136 - uss avenger ncc-1860


136 - uss avenger ncc-1860
#136 – FEBRUARY 2013
The Avenger In Fiction .......................15
Captain’s Log........................................2
Communications Division Report .......11
Executive Thoughts..............................3
Fiscal Report ........................................9
From the Belly of the Beast................10
Image Gallery.............2, 4, 9, 12, 14, 19
Membership Alley.................................4
Mission Docket ...................................20
Roster Update ......................................3
Second Officer’s Report .......................4
Ship’s BBS ..........................................13
Star Trek Book News..........................12
STARFLEET and Region 7 News ...........8
Trekkin’ the Web................................18
U.S.S. Avenger Sit-Rep.........................5
Updates on the Production of “Star
Trek: Renegades” ...........................17
Captain’s Log
Hi, all,
please come out, have a say in what goes on, join in the fun
events, and meet your fellow members.
If you ever have something you want to share with the ship,
please submit it for an issue of the newsletter or post it on one
of our many internet outlets. This can be anything from a
review of a TV show or movie, a club outing, or whatever you
want to share with the group.
Coming up in May, we have the Recruiting Op (currently
being planned) for the release of “Star Trek Into Darkness”. We
are still coming up with our plans for this weekend. So please
come on out to meetings or participate in discussions or polls
on the Avenger Yahoo group. We’d like everyone’s input and I’d
love to have everyone participate in this important event.
If there is anything you think might interest the club,
whether it be an outing, a television show, a movie we might
like to see, or any other type an outing, please share it with the
group. You never know the response you might get. We are
always on the lookout for things to do as events or talk about
as a meeting program topic.
Well, my first year in command of the Avenger is now
complete. It was challenging, to say the least, but I made it
through. What I found that made things more challenging this
time compared to my previous command is that I was (this
time) still getting used to being on a new ship, accepting
command while still getting to know everyone, and getting
used to how Avenger operates. Still, all in all, I did get through
At the beginning of the year, I sent out an e-mail to the
Command Staff, outlining what I would like to see
accomplished this year. One is bringing the Command Staff’s
communication from quarterly to bi-monthly, as stated in our
Officer’s Manual. I requested that they do this on the months
where the Avenger News is not published. I also requested that
each division do at least one division-related project for the
year, either a project of the chief’s choice or based on
suggestions from their division members. So if there is a
project you would like to see the division undertake, please
share it with your division chief. Who knows? Maybe you’ll get Until next time,
to the lead the project.
I have also requested that the chiefs encourage their division Dave
members to participate in meetings and events throughout the
year. As I have mentioned in previous articles, this is your ship; Captain Dave Lynch
“Hostilities Begin” by Dave Metlesits
(from DeviantArt)
[Submitted by Alex Rosenzweig]
Avenger News is the official newsletter of the science fiction based fan
club, USS Avenger, and is published bi-monthly. The USS Avenger is a
chapter of Starfleet, the International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc.
The opinions contained within do not necessarily reflect those of the
staff, Avenger, or STARFLEET.
Subscription to Avenger News is free to all members and $10 annually to non-members. To subscribe, send check or money order, payable to USS Avenger, to:
Avenger News 331 Academy Terrace, Apt 17 Linden, NJ 07036-5695
Advertisement inquiries, letters, and address corrections
should be sent to the above address or emailed to: karate666.aol.com
Editor-In-Chief/Layout Editor— Alex Rosenzweig
Copy Editor— Alex Rosenzweig
for Avenger News should be emailed to
AlexrR1860@optimum.net or streetmailed to: Avenger News Home
Office, c/o Alex Rosenzweig, 980 Linwood Place, North Brunswick, NJ
Permission is granted to STARFLEET members to copy any part of
this newsletter as long as proper credit is given to the author and
Avenger News.
Legal Stuff
All published submissions become the property of USS Avenger and
may be edited. DISCLAIMER: Star Trek and Starfleet are trademarks
of CBS Studios, Inc., all rights reserved.
Distribution Officer— Norman van Houten
Contributors—Sarah Bolick, Todd Brugmans, David Lynch, Matt
Rielly, Alex Rosenzweig, Rahadyan Sastrowardoyo, Jennifer L.
Thompson, Judy Waidlich
Executive Thoughts
Greetings, all, and welcome to 2013!
Entering a new year always brings with it the thoughts and
hopes for renewal and rebuilding. Calendars start anew, and
many organizations take a look at what they’re doing and see
what they want to accomplish. If you’ve read Dave’s CO’s
column, he talks a bit about some of his hopes for the group
this year, and I very much agree with him. I’d very much like to
see these things happen, too.
In the end, it’s all about communication and participation,
and of late, it has seemed like a very small number of us are
making all the choices for the group, not because we don’t
want to listen to other suggestions, but because there haven’t
been other suggestions to listen to. With everything from
meeting programs to what trips we take, only a few of us are
making suggestions, and even fewer are actually joining in to
have the fun.
Now, if we only cared about making the group enjoyable for
a very small group of people, that’d be one thing. But that’s not
why most of us are here, I imagine, and I do worry that with so
few of us making the choices, we’re not necessarily serving the
rest of you in the best possible way. I noticed, for example, at
our recent Command Staff meeting, while we ere discussing
meeting programs, that many of the suggestions were the
same ones we’d done before, recycled. It was taking a real
conscious effort to pull in some new ones. (Now, granted,
some of them are general topics like, “What’s New in…” [plug
in topic here], but even so, those don’t lend themselves to
interesting conversations unless there’s something about which
folks are particularly excited.) So we’re really interested for
2013, in trying to reach out to the folks from whom we don’t
hear that often, in order to make sure that the club is serving
your needs, too, as well as helping all members, whether we
hear from you regularly or not, to be able to have the chance
to express and share your Trek-, sci-fi-, and science/
technology-related interests and enthusiasms.
Last issue, I invited the membership to help choose topics for
the discussion programs for the monthly chapter meetings.
Well, there wasn’t much response to that, so the Command
Staff made the choices for the next six months or so. Some are
old standbys, like a review of what we know about the
upcoming Trek movie, or the latest on the many Trek fan films,
or the genre movies coming out this summer, while others are
a bit different, such as a look at the “Dr. Who” TV series (this
year is its 50th Anniversary!) or all the new “non-fiction” Trek
books coming out. I can’t help but wonder if there are some
opportunities we might be missing for trying even more new
ideas, simply ‘cause we’re not thinking of them, or maybe
they’re not a focus for the Command Staff, but might be for
someone else. That’s why we want very much to hear from
everybody, to make sure we’re not inadvertently missing
something you’d love to talk about.
The same could be true for other activities. So if you think
we’re missing something, please don’t just sit there shaking
your head and wondering how we could be ignoring this oh-socool whatever-it-is, or thinking that just ‘cause the idea isn’t
occurring to us, that no one else is interested. Tell us! Even
better, volunteer to lead a meeting discussion, or host an
activity. The role of the senior staff, after all, isn’t really to do
everything for you. It’s to help everyone participate in the fun
of the club.
Switching chapeaus for a moment, I’d also like to invite
anyone who wants to join (or rejoin) the fun of creating stories,
characters, vignettes, and so forth for the Avenger’s fictional
universe to join in. If you need any help getting up to speed,
don’t hesitate to let me know. I’ll be happy to help out.
As always, the door to the XO’s office on Deck 2 is open, and
members can stop by any time. Let me know what you think of
the new things we’re trying in the group, and if there’s
anything I can do to help make the “Avenger experience” a
more enjoyable one for you. Whatever medium you choose to
use--mailing list, Facebook group, private e-mail, or
streetmail—please feel free to share your ideas and opinions,
because those are what makes the group work.
And with that, enjoy the rest of Avenger News! Have fun,
and don’t forget “Mission Docket” for neat upcoming events.
Take care, and ‘til next time…
Ad Astra!
ADM Alex Rosenzweig
Roster Update
Additions--Welcome Aboard!
1) Ensign Daniel Negron
Security Specialist (Armory)
6 Lincoln Avenue
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
(Phone Number Unavailable)
E-Mail: trek2006@optonline.net
Welcome Back--Thanks for Renewing
1) ADM Alex Rosenzweig
2) CAPT Ann-Ruth Rosenzweig
3) CMDR August Ciufo
1) Ensign 1st Class Ying Xiao to Lieutenant J.G.
Changes and Revisions—Where Are They Now?
1) Lieutenant J.G. Ying Xiao should now be listed as an Engineering Officer
Second Officer’s Report
It’s been a fairly quiet couple of months. The December
meeting/holiday party was well attended and good food was
enjoyed by all. We even had a promotion handed out to Ying
Xiao, who was advanced to Lieutenant JG. Remember, the key
to promotion is to attend events. Meetings are worth 30 points.
Event coordination or providing an event location are 30 points
for ship events. One can rack up points by providing food or
supplies for medium-to-large sized events (3 pts/person), so
food or supplies for 10 people is 30 pts.
Since the points needed for each grade double (200 for EFC,
400 for LTJG, 800 for LT), the first few promotions come
quickly. If you attend a year of meetings, that comes out to 360
points and almost two grades for new members. Active
membership in STARFLEET is required for promotion to the
ranks of Lieutenant and above.
Academy courses can earn someone 10 points for courses
passed with a grade of honors or pass (15 points for a grade of
distinction – 100%). Some courses are easier to go through
than others. Some require you to go to a website, while others
ask you to watch a TV series or a movie.
As for me, I still need to get more exams written for the
College of Temporal Physics. There are now 10 exams; when I
took over, there were only four. But I plan to have one to two
exams on TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT. That will keep me busy, as
will taking Academy courses and trying to attain another
Boothby Award or two. I also need to put more time into my
fiction writing – there never seems to be enough time. I need
to catch up on my reading, as well. I just purchased the “Cold
Equations” trilogy. We shall see how much I get to.
I’m looking forward to Farpoint in February and, of course,
the recruitment op during the next Trek movie.
Take care until next time!
“Approach Control”, by Basill
[Submitted by Alex Rosenzweig
(Family Memberships $12.50)
Your subscription lasts for six issues. With any luck and a lot of good will, they will be delivered in PDF format to a registered
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Make out check or money order payable to USS Avenger.
331 Academy Terrace, Apt 17, Linden, NJ 07036-5695
You can also renew at any ship meeting for your stamp-saving budget
Join the International fun of STARFLEET at www.sfi.org $15.00 gets you six issues of the Communiqué and access to the many
fun programs STARFLEET offers. It also means that your next renewal with the Avenger is FREE!
U.S.S. Avenger Sit-Rep
This column, in accordance with the Avenger Officer’s
Manual, is “a regular report of crew activities, in the form of a
column in Avenger News or as a separate mailing. It started
out with the idea of being a roundup of divisional activities, but
is being retooled into a more general summary of chapter
events and highlights. As such, if there’s something you’d like
to share with the group—an idea, a suggestion, a personal
milestone, etc.—feel free to let me know and it can get
included. “SitRep” is a term used typically by the military or
other government groups. It’s an abbreviation for “Situation
Report”, a report given to both senior officers and subordinate
staff to make sure that, put simply, they know what’s going on.
And that’s what we do here.
CAPT Matt Rielly wishes a Happy New Year to the
division, with hopes and expectations that the world
will treat us all a little better this time around,
especially in light of anyone still trying to get things
back to normal more than two months after Hurricane Sandy.
Also, congratulations to Ying Xiao on her recent promotion to
Lieutenant J.G. and Engineering Officer!
Division members can expect a bit more communications
from Matt, as he joins in a Command Staff initiative to increase
involvement with the membership. If all goes well, contacts will
follow the bi-monthly model as indicated in the Officer’s
Efforts continue to prepare for the recruitment weekend later
this year to coincide with the premiere of the upcoming film
“Star Trek Into Darkness”. Division members are encouraged to
keep an eye out for more sneak-peeks and teasers as they are
In this portion of the column, we highlight any activities made available.
happening at the divisional level, rather than list every division.
LCDR Jennifer Thompson submitted a column for this
issue of Avenger News. Enjoy it elsewhere in the
CAPT Lynch has continued to make sure the chapter’s
general administration is on-track, making sure the
meetings run smoothly and the background “paperwork”
is getting done. He’s been tracking members’ ‘FLEET SeCurity:
memberships, and providing reminders as renewals come due.
The Security Division is still seeking a new Chief! For
That’s an important job!
more details on the position, check out “Ship’s BBS” and
The XO’s office has continued its focus primarily on activities,
your Officer’s Manual.
calendar updates, and roster tracking, as well as continuing to
CAPT Lynch also completed the reactivation process
encourage STARFLEET membership.
The Second Officer has continued maintaining the Promotion for the Marine Strike Group, about which we’ll be hearing more
System and monitoring for the next promotions. Keep up the in the coming months.
activity, folks!
(If your division isn’t included here, there wasn’t any divisionspecific news this issue. For anyone interested in ideas for or
assistance in developing divisional activity, feel free to contact
CMDR Sarah Bolick reports that all is quiet in Sciences. your division chief and/or the XO.)
She’s been continuing her efforts to reach out to folks in
her division. Sarah’s been having some personal issues GENERAL:
in the last couple of months, and these have made it
Activity-wise, the Avenger has stayed busy as the summer
harder for her to lead the division. She is very much looking for
an Assistant Chief to help her out. This would be a post for a continued and the autumn began. There’ve been quite a few
member who loves science and would be willing to help Sarah activities going on, and we look forward to more coming soon.
Our recent activities have included, in addition to the
out with sharing the enthusiasm for science and education with
other members. (STARFLEET membership in good standing is meetings:
also needed for this role.) If you’re interested, contact Sarah at
“Hobbits and Holiday Cheer”, a Group Viewing of “The
Hobbit”, followed by a trip to Peddler’s Village for shopping
and enjoying the holiday lights
New Year’s Eve with members of the Challenger
“The Movies After the End of the World” Video Day
The Medical Division is still seeking a new Chief! For
more details on the position, check out “Ship’s BBS” and
your Officer’s Manual.
U.S.S. Avenger Sit-Rep
Looking ahead, we see activities including:
More Video/Movie Days, including “Battlestar Galactica” in
More Group Trips to Film Releases (including “Oz, The
Great and Powerful” and “Oblivion”)
The Farpoint Convention
Recruiting at “Star Trek Into Darkness”
By the way, we’re always looking for suggestions from folks for
films you’d like to see as a group. Feel free to share your
suggestions on the Avenger’s mailing list, in our Facebook
group, or even by contacting any member of the Command
Staff. We’ll be heavily relying on your input to determine what
films we should see together as a group.
We’re also looking forward to scheduling more video days,
especially as we go into the colder winter months. We’re
definitely interested in knowing what films/TV shows you’d like
to watch together, and also if you’d be willing to host such an
event. (We’ve had some wonderfully generous folks host these
events in the past, but hopefully we won’t have to keep going
back to the same people over and over again. If we can move
things around a bit, that’d be welcome.)
And, as always, if there’s something you’d like to suggest for
an event, don’t hesitate to speak up. New ideas are good!
Mission Reports:
This section of the column features short recaps of various
Avenger and STARFLEET events. To make it the best it can be,
though, I need your help. If you’ve been to an event, you don’t
need to write a whole long article. Just a paragraph or two
would be great. Send them to me and I’ll include them here.
And if you’ve got pictures you want to supply, that, too, would
be pretty awesome. (By the way, if a lot of folks contribute for
a single activity, it could always be broken out into a separate
article, and if you want to write a stand-alone piece, don’t let
this feature stop you from doing so! It’s not an either-or
proposition, just another way to share.)
9 December 2012 – Avenger Ship Meeting and Holiday
released, “The Hobbit” (and,
along the way, the nine-minute
preview for “Star Trek Into
Darkness”). Reasoning that
we’d want to be out in
Pennsylvania for Peddler’s
Village in the evening, we
caught a fairly early showing of
“The Hobbit”. In 3-D, and shot at a high frame-rate, the film
looked stunning, very crisp and sharp. (It should be noted that
that level of sharpness isn’t necessarily kind to CGI, which on
occasion looked a bit more obvious than it might in a “normal”
film.) The group all enjoyed the film a lot.
The Trek preview was also very well-received, in fact offering
the hope of a better film than the last one, with a more solid
and better-told story. Visually, it, too, looked beautiful, even if
we did snicker at the Enterprise rising out of the ocean on the
planet Nibiru. Now we’ll just have to see if the movie plays out
as a whole to match the potential of the preview.
After the movie, and a bite to
eat, RADM Todd Brugmans,
CAPT Annie Slonski, and I
headed west to Pennsylvania,
where we eventually met up
with CAPT Dave Lynch and
LCDR Jennifer Thompson at
Peddler’s Village. It was
crowded and chilly—though not
bitter cold, all things
considered—but soon enough we were caught up in enjoying
the lights and sounds and good fun of the holiday season.
There are many unique stores at Peddler’s Village, a nice
change from the sort of cookie-cutter chains that we spend so
much time patronizing. And the grounds themselves are quite
delightful to walk around, especially with the brilliant job that
Peddler’s Village’s groundskeepers do with the lighting. I do
hope that we get more people next year, though, because it’s
even more fun with a larger group, as we’ve had in the past.
(ADM Alex Rosenzweig)
13 January 2013 – Avenger Ship Meeting:
It’s not often that we get a meeting program that leads to a
discussion that goes beyond the original subject. At this wellOnce again, CMDR Norm Van
attended meeting (and it was great to see such a turnout!),
Houten was kind enough to host
following a productive Command Staff Meeting, we not only
us at his home, and as always, the
dealt with our business promptly, and added a group of
food and fun were quite fine. This
additional events (see “Mission Docket”), we also got a really
year, we changed things up a bit
neat discussion going. The meeting program was, “The History
by planning for a few group
of the United Federation of Planets”, inspired by the recent
photos, and they came out quite
publication of a collectible book about that very history. But the
nicely, too. In addition, the crew
topic went beyond just a recitation of events. We got into a
donated toys for Toys For Tots,
which Norm delivered to the US Marine Corps, who were very discussion about how events shape societies, looking at how
the Romulan War led to the founding of the Federation, and the
appreciative of our contributions.
history of that entity through war and peace and terror and
(ADM Alex Rosenzweig)
calm for the next few centuries. And that led, in the best Star
Trek tradition, to discussions, too, about how events like 9-11
15 December 2012 – Hobbits and Holiday Cheer:
The holiday season can be a crowded, busy time. It was with have impacted our own society, and in turn how our society’s
that in mind that we opted to “double up” on two events that changes have influenced the storytelling in Star Trek. Lots of
might normally be held separately, oyr by-now-annual trip to involvement and contribution from a lot of the members
Peddler’s Village to see the lights and a viewing of the newly- attending made it a really fun discussion. I can only hope that
U.S.S. Avenger Sit-Rep
we’ll have some more of those as the year goes on.
(ADM Alex Rosenzweig)
4- Hobbit honeymoons should not include getting on a bus
bound for a large communal hole in the ground until after you
confirmed that her whole family is coming on the trip
19 January 2013 – The Movie Day After “The End of the 5- Morgan Freeman is a much cooler apocalyptic president than
Danny Glover.
(Many ducks died to bring you this report...) 6- Hobbits on Dirt Bikes have enough gas and power to outrun/
The event was held at Daniel Negron's place, where we outclimb an East-Coast-Destroying-Tsunami.
conveniently set up shop in the disaster survival shelter (read
“basement”). In the secure protection of our subterranean
We concluded the marathon with
dwelling, it seemed appropriate that one of the features
Armageddon, which is basically
included a hobbit in its cast.
“Deep Impact”, without Hobbits, and
In attendance were Alex, Judy, Annie, Todd, and Daniel
with much more ridiculous action
Negron (well, DUH!! We don't oft take over people’s
subterranean domiciles to slay ducks and watch movies without
From this film, we can take away:
them present... It would be...rude.
1- 18 days is sufficient time to prep
We screened three feature films which contained imagery of
two highly experimental shuttlecraft,
mass destruction, misery, woe, helicopters, LOTS of helicopters,
strip down and rebuild super-terrain
iconic buildings being destroyed, and helicopters...and a hobbit.
landing vehicles with portable drilling
We started with “2012”, a wonderful
equipment, coordinate with a fameromp that asserted the Mayans knew all
obsessed reclusive Russian space
about solar super-flares, centuries in
station gas attendant, and train a
advance of their occurrence, on such a
group of oil rig drillers in the proper
great scale that they would re-shape care and use of gear used in outer space.
the entire world’s continental profiles.
2- Snub-nosed dogs really hate Godzilla toys.
This film has taught us valuable 3- Steve Buscemi can be a super-genius AND a lecherous
womanizer at the same time...now THAT’s acting!
1- How to properly estimate numbers 4- Liv Tyler’s in the film, so Steven Tyler must contribute to the
of harmful neutrinos.
soundtrack, some assembly required…
2- That stretch limos and Winnebegoes 5- Animal crackers are a waste of time when you're trying to
can as easily jump large gaps in the score with Liv Tyler.
roads as the General Lee from “Dukes 6- Full-auto gatling guns are required equipment aboard drilling
of Hazzard”.
vehicles being sent to land on an asteroid bound for Earth.
3- Tiny, snub-nosed dogs have an excellent sense of balance 7- Duct tape, the most versatile and useful item in the universe,
on cables wider than they are.
can even be found on experimental space shuttles on planet4- Ne'er do well authors make incredible livery drivers. saving-missions.
5- Woody from “Cheers” stole Zephram Cochrane’s skullcap 8- It WAS a good day to DIE HARD.
hat, and it made him a crazy RVv-based radio conspiracy
We departed, enriched by the lessons we have learned from
6- The world will come to an end when John F. Kennedy these iconic films, wiser for our having viewed them, full from a
returns to the White House.
pizza the size of a manhole cover, and secure in the knowledge
7- You CAN crash a mega-ship into the side of Mt. Everest, and that many ducks were slain in the course of the day.
continue to sail away from it, so long as Deanna Troi is not at
Dutifully submitted,
the helm.
The perpetually damned one.
From there, it was on to “Deep
Impact”, the film that chronicles a
(aka RADM Todd Brugmans)
really big rock heading toward Earth,
and what we do to try to stop it.
Special thanks to those who have contributed to this column!
From this film, we learned
It’s really appreciated. We invite anyone who went to an event
1- That NASA is capable of scratchand would like to share to also contribute a paragraph or two
building a really interesting Gerry
to this column! It’s quick and easy, and it’s great to share
Anderson-style space craft if they
different views of what the club and its members are doing!
really have to.
2- That nosy reporters can turn a
simple story about political adultery
into a global threat byline and scoop
all their peers simply by getting into
car accidents with the Secret Service.
3- Hobbits are really handy with telescopes.
STARFLEET and Region 7 News
then happy to send you a replacement copy of the
Communiqué to replace damaged or missing copies. What you
will need to do is to file a Helpdesk ticket at helpdesk.sfi.org. In
that ticket, please verify your mailing address and provide what
issue you are missing. The Member Services team will then
make any corrections to your mailing address as needed and
get your replacement copy out to you.
** Admiralty Board Updates:
- ADM David Kloempken has been re-elected (without
opposition) as the Regional Coordinator of Region 6.
- CMDR Daniel Toole has been elected as the new
Regional Coordinator of Region 13. Upon taking office,
he will be promoted to FCAPT.
- The following are recent Admiralty Board resolutions:
* AB 12-20- Resolution to cancel a member’s membership
and refund prorated dues.
* AB12-21- Motion to re-affirm and ratify all prior Admiralty
Board votes as cast from AB97-01 through AB12-19.
* AB12-22- Motion to form a committee to review the
bylaws for any suggestions to be voted on by the AB,
and then any passing amendments are placed on the
2013 elections ballot for vote by the Members. The
committee is to be comprised of three (3) board
members plus one EC member who will meet beginning
after 1 February 2013, with final results to be presented
to the AB in time for the AB to vote on them before
sending them for publication in the election materials, as
per the Membership Handbook
** Note: AB 12-21 deals with the discovery of some
possible legal issues that could arise from the use of
proxies, which are considered illegal under North
Carolina law.
** STARFLEET Communiqué issues 129 through 172 are now
available on-line.
** STARFLEET Operations has announced
the commissioning of the following chapter:
- U.S.S. Ontario, NCC-71816, based in
Upland, CA, Region 4, ADM David Ryan,
** STARFLEET Shakedown Operations has announced the
launching of the following chapters:
- U.S.S. Midessa, NX-74212, based in Midland, TX, Region
3, Laureen Evans, Commanding
- U.S.S. Velocity, NX-72394, based in Anaheim, CA, Region
4, Philip Morgenthaler, Commanding
** Looking to volunteer your time for STARFLEET? STARFLEET
is rebuilding the HR Department and hopes to have e-mail
announcements, reminders, and CQ Online postings all set
within the next few weeks. In the meantime, check out
hr.sfi.org. That is the website address for STARFLEET HR.
** Membership Perks have been established for
STARFLEET members. Here is where to find discount codes
to all of our Membership Perk Partners:
- Surf to the STARFLEET Database at https://db.sfi.org/
- Log on using your database ID (provided to you as part of
your membership packet, but if you don't know what your
** STARFLEET Communiqué Update
- CQ 170 - In the mail.
User ID and password is, please contact the STARFLEET
- CQ 171 - In the mail
Help Desk)
- CQ 172 - Available online, and currently at the printers.
- Click on the "MEMBER" button on the left side to show the
- CQ 173 - In layout and final proof.
menu of available member tools
That leaves us almost caught up!
- Click on the "MEMBERSHIP PERK" button.
Also, note that the first quarterly magazine issue of the On this page, you'll see all of STARFLEET's Membership Perks
Communiqué will be CQ 174.
and their discount codes for you to use!
Your articles, features, artwork, stories, etc. are needed! You For more information about STARFLEET's Membership Perks,
can send your contributions to cq@sfi.org , or you can please visit: http://perks.sfi.org/
submit them via the web at: http://cq.sfi.org
Submissions will be used in either the print CQ or on the CQ ** There have been some issues recently with the STARFLEET
website and database going off-line. It appears to be related
Online - or maybe in both!
to issues with our provider, Dreamhost. STARFLEET has
working on these issues as they arise.
** STARFLEET International Conference News
- IC 2013 will take place 1-4 August
2013, at the MCM Eleganté in Dallas, Texas,
** Requesting a replacement copy of a STARFLEET
in Region Three. Their web site is online and
With the multiple issues of the CQ flying around with the
the hotel is accepting reservations: http://
USPS or whatever mail service is in your area, we thought it
would be a good idea to remind you all how to request a
replacement copy of the Communiqué. STARFLEET will be more
STARFLEET and Region 7 News
Region 7 News:
** The Trek Olympics 2013 will be on Saturday, 18 May,
** The regional fundraiser continues; return used inkjet
cartridges for cash (http://empties4cash.com) For further info,
contact Mike Stein at JusticeOC@aol.com
Dr. Who Companions, by Mimi-na
(from DeviantArt)
[Submitted by Judy Waidlich
Fiscal Report
Initial Balance - October
Service Charge
Service Charge
Check Written to Norm Van Houten for newsletter production/distribution
Check Written to Frank Warren, Jr. for website
ATM Service Charge
Service Charge
Ending Balance
From the Belly of the Beast
“F.A.B.: Remembering Gerry Anderson”
If you were born anytime during the 1950s or the early
1960s, you may have some warm and fuzzy memories of
watching a show or two that featured characters not played by
flesh-and-blood actors…but rather by complex marionettes.
And chances are that they were no simple Punch-and-Judy
plays. These were futuristic outer-space adventures, or they
might have taken place under the sea or on terra firma using
vehicles and hardware that pushed the limits of the
imagination. Or, you might remember stories of people fighting
alien invasions, enforcing the law on a distant planet, or being
hurled into deep space and struggling to survive while meeting
some strange folks along the way. If any of these qualify as
what you recall watching on TV as a sci-fi fan,
your life was touched by the genius of a man
from across the Atlantic, a man who would
introduce the trademark “Supermarionation” into
the entertainment lexicon.
It was shortly after Christmas of 2012 when
the world lost a true pioneer in television
production. He was the man who brought us
these tales of derring-do and fantastic worlds,
fueling the fires of fantasy and dazzling us with
spectacular visual effects which incorporated
intricate miniatures. These spectacles pushed the
edge of the envelope back in the day, and they
have inspired many a visual-effects artist to
follow the trail he blazed. This man was none other than Gerry
Born Gerald Alexander Abrahams in 1929 in London,
Anderson’s career would end up spanning more than half a
century. He was drafted into service for the Royal Air Force in
1947, after starting off studying photography and subsequently
earning an apprenticeship with the British Colonial Film unit. His
first TV production was The Adventures of Twizzle, which came
out in 1957. When the early 1960s dawned, the early part of
the decade would see Anderson bring to life more of his
“Supermarionation” creations, “Supercar” and “Fireball XL5”.
That same decade would also bear witness to more Anderson
gems, including what may be one of his best-known works:
“Thunderbirds”. In addition to the TV episodes, the
Thunderbirds franchise would also spawn two feature-length
productions: “Thunderbirds are Go” and “Thunderbird 6”. The
adventures of Jeff Tracy and family were also revisited in 2004
on the silver screen with the film “Thunderbirds”, directed by
Jonathan Frakes of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and
“Clockstoppers” fame.
Prior to “Thunderbirds”, Anderson produced the submarine
adventure “Stingray”. His post-“Thunderbirds” work included
“Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons”, “Joe 90”, and “The Secret
Service”. From the late 1950s until nearly the end of the 1960s,
Anderson’s productions shared two things in common. One was
the use of highly-detailed miniatures in elaborate special-effects
sequences that were needed to depict large-scale action. The
other key ingredient in these shows was a new way to use
puppets, or rather marionettes, instead of human actors as the
on-screen characters. The technique, called Supermarionation,
as mentioned before, involved the process of the voice actors
recording their lines onto audiotape, and the tapes then being
played back through a system that would send the audio
signals to electronic equipment installed in the marionettes’
heads. This caused the mouths of each marionette to move in
sync with the pre-recorded dialogue. Similar technology was
used in the production of the series “Terrahawks”, which ran in
syndication from 1983 to 1986.
There was more to the fantastic worlds of Gerry Anderson
than characters manipulated by strings and electronics, though.
He also had a substantial body of live-action work following his
early Supermarionation days. One of his first feature-film forays
into the realm of flesh-and-blood actors was “Journey to the
Far Side of the Sun” (originally released as
“Doppelganger”) in 1969, starring Roy Thinnes
(from “The Invaders”) and Herbert Lom
(Commissioner Dreyfus from the Pink Panther
films). The film also featured a couple of actors
who would find their way into another Anderson
production which followed the adventures of a
global defense organization dedicated to
protecting Earth from hostile aliens. That program
would become “UFO”, starring Ed Bishop as
Commander Ed Straker. He was joined by co-star
George Sewell as Colonel Alec Freeman. The show
was produced during the latter half of 1969 and
early 1970, and would last only one season.
As the 1970s rolled on, so did Anderson’s subsequent
endeavors. Next on his list of TV credentials would be “The
Protectors”, starring “Man from U.N.C.L.E.” veteran Robert
Vaughan as Harry Rule. Rule’s international band of supersleuths and bodyguards would also feature several regular
actors who have also enjoyed a significant association with
Anderson. They included Tony Anholt and Yasuko Nagazumi,
who would both go on to appear in the second season of
“Space: 1999”; and Anthony Chinn, who also appeared in a
couple of episodes of “UFO”. Speaking of “Space: 1999”, that
show came to life in 1974 as the result of a joint venture with
French and Italian TV. “Mission: Impossible” alumni Martin
Landau and Barbara Bain (aka Rollin Hand and Cinnamon
Carter) would be cast respectively as Moonbase Alpha
Commander John Koenig and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Helena
Russell. “Space: 1999” would run for two seasons, with Star
Trek producer Fred Freiberger taking over as Executive
Producer for the second season.
After being involved with various projects during the 1980s,
including “Terrahawks” and even the Dire Straits music video
for “Calling Elvis”, Anderson took another stab at live-action
science fiction with a pilot called “Space Police”, starring longtime colleague Shane Rimmer. He also voiced the character of
Scott Tracy in “Thunderbirds”, and appeared in episodes of
“UFO” and “Space: 1999”. The pilot would lead to the series
being renamed “Space Precinct” for copyright reasons, and
Rimmer would end up being replaced as the lead by Ted
Shackelford, who “Knots Landing” viewers would recognize as
Gary Ewing. Following “Space Precinct”, Anderson would
continue his work with more projects, including a reboot of
“Captain Scarlet” done with CGI (computer-generated imagery)
From the Belly of the Beast
animation rather than marionettes or puppets filmed against
miniature backdrops. Anderson’s work had such a far-reaching
impact; it even inspired “South Park” creators Trey Parker and
Matt Stone to produce the political satire “Team America”,
which was filmed in a similar style to his earlier
Supermarionation work.
In June 2012, Anderson was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
disease. He passed away at the age of 83 on December 26th of
that same year.
The following is from an article on Wikipedia, about various
tributes inspired by Anderson’s life and work:
also spoke about the number of messages sent by fans, saying
that, ‘We have been so touched by the outpouring of sympathy
from all over the world. We have had messages from India,
Uganda, [and] Australia - and from people aged…seven to 70.
It is so nice to know how my father touched people’s lives
across all the continents.’ Jamie went on to add, ‘But I'm
proudest of him for the contribution he made to the Alzheimer’s
Society. He was so torn apart by his illness. But his involvement
with the charity raised £1million in just a year.’
“Anderson was cremated in a service that brought together
hundreds of colleagues, family, and fans. The hall unfortunately
not being large enough to house everybody who attended, a
speaker system was set up for the people outside. Anderson’s
coffin was decorated with a floral Thunderbird 2 as his body
was taken into the service, where musical scores of the
“Thunderbirds” theme tune and “Aqua Marina” from “Stingray”
were played. Amongst the hundreds in attendance was car
owner Melvin Jarvis, who drove to the service in a full-scale
replica of Lady Penelope’s Rolls Royce FAB1. Also in attendance
was Shane Rimmer, who voiced Scott Tracy in “Thunderbirds”.
He spoke about his time on the show, saying, ‘It was a truly
unique experience. Gerry’s office was like the Oval Office at the
White House at times, such was the mystique of the place.
‘Thunderbirds’ really broke a mould, as it was one of the first
TV shows that had appeal on both sides of the Atlantic.’ He also
went on to add about the ‘ground-breaking energy and vision’
that Anderson had, going on to say Gerry was an exceptional
man — not only to those who began the studio work with him,
and they were all terribly talented and so easy to work with —
but also to the hundreds of thousands of young, and maybe a
little older, viewers who watched that magic flow across
television screens all over the world. It was quite
“Voice actor Matt Zimmerman who voiced Alan Tracy and
supporting characters in Thunderbirds spoke to BBC News
about Anderson’s death, praising his work, saying, ‘it’s a big
part of people’s lives’, saying also that ‘people speak of the
shows with such affection, and I held Gerry with that kind of
affection as well. I am very pleased to have known him and I
feel very sorry for Jamie and his wife Mary.’ David Graham,
who voiced both Parker and Brains, said it was ‘a very sad day’.
“Tributes from across the world of television and radio
poured in, among them TV presenter Jonathan Ross, DJ Chris
Evans, comedian Eddie Izzard, and actors Brian Blessed and
John Barrowman. Ross tweeted, ‘For men of my age, his work
made childhood an incredible place to be.’ Blessed, who worked
with Anderson on ‘Space: 1999’ and ‘The Day After Tomorrow’
said, ‘I think a light has gone out in the universe. He had a
great sense of humor. He wasn’t childish, but child-like, and he
had a tremendous love of the universe and astronomy and
“Fanderson chairman Nick Williams paid tribute to Anderson
by saying, ‘To those who met him, Gerry was a quiet,
unassuming but determined man. His desire to make the best
films he could drove him and his talented teams to innovate,
take risks, and do everything necessary to produce quite
inspirational works. Gerry’s legacy is that he inspired so many
people and continues to bring so much joy to so many millions Sources:
of people around the world.’
“The funeral was announced for Friday 11 January 2013 at
Reading crematorium. His son Jamie went on to say that his
The Complete Gerry Anderson: The Authorised Episode
father expressed his desire to let fans of the shows attend his
Guide, Chris Bentley (w/foreword by Gerry Anderson),
funeral, alongside friends, family, and cast members. Jamie
Reynolds & Hearn Ltd., 2003.
Communications Division Report
Greetings to all! I hope you have had a good Holiday Season,
in spite of all the troubles and hardships this year brought (in
particular the last three months of 2012).
As the Chief Communications Officer, to some it may seem as
though I am rather quiet, and in truth I can be. If some think it
odd that a quiet person decides to be a Communications
Officer, then, yes, it can be odd, but there are so many ways of
communicating. Orally or visually are the basic two; most of the
time I personally prefer writing.
In the new year, I hope we can all find the best way as
individuals to communicate and share our ideas with each
Tamarian language:
“Children of Tama”, translated, means “Tamarian”.
Rigellian language:
“Doshat tiyung nevreel”, translated, means “Bring him with us”.
Star Trek Book News
Here are the highlights of the next few months in Star Trek ST: All: Star Trek: The Visual Dictionary (Trade
Hardcover), by Dorling Kindersley (DK) Publishing
A visual exploration of the Star
Available February 2013:
Trek universe, spanning all five of
the Star Trek series (and the first 10
ST: TOS: Allegiance in Exile, by David R. George III
feature films) and veering from A
A beautiful green world, rich in fertile soil
(for Andorians) to V (for Vidiians).
and with a temperate climate...a textbook
The Visual Dictionary, which will be
Class M planet that should be teeming with
available from DK in March, will offer
life. Scans show no life-signs, but there are
up full-color photos, including rarely
refined metals, including those associated
seen material from the CBS archives,
with a spacefaring race...and a lone city.
as well as detailed descriptions of
But where are all of the inhabitants?
characters, aliens (their culture and
Captain James T. Kirk leads a landing party
behavior), technology and ships. DK
from the U.S.S. Enterprise, hoping to get
will release The Visual Dictionary as
some answers.
a 96-page hardcover. And the book, which will be available in
The landing party discovers a city in
the UK and the US, will boast a foreword by none other than
ruins, covered by dust, utterly bereft of life.
”Star Trek: The Next Generation”’s Q, John de Lancie.
Tricorder readings indicate that this is no
ancient metropolis—it has been deserted only for a year. And
just beyond the citadel lies what appears to be an ancient Available April 2013:
spaceport...a graveyard of ships that have clearly been
ST: TOS: The Weight of Worlds, by Greg
With these ruins too far from either the Klingon or the Cox
Kirk, Spock, and Sulu must protect the
Romulan Empires, the Enterprise crew can only wonder: Who
could have done this? And could this unnamed threat now pose remote Federation colony of Ephrata from
an imminent danger to the Federation?
the dreaded Coven—beings from another
galaxy who are seeking starships much like
the Enterprise to spread from world to
world, opening gateways between
Available March 2013:
dimensions to eventually conquer the entire
ST: TOS: Devil’s Bargain, by Tony Daniel
Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the
Enterprise are sent to evacuate the ST: TNG: The Stuff of Dreams (E-Book), by
Federation mining colony Vesbius, a frontier James Swallow
settlement that is on the brink of an
A new “Star Trek: The Next Generation” tale. No details
extinction-level event, threatening the lives available at press time.
of all the colonists and the disruption of ore
production vital to Star Fleet. However, the
colonists refuse to abandon this settlement,
not wanting to leave their claims. It is after
these irrational decisions that Spock
suggests that perhaps an unexpected ally
could aid the colony and help complete the
“Early Starfleet” by Dave Metlesits
(from DeviantArt)
[Submitted by Alex Rosenzweig]
Ship’s BBS
The Ship’s BBS was first introduced in the novel Spock’s World, written by Diane Duane. Like BBSs of today, it was a place where
items of interest could be posted for the crew to read and respond to. This column is much like that. Things do change from
issue to issue, so keep checking back each issue, and if you’ve got an item you’d like to share, feel free to send it in. ☺
* Help Wanted!
Looking to contribute to the Avenger? If so, we need your help!
The following positions are open:
- Chief Medical Officer: Serve on the senior staff, and be a
leader of the members in the Medical Division. Have a direct
voice in the running of the chapter. Highlight health and
medical interests, both in the Trek Universe and in real life.
(This position requires STARFLEET membership in good
Contact CAPT Dave or ADM Alex if you’d like to volunteer!
- Chief Security Officer: Serve on the senior staff, and be a
leader of the members in the Security Division. Have a direct
voice in the running of the chapter. Highlight security, safety,
portable weaponry, police function, and small-unit ground
tactics interests, both in the Trek Universe and in real life.
(This position requires STARFLEET membership in good
Contact CAPT Dave or ADM Alex if you’d like to volunteer!
- Press Officer: Write and distribute press releases to the
ship’s media list, interact with reporters and other media
personnel, and help craft our club image to the world at
Contact CAPT Dave or ADM Alex if you’d like to volunteer!
- Outreach/Orientation Officer: Contact new members to
welcome them to the Avenger, and be available to answer
any questions they might have. Essentially, the Outreach/
Orientation Officer will be a “go to” person for the newest
members as they get comfortable with being part of the
group. Friendliness and willingness to interact with new
people is a must. STARFLEET membership is recommended,
but not required.
Contact CAPT Dave or ADM Alex if you’d like to volunteer!
* Do you have an idea for an event or activity? We love
to do stuff, that’s for sure! Lots of stuff is based on ideas our
members bring to the group, and can be as simple as
something you enjoy and would like to share. How? It’s easy!
Just ask an Avenger Command Staff member for an Event
Planner and begin your adventure today. Event Planners
contain descriptions of events/activities, and both the Planners
and sign-up sheets are passed around at each month’s ship
meeting. This is a way for everyone to find out the details of
what’s going on, or to share your ideas for what you want to
do! We need your help, because if no one coordinates events,
they don’t happen!!
instructions about IRC. NOTE: To access the IRC
Port 6667
The main STARFLEET channel is #Fleetchat, and
maintains its own channel at #avenger
- The Avenger Yahoo Group is a great place to get
news from the Avenger via email and special
features. Check it out at:
- Avenger is also well-represented on Facebook, with both a
page and a group. The page is generally updated with
information directed more to the general public, while the
group includes more of the discussions, events
announcements, and cross-chatter among members and
friends. The URLs are:
Avenger Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/
Avenger Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/
- Avenger News newsletters are archived online, in PDF
format, on the Avenger website.
* Our CaféPress Store: You can buy Avenger schtuff online
like T-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, mousepads, etc at the
CafePress Avenger Store, featuring our logo. It can be found
at: http://www.cafepress.com/ussavenger
* CaféPress Store Feedback: Is there something you’d like
that we’re not offering at the Avenger Store? Check out
CaféPress’s product list, and if you see something there that
you’d like and that’s not available in our store, contact Avenger
Command and let them know.
* Additional purchase options: Avenger also has material
available at RADM Todd’s Zazzle store. Check it out at: http://
* A STARFLEET Community of Particular Note: Interested
members are invited to join a community called Project SIMELE.
“SIMELE” is short for “STARFLEET In the Movie and Early Lost
Eras”, and its focus is for members or chapters of STARFLEET
who have an interest in, use the motif of, or are fictionally set
in the timeframe of roughly 2270 to 2335 in the Star Trek
Universe, to interact. (This, of course, includes the Avenger.)
It’s designed to provide a venue for members to share
resources, exchange ideas and thoughts about playing in this
* Internet Resources:
The Avenger has a lot of opportunities to interact through the era of Star Trek, possibly develop cooperative fiction, and so
Internet! Check ‘em out...
forth. Come check the group out at
- The adventure begins with our spiffy website where you can http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SIMELE/
find information about your fellow crewmates and read online
* Look at the spiffy poster on the next page and go buy
logs from your division chief: http://www.ussavenger.org/
- Another great way to contact your STARFLEET buddies is one! The newest addition to our online repertoire is the
through Internet Relay Chat (IRC). Instructions can be found Cutaway Poster of Avenger herself. Done by artist Chris Allan,
on the Avenger site. Go to the Internet Resources link on the this detailed poster matches up with the official Avenger
navigation bar on the Avenger’s main site, and follow the Blueprints and gives a detailed look inside our vessel. Take a
Ship’s BBS
look! It’s at our CaféPress store: http://www.cafepress.com/ Frontiers web site for this and other spectacular Star Trek
technical documents: http://federationfrontiers.tripod.com/
The Avenger-class Heavy Frigate General Plans cost a mere
$10.00 for Avenger crew members, and can be purchased
directly from Alex Rosenzweig. You can also buy the plans via
mail order for $12, which includes shipping charges. Money
orders are preferred, and will speed delivery. However,
personal checks are acceptable and should be payable to
“Michael C. Rupprecht”. Custom rolled sets are available for
$15.00 and deluxe poster-sized sets for $40.00. To order,
simply print out the handy order form at web site, or send your
name, address, e-mail address, number and type of sets
desired, along with your check or money order, to the following
Federation Frontiers
c/o Michael C. Rupprecht
* Avenger Blueprints!
Do you find yourself getting lost every time you’re on duty
3711 Bloomingdale Drive
while serving aboard your ship? Maybe you should get one of
Hillsborough, NJ 08844-5531
these spiffy blueprint maps!
* Avenger Fiction Update
From the Federation Frontiers publishing office, we are pleased - CMDR Setak’s “Summer Vacation” story has been completed,
to offer General Plans for the Avenger-Class Heavy Frigate. No with a final count of just over 16,000 words. It is currently in
starship, save the famous line of those named Enterprise, has the beta reading stage, prior to final review and release. Other
received this much attention to detail.
tales of our characters’ adventures while on leave in mid-2310
The twenty (20) sheet set includes:
are welcomed! See “The Avenger in Fiction”.
- Construction history
- A new ADM Rosenzweig vignette is underway, as well.
- Ship's directory
- Ideas and suggestions for future possible group collaborations
- Six (6) external views
are welcomed. Feel free to send them to ADM Alex, or even
- Full starship specifications
pitch them to the Avenger’s e-mail list.
- Suggestions for interesting characters to fill open spots in
- Equipment listing (with
Avenger’s fictional crew are wanted! You can provide just some
system contractors)
rough notes, or a full character file. If you’d like to get in on
- Four (4) cross-section
the fun, check in with ADM Alex.
- And don’t forget to work on keeping your own main
- Plan views of all eleven
character’s file up-to-date, too! Or create one if you haven’t
decks at 1:600 scale
- Full-sheet details of the bridge, torpedo pod, main done so yet. Check with ADM Alex for assistance if you need it.
engineering, two-level recreation deck, Sickbay,
* Quote for this Issue:
transporter complex, and auxiliary control.
“If you pursue good with labor, the labor passes away but the
For more information e-mail the author, Mike Rupprecht, at good remains; if you pursue evil with pleasure, the pleasure
mrupprecht@hindlepowerinc.com, or just visit the Federation passes away and the evil remains.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Reconstitute” by Chris Murray
(from DeviantArt)
[Submitted by Alex Rosenzweig]
The Avenger in Fiction
“A World of Ice and Fire” and a New Character
“Space, The Final Frontier...
These are the continuing
voyages of the starship Avenger. Her ongoing mission: to
explore strange, new worlds; to seek out new life and new
civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before.”
Many members’ questions have dealt with the fictional
Avenger. Since we call for members to make up personnel files
for their characters and invite them to write stories in the
“Avengerverse”, members want to know just how our fictional
universe works. What does the fictional Avenger do? How does
it fit into the Star Trek Universe as portrayed on TV and in the
films, books, comics, etc.? To answer these questions, and to
(hopefully) keep you folks entertained, this series of articles was
In this issue, we briefly look in on Admiral Rosenzweig, who
spends most of his time these days at Star Fleet Command in
San Francisco. But he’s never been satisfied just to sit and fly a
Admiral Alex Rosenzweig was having a routine day. He’d had
a meeting in the morning with the Strategic Operations
Working Group, and then sat in on a discussion between
several senior Operations personnel and a team from the
Advanced Starship Design Bureau, reviewing one of the new
cruiser designs being touted as a supplement to the Excelsiorclass heavy cruisers. The new
design was planned to be a
workhorse vessel for the Fleet for
the next 50 or 60 years, and the
Operations review group wanted
to have a sense of its intended
capabilities in order to factor them
into the overall planning posture.
After the meetings came
reports. A senior flag officer’s life
was filled with a lot of reports.
departments at Star Fleet
Command, updates from starbases around the Federation, or
material from one of a number of ships of which Rosenzweig
kept track, information flowed through Star Fleet like water
through a river channel. It wasn’t uncommon for him to spend
his lunchtime—a relative luxury that shipboard personnel often
had to skip, but which Rosenzweig had come to appreciate—
reading reports.
Amidst the variety of reports, one happened to catch the
admiral’s eye. The U.S.S. Kon-Tiki, an Explorer-class
reconnaissance cruiser, was reporting from the FGC-42769
System, the latest of a series of ships which had been
monitoring the system, and especially the fourth planet of the
F-type star, for the past several years. With three large and
one small continent, it boasted a thriving civilization which was
approximately at the level of Earth in the late Middle Ages or
very early Renaissance period. Most of the activity seemed to
be taking place on the western large continent, which was
described as approximately the size of South America on Earth.
That continent had at various times been home to as many as
seven distinct major kingdoms and a number of smaller
According to the reports from the Kon-Tiki, the last few years
had seen a substantial increase in conflicts among the various
political groupings on this continent, and the sociologists
speculated that a major realignment of sociopolitical power
might soon be in the offing. Due in part to the similarities
between the civilizations on FGC-42769-IV and Earth, there was
considerable interest in the shakeups in this world’s society.
An advantage for Star Fleet’s study of the planet also was
that the civilization still lacked anything like large, powerful
remote sensing equipment. Small telescopes were as far as
that technology had developed. This made it relatively easy to
observe what was happening, whether from orbit or even from
aerial craft. As a result, monitoring this world had become
something of a “pet project” for a number of high-level
personnel in Star Fleet Sciences. Reading the report from the
Kon-Tiki, Rosenzweig could easily understand why.
The admiral paused for a moment, thinking. As it happened,
he didn’t have any major meetings again for about a week. It
had also been some time since he’d used his “roving
troubleshooter” status to log any star hours, and the
wanderlust had been making itself felt. This world, he thought
to himself, could be a perfect opportunity to get out and stretch
my legs a little.
With a smile, he tapped the
intercom switch on his desk. A
moment later, Lieutenant Brand
appeared on the desktop viewer.
“Yes, sir?”
“Mark, check my calendar and
make sure I don’t have anything
pressing in the next few days.”
There was a pause, and then
Brand looked back up. “Just routine
briefings, Admiral.” He quirked a
smile. “Nothing you couldn’t skip,
sir.” Brand had served long enough
with Rosenzweig that he’d learned to recognize when his boss
got into one of those moods. “Shall I rearrange your schedule?”
“Please do,” Rosenzweig told him. “Then call down to the
Motor Pool and see who’s on the available roster to pilot
Anduril.” “Motor Pool” was a slang term for the small craft bays
and their support facilities. When Lieutenant Shralat had moved
on to another assignment after a substantial number of years,
the Powers That Be had decided that Rosenzweig didn’t need a
pilot permanently assigned solely for himself, but could make
use of a standing staff that handled piloting duties for flag
officers and other key personnel. Truth was, Rosenzweig didn’t
really mind, especially after his older warpshuttle, Hyperion,
was replaced with a newer model. Anduril was the same
The Avenger in Fiction
“A World of Ice and Fire”
general type of craft, but had a few surface differences and
noticeably more speed.
“Aye, sir.” The channel closed. After a few minutes, Brand
signaled back. “Admiral, we have a pilot for you. Lieutenant
Verex An Nath is at the top of the duty roster, and he’s all set
to fly on your order.”
“Excellent,” Alex answered with a smile. The Edosian pilot
came well-recommended. “Have him get Anduril ready to go.
And have it in ‘mobile command post mode’. We can do our
routine business from out there.” He was answered with a huge
grin from Brand, who didn’t always get to accompany
Rosenzweig when Alex went on jaunts like this.
“Yes, sir!”
As Brand set about making the necessary arrangements,
Rosenzweig called up the images of FGC-42769-IV that the
Kon-Tiki had sent back, including the planetary maps. Gazing at
the variety of landscapes, he wished that
he’d be able to see those places firsthand,
but knew that it would be unlikely at best.
But from the deserts in the south of the
western continent and the central portions of
the large eastern one, to the strange wall
built in the north, to the various great cities
on all the continents, the clear sense that
this was a unique and fascinating civilization
was everywhere, and he looked forward to
seeing it up-close, even if “up-close” meant
from orbit. It was trips like this that
reminded the admiral that there was still
adventure to be had, and that was why he still treasured them.
“Sir?” It was Brand again. “Lieutenant Verex reports that
Anduril will be ready when you are.”
“Very good,” said Rosenzweig. “Ready to put this show on
the road?”
“Aye, sir!”
“Then let’s do it.” And Rosenzweig shut down his desktop
terminal and led his aide out the door.
---THE END (For Now)--**********
In future articles, we'll continue to talk about what's aboard
the ship, how various systems work, crew specifics, etc.
(Members are urged to suggest topics. If there's something you
want to know about the ship, chances are that someone else
wants to know, too. So send in your questions, and we'll try to
get answers for you in upcoming columns.)
This column also supports short stories! Stories should be no
more than 4 pages in 10-point type, and can be about anything
in the Avenger Universe. (Serializations are also accepted, but
the story must be submitted complete, and arrangements with
the column editor and Avenger News editor for serialization will
be made ahead of time.) We hope everyone will take the
opportunity to contribute to the tales of the Avenger.
To help you out, we’re also running story ideas each issue.
These aren’t fleshed out, but are jumping-off points from which
stories may evolve. If you do see an idea listed here that you’d
like to build a story from, let ADM Rosenzweig know, so that we
don’t get multiple members working on the same idea. And here
we have the next suggestions...
1] A recently admitted Federation member has a somewhat
militant culture and maintains a fairly big standing navy. While
no match for Star Fleet vessels, these ships are relatively
powerful. A neighboring world is a non-Federation member.
Due to the anarchy in its government, it can’t even apply.
Anyway, in one incident, merchants from the new member are
killed. Invoking the right to protect its own citizens, the new
member deploys a small squadron of ships to the non-member
world and threatens retaliatory strikes if the perpetrators are
not handed over. The Federation reacts and sends to Avenger
to mediate. They have to prevent a possible war, but may have
to fight against a member world to do so.
2] The Avenger arrives in an area where living civilizations
have been wiped out in many systems, but in
systems that are low-tech, have been left
untouched. The planets that have been hit
were hit in a strange way, destruction of
geometric shapes that are unnatural to the
environment (i.e., a tree left alive, a
skyscraper blown to bits). On some of these
worlds’ moons, there are large geometric
“stonehenges” set up - a lure for whatever
seemed to come along and destroy the
systems? Just as the crew are about to give
up, they find records on a planet whose
inhabitants lived inside mountains as a holy
tradition - the mountainous habitats were safe during the
“Firing of the Engines of God”, and some survived; they
noticed, over the generations, that there was a cycle to the
destruction, say, every 138 years or something. And from the
various ruins’ bits and pieces of sculpture and records, there’s a
place in the sky from which the destruction comes: a black
nebula. And gosh, it’s coming up right about...now. Too bad the
ship is a geometric shape.
Finally, as a part of this series, and as featured in this
month’s edition of the column, we include character-files of
members of the crew. So, if you’ve made up a character-file,
great! If not, why not try making one? We'll try to publish one
or two each issue, as space and contributions permit. We’re
always looking for members to create files for their own
characters. If you’re interested in creating a file for your
fictional character, or updating an existing file, contact ADM
Rosenzweig for help/information.
In this issue, we introduce you to another character created
by Rahadyan Sastrowardoyo, one of the many “background”
crewmembers who populate the Avenger. Enjoy!
Serial Number: MY 95704
Official Position: Medical Yeoman
Current Assignment: U.S.S. Avenger, Heavy Frigate, NCC-1860
The Avenger in Fiction
“A World of Ice and Fire”
Nature and Duration of Mission: Multi-Purpose (Exploration;
Peaceforcer; Survey; Etc.), 5 Years
Age: 26
Nationality: Terran
Place of Birth: Michigan--United States--Earth
Date of Birth: 29 June 2286
Entered Star Fleet Academy at age 18, and
completed all required coursework in four years. Graduated at
age 22, in the top third of her graduating class. Assigned with
the rank of Ensign to the heavy frigate U.S.S. Avenger as a
yeoman in the Medical Division.
Unmarried. Parents are alive on Earth, where her
father, Richard Stancik, is a retired former supervisor for an
asteroid-mining concern. Since his retirement, he has gone
back to school for re-education in another field. Mother, Camilla
Stancik, is a secondary school teacher in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Four siblings, all older brothers. Stancik was a bright child with
many talents, but was unsure of what she wanted to do with
her life. She saw Star Fleet as a means to get off Earth and see
the universe. Her work in Avenger’s Medical Division, however,
has inspired her to consider going back to the Academy to
pursue a career as a physician. Stancik is fairly reserved, but is
friendly once she gets to know someone. She is seen by her
colleagues in the Medical Division and elsewhere on Avenger as
having a great deal of potential.
Updates on the Production of
“Star Trek: Renegades”
For those unaware, “Star
Trek: Renegades” is a new
project from the creators of
the Trek film “Of Gods and
Men”, which was released in 2006. This film will be set after the
events of “Star Trek: Nemesis”. A very brief synopsis of the
proposed film, which is intended to serve as a pilot for an online web series, reads:
“The Federation’s main source of dilithium crystals has vanished, as space and time have mysteriously folded around the
planet of Reuel VII. In order to trace the origin of the phenomenon, Admiral Chekov turns to Tuvok to form a covert
“Renegade crew” of elite rogues and outcasts to re-establish
communication at all costs, and hunt down those responsible
for altering space.”
And now, here are some updates on this evolving production.
For other information, don’t hesitate to check out the production’s website, here: http://startrekrenegades.com/
Things are moving along nicely in the pre-production phase!
* The first draft of the script is almost finished!
* The producer, Sky Conway, is on the set of a film called
“Alongside Night”, which stars Kevin Sorbo, along with
“Renegades” cast members Tim Russ, Gary Graham, and
Garrett Wang. He is co-producing the film while working on
“Renegades” at the same time! The “Renegades” team are all
staying busy!
* “Mythbusters”’ Grant Imahara will take a break from inventing
cool robotics and blowing up stuff to join the cast of
“Renegades”! Grant is one of the hosts of Discovery Channel’s
“Mythbusters”. Before that, he spent nine years as an animatronics engineer and model maker for George Lucas’s Industrial
Light and Magic. Grant worked on many
blockbusters, including the “Matrix” sequels,
“Galaxy Quest”, “Terminator 3”, and Star
Wars Episodes 1-3 (although he is NOT responsible for Jar Jar). He put the lights in
R2-D2’s dome and gave the Energizer Bunny
his beat. He also created the often rude and
irreverent robot skeleton sidekick for latenight talk show host Craig Ferguson. In
“Renegades”, Grant will play an aide to Admiral Chekov.
* “Renefades” has a new Facebook page! The original Facebook page was removed, for reasons unknown and unspecified.
After getting no feedback from Facebook, and being the Renegades they are, they have created a new page: https://
* Trek expert Larry Nemecek interviewed Director Tim Russ on
the set right after the shooting of the trailer back in August. He
posted the interview right toward the end of the Kickstarter
drive. The interview can be found on-line, here:
* A brand new ship design will be unveiled soon
* “Renegades” is now listed on IMDB (the Internet Movie Database): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2621446/ The page is still
a work-in-progress. Information is being added as preproduction continues.
* “Renegades” director and actor Tim Russ recently did an interview with the G & T show. G & T is everything Star Trek film, TV, books, games and fan fiction. Hosts Nick, Terry, and
Mike sat down with Tim to talk about the project and a variety
of other topics. You can listen and/or download the interview
here: http://www.gandtshow.com/?p=1944
Trekkin’ the Web
From Alex Rosenzweig:
singular goal: to bring joy and
happiness to the one unknown life
The Name “Enterprise” Lives On
form whose current dreariness sets off
The mighty U.S.S. Enterprise (CVN
a chain reaction that influences the
65), the world’s first nuclear-powered
fate of the future.
aircraft carrier, began its deactivation
If this metal time traveler succeeds
Saturday, 1 December 2012 at
and this, as yet, unknown life form is
Norfolk naval base in Virginia.
uplifted by the color and beauty of
Although formal decommissioning
imagination, then we can all rest easy
won’t take place until 2016 — after
knowing that balance has been
the ship’s eight nuclear reactors are
restored to the universe. That time will
inactivated — the Enterprise will
once again smile on future
never again go to sea under her own
While you’re here take a look
Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, in a
around. Browse the pretty colors. Even add a piece to your own
video played toward the end of the
collection. Because who knows…the unknown life form that
ceremony, announced that CVN 80,
determines the destiny of the future, may be you.
Post Script: Robots are very mysterious and elusive by
third ship of the new Gerald R. Fordclass carriers, will be named Enterprise, thus becoming the nature. We cannot be sure that he hasn’t exaggerated his
ninth American naval ship to bear the name.
Under current construction schedules, the new Enterprise http://www.byebyerobot.com/
won’t enter service until 2025, replacing the U.S.S. Dwight D.
Eisenhower (CVN 69).
Walls 360
http://blogs.defensenews.com/intercepts/2012/12/carrierWalls 360 creates amazing wall
graphics for artists, designers,
photographers, and brands from
We're Definitely Not Alone!
around the world! Very cool stuff, including some really neat
The set of images on this page puts a whole lot into Star Trek art!
perspective. Enjoy!
Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection
The Golden Spike Company
More new stuff! This incredible
Private sector human expeditions to new fortnightly collection of Star
the Moon are now feasible, primarily Trek models includes all the most
using existing space systems or those significant ships from the five Star
in development. The Golden Spike Trek television series. Every ship
Company is working to implement and has been painstakingly recreated in die-cast and high quality
operate a human space transportation ABS materials, then hand-painted with an incredible level of
system at commercially successful price detail.
points. Our company is comprised of
The collection features a full range of Federation and alien
veteran space program executives, managers, engineers, and vessels including seven incarnations of the Enterprise, all the
entrepreneurs focused on generating a sustainable human major Klingon vessels including the Bird-of-Prey, and Dominion,
lunar exploration business that generates profits through Borg, and Romulan ships.
multiple high value revenue streams.
The Trek Collective’s Trek-Lit Reading Order
Bye, Bye Robot Brings Futuristic Fine Art
“What do I need to read before Articles of the Federation?”
A long time ago in a
If you're a bit lost navigating the sometimes complex web of
galaxy far far away. Oh…
interconnectivity between the various Star Trek novels in the
wait…I mean…space, the
modern continuity, here are the answers to your questions.
final frontier. Aww, heck!
TrekBBS user Thrawn found a most elegant solution, with his
What I’m trying to say is
brilliant Star Trek Lit-Verse Reading Order Flowchart. Now on
that recently a shiny
robot, from a space and time not our own, has traveled the Mark II version, Thrawn and proprietor 8of5 guide you
backward through the eons to bring present day Earth humans t h r o u g h
Whether you're a fan of TNG, DS9, “Voyager”, or
(and all intelligent beings) the joy of artwork from the future.
He’s told us that in order to restore peace and harmony in his “Enterprise”, the chart below will show how they spin off into
time, he must continue his mission to bring all inhabited “New Frontier”, “Titan”, “Klingon Empire”, or “Vanguard”, and
planets throughout the galaxy beautiful artwork. His is a crossover into “Destiny”, the “Typhon Pact”, the Mirror
Trekkin’ the Web
Universe, and more, letting you chart your own path through “Secure resources and funding, and
the Trek-litverse.
begin construction of a Death Star
http://www.thetrekcollective.com/p/trek-lit-reading-order.html by 2016.”
The White House response,
prepared by Paul Shawcross, the
From Judy Waidlich:
Chief of the Science and Space Branch at the White House
Office of Management and Budget, had the headline, “This Isn’t
US Navy Ship Stuck on Reef Nearly a Day After Running the Petition Response You’re Looking For”. You should just read
Aground off Philippines
it. Suffice it to say that it’s always amusing when one realizes
A U.S. Navy ship with a wood-and-fiberglass
that the Executive Branch really does have a bunch of sci-fi
hull that ran aground on a reef off the Philippines
geeks in it.
was still stuck nearly 22 hours later, Navy
https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/response/isnt-petitionofficials said.
What makes this link interesting to us? Take
note of the class of vessel to which the U.S.S.
Why the Moon Landings Could Have Never EVER Been
Guardian belongs...
Faked: The Definitive Proof
This video is so good, so incredibly brilliant, solid and simple,
_news/2013/01/17/16561758-us-navy-ship-stuck-on-reef- that you will want to paste it all over your Facebooks and
Twitters just to piss off all the IMBECILES who still claim that
the Moon landings were faked. The reason is simple: the
technology to fake it didn't exist.
A Petition to the White House, and the Response
Last issue, amidst the news of secession petitions flooding http://gizmodo.com/5977205/why-the-moon-landings-couldthe White House, some folks added tongue-in-cheek positions have-never-ever-been-faked-the-definitive-proof
for fictional planets to be allowed to secede from their
respective interstellar governments. Well, the geekiness
continued at the White House, with a petition that requested,
“Starfleet Academy Briefing
Room”, by Interplay
[Submitted by Alex Rosenzweig]
“Nautilus”, by Larry L. Keathley
and Chris Diston
[Submitted by Alex Rosenzweig]
“Sunrise” by Dave Metlesits (from
[Submitted by Alex Rosenzweig]
“2311: Tomed” by jetfreak74656
(from DeviantArt)
[Submitted by Alex Rosenzweig]
Mission Docket
Upcoming Events
10 February 2013 – Avenger Ship Meeting
North Brunswick Public Library, 880 Hermann Road, North Brunswick, NJ, 2:00 PM
Join us for the usual fun, chatter, and good times. Program: What We Know About “Star Trek Into Darkness”. Dinner to follow.
Event Coordinator: CAPT David Lynch, Karate666@aol.com
15-17 February 2013 – Farpoint
Crowne Plaza Hotel, 2004 Greenspring Drive, Timonium, MD
Farpoint is a Baltimore-based, science fiction media convention. They’re a fan-run, fan-friendly con, with a
lot more to offer than your basic autographs-and-a-dealers-room “show”. Guests include Giancarlo Esposito
(from “Revolution”, “Once Upon a Time”, and “Breaking Bad”), Felicia Day (Holly Marten from “Eureka” and
Penny in “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog”), Bonita Friedericy (General Beckham from “Chuck”), John
Billingsley (Dr. Phlox from “Enterprise”), Lee Arenberg (Grumpy from “Once Upon a Time”), and Rob
Paulsen (A Man of Many Voices), Aaron Rosenberg, Allyn Gibson, Bob Greenberger, Danielle AckelyMcPhail, Dave Galanter, Dave Mack, Don Sakers, Donna Galanti, Glen Hauman, Helen Madden, Howard
Weinstein, Kate Mason, Keith DeCandido, Kelly Meding (Saturday only), Lance Woods, Marianne Petrino-Schaad, Mary Louise
Davie, Michael Jan Friedman, Michael Pederson, Mike McPhail, Nobilis Reed, Phil Giunta, Richard White, and Steven H. Wilson!
Event Cost: Full Weekend: $80; Saturday Only: $55; Sunday Only: $40; Child Membership (Good for the weekend - no daily child
memberships): $25; Friday Only: $10; Saturday Evening Only: $10 (Included with a Saturday Only or a Weekend Badge)
Event Website: http://www.farpointcon.com/
2 March 2013 – “Battlestar Galactica” Video Day
Matt Rielly’s Home, 149-F Marina Drive, Edison, NJ, 11:00 AM (Time Tentative)
We’ll take a tour of highlight episodes from the Ron Moore/David Eich version of the
“Battlestar Galactica”. Do you know who the Cylons are?
Event Coordinator: CAPT Matt Rielly, mjrielly@verizon.net
9 March 2013 – Avenger Group Viewing of “Oz, the Great and Powerful”
AMC Loews Theater, Route 1 (Southbound side), New Brunswick, NJ, 11:30 PM (Time Tentative)
A prequel to “The Wizard of Oz”. When Oscar Diggs (James Franco), a small-time circus magician with dubious
ethics, is hurled away from dusty Kansas to the vibrant Land of Oz, he thinks he's hit the jackpot-fame and
fortune are his for the taking... that is, until he meets the witches Theodora (Mila Kunis), Evanora (Rachel
Weisz), and Glinda (Michelle Williams), who are not convinced he is the great wizard everyone’s been expecting.
Reluctantly drawn into the epic problems facing the Land of Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is
good and who is really evil before it is too late. Putting his "magical" arts to use through illusion, ingenuity, and
even a bit of wizardry, Oscar transforms himself not only into the great and powerful Wizard of Oz but into a
better man as well.
Event Coordinator: ADM Alex Rosenzweig, alexr1860@optimum.net
10 March 2013 – Avenger Ship Meeting
North Brunswick Public Library, 880 Hermann Road, North Brunswick, NJ, 2:00 PM
Join us for the usual fun, chatter, and good times. Program: “Non-Fiction” Star Trek Publishing (Behind-the-Scenes” Books and
In-Universe, Non-Novel Books). Dinner to follow.
Event Coordinator: CAPT David Lynch, Karate666@aol.com
23 March 2013 – “Star Trek Into Darkness” Recruiting Prep – Backdrop Painting
Location and Time TBD
A get-together to paint the planned backdrop for our recruiting display at “Star Trek Into Darkness”. Wear clothes you don’t mind
getting dirty!
Event Coordinator: CAPT David Lynch, Karate666@aol.com
14 April 2013 – Avenger Ship Meeting
North Brunswick Public Library, 880 Hermann Road, North Brunswick, NJ, 2:00 PM
Join us for the usual fun, chatter, and good times. Program: Summer Movies in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Genres. Dinner to follow.
Event Coordinator: CAPT David Lynch, Karate666@aol.com
Mission Docket
Upcoming Events
20 April 2013 – Avenger Group Viewing of “Oblivion”
AMC Loews Theater, Route 1 (Southbound side), New Brunswick, NJ, 11:30 PM (Time Tentative)
A court martial sends a veteran soldier to a distant planet, where he has to destroy the remains of an alien race.
The arrival of an unexpected traveler causes him to question what he knows about the planet, his mission, and
himself. Starring Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, and Andrea Riseborough.
Event Coordinator: ADM Alex Rosenzweig, alexr1860@optimum.net
17-19 May 2013 – “Star Trek Into Darkness” Opening Weekend!
Location and Times TBD
It’s the opening of the 12th Star Trek movie, and the Avenger will be out recruiting. Details are still being
worked on, but please plan to spend some time with us that weekend, enjoying the film and promoting
STARFLEET and the Avenger. This is a great time, both to enjoy Star Trek and to meet new friends and share
the excitement of the club!
Event Coordinator: CAPT David Lynch, Karate666@aol.com
1 June 2013 – NJ Renaissance Faire
Liberty Lake in Columbus, NJ, 1195 Florence-Columbus Road, Bordentown, NJ
Welcome to the village of Crossford, home of the New Jersey Renaissance Faire. There be magic in these
woods. This year William Wallace will be coming to the Shire of Crossford. Come join the invasion of the
Scots and wear your kilt, lads!
Event Cost: $20.00/person at the gate; $18.00/person on-line in advance
Event Website: http://www.njrenfaire.com/Home.html
9 June 2013 – Avenger Ship Meeting
North Brunswick Public Library, 880 Hermann Road, North Brunswick, NJ, 2:00 PM
Join us for the usual fun, chatter, and good times. Program: The Latest on “Dr. Who” and the 50th Anniversary of that Series.
Dinner to follow.
Event Coordinator: CAPT David Lynch, Karate666@aol.com
15 June 2013 – Avenger 28th Anniversary Picnic
Norm Van Houten’s Home, 27 Wilshire Road, Edison, NJ, 12:30 PM
We’ve been around for 28 years! Party time! And we’ll once again gather for our annual picnic. Food and fun shall abound! And
who knows when a water battle might break out? >:)
Hours: 12:30 to ???
Cost: $7.00 per person
Event Coordinator: CAPT David Lynch, Karate666@aol.com
14 July 2013 – Avenger Ship Meeting
North Brunswick Public Library, 880 Hermann Road, North Brunswick, NJ, 2:00 PM
Join us for the usual fun, chatter, and good times. Program: Updates and info on Star Trek Fan Films. Dinner to follow.
Event Coordinator: CAPT David Lynch, Karate666@aol.com
NOTE: Please, if you are planning to attend an event, let the event/project coordinator know of your plans, so he/she can make
the proper arrangements. Thanks!
331 Academy Terrace, Apt 17
Linden, NJ 07036-5695
U.S.S. Avenger
The Next Meeting of the U.S.S. Avenger will be:
Sunday, March 10, 2013
2:00 PM
North Brunswick Public Library
880 Hermann Road
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
Avenger News 137 Deadline: March 20, 2013
Please send all submissions to Alex Rosenzweig