
Arcadia High School
MAY 2016
Brent Forsee, Principal
Principal’s Message
A big thank you to all the parents
who helped make our 2016 Spring
Preview a smashing success. Your help with set-up, teardown, planning and manning of
booths made for a highly successful community event demonstrating
the rich student culture existing at
The first and second week of May
are the national dates for Advanced Placement Testing
(AP). Each exam has an assessment date your student
should know for each AP class in which he/she is enrolled. Preparing for an AP test is a year long process. Cramming at the last minute at the expense of
sleep and healthy eating has been shown to have a negative impact on student assessment results. As a parent,
you can help your student by ensuring they eat healthily
and get plenty of sleep.
Finally, as we complete the final month and a half of
school, we look forward to the numerous awards ceremonies and dinners. Honoring student achievement is an
important piece of our culture at Arcadia High. Whether
that success be in the classroom, on a stage, in an event
or on a field, we are proud to celebrate our students.
Brent Forsee,
AHS Principal
Visit the AUSD Website and
AHS Website
Dr. Brent Forsee, Principal
Vicky Stiles, PTSA President
Lori Kodama, Editor
Inside this issue:
PTSA President’s Message
Student Services Message
The Counselor’s Corner
Honorary Service Awards Flyer
Grad Night
Staff of the Month
Rotary Teachers of the Year
POPs Concert
Intermediate Dance News
Library Book Return
Apache Days
Arcadian Photojournalism Internship
Orchestra Worldstrides Festival
Spring Concert - Orchestra Pictures
WASC Meeting Dates
Scrip News
Arcadia Stage Productions
Arboretum Special offer
Arcadia Child Health Concert
Pops Concert Information
Youth Advisory Council
Drama & Stagecraft News
AEF Summer School Info
Grad Night Donations Needed!
Scrip Order Form
Spring Preview Pictures & FB link
Destination Imagination News
PAC Plaque Order Form
Practice SAT Exam
SAT & ACT Honors Prep Course
June Newsletter Deadline: Wednesday May 18, 2016
Email articles, flyers, pictures to
MAY 2016
Vicky Stiles, PTSA
Page 2
MAY PTSA Meeting
Thursday night, May 5
7:00 pm, MPR
We are often so focused on getting our children into college that we forget that our
children still need parenting that is not related to academics. Please read the following that was reposted from The Huffington Post. Character counts, and it’s not just for
elementary students!
- Vicky Stiles
My Worst Nightmare - What If I Accidentally Raise The Bully?
I will never forget the day my daughter told me that Bethany, a girl in her 4th grade class, was annoying her.
“What is she doing to you?” I questioned, instinctively protective.
“She’s following me around on the playground and sitting by me at lunch!” she quipped, as if that would sum
things right up and get me squarely on her side of the matter.
“You mean she’s trying to be friends with you?” I asked incredulously.
I realized immediately that I had a problem on my hands. I was raising my own worst nightmare. Smack dab in
the middle of my brood of five kids, was a charismatic, sassy, leggy, blonde, dance-y, athletic girl oozing confidence ... and apparently annoyance, directed towards another little girl that wasn’t lucky enough to be her. Inconveniently for my daughter, her own mother WAS Bethany in grade school. Freckled of face and frizzy of hair, I
was an Army brat, always the new girl clamoring for a friend, drawn to the natural confidence of girls like my
daughter. This conversation found me vacillating between heartache and fury, but one thing I knew for sure: Mama was about to put her money where her mouth had been all these years.
The battle of two very strong wills ensued at my home the next morning. It wasn’t pretty, but I prevailed. My
daughter attended a private Catholic grade school, where on any given day, she and a handful of her cohorts
ruled the roost. One quick phone call to Bethany’s mother that same evening confirmed my worst fears. My
daughter and her posse were using everything short of a can of “Cling Free” to rid themselves of the annoying
I’m sure there are parents out there who will say I overreacted. But, I firmly believe we’ve got to start to address
our country’s bullying epidemic right at the heart; by re-defining bullying at its very core. To me, the rejection
and complete lack of interest my daughter and her “clique” displayed toward Bethany was the beginning of a
subtle type of bullying. It is true, (confirmed to me by Bethany’s mom and teachers), that there was no overt unkindness or name-calling etc., just rejection; a complete lack of interest in someone they wrongly concluded had
nothing to offer them. After experiencing childhood myself and raising five of my own, I’ve been on every side
of the bullying social dynamic, and I am convinced this is where it begins. A casual assessment and quick dismissal of an outsider.
We would serve our children well, in my opinion, if we had a frank conversation with them about Social Darwinism and what motivates human beings to accept and reject others. It happens at every age and stage of life, race,
creed and religion. It has its roots in our own fears of rejection and lack of confidence. Everyone is jockeying for
their own spot on the Social Food Chain. I feel like I have experienced demonstrable success with my children
by tabling this dynamic right out in the open. Parents need to call it by name, speak it out loud, shine a bright
light in its ugly face. We need to admit to our children that we too experience this, even as adults. Of course it’s
tempting to ‘curry favor’ and ‘suck-up’ to the individual a rung of two above you on the Social Ladder, but every
single human being deserves our attention and utmost respect. In spite of this, we have to constantly remind our
children and ourselves that everyone can bring unexpected and unanticipated value to our lives. But we have to
let them.
It’s simply not enough to instruct your children to, “Be Nice!” You’ve got to be more specific than that. Kids
think if they aren’t being outright unkind, they are being nice. We know better. Connect the ugly dots. Explain
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Continued on Page 17
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MAY 2016
John Finn, Assistant Principal
Welcome to Spring. May is the month of testing. The first week of May
begins the AP exams which last for two weeks, and the third week of May
is the SBAC testing for 11th graders. The CST Science Test for 10th graders follows in the fourth week of May.
Testing for the SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) Test
for 11th graders takes place on Wednesday, May 18th and Thursday, May
19th. The makeup days for the SBAC will be on Wednesday, May 25th
and Thursday, May 26th. Please note that on Wednesday, May 18th we
will be using a reverse schedule. The 11th grade students will receive
their classroom assignments as we get closer to the testing days. The
schedule on Tuesday, May 24th for the 10th grade Science CST will be a regular schedule with the 9th,
11th and 12th graders going to their regular classes. Sophomores will receive their location at a later day.
Listed below is the bell schedule for the SBAC testing. All 9th, 10th and 12th grades will report to their
regular classes as listed on the schedule below.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Thursday, May 19, 2016
(SBAC - Math)
Period Six
8:00 AM
9:15 AM
9:15 AM
9:24 AM
Period Five
9:24 AM
Period One
8:00 AM
9:15 AM
9:15 AM
9:24 AM
10:39 AM
Period Two
9:24 AM
10:39 AM
10:39 AM
10:48 AM
10:39 AM
10:48 AM
Period Four
10:48 AM
12:03 PM
Period Three
10:48 AM
12:03 PM
12:03 PM
12:45 PM
12:03 PM
12:45 PM
12:45 PM
12:52 PM
12:45 PM
12:52 PM
Period Three
12:52 PM
1:25 PM
Period Four
12:52 PM
1:25 PM
1:25 PM
1:32 PM
1:25 PM
1:32 PM
Period Two
1:32 PM
2:05 PM
Period Five
1:32 PM
2:05 PM
2:05 PM
2:12 PM
2:05 PM
2:12 PM
Period One
2:12 PM
2:45 PM
Period Six
2:12 PM
2:45 PM
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Check out the AHS Counseling Website
Friendly reminder for the last months of school:
 May 1 is usually the deadline for notifying colleges of your decision. You must submit a Statement
of Intent to Register (SIR) officially accepting (or declining) your admission offer.
 Watch for important deadlines at your chosen college (housing, financial aid, etc).
 Advanced Placement (AP) exams are given in high schools nationwide. Make sure to send your
official AP grade report directly from Collegeboard to your college.
 If you have not received a notice regarding your Cal Grant application from the CA Student Aid
Commission, contact them at 1-888-CAGrant as soon as possible.
 Submit on-campus college housing forms and payment.
Senioritis is a drop in motivation common among senior students at this time of year. Parents need to
be aware of the symptoms which include procrastination, lack of focus and slipping grades. If you observe these behaviors in your student, we recommend that you stay in contact with their teachers and
closely monitor their daily attendance through the parent portal through PowerSchool. From the school
website,, click on Parent/Student Portal.
Attendance is critical during the second semester of the senior year. All students are expected to attend regularly. Good attendance contributes directly to good grades. Poor attendance can result in
missed assignments, missed exams, and poor grades. Most students need to pass every class in order to graduate, and MUST pass the state mandated English and Government/Economics courses.
Also, seniors who are already 18 years of age may be involuntarily transferred to an alternate educational setting for poor attendance.
Admissions offices of four-year colleges expect seniors to maintain their GPA. D’s and F’s in required
college prep courses make students ineligible for college admission. A significant lowering of GPA
may also result in colleges rescinding a previous offer of acceptance.
There is no opportunity to make up credits lost during the second semester of the senior year and still
be eligible to participate in graduation activities, including the graduation ceremony. The Arcadia High
School graduation policy states:
Students must complete 225 credits, as well as pass Algebra 1, the health requirement, the swim survival requirement and the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) in order to earn an Arcadia High
School diploma. If a student ends the senior year short credits for graduation, he/she will be given 18
months in which to make up not more than 15 credits at the Arcadia Adult School to obtain an Arcadia
High School diploma.
Please help your child stay focused and finish strong. The single most important factor for a student's
academic success is parent support. As always, we are here to support your student with their personal, academic and career/college needs.
Ms. Winnie Chin and Ms. Jennifer Oku
Counselors, Class of 2016
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Continued on Page 18
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Page 6
Our seniors have worked so hard all year! We have planned a special night for them filled with
food, prizes, music, dancing, carnival games, photo ops, more games, big raffle prizes, and lots of
fun, fun, fun activities!!!
Grad Night will be held on the night of June 15th from 10 pm - 3 am at Santa Anita Park. It'll be an
exciting and memorable night held exclusively for our 2016 AHS graduates. Tickets can be purchased in the ASB office at the current price of $145.
In order to help provide fabulous prizes for our seniors, we will be hosting some fundraisers. Come
out and join us at Pieology (915 W Huntington Dr, Monrovia 91016) on Wednesday, May 11 from 4
-9 pm. Need a Mother's Day gift? Know someone to pamper for prom? Visit Agua De Vida Spa
(119 1/2 N. San Gabriel Blvd, San Gabriel 91775) and 25% of the proceeds will go towards Grad
Night prizes, even if you purchase a spa gift certificate. Keep an eye out for flyers on Peachjar.
We welcome your generous contributions. Cash, checks payable to AHS PTSA, gift cards and
merchandise donations are welcome. For easy Pay Pal donations, click on https:// . (Enter the email
"" and be sure to select “Friend or Family” on your transaction to avoid a
service fee). Contact Holly ( or Glenda ( regarding your donations or for additional information. Please see Page 22 for information.
For gift card donations, we are working in conjunction with Scrip. For every $25 scrip gift card donation you make to go towards Grad Night prizes, your name will be entered in a drawing for a $50
gift card of your choice from our scrip inventory. This promotion will be extended through May 9,
the date of our next Grad Night Parent meeting so more of you can participate. For more information, contact May at
Want to help in other ways? We need parent volunteers! Visit the Sign Up Genius link at http:// For safety and security reasons, only
parents who sign up through this site will be allowed at Grad Night. Contact Punna at if you have questions.
For general questions about Grad Night, feel free to contact Deborah or May at
The next Grad Night Parent Meeting will take place on Monday, May 9 at 7 pm in the Multipurpose
Room (MPR).
Hope to see you there!
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Marianne von Kriegenbergh
Barry Lisbin
“ Marianne von Kriegenbergh is a Secretary
to two Assistant Principals and is so helpful
to all who come her way. She never fails to
go the extra mile, not worrying about whose
job it is; she just does it.”
“Barry Lisbin is a math teacher who
makes himself available to help all his
students and double checks to make sure
that every student understands any new
Dr. Brent Forsee
Dr. Brent Forsee
AHS Rotary Teachers of the Year!
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Page 8
Please go to Page 15 for more information on the POPS concert and a
Special Offer from the Arboretum!
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Page 9
Intermediate Dance News
Hello Interested StudentsThe Intermediate Evaluations to get into Intermediate Dance next year are as follows:
Friday, May 20th @ 3pm in the AHS dance studio
Monday, May 23rd @ 3:15pm at Dana Middle School
Wednesday, May 25th @ 3:15pm at First Avenue Middle School
Friday, May 27th @ 3:15pm at Foothills Middle School
You can attend any of the evaluations even if it is not your school to give more flexibility on your
time. Wear clothes you can dance in and bring your dance shoes. The evaluation should last for about
45 minutes to an hour. If you have anyone else you know that is interested you can forward this email
and ask them to email me and I will add them to this list. Looking forward to meeting you all!
Below is an FYI of what to expect in the evaluation so you will be prepared. I have attached YouTube
links that show some of the movement. Basically we do 5 different across the floor traveling techniques
and then we teach a very short (about eight 8-counts) contemporary dance combination. After that we
meet with you and let you know your standing (on the accepted list, on the tentative list depending on
availability, or recommendation to take beginning dance). The entire evaluation from beginning to end
usually takes about 40 minutes to an hour. See YouTube links below. Please feel free to email me any
questions or concerns at
chaine turns -
Grand Battements (kicks) -
Pique turns -
Jazz pirouettes -
Grand jetes (leaps) -
- Mrs. Liza Tedford
Library Book Return
The time has come to return your books to the library!
Please return any that you no longer need. DO NOT return books that you may need for finals. Do it now
and avoid the long lines. If you want to know which books are on your record, go to the
AHS Library website
and input your ID number. There, you will find a list of books on your record. If you have any questions,
please come by the library and we will be happy to assist you.
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Page 10
Apache Days 2016
Mark your calendars! Apache Days registration will take place in August to give students the opportunity to turn in all their paperwork, make necessary payments, take their ID picture, check that they
are registered in the proper classes, and get their textbooks. It is vital to complete this process
ahead of time, so teachers can begin instruction on the first day of school.
Apache Days requires the help of many parent volunteers to make the process run smoothly. “Fast
passes” with front of the line privileges will be issued to students whose parents are volunteering. It
is a lot of fun, a fantastic opportunity to meet other parents, and a great way to help the school for
just a few hours!
Here is the schedule:
Fri. Aug. 5th, 8:00-11:00 am: Music Camp Juniors, Sophomores & Freshmen
(Volunteers 7:45-12:00)
Fri. Aug. 5th, 12:30–3:00 pm: Seniors (Volunteers 12:15-4:00)
Mon. Aug. 8th, 8:00-11:00 am: Juniors (Volunteers 7:45-12:00)
Mon. Aug. 8th, 12:30-3:00 pm: Sophomores (Volunteers 12:15-4:00)
Tues. Aug. 9th, 8:00-11:00 am: Freshmen (Volunteers 7:45-12:00)
Tues. Aug. 9th, 12:30-3:00 pm: Make Up (Volunteers 12:15-4:00)
First Day of School, Wednesday, August 17th, 7:00am / Line forms at 6:30am
(Volunteers 6:45-10:00)
New this year, we will be using “Sign-up Genius” for our Apache Day Volunteers. This will help
streamline the volunteer process! Click here or go to
go/30e0b4bafac2da4f58-apache to be directed to the signup genius website or contact Wendee
Nigolian at for more information.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Wendee Nigolian, Deborah Howard and Doris Hayata
Apache Day Chairs
Arcadian Photojournalism Internship
Do you wish you or your organization had better coverage in the Yearbook? Have you ever imagined your Instagram photos professionally published to the public? Do you want meaningful work
experience that you can put on job and school applications under experience?
The Arcadian is seeking creative students with an interest in photography, journalism and/or social
media. We are looking for dependable students to join the extended Arcadian staff as freelance
photojournalists. No experience necessary. Photography, journalism, and social networking training will be offered to all staff.
There will be an information meeting at lunch on Thursday, May 19th, 2016 at the lecture
hall. Further information can be found at or e-mail Mr. Delfin directly at Thank you!
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Page 11
MAY 2016
Thursday, May 26, 2016
End of Year Celebration, 5:30-7:00 PM, AHS PAC Courtyard (Program & Refreshments)
* Senior Banquet ,
7:30-8:30 PM, Dave & Busters, Arcadia (Awards & Dinner)
Celebration - AHS provides a unique annual opportunity to celebrate our outstanding AVID students and
their accomplishments. This is a very special occasion where dignitaries from the District Office, AUSD
Board, AHS Administration and AVID teams will be in attendance to honor AVID students and present
special recognitions. In addition, together we will honor the terrific milestone of our inaugural graduating
class. We highly encourage all of our AVID family to be present.
Senior Banquet - To further spotlight our amazing Seniors, we will hold a banquet in their honor. This
event will feature a full dinner and additional awards for our soon to be first AHS AVID graduates. Seniors’ admissions will be complimentary; there will be a fee for all other guests (TBD).
AVID parents are greatly needed to plan these important events; all are welcome. These festivities will
mark the culmination of our students’ hard work, so your attendance is a must to honor each of them.
Note the early start time and be sure to make appropriate plans as the ceremonies will begin promptly.
Invitations will follow with additional information. We look forward to celebrating together as an AVID family.
Let’s begin a tradition of honoring our AVID Seniors for their years of diligence and achievements in the
AVID program. We would like to present each of our 18 graduates with a gift bag and offer fun door prizes at their Senior Banquet. Won’t you please help us mark this very special occasion by donating cash,
gift cards, merchandise, door prizes, etc.?
We could also use volunteers to help with invitations, decorations, goody bags, center pieces, setup and
clean up. Please contact our Special Events Chair, Aishling Gardner with
your contributions. Thank you for your generosity.
Just one Boosters’ meeting to go! We will present essential information for you to help your students prepare for a strong finish to this semester and preview next fall. Great tools for all grade levels will be discussed. Our AVID Counselors will also go over the details of the all important junior year activities. Your
input is valuable to formulate plans for next year. Parent Club Leaders and Representatives for all grade
levels are much needed. No experience is necessary, just the will to assist a couple of hours a month to
contribute to your child’s education and the longevity of our Boosters.
Please note that our last meeting for this academic year will be held in the Lecture Hall. So please be
sure to participate by joining us. See you there!
** Last Meeting, May 12 from 7-8 PM in AHS Lecture Hall**
AUSD Board Visit - Our AVID Seniors proudly represented themselves and the program at a recent visit
by our AUSD Board, District and AHS Administrators and AVID instructors. The Board observed the Senior class as Mr. Eldridge led the class discussion. After the group enjoyed lunch together, a panel discussion provided our Seniors the opportunity to personally relate their AVID story and growth through the
program. “Articulate, passionate, motivated and confident” were some of the words the visitors used to
describe our outstanding AVID Seniors. We are incredibly proud of them!
Spring Preview - AVID was proudly represented at the recent Spring Preview Day. AVID Counselors conducted AVID presentations to incoming and potential freshmen and their parents. Thank you Ms. Franz
and Polidano for your commitment and dedication. Boosters staffed a table and provided AVID infor-
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Continued on Page 20
Page 12
MAY 2016
Orchestra News
Orchestras 2 and 3 traveled to San Francisco to perform for the Worldstrides Heritage Festival Competition at Foothill College. The students performed for three adjudicators, followed by an on-stage clinic from
one of the professors at Stanford University. They performed beautifully and learned how to produce better tone on their instruments and to listen across an ensemble.
Arcadia High School once again took many awards home:
 Instrumental Sweepstakes (top band/orchestra program)
 Outstanding Orchestra (top orchestra)
 Adjudicators Award: Orchestra 3
 Gold Award, 1st Place: Orchestra 3
 Gold Award: Orchestra 2
 Maestro Award: Evan Chuu
 Maestro Award: Zachary Lim
Thanks to our chaperones, Angela and Winston Lim and Irene Tan, for helping us on our 4-day trip!
Congratulations to all of our fabulous orchestra students!
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Spring Concert - Orchestra
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Western Association of Schools and Colleges
WASC is a tremendous opportunity for 9th-11th grade parents to help AHS reflect on where we have
been and chart a course for the next few years. Volunteering to serve on a WASC focus group
means you will work collaboratively with school staff and students through the process of our WASC
self-study report. Thank you to those parents who have already signed up.
Please sign up using this google doc.
Meetings will take place on the 1st and 3rd Mondays @ 3 p.m.
May 2 and 16 June 6
Dr. Forsee and Mr. Pasqua thank you
Scrip Order Form Page 24
Our scrip promotion to help with Grad Night prizes will be extended to May 9 so that parents who attend the meeting that night will be able to participate in the drawing. Simply purchase a $25 scrip gift
card to be used for Grad Night prizes, and your name will be entered in a drawing for a $50 gift card of
your choice from our Scrip inventory. The school benefits from the sales, the students benefit from the
prizes, and you benefit with a gift card for yourself!
We currently have $5 Starbucks gift cards, $10 AMC gift cards, and $10 Target gift cards for a limited
time. A recent addition is Nordstrom $25 and $100 gift cards. See the order form for a complete listing. There are so many cards from which to choose. The cards can be used in any location, and they
do not expire.
Scrip is available for purchase throughout the school year. As a convenience to you, we have direct
sales every Thursday at the front desk in the Student Services building from 12:00-12:45. Come purchase gift cards that you can use for yourself, or give them away as gifts to graduates, teachers, or
counselors. Remember, every scrip purchase makes a difference by providing funds for our school!
Upcoming Arcadia Stage Productions
The Complete Works of W.S. Abridged
By Adam Long, David Singer, and Jess Winfield
Intermediate Theatre
May 25-26, 2016 at 7 pm - Black Box Theatre
Director: Mark Peterson
This popular show features the plays of William Shakespeare performed in comically
One Act Festival
Beginning Theatre
May 18, 2016 at 7 pm
Arcadia Performing Arts Center
Director: Steven Volpe
The beginning cast members will perform in a series of one act plays that showcase
their artistic skills while taking you on an emotional journey.
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Page 15
A Special Offer from the Arboretum!
We would like to offer a specially discounted membership to all Arcadia High School faculty, employees
and parents:
Family Membership for $50.00!
PLUS, receive a complimentary subscription to Better Homes and Garden!
*This limited time offer is good until June 15, 2016
A Family level membership includes, a full year of free admission to the Arboretum and over 270 gardens
throughout the U.S. and Canada: an array of free events including the Arboretum’s summer concert series; discounts on select classes and at the Garden & Gift shop; a one-year subscription to
the Arboretum Members’ magazine and calendar of events; discounts at selected business in and around
Los Angeles County; plus so much more.
You can become an Arboretum member today by CLICKING HERE or by calling our membership office
at 626.821.3233. Please mention “Arcadia High School POPS.” It is good only for first-time members of
the Arboretum. Not valid toward existing memberships or renewals. The membership office is open daily
from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Arcadia Child Health Council
The Arcadia Child Health Council, a local, independent non-profit agency, was organized in 1937, during
the Depression, to meet the health needs of Arcadia’s children from limited income families. It continues
to offer this help today, assisting with access to needed health care, on a round-the-clock basis, to children who live within or attend school in the Arcadia Unified School District. Treatments include medical
exams, surgery, dental, optical and pharmacy needs, counseling, lab work, hospitalization, and more.
The Arcadia PTSAs, community service clubs and private donations provide financial support for the Arcadia Child Health Council. Additionally, many local doctors, dentists, therapists and pharmacists donate
or offer their services at substantially lower rates. All donations to the ACHC are tax deductible, and are
guaranteed to be used to help a child who might otherwise go without treatment.
If you, or a family you know would benefit from this service, please contact the office at (626) 701-0044,
or email to and leave a message. All calls and subsequent treatments are completely confidential. The Executive Director will conduct an interview with the parent or guardian of the
prospective client, prepare an evaluation of needs, assign a case number (no names are used to protect
privacy) and present the case to the Council for review and approval. Once approved, the Executive Director will assist contacting the medical providers for treatment and follow-up.
POPS Concert Continued from Page 8
TICKETS – you can purchase online tickets ($10 each) via Seat Yourself – here’s the link: http:// or you can buy tickets the night of the events (cash only).
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED – please sign up to work a shift one of the two POPS Concert nights –
click on the following link to sign up on VolunteerSpot:
A huge Apache Thank You to the Arboretum for making our POPS Concert so memorable by giving us
such a beautiful location to hold it.
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MAY 2016
Click here for the link to the Youth Advisory Council Application
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Page 17
President’s Message
Continued from Page 2
the Darwinistic social survival instinct that’s often motivating and guiding their impulses. I promise you, they
can handle it. They already see it on some level anyway. They just need YOU to give it a voice and redirection.
As for my girl, I instructed her that she was going to invest some time and energy getting to know Bethany. I
assigned her to come home from school the next day and report three cool things she found out about Bethany,
that she didn’t previously know. My strong-willed child dug in. She did not want to do that. I dug in deeper. I
refused to drive her to school the next morning, until she agreed. It seemed that, at least until now, I had the car
keys and the power. Her resistance gave us time to have the Social Darwinism conversation. I walked her
through my “ATM Machine Analogy.” I explained to her that she had social bank to spare. She could easily
make a withdrawal on behalf of this little girl, risking very little.
“Let’s invest!” I enthused and encouraged.
She got dressed reluctantly and I drove her to school. She had a good day — what was left of it. But, she was
still buggy with me when I picked her up, telling me that her friends’ mothers, “stay out of such matters” and
let their daughters, “choose their own friends!” (Such wise women.) And then she told me three cool things
about Bethany that she didn’t previously know.
I checked back in with Bethany’s mother by phone two weeks later. It’s called follow through. (I don’t think
enough of us are doing that. We “helicopter” over our kids’ wardrobes, nutrition, sleep schedules, hygiene, science fair projects and then pride ourselves on how “hands off” we are on social issues. If I had a dollar for every time I wanted to say, “Seriously? You micro-manage the literal crap out of every thing your child does from
his gluten intake to his soccer cleats, but THIS you stay out of?” No wonder there’s zero accountability and a
bullying culture!) Bethany’s mother assured me that she had been welcomed into the fold of friendship and was
doing well.
Bethany’s family moved to another state a few years later. My daughter cried when they parted ways. They still
keep in touch through all their social media channels. She was and is a really cool girl, with a lot to offer her
peers. But the real value was to my daughter, obviously. She gained so much through that experience. She is
now a 20-year-old college sophomore, with a widely diverse group of friends. She is kind, inclusive and open
to all types of people. When she was malleable, impressionable and mine to guide:
— She learned her initial instinct about people isn’t always correctly motivated.
— She learned you can be friends with the least likely people; the best friendships aren’t people that are your
“type!” In the world of friendship, contrast is a plus.
— She learned that there are times, within a given social framework, that you are in a position to make a withdrawal on behalf of someone else. Be generous, invest! It pays dividends.
But, most importantly, she learned that, while I may not be overly-interested in what she gets on her Science
Fair project, couldn’t care less if she’s Lactose Intolerant or whether her long blonde hair is snarled, she’s going
to damn well treat people right.
Parents — your kids are going to eventually develop the good sense to wear a jacket and eat vegetables, invest
your energy in how they interact within society. If we insist on being the hovering Helicopter Parent Generation, let’s at least hover over the right areas.
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find out the latest AHS and
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AHS PTSA Website
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Page 18
MAY 2016
THE COUNSELOR’S CORNER Continued from Page 4
Now is the time to start narrowing your list of colleges to which you will apply in the fall of your senior
year. Final research on colleges you would like to attend and visits to schools should be done now
and over the summer. Consider all variables:
 Location
 Major
 Public or private
 College size
 Transportation
 Financial situation
 “Match” for your GPA and SAT/ACT scores
You should be applying to one or two “reach” schools, which would be considered a stretch for you, a
few “realistic” schools, which is a solid match for you based on your GPA and test scores and one or
two “safety” schools, where you will be a top applicant. Students who over apply (e.g. applying to
schools just to see if they can get in) are actually skewing the numbers for other AHS students. Most
private universities get to know trends from high schools across the country. We do not want AHS to
be a high school from which students apply but never enroll. Those schools will stop accepting our
students. So please, think critically and carefully about the schools to which you will apply for admissions. Make certain you are a good match before you go through the entire application and decisionmaking process. You will save yourself time, energy and stress; and you will help yourself and all of
AHS in the long run. A good rule of thumb is to apply only to private schools that you truly will attend
if admitted.
All Juniors who anticipate needing a counselor letter of recommendation next year for private colleges or scholarships should attend the Jump Start College Application Workshop on Tuesday, May 31th
at 3:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. At the workshop, counselors will describe the timeline for
the entire application process, highlighting important details on requesting the letters of recommendation and completing a personal Student Data Packet. A student data packet must be completed in
order to request a counselor letter of recommendation.
Please be advised that all requests for private college recommendations and scholarships from the
Counseling Department must adhere to specific deadlines and guidelines listed in the Curriculum
Guide on page 7. Counselors must receive a minimum of 4 weeks advanced notice (not including
holidays) prior to the deadline. For students applying Early Decision with a November 1st deadline,
requests for a letter of recommendation must be submitted by September 26th.
Mrs. Sharon Sandoval and Mr. Andrew Poon
Counselors, Class of 2017
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Page 19
MAY 2016
AHS Theatre Students Rank 1st at
Shakespeare Competition!
AHS Theatre students won the 1st Place Sweepstakes Trophy for overall highest cumulative
score at the annual Shakespeare DTASC (Drama Teachers Association of Southern California)
competition against 50 high schools, including all of the Los Angeles performing arts schools.
Our students placed in every category!
First Place for Group Comedy ‘The Tempest’
First Place for Group Tragedy ‘MacBeth’
First Place for Lesser Known Plays ‘Coriolanus’
Second Place for Monologues: Romeo and Juliet, Merchant of Venice
Second Place for Costumes
Third Place for Sets/Lights/Graphics
5th Place for Sibs From Another Crib ‘Julius Caesar’
5th Place for Shakespeare the Musical ‘Much Ado About Nothing’
Honorable Mention (Top 10) for That Way Madness Lies ‘Twelfth Night’
Semi-finalist in Monologues: Richard III, Romeo and Juliet
We are so proud of our talented and hard-working Drama and Stagecraft students!
Go Apaches!
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AVID Continued from Page 11
mation to interested parents. Thank you Mary McGinnis, Esther Garza-Maloney and Susannah Howard for your generous assistance.
AVID Student Lunch - Two of the AVID values are “to provide social support and create positive peer
groups”. Last month all AVID classes joined together in a bonding lunch in the Multi Purpose Room
to develop the communal spirit among our students. Thank you AVID for the yummy lunch.
Do you have a good candidate to become an AHS AVID student next fall? Applications are still
available for the appropriate students that meet the AVID criteria. Does your child still have
academic potential? College potential with support? And does he/she meet one of these
requirements: First in family to attend college, entered AUSD after 5th grade, modest means or
special circumstances? Please contact one of the AVID counselors immediately to research the
admission criteria: Mrs. Franz, or Ms. Polidano Hurry and your
child may be able to join our growing and proud AVID family!
AVID Boosters Website:
AVID Boosters Email:
AVID Twitter:
Continued on Page 23
AEF Summer School 2016 Dates
High School Summer Program
Classes will meet Monday - Friday, unless noted otherwise
Students taking 10 credit classes attend both sessions (1 & 2).
Link: High School Summer 2016 Catalog
Session 1
Begins: Monday, June 20th
Ends: Thursday, July 7th (13 days)
= No School on Monday, July 4th for the Independence Day Holiday =
Session 2
Begins: Monday, July 11th
Ends: Wednesday, July 27th (13 days)
Check your *wait list* status in AEF’s summer school CHEMISTRY class. If your ID# is on the CHEMISTRY Waiting List, you can check for your waiting list number to the right of your ID#. Students on this
list will be moved into an available seat in a Chemistry class in the order of their number on the waiting
list. If you listed an alternate class on your initial registration, or if you would like to add an alternate
class that is still available, please call our office. We can enroll you in your alternate class while keeping you on the Chemistry waiting list.
To contact the AEF Summer School Office:
PHONE: (626) 821-6606
See Flyer on Page 21
on Page 22
Directions to the AEF office
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Website -
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Page 21
Page 22
PLEASE help make GRAD NIGHT spectacular!
We are looking to provide amazing raffle prizes for our Seniors.
We welcome your generous donations of cash or gift cards.
You can donate now by sending your contribution through
Thank you for your kind contributions
AHS PTSA Grad Night Committee
For additional information, please contact Holly (
or Glenda (
 Checks- please make checks payable to AHS PTSA
 Gift Cards- these may be purchased through Scrip, please contact May (
 Pay Pal- Enter this email: and be sure to select “Friend or Family” on your
transaction to avoid a service fee
See Page 6 for important Grad Night information
Continued from Page 20
Your Support to AEF Makes All The Difference
A donation to AEF today means a better education for tomorrow!
Your past contributions to AEF help keep Arcadia schools great! It is because of generous supporters
like you that AUSD students are getting a top-ranked education, increased counseling services and
property values in our city remain high. Continue your legacy of giving and join your neighbors in making a donation to this year's annual appeal. Community *lawn signs and *license plate frames are coming soon: May 16th - 30th. Be sure to get your donation in soon to receive your sign and frame.
Please donate online at or send a check to our mailing address:
P.O. Box 660009, Arcadia, CA 91066-0009.
Remember, all donations to AEF are tax deductible.
Thank you for your continued support!
Please be advised that there is a $150 minimum donation for a lawn sign
and a $500 minimum donation for a license plate frame.
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AVID Continued from Page 20
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Page 23
Scrip News on Page
Page 24
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Arcadia Educational Foundation Website
Page 25
AHS Spring Preview Day
Pictures are from AUSD’s Facebook page. To
see many more wonderful photos, click the
following link:
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Page 26
Destination Imagination!
The Destination Imagination team, The Appraisers, will be going to the Global Finals,
which will be the second consecutive year for this team. The Appraisers, composed of Justin Yeung, 11th grade, Neel Narvekar, 11th grade, Catherine Cheng, 11th grade, Zoe
Imansjah, 10th grade, Julia Lok, 10th grade, Chelsea Lai, 10th grade, and Brian Ai, 9th
grade, won first place in Los Angeles Destination Imagination! They achieved the most
prestigious and highest ranking award, the special Renaissance Award, which is given out
to one team for the entire competition day among all participating elementary, middle and
high schools. The Appraisers also won first place in the State of California in the Scientific
Chalenge, In Plain Sights. The team is now going to compete at the international level, the
Global Finals 2016 at the University of Tennessee from May 24 through May 29, 2016.
Their experiences in the Global Finals of 2015 should help them with this year’s Finals, but
their main challenge will be in the Improvisational Games. Go The Appraisers!
Reflections of a DI Team Member
Of the two years I've competed on Destination Imagination (also known as DI), our team
has advanced further than we had ever thought we would. I remember our first year,
when my teammates, Julia Lok, Neel Narvekar, Justin Yeung, and Chelsea Lai, and I began training for the "Improvisational Games" a month before competition, not even thinking we would advance past Los Angeles Regional competition level. Months later, we found
ourselves competing among the finest teams in the world. Coming back this year with the
same team, along with new teammates Catherine Cheng and Brian Ai, has lead to immense pride and wonder for the accomplishments of our team. This year, we've opted for
competing in the Scientific Challenge "In Plain Sight", where the object of the challenge is
to portray a camouflaged character and object that leads to a stunning reveal and resolution. We've come up with an idea that pushes the limits of the challenge outline, to the
point where we nearly got disqualified. However, through careful discussion and debate,
we decided to stay true to our original idea, but with a few exceptions to clarify our storytelling. Our teamwork as a unit has greatly improved since last year, but we especially
struggled with executing this updated version, especially as we were missing a teammate
the day of competition. With this newer version taken to the State competition, we managed to advance to compete in the prestigious Global Finals in Knoxville, Tennessee, for
the second year in a row. Because we are in a differently-styled challenge this year, we
have taken to different approaches of competing. For instance, this year is heavily focused on running through a pre-planned performance, making sure every little detail is
precisely in place. This would mean taking the Global competition more seriously as a
competition, and possibly not taking part in the excursions exclusively rewarded to DI parClick here to return to Table of Contents
Continued on Page 27
Continued from Page 26
Page 27
Destination Imagination
ticipants for their hard work. As we are about to embark on this journey once more, I
can't help but feel pride for what our team has been able to do and what our future in this
competition holds for us.
-Zoe Imansjah
DI State Competition
April 2, 2016
Riverside Convention
Why Join Destination Imagination?
Teams can develop an unique customized well thought out Challenge solution. Teams
build amazing props and hone their teamwork skills. Life time friendships are
made. Global Finals is something one needs to experience firsthand to truly understand
what it is about. One can celebrate the DI season surrounded by more than 17,000 amazing people and one-of-a kind events that celebrate creativity and innovation in an incredible atmosphere. Teams from more than 15 countries showcase their Challenge solutions.
Not only are they ready to present their solutions to a whole new audience, they’re ready
to make new friends! Learn about different cultures and celebrate global creativity by
watching fellow teams present their solutions.
Statistics on DI's Impact
150,000 Students
15,000 Teams
48 States
30 Countries
38,000 Volunteers
Global Finals
 17,000+ Attendees
 8,000+ Students
 1,400+ Teams
 400+ Volunteers
 15+ Countries
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Page 28
Visit the Arcadia Performing Arts Foundation Website
Page 29
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