September - Great South Bay Power Squadron


September - Great South Bay Power Squadron
Great South
September 2013
A Publication of the
Great South Bay Power Squadron
Boating is Fun…we’ll show you how!
Great South
A Message from
Kevin Miller, AP
A Publication of
Great South Bay
Power Squadron, Inc.
A Unit of the
United States Power Squadrons
Chartered 16 May 1941
Kevin Miller, AP
47 Manta Ct, Oakdale NY 11769
Executive Officer
Alicia Pilek, AP
12 Virginia Dr, Medford NY 11763
Educational Officer
Richard Fogel, JN
389 Cedar Ave, Islip NY 11751
Suzanne Mora, P
48 Twin River Dr, Oakdale NY 1769
David Weisberg, AP
25 Blueberry Ln, E. Patchogue NY 11772
Spray Staff
Karen Becker, P: Editor
Sandra Brown
Joseph Milano, AP
Patti Morrissey
Tom Pilek, AP
Articles, opinions and supporters do not necessarily reflect USPS
policy or endorsement unless so designated.
September 2013
Great South Bay Power Squadron
I hope everyone has had a good summer of
boating and that the weather will be nice for September and October. We have events planned
so take a look at the AO article.
The Spring Picnic was well attended and everyone appeared to have a good time. I am sorry
about having Rick cancel the July Raft up but
weather looked to be an issue. I am writing this
article before the Robert Moses Raft up but
based upon the pre-registration as required it
looks to be a great turn-out.
As many of you are aware, the United Stated
Power Squadrons will be celebrating the 100 th
year anniversary in 2014. The annual meeting in
Jacksonville Florida from 26 January through 2
February 2014 will be a very exciting meeting.
At our change of watch meeting in February we
attached our squadron ribbon to the District 3
100th Anniversary Ensign. The other squadrons
in District 3 added their ribbons at their COWs.
Our District ensign along with ensigns from all
the districts across the country with Squadron
Ribbons attached will participate in a special Flag
ceremony at the National Meeting to celebrate
our solidarity and brotherhood.
National is planning a variety of events at the annual meeting to commemorate 100 years of boating safety and education. The annual meeting is
open to all members and you should consider
attending to celebrate and make new friends
from across the country.
Continued on Page 5
A Message from the
Executive Officer
Lt/C Alicia Pilek, AP
Once again, summer seems to be flying by so
quickly! The weather for Rendezvous East was
beautiful. Thanks to everyone who attended and
helped out with the food under the tent. A lot of
hard work goes into putting this event together at
both the squadron and district levels. Karaoke on
Friday night was a huge success! The photo
booth during lunch on Saturday was lots of fun
as well.
District may be looking to change the venue from
Greenport to Strong’s Marina in Mattituck next
year. Details are being worked out. There was
such a push to look for an alternate location, that
this new venue is now being considered by District for our Rendezvous next year. Our District
Executive Officer D/Lt/C Flinn, SN met with District XO’s to discuss this new option. I would appreciate it if you would let me know your thoughts
on this new venue so I can give him feedback on
any comments or ideas you wish to share.
Important dates coming up:
District Council meeting Friday, 27 September
2013 at the Melville Marriott
District Fall Educational Conference Saturday, 23
November 2013 at the Melville Marriott
The Boat show at Tobay is coming up 26-29
September. Please contact the Boat Show Chairman Joseph Slodysko for information and schedules for manning the booth.
Enjoy the rest of the summer!
A Message from the
Educational Officer
Lt/C Richard Fogel, JN
An ABC class in Oakdale chaired by Lt/C Suzanne
Mora, P and taught by Lt. Jim Milton, AP was completed in July with thirteen students. Suzanne personally publicized and organized this class. An ABC
class for ten students was also successfully completed in July for the Bay Shore Fire Department
taught by myself and Lt. Maureen Fogel, JN. BSFD
has a new twenty-eight foot fire boat powered by twin
outboards and wants to train as many of their personnel as possible. Bay Shore has the most Bay front of
all the Great South Bay fire districts but never had a
boat, until now. The Districts work together on water
borne fires though, no matter where the fire is located. We will likely return to Bay Shore in the near
future for another ABC course.
I urge all members to explore the opportunity to organize an ABC course or one of the seminars on radar, weather or GPS for your marine, yacht club, fishing club or acquaintances. If you get a commitment
from ten or more persons, we will get the instructor
and the materials. Many boating or fishing related organizations have an education commitment in their by
-laws so USPS seminars and courses offer them an
opportunity to fulfill that goal and provide an event to
their members.
The Seamanship class scheduled for Brookwood Hall
to commence on Tuesday night 10 September from
7:30-9:30, presently has ten students registered. The
class will be taught by P/D/C Angelo Giovanniello,
SN. The Advanced Piloting class scheduled for
Thursday nights 7:30-9:30 starting on 7 November,
currently has 9 students registered. That class will be
taught by Lt. James F. Milton, AP. If you want to take
Seamanship or Advanced Piloting, you must email or
Sail Angle me now to reserve your spot and make
sure I order materials for you. The cost is $65 for
Seamanship and $70 for Advanced Piloting. If you
would like to take any other course or seminar,
please contact me by email or Sail Angle.
Continued on Page 5
A Message from the
Administrative Officer
All About
Boating Safety
P/C Joseph Barrato, AP
The following is a summary of the Squadron Activities Coming up.
The Fall Picnic is 21 September, please refer to
the flyer for more details. The sooner you make
reservations with Helen and Joel the more time
they will have to prepare. Last minute additions
make the entire process of planning an event
more difficult.
Denise has finalized the plans for the West Point/
Bear Mountain Bus trip scheduled for Sunday, 13
October, the flyer is in the spray and will be
posted on the website and sent via Sail Angle. It
should be a good event, West Point is fantastic.
Our Holiday Party will be at Villa Lombardi’s in
Holbrook on Friday, 6 December from 7:30 to
12:00, please mark your calendar.
I want to thank the Walsh’s and Hoar’s for all
their work in preparing for the Spring Picnic. It
was a great event with 55 boats and over 150
people in attendance. There were so many members that transported equipment, prepared food,
setup equipment and the tents, cooked and
served food, I want to thank you all. None of
these events can be successful without member
participation and the efforts that you all make.
Great South Bay is such a wonderful squadron
because of all YOU do.
Even though September and the first half of October can be the best boating months of the season
on Long Island, we all kind of change our perspective after Labor Day. Kids go back to school, days
get shorter and cooler, vacations are mostly over…
UGH!!!! I am writing this at the beginning of August
with plenty of summer ahead, however, and I would
like to recap some events that have taken place
this season.
The emphasis lately and always has been the
proper use of life jackets. Two major events so far
this summer could not have spelled this out more
clearly. A lobster fisherman fell overboard, (local
guy from Oakdale) south of Montauk at 3AM. He
was all alone and was not missed for 3 hours. NO
LIFE JACKET ON!!!! Luckily, he didn’t panic and
cleverly used his boots turned upside down for flotation until he found a buoy to cling to. (Those
boots should be bronzed). Sheer determination
kept him alive and I feel he never would have been
found if he had not happened upon that buoy. He
was found 40 miles from where he fell overboard,
severely sunburned and dehydrated. I think the
buoy gave the Coast Guard a reference point to
begin their search. Lucky guy!
Continued on Page 6
Cdr. Kevin Miller, AP
Boating Safety is Skill, Knowledge and Common Sense
Continued from Commander’s message
Continued from Educational Officer’s message
At the Greenport Rendezvous next year’s District
Commander, Daniel Flinn, met with the Commanders and XOs to discuss changing the location of the Rendezvous next year. I am writing
about this to get your input to provide to Dan at
the D3 Council Meeting in September.
Several Great South Bay Members successfully
completed Piloting but never took Seamanship.
Seamanship is a pre-requisite of Piloting so you
will not be given a grade of “P” until you complete
“S”. According to USPS, your grade is still a
blank. I urge you to take Seamanship this Fall
with Angelo. It’s a fun class that addresses docking, anchoring, navigation rules and knots. The
course will likely take six weeks to complete.
Dan is talking with Strong’s Water Club and Marina which is located in Mattituck Inlet accessible
from the Long Island Sound. Strong’s has recently acquired the property and are investing in
improvement to the marina and grounds.
The Marina is located approx. ½ mile from the
village of Mattituck. The Marina has a pool and
open space that the tents could be erected upon.
The onsite restaurant is currently closed and is
being renovated and will re-open as a Pace’s
Steak House. The bulkhead and floating docks
are being rehabilitated.
Dan is talking with them; however, no costs have
been determined. Dan acknowledged that the
majority of boats attending Rendezvous East
come from the South Shore and would like to
know if the members would be willing to travel to
Mattituck. It is approximately 35 miles from
Greenport. This location would be a good jump
off point to continue cruising to Connecticut. If
you have any comments please let me know.
This is a link for the website:
Speaking of knots and their importance, my boat
was involved in an incident in July in which we
quickly had to tie up to a piling in strong winds
when we temporarily lost the ability to shift into
forward gear as a result of a faulty solenoid. The
cleat knot that was used had an infamous
“locking turn” in it. Twenty-six thousands pounds
straining on that line made that cleat knot immovable in seconds, and I thought I would have to
cut a straining, seventy five dollar, five-eighths
inch, forty foot braided line to untie the boat. Fortunately, I was able to get the locking turn out after struggling with the line for five minutes. All my
students have heard me rail against the locking
turn on cleat knots and I have seen the bad results of these since I started working on party
boats as a teenager in Sheepshead Bay. Just
use the figure eight to cleat those lines. The locking turn adds nothing to the strength and will
eventually cause you a bigger a problem at the
worst possible time.
Tobay Beach Boat Show
Show Dates
26 – 29 September 2013
Saturday and Sunday
First 100 children receive a
free life vest
PETS are strictly prohibited!
Show Hours
Thursday and Friday 12 pm - 6 pm
Saturday 10 am - 6 pm
Sunday 10 am - 6 pm
Continued from Boating Safety message
Of course, the other much talked about accident
is the collision with the barge under the Tappan
Zee Bridge. Whose fault it was may never be
determined, but none of the passengers was
wearing a life jacket. We will never know if those
who perished would have survived with a flotation device on, but I would much rather have had
one on than not. Navigating at night in unfamiliar
or even familiar waters is very tricky and the unexpected must be expected at all times. I hope
there are some lessons learned from this.
I want to make some comments on a very dangerous maneuver that seems to be happening
more and more these days. Our modern design
vessels have beautiful swim platforms that are an
integral part of the boat. I can not believe how
many times I see a mate standing on the outside
of the boat on the platform with line in hand,
ready to toss to shore. To me, this is the most
dangerous thing that anyone can do. Docking
rates high or even number one on the stress
scale, especially in windy conditions. One wrong
move and the line tosser is in the drink and we
don’t want to think what might happen. Swim
platforms are made for climbing out of the water
after a swim or better still, sitting on a lounge
chair sipping your favorite cold one after you
have docked. Now that’s a safe thought.
Boating Safety is
Skill, Knowledge and Common Sense.
2013 VSC Examiners
Carolynn Cairo
Frank DeMayo
Mike Dowgiallo
Joe Gagliano
Angelo Giovaniello
Luann Kazanecki
Larry Postel
Irv Smyle
Rich Torre
Scott Krawchuk
1990 BAHA Cruisers Family Express 290
Original Owner, Meticulously Maintained
Twin-350 Volvo-Duo Props
Radar Arch, Full Canvas, Windless, Battery Charger, VHF
Dockside Power, AC / Heat
Sleeps 5, Mid Cabin, V-Birth, Dinette, Stereo, TV, Head, Stove Top,
Microwave, Refrigerator, Hot Water Heater, Transom Shower
Contact Charles Homan 631-258-7741
Newsletter for 37
CALENDAR 2013 – 2014
One Set of 2 Propellers
One set of 19.5 x 19
with a bore of 1.375" or (1 3/8")
3 - Blade Dyna - Jet Propellers
NiBrAl Bronze – Used - Just Reconditioned
Asking: $800 for set
Call Dave @ 631-278-1012
The Rhumbline
I hope everyone was able to catch up on lost boating time after
all that June rain. The weather has certainly cooperated lately,
with gorgeous sunsets. Lynne and Rich Torre’ bought a new
boat. “Cheers” to them – we knew they couldn’t stay out of boating for long. Rick and Roe Sinacore took their new boat (with
the awesome sound system and retractable TV) to Newport &
Block Island, filled with family and friends. Steve & Joan Potestio traveled with them. Many members went out to Greenport
and West Hampton, and squadron friends are always over at
Atlantique, which is looking remarkably well considering the
damage from Sandy. I’m glad we’ll be going back there for the
Fall Picnic.
Ron and Fran Murphy missed the Spring Picnic for a good reason. Their daughter Heather and husband Kevin had a beautiful
7 lb 15 oz. boy, Jackson Thomas. Big brother Brian is soo excited!
Rich & Maureen Fogel’s oldest son Scott did a summer internship in the U.S. Senate, working for Washington DC Senator
Paul Strauss, living at the Washington Center until August.
Scott will be entering his senior year at the Univiversity of Dayton in Ohio, and is a political science/international relations and
finance major.
2004 YAMAHA 200 HP
Last but not least, this is for the old timers who remember Dom
Grisanzio, who was GSB secretary in the mid 1980’s. He
passed away in June at the age of 79. Dom and his wife Arlene
moved to Florida with Grumman & stayed after retirement. We
send our condolences to Arlene.
Hope to see ya’ll at the Robert Moses raft up & the Fall Picnic.
Safe Boating – see you out there!
Patti Morrissey
Joan Milano
Supply Officer
The Ship’s Store will be at the
Fall Picnic at Atlantique on 21 Sept.
and at the General Meeting at the
Rusy-Bohm on 27 Sept.
Please stop by to see all the merchandise
including the newest items –
towels and laundry bags.
Don’t forget the license plate frames
and decals too.
As always, if you don’t see
what you want, ask,
and hopefully it can be ordered.
Thanks again for supporting
the Ship’s Store.
And Best Wishes to all our
September Birthdays
Linda Caracci, Susan Corrado,
Frank DellAccio, Marie DeVito,
James Dorney, Robert Figueroa,
Margaret Ford, Lawrence Grossgold,
Thomas Hoar, David Hogan,
Diane McGee, Joan Milano,
Thomas Pilek, Joseph Russell,
Suzanne Russell, Gus Schlussler,
Barry Schwartz, Albert Valentino,
~Joni Milano
Lynn Wray