April 2013 - Cloverdale
April 2013 - Cloverdale
April2013 The Chamber moves forward on two major projects: Chamber of Commerce Website Redesign The Chamber and Visitor Center website, currently found at the City of Cloverdale site (www.cloverdale.com) under the Business tab is undergoing a complete redesign. First and foremost, the site will be separate from the City thereby allowing the Chamber staff to control and edit the content. Secondarily, the Chamber Board felt that by becoming a stand-alone site, the Chamber could be er direct traffic into its three main focal areas: Our Community, Tourism, and Chamber ac vi es and offerings. Another main component of the website will be a robust, comprehensive community calendar. “We are developing an online calendar for Cloverdale capable of handling not only Chamber events, but all of the local organiza on events” said Board President Dave Holt. “It can include school, athle c, city, civic and community service organizaon ac vi es if those groups want to provide the input into the calendar. The calendar will have search func onality allowing someone to search for all say performance art entries, or music entries, or wine… and so on.” The Chamber has contracted with Kreck Design for the site a er reviewing poten al companies. The current projected comple on date is the beginning of June. There will be sponsorship opportuni es for the new website: Major Sponsor - $50/month; Secondary Sponsor - $30/month; and, Enhanced Business lis ng (which will include a picture of your business and a business descripon) $3/month. (All these prices are for Chamber members). If you are interested in adver sing on the website, call Robin Wilkerson at 894-4470. Cloverdale Sign The Cloverdale Chamber of Commerce and the City of Cloverdale are going to be erec ng a new welcome to Cloverdale sign in the upcoming months. The sign’s design follows the parameters laid out in the Cloverdale Brand Report, which was completed in 2008. It is highly visible and clear and will have space for two banners adver sing local events and ac vi es. It will be located on Highway 101 just north of the former Lampson Tractor site. The funding for the sign comes from a grant from the Sonoma County Adver sing Program whose source of funds is the Transient Occupancy Tax (aka the Hotel/Motel Tax or Bed Tax). Once the sign is in place contact the Chamber regarding the banner policy. Below is a mock-up of the sign. (Please note it is subject to change.) Business News By Neena Hanchett Reprinted with permission from the Cloverdale Reveille. Business Briefs submissions may be emailed to chamberamin@cloverdale.com. Bear Republic Brewing Company is adding Black Racer, a black IPA, to its seasonal bottled offerings. It received a 2012 World Beer Cup Gold Award in the American Style Black Ale Category and a bronze medal the year before at the 2011 Great American Beer Festival. Brewmaster/COO Richard “Ricardo” Norgrove and Master Brewer Peter Kruger commented, “We feel that we have put our California spin on this Pacific Northwest Style, and have the hardware to prove its place among the great.” Black Racer is described as “blending Bear Republic’s love of hops with the Pacific Northwest’s appreciation for dark ales. Our pit crew brews this award winning ale which boldly defines a new frontier of flavors and always maintains pole position Race to the Dark Side.” What, a fresh sushi restaurant in Cloverdale? Tian Yuen is now serving sushi. Come and meet Tommy Wang, the new sushi chef who was born and raised on the island of Taiwan and is a lifelong seafood lover. Wang began his career as a sushi chef at the age of 20. At 23 he came to the U.S. and after working in Santa Rosa at JoJo and Sakura Japanese Restaurants, he opened Tokyo, his own award-winning restaurant near the Hilltop Mall, located in Richmond. Because of the pressure and stress of working long hours every day of the week, Wang and his wife closed it, but rather than going back to Taiwan, he decided to stay in the U.S. Now, he will prepare and teach others how to prepare his specialties at Tian Yuen which feature his own homemade, from scratch, sauces. Plan to stop by and support this locally owned and operated restaurant, located at 421 S. Cloverdale Blvd. Call 894-5697 or visit tianyuencloverdale.com for more information. Bella Moda Hair Studio welcomes stylists Katie Wilson and Jessica Chavez and esthetician Lorraine Dixon to their team of certified cosmetologists and treatment specialists. This month receive $10 off your first-time facial with Wendy Green! Through May 31 receive a Keratin Complex Smoothing Treatment, a treatment which smooths and straightens hair and eliminates frizz, for $175. Bella Moda Hair Studio is located at 131 N. Main Street, Cloverdale. Open Tuesday-Saturday 9 a.m.- 5.30 p.m., evenings by appointment. Call 894-5546 for more information or visit www.bellamodahairstudio.com. Congratulations to Joe and Norma Ramazzotti for their first anniversary in their downtown Geyserville tasting room which they share with Brad Beard, owner and winemaker of Mercury Wines. Chamber Mixer A great group met at the Cloverdale Boys & Girls Club to check out their newly renovated kitchen, enjoy some Thai hors d’oeuvres from 101 Thai Way and wine from the Reveille’s collection. The kitchen is quite spacious with a new oven/range and commercial refrigerator. Kimberly Baldwin, of the Boys & Girls Club wanted to point that the kitchen and facility is available for rent. Elvia Osnaya, Mary Stuart, Joanne Krucker & Don Stuart. Business News Welcome New Chamber Members John’s Healing Hands Massage Studio Cloverdale Chamber of Commerce welcomes its newest member licensed massage therapist John Barnes and his John’s Healing Hands Massage Studio, located at 220 N. Cloverdale Blvd., Suite B, in the Towers gazebo plaza. He became interested in massage in the 1970s as a hobby learning from two knowledgeable therapists. “I built my practice giving a good massage at a fair price and I do 45, 75, 95 and 120 minute sessions, based on my clients’ needs. I offer discounts to regular clients based upon how often they come in. Discounts are also offered for pre-natal massage, because I think no one deserves a massage more than a woman carrying a child,” Barnes commented. John’s Healing Hands offers a 95 minute introductory massage with hot stones for $50, for clients to discover whether they like John’s style, without having to spend a lot of money. Besides relaxing deep Swedish massage, John Barnes also has techniques for repetitive use injuries, especially helpful with neck, shoulders, lower back, hips and pelvis problems. John spent eight years living in Cloverdale with his parents John and Annette Barnes, and although he has been away from Cloverdale for years, he always considered Cloverdale his home and he’s glad to be back. To make an appointment call 707-775-1027. The UPS Store Welcome owner Laura Cinollo and her staff which includes Nicole Kallen and Eric Gonzalez, who both live in Cloverdale. Gonzales is a CHS graduate. Laura also owns the UPS store in Healdsburg. Open six days a week, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays, the store offers a many services in addition to shipping. They include: wine shipping, color and black and white copy services, faxing, mailbox rentals with access to the box 24 hours/day, direct mail, printing of digital photos and photo enhancement. The store can also accept packages and large shipments. The UPS Store can also package hard to ship items such as musical instruments. “We can do everything that the post office can do and much more,” commented owner Cinollo. “We’re happy to set up an account for business services that we furnish to local companies in order to make it easy for them to do business with us,” Cinollo concluded. Ribbon Cutting Join Laura, her staff, Mayor Joe Palla, Chamber reps, the Citrus Fair Queen, and the Reveille this Friday at 5:00 pm for a Ribbon Cutting and a tour of the UPS Store. Photo opp! FurberRanchPlazaat1123S.CloverdaleBlvd.SuiteE Jonathan B. Kreger, D.P.M., FACFAS At the offices of Jonathan B. Kreger, D.P.M., FACFAS, the priority is to deliver quality care to informed paents in a comfortable and convenient se ng. Jonathan, a long me Cloverdale resident, has been the Director of the Ukiah Podiatry Group, since 1991. First ABPS Board Cer fied Foot Surgeon in Mendocino County, California. He also maintains an office in Cloverdale at The Towers (office hours are Wednesday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm). Jonathan’s philosophy is that when you have problems with your feet, you need to turn to a podiatrist who listens and responds ... an experienced doctor who knows the field and can effec vely diagnose and treat your needs ... a friendly doctor who counsels you on the best ways to maintain and improve your health. He also believes that informed pa ents are be er prepared to make decisions regarding their health and well being. To contact Ukiah Podiatry Group: Ukiah Podiatry Group 172 Washington Ave. Ukiah , CA 95482 707-462-4136 h p://www.ukiahpodiatrygrp.com Business News GoLocal, a coopera ve designed to bolster locally owned businesses Local businesses throughout the county are joining the Sonoma County GoLocal Co-op to enhance their business and to help build local commerce in Cloverdale and Sonoma County. Two Cloverdale businesses that have joined are Dolorosa Beeswax Candles and The Mail Center Etc., both downtown on Cloverdale Boulevard. Sonoma County Go Local Co-op is a cooperative of locally-owned businesses and shoppers who seek to build the local economy by shopping, eating, and banking locally and by using as much locally made or produced products as possible. Participating businesses offer “GoLocal Rewards” and many offer discounts for their GoLocal customers. Each participating business displays a window decal and is invited to attend monthly networking meeting, included in coop advertising and other special marketing campaigns. Participating businesses are also included in a GoLocal Sonoma County in-print Pocket Guide and on-line directory. At The Mail Center, Etc., GoLocal members get a 10 percent discount on certain shipping services. As a shopping member, all you need to do is sign up. “ The cost for a business membership is based on its size and revenues,” said Harry Martin, owner of Dolorosa Beeswax Candles. Started four years ago, the GoLocal Cooperative gets larger every week. The number of businesses participating and the number of shoppers grows daily. The idea is built around supporting Sonoma County owned businesses and to move “millions of dollars in local sales from globally owned corporations to locally owned businesses.” Other participating businesses that you might recognize are Redwood Credit Union, Exchange Bank, Big John’s Market among hundreds of others. Members benefit by using the GoLocal Rewards Card to obtain discounts and earn Go Local Rewards. The rewards are tracked electronically when the card is used. On a community level, spending and saving hard-earned dollars locally enhances the local community’s economic health. Export University 2013 In partnership with the United States Department of Commerce and Commercial Service, the EDB will be hos ng Export University 2013 on May 9th in Petaluma. This seminar will provide real training to give local businesses the tools they need to leverage economic recovery, and expand their markets worldwide. Topics will include: Export Logis cs Financing and Global Marke ng May 9, 2013, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Rooster Run Golf Club 2301 East Washington Street, Petaluma. Don’t miss this opportunity to a end the first event of this type in Sonoma County! A endance is only $45, and a con nental breakfast will be served. Register at sonomaedb.com Calendar - 2013 May April 12th Ribbon Cu ng for the UPS Store. Join us at 5:00 pm as we welcome the UPS Store in Furber Plaza to Cloverdale. 13th PTA Spring Dance Fundraiser, Saturday night at the Citrus Fair. The dance’s theme is “Luck 13” and will feature live music from Double Standard. Fine food will be provided by Baci Restaurant of Healdsburg, a no-host bar and silent auc on. Tickets are available at the Citrus Fair. 22nd Quicksand Tango! A staged reading of this brand new play by Tony Sciullo, presented by Cloverdale Performing Arts Center as part of its exci ng New Plays Series. Audience is invited to take part in discussion with the actors and playwright a er the reading. Admission is FREE. April 22 at 7 PM at Cloverdale Performing Arts Center Note: Play contains adult language and situa ons. 30th The Preston Colony ‐ A New Outlook. CHS Speaker Series looks at recent research that has opened a new avenue of discovery on the importance of Hartwell Preston, the husband of Emily Preston. 7:00 pm Cloverdale Performing Arts Center. 4th Cloverdale’s Old Timer Fiddle Fes val Primarily a Fiddle Contest, the Cloverdale Fiddle Fes val will also present musical performances in bluegrass and old me music on a separate stage. 9:00 am - 6:00 pm. Cloverdale Citrus Fair. Www.cloverdalefiddles.com 4th Cloverdale Airport Open House. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Free Admission 4th 18th Chamber Mixer at Barnyard Feed. 5:30 pm 19th Dead Man’s Cell Phone opens at the Cloverdale Performing Arts Center. www.cloverdaleperformingarts.org 20th Shoe Pain ng Workshop. 1:00 pm www.towersgallery.com Don’t forget live music at these local venues most Friday nights and/or weekends: Railroad Sta on, Ruth McGowan’s Brewpub and Vino di Amore. Check the calendar at www.cloverdale.com for de‐ tails. 11th 14th Annual Meals on Wheels Derby Day Experience the extravagance the Kentucky Derby® - right here in Sonoma County. Enjoy the derby fashions, fabulous l unch, SonomaCutrer wines, live and silent auc ons . Please note: Cloverdale residents receive vital benefit from the money raised. 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. Www.councilonaging.com Farm Yard Feed 2nd Anniversary Family Fun Day. Free jump house, cra s, pet pageant, pet ice cream social, prizes, raffles, free samples, Froggy radio sta on, dog & cat adop on, dog agility, pet vaccina ons, and much more. 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Www.farmyardfeed.com 12th 12th Annual Kiwanis Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast. East Gym CHS. Proceeds go to student scholarship fund. 8 - 11:30 am. $8 14th The Geysers ‐‐ Yesterday and Today Cloverdale Historical Society Spring Speaker Series . The story of the Geysers geothermal field, the world's largest, and the chain of events that en ced thousands of people, in days gone by, to visit the area for its healing proper es. Today, the energy produced from the Geysers can power a city the size of San Francisco. 7:00 pm 894-2067 Business News April Chamber Mixer Thursday, April 18th 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM In honor of their upcoming 2nd Anniversary celebration Farm Yard Feed is opening its doors to Cloverdale’s local business people. They will provide a tour of their business, tasty treats, and wines will be provided by Michel-Schlumberger Benchland Wine Estate and will be poured by Laurie Page. Farm Yard Feed is at 27705 Dutcher Creek Road. Renewing Members March 2012 Chamber Board of Directors Board Chairman Dave Holt, Agri-Comm Appraisal Services 894-9576 Chairman Elect Position Open Secretary/Treasurer Position Open Office Staff Robin Wilkerson, Manager 894-4470 Directors Kurt Kelder, Kelder Engineering Bill Lambert, Cloverdale Arts Alliance Sue Jackson, Chamber Member Patti Mannatt, Exchange Bank Ken Knight, Ken Knight Design Ted Starr, Vino di Amore 894-0862 894-4410 894-2429 894-5109 894-2520 894-6166 Visitor’s Center Matt Hetrick, Isaac Kreger & Max Sutton 894-4470 Thank you for your conƟnued support! Clover Springs Community Asscn Farmyard Feed First Bap st Church Healdsburg Property Management Healdsburg Sotheby’s Interna onal Jean Herschede & Mark Thayer KFC Cloverdale Redwood Empire Disposal Rotary Club of Cloverdale Tian Yuen Restaurant MISSION STATEMENT Cloverdale Chamber of Commerce works to be a progressive and successful chamber of commerce providing the momentum for the business community to succeed and prosper in Cloverdale. This will be accomplished through emphasis on proac ve member sa sfac on, a strong and progressive voice for business, useful networking opportuni es for our members, a posi ve rela onship with government and suppor ng community economic vitality. 126 N. Cloverdale Blvd, Cloverdale CA 95425 (707) 894-4470 chamberadmin@cloverdale.com www.Cloverdale.com Business News Business News Cloverdale’s Old Time Fiddle Festival Announces On Stage Music Line Up Downtown Cloverdale will rock on May 4 & 5 when the Old Time Fiddle Festival comes to town at the Citrus Fairgrounds. Primarily a Fiddle Contest, the Cloverdale Fiddle Festival will also present musical performances in bluegrass and old time music on a separate stage. Featured on Saturday May 4: The Oak Grove String Band, Radio Ramblers, The Roustabouts, Dan Levenson & Bob Carlin and Debby McClatchy. On Sunday May 5: Dan Levenson & Bob Carlin, Debby McClatchy, the Kathy Kallick Band, and the Charlie Poole Workshop with Debby McClatchy. New this year will be contest divisions for youth and adult mandolin and guitar. Since 1975 musicians have traveled to Cloverdale to compete in the fiddle contest, show off their skills in impromptu jamming groups and trade tunes at this family-friendly event. The contest began as a way to celebrate and help preserve Old Time music, while raising funds to support the Cloverdale Historical Society. Today it is a favorite stop on the fiddle contest circuit for fans and musicians alike. The intense 2-day festival also offers workshops, handmade crafts, food, beer and wine. 101 Thai Way and Hamburger Ranch will provide fabulous food. Downtown Cloverdale offers wine tasting, art galleries, Historic Gould-Shaw House & History Center, coffee shops, restaurants and beer pub. Come early on Friday and catch impromptu jam sessions around town. For more information on B& Bs and lodging, visit www.cloverdale.net. The 38th Annual Cloverdale Fiddle Festival is the major fund raiser for the Cloverdale Historical Society, Historic Gould-Shaw House & History Center. It is brought to you by this year’s major sponsor, Lagunitas Brewing Company and by the generous support of sponsors, supporters and volunteers. For more information visit www.cloverdalefiddles.com or call the Society office at 894-2067 or email fiddlers@cloverdalehistory.org. The Cloverdale Old Time Fiddle Festival will be held on Saturday, May 4 and Sunday, May 5, 2013 from 9 am to 6 p.m. at the Citrus Fairgrounds, Citrus Fair Drive, in Cloverdale, CA, just north of Healdsburg. Tickets are available at the door. No advance ticket sales. Tickets are $13.00 per day or $25.00 for both days. RV hook-ups are available by reservation. Genre: Fiddle Contest, Old Time and Bluegrass performances by familiar and new performers from across the country. For more information contact Mark Hogan, Event Director at (707) 829-8012 or Elissa Morrash, Event Coordinator at (707) 894-2067 or fiddlers@cloverdalehistory.org Business News FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Applica ons open for Leadership Training Class SONOMA COUNTY – Applica ons are now being accepted for the 2013-2014 cohort of Leadership for a Sus‐ tainable Future, a 10-month course for those who want to make a difference in their communi es and beyond. Offered by the Leadership Ins tute for Ecology and the Economy, the program addresses key sustainability issues in California and the North Bay while exploring varied perspec ves on leadership. Alison Healy, Execu ve Director of Solar Sonoma County, is a Fellow of the Ins tute, gradua ng in 2012. "The Leadership Ins tute program is a unique and excep onal way to learn the tenets of responsible business and how to effect change through public policy," said Healy. "This program will forever affect your vision of how you can contribute to society – no ma er what you do." Mee ng once a month for a full day, the inspiring curriculum prepares par cipants to take on leadership roles in community, business, and civic arenas by providing a solid founda on in understanding local and regional environmental, social and economic strengths, opportuni es, and challenges. Sam Ruark, the Energy & Sustainability Coordinator for the County of Sonoma, is also an Ins tute Fellow. According to Ruark: "Through the Leadership Ins tute I was able to see how the important issues of our me such as energy, water, health, agriculture, land use, transporta on, and the economy are woven together in Sonoma County. And it was awesome to meet the local leaders crea ng community solu ons for a more healthy, just, and ecologically vibrant world." Tui on for the Leadership Training for a Sustainable Future is based on a sliding scale from $750 to $2,000. A 5 percent discount is offered to those who apply by May 1, 2013. Classes are held on the first Friday of each month from September 2013 to May 2014. Applicants to the program are chosen based on their poten al for serving in a leadership role, their Interest in contribu ng to community development, an ability to inspire others, a commitment to personal and professional growth, and a dedica on to sustainability. Applica ons are available now online at www.ecoleader.org Discover how your own daily ac ons can enhance your life, your community, and ul mately our world! th 55 5 ST, Suite 300A, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 707‐578‐9133 www.ecoleader.org