The Guamanian Connection,The Che`lu Spirit,A


The Guamanian Connection,The Che`lu Spirit,A
The Guamanian Connection
For at least the last couple of years, word has been buzzing
around getting the Chamorros stateside to speak up for our
island-dwellers who do have not vote in the US political
The NOCVA veterans group talks about stateside Chamorros using
their vote to influence policy around veterans benefits. The
We The People project talks about uniting with all US
territories including American Samoa, Puerto Rico and
Washington DC to gain a vote for all of these unrepresented 5
million citizens.
Now, the Guam Governor’s office is
launching The Guamanian Connection which is asking people to
let us tally up all our activities by using the hashtag,
Read all about it:
The Che'lu Spirit
Please meet some of my favorite people and the work that we
You may click to enlarge or read text below.
As it appeared in the Pacific Daily News, January 19, 2014.
The word, Che’lu means sibling in the Chamorro language. To many, it
also refers to Chamorro Hands In Education Links Unity, aka CHELU, a
San Diego organizationwith the mission of promoting the Chamorro
language, culture and health through education.
The idea for Che’lu was born within the established Chamorro social
network of San Diego as a means to create educational projects for the
Things came together when this longing for cultural
resources and a city revitalization program partnered.
In 2006
CHE’LU became an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Soon after, the group
established an office in the newly built Jacob’s Center that was the
centerpiece of a city improvement effort by the Jacobs Foundation.
Chamorros were one of many ethnic groups that the Jacob’s Center
reached out to. Chamorros answered the call. CHELU is one of the
Jacobs Center’s nine community groups, and built a latte house replica
on the Jacobs Center site to represent the Chamorro presence.
CHELU has two currently well-known activities. First, it supports the
Sakman Chamorro project. This Chamorro canoe was begun in 2010 and
completed in 2011. It is a one of a kind replica of the original
Chamorro design. The project is overseen by its master carver, Mario
Borja who tirelessly works to share the history and craftsmanship of
the 47-foot vessel to students and the public from California to the
In 2010, CHELU established the Chamorro Cultural Fest (CCF), again the
only one of its kind, to share Chamorro culture and arts. The heart
of the Fest is its cultural workshops, but fest-goers also enjoy the
food, crafts, and entertainment of the day.
Meanwhile, families
assemble, and old friends meet at the gathering of several thousand
Chamorros and Chamorro-lovers. On March 29th 2014, attendees will come
from California, neighboring states, and even as far away as the east
coast and the Mariana Islands to enjoy the 5th annual CCF.
More recently, in 2013, CHELU organized the first UNO HIT Conference
on the day following the Chamorro Cultural Fest. The next conference,
held on March 30, 2014, will focus on Chamorro artists and their
families who want to prepare for the Guam Festival of the Pacific in
2016. Local experts and representatives of the Guam Festival of the
Pacific organizing committee will present.
The UNO HIT dance program is the group’s latest project. After two
years of connecting the youth with Chamorro dance workshops, Che’lu
has organized a weekly training for a new San Diego Chamorro dance
group. With about 30 dedicated students learning under Long Beach
based fafana’gue Heidi Quenga, the San Diego students plan their first
major public performance at the Chamorro Cultural Fest on March 29,
This and numerous additional workshops and events keep the fifteenmember board of CHELU very busy.
Current President, Danny Blas’
philosophy is “If we do something, we’re going to do it great!” The
group sustains itself with a strong Che’lu spirit, working with other
like-minded organizations to promote the unique Chamorro culture.
A Pacific American Place
With this article comes acknowledgement for all those who work
long and hard to develop the resources to help our children be
successful in the world.
Click to enlarge, or read text below.
As printed in the Pacific Daily News 1/11/14.
Chamorros are among many Pacific Islander communities in San
This fact contributes to the feeling of belonging
Chamorros can enjoy here. We can find familiar island music,
familiar island food, and even an annual Pacific Islander
festival in the San Diego area.
In the last few years a Pacific Islander focused school has
also become an option for the children of San Diego.
Pacific American Academy (PA’A) is a San Diego public charter
school. The school is based on quality education for Pacific
Americans, which encompasses pride and understanding of their
native cultural heritage.
Because of its charter school status, PA’A is able to create a
unique environment for its students.
The school keeps
classrooms small, with about 20 students per class. Their
learning is project based, incorporating hands-on learning
into their curriculum. And because it is located in a highly
diverse neighborhood in San Diego, it serves a wide range of
ethnicities. PA’A believe that by teaching children about
their own culture, it teaches children respect for all
cultures. Chamorro children are among those enrolled in PA’A.
The school’s opening in 2010 was the fruit of more than a
decade of effort by many in the southern California Pacific
Islander community. A major advocate and founder of PA’A is
its Executive Director, Margaret Sanborn.
In conversations I
have had with Margaret, she won’t hesitate to share the
struggles that the school has faced. However, the school’s
success is now beginning to become obvious. In its third year
of operation, it continues to grow. The elementary grades
will expand next year to include middle school. Eventually,
Margaret says, the school intends to create a high school and
vocational school.
The first of the cultural education offered at PA’A is
Hawaiian language and culture. The school is extremely open,
however, to working with other cultural groups. Currently,
the campus provides space for a local Laotian group to meet,
and has offered to be available for our Chamorro cultural
workshops as well.
Additional curriculum offerings can also
be developed over time. It is encouraging to see this unique
offering as part of the San Diego Unified School District,
providing parents more options to choose from for their
children’s all-important learning environment.
A Chamorro in the Arctic...
and on Guam
a story from a while back, that I am just posting now.
Mr. Danny Blas is our wonderful Chairman of the Che’lu
organization board in San Diego. He has had many adventures
from the Big Island to Arctic, but I don’t think I have seen
him more excited than he was to be leaving for Guam recently.
This was his first homecoming since childhood, and he was
looking forward to what he promised would be one of many
visits back.
I recently saw Danny post a picture of himself with the
Governor of Guam, where he invited Governor Calvo to our 2014
Chamorro Cultural Fest, and then discussed findings from his
scientific Arctic expedition. This is when I realized Danny’s
article was not yet on
Here it is, better late than never.
As it appeared in the Pacific Daily News on Oct. 10, 2013
Interesting people and places come together sometimes, with wonderful
results. This was this case this summer when local San Diegan and
fellow Chamorro, Danny Blas set off for the Arctic.
As part of a small group of teachers who work each summer with UCSD’s
Scripps Institute of Oceanography, Blas was the one chosen to
accompany Scripps Scientists on their three-week mission north of the
Arctic Circle.
Blas explained that the purpose of the trip was to learn more about
the conditions of a recent ice age, 13,000 years ago, by acquiring
core samples that would then be analyzed back at the Scripps and
collaborating Woodshole MIT laboratories. The harsh Arctic climate
creates a pristine environment for scientific research.
Blas wrote a blog and video taped the experience to share with high
school students and others.
He not only shared the scientific
activities on board the ship, but recorded sightings of the abundant
wildlife such as walrus and polar bears. He interviewed the Coast
Guard crew to offer a view of this lesser known branch of the
military. He also took the opportunity to learn about the culture of
the native people through a member of the Inupiaq tribe who worked as
a cultural consultant on the expedition.
Despite occasional rough seas, Blas enjoyed amazing scenery, great
meals, and the times everyone was allowed to play on the ice, which
they called “ice liberty.”
These always included scouts with
binoculars who were on the lookout for approaching polar bears. He
quite obviously appreciates his experience of this secluded and
sensitive area of the earth.
Blas received the Teacher Of The Year Award at his high school in
2013, and was awarded the Coast Guard Arctic Service Award as a result
of his work this summer.
Danny Blas is the son of Jose R. Blas (deceased) originally from
Hagatna, and Cecilia San Augustine Baza originally from Sinajana. He
is currently the Chairman of the San Diego Che’lu organization, and a
teacher at Lincoln High School. But most of his life has been in the
Midwest. As a young child, his family moved from Guam to Rantoul,
Illinois where his father was stationed in the Air Force. After going
to school and working in Chicago, Blas moved to San Diego in 2002 to
go to graduate school, and earn his teaching certification.
San Diego is the first place where he has lived among Chamorros
outside of his immediate family. Says Blas, “It’s the first place I
can fully be myself.”
His next big expedition will be to go back to
Guam this December where he hasn’t been since he was a child. “I want
to explore my culture and learn more about who I am, and from where I
came from,” he says.
You can see Danny Blas’ blog at
Happy 2014!
Here’s wishing you a year of ease.
But should obstacles
arise, here’s wishing you perspective and faith.
Adios to 2013.
Happy 2014!
As it appeared in the 12/29/2013 Pacific Daily News
With the New Year in sight, it is natural to look back on what the
year before has taught us. Some lessons we have learned joyfully, and
others with difficulty.
In my work to bring the people and projects of the stateside Chamorro
community to light, there have been many joys. There is the passion
that motivates our experts in their work. There is the persistence of
cultural practitioners to pass down what they know. There is the
enthusiasm of our young people to acquire the knowledge and skills
available to them.
There is also disappointment.
People can’t always take the time to
share their talents. People don’t always make the effort to listen
and to learn what is offered.
To keep moving forward, we need to remember that despite the setbacks,
there is a higher purpose to serve. I remember hiking through the
jungles of Guam and being uncomfortable with the mosquitos and sword
grass along the way to my destination. It was difficult to deal with
these, but once past them, they were quickly forgotten. What remained
important was to reach that special place that I was determined to get
to. The swim at Cetti Bay or the view from Mount Lamlam made all the
discomforts worthwhile.
Of course, the actual difficulties we face have to do with real people
or circumstances that obstruct our way. Dealing with these takes more
effort than slapping away the mosquitoes, I must admit. To persevere,
we need compassion and faith; compassion for the circumstances that
keep people from working with us, and faith that there is another way
that we can go.
Just recently, I was disappointed to learn that free space for our
dance workshops was not available, as we had hoped. The charitable
foundation we worked with needed to rent their spaces for financial
We were disappointed, but understanding of their
circumstances. The necessary search for another place has actually
brought out new people and groups who would like to help us. At this
point, we have identified a local Pacific Islander focused school that
not only offers us space, but other valuable opportunities to work
together. Our path has veered, but it has brought us to an even
better place!
When I struggle with setbacks, my husband wisely reminds me that
everything we do is because of how we see things.
This year has
taught me to go forward with my higher purpose clearly in my sights;
to look past obstacles with compassion and faith. The difficulties
are ultimately forgotten with the joy of arriving at the desired
Happy Holidays from Guam's
Please enjoy a holiday message from Guam’s Governor Calvo.
Happy New Year to All!
A Chamorro Christmas
The note on the
front door reads
“Maila’ Halom”
A Chamorro Christmas in the mainland US is not only possible, I
understand that it is being observed by many. This year I experienced
for myself one family’s tradition of the Nobenan Nino complete with
Chamorro prayers and a special addition of their own.
Tony San Nicolas Treltas and Rose Pangelinan Treltas have lived away
from their homeland of Guam for decades. They raised their children
in the San Diego area with the companionship of the large Chamorro
community. But it was when Tony and Rose became grandparents about
ten years ago that they revived their family’s practice of the Nobenan
Nino. “They were the ones who motivated us to do it, because I wanted
them to know our culture”, says Rose of her grandsons.
Many years ago when Rose Treltas brought her one remaining aunt with
her to California, she also brought her aunt’s religious statues and
her Nino Jesus. On this night of the nobena, her statue of baby Jesus
resides in the family bilen, or nativity that is the focus of the
Treltas’ Christmas décor.
Rose has also decorated her home
throughout, including an extensive lighted Christmas village.
smells are of bonelos or tamales or other holiday specialties that
Rose usually prepares at this time of year.
While Rose and Tony conduct this annual nobena, they are steadily
turning over responsibilities to their children, Tony and Cessa and
niece, Alanna Pangelinan. Rose is instructing Cessa and Alanna to
become techa’ (Chamorro prayer leaders). “They are in training”, says
Rose. “I don’t let them do it yet because they’re going to slow down
the program and we’re going to be done in three hours”, she laughs.
As we later listen to Rose’s rapid rhythm of prayers, we have to
admire her fluency in the language and in the reciting of these
particular litanies.
The Treltas’ nobena has a special addition too, because of their
musical talent. In the last two years they have been a part of the
Island Rain Ukulele Ensemble, and the group has accompanied the
Treltas’ nobenas. They are a lively group of friends that play an
impressive number of Chamorro songs. That may be one reason their
nobena is visited by many, like Dorothy Camacho from Washington State,
myself, and Father Eric Forbes visiting from Guam. The night I am
there, the Treltas’ son in law, Enzo Naputi joins in on ukulele. The
grandchildren, Eric and Aidan play percussion.
Their prayers ended, the grandchildren carry the Nino Jesus to all to
be kissed or nginge’. The ukulele musicians and singers sing Dan Dan
I Pandaretas. For a lighthearted conclusion Rose and Tony and their
friends end with the island version of Jingle Bells singing “jungle
bells, coconut shells, sticker burrs all the way…”
Felis Nabidat todo hamyu! Merry Christmas to all!
A Veteran Advocate
It is an interesting play on words with the term “veteran
advocate”. While the subject of this article is an advocate
of veteran affairs, I am also referring to her long experience
as an advocate for Pacific Islanders and veterans alike.
Please meet Terri Guevara Smith, a lady I admire and who has
become a friend, from Washington DC.
As submitted to the Guam PDN and printed on December 15, 2014.
One of the things that inspire me the most is meeting long time
advocates of our culture. Just over a year ago I met such a lady.
Terri Smith had traveled all the way from the east coast to attend the
Pacific Islander Festival in San Diego. Friendly and outgoing she
mingled with the San Diego Chamorros and joined in weekend events at
the Guam Club. I later found out she was a former president of the
Guam Society of America in Washington DC.
She enthusiastically
invited several of us to come to DC and share our cultural projects
with the Chamorro community there.
Although I haven’t yet taken up Terri’s invitation, we have kept in
touch. This last summer, I joined Terri as she visited Long Beach
California to receive her award for Outstanding Individual Leadership
by the Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC).
Then on September 20, 2013, Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary
Shinseki appointed Teresita Guevara Smith for a two-year term on the
Advisory Committee for Minority Veterans. She will be one of five new
minority veterans advising the Secretary on Pacific Islander veterans’
issues. Said Guam’s Congressional Delegate, Madeleine Bordallo, “I
always enjoy seeing people from Guam do well and succeed, and I know
that Terri will make our veteran community and our island proud as she
serves on this important committee.”
Terri Guevara Smith is a former resident of Ordot village Guam, is
retired from the U.S. Army, and is a Veteran of Foreign Wars. She
possesses what she calls a “taotao tano” (people of the land) spirit
that compels her to advocate for Pacific Islanders and Veterans alike.
She is a staff member of the National Organization of Chamorro
Veterans in America (NOCVA). She is also the Maryland Coordinator and
the Advisor on Chamorro Women Veterans. Being part of the Advisory
Committee for Minority Veterans will provide her particular influence
in advocating for Chamorro Veterans and Other Pacific Islanders.
Says Terri of her advocacy, “The Chamorros are certainly and with no
doubt important, the Samoans, Carolinians, Tongans, Chuuckese,
Belauans and others in the Pacific Islands are just as important and
valuable. I have had the honor and pleasure to serve in the Army with
many Pacific Islanders; they took care of me and kept me safe and
sound in peacetime and war. Giving back and taking care of Veterans
from the Pacific Islands is a pleasure and a great honor.
Pacific Islander veterans are welcomed to reach Terri Guevara Smith at
In the spirit of Thanksgiving
In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, here are the sentiments of
some of our San Diego Chamorros attending a recent luncheon at the
Sons and Daughters of Guam Club.
Following are their answers to the question:
As a Chamorro in San Diego, what are you thankful for?
Bobby Lizama: I’m thankful for my family and my friends. I’m away
from home, so the people around me are my family. So, I’m grateful
for my family and my friends.
Ed Diaz: I am grateful to be alive and in good
health in spite of what I’m going through and
health issues. I take one day at a time. I’m
thankful for family support and the Chamorro
community as well, especially here in San Diego.
This is home away from home. I come here Monday,
Wednesday and Fridays, for Village Fiesta, NOVCA,
Che’lu, Island Rain. I’m grateful that we have
such fine associations in San Diego.
Nicholasa Garrido (aka Auntie Sas): For the friendship and generosity
of the Chamorro people. They are so open and we all help each other.
Most of us carry the traditions over.
And some of the younger
generation is trying to learn the language now.
Loling Cepeda: I’m grateful that I have my
husband who had his heart transplant in June.
I’m so, so grateful that my mother is alive and
well and just moved into my sister’s house and
doing so well. She’s 86… And just the fact that
our whole family is just being blessed by the
presence of their Dad, their brother… just being
able to see him have a new heart and being able
to survive that. A miracle. It’s all a miracle. Thank you Lord.
Robert (Robbie) Peredo: I’m very happy and
thankful that there’s a place for me to come and
enjoy my culture. I’ve been away from the island
for 14 years and just knowing that there’s family
and a community of Chamorro people here, it’s very
ecstatic. We host every Fiesta possible. We even
have a Liberation Queen, so I just love the
tradition that they have going here, especially
the senior lunch that they do Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays.
It’s a true blessing to see all the manamko’ get
together, and I try to support it as much as I can.
Jess ‘Bataik’ Cruz:
I’ve been grateful all these years for the
founding fathers who were able to purchase this property that we now
treat it as a home away from home. I am so grateful for that.
These were only a few of the many who answered this question
for this article. Si Yuus ma’ase todo hamyo.
Sorry, no videos after all.
It is important to recognize those connectors in our
communities that grease the wheels for all the things that we
do. Although their work can easily be taken for granted, I
like to shine some light on their contributions from time to
time. What a fitting thing to do on this Thanksgiving Day
If you don’t know her already, please meet Benni Schwab.
As written for the Guam PDN, published November 24, 2013
With its large number of Chamorro groups, novenas, fiestas, and
fundraisers, there are a lot of social dates and details to keep
straight in San Diego. Thankfully, for many years now, a Chamorrita
volunteer has provided a long time information resource.
Benavente Schwab is the creator of the Inetnon Kalendario for
Chamorros in southern California and beyond.
Originally from Mangilao, Guam, Benni is an energetic lady of many
talents. In high school she was a member of an all-girl band called
Terry and the Venus Four. She was also a member of the women’s
softball team that won a gold medal for Guam in the South Pacific
Games in 1969.
In December of 1969, Benni made her move to San Diego with $50 in her
pocket and her uncle’s family to help her get started. She got a job
and completed her college degree with night classes.
In addition to managing a career in accounting, Benni contributed to
the Chamorro community in many ways over the years. She was the San
Diego based correspondent for the Gaseta, which was a San Francisco
based newspaper for Chamorros originally founded by Shannon Murphy.
She was also editor of the Sons and Daughters of Guam Club (SDGC)
newsletter, the Taotao San Diego that existed at one time.
continues her activities for the community today. You may find her
playing the bass guitar for the Island Rain musical ensemble, or
taking photos to record a club event, but she is best known for the
Inetnon Kalendario, or “Group Calendar” which she started around
Before the Kalendario, there was no central reference for the numerous
events that filled the San Diego Chamorro’s social schedule.
maintains the calendar weeks and months in advance, with ongoing edits
each month as she distributes the Kalendario to her email list
regularly. It is not fancy or high tech, but with Benni’s dedication,
it has become a relied upon source of information for many.
Benni credits her many friends for their part in her many endeavors.
“I’m not the best at what I do, but I put my heart into everything I
do. Being part of the team is what makes it wonderful” she says. The
lady is certainly accomplished. But with her characteristic humor she
adds, “Just don’t ask me to cook”.
Married since 1977, Benni Schwab says her proudest achievements are
her three children, Josefa, Julie and John.