June 12, 2016: Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


June 12, 2016: Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 18
4:00 pm St. Rose
Community Mass
June 19
8:00 am
June 19
10:00 am
June 19
12:00 pm
Altar Servers/
Community Ministers
Sara Fernandez
Maria Fernandez
Guadalupe Fernandez
Michael Kurzejka
Mark Kurzejka
Roxanne Storke
Marco Elvir
Sara Fernandez
Chris Garcia 2
Yareni I Martinez
Community Ministers
Bev Stukenborg
Jane Gerth
Albryan Valladares
Norma Lopez
de la
Community Ministers
*Tatia Godin
*Mary Herman
John Lagacy
Deb Adams
*Lori Ciaccio
*Don Ciaccio
Tracy Douglas
Judy Smead
Dolores Pizano
Bertha Aviles
Jorge Juarez
Maria Trinidad Garcia
Mariana Parra
Antonio Elvir
Ricardo Valtierra
Alejandro Tellez
Community Ministers
Frank Hasik
Donnarae Hasik
Ray Mulholland
Judy Mulholland
Serafin Lopez
Yoana Cruz
Octavio Garcia
Maria Mendez
Altar Linens/Lienzos
Para el Altar
Donna Cardosi
Tuesday, Wednesday ,Thursday
Martes, Miercoles, Jueves
Wednesday/Miércoles June 15
 Certified Nurse Practitioner
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Clinic opens at 8:00
9-11:00 am
Friday/Viernes— June 17
9:00 am—12 noon
 St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
RCIA—”Come and See”
Classes begin in September, 2016
Any non-baptized persons.
A member of another Christian church who is interested in the
Catholic faith.
A baptized Catholic who has never received First Eucharist
or Confirmation.
A Catholic who has been away from the church and desires to
become an active member again.
For more information or to schedule your “Pre-class” interview,
call Donna Worth at 815-933-7683
If you would like a Prayer Candle lit for a special
intention please call the Parish Office
Si decea que se encienda La Vela de Oracion para una
intencion especial por favor llame a la Oficina de la Iglesia
4:00 p.m.
June 11, 2016 Comm. Mass at St. Rose
† Deacon Ron Whitman (Joanne Whitman)
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
June 12, 2016
† Deacon Ron Whitman (Ray & Dolores Ruder)
Castillo Family (Marc & Cindy Nichols)
† Lia Zavala (Mari Pizano-Calderon)
June 13, 2016—No Mass
June 14, 2016—No Mass
8:00 a.m.
June 15, 2016
Damien & Mary Grace Lane (Sylvia Lane)
3rd Wedding Anniversary
8:00 a.m.
June 16, 2015
† Deacon Ron Whitman (Joanne Whitman)
8:00 a.m.
June 17, 2016
† Cesar Castillo (Joanne Whitman)
4:00 p.m.
June 18, 2016 Community Mass at St. Rose
† Deacon Ron Whitman (Bob & Nancy Pfeiffer)
8:00 a.m.
June 19, 2016
For all the Parishioners of St. Teresa, St. Rose,
& St. Martin
† Deacon Ron Whitman (Joanne Whitman)
† Rufino Rosales (Gloria Mendez)
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Back in 2011, when I first came to Kankakee as pastor of
Saint Teresa, I was introduced to a Deacon Fredy Santos
from Colombia, who was then helping in the Hispanic
Ministry of Saint Teresa, and also learning some English
through the ESL program at the Lisieux Center. In barely
a few months, he had to return to Colombia as he was
establishing his residency to be ordained a priest for his congregation. With a friendly disposition, he remained connected with our
Hispanic Community, and even after his priesthood ordination, he
was able to come back for visits and to help out in the ministry for a
couple of summer months.
During this past year’s transition, it came to light that it was possible
for Fr. Fredy to return to Kankakee on a permanent basis. I prayed
that he would come. And in time, through the initiative of the Joliet
Diocese and after discussing with his superiors, and finally, a grueling visa application process to be able to come to the United States,
Fr. Fredy Santos has returned to Kankakee, and has been with us
since the middle of May! I want to officially welcome back Fr. Fredy
to our community, and I hope to be able to introduce him to our
churches more formally soon.
Fr. Fredy is a Viatorian priest, and therefore resides in community with the Viatorians here in
Kankakee, who reside officially at Saint Patrick
Church. The Viatorians have a long standing
history here in the Kankakee area, that is why
many of our churches are served by Viatorian
priests, just like Saint Ann, Saint George and Maternity BVM. This is
a unique feature of the Catholic Churches in the Kankakee area, and
I appreciate the presence of the Viatorians helping in our parishes.
They have been very generous in helping our churches and have
done a wonderful job in evangelizing this part of our diocese. I am
very optimistic that Fr. Fredy’s gifts will continue the legacy of Viatorian dedication in our churches, given his unique gifts as a Hispanic
The needs of the Hispanic community in our parishes cannot be
ignored. Each of our parishes has a continuously growing population of Hispanics and it is a reflection of a national trend that keeps
the Catholic Church in this country alive and vibrant today. Our Hispanic families bring a spirit of devotion and optimism to an otherwise
aging population of Catholics that actively practice the faith. To welcome our Hispanic communities instead of allowing them to enter
into other non-Catholic Christian churches, is good for the Church,
because in the first place, most of them are baptized Catholics. We
have to recognize that our church is essentially diverse, and that the
strength of Catholicism is primarily in its unity and universality. And
so, as we welcome Fr. Fredy Santos in our churches here in
Kankakee, we acknowledge that He is sent by God to help us accomplish the Divine Task of building community amidst our diversity.
Let us pray for Fr. Fredy during this time of his transition. I ask that
you pray for all your priests, as we pray for you to grow in holiness
and mercy. May God bless His Church!
With gratitude and enthusiasm,
Fr. Sunny Castillo
En 2011, cuando recién llegué a Kankakee como pastor de
Santa Teresa, fuí presentado al Diácono Fredy Santos
procedente de Colombia, quién ayudaba en el Minesterio
Hispano en Santa Teresa, y también tomaba clases de
Inglés en Lisieux Center. En unos cuantos meses, tubo
que regresar a Colombia para establecer su residencia y
ser ordenado sacerdote en su congregación. Con su amable disposición , él siguió en contacto con nuestra Comunidad Hispana, y después de su ordenación sacerdotal nos visitó dos meses en
dos veranos para ayudarnos en el ministerio.
Durante la transición el año pasado, llegó a nuestro conocimiento que
sería posible para el Padre Fredy regresar a Kankakee en manera
permanente. Yo oré para que él pudiera venir. Y a su debido tiempo,
por la iniciativa de la Diócesis de Joliet y después de tránsmites con
sus superiores, y finalmente el laborioso proceso en aplicar por la
visa para poder venir a los Estados Unidos, el Padre Fredy Santos
logró venir a los Estados Unidos, a Kankakee y está con nosotros
desde a mediados de Mayo! Oficialmente doy la biénvenida nuevamente al Padre Fredy a nuestra comunidad, y espero presentarlo a
nuestras iglesias formalmente en un próximo futuro.
El Padre Fredy es un sacerdote Viatoriano, y
oficialmente reside en su propia comunidad en la
Iglesia de San Patricio en Kankakee. Yá por muchos años, los Viatorianos radican en el área de
Kankakee, en Santa Ana, en San Jorge y en la
Maternidad de BVM/la Santísima Virgen María.
Éste es un rasgo distintivo de las Iglesias Católicas en el área de
Kankakee, y yo aprecio la presencia Viatoriana ayudando en nuestras
parroquias. Éllos han sido muy generosos ayudando en nuestras
iglesias en su labor maravillosa de evangelisación en esta área de
nuestra diócesis. Estoy muy optimista en que los dones del Padre
Fredy continuarán el legado de los Viatorianos en su dedicación en
nuestras iglesias, reconociendo sus dones como sacerdote Hispano.
Las necesidades de la comunidad hispana en nuestras parroquias no
se pueden ignorar. La población hispana sigue aumentando, cómo lo
és a nivel nacional en este país, una tendencia mantiene que la Iglesia Católica en éste país está hoy viviente y vibrante. Nuestras familias hispanas comparten un espíritu de devoción y optimísmo a una
población de Católicos que vá envejeciendo que activamente practican la fe. És bueno para la Iglesia, cuando damos la biénvenida a las
comunidades hispanas y así no permitir que se vayan a otras iglesias
Cristianas no-Católicas, porque en primer lugar, la mayoría son bautizados Católicos. Debémos reconocer que nuestra iglesia és esencialmente diversa, y que la fuerza del Catolicísmo está primeramente en
su unidad y su universalidad. Así es que, damos la biénvenida al Padre Fredy Santos en nuestras tres iglesias aquí en Kankakee, reconocémos que él es enviado por Dios para ayudarnos en efectuar la
Tarea Divina, en formar comunidad en medio de nuestra diversidad.
Orémos por el Padre Fredy durante este tiempo de su transición. Les
pido que oren por todos sus sacerdotes, así como nosotros orámos
para que ustedes crescan en santidad y misericordia. ¡Que Dios
bendiga a Su Iglesia!
Con gratitud y entusiásmo,
Padre Sunny Castillo
Welcome - Bienvenido
361 St. Joseph Ave • Kankakee IL 60901
Phone (815) 933-7683
Fax (815) 933-7692
EMERGENCY # (815) 216-6733
Parish Office Hours
Mon. - Thurs. 9am-3pm
Fri. 9-12noon
Horario de la Oficina Hispana
Martes a Jueves
Mass Schedule
Weekend Saturday Community Mass at St. Rose 4:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 am
Misa en Español
Domingo 12:00 pm
Wednesday-Friday 8:00 am
Parish Staff Directory
Fr. Santos “Sunny” Castillo
Associate Pastor /Pastor Asociadio
Fr. Roy Jacob
David Marlowe
Financial Director
Lilia Belka ext 226
Ministry Coordinator
Donna Worth ext 227
RCIA (Convert Preparation)
ext 227
Ministerio Hispano
Silvia Barajas ext 229
Sr. Elsie Gamez
Kathy Dummer & Sylvia Lane ext 221
Bulletin Information Please e-mail articles by Mon. @ 11am to
Youth Ministry
Ken & Michelle Barrie 427-8130
Music Ministry
Jane Veers 933-6058
Música Español
Ema Segura 592-4175
St Vincent de Paul Society
ext 212
Prayer Line
Barb Jepson 937-9260
Rita Kanosky 939-0319
Parish Media Links
Facebook Saint Teresa Church in Kankakee, IL
Lisieux Pastoral Center
Kathy Wade
Azzarelli Outreach Clinic
Parish Nurse & Director
Helen Chigaros RN
Aquinas Catholic Academy/
Academia Católica de Aquino
366 E. Hickory, Kankakee
School Principal
Mrs. Dana Berg
St. Patrick & Teresa Religious Education/
Educacion Religiosa y Doctrina
366 E. Hickory, Kankakee
Coordinator of Religious Ed
Marcia Brown-Medina
Time, Talent & Treasure
Fostering Stewardship as a way of life
In gratitude of God’s gifts of time and talent to us we
gratefully acknowledge and salute
The Junior High Youth Group, &
Ken and Michelle Barrie
Sunday Offering for June 5, 2016
$ 7,266.75
Sunday Envelope Breakdown
$300 & higher (3) • $200-$299 (1)
$100-$199 (13) • $75-$99 (4) •$50-$74 (14)
$25-$49 (33) • $11-$24 (29) • $10 & under (39)
Our Goal each Week
to cover our expenses is $6, 650.00
Nuestra Meta por Semana
para cubrir los gastos es de $6, 650.00
Thank you for your kind generosity and your deep love of St. Teresa
¡Gracias por su Generosidad!
If there is someone that you would like added to this list,
please call the parish office.
Jackson Smith
Dan Palacios
Bulmaro Palacios
Beatriz Martinez
Cindy Jamnik
Donna Vela
Sacrament Procedures
Confessions at St. Rose
Saturday 3:00-3:30 pm
Baptism Classes
Pre-baptism Class is required
before your date will be set.
Please register two to three
months in advance!
St. Teresa 1:15 pm
2nd Sunday of the month
St. Martin 7:00pm
2nd Monday of the month
Baptisms in English
2nd Sunday of Month 2:30 pm
Spiritual Preparation begins at
least SIX MONTHS in advance.
Please do not make your
reservations until you have met
with the pastor
Communion Visits
Call the Parish Office
Adoration at Night
9:30 pm - 5:00 am in Spanish
First Saturdays
Eucharist Adoration in English
1st Friday of month 8:30am
Dick Keethers
Linda Patterson
Judi Buchholz
Elnora Chandler
Ed Menigoz
Santoya de Zavala
Procedimiento para
Confesiones en Santa Rosa
Sábados 3:00-3:30 pm
Platicas Pre-bautismales
Platicas son requeridas antes
de fijar su fecha. Favor de
inscribirse de 2 a 3 meses de
Sta. Teresa - 10 am-12 pm
3er Domingo del Mes
Sta. Rosa 4:00 pm
2 do Domingo de l Mes
Bautizos Espanol
1er Domingo del Mes 12:00
Preparación Espiritual empieza
mínimo SEIS MESES de
anticipo. No haga
preparaciones para su
celebración antes de reunirse
con el párroco.
Visitas de Comunión
Llame a la oficina.
Quince Años y Presentaciones
Llame a la oficina.
Adoración Nocturna
1er Sábado del mes 9:30 pm
FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 2016
9:30 am to 11:00 am
St. Teresa Knights of Columbus
Please sign up on the sheets at the doors of the church in the
coming weeks to participate in this worthwhile activity to
spend time with our veterans. Deadline to signup is June 19
Council #14012
Father’s Day
June 19, 2016
8:00 am to 1:00 pm
We will be visiting the
Illinois Veterans Home
1 Veteran's Dr, Manteno
July 16-22, 2016
Diocesan Catechetical
Summer Youth Program
Lisieux Pastoral Center
371 N. St. Joseph Ave.
$5 per person/$20 per family
Mexican Style Eggs
Chicken Soup
Mexican Beans & Rice
Tostadas de Tinga
Mexican Eggs & Chorizo
Red & Green Chilaquilles
Coffee, Milk, Orange Juice, Soda
Gift Card Tree Raffle winners will be drawn
Proceeds to benefit/update Lisieux Center
Grades 1-6
Mon.- Friday 9:00am—2:30pm
Cost: $25 (Family rate $70 for 3 or more)
Before care starts at 7 am, after care until 5:30 pm
Grades 7-12
Sun.- Thurs. 7:00—9:00 pm
Registration Forms can be found at the church doors
All necessary information can be found
on the registration form
18 de Junio
10 de la mañana
a las 12 de la tarde
Public Library
4th Flr. Auditorium
201 E Merchant
Comida gratis
Juegos y actividades
para los niños
Conoce a Tus
Year Long Classes
Living Word Bible Study
Tuesday Morning
Tuesday Evening
Currently studying the Gospel of Luke. July starts the Acts of
the Apostles
Fishers of Men-Men’s Group
2nd Sunday
4th Monday
Time is spent talking, listening, praying and learning how to
be men of the Faith.
September-May Classes
Growing in Faith Together (GIFT)
Wednesday Evening
Presentations on the faith followed by lively discussion.
Parenting in Christ
Wednesday Evening
Next meeting is November 11. The topic will be: The Sacrament of Reconciliation and Its Importance in our Families.
All classes are held at the Faith Formation Center of
St. Martin of Tours Church and are FREE.
For more information call 815-933-7177.
Come say the rosary with us…
Prayers are answered when a
group is together, please join us!!
Tuesdays, 10 am
St. Martin of Tours Church
People all around the world looking with great admiration and praise at Thomas Edison for his great inventions and accomplishments that he brought to the country and the whole world at large. Thomas Edison was an inventor and businessman. He developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the
long-lasting, practical electric light bulb.
Edison was a prolific inventor, holding 1,093 US patents in his name, as well as many patents in the United Kingdom, France,
and Germany. We do not need any more proof of his existence here on earth, his presence made a profound change in the
whole realm of the physical world as well as in the spiritual world.
It is very astonishing to notice that behind his successful stories and inventions there was a sad story attached to them. After having a lot of successful
experiments he established a laboratory in Menlo Park in New Jersey. He invested his whole energy and power for this project and it took years to
complete . But it was very unfortunate to learn, at the age of 60 his dream project Menlo Park laboratory was completely destroyed after having a wild
fire. It was really a sad news and beyond his ability to tolerate. The people, neighbors and friends thought that he would die of broken heart for this
unexpected tragedy. But he never lost his heart he prayed for a moment without having any kind of stress and strain. As a res ult within one year he
could build another laboratory much better than the old one. He also could discover numerous other things he invented until age 60.
He was very much known and praised for his inventions and discoveries but he was not considered as a spiritual guide, yet he had a strong faith in God
and his life gives us a profound message. Though he lost everything at the fraction of a second he was never despaired and depressed even at that
age. With new vigor and enthusiasm he regained everything that he lost.
If our faith is not deeply rooted in God, at the moment of hardships and misfortune we will be collapsed. Hopelessness and failures will make us enslaves. Success and failures are part of our life, but at the same time failures are the precursor to success or a stepping -stone for prosperity. Nothing
can defeat me unless I allow me to be defeated. In the book of the prophet Isaiah we read “Though youths grow weary and tired, And vigorous young
men stumble badly, Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary”. (IS 40:30-31).
We need to resurrect from the path of despair and defeat. Peter, who denied Jesus three times, was not dejected but made head of the church. Musty
and smelling body of Lazarus was raised and was given a new life. The same God will appear and will be backing us to lift us up if we put our trust and
confidence in God. Do we keep alive our faith in God?
Have a wonderful week!
Rev. Roy Jacob CMI
Parish Nurse Note June 12, 2016
Gratitude and a Healthy Heart
Now is the time to look back over your daily
(give or take a few days) gratitude lists. Perhaps you learned something new about yourself. Please
continue this gratitude challenge at least through June.
Let us see just where it takes us. This is a heart journey,
so as we move along through June, here are some
thoughts about our heart. Some recent articles suggest
one of the hormones our body produces, oxytocin, protects the heart by lowering blood pressure and reducing
inflammation. Physical affection boosts your body’s
oxytocin. Hugs=Happy Healthy Hearts
Fit N’ Healthy Summer
Youth Fitness Program
Sponsored by Presence St. Mary’s
Join us at Lisieux Pastoral Center
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Youth ages 5-16, Two kids per adult
This is a FREE program for the community
Pope Francis’
Prayer for
“Vocations are born in prayer and from
prayer; and only through prayer can
they persevere and bear fruit.”
Pope Francis
Prayer Breakfast
Hymnology, A Heavenly Gift
Thursday, july 7, 2016
7:30 am to 9:00 am
Presenters: Jim Rentas
Active member and chanter at
Kankakee Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
Free Will Donation-Continental Breakfast will be available
One Heart, One Soul Spirituality Center
2041 W. State Route 113,
To Register call:
Sister Mary Stella
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 12, 2016
“In the wake of the so-called sexual revolution, many
have been hurt by their own sins, the sins of others,
confusion, and broken relationships and families. No wound is
so deep, however, as to be out of the reach of Christ’s redeeming grace.”
“Create in me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography”
“Después de la asi llamada revolución sexual, muchos se han
visto lastimados por sus propios pecados, los pecados de
otros, confusion y relaciones y familias destruidas. Sin embargo, ninguna herida es tan profunda como para estar fuera
del alcance de la gracia redentora de Cristo”.
“Crea en mi un Corazón Puro: Respuesta Pastoral a la Pornografia”

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