Soundings 2008 11 web
Soundings 2008 11 web
SOUNDINGS November 2008 Vol. XXXII-No. 7 Official Publication of Sanibel-Captiva Sail & Power Squadron A UNIT OF UNITED STATES POWER SQUADRONS ® DISTRICT 22 Contents Personnel Calendar of Events From the Bridge Educational Officer Picture Page, September Membership Meeting The Wonders of Lake Tahoe, by Lt Corky Boyd, P Parrot Key C&R, 12 November 33rd Annual Holiday Charter Party, 13 December Sanibel Harbour C&R, 16 December THE S ANIBEL • C APTIVA T RUST C OMPANY Building & Preserving Wealth 2407 PERIWINKLE WAY, S UITE 7 239.472.8300 • TOLL FREE: 800.262.7135 Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 9 Page 10-11 Page 12 Page 14 Page 15 2 SANIBEL-CAPTIVA SAIL & POWER SQUADRON A UNIT OF UNITED STATES POWER SQUADRONS® EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2008-2009 Commander Executive Officer Administrative Officer Educational Officer Secretary Treasurer Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Cdr William Hay, JN Lt/C Steve Abbott, N Lt/C Fran Beaudoin-Blakely, S Lt/C Dick Squitieri, JN Lt/C Tom Fitzgerald, JN Lt/C David Kentner, P P/C Ed Harwell, SN Lt Steve Hafener, AP Lt Carol Allen, P Lt Terry McDermott, P ASSISTANT OFFICERS 2008-2009 Assistant Educational Officer Assistant Secretary Assistant Treasurer Lt/C Steve Abbott, N 1/Lt Georgia Plumb 1/Lt Victoria Ross, S INFORMATION PLEASE! Boating Course Co-op Charting/SERAT C.G. Coalition Boating Activities E-Mail Coordinator Meetings & Programs Membership Membership Involvement Nominations Property Officer Public Relations Radio Technical Roster/Computer Services Safety Supply Officer Telephone Committee Vessel Safety Examiner Website Webmaster P/Lt/C Joanne Heroy-Giller, S D/Lt James Strothers, SN Lt John Topp, AP Lt John Carney and P/Lt/C Fay Carney, P 1/Lt Victoria Ross, S Lt Hal Theiss, P Lt Marge Lieblein, S Lt Betty Hayes and Lt Bonnie Fitzgerald D/Lt/C Mary Paige Abbott, JN Lt John Plumb, P Committee Lt Gus Pappas P/Lt/C Mike Neal, P Lt Dick Waterhouse Lt Fred Gerasin, S Lt Robert Crossman, JN P/C Robert J. Healey, SN P/Lt/C Jim Bradford, JN Lt Sandy Trevor SOUNDINGS STAFF Editors Lt Jim Hopson Lt Julie Hopson Circulation Managers Lt Corky Boyd, P Lt Julie Boyd, S Advertising Lt Lynne Campean 3 Photographers Lt Susie Kentner Lt Georgia Plumb Lt Carol Allen, P Lt Jane Withers Seafood • Grill Rawbar Downtown Santiva 6250-C Pine Ave. 472 5253 Four Winds Marina Bokeelia 16501-B Stringfellow Rd. 283 5959 Downtown Sanibel 1036 Periwinkle Way 472 6939 Welcomes You The only bank Chartered on Sanibel Island We offer totally FREE: Personal Checking ● Online Banking/Bill Pay Please visit us at our convenient locations: 239 210 7100 15975 McGregor Blvd Fort Myers, FL 33908 ATM on Premise 239 472 6100 2475 Library Way Sanibel, FL 33957 Member FDIC 4 239 472 6150 1037 Periwinkle Way Sanibel, FL 33957 ATM on Premise CALENDAR OF EVENTS November-December 2008 Thursday 6 Nov at 1000 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Bank of the Islands. All members are welcome. Wednesday 12 Nov at 1100 LUNCHEON C&R – Parrot Key at Salty Sam’s Marina. Cruise Leaders P/C Bob Allen, JN and Lt Carol Allen, P. See information and reservation form on page 12. Tuesday 18 Nov at 1800 MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP MEETING & DINNER. Our speaker will be Danny Duncan, Chief, Sanibel Fire and Rescue. To make your dinner reservations by phone, call Bob Crossman at 432-9726. To make reservations by email, send the names of those attending to the Squadron Postmaster at Thursday 4 Dec at 1000 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Bank of the Islands. All members are welcome. Saturday 13 Dec at 1800 33rd ANNUAL CHARTER AND HOLIDAY PARTY - The Sanctuary Golf Club. Chairpersons: Lt. Jane Withers and D/Lt/C Mary Paige Abbott, JN. Please bring two unwrapped toys, one for a boy and one for a girl to be shared among the children of Heights Elementary, the Heights Education Foundation, and Community Cooperative Ministries Inc. in Dunbar. See information and reservation form on page 14. Tuesday 16 Dec at 1100 LUNCHEON C&R – Sanibel Harbour Resort. Cruise Leaders Lt. John Carney and P/Lt/C Fay Carney, P. See reservation information form on page 15. Wednesday 14 Jan at 1045 LUNCHEON C&R - St. Charles Yacht Club – Cruise Leaders P/Lt/C Mike Neal, P and P/Lt/C Yvonne Neal, P. Further information and reservation form will appear in the December issue. Deadline January 2. Contact Mike and Yvonne Neal at 938-0096. IN MEMORIAM EVERETT E. BALLARD, AP October 25, 2008 We of the Sanibel-Captiva Sail & Power Squadron extend deepest sympathy to his wife, Martha, and to their family and friends. Soundings is the official publication of Sanibel-Captiva Sail & Power Squadron, a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of boating safety and education in Lee County, Florida, and a unit of United States Power Squadrons®, District 22. Soundings is published during the first week of each month except in July & August. Squadron members are encouraged to submit material by the 10th of the month. 5 FROM THE BRIDGE COMMANDER Cdr William Hay, JN On October 2 we held an Executive Committee meeting. There was not a quorum, so no business was conducted. We did, however, have a chance to review the proposed educational program for the fall and spring, and to discuss the upcoming District C&R As many know, last spring we lost two members of the Bridge, the AO and XO. Last month the Executive Committee acted to appoint Fran Beaudoin Blakely to fill the AO vacancy. I am pleased to announce that the Executive Committee has now also acted to fill the XO position by the appointment of Steve Abbott. Steve brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Bridge. Thanks to both Fran and Steve for stepping in to fill these important positions. On October 3 & 4 I attended the District Fall Conference in Sarasota. Also in attendance were Steve and Mary Paige Abbott, Jim Strothers, Dick and Marti Squitieri, Bill and Sami Lucas, Mike and Yvonne Neal and Vicki Ross. Friday morning was occupied by a meeting of the Squadron Commanders of District 22. That meeting involved a number of department reports and gave the Commanders an opportunity to discuss different ideas and problems encountered in running of the various Squadrons. In the afternoon the District Council met to review different department reports, and to discuss and review possible recommendations to be made the following day at the District Conference. The items discussed involved such things as changes to the Standing Rules, amendments to the number and type of awards to be given, etc. On Saturday morning the District offered a number of roundtables covering various topics such as Public Relations, Group Cruising, Membership Benefits and more. Saturday afternoon was the actual District Conference Meeting. Reports of all the District Officers were given and the new Budget approved. A good portion of the meeting was taken up with the presentation of District Awards. Our Squadron received the following awards: Member Involvement Retention Award, with an accompanying letter commending Marge Leiblein for the fine job she did in preparation of the award entry; Second Place Boating Safety Award; First Place Squadron Award for Coop Charting with the accompanying Trophy; First Place Individual Award for Coop Charting to Jim Strothers; Award from the US Department of Commerce certifying that our Squadron is on the Honor Roll for the 27th year. Our Squadron ranks 29th out of all the Squadrons participating. Lastly, but certainly not least, Steve Abbott was awarded the District 22 Charles Chapman Excellence in Teaching Award. Each year each Squadron can submit a candidate to the District, which in turn picks one instructor to represent the District at the National Spring Meeting the following year. Next February a National Committee will pick five winners for the award from the list of those submitted by the Districts. We all wish you the best of luck, Steve. And thanks and congratulations to Jim Strothers, Marge Leiblein and Steve Abbott for your individual recognition. The next Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for November 6. All committee members are urged to attend, all members are welcome. Our regular November Dinner Meeting will be held November 18 at the Community Center. Please make your reservations in advance with Vicki Ross or Bob Crossman. The annual Charter Holiday Party will be held again this year at the Sanctuary on December 13. As we have done for the last fifteen years, we will again conduct a toy drive for local community children. Each couple is asked to bring an unwrapped toy for a boy and a girl, ages newborn to seventeen. P/C John Findley will be on hand to pick up the toys and get them to the proper organizations. John spends a great deal of time on this worthy cause; please let’s help him as much as we can. Lastly, I have now received six new inflatable PFDs from USPS. The vests were provided by the 6 Continued on page 13 Educational Officer Lt/C Dick Squitieri, JN MEMBER COURSES FOR ALL OF US! Our five advanced member courses provide the most comprehensive boating education in existence today. I would like to give you a recap of their content with the hope that you would sign up this year to improve your boating knowledge and have a lot of fun in the process. SEAMANSHIP Our seamanship course is designed for the member who has taken a basic boating class and is now ready to learn the next level of detail. It starts with the topic of “Before You Go,” which covers all the things we need to do before we get underway. This is usually where we make many of our mistakes -- improper preparation. Next we study “The Boat” itself: its design, buoyancy, stability, and the forces which act upon it. The next two topics are “Slow Speed Maneuvering and Handling At Sea.” These practical chapters cover many of the aspects of boat operation with tons of tips on boat handling, i.e. docking, using lines, wind and current effect, waves, night operation, etc. “Rules Of the Road” covers exactly that, followed by Anchoring, Mooring and Rafting. Finally, there are terrific chapters on “Emergencies on the Water” and “Marlinspike Seamanship.” This course will be taught beginning in January 2009, and includes an outstanding text and a copy of “The One-Minute Guide to the Nautical Rules of the Road.” PILOTING Piloting is navigation performed in inland and coastal waters. It is traditionally done with the aid of landmarks and navigational aids. This course incorporates the modern use of electronics such as GPS. You’ll work with charts and navigational tools, and be able to plot a course, take bearings, read a chart, and plot a fix. You will become best of friends with your compass as well as your GPS and learn how to work comfortably with either. The course introduces you to the computer age with electronic digital charts. Piloting teaches you all of the basics of navigation, and prepares you for the more advanced courses. This course will also begin in January 2009. ADVANCED PILOTING The final course in coastal navigation is Advanced Piloting. It has two main subjects. The first, chapters 1 through 6, is based on the use of more electronic tools and additional techniques for plotting and tracking your progress. The second, in chapters 7 through 9, explains the impacts of tidal currents and winds, how to predict tides and currents, and how to anticipate and adjust for their effects. You will learn how to navigate with chart plotters and computers using digital charts. AP increases your comfort when you encounter challenging conditions and unfamiliar waters. When you complete this course, you are ready and prepared for extended cruising in coastal waters. JUNIOR NAVIGATION There is nothing “junior” in the Junior Navigation course. It is the first of a two-part program of offshore navigation. Get ready to leave sight of land as well as landmarks, buoys and navigational aids. Now you’re out there with the Sun, the horizon and your GPS (when it’s working!). In JN you will learn how to navigate with a sextant and the Sun. You will learn to take sights with the sextant and to convert those sightings to fixes to determine your position at sea. You’ll be entering a new and exciting world where we use the “lighthouses in the sky” to plot our way at sea. This course will also be offered to those who have completed AP in January 2009. SENIOR NAVIGATION The last, and most advanced member class, is Senior Navigation. SN teaches us to use the rest of the sky and adds navigation by the Moon, Stars and Planets. This, as well as JN, is a brand new version. It modernizes off shore navigation to include the latest technologies. SN emphasizes the 7 Continued on page 13 For a doggone good house Outstanding Docks Outstanding Docks and Decks And Decks At a doggone good price Specializing in decking, marine pilings, lumber and hardware. If it pertains to docks and decks, Shoreline is your choice. 10870 Kelly Road Fort Myers, Florida 239 267 6857 ———See Ed——-— From Sanibel: East on Summerlin, Left on McGregor, Right on Kelly Road, follow to end. Paramount NAVE PLUMBING, Inc. Decorator & Upholstery Personal Service is My Business ● Complete line of quality upholstery work by a European Craftsman . ● I work with the finest imported silks and embroidered tapestries from Italy, to down feather cushions to boat cushions . SANIBEL & CAPTIVA’S OLDEST PLUMBING SERVICE BUSINESS CELEBRATING 60 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION Owner Steve Cservenyak Free Estimates Call Steve at: SALES & SERVICE REMODELING SPECIALISTS 239 472 8086 2244 Periwinkle Way, Suite 13 472-1101 735 Donax, Sanibel Island Lic. #RF 0037259 8 September Monthly Meeting 16 September John Dopoulos, Caren Dopoulos, S and Sue Moore, AP Ken and Clara Bergstrom Speaker Shannen Vixler, ARNP P/C Bob McCormick, SN and Lt Lauren Coile, AP Photos by the Boyds Bartenders, Lt Bob and Rita Simpson, 1/Lt Georgia Plumb Lt Nancy Sampson, S and P/C Charlie Ringel, SN Babs and P/Lt/C Jim Bradford, JN Frances Coile, Marilyn McCormick, P 9 The Wonders of Lake Tahoe By Lt Corky Boyd, P Julie and I continued our western US vacation this year. In early September we visited the Lake Tahoe area for the first time. Not only is the area a visual delight, but it is a major center for classic wood speedboats. Central to this is the Sierra Boat Company which restores, maintains and brokers these Gatsby era beauties. It is the premiere classic boat company in the US and perhaps the world. My love for wood speedboats goes back to the 1940s when I attended Camp Idlewild on New Hampshire’s Lake Winnipesaukee. There they had a 26 foot Chris Craft triple cockpit speedboat called the Riot. It was awe inspiring and fueled my dreams to own a mahogany speedster like it someday. Eventually I did own a 24 foot twin engine mahogany Shepherd, but I soon found maintaining it was beyond my means, and sold it to the marina owner who had been taking care of it...and my money. Even though the Shepherd was a thing of beauty, its 50’s styling never came close to the long narrow lines of the triple cockpit Chris. We had missed the Annual Lake Tahoe Concours d’Elegance (classic boat show), but we were pleasantly surprised to see some classics on moorings as we drove around the lake. Near the end of our tour, Julie exclaimed she had just seen a “big mahogany speedboat on a trailer” parked in a driveway just off the main road. I quickly reversed direction and as we pulled up, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There it was, the boat of my dreams, a triple cockpit Chris and a perfect sistership of the Riot. We chatted with the gentleman cleaning it. The boat is owned by the Tahoe Maritime Museum, and was used to take people on rides during the Concours. He was putting it away for the winter. As we chatted I discovered that somewhat distant relatives, the Halls of the San Francisco Bay area, had purchased the Sierra Boat Company in the 1970s and helped found the Maritime Museum. We dropped over the next morning to say hello to Herb Hall who runs Sierra and were greeted with the entire Hall family. We had stumbled onto a board meeting that had brought the whole clan together. After going over old times, they gave us the run of the facility to take pictures while they conducted their business. If you ever visit the Lake Tahoe area, make sure you visit the Maritime Museum in Homewood and the Sierra Boat Company in Carnelian Bay. Both are on the California side of the lake. If you enjoy boats from a bygone era, you will find both places absolutely fascinating. BABY SKIPALONG Baby Skipalong is a 1924 Nevins built racing boat. Early owner Leland Stanford Scott sold it to Robert Dollar in 1929 for his son Stanley to race. Stanley went on to own and race Unlimited hydros on the 40s and 50s. Scott had sold it because it used a Packard engine not the family built Hall-Scott. Recently it was purchased by Edward B. Scott and restored by Sierra in 2008 after 32 years in storage. Baby is now back in the Scott family. 10 More Tahoe A 26 foot Belle Isle Bear Cat (Hacker designed) at the Hellman-Ehrman mansion, now a California state park Clear Tahoe waters Nevada shoreline view, looking toward California A 33 foot Gar Wood on a mooring at the Gar Woods Grill and Pier Boat landing at the Hellman-Ehrman mansion Emerald Bay 11 AT SALTY SAM’S MARINA Wednesday, 12 November Arrival: 1100 to 1130 Lunch: 1200 Choice of Entree: GROUPER REUBEN Fresh grouper with Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, Caribbean Thousand Island dressing on grilled rye with fries and slaw CARIBBEAN SEA-SAR SALAD Classically prepared with tender grilled chicken ARUBA WRAPS Soft-sun dried tomato tortillas wrapped around fresh lettuce, cucumber, onion, a three cheese blend, island roasted garlic aioli and grilled steak tips with fries and slaw Dessert: KEY LIME PIE $13.50 per person includes beverage, tax and gratuity DEADLINE: Wednesday, November 5 CRUISE DIRECTIONS By Boat: Matanzas Pass (Ft Myers Beach) under bridge; turn to port; pass red markers 18-26 on starboard; pass shrimp boats on port. Call Salty Sam’s dockmaster on Channel 16 for dock assignment. Yellow/green building portside is Salty Sam’s Marina. By Car: San Carlos Blvd to Main Street (just before the bridge). Turn left on Main Street to Salty Sam’s Marina. Parrot Key is on the right. Hosts: P/C Bob Allen, JN and Lt Carol Allen, P (437-9194) Send Reservation Form and checks ($13.50 per person) payable to Sanibel-Captiva Sail & Power Squadron to: Carol Allen, 16401 Kelly Woods Drive, #142, Ft. Myers, FL 33908 RESERVATION FORM Name(s)_______________________________________________________________ Choice of Entrée: Indicate number for each. _____ Grouper Reuben _____ Sea-Sar Salad _____ Aruba Wraps Amount enclosed: _______ @ $13.50 per person = ____________ GOING BY CAR?_________GOING BY BOAT?_______ NEED RIDE?______ BOAT NAME____________LOA________ Do you have room for others on your boat? Yes______ 12 No______ From the Bridge continued from page 6 USCG to the Coast Guard Auxiliary and USPS Squadrons as part of a “wear it” program. Under the plan, ownership of the vests remains with USCG for three years. An annual report must be filed documenting the maintenance and use. The vests are intended to be worn by vessel examiners while conducting safety checks, and worn by members at boat show booths, public classes and seminars, and at other events which can help raise awareness of the importance of wearing a PFD while on the water. USCG statistics show that only about five percent of adults wear a PFD while boating. It is hoped that this program will increase that number and make wearing a PFD a habit and an integral part of recreational boating. Hope to see you soon at a C&R or dinner meeting. Meantime, boat safely! Educational Officer Report continued from page 7 skills in planning and conducting a voyage across vast bodies of water, usually a significant distance from shore and without immediate assistance available. This class is currently in progress and should be completing at year end. Our squadron has always been blessed with outstanding instructors who give their time and use their skills to teach us these exciting courses. Currently our Advanced Class Instructor team includes Steve Abbott, Corky Boyd, Peter Bender and Steve Hafener. We are looking for additional instructors to volunteer to join our team add depth and assistance to each of our Advanced Classes. So how do I enroll? We will have an Education Desk at each monthly meeting where you can enroll. Or, to get started now, just send an email to me: or call me 239-395-9039. I would be happy to answer any of your questions. Next month, I’ll review all of our exciting Elective Courses including: Cruise Planning, Engine Maintenance, Electronics, and Weather. Thank You and continued Safe Boating through Education!! 13 33rd SCSPS Holiday Charter Party Come Share a Special Evening with Special Friends Saturday, 13 December 2008 The Sanctuary Golf Club 1800-2100 1800 Social Hour Cash Bar with Complimentary Iced Tea and Sodas 1915 Welcome and Presentation of Honored Guests 1930 Buffet Dinner Tomato Basil Soup with Warm Rolls and Butter SGC House Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette and Ranch Dressing Grilled Vegetable Cous Cous Baked Tilapia with Parmesan Crust and Lemon Caper Butter Sauce Slow Roasted Mango Glazed Pork Loin with Whole Grain Mustard Sauce Long Grain and Wild Rice Pilaf Green Beans Amandine Chocolate Mousse Torte, Assorted Cookies, Brownies and Lemon Bars Coffee and Iced Tea You must reserve in advance. $47.00 per person (price includes gratuity and tax). Chairpersons Jane Withers (395-7662) and Mary Paige Abbott (395-9409) RSVP by Friday, 5 December 2008 The Spirit of Giving As in past years, our Squadron will lend a hand to families that need a little help. EITHER: Bring to the dinner two unwrapped toys, one for a girl and one for a boy. The toys will then be shared among the students of Heights Elementary, the Heights Education Foundation, and Community Cooperative Ministries Inc. in Dunbar – very effective and vitally needed child care/child development centers. OR: Instead of a toy, bring a donation to help support the “Brightest Horizons” program. Thank you! For further information, please contact P/C John Findley, AP at 437-2402. HOLIDAY PARTY RESERVATION FORM Make checks payable to Sanibel-Captiva Sail & Power Squadron and mail to: D/Lt/C Mary Paige Abbott, 5391 Shearwater Drive, Sanibel, FL 33957-2328. Name(s) ________________________________________________________ Amount Enclosed @ $47.00 per person: _______________________________ 14 Sanibel Harbour Resort Island Room Luncheon C&R Tuesday, 16 December Arrival Time: 1100 Lunch: 1200 MENU CHOICES • Tarpon House Salad with Grilled Chicken (Baby greens, goat cheese, candied pecans, strawberries, grilled chicken breast and champagne vinaigrette dressing) • Tarpon House Cheeseburger • Crispy Breaded Grouper Sandwich COST: $22.00 per person (includes beverage and gratuity) CRUISE DIRECTIONS: The Sanibel Harbour Marina is just north of the Sanibel Causeway Bridge next to the Punta Rassa Condominiums. There are no markers to the Marina. Look for the Sanibel Harbour Princess cruise boat. There is deep water into the docks. There is no dockmaster. BY CAR: At the western end of Summerlin Road before the toll plaza, turn right to the Sanibel Harbour Resort and follow the signs to the hotel. Make checks payable to: Sanibel-Captiva Sail & Power Squadron Send checks and reservation form with menu selections to: John & Fay Carney 1767 Serenity Lane Sanibel, FL 33957 DEADLINE: Tuesday, 9 December Sanibel Harbour Resort Reservation Form Names___________________________________________________________ Menu Choices Tarpon House Salad w/ Grilled Chicken Tarpon House Cheeseburger Crispy Breaded Grouper Sandwich (number) _______ _______ _______ Amount Enclosed @ $22.00 per person _______ Coming by: Car: _____ Boat: _____ Boat Name_________________________ LOA: ______________ Beam: _______________ Need a ride?_____________ Have room for more on your boat?_____________ Call Fay Carney at 395-1767 15 For All your Fishing and Sporting Needs TRUE VALUE® Hardware SUPERMARKET Live Bait • Rods & Reels Boating Equipment Ice • Beer & Wine Hot Food Hardware • Housewares Appliances • Paint DIY Supplies • Beach Items Gifts • Propane Tanks Filled Screens Repaired Butcher Shop Seafood Market Onsite Bakery • Deli Organic Products Beer & Wine Hours: 7 am — 9 pm Monday through Sunday We Deliver 16 Phone: (239) 472-1516