Sally Brompton Daily Horoscope
Sally Brompton Daily Horoscope
63 Phone: 212-930-8100 Mon-Fri – 8:30am – 6pm Fax: 212-930-8120 To confirm your fax 212-930-8154 Email: nypostclassifieds Mail/Prepay: New York Post Classifieds 1211 Ave of the Americas, 15th Floor New York, NY 10036 SERVICES /post DEADLINES +**')(%$ &+",(#! Liner Ads 1.,,.(*% (' !(,,/&% 0-$/.*)+ '(& (#& ",.)*$% Monday: Friday 2:30PM Mon @Work: Friday 2:30PM Tuesday: Monday 2:30PM Wednesday: Tuesday 2:30PM Thursday: Wednesday 2:30PM Thurs NYPHome: Wed 2:30PM Friday: Thursday 2:30PM Saturday: Friday 2:30PM Sunday: Friday 2:30PM H ?,16I:!FI&,1 4FF&J#1I6 H ?G: 4FF&J#1I6"<:&7 @ 2G.. H C!:6&1$ A,(# 4E!6#"C#$.#FI H ':G&1 ;G(G$# ?G6#6 !-$$,'% + 1&/*#%.') 0("( !$%% "#&& MERCHANDISE Display Ads Monday:Thursday 4:30PM Mon @Work: Thursday 3PM Tuesday: Friday 5PM Wednesday: Monday 5PM Thursday: Tuesday 5PM Thurs NYPHome: Tues Noon Friday: Wednesday 5PM Saturday/Sunday:Thursday 5PM MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ALEXANDERITE Hand carved setting. Rare, round stone, similar to 5 carat diamond. Lite turquoise, green daylight, sapphire blue, purple in condescent light. Owned 60 years, $175,000. Located in Florida 352318-0711 PAYMENTS PET PLACE We Accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, checks and money orders DOGS The New York Post reserves the right to edit, reclassify, reject or cancel an ad at any time. We can only give appropriate credit, not to exceed the cost of the ad, for one insertion. We are not liable for complete omissions. Any discrepancies must be brought to our attention within 30 days of the first day the ad runs, in order to receive consideration for credit. ^ ARIES (March 21April 20) There may be a noticeable increase in tension in a relationship today but don't read too much into it. When loved ones get moody for no reason there is not a lot you can do about it, but neither is there any good reason to worry about it. _ TAURUS (April 21May 21) A habit or method that served you well in the past no longer seems to be working. So get rid of it. Sometimes you have to be ruthless with yourself and this is one of those occasions. Life never stands still for long, and nor should you. You may be in one of your more playful moods at the moment but you are advised to avoid making jokes about issues that certain people do not find funny. Their sense of humor failure, while amusing in itself, could 3)+**)->C58B9; %%%0DG66.#:=:,!:/#0F,( Find your new HOUSE Beautiful Males & Females Price to $ell Call 718-236-7847 Contact Natasha Rivera at 212-930-5748 ADORABLE, pure bred, toy & teacup sizes. Call 718-259-2295 on Sally Brompton ` GEMINI (May 22June 21) LEGAL SERVICES PSYCHICS PSYCHICS a CANCER (June 22July 23) Why are you trying to change your personality? You are who you are for a reason, even if you are not sure what that reason might be. A leopard cannot change its spots and you will always be a likeable, loveable Cancer at heart. Be proud of that. b LEO (July 24Aug. 23) You can't seem to put a foot wrong at the moment, so by all means do what you like, say what you like and go where you like. It won't last, of course. It never does. But while it does you are entitled to make the most of it. c VIRGO (Aug. 24Sept. 23) If you behave in an unethical manner today you might appear to get away with it, but the planets warn you will pay the price further down the line. Don't give in to temptation or your reputation for integrity could head south fast. d LIBRA (Sept. 24Oct. 23) Your sixth sense tells you that something is not quite right at the moment. No doubt your sixth sense is spoton as usual but the planets suggest there is no cause for alarm. Be careful by all means but don't be fearful for no good reason. e SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov. 22) YORKIE PUPPIES Daily Horoscope DISCOVER MORE ABOUT YOURSELF AND WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS AT SALLYBROMPTON.COM affect you adversely at work. SHIH-TZU PUPPIES You have a mountain of work to get though but you really cannot be bothered. In which case, go easy on yourself and leave it for another day. If you force yourself to act when you don't want to the results will be average at best. By all means make your point of view known but don't push it if others are reluctant to see things your way. Just lay out the facts as you see them and let them make up their own minds. Don't make it more complicated than that. f SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 Dec. 21) i PISCES (Feb. 20Mar. 20) You need to take decisive action, both for your own sake and for the sake of those who depend on you. If you see an opening today and you will you must exploit it for all it is worth. If you don't, your rivals most surely will! g CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 Jan. 20) Take time out from your busy schedule to help someone who is clearly struggling. You may not get much in the way of thanks for it now but your kindness will be remembered later on when it matters most when it's you who needs help. h AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 Feb. 19) Thoughts and feelings that you have kept to yourself for quite some time will soon have to be made public. Make sure you put them across in a friendly and matteroffact manner. The last thing you need is to provoke a negative reaction. BIRTHDAY FRIDAY You may be tempted to change direction in your career over the coming 12 months but give it some serious thought before you do. You may think of yourself as some kind of adventurer but security is important too. Find ways to get the best of both worlds. PLACE AN AD Place your ad 24 hrs/7 days: New York Post, Friday, April 1, 2016 ■ CAREERS ■ CAREER TRAINING ■ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ■ FINANCIAL SERVICES ■ REAL ESTATE SERVICES ■ MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ■ PETS ■ AUTOMOTIVE ■ LEGAL & PUBLIC NOTICE CAREER TRAINING &%!+!)%+# +%( +-+%#+*#' %& ,$. ".+#%&, «« New York Post, Friday, April 1, 2016 64 NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES STATE OF CONNECTICUT SUPERIOR COURT JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF WATERBURY MARCH 11, 2016 SUBSEQUENT ORDER OF NOTICE Return Date: 4/19/2016 Docket No: UWY-FA15-5017124-s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otice of formation of s u p r shepherd, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Secy. of State (SSNY) on 11/24/2015. Ofc. Location: New York County. SSNY designated for service of process and shall mail copy of process served against the LLC to Registered Agent: c/o United States Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Avenue, Ste. 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Notice is hereby given that a License, serial number 1292118, for Beer, Wine & Liquor have been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine & liquor at retail in a restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 413 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205 for on-premises consumption; CHILES Y CHOCOLATE CUCINA URBANA INC. Sell your vehicle on Call 212-930-8100 to place your ad Notice of formation of Party Time Tent Rentals, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Secy. of State (SSNY) on 01/07/2016. Office Location: Nassau County. SSNY designated for service of process and shall mail copy of process served against the LLC to Registered Agent: c/o United States Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Avenue, Ste. 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Notice of formation of 85 Cohoes Avenue, LLC. Arts. of Org filed with the Sec’y of State of New York (SSNY) on 12/31/2015. Ofc. location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent for LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, c/o Michael Moss, 586 Commercial Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of KATHLEEN PULISCIANO, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with Secy of State of New York on 12/08/2015. Office loc: Richmond County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to c/o the LLC, 3-D Signs Road, Staten Island, NY 10314-3829. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Notice of formation of STUDIO ALT LLC. Arts. of Org filed with the Sec’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 02/11/2016. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent for LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 1595 North Central Avenue, Apt. 27, Valley Stream, NY 11580. Purpose: any lawful activity. Too cute! Puppies, Kittens, Dogs, and Cats Sell them in the New York Post Classifieds Call 212-930-8100 today AGBESSI, EURIELLE VS KOUTON, ROLAND NOTICE TO: KOUTON, ROLAND The Plaintiff in the above entitled case has filed an action to divorce ROLAND KOUTON and seeks a court finding that a child born to the Plaintiff in October of 2014 is not issue of the marriage. This action is pending at the above named Superior Court for the Judicial District of Waterbury, 300 Grand Street, Waterbury, CT 06702 with a return date of APRIL 19, 2016, and has been assigned a case management conference hearing date of JULY 21, 2016. IT APPEARS that the residence or whereabout of ROLAND KOUTON is U N K N O W N , and that his last known address was 121 Palisade Avenue, Apt. 16, Brooklyn, NY 11226; Plaintiff shall cause this Order of Notice to be published in The New York Post, a newspaper circulating in the area the defendant was last known to reside, two times, once a week for two successive weeks, to be completed on or before APRIL 7, 2016. TAKE NOTICE: To respond to this Action, or to be informed of further proceedings you or your attorney must file a form called an "Appearance" with the Clerk of the Court at the above court address on or before the second day after the return date or 4/19/2016 . Information and forms can be found online at www.jud.ct.jud . Failure to file a written "Appearance" form on time may result in the Court entering judgment against you for the relief requested in the plaintiff’s complaint. Automatic Court Orders have been issued in this case as required by Section 25-5 of the Connecticut Practice Book and are a part of the Complaint on file with the Court. By the Court, (MURPHY, J.) Tracy Barraco, Assistant Clerk A True Copy Attest: Willie Davis Jr. State Marshal /H/ LO?5O?<*7 GG4C *@=@? /5;: N /5;9C [!^^ ?*^^ J= 7;H^!. @;.=!DE ;E,*A P*[ ODA` R!*E ^J[ (DA .J?$ DE^X DE 8:9!O ,RC +>,$ J= /I_II@Q JE, DE ?;.$ ?;..**,!E& ,JX? JE, =!F*? J? FJX H* E*.*??JAX J= ,+&>, LO?5O?<*7 82(AC 69;;QOI<C ED ,,+>R =$* CADC*A=X ,*?.A!H*, J? .JA=DE?M (;AE!=;A*M D((!.* (;AE!?$!E&? ] ?;CC^!*?M $D;?*$D^, &DD,? JE, D=$*A *((*.=? H*^DE&!E& =D_ @,!F!^D^J 8&;EFD`;E "I-/)G 3JFF!* <AD?[*^^ "//+/G 7J=A!.!J <J=D "//aIG @!?$J YJHA!*^ "/-//G \A!` 0J,* "/-+'G 3ADX <K TD?*C$ "/-)-G YJA(!*^, <$JE.* "/-%/G RJ[A*E.* 7*AAX "/-##G 7J=A!.!J @K :J.A*? "-/c)G Q!.$*^^* @K 0!^^!JF? "--I)G 4=*9*E?DE 4K 7!^&A!F "--%cG 6;JE,J RK >DEJCJA=* "-+I/G \E*=AJ 7J==*A?DEL:;E.JE "-+I'G :*9DE 4K ZAJE.!? "-+/#G S!FH*A^X >K 0!^^!JF? 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J? @&*E=?K EMPLOYMENT LEGAL NOTICES ;9; J8@$M##" 22,+ "(4(6 ;>#! & ;>#?+ [!^^ ?*^^ J= 7;H^!. @;.=!DE ;E,*A P*[ ODA` R!*E ^J[? (DA .J?$ DE^X DE 1!?=8 7*+ 5'70 J= //_II@Q JE, DE ?;.$ ?;..**,!E& ,JX? JE, =!F*? J? FJX H* E*.*??JAX J= 3-7' J8@$M##" <")+ /?##:8%$+ .A 775)3+ =$* CADC*A=X ,*?.A!H*, J? .JA=DE?M (;AE!=;A*M D((!.* (;AE!?$!E&? ] ?;CC^!*?M $D;?*$D^, &DD,? JE, D=$*A *((*.=? H*^DE&!E& =D_ 4XJ RK W*.$= "//%)G TJE*^^ QK 4C*E.* "/-+%G :[JXE* R*[!? "/-##G 4X^9!J <DDC*A "/-ccG @EE QJA!* \K Y*DA&* "-I/%G 5JB;*^ 5!9*AJ "-I-'G P!.D^J T*F!?DE "-I'aG RDAAJ!E* TK YA**E "-I%cG 3J?$JEJ 0!^^!JF? "-IcaG 4=*9* >K R** "-/#aG PJ!,AJ >*.`^*? "-/c- ] ++-'G :J9!, QK @^(DE?D "--+)G Y!D.DE,J N;E!&J "-++)G <DFC=DE 5K 1JE <DD=*E "-)/- ] ++)#G @E,A*[ 4*,*ED "-)%- ] -)%aG <$J;E,AJ OK 0!^^!JF? "-)%)G QJA!* TK 5*E* "-)%# ] +I)cG TD$E Q;AC$X "-'/-G :!JFDE, QK R** "+I/-G 4J?`!J QK :DF!E!B;* "+--#G RXEE <K S*EE*,X "+-)/ ] +#))G @E&*^J Q;AAJX "++/-G QJA.=*AA^!E* 5D.`!E&?=*A "++-+G QJAbDA!* 0!^^!JF? "+++IG <AX?=J^ 0J=?DE "++%'G >K @EE T;^!*E "++%aG 5D,D^C$ PK @?C*A9!^ "+))cG PDAFJ 4JEDE "+))aG Y[*E,D^X @K 7AJ?? "+)'cG UbJ$?$*F \^ "+'-'G @,JEFJ 2P 8Ab!;&D "+%/)G RJAAX <JFC "+%-I ] +%++G TD?*C$!E* QDAA!? "+%+/G 7JF*^J W;E=*A "+%+#G >*J=A!.* RD;!? "+#-+G :DE*B;J RK 4D;&A!E ")--%G 4=*(;E 0J=?DE ")+I+G 4=*C$*E <$JA^*? ")+I#G <D^**E 4K QDAA!?DE ")+/%G \9JE :K >AD[E "))I-G <^J;,!E* @K 4F!=$ "))I%G 1*A!=X 5D^^!E? ")'/aG @AF*^^ 0K >;AE*== ")%I+K :DEJ^, >J,*AM :<@ "c%'c/' ] 7J=A!.` 0!^^!JF?M :<@ "/+##I#-M @;.=!DE**A? J? @&*E=?K Notice of formation of Studio Ten85, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Secy. of State (SSNY) on 03/08/2016. Office location: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY will mail process to Eric W. King, II, 165 East 116th Street, Apt. 4, New York, NY 10029. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Paws On Park, LLC was filed with the SSNY on 03/14/16. Office: New York County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC whom process against may be served. The P.O. address which SSNY shall mail any process against the LLC served upon him: c/o Elizabeth Campbell, 210 E 85th Street, Apartment 1, New York, NY 10028. Purpose: any lawful purpose. GENERAL HELP WANTED TELEMARKETING FT/EXP ONLY THE LADDER OF SUCCESS Our top salespeople climbed our ladder of success and they average $35/hour. Our newest salespeople average $9-$12/hour and they are still climbing. CALL Sean for details 212-563-7500 TRANSPORTATION BUS DRIVERS JOB FAIR WEDNESDAY 4/6/16 FROM 9AM TO 12PM Apply and Interview in Person! 45-02 Ditmars Boulevard, Astoria, NY 11105 (Entrance on 46th St, Lower Level) $500 SIGNING BONUS!!! PLUS: $1,000 INCENTIVE BONUS APPLY TODAY.... DRIVE TOMORROW!!! Must have a valid CDL B License w/passenger endorsements & no airbrake restrcition. WE OFFER: μ Competitive Pay μ Excellent Benefits μ Life Insurance μ 401(k) μ Union Shop μ Holiday Pay μ Birthday Pay μ Safety Awards REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA HORSE RANCH For Sale. 84 Acres, 2 Homes (1st home: 3 BD, 2 Bath & 2nd home: 1BD, 1BT). 8 Andalusian Horses. $495K. Call Alvin 434-770-2660 Notice of formation of Decadence Keystone, LLC. Arts. of Org filed with the Sec’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/01/2016. Offce location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent for LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Justin Smith, 809 Bauer Street, Elmont, NY 11003. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation (LLC). Name: 189 AVENUE C MEZZ BORROWER, LLC Articles of Organization filed with NY Dept. of State on 03-11-16. Office location: NY COUNTY. NY DOS shall mail copy of process to: 58 THOMAS ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10013 Purpose: Any lawful activity To place a legal or public notice Call 212-930-8100 EMPLOYMENT FINANCIAL Associate, Loan & Credit Analyses: Condt due dilige & crdt investigation on corp, prep initl due dilige analys & prep KYC rept; Coordt vars brah in China; prep credt rating & crdt line app; perfm crdt & finl analys & prep crdt app rept; condt post-crdt managt incl perfm loan classifn; perfm post-disbmt & prep rept; Req Bachelor finance 2 mh exp. Mail resume to HR Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd, 725 5th Ave, 19th Fl, NY NY 10022 AVP/Finl Analt: Conduct fin anays on fin markt & bank actvty supt daily business operation corp banking operation; anly & evalt fin deal- loan financing, IPO & M&A, incldg reptg to head office Beijing; condt credt check & due dilige. Req B.S. Ecocs/Math, Bus Adm. 2 monh exp. Mail resume to HR, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd, 725 5th Ave, 19/F, New York NY 10022 LLC Formation Notices: All NYS Counties GW takes home first NIT crown George Washington won its first National In vitation Tournament championship, getting 18 points from Kevin Lar sen and pulling away in the second half to beat Valparaiso 7660 Thurs day night at Madison Square Garden. G. WASH 76 VALPO 60 NIT FINAL Patricio Garino had 14 points and the fourth seeded Colonials (2810) set a school record for wins in a season with a dominant performance over the final 20 min utes. They won their fourth straight game against a higherseeded team and sent three se nior starters out with a tournament trophy, soft ening the sting of being rebuffed by the NCAA selection committee. “It makes it feel a whole lot better,” Larsen said. “Like we said, we’d rather win the NIT than get bounced oneand done in the NCAA Tour nament. That’s been the mindset.” Tyler Cavanaugh, the tournament’s Most Out standing Player, scored 12 points. He averaged 19.4 points and nine re bounds in five games. Joe McDonald added 13 points, eight rebounds and four assists for George Washington, which extended a one point halftime lead to 19 late in the game. The Colonials went 22for26 at the foul line, com pared to 6of6 for Valpo. “We’re not there yet. I want to get to NCAAs and make a run, but this is a great stepping stone,” Colonials coach Mike Lonergan said, with one of the two nets his team cut down draped around his neck. “In the long run, this is worth a lot to us.” GW held Valparaiso star Alec Peters to just 15 points and he was the only doublefigure scorer for the topseeded Cru saders (307). —AP SPORTS SHORTS GOLF: Hoffman leads Shell Houston Open Charley Hoffman birdied half the holes on the Golf Club of Houston course and had one bogey Thursday while shooting an 8under 64 for the firstround lead in the Shell Houston Open. He had a oneshot advantage over a group that in cluded Scott Brown, the Augusta, Ga., native who has never played in the Masters. Brown would have to win the Houston Open to get into the Masters field next week. Jordan Spieth, who will try to de fend his Masters title next week, opened with a 67. Phil Mickelson shot a 69. l Azahara Munoz was so concerned about the water fronting the par5 18th green that she ended up in nearly as bad a place in the ANA Inspiration in Rancho Mirage, Calif. It ended up costing her a bogey that dropped her into a tie for the firstround lead with Ai Miyazato at 5under 67 in the first women’s major champion ship of the year. NBA: Adams tips Thunder past Clippers Kevin Durant scored 31 points, Steven Adams hit a goahead tipin with 26.9 seconds left and the host Thunder held on to avoid a potentially embar rassing loss, edging the depleted Clippers 119117 on Thursday night. ETC.: Hawaii wants Pro Bowl back Place your notice in NYP Classifieds. Call Byron at 212-930-8139 The NFL and the state of Hawaii have an additional two months to talk about holding next year’s Pro Bowl in the islands, tourism officials said Thursday. Both sides now have until May 31 to opt out of a contract for the Pro Bowl to be held in Honolulu next year, the Hawaii Tourism Authority said. l Seton Hall will square off against South Caro lina as part of the Under Armour “Reunion” double header at Madison Square Garden on Dec. 12. Au burn takes on Boston College in the other game.