Allah Bi - Mizpah Shrine


Allah Bi - Mizpah Shrine
Allah Bi
May, 2015
For those who have given
and those who continue to give
The Allah Bi
Vol 15, Issue 5
Published Monthly w/ seasonal exceptions
Publication of Mizpah Shrine
1015 Memorial Way
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
Phone: 260-426-4543
Fax: 260-426-4544
Gary Soblotne, Potentate
Jerry Freewalt, Chief Rabban
Hal Harting, Assistant Rabban
Dennis DeWitt, High Priest & Prophet
William Leedy, Oriental Guide
Christopher Sanders, Treasurer
Ellis Ryan, PP, MSA, Recorder
Carl Brown (17)
William Auer (16)
Barry Richards (15)
Richard Solaro, 33º (15)
Robert Boylan (16)
Duane Targgart, PP (17)
Paul Barker (18)
Kenneth Lundquist (19)
2211 North Oak Park Ave., Chicago, IL
60635 Phone: 773-622-5400
Chief of Staff: Jeffrey Ackman, MD
Hospital Administrator: Mark Niederpruem
3229 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45229
Mark Shugarman, Administrator
Dr. Petra Warner Interim Chief of Staff
Admission to a Shriners Burn Hospital is essentially
the same as to a Shriners Hospital for Children. Here,
however, it must be stressed that timing may be of
utmost importance. The final outcome of a burn case
may be greatly dependent upon the type of treatment
and the speed with which it can be started. Therefore
in emergency, the Chief Surgeon has the authority to
admit the patient, having the application completed
at a later date. If then you know of an emergency
burn case, immediately call the Shine Ambassador in
the area. Let’s not miss a chance to put out a helping
hand. Be a true Shriner!
Gary Soblotne, Potentate
Jerry Freewalt, Chief Rabban
Hal Harting, Assistant Rabban
Dennis DeWitt, High Priest & Prophet
Philip H. Larmore
Table of Contents
Calendars........................................ 3
Potentate’s Message........................ 4
Recorders Message........................ 5
2015 Parade Schedule................... 5
Unit News....................................... 6 - 10
Kosciusko Co Presentation.......... 10
2015 Screening Clinics................. 11
Ladies Party.................................... 12
First Lady’s Project........................ 12
2016 Trip Meeting......................... 13
Mizpah Tile Program.................... 14
Class Directors Golf Outing........ 15
Horse Show...................................
100M Club.....................................
100M Club Donors......................
Van Drivers Training....................
Van Drivers Report.......................
Potentate Ball Save the Date........
Black Camel...................................
Daughters of the Nile...................
Pokagon SC Golf Outing.............
Sportsman Raffle...........................
Iron Camels
Stated Meeting Horse Patrol
Dinner 6:15pm
Mtg 7:00pm
13 Nile Stated
Session 7pm
Directors Staff Class Directors Bagpipers
Racing Shriners Kosciusko SC
Foot Patrol
LaGrange SC
Randolph SC
Mizmur SC
Radio Unit
Memorial Day 26
- office closed
June 2015
July 3
Jul 4
Jun 3 Stated Meeting
Jul 5 - 9
Jun 18 Ladies Party
Jul 11
Jun 20-21 Horse Show
Jul 16
Jun 21 Fathers Day
Jun 27 Screening Clinic Whitley Co Jul 18
Jul 25
CoHo Salmon CoHo Salmon CoHo Salmon
Flying Shriners Band
Elkhart SC
Hospital Unit
Jay Co SC
Pokagon SC
27Bagpipers Band
Wabash SC Blackford SC
Potentate Whitley Co SC
July 2015
Office Closed
3Rivers Festival Parade
Pokagon Golf Outing
Screening Clinic - Ligonier
Nile Luau Party
Kosciusko Co
Fish Fry
- Lutheran
Class Director
Golf Outing
Potentate Trip
August 2015
Aug 5 Stated Meeting
Aug 8 N. Manchester Parade
Aug 22 Fly-In set up
Potentate’s Message
Fourth: We held our Spring Ceremonial in conjunction
with the Grand Masters One Day Class. At the time I
am writing this, we have 23 petitions and hoping for
several more. This is positive growth and all in all, a
very exciting time. I would like to issue a challenge
to all our new Nobles. It is a long standing tradition at
Mizpah and within the Shrine, in general, for all new
members to bring in two new members each. One
to replace themselves and one to grow the fraternity.
If we can accomplish this we will be very close to
my goal of 100 new Shriners in 2015 and helping to
May is the time we remember all those who have served secure the future of Mizpah.
this country throughout its history. We extend our
sincere thanks to all our Vets and those who are
Fifth: Illustrious Sir Ron Harruff, PP, alias “Mr.
currently serving, as you continue to give so much to
Onion” has placed our order to be delivered in late
our communities and to Mizpah. Thank You for your
April and ready for sale in early May. He will need
volunteers to man the trailer for a few days to sell
onions. If you have an hour or so, stop by and lend a
April was a busy month.
First: A hearty job well done to Ben Kapp, Marcus
Hardiek, and their team for putting together the
“Support the Transport” event. Marcus and his band
donated their time for this very worthwhile fundraiser.
We raised over $2,000.00 for the Transportation Fund.
In addition, we maintained our very busy schedule of
the “normal” club and unit meetings.
Second: We conducted two screening clinics, one in
Angola and one in Shipshewana. Thanks to Judy Klemm
for her hard work in putting these together and handling
all the paperwork.
Spring is definitely here, finally. Parade season is upon
us. Our first will be May 2nd in Shipshewana. This is
their annual May Fest Celebration and a wonderful
whole-town event. Even if you are not marching,
bring your family to Shipshewana, enjoy the
festivities and cheer on your Mizpah parade units.
If you don’t think anything is happening at Mizpah,
just stop by and you might be surprised.
Third: The Horse Patrol held their annual Stag. I’m
certain it was the usual great success.
Remember: “We Are Family” and it’s time for you to
“Come Home to Mizpah”
GW Soblotne, Potentate
History of Memorial Day
It was first widely observed on 30-May-1868 to commemorate the sacrifices of Civil War American soldiers,
by proclamation of Gen. John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of former Union
sailors and soldiers. Originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in
service of the United States of America. The establishment of a public holiday was meant to unify the
celebration as a national day of remembrance instead of a holiday celebrated separately by the Union and Confederate states. By the late 19th century, the holiday became known as Memorial Day and was expanded
to include the deceased veterans of all the wars fought by American forces. In 1971, Memorial Day became a
federal holiday.
“We do not know one promise these men made, one pledge they gave, one word they spoke; but we do know
they summed up and perfected, by one supreme act, the highest virtues of men and citizens. For love of country
they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue.”
- James A. Garfield
May 30, 1868 Arlington National Cemetery
Recorder’s Message
Greetings Noble
Thanks to the Nobility for all the hard work on
Membership. As of this article, we have 23 going thru
the One Day Class.
First, I would like to thank Illustrious Sir Gary
Soblotne for taking care of the day-to-day operations
while I was gone.
Mizpah wishes the Daughters of the Nile Happy
Birthday and thank you Ladies for all you do for
On April 11th, we had our first screening clinic of the Mizpah and me.
year at Cameron Hospital in Angola. Thank you to
all the Nobles and ladies who worked the clinic. A
Ellis Ryan, PP, MSA
big thank you to Jenny Chapel for the treats for the
Spring is Nature's way of saying "Let's Party"
I would like to wish Judy Klemm a happy and long
retirement. Judy has served Mizpah for many years,
working with her husband, Karl, in scheduling vans
for our kids. In 2001, she started working in the
office. In 2002, she became the Office Manager
until her retirement. Judy will continue as Hospital
Coordinator for our clinics and work as our back up
person for the office.
Shipshewana - May 2
Imperial - July 4
3 Rivers (Ft Wayne) - July 11
Orland - July 25
N. Manchester - August 8
Great Lakes - September 19
Decatur (Callithumpian) - Oct 26
Unit News
Whitley Co SC
Kosciusko Co SC
The Swiss Steak Supper has come and gone for another
year. The weather was great this year and proceeds
from this event will be, as always, used to purchase
supplies for the upcoming Elephant Ear season. A
special thank you goes out to Noble Randy Krider
for organizing and overseeing this event. As always,
Randy is very quick to point out that the dedication and
involvement of Nobles and their Ladies is what makes
the Swiss Steak Supper a success year after year. Your
2015 officers would also like to extend our sincere
appreciation to all that were present and able to help.
Greetings from Kosciusko County
At our last meeting we were honored to have as
guests, Illustrious Potentate Gary Soblotne and Past
Potentate Steve Cowan.
P.P. Steve explained the latest news about the
Sports Raffle and our Potentate shared with us the
upcoming Ceremonial and parades as well as other
upcoming events. As always it was enjoyable night
to have "The Boss" at our table and as the bosses
said "Sell Them Raffle Tickets".
The Elephant Ear season is just around the corner. So
far the schedule looks like this:
June 9 is setup in Busco.
June 10 to June 13 is Turtle Days
June 22 is setup in Columbia City
June 23 to June 27 is OSD
July 4 is Fireworks in Columbia City
Our Fish Fry will be May 23rd at the Kos. Co.
Fairgrounds. Serving from 4 to 7 p.m. You will
soon receive a letter regarding times and your work
assignments. This is one of our major fundraisers
and a great chance for us to mingle with our
community. So let's get ready to serve some fish.
This year we will again have a week off between Turtle
Days and Old Settlers Days. The paperwork has been
turned in for the American Legion Parade in Columbia
City. Needless to say, we will need all the help we can
get to maintain and operate the trailer for the ten days.
Thanking you in advance for your contribution. A date
and time for the Dough Party will be communicated by
phone once a date has been set.
In closing, Lady Judy has decided to retire from the
Shrine Office after a number of years of dedicated
service. Most of us will remember her cheerful
voice on the phone and her willingness to drop what
ever she was doing to help us when we came into
the Temple.
I will always remember her in the basement of the
Circus. She along with a great group of ladies sold
our souvenirs in front of the white trailer. She will
never know how much she helped me with the
stress of the circus. When the world was beating me
up she always had a smile and knew the right words
to make everything better, for that I will always be
grateful. Judy, enjoy this new adventure in your
Upcoming Dates:
> May 28 – Monthly meeting
> No monthly meeting in June
Ken Lundquist
Enjoy the onions.
Remember what 'Da Judge" said
420 W. Wayne St Fort Wayne, IN
Unit News
Hillbilly Clan #95
Hospital Unit
Howdy Kinfolk and Flatlanders
We had us a great time at our April gatherin’ at the
Shrine Temple. We reminded all of our kuzzins that
later this year the nominating committee will be looking
for a new Pa and Ma, Keeper of the Quill and Till
(secretary/treasurer) and Keeper of the Cob. We will
address our needs as the year goes on, but if you have
any interest in helping the club out, let us know. Then
we initiated some new kuzzins into the club. When you
see new faces at our gatherings, be sure to welcome
We have a tentative calendar of events for 2015 that
looks like this:
June 13th - TinCaps game w/Quickchange, Fireworks, details below
July 11th – Mongolian Stir Fry, (volunteers needed to help the Kriders and Auers)
August 8th – Kuzzins Barry and Pam Richards to host us, details soon
September – no meeting, GLSA
October 24th – Halloween party at the Barn, 703 N Noyer Rd. Fort Wayne
November – no meeting
December 12th – Hillbilly Christmas Party at the Temple, catered by Goeglein’s.
We have reserved TinCap tickets for June 13th and they
are going fast. Before the game we will be picnicking
at Rudy’s, which is a hop, skip and a jump west of the
ballpark. We will eat around 5:00 PM that night, then
walk over to the ballpark. After the game, Quickchange
will perform, followed by fireworks. Tickets to the
game are $10.00 each, and are going fast. If you have
any interest, call me at 260-740-1070, and pay me as
soon as possible.
The Mongolian stir fry will be held at the Auer’s barn
this year, but Randy, Sherry, Bill and Laura will need
help with this. We will meet on Thursday July 9th at
Krider’s Meat Processing to prep food. On Friday July
10th, we will need help at Bill and Laura’s getting
things ready to go.
As I write this article, the two screening clinics
scheduled in April in Angola and Shipshewana
have not taken place but hopefully, we had a lot
of participation. By that, I mean both by potential
patients stopping by, and by word of mouth about
the clinics from our Shriners. We have 3 more
clinics scheduled, May 30 at Lutheran hospital
in Fort Wayne, June 27 at Parkview hospital in
Columbia City and October 10 at Parkview North
in Fort Wayne. Let’s spread the word to make
people aware of what we do. (Editor’s Note: An
additional clinic has been scheduled: July 18th in
Save the date of July 15. The Hospital unit
monthly meeting will be held in Elkhart again.
Hopefully we will have a great turnout.
Jerry Willman, President
Khyber Gun Club
Greetings Nobles:
If you missed the first trap shoot there will be one
every summer month on the 3rd Tuesday. Shooting
starts at 6:00 at the Horse Patrol grounds weather
permitting. All member of MIZPAH and friends
are welcome to the shoot. Loaner guns are
available along with ammo at a reasonable price.
Don’t forget the Coho Salmon Derby on May 14 –
16. Especially don’t forget Mothers Day on Sunday
May 10. The May Stated Meeting will be May 1.
The next KHYBER meeting will be on Tuesday
May 28 at 7:00 in the Cabiri Room. Fellowship
and dinner from the lounge menu starts at 6:00.
See you there.
Jim Crawford, Secretary
That’s it for now.
Honor the Cob & Respect the Crescent on the Door
Pa Mark Roach
Unit News
Radio Unit
Greetings all, I hope you are enjoying the warm
spring weather! The radio unit members are
licensed amateur radio operators and those wishing to
obtain their FCC license. We meet the third Tuesday
of the month at 6:30 for our unit meeting. If you have
ever had a desire to talk with folks across the country
or the other side of world over the airways, stop by
and visit us. Everyone that has an interest is invited
to attend as our guest. We are glad to get on the air
and provide a demonstration as well as providing
classes and coaching for those interested.
Along with other local amateurs, we have installed a
220 MHz repeater at the downtown Masonic Temple.
The system allows for a hand held and mobile radios
to extend their range significantly. The repeater
has the Mizpah Radio Unit call sign W9FEZ with
an input frequency of 223.180 MHz and output of
On Friday May 15th the unit will be traveling for the
day to the Dayton Hamvention – the largest hamfest
of new and used radio gear in the world. If you
would like to attend with us, please contact the unit
secretary Steve Haxby at 260.433.1167 or email him
at shaxby
Our annual Field Day sponsored by the American
Radio Relay League (ARRL) will be held June 27th
and June 28th at our unit treasurer Steve Brunjes’
home - 325 E. Division Rd, Huntington, Indiana.
Here with amateurs all across North America we will
be operating in simulated emergency conditions using
emergency power and temporarily erected antennas.
Stop by for a visit during Field Day at Steve’s home.
As FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate has stated
Amateur Radio is “The Last Line of Defense …
we get so sophisticated and we have gotten so used
to the reliability and resilience in our wireless and
wired and our broadcast industry and all of our public
safety communications, that we can never fathom that
they’ll fail. They do. They have. They will. I think
a strong Amateur Radio community [needs to be]
plugged into these plans. Yes, most of the time they’re
going be bored, because a lot of the time, there’s not a
lot they’re going to be doing that other people aren’t
doing with Twitter and Facebook and everything else.
But when you need Amateur Radio, you really need
Rick Stirratt AA9DU
Radio Unit President
Antique Power Club
Greetings Nobles:
It is time to dust ‘em off and crank’em up. Here is the
2015 Parade and activity schedule for APC. Thanks
to John B for getting all the paperwork in. Parade
Marshall is a big job and we appreciate your efforts.
Details are forthcoming (where to unload and times)
and will be available at the next stated meeting. Be
sure to be there 4th Monday at the Temple.
Also thanks to Doug W and Steve and Beth S and
George R for all the hard work planning upcoming
May 2 – Shipshewana Temple Parade
June 20 – Huntington Parade
June 27 – Old Settlers Columbia City
(Possible Temple Parade)
July 9,10,11 – Arcola Days & Parade
July 11 – Three Rivers Temple Parade
July 25 – Orland (Temple Parade)
August 8 - North Manchester Temple Parade
August 15 – Tractor Drive
August 22 – APC Picnic
September 12 – Sportsman Raffle
September 12 – Plow Day
September 15,16,17,18,19 – GLSA
September 22 – Bluffton Street Fair
October 26 – COW Decatur
December 14 – APC Christmas Party
We have several new Nobles from the Spring
Ceremonial. Make sure you give a big APC welcome
to Justin Klinger, TJ Yagel, and Justin Smith. We have
a few more possibilities who are yet to submit their
applications as I write this newsletter.
All of us wish you a great spring and summer season.
Have a wonderful time and Be Safe out there!
Greg Bateman
Secretary APC
Mizpah Vettes
As I set here and jot down a few thoughts for the
May ALLAH BI , we are experiencing an April
thunderstorm , which hopefully means spring
weather might finally be on the way. I have seen a
few convertibles being driven with tops down here in
Wabash with most of the drivers wearing winter hats
and coats, Brrrr!!
Dear Bagpipe Fans,
Our parade slate for 2015 is nearly complete and
looks to be a fairly busy summer for our club
members. Our first parade will be the MIZPAPH
sanctioned parade at Shipshewana. Hope to see you
all there.
On March 22nd, we played for the crowning of the
new Queen of the Daughters of the Nile. It was a very
impressive ceremony and we were proud to play a part
in it. We heralded the entrance of Deb Boylan (the
Queen elect) and then got to play again right before the
Nile Dancers performed.
So far, March and April had been busy and this summer
is full of events where the bagpipes will make an
St Patrick’s Day was a success. Although limited
in numbers (Scott had a gig in Syracuse, Joe was in
By the time that you read this the VETTES will
Florida and Bryan had to miss some of the performances
have had their first Club event of 2015 with a dinner
due to work), the rest of the band soldiered on and had
caravan to the Boat House Restaurant in Warsaw on
a great time. Greg made his pipe major St Pat’s Day
the 23rd of April with our Ladies for an evening of
debut and kept everyone involved. We found it really
dining and fellowship. One of several we hope to
helps to have the drums set the tone and Lance and
enjoy this year.
Brad were outstanding (that Brad has made formidable
strides in his transition from tenor to snare drum and
The VETTES have received their raffle tickets for our continues to amaze us with his drive and enthusiasm).
raffle in conjunction with the Sportsman’s Raffle. We Mark, Bobby, Dick and Lonnie rounded out the team
will again be conducting a cash raffle for two lucky
and played to the enjoyment of fans along the route.
winners to receive five hundred and two hundred fifty On a personal note, this is only the second time in
dollar cash for first and second prize. Tickets are
twenty-three years that I have missed participating. The
available to be purchased from any member and are
camaraderie and enjoyment of playing before a crowd
priced at five dollars each or five for twenty.
of fans can not be replaced.
Dee Byerly, President
Our next gig (April 11) is the “Blessing of the Bikes” in
Arcola. Since a number of our players also ride bikes,
this should be a fun time.
Legion of Honor
Mark (our President) has been busy fielding requests for
us to play this summer. So far we have six parades with
another possibility.
Greetings Legionnaires
Welcome to Spring and a new parade season. The
first parade will be on May 2, 2015. Please contact
PC Greg Towsley at 260-443-2208 for assembly times
and place. We need your participation in all activities.
Don't forget onion sales - they will be in on May 5th.
Sportsman Raffle tickets will be available through
the Mizpah Shrine Sportsman Raffle office or Greg
On a final note, we would like to congratulate Goose on
his engagement. Dawn is a great person and just the one
to break Goose’s twenty-two years of bachelorhood!
We welcome anyone who would like to join the band.
You don’t have to have prior musical experience. We
teach bagpipe lessons and the drum section is always
glad to have another player. This could be your chance
to become part of a great tradition. We meet every
Wednesday. Lessons are at 6 pm and practice begins at
7 pm.
The Shriners Charity Horse Show will be June 20-21.
We will need volunteers to help put on this show.
Jerry DeLeon,
2nd Lt. Commander
Joe Jenckes, Bard
Pokagon SC
Hello all Nobles
Hope you are enjoying the great Spring weather finally
breaking through. First I would like to thank all the
brother Nobles that came out for the" Meet and Greet"
at the Angola Moose Lodge in March. I hope that it was
a great success for all those attending especially for our
Blue Lodges we need to get them involved asap., get
them headed for further light in all the other appendant
bodies, let us not forget The Ladies of our realm the
Daughters of The Nile. Let's get our wives involved.
Congratulations to Karen on winning the 50-50 Drawing.
Also the annual Salmon Derby is coming soon get
registered soon and enjoy the fellowship and fishing.
Mayfest is almost upon us May 2 will be our first
parade in Shipshewanna so come on out and fill the
Princess Oasis to follow at Lagrange Legion. And also
for the Ladies bring them along for shopping, it will
be a fun filled day for all.
Just a friendly reminder if you haven't seen a Brother
Noble in a while call him up or drop by and say hello
see how he is doing and invite him to a meeting
I would also like to thank all Nobles and Ladies who
remember " Brotherhood and Fellowship " keeps us
came out for our Shrine Clinic at Cameron Hospital on going. Onion sales are just around the corner let's get
the 11th we were successful. all in thanks to the great
out there and sell-sell-sell. Great things are abound
work put in by all in attendance.
in the Pokagon Shrine Club come on out and join
in the fun. see you at the Angola Moose Lodge 3rd
Bill Bryan seems to up to something something about Wednesday 6:00 socialize and fellowship order off the
a " Carp Rodeo ". Keep this in mind and mark your
menu there is always something good cooking at the
calendars soon sounds like it will be a "Whale of a
Moose. Meeting at 7:00
Thank You
Richard Dalrymple Pres.
Kosciusko County Turkey
Shoot proceeds of
$7,500 presented to
Shriners Hospital for Children
in Chicago by members
of the Kosciusko County
Shrine Club.
Screening Clinics 2015
A Screening Clinic will be held to identify children who can benefit from the expert care
provided a Shriner’s Hospitals.
If you know of any children from birth to 18 years of age who have orthopadic or burn
problems, bring them to the clinic for an evaluation to find out if they may be eligible for
Saturday, May 30th
Lutheran Hospital
Fort Wayne, IN
Saturday, June 27th
Whitley Co Parkview Hospital
Columbia City, IN
Saturday, July 18th
Location TBD
Ligonier, IN
Saturday, October 10th
Parkview Hospital - North Campus
Fort Wayne, IN
Conditions treated at Shriners Hospital:
Cleft Lip & Palate
Club Foot
Hand Problems
Spina Bifida
Spinal Cord Injured
Dislocated hips
Missing Limbs
Problems associated with burns
For More Information - Call the Mizpah Shrine Office 260-426-4543
You Are Invited to the Ladies Party
First Lady Lynn Soblotne
invites all the Ladies
of the Shrine to the
Annual Ladies Party on
Thursday, June 18, 2015
beginning at 6pm.
Join us for an evening of
Fun and Friends
Please RSVP by
June 11th to the
Mizpah Shrine Office
1015 Memorial Way
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
2015 First Lady’s Project
Thank you for your donation to the
Transportation Fund.
Please keep this key chain in your
pocket or purse as a reminder to
Come Home To Mizpah!
With Gratitude,
First Lady
Lynn Soblotne
Mizpah 2015 Keychains $10.00 each
Available in the Mizpah Shrine Office or from any Divan Lady
Mizpah Winter Getaway 2016
Information Fiesta
June 4, 2015
I would like to extend a special invitation
for you to join Sherri and I for a night filled
with Mariachi music and friends as we host
an informational meeting to introduce our
Mizpah Winter Getaway 2016.
Cancun, Mexico
February 20 - 27, 2016
On February 20, 2016, we will be traveling non-stop to beautiful Cancun, Mexico for seven
days of shear bliss. We would love for you to join us! Sherri and I have taken great care to find
a destination that has something for everyone. Beautiful beaches. Great food. Shopping and
entertainment for all. No matter what you look for in a vacation, you will find it in Cancun.
While in Cancun, we will be staying at the Riu Palace Los Americanas, an all-inclusive Resort
located on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. All airfare, lodging, food, and drinks are included
in price, so there will be no additional cost for anything on this trip. Simply submerse yourself
in first-class service as you enjoy everything Cancun has to offer.
Please plan on joining us to find out more about this incredible trip. Do not miss this opportunity
to escape the cold clutches of winter by making life long memories with new friends.
Jerry Freewalt, Chief Rabban
6:00pm Refreshments
6:30pm Presentation
Mizpah Imperial Room
Check out these websites for additional information
Be a Part of Mizpah Shrine History – Tile Program
Years from now, Your family be able to find your name on the
Wall of Honor
Tiles are located on the wall inside the Shrine Center
Tiles – Inside (White)
3” x 6” Text only
$ 250
6” x 6” Text only
$ 475
6” x 6” Company Logo
$ 950
6” x 6” Color of clip art $ 600
Please Check Box that applies
Make check payable to: Mizpah Shrine
Mizpah Shrine, 1015 Memorial Way, Fort Wayne, IN 46805
Phone: 260-426-4543
Visa/Mastercard/Discover Accepted
Your Name:
Office use: Date
Mizpah Shrine reserves the
right not to accept tiles due
to content requested.
Proceeds from the sale of the Tiles go the Mizpah Shrine Building Fund
Mizpah Shrine
Class Directors
presents the
28th Annual
$60 perOuting
player or
Saturday, May 30, 2015
$240 per foursome
In Honor of
John Balogh
Registration starts at 7:30am
Scramble begins at 8:30am
Lunch will be served at 1:00pm
a former
Shriner Child
Cost: $65 per player or
$260 per foursome
Telephone #
Make your check payable to
Class Directors
and return check with form to:
Dick Solaro,
11315 Chariot Ct,
Fort Wayne, IN 46845
For More Information,
Please call Dick Solaro
phone: 260-338-2627
Thank you for Your Support of This Year’s Event!
All net proceeds to Mizpah Shrine Class Directors
Note: This is a fraternal event and ticket prices are not deductible as charitable contributions.
62nd Annual
Shrine Charity Horse Show
Supporting Shriners’ Hospitals for Children
SAT - JUNE 20th, 2015
SUN - JUNE 21st, 2015
Ring 1 Open Show - English Start 8:30am Ring 1 Open Show - Western Start 8:30am
Ring 2 Hunter - Starts 8:30am
Dressage Arena - Dressage Start 8:30am
Ring 1 Fun Show - 6:30pm
Visit our website for complete information:
The Mizpah Shrine Horse Grounds are located on Ind. 9, one mile north of U.S. 30.
Goeglein’s Catering is honored to be
the exclusive caterer at your brand new
Imperial Room
At the Mizpah Shrine Center
SINCE 1951
Wedding Receptions
Corporate Functions
Retirement Parties
Give $100 and Feel Like A Million
Join the Shriner’s $100 Million Club
With your gift, you will receive a certificate and will be entitled to purchase and wear the $100 Million
Club tassel holder ($10) on your fez. Not only will you e participating in the “WORLD’S GREATEST
____ I would like to make a cash contribution at this time of at least $100, which is tax deductible
Please make your check payable to: SHRINERS HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN
____ I would like to make a contribution using my credit card.
Include credit card number & expiration date (MC, Visa, Discover)
Person Donating_____________________________________
Unless specified otherwise, will also be the main name on certificate
In Memory of/ Honor of (circle one)
How would you like to receive your certificate?
( ) Pick up in office – framed ( ) Stated Meeting – frame ( ) Mail to:______________
Mizpah Shrine, 1015 Memorial Way, Fort Wayne, IN 46805 260-426-4543 (fax) 260-426-4544
100M Club Donors
March 2015
The Freeman Family
Paul Zurcher
Robert L. Meeks
Dennis Bulger Family
Ray & Nancy Moore
John & Janice Davis
John & Janice Davis
Gary & Lynn Soblotne
Class Directors
In Memory of Richard Likens
In Memory of Walter Mazelin
In Memory of Charles B. Meeks
In Memory of "Little" Owen Collins
In Memory of Our Parents
In Memory of Jeff W. Davis
In Memory of Cade A. Abbett
In Honor of James Keeslar
In Honor of Judy Klemm
Driver Training Class
Cromwell Lodge 705
4114 State Rd 5 N
Cromwell, IN
The Nobles listed
for the various areas
drove Mizpah Shrine Vans
transporting patients
and their parents
to Chicago or Cincinnati
Saturday, May 2nd
Breakfast will be served
Any questions, contact
Terry Bradner 574-457-6441
Fort Wayne
5 Trips to Chicago
6 Patients
18 Trips to Chicago
1 Trip to Cincinnati
1 Trip to Lutheran
31 Patients
Don Shively - 260-833-4884
Jim Boss - 260-350-8302
Chuck Miller - 260-854-2964
Jerry Willman - 260-483-4226
Chuck Notter - 260-799-4168
Paul Barker
Jerry Freewalt
Paul Boggs
Jim Gentry
Terry Bradner
Ron Hall
Doug Brouwer
John Harlan
Jesse Brown
Jeff Hire
Gene Caryer Phil Hoopingarner
John Coleman
Ed Howard
Bob Crispen Dale McAlexander
Tom Culler
Chuck Notter
Arlie & Lynda Elam Joe Rockwell
Jon Ellet
Jerry & Joan Willman
Bob Evers
Elkhart Co.
3 Trips to Chicago
3 Patient
Neil Pittenger - 574-215-2603
Bill Roose - 574-361-7922
Jake & Terry Dermott
Jim Givens
Dale McDowell
Bill Roose
Jim Stiver
Jim Boss
Don Shively
Richard Dalrymple Gary Soblotne
Norm Heign
David Vogeler
Jim Keeslar
Noble Co.
1 Trip to Lutheran
1 Patients
Roger Allen - 574-834-4466
Terry Bradner - 574-457-6441
Terry Bradner
John Harlan
Hartford City
Ray Turner - 765-499-2671
Grant Co.
No trips
Roger Beck - 765-674-5831
John Silves - 765-661-5011
Potentate’s Ball
October 31, 2015
Mizpah Shrine Center
Watch for more information in
upcoming issues of the Allah Bi
Black Camel
March 2015
Yrs of Svc
Ray E Baumert
Jerry L Dingeldein
Thompson L Huffman 84
Harvey L Jones
Christopher R Lackey 68
Robert B Lambert 33° 80
Charles E Workinger
Not how did he die, but how did he live?
Not what did he gain, but what did he give?
These are the units to measure the worth
Of a man as a man, regardless of birth.
Not, what was his church, nor what was his creed?
But had he befriended those really in need?
Was he ever ready, with word of good cheer,
To bring back a smile, to banish a tear?
Not what did the sketch in the newspaper say,
But how many were sorry when he passed away.
Ladies of the Household,
Daughters of the Nile
We made it through our Installation in March and what a wonderful day it was. Thank you to the Ladies
who had a hand in preparing the food and decorations, it was beautiful. Kudos to Noble Ben Kapp for his
outstanding performance. Thank you also to the Mizpah Color Guard and Mizpah Bagpipers, you helped make
my day complete and were a terrific addition. Thank you to Illustrious Sir Gary and First Lady Lynn along with
the Divan and the different Masonic Bodies who were in attendance. Thank you all for your support.
Saturday May 9 brings our Mother/Daughter Brunch for all ladies and the special ladies in your lives. Brunch
will commence at 11 am. Followed by Painting With a Twist from 1-3 pm. Make sure to get your reservations
secured for this special day of food, fellowship and fun. This is sure to be a terrific activity and you will have
your new masterpiece to show off! You may go online at: to make
your reservations use the passcode: NILE. Or you may contact Princess Recorder Carroll Nichols, PQ @ 260432-5132 and send your payment to her at 2410 Kroemer Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46808-3546 before Tuesday
May 5th.
June is just around the corner with our annual Daughters of the Nile Supreme Session. A week filled with
excitement. Renew friendships with your counterparts. Attend the meetings as this is when we will be voting
on new legislation. The week includes banquets, nightly performances you will not want to miss filled with the
glitz, glamour and sparkle, and not to be forgotten a favorite of all, “The Shop Til You Drop”. I hope that by this
time everyone attending has made your reservation. See you all there!
In July 25th I have something very special planned we haven't done before. Teti Sheri will be hosting the
“Midsummer Luau” at Indian Springs Campground, 0981 County Road 64, Garrett, IN. It will include a
Hawaiian-Style Feast at 5 pm with an all you can eat buffet dinner, desserts, snacks, tropical drinks and nonalcoholic beverages. (Your own choice of libation is BYOB.) Entertainment provided by The Guild of Rock.
We will also be having games, raffles, and a 50/50. It would not be complete without the Hula Contest (men
included) and Limbo. So loosen up those bodies. Come spend the weekend by making your reservations for
campsites or cabins/lodges at least two months in advance to stay as a group. Register by letting them know
you are with Daughters of the Nile for a discounted rate at or by calling 260-3575572. You may also come early in the day. Bring a picnic lunch, beachwear, gear and enjoy some fun in the sun
swimming and sunbathing before the festivities begin. So break out your grass skirts and Hawaiian Shirts, join
us for a fun and relaxing evening with all your friends. You won't want to miss this special event!
“Victory is much more meaningful when it comes not just from one person,
but the joint achievement of many.”
Howard Schultz
In Nile Love to each of you,
Deb Boylan, Queen
Teti Sheri Temple No 60
THANK YOU to Moring Flowers & Gifts
for the floral arrangements in the
Mizpah Shrine lobby
Custom Kitchen & Bath
Granite and Corian Counters
New and Remodel
New and Replacement
High Quality Windows
Krider’s Meat Processing
Professionally Installed
at or below Wholesale Cost
Ray Giant
735 W. Market Street
Columbia City, IN 46725
(260) 248-8315
Specializing in
Villas and Condos
Attorney At Law
202 W. Berry St, Suite 330
Fort Wayne, IN 46802-2244
Phone: (260) 420-3461
Fax: (260) 420-4240
3300 Lower Huntington Rd
NORTH: 484-2345
SOUTH 744-4345
Steve Cowan
Managing Partner
Gregg Parrish, President
Alternative Accessibility LIfts
3402 Meyer Road
Fort Wayne, IN
Phone: (260) 426-7825
For Life’s Ups and Downs
4830 Jean Drive ° Fort Wayne, IN 46825
Tel: 260-482-5555 ° Fax: 260-482-5785
Mizpah Shrine Sportsman Raffle
rd al
License No.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Sportsman Raffle Tickets
are available and can be
picked up at the Mizpah
Shrine Circus Office
or call Steve Cowan
1015 Memorial Way
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
U.S. Postage
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Permit No. 60
Notice of Meeting to the Nobility
You are hereby notified of the following meeting at
Mizpah Shrine
to be held at
1015 Memorial Way., Fort Wayne, Indiana
Wednesday, June 6, 2015
Dinner 6:15pm
Fraternally: Gary Soblotne, Potentate
Meeting 7:00pm
Attest: Ellis Ryan, PP, MSA, Recorder
The purpose of these meetings is to act on any business as may come before it.
Your presence is requested
BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm