius Howard (1745-1801), an ensign in a Maryland militia company. Leonard is currently working on eight supplemental SAR applications for his Revolutionary ancestors. J a m e s F . E n g l e r , S r . Born in 1959 in Washington, D.C. , Jim was raised in Montgomery County, MD. He graduated from Our Lady of Good Counsel High School in 1977. He received a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree, cum laude, from the Catholic University of America (1981) and a Master of Science in Computer Science from the Johns Hopkins University (1985). He worked at Westinghouse Electric Corporation Defense Systems Center (later part of Northrop Grumman Corporation) for 16 years as a system analyst and program manager for defense and commercial systems. In 1997 he joined the Applied Physics Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University, in Laurel, MD, where he is a member of the Principal Professional Staff, serving as a section supervisor and a systems engineer/analyst. As well as hobbies of reading and writing (fiction and non-fiction), he has been doing genealogy since 1978. He joined the Ogle/Ogles Family Association (O/OFA) in 1980, contributing frequently to the O/OFA annual periodical, The Ogle Genealogist and presenting at triennial Ogle Conventions. He served as O/OFA Member-at-Large (1992-2003), O/OFA President (2004-2009), Editor of its quarterly newsletter, Ogling for Ogles (2011-2012), as Assistant Editor on the Ogle Family Book Project (2006-2010), and Acting Editor of the Ogle Family Book Project (Looking Back At The Ogles) since the passing of its Editor-in-Chief. Jim joined the Sons of the American Revolution in 2001 under his ancestor, Joseph Ogle (1737-1821), a Captain of a Virginia militia company. He has served the Westminster Chapter as Vice President since 2002. He established the chapter’s website in 2004 and the Chapter newsletter in 2009. Jim also chaired the committee that marked the grave of James Crawford, the chapter’s first such marking, in 2009 and assisted in the grave marking of patriot Adam Swigart, cosponsored with the William Winchester Chapter DAR in 2010. Jim has served at the State level on the Board of Managers for several terms since 2002. Jim and his wife Joanne have been married since 1981 and have five adult sons. While his boys were growing up, he served as a Den Leader, V o l u m e 3 , I s s u e 1 Webelos Den Leader, Assistant Cubmaster and Cubmaster for Pack 389 in Eldersburg, and then as Assistant Scoutmaster in Troup 883. With his sons now grown, Jim and his wife enjoy international travel. P a g e 7 Pennsylvania State University; a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science (magna cum laude) at Kean University (Union, NJ); a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins UniW i l l i a m G . versity (1992). H i a t t Art has also been a military reservist. He Born in Greensboro, NC (1935 ), he enlisted (1983) as a USAF Staff Sergeant in the New Jersey Air National Guard and was commisgraduated from Greensboro Sr. High School (1953), from Catawba sioned (1984) a Second Lieutenant, Aircraft Maintenance and Munitions Officer, for the 108th TactiCollege (1957) with a B. A. in English and Drama and from Western cal Fighter Wing and 108th Air Refueling Wing at Maryland College with a Master of McGuire AFB, NJ. Hieserved as Vice Commander, Education . He started with Carroll Aircraft Generation Squadron; Maintenance County Public Schools in Sep 1957, Squadron Commander; and Maintenance Group executive officer. Art transferred (2004) to the Air as he knew numerous Catawba College graduates in the Force Reserve Individual Mobilization Augmentee area. He worked for CCPS five years at New Windsor and program, assigned at the Pentagon to USAF Chief Francis Scot Key High Schools as an English teacher, then of Staff for Installations, Maintenance, and Logismoved to the Baltimore County Public Schools, as English teacher at Millford Mill for three years and then its Librarian tics. Promoted to Colonel (2006) , Art retired in another 2 years before serving Franklin High as its Librarian 2009. Art deployed for Restore Hope (Somalia, 1993), Deny Flight (Bosnia, 1994), Northern Watch for 22 years. He retired in 1987 with 30 years service in education. He married a local Carroll County lady, Madeline (Iraq, 1997), and Joint Forge (Bosnia, 2001). He was mobilized for Operations Allied Force (1999), Myers, who passed away in 2012. Bill has one daughter. Noble Eagle and Enduring Freedom (2002), and Bill joined our chapter in 1996 under his ancestor, Iraqi Freedom (2003 and 2004). His last tour of George Hiatt, who gave aid to the wounded after the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. He became a member at the urging duty was in Operation Enduring Freedom at Manas of our chapter president, Cecil Massie, whom he had known Air Base, Kyrgyzstan and Bagram, Afghanistan as Commander, 376 Expeditionary Aircraft Maintefor a number of years. Bill served until 2012 as the chapnance Squadron. He is a life member of the VFW ter’s chair for the Knight Essay, and has organized since 2001 our chapter’s participation in the Westminster Memo- and a member of American Legion Post 223 in rial Day Parade. For the 145th Memorial Parade he assem- Sykesville, MD. He joined AT&T Bell Laboratories (1978) bled with Compatriot Tim Hadley a showcase of our chapter and was a software developer on the UNIX operatin the Westminster branch of the Carroll County Library. ing system. In 1986, he moved his family to ElHe is a member of the Carroll County Genealogical dersburg, Maryland and started to work at AT&T’s Society, and was the membership chair for a number of Columbia, MD offices, where he is a data commuyears. In retirement he serves as a committee member for nications engineer and supervisor of an Informathe Lutheran Village where he now lives, and volunteers tion Technology administration group. He and his three hours a week at the Carroll Lutheran Village Library. He’s also the co-chair for the fundraising committee, Friends wife Cathy have five children and six grandchildren. of the Village. A 1969 Eagle Scout, he has served as a BSA troop committee chairman and merit badge A r t h u r G . counselor and took crews of boy scouts to high P e t r u c c e l l i adventure bases, backpacking at Philmont Scout Ranch, NM and wilderness canoeing at Northern Arthur is a native of western Tier in the Boundary Waters at Ely, MN. Pennsylvania and graduated An avid genealogy researcher, Art is a life from Rochester High School in member of the Alden Kindred and Society of May1972. After a tour with the U.S. flower Descendents, and became in 2012 a memMarines as an artilleryman ber of the Sons of the American Revolution and of (1972-1976), Art attended and our chapter. Art currently serves as our chapter's received: an Associate Degree Knight Essay Chair. in Computer Science from the OUR WEB ADDRESS: HTTP://WESTMINSTER.MARYLANDSAR.ORG/ INDEX.HTML W E S T M I N S T E R C H A P T E R , S O N S O F T H E A M E R I C A N R E V O L U T I O N 114 Virginia Dr Westminster, MD 21158 Phone: 410-848-4156 E-mail: Chartered on 9 March 1985, the Westminster Chapter, SAR proudly serves Carroll County, Maryland. In keeping with the mission of SAR, our chapter seeks to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom through an appreciation for true patriotism, a respect for our national symbols, the value of American citizenship, and for the unifying force that has created, from the people of many nations, one nation and one people. We do this by perpetuating in our local community, among all age groups, the stories of patriotism, courage, sacrifice, tragedy, and triumph of the men who achieved the independence of the American people in the belief that these stories are universal ones of man's eternal struggle against tyranny, relevant to all time, and will inspire and strengthen each succeeding generation as it too is called upon to defend our freedoms on the battlefield and in our public institutions. Libertas et Patria C a l e n d a r , J u l y - S e p t e m b e r Date, Time and Place 2 0 1 2 Subject Annual George Washington Birthday Luncheon 23 February 2013, 12:30 P.M. Speaker: Rev. Pyne Towson Golf & Country Club Topic: George Washington and the Declaration of Independence 12801 Stone Hill Road, Phoenix, MD 21009 See Flyer in this issue Westminster Chapter Spring Dinner/Business Meeting 14 March 2013, 6:30 P.M. Buttersburg Inn Speaker: Bobby Crumbaugh, Winner of the Chapter’s Knight Essay Contest New Windsor, MD Topic: “More than Common Sense” See Flyer in this issue 13 April 2013 Grey Rock Mansion Maryland State Society Sons of the American Revolution Annual Meeting Pikesville, MD Items in italics are state, regional or national SAR events, see the State site (accessible from our chapter’s “Links” page for more information on these The Maryland Society of the Sons of the American Revolution invites you to our Annual George Washington Birthday Luncheon PLACE: DATE/TIME: COST: DIRECTIONS: CASH BAR: SPEAKER: Towson Golf & Country Club, 12801 Stone Hill Road, Phoenix, MD 21009 Saturday, February 23, 2013 at 12:30 pm $28.00 with a choice of Roasted Pork Loin or Breast of Chicken Marsala with tossed salad, seasonal vegetable, and Red Bliss potatoes. Dessert is sherbet. Take Exit 27B off Baltimore Beltway 695. Stay on Dulaney Valley Road past Loch Raven Reservoir cross Loch Raven Bridge, bear right to Stone Hill Road approximately 1 mile on left. There are two stone pillars at the driveway. Cash Bar starts at 11:30 am. Rev. Pyne about George Washington and the Declaration of Independence. Colonial Uniform, Business or Military Attire welcomed. Medals and Awards will be presented including MD 400 recipients if you have donated at least $100 to the MD 400 Fund. A silent auction will be held at this event. If you have items you wish to donate, please contact Bill Batton at 410-877-2455 or ------------------------------------------------------------------RSVP by February 16th to Barry McKown at 410-798-4531 and send check to: Professor Barrett L. McKown 3580 South River Terrace Edgewater, MD 21037-3245 Email: I will be attending the GW Luncheon: ________________________________ (name) I will be bringing ____ guests. Names of guests: _______________________________________ Please indicate your preference Pork Loin or Chicken Marsala Check enclosed for $28 PER PERSON for a total of $_______ made payable to MDSSAR. Carroll County Westminster Chapter The Maryland Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Dinner/Social Meeting – March 2013 Thursday, March 14th at 6:30 p.m. The Buttersburg Inn 9 North Main Street * Union Bridge Maryland 21791 410-775-9939 Speaker: Bobbie Crumbaugh, Winner of Chapter Knight Essay Contest Topic: More than Common Sense Menu: Fried Chicken, potatoes, vegetable of the day, cold slaw, beverages and dessert Cost: $18.00 per person (includes tax and gratuity) Reservations must be received by March First. Send form below with your check (payable to the Westminster Chapter of the SAR) to: Leonard Easton 1355 Streaker Road Sykesville, Maryland 21784 (Please note the change in reservation mailing instructions) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------___Reservation(s) for dinner at $18.00 per person. Amount enclosed_______ Names________________________________________________________ Street Address____________________________________________________ City_______________________________ State________ Phone_________
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