here - Cork Chamber


here - Cork Chamber
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Cork Chamber Christmas Lunch 2012 sponsored by IBM
Chamber Link
Biznetcork Skillnet Graduation Ceremony
CorkMeet 2013 Announced
Energy Cork Launched
Media Coverage
New Members
Members News
works for your business
your target
Enterprise Europe Network
The right course
for your business
European Commission
Enterprise and Industry
Chamber Link
ur bu
for yo
Dear Chamber Member
As we draw a close on 2012 it has to be acknowledged that business is still
proving to be very tough for many of our members but there are many signs of
positivity for 2013 and beyond. In the Chamber we are very conscious of our role
supporting all members throughout these difficult economic times and it has
been heartening to see the business community in Cork showing remarkable
resilience and determination to succeed. Cork Chamber is absolutely committed
to developing a vibrant and sustainable economy in this region and we plan
to continue to bring your business issues to the forefront in 2013 through our
continuous lobbying and influencing activity.
Government must address Local
Government Funding
Have your say!
On a positive note 2012 has been a busy year for Chamber activity and the
support of its members. Almost all events have sold out, proving the positive
effect of networking and the connections made amongst our members online
continue to grow with our LinkedIn group growing to 1750 members and almost
3,000 followers on Twitter, so we encourage members to use the online and off
line networks to spread your message.
Inaugural Biznetcork Skillnet
Graduation Day
2013 Training Courses
This month we held an inaugural graduation ceremony for graduates of the
Business School @ Cork Chamber, from which 200 business people have
graduated in 2012, recognising the commitment and dedication of those who
participated in our extensive schedule. The Chamber were delighted to have
Minister Simon Coveney as our guest, he presented plaques to all graduates
and gave a very positive address on the night. Along with our regular business
breakfast and BAH events, we held our annual Christmas Lunch to kick off the
festive spirits which attracted an audience of 300 people and we would like to
thank IBM for their support.
On behalf of all the Chamber team I would like to take this opportunity to wish
you and yours an enjoyable festive season and we look forward to working with
you and supporting your business again in 2013.
Best regards,
partnered projects
Official launch of Energy Cork &
Cork Convention Bureau Update
€12,500 Bursary Awarded
Festive Cheer at The Kiln, Heineken
Upcoming Event & Breakfast
Briefing with Oliver Mangan
Business After Hours at Kilkenny
Shop & GridLink
cover story
An Audience with Pat Shortt
CorkMeet 2013 - be part of it
Feedback requested
Promoting your business with us
Members News
Newly Appointed
Conor Healy
Chief Executive
Recently Covered in the Media
New Members
Chamberlink is Sponsored by
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Cork Chamber, Fitzgerald House, Summerhill North, Cork
T: (021) 4509044 F: (021) 4508568 E: W:
Registered in Ireland no. 13918
Chamberlink is published by Cork Chamber and is a monthly
publication exclusive to members. The opinons expressed in
Chamberlink are not necessarily those of Cork Chamber, neither do
they accept any responsibility or liability for any legal implications
arising there from.
Chamber Link
Government must address Local Government Funding
The Chamber has called on Government to introduce an appropriate
funding model for local government to reduce dependence on businessrelated charges. Following recent media coverage regarding the
number of businesses before the Cork District Court for non-payment
of commercial rates, the Chamber has urged Government to reduce the
high reliance on business income by diversifying the funding streams
through which local authority income is generated. Commercial rates
remain one of the most substantial fixed costs for businesses and
diversifying the funding streams will ultimately reduce business costs,
improve competitiveness, and increase economic activity thereby
stimulating job creation and higher economic returns for the state.
The new local property tax presents a unique opportunity for
Government to broaden the revenue stream and is crucial for the
implementation of an improved multi-sourced local government
funding model. All income generated through this property tax should
be retained and reinvested within the local authority in which it is
generated. A failure to do so would represent a ‘double hit’ for local
citizens and businesses who pay a tax without realising the benefits of it
As part of its ongoing advocacy regarding commercial rates, the Chamber
has communicated with all city and county councillors in advance of their
upcoming annual budgets. In response to requests from the business
community, we have urged councillors to call for great transparency
around local authority expenditure of commercial rates income. We have
also called for the protection of the 1% of rates income that is currently
ringfenced for the Economic Development Fund and have highlighted
the benefits of increasing the rate percentage to 2%. Utilising revenue
to support economic development in the region, through schemes such
as this will further increase opportunities for economic recovery and
For businesses experiencing difficulty in the payment of their commercial
rates, the Chamber urges them to contact their local authority to try to
come to some understanding regarding overdue payments.
Cork County Alerts
Cork County Council has launched a new initiative which will issue severe weather alerts for the entire
county and weather and flood alerts for Clonakilty town area. This free text message, social media and
email alert system shall also issue information for:
Sign Up
Road closure and scheduled road works
Road gritting and salting updates
Road incidents and accidents
Water service disruptions and boil water notices
Community and miscellaneous events
Major emergencies
Those interested in receiving the alerts can provide contact details through the Cork County Council
Siobhán Bradley, Acting Policy & Research Manager
e: or t: 021-4530132
Aislinn Stanton, Policy & Research Executive
e: or t: 021-4530143
Chamber Responds to Budget 2013
Small Business Advice
The Chamber welcomes the focus that Budget 2013 has placed
on the vital role of SMEs in the economy, the reinforcement
of its commitment to the 12.5% corporation tax, the absence
of any increases to employer’s PRSI and that the much feared
transfer of sick pay costs to employers did not materialise. While
accepting that some tough decisions had to be made regarding
Government expenditure, the Chamber is disappointed that more
was not done to incentivise and support further business growth,
essential to stimulating job creation.
The Small Business Advice Programme supported by Cork
Chamber, Bord Gáis and Plato provides a voluntary response by
the business community to the challenges facing small business.
This programme has established a panel of experienced advisors
who can provide solid practical advice on how to prepare for new
market challenges and ‘help keep small business in business.’
The measures contained in the Government’s ‘ten point plan’
specifically targeting SMEs fall short of the scale of initiative
and innovation required to truly grow the level of business
activity Ireland now needs. This is compounded further by
concerns around the wider budget measures which will impact
on consumer confidence and purchasing power, resulting in
continuing challenges for particular aspects of the economy,
most notably the struggling retail and hospitality sector.
More reaction to Budget 2013 can be found at
Specific areas where advice is available include:
Managing fixed costs
Debtor management
Raising finance
Management accounts
Profitability analysis
Developing business
Utilising spare capacity
Supplier issues
Customer retention
Businesses employing 20 people or less can avail of this free
and confidential service by contacting the Project Manager
at and filling out a short
questionnaire. Further information can be found at
Have your say!
Reform of National Micro & Small
Business Support Infrastructure
The Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation is currently
drafting legislation to dissolve existing County and City
Enterprise Boards and to create an enhanced national micro
enterprise support model, delivered through Local Enterprise
Offices (LEOs) in each local authority.
The Department has now opened a call for submissions as
part of their planning process for the establishment of the Local
Enterprise Offices (LEOs).
The Chamber has consistently highlighted the importance of the
local business community being represented at governance level
in their respective local enterprise offices. It is also imperative
that the roles and functions of LEOs are clearly defined and
that the terms of reference be explicitly outlined before the
offices commence operation. While LEOs have the potential
to assist businesses in many ways, the Chamber has cautioned
government that they must not encroach on the areas already
covered by the private sector. LEOs will only be successful if they
have the support and trust of the business community.
If members have any comments on the operation of LEOs, please
contact Siobhan ( or Aislinn
( We will continue to provide updates
as the planning stages progresses.
Cork City Movement Strategy
The Chamber recently met with ARUP and MVA Consultancy
who are currently undertaking a review of the existing traffic
management system in the city centre on behalf of Cork City
Council. The review is focused on the development of a multimodal sustainable transport system that provides access for a
greater number of people. The strategy proposes improvements
for general vehicular access, public transport movement,
pedestrian movement and cycling access in the city centre.
A draft strategy has now been developed with eight phases to
improve connectivity between ‘Kent Station – City Centre – UCC.’
An enhanced retail environment with improved journey times
for public transport, a progressive pedestrian environment and
expanded cycling facilities all form part of this strategy.
A public consultation process seeking feedback on the
proposals is now underway and will run until the end of January.
Cork Chamber is currently preparing a submission and welcomes
input from its members. Should you be interested in providing
comments or feedback for this submission, please contact the
Policy & Research Manager,
or Policy & Research Executive before
Friday 18th January 2013. Further information on the strategy is
available at
works for your business
Chamber Link
partnered projects
Official Launch of Energy Cork by Minister Rabbitte
This month saw one of the largest ever gatherings of energy
industry representatives from the Cork region come together for
the launch of Energy Cork. Minister Pat Rabbitte TD was amongst
a host of industry speakers from across the sector to address the
event. Energy Cork is an industry-driven energy cluster pursuing
coordinated actions to strengthen enterprise and promote job
creation within the energy sector in Cork.
The initiative is supported by Cork City Council and Cork County
Council through their respective Economic Development
Funds which see 1% of the commercial rates of both Councils
dedicated to enterprise support and job creation. Energy Cork
was initially conceived by Cork Chamber with a view to building
on the unique opportunities for the region to secure competitive
advantage in the energy sector. For more information: www.
Some of the attendees at the official launch of Energy Cork.
Tony O’ Reilly, CEO, Providence Resources PLC (guest speakeri) with Pat Rabbitte TD,
Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources.
John Mullins, President Cork Chamber & CEO Bord Gais addressing the attendees at the
launch of Energy Cork.
Cork Convention Bureau brings International Medical Conference to Cork
Cork Convention Bureau successfully attracted a major
international conference of laparoscopic surgeons and theatre
professionals to Cork following engagement with the the
Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons & Theatre Staff, UK and
Ireland (ALSGB&I). More than 300 delegates and partners
attended the Rise of the Machines conference, which saw
seven laparoscopic surgeries performed at Cork hospitals and
transmitted live via satellite on a rotation basis to the delegates at
the Rochestown Park Hotel.
“This conference provides a significant boost to the local
economy, as the delegates will be spending a number of days in
the Region, and will no doubt enjoy the sights, culinary delights
and shopping as well as the all important focus of their stay, The
Rise of the Machines conference”, commented Seamus Heaney,
Chairman of the Cork Convention Bureau.
Consultant General, Laparoscopic and Bariatric surgeon at Bon
Secours, Colm O’Boyle who was also the local organiser of this
year’s conference said that the live surgeries, which included a
robotic hysterectomy by Dr Matt Hewitt and Dr Barry O’Reilly at
CUMH and a laparoscopic gastric bypass by Hull Royal Infirmary
surgeon, Peter Sedman at Bons Secours, was a “fantastic learning
opportunity for all attendees”.
Cork Convention Bureau would be delighted to provide
further information and support to anyone wishing to organise
or bring an international, national or regional event to Cork in the
year of The Gathering. For more information, please visit www. or call 021.4318036 or email: info@
Back row: Katherine Fitzpatrick, Cork Chamber; Ita Murphy and Adrienne
Rodgers representing Cork County & City Enterprise Boards; Paul Hands,
Chairman Cork innovates; Jim Barry, Barry Group; Conor Keane, Irish Examiner
and Audrey Houlihan, AIB Bank with Bursary Finalists James Duggan,
Funmamway Adventure Land; Ian Brown & Kath Gorman, The Greedy Pig Food
Company and Eoin Leonard, i3PT Certification Association Ltd.
Siobhán Finn, Cork innovates
Kieran Lettice, Energy Cork
Evelyn O'Sullivan, Cork Convention Bureau
Bursary Winner James Duggan, Funmamway Adventure Land with Paul Hands, Chairman Cork innovates.
(Photographs taken in Bank Hall, AIB 66 South Mall).
€12,500 Bursary Boost puts the “Fun” in Funmanway Adventure Land
Cork innovates recently teamed up with AIB, Cork County and City
Enterprise Boards, Cork Chamber, Newstalk and the Irish Examiner
to offer a bursary worth €12,500 to one lucky start-up business.
Sometimes having a great business idea is only half the
battle; securing the funds and expertise to make it a success
can be the difficult part, so it’s not surprising that there was
a phenomenal response to the competition. The calibre of
entries was outstanding, with submissions from a wide range
of sectors including agriculture, biotechnology, food industries,
construction, chemicals, tourism, healthcare, IT, research and
development, lifestyle and media.
Almost 70 entries from all over Ireland, but predominantly from
Cork, vied for the coveted prize, which includes €2,000 plus
support from a dedicated business advisor in AIB; €2,000 worth
of services including membership, advertising and training from
Cork Chamber; soft supports such as training, mentoring and
workshops valued at €1,000 from Cork County and City Enterprise
Boards; €2,500 and €5,000 worth of advertising from Newstalk
and the Irish Examiner respectively.
The judging panel had the tough task of accessing the entries and
whittling them down to just three finalists; each of whom was
interviewed by the judging panel on December 3rd in AIB, South
Mall. The three finalists were Ian Brown of The Greedy Pig Food
Company, James Duggan of Funmanway Adventure Land and
Eoin Leonard of i3PT Certification Association Ltd.
After returning home from travelling in Australia for two years in
2009 James was unable to find work in his trade as a stonemason,
so he made the decision to start his own business. While abroad
he explored many of the extreme sport activities on offer in
Australia and New Zealand and after coming home he discovered
that Cork did not have any facility for extreme sports like
Zorbing and so he began developing a 21 acre site which he had
purchased in 2006. Funmanway Adventure Landed opened to the
public in July of this year.
Commenting on the bursary and its benefits, Paul Hands,
Chairman, Cork innovates said “Our bursary is aimed at making
a difference to an entrepreneur in providing financial support
focused on delivering critical skills and services to give a fledgling
business a boost in achieving business velocity. In the case of our
winner James this is definitely the case, as it will help to upscale
the marketing and branding activity which has the potential to
significantly improve the annual revenues and lead to further job
Delighted on hearing he was chosen as the lucky recipient of
the bursary, James said “Winning this bursary will really give my
business the kick-start it needs. As I have no previous experience
in running my own business, I’m very much looking forward to
the support from AIB’s dedicated business advisor and I see them
as being key to helping bring my business to market and making
it a success.”
James Duggan of Funmanway Adventure Land emerged as the
overall winner. Funmanway Adventure Land is the first attraction
of its kind for West Cork, offering thrill seekers a range of extreme
sports activities such as Hydro Zorbing, paintballing, and
works for your business
Chamber Link
Inaugural Biznetcork Skillnet Graduation Day
On Monday 3rd December the very first Biznetcork Skillnet
Graduation Ceremony was held at the Maryborough Hotel & Spa.
Graduates of our Train the Trainer (FETAC Level 6), Supervisory
Management (FETAC Level 6), Business English (TOEIC) &
Certificate in Business & Executive Coaching (FETAC Level 6)
courses were honoured and we were delighted to have Minister
Simon Coveney present.
Over two hundred business people from a broad range and size
of companies graduated from the Biznetcork Skillnet Business
School at Cork Chamber from September 2011 to July 2012.
Speaking at the graduation ceremony, where Minister for
Agriculture, Food & Marine, Simon Coveney, T.D. presented
a commemorative plaque to graduates, Ms Norma Lynch,
Training Services Manager, Cork Chamber said, “We are thrilled
to be recognising the commitment and dedication of those
who participated in our extensive training schedule. They
have developed new skills and business knowledge across a
wide range of subject areas which they can bring back to their
The Graduation Ceremony was a great success and we look
forward to a busy 2013 as funding has just been approved.
Pat Mullins, Mullins Lynch Byrne & Biznetcork Skillnet Steering
Group with Sophie Crosbie, SHC HR Services.
Norma Lynch, Training Services Manager Biznetcork Skillnet and Simon Coveney T.D., Minister for Agriculture, Food
& Marine making the presentation to Avril Ronan, Senior Operations Manager EMEA, Trend Micro. (Photographs:
Neil Danton Photography)
Graduate Rod Gorgia, Apple with son Adam.
Graduate Ian Rymer, Plato with Niall Hartnett, Barry Group and
Biznetcork Skillnet Steering Chairman.
David O'Sullivan, 96fm and Marc Cullen, Cork
English College.
Graduates Eileen Forde, Dulux and Valerie Deane,
Evening Echo.
Norma Lynch, Training Services Manager
e: or t: 021-4530142
Aoife Dunne, Training Administrator
e: or t: 021-4530141
2013 Training Courses
Train the Trainer (FETAC Level 6)
This course, commencing on the 14th of January, 2013, is
designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills
necessary to design, deliver, assess and evaluate training
programmes. Participants on this course will gain practical
experience and recognised certification as trainers.
Maura O'Shea, Learning Ways with graduate Oonagh Maher, City of Cork VEC and Claire
Nagle, City of Cork VEC.
Certificate in Business & Executive Coaching
(FETAC Level 6)
This course is due to commence on the 16th January, 2013.
It is ideal for anyone who would like to learn the core skills
of Business Coaching whilst also gaining a qualification
which is on the National Qualification Framework in Ireland
(FETAC Level 6). The main objective of this course is to turn
managers into effective managers.
Project Management Professional
Graduate Matthew Hallissey, Apple with parents Margaret and Joe.
This 3 day course, starting on the 22nd January next, is
designed to establish a detailed understanding of Project
Management terms, concepts and methodologies. The
hands-on approach of this course ensures trainees “learn
by doing” and gain a step-by-step, real-time experience of
using the tools and implementing the methodologies and
support structures.
Supervisory Management (FETAC Level 6)
This four day course will start on the 23rd January, 2013 and
course participants will acquire the theoretical knowledge
enabling them to understand the role and responsibilities
of a supervisor and learn a range of supervisory and
management skills.
Lean Six Sigma (Green Belt)
Mari Manning, business coach with Aoife Dunne, Biznetcork Skillnet.
This course is of 8 days duration and starts on 24th January,
2013. It is intended for those employees within a business,
who are engaged in daily problem solving and/or project
We also cater for all of your Microsoft Office needs:
MS Excel (Intermediate) - 2007/2010 starting on 24th
January 2013
Personal Productivity using MS Outlook 2007/2010
starting on 31st January 2013
MS Powerpoint "Beyond the Basics" - 2007/2010
starting on 5th Feb 2013
Graduate Aylene Kelleher with Colette O'Sullivan and Michelle Hayes.
Book Now on
More courses will be added in the coming weeks. Please visit for details of all scheduled training
or contact us to discuss your company’s training needs. Limited
FREE places for unemployed on all courses
Biznetcork Skillnet and Munster Finuas Networks are funded by member companies and the Training Networks Programme and Finuas Networks
Programme respectively, initiatives of Skillnets Ltd. funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Education and Skills”
works for your business
Chamber Link
Festive Cheer/President’s Drinks at The Kiln Bar, Heineken
Cork Chamber members kicked off the Christmas Season in style
at this year’s Annual Festive Drinks in the Kiln Hospitality Suite at
Heineken on Thursday 6th December. In a relaxed and informal
environment, Cork Chamber members sampled the wide array
of Heineken drinks and entered the draw to win vouchers for
Heineken products, a welcome treat in the run up to Christmas!
Cork Chamber President John Mullins took the opportunity to
thank the Chamber board and committee members for their
commitment throughout the year and also the Chamber team,
who support and assist members on a daily basis.
John Mullins, President Cork Chamber and Michelle Walsh, Heinken.
(Photographs: John Sheehan Photography)
Eamon Dwyer, City Life Wealth Advisors; Glenn Hanna, Davis Langdon; Gavin Jeffery,
Lee Garage; Stephen Barry, City Life Wealth Advisors and Ronan Enright, Enright & Co
Lorraine Kelleher, Cameo Communications; Mark Hegarty, Irish Formations; Sarah Walsh
and Lorraine Burke from Grafton Recruitment.
Aisling Mulhall, Niamh Shanahan, Catherine Wilson and Aoife Byrne, all Qumas.
Attendees from Bank of Ireland included Mick Healy, Albert Diggan and John O'Driscoll.
Chamber Ambassador Peter Bradley, Adapt IT (front) with colleagues Jamie Lynds, Paul Kelly
and Stephen Murphy.
Leigh Gillen, Events Manager
e: or t: 021-4530133
Economic Outlook in Challenging Times
Oliver Mangan, Chief Economist AIB was the guest speaker at
the Chamber’s final business breakfast in 2012.
Mr. Mangan stated that the global economy began to pick up
in 2010 but that many economies are now falling back into
recession including Japan, the UK, Europe and Asia. Fiscal policy
being pursued in the Eurozone is hampering recovery as there
is no divergence from fiscal tightening which is constraining
growth. Strong economic growth is critical for recovery. Mr.
Mangan suggests that the Eurozone examine methods used in
the US where emphasis is placed on bringing the deficit down
over time thereby generating growth and employment.
The Irish economy is performing well with growth in retail
sales, private sector employment and exports complimented
by declining live register figures. However the weakness of
the European economy continues to threaten our recovery as
we have a vast deficit at 8.2% of GDP. He urged Ireland start to
playing hardball on the issue of the Promissory Note. Ireland
has been playing by the rules and now it is time that there is
some payback. A promissory note is like a mortgage or war
bond. Ireland needs to secure a lower interest rate over a longer
period. Restructuring of the promissory note is necessary to
yield significant budgetary savings over the next two years.
Conor Healy, Chief Executive Cork Chamber; John Mullins, President Cork Chamber; Oliver
Mangan, AIB with and Aidan Forde, Irish Examiner. (Photographs: Denis Scanell)
Upcoming Event - Book Now on
How Twitter Brings the World Closer
Marketing Institute of Ireland in association with Cork Chamber
Cork Chamber and the Marketing Institute of Ireland will co-host this seminar
on “How Twitter Brings the World closer” which will feature Don O’Leary, Senior
Sales Manager at Twitter.
Don started in Twitter Ireland 6 months ago to launch the Twitter advertising
products across Europe. Before Twitter, he worked in Google's International HQ
first as an engineering manager and later as a senior sales manager. Before the
world of online advertising, Don developed software for a number of startup
companies in San Francisco, but also worked as a mechanical design engineer
in the aerospace industry in Los Angeles.
Don will cover such topics as how companies can use Twitter as a platform
for product launches, customer service, Twitter + TV as well as advertising on
Twitter. You will have an opportunity to network with your Marketing Institute
and Cork Chamber colleagues on the evening as well as hear some fascinating
insight into how to make Twitter work for your business.
Sponsored by Real Insights
Don O’Leary,
Senior Sales Manager, Twitter
6.00pm – 8.00pm
Wednesday 23rd January
Clarion Hotel
€20 MII & Cork Chamber members/€10
Places for events are limited. Please quote Purchase Order if required. Events Cancellation Policy: Cancellations will be accepted up to 72hrs
before each event, after this all places will be charged. This policy applies to all events.
works for your business
Chamber Link
Cork Chamber Business After Hours in the Kilkenny Shop
Cork Chamber and the Kilkenny Group kicked off the Christmas
shopping season on Thursday 29th November in the Kilkenny Shop
premises, with between 20 and 50% off many items in the store
for Chamber members.
This is the third year that Kilkenny and Cork Chamber have worked
together on this event and Cork Chamber is proud to support
members by hosting Business After Hours events on-site.
Attendees from Cogan's Toyota were Robert Cogan and Anthony Horgan.
Carol Brick, CWM Wealth Management with Jeanne
Murphy, Contracting PLUS.
Paul Thompson and Eamonn Cassidy, Ashford Chauffeur Services
John Mullins, President Cork Chamber and Greg O'Gorman, Kilkenny Group.
Mary Hopkins, Hopkins Communications with Conor
Crowley, Crowley Opticians.
Doris Murphy, Tech Marketing Edge and Joan Walsh,
Partnerhip Europe.
Quintas Wealth Management attendees Lynda McAuliffe, Sarah O'Neill and Anne O'Dwyer.
The GridLink Project - Linking Leinster & Munster
John Lowry, Project Manager with EirGrid addressed an audience
of over 60 people on the national plans for the GridLink system
to be introduced in 2020. A €500 million investment will see
improvement in electricity transmission infrastructure in the
South and the East with further upgrading of the electricity grid
planned around the country delivering a wide range of benefits
to the national and regional economies. The construction of
an overhead line running from Cork to Kildare will increase
electricity supply and employment potential in region. His presentation started with the importance of electricity to
the region from both a business and personal perspective with
efficiency of supply being key. It is EirGrid’s role to manage the
transmission effectively to ensure reliability and also to keep
prices down. There is a large emphasis to moving towards a more
environmental source of electricity with an aim to supply 40%
of energy in 2020 through natural sources – Ireland is seen as a
world leader in this regard.
April Mangan and Aileen Fitzgerald from RPS Group.
Sean Harnett, Auditel with Jim Murphy, Management Consultants.
Cork is recognised as a strong energy hub and the GridLink
Project will ensure that it continues to be well-connected, with a
strong and secure electricity supply long into the future, making
it at attractive place to invest. The development provides many
opportunities for entrepreneurs and obviously employment in
the region both in the planning and building phase but most
importantly in the growth opportunities when the infrastructure
is in place.
He noted that EirGrid does not expect to submit an application
to An Bord Pleanála for planning approval before 2015. Further,
more detailed information about this project can be viewed at
the following link:
Kevin Murray, Deputy President Cork Chamber with John Lowry, EirGrid. (Photographs: John Sheehan
Donal Og Cusack, DuPuy with Ger Flannagan,
works for your business
Chamber Link
cover story
Comedian & actor Pat Shortt with Tom Trainor, Chief Executive Marketing Institute of Ireland; John Mullins, President Cork Chamber; Denis Collins, IBM and Frankie Sheahan, Front Row
Entertainment. (Photographs: John Sheehan Photography
Cork Chamber Annual Christmas Lunch 2012
sponsored by
The Cork Chamber Annual Christmas Lunch took place on Friday
14th December in Fota Island Resort and was attended by 300
Chamber members, guests and friends and was run in association
with the Marketing Institute of Ireland, Southern Region.
As always, there was a charity draw and all monies raised will go
to the Cork Chamber member charities – many thanks to all of
those who gave generously on the day, your contribution will be
well received!
This event was sponsored by IBM Ireland and featured comedian
and actor Pat Shortt being interviewed by Irish rugby legend
Frankie Sheahan. Both of these larger than life characters
entertained the room with their banter and a great day was had
by all.
Also thanks to all Cork Chamber members who supported
the charity draw and donated beautiful prizes for the day, all
contributors listed below. Please continue to support your fellow
Chamber members.
Many thanks to....
Ballyseedy Home & Garden Centre
Barry Group
Biznetcork Skillnet
Brown Thomas Cork
Celtic Bogwoods
Clarion Hotel
Classic Drinks
Flemings Restaurant
Fota Island Resort
Hayfield Manor Hotel
Hopkins Communications
IBM Ireland
Inchydoney Island Lodge & Spa
Killarney Royal
Maryborough Hotel & Spa
Musgrave Group
Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa, Cork
Robin Hill Clinic
Silver Springs Moran Hotel
The Cliff House Hotel
The Cornstore Restaurant
The Gallery Kinsale
The Grainstore at Ballymaloe
The Mardyke
Kevin Cullinane, Cork Airport (centre) with Diane O'Sullivan and Helen Murphy, Fota Island
Deirdre Kennedy and Laurie O'Connor, Laya Healthcare.
Noreen Walsh, AIB; Lucy O'Donoghue, Lucy O'Donoghue
Consulting and Natasha Lynch, Essential French.
Margaret Kelleher and Edward Hanafin from Lisney with Tony Hassey, Cork Airport
Business Park.
Carla Manning, CACM Accountants with Helen Wycherley,
Marina Commercial Park.
William O'Brien Snr, Wm O'Brien Crane
Hire with Pat Dineen, Dineen Consulting
Attendees from Aviva Healthcare included Marie Galvin
and Anne Doran.
Mike Cushen, DPS Engineering; Michael Kirk, Cara Partners and
Adrian Quill, Phillips 66.
works for your business
Chamber Link
Announcing CorkMeet 2013 - Be part of it
Ireland’s premier business networking forum will take place in
Cork from 10-12 April 2013, arranging almost 10,000 one-to-one
pre-scheduled meetings for over 600 Irish and International small
to medium sized businesses.
CorkMeet 2013, to be held at the Rochestown Park Hotel,
presents local, national and international businesses from all
sectors with a fantastic opportunity to unlock new business
with potential clients and suppliers. The three day event offers
companies a range of business focused activities, including
welcome reception, pre-arranged meetings, an afternoon
business conference, a Gourmet Cork Food Experience in
the hotel grounds with all food and drink sourced locally, a
Ciara McGee, South Cork Enterprise Board and Katherine
Fitzpatrick, Enterprise Europe Network.
networking dinner at Curraheen Park Greyhound Stadium
and a Closing Address by a surprise speaker each providing an
opportunity to make vital contacts.
Organisers of CorkMeet 2013 expect to arrange 16 one-to-one
meetings for each of the 600 delegates envisaged to register
using the software system provided by CorkMeet partners
CorkMeet 2013 is a not for profit partnership between Cork County
Council and Cork City Council, Cork County and City Enterprise
Boards and Cork Chamber.
H.E. Jeremiah Ndou, South Africa Ambassador; Cork County Mayor, Cllr. Barbara Murray; Martin Riordan, Cork
County Manager and Seán O'Sullivan, South Cork Enterprise Board. (Photographs: Claire Keogh)
Meabh Ring, CorkMeet with Yve O'Driscoll and Emily Glen from the British Irish Chamber of Commerce.
Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. John Buttimer and Conor Healy, Cork
Katherine Fitzpatrick, EU Trade & Innovation Services Manager
e: or t: 021-4530138
Imelda Mulcahy, Export Documentation Manager
e: or t: 021-4530130
Exporting over the holidays?
The Chamber will close at 5.00pm Friday
December 21st 2012 until 9.00am Wednesday
January 2nd 2013.
If your company will require export certification
over the holiday period please contact Imelda at
021-4530130 or to make
alternative arrangements.
We hope you have a Happy Christmas and we
look forward to working with you in the New Year.
The Enterprise Europe Network welcomes
feedback from SMEs that would be taken
into consideration when planning the events
schedule for 2013.
If you would like to attend an event on a
specific foreign market or sector, on a particular
trade or EU-related topic or on any general
issue affecting your business, then please email
your ideas to
works for your business
Chamber Link
Promote Your Business
Sample of Cork Chamber Promotional Tools
As a member of Cork Chamber you have the opportunity to promote your business
through our wide range of established promotional and communication tools, from
speaking opportunities, advertising, sponsorship, networking and social media.
It’s up to you how much you want to get out of your membership and above is a
summary of some of the ways to become involved.
Please contact Deborah or Barbara-Anne who can advise on how to maximise your
profile through the Chamber.
Barbara-Anne Richardson, e: or t: 021- 4530140
Deborah Barrett, e: or t: 021- 4530149
Barbara-Anne Richardson, Marketing & Commercial Services Manager
e: or t: 021-4530140
Members News
Munster Rugby and Ireland Player Ronan O'Gara and his son JJ with Zach Long from
Crosshaven during a visit to Cork University Hospital.
CUH Charity Launches Appeal
The CUH Charity held a launch event at the Cork University
Hospital (CUH) and announced its first appeal to raise €1.5m
to refurbish CUH Children’s Unit with the support of rugby star
Ronan O’Gara and other charity patrons such as Donal Lenihan,
Aidan O’Brien and Dr Clare O’Leary. CUH Charity has been
established to raise funds across all departments to improve
facilities and services for patients and visitors attending Cork
University Hospital. The Children’s Unit at CUH provides care
to children from 2 days old to 16 years of age. Each year, 7,500
children are admitted to the Children’s Unit at CUH, 5,000 attend
the Children’s Day Unit and 10,000 are seen in the out-patient
department - making it one of busiest Children’s Units in the
country. For further information on how people, businesses or
schools can support this appeal please contact Joe Browne at or go to
Call Management heralds the arrival of
“Arema Connect”
In what can only be described as a phenomenal year for Call
Management Cork, it must be considered the icing on the cake to
see the launch of its UK identity sister company, Arema Connect. Call Management and Arema Connect are part of the key
answering system group who focus on delivering high quality
customer relationship management. They were awarded the ISO
9001:2008 certification and are in the final stages of achieving
the Excellence Through People award. These accreditations will
see Call Management / Arema Connect position itself as a leading
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution provider,
a 24/7 contact centre in technology based solutions. Pat Keogh
managing director, along with his dedicated team are both
excited and proud of this new venture. From a standing start in
2001 they currently employ 35 full time staff and hope to hire at
least another 5 staff in 2013.
Brid Horan, Executive Director, Electric Ireland (Award Sponsors); Brendan Halligan,
Chairman, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, Dr. Conor O’Brien, Plant Manager
Recordati Ireland and Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat
Rabbitte TD.
Recordati Ireland wins energy award
Parchments Ceremony underway in Devere Hall, UCC.
Parchments for Students
Professor Irene Lynch-Fannon, Head of the College of Business
and Law recently hosted the Annual Junior Certificate Business
Studies Parchments Ceremony at Devere Hall, University College
Cork. Over 200 students who achieved an A grade in their
Junior Certificate Business Studies (Higher) Examination 2012
were presented with a Parchment in acknowledgement of their
achievement. The purpose of this event is to encourage students
to continue their study of business to third level.
Recordati Ireland Ltd won the prestigious National 2012 Energy
Efficiency Award Small/Medium User at a recent ceremony in
Dublin, having been a shortlisted runner-up in 2010 and 2011.
The award was promoted by the Sustainable Energy Authority
of Ireland and sponsored by Electric Ireland. Recordati Ireland’s
aim was to improve overall specific energy usage per unit of
output (kwh/kg), particularly electricity, using 2007 as a base year
(the first full year of production). A Right First Time philosophy
was initiated and process improvements, tighter preventative
maintenance and better scheduling led to higher output, while
keeping overall kwhs under tight control following a company
wide energy reduction programme. Taking 2007 as the base year
an output increase of 36.7% was achieved using 18.8% less total
kwh than in 2007 with a cumulative saving of Euro 678,000 over a
53m period from 1 Jan 2008 to 31 May 2012.
works for your business
Chamber Link
Over €100,000 savings in November
UCC based, recently introduced a new service, which
has had very impressive results in its first month alone. During's purchasing audits they expertly examine businesses
for savings potential. With a database of 15,000 Irish suppliers,
they can effectively source great local competitive suppliers,
with lower margins and lower overheads. The service involves
analysing spends, articulating requirements and negotiating with
relevant suppliers in the Irish market. In November alone, supply.
ie's purchasing audits have made over €100,000 savings for local
businesses. Mike McGrath, MD of commented that “this
complements the ad-hoc purchasing on while now we
are taking a full holistic view of a company's annual expenditure,
to identify greater savings. We have undertaken 7 audits with
savings identified for each client while the most common savings
categories are Electricity, Gas, Telecoms, Security, Printing,
Packaging and Stationery."
John Wall & Denis Collins from it@cork and Anthony O'Mara, Trend Micro with Paul
Wills & Lauren White (6th Class) Scoil Mhuire na nGrast.
Leaders Awards
Now in its 6th year, the Leaders Awards acknowledge innovation
and excellence across a number of categories spanning different
sectors. This year’s winners included YouGetitBack (High
Growth), PFH (Sustained Excellence), Crest Solutions (Research &
Innovation) and Alanya Animal Health Monitoring (High Potential
Start Up). HIQA, the Health and Information Quality Authority,
received an award for the leading IT Department, while Scoil
Mhuire na nGrást (Belgooly) was awarded the Excellence in
Education Award. Scoil Mhuire na nGrást, who is also enrolled
in it@cork's Adopt a School programme, was lauded for the
way the school has embraced technology at every level. From
interactive whiteboards, wireless networking in all classrooms,
the establishment of an internet portal for students and their
supporters, to the cloud computing solution used to streamline
school administration processes.
GOLD for LeisureWorld
ILAM - the Irish Leisure Industry employers body which represents
gyms, leisure centres, sports, fitness, aquatic & outdoor facilities,
announced that 85 leisure facilities from across Ireland have been
awarded White Flags for 2012/2013. The ILAM White Flag Award
is an essential standards benchmark that all swimming pool,
sports hall, fitness studio and gym facility in Ireland should strive
to achieve. The White Flag is a visible sign that leisure facilities
are operating to high standards and is awarded through an
independent group of people, representing several organisations
including Bord na Móna, Irish Water Safety, HSE Environmental
Health Officers, The Moyne Institute of Preventative Medicine, and
the Irish Hotels Federation, Royal Life Saving Society, County and
City Enterprise Board. LeisureWorld Bishopstown and Churchfield
were awarded the Gold Standard 2012.On top on the great
achievement of being awarded the Gold Standard White Flag
Award for 2012, LeisureWorld was also awarded the Gold Award
for the Disability Provision in Bishopstown and Silver Award for
the Disability Provision in Churchfield.
Dr. Michael Murphy, UCC President (centre) with Alumni Award winners Aisling Foley,
Leanne O’Sullivan, Dr Dick Kenefick, Dr Frank Golden, Mary Jane Kenefick and Dan
UCC Alumni Achievement Awards
The annual UCC Alumni Achievement Awards Programme
honours alumni who have obtained extraordinary distinction
and success in their chosen fields. This year’s UCC Alumni Awards
were presented to: Arts graduate, Leanne O’Sullivan who is
a poet from the Beara peninsula; Law graduate, Aisling Foley
for her volunteering work with Home of Hope Charity in Cape
Town; Medical graduate, Dr Frank Golden is being honoured
for his distinguished work in saving lives by providing a better
understanding of the body’s response to the various threats
associated with survival at sea; Dairy and food science graduate,
Dan MacSweeney, Chief Executive, Carbery Group is being
honoured as one of the most outstanding leaders in the agri-food
sector in Ireland. To acknowledge the great support and loyalty
of UCC alumni to the University, an Alumnus Award for Voluntary
Service to UCC was introduced in 2010. This year’s award was
presented to Cork couple Dr Dick and Mary Jane Kenefick who
have made a remarkable contribution to Ladies’ Hockey and UCC
Rugby Club.
Accepting the award for Gaming Company of the Year, from left to right: Karl Flannery, MD
Strom Technology; John Paul O’Gorman, Engineering Manager Big Fish; Stephen Hegarty,
Director of European Business Operations Big Fish; Philip Flynn, CEO Digital Hub.
To submit articles for Members News to e:
David Quirke, Blackwater Motors; Noelle Feeney and Noreen Barry from Friends Of
Marymount and Peter Reeve, General Manager of Blackwater Motors.
Gaming Company of the Year in Ireland
Evolutionary Volkswagen unveiled
Big Fish has been awarded “Gaming Company of the Year” by
the Irish Software Association (ISA). The award was presented
to Big Fish during the annual ceremony and was attended
by around 400 renowned guests. The award recognises Big
Fish’s outstanding performance during the year in terms of the
development and distribution of interactive games including
product innovation, enhanced user experience and sales
achievements. The company was also distinguished for its clear
emergence as a leader in the gaming sector as well as for aiming
to drive profitability and sustain growth. The judging panel
represented the entire industry, from start ups and entrepreneurs
to venture capitalists, state agencies and international
Two hundred invited guests were among the first in Ireland
to see the new Volkswagen Golf MKVII unveiled at Blackwater
Motors, Turner’s Cross. On the night, the Bel Canto Choir
performed a medley of songs from their Christmas album which
was sponsored by Blackwater Motors. All proceeds from the
album will go to Marymount Hospice. Peter Reeve, General
Manager of Blackwater Motors, Cork said, “A night like this is our
way of thanking our customers while giving them a chance to
see this new car before it is unveiled to the general public. The
atmosphere here tonight is wonderful, thanks to the performance
of the Bel Canto Choir who have really added something special
to the evening.” To test drive the new Golf MKV11 call 1850 449
500. For more information visit
AIB’s Big Drive for Small Business continues in Cork
Businesses around the country are to continue to benefit
from coaching sessions offered by AIB. The second phase of
the business coaching sessions kicked-off in Cork recently.
Feedback from customers involved in the programme has been
very positive. As part of its campaign, “The Big Drive for Small
Business”, AIB launched an SME Business Planning Programme
and are working with ActionCOACH, a leading business coaching
company in Ireland, to equip small businesses with training
and tools in the form of a 90-day plan focused on business
It is expected that in excess of 2,000 customers throughout
Ireland will take part in these programmes by the end of February
2013. The programme content consists of eight key business
areas focusing on subjects such as : Understanding financials and
cashflow cycle, Sales and handling objections to Building and
leading a team.
AIB Regional Director, John O'Doherty said: “Feedback from
customers involved in the programme has been very positive.
Customers who came back to Day 2 of the programme shared
success stories about the changes they made in their business.
We know that it is vital to the economic recovery of the nation
that viable small businesses get all the support they need. We
want business people to come and visit one of our branches
nationwide or to contact their relationship manager to find out
how AIB can support their business.”
AIB is comfortable it will exceed the €3.5 billion SME lending
target set by the Government for 2012. This target relates to both
new lending and refinancing/restructuring of debt, the latter of
which, the Bank says is vitally important in sustaining businesses
experiencing financial stress.
John Brennan, WSI; Deirdre Collins, Dee's Wholefoods; Emer Cassidy, AIB Ballincollig
and Ciaran O'Sullivan, Denis O'Sullivan and Associates.
works for your business
Chamber Link
John Gately, The Montenotte Hotel; Mary Bernard, Maryborough Hotel & Spa; Shane Fitzpatrick, Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa; Michael Magner, Vienna Woods Hotel and Chairman of the Cork Branch
of the IHF; Fiona O’ Donoghue, Carrigaline Court Hotel and Aaron Mansworth, Cork International Airport Hotel.
McMedia enjoys another record year
Ability @ Work
McMedia, the Cork based event management and master of
ceremony company has just enjoyed another record year of
growth and it continues to go from strength to strength as
John McHale becomes one of the most sought-after master of
ceremony in the country and McMedia continue to organise, plan
and stage some of the biggest events in Cork. Recently McMedia
helped organise and run the Irish Hotels Federation Cork Branch
annual dinner dance which saw more than 220 guests enjoy their
night in the Radisson Blu Hotel in Little Island to the music of the
Roaring 40s, the Loungeman Conor O’Shea and the Pearls.
a regular as stadium announcer at events for Basketball Ireland,
the FAI, Cage Warriors and the IABA, John is also very busy on the
local scene working at various club awards nights, various charity
events with stars such as Crystal Swing, Dana and The Miami
Show band and corporate events for some of the top companies
in the country.
COPE Foundation is deeking to develop new work opportunities
and partnerships with employers throughout Cork City & County.
The business community can help by: offering work experience
opportunities; developing workplace partnerships with COPE;
Work placements; Part-time jobs or networking. If you feel your
business can be of support please contact Marian Hennessy at t:
021-4643160 or e:
New Product from Celticbogwoods
Celticbogwoods will be formally launching our Bog Oak Jewellery
at Showcase at the RDS in Dublin in January 2013. Having
designed and crafted Corporate Gifts and Awards from 5000
year old Irish Bog Oak for many years they decided to create a
new range of product. After
four months of R&D they
created a range of Irish Bog
Oak Jewellery with Sterling
Silver. A unique combination
of 5000 year old Bog Oak,
traditional craftsmanship and
contemporary design. The range
comprises of 10 sets of Bog Oak
Ear Rings, 10 Bog Oak Pendants
and gents Bog Oak Cuff Links.
Celticbogwoods will roll out
the Jewellery to high end Craft Shops across Ireland next year
and export to over 160 Celtic Craft shops in North America. They
will also be adding two more employees to the payroll. For more
Kellie gets into the swing of it at The Mardyke.
Game, Set, Match
The first ping-pong-centric venue to launch in Ireland is predicted
to be the latest craze to take Cork by storm, with hundreds of
little white balls ready to take flight so limber up your tabletennis elbow, practice your backspin, blocks and counter strokes
as a new spin on Cork’s nightlife is launching at the Mardyke
Entertainment Complex. Mardyke Ping Pong offers not only a
cool night out for work-mates and friends but a less imposing
way to meet new people as you challenge them to a ping pong
show down or team-up for doubles. For bookings and more
information see
Pictured with Managing Partner Terence O’Rourke and Cork Partner Barrie O’Connell with
(centre) Aishling Lawlee (Jt. 8th Place) and Christopher Wood (Jt. 10th Place).
To submit articles for Members News to e:
Pat O'Flynn, Marymount Hospice Ball committee; Martin Kelleher, Musgrave Group , Maura
O'Brien, Marymount Hospice Ball committee; Ger Keane, Keanes Jewellers; John Mullins,
Bord Gáis and Ger Harrington, Bam Construction.
KPMG have 2 in the Top 10
Raising Funds for Marymount
Members of KPMG Cork team achieved outstanding results,
including two of the Top 10 Places in Ireland, in the 2012
Chartered Accountants Ireland Final Admitting Exams. Their
exam performance reinforces KPMG's reputation as the preferred
employer for talented graduates and the number one choice for
Irish companies in today’s challenging business environment.
This is the sixth year of the Marymount Hospice Ball and over
€400,000 has been raised. The 5 star gala fundraising dinner was
held once again in the wonderful surrounds of the Radisson
Blu Hotel. The ball is co-sponsored by Bord Gáis Energy, BAM
Contractors, Keanes Jewellers and Musgraves.
Vodafone First Operator in Ireland to Showcase 4G
while customers are on the move there will be almost no waiting
time for High Definition video and they can instantly load maps
and download apps. The acquisition by Vodafone Ireland of the
best possible combination of spectrum enables the provision of
data to urban areas and the widest mobile broadband coverage
in rural areas from 2013.
Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources Pat Rabbitte TD and Paul Ryan,
Strategy & External Affairs Director, Vodafone Ireland.
Vodafone Ireland showcased 4G for the first time in Ireland in
advance of the nationwide rollout of the service from mid-2013.
Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources, Pat
Rabbitte TD attended the 4G premiere and was the first person in
Ireland to experience Vodafone’s demonstration of the power of
4G in action.
Vodafone Ireland recently secured the largest allocation of
spectrum in the market in the ComReg Multiband Spectrum
Auction process. This will ensure the fastest possible 4G rollout to
deliver wider coverage and enhanced speeds to customers. 4G
data services will enable customers to upload work files, photos
and videos to the web up to five times faster than with existing
fixed broadband and up to ten times faster than with standard 3G
services. Customers will also enjoy download speeds over 4 times
faster than 3G and as fast as fixed broadband. This means that
Speaking at the showcase, Minister for Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte TD said, “It’s very encouraging
to see that the industry is moving so quickly to roll out the
infrastructure to bring 4G services to market in 2013 the delivery
of which is a key component of the Government’s National
Broadband Plan. It will also help maintain and boost the country’s
competitiveness. The demonstrations I have seen at the Vodafone
showcase are very exciting, the speeds that can be achieved via
4G are on par with that of next generation fixed services.”
Vodafone Ireland’s Strategy & External Affairs Director, Paul
Ryan commented, “We’re delighted that Minister Rabbitte
is the first to experience the reality of 4G before it becomes
commercially available in mid-2013. Vodafone is committed
to future investment in order to introduce innovative mobile
communications that play a central role in the daily lives of Irish
businesses and the broader community of consumers and public
service providers. We intend to provide a world class service to
our customers.”
To date, Vodafone has invested €900m in the network and will
further invest more than half a billion over the next five years to
ensure the best-in-class mobile experience in Ireland in line with
current levels of expenditure.
For further information visit
works for your business
Chamber Link
On the Move at Grandons
Cork Electronics Industry Association appoints Chairman
The Cork Electronic Industry Association (CEIA) re-elected Mr Sean Gayer as Chairman
at the CEIA’s 28th Annual General Meeting. The Association represents ICT companies
in the Cork region and was founded in 1984 by a number of CEO’s, who believed major
improvements were needed in the local infrastructure to stimulate growth in the region.
Laura O'Brien
Laura O’Brien has been appointed
Receptionist/Administrator with Grandon
Car Sales. She has a Diploma in Travel and
Tourism and has previously worked with
Shandon Travel & Swansea Cork. She has
joined us from McCarthy Commercials Ltd.
Speaking after the AGM, Sean Gayer said, “I
am honoured to be re-elected Chairman of
the CEIA, an Association with a strong history
and tradition over its 28 year existence. The
CEIA continues to play a very relevant and
important role to our members through
our regular Business Briefings and ongoing
Outreach Programmes”.
Sean Gayer is General Manager of Option
Wireless Limited, a subsidiary of Option NV,
Belgium, which is a leading innovator in the
design, development and manufacture of
wireless connectivity solutions.
Sean Gayer, Chairman Cork Electronic Industry
Prior to joining Option Wireless Limited in 2007, Sean worked for GN ReSound
Ireland Limited, a hearing healthcare company, for 12 years serving as the Financial
Director & VP Ireland Operations. He has extensive experience in the management of
manufacturing and distribution organisations. A Commerce Graduate from UCC, Sean is
a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland.
Sean Greene
Sean Greene has been appointed as
Grandon car sales Service Advisor. He
has a BA in Transport and Automobile
engineering from CIT. He has previously
worked in Abernethys Ford and has joined
us from Dungarvan Transport.
Colm O'Keeffe
Colm O’Keeffe has been appointed Junior
Sales Executive with Grandon Car Sales. He
has a BSc in Transport Management from
Cork Institute of Technology. He has joined
us from CAB Motors.
Joann McGlinchey, Regional Manager
Collins McNicholas Recruitment
Niamh McCormack, Lehane
Collins McNicholas appoint
Regional Manager
Lehane Motors appoint
Finance & Business Manager
Collins McNicholas are proud to announce
the appointment of Joann McGlinchey as
Regional Manager of their Cork branch.
Joann has been Senior Consultant/Acting
Manager in the Cork office since joining
the company in 2010. Joann commenced
her career in recruitment in London before
returning to Ireland. She holds a B.Sc. in
Nutritional Science from UCC and is a
member of the CIPD.
Lehane Motors are delighted to announce
another addition to their new team in
Wilton. The appointment is just one of 15
new jobs that have been created with the
recent opening of Lehane Motors, Wilton
the new Toyota Dealer for Cork City. The
new appointee, Niamh Mc Cormack, has
joined the Team as Finance & Business
Manager and is well known in the Cork
motor industry with close to 10 years
What the media covered
Press Releases
Cork Chamber featured in the media on a number of issues. The
topics covered included Budget 2013; Cork Chamber Business
School Graduations; Local Government funding; Eirgrid event;
Cork Chamber Christmas Lunch; Business Breakfast with Oliver
Mangan, Chief Economist AIB and CorkMeet 2013.
5th Dec
4th Dec
29th Nov
Cork Chamber responds to Budget 2013
Graduation day at Cork Business School
Government must address Local Government Funding
Press Releases and News Stories are posted on Twitter & LinkedIn and are also available on
works for your business
Chamber Link
Patrick Doyle, Membership Development Manager
e: or t: 021-4530145
We welcome the following New Members
Building Contractors/Providers
Sky Windows
Supply & installation of windows, doors,
sunrooms and conservatories. Also attic
insulation contractors
Contact: Robert Kennedy
T: (021) 4354844
CUH Charity
Designated charity for Cork University
Hospital. We fundraise for all departments
for the benefit of staff and patients
Contact: Joe Browne
T: (021) 4234529
Healthcare Provider
Bluebird Care Cork
Domicilary care company HSE approved,
that provides homecare packages for the
older person & also for people with physical
& intellectual disabilities
Contact: Don O Riordan
T: (021) 4279116
Human+Kind Ltd
Human+Kind is a breakthrough in skincare
which will change your life as much as it will
change your skin
Contact: Jeroen Proos
T: (086) 8073818
Serviced & Virtual Offices
IT Services
ADI Limited
One of the premier data communciations
providers in Ireland. We provide installations
into private and public businesses,pharm
a,manufacturing,educational +medical
Contact: Marc Tobin
T: (021) 4355430
Solicitors/Legal Services
O'Reilly and Co. Solicitors
Commercial Law firm that deals with the
area of commercial and technology and
intellectual property law
Contact: David O Reilly
T: (023) 88 21919
Oriel House Hotel Leisure Club &
Hotel with Conference & Banqueting
Facilities also Bar, Restaurant & Extensive
Leisure Club & Spa
Contact: Janice McConnell
T: (021) 4208400
Recruitment/Executive Search
Noel Recruitment Ireland Ltd
Recruiting for Temporary & Permanent
Contact: Jennifer Marshall
T: (021) 4222179
Crowleys Opticians
Opthalmic refraction of eyes. Dispenser of
spectacles including lenses, sports spectacles
& safety specatacles
Contact: Conor Crowley
T: (021) 4271351
Fully furnished, serviced offices on short or
long-term basis, Virtual Offices, Part time
offices, hot desking & meeting rooms
Contact: Emmet Foley
T: (021) 2409000
Waste Management/Recycling
Specialises in computer recycling, IT &
other office equipment disposal as well as
providing solutions for the management of
all types of waste from electrical & electronic
Contact: Valerie Buckley
T: (021) 4357163
The Perfect Christmas Gift for all...
Luxurious overnight Dinner, Bed & Breakfast with complimentary bottle of
Prosecco and Chocolate Dipped Strawberries for two people - €149.00
Dinner for Two with Wine in Bellini’s, Cork’s newest, vibrant
and most exciting restaurant - €75.00
ESPA Spa Ritual, 2 hours and 30 minutes
of pure indulgence - €75.00
These are just some of our enticing Gift Vouchers available.
View the full range on our website.
Maryborough Hill, Douglas, Cork. T: 021- 4365555 E: