Press Review - The European House
Press Review - The European House
Belmond Mount Nelson Hotel - Cape Town, South Africa Press Review Italian media coverage (ita) Agi news Clips (ita-en) South African media coverage (en) SA news Clips (en) Quotidiano Data Pagina Foglio 04-10-2014 15 1 1 Quotidiano Data Pagina Foglio 01-10-2014 16 1/3 2 SUMMIT SUDAFRICA-ITALIA 2014 LANCI AGI Italia-Sudafrica: summit a Cape Town per rafforzare partnership (AGI) - Cernobbio, 5 set. - Il Sudafrica e' un paese con enormi potenzialita': il Pil e' salito del 6% negli ultimi 10 anni mentre i consumi sono quadruplicati dal 2000 ed e' la seconda economia emergente al mondo per investimenti esteri. Il nostro Paese potrebbe cogliere a pieno le chance di sviluppo di questo grande mercato in forte crescita: con l'obiettivo di "costruire una comunita' di leader per la crescita delle imprese nei due paesi e continenti", prendera' il via a Cape Town, il 2 e 3 ottobre prossimi, il summit Italia-Sudafrica al quale parteciperanno 100 business leader e rappresentanti istituzionali. Il progetto - presentato oggi a Cernobbio, in occasione del workshop Ambrosetti - e' di rafforzare le relazioni economiche e di business tra le imprese e le istituzioni dei due paesi, proprio per esplorare nuove opportunita' e offrire ai responsabili aziendali e politici conoscenze e idee nuove per definire le proprie strategie. L'evento conta su numerose partnership europee e sudafricane tra cui Standard Bank, Cnh Industrial, Building Energy, su Agi (Agenzia Italia) come media partner e sul patrocinio, tra gli altri, di Expo 2015, e mira a diventare un appuntamento annuale per la leadership politico-istituzionale ed imprenditoriale dell'Italia e del Sudafrica. (AGI) Pit (SEGUE) Italia-Sudafrica: summit a Cape Town per rafforzare partnership (2) (AGI) - Cernobbio, 5 set. - Per Nouriel Roubini, che ha partecipato alla conferenza stampa di presentazione del summit, il Sudafrica "e' una delle economie che sta crescendo piu' velocemente nel mondo" e rappresenta una "sfida" per chi punta soprattutto a investire in infrastrutture e trasporti, ma anche in campo industriale ed energetico. E l'Italia, ha aggiunto l'economista, "ha le competenze giuste" per offrire il know how necessario, in tutti i campi. Ad esempio, ha ricordato, nel settore manifatturiero l'Italia puo' offrire la professionalita' di pmi leader nei macchinari e attrezzature e promuovere cosi' la costituzione di joint venture con societa' sudafricane per costruire impianti in altri Paesi sub-sahariani. I principali temi in agenda al summit di ottobre sono sei: le relazioni tra Sudafrica e Italia nell'attuale scenario geopolitico ed economico, le sfide e le opportunita' dell'industria manifatturiera in Sudafrica, la crescita del settore energetico e gli incentivi agli investimenti esteri; lo sviluppo della filiera agro-industriale nell'Africa Sub-Sahariana; la cultura per la sostenibilita' dello sviluppo economico e tecnologico; il ruolo del sistema bancario e finanziario. (AGI) Pit Italia-Sudafrica: Building Energy al workshop di Citta' del Capo (AGI) - Milano, 28 set. - Building Energy, produttore indipendente di energia da fonti energetiche rinnovabili, partecipera' al primo "South Africa-Italy Summit" organizzato da The European HouseAmbrosetti e in programma giovedi' e venerdi' a Citta' del Capo. Sara' l'ad, Fabrizio Zago, a pronunciare un intervento venerdi' mattina sulla crescita del settore energetico e degli investimenti stranieri. Il "South Africa-Italy Summit", patrocinato dall'ambasciata dell'Italia in Sudafrica e da quella sudafricana in Italia, da Expo 2015 e Black Business Council, e sponsorizzato anche da Building Energy, costituisce un momento di incontro tra i piu' importanti capi d'azienda italiani e sudafricani, tra economisti e autorita' governative, per discutere delle opportunita' strategiche nei due Paesi, rafforzare il legame tra Sudafrica e Italia e aumentare gli investimenti e gli scambi, in modo da offrire benefici alle rispettive economie. Building Energy opera sul territorio africano con la propria sede di Citta' del Capo, dalla quale gestisce e coordina lo sviluppo e la realizzazione di piu' di 30 progetti in Sud Africa e centro Africa. I due progetti principali sono a Kathu, nel Northern Cape, con un impianto fotovoltaico dalla capacita' di 81 MW, il piu' grande del continente africano, e a Mkuze, dove la societa' si e' aggiudicata la commessa per la realizzazione del primo e piu' grande impianto a biomasse dell'Africa, della capacita' di 14 MW. (AGI) Sar 3 Italia-Sudafrica: al via Forum a Cape Town, attesi 100 leader (AGI) - Cape Town, 1 ott. - Apre i battenti domani a Cape Town il Summit Italia-Sudafrica, appuntamento annuale di imprenditori e leader per rafforzare le partnership e le relazioni bilaterali tra i due paesi e i due continenti, Europa e Africa. Organizzato da The European House-Ambrosetti, la societa' di consulenza italiana che organizza il Forum di Cernobbio a Villa d'Este, il summit, alla sua prima edizione, si propone di diventare una sorta di 'Davos' africana con lo scopo di includere nel tempo anche altri paesi. "Ho imparato con l'esperienza che costruire una comunita' e' il solo modo di creare un clima di fiducia e di condividere una visione strategica per aumentare in maniera significativa gli investimenti nei paesi stranieri" ha detto Paolo Borzatta, senior partner di The European House-Ambrosetti e amministratore delegato di Ambrosetti Group. All'evento sono attesi 100 leader tra amministratori delegati di societa' italiane e sudafricane, economisti e politici, che attiveranno un 'brainstorming' politico-imprenditoriale sulle strategie necessarie per rafforzare i rapporti tra Italia e Sudafrica. (AGI) Say/Tig (Segue) Italia-Sudafrica: al via Forum a Cape Town, attesi 100 leader (2) (AGI) - Cape Town, 1 ott. - Nel 2013, ha ricordato Borzatta, l'interscambio tra i due paesi ha raggiunto i 3,5 miliardi di euro con flussi di investimento pari a 250 milioni (dato relativo al 2012). Cifre, ha spiegato Borzatta "al di sotto di quello che e' il vero potenziale tra i due paesi". Il Summit sara' promosso e patrocinato dall'ambasciata d'Italia in Sudafrica, dall'ambasciata sudafricana in Italia e dall'Expo 2015, in collaborazione con Standard Bank, Cnh Industrial, Building Energy e AGI in qualita' di media partner. "L'Italia - ha detto l'ambasciatore Vincenzo Schioppa - e' un partner ideale per il Sudafrica e viceversa. Sono ancora molte le opportunita' di business da esplorare". "La strategia di sviluppo delle imprese giovanili - ha affermato l'ambasciatore sudafricano Nomatemba Tambo -, lanciata dal ministero dell'Industria nel 2013, crea un utile piattaforma per le piccole e medie imprese italiane in grado di trasferire il proprio know how in Sudafrica". Il Sudafrica e il principale partner economico dell'Italia in Africa ed e' il paese piu' sviluppato del continente africano. Tra i partecipanti il vice ministro degli Esteri Lapo Pistelli, l'ex ministro dell'Istruzione Maria Chiara Carrozza, il ministro della Governance sudafricano Pravin Gordhan, l'ad della Simest Massimo d'Aiuto e il ministro del Commercio sudafricano Alec Erwin. (AGI) Say/Tig Italia-Sudafrica: Borzatta, paese e' 'hub' per business Italia (AGI) - Cape Town, 2 ott. - Il Sudafrica come "hub di investimenti e opportunita' per le imprese italiane" di tutto il continente africano. Paolo Borzatta, senior partner de The European House - Ambrosetti, ha aperto oggi a Cape Town il Summit Italia-Sudafrica dove sono arrivati circa 100 capitani di industria italiani interessati a fare business nel Paese. "Vogliamo utilizzare questo summit per analizzare le opportunita' di investimento che possiamo avere in Sudafrica" ha detto Borzatta. "Lo scopo - ha aggiunto - e' quello di creare fiducia tra i leader dei due paesi in modo che possano lavorare meglio insieme e a costruire una relazione di lungo periodo". Sullo sfondo un paese che sta registrando un notevole 'boom' economico con un Pil che per il 2015 e' atteso in crescita del 6%. (AGI) Say/Tig (Segue) Italia-Sudafrica: Borzatta, paese e' 'hub' per business Italia (2) (AGI) - Cape Town, 2 ott. - Tra le opportunita' quelle fornite dal settore energetico: il paese conta di realizzare entro il 2030 una rete dalla capacita' di 42,3 gigawatts per far fronte all'invecchiamento delle strutture esistenti. Altre porte si aprono per l'industria italiana, ha spiegato Borzatta, nel settore agroindustriale con prospettive di partnership tra le universita' dei due paesi per la formazione di tecnici a agricoltori. Nel settore manifatturiero le opportunita' sono enormi con la possibilita' anche di creare posti di lavoro nel Paese. "Abbiamo gia' industrie in Sudafrica - ha detto Borzatta - ma vogliamo realizzare piu' joint venture in modo da investire anche in altri paese subsahariani. L'idea e' anche quella di creare distretti industriali". Il Summit Italia-Sudafrica, che si tiene al Belmond Mount Nelson Hotel di Citta' del Capo e che durera' due giorni, e' il primo di questo genere e si propone di diventare nel tempo una specie di Davos africana, un bainstorming ad altissimo livello politico-imprenditoriale. L'evento e' stato e' patrocinato dall'Ambasciata dell'Italia in Sudafrica, dall'Ambasciata del Sudafrica in Italia, da EXPO 2015 e dal Black Business Council. (AGI) Say/Tig 4 Italia-Sudafrica: Erwin a imprese, non arrivare tardi su Africa (AGI) - Cape Town, 2 ott. ? Per le imprese italiane e' ora il momento di investire in Africa altrimenti dopo sara' troppo tardi. Lo ha affermato il presidente della Ubu Investment Holdings ed ex ministro del Commercio, Alec Erwin, intervenuto al Summit Italia-Sudafrica organizzato da The European House Ambrosetti che si e' aperto oggi a Cape Town. "Il Sud Africa - ha detto Erwin - e' un crocevia di opportunita' economiche per l'Italia in tutto il resto del Continente". Il Paese, ha aggiunto Erwin, come anche molti altri paesi africani, sta iniziando ora ad adattare la propria economia all'industrializzazione come principale strumento di crescita". Il consiglio di Erwin, che si e' rivolto a una platea di imprenditori italiani e sudafricani, e' quello di "trovar eun partner e di fare il proprio lavoro" in modo da "entrare direttamente nelle economie". Le partnership, ha aggiunto l'ex ministro, sono "molto importanti in Sudafrica" e alcuni settori come infrastrutture, agroalimentare ed energia offrono enormi possibilita'. (AGI) Say/Tig Italia-Sudafrica: De Molli, tra paesi piu' 'business-friendly' (AGI) - Cape Town, 2 ott. - Il Sudafrica e' uno dei paesi piu' all'avanguardia per le infrastrutture e per il sistema bancario e si presenta quindi agli investitori come un paese "business-friendly". Lo ha affermato l'amministratore delegato de The European House - Ambrosetti, Valerio De Molli, in occasione del summit Italia-Sudafrica che si e' aperto oggi a Cape Town. Secondo De Molli le aziende italiane dovrebbero approfittare di questo sistema infrastrutturale per fare investimenti nel Paese. "E' interessante notare - ha detto De Molli - che il Sudafrica vanta il decimo maggior sistema ferroviario del mondo. Che Johannesburg ha uno degli aeroporti piu' frequentati e che attrae voli da tutto il mondo". (AGI) Say/Tig (Segue) Italia-Sudafrica: De Molli, tra paesi piu' 'business-friendly' (2) (AGI) - Cape Town, 2 ott. - Inoltre, ha aggiunto De Molli, "il settore delle telecomunicazioni e' fortemente sviluppato. La rete mobile e' molto sviluppata e l'utilizzo dei telefonini ha tassi uguali a quelli della Gran Bretagna, pari al 130%, piu' di un cellulare a persona". De Molli ha lodato soprattutto il sistema dei servizi finanziari. "Il Sudafrica produce oltre il 10% dai suoi servizi finanziari e, negli ultimi 10 anni, 7 su 10 operazioni di equity sono state fatte in Sudafrica". Il flusso di investimenti diretti dall'Italia al Sudafrica e' intorno ai 650 milioni di euro, lo 0,7% del flusso totale. Mentre ammonta 95 milioni di dollari il flusso degli investimenti del Sudafrica. (AGI) Say/Tig Italia-Sudafrica: Zago, in sud-sahara immense risorse greggio (AGI) - Citta' del Capo, 3 ott. - Nella regione sub-sahariana vi sono ricche riserve di petrolio e gas non sfruttate che attendono di essere utilizzate. Lo ha sottolineato l'amministratore delegato della Building Energy, Fabrizio Zago. Zago ha spiegato che ci sono 62,2 miliardi di barili di riserve di greggio e 67,3 trilioni di metri cubi di gas naturale nella regione. Le riserve, ha sottolineato l'ad, si sono raddoppiate negli ultimi 14 anni per le aumentate attivita' di esplorazione. Zago e' intervenuto nel corso di una incontro al quale ha preso parte un centinaio di amministratori delegati di aziende italiane e sudafricane a Citta' del Capo per partecipare al summit economico organizzato da The European House - Ambrosetti. "Il potenziale di investimento nella regione e' enorme", ha sottolineato l'ad parlando di "trilioni di dollari". (AGI) Say/Gis (Segue) Italia-Sudafrica: Zago, in sud-sahara immense risorse greggio (2) (AGI) - Citta' del Capo, 3 ott. - Zago ha spiegato che vi e' una crescente domanda di energia nella regione e solo il 25% della popolazione dell'Africa sub-sahariana ha accesso all'elettricita'. Sono necessari 50 miliardi di dollari di investimenti ogni anno per soddisfare questo gap di energia, dato che la capacita' della regione e' di 30 GW. Secondo l'ad, la classe media nella regione dell'Africa sub-sahariana crescera' fino all'85% entro il 2022. (AGI) Say/Gis 5 Italia-Sudafrica: Zambia invoca investimenti nel settore agricolo (AGI) - Citta' del Capo, 3 ott. - Ci sono grandi potenzialita' per gli investitori nel settore agricolo nello Zambia. Lo ha sottolineato il ministro dell'Agricoltura, Wylbur Simuusa, che ha parlato in particolare dei settori dei fertilizzanti, del tabacco e del bestiame. A margine del summit 'The European House-Ambrosetti' (THE-A) in Sudafrica, il ministro ha sottolineato che le terre dello Zambia sono perfette per l'agricoltura, ma una mancanza di investimenti impedisce al settore di esprimere il suo potenziale. "Lo Zambia e' un Paese in via di sviluppo e non abbiamo muscoli finanziari cosi' forti, capitali e tecnologia" come trattori e macchine agricole, ha spiegato il ministro. (AGI) Say/Sar Italia-Sudafrica: amb. Pretoria, 23% contratti energia a Italia (AGI) - Citta' del Capo, 3 ott. - Circa il 23% dei contratti relativi all'energia in Sud Africa e' andato a compagnie italiane: lo ha sottolineato l'ambasciatore del Sudafrica in Italia, la signora Nomatemba Tambo, a margine del summit 'The European House-Ambrosetti' (THE-A), a Citta' del Capo, in Sudafrica. L'ambasciatore ha spiegato che gran parte delle aziende italiane hanno fatto joint venture con compagnie energetiche del Sudafrica, producendo cosi' posti di lavoro nel Paese. "Penso che qualcosa come il 23% del settore energetico sia andato a compagnie italiane e stanno creando posti di lavoro nel nostro Paese", ha sottolineato l'ambasciatore. "Devo anche dire pero' che ci sono anche molte" joint venture tra aziende italiane e sudafricane "che producono vino, olio di oliva ed esportano i prodotti in Italia, stanno incoraggiando le giovani generazione a venire qui a vedere le migliaia di opportunita' imprenditoriali che ci sono", ha spiegato la signora Tambo. (AGI) Say Italia-Sudafrica: da nocciole a energia, azienda Italia fa strada (AGI) - Cape Town, 3 ott. - Dalle inedite piantagioni di nocciole, alle macchine agricole, passando dai veicoli industriali agli impianti di energia solare. L'esperienza italiana in Sudafrica percorre la sua strada solida della sua qualita'. A raccontarla i molti imprenditori che hanno partecipato alla due giorni del Forum ItaliaSudafrica organizzato da The European House - Ambrosetti a Cape Town. Tra le societa' presenti all'evento, che ha chiamato a raccolta circa 100 imprenditori, la Ferrero che e' riuscita a creare nella provincia di KwaZulu-Natal nel 2009 una fabbrica di nocciole, un vero e proprio inedito nel Paese. A raccontare l'esperienza della celebre multinazionale dolciaria piemontese e' stato Zola Skweyiya, special advisor del gruppo e ospite dell'evento. "Come e' noto non ci sono nocciole in Africa ed e' quindi la prima volta che sono state piantate nel continente. Si tratta di una nuova avventura che ha creato anche molti posti di lavoro". La Ferrero conta circa 500 dipendenti in Sudafrica. Nel 2013 il gruppo ha chiuso l'anno con un giro di affari di 8,1 miliardi di euro per le operazioni globali in rialzo del 5,6% rispetto al giro d'affari dell'anno precedente. (AGI) Say/Tig (Segue) Italia-Sudafrica: da nocciole a energia, azienda Italia fa strada (2) (AGI) - Cape Town, 3 ott. - Un'altra azienda che si sta per insediare nel Paese africano e' la Cnh Industrial, global leader del settore capital goods che sta per aprire un impianto di assemblaggio di veicoli industriali a Pretoria. Il vicepresidente Mario Gasparri ha spiegato di aver avviato le operazioni a Rosslyn per assemblare camion. "In termini di potenziale tutto va bene anche se ci sono alcune sfide da affrontare" ha detto. Tra queste la disponibilita' di "risorse umane qualificate". L'obiettivo dell'azienda comunque e' partire dal Sudafrica per poi espandersi nell'Africa subsahariana. A vedere i primi frutti dell'investimento e' invece Moncada Energy Group che ha di recente aperto un impianto di energia solare a De Aar a nord di Cape Town. L'impianto, operativo dal 15 agosto, dovrebbe soddisfare la richiesta di energia di 75 megawatt attraverso Eskom. Raimondo Moncada, general manager del gruppo, ha spiegato che dall'operazione sono stati generati 8000 posti di lavoro. (AGI) Say/Tig 6 Italia-Sudafrica: Pistelli, piu' internazionalizzazione imprese (AGI) - Cape Town, 3 ott. - Nei possimi tre anni circa 20mila aziende italiane potrebbero essere completamente 'internazionalizzate', con sedi e uffici all'estero. E' il piano delineato dal viceministro degli Esteri Lapo Pistelli in un intervento a Cape Town dove ha partecipato al summit Italia-Sudafrica organizzato dal The European House - Ambrosetti. Attualmente, ha spiegato il rappresentante del governo, circa 10mila societa' hanno allargato le proprie operazioni oltre confine, altre 200mila lo hanno fatto solo parzialmente. "Il nostro obiettivo - ha continuato il viceministro - e' in tre anni di aiutare circa 20mila imprese a diventare pienamente internazionalizzate". Un'operazione che offre, ha spiegato Pistelli parlando a una platea di imprenditori italiani e sudafricani "enormi opportunita'" soprattutto nell'Africa subsahariana. Il continente infatti, ha ricordato Pistelli, soffre di un deficit infrastrutturale importante, dalle ferrovie alle telecomunicazioni, e puo' aprire grandi strade di business. (AGI) Say/Tig 7 SOUTH AFRICA-ITALY SUMMIT 2014 AGI News CLIPS Italian businesses make progress in South Africa (AGI) Cape Town, Oct 3 - Representatives from Italian businesses in South Africa gathered in Cape Town on Friday for a two-day Italy-South Africa summit organised by The European House-Ambrosetti (THE-A), during which they recounted their experiences from nut plantations and agricultural machinery to industrial vehicles and solar energy systems. Among the companies present at the event, attended by around 100 businessmen, was Ferrero, which set up a hazelnut factory in the KwaZulu-Natal province in 2009: an unprecedented feat in the country. Mr Zola Skweyiya, the special adviser to the group and summit guest, described Ferrero's activities: "As is known, there aren't any hazelnuts in Africa, and it is therefore the first time they have been planted on the continent. It is a new adventure that has also created many jobs." Ferrero has around 500 employees in South Africa. In 2013, the group ended the year with revenues of 8.1 billion euros, 5.6 percent more than in 2012. Another company that is about to set foot in South Africa is CNH Industrial, a global leader in the capital goods sector which is about to open a vehicle assembly plant in Pretoria. Its vice-president, Mario Gasparri, recounted the beginning of its lorry assembling operations in Rosslyn. "In terms of potential, everything is running smoothly even though there are still some challenges to face, such as qualified human resources", he said. The company's objective is to start in South Africa and later expand throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. The Moncada Energy Group, meanwhile, has already seen its investment bear fruit after opening a solar power plant in De Aar, north of Cape Town. Operational since Aug. 15 this year, it should be able to cover the South African utility company Eskom's demand of 75 megawatts. The group's general manager, Raimondo Moncada, said the operation has created 8000 jobs. (AGI). 'Huge potential' for investment in sub-Saharan Africa (AGI) Cape Town, Oct 3 - The sub-Saharan region harbours rich untapped oil and gas reserves waiting to be used, said Building Energy CEO Fabrizio Zago. Zago explained that the region holds around 62.2 billion barrels of crude oil and 67.3 trillion cubic metres of natural gas. These reserves have doubled in 14 years of increasing exploration. Zago spoke at a meeting of CEOs of Italian and South African companies at The European House-Ambrosetti (THE-A) summit in Cape Town. He said that the potential for investment in the region was huge, in the trillions of dollars. Zago explained that energy demand in the region is rising, and that only 25 percent of people in sub-Saharan Africa currently have access to electricity. It will take an annual investment of 50 billion dollars to close this energy gap, Zago pointed out, adding that the middle class in the region will grow up to 85 percent by 2022. South Africa among most business-friendly nations (AGI) Cape Town, Oct 3 - South Africa's advanced infrastructure and banking system makes it a businessfriendly nation for investors, the managing director of The European House-Ambrosetti (THE-A), Valerio De Molli, said during the Italian-South African summit in Cape Town, which opened on Friday. Mr De Molli believes Italian businesses should make the most of South Africa's infrastructure and invest in the country: "It's interesting to note that South Africa possesses the 10th largest railway system in the world (...) Johannesburg has one of busiest airports, one which attracts flights from all over the globe. The telecommunications sector is also highly developed. The mobile network is well-developed and mobile phone use equals that of the UK: 130 percent, more than one mobile phone per person. South Africa produces over 10 percent of its financial services and, in the last ten years, seven out of 10 equity operations have been conducted there." Investment flow from Italy to South Africa totals around 650 million euros, or 0.7 percent of the total flow, while investment flow from South Africa amounts to 95 million dollars. (AGI). 8 Close business ties between South Africa and Italy (AGI) Cape Town, Oct 3 - Around 23 percent of energy contracts in South Africa were signed by Italian companies, the African country's ambassador to Italy, Nomatemba Tambo, said from the European HouseAmbrosetti (THE-A) summit in Cape Town. The ambassador explained that most of these Italian companies formed joint ventures with South African energy firms, thus creating jobs in the country. But companies from both countries worked together in other fields as well. "I should point out that there are also many joint ventures between Italian and South African companies that produce wine and olive oil and export the produce to Italy. These are encouraging young people to come to South Africa and see the thousands of business opportunities the country has to offer," said Mrs Tambo. Zambia calls for investment in agricultural sector (AGI) Capetown, Oct 3 - Zambia's agricultural sector holds great investor potential, Agriculture Minister Wylbur said on the sidelines of the European House-Abrosetti (THE-A) summit in South Africa. Fertilisers, tobacco and cattle were particularly interesting, but a lack of investments prevented the sector from achieving its full potential. He said Zambia was a developing country, but lacked powerful financial muscle, capital and technology such as tractors and agricultural machinery. (AGI). Alec Erwin tells entrepreneurs not to be late for Africa (AGI) - Cape Town, Oct. 2 - The time has come for Italian companies to invest in Africa before it is too late, according to the president of UBU Investment Holdings and former Trade Minister Alec Erwin, who was speaking at the Italy-South Africa Summit organised by The European House - Ambrosetti, which opened in Cape Town on Thursday. "South Africa is a crossroad of economic opportunities for Italy throughout the continent," said Erwin, adding that like many other African countries, South Africa is beginning to adapt its economy to industrialisation as the main instrument for growth. Erwin's advice in addressing an audience of Italian and South African entrepreneurs was to "find a partner and do the job so as to directly become part of economies." Partnerships, added the former minister, are "very important in South Africa, offering enormous opportunities especially in some sectors such as infrastructures, food and agriculture and energy." . South Africa-Italy Summit opens in Cape Town (AGI) Cape Town, Oct 2 - The first South Africa-Italy Summit opened on Thursday, Oct. 2, with the aim of strengthening strategic relationships. The event, held at the Belmond Mount Nelson Hotel in Cape Town, was organised by the Italian embassy in South Africa, the South African embassy in Italy, EXPO 2015 and the Black Business Council, and continues on Friday. It is attended by Italian and South African political and business leaders, who are discussing ways to boost the economy of both countries and expand in SubSaharan markets. South Africa, with a gross domestic product of nearly 300 billion euros, is the most important Sub-Saharan economy. It attracts the most international investment in Africa thanks to its developed infrastructure and financial market. Italy has a long tradition of political and cultural relations with South Africa. Trade between the countries is growing steadily, with exports to South Africa rising more than 40 percent since 2010. Last year Italy had a trade surplus of more than 350 million euros, for the first time in a decade. Working papers drafted by The European House-Ambrosetti with an international think tank will be presented at the summit. The members of the Advisory Board include: Alec Erwin (South African former minister of industry and trade), Maurizio Mariano (lawyer, founder and director of the BBM law firm), Ignazio Moncada (president of Fata Group), Tseke Nkadimeng (CEO of Afric Oil), Ndaba Ntsele (executive chairman and co-founder of Pamodzi Group), Andrea Riccardi (Italian former international cooperation minister and founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio), Vincenzo Schioppa (Italian ambassador in Pretoria, South Africa), Iqbal Surve' (founder and president of Sekunjalo Group) and Nomatemba Tambo (South Africa's ambassador to Italy). (AGI). 9 INSIDER MAGAZINE 2014/11 24 M AGA ZINE SOUTH AFRICA-ITALY SUMMIT: EXPLORING COMPLEMENTARITIES “W e want to further deepen our relations with South Africa at high political level possibly through a bilateral agreement setting up regular consultation meetings. We have an old history of friendship with the South African people, and Italy has been a staunch supporter during the struggle against apartheid. There is lot to build upon, including our dynamic community here”. This is what the Italian Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Lapo Pistelli, said at the first South Africa - Italy Summit. Upon initiative of Italy’s leading consulting firm and think tank The European House-Ambrosetti (TEH-A), over 100 top executives of Italian and South African companies, economists and high level officials gathered in Cape Town on October 2-3, to build a selected community of business leaders to grow their companies in the two countries and continents and, in particular, in the Sub-Saharan Africa where in the next decades there will be an astonishing growth. Sub-Saharan Africa is indeed one of the fastest-growing regions in the world (GDP is expected to grow by 6% in 2015). The development of the area is opening up enormous business opportunities for Italy and South Africa together. In particular, governments in the region are launching specific programs and investment incentives in the manufacturing, energy and agribusiness sector: ◆ food demand in Sub-Saharan Africa will grow at an average annual rate of 3% and agribusiness sector will be worth 1,000 billion Dollars by 2030; ◆ energy demand in the region will increase by 107% by 2040, with investments for more than 50 billion Dollars per year; members of the Southern African Power Pool will invest 200 billion Dollars by 2030; ◆ the overall figures of middle class population in SubSaharan Africa will exceed the one of India, and aggregate spending will surpass 2,000 billion Dollars by 2030. 1. Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe 10 26 M AGA ZINE There exists a long-standing tradition of cooperation of Italian companies who have operated for years in South Africa, including in positions of excellence in some key sectors such as energy, infrastructure and automotive. Nevertheless, the levels of trade and investments between the two countries are less than desired, while the potential to boost the relations is very high. Intervening as a main speaker during the Summit ad at its conclusion, Vice Minister Pistelli confirmed the commitment of the Italian Government to support Italian business to flourish abroad, and that South Africa is a prime objective. “Our aim”, he said, “is to help in the next three years 20.000 Italian companies to become competitive at a global level. It is now time to stop talking and start acting.” The recent reform of the Italian Development Cooperation will also provide some tools for financial support, also thanks to new missions for “Cassa Depositi e Prestiti”. Valerio De Molli, Managing Partner of The European HouseAmbrosetti, highlighted that “South Africa boasts the tenthlargest rail system in the world and Johannesburg has one of busiest airports that attracts flights from around the globe; telecommunications and financial services are also highly- developed, and Italian companies should take advantage of this infrastructural system to invest in the country”. “With this Summit”, Valerio De Molli added, “The European House-Ambrosetti has confirmed its ability - as a think tank to create content and ideas to take full advantage of the major opportunities offered by this market, developing platforms for relations between world leaders to be used to shape business partnerships”. The Summit has given entrepreneurs from the two countries a good platform to network, a success that has been witnessed by the Ambassador of Italy to South Africa, Vincenzo Schioppa. “It is a bit too early to discuss fruits”, said the Ambassador, “but what I see is that business people have already started discussing real business opportunities, so I am quite optimistic about that. This is the right place to produce together”, he added. The South Africa-Italy Summit is the annual event that gathers the most important Italian and South African political and business leaders with the objective of strengthening strategic relationship in both countries and their related continents. Mission that seems to have been accomplished. The next South Africa-Italy Summit will take place October 1-2, 2015 in Cape Town ◆ business 11 1020 INTERNATIONAL TRADE The Italian connection Building bridges between South Africa and Italy. South African and Italian industrial systems are complementary in several aspects. South Africa requires medium-high technology SMEs, which are one of the key strengths of Italy’s industrial system, in addition to the world-class manufacturing excellences (among these, fashion, agri-business, machinery/equipment and automotive). On the other hand, South Africa has a complete structured financial system, a growing internal demand and a soundmanufacturing base with excellent opportunities for expanding in African and other international markets. “A better shared knowledge of Italy and South Africa with their respective regions is pivotal to building a profitable political and economic partnership,” says Nico de Kock from Grown Consulting, a development consultancy devoted to developing people, organisations, and communities via various internationally acclaimed and locally accredited training solutions. In addition they offer services in organisational development, corporate governance, CSI and enterprise and community development solutions. “Significant opportunities are at hand to herald an exciting new era of trade and economic links between sub-Saharan Africa and Europe, and the two countries are ideally placed to play leading roles in this initiative. South Africa and Italy have had a long-standing and fruitful relationship since the struggle for the democratisation of South Africa. “The two countries have many things that could be mutually beneficial, but – at present – their strategic, economic and business relationships are not exploiting their full potential. South Africa is the leading economy of and a gateway to a continent, with immense cultural and economic potential that is emerging quickly. South Africa is also an important member of the BRICS, the new vibrant economies of the 21st century. Italy is a strong economy with a rich backbone of small- and medium-sized companies in sectors ranging from agriculture to high technology, which are the ideal partners for South African entrepreneurial companies,” says De Kock. According to him, South Africa is also the best and most qualified platform from which to launch a new constructive dialogue – economic, business and cultural – between the leaders of the two countries and also of the two continents to which they belong: Africa and Europe. The bilateral trade between South Africa and Italy (total value of€3.5 billion in 2013 – total value of R51.5 billion in 2013) and the investment flows (250 million in 2012 – R3.7 billion in 2012) is below its potential. The approach will be to focus on the strengths of both countries to exploit the opportunities to grow together and faster, according to De Kock. “After in-depth research, analysis and discussions with industry leaders from both countries, a framework for key opportunities has been developed to address specific needs in selected sectors,” says De Kock. 12 This comes in the form of the first South Africa-Italy Summit on 2 and 3 October 2014 in Cape Town, launched by The European House-Ambrosetti in conjunction with their South African partner Grown Consulting. The purpose of creating this community, that will from now on gather annually, is to foster a strong, long-lasting partnership between entrepreneurs and enterprises of the two countries, and between South Africa and Italy. The inaugural summit will mainly focus on manufacturing, energy and agri-business. Manufacturing is an important challenge for South Africa. Manufacturing’s share of South Africa’s economy fell from 21,9% in 1992 to 12,4% in 2012. On the contrary, Italy’s has grown and it is the second highest manufacturing country in the EU with a manufacturing gross added value of 216.5 billion Euro. South Africa is relying on coal and oil for more than 93% of its energy production, while in recent years there has been a major push towards cleaner and renewable energy sources. There are various opportunities for Italy to partner in programmes on new technologies including smart grids and energy efficiency. “South Africa’s total importation of agri-food products from Italy is less than 1%, making it a huge opportunity for growth. Italy has extensive experience and expertise to offer South African companies in managing small farms, agriprocessing and food packaging,” says De Kock. Working papers will be presented in these key areas during the summit in order to provide a constructive base for improving bilateral trade. The inaugural summit will bring together 120 selected CEOs, leading economists and governmental authorities from the two countries, creating a community of South African and Italian leaders for investing in both countries and their related regions. Paolo Borzatta from The European House-Ambrosetti says that, as an international strategy consultant with experience on different continents, this approach – to build a community – is the only way of creating the necessary trust, confidence, and shared strategic vision for increasing significant investments in foreign countries. An international think tank, composed of influential business leaders, politicians and experts, will provide the summit with innovative and effective strategic insights and ideas to enhance economic, business and cultural ties between South Africa and Italy. Among the members are Alec Erwin (former South African minister of Public Enterprises and former minister of Trade and Industry), Maurizio Mariano (founder and director of BBM Law firm), Tseke Nkadimeng (CEO: Afric Oil), Ndaba Ntsele (executive chairman and co-founder of the Pamodzi Group), Prof Andrea Riccardi (former Italian minister for International Co-operation), Dr Iqbal Survé (founder and chairman of Sekunjalo Group), H.E. Vincenzo Schioppa (ambassador of Italy to South Africa) and H.E. Nomatemba Tambo (ambassador of South Africa to Italy). According to Vincenzo Schioppa, Ambassador of Italy to South Africa, the position of Italy vis-à-vis South Africa is still well under potential. Italy is an ideal partner for South Africa, and vice versa. Our economies are complementary, and there are an enormous array of partnership opportunities. “This is even more true when one considers, on one hand, the presence in South Africa of a dynamic, wealthy, wellintegrated and highly respected Italian community (more than 35,000 passports) and, on the other, the close rapport the Italians have with the black people, since the struggle against apartheid. One example for all: the city of Reggio Emilia, where Oliver Tambo spent significant time during his exile, was the only city in the world to be invited to the inauguration of Nelson Mandela as South Africa’s first democratic president in 1994 – a true sign of the acknowledgement of Reggio Emilia’s and Italy’s merits. “Moreover, South Africa should not be considered as merely a single market, but rather as a hub, a gateway to much larger African and non-African markets. Producing together, for selling in and out the country: that is the recipe for creating economic and social profit for both Italy and South Africa,” Schioppa says. Lindsay King 13 HOME Tweet ABOUT MOBILE STREAM 1 1 PC STREAM PODCAST Share Like CATEGORIES CONTACT 2 Fostering connections between countries: RSA and Italy | #eBizTrends | Nico de Kock eBizRadio | Tweet October 17, 2014 | Featured, Podcast | No comments 1 Email Search this Site... STREAMING WEEKDAYS 10 to 12 NOON CENTRAL AFRICAN TIME We STREAM interviews at the following times during our primary broadcast time: 10h10 | 10h30 | 11h00 | 11h30 24hr Hourly Podcast Schedule We stream 24hrs a day. At the top of every hour a Podcast from one of our various contributors streams as well as fantastic music (Central African Time - CAT, GMT +2). The stream is off-line between 3pm and 5pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays for maintenance, but podcasts are still available for download. If you miss the STREAM – download the PODCASTS and SHARE with your network Building bridges between South Africa and Italy The European House-Ambrosetti is launching the first ‘South Africa-Italy Summit’ that took place from 2 to 3 October 2014 in Cape Town, at the Belmond Mount Nelson Hotel. The purpose of creating this community, that will from now on gather annually, was to foster a strong, long-lasting partnership between entrepreneurs and enterprises of the two countries, and between South Africa and Italy. The inaugural summit will brought together 100 selected CEOs, leading economists and governmental authorities from the two countries, creating a community of South African and Italian leaders for investing in both countries and their related regions. Monday #eBizTechno Arthur Goldstuck @ 10h30 #eBizClassroom Kat Scholtz @ 11h30 Tuesday #eBiz Trends Dion Chang @ 10h30 Wednesday #eBizEntrepreneur Banele Rewo @ 10h30 Thursday #eBizMarketing Ulrich Meyer-Hoellings @ 10h30 #eBizRetail Craig Page-Lee @ 11h00 It will be a first in Africa, with the vision of including more African countries in future events. Says Paolo Borzatta from The European House-Ambrosetti, “I have learned on different continents, as an international strategy consultant, that this approach – to build a community – is the only way of creating the necessary trust, confidence, and shared strategic vision for increasing significant investments in foreign countries”. The bilateral trade between South Africa and Italy (total value of €3.5 billion in 2013 – total value of R51.5 billion in 2013) and the investment flows (€250 million in 2012 – R3.7 billion in 2012) are below its potential. The approach will be to focus on the strengths of both countries to exploit the opportunities to grow together and faster. Friday #eBizMotoring Thegandra Naidoo @10h30 #AegisTL #Digibates The role of Advertising in Future Proofing Africa | Thought Leadership Digibate #AegisTL #Agency #Digibate Round-up: Deal with the emotions, but make your decision based on business goals! 14 How can business change the sustainability conversation to Future Proof Africa? | #AegisTL #Podcast South African and Italian industrial systems are complementary in several aspects. South Africa requires medium-high technology SMEs, which are one of the key strengths of Italy’s industrial system, in addition to the world-class manufacturing excellences (among these, fashion, agribusiness, machinery/equipment and automotive). In return, South Africa can offer Italy a complete structured financial system, a growing internal demand and a sound-manufacturing base for expanding in African and other international markets. A better shared knowledge of Italy and South Africa with their respective regions is pivotal to build a profitable political and economic partnership. #TsAndCsApply The state of marketing education in South Africa | Tony Koenderman & Craig Page-Lee | After in-depth research, analysis and discussions with industry leaders from both countries, a framework for key opportunities has been developed to address specific needs in selected sectors. The inaugural summit will focus on manufacturing, energy and agri-business. #TsAndCsApply Manufacturing is an important challenge for South Africa. Manufacturing’s share of South Africa’s economy fell from 21,9% in 1992 to 12,4% in 2012. On the contrary, Italy’s has grown and it is the second highest manufacturing country in the EU with a manufacturing gross added value of €216.5 billion. Is sponsorship worth it? | Tony Koenderman, Craig Page-Lee & Yolanda Arendse | #TsAndCsApply South Africa is relying on coal and oil for more than 93% of its energy production, while in recent years there have been a major push towards cleaner and renewable energy sources. There are various opportunities for Italy to partner in programmes on new technologies including smart grids and energy efficiency. South Africa’s total importation of agri-food products from Italy is less than 1%, making it a huge opportunity for growth. Italy has extensive experience and expertise to offer South African companies in managing small farms, agri-processing and food packaging. To ban or not to ban alcohol advertising? | hosted by Tony Koenderman & Craig Working papers will be presented in these key areas during the summit in order to provide a constructive base for improving bilateral trade. Page-Lee | #TsAndCsApply An international think tank – composed of influential business leaders, politicians and experts – will provide the summit with innovative and effective strategic insights and ideas to enhance economic, business and cultural ties between South Africa and Italy. Among the members are Alec Erwin, former minister of Public Enterprises and former minister of Trade and Industry, South Africa; Maurizio Mariano, attorney, founder and director of BBM Law firm; Tseke Nkadimeng, CEO, Afric Oil; Ndaba Ntsele, executive chairman and co-founder, Pamodzi Group; Prof Andrea Riccardi, former minister for International Cooperation, Italy and founder of the Community of Sant’Egidio; Dr Iqbal Survé, founder and chairman, Sekunjalo Group; H.E. Vincenzo Schioppa, ambassador of Italy to South Africa; and H.E. Nomatemba Tambo, ambassador of South Africa to Italy. Whiskey, wine and the wonders of branding with Tony Koenderman & Craig Page-Lee | #TsAndCsApply Advertisement The European House-Ambrosetti (TEH-A) is a professional management consultancy, operating since 1965. The group has seven offices in Italy and eleven abroad, in addition to other partnerships around the world. TEH-A was ranked by the University of Pennsylvania the no. 1 think tank in Italy, 4th in Europe and 16th on a worldwide level. Grown Consulting is the South African partner of TEH-A for delivering this project. As a development consultancy, Grown Consulting is developing people, organisations, and communities through offering various internationally acclaimed and locally accredited training solutions, organisational development services, corporate governance and CSI services as well as enterprise and community development solutions. The senior partners in charge of the project are Paolo Borzatta from TEH-A and Nico de Kock from Grown Consulting. Submit your song: The project is sponsored by Standard Bank, DHL Global Forwarding, CLN-MA Group, 8a+ Investimenti SGR, Building Energy, Fondazione Sicilia and Grown Consulting. 15 )$50(56 :((./< 3DJH 16 23325781,7< 3DJH 17 Wednesday, 08 October 2014 09:45 Growing hazelnuts spells a sweet deal for South Africa’s export market Written by Farming Editor Just after more than 100 South African and Italian commerce and policy leaders met in Cape Town at the South AfricaItaly Summit, Italian company Ferrero Group, which produces well-known brands Nutella, Kinder and Tic Tacs, is quietly consolidating its operations in the country. Ferrero Group’s special advisor Zola Skweyiya says Africa’s first ever hazelnut factory has the potential to create largescale jobs and boost local exports. Currently, the luxury confectionary group employs about 500 people at its Gauteng operations. The family-owned company, whose turnover exceeded €7.2-billion in the 2010-11 financial year, opened its 9000m² production facility in Walkerville, Gauteng, in June 2009. “In KwaZulu-Natal,” Skweyiya says, “the plant will be bigger but the [hazelnut] trees are still growing. “If it is found that they are thriving in that area, they will plant more hazelnuts and we will be able to use those hazelnuts to export them to other parts of Africa,” he said. Skweyiya was speaking at the South Africa-Italy economic summit organised by The European House-Ambrosetti, an international policy and commerce think tank. Skweyiya said construction on the plant in KwaZulu-Natal commenced about five years ago. “There are no hazelnuts in Africa. It is the first time they are being planted on the African continent. So it creates a new adventure for production in Southern Africa and it creates more [local jobs].” In 2013, Tommaso Degregorio, who manages Ferrero trials in SA spoke to local agriculture magazine Farmer’s Weekly, saying “We think there are good reasons to invest in hazelnuts. It’s an attractive long-term investment, it’s something different, and it requires a reduced amount of work compared to crops like cherries. Nuts can also be stored for a long period and can be transported without any problem.” South Africa competes against other southern hemisphere countries such as Chile, Argentina, New Zealand and Australia to produce hazelnuts. Climatic conditions in Chile especially are similar to those in South Africa. The company’s Chile operations have been operating for 20 years; “Chile is now a strong and modern hazelnut market. That is what we would like to replicate in SA,” said Degregorio. Writing in the International TradeProbe, economist Asanda Languza said South Africa has huge potential for hazelnut production. “The production of hazelnuts has an added advantage because it has counter seasonality from the northern hemisphere, which produces in September. South Africa could sell hazels between March and April.” Trade between Italy and South Africa Bilateral trade between South Africa and Italy was worth around €3.5-billion (R51.5- billion) in 2013. The South AfricaItaly Summit, organised with the help of the Italian and South African embassies, EXPO 2015 and the Black Business Council, under the theme Building Communities of Leaders for Growing their Enterprises, aimed to further bolster bilateral business and economic ties between the two countries. 18 35(725,$ 1(:6 %86,1(66 5(3257 3DJH 7+(0(5&85<%86,1(665(3257 3DJH 7+(67$5%86,1(665(3257 3DJH 19 35(725,$ 1(:6 %86,1(66 5(3257 3DJH 7+(0(5&85<%86,1(665(3257 3DJH 20 Italy looks to SA for opportunity - The Green Business GuideThe Green Business Guide 7/10/2014 Italy looks to SA for opportunity Carbon and Finance News — 07 October 2014 More than 100 political and business leaders from Italy and South Africa have been meeting in Cape Town for the first-ever South AfricaItaly Summit, which aims to bolster bilateral business and economic ties between the two countries. Under discussion at the two-day meeting, currently under way Cape Town, are ways to boost the economy of both countries and expand in Sub-Saharan markets, especially investment opportunities in the energy, manufacturing and agro-industry fields. Also on the agenda are sustainable economic and technological growth strategies, as well as the role of banks and financial markets in supporting bilateral relations. With the theme “Building Communities of Leaders for Growing their Enterprises”, the summit has been organised with the help of the Italian and South African embassies, EXPO 2015 and the Black Business Council. Plans are to hold the summit annually, to foster a strong, long-lasting partnership between entrepreneurs and enterprises of the two countries, and between South Africa and Italy. Understanding According to a report in the Cape Times today, Alec Erwin, South Africa’s former minister of trade and industry and now chair of UBU Holdings, told the potential investors that if they wanted to succeed in Africa, they needed to gain understanding of its economies from the economies themselves – not from analysts in New York. “If you’re going to be serious about Africa, be serious about Africa, don’t take it for granted. Get in and understand these economies, do your homework,” Erwin reportedly said. Erwin said there were no short cuts to doing business in Africa. Foreign investors who went in with the idea that African countries had to be investor-friendly and do everything the foreign investor wanted would be “sorely disappointed”. Erwin told the conference that while the institutional environment in Africa was not always easy, it was manageable. Potential Trade between the two countries is growing steadily. Bilateral trade between South Africa and Italy was worth around €3.5-billion (R51.5-billion) in 2013, and the investment flows of €250-million (R3.7-billion) in 2012 are below its potential, according to Paolo Borzatta, director of the European House-Ambrosetti, the international think tank that is responsible for initiating the meeting. “The approach will be to focus on the strengths of both countries to exploit the opportunities to grow together and faster.” Borzatta said the summit would highlight investment opportunities as well as “create trust amongst the leaders of the two countries so that they can be able to do business together and build long-term relationships”. He described South Africa as the hub of the “booming” sub-Saharan region, which has experienced yearly GDP growth of 6% for the past 10 years. Energy sector The summit heard how energy demand in the region is expected to increase by 107% by 2040, with investments of more than $50-billion (R564-billion) a year. Energy tops the list of South Africa’s economic agenda, with the country hoping to build 42.3GW of power by 2030 to take the pressure off the ageing infrastructure. Borzatta said there were opportunities for Italy to partner with South Africa in programmes on new technologies, 21 7/10/2014 Italy looks to SA for opportunity - The Green Business GuideThe Green Business Guide including smart grids and energy efficiency. He said co-operation agreements in the energy and agro-industry fields would be pursued by South African and Italian universities to assist the training of technicians and farmers. The universities would also share knowledge in the fields of food security, seed and fertilisers, water management and irrigation, Borzatta said. Manufacturing Borzatta said Italian businesses are looking to pursue investment opportunities to establish manufacturing plants, helping to create employment in South Africa. Italy’s medium-sized manufacturing businesses are regarded as world leaders in industrial equipment and machinery. Manufacturing is an important challenge for South Africa, with the sector’s share of the economy falling from 21.9% in 1992 to 12.4% in 2012. Italy’s, on the other hand, is growing and it is the second-highest manufacturing country in the EU with a manufacturing gross added value of €216.5-billion. “We already have plants [in South Africa] and would like to have more joint ventures so that we can invest in other Sub-Saharan Africa countries with the idea of creating clusters,” he said. Companies could be grouped in “value chains”, allowing them to work together and increase their capabilities. Contribution Nomatemba Tambo, South Africa’s ambassador to Italy, said the summit being held in South Africa was significant and would contribute to economic growth in the two countries. She said the renewing of South Africa’s co-operation agreement with Italy on trade and investment in 2012 was “a step in the right direction”. Vincenzo Schioppa, Italy’s ambassador to South Africa, said the aim for the Italian government was not to boost exports, but to promote investment and establishing plants. “Our aim is to produce together here to get Italians to invest in South Africa and to create job opportunities in South Africa and for goods to be consumed here,” he said. Members of the European House-Ambrosetti’s advisory board include Tseke Nkadimeng, chief executive of Afric Oil; Ndaba Ntsele, executive chairman of Pamodzi Group; and Iqbal Survé, president of the Sekunjalo Group. Source: 22 7/10/2014 Italian company launches truck assembly plant in SA 6 Oct 14 CNH Industrial, an Italian capital goods company, has announced the upcoming inauguration of its first truck assembly facility in Rosslyn, Gauteng - the group’s first investment in South Africa. Mario Gasparri, CNH Industrial’s senior vice president, Southern Africa made this announcement at the annual South Africa – Italy Summit in Cape Town last Thursday. Gasparri noted that the US$70m assembly facility would assemble medium, heavy duty and extra heavy duty trucks as well as front engine and low floor city buses. It is equipped to produce up to 6 000 trucks and 1 000 buses per year for local and export markets. Staff reporter 23 681'$< ,1'(3(1'(17 %86,1(66 5(3257 3DJH ,2/%86,1(661(:6%86,1(665(3257 ,2/FR]D ,2/02%,/(%86,1(66 PLROFR]D 24 &$3( 7,0(6 3DJH ,2/%86,1(661(:6%86,1(665(3257 ,2/02%,/(%86,1(66 ,2/FR]D PLROFR]D 25 35(725,$ 1(:6 %86,1(66 5(3257 3DJH 7+(67$5%86,1(665(3257 &$3(7,0(6%86,1(665(3257 3DJH 3DJH 26 7/10/2014 Engineering News - CNH announces R500m Rosslyn truck plant investment CNH announces R500m Rosslyn truck plant investment PUBLISHED 03 OCT 14 BY: IRMA VENTER Italian capital goods company CNH Industrial on Thursday announced the upcoming inauguration of its first assembly plant in South Africa. The announcement was made by newly appointed CNH Industrial Southern Africa senior VP Mario Gasparri. CNH Industrial is the main manufacturing sponsor of the yearly South Africa – Italy Summit, taking place in Cape Town, this week. Mario Gasparri CNH Industrial’s 12 brands include New Holland and Iveco. The Western Cape event gathers political and business leaders from Italy and South Africa, with the objective of strengthening strategic relationships between the two countries, while also promoting new development opportunities. The new commercial vehicle plant, in Rosslyn, near Pretoria, will assemble medium, heavy-duty and extraheavy duty trucks, as well as front-engine and low-floor city buses. The site will be able to produce up to 6 000 trucks and 1 000 buses a year for the local and export markets. The site will initially build Iveco’s new Eurocargo medium capacity truck for the South African market, as well as other right-hand-drive markets. Close to 1 000 South African employees will be recruited for the new plant. 27 7/10/2014 Engineering News - CNH announces R500m Rosslyn truck plant investment “Our plant in Rosslyn will act as a gateway to Africa. We see significant potential for growth in the economies of sub-Saharan Africa, particularly for large infrastructure projects,” noted Gasparri in an earlier statement, released upon his appointment. “We have high ambitions which we are serious about achieving. We have already noticed changes and improvements and we expect to grow our volumes and market share.” Prior to Gasparri’s local appointment, he was the brand president of CNH Industrial Construction Equipment. CNH said his appointment “signals a long-term commitment, not only to South Africa, but to the continent as a whole, which the company has identified as an important growth market”. Iveco sold 92 new trucks and vans in South Africa in September, and exported 28 units. +27 (0)11 622 3744 Copyright Creamer Media (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved. +27 (0)11 622 9350 28 &$3( $5*86 %86,1(66 3DJH 29 Building bridges between South Africa and Italy Tuesday, 27 May 2014 02:00 Published in Conferences & Expo’s Read 1132 times Print Email Written by CBN font size The European House-Ambrosetti is launching the first ‘South Africa-Italy Summit’ that will take place from 2 to 3 October 2014 in Cape Town, at the Belmond Mount Nelson Hotel. The purpose of creating this community, that will from now on gather annually, is to foster a strong, long-lasting partnership between entrepreneurs and enterprises of the two countries, and between South Africa and Italy. The inaugural summit will bring together 100 selected CEOs, leading economists and governmental authorities from the two countries, creating a community of South African and Italian leaders for investing in both countries and their related regions. 30 The South Africa-Italy Summit will be an elite event, matched only by the World Economic Forum in Davos, The European House-Ambrosetti Forum in Cernobbio, and the BOAO Forum in Hainan. It will be a first in Africa, with the vision of including more African countries in future events. Says Paolo Borzatta from The European House-Ambrosetti, “I have learned on different continents, as an international strategy consultant, that this approach – to build a community – is the only way of creating the necessary trust, confidence, and shared strategic vision for increasing significant investments in foreign countries”. The bilateral trade between South Africa and Italy (total value of €3.5 billion in 2013 – total value of R51.5 billion in 2013) and the investment flows (€250 million in 2012 – R3.7 billion in 2012) are below its potential. The approach will be to focus on the strengths of both countries to exploit the opportunities to grow together and faster. South African and Italian industrial systems are complementary in several aspects. South Africa requires medium-high technology SMEs, which are one of the key strengths of Italy’s industrial system, in addition to the world-class manufacturing excellences (among these, fashion, agri-business, machinery/equipment and automotive). In return, South Africa can offer Italy a complete structured financial system, a growing internal demand and a sound-manufacturing base for expanding in African and other international markets. A better shared knowledge of Italy and South Africa with their respective regions is pivotal to build a profitable political and economic partnership. After in-depth research, analysis and discussions with industry leaders from both countries, a framework for key opportunities has been developed to address specific needs in selected sectors. The inaugural summit will focus on manufacturing, energy and agri-business. Manufacturing is an important challenge for South Africa. Manufacturing’s share of South Africa’s economy fell from 21,9% in 1992 to 12,4% in 2012. On the contrary, Italy’s has grown and it is the second highest manufacturing country in the EU with a manufacturing gross added value of €216.5 billion. South Africa is relying on coal and oil for more than 93% of its energy production, while in recent years there have been a major push towards cleaner and renewable energy sources. There are various opportunities for Italy to partner in programmes on new technologies including smart grids and energy efficiency. 31 South Africa’s total importation of agri-food products from Italy is less than 1%, making it a huge opportunity for growth. Italy has extensive experience and expertise to offer South African companies in managing small farms, agriprocessing and food packaging. Working papers will be presented in these key areas during the summit in order to provide a constructive base for improving bilateral trade. An international think tank – composed of influential business leaders, politicians and experts – will provide the summit with innovative and effective strategic insights and ideas to enhance economic, business and cultural ties between South Africa and Italy. Among the members are Alec Erwin, former minister of Public Enterprises and former minister of Trade and Industry, South Africa; Maurizio Mariano, attorney, founder and director of BBM Law firm; Tseke Nkadimeng, CEO, Afric Oil; Ndaba Ntsele, executive chairman and co-founder, Pamodzi Group; Prof Andrea Riccardi, former minister for International Cooperation, Italy and founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio; Dr Iqbal Survé, founder and chairman, Sekunjalo Group; H.E. Vincenzo Schioppa, ambassador of Italy to South Africa; and H.E. Nomatemba Tambo, ambassador of South Africa to Italy. The European House-Ambrosetti (TEH-A) is a professional management consultancy, operating since 1965. The group has seven offices in Italy and eleven abroad, in addition to other partnerships around the world. TEH-A was ranked by the University of Pennsylvania the no. 1 think tank in Italy, 4th in Europe and 16th on a worldwide level. Grown Consulting is the South African partner of TEH-A for delivering this project. As a development consultancy, GrownConsulting is developing people, organisations, and communities through offering various internationally acclaimed and locally accredited training solutions, organisational development services, corporate governance and CSI services as well as enterprise and community development solutions. The senior partners in charge of the project are Paolo Borzatta from TEH-A and Nico de Kock from Grown Consulting. The project is sponsored by Standard Bank, DHL Global Forwarding, CLN-MA Group, 8a+ Investimenti SGR, Building Energy, Fondazione Sicilia and Grown Consulting. 32 Building bridges between South Africa and Italy | #Biz Wires The European House-Ambrosetti is launching the first ‘South Africa-Italy Summit’ that will take place from 2 to 3 October 2014 in Cape Town, South Africa. The purpose of creating this community, that will from now on gather annually, is to foster a strong, longlasting partnership between entrepreneurs and enterprises of the two countries, and between South Africa and Italy. The inaugural summit will bring together 100 selected CEOs, leading economists and governmental authorities from the two countries, creating a community of South African and Italian leaders for investing in both countries and their related regions. The South Africa-Italy Summit will be an elite event, matched only by the World Economic Forum in Davos, The European House-Ambrosetti Forum in Cernobbio, and the BOAO Forum in Hainan. It will be a first in Africa, with the vision of including more African countries in future events. Says Paolo Borzatta from The European House-Ambrosetti, “I have learned on different continents, as an international strategy consultant, that this approach – to build a community – is the only way of creating the necessary trust, confidence, and shared strategic vision for increasing significant investments in foreign countries”. The bilateral trade between South Africa and Italy (total value of €3.5 billion in 2013 – total value of R51.5 billion in 2013) and the investment flows (€250 million in 2012 – R3.7 billion in 2012) are below its potential. The approach will be to focus on the strengths of both countries to exploit the opportunities to grow together and faster. South African and Italian industrial systems are complementary in several aspects. South Africa requires medium-high technology SMEs, which are one of the key strengths of Italy’s industrial system, in addition to the world-class manufacturing excellences (among these, fashion, agribusiness, machinery/equipment and automotive). In return, South Africa can offer Italy a complete structured financial system, a growing internal demand and a sound-manufacturing base for expanding in African and other international markets. A better shared knowledge of Italy and South Africa with their respective regions is pivotal to build a profitable political and economic partnership. After in-depth research, analysis and discussions with industry leaders from both countries, a framework for key opportunities has been developed to address specific needs in selected sectors. The inaugural summit will focus on manufacturing, energy and agri-business. Manufacturing is an important challenge for South Africa. Manufacturing’s share of South Africa’s economy fell from 21,9% in 1992 to 12,4% in 2012. On the contrary, Italy’s has grown and it is the second highest manufacturing country in the EU with a manufacturing gross added value of €216.5 billion. South Africa is relying on coal and oil for more than 93% of its energy production, while in recent years there have been a major push towards cleaner and renewable energy sources. There are various opportunities for Italy to partner in programmes on new technologies including smart grids and energy efficiency. South Africa’s total importation of agri-food products from Italy is less than 1%, making it a huge opportunity for growth. Italy has extensive experience and expertise to offer South African companies in managing small farms, agri-processing and food packaging. Working papers will be presented in these key areas during the summit in order to provide a constructive base for improving bilateral trade. An international think tank – composed of influential business leaders, politicians and experts – will provide the summit with innovative and effective strategic insights and ideas to enhance economic, business and cultural ties between South Africa and Italy. Among the members are Alec Erwin, former minister of Public Enterprises and former minister of Trade and Industry, South Africa; Maurizio Mariano, attorney, founder and director of BBM Law firm; Tseke Nkadimeng, CEO, Afric Oil; Ndaba Ntsele, executive chairman and co-founder, Pamodzi Group; Prof Andrea Riccardi, former minister for International Cooperation, Italy and founder of the Community of Sant’Egidio; Dr Iqbal Survé, founder and chairman, Sekunjalo Group; H.E. Vincenzo Schioppa, ambassador of Italy to South Africa; and H.E. Nomatemba Tambo, ambassador of South Africa to Italy. The European House-Ambrosetti (TEH-A) is a professional management consultancy, operating since 1965. The group has seven offices in Italy and eleven abroad, in addition to other partnerships around the world. TEH-A was ranked by the University of Pennsylvania the no. 1 think tank in Italy, 4th in Europe and 16th on a worldwide level. Grown Consulting is the South African partner of TEH-A for delivering this project. As a development consultancy, Grown Consulting is developing people, organisations, and communities through offering various internationally acclaimed and locally accredited training solutions, organisational development services, corporate governance and CSI services as well as enterprise and community development solutions. The senior partners in charge of the project are Paolo Borzatta from TEH-A and Nico de Kock from Grown Consulting. The project is sponsored by Standard Bank, DHL Global Forwarding, CLN-MA Group, 8a+ Investimenti SGR, Building Energy, Fondazione Sicilia and Grown Consulting. 33 Building bridges between SA and Italy May 22 2014 17:46Fin24 Cape Town - The European House-Ambrosetti is launching a South Africa-Italy Summit that will take place from October 2 to 3 2014 at the Mount Nelson Hotel in Cape Town. The purpose is to create an annual gathering to foster a strong, long-lasting partnership between entrepreneurs and enterprises of the two countries and between South Africa and Italy. The inaugural summit will bring together 100 selected CEOs, leading economists and governmental authorities from the two countries. “I have learned on different continents, as an international strategy consultant, that this approach – to build a community – is the only way of creating the necessary trust, confidence, and shared strategic vision for increasing significant investments in foreign countries,” said Paolo Borzatta from the European House-Ambrosetti. (Shutterstock) The bilateral trade between South Africa and Italy had a total value of R51.5bn in 2013 and the organisers feel there is much more potential. The approach of the summit will be to focus on the strengths of both countries to exploit the opportunities to grow together and faster. After in-depth research, analysis and discussions with industry leaders from both countries, a framework for key opportunities has been developed to address specific needs in selected sectors. The inaugural summit will focus on manufacturing, energy and agri-business. Manufacturing is an important challenge for South Africa. Manufacturing’s share of South Africa’s economy fell from 21.9% in 1992 to 12.4% in 2012. On the contrary, Italy’s has grown and it is the second highest manufacturing country in the EU with a manufacturing gross added value of €216.5bn. South Africa is relying on coal and oil for more than 93% of its energy production, while in recent years there have been a major push towards cleaner and renewable energy sources. There are various opportunities for Italy to partner in programmes on new technologies including smart grids and energy efficiency. South Africa’s total importation of agri-food products from Italy is less than 1%, making it a huge opportunity for growth. Italy has extensive experience and expertise to offer South African companies in managing small farms, agri-processing and food packaging. 34 35 36 37 6/10/2014 HOME Italy's CEOs explore investment opportunities in SA | SA News SOUTH AFRICA AFRICA BUSINESS WORLD FEATURES VIEW BY DATE Italy's CEOs explore investment opportunities in SA HOME >> SOUTH AFRICA >> ITALY'S CEOS EXPLORE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN SA 02-10-2014 Cape Town – Italy’s captains of industry are in South Africa to explore investment opportunities in the energy, manufacturing and agroindustry fields. Paolo Borzatta, the senior partner at The European House Ambrosetti (T-EHA) - a 50-year-old management consultancy firm – said about 100 CEOs from several Italian firms were in Cape Town on a fact finding mission with the aim of establishing production plants in the country. T-EHA is in Cape Town to hold its first summit in the African continent, an economic conference which is equivalent to the World Economic Forum meeting that is held annually in Davos. “We want to use the summit to analyse the [investment] opportunities we can get in South Africa. “So the purpose of this summit is to also create trust amongst the leaders of the two countries so that they can be able to do business together and build long term relationships,” he said. He said that the Sub-Saharan Africa was booming, and the Growth Domestic Product (GDP) in the region is expected to grow by 6% by 2015. Borzatta said South Africa was the hub and a land of investment opportunities. Energy sector Energy tops the list of South Africa’s economic agenda, with the country hoping to build 42.3 GW of power by 2030 in order to take the pressure off the ageing infrastructure. He said there were opportunities in South Africa to produce smart grids that will generate energy that could fulfil the country’s power needs. He said in the energy as well as the agroindustry fields, cooperation agreements at university level would be pursued between South African and Italian University to research that will assist the training of technicians and farmers. The universities would also share knowledge in the fields of food security, seed and fertilizers, water management and irrigation. Manufacturing sector In the manufacturing sector, Italian businessmen would pursue investment opportunities to establish plants that would also create local jobs. “We already have plants [in South Africa] and would like to have more joint ventures so that we can invest in other Sub-Saharan Africa countries with an idea of creating clusters … in which we can put together all companies that is related in a value chain and they can work together and increase their capabilities,” he said. Nomatemba Tambo, South Africa’s ambassador to Italy, said the summit being held in South Africa was significant and would contribute to economic growth in the two countries. She said the renewing its cooperation agreement on trade and investment with Italy in 2012 was a step in the right direction. Vincenzo Schioppa, the Ambassador of Italy to South Africa, said the aim for the Italian government was not to boost exports, but to promote investment and establishing plants. “Our aim is to produce together here to get Italians to have an investment in South Africa and to create job opportunities in South Africa and for goods to be consumed here,” he said. – 38