
February 2015
Brent Forsee, Principal
Hello PTSA Friends,
Principal’s Message
What an amazing
group of people you
are. The parent support here at Arcadia
High is one of the
many highlights that
makes being a piece
of this educational
community second to
none. Whether it is an
event that needs hosting, a kind word or deed, or friendship, you
all are always there to provide for our kids,
our staff and our school.
We are almost done with construction
at Arcadia High! Yes, that is correct. After
eight long and rewarding years, our AHS
campus is scheduled to have all construction
projects completed this summer. Through
the support of our parents and the Arcadia
community, every classroom space has been
upgraded, numerous new buildings have been
erected, and numerous athletic and performing arts spaces have been renovated. We
look forward to a campus with no green fences in the fall.
Reminder, Thursday, April 16, is our
annual Arcadia High Spring Preview and
Showcase. Many of you are involved in extra curricular programs that play a major roll
in showing our middle school students just
how special the Arcadia High experience
is. Make sure your booster/support group
plans on attending and engaging with our
current middle school students and their parents.
Go Apaches!
Dr. Brent Forsee
Inside this issue:
President’s Message
Faculty of the Month – January
Meet Our New Librarian!
Counselor’s Corner
AP Testing – Important Dates
Orchestra Benefit Dinner/Order Form/
Staff Appreciation Luncheon Info
Grad Night
Pep Squad Tryouts Flyer
Arcadia Stage Production - ”Hairspray”
Chinese Parents Booster Club
Bark For Life Flyer
AEF /Scrip News & Scrip Order Form
Rose Parade Tournament Troop Pictures
48th Annual Spaghetti Dinner Highlights
AVID Pictures
Orchesis Production
Hairspray Advertisement Order Form
Visit the AUSD Website and the AHS Website
Dr. Brent Forsee, Principal
Vicky Stiles, PTSA President
Lori Kodama, Editor
Next Newsletter Deadline: February 23, 2015
Email articles, flyers, pictures to
Page 2
Vicky Stiles, PTSA President
Did you know that February 17 is the Parent Teacher Association’s birthday? PTA will be 118
years old!
The National PTA is the oldest and largest volunteer
association working exclusively on behalf of all children
and youth. For more than 100 years, the National PTA has
promoted the education, health, and safety of children,
youth, and families. PTA's founders Phoebe Apperson
Hearst and Alice McLellan Birney, and the founder of
Georgia's Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers,
Selena Sloan Butler, were women of imagination and
courage. They understood the power of individual action,
worked beyond the accepted barriers of their day, and took
action to literally change the world.
They had a simple idea—to improve the lives and futures of all of our children. As
much as other conditions in America may have changed, that idea has not. PTAs keep it
alive. Our members represent the ethnic diversity of our nation, and they come from the
ranks of traditional families, single-parent households, blended families, grandparents,
and other caring adults. Together, we continue to advocate for children and youth.
Nationally, PTA has set a federal public policy agenda that focuses on Education, Child Health
and Nutrition, and Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. In California the focus has largely
been on education funding. The PTAs of the Arcadia schools have been an active advocate for our
children. particularly when it comes to funding, as we played integral roles in the passage of
Measure I and Measure A. We have also been involved in the drafting of last years Local Control
Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Last year, the Arcadia Council PTA provided scholarships to two high school students to attend the
annual California State PTA Legislation Conference with the Arcadia delegation. Students learned
first hand about the legislative process and spoke to elected officials about their experiences at
Arcadia schools. It is impossible to measure the impact these students, parents, teachers and
principals who were part of the delegation made on our State Senator and Assembly member. I
look forward to hearing from this year’s delegation, including two members of the Class of 2016,
upon their return from the conference. I invite you to join our monthly meetings to learn about our
advocacy efforts as well as about school activities.
PTA provides volunteers and raises funds to support school programs but was actually founded to
advocate for children. It makes me proud to know that in Arcadia we are continuing that tradition.
Vicky Stiles
AHS PTSA President
AHS PTSA Website
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Next PTSA Meeting
February 5
Interim Library
6:45pm dessert/social
7:00pm meeting
Page 3
Heather Moore
Craig Monden
“Besides being an exceptional teacher in
the Social Science Department, Heather
also runs our SCAC (Apache Commission). This means she spearheads the
Apache Toy and Jacket Drive each year.”
“An outstanding Science teacher, Craig
has been extremely collaborative with
his colleagues in AP Biology. He consistently goes above and beyond to help
the students.”
Dr. Brent Forsee
Dr. Brent Forsee
Introducing Margo Butera
AHS/District Librarian
Margo Butera is the new AHS/Distr ict Libr ar ian. She attended Cal Ar ts, and r eceived
her teaching credentials at CSUN. She was employed at Temple City High school for 2 years, as a
library sub, as well as an intern at William S. Hart District. She enjoys reading, singing, dancing,
writing, and photography.
Her goals for Arcadia are to improve literacy both in traditional and non traditional venues,
such as media literacy. She would like to make the library fun, interesting, and informative for all
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Believe it or not, it’s almost time for students to begin thinking about next year’s classes!
Starting the week of February 16th, Counselors will conduct Orientation and Programming sessions
with all freshmen, sophomore and junior students and parents.
The process involves the following steps:
1) Course Selection Assembly – students receive:
 Curriculum Guide
 Course Selection Draft Sheet
 Grade level information sheet
2) Students and Parents research and review classes:
 Read class descriptions in the Curriculum Guide
 Talk to parents, teachers and students about classes in which they are interested.
 Choose carefully – there are very strict policies regarding dropping and changing classes
3) Students meet with Counselors to select classes:
 Students come to Career Center with their English class.
 Students receive their transcript.
 Students bring completed Draft Course Selection Sheet to meeting.
 Counselors meet individually with all students to review their transcript, graduation status, future educational plans and options and summer school recommendations. Together they will fill
out the final Course Selection Sheet and complete a thorough review of their high school progress.
4) Students take Final Course Selection Sheet home for parent signature.
5) Students return the signed Final Course Selection Sheet to the Counselor of the Day desk by due
date indicated on the Course Selection Sheet. Students need to make their own personal copy before
returning the sheet.
6) Any adjustments to these selections can only be made during PAW week (Program Adjustment
Week), May 26 – May 29.
2014 – 2015 Course Selection Dates
February 17
February 18
February 19
February 25
ELD and RSP students
Current Juniors
Current Sophomores
Current Freshmen
AHS Counseling Website
Continued on Page 16
Page 5
Advanced Placement Testing
2015 Important Dates
AP Fee Waiver Packet available
Monday January 26, 2015 –
Curriculum Office
Friday February 13, 2015
AP Sale of Exams - ASB Office - $99.00
Monday February 2, 2015-
Download AP Packet from ASB website starting
1/26/15 (no www)
Friday February 13, 2015
AP Exams Late Sales ASB Office - $120.00
Tuesday February 17, 2015 –
15 Days
10 Days
4 Days
Friday February 20, 2015
Compile AP sales list for posting
Monday February 23, 2015 –
4 Days
Thursday February 26, 2015
AP Sales list posted for errors/corrections
Friday February 27, 2015 –
6 days
Friday March 6, 2015
AHS AP Exam Order to College Board
Wednesday March 11, 2015
1 day
No more refunds
Mandatory Lunch &/or Afterschool Workshop
Mon. April 20 - Juniors
AP Exam Pre-Administration - Lecture Hall
Tue. April 21 - Juniors
Monday April 20 - Friday April 24, 2015
Wed. April 22 - Seniors
5 Days
Thu. April 23 - Seniors
10 graders will complete in their AP Bio classes
Fri. April 24 - Make-up & all other 10th graders in AP classes
AP Exam Administration, Locations: TBA
Monday May 4, 2015 –
Friday May 14, 2015
Click here to return to Table of Contents
10 Days
Page 6
Career Technical Education/Regional Occupational Program
Outstanding Students:
CTE/ROP is committed to honoring our exemplary students from Arcadia High school. The following
students were nominated by their teachers for character, attitude, attendance, leadership and community involvement. We are proud to acknowledge the following students; Valerie Gasparini and Nicole
Vizcarra for Advanced Video Pr oduction, Madison Ross for Cr iminal Law, Andrew Ortegaray
and Audrey Wong for Engineering Design & Development and Samantha Grasso for Stagecraft. These
students will advance to the Los Angeles County CTE/ROP Outstanding Student Recognition Program
on March 10th, 2015, where they will compete for medals and monetary stipends.
During the month of March the counseling staff will begin scheduling students for fall 2015-2016
classes. CTE/ROP classes do fill quickly and space is limited, so if you are choosing an CTE/ ROP
class be sure to include it in your selection of classes.
Something to consider in finding your career:
Get a job or do some volunteer work in your community. A part-time job can teach you many valuable skills you will later need in a career. It can teach you to be dependable and improve your ability to
get along with others. Having a job requires you to plan your free time between study and fun and
teaches you how to budget your money. The Career Center has a volunteer book that consists of nonpaid opportunities for students in many private and public agencies throughout the San Gabriel Valley.
We also have a job book, which is updated with posted employment opportunities from the local community business professionals. If you are a business that would like to hire Arcadia High students
please give us a call at 626) 821-8370 X 1104 and we would be glad to post your job request.
Work Permit Reminder:
If are a student under 18 years who is currently working, the law requires that he/she have a work permit. Work permit applications can be obtained in the Career Center and are FREE.
Cindi Franz
AVID/CTE/Rancho Counselor
AUSD is getting social! Follow along on:
News items and info about all the school and our great programs are being posted on these sites
for the convenience of the Arcadia community.
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Arcadia Music Club
P.O. Box 660131
Arcadia, CA 91066-0131
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Dear Orchestra Families and Supporters,
The Arcadia High School Orchestras will celebrate their 21st Annual Benefit Dinner and
Concert on Saturday, February 28, 2015. This fundraising event is held annually at the
Arcadia Masonic Center. The Arcadia High School Orchestras have a history of excellence of over 60 years and continue to be a model for high schools throughout the state
and country.
Our theme for this year’s wonderful event is “Strings in Paradise“. It begins with a delicious catered dinner, followed by entertainment featuring string ensembles from the
AHS Orchestras. We are also excited to present the outstanding guest artists, “Jason
Arimoto”, originally from Hawaii, Jason is blues ukulele player and is a two-time winner of
the Ukulele Underground Award for best vocal performance of the year (http:// The most unique experience is the grand finale that showcases
all 330 orchestra performers completely surrounding the guests. It should prove to be
an exciting evening for everyone.
The funds generated from this prestigious event provide many orchestra necessities
(coaching, musical instruments, materials and supplies for the new orchestra room) that
may not otherwise be available to us. This is a great opportunity for you to be a “Friend
of the Orchestra.” There are four ways in which you can provide support for this event:
1) purchase event ticket(s), 2) purchase advertising space in the program book, 3) be a
benefactor, or 4) donate items for our silent auction. We are grateful to receive new and
current items valued at $50 or more for our silent auction such as musical instruments,
electronics, tickets to sporting or music events, gift certificates, and services such as
spa treatments or music lessons (just to name a few). All donations are tax-deductible to
the extent permitted by law. Enclosed is a contribution form for you to complete. Please
take a few moments and respond by sending this form back by February 6, 2015. Thank
you for your support and generosity for the continuing success of the Arcadia High
School Orchestras.
Thomas J. Forbes
Orchestra Director
Arcadia High School
Pin Chen
Orchestra Director
Arcadia High School
Kirby Repko
Arcadia Music Club
Promoting the goals of the Arcadia schools’ instrumental music programs.
Continued on Page 8
Continued from Page 7
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Continued on Page 9
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Continued from Page 8
Page 9
Meet Jason Arimoto
Arcadia Music Club OBD’s Guest Performer
Originally from Hawaii, Los Angeles-based
Jason Arimoto, also known on YouTube as
“facemeltingukulele,” is a featured artist on
the Na Hoku Hanohano Award-winning album, A be Lagrimas, Jr. and Friends – Solo
Ukulele: The King of
Pop, and is a two-time
winner of the Ukulele
Underground Award for
Best Vocal Performance
of the Year. He has attracted a following for his
blues ‘ukulele covers of
Jimi Hendrix’s “Little
Wing” and John Mayer’s
“Gravity,” which was
featured as one of Jake
Shimabukuro’s top picks
on YouTube in 2011. His
original music blends his
island roots with reggae
and blues, and soulful
vocals combining to create a bluesy ‘ukulele
tone. Jason has performed across the U.S.
including the Bean Blossom Blues Festival in
Indiana and Downtown Disney in Anaheim,
California, as well as internationally at the
Cairns Ukulele Festival in Australia. Jason
performs weekly at Don the Beachcomber
restaurant in Huntington Beach, California.
Jason is also a lead instructor of ‘Ukulele
Creations, a comprehensive music program
developed together with six-time Grammy
award winner Daniel Ho. Jason was invited
to teach at the Walt Disney Concert Hall and
the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion as part of the Music
Center of Los Angeles’
Active Arts Program and
was voted as a top-rated
instructor by participants.
In addition to his work as
a solo artist, Jason performs in a ‘ukulelepercussion duo with percussionist Brad Ranola.
Jason is also one of the
original members of the
Los Angeles-based reggae/blues/rock
JMD. JMD has attracted a
The fabulous PTSA
during for
2013 fusion of Bob
Marley, Sublime, and Jimi Hendrix using
three-part harmonies and three instruments: a
‘ukulele, bass and drums. JMD has performed in venues across Southern California.
We welcome Jason Arimoto’s performance
at the 2015 Arcadia High School Orchestra
Benefit Dinner.
Other Ways You Can Support the Orchestra Benefit Dinner
Donations of baskets and wrapping accessories will be gladly accepted. These will be used to
wrap the Silent Auction items. Please have students bring the items to Room P103, Orchestra
We welcome any donations of gift cards, which students can drop off in the Orchestra Room.
If you have Hawaiian-themed decorations (center pieces, trees, etc.) which you can lend or
donate for the OBD’s evening’s decorations, please kindly contact Kathy Yamane through
Angela H at or students can drop them off in the Orchestra Room.
Arcadia Music Club Website
LIKE us on Facebook: Arcadia Music Club
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Page 10
2015 Annual Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
The AHS PTSA will be holding its annual Teacher Appreciation Luncheon on Friday, February 27, 2015. What a
wonderful way to say “THANK YOU” to our teachers who work diligently throughout the year! Please consider
contributing to this worthwhile event, although main dishes, appetizers, desserts, salads and beverages are also appreciated. Monetary donations are also gladly accepted (checks payable to “AHS PTSA” & write “Teacher Luncheon” on the memo or envelope) and drop it off at the school office.
You can sign up by clicking here.
Theresia Liem & Yoko Kikuta - PTSA Staff Appreciation Luncheon Chairs
AHS Grad Night 2015 - 6/17 11PM to 6/18 4AM
Our seniors have been working hard for their entire academic years and Grad Night is a
FUNtastic way for them to celebrate their last event as a class (only seniors attend). Many teachers
and administrators also join in the festivities. Grad Night is a party hosted mostly by PARENTS OF
SENIORS...we need you to help! Please come to our first informational meeting February 2, Monday night, at 7 PM in the Science Lecture Hall. Find out about theme ideas, the incredible activities your senior will get to participate in, and volunteer opportunities.
We need help in the following areas:
□ Adult Check-In
□ Decorations
□ Fundraising
□ Have Truck, will transport items
□ Coat Check/Lockers
□ Prizes
□ Social Media/Publicity
□ Temporary Tattoo Parlor
□ Casino
□ Donations
□ Games
□ Karaoke/Photo Booth
□ Photos
□ Security
□ Student Check-In
□ Wedding Chapel
Monetary & gift card donations are also appreciated!
(Consider purchasing scrip cards – see Pages 16-17 for Scrip info & Order form)
Grad Night senior parent meetings are as follows:
 Feb 2, 7 PM - Lecture Hall
 Mar 2, 7 PM - Lecture Hall
 Mar 30, 7 PM - Lecture Hall
 May 4, 7 PM - location TBD
 June 1, 7 PM - Lecture Hall
If you haven't already done so, please have your senior purchase his/her Grad Night ticket at
the ASB office. Prices will increase the closer it gets to the big event!
Thank you for your support. It will be a wonderful and memorable evening for our children. If you have questions or would like to volunteer, call or email the Grad Night Chairs at
Hope to see you at our next parent meeting!
Karen Acosta & Lori Kodama
2015 PTSA Grad Night Co-Chairs
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Page 11
AHS Athletics Booster Website
Page 12
Please see ad order form on Page 22
A family-friendly musical piled high with laughter, romance, and bouffant hair styles!
It's 1962 Baltimore, and the lovable plus-size teen Tracy Turnblad has only one desire -- to dance on the
popular Corny Collins Show. When her dream comes true, Tracy is transformed from social outcast to
sudden star. Will she be able to use her newfound power to dethrone the reigning Teen Queen, win the
affections of heartthrob Link Larkin, and integrate a TV network, all without denting her 'do?!
You can't stop the beat in this big, bold musical about one girl's inspiring dream to dance.
Tickets for this fun show are $15 for general admission, $10 for students and seniors, and $30 for
VIP. Get your tickets from any Arcadia High Theatre student or at
March 19th and 20th at 7pm and March 21st at 4 pm
Arcadia Performing Arts Center
Arcadia Stage Website
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Page 13
The Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program promotes academic success by
calling for intensive tutoring, study and organizational skills, strong student-teacher relationships,
and positive peer group support.
Students are prepped for college admission and future careers through Advanced Placement courses
and enrollment in a special AVID elective class for 4 years, where assignments include college
tours and admissions applications.
AHS AVID will be recruiting students for its 2019 class from current 8th grade classes soon. Additional information on qualifications will be available at all AUSD middle schools in the spring.
Thank you to all the AVID parents/guardians that attended our January Booster meeting. We appreciate your
continuous support and the valuable input you provided us to formulate our future plans. Next month we will
kick-off the recommended fund raisers. Please note the upcoming activities:
An AVID Parent Workshop will be held on March 18th from 6:00-7:30pm. This workshop will be grade-specific,
with guest presenters that will focus on important information for your child’s specific grade level, what you
need to know to help them, and provide answers to your questions. Please plan on attending this valuable session.
All sophomore AVID students are expected to take the PLAN test, which evaluates English, Math, Reading and
Science, along with providing career assessment. The test will be given on Saturday January 31st in J-201 at
9:00am. There will be $5 deposit required, which will be returned upon attendance. Plan results are used to more
specifically pinpoint areas of additional skill building.
AVID students will holding their second fund raiser by selling Valentine Grams to the general student body on
campus. Please encourage your student to sign-up to assist with the sales table being held in front of the ASB
office during lunch from February 2-10. Valentine Grams can be purchased for delivery to students and staff for
$5 each. They include a plush animal and a personalized message. This is a terrific opportunity for our students
to learn to manage the execution of a comprehensive campus fund raiser. See photos of preparations on Page 20.
There will be an AVID night for all local AVID students to attend at Six Flags Magic Mountain on Friday
March 20th from 6:00pm-12 midnight. We are currently looking for parent chaperones who would be interested
in participating in this event. E-mail Ms. Polidano at if you are interested.
AVID Website:
AVID Email:
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Continued on Page 20
Page 14
We are ONE Apache Family!
AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club (AHSCPBC) is proudly part of the AHS Apache family.
While many of us were busy celebrating the holidays, six AHSCPBC families hosted eighteen students
of the Helsingor Pigegrade Marching Band from Denmark. Together with ten other families, they provided the Denmark students with temporary homes with delectable meals, transportation, needed items,
and fun gatherings with AHS students and their families.
The flu season is here. To show care for its family members, AHSCPBC donated 200 Kleenex
and 200 bottles of hand sanitizers to AHS teachers and students in early January. It also helped promote
Arcadia Music Club’s 48th Annual Spaghetti Dinner and the 21st Annual Orchestra Benefit Dinner by
inviting Chairwoman Angela Hui to distribute event flyers at its monthly meeting. On January 17,
many AHSCPBC parents and students also served at Spaghetti Dinner before they enjoyed the spectacular performances of Marching Band, Color Guard, Pep Band, and Percussion.
Hostesses and AHS students throw a farewell
party for Denmark band students.
Volunteers distribute Kleenex and hand sanitizers to AHS Teacher’s mailboxes.
Angela of AHS Music Club promotes its Annual
Spaghetti Dinner and Orchestra Benefit Dinner
Volunteers serve at the Spaghetti Dinner before
watching the spectacular performances
The 22nd Chinese New Year Party will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at the Arcadia
Community Center. Chinese cuisine is arranged and exhilarating performances are in line. Lucky drawing prizes and auction items are awaiting the fortunate winners. Grand prizes comprise one round-trip
ticket from LA to Vancouver by XO Tours Canada, Ltd, and Rancho Duarte Golf Course’s $300 Membership. Unbeatable silent auction items consist of one round-trip business class ticket from LA to Canton sponsored by China Southern Airlines. These will definitely make lucky guests grin from ear to ear.
All fundraising proceeds will go directly to support AHS as well as its students in the forms of scholarships to students, acquisition of school equipment, etc. If you have questions, please contact Winnie or
Enid of AHSCPBC at and, respectively.
Visit the AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club Webpage
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Page 15
Page 16
Dedicated to Making Our Kids Prepared & Competitive for College!
The sole purpose of the Arcadia Educational Foundation (AEF) is to raise funds to ensure that students of the Arcadia Unified School District
(AUSD) are prepared and competitive for college
and careers. AEF fundraising allowed AUSD the
ability to hire two new counselors to support students during transitions periods in their education.
AEF is committed to the transitional counselors
and strives to hire one or more dedicated college
counselors, but in order to do so, money must be
raised every year. Successful educational foundation such as San Marino and La Canada have
~60% participation rates. In contrast, only 4% of
AUSD families contribute. If every student in the
district could just donate $20 more than they did
last year, AEF would have sufficient funds for both
the transition and college counselors.
Consider supporting AEF in better equipping our
students for the future. Donations may be made by
check payable to "AEF" or online by credit card.
Visit the AEF website at
to read the full article on AEF's
commitment to counselors. Also
available in Chinese.
During the month of February, we will have our “red bag” promotion. Simply purchase $100
in scrip gift cards and you will receive a reusable red grocery bag. (Limit two per family please).
These bags are great to leave in the trunk of your car so they are readily available when you do your
Scrip is available for direct sales every Thursday from 12:00-12:45 in the Student Services
Building. (11:30-12:00 on Common Core Minimum Days). Stop by or have your student pick up the
order for you. Feel free to email if you have questions or to make other arrangements for pick up/delivery.
Remember that a percentage of every gift card purchased is money raised for the school.
Thank you for supporting AHS through scrip!
Scrip Order Form on Page 17
Counseling News continued from Page 4
All Evening Parent Course Selection Information Meetings will be held at 6:30 in the PAC
(Performing Arts Center).
 February 18 Current Juniors
 February 19 Current Sophomores
 February 25 Current Freshmen
*Parents of ELD and RSP students should attend their grade level parent meeting. Translators will
be available for parents of ELD students.
Powerpoint presentations used for both the student assemblies and parent evening meetings will be
posted on the AHS Counselor website the morning of each presentation.
Programming will start March 2. Specific grade level programming dates will be posted in the students’ English classes.
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Important AEF News on Page 16
Arcadia Educational Foundation Website
Page 17
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Page 18
Rose Parade Tournament Troop 2015
Being invited to carry a banner during the Rose Parade each year represents a great degree of honor
for these young men and women. For Boy Scouts, they must have earned the highest rank in scouting as Eagle rank in 2014. And for the Girl Scouts, they must have merited the Gold Award—the
highest award in Girl Scouting. Earning these high honors in the scouting program reveals their
determination, persistence and leadership potential. Here are the names of the AHS students who
were selected to the Tournament Troop 2015.
Emily Chang (Sr.)
Kenny Chui (Sr.)
Alvin Neo (Sr.)
Garrison Pena (Sr.)
Dylan Shen (Jr.)
Kristen Tarsala (Sr.)
Calvin Wang (Sr.)
Chad Watkins (Sr.)
From L to R: Kenny Chui, Dylan Shen, Alvin Neo, Emily Chang,
Kristen Tarsala, Chad Watkins, Garrison Pena
Photos courtesy of Eric Shen
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Page 19
48th Annual Spaghetti Dinner
Arcadia Music Club Website
Every year, the Arcadia high School Marching Band and Color Guard host a fantastic
Spaghetti Dinner. On January 17th, folks had the opportunity to enjoy a warm meal
and see a fabulous show amongst a supportive and fun community.
Pictures from AUSD Facebook Page
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Page 20
Continued from Page 13
AVID Students Preparing Valentine Grams
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Page 21
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Continued from Page 12
Page 22
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