REMstar`lPlus - CPAP Supplies
REMstar`lPlus - CPAP Supplies
vF- HomeCareProvider SetupInstructions REMstar'lPlus Always use theseinstructions along with the (JserManual when ussemblingor adjusting this equipment. For clinical systerns, refer lo lhe setup gukle entitled Respironics Products in the SleepInb (part#100975l)for equipment setup assistance. MPORTANT ! CPAPSystem This CPAP Systemis intended only for the treatment ofadull Obstructive SleepApnea. For devices with serial numbers greater than 2,000-000,the displa! screen has been upd.atedand an 8-pin communications connector has been added. SystemContents Ultra-fine Filter \t--l\\ ,:Llz Fr"''"" \-j FilterGap Fitters Symbols DisplayScreen FlexibleTubing 6 f t . ( 1 . 8 3m ) x 2 2 m m l . D . Control Buttons Etevation O Pressure Start/ Stop Z RampStartPressure -a Ramp lll Humidifier Setting lll Humidifier on / off ,{ Y |. r-r , Hoursof Use x v A ./ 3 \ N : Numberof nights TherapySetupMenu Settings arebeingerased ButtonLights Attention,consult accompanyingdocuments AC Power DCPower t--'l Lll r >4 Hi'x,I;i:J:'.. f, Device Label tr TypeBF AppliedPart Classll (Doublelnsutated) Equipment lPXO Ordinary -C,S ,f\ E::J "@L ) /hS EuropeanCE Declaration of Conformity ttotirieoBodyApproval for Standards Compliance Canadian/US certification ElectrostaticDischarge(ESD) Susceptibility Specifi.cations Hz, L0 A max. AC PowerConsumption:100- 240VAC,5O16O DC PowerConsumption:12VDC, 3.0A max. PressureIncrements:4.0 to 20.0cm HrO (in 1.0cm HrO increments) Degreeof ProtectionagainstIngressof Water: IPX0 OrdinaryEquipment Mode of Operation:Continuous Tlpe of ProtectionagainstElectric Shock:ClassII Equipment Degreeof ProtectionagainstElectric Shock:TypeBFAppliedPart PressureDisplayAccuracy:+l (0.15+ 47oof actualreading) PressureStability:4.0 to 20.0cm HrO (tl.0 cm HrO) with EN 17510@ 7, 13,& 20 cm HrO @ 500ml with BPM setto 10,15,& 20 BPM @ 23" C (+2oC), SOaVo in accordance Measured pressure of 101.54kPascals. RH (t57o),andan atmospheric SoundPressureLevel: <30 dB(A) appliesto theREMstarPluswith or with EN 17510@ 10cm HrO at thepatientcircuit.This measurement in accordance Measured withoutthe optionalREMstarHeatedHumidifier. Maximum Flow: 35 LPM with EN 17510@ 7,13, & 20 cm HrO @ 500ml with BPM setto 10,15,& 20 BPM @ 23" C (+2"C),5OVo in accordance Measured pressure of 101.54kPascals. RH (t57o),andan atmospheric 'W'arnings (y Cautions CAUTION! ' US federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indicatesthe possibility of damageto the device. WARNING! Indicatesthepossibility for injury to the useror operator. . This device is intendedfor adult use only. . This device is not intendedfor lift support. . CPAPdeviceshave the potential to induce rebreathing of exhaled air. Tb reduce this potential, observethefollowing: - Use Respironicscircuit accessories. - Do not wear the mask and headgear for more than afew minutes while the unit is not operating. - Do not block or try to seal the vent holes in the exhalation port. As with most CPAPdevices,at low cPAp pressures,some exhaled gas(co") may remain in the mask and be rebreathed. ' Do not use this device if the room temperatureis warmer than 95" (35" F C). If thk device is used at room temperatureswarmer than 95oF (35" C), the temperatureof the airflow may exceed106" F (41" c). This could cause irritation to the patientts airway. 'This equipment is not suitable Jor use in the presenceof aflammable anestheticmixture with air or with oxygen or nitrous oxide. ' If you notice any unexplainedchangesin the performance of this device, if it is making unusual or harsh sounds,ifit has been dropped or mishandled,or ifthe enclosureis broken, discontinue use. Contact RespironicsCustomerService Department and replace any damaged parts before continuing use. 'Tb avoid electrical shock, disconnectthe power cord before cleaning. DO NOT immerse the REMstar Plus in any fluids. ' Pins of connectors identified with the ESDwarning symbol should not be touched. Connectionsshould not be made to theseconnectorsunless ESDprecautionary procedures are used. Precautionary proceduresinclude methodsto prevent build-up of electrostatic discharge (e.g', air con'ditioning,humidification, conductivefloor coverings, and non-syntheticclothing), discharging one's body to thelrame of the equipmentor systemor to earth or a large metal object, and bonding oneselfby meansof a wrist strap to the equipmentor systemor to earth. When assessingthe relativerisks and benefitsof using this equipment,the clinician shouldunderstand Contraindications that this device can deliver pressuresup to 20 cm HrO. In the event of certain fault conditions, a maximum pressureof 30 cm HrO is possible. Studieshave shown that the following pre-existingconditions may contraindicatethe use of CPAP therapy for some patients: . BullousLungDisease . Pathologically t ow Blood Pressure . Pneumothorax ' Pneumocephalushas been reported in a patient using nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure.Caution should be used when prescribing CPAP for susceptible patients such as those with: cerebral spinal fluid (CSF; teaks,abnormalitiesof the cribriform plate, prior history of head trauma, and/or pneumocephalus.(Chest 1989; 96:1425-1426) The use of CPAP therapy may be temporarily contraindicatedif a patient exhibits signs of a sinus or middle ear infection. Not for use with patientswhose upper airways are bypassed. Should your patient have any of theseconditions, a physician will determine if CPAP therapy is appropriate. 3 Accessories WARNING! Do not connect any equipmentto the REMstar Plus unlessrecommendedby Respironicsor the doctor. Verify that an exhalation port is present to exhaustCO, from the circuit. If circuit accessories,other than those recommendedby Respironics,are connectedto the REMstar Plus, pressuresmust be verified. Use oJ theseaccessoriesmay alter the pressurereceived,reducing the effectiv eness of treatment. RespironicsAccessories alwaysfollow the instructions When using accessories. enclosedwith the accessories. RecommendedPatientCircuit ,L Respironics nasal mask with integrated exhalation port (or Respironicsmask with separateexhalation port such as the Whisper Swivel@II) 2. Respironics6 ft. (1.83m) x22mm I.D. flexibletubing 3. Respironicsheadgear(notshown) WARNING! If this device is usedfor multiple persons (e.g.,rental devices)a low-resistance, mainflow bacterinfilter should be insnlled in-line betweenthe device and the circuit tubing. Pressures must be verified when slternate or optional accessoriesare in place. DC Power The Respironics DC Power Cord can be usedto operatethis device in a stationary recreationalvehicle,boat,or motor home. The Respironics DC Battery Adapter Cable (when usedwith the RespironicsDC Power Cord) enablesthe deviceto be operatedfrom a 12 VDC free-standingbattery. Humidifiers The Respironics REMstar Heated Humidifier and Pass-over Humidifier are available for use with this device. The humidifiers may reduce nasaldrynessand irritation by adding moisture(and heatif applicable)to the airflow. When using other humidifiers, verify that the delivered pressure is correct and that proper therapy is being delivered. DC power cannot be used to operate the heated humidifier. Oxygen Oxygen may be addedat the mask connection. Pleasenote the wamings listed below when using oxygen with this device. 4 WARNING! The oxygen supply must comply with the local regulations for medical oxygen. WARNING! A Respironics Pressure Valve (Part number 302418) must be placed in-line with the patient circuit. WARNING! Turn this device on before turning the oxygen on, Turn the oxygen off before turning this device off. This will prevent oxlgen accumul.s.tionin the device. WARNING! Oxygenacceleratesftres.Keepthisdeviceandtheoxygencontainerawayfromheatropenflames,any oily substance,or other sourcev of ignition. DO NOT smoke in the area near this device or the oxygen container. WARNING! When administering fixed-flow supplemental oxygen, the O, concentration ma! not be constant. The inspired oxlgen concentrstion will vary depending on the CPAP settings, paticnt breathing pattern, and the leak rate. Substantial leaks around the mask may reduce the inspired oxygen concentrution to less than the expectedconcentrations. Appropriate patient monitoring should be implemented. SysternSetup Filters CAUTION! Installthefilters. Thepollenfilter mustbe in placeat all timeswhenthe REMstar Plus is operating. The white ultra-finefilter is optionaland can be usedin additionto thepollenfilter. The peoplewho are sensitive ultra-finefilter is recommendedfor to tobaccosmokeor othersmallparticles. white, ultra-finefilter 1. Ifyou are usingthe ultra-finefilter,placeoneofthe pollen filters over the ultra-fine filter. pollenfilter 2. Insert the filter(s) into the filter area on the back ofthe REMstar Plus.An extrafilteris includedfor thepatient's convenience. 3. Attach the filter cap. Position the cap so that the small opening on the cap is facing down. Insert the cap's tabs into the filter area opening. CAUTION! ControlPanel Ifthis device has been exposedto either very hot or ver! cold temperatures, allow it to adjust to room temperature before beginning the following setup procedures. Display Screen: All devicesettingswill appearhere. Pressure StarUStop Button: Use this button to turn start or stop the airflow. DO NOT start the airflow until the circuit tubing is connected. Humidifier Button: Use this button when the optional REMstar HeatedHumidifier has beenprescribed.This button will turn the humidifier or/off and control the heat settine. Follow the instructionsincludedwith the humidifier. Heated Humidifier Button Ramp Button Ramp Button: Use this button to startthe ramp cycle (which lowers the airflow pressure). +a rv @ lM PO RTANT! Whenthe deviceis in the TherapySetupMenu, the humidiftcrand ramp buttons operateas up and downkcysto changethe settings.Thepressurestartlstopbutton wiII takeyou to the nextscreen. IMPORTANT! For deviceswith serialnumbersof 2,000,000and greater,thedisplayscreenhas beenupdatedand an 8-pin communicationsconnectorhas beenudded,Both displayscreensare shownbelow. TherapySetup Menu Enter 1. Plug the prgnged end of the power cord into an electrical outlet. To enter the Therapy Setup Menu, hold the ramp and pressure on/off buttons down while plugging the power cord into the device.The airflow will automaticallystart,and the display screenwill show the currentelevationsetting and the unlock symbol. IMPORTANT!Prescribed therapy settings can be set only using the Therapy Setup Menu. To prevent patients from tampering with the settings, do not reveal the d.irections to access the Therapy Setup Menu. 5 SysternSetup Elevation Setting a. The elevation setting will appear. settingin thePatientSetupMenu. Thepatient alsohas qccess to this Lo or 1 = lessthan2,500ft. (<762 m) M or 2 =2,500to 5,000ft. (762m to 1524m) Hi or 3 = 5,001ro 7,500ft. (1525m to 2286m) ,-{f, H, or{,, f NOTE: Elevationsof 7,500ft. (2256 m) may affict the accuracyof the pressure.Veify thepressuresettingswith a watercolumn manometer. I To changethe setting,pressthe ramp or humidifier button until the correct settingappears. Pressthe pressurestarUstopbutton to go to the next setting. PressureSetting b.The CPAPprressure settingwill appear. Range: 4 to 20 cm HrO (in I cm HrO increments) To changethe setting,pressthe ramp or humidifier button untit the correct pressureappears. Pressthe pressurestarUstopbutton to go to the next setting. FineAdjustment Setting c. The CPAPfine adjustmentsettingwill appear.This setting allowsyou to calibratethedevicesothatthepressure settingcanbe verifiedwith a manometer, Range:> -1.5to L5 cm H.O (in approximately0.1cm HrO increments) Ifyou do not want to calibrate the device,pressand releasethe pressurestart/stopbutton to go to the next setting. If you do want to calibratethe device,follow the directionsbelow: ie f, cm Ha0 f 'i$ !a ie f, fl cm .U HEO f ie i.0'i$ 1. Connectthe patientcircuit to the REMstar Plus. Make surethereis an exhalationleak in the circuit. 2. Zero the manometer,and connect the manometerat the patient mask. Make sure the pressure has stabilizedfor at least60 seconds. 3' If the pressuresetting is not the sameas the manometerreading, pressand releasethe ramp or humidifier button to changethe setting. Press the pressure starUstop button to go to the next setting. RampTime Setting d.The ramp time will appear. Range: 0 to 45 minutes (in 5 minute increments) Thepatientatso has accessto this settingin the Patient SetupMenu, i5 To changethe setting,pressthe ramp or humidifier button. Pressthe pressurestarUstopbutton to go to the next setting. 6 NOTE: If the ramp time is setta ,,0" minutes,or if the CpAppressure setting is 4 cm Hr0, thefollowing ramp setting will not be displayed. Go to Stepf. f.l f-a [:c-[ System Setup (r Seruice RampStarting PressureSetting e. The ramp starting pressurewill appear. Range: 4 to PrescriptionSetting(in I cm HrO increments) To changethe setting,pressthe ramp or humidifier button until the correct pnessureappears. f,:l 5 'i$ 0z rcm Pressthe pressurestarUstopbutton to go to the next setting. >4 Setting The number of nights this devicehas beenusedfor more than four consecutivehours (>4) will appear. To erase the total and go back to zero, press and hold the ramp or humidifier button. An "X" will appearin the lower left cornerand the total will changeto "0000." (Pressingthe button again will restorethe original count.) Press the pressure starUstop button to go to the next setting. ButtonLights g. The button lights setting will appear. This setting allows you to have the lights behind the buttonstumed on or off while the airflow is turned on. ([he lights will always be on when the airflow is off.) The patient also has accessto this setting in the Patient SetupMenu. l=on f, xl>4 finnn UUUU I>4 f, n Ll x f, LEd 0=off To changethe setting,pressthe ramp or humidifier button. ExitSettings -]| HzO v I I f, n IJ h. The settings are complete. To repeat the settings, press the pressure starflstop button. To exit the Therapy Setup Menu, hold the pressure starUstop button down and press the ramp button one time. The airflow will turn off. 2. Final Steps a. Follow the instructions in the User Manual to install the filter. b. Fill out the information form in the front of the User Manual. Review the User Manual with the patient. Service The REMstar Plus Systemdoesnot requireroutineservicing. If the REMstar Plus beginsto mal function, refer to the "Troubleshooting" section of the User Manual or contact Respironics,Inc. Repairs and adjustments must be performed only by trained personnelfully acquaintedwith this equipment. Service performed by unqualified personnelor installation of unauthorizedparts could causepersonal injury, invalidate the warranty, or result in costly damage. Disposal When necessary, disposeof the REMstar Plus and accessories in accordancewith local regulations. Ifyou need product assistance,call Respironics CustomerServiceDepartment -6443(withinhe U.S.andcanada)or r-724-387-4000 1-800-345 7 EMC Inforrnation Gurnmcn ANDMANUFACTURERTs Drccr,lrurroN - ELEcTRoMAGNETTc EMrssroNs This deviceis intended for usein theelectromagnetic environment specified below.Theuserof thisdeviceshouldmakesureit is used in suchan environment. EprrsslorvsTBsr Coprpulxce Elncrnou^l,cxnrlc ExvrnoNMENTGurol,xcn RF emissions CISPR1I GroupI This deviceusesRF eneigyonly for its internalfunction.Therefore,its RF emissionsarevery low andare not likely to causeany interference in nearbyelectronicequipment. RF emissions CISPR II ClassB Harmonic emissions IEC 61000-3-2 ClassA Thisdeviceis suitablefor usein all establishments, includingdomestic establishments andthosedirectly connected to the publiclow-voltage powersupplynetwork. Voltagefluctuations/ Flickeremissions rEC61000-3-3 Complies r I t EMC Information i GurnlNcn AND MANUFACTuRERts Dncr,lnrrroN - ELECTRoMAGNETTc luruuNrry This device is intendedfor use in the electromagneticenvironmentspecifiedbelow.The userof this device should make sure it is used in suchan environment. hrpruxrry Tnsr IEC 60601Tnsr Lnvnl Coruprrlxcp LrvBr, llectrostatic )ischarge(ESD) t6 kV contact t6 kV contact +8 kV air t8 kV air :EC 61000-4-2 Electrical fast Iransient/burst +2 kV for power supply +2 kV for supplymains lines IEC 61000-4-4 +1 kV forinput-output lines *l kV for inpuVoutput lines Er-Bcrnorr.rlcnnrlcEnvr- Gurolxcn RoNMENT Floors should be wood, concreteor ceramic tile. If floors are coveredwith syntheticmaterial, the relative humidity should be atleasL30Vo. Mains power quality shoulc be that of a typical home or hospital environment. )urge rEC61000-4-5 Voltagedips, short intenuptions and vollage variations on power supply input lines rEC 61000-4-11 +l kV differential mode +1 kV differential mode t2 kV common mode Mains power quality should be that of a typical home or +2 kV for common modt hospital environment. <5VoU, (>95Vodip in Ur) for 0.5 cycle 407o U, (6OVodip in Ur) for 5 cycles 10VoU, (30Vodip in Ur) for 25 cycles <5VoUr(>957o dipin Ur) for 5 sec 4Vo U, (>957o dip in Ur) for 0.5 cycle 40Vo U, (6OVodip in Ur) for 5 cycles 70VoU, (307odip in Ur) for 25 cycles 4Vo Ur(>95Vod\p in L/r) for 5 sec Mains power quality should be that of a typical home or hospital environment.If the user of the device requires continuedoperation during power mains interruptions, it is recommendedthat the device be poweredfrom an unintemrptible power supply or a battery. NOTE: U, is the a.c. mains voltage prior to applicationof the test level. 9 EMC Inforrnation Gurnlxcr Dncr.lnrrroN ANDMANUFACTURER'S - ELECTRoMAGNETTc lvruur.nrv This deviceis intended for usein theelectromagnetic environment specified belowThe userof thisdeviceshouldmakesureit is used in suchan environment. Iuuuxnv Tnsr rEC 60601 Tnsr LnvBl Powerfrequency (50/60Hz) magneticfield 3A/m Coupr,rlxcn Lnvnl 3A/m Er.Bcrnoulcrnrrc ExvrnoNMENTGum,lxcB Power frequency magneticfields should be at levels characteristicof a typical location in a typical home or hospital environment. IEC 61000-4-8 Portableand mobile RF communications equipmentshould be usedno closer to any part of the device, including cables,than the recommendedseparationdistancecalculatedfrom the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter. Recommended separation distance ConductedRF rEC61000-4-6 RadiatedRF rEC61000-4-3 d= l.2rlF 3 Vrms 150kHz to 80 MHz 3 Vrms 3 V/m 80 MHz to 2.5 GHz 3 V/m a= t.AE d = 2.\P 8oMHztoSooMHz 800MHzto 2.5GHz where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitterin watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and d is the recommendedseparationdistancein meters(m). Field strengthsfrom fixed RF transmitters,as determinedby an electromagneticsite survey," should be less than the compliancelevel in each frequencyrange.b Interferencemay occur in the vicinity of equipmentmarked with the following symbol: (r.) \Y {OTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applie {OTE 2 There guideline my not apply in all situations. Eectrcmagnetic prcpagation is affected by absorption and refletion rtructures, obj€ts, and pople. fron a Field strengths from fixed tmsmitters, such s brc stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones md lmd mobile radios, mateur radio, AM and FM radio brcadmt md TV brmd€st cmnot be predicted theorctically with a€urcy. To uress the electromagnetic )nviroment due to fixed RF trmsmitters, m el@tromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the mruued field strength in the location n which the device is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the devie should be obrcrved to verify normal opemtion. If rbnomal perfomne is obsrued, additional mmures may be necessary,such as re-orienting or relocating the device. b Over the frequency roge 150 kHz !o 80 MHz, the field strengths should be less than 3 V/m. 10 EMC Inforrnation RncolrunNDED SEPARATION DIsTANCEsBETwEENPoRTABLEANDMoBTLB RF CoulruNrcATroNs EqurrvrnNr lNn TnrsDnvrcn This device is intendedfor use in an electromagneticenvironmentin which radiatedRF disturbancesare controlled.The customeror the userof this device can help preventelectromagneticinterferenceby maintaininga minimum distancebetweenportableand mobile RF communicationsequipment(transmitters)and this deviceas recommendedbelow,accordingto the maximum output power of the communicationsequipment. Rrrno Mlxllruvr Pownn Ourpur or Tn.lnsurrrnn w Snplnluox Drsuxcn Acconllnc ro FnneuBxcy or Tnrurslnrrpn M 150kHz to 80 MHz d= 1.2..1F 80 MHz to 800 MHz d= 1.2rlF 800 MHz to2.5 GHz d= 2JrJp 0.01 0.12 0.12 0.23 0.1 0.38 0.38 0;73 I t.2 t.z 2.5 l0 3.8 3.8 7.3 r00 t2 t2 z5 For transmittersrated at a maximum output power not listed above,the recommendedseparationdistanced in meters(m) can be estimatedusing the equationapplicableto the frequency of the transmitter,where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitterin watts (W) according to the transmittermanufacturer. Note 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separationdistancefor the higher frequency range applies. Note 2: These guidelinesmay not apply in all situations.Electromagneticpropagationis affectedby absorptionand reflection from structures,objects,and people. II RESptRONtcs'RESPIRONIG". . Deutschland I F 1001 MurryRidgeLane Murrysville,Pennsylvania 15668-8550 USA \ \ Gewerbestrasse1? 82211 HerschingGermany 0123 1027796 JW 07/06/05