May 1, 2016: Sixth Sunday of Easter
ST TERESA PARISH PAGE 2 Liturgical Schedule Saturday May 7 4:00 pm St. Rose Community Mass Sunday May 8 8:00 am Sunday May 8 10:00 am Domingo May 8 12:00 pm Altar Servers/ Monaguillos Community Ministers Robbie Sowell Collin Lilienthal Ian Lilienthal JB Rojo Michaela Richey Abbey Richey Elizabeth Barajas Alex Orozco Marco Elvir Chris Garcia 2 Lectors/ Lectores Community Ministers Robert Sowell Christina Smith San Juana Valadez Israel Lira Communion Ministers/ Ministros de la Comunión Community Ministers *Bev Stukenbourg *Deb Adams Sherry Anderson Kathy Bessette *Judy Smead *Sharren Suddick Don Somerville Cynthia Somerville Celene Valtierra Leslie Quezada Norma Lopez Kathy Griffiths Maria Fernandez Salvador Sacramento Emma Elvir Esmeralda Tellez Greeters/ Ujieres Community Ministers Nancy Shepherd Bob Pfeiffer Ted Bergeron Phyllis Bergeron Eulalio Valadez Aracely Diaz Graciela Juarez Angela Mercado Altar Linens/Lienzos Para el Altar Barb Staniszeski ST. TERESA PARISH OUTREACH MINISTRIES CLINIC: Tuesday, Wednesday ,Thursday Martes, Miercoles, Jueves 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Wednesday/Miércoles May 4 Certified Nurse Practitioner Doctor Day Clinic opens at 8:00 am 9-11:00 am 1-3:00 pm FOOD PANTRY: Friday/Viernes— May 6 9:00 am—12 noon SAVE THE DATE Annual Beautification Day Saturday, May 14 8:00 am—2:00 pm Come spend part of your day with us taking care of our church campus. Sign ups at both doors of the church! If you are unable to work in the gardens, but would be willing to help organize or plan lunch for the workers, please call the parish office 815-933-7683 Come say the rosary with us… Prayers are answered when a group is together. Please join us! Tuesdays, 10 am St. Martin of Tours Church MASSES INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday 4:00 p.m. Monday Tuesday Wednesday 8:00 a.m. April 30, 2016 Community Mass at St. Rose For all the Parishioners of St. Teresa, St. Rose, & St. Martins May 1, 2016 † Leon Allen Wade (Tom Clocksin) † Deacon Ron Whitman (Paul & Marianne Suprenant) Norma & Leonardo Lopez (Parish Family) Wedding Anniversary May 2, 2016—No Mass May 3, 2016—No Mass May 4, 2016 Kathy O’Connell (Parish Family) Special Intention Thursday 8:00 a.m. May 5, 2015 † Deacon Ron Whitman (Joanne Whitman) Friday 8:00 a.m. May 6, 2016 † Deacon Ron Whitman (Nancy Godin) Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. May 7, 2016 † Deacon Ron Whitman (Dennis & Laura Brady) May 8, 2016 † Deacon Ron Whitman (Dennis & MaryAnn Therionet) Bev Johnson & Norma Dummer (Jeff & Kathy Dummer) † Carmen Solis & Maria Morales (Family) Sunday 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. ST TERESA PARISH GOD NEEDS YOU I once saw this poster of a guy with a big stars and stripes hat, pointing right at me with a caption that said, “Your country needs you.” It was some advertisement for the military. Throughout the history of a nation, such captions can draw the attention of many citizens to offer their service, even their life, for their country, to be willing to die a hero’s death for the sake of the common good, for freedom and lasting peace. Indeed, the patriotic American understands the need and responds with generosity and courage. This weekend, picture a similar thing, with Jesus’ face gazing straight at you and me, pointing to us with His divine finger, saying “I NEED YOU.” How will we respond? Last weekend at Saint Teresa and this weekend at Saint Martin and Saint Rose, we will be inviting people to our annual ministry sign up during the English masses. Soon this Spring, we will do the same in our Spanish Masses. It is a form of invitation to seriously consider being involved in the ministries of our church, no matter how little of our talent and our time we may be able to give. We wish to work with one another as we move forward in our efforts to build our Catholic communities here in Kankakee, and we know that this invitation comes directly from God Himself who calls us to a life of love and service. Statistics on the Catholic Church throughout the United States indicates that only about 30% of Catholics attend Church regularly, and out of these only about 10% participate in various types of ministries in the life of the Church. Some look at it as a very sad statistics, and rightly so, but I tend to look at it more as a great potential. Imagine if we even just doubled that number – 60% going to Church and 20% are involved in ministry. I can imagine what a great impact it would have! And so with that hopefulness, I make this invitation – please help! I need your help to make our dreams come true. I need help in order that the Church that has been passed on from generation to generation since the time of the apostles can continue to be present for future generations of our families and communities. We need one another to rally toward making Christ known in our community, especially to those that have been marginalized and those who have lost their voice through the years, those who have been forgotten and alienated from our communities, those who have stopped the practice of the faith in which they have been baptized. There is much work to be done, and we need help. It goes without saying that I am thankful for the 10%. This past year, especially, you have been a true gift and a source of joy to me personally, and have helped me in one of the most challenging, but also most rewarding times of my priestly ministry. I do believe that the experiences of ministry that I’ve had here in Kankakee will help me in whatever God wants me to do in the future; it has always been like that in my life, to begin with. But for now, I look forward to seeing more Catholics and lovers of God being involved in ministry, as we say yes to God’s invitation to say YES to the call to love and to serve Him and His people. God bless the Church! In faith and love of God, Fr. Sunny Castillo PAGE 3 DIOS TE NECESITA Una vez mire un poster de un tipo con un sombrero con una estrella grande y rayas, apuntando hacia mi con una frase que decía, “Tu país te necesita.” Venía del servicio militar. Por toda la historia de una nación, estos anuncios llamaban la atención de muchos ciudadanos a ofrecerse al servicio militar, y hasta dar su vida por su patria, estar dispuestos a morir como héroe por el bién común, por la libertad y la paz duradera. En realidad, el Americano patriota comprende la necesidad de responder con generosidad y ánimo. Éste fín de semana, figúrate algo parecido, que Jesús te vé directamente a tí y a mí, señalando con Su divino dedo, dice, “TE NECESITO.” Cual sería tu respuesta? El pasado fín de semana en Santa Teresa y este fín de semana en San Martín y en Santa Rosa, estamos haciendo una invitación anual a la gente durante las misas en Inglés y Español a inscribirse y comprometerse en algunos ministerios en nuestra iglesia, no le hace que tan pequeño sea nuestro talento y nuestro tiempo que podamos ofrecer. Deceámos trabajar unos con otros según avansamos con nuestros esfuerzos a formar nuestras comunidades Católicas aquí en Kankakee, y sabémos que ésta invitación viene directamente de Dios Mismo quién nos llama a una vida de amor y servicio. Las estadísticas sobre la Iglesia Católica a través de los Estados Unidos indícan que solamente unos 30% de Católicos asisten a la Iglesia regularmente, y de éstos solamente 10% participan en varios tipos de ministerios en la vida de la Iglesia. Algunos ven éstas estadísticas con tristeza, y tienen razón, pero yo lo véo como algo que señla a gran potencial. Imagínense si pudiéramos duplicar ése número – a 60% que asisten a la Iglesia y 20% estan comprometidos en varios ministerios. Me imagino ¡el gran impacto que tendría para nosotros! Así es que, con gran esperanza, les hago ésta invitación – ¡su ayuda por favor! Necesito su ayuda para realizar nuestros sueños. Necesito su ayuda para que la Iglesia procediente de los apóstoles continúe su presencia en las futuras generaciones de nuestras familias y comunidades. Es necesario ser unidos para recobrar el conocimiento de Cristo en nuestra comunidad, especialmente para aquellos que estan marginalizados y aquellos que han perdido su voz a través de los años, aquellos que han sido olvidados y alienados de nuestras comunidades, aquellos que ya no practican su fe en la cual han sido bautizados. Hay mucho trabajo por hacer, y necesitamos ayuda. Aún sin decirlo, estoy muy agradecido por el 10%. Éste año pasado, especialmente, ustedes han sido un verdadero regalo y una fuente de alegría para mí personalmente, y me han ayudado en éste gran desafío, pero igualmente ustedes han sido una gran recompensa en mi ministerio sacerdotal. En realidad créo que mis experiencias en Kankakee me ayudarán en el futuro según la voluntad de Dios; así mi vida se ha desemvuelto desde un principio. Pero ahora, anticipo ver más Católicos amantes de Dios comprometidos en ministerios, según decimos sí a la invitación de Dios, decir SÍ a la llamada a amarlo y servirlo a Él y a Su gente. ¡Que Dios bendiga a Su Iglesia! En la fe y el amor de Dios, Padre Sunny Castillo ST TERESA PARISH Welcome - Bienvenido 361 St. Joseph Ave • Kankakee IL 60901 Phone (815) 933-7683 Fax (815) 933-7692 EMERGENCY # (815) 216-6733 Parish Office Hours Mon. - Thurs. 9am-3pm Fri. 9-12noon Horario de la Oficina Hispana Martes a Jueves 9:30am-3pm Mass Schedule Weekend Saturday Community Mass at St. Rose 4:00 pm Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 am Misa en Español Domingo 12:00 pm Weekday Wednesday-Friday 8:00 am Parish Staff Directory Pastor/Pastor Fr. Santos “Sunny” Castillo Associate Pastor /Pastor Asociadio Fr. Roy Jacob Deacons Ronald Whitman & David Marlowe Financial Director Lilia Belka ext 226 Ministry Coordinator Donna Worth ext 227 RCIA (Convert Preparation) ext 227 Ministerio Hispano Silvia Barajas ext 229 Sr. Elsie Gamez Secretaries Kathy Dummer & Sylvia Lane ext 221 Bulletin Information Please e-mail articles by Mon. @ 11am to Youth Ministry Ken & Michelle Barrie 427-8130 Music Ministry Jane Veers 933-6058 Música Español Ema Segura 592-4175 St Vincent de Paul Society ext 212 Prayer Line Barb Jepson 937-9260 Rita Kanosky 939-0319 Website Facebook Saint Teresa Church in Kankakee, IL Email Lisieux Pastoral Center Kathy Wade Azzarelli Outreach Clinic Parish Nurse & Director Helen Chigaros RN 815-928-6093 Aquinas Catholic Academy/ Academia Católica de Aquino 366 E. Hickory, Kankakee School Principal 815-932-8124 Mrs. Dana Berg St. Patrick & Teresa Religious Education/ Educacion Religiosa y Doctrina 366 E. Hickory, Kankakee Coordinator of Religious Ed Time, Talent & Treasure Fostering Stewardship as a way of life In gratitude of God’s gifts of time and talent to us we gratefully acknowledge and salute KATHY BESSETTE Sunday Offering for April 24, 2016 $5,514.13 Sunday Envelope Breakdown $300 & higher (1) • $200-$299 (3) $100-$199 (10) • $75-$99 (8) •$50-$74 (10) $25-$49 (30) • $11-$24 (22) • $10 & under (42) Second Collection for Home Missions $45.00 Our Goal each Week to cover our expenses is $6, 650.00 Nuestra Meta por Semana para cubrir los gastos es de $6, 650.00 Thank you for your kind generosity and your deep love of St. Teresa ¡Gracias por su Generosidad! PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Jackson Smith Elnora Chandler Ed Menigoz Judi Buchholz Kathleen O’Connell Roberto Prado Javier Sanchez Josephine Ruffini Paul Gerth Sally Athanasopulos If there is someone that you would like added to this list, please call the parish office. Parish Media Links Director 815-939-2913 PAGE 4 815-216-7267 Marcia Brown-Medina Sacrament Procedures Confessions at St. Rose Saturday 3:00-3:30 pm Baptism Classes Pre-baptism Class is required before your date will be set. Please register two to three months in advance! St. Teresa 1:15 pm 2nd Sunday of the month St. Martin 7:00pm 2nd Monday of the month Baptisms in English 2nd Sunday of Month 2:30 pm Weddings Spiritual Preparation begins at least SIX MONTHS in advance. Please do not make your reservations until you have met with the pastor Communion Visits Call the Parish Office Adoration at Night 9:30 pm - 5:00 am in Spanish First Saturdays Eucharist Adoration in English 1st Friday of month 8:30am Procedimiento para Sacramentos Confesiones en Santa Rosa Sábados 3:00-3:30 pm Platicas Pre-bautismales Platicas son requeridas antes de fijar su fecha. Favor de inscribirse de 2 a 3 meses de anticipación. Sta. Teresa - 10 am-12 pm 3er Domingo del Mes Sta. Rosa 4:00 pm 2 do Domingo de l Mes Bautizos Espanol 1er Domingo del Mes 12:00 Bodas Preparación Espiritual empieza mínimo SEIS MESES de anticipo. No haga preparaciones para su celebración antes de reunirse con el párroco. Visitas de Comunión Llame a la oficina. Quince Años y Presentaciones Llame a la oficina. Adoración Nocturna 1er Sábado del mes 9:30 pm ST TERESA PARISH May Year of Mercy Activity Rosary with the Homebound The Year of Mercy project for May is providing the experience of saying the rosary with our homebound parishioners and those in nursing or assisted living facilities who do not always have the opportunity to do so. We are developing a list of homebound and facility parishioners from our 3 parishes to set up a schedule with them during the month of May. We are in need of volunteers to make up our “Rosary teams”. A team of 2 or 3 people will go to the assigned parishioners and say the rosary with them. This is a onetime event and will take up a small piece of your time, but will be so meaningful to those parishioners who have difficulty or are unable to get out. Schedules will be made for various times of day or evening to allow more people to participate. Please consider signing up for this ministry. It takes little time and no specific skills required other than being able to pray. Signup sheets are available at each of the churches. Contact Cathi Willi (309 255-5441) with any questions. 99th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima Come join us to say the rosary in honor of this anniversary Friday, May 13, 2016 10:00 am St. Martin Church Kankakee Bishop McNamara High School $75,000 Mega Mac Raffle Additional Prizes: 1- $5,000 prize 5- $1,000 prizes 5- $500 prizes $100 donation Winner need not be present Drawing May 13, 2016 Buy your ticket online at Call 815-348-7610 for more info. Tickets also available at Bishop McNamara High School, Adcraft Pritners, Marquie & Lambert, Nugent Construction, Sammy’s, Bourbonnais Smitty’s, Todd Arseneau Insurance, & John Vallone DDS PAGE 5 Kankakee Catholic Faith Formation Program Early Registration for the 2016-2017 year Monday, May 9 Tuesday, May 10 Wednesday, May 11 Thursday, May 12 Friday, May 13 Sunday, May 15 6:00—8:00 PM 9:00 AM—2:00 PM St. Martin of Tours Settles Center Corner of 10th & Charles St., Kankakee Choose between these times Sunday’s 9:15AM-10:45AM or Wednesday’s 6:15 Please bring to Registration: Baptismal, First Communion records & Medical Information Early Registration Tuition Fees: 1 Child $100 2 Children $150 3 Children $165 4 Children $180 Pre K thru High School young adults who have not received all of their sacraments. PROGRAMA DE FORMACIÓN EN LA FE CATÓLICA DE KANKAKEE REISTRACIÓN TEMPRANA 2016-2017 Lunes 9, Martes 10, Miércoles 11, Jueves 12, y Viernes 13 de Mayo, 2016 de 6:00 pm—8:00pm & El Domingo 15 de Mayo, 2016 De 9:00 am—2:00 pm En el Centro Settles de San Martín de Tours 953 S. 9th Ave., Kankakee Horarios de la clase de formación en la fe 2016-2017 para elegir: Domingos de 9:15 am—10:45 am o Miércoles de 6:15 pm—7:45 pm TRAIGA A LA REGISTRACIÓN: Acta de Bautismo, Acta de la Primera Comunión e Información Médica Costos de la Registración Temprana: 1 Niño/$100.00 2 Niños/$150.00 3 Niños/$165 4 Niños/$180.00 PRAYER BREAKFAST Thursday, May 5 7:30-9:00 am Topic: Human Trafficking Presenter: Sister Peggy Quinn Free will donation: Continental Breakfast available One Heart, One Soul Spirituality Center 2041 W. State Route 113, To Register call: Kankakee Sister Mary Stella at 815-935-0800 ST TERESA PARISH PAGE 6 He was a strong devotee to St. Anthony and very much predisposed to say the novena to him for any personal needs and interest. One day he offered a Novena to St. Anthony for getting a good job in the nearby town. He very much insisted to him to get the desired job before the end of the nine-day Novena. After a few days of the Novena he found there is no trace of getting the job and on the sixth day after having some alcohol treat he just came to the church, in front of the statue of St. Anthony. He gave St. Anthony a strong warning and reminder saying loudly that if he did not receive the expected job “ I will hit you and destroy you in to several pieces.” As he was praying, the priest was hearing his prayer from the sacristy. He immediately told the sacristan to remove the statue of St. Anthony and put a small one instead, so that if he breaks the statue nothing should happen to the big one. The sacristan did as he was asked and on the final day of his novena for not granting his wish he came to the church in front of the statue and he was surprised to see the small one, he shouted loudly and Cried out “ you little child where is your father I want to crush him”. This story echoes our motivation for prayers, how much am I willing for God to fulfill His will in me although we pray everyday that your will be done. I am good with God if God grants all that I wish and pray and on the other hand if God does not grant my wish we will denounce God. God some times does not comply all that we wish because He wanted to give us something greater than we wish. What God gives is always great as He is great. Therefore what is more fitting is first of all to make us acceptable to God by giving Him the first priority in our life. And secondly pray unceasingly, look for Him with our whole heart and get rid of all that is evil. This is what the book of Chronicles reminds us. “ If then My people, upon whom my name has been pronounced, humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven and pardon their sins and heal their land.” (2 Chronicle 7:14) The influence of the evils in the world is beyond our imagination it makes us dead. The book of revelation says: “I know your works, that you have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Be watchful and strengthen what is left, which is going to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God”. (Rev. 3:1-2) God is always perceiving the best and the worst scenario of each individual and appealing to every one to be alive and awake and fight against evils. So we need to be always cognizant and subsisting and invite God to all realms of our life. We need to pray day and night to make ourselves strengthened and powerful. Take a look at the words of the book of Lamentations: “Cry out to the Lord from your heart, wall of daughter Zion! Let your tears flow like a torrent. Day and night; give yourself no rest, no relief for your eyes. Rise up! Wail in the night, at the start of every watch; Pour out your heart like water before the Lord; Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children, Who collapse from hunger at the corner of every street.”(Lam 2:18-19). So let God be our Pilot and Guru. Have a good week! Rev. Roy Jacob CMI Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 1, 2016 “Little did I know that God was there, all along, offering me his love...The power of forgiveness is life-altering. I am happy again and the people whom I love sense that.” “Life Matter: Forgiveness and Healing after Abortion” USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities “Yo no sabia que Dios estaba allí, todo el tiempo, ofreciéndome su amor...El poder del perdón cambia la vida. Estoy feliz de Nuevo y la gente a quien amo lo siente. “La Vida Importa: Perdón y Sanación Posaborto” Secretariado de Actividades Pro-Vida de la USCCB Taize Prayer will be offered on May 6, 7:00 pm Maternity BVM Parish 308 E. Marsile Ave., Bourbonnais This prayer service consists of simple chants, enhanced with the music of orchestral strings and a vocal quartet, scripture, a service of light, an extended period of silence for meditation, concluding with prayers for our world. First Friday Taize prayer will be suspended for the summer for the months of June, July and August. It will resume of Friday, Sept. 2. RCIA teens who received their Confirmation this past weekend at St. Pat’s Church Nurse Notes: May 1, 2016 Gratitude Challenge Let’s begin the lovely month of May being grateful. Sounds easy. Your assignment, if you choose to accept it is: at the end of your day, write down five things that you were grateful for that day. OK, OK, if every day is too much of a challenge try three times a week. More information to follow, so get busy.
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