
Brent Forsee, Principal
Principal’s Message
Inside this issue:
You may notice that November begins
a very busy holiday and competition/
performance season for our extra and
co-curricular programs. If you spend
even a moment on the Arcadia High
campus, you quickly see the impact
these vibrant programs have on our
kids. High school is a special time for
students to hone skills academically
and promote passions beyond the
classroom. I am grateful for the generous support our community lends toward continuing the
breadth and depth of opportunities for all of ourstudents.
PTSA President’s Message
WASC Meeting Dates
Staff of the Month—September
The Counselors’ Corner
Student Services Update
“The Secret in the Wings” Flyer
ASB Activities
Yearbook Senior Ads
Can U Help
Chinese Parents Booster Club
October saw AHS host the AUSD Staff Appreciation Night
during our home football game vs. Burroughs. Over 300
staff and their guests participated in pre-game ceremonies
with Tamara Goad, Classified Employee of the Year
and Brad Smith, Certificated Employee of the Year, serving
as honorary captains.
Band and Color Guard News
Holiday Concert
Theater News
AVID Booster News
Finally, as we enter the second quarter of school, please
be aware of the academic support available for your student. Peer tutoring takes place in the library from 3:004:00 every Monday - Thursday. Students do not need to
sign up, they just show up to get assistance. We continue
to collect information regarding extended hours for our
school library in an effort to support student learning. If
you do not have a PowerSchool account to monitor your
student's academic progress, please contact our front office so that we may assist you in signing up.
Disaster Preparedness Update
Grad Night
Hispanic Parents Club
Scrip News
Dia De Los Muertos Flyer
Scrip Order Form
Arcadia Stage Events
“5 Myths Busters for Parents Who
Don’t Volunteer at School”
PAC Flyer
PAC Plaque Flyer
Go Apaches!
Brent Forsee,
AHS Principal
AHS Facebook Page
Visit the AUSD Website and AHS Website
November Newsletter Deadline: November 16, 2015
Email articles, flyers, pictures to
Dr. Brent Forsee, Principal
Vicky Stiles, PTSA President
Lori Kodama, Editor
Page 2
Vicky Stiles, PTSA President
November PTSA Meeting has been changed
Monday night at November 9th 7:00 pm MPR
I am thankful for...
- The taxes I pay because it means that I am
- The clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.
- My shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine.
- A lawn that has to be mowed, windows that have to be washed, and gutters
that need fixing because it means I have a home.
- The spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable
of walking.
- All the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have
the freedom of speech.
- The lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means that I can hear.
- The huge pile of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby.
- The alarm that goes off in the early morning because it means that I'm alive.
Follow Vicky on Twitter and find out the latest
Vicky Stiles
Please see Page 20 to read “5 Myth Busters for Parents Who Don’t Volunteer at School”
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
WASC is a tremendous opportunity for 9th-11th grade parents to help AHS reflect on where we have
been and chart a course for the next few years. Volunteering to serve on a WASC focus group
means you will work collaboratively with school staff and students through the process of our WASC
self-study report. Thank you to those parents who have already signed up.
Please signup using this google doc.
Meetings will take place on the 1st and 3rd Mondays @ 3 p.m.
November 2 and 16
February 1
May 2 and 16
December 7
March 7 and 21
June 6
January 4
April 18
Dr. Forsee and Mr. Pasqua thank you
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AHS PTSA Website
Page 3
Jeannie Ackerman
Ray Mynster
“Jeannie Ackerman is someone
known for encouraging and working
with new teachers.”
“Ray Mynster is always willing to
dive in and help colleagues with
technology needs.”
Dr. Brent Forsee
Dr. Brent Forsee
Follow along for the latest AUSD news and events:
News items and info about all the school and our great programs are being posted on these
sites for the convenience of the Arcadia community.
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Page 4
Check out the new AHS Counseling Website
Important Dates to Calendar
Financial Aid Workshop (FAFSA Federal Application Form) – Part 2: Parents/Guardians of Seniors
only. Saturday, January 16th, from 9 - 11:30 am in
the Performing Arts Center
ACT Test Dates
2015: Dec 12
2016: Feb 6, April 9, June 11
Online registration & deadlines can be found at
Please note: If you miss the late deadline to register for a test date, you may choose to request and
pay for standby testing online. However, standby
testing cannot be requested on the day of the test.
For specific guidelines for standby testing, please
refer to,
ACT: American College Test. This test is used by
all colleges and universities as the examination
portion of their entrance requirements. This multiple-choice test covers four skill areas: English,
Mathematics, Reading, and Science. The Writing
test on the ACT is optional, but is required by the
UCs and many 4-year private colleges and universities. The ACT is scored on a scale from 10 to 36.
The content of the test is closely aligned with the
skills and information learned in the high school
SAT Reasoning & Subject Test Dates
2015: Nov 7, Dec. 5
2016: Jan 23, Mar 5*, May 7, June 4
*March 5, SAT Reasoning Test only – no Subject
On line registration & deadlines can be found at:
in three areas: critical reading, math, and writing.
Each section is scored on a scale of 200 – 800, and
the writing section contains two sub-scores.
SAT Subject Tests: Subject Tests are designed to
measure knowledge and skills in particular subject
areas. Some colleges use the Subject Tests for
admission, course placement, and advisement regarding course selection. Subject tests are no
longer required by the UCs but are recommended
for certain majors.
Registration Information booklets for both ACT &
SAT can be found in the Career Center.
During the 2015-2016 academic year, SAT fee
waivers will once again be available to eligible stu-
What I Need to Know About
SAT Fee Waivers
dents. The number of fee waivers is limited each
year and fee waivers are available only for high
school juniors or seniors. To be eligible, you must
meet at least one of the criteria below:
Enrollment in or eligibility to participate in the
Free and Reduced Lunch program
Annual family income falls within the Income
Eligibility Guidelines set by the USDA Food
and Nutrition Service.
Enrollment in a federal, state, or local program
that aids students from low-income families
(ex: Upward Bound)
Family receives public assistance
Live in federally subsidized public housing, a
foster home or are homeless
A ward of the state or an orphan
An eligible student may receive a maximum of two
SAT Reasoning Test fee waivers and two SAT
SAT Reasoning Test: Scholastic Assessment Subject Test fee waivers. Students may use their
Test. The SAT Reasoning Test is used by all col- SAT Subject Test fee waiver for up to three Subleges and universities as the examination portion ject Tests on a single test date.
of their entrance requirements.
measures the critical thinking skills needed for academic success in college. It consists of questions
Continued on Page 14
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Page 5
Student Services
John Finn, Assistant Principal
have been some changes in the front office. Ms. Liz Cloud is now the
Secretary for Mr. Keith Kerney; Ms. Shari Omersaid is now the Secretary
for Mr. Finn and Mr. Tung, and please welcome Ms. Rachel Andrade the
new Office Assistant located at the main entrance. She is usually the first
person you talk to when you enter the school.
all of the parents who donated water, batteries and other supplies so that
we could update our classroom emergency bags and toilet kits. We also had a number of
parents led by Dr. Araki who assisted with updating the emergency bags and toilet kits on
October 1st. Thank you for supporting our student and Arcadia High School.
CALIFORNIA SHAKE OUT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15TH: We participated in the California
Shakeout on October 15th. The simulated earthquake began at 10:15 AM with an announcement and proceeded with the classrooms and offices evacuating to their first evacuation area. Once role was taken and turned in, the students were evacuated to the athletic stadium
while teachers went to their evacuation teams. The evacuation teams are Search and Rescue; First Aid; Student Release; Evacuation Area Supervision; Security; Support (cafeteria
staff); and Auxiliary (ASB Students).
Each team practiced their procedures with Search and Rescue finding “injured” students and
staff as well as damaged locations. We also had some parents come to the school and
“withdraw” their student(s) so as to practice student release. Overall the drill went well with
areas that we will adjust to improve the plan.
If there ever is an earthquake or other emergency in which we evacuate to the athletic stadium it is important to know where the release gates are. If you are going to withdraw your student, once we have evacuated to the athletic stadium, you would report to one of the four release gates. Two of the four release gates are on Campus Drive; they are located at either
end of the stadium parking lot by the ticket booths. The other two release gates are on Duarte Avenue. One is located on the east side of the pool by the driveway. The other is located by the ticket office which is just west of the tennis courts. There will be a sign stating
“Student Release” at each of the release gates.
Once you have checked in at one of the release gates the release team members will send
you inside the stadium near the scoreboard where the control tables are. This is where you
will meet your student(s) and verification will take place. Once you leave with your student
you would check out at the release gate you originally entered so that they can verify your
student has been released.
It is important you remind your student to always carry their student I. D. If they do not have
their student I.D. this will slow down the release process for your student.
Happy Holidays. I wish you and your family the best during the Thanksgiving and Winter
Holidays, have a safe and restful break.
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Page 6
Fall Production
Arcadia High School
Performing Arts Center
Thursday-Saturday 11/19-11/21 @ 7pm
The Secret in the Wings intertwines elements from the classic story of Beauty and the Beast with witty and humorous Grimm-type
fairy tales. A young girl learns important lessons about inner
beauty from her mysterious and frightening babysitter as she travels on a magical and musical journey of self-discovery.
Tickets available at
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Page 7
Associated Student Body Activities
Daisy Lau, ASB Sophomore President
Sophomore Council officially started Prom
Committee duties in October! The council held
a mandatory Prom Committee Application
meeting on Friday, September 18. During the
meeting, the Sophomore Senator went over
Prom Committee’s purpose and released the
applications that evening. Applications were
due on October 2. Once all applications were
scored, twenty-five Sophomores were chosen
to proceed onto the interview round based on
their score average. Interviews began Tuesday, October 13 and ended on Friday, October
16. Members of the 2015-2016 Prom Committee were released on Monday, October 19. Applications and interviews were formal, professional and were better than Sophomore Council
had hoped
sical Chairs on Tuesday, Clubs Day on Wednesday, Balloon Popping on Thursday, and Tug of
War on Friday. On Homecoming Day, all 43 ASB
members got to school, dark and early at 5
AM to help set up the North Gym for the assembly later that day and to decorate the entire
school. During the day, ASB helped host the
Week was a
Homecoming Pep Assembly with a skit to introhuge sucduce all the groups performing and to highlight
cess! There
the Fall sports teams. The Red Sea brought a lot
were lunch
of spirit to the Homecoming Game and Arcadia
activities eveHigh School had an incredible win over Pasadery day, startna High School, with a score of 38-7! Over 800
ing with a
students attended Homecoming on Saturday. All
Donut Eating
in all, it was a very spirited week!
Contest on
Monday, Mu-
Yearbook Senior Ads
Reserve Your Spot for Your Senior Today!!
Greetings and salutations from the Arcadia High School Yearbook Staff!
It's that time of the year— time to purchase a senior ad!
Each year we offer the parents of seniors priority to take advantage of this opportunity to celebrate
the graduation of your child. By purchasing an ad, you can commemorate your child for completing
this chapter of their life with personalized messages and photos. Prices rise November 4th and our
deadline for contracts is December 7th.
If your are interested feel free to email us at
Thank you!
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Page 8
"CAN" You Help?
Dear Arcadians,
As you shop, please help us
feed the needy by buying
extra cans to donate to our
annual food drive.
* There is a special need for "pop-top" cans with protein such as chili, ravioli, stew,
spaghetti & meatballs, wieners, Vienna sausages, Spam, chicken, tuna, pork &
beans, etc., as well as fruit.
* Feed one person for a week by donating 14 cans (<$20)!
* Help Foothill Unity Center food bank feed 1200 needy residents per year.
* Drop off cans in the library, administration offices, or any classroom.
* No glass, perishables, or homemade items.
Canned Food
Monday 11/16 to
Friday 11/20
Hosted by SMW & PTSA
In 1932, Arcadia school teachers noticed
hungry children during the Great
Depression. They collected canned food
donations to distribute. Many in our
community, especially children today,
continue to need your support. Last
year we collected over 4,000 cans to
feed hundreds of families. Thank you
for your past generosity!!
before Thanksgiving break and BRING
your donations to classrooms, where
bins will be available.
Your caring makes a huge difference!
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Page 9
Arcadia High School Chinese Parents Booster Club
Dear friends and sponsors,
We are writing to you to seek your generous support of our upcoming event through your attendance,
sponsorships and donations.
On Saturday, February 20, 2016, in celebrating and welcoming the Lunar New Year, Arcadia High
School Chinese Parents Booster Club (AHSCPBC) is excited to host its 23rd Chinese New Year Party at
Arcadia Community Center. It is the time when the Arcadia community gets together to have a night of
fun, delicious food, great prizes, and to celebrate the arrival of another prosperous year in accordance to
the Chinese calendar, the Year of the Monkey.
For the past 22 years, AHSCPBC has played an active role in supporting Arcadia High School and the
Arcadia School District. Last year, through the support of our members and the community, we donated
the proceeds to support Arcadia High School’s outstanding student academic and extracurricular teams,
Music Club, Athletic Booster Club, Orchesis Dance Club, the school newspaper “The Apache Pow
Wow”, Grad Night, AEF, and the Arcadia High School Performance Arts Center, and to award scholarships to AHS seniors. We have also hosted monthly workshops to help students and their parents understand the American educational system, published informative newsletters, recruited volunteers to
help various school activities, and maintained a website with abundant educational resources.
Arcadia High School has a long and triumphant history of academic, music, and sports excellence. In
order to continue this Arcadia tradition, community involvement in terms of sponsorship in our annual
event is vital to ensure perpetual success.
AHSCPBC is a non-profit organization. Your donation will be tax deductible. Our tax ID number is 954496976. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via our email or
phone numbers listed below. Thank you.
Chinese Parents Booster Club Website
Enid Sharp & Tao Peng
Co-Presidents of AHSCPBC
Tel: (626) 898-3754 / (626) 203-8864
New Library Hours
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays 7 am - 4 pm
Thursdays 7 am - 6 pm
Peer Tutoring Mondays - Thursdays 3 pm - 4 pm
Please see the library website or for special postings on days
when the library will close at 3:30 pm (for staff meetings). These changes will also be posted
on the library front doors.
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Page 10
Band & Color Guard Update
Invitation to March - Band and Color Guard members were excited with the surprise announcement by next year's Tournament of Roses President, Mike Matthiessen, that Arcadia High School
Marching Band & Color Guard would be one of
the bands participating in the 2017 Rose Parade! The announcement was made during the
football game on October 2.
First Competition Completed - The band competed at our first competition this year at Placentia
Band Review & the Rowland Field Show placing
2nd in the parade march and 1st in the field
AHS Band with TOR President Mike Matthessen
show. They also took the High Music award
Photo courtesy of Gary Yamada
along with Auxiliary coming in 2nd place and Percussion getting the Sweeps! Although high temperatures
caused the community parade to be shut down, our students met the challenge with good attitudes and high spirits! We are very proud of these Apaches!
Arcadia Festival of Bands - The longest
band review in the state of California, Arcadia Festival of Bands will take place
on Saturday, November 21 with the main
events: The Band Review starting with
the Dignitary Parade at 8:40 a.m. along
Baldwin Avenue; the Percussion Festival at 10:45 in Salter Stadium and
the Evening Invitational Field Show Tournament, which this year is also SCSBOA
6A Championships, at East Los Angeles
College. This is an all-volunteer event and
hundreds of volunteers are needed. If you
can spare a few hours we would love to
have your help – there are shifts available
all day long. Please sign up via Volunteer
Spot and at
Arcadia Music Club Website
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Page 12
AHS Theater News
Congratulations Dr. Forsee!
Our Principal, Dr. Brent Forsee, has been selected to receive the 2015 National Theatre Administrator's Award by the Educational Theatre Association, a national non-profit organization supporting
theatre education. Out of the many applicants who were nominated, Dr. Forsee was chosen for his
outstanding support of the performing arts at the high school level. Please join us on Opening Night
of our fall production, “The Secret in the Wings”, as we honor Dr. Forsee and present him with this
prestigious award.
Rose Hills Memorial Park Supports Arts Education at Arcadia High School
The arts are a necessary part of a balanced education, providing students with the essential skills
and knowledge they need to be productive, college and career-ready citizens.
Rose Hills Memorial Park, through its Executive Director Bruce Lazenby, has been a big supporter
of arts education at Arcadia High School. Specifically, they
have sponsored the street banners promoting the students'
fall plays and spring musicals over the last four years.
"Arts education is a valued part of our district's curriculum
and we are grateful to Rose Hills for their support in providing
these opportunities for our students," commented Superintendent Vannasdall. Principal Forsee added, "We appreciate
the continued support from Rose Hills for our theatre department and we are very proud of our students' accomplishments."
Photo courtesy of AHS student Geneva Wilhelm
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Photo courtesy of AHS student Geneva Wilhelm
Page 13
Join us to receive updates on the work being done by our students in their AVID classes. We will also
discuss upcoming events and programs. Your input is very valuable as we formulate our first scholarship
awards and graduation activities. All AVID parents and guardians are welcome. Please mark your calendar for our upcoming bimonthly meeting on:
Nov. 12 at 7 PM in the Multi Purpose Room.
With the goal of preparing AVID students for the next phase after high school, a representative from
Rallycap recently conducted in-classroom workshops and shared valuable information to assist students
in formulating their individual plans for the future. Through online tools, students assessed their own interests and skills. They also had the opportunity to individualize a college search suited for their wants
and needs. Students were exposed to various resources to assist them with scholarship searches, college selection and preparation. For more information go to: and
Once again we are fortunate to have Mrs. Kellie Purcey’s wealth of experience, exceptional skills and
distinctive concern for our students, as a 9th grade AVID elective teacher. She has participated in the
AHS AVID program almost from the beginning; thus this marks her 3rd year as an AVID instructor. However, she has been teaching for 14 years and thankfully 11 of those have been spent at AHS. Mrs.
Purcey is a proud alumnus of Azusa Pacific University, where she earned her BA, Teachers Credential
and Masters. Her husband, David, shares her passion for the educational field as an administrator for
the nearby HLPUSD. They are the proud parents of Dominic and Caleb who are the “perfect brothers”
for each other. When not in school, Mrs. Purcey enjoys spending time with her immediate and extended
family. She loves taking her boys to new places and seeing the world through their eyes. Running has
been one of her hobbies and she has completed a few marathons and half-marathons. But these days,
you are more likely to find her on an adventure, chasing after her boys at one of their favorite locations,
the “100 acre woods” better known as the Huntington Gardens.
AVID Senior and Junior have been diligently preparing for the November 7th SAT test. We know that the
many early Saturday mornings and additional time you’ve dedicated to preparing for this important test
will pay off. Best of luck!
AVID has been recruiting students in leadership. The AVID Leadership Commission offers terrific opportunities for all AVID students to meet other AHS students, participate in planning activities, develop
leadership skills, work with other groups and areas at AHS, learn how to plan functions, bond closer with
fellow AVID students and have fun. We encourage all students to participate and gain valuable experience. Surveys and applications are available for leadership candidacy. Contact Ms. Polidano at for further information.
The fragrant and decorative candles being sold by AVID students thru Nov. 13 make perfect holiday
gifts. Please support the 2nd annual Candle Holiday Sale to assist our students raise funds for upcoming activities. Through every family’s participation and generosity, the students are bound to reach teir
sales goals!
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Continued on Page 20
Page 14
Disaster Preparedness Update
Arcadia High School would
like to thank all the community
and parents for the donations
that were received for Disaster
Preparedness. We have restocked our water and battery
supply needs for the emergency preparedness kits for each
classroom. We would like to continue to update
and enhance our emergency kits throughout the
year. As it stands, we do not have emergency
whistles in case of an earthquake or other catastrophic event when a student or victim needs to
be located. We need stainless steel whistles so
we don't have to replace too many in the future. Ideally we would like to have 2 per classroom. The kits should also have 2 pairs of
LEATHER gloves instead of only one. The one
pair of gloves means that only one person can do
what is needed with these gloves. They probably
need a helper for heavy lifting, removal of debris,
etc. An extra pair of LEATHER gloves so that we
have 2 per kit would be ideal. Donations of these
items can be brought to the front desk of Arcadia
High School. Please help to make our kits better
for our kids. You can either donate money or purchase the items.
WHAT: Emergency Whistles and Leather
Workman Gloves
WHERE: front desk of AHS
Monetary Donations (cash or checks): Checks
should be made out to “AHS PTSA” (please put
“Disaster Prep” on the memo line) and MAIL anytime to:
Attention Disaster Preparedness Committee
1125 Oakwood Place
Sierra Madre, CA 91024
DATE: Now until Winter break
Goal: 300 whistles, 160 leather workman gloves
AHS Grad Night 2016
Cost: $135 - October 1st to April 30th, $145 - May 1st to Grad Night
Grad Night will be held on June 15-16, 2016 at Santa Anita Park. There will be plenty of food, games,
music, dancing, prizes, and fun activities! It will be a great time to see your senior friends and celebrate the end of the school year. As of October 1, tickets are now $135 at the ASB office. Purchase
your tickets soon! Parents, in order to make this night a special and memorable one for our seniors,
we will need many volunteers. Please email if you are interested in
helping on a committee. Parent information meetings will be held beginning in January.
Thank you,
May Eng & Deborah Howard
Grad Night Co-Chairpersons
The Counselor’s Corner Continued from Page 4
Waivers for College Applications
 Application fee waivers for Cal State and UC schools can be found on-line within the application for
 Students will be notified at the time they apply online if they qualify for the fee waiver.
The suggested time to begin the “Fee Waiver” process is in the junior year when students generally take
the SAT Reasoning or SAT Subject Tests. Please contact the Counseling Department for fee waiver
questions or concerns.
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Page 15
The Hispanic Parents Club wanted to thanks Mr. John Finn for
his informative lecture that he brought to our club meeting on
September 9. We would also like to thank to Ms. Katherine Garcia, AHS alumni, on the information on private colleges she
shared with us at our October14 meeting, The students were
very interested in the information she gave on the leadership program from CLYLP
We'd like to invite our community
to our next meeting on November 4. Our speaker, another AHS
alumni, Ms. Vanessa Acosta, she will inform students and their parents on how to apply to a public college and her experience at a
larger college campus. We have learned what a small private college
experience is like. This week we will learn the difference between a
public college and a bigger college community. We have a college
visit for Pomona College for anyone who would like to join us on Saturday November 7 at 9:00 am. We will meet in front of the main entrance at AHS and will return by 12:00pm noon. For those who are
interested in joining our carpool please sign up at our next meeting.
through NOV 4
HPC invites AHS students, staff, parents, and visitors to stop by the lobby of the main building and
view the Day of the Dead Altar, a celebration in which our Hispanic community pays respect to our
ancestors and honor their lives. It is a great part of our culture!!
Hispanic Parents Club Website
Continued on Page 17
Buy Scrip and Support AHS!
Friends of Arcadia High School,
Last year we were able to support the library with
more scanners to check out books - this year we
are funding new benches and seating areas for
our students to relax and wait by the CTE building.
What other improvements do we need at AHS?
We are using more and more of our SCRIP monies to support our students. Buy SCRIP and help
our children.
Whole Foods? Do you get gas at Arco, Chevron,
or Shell? All you would need to do is purchase gift
cards through our Scrip program and use those
cards to pay for your groceries or gas. The cards
do not expire, and they can be used anywhere the
stores are located.
Have you signed up for the Ralph Rewards and
designated the percentage of donation to Arcadia
High School. We’d appreciate your help at no cost
“Thanksdrawing” is in November! Get a chance to to you! Click here for instructions.
receive a $25 gift card of your choice! Your name
will go in a drawing for every $100 purchased in
In addition to the grocery stores and gas stations,
SCRIP. We’d like to thank you for purchasing
we have numerous other stores that participate in
the program (see page >>>). Every time you purchase a gift card through Scrip, the merchants are
Do you shop for groceries at 99 Ranch, Albertthe ones who donate a percentage of that card to
sons, Arcadia Supermarket, Pavilions, Sprouts or the school. You get to spend the whole value of
the card on yourself.
Continued on Page 17
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Page 16
Parents Booster Club Website
Page 17
Hispanic Parents Club Continued from Page 15
El Club de Padres Hispanos, agradecen la participación de todos los padres que asistieron a la
junta del pasado septiembre 9 y también octubre 14 agradecemos también a nuestros oradores
especiales el Sr. John Finn asistente del director de AHS en septiembre así como también la Srita. Katherine Garcia graduada de AHS que nos informo de varios programas disponibles para
nuestros estudiantes,
El Club de Padres Hispanos les invita a nuestra próxima
reunión el día 4 de Noviembre en el salón de usos múltiples
nuestra invitada sera un estudiante de Cal State señorita
Vanessa Acosta, que nos traerá información de como aplicar para el colegio publico , Así como también invitamos a
los interesados en acompañarnos en el paseo a las instalaciones del colegio de Pomona College el próximo sábado
Noviembre 7 , nos reuniremos al frente de AHS a las
9 :00am y regresamos a las 12 del mediodía
los invitamos a visitar la sala de la oficina principal de la escuela, Admire el altar de muertos que
estará en excibicion el 2 al 4 de Noviembre. Venga y sea parte de nuestro festejo honrando la
memoria de nuestros antepasados. Es parte de nuestra cultura!!
Laura Garcia Jimenez
Scrip News Continued from Page 15
The more people who participate, the more mon- delivery or pick up by contacting
ey our school earns! Give it a try at least once.
You can purchase a lot, or you can purchase a
little. Every person and every purchase makes a
difference! We hope you will join us in being a
Thank you for your support!
part of making that difference.
May Eng and Kathy Yamane
Scrip Co-Chairpersons
As an added convenience, scrip is available for
direct sales every Thursday from 12:00-12:45 at
the front desk in the Student Services building
(11:30-12:00 on Common Core Minimum Days).
Parents can park on Campus Drive and come
right in or send their student to pick it up for
them. Other arrangements can also be made for
Scrip Order Form on Page 18
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Scrip News on
Page 15
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of Contents
Arcadia Educational Foundation
Page 19
The Secret is out...Arcadia Stage’s Season Pass—$50 SALE!
Become a Season Pass Holder
Become a season pass holder for only $50 and enjoy the perks of receiving VIP status to three
out of the four Arcadia Stage productions. For more information, or to purchase tickets, click on
the link below.
Don't miss out - Offer ends November 9th.
Purchase a Season Pass
The Secret in the Wings
by Mary Zimmerman
November 19-21, 2015 - 7 pm
Arcadia Performing Arts Center
Director: Whitney LaBarge
This magical production adapts a handful of lesser-known fairy tales and tackles the theme of inner beauty while still keeping the aura of a fairytale!
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Music by Jeanine Tesori, Lyrics by Dick Scanian
March 17-18, 2016 at 7 pm,
March 19 (Sat) at 4 pm
Arcadia Performing Arts Center
Director: Steven Volpe
The winner of six TONY Awards including Best Musical. Thoroughly Modern Millie takes you back to the height of the Jazz Age in New York City. This highspirited musical romp is a delightful valentine to the long-standing spirit of New
York City and the people who seek to discover themselves there.
The Complete Works of W.S. Abridged
By Adam Long, David Singer, and Jess Winfield
Intermediate Theatre
May 25-26, 2016 at 7 pm - Black Box Theatre
Director: Mark Peterson
This popular show features the plays of William Shakespeare performed in
comically shortened form. Expect improvisation and maybe even some audience participation!
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Arcadia Stage News
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One Act Festival
Beginning Theatre
May 19, 2016 at 7 pm
Arcadia Performing Arts Center
Director: Steven Volpe
The beginning cast members will perform in a series of one act plays that
showcase their artistic skills while taking you on an emotional journey.
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5 Myth Busters for Parents Who Don't Volunteer at School
Jamie Buss 5:43 p.m. EDT October 19, 2015
I’ve had the opportunity to play the role of full-time working mom, part-time working mom and stay-athome mom. One thing I never let go of, no matter how busy, was making time to volunteer at my
child’s school. It’s always been a great way to stay connected to my kids and the professionals I entrust to keep them safe everyday.
There’s often a stigma attached to volunteering at school, which hinders some parents from taking part
in what could be an extremely rewarding experience. So, let’s clear up some of those misconceptions.
#1. The PTA is intimidating. For some people, the idea of signing up for the PTA is hive-producing because they fear they’ll be asked to help with everything under the sun. As a card-carrying member for
the last seven years and a former co-chair, I can say with confidence that just isn’t true. There is no
doubt school PTAs need volunteers, but they recognize everyone’s time is in short supply. They’re parents, too, after all. No one wants you to volunteer for anything you don’t actually want to be doing.
Most school PTAs will make it very easy for you to donate your time. They’ll have sign-up sheets at
events, or nowadays they may even send things electronically. This allows you to be choosy about
where you volunteer and how often. So, go ahead. Sign up to be a book fair cashier for an hour. Help
distribute items purchased through a fundraiser. Sit in on a PTA meeting and offer feedback that may
help spur change in how things are done at school.
Yes, when you commit to doing anything, you are helping your school PTA, but more globally than that
you’re helping causes that directly support your child and their entire school community.
#2. I work full time and can’t come into school. Teachers are ridiculously busy these days and are
asked to take on a lot more responsibility than they once were. There are book orders to assemble or
projects to sort and cut. Maybe they’d like to send home a class newsletter, but don’t have the time to
write it. Send the teacher a quick email to see how you can help without physically being in the classroom. Most times teachers will jump at the chance to delegate some tasks. Here’s another option to
keep in mind. Class field trips and parties are on the calendar well in advance. If you can fit them into
your schedule, they’re a great way to spend some quality time with your child and get to know his or
her classmates, too.
#3 No volunteer opportunities really grab my attention. Figure out what interests you and ask the
school if there’s a way to incorporate that into the school setting. Maybe woodworking is your passion,
or you have a job that children may find interesting. Talk to your child’s teacher about coming in to do a
presentation for the class. You may just spark some interest in young minds and you make your child’s
day at the same time.
#4. I volunteered a couple years ago and it was not a good experience. That happens and it stinks.
That said, don’t let that dissuade you from trying again, as the situation likely can’t be duplicated.
There are new situations, new teachers, new classmates, and new leaders of the PTA all to take into
account. Consider that before you write off another opportunity altogether.
#5. Volunteering is a mom thing. No way, man! Volunteering is never gender-specific and any of the
aforementioned information applies to moms and dads. Heck, it applies to siblings, grandparents or
any other family member willing to offer their time. Volunteers are so valuable and will never be turned
While volunteering is something I enjoy, and some of these ideas may spark new interest for some,
volunteering is not for everyone and that is absolutely OK. At no point should a parent feel guilty for not
wanting to involve themselves in that aspect of their child’s life. Parenting is hard enough without societal expectations getting in the way. Volunteer. Don’t volunteer. Just be present. In the end, that’s what
truly matters.
Published by Democrat & Chronicle
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