Celebrating Nursing at Mount Sinai


Celebrating Nursing at Mount Sinai
May 29 – June 10, 2012
Mount Sinai
Honoring Achievement
Commencement 2012
Two hundred twenty-four students, two Nobel laureates,
a public health advocate, and a university president were
honored on Thursday, May 10, at Mount Sinai School
of Medicine’s 43rd Commencement Ceremony. Ruth J.
Simmons, PhD, President of Brown University, delivered
the commencement address before an audience of
approximately 2,500 faculty, staff, graduates, and their
families and friends at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center.
In all, Mount Sinai granted 141 MDs, 39 PhDs, and 44 Masters
degrees. Dr. Simmons, the first African-American to lead
an Ivy League university, and the first woman president
of Brown University, received an honorary Doctorate of
Humane Letters for her work in championing diversity and
commitment to education.
“No force is more powerful than the simple voice of people
advocating change,” Dr. Simmons told the Class of 2012.
Change is not always easy or apparent, she added, but
“don’t settle for the status quo because change is not
happening fast enough.”
Dennis S. Charney, MD, Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Dean
and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Mount
Sinai School of Medicine, and commencement speaker
Ruth J. Simmons, PhD, President of Brown University, who
received an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters
Dr. Simmons congratulated the students for “taking your
place among the world’s scholars,” and counseled them to
use their knowledge for scientific discovery and the delivery
The Annual Crystal Party
More than 1,300 leaders, staff, and friends of The Mount Sinai
Medical Center gathered on Thursday, May 3, under a large white
tent at the Central Park Conservatory Garden to celebrate Mount
Sinai’s discoveries and achievements at the 27th Crystal Party.
The annual spring event was hosted by Mount Sinai Trustee
David Windreich and his wife, Christine Hikawa, and raised more
than $3 million to support the medical center. Guests danced to
live music and enjoyed cocktails and a three-course meal.
A Salute to Excellence
Celebrating Nursing
At Mount Sinai
Save the Date:
2012 Town Hall
Peter W. May, Chairman, Mount Sinai Boards of Trustees,
provided the crowd with updates on two “very exciting new
projects,” which will open this year: The Leon and Norma Hess
Center for Science and Medicine, a 500,000-square-foot stateof-the-art research center, and the new residential building at
1214 Fifth Avenue at 102nd Street, with 229 rental apartments.
Twenty percent of the units in the rental building are available for
affordable housing and 50 percent will be extended to residents
of Community Board 11 (East Harlem).
LEFT PHOTO: Peter W. May, Chairman, Mount
Sinai Boards of Trustees, and Leni May; RIGHT
PHOTO: Christine Hikawa; Ms. Hikawa and her
husband, Mount Sinai Trustee David Windreich,
were the hosts of this year’s Crystal Party.
Honoring Achievement: Commencement 2012
of skilled health care while working on behalf
of others, particularly those in need.
Pride and exhilaration were evident among
the graduates as they listened to Dr. Simmons
and Mount Sinai’s leaders who commended
them on their hard work and scholarship. A
number of the medical school graduates who
stepped onto the stage to receive diplomas
were hooded by parents or close family
members who are also MDs. Other graduates
brought their young children with them.
(continued from page 1)
of any medical school is the quality of its
students. The graduates of the class of 2012
represent the best and the brightest.” He said
their commitment to Mount Sinai’s Human
Rights and Social Justice Program enabled
them to receive the 2012 Alpha Omega Alpha
Honor Society Project Leadership Award. He
added that more than 40 students had gone
on service missions to 16 countries in 2012.
Dr. Charney said the students had published
landmark papers in stem cell biology,
those who have come before you—your loved
ones, your mentors, the giants of Mount Sinai.
Your time begins now.”
Kenneth L. Davis, MD, President and Chief
Executive Officer of The Mount Sinai Medical
Center, recalled that as a member of the
second graduating class at Mount Sinai, there
were 40 medical students and no graduate
students. He told the crowd that today’s
“emphasis on team learning reflects the
most fundamental paradigm shift in medical
Honorary Doctor of Science degrees were
awarded to the following visionaries:
• Ada Yonath, PhD, a Nobel Prize-winning
structural biologist and biochemist whose
work in ribosome crystallography has
shown scientists how bacteria acquire
resistance to antibiotics;
• Harald zur Hausen, MD, a Nobel Prizewinning virologist who established the
human papilloma virus as a key cause of
cervical cancer;
• Margaret A. Hamburg, MD, Commissioner
of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration,
whose career has been devoted to
protecting and promoting public health.
Dennis S. Charney, MD, Anne and Joel
Ehrenkranz Dean of Mount Sinai School of
Medicine and Executive Vice President for
Academic Affairs of The Mount Sinai Medical
Center, told the audience: “The lifeblood
Stand shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, and heart
to heart with those who have come before you—your
loved ones, your mentors, the giants of Mount Sinai.
Your time begins now.
cancer, and learning and memory; had won
prestigious research fellowships; and were
conducting clinical research that was already
having an impact on patient care.
“Class of 2012, I leave you with the following
thoughts,” Dr. Charney said. “Great deeds
in life are born from moments of great
opportunity. Do not let these moments
pass through your hands. Stand shoulder to
shoulder, arm in arm, and heart to heart with
education in over a century.” In the past, he
said, medical education trained the individual
physician to be “the best clinician, the most
insightful diagnostician, and the most
heroic surgeon.”
Dr. Davis said, “Today, we pursue excellence
in a culture of cooperation because the best
way to address the needs of our patients is
within a team, and because of the complexity
of the problems we face.” He added that
Mount Sinai’s focus on collaboration has led
to science and clinical faculty entering each
other’s classrooms to teach in teams, and
the teaching of clinically relevant science
alongside patient care.
Dr. Davis quoted Charles Darwin in a
statement that he said “applies to all I have
talked about today, and where medicine,
medical education, and graduate education
in biomedical science is heading.“ He said, “In
the long history of humankind, and animal
kind, those who learned to most effectively
collaborate and improvise have prevailed.”
In the spirit of collaboration, Peter W. May,
Chairman, Mount Sinai Boards of Trustees,
urged the graduates to understand the
importance of partnering with professionals
outside the medical field who could
support their health-care goals by providing
philanthropic, business, and legislative
expertise. He said, “That philosophy has been
the touchstone of Mount Sinai since it was
founded in 1852.”
TOP LEFT: Kenneth L. Davis, MD, President and CEO, The Mount Sinai Medical Center, addressed the
audience; TOP RIGHT: Medical students recited a modified Code of Maimonides; ABOVE: Students
were jubilant after receiving their degrees.
Mr. May added, “You know the tremendous
breakthroughs that can emerge through
collaboration within the medical community.
But do not overlook the importance of
partnering with nonmedical professionals
who have the vision, influence, and
willingness to support your endeavors.”
The Annual Crystal Party
(continued from page 1)
A Salute to Excellence
“Both of these properties generated much-needed jobs
during economically uncertain times, and will continue
to do so as the labs and clinical facilities are opened and
expand,” said Mr. May. He gave special thanks to all of the
guests. “It is a dream come true, and it would not have
been realized without your support and enthusiasm for this
great institution.”
“Today, we celebrate excellence, and the remarkable achievements of our
students and faculty,” Dennis S. Charney, MD, told honorees, faculty, staff,
and guests attending the 2012 Mount Sinai Achievement Ceremony that
was held on Wednesday, May 9, in Stern Auditorium. “As the medical field
confronts greater challenges, this is an affirmation that Mount Sinai is
strong. We are training great students to have a moral compass, and we
are committed to groundbreaking research.”
Kenneth L. Davis, MD, President and Chief Executive
Officer, The Mount Sinai Medical Center, said, “The Hess
Center will be one of the very few research facilities to
Dr. Charney, Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Dean of Mount Sinai School
of Medicine and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs of The
Mount Sinai Medical Center, hosted the event with David Muller, MD,
the Marietta and Charles C. Morchand Chair in Medical Education and
Dean for Medical Education, and Peter Gliatto, MD, Associate Dean for
Undergraduate Medical Education and Student Affairs.
Ten faculty members were recognized for excellence in basic research,
clinical medicine, teaching, and translational science, including five
who received a Dean’s Award for Excellence. Thirty-one medical and
graduate students received awards for clinical, research, and educational
accomplishments. Award presenters cited examples of unparalleled
leadership, passion, innovation, mentoring, service, and transformative
research achievements.
The following faculty received a
Dean’s Award for Excellence:
• Aneel Aggarwal, PhD, Professor of
Structural and Chemical Biology, in
Basic Science Research;
• Celia M. Divino, MD, The Stanley
Edelman, MD, Professor of Surgery,
and Chief, Division of General
Surgery, in Clinical Medicine;
Photo Credit: Roey Yohai Photography and Carly Otness/BFAnyc.com
TOP LEFT: Drs. Kenneth L. Davis and Mount Sinai Trustee
Bonnie M. Davis; TOP RIGHT: Merryl and James S. Tisch,
Senior Vice Chairman, Mount Sinai Boards of Trustees;
ABOVE, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mount Sinai Trustee Arne Glimcher;
Anne Ehrenkranz; Milly Glimcher; and Joel S. Ehrenkranz,
Vice Chairman, Mount Sinai Boards of Trustees
open this year anywhere in the United States. It will add
to our ability to research and treat the most difficult
medical problems in the most advanced manner.”
He told the crowd that Mount Sinai’s reputation for
complex and extraordinary care was brought home last
week by comments from seven members of the Joint
Commission who came to conduct Mount Sinai’s hospital
accreditation survey. After conducting more than 400
interviews with patients, staff, and physicians, observing
clinical practices, examining processes and protocols, and
inspecting facilities and infrastructure, Dr. Davis said the
surveyors “took inspiration from us. In key clinical areas
they said Mount Sinai had redefined the standards that
other institutions will be challenged to meet.”
Dr. Davis added that the surveyors “went out of their way
to comment on the engagement of our Board and how
critical that involvement was to our success.” He said
the Hess Center and the residential building would never
have been built if it had not been for the Board’s courage,
wisdom, and generosity.
“We owe all of this—and much more—to many of the
people gathered here tonight,” Dr. Davis said.
Four faculty members received
the Dr. Harold and Golden
Lamport Research Award:
• Stuart A. Scott, PhD, Assistant
Professor of Genetics and
Genomic Sciences;
• Ming-Hu Han, PhD, Assistant
Professor of Pharmacology and
Systems Therapeutics;
• Natasha Anushri Anandaraja,
MD, MPH, Assistant Professor
of Pediatrics, and Medical
Education, in Teaching (Junior
Faculty Award);
• Eliza B. Geer, MD, Assistant
Professor of Medicine
(Endocrinology, Diabetes
and Bone Disease), and
• Ki-Mark Mak, PhD, Associate
Professor of Medical Education,
and Anatomy and Functional
Morphology, in Teaching (Senior
Faculty Award);
• Scott J. Russo, PhD, Assistant
Professor of Neuroscience.
• Roger J. Hajjar, MD, The Arthur
and Janet C. Ross Professor
of Medicine, and Director,
Cardiovascular Institute, in
Translational Science.
The Solomon Silver Award in
Clinical Medicine was presented
to Alexis Chiang Colvin, MD,
Assistant Professor of
FROM LEFT: Ki-Mark Mak, PhD; Natasha Anushri Anandaraja, MD, MPH; Aneel
Aggarwal, PhD; Celia M. Divino, MD; Roger J. Hajjar, MD; Alexis Chiang Colvin,
MD; Dennis S. Charney, MD; Ming-Hu Han, PhD; Scott J. Russo, PhD; Eliza B. Geer,
MD; and Stuart A. Scott, PhD
Celebrating Nursing at Mount Sinai
Carol Porter, DNP, RN, Chief Nursing Officer
and Senior Vice President for Nursing, was
named The Edgar M. Cullman, Sr. Chair of
the Department of Nursing, and becomes
the first endowed nursing chair in Mount
Sinai’s history. The announcement was
made at The Mount Sinai Medical Center
Boards of Trustees’ 31st Annual Awards for
Excellence in Nursing Practice on Tuesday,
May 1, during National Nurses Week.
The chair is named in honor of the late Edgar
M. Cullman, Sr., a member of the Boards of
Trustees for more than 50 years, who was
a strong advocate for nursing and patient
care. Cullman family members have served
on the Boards of Trustees since Mount Sinai’s
founding in 1852. Mr. Cullman’s daughter,
Susan R. Cullman, a current member, made
the announcement. “This awards ceremony
that recognizes excellence in nursing was one
of my father’s favorite events at Mount Sinai,”
said Ms. Cullman. “My father was passionate
about Nursing and nurses at Mount Sinai.”
Said Dr. Porter, “The Department of Nursing
loved Edgar Cullman. This is a wonderful
tribute to him and it embodies the Cullman
family’s strong connection to the nurses
at Mount Sinai. It is particularly meaningful
that the family made the announcement
during National Nurses Week.”
Following the announcement, Dr. Porter, Ms.
Cullman, and Patricia S. Levinson, who is
the Department of Nursing representative
on the Board’s Patient Care and Quality
Assurance Committee, presented 19 nurses
from The Mount Sinai Hospital and Mount
Sinai Queens with Excellence in Nursing
awards for outstanding, compassionate, and
expert nursing practice. They were selected
by their peers, physicians, and teams.
Sylvie Jacobs, BSN, RN, received the
Department of Nursing Pat Liang PostAnesthesia Care Unit Nursing Practice Award
and the overall Department of Nursing
Participating in the 31st Annual Awards for Excellence in Nursing Practice were FRONT ROW, FROM LEFT: Krystal
Locke, BSN, RN; Stephanie Yabut, BSN, RN; Carol Porter, DNP, RN; Sylvie Jacobs, BSN, RN; Susan R. Cullman,
Member, Boards of Trustees; Linda Pagan, MS, RN; Melissa Williams, BSN, RN; Patricia S. Levinson, Member, Boards
of Trustees; Kathleen Scher, EdD, RN, Vice President of Nursing; Claudine Brown, MSN, RN; Patricia Sterner, MSN,
RN, CNS; and Lisa Menotti, BSN, RN; BACK ROW, FROM LEFT: Geraldine Basler, MSN, RN; Marisa Cortese, MS, RN,
FNP; Kim Mayo-Smith, BSN, RN; Patrice Burke, MSN, RN; Sofia Fleishmann, BSN, RN; Marie Daniel, BSN, RN; Nicole
Wells, BSN, RN; Cathy Lin, BSN, RN; Jefferson Aglipay, BSN, RN; and Emily Kropp, BSN, RN
Clinical Excellence Award. She was joined
by 18 other award recipients: Jefferson
Aglipay, BSN, RN; Preciosa Basiao, BSN,
RN; Geraldine Basler, MSN, RN; Claudine
Brown, MSN, RN; Patrice Burke, MSN, RN,
the Mary Mendes Pediatric Nursing Practice
Award; Marisa Cortese, MS, RN, FNP; Marie
Daniel, BSN, RN; Sofia Fleischmann, BSN,
RN; Dechen Lama, RN; Cathy Lin, BSN, RN;
Krystal Locke, BSN, RN; Kim Mayo-Smith,
BSN, RN; Lisa Menotti, BSN, RN; Linda Pagan,
MS, RN; Patricia Sterner, MSN, RN, CNS;
Nicole Wells, BSN, RN; Melissa Williams,
BSN, RN; and Stephanie Yabut, BSN, RN.
Other events for the week included a Grand
Rounds titled, “Sharing Your Knowledge:
Writing Abstracts, Developing Posters, It’s
Easier than It Sounds” presented by Emerson
Ea, DNP, RN, Senior Manager, Evidence-Based
Mount Sinai Town Hall 2012
We invite you to attend one
of our annual Town Hall
Meetings. Bring your colleagues
and your questions to this
lively, open exchange.
Tuesday, July 10, 4–5 PM
Wednesday, July 11, 9–10 AM
Practice/Nursing Research, and Sharon Wexler,
PhD, RN, BC, Nurse Researcher, Mount Sinai
Queens, and activities such as the 16th Annual
Poster Session with 23 poster presentations
highlighting nursing practice. Additionally,
Dr. Porter and Sonia Zabala, MPA, BSN, RN,
Clinical Director for Mount Sinai Heart, made
Nurses Week rounds at Mount Sinai Queens
with Kathleen Scher, EdD, RN, Vice President
of Nursing, and the Nursing leadership team.
Inside Mount Sinai
2012 Marketing & Communications
Carrie Gottlieb, Editor
Marilyn Balamaci, Editor
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