School Newspaper - G. Holmes Braddock


School Newspaper - G. Holmes Braddock
October 2012
New Academy
Program Slated
Brittany Bittikofer
There’s a new group of dogs
in town. Braddock is now a part of
a new magnet program called iPrep.
iPrep Academy is a
magnet program for incoming
“Every iPrep student will
get their own Mac laptop for
the school to do all their work,”
said Ivette Guzman, Braddock’s
iPrep Academy lead teacher.
iPrep is a program to help
students get ready for college.
iPrep is a 4 year academic plan.
*...Continued on Page 3*
Focus on
Saving the
Arts, BTV
Meet the Artist is back.
One student
begs: Let me be
a fatty.
Athletes of the
News......................Page 2-5
Opinions................Page 6-7
Focus.....................Page 8-9
Features.............Page 10-12
Sports................Page 13-14
Through the Lens...Page 16
3601 SW 147th Avenue Miami, FL 33185
October is Breast Cancer
Awareness Month
Volume 22 Issue 1
Men of Steel : Two Bra ddoc k
Students Survive Car Crash
Brittany Bittikofer
Two Braddock Juniors were involved
in a car crash on a rainy Tuesday. Alfredo
Mojena and Jose Diaz, both 16, have been in the
hospital since September.
"It was raining and Jose lost control
of the car and crashed against a palm tree," said
Alfre and Jose have been in the
hospital since September 11th. The day plays
over and over again in Alfre’s head.
"It hurt when I tried pulling my leg
out,” said Alfre. “I didn’t realize that it was
stuck until I looked down and couldn’t get out.
They had to use one of those saws to cut the car
in half.”
Alfre has many injuries since the
accident happened. He broke his pelvis in three
spots and broke his tibia. Also with the injuries
come a lot of surgeries.
“I've gone into surgery nine times for
my leg and had one surgery on my pelvis,” said
Alfre got seven staples on his right
knee, one on the side of his knee and two
screws on the back of his pelvis.
According to Alfre, Jose was hit
really hard in the head and suffered internal
Student Alfred Mojena resting at
Kendall Regional Medical Center after
surgery on his right tibia (calf bone)
and on his hip September 21st.
Photo by Brittany Bittikofer
bleeding in the head. Jose was recently moved
to Homestead Rehab Center after being in the
hospital for three weeks.
A lot of students were surprised when
they heard what had happened to Alfre and Jose.
“I was in shock,” said Cynthia Nugiel,
17, senior. “I couldn’t believe it was them who got
hit. I was extremely sad for days when I found
out.” The accident affected the close friends who
were around, who consider them family.
"When I found out what happened to
my boys, I just felt my heart sink," said Alejandro
Maestre, 17, senior, "I had my mom call their
mom to find out what happened cause they weren't
answering me and then going to see them in the
hospital was devastating."
Alfre and Jose have had many visitors at
the hospital.
“I feel really loved when I see all the
people that come to visit me on a daily basis,” said
Familiar faces help liven the mood. Alfre
laughs with them and says jokes and is just going
back to his normal self.
The boys are healing very quickly. Jose
has been speaking a lot more and socializing with
his friends and Alfre has been released from the
Bulldogs Win Again: Focused on District Title
body, the team was motivated support they need to pull hype continued to grow and but we slacked in the second
enough to get the job done. through with a win. "We the players continued to half," said Manuel Munoz,
Jorge Esquivel
Just hours before did pretty good, I did my prevail doing everything they 14, Freshman. Tight End. "We
SPORTS EDITOR the game the tension was job, stayed focused, and possibly could to get the win. played a very tough first half,
already in the air, everyone played hard to come out with "It was electric and and the second half we played
R o w d i n e s s , knew that this was one the victory," said Richard. all our friends and family there very sloppy, we did not play
to to support us," said Francisco well," said Coach Juan Torres,
craziness, spirit, and pride big nasty heated rivalry. those are a few words to Almost every word heard succeed the Bulldogs fought Ramirez, 17, Junior, Defensive Social Studies teacher, and
offensive cordinator
for Varsity football.
Homecoming was
With the exception
like. With a week of
of the second half not
non-stop surprises
being played well,
and spirit, Braddock
the Bulldogs were
students were ready
still able to come out
to show others a
on top and improve
little taste of what
their record to 1-4.
their Homecoming
"It gave my team
game would be like.
confidence that now
After a week known
they know what's a
to all students as the
win," said Chacon. With
wildest week of the
the much improved play
school year known
the Bulldogs showed
as Spirit Week, it was
during Homecoming,
time to really show
some Bulldog Pride.
confident that they
A f t e r The Braddock Bulldog Varsity Football team's defense hold back the Coral Park Rams
will regain their edge
starting off to a slow in their 35-20 win on September 27, 2012 at Tropical Park.
and be able to turn
start to the season at Photo By: Alejandro Matus
their season around.
a record of 0-4 the
"It'll definitely boost
Bulldogs would next have to around campus was about and triumphed through the End and Linebacker. " It was As
day first half arriving at half fun, and it was a good game." up our momentum and help
prepare for one of the loudest Homecoming.
games out there, Braddock's turned to night and the game time at a score of 28-0, As the final minutes came us keep winning and keep
game. got closer, students were but the game was far from to a close the roar of victory the title of District Champs,"
Traditionally, Braddock faces going all out and showing over as there would still be could be heard throughout the said Richard. With the rest
one of their biggest rivals their true Bulldog pride. another half to play, it was crowd, as the clock winding of the season winding down,
"I was excited, up to the players to maintain down to zero, the game the Bulldogs plan to make a
during Homecoming and that is Coral Park. After losing anxious to win and put focus. "I was surprised I was over and the Bulldogs push and prove they are the
the previous four games, the on a show for our fans," didn't expect many people had finally gotten their first team that they once were. "I'm
team was determined not said Richard Garcia, 17, to go to the game," said win of the season winning hoping last night's game will
to let their fans down, and Senior, Corner Back. With Jordan Chacon, 18, Senior, 35-20 against Coral Park. give us momentum to finish
"I think it went the season and give us another
with the tremendous support an uproarious environment Quarterback. With the game coming from the student like this, the players felt the soon coming to a close the relatively well in the first half, district title," said Torres.
The Braddock Times
Nadia Rullo
November, the tension is rising
between voters and candidates.
Many voters still do not know who
they're voting for. Some people
want to re-elect President Barack
Obama because of his stance on
the economy and health care.
"I'm not sure who I
want to vote for, but I'm leaning
towards Obama," said Jean Pierre
Cruz, 18. Senior. Obama's plan for
the economy is to add more jobs.
With the unemployment rate at
8.3%, Obama has already added
4.5 million to private sector jobs.
"I'm going to vote for
Obama because I think he's more
than Romney
Albert Ocejo,
H i s t o r y
With Obama's
health care
plan, more
A mer icans
will be able
i n s u r a n c e . Graphic by Google Images
Mitt Romney is the right
what circumstance a person is in, choice because of his ideas for
they'll still have access to medical health care and the economy.
"I plan on voting for
"I'm not sure who I'm Romney because I want him
voting for yet because I haven't to get rid of Obama's health
looked at the platforms of each care bill," said Ivan Martin, 18,
party," said Jacob Alicea, 18, Senior. Romney’s course of action
Senior. Other voters believe that to rebuild our economy is to
October 2012
reduce taxes, spending,
government programs.
"I'm voting for
Romney because I want
the economy to move
forward," said Maria
Martinez, FLVS teacher.
Romney's plan for the
economy is to increase
trade, energy production,
human capital, and labor
flexibility. For health
care, Romney plans to repeal and
replace Obama Care due to the
added costs and higher taxes. "I'm
a registered Republican so I'm
going to support my party," said
Tim Hackworth, History teacher.
Besides the two main political
parties, there are other political
parties campaigning in the 2012
The Libertarian party
is the third largest political
party in the United States. They
are dedicated to civil liberties,
personal freedom, a free-market
economy, and a foreign policy of
non-intervention, pace, and free
trade. Their 2012 candidates are
Gary Johnson, former Governor
of New Mexico, and Jim Gray,
former Superior Court Judge for
Orange County, California. The
Green Party of the United States
is dedicated to environmentalism,
non-violence, social justice, and
grassroots organizing. Members
of the Green Party are committed
to renewing democracy without
the support of corporate donors.
Their presidential candidate is Dr.
Jill Stein.
New Academy Makes Big Promises; iPrep Comes to Braddock
Continued from page 1
iPrep classes will be as if you are in a lounge. You will have your
section for classwork and another section for food, relaxing,
exercising and music playing. Photo by Google images
The Hoodie Hunt
Andres Gonzalez
Braddock Administration
is at it again, with the HoddieHunt kicked into full gear. Students
caught with a non-school color
hoddie will now be violating the
school's dress code policy.
A new addition to the
school's dress code policy, students
are now required to wear school
color winter wear. Jackets must be
a solid blue, white or gray color.
They can’t contain any lettering or
logo unless it’s a club or Braddock
issued jacket.
“I rather wear my own
jacket because it doesn’t really get
that cold in Miami and when it
does, it’s only for a couple of days,”
said Jose Gonzalez, 14, Freshman.
“It’s not worth the trouble of going
out and buying plain school colored
A lot of Braddock students
feel that this new dress code policy
is not necessary.
“I don’t think it’s a good
idea because we have enough dress
code rules and wearing our own
jackets is the only thing left that lets
us show our originality,” said Gaby
Miranda, 17, Senior.
Some students are
wondering whether or not this
new policy will be enforced like
the famous “Croc Watch” of the
2010-2011 school year. If caught
with a non-school colored hoodie,
students will be sent to SCSI
to pick up a Warning slip. The
second time you are caught, you
will receive a detention. If caught
again, you will be sent to SCSI for
the remainder of the day.
“The idea is to be united as
a school,” said Assistant Principal
Beatriz Jorva. “The principal
wants to be able to easily identify
Braddock students to avoid any
trouble and it will make it easier
with school colored jackets.”
There are some who
agree with the new policy. Some
think that it’s for the better.
"I think it makes students
look sharp and professional,"
said NJROTC instructor Johnny
Braddock Hoodies can be
purchased in the Activities Office
for $20 while a typical hoodie
from Champs, Foot Locker, or
Pacsun will cost you around $50.
“iPrep is definitely going
to expand within the next couple of
years,” said Guzman. “We’re going
to start off with 25 to 50 students
and 4 or 8 teachers.” iPrep can be a
very good opportunity for students
that are new to Braddock.
This can open many
doors for college,” said Veronica
Guiterrez, 14, Freshman. “It can
help out a lot and I find it really cool
how the program sounds and how
its going to work.”
Although some students
think this is a good opportunity,
others aren’t so happy about the
“I like my electives and
the way my schedule is, so going
into iPrep will change everything,”
said Veronica Bravo, 15, Freshman.
A couple of these teachers
will be English teacher Jorge Sosa,
and Social Studies teacher Jorge
“I will be teaching AP
world history,” said Server.
The teachers who will
be teaching the iPrep classes are
excited about it.
“I am definitely looking
forward to teaching iPrep classes.
I’m excited for the instruction
model as far as the flip model and
the academy,” said Sosa. “I’m also
excited for cross discipline where I
could be joined with a social studies
teacher or a math teacher, we could
explain two concepts that the kids
might not think will have a link
together and they will.”
Before the program starts,
physical changes to Building 5
must be made. Construction was
supposed to start in October and be
done by January.
Portables Gone,
Louis Pichardo
No more places for
little critters and students to
hide. The 41 outdoor portable
classrooms have been removed
and Braddock will now
have a new soccer field.
Braddock is also getting
two beach volleyball
courts for training and
"We had to take
the original project and
break it up into parts,”
said Assistant Principal
Eddie Medina. “The first
part was the removal of
the portables and then
the preparing of the
The ground for the new
soccer field will take six months
for it to be ready to play on. The
soccer field will have Bermuda
grass, which is the tough grass
that is used on golf courses.
When the grass is perfect, it will
be fenced in.
There are many plans
for the iPrep classroom setting.
There are no classrooms, no bells,
no industrial furniture. It’s Ikeafurnished. With exercise machines
and a café, they say its ‘like a
Starbucks meets Bally’s.’
Being in iPrep has its
advantages. There will be small
classroom settings, ability to
participate in traditional high school
activities, clubs, and athletics, and
also internship opportunities.
When applying for iPrep
you have to apply as if you’re
applying for Cambridge. You have
to go through an interview as well.
“iPrep is going to build up
like a franchise,” said Guzman.
The eligibility criteria for
iPrep are a 2.5 unweighted GPA,
2.5 average in conduct, no more
than 10 unexcused absences/tardies
for the past school year.
New Athletic
“I feel amazing because
we are actually going to have a
soccer field to practice on,” said
Andres Cotes, 17, Junior and
Soccer player. “Now we have a
chance to get farther in soccer.”
“I love it,” said Girls Soccer
Coach Jorge Server. “I think it
will help the football, baseball and
softball teams. The new field will
give us pride and a home field to
play on.”
A soccer field isn’t
the only new thing. Don’t
forget about the two new
beach volleyball courts.
“There is not
going to be a beach
volleyball team,” said
Volleyball and Softball
Coach Adanais Marcote.
“The beach volleyball
courts are going to be
used for training and
conditioning for the
volleyball teams but we
are still very limited
with only two courts.”
The new soccer field brings
recognition to the soccer teams.
“It feels good,” said Kristian
Schmidt, 17, Senior and Soccer
player. “It's like we are part of the
school now and I feel like we are
going to play much better."
"The new field
pride and a home
field to play on,"
Soccer and football
interrupt each other’s practices
because of the absence of a
soccer field. The soccer teams
mostly practice on the football
field.If they aren’t on the football
field, they are trying to get on the
baseball or softball field.
The Braddock Times
A Bite of Braddock Gifted
Alejandro Matus
Braddock's DJs, (L to R) Giuseppe Storniolo and Joel Salas at
the Homecoming pep rally getting the crowd pumped. Photo
by Louis Pichardo
Braddock Gifted Seniors
have been denied their gifted
courses and have been reassigned
to AP classes instead.
The Braddock Gifted Program has
run into a bit of an issue this year,
for the seniors at least. Typically,
the District wanted schools to offer
an AP Gifted course for gifted
kids. This year, Braddock decided
to offer an alternative to these
"There has been a
students opportunities to take
AICE, Cambridge, AP, and Dual
Enrollment classes so that they
can get college credits, because
in the eyes of the State, there's no
difference between Gifted and
October 2012
of College
Honors courses," said Assistant
Principal Alan Soriano. "The only
difference is individual funding to
the school. Academically there is
absolutely no differencte."
Head of the gifted
department , Dr. Mary Monaco,
said that the gifted classes created
a huge scheduling problem for most
of the gifted seniors. The limited
choices of gifted classes meant
that they could only be taught
during a certain period and most
students were unable to obtain the
class because of other courses that
they're required to take so that they
can graduate.
"We have a strong 9th
grade gifted program; 10th grade, a
little bit, but not so much. Nothing
in 11th and 12th. No gifted classes,"
said Monaco. "The idea is, and when
I met with the students to explain,
they should go into advanced levels
like AP."
Gifted seniors aren't all
completely happy about the new
change with the gifted system.
"It's a disappointment
because in most of my classes, I'm
not being challenged to the highest
of my ability," said Maria Moreno,
17, Senior.
According to Monaco, the
gifted students will be checked up
on every so often to check that their
needs are being met.
"I agree with the change, because
AP is still an advanced class and
gifted is just a label, but still they
get the same results as the regular
AP students," said Nikki Uzquiano,
16, Junior. "But I don't think it's fair
that they get split up and get their
schedules messed up."
The Sound of Change: New Band
Award-winning band director, John Sacca is new to Braddock this year. He was previously at Paul W. Bell Middle School.
Photo by Manuel Muñoz
Mishael Tapia
Thanks to good planning,
when Band Director Mayra Cobia
decided to retire last year, she
already had someone learning the
ropes and ready to take over. This school year, music
teacher John Sacca, a familiar face
to some Braddock music students,
started his first year as a Bulldog.
Sacca was the band
director at Paul W. Bell Middle
School, where a lot of Braddock
students attended
Familiar faces and a
love of music made the transition
easy for Sacca. "I had him as my
music teacher in Paul Bell," said
Samantha Fernandez, 17, Senior.
"He's a really cool person with a
creative taste when it comes to
music. For our parent assembly, the
band played the Star Wars theme."
Sacca spent all of last
year shadowing Cobia during the
marching band season to get a
better idea of everything the job
entails. "There are new challenges
here," said Sacca, 36. "I feel like
I can get more accomplished at a
high school level personally and
professionally.” During his time
at the middle school, he managed
to take the band and orchestra
to the 2011 Orlando Music USA
competition. Each of the sections
were awarded first place.
Sacca studied at Boston's
Berklee College of Music, where
he earned his Bachelor's degree
in professional music. Then he
toured Puerto Rico with a band
working in CD distribution. After,
he returned to Miami where he
attended the University of Miami
and earned a Master's degree in
music education.
school in Boston, where he learned
how to play every instrument.
Already considered a
major accomplishment, Sacca has
been able to bring back the Bulldog
drum line. Also, there is now a
Beginning Band for the first time in
15 years with over 50 students per
class. Their theme for this year's
competition is Disney's Gargoyles.
"It's like a Disney
darkness. It's not too happy or
evil," said Sacca. "It sounds good."
The new director is looking
forward to all the competitions
including State and the Winter
The Braddock Times
Alumni Group Helps Raise
Money for Arts Program
Brittany Bittikofer
Adrian Damas
Once a Bulldog, always
a Bulldog. Thanks to a group of
Braddock Alumni, Braddock's BTV
Broadcasting Program might make a
comeback. In 2010, the school cut the
broadcasting program which aired
school news and videos during third
period. All the equipment needed to
be updated but there were no funds for
new equipment. The school decided to
end the program.
When former graduates
heard about the cut, they decided to do
something to help.
and Christina Vasquez teamed up
with other Braddock alumni, such
as meteorologist Lissette Gonzalez
from CBS4, to form a non-profit
organization called “Focus On
Tomorrow” to improve or create
programs that promote creativity such
as Braddock’s WBHS/BTV program.
The organization hopes to raise $80,000
with creative fundraising campaigns
and donations. The group sees the
importance of getting BTV back on
the air. “The TV program at Braddock
helped me gain an understanding of the
intricacies of producing a television
show," said Barroso, Director of Focus
On Tomorrow. For many of the alumni,
the Braddock TV program help build
the structure of their very own careers.
The fundamentals they learned here
helped them build a professional
foundation and with that experience
they carried on to where they are
now. Besdies Braddock, the group
also has another thing in common.
They were all broadcasting students of
teacher Karen Herzog. "One student,
Will Barroso, came to see me and
when I told him that Braddock didn't
have BTV anymore, they just came
together," said Herzog. "I'm very
proud that they're doing this after I
did this for them in school and it will
help your future." The purpose of
all the alumni coming together was
to create and improve programs that
promote creativity at the high school
level. So far, the hard work has paid
off. Four Sony Betacam SX cameras
have been donated by ABC7, a
Chicago news station and A TV set
from Univision. This donation allows
Braddock BTV students to have three
stationary studio cameras and one
field camera for interviews, profiles
and crowd shots.
The things that are still
missing for the BTV program are
cameras and editors. The folks at
Focus On Tomorrow put together a
Save The Concert held at Braddock
on September 13. The event was
hosted by CBS4 Meterologist
Lissette Gonzalez. Gonzalez was a
BTV student who graduated in 1994.
The school sold 166 tickets
for the concert. The bands that
performed were Mayday Garcia,
DJ Juan, Basshead and Power 96
mixer DJ Zog. If you had attended
the concert, you had the chance of
winning an iPad 2. "The concert was
awesome," said Timothy Szasz, 18,
Senior. "The set up was really cool,
like all the lights and the equipment.”
The group also hosted a “Save The
Arts” dinner and movie on September
12th held in Coconut Grove and
hosted by Christina Vasquez from
Channel 10. Focus On Tomorrow was
recently recognized by the MiamiDade County School Board for their
efforts. They have another event
scheduled for November and will
be held in Key Biscayne. You can
view their progress, make a donation,
contact them and look at upcoming
events on their website - They hope to be
able to reopen the program by the
upcoming year of 2013-2014.
Top: ¡Mayday!
(an Underground
Hip-Hop group)
gave an amazing
performance at
the benefit concert.
Photo By Alejandro
Bottom: Power 96
DJ Zog played a
20 minute set at
the benefit concert
that had students
jumping out of their
seats and dancing. Photo By Alejandro
October 2012
S P O T L I G H T:
Top Left: New teacher, Elynn Gayol enjoys making jewelry out of a metallic wire. Photo by
Brittany Bittikofer. Bottom Left: Some of her creations include necklaces, a pair of earrings
and a bracelet. Photo by Louis Pichardo. Right: Gayol loves to find interesting ways to teach
literature classes. Photo by Vanessa Barrera
Nadia Rullo
For Elynn Gayol, teaching
was an instant love connection. "I
actually became a teacher on a dare
by my mom," said Gayol, 38. She has
been teaching for 9 years, 7 of them
were in high school and 2 were in
middle school.
"I taught at Coral Park for six
wonderful years and two of middle
school," said Gayol. "I have only
taught at 3 schools in my career and I
cannot say I prefer one over the other.
I will tell you that I prefer teaching
high school Eniglish." Before all this,
Gayol graduated in 1992 from Coral
Gables Senior High School. Gayol
has never been the quiet type of
person. She was extremelly involved
in activities in school.
She was in Theatre, Thespain
Honor Society, Dance, French Honor
Society, National Honor Society, Key
Club, Italian Honor Society (because
of a hot guy), Student Council,
Student Government and Chorus.
Many teachers believe that teaching
the traditional way is the right way
but Gayol uses a more unconventional
"I love, not only teaching English
Literature, but giving students the full
experience of learning by teaching
them history, life lessons, and current
events," said Gayol. "I like keeping
kids engaged like making stop motion
films of Shakespearean plays to comic
books for Beowulf.” The majority of
her students enjoy the way she teaches.
"She's an awesome teacher and has a
very unique way if teaching," said
Pedro DeJesus, 17, Senior. Before she
decided to become a teacher, Gayol
worked in mid-upper level management
for T-Mobile for 10 years.
"My mother suggested that I
switch careers and go into teaching. It
was the last thing on Earth I wanted to
do and after a year, I fell in love with
it." Gayol went to University of Miami
and Florida International University.
She has a Major in Pre-Law and
English Literature and a Minor in
International Relations.
Teaching is not the only
job that Gayol has. "I teach spinning,
Yoga, Pilades, Zumba instructor and a
jewelry designer. Becoming a teacher
has been a very rewarding experience
for Gayol.
"I love teaching because it is
my passion," said Gayol. "I absolutely
love watching my students grow over
the years and enjoy hearing how their
experience in my class helped shape
them into amazing adults. Teaching to
me is priceless."
The Braddock Times
Author Helps Student Writers Get
a Head Start on Writing Stories
1. October 24- Drama show
2. October 24- Annual SPED fair
Brenda Rodriguez
Author Louis Lowy has
always had a skill for knowing how
to express his creativity and now he’s
helping Braddock students do the same
On November 19th, the
author will meet with students to
critique their original stories and
Lowy went from a lyrical
writer to a hit writer of a sci-fi
novel, Die Laughing. Braddock Media
Specialist Karen Herzog planned the
“I’ve always loved literature
and had a knack for writing, though I
didn’t write stories too much. I play
the bass guitar and have spent a major
portion of my life in original bands.
Nearly always, I was the lyricist for
the various groups, so I was always
writing. About five years ago I started
drifting away from the music scene. I
felt it was time for me to do things on
my own, and either rise up or fall on
my face. I took a few writing classes.
During this period I wrote several short
stories. Eventually I was accepted into
the MFA Creative Writing program at
Florida International University,” said
Students look forward to
October 2012
3. October 25- Early Release
4.October 29- Grading period ends
5. November 5-6- Cap and Gown
Michael Soriano and Natali Andres discussing their stories in
prepartion for the seminar. Photo by Cynthia Nugiel
having their work read by a published
“I like to read new things when
I write and I like to create new worlds
where people can lose themselves into,”
said Michael Soriano, 14, Freshman.
“I like to write mystery, even though
I’ve never written a apocalyptic story
before.” The students are excited to get
the help that they'll receive from Lowy.
“It will help me see what’s wrong and
how to fix it and gives me an outside
point of view, since the stories are a
part of me, I cannot know if there good
or not,” said Natali Andres, 15, junior
Both of these aspiring writers
talk enthusiastically about their stories.
“My story is called Dark Stone and is
about a team in a ship during a time
of hardships and war in outer space,
as they battle sea creatures of an alien
race,” said Michael. Natali’s story is
a little bit more mysterious. It’s about
magic and dragons. “My story is called
Marisa’s Gem, a story about a princess
with a gem powered by a contract
between the royal family and an ancient
dragon," said Natali. "The dragon is
dying and now she must go out to find a
new dragon to make a contract."
6. November 6- Election day
7. November 12- Veteran's Day
8. November 19- Senior
Panoramic picture
9. November
The Braddock Times
October 2012
Lunch Lane
Students have different opinions about the new 'express lane' in the
cafeteria. Photo By Manuel Muñoz
Claudia Rodriguez
As you may have noticed
from the slower paced lunch line,
there is now a new line in the
school cafeteria called the 'Express
Lane' for which you need a picture
ID to get your meal quicker.
While this may seem like
a good idea for some, particularly
for underclassmen, us seniors who
don't have
our IDs
until later
on in the
year, have
as usual
with the
o n l y
difference being an extended
waiting period due to one of
the lines now being used for the
Express Lane. We could use our
IDs from previous years, but not
all of us may still have them or
have lost them.
"I used to hate lines and now
it's less dreadful." said Joyce Caba,
15, sophomore who is raking in
the benefits.
But now even the benefits
aren't so beneficial, because other
than just blocking up the regular
line, the Express Lane itself is
getting congested.
"The systems initial
success became its own downfall,"
said Igor Assumpicao, 17, senior.
"At first there was a reward to
your ID
on you but
now since
eve r yone
is using it,
it ends up
clogg i ng
up the line
itself and
perpetually slowing down all the
Either way, the cafeteria line
remains as long as ever just with
some new features-or possibly just
more blocks to getting your meal.
Blessing or curse, it's something
we all must deal with now.
"It ends up
clogging up the
line itself."
Who says the guy needs
to be the one wearing the pants in
the relationship? Why can't it be the
girl? This can be a problem for some
The guy always assumes right away that they have
all the authority in the relationship. Well, sorry to break it
you, but us girls are the ones wearing the pants in most of
the relationships. We tell you what you can and can't do,
we are the ones who make all the decisions, and we are
the ones who put our foot down and make the rules.
On rare occasions will you hear that the guy
has the girl so whipped that they attend and listen to
their boyfriend’s every need. The guys want to be so
sure that they wear the pants in the relationship, that
they will fight over and over again just get it "right"
in their terms.
Guys need to stop being in denial when
the decisions up to the man anyway.
We have to approve of what she wears,
where you go to eat and believe it or
it comes to relationships. When their so called "friends" called
not the woman ALWAYS wants your
them whipped cause they actually listen to their girlfriends. It's
not called being whipped you idiots, it's called actually having
Now I’m not telling you to
respect for your girlfriend.
go out and push your girl around like
When you actually sit down and think about it, the woman
a hooker or some slave. Treat your girl
does so much more than the man. We work, clean, pay bills,
with some tender, love and care. Love
take care of the kids, push out the kids, but yet they won’t say
her and respect her just like she does
that we wear the pants in the relationship. Guys need to stop
with you. On my end, I believe in the
being so naive.
relationship the partners should each
If your woman wears the pants in the relationship, guys don't
wear one leg of the pants or at least have
take it as a bad thing and don't make fun of those guys who
your parts, but never let her take full
don't mind.
Designed by: Louis Pichardo
Don't like these opinion stories ? Tell us at
Did you love them ? Good, if you would like to give us ideas on what we should write about
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New "no hoodie and only uniform color
sweaters rule" as school
Alfredo Mojena and Jose Diaz getting better
after the accident
No more Papa John's
at lunch
Students expressing an interest in
politics this upcoming election
Guys, let me tell you something.
You are the ones who wear the pants in
the relationship. Why should the woman
even be in charge? We are the ones who
have to propose and ask her out to prom
and we are also the ones who have to start
the relationship. Now, tell me again, why
the women should wear the pants in the
The male is the one who everyone
respects and that’s one of the number one
reasons that men go up in management a lot
faster than a female. The girl leaves most of
Braddock Alumni coming together
to raise money for BTV
Overpriced Ultra tickets.
General admission $380
The school becoming a Destination
school due to the Arts department
Finally getting rid of the
empty portables
All the block schedule
because of testing
Homecoming tickets being
Removing all the
"yummy" food in the
vending machines
The Braddock Times
What’s Going On With the Arts?
instead of reading out of a book or off
of a virtual school computer screen.
been made are more advance placement
and fewer art classes. We think if they
are going to call Braddock a
‘Destination School for the
became a Destination
Arts,” then shouldn’t there be
School for the Arts
more art classes? Don’t claim
to be an art school and then cut
barely have any art
half of the art curriculum. The
classes. Where are
students of Braddock should
our art classes? Since
have more art classes. We
we are now a magnet
should be offered a creative
school for the arts,
option for one hour a day in
along with the i-prep
an art class. At this point, art
magnet, it means that
is fading and leaving us to
the school gets a huge
these boring history and math
budget increase from
classes. Focus on Tomorrow
the big wigs up in
is a non-profit organization,
Tallahassee. So we
organized by former Braddock
find ourselves asking Students were asked what art class they felt should be
students who are trying to save
each other, where brought back to Braddock. Photo by
the arts programs at Braddock
does all that money
by attempting to bring back
go? Why haven't the art classes that We raised all this money BTV. We need that and much more.
were removed been brought back?
for the arts yet we are not seeing any But what does that say about
Braddock has the typical changes. These classes give students our system? Our own administration
art classes that include drama, band, the opportunity to express and represent won’t find the money to fund something
and regular 2D art. The students are themselves. If we have such a small like the Arts. If we want these classes,
screaming for art classes yet we're stuck budget that as led us to cut these we have to raise the money ourselves?
in other electives. The student body other art classes, then how did all We need a change in our
wants to have a chance to be inspired the administrators end up with new school. Our school needs more colors
and set their minds free and create art iPads? The only changes that have besides blue, white and gray.
Basic Math Frustrations For Seniors
Nadia Rullo
Last March, Braddock
Juniors were forced to take the
PERT. Now, the majority of seniors
are paying the price in a class called
Math for College Readiness.
The PERT is a customized
placement test for Florida students.
The purpose of the PERT is to
accurately place students in classes
based on their skills and abilities. If
you score low on the PERT, you’re
probably stuck in this class which
teaches you the basics of math. “Math
for College Readiness includes
arithmetic like adding, subtracting,
dividing, and multiplying and it
goes all the way up to Algebra 2
and Pre-Cal,” said America Rivera,
Math teacher. Many seniors who are
taking this class complain that it’s
not challenging enough because it’s
teaching the basics of math.
“I’m learning things that I
was taught in elementary and middle
school,” said Agustin Marcio, 17,
Senior. “It’s a waste of my time.” The
purpose of this class is to prepare
students for college math but it feels
like the teachers are babying us with
basic math skills and what makes
it even worse is that the majority
of students don’t take this class
“I don’t see any purpose of
taking this class,” said Eduardo
Valero, 18, Senior. It feels like no one
in Braddock cares about this class.
They say this class will prepare us for
college but it feels like more of a class
I can just sleep in.
“I see that students want to do
well but they don’t know how to go
about it,” said Rivera.
I believe that this class is
useful for students that don’t have a
clue about anything in math. It’s a
waste of time for students that have
passed and done well in previous
math classes.
A Bite of Braddock
October 2012
The Braddock
Times Staff
Brittany Bittikofer
Alejandro Matus
Louis Pichardo
Nadia Rullo
Andres Gonzalez
Jorge Esquivel
Manuel Muñoz
Carlos Monzon
Adrian Damas
Claudia Rodriguez
Brenda Rodriguez
Jessica Nicaragua
Claudia Solis
The Braddock Times comes out five times this year.
For advertising information call: (305) 225-9729. If you
would like more information, email us at We accept all signed 'Letters
to the Editor.'
Our Mouth, Our Choice
Louis Pichardo
Obesity should be our
choice not the schools’. Our
vending machine sweets have
been taken
away. Our
lunch juice
is not its
regular size
everything is changing. Braddock
has taken away our sweets and
our fatty foods.
Where are the ice cream
and Scooby Snacks and the rest of
our sweets? Why do we have to
be healthy? A lot of you might be
asking yourself these questions
and you might feel like the only
one. You aren’t alone, there are a
bunch of people who miss the ice
cream and Scooby snacks.
“I think it sucks,” said
Francisco Rodriguez, 17, Senior.
“Not everybody likes lunch and
now the people can’t really eat
anything else during school.”
Some kids are complaining
and some are saying it’s good for
them taking
Jackie Perez,
the st udent
population has bad eating
So should we be happy
that they are trying to help us or
should we still be upset about our
sweets being taken away and the
fact that we didn’t even have our
say in it?
“I think they should let the
students have a choice,” said Sally
Ruskin, English teacher. “They
should leave some sweets but,
split with the healthy snacks.”
"They should leave some sweets."
Anthony Lopez, Senior, having fun during lunch showing off his school spirit.
Photo by Brittany Bittikofer
Spirit W
This year's Homecoming and Pep Rally theme was 'Alice in
Wonderland.' Spirit Week consist of different themes each day. It
started on September 24 th through September 28 th . The first day was
Superhero Day, then it was Rock 'N' Roll Day, No school on Wednesday,
Spirit Day on Thursday and then Sports Jersey Day on Friday.
Best Dressed
Photos By: Brittany Bittikofer, Louis Pichardo, Alejandro Matus, Cynthia Nugiel, Manuel Muñhoz
Page designed by: Brittany Bittikofer
Week 2012
The Braddock Times
Left: The Antics band pose for their main page picture. Right: The Wilkes Oswald caught off guard in
Coldstone getting a midnight snack. Photo By Antics and Wilkes Oswald
Claudia Rodriguez
somewhere and for some locally
successful bands, the journey started in
the halls of G. Holmes Braddock.
Freddy Flores, a 2011
graduate is currently the bass player
for Wilkes Oswald-a band consisting
of only former Braddock students
which include Enrique Hidalgo, also
of 2011, Leonardo Bernardi and Shaun
Rodriguez, both class of 2010. Bass
wasn’t always Freddy’s instrument,
however. In Braddock marching
band, he was the drummer since his
sophomore year.
“They already had a drummer
and were in need of a bassist, so I just
started to play bass,” said Freddy. “I’m
honestly more in love with drums but
I love the bass as well. Either way, we
couldn’t ask for a better drummer than
The band wouldn’t have come
together if it wasn’t for Braddock. Even
though they became friends at school,
none of them had the idea to become a
band if it wasn’t for a certain teacher at
“The first time any of us
played together was at a special show
for Solis’ birthday,” said Rodriguez,
who does vocals and guitar. “We
sucked, we still do, but because of that
show we started jamming together
more often and trying to make songs.”
Wilkes Oswald is a self
proclaimed ‘stadium rock’ band with
much to look forward to. They are
currently in the studios working on
a full-length album named ‘A Space
“When we started as a band,
we set out to explore as many genres
and styles as we possibly could so
you can find everything from heavy
rock to indie acoustic to everything
in between,” said Bernardi, who is the
guitarist and vocalist.
A little further down
Braddock’s history, two graduates are
making a name for themselves in an
indie post-rock band called Antics.
Javier Cuarezma, who plays drums and
Gabriel Valdes who plays bass both
graduated in 2009. Though it was long
ago, their time at Braddock has not
been forgotten.
“In high school, I was in
band class all four years playing
clarinet. I was also in marching band
all four years, playing clarinet and
snare drum,” said Valdes. “It inspired
me to pursue music after Braddock.”
Currently, the band is recording their
3rd EP and have plans to go on tour.
They have high hopes of being signed
to Topshelf Records. But they have
discovered that having their dream
come true was not as easy as they had
thought earlier.
“Being in a band for high
school was strictly for fun and day
dreams of being a rock star. Now in
college, it takes a more livelihood
aspect. I want this band to succeed,”
said Cuarezma. “The day dreams I had
in high school are still there but it’s
taking on a more realistic form. I don’t
care about being a rock star, just a great
If you like this story and want to have your band featured in a story, email thebraddocktimes@ with your information. If you are an artist and have any art work or any talent
that you would like to show us or showcase, email The Braddock Times with your name.
Meet The Artist
Meet Zuriel Gonzalez, a Braddock senior with a passion for drawing. At only 17,
Zuriel already has tons of experience and hundreds of drawings under his belt. He started
drawing in the 7th grade. At first it was just a hobbie to pass the time, but as friends
encouraged him to pursue drawing it became more serious. Some of his influences in
painting are Cj Draden, Tommy Castillo, and Jim Lee. Zuriel has taken art classes almost
every year as a student at Braddock, in fact he is switching into AP portfolio this year as a
senior. Even with all this talent in arts, Zuriel does not plan to make a career out of it. He
plans to go into the field of medicine and studying therapy.
October 2012
The Braddock Times
October 2012
A Destination to Fame
Brittany Bittikofer
Braddock is always evolving
- trying to keep up with new education
trends. The newest addition is the
titleof being a Destination School for
Visual and Performing Arts. Drama
Teacher John Mezzano, is now head
of the Fine Arts Department since
Mayra Cobia retired. A few years ago
Braddock had a magnet program for
the arts, but funding was decreased
and it was removed. Now, a few
years later, Braddock has a visual
and performing arts program.
“I am extremely excited that
Braddock has become a ‘destination
school’ for the performing arts,”
said Magnet Program Director
Ron Ferguson. This offers many
opportunities for Braddock. Students
who are not in our school boundary
have the opportunity to get involved
with the Fine Arts department.
“It’s a good thing for this
school,” said Mezzano. “We are
trying to bring the school into
something that is trying to resemble
the 21st century.” Anyone can get
into the program this year who has
an interest in acting or singing. Since
Mezzano got news of the program
so late in the summer, they will try
and put everyone in the program
who has an interest. Mezzano likes
to say that Braddock is the “next big
thing” since the program is slowly
developing into a magnet program.
“Being a senior and the
program just opening up, is very
frustrating,” said Anthony Antunez,
17, senior. “Where was this program
3 years ago when I first came into
high school?” Not everyone feels
that way, though. “I’m glad that I
have time in the program, since I’m
not graduating anytime soon,” said
Ritchie Rodriguez, 16, sophomore.
“Being the only freshman last year
was lonely, but now I see a lot more
people getting into the program and
getting more involved and it makes
me happy.”
The program is going to
grow within a couple of years. “This
program is going to be great as long
as Jack and Mom are in charge of it,”
said Anthony.
Claudia's Pandora
Now that the music industry is going down the drain with its autotuned
kings and horrifically dressed queens who sing insane songs over purposely
catchy beats, it’s sad to admit how many forgotten gems are being left behind.
Some of the artists have paved the way for the ‘musicians’ of today and are
probably rolling over in their rock star graves at what has been charting the
Top 10 in recent years. Here are some artists who deserve some recognition
Then you'll like...
If you like...
Cat Stevens
Though completely unlike
Drake in any possible way,
I felt the need to make
this comparison because
one line of a Drake song I
frequently see on Facebook
and Twitter (They say your
first love is the sweetest,
but the first cut is the
deepest) is actually a Cat
Stevens’ song, named ‘The
First Cut is the Deepest’.
People frequently say that
Drake is emotional and
deep, and if that’s what
you’re looking for, you
can't get a better example
Songs to check out: "The First Cut is the Deepest", "WildWorld"
Black Sabbath
heads across the globe,
Slipknot is the biggest
baddest band. However,
try telling that to any real
metal head and they’ll
laugh in your face.
If you’re looking for
something hard, there is
no better band than the
Grandfathers of Metal,
Black Sabbath. This is
Ozzy before he became a reality show star and World of Warcraft
spokesman. This is Ozzy Osbourne at his biting the heads off bats best.
Songs to check out: "Iron Man", "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath"
Lady Gaga
David Bowie
out of the
Gaga is famous
for her brilliant pop
music, avant garde style
and gay rights advocacy.
Thirty-something years
earlier, this sounds a lot
like David Bowie. His
insanity and/or brilliance
sent shock waves through
the airwaves in the
1960s, being one of the
first male artists to put
on heels and a full face
of makeup. He’s also
famous for being a very
closet bisexual, but he can also be
Songs to check out: "Space Oddity", "Let’s Dance"
The Braddock Times
St udents
W here
Carlos Monzon
After returning to
school, most senior were busy
gossiping about the crazy summer
adventures and complimenting
each other’s senior crowns.
Although there were those who
were horrified to see that a couple
vending machines were removed,
to be exact, seven machines, this
includes the beloved ice-cream
October 2012
Empty Stomachs:
Left: The empty cages
that used to house the
vending machines.
Right: After many
years of having the ice
cream machine, the
removal of the vending
machine left its mark.
Photo By Manuel
This disappearance left
so many unanswered questions.
Where had they gone? Why
were they removed? Most of
all, who decided to get rid of
“How’s a girl supposed
to eat now?” Said Cynthia
Nugiel, 17, Senior.
As for what
happened to the machines, since
they belonged to a company, that
company has either taken them
back to storage or moved them to
A Bite of Braddock
George "Train" Knowles going up as the football
team captain calls up the players one by one during
the Homecoming Pep Rally. Photo by Louis Pichardo
another school that needed them. machines and took out the snacks
School Principal Manuel that were deemed unhealthy from
Garcia, explained that the removal the remaining vending machines.
it was getting rid of
carbonated drinks,
or candy full of
sugars, or fried chips,
the district decided
to push for healthier
was due to a District Directive nutrition in schools,” said Garcia.
to move for healthier schools. In
Not all students feel that
compliance with this directive this was a bad idea. Some feel that
they removed those seven this decision was for the best.
"How's a girl
supposed to eat?"
"I feel it’s a good move. The
school needs to have the health of
its students in mind, not just their
education,” said Johnny Gonzales,
17, Senior.
There are those who would
argue that it was a bad idea to
remove the machines just because
of a “silly” health push.
“If we’re old enough to
drive, we’re old enough to make
our own choices on what to eat,”
said Michael Vital, 17, Senior.
The Braddock Times
B o y s
Gets New
C o a c h
October 2012
T r i c k
Q u i t
Adrian Damas
As William Siegmeister
steps down from the throne of pins,
its time to let a new face emerge
allow them take a strike at it. This
year bowling has a new coach,
English Teacher Jorge Sosa.
Beyond the Star Wars
crazed mind and unique wardrobe,
Sosa is a fanatic of bowling.
“ I’m an avid bowler and I
use to work at a camp and I would
take the kids out bowling,” said
The new coach
extremely excited to be involved
in something other then parts of
speech and grammar, and looks
forward to competing with other
“ I saw the position open
and I wanted to get more involved
in the athletic department,” said
Sosa. “ I’m excited to go against
Coral Park because I was a Coral
Park alumni and I know the coach
Even as a rookie coach,
he is serious and has his mind set
to win.
“ The focus is to get to
states,” said Sosa.
He is most interested in
the more challenging ones.
“ There is an Invite-Only
tournament called GMAC, and we
are hoping to do well during the
season to get in,” said Sosa.
Sosa plans on practicing
about two or three times a week at
Bird Bowl doing about three basic
games each session to get the team
into GMAC and ready to compete
at state level.
“Sosa is a great guy,” said
Johnny Gonzalez, 17, Senior. “ He
actually does know about bowling.
I think he makes a great coach.”
Carlos Monzon
What an ironic situation, the
slow death of trick skateboarding in a
state where the “Ollie” was invented and
first made popular. Southern Florida
has seen a decline of serious trick
skateboarders, some who have given
up to chase more “realistic” dreams,
and some being pulled to the dark side
(referring to longboarding). Little by
little we have seen skaters come and
go, some of my personal friends have
given it up, which is sad, because in
a state where trick skateboarding was
I am speaking of the invention
of the “Ollie Air” by Alan Gelfand, a
resident of Florida since 1968. Now
to say that trick skateboarding was
invented here is a pretty concrete
statement. But of course due credit has
to be given to California for giving birth
to the first wave of skateboarders, who
pioneered vert skating; skateboarding
in empty round pools, commonly
referred to as “bowls”, and half pipes,
quarter pipes. and were the first to
develop “manuals” which is when
you balance on a set of two wheels
instead of all four, but without Alan,
skateboarding would still be a primitive
form of surfing, which is what it was
invented to simulate. You also can’t
forget about the legendary, Rodney
Mullen, the man who first popularized
“Ollies” on flat ground. Rodney Mullen
had single handedly created trick
skateboarding and all that it stands for.
He had taken things to the next level by
inventing the basic tricks that created
street skating, such as, the “magic
flip” which is now commonly referred
to as the kick-flip, the Impossible,
and the 360 Kick-flip. This revolution
had created free-style skateboarding,
aka, trick skateboarding. With such a
rich history in this skate culture, it is
a shame to see South Florida going to
waste, I remember going to Downtown
Miami to enjoy all the skate spots, one
in particular, the pyramid gap; a drop
into a pyramid sculpture right near the
bay. It seems all has gone to waste and I
am not the only one to think so.
“No one skates anymore,
that’s a big no-no, it seems that the
only reason people used to skate was
because their friends were doing it,”
said Ronald Bravo, 17, Senior. “It’s
hard to find anyone who takes skating
seriously anymore.” There are those
who would suggest that the skate
culture has been steadily increasing
since its inception in Florida.
“Honestly, I think there are
more skateboarders now than ever, as
during the 90s it was mainly done by
the rejects of society,” said Ivan Parets,
17, Senior. “Even though now we’re still
considered rejects to society since we
get kicked out of all the public places
we skate but it’s definitely growing.”
The Braddock Times
October 2012
Who will win this year? There is great competition between the Lakers, the Heat and Thunder. Graphic by Manuel Muñoz
Jorge Esquivel
Dribble. Hear that Hoop lovers,
basketball is back, the hunger for a
championship returns.
Who will win it all this year? With
about two months until the season
begins and some major offseason
moves, Who will be the team to
beat this year in the NBA?
champion Miami heat are ready to
defend their title this season with
high expectations of winning yet
another championship.
With the acquirement of shooting
guard Ray Allen, who is the
all-time leader in 3-pointers in
NBA history, and power foward
Rashard Lewis who is eighth alltime in three-point shots.The Heat
have added some major talent to
the roster and some very highly
making them the favorite to win it
all again. "I think the team to beat
would be the Miami Heat, if they
dont have any injuries, they are
capable of repeating again," said
Guillermo Diaz, CSI teacher, and
Head Varsity Basketball Coach.
The Los Angeles Lakers
this season have also made some
key offseason moves. With the
acquirement of point guard Steve
Nash and one of the best centers
in the NBA, Dwight Howard,
The Lakers are also ready to
give it what they got led by Kobe
Bryant, veteran Laker. After a
dissapointing loss last season in
the Western Conference Semifinals
to the Oklahoma City Thunder,
the Lakers are once again trying
to prove that they are the team to
"The Lakers have built a
"Dream" team in every aspect of
the word," said Eduardo Suarez,
15, Sophomore. " They have hired
the right man for the right position,
now the big question is will they
work together as a team and be
successful or will they only be
individual puzzle pieces that can't
come together to make the big
picture? "The NBA Championship,"
said Eduardo. In addition to these
two major teams doing everything
possible within they're grasp to
win a championship, Let's not
forget about the Oklahoma City
Thunder also known as (OKC).
This was the team that made it to
the NBA Finals last season and
played against the Miami Heat.
Although losing the series 4-1,
OKC is one of the best teams in
the league. Lead by supposedly the
second best player in the NBA or
as others would say the second best
player on the Planet, Kevin Durant,
OKC hung in there in every game
of the NBA Finals last season.
With the deadly and talented trio of
Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook,
and James Harden, OKC is said to
be one of the elite teams for years
to come. "The OKC Thunder will
bounce back this season with
just the same amount of skills
as they did last year or yet even
more but what's really going to
change their gameplan is going
to be "experience," said Eduardo.
"Westbrook , Durant, and Harden
had never been in the finals now
that they got a taste of it last season
maybe this season they will use
their mistakes as things to improve
on and perfect their game to having
a chance at the NBA championship
once more."
Aside from these three
teams which according to sources
are the best teams this season there
is always the possibility of another
coming out of the blue and being
a big surprise. The Boston Celtics
enterd rebuilding mode and have
added some younger talent to their
roster leaving them as a possible
candidate to being again one of the
best in the Eastern Confrence. With
the sighning of power foward and
possibly center Anthony Davis and
point guard/shooting guard Austin
Rivers and other offseason moves
the New Orleans Hornets could
possibly be a big surprise, so can
the New York Knicks with some
aging but experienced players and
"Big Men" added to their roster,
and the Philadelphia 76ers who
added some great perimter shooters
and could be a very big threat from
the three-point line. Also with the
additions of Andrew Bynum they
will be able to get some major
points in the paint, getting some
help as well form Spencer Hawes.
Andrew Bynum is said to be the
second best center in the NBA,
right behined Dwight Howard.
"Philadelphia, they were a
pretty good team. Last season they
were 8th seed, and with some key
additions this offseason it would
make them better," said Diaz.
The Chicago Bulls last
season were eliminated by the 8th
seed Philadelphia 76ers in the first
round of the playoffs. After losing
their star player Derrick Rose with
a torn ACL, the Bulls season ended
in seven games in the first round.
How will they recover from last
seasons devastating loss? They
have added some new players to the
roster but basketball analysists are
still uncertain how it will playout
this season. There are many
questions awaiting in the arrival
of this season. There is too much
hype and too much controversy in
the debate of who's winning it all
this year. "The Hornets are going
to be good becasuse of Anthony
Davis and Austin Rivers, but the
Heat are going to win it again this
year," said Adrian Echemendia, 16,
With the busy offseason
and key moves other teams have
made it sure looks to be an intresting
basketball season."The Heat were
champions and they have Ray
Allen now and the Hornets have
Anthony Davis and Austin Rivers,
two of the best college basketball
players," said Jose Gonzalez, 17,
With training camp up and
running and pre-season going on,
basketball is on its way back."The
Miami Heat now have the all-time
best three-point shooter Ray Allen,
between him Battier, Chalmers,
Jones, and Lewis, the Heat are one
dangerous sharp shooting team,"
said Eduardo. "Lets not forget
what they did last year, they won.
So they can do the same thing this
year I'm not doubting the Heat at
all they are stronger than ever in
my opinion. It's Heat and Lakers
for the Finals."
The season is said to begin
October 30th 2012, in an Eastern
Conference rematch between the
Boston Celtics and the NBA Finals
champions The Miami Heat.
A Bite of Braddock
The guitar rises and so does the crowd as the Focus on
Tomorrow non-profit organization puts on a concert to
raise money to bring back Braddock Television (BTV).
Photo by Alejandro Matus
The Times: Lens Blog
"This is the story of four photographers who do their
best to portray the fast-paced and exciting life of
Braddock students."
Jordan Chacon runs the football for the gain of a couple yards as he
is chased down by a Coral Gables Cavalier at the Varsity football
game Friday, September 21, 2012. Photo By Alejandro Matus
Naiel Taylor dances at the Homecoming Pep
Rally September 27, 2012. Photo By Brittany
Vivian Paz, Anthony Lopez (Heart and Soul) and
Blue the Bulldog trip and kick down the Coral
Park banana as the crowd cheers them on during
the Homecoming Pep Rally September 27, 2012.
Photo By Louis Pichardo
Lily Delgado, Paola Devarona and Ashley Turnoff pose for a
photo behind the bars for Rock and Roll Day during Spirit
Week September 25, 2012. Photo By Manny Munoz
October is Breast Cancer
Awareness Month