
Issue #4
Jul - Aug 2012
Power Squadron
Minnesota D-10
In This Issue:
A unit of the United States Power Squadrons Sail and Power Boating
• Commander’s Corner
• Did You Know?
• Congratulations Graduates
• Fireworks Notice
• Parades—Help Needed
• On the Water Training
Our Flags Fly
• Thank You Supporters!
• Vessel Examiners Needed
• Scouts Visit Streater Cove
• New Member Spotlight
• Shrimp Fest
• Last Horizon
• Boat Safety Week
• Calendar Of Events
• Classified Advertisements
2012 Bridge Officers:
Commander: Keith Kask, AP
Exec. Officer: Tina Langhans, AP
The flag pole recently received a much needed overhaul. More than 12 hours of hard & dusty work was
required to remove the old paint down to bare metal and then apply two coats of primer and two coats of
paint. The halyard lines and all of the fittings including cleats, pulleys and snap clips were replaced with
brass and stainless steel parts as well as a new brass top. The flag pole should display our flags proudly for
many years to come! Special thanks to our Island Manager, Jim Revane, and others for their hard work!
Commander’s Corner
As I write this column, our Power
Administrative: LuAnne Opstedal, S Squadron is well into our 2012 season. A large part of every vol612-210-1823
unteer organization is recruiting
new members and developing its
Educational: Jeff Schott, AP
existing members to become
leaders within the organization.
The Minnetonka Power Squadron
continues to both welcome new
Secretary: Eric Schmidt, S
members and encourage our
existing members to “JOIN-IN”
and grow within our organization.
Treasurer: Ann Sangpan, AP
As your 2012 Commander, I take
all of my duties seriously, but
none more so than overseeing
Cdr. Keith Kask, AP
our perpetual efforts to encourage our current members to take
on one of the many jobs that need
to be done within our squadron as
well as reaching out to gain new
“See you on the lake!”
As summer gets underway we
have lots of activities planned in
and around Streater Cove. However, in the background many of
us are planning for our winter
education schedule as well as a
number of social events. I hope
you will join me and our many
department heads in working to
make our squadron an organization where we not only enjoy
summer, but where we also look
forward to enjoying our many
activities year-round.
Continued on page 2
Page 2
Continued from Pg1
Our Power Squadron remains one of the 10
largest within the United States Power
Squadrons, a distinction I am eager to maintain. One of the best ways we have success-
Did You Know
fully grown our organization is by encouraging our members to recruit their fellow boating friends. I would ask each of us to recall
how friendships and the desire to meet new
boating friends helped bring us into this
organization. That enthusiasm is still our
greatest asset, so please remember that
members recruiting members remains the
best way to grow our squadron and keep us
the healthy and growing organization we all
want to be. Tell your friends about our
squadron: we are always looking for new
members and they just might want to “JOININ” and share the great experience so many
of us have had within our organization.
In closing, I want to encourage each of you
to “JOIN-IN” and make our 2012 season the
best ever!
Cdr. Keith Kask, AP
Many thanks to squadron member Pat
Joyce, Cliff Schmidt, Dan Goldman and Don
Duncan. Pat, Cliff and Dan worked to replace our aging Automated External Defibrillator (AED) with a state-of-the-art new MEDTRONIC AED.
As you know, AED’s can make the difference
between living to tell about a heart attack—
or not. We are pleased to have this lifesaving piece of equipment on the premises of
Streater Cove and wish to thank all involved
for acquiring and maintaining this equipment.
ALSO: Dr Don Duncan has re-supplied our
AED cabinet with both child and adult EpiPens (epinephrine), an autoinjector used to
treat life-threatening allergic reactions in
children or adults. These pens are only to be
used by adults on themselves or by parents
on their affected children.
having this medicine injected must receive
immediate medical care.
Congratulations Graduates
Congratulations to the following who passed
the Seamanship, Piloting and Advanced
Piloting courses during the past Minnetonka
Power Squadron education season. Piloting
was taught during the autumn of 2011 and
Advanced Piloting and Seamanship during
winter, 2012.
Remember, we are on an island—and when
seconds count, the Sheriff’s Water Patrol
may be minutes away; better to call 911
while you make an immediate departure to
the Excelsior City docks and let them know
what your arrival boat will look like.
Don Duncan, JN
James Nelson, Jr.
Scott Snyder
Curtis Wynkoop
Scott Clausen
Thomas Delacy
Lawrence Gartner
Jeffrey Hall
Gregory Hunsaker
Shawn Jacobson
Thomas Nicol
Rick Schwein
James Nelson, Jr.
Kevin Shutes
Jon Thornberg
Curtis Wynkoop
Advanced Piloting:
Jeff Wirth
Please congratulate these individuals the
next time you see them. Hopefully, beginning October, 2012, the number of members
taking advanced courses will increase. Remember, boating education is the primary
purpose of USPS.
Jeff Zoss
Fireworks at Streater Cove
Cdr. Keith Kask, AP
As we approach the 4th of July holiday: A reminder to all members and guests:
Issue #4
Jul - Aug 2012
Page 3
Merit Mark Opportunities—Help Needed
Tina Langhans, AP
The parades are all scheduled and we are in desperate need of volunteers. Below is the parade schedule.
Talk with your fellow boaters and encourage them to help out!
*Mound - Sat July 21st. — Captain Mike McFadden
If you can help at the parade or are
interested in being a Parade Captain
please contact:
*Shakopee Derby Days Sun Aug 5th. — Captain Needed
Marshall Weber, 952-472-7220
*Long Lake - Sat Aug 11th — Curt Wynkoop
On The Water Training - a Success
Roger Damlo, Tim Levens, Christine Gay, (St
Paul Squadron), participated in the Practical
On the Water Seminar, while John Raby
finished up the on the water part of his
Inland Navigator Certificate.
Instructor Art Mollica, (St Paul Squadron),
lead the group through a 2 hour classroom
presentation and then off to the lake for
boat handling training. Students learned
how to do slow and high speed maneuvers.
Pictured standing L to R;
Roger Damlo, S
John Raby, AP
Tim Levens, AP
Seated in front L to R;
Christine Gay
Art Mollica, N
John Raby, AP
Everyone agreed the seminar was valuable
for novice and experienced boaters alike. It
was interesting to actually see a better way
to maneuver your boat. It was also a lot of
fun especially doing the high speed slalom
course and emergency stop. Watch for
more on the water activities to come.
Additional photos can be found at;
Page 4
“Fitting Out” Event Thank You
Admin. Officer - LuAnne Opstedal, P
The Minnetonka Power Squadron wishes to thank the following businesses that contributed to our 2012 “Fitting
Out” Event. Their generous donations helped raise over $1500. Please support them to show your appreciation!
Old Log Theater - Excelsior
Maynards Restaurant - Excelsior
Thyr Ingenuity - Rod Thyr
Tonka Bay Marine - Tonka Bay
Floyds Bar - Victoria
Dock & Lift - Spring Park
Wayzata Marine - Wayzata
Scotty B's Restaurant - Mound
Lampert Lumber - Mpls
Canvas Works - Montrose
Fitness 19 - Shorewood
Continental Diamond
Anchor Construction
Jubilee Foods - Mound
Blue Point - Wayzata
Bayview Event Center - Excelsior
Permatop - Mound
Water Park of America - Bloomington
Sheridan West - Minnetonka
All in 1 Fitness - Mound
West Marine - Minnetonka
True Value Hardware - Mound
Parkview Golf Course
Ship's Store - Mtk Power Squadron
Al & Alma’s Supper Club - Mound
Issue #4
Jul - Aug 2012
Page 5
Vessel Examiners Needed
Scott Snyder, P
Welcome to the 2012 boating season! Once
again, I have volunteered to head the Vessel
Saftey Check campaign this year. This will be
my 6th year at doing this. We currently
have 9 certified Vessel Examiners (VE's) in
the squadron and are looking for volunteers
who are interested in becoming one. It's a
great way to help you earn a merit mark.
Power Squadrons or the US Coast Guard
Auxiliary. You will also make certain recommendations and discuss certain safety issues
surrounding safe boating.
A Vessel Safety Check is a courtesy examination of a boat (Vessel) to verify the presence
and condition of certain Safety Equipment
required by State and the Federal regulations. The Vessel Examiner is a trained specialist and is a member of the United States
You can also find more information about
the Vessel Safety Check (VSC) program at
the following link:
Scouts Visit Streater Cove
Let me know if you have an interest and I'll
be happy to answer any questions. You can
reach me at 612.206.2945 or e-mail at;
Dave Fine, S
If you were out at the Island between the 11 and 13 of May you may have
noticed a large contingent of boys camping in well-organized tents out in our
field. These were 24 boys and a half a dozen adult leaders from Boy Scout
Troop 409 which is chartered by St. John’s in Excelsior. This is the second year
in a row our Squadron has sanctioned the event, and it was a great success! The
boys had the chance to work on their Motor Boating and Fishing merit badges
which included a two hour class on boating safety and general rules provided by
our Education Officer Jeff Schott. They were also able to catch, clean, and eat some tasty fish caught from the Island. The weather was beautiful
in stark contrast to the tornado the prior year that touched down in Stubbs Bay. As an Eagle Scout myself I am a firm believer in the program. The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation's largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness. For over a century the BSA has helped build the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with
fun. Did you know our Commander is an Eagle Scout and a former leader of a Boy Scout Troop? Jeff Schott is also an Eagle Scout. You may or
may not know that we have had a couple of Eagle Scout projects on the Island. The retaining wall behind the pavilion and the steps from the
pavilion to the bathrooms were installed by a Troop. The fence surrounding the grassy area by the bathrooms was a separate project. It’s great
to see our Squadron supporting this organization and I hope that we can partner with the Scouts on future events. I want to personally thank the
Executive Committee and Island Manager for their support and I also want to thank Jeff Schott for taking the time to put on a great class!
Page 6
New Member Spot Light
Admin. Officer - LuAnne Opstedal, P
The Minnetonka Power Squadron is pleased to welcome our new members for 2012! Next time you see them please take the time to introduce
yourself and help them get acquainted with everything the US and Minnetonka Power Squadrons have to offer.
Welcome Everyone!
Natalie & Mason Powers
Chuck Schafer
The Powers live in Mound, they love dogs and their boat named
"Seven Sunsets". Mason was drawn to the Minnetonka Power Squadron because of his interest in all aspects of boating. Mason enjoys
scuba diving, golf, gardening, tennis and camping. His wife Natalie
shares many of the same interests. They both work in the field of
computer graphics. It will be fun getting to know this couple who
belong to many organizations and love sharing their time with others.
Chuck lives in Edina and has a boat named " Unwind"! He is a past
member who had to sell his last boat due to a job change. He is back
because he likes this organization and is planning on staying to keep
improving his boating skills. Chuck has great education and training
skills which we can use in many areas. One of his most exciting boating adventures was a trip to Lake Superior for salmon fishing. We're
glad you're back Chuck!
Jason De Pauw
Jason and his wife Bri live in St Paul and are happy to be bringing their boat "Raising The
Bar" to Minnetonka. As you might guess, Jason is a Lawyer. The De Pauw's visited the
Island with Ann and Mitch Madson and liked what they saw. They are looking forward to
meeting other boaters and believe that practicing safe boating is the way to set a good
example. They were found sitting around the campfire looking very comfortable listening to the "Knot Workin' Band" and Jason said he had hoped for something like this.
Check Us Out On The Web!
Continued on page 7
Issue #4
Jul - Aug 2012
New Members
Page 7
Continued from page 6
James Walters
Rod & Judy Mattson
Rod and Judy are returning members that live in Plymouth and are
avid water skiers. They love many sports from water and snow skiing
to roller-blading. Traveling is another passion as is boating. Judy is a
retired school teacher and Rod is anxious to retire to enjoy their many
endeavors. They love to contribute and are part of an organization
where they mentor children, "PWP", Parents With Purpose. They
look forward to getting involved with kids events. Welcome Back!
TonkaNAUTS Articles
James and his wife Cindy live in Chaska and have two boys, Charlie
and Ben. Jim's first contact with our squadron was when he volunteered with Jeff Schott to do lake clean up. Jim loves to boat, fish,
golf and hang out with others who enjoy the same thing. He became
a boat owner at the age of 20 and from there on skied almost every
day, barefoot even! He has been a member in many organizations
working with scouts, the Lions, and also served in many officer positions. Jim loves to be a chef and is ready to share his talents with us.
Crank up the grills!
We’re always looking for interesting and informative articles for the TonkaNAUTS.
Remember the days when you did a book report?
It’s fun, easy and a great way to add to your merit mark requirements.
What topics can I contribute?
Safety Issues
Member Community and Civic Involvement
Member Gatherings
Member Event Coverage
General Boating Topics (New Products, Maintenance Tips)
Nautical Trip and/or Vacation
Article submissions in MSWord format or typed in the body of an e-mail
Photo submission in .JPG or .TIF files only, not imbedded, (copy & paste), in the body of an e-mail
Please remember to include a photo of yourself along with your article.
Page 8
Shrimp Fest
Karen Christenson, S
Annual Shrimp Fest 2012
When: 21 July
Social Hour: 1700 Dinner: 1730-?
How does the Shrimp Fest work?
* 3 pots are prepared at a time (40 minutes)
* 3 tables are served at each seating so your seating may be after 1730
* 10 people at a table. Groups will be accepted only if the exact head count is 10.
* When you check in, you will be assigned to a numbered table. Table numbers for
serving order will be drawn randomly – please be ready to eat when your table
number is called!
Shrimp – Corn – Kielbasa – Cooked HOT & SPICY!
Registration Deadline: 17 July
# Participants
Adults $25.00
Children (age 10 & under– hot dog/chips) Free
_____ x $25 =
_____ x $0 =
Children (10 & under - shrimp) $10.00
x $10 =
Late Fee per person (if received after 7/11) $5.00
_____ x $5 =
Total Enclosed $ ______
Check Payable to: Minnetonka Power Squadron
Mail RSVP to:
Gaddes/Christenson, 15901 Nursery Dr, Minnetonka, 55345
Questions? Contact Karen Christenson 612-280-9951 or
Contact me to help with:
Set up____
Clean up_____
Food transport to island______
Phone: ______________________________________ Email:______________________________________
Issue #4
Jul - Aug 2012
Last Horizon
Page 9
Helen Duncan, AP
October 2, 1949 - June 1, 2012
Linda was the daughter of H. Vernon "Bud" and Margaret "Peggy" Lien. Bud was a charter member of the Minnetonka Power Squadron. I've
heard that early members' children such as Linda were dubbed "Island Rats".
Linda joined the Minnetonka Power Squadron in 1993 and served as Secretary from 2002 to 2006. Despite numerous serious health issues related to her many years of diabetes Linda was never one to seek pity. She fought all that was in her path courageously with determination and
the "I will beat this" attitude. She always wanted to be active. Linda served the Squadron well, being meticulous about every detail according to
Linda is survived by her husband, Jay, of 40 years, daughter Christine, son Taylor, sister Julie Loos and precious dog Shilo.
Rest in peace, dear friend.
You could always find Bear guarding the water faucet for your safety by dock one. He also did a great
job holding up the stump and seldom did you hear a peep out of him. Bear was a rescue dog that won
the lottery when he was adopted by Bob Mueller. Bear was also one of the first words Eric and Denise
Schmidt’s boys first learned to speak. He will be missed by all!
Summer of Fun, Upcoming Streater Cove Events
Save the Date!
Don’t Miss Out!
Wednesday, July 4th
Island Breakfast - 0830hr to 1100hr
Pot Luck - Social Hour 1700hr, Eat at 1800hr
Saturday, July 21st
Shrimp Fest!
Sunday, July 22nd
Island Breakfast - 0830hr to 1100hr
Saturday, August 4th
Caribbean Night! Music by: The Reggae All Stars
On The Water Activities
John Raby, AP
Come join your Minnetonka Power Squadron friends for a fun day of on the Water Activities.
Test your navigation skills when you participate in The Lake Minnetonka Predicted Log Event.
Join in the fun in the afternoon when the squadron hosts a member star raft. After the fun and challenge of creating the raft, enjoy appetizers
and relaxing and just hanging out at our squadron raft up party.
Mark your calendars. It all happens on Sunday August 26th. Look for more information in the Ebeacon and TonkaNAUTS.
Page 10
Boat Safety Week - Manning the Ramps
Steve Camp, S
A BIG Thank You to everyone who gave up their Saturday and/or Sunday morning to be part of Safe Boating this year. (some doing double shifts!)
And a special thanks to two of our members..… Our commander Keith Kask, who authorized the purchase of safety vests with printing on the back
“UNITED STATES POWER SQUADRON”. These were used during the safe boating event and will be used for many other events this year and for
years to come. The vests made it easier to meet and greet the public and potential new members and reflected a higher degree of professionalism. Thank you Keith. Also this year Tami Johnson created a super 3 fold brochure which we presented to potential new members. I had received many requests regarding having information to hand out about the Minnetonka Power Squadron during boat safety. Everyone was impressed with her work. Thanks again to Tamie Johnson for the investment in time, ability and creativity in putting the brochure together for us.
I would also like to report new at “the ramp” stories. We met many wonderful families and super anglers. However, this must have been where
the old saying started – you gotta write a book. If you want to reinforce the need for educating the public about the ABC’s of boating and safe
boating spend 2 or 3 hours at a boat ramp. This is the best event of the entire year - - - if the weather is good. The following photos are all the
great people that tried to advance the safe boating message. You gotta ask any of them for their stories……….
Thanks again for the time, effort and genuine concern to promote safe boating.
Al Gelschus & Merle Baumer
Brad Penrith
Kevin Shutes & Bruce Kelly
Barry Blievernicht
Cindy Thesing & Jane Camp
Marcus Krumpholz & Jeff Craig
Bonnie & Mark Hector
Jim Barnes & Dan Goldman
Richard Hascall & Dennis Caslavka
Continued on page 11
Issue #4
Jul - Aug 2012
Boat Safety Week
Page 11
Continued from page 10
Ron Wagner
Ship Store
Tammy & Dan Sinkel
Jane Camp & Paul Landgrebe
Did you know that we have an official Minnetonka Power Squadron Ship Store?
Choose from a wide selection of apparel including logos and custom embroidering.
It’s a great way to show off your boating spirit and support the squadron!
Check it out on the web at:
Page 12
Calendar Of Events
4 - Caribbean Night - 1800hr
“The Reagee All Stars”
5 - Island Breakfast - 0830 - 1100hr
4 - Island Breakfast - 0830 - 1100hr
Pot Luck - 1700hr
6 - First Friday - Bayside - 1630hr
11 - ExCom Mtg - 1900hr - Davannis
19 - Aquatennial Event
21 - Shrimp Fest - 1800hr
21 - Mound Parade
22 - Island Breakfast - 0830 - 1100hr
1 - ExCom Mtg - 1900hr - Davannis
5 - Shakopee Parade
10, 11, 12 - Summer Rendezvous, WI
11 - Long Lake Parade
26 - On the Water Events
3 - ExCom Mtg - 1900hr - Davannis
5 - First Friday - Bayside - 1630hr
2 - First Friday - ? - 1630hr
2, 3 - D10 Fall Conference
7 - ExCom Mtg - 1900hr - Davannis
1 - Pot Luck - 1700hr
2 - Island Breakfast - 0830 - 1100hr
5 - ExCom Mtg - 1900hr - Davannis
7 - 1st Friday-Lord Fletchers-1630hr
5 - ExCom Mtg - 1900hr - Davannis
7 - First Friday - Maaynard’s - 1630hr
16 - Chilli Cook Off & Vikings Game
3 - First Friday - Maynard’s - 1630hr
Classifieds Ads
40’ Lk Mtka covered slip available for lease in quiet, well
protected bay in Mound. Convenient off-street parking
with short walk to slip. Includes city water and power.
Contact Jack at or 612.387.2858
Treated wood dock with gray and white vinyl canopy for
sale. 24’ x 12’ "h" configuration with galvanized supports
and 3’ x 8’ treated wood sections. Used with 27’ boat.
Canopy fits over 1-1/4" pipe and is in excellent condition,
used one year. Will sell together or separately. Dock
$2000 or BO / Canopy $1400 or BO. Contact Mark Elias
at or 612.272.4874
We are pleased to announce that we will be offering free classified ads published in this space for members. The classified ads will be for boats
and boat related equipment only. This will be a great way to recycle some of your used boating items and give them a second chance to serve
others. How to submit a classified ad: Text: As an MSWord attachment or an e-mail only. Photo: High resolution JPG or TIF file only sent as an
attachment, do not embed, (copy and paste), into the body of an e-mail, it reduces the resolution. Send classified Ads to:
Issue #4
Jul - Aug 2012
Page 13
Bulletin Board
Assistant Officers
Dennis V. Caslavka
Asst. Administrative: John Raby, AP
Asst. Education: Don Duncan, JN
Asst. Secretary: Karen Buellesbach, S
Asst. Treasurer: Paula Harter, S
Flag Lieutenant: Karen Kask, S
Exec. Committee
For all your Remodeling and Handyman Projects
Ross and Tina Langhans
NET Work
Existing REAL ESTATE Sales
New Construction Sales
Buyer and Seller Representation
4716 Baycliffe Drive
Excelsior, MN 55331
TonkaNauts Editor: Jeff Hoffman, S
Nautical Humor
Don Duncan, JN
Phone: 952-474-8133
Member at Large: Julie Rice, S
Member at Large: Jeff Bellairs, S
Member at Large: Dave Fine, S
Member at Large: Dave Gilmore, S
Member at Large: Shane Burgeson, AP
Member At Large: Jeff Hoffman, S
Past Commander:* Rob Gaddes, P
Law Officer:* Greg Korstad, AP
(*Non-Voting Member)
Endowment Com.
D10/Cdr. Mike Skelley, AP
P/C Dennis Caslavka, P
P/C Dan Goldman, P
Lt Leif Chaffee, JN
Lt Steve Camp, S
Nominations Com.
P/C Jud Champlin, AP
Lt Helen Duncan, AP
Lt Ross Langhans, AP
P/C Bob Brown, AP
Rules Committee
P/D/Lt/C Bud Broekema, AP
P/Lt/C Dave Wiborg, P
P/D/C Jeff Hamilton, AP
Lt Dave Gilmore, S
Lt Greg Buellesbach, P
Lt Jonathon Held, AP
Audit Committee
Lt Tami Johnson, AP
Lt Pete Onstad, S
Lt Sandra Broekema, S
Issue #4
Jul - Aug 2012
Page 14
Active members must complete and return this form to receive the Streater Cove Island use (docking) stickers for 2012.
Island use is subject to the Island Rules and is at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Unit Amount
Docking Fee: Includes restroom access
Electrical Hook-up Fee: (Per Shore Power Cord) You will receive power box combinations
Wi-Fi Internet Fee: Contact Jud Champlin, 612.240.8100,
Late Fee: If form is received after May 1st.
Donation: Optional tax deductible donation towards retiring loans and future upgrades
Total Fees and Donations:
Send completed form and check payable to “Minnetonka Power Squadron” to: PO Box 453 - Excelsior, MN 55331
Minnetonka Power Squadron
PO Box 453
Excelsior, MN 55331
Public Boating Class Info. 612.253.BOAT