PSS migration well under way


PSS migration well under way
* ** *
12 Iss
Fe ue
20 bru 1
16 ar
The news journal for SWISS employees
Liz Hasler,
Business Ticketing
Expert, PSS Project
First Boeing 777-300ER delivery
Welcome to Zurich, HB-JNA!
New Zurich Terminal E
Lounges opened
SWISS party ever
ÁgbAXjLbe^ \fc_TaaXWYbeFhaWTlŀĿ9XUehTel!Photo: Martin Stamm
Rarely has a year in our history got off to such a
start. And the events of the first few weeks of 2016
have generated a host of emotions among both
our people and the public. Our presence at the
Lauberhorn Ski Races in mid-January – great
lounge, A321 naming and spectacular flypasts
with the Patrouille Suisse – was enthusiastically
received and made major media waves. And at
the end of the month we welcomed our first Boe-
ing 777 to Zurich, an event witnessed live by hundreds of aviation fans. The same day saw the formal
opening of our spectacular new lounges in the
airport’s Terminal E. And just a few days ago we
were able to both experience our new Triple Seven
as our “SWISS People’s Plane” and welcome our
new CEO Thomas Klühr at the biggest party that
Zurich Airport has ever seen. We look back at all
these landmark events inside.
From Page 2
Lauberhorn Ski Races:
a winning combination
Major IT project
PSS migration well under way
Another milestone in our history was marked at
the end of January with the first step in the migration of our Passenger Service System – the most
vital part of our IT landscape – to the new Amadeus platform. The migration is the biggest single project we have ever undertaken, and one that
embraces a vast number of stakeholders both
within and outside SWISS. Over 200 of our peo-
ple are involved, and some 2,000 users have already been trained on the new system. And on
the night of 30-31 January the first major step was
taken with the migration of our Reservation, Inventory & Ticketing system. The Departure Control System will follow at our various stations over
the next few months.
SWISS Snow Team:
champs of Europe!
ǎJX_Vb`XgbMhe\V[;5 =A4
Zurich Airport witnessed a very special
event on the morning of
PaaXeP[^U^da©abc1^TX]VNjNjNjLJDŽDŽ4A^]XcbST[XeTahªXVWcUa^\BTPctle. Our new long-haul
twinjet performed a low
pass over the airport accomp anied by t wo
jets before landing on
— EXgb;bø`Taa
HB-JNA, the first of nine Boeing 777-300ERs that we have
ordered from the manufacturer, was greeted with loud applause as it taxied to Gate B38.
The youngest and biggest
member of our fleet had been
flown to Zurich non-stop from
Boeing’s Everett site in Washington State in the northwestern USA. And on board the delivery flight – appropriately
numbered LX 7771 – were members of our Management Board,
various media representatives
and further invitees.
The afternoon saw an official
presentation of our new longhaul twinjet in Zurich’s Hangar
3. Top SWISS customers, members of the political community, representatives of the authorities, journalists and our
business partners were all invited to come and view our new
Triple Seven.
Our Boeing 777-300ERs will
accommodate 340 passengers
in SWISS configuration: eight
in First Class, 62 in Business
Class and 270 in Economy
Class. The totally newly-designed cabin of our new fleet
flagship offers outstanding
comfort and elegance in all
three seating classes. And our
Triple Seven travellers will also enjoy wireless internet connectivity aloft. The Boeing 777
will primarily be deployed on
our routes to Hong Kong, Bangkok, Los Angeles, San Francisco, São Paulo and Tel Aviv.
After the formal welcomes,
HB-JNA was given her special
“SWISS People’s Plane” livery
featuring the faces of some
2,500 of our employees over
the weekend of 30-31 January.
After that she took off for Mallorca with around 50 pilots on
board for some extensive landing training. Our first Triple
Seven made her first commercial flight on Monday 8 February. Her destination: Geneva, where she was also keenly
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Every smartphone was out and wielded on Zurich Airport's observation
WXV^TfbheaXj_baZ [Th_gj\a]XgcTffXW!C[bgb-EXgb;bø`Taa
Photo: Martin Stamm
Photo: Alessandro della Bella
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A number of delegations headed out to join
our acceptance team at
Triple Seven. And after
some eventful days
there, they all experienced an unforgettable
— Melanie Heiniger
Our SWISS acceptance team led
by Ivan Szabo headed out to
Boeing’s Everett Factory in
mid-January to prepare for the
acceptance of our first Boeing
777-300ER, HB-JNA. Three
days before the delivery flight
they were joined by our
13-strong delivery crew, members of our top management,
invited journalists and ten
lucky SWISS competition winners. And while some worked
through all the preparations,
others enjoyed a fascinating
tour of the Boeing works.
On the evening before the delivery flight Boeing invited 150
guests to its traditional “Delivery Dinner”. And on 28 January the big day dawned. After
the ribbon-cutting and speeches by Harry Hohmeister and
Ray Conner, CEO of Boeing
Commercial Airplanes, the 56
passengers boarded our new
fleet flagship for its delivery
flight. And every one of them –
SWISS staff, media colleagues,
Boeing managers, crew and
more – savoured the moment
to the full.
Takeoff was followed by ringing applause, and even the odd
cheer. And as soon as cruising
altitude was reached the cabin
burst into activity. While some
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Boeing VIP Factory Tour: our SWISS contest winners with HB-JNB, our
checked out the new surroundings, others conducted interviews with their fellow passengers. Maître de Cabine Sabrina
Agustoni and her crew offered
impeccable service throughout; and the whole mood was
so upbeat that hardly anyone
thought of grabbing a little
Just before the flight entered
Swiss airspace on the morning
of 29 January, Captain Andi Boner announced that two Swiss
Mission completed: Markus Löhn, permanent representative of
Lufthansa Group Fleet Management in Seattle (left) and Ivan Szabo,
bhe8agel <agb FXei\VXCebZeT``X@TaTZXe!
Air Force F/A-18 fighter jets
would be escorting our Triple
Seven to Zurich. And after a
brief tour of the Swiss Alps, Andi Boner started his Zurich approach. Here the thousands
who had gathered were treated
to a low pass along Runway 16,
followed by a landing at 09:14
local time. The awestruck passengers and crew deplaned: for
many of them, it had been the
most amazing flight of their
Our media spokesman Stefan Vasic and Event
Manager Radojka Berchtold were responsible for
Top-notch facilities for premium travellers
New Zurich lounges opened
The new lounges in Terminal E at our home Zurich hub were formally
The event offered the
media and further invicTTbP©abc[^^ZPccWT
facilities, which set new
QT]RW\PaZb X] _aT
— EXgb;bø`Taa
Our Terminal E lounge complex was formally inaugurated
by our new Management Board
with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. And our new First Class,
Senator and Business Class
lounges opened their doors to
our passengers at 06:00 on
Monday 1 February. The first
guests were personally welcomed by Bruno Schlaefli, our
Head of Ground Services Product and Rahel Anderegg, the
project leader for our new
lounge complex, and were presented with a bottle of champagne.
Our new lounges set new
benchmarks in pre-flight comfort and convenience for our
premium guests. Extending
over some 3,300 square metres
Power sockets:
Mains power wiring:
over 70 kilometres
Largest mirror elements:
4.6 x 2 metres
175 in Business, 225 in Senator, 80 in First
First Class wine rack capacity:
1,000 bottles
Senator Whisky Bar:
120 different whiskies.
_bhaZXf!Photo: SWISS
and sited conveniently close to
our long-haul departure gates,
the lounges offer our First and
Business Class travellers and
our Senators a new zonal lounge
philosophy, with open areas in
which to unwind, more secluded working areas and genuine rest zones with specially-developed “relax” seating.
The culinary highlights include front-cooking zones in
which the chefs prepare selected meals before the customer’s
eyes, while the Senator Lounge
features an exclusive Whisky
Bar with over 120 different
A la carte in First
The SWISS First Lounge abandons self-service entirely in favour of an à la carte five-star
restaurant concept: the guest
can choose anything they wish
from an extensive menu, at any
time of the day.
All three lounges feature a
terrace area with great views of
the airport’s runways and of
the Swiss alpine panorama
beyond. In winter, SWISS First
guests can even enjoy fondue
or raclette on their terrace as
they take in the spectacular vistas.
Photos: Alessandro della Bella and SWISS
Voices and views
Priska Wittwer (F/A), with mother Elisabeth and father Klaus –
"I was really looking forward to seeing the new First and
livery: I love the idea that our pictures will spend a whole year
Barbara Vogel (F/A Intercontinental), with partner Daniel
Huber and mother Anna – "I’m very impressed with the spaciousness of the Economy galley: brilliant! And I love the
here, even if the space feels a little tight in the Business and
Intercontinental) – "I think it’s a really modern and good-looking
all the space on board has been cleverly used, in the cabin and
;Taf]ŒeZ@‘__Xe– "We found the visit really interesting and
informative, and we got a good overall impression of our new
with its geographical map: very nicely done! And the cabin
Our new CEO Thomas
offers an initial message to his new SWISS
Dear colleagues and members
of the SWISS family,
It’s about two weeks now since
I took the helm at SWISS, and
I’m pleased to send my first few
words to you.
As you may know, I spent the
last eight years in charge of
Lufthansa’s Munich hub.
Throughout that time, when it
came to making major improvements, we often looked
over to SWISS. We could see
how well you were doing – not
just financially, but also operationally, as was reflected in the
levels of your customer satisfaction. So I’m delighted to
start my new job here, and be
part of the successful SWISS
I have a lot of respect for the
many major projects we have
set ourselves for the year
ahead. I’m convinced that
we’re working on the right
things, and that they will help
give SWISS a sound business
future. I can also tell you that
we’ll be putting a lot of energy
this year into making these
projects happen!
One huge undertaking is, of
course, the introduction of our
new Boeing 777s. We welcomed
the first of these at the end of
last month; eight more will follow. And I’m sure it’s not just
us who will be delighted to
have them: our customers, too,
will really appreciate all the extra comfort that our new longhaul twinjets will provide.
“I’m convinced that
we’re working on
the right things.”
In mid-year we’ll have a world
premiere, with the introduction of the new Bombardier
CSeries to our fleet. And we
have other major projects on
the go, too – like migrating the
rest of our Passenger Service
System to its new Amadeus
We will, of course, also continue to work on the Lufthansa
Group’s new process orientation. I know this groupwide
project is raising a few fears,
along with a number of questions. I can assure you, though,
that the business decision-making authority will still be here
in Switzerland, and SWISS will
remain an independent brand.
In fact, in some of the new
groupwide core processes we
will be taking the lead role for
the whole Lufthansa Group, in
areas where SWISS has had a
lot of success in the last few
years – like Revenue Management, where Markus Binkert
will be in overall group charge
as the new Process Owner, or
the creation of a new flight
training company for the whole Lufthansa Group, which has
been entrusted to Rainer Hiltebrand. This groupwide approach is one that we simply
have to adopt if the Lufthansa
Group is to compete effectively
against the low-cost carriers on
the one hand and the Middle
East-based airlines on the
I’m delighted to be taking over
such a successful airline. And I
would like to extend my thanks
here to Harry Hohmeister, who
did such a tremendous job, to
Rainer Hiltebrand, and of
course to you. Being able to take
over as the CEO of a successful
carrier is a far-from-frequent
opportunity in today’s air
transport world.
I hope to meet and talk with
as many of you as I can over the
next few weeks. It’s you – the
people in daily contact with our
customers, and the people involved in the processes – who
know best what’s working well
and what could be improved.
So I really look forward to your
input here!
Thomas Klühr
The biggest SWISS party ever!
7P]VPaLJPcIdaXRW0Xaport on the evening of
5aXSPhlj5TQadPahc^T]joy the biggest party in
our company’s history
and give a real SWISS
welcome to our new
— EXgb;bø`Taa
Around a third of the attendees were from our cockpit and
cabin crew corps. And we were
delighted to see over 270 of our
colleagues from outside Switzerland, who had all made the
journey to share and experience this truly landmark event.
The organizing team of Marketing Events, Internal Communications, Human Resources and our Technical Division
had done a wonderful job in
creating a party atmosphere.
The star of the show, of course,
was our brand-new Boeing 777300ER HB-JNA, now resplendent in her special livery featuring the portrait pictures of
2,500 of our people from all
parts of the company. Needless
to say, many of the attendees
spent a fair amount of time
clustered around the aircraft
trying to find themselves.
The evening was packed with
further highlights, too. They
included a Grand Tombola with
great prizes and with all ticket
proceeds going to the SWISS
Staff Foundation for Children
in Need, the ever-popular Fun
Photo corner and, of course,
the food and drinks.
Lauberhorn Ski Races
A winning combination
DžljDžNj9P]dPah^daR^\pany provided some
memorable highlights
at Switzerland’s biggest
winter sports event, culminating in two spectacular flypasts by a
freshly-named Airbus
We asked Caroline Berchtold,
our Manager Marketing Partner & Sponsoring and project
leader for the event, what’s behind the partnership and how
she experienced this year’s
ing behind our tie-up with
We’re such a natural fit! SWISS
and the Lauberhorn Ski Races
are both classic Swiss brands
that are known and admired all
over the world. And we share
the same values, too – not just
our sheer “Swissness” but also
the fact that, for all the top
quality we offer, we’re both
firmly rooted in the essentials
of the experience concerned.
That’s why we’ve been close
partners since 2012.
And what do we aim to get
Being our home country’s biggest winter sports event, the
Lauberhorn Ski Races are an
ideal platform for us to present
ourselves to people as “The Airline of Switzerland”. The Lauberhorn is a classic, and it’s
watched by tens of thousands
live and over a million on TV.
So it’s just the kind of event for
us to “tell our own stories” at.
And both sides can really benefit from the positive image
with this year’s involve\T]c.
Oh, it was a total success. And
it was wonderfully staged in so
many ways. The aircraft
naming and the flypasts were
the obvious highlights, of
course; but it was also things
like having members of our cabin crew at the official ceremonies, and our wonderful SWISS
Lounge, which had a great location above the finish area.
Read the full interview on
IT project of the decade well under way
PSS migrates!
The project to move our
Passenger Service System onto a new IT platU^a\\PaZTSP\PY^a
9P]dPahfXcWcWT\XVaPtion of our Reservation,
(RIT) system to Amadeus.
— ?h^Tf@‘__Xe
The next step in the project will
be to gradually migrate the Departure Control System (DCS)
at our various stations to the
new platform. That process will
kick off with pilot stations Amsterdam, Madrid and Miami,
and should be completed for all
70 of our stations by the end of
Switching to Amadeus
The whole undertaking was
launched at the end of 2012, in
view of the fact that our present
systems agreement with Hewlett Packard (HP) will expire
next year. After a detailed evaluation of the various options
available, the decision was
taken in February 2014 to migrate our Passenger Service
System to the Amadeus platform.
Amadeus is already used by
Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines, and the project set out to
put a particular emphasis on
addressing customer needs in
terms of the entire Lufthansa
Group. The project is also being
conducted in partnership with
our sister group carrier Brussels Airlines, which was in a
similar position with regard to
The decision to go with Ama-
ŁĿ=TahTelľĿ-ľľ-V_bfXVb__TUbeTg\baUXgjXXaFJ<FF5ehffX_f4\e_\aXfTaW4`TWXhf!Photo: Didier Arnold
deus was the starting gun for
an entire PSS programme with
16 sub-projects. And while the
initial “pre-project” had been
conducted by a core team of 17,
the project proper expanded to
involve over 200. It is a massive undertaking. And it all has
to be done, of course, in parallel with our day-to-day business and operations, and also
alongside further major current projects such as the acquisition of our new Boeing 777s
and Bombardier CSeries aircraft.
The project team has defined
and developed the entire requirements for the new PSS
and its 200 interfaces to peripheral systems. Three trial migrations were also performed
in the second half of last year,
to practise the cutover in detail
and minimize errors. And since
last September up to 2,000
people have been trained all
over the world to use the new
systems, and the new SWISSRes sales GUI in particular.
After an intensive “final
sprint” last month, the RIT cutover to Amadeus was effected
on the night of 30-31 January.
The RIT team is now working
closely with Amadeus to activate further functions and rectify any problems. And on 16
February the DCS team will
start migrating its 70 stations
to Amadeus in a programme
that should be concluded by
the end of June.
“We’re very proud of what
we’ve achieved to date,” says
programme director Guido
Ruther. “And we’d like to say a
big thank-you to everyone
who’s been involved for all your
commitment and support.”
ŁĿ=TahTelľŅ-ľľ-g[XFB4gXT`\a5TfX_TYgXeg[XZb _\iXWXV\f\ba!Photo: Katrin Gordon (Lufthansa
Thomas Benz, Project Manager
Photo: Lukas Wirth
Happy with the progress: Fredy
Photo: Lukas Wirth
FlfgX`V[XV^ bhgWhe\aZVhgbiXea\Z[g!Photo: Lukas Wirth
TaWCeTfTag[>e\f[aTa^hggl!Photo: Lukas Wirth
SWISS Snow Team
Well received, well established
Last summer we introduced our new European fare concept, to
even better address individual travellers’
to date!
— 6Tg[Xe\aX6beaTm
Our SWISS Snow Team
are the European team
champions! And Stefanie Annen is the individual champion of Europe
in the giant slalom, the
slalom and the combination.
The new fare concept that we
launched on 23 June 2015 enhances our competitiveness in
Europe as part of our SWISS
journey to become the NextGeneration Airline of Switzerland. Overall the new concept
has been well received by our
customers, and the first few
sales months have been above
expectations. We have also paved the way here for our Lufthansa Group partners Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines: they
followed our example, adopting the new concept for travel
from October.
ment at Hub Zurich at all
ground touchpoints (including
the gate) has increased by
reservations on top of Classic
and Light fares sold every week.
When adopting the new fare
concept we have also improved
our customers’ online booking
›9pk_\\e[f]ĶĴĵĹfm\iĽĴf] experience. Our new booking
our European passengers were path on is easy to unflying with the new concept.
derstand, is widely acknowl› Fli dfjk gfglcXi ]Xi\j Xi\ edged as an innovation in our
Classic and Light, which are se- industry and has been a key
lected in almost equal propor- factor in generating the hightions by the majority of our cus- est possible upsell to Classic
and Flex fares. The new pre›Fe\`eÓm\C`^_kgXjj\e^\ij flight email is also well estabbuys a first bag on top. So only lished as an important commuone third of all customers fly nication and an additional
Light without any checked bag- sales touchpoint. This year we
will further improve the attracgage.
›8k?lYQli`Z_XeXm\iX^\f] tiveness of the Flex fare for the
three to four bags per flight are very important segment of
collected at the gate for over- business travellers flying in
size/overweight reasons.
Economy, by adding further
›Fli\oZ\jjYX^^X^\\eZXj_- benefits.
Operational measures
On the ground operations front
we have established additional
carry-on baggage checkpoints
and implemented encashment
at the gate at various airports,
including Zurich and Geneva.
We have also strengthened
ground staffing in Zurich for
flights with high seat load factors and/or a high proportion
of Light passengers.
Our operational key performance indicators (such as our
Crew Reports) and independent measurements of the size
and numbers of carry-on baggage items confirm that the actions we have taken in connection with the introduction of
our carry-on-only fares have
proven successful. But further
carry-on baggage-related
measures are also being evaluated.
It was Scandinavian Airlines
who hosted this year’s ASCA
European Alpine Skiing Championships, which were held in
Trysil, Norway from 28 to 31
January. Trysil is the country’s
biggest ski resort, and it proved
a wonderful setting for this
year’s slalom and giant slalom
competitions for European airlines.
On the two race days of two
runs each, our strong 15-member SWISS Snow Team competed against SAS, Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines and others. In the
men’s slalom and giant slalom
SAS racer Martin Fjellberg, a
former junior world champi-
on, was in unbeatable form,
though our own Patrick Heiz (of
our Technical Division) and
Christian Daisenberger (Cockpit) came second and third. In
the women’s events our cabin
crew member Stefanie Annen
was equally invincible, while
fellow cabin crew member Nicole Haldi came second. A
SWISS one-two!
The excellent individual results gave our SWISS Snow
Team their first European team
title for 12 years! So well done
to you all, including further
team members Carla Loretan
(4th in slalom and giant slalom), Sabine Buchner (5th in
giant slalom and 6th in slalom),
Manuela Durussel, Wolfgang
Bayer (6th in slalom and giant
slalom), Daniel Zürcher and
Roger Weber.
And many thanks as always
to our partners SWISS, Kjus
and Emosan for their constant
Sabine Buchner
Photos: Sabine Buchner
A SWISS Welcome
Be a personal SWISS ambassador!
Our international SWISS
competition will reach a
high point in early
March when the guests
from all over the world
arrive in Zurich!
Would you like to be part of "A
SWISS Welcome"? As a personal
SWISS ambassador, you choose
whom you welcome at the airport and accompany to his or
her hotel (to be allocated) in
Zurich. The cost of public
transport from the airport to
the hotel will of course be paid
by SWISS Marketing.
As a thank-you for your help,
you'll be invited to attend the
The three fastest men: Patrick Heiz (SWISS), Martin Fjellberg (SAS) and
Welcome Event at the Restaurant Uto Staffel in Zurich. This
welcome celebration for our international guests, their Swiss
hosts and all SWISS helpers
promises to provide a memorable evening with culinary delights, musical entertainment
and many Swiss highlights! This
event will be held on Friday evening 4 March or Friday evening
11 March, depending on your
guest's arrival date.
More information on My
Health Management
In our last Airmail we
who you are” aspect of
our Ten Steps for MencP[ 7TP[cW CWXb cX\T
we’re focusing on the
importance of relaxacX^]B^fTPbZTS^da
he deals with this.
— Barbara Schmid
Roland, how do you relax
after a tough day at work?
Sport and exercise are my main
methods here. I find it really
helps to go jogging two or three
evenings a week. In winter, I
run a route of ten kilometres or
so, from Bülach to Winkel and
back. It really helps me switch
off, and it’s often when I get my
best ideas, too. I also find that
good music will help me relax.
And how do you achieve
really deep relaxation?
Breathing exercises: that’s a
kind of “mini-meditation” for
me. I breathe consciously in,
hold my breath for a moment
and then slowly breathe out.
Each cycle takes about ten to
fifteen seconds. If you want,
you can also say something positive while you’re doing it, like
“Inner calm, outer strength”. I
also make a point of breathing
right into my stomach: when
we’re under stress we’ll often
only breathe into the top of the
lungs. So I practise this deep
breathing whenever I think of
How do you build breaks or
moments of relaxation into
your working day?
When I was a student I would
almost always have a “power
nap” over lunch. I can’t do that
any more, sadly, but I think it
basically makes a lot of sense.
In my current job, going down
to the staff restaurant and having a coffee is a moment of relaxation. Or the time in the
evening, when most people
have gone home and the place
is really quiet.
When you go on vacation,
^É P]S[TPeTh^daf^aZ
That’s very difficult with
today’s technology, because
you’re always contactable. I
think we all need to discipline
ourselves better here: in days
gone by, when we weren’t always reachable, things still
worked! So when I’m on a ski
vacation, for instance, I try to
spend just ten minutes each
evening checking my emails. I
also deliberately plan my first
two days back after vacation to
ensure that I can work through
all the mails. That helps me get
back into things. And here, of
course, I’m lucky to have the
great support of my assistant
Do you have any relaxation
tips that you’d like to pass
Well, last year, after almost 25
years in the business, I did
give myself my first-ever longer “time-out” over the whole
school summer holidays. It was
quite an experience being able to be with my kids from
morning till evening. It really
refilled the tank, and I can
warmly recommend it.
What would you advise our
people to do at times of major stress?
Ask yourself again and again
what’s really important at the
end of the day. And it’s two
things: health and happiness.
That helps see things in a better perspective. It’s not always
easy to do – as I find, too – but
if you keep regularly asking
yourself this fundamental
question, then you’re halfway
PMR, yoga and massage
Are you familiar with the
various relaxation options
and opportunities that we
offer at SWISS? Check them
out at
healthcare. You’ll also find
all the dates for our free
introductions to Progressive Muscle Relaxation in
February on MySWISS.
SWISS management doubles the proceeds
sponsors, we had over
give away at the tradicX^]P[QT]T©cc^\Q^[P
organized as part of the
Every single one of the tombola tickets was sold in under
three hours, generating a total
of 30,000 Swiss francs. In an
extremely generous gesture,
the SWISS management has
added the same amount again,
bringing the final sum to
60,000 francs.
The proceeds will go in full to
the SWISS Staff Foundation for
Children in Need, and have been earmarked for a kindergarten in Harar, Ethiopia, a project
to be completed in partnership
with SOS Children's Villages.
Peter Laasner, President of
the SWISS Staff Foundation, is
delighted with the result of this
extremely successful tombola:
"I would like to thank everyone
who bought tickets, as well as
all the helpers for their support.
My sincere thanks are also due
to the sponsors for their generosity in donating such fantastic prizes. A very special thankyou, also, to the SWISS management for its spontaneous and
exceptionally generous gesture
in doubling the proceeds. With
the money generated by the
tombola and the donation by
the SWISS management, we can
now look forward to completing
the entire project in Ethiopia –
we can all be very proud of what
we have achieved!"
Reto Schmid, Head of Human
Resources, adds: "The SWISS
Staff Foundation makes an important contribution to the
well-being of children around
the world. The SWISS management fully supports the initiatives taken by this foundation
run by our own employees and
has therefore decided to double the proceeds generated by
the tombola."
Party guests who bought tickets were in with a chance to
win some great prizes including
Lalique vases, a Kjus jacket, a
night at the Park Hyatt in Zurich, vouchers for VIU sunglasses and a Victorinox wristwatch. We would like to express
our sincere thanks to all our
sponsors for their very
generous support.
Head of Human Resources Reto Schmid hands the President of the
G High Five
"The PSS team is absolutely fantastic!"
— Monica Danuser and Karin Burgos
Nicu Georgian Fruja, Senior Manager Revenue Management Strategy
and Operations Research and his wife Karin became proud parents on
Our colleagues Wolfgang and his wife Didem Zudrell also became
XkcXe\XaVXTfTg\V^XgfcXV\T_\fg!Photo: Karin Burgos
Liz Hasler, the PSS (Passenger Service System) cutover
from hp to Amadeus went
entirely as planned at the
end of January. Congratulations on a job well done!
How do you feel now and
how many night shifts did
you have to work?
I admit I'm really tired, but also very happy with the result!
The past few months have
been very busy: we had to stay
fully focused and concentrated
right up to the cutover. I knew
the old system inside out, of
course, but the new system was
a complete mystery at first. It
took a lot of hard work. But
there was only one night shift,
luckily – during the night of the
actual "cutover", when we had
to get the system testing finished. But we certainly clocked
in brief
Liz Hasler, 48, did her apprenticeship with Swissair.
She later worked in sales in
Geneva and Basel before
returning to Zurich. Her
specialist area is ticketing,
and she has occupied executive positions in sales
and consulting. Liz has two
children, aged 15 and 11.
She works in our Passenger
Care Centre and spends
two days a month on the
SWISS ticket desk at Zurich
up a lot of overtime, spent
mainly on the complex job of
clarifying all the details before
the actual cutover.
“It was a privilege
to be part of this
What exactly did the cutover
involve and what was your
job in particular?
I joined the PSS team in midMarch 2015, initially for three
months. My job is to make
sure that the solutions we propose - in relation to ticketing,
services and travel documents
- conform to SWISS requirements when used on the Amadeus system. My main responsibility was ticketing. I was
asked to study the Amadeus
Ticket Changer (ATC) function
and make it "operational" for
How do you feel about the project as a whole?
The PSS team is absolutely fantastic. We're like a family! My
colleagues are very calm and
professional, with a wealth of
know-how between us. We
have to work with people right
across the company, liaising
with departments such as IT,
with whom we had very little
contact previously. It would have been good to have had a few
more people working on the
project. There's still a lot to do
and we don't really have
enough resources. It means
we're always stretched to the
limit trying to meet every challenge. There were times when
we doubted it could actually be
done. So we're all the more
proud and grateful amongst
ourselves that we managed to
complete the cutover successfully. I have to admit we were a
little sad to switch off the old
system at the end of January.
What's your normal role at
I spent eight years with Policies
& Procedures, where I was responsible for our sales guidelines (for ticketing in particular). I transferred to our Passenger Care Centre (PCC) at
the OPC in February 2015 (Irregularity Operation Management).
So what are you looking forward to doing now that you
have a bit more free time
Free time? You're kidding! No,
OK, I'm only joking. Well, I'm
going skiing soon, for two
Read the full interview on My
Next up
Liz Hasler would like to see
an interview with someone
from Strategic Procurement.
You’ll find more celebration photos on My SWISS.
New Year's Resolution
I never make them.
Of course!
New Year‘s
Not at all!
Well, yes and no...
Next question:
How do you like our "SWISS People's Plane"?
You can give us your answer via My SWISS or the app
SWISS line pilots have
time! The milestone ocRdaaTSPcDžNJ)DŽlj^]Džnj
fell to our Chief Flight
Instructor Captain Dani
Nater and Technical Pilot Captain Axel Michelis.
— Monica Danuser
Twelve of our future Bombardier CSeries pilots have just
completed three weeks of flight
training in Montreal on the
Bombardier CSeries, our new
European twinjet. The group
were warmly welcomed by Fred
Cromer, Bombardier’s President Commercial Aircraft and
Rob Dear, the company’s Vice
President CSeries, and were
well looked after by “Our Man
in Montreal”, Senior Manager
Aircraft Deliveries Gian Caligari.
Following on from last
summer’s training in Zurich
and Montreal, this latest training tranche featured two days
of technical training, eight
hours in the simulator and
another six hours on the first
production CS100. All in all the
training saw 154 landings performed and 70 hours of flying
experience accumulated. “The
whole thing was really well prepared by Bombardier,” says Peter Koch, our Bombardier CSeries Programme Manager. “And
for a while our SWISS team was
a firm fixture in Mirabel!” Also
Bombardier Chief Pilot Esteban Arias was very excited and
impressed by the flying skills of
our SWISS pilots.
All the flying went according
to plan, with a Bombardier flying instructor in the righthand seat and a safety pilot and
a test flight engineer in the
cabin. Each flight featured two
SWISS pilots, one in the lefthand seat and the other in the
Our people, who are coming
to the CSeries from Avro, Airbus or Embraer equipment,
were very impressed with the
new CS100: “easy to fly”, “intuitive”, “great aerodynamics”
and “good automation support” were just a few of the
comments heard. They also
warmed to the cockpit avionics,
Photos: Bombardier
especially the airport moving
maps and the large navigation
Watch the video of the first
flight by SWISS pilots on the
CS100 on My SWISS.
Umfassend und exklusiv: der
Versicherungsschutz von Helvetia –
auch wenn zuhause mal der
Tiefkühler ausfällt.
Rundumschutz dank dem kostenlosen
«all risks»-Zusatz.
Nach der Rückkehr aus unseren Ferien
bemerkten wir, dass die Tiefkühltruhe
wegen eines technischen Defekts ausgestiegen und abgetaut war. Wir fragen
uns, ob wir tiefgekühlte Pizzen und Filets
eigentlich versichern könnten?
Mit «all risks» können Sie aber noch viele weitere
Risiken abdecken. Fällt beispielsweise Ihre Fotokamera auf einer Reise aus der Tasche und wird
dabei beschädigt, wird der Schaden ebenso beglichen wie der Reisekoffer mit Inhalt, der auf dem
Weg zu Ihrer Feriendestination verloren geht.
Ja, das können Sie bei Helvetia tatsächlich.
Und als SWISS-Mitarbeitende sogar kostenlos.
In Ihrer Helvetia Hausratversicherung ist die
Zusatzdeckung «all risks» gleich eingeschlossen.
Damit ist der Inhalt Ihrer Tiefkühltruhe in solchen Fällen versichert.
Zugegeben, solche Schäden können rasch die
Grenze von 2000 Franken überschreiten, bis zu
welcher diese Versicherung ohne Zusatzprämie
abgeschlossen werden kann. Gegen einen geringen Aufpreis lassen sich auch höhere Schadensummen versichern.
Ihre Schweizer Versicherung.
So geniessen Sie mit Helvetia rund um die
Welt einen umfassenden, auf Ihre Bedürfnisse
zugeschnittenen, Schutz. Sichern Sie sich dieses exklusive Angebot und lassen Sie sich direkt
von unserem Team zu den weiteren Vorteilen der
Angebote für SWISS-Mitarbeitende beraten.
Helvetia Versicherungen
Spezialagentur Flughafen
Operation Center 1 – Büro D1 0-218
8058 Zürich-Flughafen
Tel. 044 564 24 24 (intern 4-2424),
16 B=0?B7>CB
SWISS Pixels
Tango auf Packeis
Author, journalist and former
Swissair PR manager Urs von
Schroeder has just published
“Tango auf Packeis – Unterwegs
mit meinem Hermes-Baby”, a
500-page account of his many
travels all over the globe, for
work and for pleasure. His
journey is always a search for
himself, too; and it’s one that
he takes the reader on to intriguing effect.
We have three copies of “Tango
auf Packeis” to give away in our
prize draw. If you’d like to win
one, just send an email with the
subject “Packeis” to airmail@ by Monday 29 February. Good luck!
Urs von Schroeder
Tango auf Packeis
Edition Leu
CHF 39.00
ISBN 978-3-85667-136-1
SWISS Magazine city guides
Mumbai, San Francisco, Tel
Aviv …? For the first time ever,
we have compiled all nine of
the popular city guides that
were featured in last year’s
SWISS Magazines into an exclusive reference work. The
result: an invaluable collection
of top travel tips for hotels, restaurants and cultural attractions, all locally researched for
you! Be sure to obtain your co-
py of this brand-new travel guide – aboard our flights (longhaul), or at
We have 20 city guides to give
away in our prize draw. If you’d
like to win one, just send an
email with the subject “city
guide” (German or English) to by Sunday,
28 February. Good luck!
Do you have a great picture you’ve taken? FXaW\ggbT\e`T\_3fj\ff!Vb`
You’ll find more SWISS Pixels on My SWISS.
Mit emosan ins Iglu-Dorf
Wärmewäsche so cool – das ist unser Motto. Wer passt dazu
nicht besser als die coolsten Iglu-Hotel-Resorts der Bergwelt?
Aus Schnee und Eis mit Bar, Restaurant und Wellness – perfekt
um die Wärmewäsche vor Ort gleich auszuprobieren.
und gewinnen
Finden Sie die drei Unterschiede?
Unter allen richtigen Einsendungen verlosen wir:
1. Preis
Fondue-Plausch für
vier Personen im Iglu-Dorf
2. + 3. Preis Hoodie, Kappe und Nierenwärmer
Haben Sie alle Fehler im Bild gefunden?
Mailen Sie uns Ihre Lösung an bis zum 22. Februar 2016.
emosan ch