WHEN WHO WHAT WHERE - Axé Capoeira Vancouver
WHEN WHO WHAT WHERE - Axé Capoeira Vancouver
Axe Capoeira vancouver annual summer event REGISTER NOW AT AXEVANCOUVER.COM #abc2016 WHEN WHO WHAT Saturday July 30, 12 PM - 5 PM Authentic Afro-brazilian cuisine, sights, sounds, dancing, clothing—the largest event of its kind in Canada! WHERE Granville Street THANKS TO OUR PARTNERS: PHOTO CREDIT: CBRPHOTOGRAPHY.CA Special guest : Mestre Barrao WHY SPONSOR? Reasons to get involved 1. Reach a broad audience. GranvilleStreet, withestimatedfoot trafficof 50,000pedestrians onweekends, is theplacetopromoteyour brand. TheAfro-BrazilianCarnaval brings thecolours, music, andmovements of Brazil toVancouver, attractinga widevarietyof spectators andparticipants. Weall remember theenergyof GranvilleStreet duringtheOlympics. This is your opportunitytohelp that energycontinueandpromoteyour brandthroughanenergetic, family-friendlyevent intheheart of our city. 2. Support your community and the revitalization of East Vancouver. AxéCapoeira’s Vancouver academyis proudtobeintheheart of Vancouver’s Eastside, addingBraziliancultureandour uniqueenergytothevibrant artisticcommunityinthis neighbourhood. Capoeira is a challengingand imaginativeart formthat has hada positiveimpact onyouthacross theglobe. Your support of theAfroBrazilianCarnaval will helpus continuetogivebacktoour communityhereinVancouver. 3. Connect to a growing number of young capoeira enthusiasts. Fromhumblebeginnings, theart of capoeira has capturedtheinterest of bothartisticandsportingcommunities. AxéCapoeira has beenfeaturedonseveral hit televisionseries includingSo You Think You Can Dance Canada, America’s Next Top Model, andThe Ultimate Fighter. AxéCapoeira is regularlyseenonsocial media channels— a spectacular 20-secondMMAknockout onYouTubehasreceivedover 20millionviews. Withitsincreasing popularityamongyoungadults, capoeira provides anideal avenuefor anybrand. 4. Exciting media opportunity: Vibrant colours, cultural traditions, and athleticism. Media sponsors will havetheopportunitytocapturetheexcitement of Brazil’s Carnaval andtherich historyof capoeira intheheart of downtownVancouver. Videographers andphotographers will beable toshowcasetheir artisticabilities byshootingspectacular flips, kicks andacrobatics andthevibrant colours of samba andthetraditional Afro-Braziliandances of Northeast Brazil. CONTACT US Julie Ali Manager AxéCapoeira 604.761.4635 shows@axecapoeira.com WHO WE ARE Background and Objective AxéCapoeira originatedinRecife, Brazil in1982andopenedthefirst-ever capoeira academy inCanada in1996. BasedinVancouver, BC, theorganizationtodaycontinues toriseas oneof theworld’s leadingschools of capoeira. Withits internationallyhighstandards of teachingandtrainingstudents, AxéCapoeira has seensteadyenrolment increaseover theyears, toa current total of approximately 10,000students inover 30countries aroundtheworld. Students andinstructors fromAxéCapoeira travel internationallytoparticipateincapoeira workshops, competitions, andperformances. Thegroupis knownfor promotingthehistory, music, art andculture of Brazil throughinteractiveandeducational capoeira demonstrations featuredinpublicor for other organizations. AlthoughAxéCapoeira celebrates theAfro-Brazilianculture, it represents muchmorethanthat. Inthe last 25 years thegrouphas performedat various events helpingtobringthecityof Vancouver together. It is aninclusivegroupdedicatedtopreservingtheroots andtraditions of capoeira, as well as celebrating thediversityof Vancouver. AxéCapoeira is committedtothecommunity, andsince1990has beena travelinggroupinCanada. Bytouringschools across BC, includingthoseinremoteareas, members haveshowna deepcommitment tosharetheir knowledge. Ensuringthat a percentageof yearlyperformances aredonatedtothe community, AxéCapoeira alsocollects clothes, musical instruments anddonations frommembers andstudents togivetochildrenbothat homeandabroadinBrazil. Inadditiontoencouragingandteachingtheart of capoeira across theglobe, AxéCapoeira has released eight internationallyacclaimedmusicCDs, annual performanceDVDs, anda four-volumeinstructional DVDset. AxéCapoeira works toensurea strongfuturefor capoeira. Throughresearch, travel, hosting events, andnetworkingwithother capoeira organizations inBrazil andinternationally, AxéCapoeira aims toincreasethegroup’s ownknowledgeof capoeira whilecontributingtotheart’s evolutionintheworld. Philosophy Thephilosophyof AxéCapoeira is basedonrespect for capoeira Mestres, thosewhodevoted their lives tobuildinguptheart beforeus; onthepreservationof thehistorical roots andtraditions of capoeira; andonpracticingcapoeira inall its aspects: martial, aesthetic, andcultural. Instructors teachstudents ina waythat will encouragepositive, healthygrowthincapoeira, deliveringbothphysical andmental trainingsothestudent will becomea well-roundedcapoeirista andindividual. CONTACT US Julie Ali Manager AxéCapoeira 604.761.4635 shows@axecapoeira.com Thegoal of capoeira is for thetwoplayers tocreateandmaintaina physical andpsychological dialogue, inwhichstudents learnhowtocreateandrespondtosituations, withinthegameof capoeira andinlife situations outsideof capoeira. Byengagingwithbothfriends andopponents students developflexibility of thinking, anopenness to-others, andanappreciationfor differences andmulticulturalism.