August - Kankakee Valley Sail and Power Squadron


August - Kankakee Valley Sail and Power Squadron
Kankakee Valley Sail & Power Squadron
A unit of the United States Power Squadrons®
Sail and Power Boating
District 20
Kankakee Currents
Commander’s Message
Wow, what a devastating month for our squadron.
Two loved and respected KVSPS members have
passed away. We lost Lt Bill J. Ehrman, P, our
Flag Lieutenant, on July 10. Then on August 9,
our Radio Tech Officer, Vessel Examiner and
Executive Committee Member, Lt Gerhardt
Schultz, AP, died after a long, valiant battle with
cancer and other complications.
Gary and Bill were both active members who
regularly attended our General Meetings and also
attended several courses over the past couple of
years, in spite of their illnesses. We appreciate all
they contributed to our squadron, sharing their
knowledge and supporting our various activities.
They will both be greatly missed. Our prayers
and sympathy are with Kathy and Linda and their
families. On page 4, George Bingley penned a
tribute to Gary, our number one Vessel Examiner.
The “Crossing the Bar” poem by Tennyson is
dedicated to both Gary and Bill.
Bill Ehrman
Our summer activities are winding down. In this
issue you’ll find pictures and/or articles about our
Kankakee River cruise, the Starved Rock Lock
and Dam tour, and the District 20 Cruise &
Rendezvous held in Waukegan, IL. No one
signed up for the Lake Shelbyville cruise so it
has been canceled. Please read the articles/flyers
about some FUN future dates: The Outdoor
Show on 7-8 September; Kankakee River
Cleanup on 21 September; General Meeting on
26 September; and District 20 Fall Conference
in Springfield on 1-2 November. Hope to see
you all there.
Louise M. Potter, SN
August 2013
Vol 6, Issue 3
Gary Schultz
Kankakee Currents
Educational News
One of the long term strategic thrusts of USPS is
to introduce more young people to boating.
Therefore, we were intrigued with the possibilities when we were contacted regarding an individual who was starting a new Sea Scout Ship.
(A local group of Sea Scouts is referred to as a
Allen Smith, a college professor from University
Park, donated a sailboat to the Sea Scouts and
gathered a group of young people from his
church, neighbors and relations to form a new Sea
Scout Ship. He attended the Chicago Boat Show
and talked with one of the USPS representatives
manning the District 20 booth at the show. As it
happened, the person he spoke with was an associate member of our squadron and a member of
the Chicago squadron, Bob Kalenian.
After the boat show, each squadron receives a list
of people who want to be contacted about boating
courses. Allen’s name was given to our squadron.
After some discussions, we determined that
Kankakee was in the best position to offer an
ABC class to his group. Allen volunteered the
use of his home for that purpose. So for the last
several weeks, we’ve been teaching that group.
They will be taking the ABC examination in late
There are 11 students in the class, including some
adult advisors who are assisting Allen. One of the
advisors is a retired college professor named Rod
Cummins. We are discussing the possibility of
certifying both Allen and Rod as USPS instructors so they can teach the ABC course to additional Sea Scouts. We are also discussing the
possibility of recruiting the Sea Scouts and their
advisors as USPS members and teaching them
additional classes such as Seamanship and Sail.
USPS has a special category of membership for
young people who do not have family members
August 2013 - Page 2
who are USPS members. That classification is
called an apprentice member. This is a low cost
category of membership for teens (like these Sea
Scouts) interested in boating and USPS.
We are still looking for volunteers to teach one or
more classes in Seamanship. Please let me know
if you are willing to do this, and indicate which
subjects you are willing to teach.
Lt/C Robert Potter, SN
Squadron Educational Officer
Annual Kankakee River Cleanup
8 a.m. to Noon
Saturday, 21 September
You may have seen this article in the 16 August
Daily Journal about the 31st Annual Kankakee
River Cleanup. In memory of Bill Ehrman
and Gary Schultz (who both spent countless
hours on the River), we would like to get a
KVSPS group of 5-10 people together and participate in this year’s event. Invite family and
friends too. Contact Cdr Louise Potter to sign up
and she will register us with the Cleanup committee. What better way to honor Bill and Gary!
Organized by the Northern Illinois Anglers Association, volunteers have removed hundreds of
tons of trash from the rivers and their banks over
the years — everything from soda cans and beer
bottles to tires, abandoned boats, discarded appliances and flood-swept docks.
Groups will be meeting at numerous locations,
but our group will report to Beckman Park boat
launch (unless another location is preferred).
Volunteers receive free commemorative patches,
refreshments, a good time outdoors with likeminded people, and a sense of accomplishment.
Kankakee Currents
August 2013 - Page 3
Meet our Members
(Editor’s Note: This is a continuation of a series
of articles from our KVSPS members telling about
themselves and their boating experience. This
issue features Dave and Terry Phillips who have
become very active members in our squadron.)
By Dave and Terry Phillips
The story begins with us looking for a boat. We
had a certain size in mind, twenty-four feet, and
began looking at marinas. We were at Basa’s
Marine in Bolingbrook where we walked around
the outside showroom. As we looked at the boats,
a family was working on their stored boat, and we
spoke to a woman who told us she thought we
should take a boating course. She had taken a
course, and learned the information she needed to
survive a night without power on Lake Erie. She
told us there were courses offered and the marina
should have some information. We tucked that
information away in our boating file at the time.
Not too soon after that, while reading the outdoor
section of the local paper, an article appeared.
The information was that an ABC class was going
to begin at Kankakee Community College within
the next couple of weeks. We enrolled in the
class, not suspecting how it would change our
Being offered a free six month membership into
the United States Power Squadrons here in
Kankakee has enabled us to learn more about safe
boating. We enjoyed the camaraderie and renewed our membership in October 2012. Since
that time, Dave has become a certified Vessel Examiner and I have become a certified instructor.
We are also serving as general members of the
Executive Committee.
On a more personal side: After having met in a
bar and dating for less than six months, we married and have been married for over thirty-three
years. We are blessed to have Dave’s two children and their spouses in our lives, along with two
granddaughters and a grandson.
Dave and Terry Phillips
Safety Corner
By Lt George W. Bingley, S
Safety Officer and VSC Chairman
Vessel Safety Checks – We have conducted 69
VSCs through July, down somewhat from last
year when we had registered 85. My appreciation
to the VEs who are giving of their time this year.
My goal of 110 is still achievable providing we
are diligent in hitting the Beckman Park ramp,
Aroma Park Boat Club and Lake Shelbyville.
So far, only two KVSPS members have requested
a VSC (Larry Breeck and Dave Phillips). Please
arrange for a VSC on your boat if you haven’t
already done so.
The Good Samaritan Law – When we Vessel
Examiners are conducting a Vessel Safety Check,
it is common practice to carry on a discussion
with the boat owner on various Safe Boating subjects. This dialog helps to transmit educational
information not only to the boat owner but to others who may be crewing or enjoying the water
experience. One area I discuss is the legal requirement in offering assistance to other boaters
in our Kankakee Waters. This may mean, throwing a Life Ring or Cushion to a person in the water; offering to call others for help etc. I explain
they are covered by the Good Samaritan laws or
acts protecting those who choose to serve and
(continued on next page)
Kankakee Currents
Safety Officer (Continued from previous page)
tend to others who are injured or ill. They are intended to reduce bystanders' hesitation to assist,
for fear of being sued or prosecuted for unintentional injury or wrongful death.
IL has such a law # 210 ILCS 50/3.150. One can
read the law at:
Kankakee River Accident – A couple of weeks
ago the local police were called to rescue three
individuals who were in the Kankakee River after
their boat capsized at night. There were no details
as to how the trouble occurred. One wonders how
long they were in the water, did they have life
jackets on, and was any other boater in the area?
One can conjecture many possibilities on what
The lesson for us is to always be alert, knowing
that an accident/trouble can happen at any moment day and night on the Kankakee river with
the high boating traffic and PWC's. Oh I forgot to
mention what PWC stood for--Pretty Wild Characters.
Newsletter Editor to: Collect articles, graphics
and pictures from our officers and members and
assemble into our newsletter using a word processing program. Distribute a .pdf version of
newsletter quarterly (February, May, August, and
Contact Paul Snellenberger or
Louise Potter to volunteer or if you have any
August 2013 - Page 4
A Tribute to Gerhardt--You have
Crossed The Bar
By Lt George W. Bingley, VE Chair
I have had the pleasure of having Gerhardt’s support for over three years in conducting Vessel
Safety Checks. In addition to his dedication to
our Squadron, he faithfully conducted VSC's for
his US Coast Guard Auxiliary as well. His pinnacle with us occurred in 2010 when he conducted
over 200 VSCs for us and several dozen for the
auxiliary. That allowed our squadron to achieve
second place in the USPS on a national basis. I
doubt that there are many VEs who have conducted the number of checks as Gerhardt has.
I have relied on his wisdom in many areas in the
conduct of VE activities. He stopped in several
times to visit and offer his knowledge and guidance on VE areas. His knowledge and support
will be missed by every individual, club and organization which he was associated with.
Crossing the Bar
By Alfred, Lord Tennyson 1809–1892
Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,
But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless
Turns again home.
Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;
For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crossed the bar.
Kankakee Currents
Illinois Waterway Visitors Center
and Starved Rock Lock and Dam
By Terry Phillips, S
The July 27 excursion began by carpooling with
the four members attending, Bob/Louise Potter
and Dave/Terry Phillips. Our guide greeted us
from the information desk, and led us to the second floor to view a movie on the Illinois Waterway, which extends from Lake Michigan to the
Mississippi River.
The guides for the day, Gary Shea and his coworker Bob, then brought us behind the gated enclosure, to the inside of the lock. We followed
the walkway along the lock, over the lock gate,
and unto the other side. Gary’s informal lecture
on the procedure for the lock was enlightening.
The lock operates by gravity feed and the lock
gates are moved by a single gear. The lock at
Starved Rock dropped approximately eighteen
feet that day. During the tour we saw several
pleasure boats navigating the lock, moving from
down to up river.
The tour continued over to the dam, which controls the amount of water needed for that section
of the Illinois River. The amount has to be kept at
nine feet, is constantly monitored by laser devices, the data is then sent to the Army Corps of Engineers on site.
The tour concluded at the visitor’s center. We
watched several more pleasure boats enter, tie up,
and leave the lock. This time, we watched with
more understanding of how the lock works.
The next stop was for lunch, which we decided
would be at the Starved Rock Lodge. All the
food selections were delicious, we all ordered
dessert, and celebrated Bob Potter’s birthday with
a slightly off key rendition of “Happy Birthday”.
Pictures from this event and other summer activities are printed on the attached flyer.
August 2013 - Page 5
2013 Ultimate Outdoor Show
River Road Park
Saturday, 7 September
Sunday, 8 September
The annual “Outdoor” Show held indoors in January the past several years is moving outdoors
and will be held in September this year. See the
attached flyer for more details on this event put
on by the Kankakee Valley Park District. Our
squadron will have a booth there with Larry
Breeck and his Midwest Duffy Electric Boats.
We will need volunteers to pass out brochures
and information on USPS, our squadron, and safe
boating in general. If you can help, please email
Louise Potter with your preferred date/time
(morning or afternoon). Thank you.
General Meeting
26 September
Denny’s Restaurant, Rt 50 in Bourbonnais
6:00 Dinner, 7:15 Meeting
Matt Mullady
Well known Kankakee resident and expert fisherman, will talk about his experiences fishing in
our area. Invite your family and friends to hear
this very informative and entertaining speaker.
Ready Reference
KVSPS website:
Commander ...................... Cdr Louise M. Potter, SN
815-933-1470 ...........................e-mail:
Educational Officer .......... Lt/C Robert S. Potter, SN
815-933-1470 ........................ e-mail:
Executive Officer ...................... Lt/C Larry Breeck, S
815-935-8761 ................. e-mail:
Secretary .......................... Lt/C Paul Snellenberger, P
815-937-4919 ............. e-mail:
Treasurer............................... Lt/C Harry B. Guyse, P
August 2013 - Page 6
Kankakee Currents
24 August
Exam – ABC Course, Sea Scouts Group in University Park
24 August
Lake Shelbyville C&R – HAS BEEN CANCELED.
30 Aug–2 Sept Kankakee River Regatta – Boat Races, Kankakee River Park
4-8 Sept
USPS Fall Governing Boart Meeting, San Antonio, TX
7-8 Sept
The Ultimate Outdoor Show, KVSPS Booth, Kankakee River Park
21 Sept
Kankakee River Cleanup, Meet at Beckman Park Boat Ramp, 0800-1200
22 Sept
ExCom Meeting, George Bingley Home, 1900
26 Sept
General Meeting, Denny’s Restaurant, 1800 Dinner, 1915 Meeting & Program
?? Oct
Member Courses begin, courses/dates to be determined
1-2 Nov
District 20 Fall Conference, Abraham Lincoln Hotel & Conf. Center, Springfield, IL
2 Nov
Newsletter articles deadline
10 Nov
ExCom Meeting, George Bingley Home, 1900
14 Nov
General Meeting, Denny’s Restaurant, 1800 Dinner, 1915 Meeting & Program
This newsletter is published quarterly. Articles and pictures
of Squadron, nautical and general interest can be e-mailed to
the editor, Cdr Louise Potter, SN, at .
Kankakee River Cruise
On June 15, the Breecks, Phillips’s, Potters and Snellenbergers gathered for a cookout dinner. Afterward, they went out on a cruise in the Breeck’s electric boat (so peaceful!). Along the way, we picked up Harry Guyse from his riverfront home. It was a fun, relaxing time enjoyed by all.
Starved Rock Lock and Dam Tour
A close‐up look at the lock and gates.
Starved Rock Lock and Dam Tour 27 July 2013
Up close and personal on the dam: The Phillips’s and Potters got a private tour of the lock and dam from Gary Shea, Director of the Visitor Center, and his colleague, Bob. Starved Rock Lodge and State Park are on the opposite shore. We had a nice birthday lunch at the lodge for Bob.
District 20 Cruise & Rendezvous, Waukegan Harbor, 9‐11 August 2013
Terry & Dave Phillips and Bob & Louise Potter attended the D20 C&R and enjoyed the on‐water demonstrations, seminar on traveling aboard a Great Lakes Freighter, and, of course, the food!
Human FlyBoard on‐water demo: He is on a board attached to a hose that is attached to the exhaust of the jet‐ski and he controls his movements. No, we didn’t volunteer to try it.
Some people came by boat. This one is a steel hulled “cruiser” that Chicago S&PS member Doug James brought up from Burnham Harbor. We got a tour of the luxurious interior as well as the spotless engine room. Also on display was the USPS on‐the‐water training boat on loan to the district for teaching Boat Operator Certification classes as well as on‐the‐water‐training class.
September 7th & 8th, 2013 @
River Road Park, Kankakee IL
For more Information or to be a Vendor
at this event call 815.939.1311 ext. 707
• Fishing De
• Food • Beer Tent
• Boat Show • RVs
• Archery Demos
• Live Concer t
• Camping
815.939.1311 •
Kankakee Valley Sail & Power Squadron
2013-14 Calendar of Events
August 2013 Update
5-6 Jan
Outdoor Show (Kankakee First Church of the Nazarene)
ExCom Meeting, 1900 (7:00 PM), George Bingley Home
Annual Meeting, Denny’s Restaurant, 1800 (6:00 PM dinner, 7:15 meeting)
Chicago Boat Show, McCormick Place
USPS Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency Riverfront, Jacksonville, FL
Strictly Sail Chicago, Navy Pier
2 Feb
18 & 19
Newsletter Deadline
D/20 Squadron Development Workshop; The Chateau Hotel, Bloomington, IL
Cruise Planning Course, Potter home, 1900, Monday/Tuesday evenings
22-23 Mar
18 Apr
2 May
25 May
1-2 June
13 July
August 2013
ExCom Meeting, 1900 (7:00 PM), Potter Home
D/20 Spring Conference, Clock Tower Resort, Rockford, IL
General Meeting, Denny’s, 1800 (6:00 PM) dinner, 1915 (7:15 PM) meeting
Public Boating Course, KCC, Rm D124, 1830 to 2045, 5 Thursday Evenings
Vessel Examiners’ Class/Review – Geo Bingley Home, 0845-1500 (8:45 am to 3:00 pm)
Newsletter Deadline
ABC at KCC, Exam night
National Safe Boating Week
Vessel Safety Checks, Beckman launch ramp, 0900-1400 Sat 1300-1600 Sun
ExCom Meeting, 1900 (7:00 PM), George Bingley Home
General Meeting, Denny’s, 1800 (6:00 PM) dinner, 1915 (7:15 PM) meeting
Vessel Safety Checks, Beckman launch ramp, 0900-1400 (9 AM to 2 PM)
Vessel Safety Checks, Beckman launch ramp, 1300-1700 (1 PM to 5 PM)
Vessel Safety Checks, Beckman launch ramp, 0900-1400 (9 AM to 2 PM)
Vessel Safety Checks, Beckman launch ramp,) 0900-1400 Sat 1300-1600 Sun
Vessel Safety Checks, Beckman launch ramp, 0900-1400 Sat 1300-1600 Sun
Kankakee River Cruise & Rendezvous (C&R) 1600-1900 (4 PM – 7 PM); Larry and
Cathy Breeck’s home on the Kankakee River, 1010 Cobb Blvd
Vessel Safety Checks, Beckman launch ramp, 0900-1400 Sat 1300-1600 Sun
Father’s Day Dinner and VSCs at Aroma Park Boat Club
Vessel Safety Checks, Beckman launch ramp, 0900-1400 Sat 1300-1600 Sun
Lake Michigan C&R – Chicago, Burnham Harbor (subject to date change)
Starved Rock Lock and Dam Tour and Visitor Center, Utica, IL
2013 Calendar V1.5.doc
KVSPS 2013-14 Calendar – Page 2
2 Aug
31 Aug
– 2 Sept
?? Oct
1-2 Nov
2 Nov
Newsletter Deadline
District 20 Cruise & Rendezvous, Hosted by Waukegan S&PS
Lake Shelbyville C & R, Lithia Springs Marina (CANCELED)
Michigan City In-Water Boat Show
Labor Day Regatta – Kankakee River
USPS Fall Governing Board Mtg, San Antonio, TX
Outdoors Show, Riverside Park near KCC
Kankakee River Cleanup, Beckman Park
ExCom Meeting, 1900 (7:00 PM), George Bingley Home
General Meeting, Denny’s, 1800 (6:00 PM dinner, 7:15 meeting)
Member course(s) – S and P begin early October??
District 20 Fall Conference, Springfield, IL
Newsletter Deadline
Executive Committee Meeting, 1900 (7:00 PM) Potter Home
General Meeting, Denny’s, 1800 (6:00 PM dinner, 7:15 meeting)
5 Jan
28 Jan –
2 Feb
02 Feb
14-15 Mar
Outdoor Show moved to September
ExCom Meeting, 1900 (7:00 PM), Potter Home
Annual Meeting and Change of Watch, Denny’s, 1800 (6:00 PM dinner, 7:15 meeting)
Chicago Boat Show, McCormick Place
Strictly Sail Chicago, Navy Pier
USPS Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront, Jacksonville, FL
Newsletter Deadline
D/20 Squadron Development Workshop (Verify date and location)
D/20 Spring Conference, The Abby Resort, Fontana, WI
1. Potter’s Home is at 1475 Galaxy Way, Bourbonnais.
2. Denny’s is at the corner of Rt. 50 and Armour Rd. in Bourbonnais.
3. Unless otherwise noted, ABC begins at 1830 (6:30 PM) and members classes begin at 1900 (7:00 PM)
4. Unless otherwise noted, General Membership Meetings begin at 1800 (6:00 PM) with dinner and the meeting follows at about
1915 (7:15 PM); ExCom (Executive Committee) meetings begin at 1900 (7:00 PM)
5. Bingley Home is at 3104 E 1000 N Road, Kankakee.
6. Items in RED are corrections/additions from previous issue.
August 2013
2013 Calendar V1.5.doc