And we`re walking... and we`re walking... - uss avenger ncc-1860


And we`re walking... and we`re walking... - uss avenger ncc-1860
...And we’re walking...
and we’re walking...
cooler, wetter Autmn, and U.S.S. Avenger is
out in the thick of it!
Photo credits: Annie Slonski, Mark H. Anbinder, Todd Brugmans
Be it for recreation, socialization, a worthy cause, or some good ol’ medieval mayhem,
members of the U.S.S. Avenger stepped out this fall, with a wide range of outdoor
activities. Annie Slonski, Todd Brugmans, Jason Blackstone, and Nicole Escobosa
ventured to Crownesville, MD, meeting up with friends from the USS Highlander, and
the USS Richthoffen for Scottish weekend at the Maryland Renaissance Festival.
Annie and Todd were joined by Alex Rosenzweig and members of the USS Challenger
for the annual Lakewood Lions Club Renaissance Fair, where knights, chivalry, and
honor were demonstrated in epic capacity.
Alex Rosenzweig, Amy Wilson, Stephan & Kathy Dickinson and Mike Rupprecht ventured north to join fellow members of Stareet in the annual Watkins Glen Weekend,
hosted by USS Accord. Rumor has it there was some degree of walking amidst all
the instances of food.
Judy Waidlich, Brenda Bell, and Joanne Perkins met up with team leader Annie Slonski
for the Walk for a Cure fundraising event to benet the Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation (JDRF). Todd Brugmans and Frank Warren, along with Bob and Emily
Vosseller (of the USS Challenger), joined to show support for our team on a blustery
day at the Jersey shore.
By Judy Waidlich
As I write this, summer is coming to an end. First of all,
I want to mention that at the September C-Staff meeting,
the Command Staff decided to offer free membership in
U.S.S. Avenger if a person is a member in good standing of
STARFLEET. This has no effect on Avenger News ($5 for
hard copy, electronic copy no charge). Besides receiving the
Communique, the main publication of STARFLEET, members of ‘FLEET can take courses at STARFLEET Academy.
The end of summer was rather quiet. I joined Wayne at the
end of August for Pirates Weekend at the NY Renaissance
Faire. Todd and Annie made their usual trek to the Maryland
Renaissance Faire. Several members took in the Lakewood
Renaissance Festival. (I joined my mom at her high school
reunion - I was the ofcial chauffeur.)
Events that will have taken place by the publication of
AN include the Region 7 Command Summit, Watkins Glen
Weekend, the JDRF walk (Annie, Joanne, Brenda and I are
among the team walkers), Rakkasah East (a Middle East Festival), and
viewing the King Tut exhibit DVD.
There are plans to go to the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire on October
16, 2010. Operation: Wallpaper Rutgers is scheduled for the following
Saturday, October 23rd. The latter is a recruitment op, where we wander
about the New Brunswick and Piscataway campuses, hanging Avenger
Flyers in strategic places.
October ends with the Chiller Convention and the U.S.S. Challenger
Halloween Party. Also on the fall schedule is a ction workshop, at
Alex’s, where we can develop stories on what our ctional characters did
on “summer vacation”.
Even though our schedule is lling up (even up to the usual Cookie
Exchange in December, for example), we would like input from you.
Remember, the more you put in, the more fun it can be. I look forward to
seeing our members enjoying these events.
Commodore Judy
EXECUTIVE THOUGHTS conversations going for how to get everybody involved doing something
Greetings, All!
I’m settling into a new ofce, it seems, just getting the
last of my things moved from portside Deck 7 to the new
digs up on Deck 2. Pretty nice!
Of course, with that new ofce upstairs, and the change
out of the gray shirt and back into the white, comes the
need to look at the chapter from a broader perspective.
Being XO is new for me on the Avenger, but it’s a role
I’ve held twice before, on ST 595 Revere and CH 1700
Constitution. Still, my last tour in that role was quite a
while back, so bear with me.
If one looks at the Ofcer’s Manual, there are a couple
of things worth noting about the job of Executive Ofcer,
from the point-of-view of the crew as a whole:
o Compiling a calendar of the ship’s events.
o Producing a regular report of crew activities, in the
form of a column in Avenger News or as a separate mailing. It should consist of a brief synopsis of the activities
of each division.
As most of you have seen, I’ve tended to be the “calendar
guy” anyway, and that will continue. I typically post events
to our Facebook group, and maintain the calendar on the
website. I often also post events on the Region 7 Events
Calendar, and occasionally, as warranted, on the calendar
at s.org, too.
I also plan, as you’ll see in this issue of Avenger News,
to do a specically activities-oriented column, looking at
what’s happening around the ship, with an eye on things
that folks can get involved in. On the division level, that
will focus on activities being developed for all of you
to enjoy. Now, the thing is, the chiefs can’t just conjure
up successful activities. They can offer you ideas, but an
activity usually doesn’t work so well if it’s just the chief
sitting in an empty room. So, hopefully, we can get some
they’ll enjoy.
Sound good?
Meanwhile, there’s this big-picture stuff. And there’s a bunch to talk
about this time! So let’s get right to it, shall we?
As you know, the Command Staff recently made an important change
in how we charge membership fees. From now on, if you’re a member of
STARFLEET in good standing, your basic Avenger membership is free.
That’s right: free. All that’ll happen is that each year (or 6-issue Avenger
News cycle), we’ll check in with you and make sure you ant to continue
on. You say yes, and we’re all done. Easy as that.
However, one thing we can’t afford to make free is the printed newsletter. So the $5 fee for the hardcopy Avenger News will still continue. Of
course, if you just want to receive the newsletter in electronic format, that
fee can be waived, too, and as we’ve been doing, we’ll simply let you
know when it’s been posted to the Google Group and you can download
it at your leisure.
All of this is part of our continued efforts to make being a member of
this group as easy and fun as possible.
Speaking of STARFLEET memberships... If you were a member
in good standing as of 1 August, you should have received a ballot
to vote in the election for the next Commander and Vice Commander,
STARFLEET. As you know, FCAPT Emmett Plant and I are one of the
teams seeking those ofces. The other is VADM Dave Blaser and MGEN
Bran Stimpson. Obviously, I’m biased, and hope you’ll vote for Emmett
and myself, and of course if you have any questions about what we’re
hoping to accomplish and how, please feel free to contact me. However,
whichever team you choose to support, I hope that you’ll take advantage
of the opportunity to cast a vote.
On the same ballot, members are being asked to vote on an entirely
new package of Bylaws, as well as revised Articles of Incorporation for
the organization. On this topic, I’m really torn. Fact is, the new Articles
and Bylaws actually have a lot of positive things in them, things that
will improve the exibility of the organization and its ability
to respond to changing needs without having to have the entire
membership vote on each detail. However (there’s that word
again...), one problem is that there are very few controls, so few
that it’s theoretically possible that a key process can be changed
by the Admiralty Board with little or no discussion with the
members, if they so choose. Now, this isn’t saying that the current, or some hypothetical future, Admiralty Board would do so.
But the fact that there’s no provision to prevent it in the current
draft of these Bylaws is worrisome. There are also some other
loopholes, such as uncertainty over precisely what “reasonable
compensation” means.
Frankly, I think a lot of the issues could be xed in a couple of
hours with just a bit of judicious language. And that’s not to say
that the committee that developed these bylaws didn’t put in a lot
of hard work. But in the nal analysis, as written, I am concerned
enough about the Bylaws to say that maybe we should say “No”
in the general ballot, and then spend a bit of time making those
last xes, to make the Bylaws rock solid.
In the end, again, I ask you to take a look at the Bylaws and
the Articles of Incorporation, and vote in accordance with your
own feelings on whether the documents are sound or not. It’s your
decision, your choice, as members of STARFLEET.
Star Trek in Popular Culture
Sci- for the Summer Season
A Look at “Stargate Universe” and “Caprica”
Star Trek Fan Film Series
Superhero Movies
Hopefully, you’ll notice that there’s a lot of variety here. We’ve
been trying really hard to put out an array of ideas and topics to
discuss, because we know that our members are a diverse group
with many different interests. But it’s still basically the Command
Staff cooking up the ideas, and hoping that what we’re cooking
up is interesting to all of the members. But since it is just the one
group of folks, and there’s always the chance that we’re missing the
boat on some cool ideas that folks would like to explore.
So, what I’d like to do, in preparation for our 2011 meeting
schedule, is throw this topic open to anyone. Is there something that
you’d like to talk about that we’ve been missing lately?
In fact, let’s take it a step further. Especially if you’ve not been
coming out to meetings in a while, what might we do in general
that would make the meetings more enticing and fun?
Please feel free to contact me with your thoughts and suggestions
on this. All I ask is that you keep in mind that there are limits to
what we can do. “Change meeting place”, for example, is easy to
say, but if the place you want us to meet in won’t allow it, there’s
Okay, back to the ship.
not much we can do. And so forth. Fair enough?
Okay, I’m going to stop talking now. There’s lots more of
Another one of those issues has been how to make meetings and Avenger News for you to enjoy! Have fun, and we’ll talk again
activities more fun and interesting for more people. Sometimes it soon. Meanwhile, don’t forget “Mission Docket” for some neat
seems a little quixotic, but I don’t believe we can take our eye off upcoming things to do. And if you’ve got any comments, suggesthat ball. We have to keep working on it.
tions or ideas, don’t hesitate to drop me a line. Take care, and ‘til
For this column, I’m going to talk about the meetings. (I’ve
next time…
tended to go on a lot in “Scientic Methods” in the past about
activities, and what I have said about Sciences in particular cer- Ad Astra!
tainly applies to the whole crew. So I’m not going to repeat that
ADM Alex Rosenzweig
here.) I know that the ‘conventional wisdom is that meetings are
Executive Ofcer
boring business stuff and not that much fun to come out to. Well,
it is true that we do some business there, ‘cause it’s a time when
folks get together to do stuff like decide on what activities to
schedule and chat about ideas to help make the club better. But
the meetings are also a time to be social, to shoot the breeze about
the latest sci- and Trek news, to share cool stuff that’s happened
to us, and generally interact to help build and support those bonds
of friendship.
We’ve also, in an attempt to build in interesting topics at
the meetings, added a ‘formal” meeting program, something
about which we can say, “We’re going to talk about this…” for
each monthly meeting. Typically, the Command Staff decides
the schedule of topics every six months or so. If you go look
in “Mission Docket”, you’ll see them. In fact, let me make it
easier for you. Here are topics we’ve had, both in recent months
and looking a bit ahead (by the way, these are not remotely in
Look at this spiffy poster and go buy one! Done
chronological order):
by artist Chris Allan, this detailed poster matches
Star Trek in the Print Media
The Worlds/Planets of Star Trek
Trek Tech and Real Tech: Art Imitating Life Imitating Art
New Science Fiction on TV
Movies: Recaps, Remakes, and Sequels
up with the ofcial Avenger Blueprints and gives a
detailed look inside our vessel. Take a look! It’s at
our CaféPress store:
long time ago when I was a young child and “Flipper” was in its rst
By Captain Annie Slonski, Chief Science Ofcer
run on television. That show caught my imagination. Here was a very
Yes, you read correctly, this is not a typo! For approximately four years, I have held the position of Chief Medical intelligent animal so very different-looking than us. I yearned for more.
Ofcer for the Avenger, but my rst love amongst the various My parents indulged me whenever we went on vacations and I insisted
StarFleet divisions aboard ship has always been and always that we nd aquariums and seaquariums to visit. That’s where I was
most happy. From years of sitting in those audiences at the marine
will be science! When Todd stepped down as the Executive
mammal shows, I learned more than I knew from the moment I stepped
Ofcer and Alex stepped into that role, Alex’s position
foot onto those bleachers, and yes, sometimes I did get wet! I devoured
became available and I put my name in for consideration.
While I was the CMO, I enjoyed telling people that not only books upon books on whales and dolphins. At one time I had a huge
library of books just on that subject alone. I was obsessed with going on
didn’t I play a doctor on television, but also I was not one
whale watches when I lived in New England. And when “Star Trek IV”
in real life, and if anyone ever cut themselves, to please go
came out? Please, I was beside myself when I found out that I was on
get a band aid!
a whale watching vessel out of Provincetown, MA with the crew that
Alex has left some very large shoes to ll for someone
took Leonard Nimoy out on a whale watch for research for the movie
to take over as CSO, so I will do my best to live up to his
reputation. It may be slow going at rst, but I know in time I just a few months prior! I volunteered at museums and science centers
will nd my niche and I hope you nd the things I write about throughout my journey for knowledge, always doing something related
to whales. Some of my most favorite experiences were taking the rare
as interesting as I do.
“backstage” tours at an aquarium where I got a better glimpse into,
Science has always been my rst love. While I was never
again, how things worked.
that great at sitting through a dissection of a frog in high
My love for whales has gone through some peaks and valleys,
school (that was something I always let my lab partner do!),
but they were never far from my rst love. Well, okay, horses were
I have always been fascinated to learn why things work the
way they do. I’m always ready to ask that next question and ALWAYS my rst love, but whales were really high up there! In
writing the column I have been for Avenger News, I’ve learned some
gain a better understanding of the world around me.
pretty fabulous things that I may never have known before. It’s all
Natural science has also been particularly close to my
about the research.
heart, as I love learning and writing about animals. In fact,
I do also sometimes write an article on sharks. Sharks have always
I remember the rst-ever report I did in grammar school
fascinated me, as well, but it wasn’t until “Jaws” was released and
on animals, and it was on a koala bear. Funny the things
you remember, isn’t it? I am constantly nding out new and became the summer blockbuster it was, that I wanted to learn more
about the so called monsters in the water. They aren’t monsters at
sometimes obscure information regarding animals, and it is
that curiosity that continually has me asking possibly one of all, but a dynamic part of our ecosystem, just like every other living
the most frequently asked questions: “Why?” How did we get organism. If only more people understood that.
So I hope that together we can go on a journey of discovery and that
to the point where we are today, in the here and now, and
what about beyond? See, I told you I am continually ready to some of our members may be inspired to write about the things that
they love the most, as well. What do you say?
ask that next question!
I look forward to communicating with all of the members of my
One ground-breaking public television mini-series that I
remember with great fondness had me glued to my television staff and getting to know some of you better. I also look forward to
each and every week, and that was “Cosmos”, hosted by the the journey.
Captain Annie Slonski
Until next time...
late Carl Sagan. He answered so many of my questions and
Chief Science Ofcer
then some. He was always engaging the viewing audience to
U.S.S. Avenger
nd out more, to think about the larger picture, and to nd
out why.
While natural science is my favorite, I also enjoy the physi- SECURITY
cal sciences, particularly astronomy. I love to look up into the Security has been pretty quiet at the moment, but I am hoping that some
members might be looking forward to a laser tag game. I would love to
night sky and see the myriad number of stars, marveling at
do a Security poker game in the near future, too. If anyone in Security or
the fact that just by looking at a star, I am looking further
any other division would like to play a game of Texas Hold’em or hang
back into the history of our universe than was ever thought
out and watch movies on a Sunday in Philly, then i would gladly throw
imaginable. Nowadays it’s difcult to nd that unique clear
patch of sky free of light pollution, but when I do, it’s magi- some dogs on the grill for the day. Other than that, all systems are normal.
cal! One of my desires has always been to see the Aurora
Borealis before I die. Someday, I will. That I know.
Security Chief Joe Horton
My fascination with cetaceans, which is why I write a
semi-regular column on whales and dolphins, began a very
By Joe Horton
How safe is the security on your computer, laptop, or PDA that are connected to the internet? Every day you open mail, open a le, or
possibly receive a le from an e-mail attachment that could have a virus or a worm, and that is only a few of the items that may attack
your computer security. A virus could be designed to cripple your computer or drop a worm to collect information to be picked up at
later time about your nances and personal information.
A virus is a self-replicating program that spreads by inserting copies itself into documents or programs that already exist on your
computer. A computer virus can not reproduce itself, but the use of its functions can spread the infection to other programs or cells in
the computer. Similarly, a computer virus makes use of the executable code in legitimate programs to carry out its purposes. A virus
can do destructive things to your computer system or be a simple, harmless prank. A virus can affect other computers by being copied
and transferred to those other computers. This sort of program is known as a worm.
A worm can quickly replicate itself and to use the internet or other networks to spread to a large number of systems. Malware
has been the primary worm to spread by e-mails. Worms/malware may contain code to damage or erase les, or may carry other
malicious payloads. Many computer systems have been brought down by worms, and the sheer numbers of worm copies can bring
systems to a halt.
A common way to spread a virus is by any email from an affected computer. The worm searches address books, temporary internet
caches, and other possible sources of email. The worm then mails out random infected fake messages. It may use the addresses it nds
not only as recipients but also may spoof mail to show them as senders. It may also combine random pieces of addresses into new fake
addresses. All the messages will contain an attachment that is infected. None of this activity may be known to the owner of the infected
machine and may go on for weeks or months. A single infected machine can send out thousands of worm-carrying messages.
With these facts, you should be aware of emails from people you don’t know, or that look suspicious, and that have les attached.
They could carry a virus or a worm that can simply slow down or possibly crash your system. There are ways to protect yourself, using
virus detectors, rewalls, and simply common sense. There are more types of viruses that can attack your computer, but that will be in
a future report. Meanwhile, think about how opening and downloading les can crash your system.
By Chief of Security Joe Horton
Deletions--Farewell, and Good Luck...
1) Jonathan Mullins
I started out in Philly, taking the train to the airport and end getting
2) Lieutenant J.G. Tim Drude
through security. I did not realize how much it changed since the last
time I ew. I didn’t realize that they serve pizza, cheese steaks, and other 3) Sarita Amy Morse
4) Stephen H Schwegler
lunch items at 7 in the morning! I ended up getting a coffee and bagel
5) Olivia Goodman
and relaxed for a few minutes until my ight took off to Chicago.
When I arrived in Chicago, I had a six-hour layover. During that time,
I had to print something at the local Ofce Max for the IC. I had lunch Welcome Back--Thanks for Renewing
1) Captain Frank Warren, Jr.
at Steak and Shake. I then went back to the airport and still had a few
2) Fleet Captain Brenda Bell
hours to kill, but i did sample the Chicago hotdog and deep dish pizza
3) Commander August Ciufo
at the airport; it was not bad. They also had a great bar at which to kill
4) Captain Matt Rielly
time, the ESPN Sports Bar.
5) Admiral Alex Rosenzweig
I nally got on my ight and end up meeting Greg Trotter at the
airport in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He almost gave me a chicken sandwich from 6) Captain Ann-Ruth Rosenzweig
7) Commodore Judy Waidlich
a vending machine, and was going to make a joke, but they were out
8) Commander Stephan Dickinson
of them. So the hot chicken sandwich must be a popular item in the
9) Commander Kathy Dickinson
vending machine.
I checked into the hotel and had the Miss Kitty Suite because I’d
waited so long and didn’t want a cabin in the woods. The internet was
weak in the hotel, and that had been kind of the reason i wanted to stay Changes and Revisions-Where Are They Now?
in the hotel. I remember eating bisquits and gravy and a lot of fried food 1) Captain Annie Slonski should now be listed as Chief
during my stay. The only time I left the hotel was during the lunch. I did Science Ofcer.
2) Admiral Alex Rosenzweig should now be listed as
wear my monster maroons and kept my cool at the picnic table.
I had a great time hanging out with the Marines. I also had a great time Executive Ofcer.
at the rest of the IC. The ight home was not as exciting. I ew through 3) Rear Admiral Todd Brugmans should now be listed as
a Communications Ofcer.
Houston, Texas, which had only one pit stop of a sandwich place, and
then ew home to Philly with no problems.
I would have to say it was fun, and I cant wait ‘til next year.
By Alex Rosenzweig
This new column, in accordance with the Avenger Ofcer’s
Manual, is “a regular report of crew activities, in the form
of a column in Avenger News or as a separate mailing. It
should consist of a brief synopsis of the activities of each
division.” “SitRep” is a term used typically by the military or
other government groups. It’s an abbreviation for “Situation
Report”, a report given to both senior ofcers and subordinate
staff to make sure that, put simply, they know what’s going on.
And that’s what we’ll be doing here.
Overall, the chapter’s been quite busy! The next few months
are lled with activities covering a wide variety of interests. The
details can be found in “Mission Docket”, but in addition to the
regular meetings (which I discussed in some detail in “Executive
Thoughts”, activities encompass…
A hike
A Halloween Party
Renaissance Faires
Recruiting Operations
And that’s just for then next 2-3 months! Getting closer to the
holiday season and into 2011, not only do we have more ideas,
but we’re always open to suggestions.
There are also lots of opportunities to join in with our fellow
chapters for fun and frivolity. They often get discussed at meetings, but also can be found on the chapters’ websites or on the
Region 7 calendar at
As we’ve discussed elsewhere, the Command Staff has
been busy, too! Recent events of note include the change in
chapter membership fees to allow a free baseline membership
for STARFLEET members in good standing.
Also, the Command staff discussed some issues regarding our
website. As you may have noticed, was down
for a while. What happened was that, after many years, FADM
(Ret.) Mike Smith-who had been hosting our site at no charge to
us-decided that he really couldn’t do so anymore. It wasn’t that
he had any problems with us as a group; his life and interests
have just gone in different directions, and playing tech-guy for a
few websites wasn’t so much a priority for him anymore. So the
Command Staff was considering our options. Fortunately, CAPT
Frank Warren stepped in and volunteered to host the Avenger
site on the Webwarren server. So a big “thanks!” goes out to
Frank for his help. And, of course, we thank Todd Brugmans for
his continued service as webmaster.
We welcome new Chief Science Ofcer Annie Slonski to the
research-and-analysis decks! She’s settling in, and we look forward
to hearing lots of cool science-y ideas and opportunities to participate in the months to come.
Annie’s recent shift over to Sciences means that we are now
seeking a Chief Medical Ofcer! If you’re a STARFLEET member
in good standing (or willing to become one) and are interested in
leading the Medical Division, contact Judy or myself.
LCDR Norm reports that the Operations Division is quiet, with
no plans at the moment. So the rst question becomes: What can
Operations do that might get its members excited? Has there been
anything that you’ve been itching to try out, ad that you’d be
willing to lead, if other members want to try it, too?
CAPT Matt reports that Engineering is also pretty quiet. I guess
that means we have the same question for our engineers: Is there
anything that you’d like to do, and would be psyched to share with
your fellow members?
Communications is sort of uncommunicative these days, though
some of that may be because we’re still looking for a Chief of
Communications. If you’re a STARFLEET member in good standing (or willing to become one) and are interested in leading the
Communications Division, contact Judy or myself.
Over in Security, CAPT Joe is exploring the possibility of a
Lazer Tag event. So if Lazer Tag seems like something you’d be
interested in trying out, or maybe getting back into if you’d tried
it before, let Joe know!
As time goes along, I look forward to helping everyone share
ideas for division-based activities. Now, one thing to remember is
that even if a division is sponsoring an activity it doesn’t mean
the activity can only be attended by division members (unless
they want to plan an “exclusive”, of course). But some of the
divisions are pretty small, and I bet they’d welcome participation
from elsewhere around the ship. Right?
So let’s see what happens, and how we can all share the fun of
this ongoing adventure.
By Annie Slonski
This has always been one of my favorite times of the year,
Renaissance Faire season! The Faires are a world and a culture
all unto themselves, a chance to interact with people as someone
other than who you are 360-something days a year. When I put
on my garb, I feel like I’m becoming another person, and I’ve
found myself to be even more outgoing, and a wee bit more
risqué with my bantering. But that’s the fun of the Renaissance
Faires. It’s the chance to go outside of your normal world and
truly BE outside the box, instead of just thinking it.
One of my favorite permanent faires is the Maryland Renaissance Festival. It’s literally an escape into a totally different
world and another century. Street performers as well as longtime entertainers who are there year after year and lightly peppered with new talent abounds at this faire. As always, the
favorites are The O’Danny Girls, a trio of good Irish lasses
that came across the ocean from Ireland with a ship full of
nautical men. Their songs are ribald, suggestive and extremely
entertaining. They get the audience engaged in their act, whether
it is by having them sing along from their seats or by pulling an
unsuspecting patron or two from the audience up on stage. Their
act is denitely rated PG-13, and they say so at the beginning
of each performance. Another long-time favorite is The Pyrates
Royale. They’re a collection of “scurvy dogs” that sing lively
and sometimes beautiful sea shanties. Their stage show is always
a hit. And the third faire regulars are The Rogues. The Rogues
play a mix of traditional and original Scottish music, but what’s
different about them is that they play the traditional music to
the tempo of high-octane! For one band, they make an awful lot
of resounding and foot-stomping noise. You never have a bad
time seeing them!
The vendors at the Maryland Faire are exceptional, with
everything from beeswax candles and honey to weapons of all
kinds of materials to leather goods to armor. You name it, it can
most likely be found at this faire! Tucked away in the farthest
corner from the main entrance is a mead stand where you can
purchase some truly heavenly spirits. Mead, the oldest known
alcoholic beverage in the world, is fermented from honey instead
of from grapes, making this a truly wonderful dessert wine. At
the mead stand, you can have mead mixed with any number
of avored wines. My particular favorite is mead mixed with
raspberry wine.
Each year, Todd and I venture down for their “Scottish
Weekend”, and each year we try to introduce new people to this
faire as we’ve never had a bad time, even in the pouring rain.
This year we got to introduce Avenger’s own Jason Blackstone
and his ancé Nicole Escobosa to this marvelous faire! They
truly enjoyed it and, as of this writing, I believe that they are
trying to see if they can go back for another weekend. I hope
they do! We also brought along another friend, Rick, that I knew
from when I was with a bagpipe band. He thoroughly enjoyed
himself and met some fascinating people.
To truly appreciate this faire, you have to see it rsthand. It
is set in a beautifully wooded area with permanent buildings and
stages. Upon your entrance to the faire through the main gates,
for at least the rst half hour of each day, there is someone playing a
magnicent two-story pipe organ whose magical sounds reverberate
in the surrounding valley. One of my favorite areas of the faire is
the boardwalk. It is located in one of the lower points of the grounds
and is lined with benches under nice shade trees. There are shops
everywhere, and the boardwalk is no exception. I nd that, walking
through the main gates, I feel like I am coming home.
Their jousts are more like exhibitions and they play some of it
up for laughs. I enjoy it more for the horses than for anything else.
Their horses consist of two white Shires, a breed of draft horse, and
the largest breed of horse in the world. Another horse that they have
is a very handsome mahogany-brown Clydesdale-cross.
This year, we met up with other non-Fleet friends from New
Jersey and we had a fabulous time. Todd introduced a new character
(still in the making) at the faire on Sunday this year, Tain Doum.
You have to hear him tell Tain’s back story to truly appreciate it.
One of the things that was essential to Todd’s new character was a
particular piece of weaponry he had contracted to be made last year.
It was a giant, 25-pound solid wood war hammer! He was the hit
of the faire with people stopping him to gawk at the hammer and
to get some good photo ops with him. Todd was enjoying each and
every second of it!
The other faire we attended was closer to home and holds a
special place in our hearts, and that’s the Lakewood Lions Renaissance Faire, held each year at Pine Park on the third weekend in
September. For a one-weekend-only tent faire, I honestly don’t think
you’ll nd better anywhere in the area. They’ve been putting this
faire on for 29 years, and we were amazed to nd out that it was
only a group of four core members that make this whole event
possible. With the way that the faire ows, it seems like more people
had a hand in the planning, but they did not. Just four men! Amazing. One of the best things about this faire is that for the last ten
years they’ve been bringing down a troupe of jousters from Canada,
“The Knights of Valour”. They are a true full-contact jousting troupe
that competes each year on the world jousting stage. In fact, we’ve
learned at this year’s faire that jousting is most likely to become
the next extreme sport we’ll see widely televised. ESPN was there
taping the action, so hopefully it will be coming to a television
screen near us soon!
Before they do their actual jousts, they have some friendly
competitions where they try and score some early points. First they
run down the list on horseback with their lances to catch wreaths
held out by their squires. In another competition, they do a combination of using the dull end of their lances to spear a wreath, then still
at a gallop, turn the lance around and throw the pointed end into
a bale of hay spray painted with a bull’s-eye target. But the best
competition game by far is the beheading! The beheading is actually
a competition to see who can cleave a head of cabbage, balanced
atop the head of a squire wearing a special at-topped helmet, as
close to perfectly in half as possible with a sword at a full gallop.
But what makes “The Knights of Valour” unique is that they do
one of the most ancient forms of jousting, realgestech. Realgestech
is a German word, which they like to joke and say that when
translated, it means “Ooouuuccchhhh!” In this form of jousting, no
shields are used, but rather a special piece of armor that is
attached to the body of their existing armor near their shoulders called a grandguard. This grandguard consists of a ninesquared grid with each square surrounded by a raised border.
Its purpose is that an opponent aims for the grandguard and
the raised borders catch the lance, causing it to sometimes
shatter and sometimes to unhorse the opponent. Shane Adams,
going under the jousting name of Sir Shanton, the founder and
captain of “The Knights of Valour”, had never been unhorsed
in the ten years he’s been at Lakewood...until this year! It
was a spectacular sight, indeed, as he ew off the back of his
horse. He was unharmed. Shane has the distinction of holding
the 2010 title of reigning world champion jouster, just having
recently won at the competition held in Park Estes, CO. On
Saturday, after the last joust of the day, Shane and the troupe
were honored with a plaque by The Lakewood Lions for the
successful ten-year partnership that they’ve had with “The
Knights of Valour”.
There was an incredibly inspiring story that came out of this
year’s joust at the Lakewood Faire. On Saturday, the knight
that Sir Shanton was jousting against, James Acuff, or Sir
James, was a guest knight from another jousting troupe, “The
Lords of Chivalry”. It was Sir James who managed to unhorse
Sir Shanton on Saturday. In the process of doing so, we found
out the next day that Sir James had broken his hand and
was unable to joust on Sunday. There is another member of
their troupe who is the Lord Marshall of the Field (aka the
Emcee). His name is DJ Coburger, or Sir William. We’ve seen
DJ at the past two faires acting in the capacity of the Lord
Marshall for “The Knights of Valour”. Interestingly enough,
never having seen him joust before, on Saturday I had asked
him if he did joust or was this his role with the troupe. He
told me that he did, but about three years ago, he was in a
serious jousting accident where he was lifted off his horse
when a lance caught his neck plate. Already six feet off of the
ground atop his horse, he was propelled upwards another six
feet and dropped from a height of twelve feet. His armor was
irrevocably damaged and he suffered some physical injuries.
DJ has been undergoing physical therapy ever since, and
has made some signicant progress. But that progress did
not come without cost. Due to the severity of his accident,
whenever he thought about donning the armor and jousting again, he
found that he was unable to.
DJ was the only other member of the troupe at Lakewood that
could joust. On Sunday, donning Sir James’s armor, he made his return
debut on the jousting eld! As with anything, it was not without its
pitfalls. For the rst time this year, the jousters laid down footing (deep
sand) on the jousting area, not only for the horses, but for the knights
whenever they fell off, as it made for a softer surface on which to land.
On Saturday, the footing was pretty well torn up by the end of the day,
causing there to be lots of rough areas. When DJ was doing his Sunday
warm-up practice passes, the horse he was riding, Dragon, tripped and
went down on his knees and rolled over onto his side. DJ couldn’t
hang on and went tumbling over Dragon’s head. Both horse and rider
were unharmed. Jokingly, to the small crowd assembled there, he said,
“Well, I got the fall out of the way early today!” Unknown to him, he
would wind up falling off three more times. Mostly it was a balance
issue, but each and every time he got right back onto the horse. It was
truly inspirational to watch, and most of the crowd-knowing his storycheered him on that much more. At the end of each joust, the knights
sold pieces of broken lance for $5.00 each. All of the money raised
goes directly to the care and upkeep of their horses, for without
them the knights could not do what they love best. And speaking of
their horses, we’ve come to nd out over the years that all of their
magnicent horses are either rescued directly off of trailers bound for
the slaughterhouses or from neglectful homes. It is easy to see that
their horses are happy and love what they’re doing. The “Knights of
Valour” not only perform at renaissance faires and compete, they also
go around to do educational programs, furthering along an age long
gone by, the age of chivalry.
Overall, we’ve attended two fabulous renaissance faires so far this
season, and have one more to go on October 16th, to the Pennsylvania
Renaissance Faire. Then, alas, RenFaire season will be over until next
year. Huzzah to the Renaissance Faires!
Compiled By Alex Rosenzweig
Shore Leave 32
1) Emmett and Alex liberally handed out “Spock the Vote” buttons, and authors like Peter David and Dayton Ward wore them all weekend? (AR)
2) Groups made the now-traditional journeys to An Poitin Stil and Liberatore’s for delicious food, and on Sunday night, some of those who remained
at Shore Leave went to Jesse Wong’s Kitchen for an Asian angle? (AR)
3) Outside Ten-Forward, “ToddCon” became a free-form chatterfest highlighted by stream-of-consciousness humor and many, many riffs off a small
red plastic gem that somehow drove an hour’s worth of creativity and fun? (AR)
4) Actress Torri Higginson (Elizabeth Weir from “Stargate Atlantis”) was one of the surprises of the con, proving to be a delightfully sweet person
who truly enjoyed interacting with her fans? (AR)
5) Stars and fans alike joined in World Cup soccer enthusiasm all weekend? (AR)
6) At the end of Shore Leave, as the nal game of the World Cup was being played, Joe Horton secured a chair and sat at an island counter in the bar
and watched the game with Edward Olmos (aka Admiral Adama from “Battlestar Galactica” and Katee Sackhoff (aka Starbuck)? (JH)
7) Outside the bar, ADM Alex joined another group with Torri H. at its center to watch the game on Sunday? (AR)
8) Life took a very different turn than expected on Sunday night, as instead of the quiet relaxation of hanging out at the hotel, Alex, Emmett, Janek,
Tony Lopes, and Scott Akers played Good Samaritan and journeyed to the woods to help a young couple nd their campsite in the dark? (AR)
King Tut Artifacts Exhibition Trip
9) Joined by CAPT Art Vaccarino of the U.S.S. McCauliffe, ADM Alex, COMM Judy, and LCDR Joanne explored the art and archaeology of
ancient Egypt? (AR)
10) Again and again, the beauty and the craftsmanship of the artifacts from millennia ago amazed and enthralled the group? (AR)
STARFLEET International Conference 2010
11) ADM Alex’s journey to the IC got “interesting” (as in the ancient Chinese curse) when weather delays forced him to miss his connecting
ight in Dallas-Fort Worth, but American Airlines was johnny-on-the-spot and promptly booked hm on the next ight to Tulsa, only an hour and
a half later or so? (AR)
12) The corridors of the Western Hills Guest Ranch hotel reminded Alex a whole lot of the Enterprise corridors in TOS, if one squinted a little
and didn’t focus on the western motif? (AR)
13) Ray Brown played tour guide for central Oklahoma on the drive between the airport and the Sequoyah State Park? (AR)
14) The IC2011 hospitality suite was a popular hangout spot, with Trek movies running and the ever-amusing IC11 “commercials”? (AR)
15) For the “Meet the Candidates” session, RADM Jon Lane brought a sport jacket with him (a blazer; get it?), and with the help of the hotel staff, a
potted plant was also secured, and both were displayed during the Q & A session? (AR)
16) Alex won laugh points when he referred to the nal format of the “Meet the Candidates’ session as “STARFLEET: The View”? (AR)
17) The IC2010 tech team left the hotel’s internet connections in better shape than they found them? (AR)
18) The hotel staff were awesome, really making us all feel welcome and asking lots of questions about STARFLEET and the event? (AR)
Region 7 Command Summit and Rotorfest
19) Leaders of the region and its chapters gathered for a day of discussions, ideas, and even laughter and fun, proving that “business meetings”
don’t have to be boring? (AR)
20) A lot of conventional wisdom-busting ideas got oated? (AR)
21) In a plane crash survival scenario, most of us died? (AR)
22) Emmett Plant and Jeff Victor both got lots of comedy points? (AR)
23) Emmett, Lance, and Alex stayed overnight at a nearby Red Roof Inn, saving money by being STARFLEET members? (AR)
24) The rain on Sunday didn’t stop the helicopters from being shown off, with demonstrations ranging from autogyros to big Chinooks and
Blackhawks? (AR)
25) Emmett, Janek, and Alex took a helicopter ride around the area, and had a great time being airborne for a little while? (GP)
----------------------ADM Alex Rosenzweig, this column’s compiler, would like to thank everyone who sent in contributions to
this column. Of course, more are always needed. If you want to share something that happened at an Avenger,
STARFLEET, or Star Trek event, please send your contributions to Alex at:
980 Linwood Place
North Brunswick, NJ 08902-2267
9 October 2010 - King Tut Exhibition DVD Viewing/Discussion
980 Linwood Place, North Brunswick, NJ, 2:00 PM
Earlier this year, an Avenger mission team explored the King Tut Exhibition at the Discovery Times Square Exposition Center. A copy of the
exhibition DVD was procured, and for those who couldn’t make it into NYC for the exhibition itself, we offer an afternoon of exploring the DVD
and the features it includes. Discussions of the exhibition, and of King Tut and ancient Egypt will allow your archaeological interests to be explored.
Event Coordinator: ADM Alex Rosenzweig,
9 October 2010 - Rakkasah East, Middle East Festival
Ukrainian Cultural Center, 135 Davidson Ave, Somerset, New Jersey
Times: 11 AM - 11 PM
Cost: $18, Seniors and children 10 & under are half price.
Event Website:
10 October 2010 - Avenger Ship Meeting
North Brunswick Public Library, 880 Hermann Road, North Brunswick, NJ, 2:00 PM
Join us for the usual fun, chatter, and good times.
Program: Movies: Recaps, Remakes, and Sequels
Event Coordinator: COMM Judy Waidlich,
16 October 2010 - Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire
Mount Hope Winery, PA
Join us as we wind down the renaissance season with one more outing.
Event Website: Event Coordinator: RADM Todd Brugmans,
23 October 2010 - Operation Wallpaper Rutgers
Rutgers New Brunswick and Piscataway Campuses, NJ
Help us spread the word about the Avenger to a college campus right nearby. Teams spread out across the Rutgers New Brunswick and Piscataway campuses,
posting and distributing mini-posters wherever we can. We hit bulletin boards and other areas where material can be posted, and leave several hundred reminders in
our wake. The more folks we have, the easier this is, and it can be good exercise and a fun game, too! (For those who have difculty with lots of sustained walking,
the Rutgers campuses offer many places to sit, and we can always use folks in key locations to hold the supplies while others do the posting.)
Time: Meet at College Avenue Student Center at 11:00 AM
Event Coordinator: ADM Alex Rosenzweig,
29-31 October 2010 - Chiller Theatre Expo
Hilton Parsippany, Parsippany, NJ
Guests include John Astin, William Sadler, LeVar Burton, Olivia D’Abo, Ernie Hudson, Meadowlark Lemon, Tom Savini, and many more! Cost: Advance General Admission is $15.00/day or $40.00 for all three days. Other packages available. Event
30 October 2010 - U.S.S. Challenger Halloween Party
Seaside Heights Community Center, Seaside Heights, NJ,
Time: 6:00 PM - 11:59 PM
Event Coordinator: ADM Bob Vosseller,
30 October 2010 - Adamant/Ascension Halloween Party
Details TBA
6 November 2010 - Avenger Fiction Workshop
980 Linwood Place, North Brunswick, NJ, 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Explore new stories, expansions of existing story threads, new or updated characters, and more! We can discuss any topic relating to Avenger’s ctional world,
but our primary topic for this workshop will be: From June through August 2310, the Avenger was docked at Earth for ret/reprovisioning in between 5-year
tours. What did various crewmembers do during their “summer vacation”? Stories can be of any length, from 1 page to dozens, so don’t feel you have to write
a novel to participate. :)
Cost is negligible for the workshop itself. Contributions of drinks or munchies appreciated, and save a little in case we decide to go for dinner afterward.
Event Coordinator: Alex Rosenzweig,
14 November 2010 - Avenger Ship Meeting
North Brunswick Public Library, 880 Hermann Road, North Brunswick, NJ, 2:00 PM
Join us for the usual fun, chatter, and good times. Program: A
Look at “Stargate Universe” and “Caprica”
Event Coordinator: COMM Judy Waidlich,
12 December 2010 - Avenger Ship Meeting and Holiday Party
Norm Van Houten’s Home, 27 Wilshire Road, Edison, NJ, 2:00 PM
Join us for the usual fun, chatter, and good times. Program: 2010 Holiday party! Eat, drink, and celebrate the season!
Event Coordinator: COMM Judy Waidlich,
12-14 August 2011 - STARFLEET International Conference 2011
The Inn at Pocono Manor, Pocono Manor, PA
STARFLEET’s annual gathering! Yeah, there’s a bit of business, but it’s a fantastic opportunity to see friends one doesn’t get to spend much time
with, and make lots of new ones, from all over this amazing organization.
Cost: Adult Registration: $20.00; Child Registration: $5.00 (Meals and Hotel Additional). Registration prices will go up to $25.00 on 2 August,
and to $30.00 on 1 February.
Event Website:
NOTE: Please, if you are planning to attend an event, let the event/project coordinator know of your plans, so he/she can
make the proper arrangements. Thanks!
The Ship’s BBS was rst introduced in the novel Spock’s World, written by Diane Duane. Like BBSs of today, it was a place where items of interest could be
posted for the crew to read and respond to. This column is much like that. Things may change from time to time, so keep checking back each issue.
* Help Wanted!
Looking to contribute to the Avenger? If so, we need your help! The following positions are open:
- Press Ofcer: Write and distribute press releases to the ship’s media list, interact with reporters and other media personnel, and help craft our club image to the
world at large!
- Chief of Communications: Serve on the senior staff, and be a leader of the members in the Communications Division. Have a direct voice in the running of the chapter.
Highlight communications interests, covering theories, technologies, and anything about how people interact with each other, in many media, both in the Trek Universe
and in real life. (This position requires STARFLEET membership in good standing.)
Contact COMM Judy or ADM Alex if you’d like to volunteer!
- Chief Medical Ofcer: Serve on the senior staff, and be a leader of the members in the Medical Division. Have a direct voice in the running of the chapter.
Highlight health/medical interests, both in the Trek Universe and in real life. (This position requires STARFLEET membership in good standing.) Contact COMM
Judy or ADM Alex if you’d like to volunteer!
- Second Ofcer: Serve on the senior staff, and oversee the membership database and Point System (for promotions). Assist the CO and XO in other capacities, as well,
including (but not limited to) heading special projects or doubling in a senior staff position if there are multiple vacancies and the Executive Ofcer is already lling one
of them. (This position requires STARFLEET membership in good standing.)
* Do you have an idea for an event or activity? We love to do stuff, that’s for sure! Lots of stuff is based on ideas our members bring to the group, and can be
as simple as something you enjoy and would like to share. How? It’s easy! Just ask an Avenger Command Staff member for an Event Planner and begin your
adventure today. Event Planners contain descriptions of events/activities, and both the Planners and sign-up sheets are passed around at each month’s ship meeting.
This is a way for everyone to nd out the details of what’s going on, or to share your ideas for what you want to do! We need your help, because if no one
coordinates events, they don’t happen!!
* Internet Resources:
The Avenger has a lot of opportunities to interact through the Internet! Check ‘em out...
- The adventure begins with our spiffy website where you can nd information about your fellow crewmates and read online logs from your division chief:
- Another great way to contact your STARFLEET buddies is through the Internet Relay Chat (IRC). Instructions can be found on the Avenger site. Go to the Internet
Resources link on the navigation bar on the Avenger’s main site, and follow the instructions about IRC. NOTE: To access the IRC servers, use:
Port 6667
The main STARFLEET channel is #stareet, and Avenger maintains its own channel at #avenger
For additional information, visit http://www.
- The Avenger Yahoo Group is a great place to get updated news from the Avenger via email and special website features. Check it out at:
- Avenger News newsletters are archived online, in PDF format, in a dedicated, members-only Google Group. The group is here:
* Our CaféPress Store: You can buy Avenger schtuff online like T-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, mousepads, etc at the Cafepress Avenger Store, featuring our logo. We’ve
also upgraded the store with special 25th Anniversary items, so check out all the new stuff! The store can be found at:
* CaféPress Store Feedback: Is there something you’d like that we’re not offering at the Avenger Store? Check out CaféPress’s product list, and if you see something
there that’s not available in our store, contact Avenger Command and let them know.
* Additional purchase options: Avenger also has material available at RADM Todd’s Zazzle store. Right now it’s Anniversary-focused. Check it out at: http://
* Avenger Blueprints!
(continued on page 17)
By Judy Waidlich, with Alex Rosenzweig
“Space, The Final Frontier... These are the continuing voyages of the starship Avenger. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange,
new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before.”
Many members’ questions have dealt with the ctional Avenger. Since we call for members to make up personnel les for their characters,
members want to know just how our ctional universe works. What does the ctional Avenger do? How does it t into the Star Trek Universe
as portrayed on TV and in the lms, books, comics, etc.? To answer these questions, and to (hopefully) keep you folks entertained, this series
of articles was born.
In this issue, we bring you the nal tale in Judy Waidlich’s recent arc. But who knows what the future might hold?
“No rumors,” answers T’HoD.
“Good,” Judy replies.
“So have you slept with him?” asks T’HoD. Waidlich glares daggers at her First
Ofcer. “Okay, subject dropped for now. I’ll be going.” And before Waidlich can say
By Judith Waidlich
another word, he turns and exits her ofce.
Judy works on routine tasks in the privacy of her ofce for about half an hour. She then
Late July 2307
leaves for the bridge. Upon arrival, she takes the center seat.
How does one keep a secret on a starship? You can’t unless only one
A short time later, the XO comes up and clears his throat. Waidlich replies, “Yes?”
person knows, which doesn’t make sense. Case in point, the CO’s sex life or
He responds, “Forgetting something?”
lack thereof. If the CO has a sex life - and at this point it is neither being
Judy answers, “Oh yeah. On my way. You have the conn.” She rises and exits the
conrmed or denied - then more than one person would likely know.
bridge via turbo-lift.
The captain is down in sickbay, sitting on the edge of the biobed, waiting
She makes her way to sickbay and the ofce of the Doctor of Mental Health, Dr.
impatiently for the CMO to nish up her examination. Hopefully, this will
be the last follow-up to the bite she got from that creature on some unknown Camille Farber. Dr. Farber is in her ofce, enjoying a cup of tea. There is another cup
planet in Kenosian territory. Doctor Aurora Parker-MacKenzie nishes up her awaiting Judy. She enters and takes a seat across from the doctor.
Camille asks, “How are things?”
nal scan of one of her most difcult patients, any starship CMO’s most
Judy replies, “Fine. Aurora gave me a clean bill of health. Ship and crew are ne.”
difcult patient, the Commanding Ofcer. Aurora turns to put her instrument
Camille takes a sip and puts down the porcelain tea cup and asks almost innocently,
away and turns back to face her patient, the only patient in sickbay, and says,
“Seeing someone?”
“Okay, let’s head over to my ofce to discuss the results.”
Waidlich sighs, since this seems to be a day that everyone is prying into her private
The captain hops down from the biobed and follows the doctor into
life, and replies, “No.”
her ofce. Captain Judith Waidlich glances at the doctor’s pet guinea pigs
Dr. Farber responds, “You should. It would be good for you. It would ease some
scampering around in their elaborate enclosure behind the CMO’s desk.
of the tension.”
Waidlich takes the seat indicated by the wave of Aurora’s arm.
Waidlich sighs again. “I don’t know. I need time to consider it. Besides, I would want
“Something wrong?” asks Judy.
to keep something like that as private as possible.”
“No, you’re ne. In perfect health,” says Aurora, smiling sort of like the
Dr. Farber says, “That would be a neat trick. How could you do that?”
cat which just got the canary.
“I could beam to his quarters, or have him beam to mine,” Judy replies matter-of-factly
“Then why did you want to see me?” queries the puzzled-looking Waidlich.
as she takes a sip of her tea.
“Just wanted to ask about that nice young pilot you’re seeing,” replies
The doctor asks, “That isn’t entirely safe, is it? And wouldn’t it leave a signature or
the CMO.
something to be traced or noticed? Someone would notice.”
“I’m not seeing anyone,” retorts a slightly irritated Judy.
“Ah, I wouldn’t do it within the ship.” Judy takes another sip. “I would use one of
“Well, you should. You two look so cute together,” Doctor Parkerthe shuttles. Of course, you would have to time it right, when the ship’s transporters are
MacKenzie continues.
in use, to mask the signatures.”
“Cute?!?” replies Judy with a scowl on her visage.
Dr. Farber replies, “You’ve given this much thought. I didn’t know our shuttles could
“It’ll be good for you. You’ll be less irritable,” says Aurora.
Waidlich rolls her eyes. “You’re a hopeless romantic.” Judy rises out of her do that. Sounds like you’ve tried this out.”
Judy takes another sip of her tea and replies, “Okay, you caught me. There are no
seat and starts to leave. She turns and says, “See you.” And she continues out
transporters on the shuttles. I just can’t seem to get anything by you.”
of the ofce and out of sickbay into the corridor.
“So you are involved with someone. I can keep a secret,” replies an eager and insistent
Once in the corridor she hurries to the nearest turbo-lift. The doors
Dr. Farber.
whoosh open and Waidlich enters the lift and takes it to the deck where her
“I’m the CO. I’m very involved with many members of the crew,” says Judy, rather
ofce is situated. She enters the ofce and circles to her chair behind the
desk. No sooner does she sit, then the doors whoosh open and in walks her
The doctor presses on, “You know what I mean, an intimate relationship.”
Efrosian Executive Ofcer, D’HamYu T’HoD. Waidlich looks up. “Yes?” she
Waidlich says with a shrug, “You would know, wouldn’t you, being so in touch
with the crew?”
“Just checking up on things,” says the XO.
“But you do think about it?” continues the doctor in her line of inquiry.
“As far as I know, things are ne,” replies Judy, a bit surly.
Waidlich replies, “I’m only human.” She nishes her tea. “If there is nothing further,
“Permission to speak freely,” states D’HamYu. Judy nods. “Have you been
I have work to get back to.”
able to spend any time with Kellor, in a personal way?” asks T’HoD.
“We’re done,” Farber replies. “We should schedule another appointment.”
Waidlich rubs her temples. “Do you want to know or does the Doc want
“If there is nothing wrong with me, I’d rather not,” replies Judy.
to know?”
“Okay. Everything checks out, more or less. Nothing with regard to the episode on
“You know Aurora,” replies T’HoD.
that planet you crashed on.”
“Well, we jetted off to Paris this weekend and next week we’ll be in
Waidlich gets up, leaves the ofce, and heads back to the bridge.
Italy,” says Judy.
The Efrosian glares at his superior ofcer’s ippant remark. “That is what
you Humans refer to as snarky, isn’t it?”
Waidlich is sitting alone at a table in the mess hall, sipping tea, and reading info
“Yes. I’m the CO of a starship. Who has the time?” Waidlich states
from a padd. Mick Kellor walks up to the table with a tray of food and asks, “Mind
if I have a seat?”
“You should make the time. Doctor’s orders,” responds T’HoD.
“Be my guest,” replies Judy.
Waidlich shakes her head. “I just went through all this with the doctor not
“Everyone is looking at us,” notes Kellor.
more than ve minutes ago. So what’s the buzz from the crew; any rumors?”
Waidlich takes a quick glance around. “Oh, you’ve noticed.”
“Why is everyone interested in this?” queries Mick.
“Not totally sure. Will ask T’HoD at tonight’s poker game,” answers Judy. She
takes a sip of her tea, still intently studying the info on the padd.
Mick is curious about what she is studying and asks, “Reports?”
“Nope,” she replies. She takes another sip.
“Top Secret?” he asks.
“Nope,” she replies with a small smile.
Mick, with a worried look, asks, “Not another simulator program?”
Waidlich looks up with an amused expression and answers, “No.”
“So do I keep guessing or are you going to tell me what’s on the padd?” says
Mick. Waidlich slides the padd over to Kellor and takes a sip. Kellor picks up the
padd and after a moment notes, “What a load of drivel.”
“Doctor Parker-MacKenzie swears by the author,” replies Waidlich.
“And you?” asks Kellor.
“It’s drivel,” she says with a smile. She reaches over to retrieve the padd. “Are
you going to keep questioning my reading material or are you going to eat?”
“Eat,” Mick replies and starts digging into his meal with gusto. Waidlich
allows herself a quick glance around. The room seems to have lost interest in their
conversation, although a few furtive glances are directed their way. Waidlich reads
her padd while Mick nishes his meal.
“So what’s with the poker game?” asks Mick.
“Senior staff only,” replies Waidlich.
“So who’s the best player?” queries Kellor.
“That’s classied,” she replies with a twinkle in her eyes and a small smile. She
rises from the table, and Kellor quickly rises. “At ease. I have to go and get ready
for the game.” Waidlich makes her way out to the corridor. Kellor sits, but watches
her go. He turns away as he observes too many people taking notice. He thinks to
himself that she has to be a hell of a player and he’ll have to ask her later.
“We talking public behavior?” asks Waidlich, as T’HoD nishes his deal.
“No, not necessarily,” replies the XO.
“How does one know what goes on behind closed doors?” asks Judy.
“That is probably why not too many people are involved in the pool. I’ll split
the winnings with you if you give me a heads-up.” Judy glares at her XO. “Just
“This obsession with my sex life is not affecting ship’s functions, is it?” asks
Waidlich of her XO.
“No. As I said, most of the crew are not involved in the betting. Most feel that it is
an invasion of your privacy. Others gure they’ll be busted to ensign or transferred
to a garbage scow. Only about a half-dozen are brave enough to enter the pool,” he
says. “I saw no immediate need to shut it down.”
“Well, a lot of the crew seem to be paying too much attention whenever Kellor
and I chat,” notes Judy. The XO shrugs. “Shut the pool down and see to it that that
subject concerning the senior staff is not something to bet on.” Without looking at
her cards, Judy ips them over. “I’m out.” She gets up from the table, moves her
chair near the wall, sits again, and begins reading her padd.
T’HoD says, “Who’s going to open?”
Finally the others are done playing. The CMO, Chief Engineer, and Security
Chief take their leave.
“Must be fascinating reading,” says T’HoD to Waidlich. “You seem to always
be absorbed in those stories.”
Waidlich hands the padd to D’HamYu. He pages down and his eyes go wide.
“Okay, now I see why you want the pool shut. Should have known after all these
poker nights. I’ll try to keep Aurora from prying. After all, if she knows, the ship
will know. Are you done having fun at all our expense?”
“Mostly at Dr. Farber’s expense,” Judy says mischievously. Waidlich takes the
The regulars from the senior staff are gathering in the XO’s quarters for tonight’s padd back. “Actually, I would be rather surprised if no one knew. Mick and I are
game. Waidlich walks in and nods to T’HoD, the CMO, and the Security Chief,
trying to kept things quiet and private. Some of the crew respects those wishes.”
Lt. Commander Sexton. She still has her padd. She takes a seat. The doors to the
Waidlich takes her leave and goes to her quarters.
quarters whoosh open and in walks Matt Rielly, the Chief Engineer.
As Judy enters her quarters, Mick asks, “Poker always go this long?”
“Something weird is going on,” he says to no one in particular. As all eyes turn
“No, tonight was a short night,” replies Waidlich. Kellor walks over to Judy,
to the chief, he continues, “I had a strange conversation with Doc Farber. I ran into embraces her, and they kiss. As they come up for air, Waidlich asks, “Did you know
her in the corridor and she had a strange interest in the transporter system, about
about the betting pool?” Mick’s eyes go wide and he shakes his head no. “Well,
beaming intraship and how dangerous it really is. Who put that in her head?”
T’HoD is going to shut it down.”
Everyone looks puzzled while Waidlich is trying to keep from busting out
“When did it start?” asks Mick.
laughing and fortunately succeeding. She replies, “That would be me.”
“After our adventure in Kenosian space,” replies Waidlich.
“Must have something to do with the betting pool,” says T’HoD.
“So our secret is safe,” says Mick.
“What betting pool?” asks the CO. Rielly sits at the table and T’HoD starts
“No, I showed the padd to T’HoD,” answers Judy.
to deal the cards.
“Oh,” says Mick. “Now what?”
“The one about you and Kellor,” says the XO innocently.
“Bed,” says Waidlich with a grin. They kiss again and Mick starts toward her
“What is everyone betting on?” asks Judy.
bedroom. Waidlich tosses the padd onto a small table and follows Kellor.
T’HoD gets a bit self-conscious. “The usual. Betting on rst kiss and stuff
like that.”
In future articles, we’ll continue to talk about what’s aboard the ship, how various systems work, crew specics, etc. (Members are urged to suggest topics. If there’s something you
want to know about the ship, chances are that someone else wants to know, too. So send in your questions, and we’ll try to get answers for you in upcoming columns.)
As you’ve seen, this column also supports short stories! Stories should be no more than 4 pages in 10-point type, and can be about anything in the Avenger Universe. (Serializations
are also accepted, but the story must be submitted complete, and arrangements with the column editor and Avenger News editor for serialization will be made ahead of time.) We
hope everyone will take the opportunity to contribute to the tales of the Avenger.
To help you out, we’re also running story ideas each issue. These aren’t eshed out, but are jumping-off points from which stories may evolve. If you do see an idea listed here that
you’d like to build a story from, let me know, so that we don’t get multiple members working on the same idea. And here we have the next suggestions...
1] The Avenger is ordered to apprehend a “rogue” ship’s captain who is accused of violations of the Prime Directive. Her actions has saved a number of worlds from complete
and utter destruction, but her actions have violated the Prime Directive. The crew would be faced with a dilemma of how to deal with her actions as they were obviously the
“right thing” to do but in violation of regulations. During the chase, the crew are faced with a major Prime Directive conundrum which would force them to choose between
saving lives and violating the Prime Directive.
2] While exploring a distant system, the Avenger crew encounters an alien vessel many times larger than any they have encountered or read about. The alien captures their
vessel and begins to make it part of itself, in effect assimilating their ship. Though they manage to get shields up, it’s only a matter of time before they’re forever trapped.
Exploring the alien vessel, they nd terraria constructed for the thousands of other sentient beings captured and their descendants imprisoned. Many familiar and unfamiliar
races will be found (including Gamma and Delta Quadrant species). Further searching reveals the AI responsible for the vessel’s mission. The ship is eons old, traveling at very
low speed (slower-than-light), capturing and adding aliens from ships and planets to its collection. The computers are degrading and have lost track of where it came from and
why it’s collecting. The crew must not only escape, but determine the nature of the Collector and help it(?), and/or put an end to its mission and/or relocate the many intelligent
beings aboard the vessel.
And here’s a special challenge for you writers out there:
From June through August 2310, the Avenger is in drydock at Earth, being resupplied, reprovisioned, and generally made ready for its next ve-year mission. The crew is on leave
during this time. This could be a great opportunity for stories about members of the crew getting off the ship and exploring other parts of the Trek Universe. Are you up for it? Send
contributions to ADM Alex. There’s no minimum length, and as space allows, we’ll run them here in Avenger News.
Finally, as a part of this series, we include character-les of members of the crew. So, if you’ve made up a character-le, great! If not, why not try making one? We’ll try to publish
one or two each issue, as space and contributions permit. We’re always looking for members to create les for their own characters. If you’re interested in creating a le for your
ctional character, or updating an existing le, contact ADM Rosenzweig for help/information.
Here are the highlights of the next few months in Star Trek books...
Available October 2010:
Nightshade (ST:TNG, Mass Market Paperback Reprint of the 1992 Release), by Laurell
K. Hamilton
After two hundred years of civil war, the planet Oriana is dying. Most of the surface vegetation is gone, the air is
nearly unbreathable, and the people themselves are dying. Now, the two warring factions have nally sat down to
talk peace, and Captain Picard and the U.S.S. Enterprise are sent to help them negotiate a settlement.
Picard, Lt. Worf, and Counselor Troi beam down to Oriana, just as the starship Enterprise is called away on
another urgent mission. Alone on the planet, the U.S.S. Enterprise team learns that there are people that would
rather nish the devastating conict than talk peace. Suddenly, Picard is accused of murder and the delicate
negotiations have fallen into the hands of Lt. Worf.
Now, Worf and Troi must unravel the truth and prevent planet-wide disaster, before time runs out for the people
of Oriana and the crew of the starship Enterprise.
Available November 2010:
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Zero Sum Game (ST:DS9 and Aventine), by David Mack
A spy for the Typhon Pact-a new political rival of the Federation-steals the plans for Star Fleet’s newest
technological advance: the slipstream drive. To stop the Typhon Pact from unlocking the drive’s secrets, Star
Fleet Intelligence recruits a pair of genetically enhanced agents: Dr. Julian Bashir, of station Deep Space 9,
and Sarina Douglas, a woman whose talents Bashir helped bring to fruition, and whom Bashir thinks of as
his long-lost true love.
Bashir and Douglas are sent to inltrate the mysterious species known as the Breen, nd the hidden slipstream
project, and destroy it. Meanwhile, light-years away, Captain Ezri Dax and her crew on the U.S.S. Aventine play
a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a Typhon Pact eet that stands between them and the safe retrieval
of Bashir and Douglas from hostile territory.
Stareet Academy: The Delta Anomaly (ST:TOS (Alt), Trade Paperback and Hardcover), by Rick Barba
This is a young adult book set in the alternate universe of the J.J. Abrams Star Trek lm, the rst in a series
exploring the characters’ time at Star Fleet Academy.
U.S.S. Enterprise Owners’ Workshop Manual (ST:All, Hardcover Reference Book), by
Ben Robinson and Marcus Riley
The starship Enterprise gets the Haynes treatment! This fascinating Haynes Manual features cutaway drawings, technical illustrations and photographs, along with comprehensive background information and specications on the technology used on board the U.S.S. Enterprise, in all its various incarnations.
Seasoned Star Trek writers lift the lid on the most iconic spaceship of all time, while accuracy and authority are
guaranteed by Technical Consultant Michael Okuda.
This is one book no Star Trek fan should be without.
Available December 2010:
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire (ST:TTN), by Michael A. Martin
Shortly after revealing its union with the Federation’s newest adversary-a coalition of galactic powers known
as the Typhon Pact-the Gorn Hegemony suffers an ecological disaster that destroys the hatchery world of their
critically important warrior caste. Fortunately, the Gorn had already been investigating traces of an ancient but
powerful “quick terraforming” technology left behind by a long-vanished civilization. This technology, should it
prove controllable, promises to restore their delicate biological and social status quo. But when a Gorn soldier
prepares to use the technology to reshape the planet Hranrar into a new warrior-caste spawning ground,
threatening to extinguish the native Hranrarii, he draws the unwanted attention of a mad Gorn trooper determined
to bring the military caste into dominance.
Meanwhile, as the U.S.S. Titan embarks upon a search for this potent technology in the hope of using it
to heal the wounds the Federation sustained during the recent Borg crisis, Captain Riker must balance his
responsibility for his crew’s safety against the welfare of the Hranrarii and his duty to the Prime Directive. With
a menacing Typhon Pact eet nipping at his heels, Riker must not only stop the Gorn warriors but also plumb
the secrets of an ancient terraforming artifact. But of everyone serving aboard Titan, Commander Tuvok may
be the only one who understands how dangerous such planet-altering technology can be, even when used
with the best of intentions...
Myriad Universes: Shattered Light (ST:All, Trade Paperback Anthology), by David R.
George III, Steve Mollmann and Michael Schuster, and Scott Pearson
What began as the exploration of one Star Trek parallel universe explodes with the introduction of three new
alternate realities.
Set across history, touching upon every series, and written by a variety of Star Trek authors, each story in Myriad
Universes: Shattered Light presents a unique alternate vision of the Star Trek universe, taking pivotal moments from
its history and extrapolating the shocking changes that follow those deviations.
In these divergent realms, known history is bent, like white light through a prism - broken into a boundless
spectrum of what-might-have-beens. But in those myriad universes, what might have been... is actually what
The anthology will again feature three novel-length stories, written by David R. George III, Steve Mollmann and
Michael Schuster, and Scott Pearson. George’s will be set in the “Next Generation” timeframe, while Mollmann
and Schuster’s “The Tears of Eridanus” will focus on Hikaru and Demora Sulu. Pearson’s story, titled “Honor in the
Night”, will feature Nilz Baris after a different outcome to “The Trouble with Tribbles”.
(continued from page 11)
Do you nd yourself getting lost every time you’re on duty while serving aboard your ship? Maybe you should get one of these spiffy blueprint maps!
From the Federation Frontiers publishing ofce, we are pleased to offer General Plans for the Avenger-Class Heavy Frigate. No starship, save the famous line of those
named Enterprise, has received this much attention to detail.
The twenty (20) sheet set includes:
- Construction history
- Ship’s directory
- Six (6) external views
- Full starship specications
- Equipment listing (with system contractors)
- Four (4) cross-section views
- Plan views of all eleven decks at 1:600 scale
- Full-sheet details of the bridge, torpedo pod, main engineering, two-level recreation deck, Sickbay, transporter complex, and auxiliary control.
For more information e-mail the author, Mike Rupprecht, at, or just visit the Federation Frontiers web site for this and other spectacular Star
Trek technical documents:
The Avenger-class Heavy Frigate General Plans cost a mere $10.00 for Avenger crew members, and can be purchased directly from Alex Rosenzweig. You can
also buy the plans via mail order for $12, which includes shipping charges. Money orders are preferred, and will speed delivery. However, personal checks are
acceptable and should be payable to “Michael C. Rupprecht”. Custom rolled sets are available for $15.00 and deluxe poster-sized sets for $40.00. To order, simply
print out the handy order form at web site, or send your name, address, e-mail address, number and type of sets desired, along with your check or money order,
to the following address:
Federation Frontiers
c/o Michael C. Rupprecht
3711 Bloomingdale Drive
Hillsborough, NJ 08844-5531
* A STARFLEET Community of Particular Note: Interested members are invited to join a community called Project SIMELE. “SIMELE” is short for “STARFLEET
In the Movie and Early Lost Eras”, and its focus is for members or chapters of STARFLEET who have an interest in, use the motif of, or are ctionally set in the
timeframe of roughly 2270 to 2335 in the Star Trek Universe, to interact. (This, of course, includes the Avenger.) It’s designed to provide a venue for members to
share resources, exchange ideas and thoughts about playing in this era of Star Trek, possibly develop cooperative ction, and so forth. Come check the group out
* Avenger Fiction Update
We have several stories being developed for your enjoyment at this time. These include:
- COMM Judy has been getting all Asimovian-prolic lately, and has four stories done or almost done. Her fourth is running in this issue. Great work, Judy!
- The script for a proposed Avenger episode of “Tales of the Seventh Fleet” is now being reviewed and updated as an Avenger short story. We may look at converting it
back into a screenplay sometime in the future, but it was decided that, for now, doing it as a short story is a better option.
- Another new piece being worked on is a vignette about a tour of the science labs. Watch for it in the months to come.
- Ideas and suggestions for future possible group collaborations are welcomed. Feel free to send them to ADM Alex, or even pitch them to the Avenger’s e-mail list.
- Suggestions for interesting characters to ll open spots in Avenger’s ctional crew are wanted! You can provide just some rough notes, or a full character le. If
you’d like to get in on the fun, check in with ADM Alex.
- And don’t forget to work on keeping your own main character’s le up-to-date, too! Or create one if you haven’t done so yet. Check with ADM Alex for
assistance if you need it.
* Quote for this Issue:
“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the rst time.” - T.S. Eliot
** Fleet Captain James Cecil has been announced as permanent PetFleet Coordinator.
** STARFLEET Operations has announced the commissioning of the following chapters:
- U.S.S. Logos, NCC-1687, based in Boise, ID, CAPT Julie Prescott, Commanding
- U.S.S. Jack Fletcher, NCC-2127, based in Kennewick, WA, BGN Russ Garrison, Commanding
- U.S.S. Orion Star, NCC-75025, based in Elermore Vale, Australia, BDR Wayne Smith, Commanding
- U.S.S. Sinclair , NCC-74209, based in Detroit Metro area, BDR Joseph Sare, Commanding
- U.S.S. Jaresh-Inyo, NCC-74922, based in Paragould, AR, BGEN Gary Hollield, Jr., Commanding
** It was announced that the United Federation of Planets Internationale, a club that spun off from STARFLEET in the mid-1990s, has ceased operations. Its members
have joined (or, in some cases, rejoined) STARFLEET, and several of its chapters will also become STARFLEET chapters, as well.
** STARFLEET Election News:
- STARFLEET Communications is pleased to announce that election packets have been mailed. Please return ballots before November 15, 2010. The candidates are:
VADM Dave Blaser (for CS) with MGEN Bran Stimpson (for VCS) (
FCAPT Emmett Plant (for CS) with ADM Alex Rosenzweig (for VCS) (http://www.
** STARFLEET Marines News:
- BGN Lauren Neimeyer has been appointed to the post of Cadet Academy Dean at the SFMCA.
** STARFLEET Awards/Recognition News:
- ADM Bob Vosseller was awarded a Lifetime Membership and ADM Beryl Washington won the STARFLEET Flag Ofcer of the Year award for 2009.
- The 2009 STARFLEET Annual Award results are as follows:
* 2009 Commanding Ofcer of the Year: COMM Lucy Ferron, U.S.S. Haise, R2
* 2009 Enlisted Member of the Year: ENS Derrek Kyzar, U.S.S. Corsair, R3
* 2009 Ofcer of the Year: LTJG Mark Russel, U.S.S. Genesis, R11
* 2009 Flag Ofcer of the Year: ADM Beryl Washington, U.S.S. Sovereign, R7
* 2009 Junior Member of the Year: Remington Romanowicz, U.S.S. Devils’s Tower, R17 and Cadet Jacob Hollield, U.S.S. Jaresh-Inyo, R12
* 2009 Shakedown Chapter of the Year: U.S.S. Ganymede, R1
* 2009 Mothership of the Year: U.S.S. Thermopylae, R5
* 2009 Chapter of the Year: U.S.S. O’Bannon, R15
- This year’s STARFLEET Scholarship recipients are:
* Laura Ingles R15 S.S. Ian Fleming LeVar Burton Educational Scholarship
* Lena Johnson R17 U.S.S. Wind Spirit Marina Sirtis Veterinary Science Scholarship (Marine Biology)
* Aaron Jones R3 U.S.S. Gunslinger Space Explorers Memorial Scholarship
* Christopher McLain R3 U.S.S. Tejas Space Explorers Memorial Scholarship
* Jeremy McLain R3 U.S.S. Tejas James Doohan/Montgomery Scott Engineering Scholarship
* Rachel Pevsner R2 U.S.S. Republic Gene Roddenberry Memorial Scholarship for Aspiring Writers
* Erik Stubbleeld R11 U.S.S. Southern Cross LeVar Burton Educational Scholarship
- D.C. Fontana chose the winner and four runners-up for this year’s Short Story Contest. They are:
* In fth place, “Here’s Mudd In Your Eye”, by Bonnie Malmat.
* In fourth place, “What Price Salvation?”, by Lea Hepler
* In third place, “Arrow of the Emissary”, by George Leclair
* The rst runner up is “Shaft”, by Ash Hulme.
* The rst place winner for the 2010 STARFLEET Annual Short Story Contest is “You’re Dead, Jim” by Jonathan Lane.
** The crew of the U.S.S. Star League has invited all of STARFLEET to join them in wishing the crew of STS-134, the nal ight of the Space Shuttle Transport
System, by adding each chapter’s signatures to a “best wishes” card (good luck card) currently being assembled by the Star League’s crew. Once completed, the
card will be sent to the commander and crew of the space shuttle Endeavour STS-134 about one month prior to their historic mission which will end this era of
manned ight.
The Shuttle program began with ties to Star Trek, so let us show them that we still care.
About the card:
- The card that we are putting together has a suggested format as follows…
* Pages will be standard 8.5” x 11 paper
* All chapters’ and departments’ greetings will be assembled into one notebook by the crew of the Star League.
* The card/notebook’s cover will be artwork supplied by Carnell Eubanks, the Star League’s archivist. It will be an image of an American ag
made from real clouds and stars with the shuttle arching across the stripes into the star eld.
- Suggested format:
* First page--A crew photo, ship art work, or the ship’s logo…or a combination of all three.
* Second Page--A brief greeting and well wishes to the crew of the shuttle on the upcoming ight, under which your crew/chapter begins adding their signatures.
* As many signature pages can be added as needed/desired.
- Once a chapter has completed collecting their chapter’s crew and friends’ signatures, please mail the completed pages to:
Good Luck Card
C/O Carnell Eubanks
563 Hillman Street
Warrenville, SC 29851
Pages will need to be received by January 2nd to allow time for assembly of the card and still have time for shipping to NASA Public Relations
prior to the ight.
** STARFLEET International Conference News
- IC 2011 will take place on 12-14 August 2011, at Pocono Manor, Pennsylvania, in the Pocono Mountains. Their web site is online with lots more information:
- Jeff Victor, the IC2011 Conference Chairman, has requested assistance from the whole region, even though the IC is a U.S.S. Challenger project. If you would
like to help, assistance is needed in the following areas:
* Transportation Team
* Hospitality Team
* Registration Team
* Paintball Committee
* Honor Guard
* Gaming Room Staff
Also, if you have a panel idea, please email the team at with your ideas and contact information. Even if you don’t want to host a panel,
any idea is worth exploring!
If you are interested in helping out, please send an email with your interests to
- IC 2012 will take place 3-5 August 2012, at Whispering Woods Hotel and Conference Center on the outskirts of Memphis, Tennessee, in Region
One. Their web site is now online and the hotel is accepting reservations:
Region 7 News:
** The regional fundraiser continues; return used inkjet cartridges for cash ( For further info, contact Mike Stein at
** CAPT Joseph Horton is creating a charity cookbook and is looking for recipes. He is basically accepting any recipes and if they don’t quite t this
book, they will be used in the next fundraiser, which is the IC 2011 cookbook.
** The U.S.S. Asimov, NCC-1647-A has relocated. Their new address is as follows:
USS Asimov, NCC-1647-A
228 Simonson Ct.
Florham Park, NJ 07932
** On a sadder note, the U.S.S. Inferno is saddened by the loss of one of their members, LTJG Harry Vernet, COL Jim McClure’s partner, who
passed away on Sunday, September 12th.
operation w
October 23rd!!
Enjoying the STARFLEET Experience as a member of the Avenger’s
Crew? Wish more could join in the fun? WELL! Here’s an opportunity for
you to step up, step out, and take part in an event to promote the ship to
a whole new collection of fans!
Operation Wallpaper Rutgers is a day dedicated to posting up yers about
the chapter everywhere they can be seen on the Piscataway and New
Brunswick campuses of the University right here in our very own back
yard! To participate, and/or to learn more, contact event coordinator Alex
Rosenzweig at
The Next Meeting of USS Avenger will be
North Brunswick Public Library
880 Hermann Rd.
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
Deadline for submissions for the next issue of Avenger News, AN-124:
NOVEMBER 20, 2010
illustrations and/or photos