Cumberland Valley Quilters Association


Cumberland Valley Quilters Association
Cumberland Valley Quilters Association
Cumberland Valley
Quilters Association
Established 1981
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
First Presbyterian Church, Franklin, TN
President -
Assembly: 9:30 a.m. Meeting: 10:00 a.m.
Connie Spector
Program: Bernice Stokes, “Quilts with Bible Names”
1st Vice President—
Guest Fee is $10.
Joyce Oberle
Workshop: No Workshop
Hospitality: Joyce Bell, Wilma Ford, Donna Miller, Diane Effinger, Pam Olds, Robin Stacy, Janice Mockmore, Carol Fisher,
Ellen Lockamy, Annalee Pinnegar, Sue Giblin
Door Prizes: Mary Dono.
2nd Vice PresidentMember Services
Irene Neilan
Membership Desk: Barbara Lowe, Lois Bergmann, Irene
Jill Albrecht
Welcome: Jill Albrecht and Kim Lance.
Kim Lance
Evening Stars: August 16, 2016
Board Meeting: Monday, August 1, at 10:00 a.m. at Connie
Spector’s house.
Correspondence Secretary—Newsletter
Anne Dougherty
Greetings ladies,
August is almost here and it has
already been as hot as blue-blazes.
Wonder where that saying came
from? Ha!, I looked it up on
Google and here you go – “ it’s
well-known that the hottest fires
burn with a blue flame, so “blue
blazes” probably does, indeed,
have some connection to a very
intense fire.”
The internet is amazing, isn’t it?
You can take quilting classes,
learn appliqué, paper piecing,
almost anything and also buy any-
thing. My friend told me he
lost his credit card and I asked
him if he had cancelled the
card. He said, “No, the person
using it spends far less than my
wife did”. I think we quilters
love all the fabrics and gadgets
that come with quilting. I know
I have many of both that have
never been used.
When this Newsletter goes out,
I will probably be in Washington DC at the 2016 National
Bridge Tournament. That is
one of my other passions, playing duplicate bridge. The 2016
Spring Nationals hosted 13,967
tables that would be 56,000
participants in events. Not sure
there will be that many in
Washington but there will be
players from all over the world.
Wish me luck, and especially
my husband as he will be dogsitting with our children. Those
of you who have been to my
house know that it is the dog’s
house and they just let us live
See you on August 2.
Connie L Spector
August 2016
Special points of
Newsletter stories
for June issue due
Aug. 15, 2016. Submit to Anne
Dougherty at
Weather Policy :
CVQA will not
meet, if Williamson County schools
are closed because
of weather.
Please remember
that no children
under 8 are permitted at guild meetings.
Minutes— 2
Programs— 4
Evening Stars— 5
Block of the
Month— 6
News— 8, 9
Sewing Bees—10
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Cumberland Valley Quilters Association
President Connie Spector called the General Meeting
of the CVQA to order on Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at
10:01 a.m. A motion was made by Linda Carefelle
and seconded by Nancy Coker to approve the minutes
of the June 2016 meeting as printed in the newsletter.
The motion passed.
ing and application. She is a national speaker. There
is a fee of $40 for the workshop and a kit fee of $33
(includes paints). The workshop will be held the day
after our guild meeting.
Irene Nielan reported we have 87 today with 3 visitors. Connie Spector needs to meet with those who
There is a sign up table for the upcoming retreat to be have not been photographed. Joyce Oberle reported
held September 2. Sandy Cole was absent but asked to we need quilts to hang at the fair. The raffle quilt will
remind everyone that the Ron McDonald blocks are
be outside the room hopefully to attract visitors. The
due back by the August meeting. She also sent a note room will be locked when the fair is closed. Joyce inreporting on the retirement home visits. They were
troduced Teresa Raleigh.
well received and had a very good turnout. Everyone
enjoyed the presentation.
Door prizes were presented by Mary Dono. Show and
Tell was presented.
Valerie Curtis is passing around a signup sheet to volunteer to help at the Williamson County Fair in the
quilt room. The shifts are 2 hours at a time. Chattanooga Quilt Show- see Pat Christinson if you are interested in riding the bus. Marianne Cooley reported
there are projects to be worked on. Encouraged everyone to be working on quilts to be displayed at next
year’s quilt show.
Joyce Oberle has the July block of the month at the
back table. She would like to have a quilt show and
tell in February with finished quilts featuring the 2016
blocks of the month.
She welcomed Teresa Raleigh, our guest speaker for
today. In August, we will have a lecture only by Bernice Stokes. No workshop.
In September, we have our studio tour of 4 of our
guild members. We will have maps available showing
the locations of all the studios. They will be open for
visiting from 10 – 3 p.m. Encouraging everyone to try
and car pool if possible. It is not necessary to meet at
the church first, you may begin at a studio closer to
your home first.
In October, we will have Linda Poole as our guest
speaker. She is an artistic quilter involved with paint-
President Connie Spector adjourned the meeting at
11:39 a.m.
These Minutes are Respectfully submitted by
Kim Lance, Recording Secretary
Cumberland Valley Quilters Association
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The Soldier Quilt Committee is in need of quilters. We have a large backlog of quilt tops ready to
be quilted. At present, Soldier Quilts, Marsha Ervin & Donna Hasty, has 108 quilt tops ready for
quilting. 17 more quilt top kits are currently checked out and 22 kits are ready to be given out. So
far the committee has given out 23 quilts this year and maybe could give more if we had quilters but
at that rate we have enough tops for 3 years. I have asked Donna to hold off on making any more
quilt top kits until we can catch up. If you can help with this, I know it would be appreciated.
The Charity Quilt Committee needs quilters also. There is a large stack of quilts with batting and
binding ready to be quilted. Please consider taking home a quilt to quilt.
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Cumberland Valley Quilters Association
We have had an OUTSTANDING mix of National Speakers, Regional Talent, and Member participation this year. Please continue to support these wonderful programs provided by CVQA by attending the monthly guild meetings and also by participating in the
fun and informative workshops. Your continued support allows us to have top quality
Come listen to Bernice Stokes tell all about her "Quilts with Bible Names" at out Guild Meeting on August
2nd. It will be a delightful experience. There will not be a workshop in August. Guest fee is $10.
Registration for workshops is not official until payment is received. Payment for workshops is nonrefundable. Should your plans change, you are free to find a substitute from our waiting list. Visitor admission will be charged for Regional Speakers’ ($10) and National Speakers’ ($20) presentations at our regular
meetings. Speakers, Workshops, and events are listed below. More information will follow.
Please join us to welcome National Speaker, Linda M. Poole. Tuesday, October 4th. She will present her lecture, “A Quilted Journey Around the World.” The Workshop on Wednesday, October 5th is titled “Dragonfly
Star.” In this 6-hour workshop participants will “learn to color, blend, shade, and outline, and paint a whimsical dragonfly.” Signups will begin July 5th, Workshop fee $40, Kit fee $33. Meeting guest fee $20. For more information on Linda Poole, go to her Professional Facebook page where
you will be able to see class samples.
DECEMBER 6th: Holiday Party!!
Cumberland Valley Quilters Association
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Evening Stars enjoyed Christmas in July with Dale Trask!
August’s Evening Stars Project — Hand Applique Methods
Evening Stars meets again on August 16th. Ginabeth Young will be presenting an overview of hand appliqué methods including Hawaiian appliqué and numerous ways of doing needle-turn appliqué. This will be
an overview only - no special project. No supplies or equipment needed. If you have questions, please contact Ginabeth at
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Cumberland Valley Quilters Association
Cumberland Valley Quilters Association
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We will meet Aug 12th at the home of Hollie Hart. If you want to join us or want
more info, call Hollie at 615-791-8213. In
addition to making charity quilts, we have
lots of fun. It's too hot to be outside so why
not come and sew with us from 9:00 to
Unfortunately, the bus trip to Chattanooga was not
funded, and the bus has been canceled. Maybe those
interested could form a group and carpool. A trip to
The Missouri Star would be very costly and include a
13 or 14 hour bus trip. Therefore, no trips are currently
anticipated until the AQS Show in Paducah in April
Pat Christinson
Fall retreat September 12 -15. Last chance
to sign up at the August meeting. Check is
due at sign up to reserve your spot. Cost is
the same: Private $250 and Semi Private
$180. In the event that we do not get 25
people to sign up each person will be assessed approximately another $10 so that
we can have our lunch and dinner provided. If you are unable to attend the August
meeting your check can be made out to
CVQA and mailed to me (Rita Stapleton). Checks must be received no later than
August 23 (NO EXCEPTIONS). It is helpful if you find your own roommate, otherwise I will assign them. I also have a list of
items that we would appreciate you volunteering to bring for everyone to
share. Please help us with this by signing
up at the retreat registration table in August.
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Cumberland Valley Quilters Association
Charity Quilts will not meet during August. However,
Denise Stokes reported that there are charity quilts ready
for quilting or binding.
Carole Shean – 1
Kate Howard – 2
Mary Lou Montague – 4
Valerie Jones – 4
Phyllis Wilburn – 12
When you stop at the Soldier Quilt table during the August meeting, Charlotte Greene, Luci Pincince and Jayne
Gunther will assist you in making your selection. There
are various opportunities available to hone your quilting
skills: quilts to bind; and quilts needing quilting
"as desired" including straight line quilting, that are suited
to home machines, mid-arms and long arms. If you have
completed quilting or binding a quilt, please return it at
the August meeting. Donna is still enjoying her vacation,
so will be unavailable to receive any completed quilt tops.
June Bowman – 13
Marsha Montgomery – 13
Nancy Garrison – 14
Kitty Malois – 16
Donna Hasty – 18
Anne Dougherty – 19
Judy Sullivan – 21
Elayne Vognild - 21
Nancy Robichaux – 29
Jill Albrecht – 30
Jean Odom – 31
There will be library in August.
Many of us are participating in special interest groups,
and your Library Co-Chairs ask that each group suggest a
few books for possible addition to the CVQA Library. Please email your requests to Pat Kovalcheck
( or Carol Looney
( ) by the end of August or early
September if possible. Suggestions in writing or via
email are always welcome from any CVQA member, and
we will do our best to fill requests taking into account
current inventory and budget.
All blocks are due at the August meeting. If you are not
able to attend, please call me at 615-599-6755 or email
me at or text me at 615-5851702. Thanks! Sandy.
Cumberland Valley Quilters Association
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The Fair is coming...The Fair is coming
Williamson County Fair
I-65 at exit 61
Friday Aug 6 – Saturday Aug 13
We still have slots open for workers in the quilt room and the raffle table, especially Sat the 13th. If
you can spare 2 hours, please help. You get into the Fair free with free parking in the volunteer parking lot on Long Lane. Armbands will be available at the Aug guild meeting and the volunteer sign in
desk at the volunteer parking lot. Husbands are welcome to work with you to keep you company and
will also receive an armband.
New members...we need your help too. It’s easy, fun and you don’t need to be a quilting expert to
share your love of quilts with local people.
Thanks everyone.
Connie and Valerie
Our committee had a workday to prepare "block
kits" to pass out at the August meeting. There
will be a table set up with the kits for pick up. A
total of 29 kits will be available for members to
make. Some are pieced, others need machine appliqué. Please sign your name on a quilt list before taking the block.
Thanks to our Committee members who came to
the workday and to The Quilting Squares for
providing work space.
Ginabeth Young
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Cumberland Valley Quilters Association
The Nimble Thimbles
August 13, TVQA Assembly Day, Charlotte, TN,
members only. See
Hand piecing, hand quilting. This group meets the
third Thursday of each month, or August 18 this
month, at The Quilting Squares in Franklin from
10:00 – 2:00. Bring your project and lunch. Contact Connie Spector at if
August 19-20, Quilts in the Boro, Murfreesboro,
September 14-17, AQS Quilt Week, Chattanooga,
September 22-24, Upper Cumberland Quilt Festival, Algood, TN
For more information, please see
Sewing Bees
The sewing bees are open to all interested guild
members. If you wish to join a particular bee,
contact the person listed and express your interest
or simply attend one of the scheduled meetings!
“AA Group - Appliqué Anonymous”
This group meets at the Williamson Co. Archives
and Museum on the second Thursday of each
month from 10:00 – 2:00, August 11 this month.
The focus is on hand appliqué but you can bring
your machine if you wish to do machine appliqué.
Please no irons and no food. Contact Connie
Spector at if interested.
“Beaded Ladies” - Crazy Quilts and
This group meets the first Thursday of each
month, or August 4 this month, at The Quilting
Squares from 10:00 – 2:00. Bring your project
and lunch. Contact Connie Spector at if interested.
Wooly Jane’s” – Wool and Dear Jane
Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month, or August
10 this month, at the home of Mimi Shimp from
10:00 – 2:00. If interested in joining this group,
contact Connie Spector at
“I Fold to Pieces” - Paper Piecing
This group meets the third Friday of the month, or
August 19 this month, at Connie Spector’s home
from 10—2. Bring your sewing machine, project
and lunch. Irons are provided. Contact Connie
Spector at if interested.
The Art Quilt Group
This group meets the third Wednesday of the
month, or August 17 this month, from 10:00 to
12:00 at the Williamson County Archives Museum at Five Points in downtown Franklin. No food
is allowed in the museum. Contact Anne
Dougherty at if you are interested in joining.
Cumberland Valley Quilters Association
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