Retreat Brochure V10a 20 01 2014 hf jm


Retreat Brochure V10a 20 01 2014 hf jm
Application form p1
R 2014
No 45, 46, 47
I would like to attend: (please tick applicable)
_____ Autumn Retreat 17 – 24 April
[R45] ____ days
_____ Winter Retreat 22 – 29 August[
[R46] ____ days
_____ Spring Retreat 21 – 28 November
[R47] ____ days
Please find enclosed my entry fee/deposit of $60.
The balance will be paid upon arrival at the Retreat.
Note: Cheques should be made payable to:
Jikishoan Zen Buddhist Community Inc
You will be advised of your enrolment by Jikishoan after
receipt of your application. When your enrolment is
confirmed, the $60 deposit becomes non-refundable and the
balance of the amount payable will be advised by Jikishoan.
Application Form p2
Please answer/tick all questions and sign at the end.
Have you attended Retreat before? ___ times ___ days
If yes, then write Ryo(s) and the roles you were assigned
to: Ryo___________ Role_______________
Samu (work practice) is an integral part of the retreat and
participants are assigned to a Ryo (work group).
If you have a Ryo preference, please indicate with a tick:
____ Ino Ryo (Zendo)
____ Tenzo Ryo (Kitchen)
____ Shika Ryo
____ No Preference
____ Shu Ryo (General/Newcomers)
Accommodation is in shared rooms only.
Are you a snorer? ____ Yes
_____ No
Do you have your own oryoki set? ____Yes ____No
Last name: _________________________________
Vegetarian meals will be provided. Please advise if you
require a special diet (for medical conditions only):
____ Yes (If yes, please provide details by email)
Please advise whether you have any medical condition
which could affect your participation.
Sex: ____ Male
Please include details of two emergency contacts:
Please print clearly (All information is kept confidential)
First name: _________________________________
____ Female
Name: ___________________ Ph: ________________
Name: ___________________ Ph: ________________
______________________ Post Code:_______
Ph A/H: (
)________________ Mob:______________
E-mail: ____________________________________
Financial member and/or IBS student? ____ Yes ____ No
Signed: ___________________________________
Arrival Day: ___________________
Departure Day: ________________ Time: _______
I would be willing to give another participant a lift to
____ Yes
____ No
Meditation and Training
17 - 24
22 - 29
21 - 28
I am aware of the voluntary nature of my participation
in this meditation Retreat. I certify
that I am of sound mind and body or, if not, I have
obtained prior written approval from my medical
practitioner to participate fully.
Please advise of the exact day, date and time of arrival:
Time: _______
Seven Day Bendoho
Retreat applicants: Please return form and deposit to:
Jikishoan Retreat Coordinator
PO Box 475, Yarraville, Vic, 3013.
I will be taking the airport shuttle bus and will need transport
from Creswick to Adekate.
____ Yes ____ No
Alternatively, please hand in to the desk at Sunday
Sanzenkai, 105 Evans Street, Brunswick
Closing dates for applications:
• Sunday April 6
• Sunday August 10
• Sunday November 9
Ikko Narasaki Roshi
1912- 1996
About the Retreat
Jikishoan runs 7 day Retreats three times a year for Zen
students to engage in periods of concentrated Zen practice
and also for those with an interest in Zen meditation and
self-cultivation. Practice in silence is essential to maintain
personal focus.
Ekai Korematsu Osho is Abbot and Resident Teacher of
Jikishoan Zen Buddhist Community and Director of the Zen
and Integrated Buddhist Studies (IBS) Program, Jikishoan’s
Buddhist education program. He has received dharma
transmission from Ikko Narasaki Roshi and taught for over
30 years in USA, Japan and India and since 1998 in
The activities include an orientation program for
newcomers. The daily schedule includes Zazen and Kinhin
meditation, Samu practice, traditional meal practice and
teachings by resident teacher and Abbot, Ekai Korematsu
Osho. There is a tea service and discussion period each
Retreat Dates:
Thur 17 – Thur 24 April
Fri 22 – Fri 29 August
Fri 21 – Fri 28 November
Each Retreat: begins at 6pm, with a light supper, and ends
at 2pm, following lunch on the last day.
Adekate Fellowship Centre
Melways Ref: Map 507, F9
Located approximately 120 km (about 1 - 1 1/2 hours) from
Melbourne, 20 km from Ballarat, 7 km from Creswick
7 Days
6 Days
5 Days
4 Days
3 Days
2 Days
1 Day
“Zen practice has a strong emphasis on the need to meet,
face to face. You cannot transmit important matters with
books or only through the knowledge of ideas. The meeting
is essential. Through the practice comes true
Further Information
Further information about the Retreat is available from the
Jikishoan website:
The ‘Retreats’ section of the website includes a general
information sheet, a detailed daily schedule and copies of
this application form.
An airport shuttle bus service runs between Melbourne
Airport, Ballarat and the town of Creswick, near the
Adekate Fellowship Centre. Bookings must be made with
the Airport Shuttle bus service in advance.
How to apply
Standard Fee
Discounts and Scholarships
Discounts are available for financial Members and IBS
students who have enrolled in a Main Course program in
Scholarships are provided for some retreat roles to eligible
students who are Members (or IBS students) and are
registered in the IBS Program.
Bookings for the Retreat must be made in advance,
including a $60 entry fee or deposit.
Please complete BOTH PAGES of the application form
overleaf and mail it with your deposit to the address
provided by:
Closing dates:
Jikishoan Zen Buddhist Community Inc. is a non-profit
organisation (founded 1999). Our vision is to offer
transformative Buddhist learning, experience and
cultivation for everyone.
The Three Aims:
• To promote the teachings, practice and
realization of Shakyamuni Buddha in Australia
for the welfare and peace of all.
• To encourage the teachings, methods and
practice of all the Buddhas, ancestors and
patriarchs associated with the Zen Schools of
the Mahayana tradition.
• To promote, encourage, develop and assist the
study and practice of Buddhism in Australia
with special emphasis on the teachings and
methods of Dogen Zenji and Keizan Zenji.
General Enquiries: Hannah Forsyth
Ph: 03 8307 0600
An application is necessary from all who wish to participate.
Discount Fee
About Us
Sunday April 6 for R45
Sunday August 10 for R46
Retreat Assistant: Naomi Richards
Ph: 0407 839 890
Postal Address:
Jikishoan Zen Buddhist Community
PO Box 475, Yarraville, Vic 3013
Sunday November 9 for R47
Timely submission of applications assists the smooth
running of the Retreat. Applications received after the
closing date may not be considered and will not attract a
Members’ Discount. Numbers are limited to 40 and priority
may be given to people staying for the full seven days.
Jikishoan Zen Buddhist Community Inc. is Incorporated under the
Associations Incorporation Act 1981.Registered No. A0037927K.
Jikishoan is not required to be registered for GST.