May Events From the Wheelhouse
May Events From the Wheelhouse
L O N G B AY P O W E R S Q U A D R O N The official publication of Long Bay Power Squadron, District 26 A Unit Of United States Power Squadrons Volume 55, Issue 5 Commander Cdr. John Johnson, JN 843-957-2940 Executive Officer Lt/C Jerry Williams, S 843-902-0861 Administrative Officer Lt/C Rhonda Hardee, JN 843-902-8653 Education Officer P/C Rich Gienopie, AP 843-357-0043 Secretary Lt/C Pat Spina 843-421-2222 Treasurer Lt/C Chris Stanecki, P 843-651-0820 Chartered 1960 From the Wheelhouse Cdr. John Johnson, JN Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Does this sound familiar? If you have children, then this is too often familiar. The answer is, No, not yet. May 17th Kicks off National Boating Safety Week! As you know, one of the most important aspects of the United States Power Squadron is Boating Safety. Please join me in making an effort between now and Boat Safety week to make a difference in our boating community. We can start by having our boats undergo a free safety exam and encourage others to do so. Remember we have a lot of activities planned throughout the year. Get involved, don’t miss out, and join the fun… Then you can say Are we there Y et? Until next time, you can find me in the wheelhouse John May Events Tuesday, May 6th - Executive Meeting, Webster University, 1830 Friday - Sunday - May 9th - 11th - Long Bay Loop Cruise from Little River Inlet to Georgetown, SC Tuesday, May 13th - Dinner Meeting, Angelo’s Steak & Pasta, Cocktails 1800 Dinner 1900 - order from the menu Friday - Sunday - May 16th - 18th - D/26 Cruise and Rendezvous at Thurmond Lake *** Don’t forget to have a Vessel Safety Check done on your boat *** ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Lt/C Rhonda Hardee, JN APRIL MEETING - April meeting was held at Damon’s Oceanfront with 40 people in attendance. Our speaker was Ed Kridler from District. He presented Ken Payne with the Commander of the Year award. Sharon Payne received the Membership achievement award. John Johnson received the boating activities Division III award. Larry Byrd received the Distinctive Communicator Award for the website. Margaret and Bob Epps also received the Distinctive Communicator Award for their work on the “Fore ‘n Aft”. Congratulations to everyone that contributed their time and effort to the Long Bay Power Squadron! Also, congratulations to Linette Johnson. This night was her lucky night. Linette took home the name tag prize and the 50/50 in the amount of $37. OVERNIGHT ANCHORING - Following the great day we had at Bucksport Marina, four boats met at the Oxbow for an overnight anchoring. It was just an awesome continuation from earlier in the day. We had great weather, food, and company. If you didn’t make this event, please try to come out for the future ones. We have such an amazing time. LANDING CLEANUP - The cleanup was held on April 19. There were 4 people in attendance. Thank you for all who came out and assisted with the cleanup. MAY MEETING - Angelo’s Steak & Pasta will be hosting our meeting this month. The meeting will be held on May 13, 2014 at 2311 S. Kings Hwy. Myrtle Beach, SC. Cocktails will be at 1800 with dinner at 1900. We will be ordering off of the menu or buffet. LONG CRUISE - The cruise will be Sunday, June 15 – June 21, 2014. We are in the process of finalizing the cruise plans. I have some members interested in joining us in Beaufort. If you wish to travel by car, please contact me so that we can make motel arrangements Rhonda APRIL CRUISE Larry Byrd, SN The members who participated in our April 12 trip to Bucksport Marina could not have asked for a more perfect day. Sunny, 80 degrees with a light breeze, lunch on the docks overlooking the Waccamaw, then on to the docks for a “Boaters Skills” contest. 23 boaters and 7 boats took part. Continued on page 3 2 Continued from page 2 April Cruise The skills contest consisted of things we as boaters should know or can learn in a “Seamanship” class. 0 to 5 points were awarded depending on how skilled you were at tying a cleat hitch, using the clove hitch and hanging a boat fender, tossing a ring buoy or cushion to a person in the water. Heaving a line to a dock hand was used as the tie breaker to determine 2nd and 3rd place winners. Bonus points were awarded if you knew the correct names for the flags flying on the cruise leader’s boat. First place winner was Phil Johnson claiming a new inflatable PFD. Second prize of a homemade coconut pie went to Bob Epps and third place was claimed by Linnette Johnson who choose a box of homemade chocolate covered peanuts. Thanks to Kathryn Byrd for her baking skills in preparing delectable prizes. Everyone who took part went home with some small token gift. Two special consolation prizes were awarded. One went to our Cdr. for tossing the life ring to a ghost on the bow of his boat rather than the drowning victim in the water. The other went to Carol Reilly for having the best excuse for being late: “I went swimming in Barefoot Harbor and had to go home to change clothes and gargle”. Let me say again: you miss a lot when you don’t take part in Long Bay Events. Larry EDUCATION DEPT. P/C Rich Gienopie, A/P Nothing much to report for the Education Department. Still working on setting up a CPR class (may have to have multiple classes due to limited class size as a result of the type of training involved). Hope to have a schedule for next month. No further request for Seamanship have been received. One request for Cruise Planning which is not a sufficient number to hold a class. Anyone interested in gaining further knowledge PLEASE contact me so that we may put together a class. Rich 3 TREASURER Lt/C Chris Stanecki, P Commander Johnson has directed that each month I provide a summary of our financial information in the Fore N’ Aft. This summarizes activity for February and March, 2014. February, 2014 Starting Balance Revenue: Dues Education (ABC Course) and Marine Electronics Meeting (January & February) Expenses: Dues Education Meeting 48.00 410.00 723.20 152.50 961.46 585.00 February, 2014 Ending Balance March, 2014 Starting Balance Revenue: Meetings Transom Tags 30.00 100.00 Expenses: Dues General Expense District Conference 108.75 182.50 150.00 March, 2014 Ending Balance $7700.08 1181.20 1698.96 $7182.32 $7182.32 130.00 441.25 $6871.07 If you have not renewed your Transom Tag it has been removed from the “Fore ‘n Aft”. If you wish to renew or have a new Transom Tag please send your $20 check payable to the Long Bay Power Squadron to me. For new Tags email the name and font you wish to use to me at and mail your check made payable to Long Bay Power Squadron to me at 1027 Castle Rock Ct., Murrells Inlet, SC 29576. Chris May Birthdays Frank J. DeDomenick - 8th Susan L. Stanecki L. - 11th Alyssa Boyd - 13th Randy J. Riotto - 13th Debra VanNostrand - 13th Ralph P. Spadaccini - 14th James C. Vaught - 16th Richard Joseph Mihalik, Sr. - 17th Robert J. Armour - 23rd Gary D. Laser - 29th Jerry L. Williams - 29th George B. Rast - 30th 4 What the VSC Decal Means P/D/C/ William F. Mullin, AP A critical safety step you can take with your boat is to arrange for a Vessel Safety Check (VSC). The people who will do the checking are trained members of USPS or USCGAux. They follow a series of steps and can issue a certificate that your boat has passed the inspection and you get a VSC decal to stick in the window. Is this a free pass to act irresponosibly? Nope, it is not. What it really means is that on the day and time of the inspection the examiner believes your boat passes the safe boating test. There’s a hidden value to the decal that most of us tuck away in a dark corner of our brains. That is that if the Coast Guard, DNR or a local police authority decides to stop you, that VSC sticker tells them you are responsible enough to have your boat checked. That may be enough to let you proceed. No guarantee, but it may help. A few years ago, some “do-gooder” decided to emblazon the USC Sticker with the name of an insurance company. No mention of USPS or USCGAux. That got a bunch of backs up. The “goof” is now fixed, but it reminds me to remind you that you must NEVER modify a VSC sticker in any way whatsoever. Why not? Because that is an automatic trigger to cause an inspector to go after the slightest problem on your boat. Once you have the sticker, LEAVE IT ALONE! STICK IT IN A CONVENIENT WINDOW—PERIOD! One more point is worth mentioning about the VSC decal. Take a look around your marina or launch ramp. How many boats do you see that lack the decal? As a member of Long Bay Power Squadron this is your chance to help these boaters become safer boaters. Try to talk to the boater whose vessel lacks the VSC decal and encourage them to have their boat inspected. There’s never a charge and even if the boat fails the inspection, that’s the end of it. No law enforcement or other agency is ever informed about the failure. It’s strictly a matter between the boat owner and the inspector. This is a courtesy inspection. We all want the safest boaters possible. Volunteer to become a Vessel Safety Examiner. There’s a short training session involved and, yes, you have to know your way around a boat. On the other hand, this is a valuable service you can offer fellow boaters. Congratulations to P/C Kenneth Payne, JN, named District 26 Commander of the Year Surf Water promotions is a new business our members are encouraged to use for any personalized items. They can embroider our Burgee, your boat name, almost anything you could wish on clothing. You may provide the item or they will furnish. They also do vinyl boat graphics, screen printing signs and banners, etc., etc. Check out their website at or check their Facebook page. Any questions you may have regarding items available, minimum quantities or cost contact Starr Schaker at 843-215-6235 5 UPCOMING CRUISE EVENTS THE LONG BAY LOOP Little River Inlet to Georgetown May 8 - 1730 Docktails at the Bar efoot Mar ina Dock ar ea patio. Br ing your favor ite hor s d ’oeuvres to share. Barefoot Marina - fuel available May 9 - 0800 Depar t Bar efoot for Mur r ells Inlet via Little River Inlet. 1200 appr oximate ar r ival to Marlin Quay Marina 1300 Lunch on your own 1800 Dinner at Gulfstream Café Marlin Quay - fuel available May 10 - 0800 Depar t Mar lin Quay for Geor getown via Winyah Bay 1200 appr oximate ar r ival Harborwalk Marina 1800 dinner at The Rice Paddy Harborwalk Marina—fuel available May 11 - Return to home port If you are planning to make this trip please contact Sean and Carol Reilly. There is a plan for inclement weather. Additional details will be provided to cruise participants. Please Email Sean and Carol Reilly with: Length, beam, power requirements. We will make the necessary Marina reservations. Additional details will be provided to cruise participants Sean Reilly, Cruise Leader 843-497-4389 6 May, 2014 S 4 M 5 T W 6 Executive Mtg. Webster U 1830 7 13 Dinner Mtg. Angelo’s Pasta & Steak Cocktails 1800 Dinner/Mtg. 1900 14 T F S 1 2 3 8 9 10 Long Bay Loop Cruise Little River Inlet to Georgetown Long Bay Loop Cruise Little River Inlet to Georgetown 16 17 11 Mother’s Day Long Bay Loop Cruise Little River Inlet to Georgetown 12 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 *** *** *** *** *** *** 25 25 27 28 29 30 National Safe Boating Week Begins 24 National Safe Boating Week Ends The current month’s activities are always in the “Fore N’ Aft” but you can see upcoming events by going to our website to help you make future plans. Go to to see, month by month, what is being planned for our Squadron. 7 Who’s Who Afloat She & I Dopey Rich & Mary Lou Gienopie John & Linette Johnson Ciao Bella! In Memory of Rose II Bob & Gloria Roseman Sean & Carol Reilly Alleluia Fourth Times A Charm Ken & Sharon Payne Rhonda & Ricky Hardee Green Eyes Dawg Haus Chris & Susan Stanecki Randy & Jacque Riotto No Respect Rich & Debbie Schinkel We have a Transom Tag waiting for you. The USPS Mission To Promote Recreational Boating Safety Through Education and Civic Activities While Providing Fellowship for our Members. 8 As your Long Bay "Sunshine Lady", I would like to send a bit of sunshine to anyone in our Squadron who could use some cheering up. In order for me to do this I need your help. Please let me know of anyone who should be receiving a card from LBPS. Thanks for your help in spreading sunshine to those in need. Mary Lou Gienopie SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS ! Should you have need for any of the products or services offered by our advertisers, please give them an opportunity to serve you. And WHEN you DO — TELL them you SAW their ad in the “FORE ‘n’ AFT”. If you know someone who would like to advertise in the “Fore ‘n’ Aft” please contact our Treasurer, Lt/C Chris Stanecki, P, for more information Fore ‘n Aft Staff Bob and Margaret Epps Please direct any suggestions or comments to them at 843-293-4569 or 9 Safe Boating is More Fun LONG BAY POWER SQUADRON 6 Apache Trail Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 Phone: 843-293-4569 Address Service Requested To Editor At THANK YOU FOR VIEWING THIS NEWSLETTER ON THE LBPS WEBSITE! LONG BAY POWER SQUADRON MAY 2014 MEETING Date: Tuesday, May 13th Social: 1800 Dinner: 1900 Location: Angelo’s Steak & Pasta, 2311 S. Kings Hwy., Myrtle Beach Cost: Order off the menu Contact: RSVP to your tel-net rep by March 7th . If you don’t know who that is, contact Linnette Johnson at or call 843-602-5268. Squadron Policy: Cancellations must be made 48 hours prior to meeting to avoid receiving an invoice. Extenuating circumstances will be considered on an individual basis. 10