CENGİZ ENERJİ SANAYİ VE TİC. A.Ş. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT Conducted By EN-ÇEV ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANCY PROJECT OWNER: CENGİZ ENERJI SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. PROJECT NAME: CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION LOCATION: SAMSUN / TURKİYE REPORT PREPARED BY: NAME Özer Emrah Öztürk Merve Demir Yucel Suat Güngör Gözde Gökçe Efsun Ağırtas Merve Yıldızalp POSITION Project Coordinator Chemical Engineer Environmental Engineer Hydrogeology Engineer Biologist Sociologist EN-ÇEV ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANCY AUGUST 2012 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT i TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................................ v LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... viii ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................................... ix 1.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 1 2. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK ............................................. 7 2.1 Policies ................................................................................................................................ 7 2.1.1 National Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation ............................................. 7 2.1.2 World Bank Policy on Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01)..................................... 7 Requirements of Equator Principles ............................................................................ 7 2.2. Legal and Regulatory Framework ..................................................................................... 9 2.3 Institutions......................................................................................................................... 11 3.PROJECT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 12 3.1.General Project Activity ................................................................................................... 12 3.2. Location of the Project ..................................................................................................... 29 4. ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE DATA ............................................................................ 34 4.1. Physical, Biological and Social Environment .................................................................. 34 4.1.1 Geological Characteristics ............................................................................................. 34 4.1.2 Soil Characteristics ........................................................................................................ 43 4.1.3 Land Use ........................................................................................................................ 46 4.1.4 Topography......................................................................................................... 50 4.1.5 Water Resources ............................................................................................................ 53 4.1.6 Climatology.................................................................................................................... 59 4.1.7 Water Quality ................................................................................................................. 83 4.1.8 Ambient Air Quality ...................................................................................................... 86 4.1.9 Noise .............................................................................................................................. 92 4.1.10. Archaeological and Cultural Resources ...................................................................... 93 4.2. Biological Enivronment ................................................................................................... 93 4.2.1 Flora ............................................................................................................................... 93 4.2.2. Fauna ........................................................................................................................... 100 4.2.3. Aquatic Flora and Fauna ............................................................................................. 107 4.2.4. Sensitive Zones ........................................................................................................... 118 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ii 4.3. Social Environment ........................................................................................................ 125 4.3.1. Economy ..................................................................................................................... 125 Agricultural Production ........................................................................................... 125 Organic Farming ...................................................................................................... 126 Animal Production ................................................................................................... 126 Industrial Activities .................................................................................................. 130 Tourism .................................................................................................................... 130 4.3.2. Demography................................................................................................................ 131 4.3.3. Education .................................................................................................................... 131 4.3.4. Health .......................................................................................................................... 132 4.3.5. Cultural Services ......................................................................................................... 135 4.3.6. Urban and Rural Land Usage in the Vicinity of the Project ....................................... 137 4.3.7. Income and Unemployment ........................................................................................ 138 5. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS .................................................................. 140 5.1 Impacts on Physical and Biological Environment in the Construction Phase ................ 140 5.1.1 Topography and Soils .................................................................................................. 140 5.1.2 Air Emissions ............................................................................................................... 141 5.1.3 Noise ............................................................................................................................ 145 5.1.4 Hydrology .................................................................................................................... 147 5.1.5 Water Usage and Quality ............................................................................................. 147 5.1.6.Wastes ......................................................................................................................... 148 5.1.7 Flora and Fauna............................................................................................................ 151 5.1.8 Demographic ................................................................................................................ 151 5.1.9 Occupational Health and Safety ............................................................................... 152 5.2. Impacts on Physical and Biological Environment in the Operation Phase .................... 153 5.2.1 Topography and Soils .................................................................................................. 153 5.2.2 Air Emissions ............................................................................................................... 157 5.2.3 Noise ............................................................................................................................ 167 5.2.4 Hydrology .................................................................................................................... 171 5.2.5 Water Usage and Quality ............................................................................................. 171 5.2.6 Wastes .......................................................................................................................... 180 5.2.7 Flora and Fauna............................................................................................................ 185 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT iii 5.2.8 Land Use ...................................................................................................................... 188 5.2.9 Social Environment ...................................................................................................... 188 5.2.10 Occupational Health and Safety ....................................................................... 190 6. MITIGATION MEASURES ................................................................................................ 192 7. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES ..................................................................................... 198 7.1 Site .................................................................................................................................. 198 7.2 Fuel Types ....................................................................................................................... 198 7.3 Technology ..................................................................................................................... 200 7.4. The "Do Nothing" Scenario ........................................................................................... 200 8. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) ...................................................... 201 8.1.MONITORING .................................................................................................................. 202 8.1.1.Monitoring Program During the Construction Phase .................................................. 202 8.1.2.Monitoring Program during the Operation Phase ........................................................ 204 8.1.3.Post-Operation Period .................................................................................................. 205 9. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND DISCLOSURE ............................................................. 207 9.1 Purpose, Structure and Content....................................................................................... 207 9.2 Public Consultation and Disclosure Meetings ................................................................ 208 9.3. Grievance Mechanism ................................................................................................... 209 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT iv LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Composition of Petroleum and Natural Gas .............................................................................................. 12 Table 2. Electricity Consumption in Samsun and Surrounding Regions by Years (MWh), 2004-2009. ................ 13 Table 3. Energy Demands For 2006-2013 .............................................................................................................. 15 Table 4. Thermal Power Calculation ....................................................................................................................... 18 Table 5. Characteristics of Natural Gas to be taken from Samgaz Doğalgaz Dağıtım A.Ş. .................................... 18 Table 6. NGCCPP Current Status ........................................................................................................................... 19 Table 7. Units to be added with NGCCPP Capacity addition ................................................................................. 20 Table 8. UTM Coordinates of the Project Area ...................................................................................................... 29 Table 9 Pipe line (from the Pool to the Sea) .............................................................................................................. 30 Table 10. Earthquakes Measured on the Project Area and its Vicinity and their relevant Magnitudes................... 40 Table 11. Land Distribution in the Province of Samsun ......................................................................................... 43 Table 12. Basic Information about Agriculture According to 2007 Statistical Data ............................................... 46 Table 13. Distribution of Agricultural Lands .......................................................................................................... 47 Table 14. Cereals Growing and Production ............................................................................................................ 47 Table 15. Legumes Growing and Production .......................................................................................................... 48 Table 16. Forage Crops Growing and Production ................................................................................................... 48 Table 17. Industrial Plants Growing and Production .............................................................................................. 48 Table 18. Number of Fruits and Trees and Production ........................................................................................... 48 Table 19. Area, production and yield of vegetable crops ........................................................................................ 49 Table 20. 1975-2010 Samsun Meteorology Station Pressure Values during the Years 1975-2010 ........................ 59 Table 21 Samsun Meteorology Station Temperature Values Between 1975-2010 ................................................. 60 Table 22. Samsun Weather Station Precipitation Values Between 1975-2010 ....................................................... 61 Table 23 Largest Precipitation Values Observed at Standard Times ...................................................................... 62 Table 24. Rainy, Misty, Hail and Frosty Days Between 1975-2010 ....................................................................... 65 Table 25. Cloudy, Closed and Open Days Between 1975-2010 ............................................................................. 66 Table 26. Samsun Meteorology Station Relative Humidity Values Between 1975-2010 ....................................... 67 Table 27. Samsun Meteorology Station Evaporation Values Between 1975-2010 ................................................. 68 Table 28. Total Number of Wind Blows Between 1975-2010 ................................................................................ 69 Table 29. Total Number of Seasonal Blows Between 1975-2010........................................................................... 71 Table 30 Average Wind Speed According to Directions Between 1975-2010 ....................................................... 76 Table 31. Seasonal Wind Blow Speeds Between 1975-2010 .................................................................................. 77 Table 32. Monthly Average Wind Rates Between 1975-2010 ................................................................................ 82 Table 33. Number of Stormy Days and Strong Windy Days Between 1975-2010 ................................................. 83 Table 34. Annual Quantities of Gasoline and Diesel Use ....................................................................................... 89 Table 35. Annual Vehicle Types and Numbers....................................................................................................... 89 Table 36. Main Sources of NOX .............................................................................................................................. 91 Table 37. Distances of Measurement Locations to the Project Site ........................................................................ 93 Table 38. Flora Table ............................................................................................................................................... 96 Table 39. Fauna Table / Bird Species List ............................................................................................................ 101 Table 40 .Phytoplankton Samples Taken with the Niskin Bottle .......................................................................... 111 Table 41. Samples Taken with the Phytoplankton Bucket .................................................................................... 112 Table 42. Samples taken with a Zooplankton Bucket ........................................................................................... 113 Table 43. Samples of Macrobentic Species ........................................................................................................... 114 Table 44. Black Sea Fish Species .......................................................................................................................... 116 Table 45. Reproduction Periods of Fish Species in the Black Sea ....................................................................... 117 Table 46. Distribution of Agricultural Lands ...................................................................................................... 125 Table 47. Basic Information on Agriculture according to Statistical Data , ......................................................... 126 Table 48. Animal Presence in Samsun .................................................................................................................. 127 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT v Table 49. 2011Animal Presence by Districts ........................................................................................................ 127 Table 50. Activity Status of Poultry Enterprises ................................................................................................... 128 Table 51. In 2011 Beekeeping Activities ............................................................................................................. 128 Table 52. 2011 Milk Production by Districts ....................................................................................................... 128 Table 53. Wool, Hair and Angora Production with Number of Animals .............................................................. 129 Table 54. Number of Animals Slaughtered by Years ............................................................................................ 129 Table 55. Number of Samsun Industry by Sectors ................................................................................................ 130 Table 56. Tekkeköy district 2011 population data ................................................................................................ 131 Table 57. Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS) by provinces and immigration, migration and net migration rate ................................................................................................................................................... 131 Table 58. The Distribution Of Educational Status Of The Population .................................................................. 132 Table 59. Distribution of Health Institutions and Private Hospitals in 2007 by Locations ................................... 133 Table 60. Distribution of notifiable diseases districts occurred in 2008 ............................................................... 134 Table 61. Various Cultural Statistical Data , ......................................................................................................... 135 Table 62. The level of employment by kind of businesses ................................................................................... 138 Table 63.Unemployment-Population Information 2008 ....................................................................................... 138 Table 64. Labour data in the province of Samsun ................................................................................................. 139 Table 65. General Properties of the Tüpraş-404 Diesel Fuel................................................................................. 141 Table 66. Release Factors of Pollution Emitted from Vehicles (kg/t) ................................................................... 142 Table 67. Emission Factors from diesel Vehicles (kg/h)....................................................................................... 142 Table 68. Construction Machnies to be used on the Activity Area ....................................................................... 143 Table 69. Plant Area Dust Emission Factors and Emission Flows (land preparation phase)) ............................... 144 Table 70. Dust Emission Factors and Emission Pipeline Flows (land preparation phase) .................................... 145 Table 71. Values according to the distances of noise levels which will ocur in construction stage ...................... 146 Table 72. Liquid Waste Amount During the Construction Phase ......................................................................... 148 Table 73. Solid Waste to emerge during the Construction Phase of the Project .................................................. 149 Table 74. pH+ Distribution in Lands of Turkey According to Regions ............................................................... 154 Table 75. Criteria for Soil Acidification Sensitivity.............................................................................................. 156 Table 76. Properties of Natural Gas to be Taken from Samgaz Doğalgaz Dağıtım A.Ş ....................................... 158 Table 77. Flue Properties of the Gas Turbine........................................................................................................ 159 Table 78. Industrial Based Air Pollution Control Regulation -Mass debits ......................................................... 161 Table 79. Chimney Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 162 Table 80. Concentration values of the emissions that might be released from the plant ....................................... 162 Table 81. Pollutant Mass Debit Values .................................................................................................................. 162 Table 82. Regulation for evaluation and management of air pollution Table 2.2 :Long term, short term limit values in the Facility Impact Area and Gradual Reduction Table ......................................................................... 163 Table 83. Regulation for Air quality evaluation and management Annex-1A: Gradual reduction in long term and short term limit values during temporary period.................................................................................................... 163 Table 84. Regulation on Air quality evaluation and management Annex-1.B .................................................... 165 Table 85. Regulation for Large combustion Plants Annex- 4 Emission Limit Values For Gas Turbines ............ 166 Table 86. Air Emissions from Gas Turbines ......................................................................................................... 167 Table 87. The Equipments used within the Project and its technical specifications ............................................. 168 Table 88. Environmental noise limit levels for the Industrial plants given in Table-4, ANNEX-VII of Turkish Assessment of Environmental Noise Regulation. .................................................................................................. 169 Table 89. The values of Noise levels to occur in actuating inaccording to the distances ...................................... 170 Table 90. Noise Level Guidelines of IFC General EHS Guideline ....................................................................... 171 Table 91. Softening, Demineralization, Regeneration, Active Carbon Washing and Regeneration Plants, Water Pollution Control Regulation Table 20.7 ............................................................................................................... 175 Table 92. Pollutants and Average Concentrations in Domestic Qualified Wastewaters ....................................... 175 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT vi Table 93. Qualified Domestic Wastewater Discharge Criteria, Water Pollution and Control Regulations, Table 21.1 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 177 Table 94. Input-Output water temperatures in the process ................................................................................... 179 Table 95. Applicable Criteria for Deep Sea Discharge ......................................................................................... 179 Table 96. Qualified Domestic Wastewater Discharge Criteria, Water Pollution and Control Regulations, Table 21.1 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 181 Table 97. Sector: Water Softening, Demineralization and Regeneration, Activated Carbon Washing and Regeneration Plants, Water Pollution and Control Regulations, Table 20.7 ......................................................... 182 Table 98. Inlet-outlet water temperatures in Process ............................................................................................ 182 Table 99. Applicable Criteria for Deep Sea Discharge ......................................................................................... 183 Table 100. Samsun and the surrounding Region Yearly Electricity Consumption (MWh), 1995-2005. .............. 189 Table 101 Environmental Impacts and Planned Mitigation Activities in the Construction Phase ........................ 192 Table 102 Environmental Impacts and Planned Mitigation Activities in the Operation Phase ............................. 194 Table 103. Air Emission Values of Alternative Energy Production Plants .......................................................... 199 Table 104 Legal framework for environmental compliance ................................................................................. 201 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Electricity Consumption in Samsun and Surrounding Regions by Years 1995-2005.............................. 14 Figure 2. NGCCPP Work Flow Scheme ................................................................................................................. 17 Figure 3. Typical Natural Gas Combine Cycle Power Plant ................................................................................... 24 Figure 4. Flow Process Chart of Plant .................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 5. Process Representative Image ................................................................................................................. 26 Figure 6. Process Flow Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 28 Figure 7. Satellite Image of the Project Area (1) .................................................................................................... 30 Figure 8. Satellite Image of the Project Area (2) ....................................................................................................... 31 Figure 9. The photo showing the project site .......................................................................................................... 32 Figure 10. Representative Photo ............................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 11. Stratigraphic Cross-Section of the Study Area and its Vicinity ............................................................. 35 Figure 12. Earthquake Map of the Project Area...................................................................................................... 42 Figure 13. Active Fault Map of the Project Area .................................................................................................... 43 Figure 14. Land Features of the Project Area ......................................................................................................... 44 Figure 15. Topographical Status ............................................................................................................................. 51 Figure 16. Pressure Distribution Graphic Between 1975-2010............................................................................... 59 Figure 17. Graphic of the Distribution of Temperature Values Between 1975-2010 ............................................. 60 Figure 18. Rainfall Distribution Graphic Between 1975-2010 ............................................................................... 61 Figure 19. Samsun Meteorology Station Rainfall-Intensity-Time Repeat Curves .................................................. 64 Figure 20. Distribution of Rainy, Misty, Hail and Frosty Days Between 1975-2010 ............................................. 66 Figure 21. Distribution Map of Cloudy, Closed and Open Days Between 1975-2010 ........................................... 67 Figure 22. Distribution Map of Relative Humidity (%) Between 1975-2010 ......................................................... 68 Figure 23. Distribution Graphic of Evaporation (mm) Between 1975-2010 .......................................................... 69 Figure 24. Wind Diagram According to Number of Blows Between 1975-2010 .................................................. 71 Figure 25 Wind Diagram of Seasonal Number of Wind Blows Between 1975-2010............................................. 73 Figure 26. Diagram of Monthly Number of Blows Between 1975-2000 ................................................................ 75 Figure 27. Diagram of Wind Rates According to the Long Years Blowing Rates ................................................. 77 Figure 28. Diagram of Seasonal Average Wind Rates by Directions ..................................................................... 79 Figure 29. Diagram of Monthly Average Wind Rates by Directions ...................................................................... 81 Figure 30. Graphic of Monthly Average Wind Rates ............................................................................................. 82 Figure 31. Number of Stormy Days, Strong Windy Days Between 1975-2010 ..................................................... 83 Figure 32. Air Quality of Samsın (1-2) Province .................................................................................................... 87 Figure 33. Distribution by Year of the Number of Companies being issued an Emission Licence ........................ 88 Figure 34. Samsun 2010 Air Quality – Source: MoEF, www. havaizleme.gov.tr ................................................ 90 Figure 35. Tekkeköy 2010 Air Quality – Source: MoEF, www. havaizleme.gov.tr ............................................. 90 Figure 36. Regions of Turkey Phytogeography (Davis P.H, Harper P.C. and Hege, I.C. (eds.), 1971. Plant Life of South-West Asia. The Botanical Society o f Edinburgh)......................................................................................... 94 Figure 37. Vegetation Formations of the Black Sea Phytogeography Region ........................................................ 95 Figure 38. Sampling Stations ................................................................................................................................ 109 Figure 39. Equivalent noise level impact distance ................................................................................................ 146 Figure 40. Impact Distances of equivalent noise levels ........................................................................................ 170 Figure 41. Flow Diagram Related to Water Use at Plant Units ............................................................................ 172 Figure 42. The energy demand projection between 2010 and 2019 (low demand) .............................................. 200 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT viii ABBREVIATIONS A.Ş. INC. ÇGDYY Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise DSİ State Hydraulic Works EHS Environmental, Health and Safety EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan EP Equator Principles ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment GHGs Green House Gases IFC International Finance Corporation IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature MT Monitoring Team MTA Mineral Research and Exploration RCIOAP Regulation on the Control of Industrial Origin Air Pollution RCWP Regulation on the Control of Water Pollution SAN. IND. ŞTİ. CO. TİC. TRADE TÜİK Turkey Statistics Corporation g gram ha hektar Hz hertz kg kilogram km kilometer m meter CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ix m2 meter square m³ kubic meter mm milimeter no. number PM Particular Matter s second ‰ per mille kW kilowatt = 103 watt MW Megawatt = 103kW GW Gigawatt = 103MW TW Terawatt = 103 GW kWh kilowatt – hour (103 watt-saat) GWh Gigawatt – hour (106 kWh) TWh Terawatt – hour (109 kWh) CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT x 1.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed Project aims a capacity addition for the existing “Cengiz 240 MW Gas Fired Combined Cycle Power Plant” located in the Province of Samsun, Tekkeköy District, Selyeri Region which is owned by Cengiz Enerji Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş. With an increase of 610 MW (610MWe - 628,3MWm - 1168,6MWt) the total capacity of the plant is expected to be 850 MW (850MWe – 875,5MWm - 1628,5MWt). After capacity addition, the power plant is expected to produce an annual electricity of approximately 6375 GWh, in which natural gas will be used as fuel like the existing/operating facility. The Project site is determined as “Energy Generation Plant Facility Area” in the 1/5000 scale Master Development Plan, which remains on the section of 46.000 m2 of an area of 132.862,94 m2 registered with plot number F36c05a and parcel number 3756 in the title deed. As the amount of capacity addition to be conducted on installed power at the plant falls in to the , Annex-I List 2.a. “Thermal Power Plants with a total thermal power of 300 MWt (Megawatt Thermal) and greater and other Combustion Systems” of the EIA Regulation which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 26939, dated 17.07.2008, an EIA report has been prepared and the “EIA Positive Certificate” on 17.08.2011 was issued for the project which means the EIA report has found satisfied by the relevant authorities. “EIA Positive Certificate” is given in Annex-1. Moreover, regarding the supply of water that will be needed in the subsequent process for cooling water, the “Deep Sea Discharge” Project was presented to the MoEF and the EIA Positive Certificated was issued under the dated 12.01.2010. Project approval of “Deep Sea Discharge” is given in Annex-2. In connection with the project, the construction of an additional land and sea pipeline (1750 m2 land line, 2500 m2 DDD underwater line) will be realized with the deep sea discharge system on the area registered with plot number F36c05a and parcel number 3715 in the title deed. Final report on sea water intake and discharge pipelines design project is given in Annex-3. The area on which the project will be established is owned by the ETİ Bakır A.Ş. Samsun Enterprise. A rental agreement has been conducted between the mentioned company and Cengiz Enerji Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş in respect to the usage of the parcel no. 3756. The certificate of title and rental agreement are given in Annex-4. Natural gas will be used as the only fuel at the facility and natural gas storage will not be conducted. In the event that natural gas cannot be provided to the facility, any other raw material will not be used and the facility will not continue to its activity. The fuel to be used will be supplied from Samgaz Doğalgaz Dağıtım A.Ş, which is one of the companies in the Energy unit of Cengiz Holding and the total hourly natural gas consumption will be 170.000m3. The aim of the Project is to increase the energy production by increasing the capacity at the energy production facility having low cost and high efficiency. Natural gas to be used within the scope of the project is planned to be supplied from the natural gas pipeline of BOTAŞ (Petroleum Transportation with Pipelines Inc.) which is located to the east of the project site. SAMGAZ Doğal Gaz Dağıtım A.Ş will actualize natural gas intake from the BOTAŞ pipeline in order conduct the distribution of natural gas in the province of Samsun. The “Gas Fired CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 1 Combined Cycle Power Plant” which of the capacity is planned to be increased within the scope of the project, will take the natural gas required for energy generation from the pipelines of SAMGAZ Doğalgaz Dağıtım A.Ş. The facility at which a capacity addition is planned will be operated as combined cycle. The combined cycle system benefits from exhaust gases emerging from the gas turbine by means of a waste heat boiler and steam is produced. Than it is taken to steam turbines and electrical energy generation is continued. In this way, high efficiency electric power generation is performed at the facility. Cengiz 240 MW Gas Fired Combined Cycle Power Plant is designed in 2 blocks and electricity will be produced in both blocks with one new technology LMS Gas Turbine. With the use of the exhaust from these two gas turbines, there will be two HRSG Waste Heat Boilers (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) that will produce steam. Steam to be obtained from these boilers will be sent to one Steam Turbine unit. With the use of steam from this turbine electrical energy will be produced. With the capacity addition, another block will be added to the facility. Thus, the plant will consist of 3 blocks. The capacity addition of the Cengiz 240 MW Gas Fired Combined Cycle Power Plant and the construction period is planned to take approximately 19 months. Within the scope of the project the operation period of the plant is determined as 7.000 hours/year and the economic life of the project will be 30 years. The facility will operate for 11 months in a year at full load and in 3 shifts. During the construction phase of the project 100 to 300 people and during the operation phase of the project 30 people are planned to be employed. Within the scope of the project, all technical and social infrastructure needs of the personnel to be employed will be provided from the construction site on the facility area and a dining hall, kitchen, locker space, showers, toilets, sinks as well as administrative and technical offices will be available. The drinking water and potable water of the personnel will be supplied from the city network as it may also be provided from the market in case of extra need. Electrical energy obtained with the use of natural gas at the facility will be delivered to the national transmission line aiming to contribute to meeting the energy needs of Turkey. Electricity to be generated in the plant will be connected to the network at two points of a connection voltage of 380 kV. The connection of the facility at which a capacity addition will be conducted; will be delivered to the Cengiz 380 kV switchyard center to be newly built and from there to the Çarşamba – Altınkaya line by means of energy transmission lines to be newly established and to the San-Sal Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant in the event that it is constructed. This report is implementing a Social and Environmental Management System that incorporates with Equator Principles. It describes and priorities the actions needed to implement mitigation measures, corrective actions and monitoring methods to manage the impacts and risks, identified in this ESIA. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 2 The Equator Principles are a financial industry benchmark for determining, assessing and managing social & environmental risk in project financing. Key elements of Equator Principles (EP) compliance include: • The categorization of an EP project based on the magnitude of its potential impacts and risks in accordance with the environmental and social screening criteria of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) • The conduct of a Social and Environmental Assessment process to address the relevant social and environmental impacts and risks of the proposed project. The Assessment should propose mitigation and management measures relevant and appropriate to the nature and scale of the proposed Project. A Project that prepared in accordance with the EP should include; • • • • • • A description of the project and its social and environmental aspects Maps and drawings of the project and a delineation or description of its area of influence Discussion of the Project’s compliance with the legal and regulatory framework, the applicable IFC Performance Standards and the environmental and health and safety performance levels established for the project Key potential impacts and risks, including the identification of the affected communities Planned mitigation and any areas of concern that need to be further addressed The process of community engagement Both the Turkish and World Bank's policies and equator principles have been considered during the assessment. The ESIA study has been carried out according to requirements of the current EIA Regulation of Turkish Government and the Environmental Assessment Policies and Procedures of the World Bank OP 4.01, IFC Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines. Moreover, as required by the EHS Guidelines, the stringent levels and measures have been considered where the national regulations and the international guidelines differ. The environmental impacts for the proposed Project are a few in number since the Project is a capacity addition and will take place in industrial zone(Energy Generation Facility Zone). However, the potential environmental impacts were assessed and the necessary measures were determined. The potential impacts identified for Thermal Power Plants according to the EHS Guidelines 1 are as follows; 1 IFC EHS Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 3 • Air Emissions As also recommended by IFC EHS Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants, it is important to use the cleanest fuel economically available (Natural gas preferred to oil, which is preferred to coal) 2. In the proposed Project, natural gas will be used as fuel whose gas emissions are quite lower compared to other thermal systems. During the construction phase of the project, there will be formation of dust emission due to exhaust gases and excavation works from construction machines to be used as there will be no any other emissions caused by construction works. Flue gas emissions at the facility in operation [carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)] will be in question. Modelling studies have been conducted for the proposed Project and it was seen that the emissions comply with both national and international limits. Besides, parameters those may affect air quality during the operational phase will be monitored and the monitoring system can be viewed on-line since continuous monitoring systems shall be installed. • Effluents and Water Consumption Within the scope of the project, considering that the entire water being used will return as wastewater, the total amount of domestic qualified wastewater from the personnel during the construction phase will be totally 30 m3 /day. Domestic qualified wastewater (accommodation, WC, shower, etc.) from the personnel to be employed during the construction phase of the project will be delivered to the biological wastewater treatment plant located in the adjacent power plant which also belongs to Cengiz Holding and will be discharged with the deep sea discharge system after suitably treated accordance with the discharge standards of “Wastewater Pollution Control Regulation”. Water used in the gas turbine cooling tower will be used after being subjected to a pre-filtration and the system will operate as closed-circuit. Water decreasing to evaporation will be eliminated with water supplement from the pre-filtration. At this stage, there will be no wastewater formation. Water to be used at this stage will be supplied from the sea and will be re-discharged to the sea without undergoing any chemical alterations. There will only be a change at temperature-related parameters of water as the limit values specified in the Water Pollution Control Regulation will not be exceeded. Domestic qualified wastewater emerging at the current plant is given to the biological treatment plant. Demin and condensation water being emerged are treated at the demineralization plant after being collected at tanks. Based on the provision of the DSİ General Directorate Circular No. 2005/23, dated 25.07.2006 stating that “as additional water amount would force the capacity and functions of spare and tertiary drainage channels with a task of discharge high groundwater, which are opened in parallel with the irrigation system, discharge of wastewater shall strictly not permitted even if 2 IFC EHS Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 4 treated and the cancellation of previously granted conditional permissions is required”, discharge to the Çoban Yatağı Drainage Channel will not be performed in any way during the operation phase of the project including the existing facilities of the investor company. For this reason, the investor company will add domestic and process based wastewater to the deep sea discharge system from where cooling water is supplied upon having treated at the regulation limit values. In this way, all liquid waste will have been discharged to the sea before underground and/or channel-discharge operations are performed. • Solid Waste For the amount of domestic qualified solid waste that will emerge during the construction phase of the project; the “Solid Waste Control Regulation” will be applied. With this regard, this waste will be separately collected and necessary measures will be taken in order to facilitate the disposal and evaluation of this waste, to prevent environmental pollution and to contribute to the economy. Solid waste will not be discharged to places which would adversely affect the environment and will be collected and stored in sealed standard garbage containers by complying “Solid Waste Control Regulation”. The solid waste will be continued to be collected by the Tekkeköy Municipality in a state without giving any harm to the environment in terms of odour, dust, leakage and similar factors. • Hazardous Material and Oil Flammable, explosive, hazardous and toxic substances will not be used since the operation will be carried out only with construction machines, picks, shovels etc. equipment. Waste oil and grease that may emerge from the maintenance and repair work of construction machines and in order to minimize the effect of fuels harmful for human health, a waste management in compliance with the provisions of the “Hazardous Waste Control Regulation” will be provided. In case of any leakage from equipment used in the facility, the “Regulation on Point-Based Contaminated Areas and Soil Pollution Control” shall be complied and in order to minimize any substances harmful to human health and the environment the provisions of the “Hazardous Waste Control Regulation” as well as the provisions of the “Waste Oil Control Regulation” shall be followed. Hazardous waste to emerge shall be stored in red colour tanks/containers having a phrase “Waste Oil” on it and shall be transferred to disposal facilities by licensed vehicles. Any empty packages of chemicals to be used during operation of the power plant, which contact chemicals, as well as used air filters upon their replacement, would pose as hazardous wastes. During the operation phase, any kind of hazardous waste will be sent to disposal companies licensed by Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning. Afterwards, the wastes will be disposed in compliance with Regulation on Hazardous Wastes. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 5 • Noise The results of prepared acoustic report have been evaluated according to “Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise Pollution” and “IFC Environmental, Health and Safety General Guidelines”. In the construction phase, environmental noise value will reach to 46,0 dBA where the closest settlement area is 1050 m distance. The daytime limit value determined in regulation and the guideline is 70 dBA. Therefore, no negative impact is expected. It is anticipated that the vibrations will occur by machine and equipments however, it will not affect the buildings in settlement area considering the quite much distance. In the operation phase, the daytime noise level to be occurred at the nearest settlement is 30.2 dBA and it is below the limit values according to national regulation and also IFC EHS Guidelines. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 6 2. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 2.1 Policies This chapter discusses the policy, legal and institutional arrangement/ framework within which this EIA was drawn. 2.1.1 National Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation The Turkish Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulation was enacted in view of the national environmental policies as a result of the accepted need of identifying environmental impacts of the defined types of plants, before they are realized. According to the correspondence between project owner and The Ministry of Environment and Urban Affairs; it was concluded that the project falls in to Annex 1(Projects require an Environmental Impact Assessment) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation with refer to the following article; - Article 2- Thermal power plants a) Thermal power plants and incineration systems with a total thermal power of 300 MWt and over. With this regard, an “Environmental Impact Assessment Report” has been prepared and the process has been finalised on 17.08.2011 by obtaining the EIA Positive/Affirmative Certificate” from the Ministry of Environment And Forestry. 2.1.2 World Bank Policy on Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01) The World Bank requires EIA of projects proposed for Bank financing to help ensure that they are environmentally sound and sustainable in order to improve decision making of the Bank on the project. The Environment Strategy outlines the Bank’s approach to address the environmental challenges and ensures that Bank projects and programs integrate principles of environmental sustainability. This study is in line with the Bank's requirements. The Bank's guideline regarding the conduct of an EIA has been adequately followed by the EIA Team. Requirements of Equator Principles The project has been prepared in accordance with the frame of the Equator Principles. All numbered principles have been evaluated in detail in the report. The principles are listed below. Principle 1: Review and Categorisation The proposed project is categorized based on the magnitude of its potential impacts. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 7 Principle 2: Social and Environmental Assessment For each project assessed as being either Category A or Category B, the borrower has conducted a Social and Environmental Assessment process, appropriate to the nature and scale of the proposed project. Principle 3: Applicable Social and Environmental Standards The project Social and Environmental Assessment will establish the project’s compliance status with applicable IFC Performance Standards and Industry Specific EHS Guidelines. Principle 4: Action Plan and Management System For all Category A and Category B projects the borrower must prepare an Action Plan to describe and prioritise the actions needed to implement mitigation measures, corrective actions and monitoring measures necessary to manage the impacts and risks identified in the Social and Environmental Assessment. Principle 5: Consultation and Disclosure For all Category A and, as appropriate, Category B projects, consultation should take place with project affected communities in a structured and culturally appropriate manner. Materials will be made available to the public by the borrower for a reasonable minimum period in the relevant local language and in a culturally appropriate manner. Principle 6: Grievance Mechanism For all Category A and, as appropriate, Category B projects a grievance mechanism scaled to the risks and adverse impacts of the project will be established. The mechanism will address concerns about the project’s social and environmental performance promptly and transparently, in a culturally appropriate manner, and will be readily accessible to all segments of the affected communities. Principle 7: Independent Review For all Category A projects and, as appropriate, for Category B projects, an independent social or environmental expert not directly associated with the borrower will review the Assessment, Action Plan and consultation process documentation. Principle 8: Covenants The borrower will covenant in financing documentation to comply with applicable legislation, the Action Plan, periodic compliance reports and to decommission facilities in accordance with an agreed decommissioning plan. Principle 9: Independent Monitoring and Reporting For all Category A projects and, as appropriate, for Category B projects, an independent environmental expert(s) will be appointed to verify monitoring information. Principle 10: Public reporting by Lenders The Equator Principles are underpinned by IFC policies, standards and guidelines, including the IFC Performance Standards: • • • • • • • • PS1 Social & Environmental Assessment and Management System PS2 Labour and Working Conditions PS3 Pollution Prevention and Abatement PS4 Community Health, Safety and Security PS5 Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement PS6 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Natural Resource Management PS7 Indigenous Peoples PS8 Cultural Heritage CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 8 In addition to the EP; The IFC’s Performance standards on social and environmental sustainability and the General and Specific (for thermal power plants) Health and Safety Guidelines has been considered during whole project. 2.2. Legal and Regulatory Framework The relevant laws that promote environmental management in Turkey have been adequately reviewed and applied by the EIA Team including the following: Regulation on the Control of Industrial Origin Air Pollution (Official Gazette Issue No 27277 of 03.07.2009 – As amended by Official Gazette Issue No 27537 of 30.03.2010) Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise Pollution (Date: 04/06/2010, No: 27601) Water Pollution Control Regulation (Date: 31.12.2004, No: 25687) Regulation on Water for Human Consumption (Date: 17.02.2005, No: 22730) Solid Waste Control Regulation (Date: 14.03.1991, No: 20814) Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation (Date: 17.07 2008, No: 26939) Regulation on Control of Hazardous Wastes (Date: 14.03.2005, No: 25755) Regulation and Guidelines on Occupational Health and Safety (Work Law No: 4857) Regulation on Control of Waste Oils (Date: 30.07.2008, No: 26952) Regulation of Polychloride Biphenyl and Polychloride Terphenyls (PCT) (Official Gazette Issue No 26739 of 27.12.2007) Regulation on the Large Combustion Plants (Official Gazette Issue No 27605 of 08.06.2010) Regulation on the General Principles for Waste Management (Official Gazette Issue No 26927 of 05.07.2008) Environmental Supervision Regulation (Official Gazette Issue No 27061 of 21.11.2008) Regulation on the Permissions and Licenses Required to Be Obtained As Per the Environmental Law (Date:29.04.2009 No: 27214) Groundwater Law (Date: 23.12.1960, No: 10688) Electricity Market Law (Date: 20.2.2001, No: 4628) Natural Gas Market Law (Date: 18.4.2001, No: 4646) Environment Law (Date: 9.8.1983, No: 2872) Regulation on Control of Excavation Soil, Construction and Debris Waste (Date: 18.03.2004; No: 25406) Related EU Directives Related International Conventions (as summarized below) Bern Convention on Protection of Wildlife and Natural Habitats This convention aims to protect the wild plant and animal species together with their natural living environments, putting special emphasis on the endangered species. Turkey has become a party to the Convention on 1984. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 9 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) CITES Convention has developed a system which set up a condition of government permission for the trading of endangered species of wild fauna and flora. Turkey has become a party to the Convention on 1996. Ramsar Convention on Wetlands The basic aim of the Convention is to emphasize the fact that ‘wetlands are important economic, cultural, scientific and social resources and their loss is irreversible’. Turkey has become a party to the Convention on 1994. Biodiversity Convention (Rio Conference) The Convention establishes three main goals: the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits from the use of genetic resources. Turkey has become a party to the Convention on 1997. Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Paris The convention considers adoption of new provisions in the form of a convention establishing an effective system of collective protection of the cultural and natural heritage of outstanding universal value, organized on a permanent basis and in accordance with modern scientific methods. Turkey has become a party to the Convention on 1983. The Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution The Convention aims to protect the Mediterranean Sea against all sorts of pollution by the Mediterranean countries. Turkey has become a party to the Convention on 1981. Convention on Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal The convention aims to protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects resulting from the generation, management, transboundary movements and disposal of hazardous and other wastes. Turkey has become a party to the Convention on 1994. Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution To create an essential framework for controlling and reducing the damage to human health and the environment caused by transboundary air pollution. Turkey has become a party to the Convention on 1994. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 10 2.3 Institutions The related institutions related to the installation of a new natural gas driven power plant are listed as below: • • • • • • • • • • • • Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning (Abrogated Ministry of Environment And Forestry) Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Labour and Social Security Ministry of Science, Industry and Trade Electricity Market Regulation Authority State Planning Organization General Directorate of Petroleum Works General Directorate of Petroleum Transmission Lines Co. Power Resources Development Administration General Directorate of Turkish Electricity Transmission Lines Co. General Directorate of Turkish Electricity Distribution Lines Co. Electricity Generation Inc. These institutions listed above are actually the stakeholders that form the framework conditions for encouragement and support of power market. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 11 3.PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1.General Project Activity Cengiz Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. is planned to increase the capacity of “Cengiz 240 MW Gas Fired Combined Cycle Power Plant” to 850 MW (850MWe – 875,5MWm - 1628,5MWt) with an increase of 610 MW (610MWe - 628,3MWm - 1168,6MWt). After capacity addition, the power plant is expected to produce an annual electricity of approximately 6375 GWh, in which natural gas will be used as fuel. The Aim, Importance and Necessity of The Project The aim of the Project is to increase energy production by increasing the capacity at the energy production facility having low cost and high efficiency. Particularly in electricity generation, both in the world and in our country, there is a large increase in natural gas power plants. The most preferred source among fossil fuels is natural gas in terms of environment. These systems highly preferred today due to advantages such as low investment and operating costs, high efficiency, short instalment term, minimum environmental impact, high reliability and availability began also to be quickly established in our country since the 1980’s. Table 1. Composition of Petroleum and Natural Gas Component Natural Gas Mole Fraction Petroleum Mole Fraction Methane (CH4 ) 0.90 0.44 Ethane (C2H6) 0.05 0.04 Propane (C3H8) 0.03 0.04 Butane(C4H10) 0.01 0.03 Pentane (C5H12) 0.01 0.02 Hex and heavier (C6H14 and higher) <<0.01 0.43 The approximate components of natural gas and oil are given in the table above. As it can be seen from this table oil and natural gas consist of the combination of molecules of the same hydrocarbon family congregated together in different compositions. After the oil crisis experienced in 1970’s, alternative energy resources have been started to be sought also in Turkey as in the World. In order to meet the energy needs of developing industries and cities as a result of these searches, studies have been initiated related to the use of natural gas in Turkey which had started rapidly to be used across the world. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 12 Natural Gas Fuel Cycle Plants have been established by means of the law no. 3096 and relevant regulations, which entered into force in 1984 and allowed private sector institutions other than privileged companies to establish and operate electrical energy generating facilities in order to meet the electrical heat energy of their own facilities and group members. Natural gas is the most preferred fuel within fossil energy systems and is directly combusted in gas turbines which have shown rapid technological movements in recent years. However, as the efficiency obtained in gas turbines in simple cycle is maximum at a rate of %38, Combined Cycle Systems, at which higher thermal efficiency is obtained, have become the most applied energy technologies today to generate power from natural gas. An intense increase in the consumption of electrical energy has been experienced in Samsun and surrounding regions depending on years. As it can be seen in following tables and figures, electricity is consumed at an higher amount in the province of Samsun that the total amount of electricity consumed in the provinces of Kastamonu, Çankırı and Sinop. At the same time, when looked at the total consumed electricity amount in the provinces of Samsun, Tokat, Çorum and Amasya, only in the province of Samsun, we see that the amount of energy being consumed in Samsun forms approximately the half of the total amount consumed in the 4 provinces. Table 2. Electricity Consumption in Samsun and Surrounding Regions by Years (MWh), 2004-2009. YEARS KASTAMONU, ÇANKIRI, SINOP SAMSUN TRABZON, ORDU, GIRESUN, RIZE, ARTVIN SAMSUN, TOKAT, ÇORUM, AMASYA 2004 683.325 1.259.763 2.139.640 2.471.800 2005 745.725 1.390.797 2.347.769 2.685.826 2006 829.667 1.674.028 2.626.438 3.107.215 2007 915.964 1.854.457 2.930.837 3.425.399 2008 1.045.334 1.959.868 3.127.603 3.662.901 2009 1.072.596 1.927.090 3.241.115 3.623.229 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 13 Total Electricity Consumption in Samsun and Its Vicinity 3500000 3000000 MWh 2500000 Kastamonu, Çankırı, Sinop 2000000 1500000 Samsun 1000000 Trabzon, Ordu, Giresun, Rize, Artvin 500000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Years Figure 1. Electricity Consumption in Samsun and Surrounding Regions by Years 1995-2005. As it can be seen from the graphic provided above, intense electricity production was not conducted in the region in proportion to the years of intense electricity consumption encountered in the province of Samsun. On the contrary, a decline has been experienced in the production of electricity in recent years. Considering that, a substantial portion of electrical energy produced in Turkey is lost in lines during the transportation routes at energy transmission lines, the need of the region in this sense for the production of electrical energy can be clearly seen. According to the IX. Development Plan which entered into force after being issued in the Official Gazette No. 26215, dated 01.07.2006, an increase at an average of 6,2 percent is expected in primary energy demand in proportion to economic and social development. It is foreseen that the share of 28% of natural gas in energy consumption in 2005 will increase to 34% and that the share of oil products will decrease from 37% to 31%. On the other hand, it is projected that electricity demand will show an increase of 8.1 percent per year in parallel with the developments primarily in industry production and in the service sector. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 14 Table 3. Energy Demands For 2006-2013 Energy Targets 2006 2013 2007-2013* Primary Energy Demand (BTEP) 96.560 147.400 6,2 Electricity Energy Demand (GWH) 171.450 295.500 8,1 Turkey’s developing and growing economic structure and its fast growing young and dynamic population raises the necessity to meet the growing energy demand at a rate of %7-8 within the next 15 years. In parallel with the increasing number of industrial facilities with the project, it is aimed to meet the energy needs of these facilities in the region and to provide cost-effective and quality energy to consumers in compliance with the energy market legislation and regulations and within the framework of the free energy market competitive conditions. With the realization of this planned project and other energy generation facilities, it is of great importance in terms of reliable economy and environmental impacts to solve the power shortage of Turkey in a clean way, which Turkey might face in the near future With the capacity addition in the said facility, if compared with other power generation facilities, an environmental-friendly, relatively low cost and reliable energy source will be ensured. Technology of the Project Natural gas is a mixture of light molecular weight hydrocarbons such as methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6) and propane (C3H8). They can be found alone or in conjunction with oil underground. Like oil, natural gas is also found in the pores of rocks and reaches production wells upon flowing through rocks. Natural gas is separated at surface and contained heavy hydrocarbons (butane, pentane, etc.) are removed. Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel that we use in our homes. In the event of combustion of natural gas carbon dioxide, water vapour and nitrogen oxides are emerging. Oil and natural gas are consisting of the same type hydrocarbon molecules as the names are given to fluids in liquid and gas phases respectively. Natural gas may be found alone in underground as it also might be found in oil reservoirs as gas hood and / or as dissolved in oil. While natural gas consists mostly of C1-C5 hydrocarbons, oil contains C1-C60 + (C60 and heavier) hydrocarbons. Dissolved gas in oil is the most important energy source that provides oil to flow into the well. The structure of a production block in a Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant and its operation mechanism is briefly as following: Each combined cycle production block contains a Gas Turbine-Engine + Gas Turbine-Motor Generator + Waste Heat Boiler + Condenser Unit + Steam Turbine + Steam Turbine Generator. In addition to these, Dry Type Cooling Towers or Water Cooled Wet Type Cooling Towers + CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 15 Water Treatment Facility + Switchgear Facility + Control and Control Systems are also included within the scope of the project 3. Production blocks of Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plants operate independently of each other. Electricity generation is carried out in two different stages. Natural gas mixed with air is burned in gas turbines and turns a generator which is on the same shaft of the turbine and electricity is produced at the first stage. At the same time, hot gases emerging from this combustion are sent to the waste heat boiler to produce steam from this heat. The steam having reached the necessary pressure and temperature is sent to the steam turbine and turns the turbine. By means of the generator being on the same shaft of the turbine, second stage electricity is produced. The steam from the steam turbine is condensed in condensers by means of cooling water and is converted into the water. The condensed water accumulating in the lower section of the condenser is sent to boilers for re-boiling. The steam produced in boilers, is sent to the steam turbine and the cycle is completed. To keep the maximum level of efficiency, boiler steam pressure is produced in three different levels (high, medium, low). In this way, the hot gas in boilers will be utilized as much as possible. The work flow scheme of the proposed Project is given below. 3 Electricity Generation and Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plants in Turkey (Prof. Dr. Fikret Keskinel) CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 16 Figure 2. NGCCPP Work Flow Scheme Synchronously to recent technological developments, gas turbines have reached very high efficiencies and their economy has rapidly increased. Thus, new generation industrial gas turbines have reached high reliability allowing operation for long periods with low maintenance. If evaluated in technical terms, gas turbine systems; • Kinetic energy which is created by the combustion of natural gas and air mixture (12-35 bar) in the combustion chamber turns the generator by means of the turbine and transmission. Electrical energy is obtained through the rotation of the generator. • The temperature at exhaust outputs of gas turbine systems is at a temperature of about 500600 °C. • With the help of a heat exchanger (waste heat boiler) direct saturated and/or hot water is obtained from the gas turbine output. Fuel To Be Used Natural gas to be used within the scope of the project is planned to be supplied from the natural gas pipeline of BOTAŞ (Petroleum Transportation with Pipelines Inc.) which is located to the east of the project site. SAMGAZ Doğal Gaz Dağıtım A.Ş will actualize natural gas intake from the BOTAŞ pipeline in order conduct the distribution of natural gas in the province of CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 17 Samsun. The “Gas Fired Combined Cycle Power Plant” which of the capacity is planned to be increased within the scope of the project, will take the natural gas required for energy generation from the pipelines of SAMGAZ Doğalgaz Dağıtım A.Ş. The map showing the BOTAŞ pipeline in the region and the minute designated between BOTAŞ and SAMGAZ Doğal Gaz Dağıtım A.Ş is provided in Annex-5. Natural gas will be used as the only fuel at the facility and natural gas storage will not be conducted. In the event that natural gas cannot be provided to the facility, any other raw material will not be used and the facility will not continue its activity. The fuel to be used will be supplied from Samgaz Doğalgaz Dağıtım A.Ş, which is one of the companies in the Energy unit of Cengiz Holding and the total hourly natural gas consumption will be 170.000 m3. The thermal power of the facility is approximately 1628,5 MW and the thermal power calculation is given below. Table 4. Thermal Power Calculation Natural Gas Thermal Power 8.250 kCal / Sm3 Amount of Natural Gas to be used in the Facility 170.000 m3/ hour 47,22 Sm3/ s Thermal Power 8.250 kCal/Sm3 x 47,22 Sm3/s 389.583,3 kCal/s 389.583,3 kCal/s x 4,18 j/cal 1.628.458,3 kj/sn 1.628,5 MW After the pressure of natural gas is reduced in the pressure reduction station electricity will be generate upon being burned in the engine. Evaporation which is to emerge after exhaust gas is passed through steam boilers will be passed through the steam turbine and additional electricity will be produced. The characteristics of natural gas to be used is given in the following table. Table 5. Characteristics of Natural Gas to be taken from Samgaz Doğalgaz Dağıtım A.Ş. Upper Thermal Value (kcal/m3) 9,042.93 3 Lower Thermal Power (kcal/m ) 8,144.94 Specific Weight 0.56601 Standard Density 0.69360 N2 0.8468% CO2 0.0498% METHAN 98.0670% ETHAN 0.7096% PROPAN 0.2346% I-BUT 0.0387% N-BUT 0.0383% I-PEN. 0.0076% N-PEN. 0.0054% HEXZA 0.0024% The facility at which a capacity addition is planned will be operated as combined cycle. In the combined cycle, it is benefited from exhaust gases emerging from the gas turbine by means of a CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 18 waste heat boiler and steam is produced. Steam being produced is taken to steam turbines and electrical energy generation is continued. In this way, high efficiency electric power generation is performed at the facility. The Energy Production Plant which of the EIA Positive Certificated is obtained is designed in 2 blocks and electricity will be produced in both blocks with one new technology LMS 100 Gas Turbine. With the use of the exhaust from these two gas turbines, there will be two HRSG Waste Heat Boilers (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) that will produce steam. Steam to be obtained from these boilers will be sent to one Steam Turbine unit. With the use of steam from this turbine electrical energy will be produced. With the capacity addition another block will be added to the facility. Thus, the plant will consist of 3 blocks. The following table gives information about the current status of the facility and about the units to be added with capacity addition. Table 6. NGCCPP Current Status LMS 100 GTG Gas Turbine Generator Set 1 per Unit Flue (Bypass) 1 per Unit Waste Heat Recovery 1 per Unit Auxilliary Units 1 per Unit Steam Turbine Generator Building 1 Feed Water Pumps 2 per Unit Cooling Water Pumps with Sea Water 4 per Unit t Gas Compressors 1 Gas Cooler 2 per Unit Gas Filters 1 per Unit Water Conditioning Plant 1 Pure Water Storage Tank 1 Pure Water Tanks 1 per Unit Pure Water Filters 1 per Unit Air Compressor 2 per Unit Power Control Unit 1 Gas Compressor Transformer 1 per Unit Auxiliary Transformers 1 per Unit Motor Control Panels 1 per Unit Switchyard 1 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 19 Table 7. Units to be added with NGCCPP Capacity addition Gas turbine and Auxiliary Units Generator Steam turbine and Auxiliary Units Waste Heat Boiler Transformers and Switchyard Center Fuel System AG and OG Systems Natural Gas Regulator System and Gas PreHeatment System Instrument and Service Air Compressor System Auxiliary Boiler System Sea Water Cooling Water System Additional Units Information on units to be added is given below. Gas Turbine Unit It is the unit where natural gas and air compressed in the compressor area is mixed and burned and where subsequently mechanical power is obtained as a result of the move of the shaft to which also the generator is connected. The gas turbine provides an electrical power of 390 MW. The air compression ratio is 19:1. Before air is absorbed from external environment to the gas turbine it is filtered. Exhaust gas which emerges as a result of combustion goes to the boiler to be evaluated in waste heat boilers. Gas Turbine Auxiliary Units Natural Gas Pressure and Temperature Adjustment Unit Turbine Bearing Lubricating Unit Shaft Rolling Gear System Compressor Cleaning System Air Intake Filtration and Conditioning System Exhaust Gas System Ventilation System Noise Isolation System Automatic Fire Detection System CO2 Fire Extinguishing System Gas Detection System Turbine Control System Waste Heat Boiler System In thermal power plants, regarding the energy conversion in cycle, the release of combustion gases to the environment which emerge as a result of burning fuel in the boiler and during and discarded steam in the condenser being cooled and re-passed to liquid phase, a large amount of heat is released to the environment. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 20 A vast majority of the heat energy provided from fuel in order to ensure the continuity of the cycle in thermal plants is emitted from the condenser and the fuel. As it is technically not possible to produce electricity from this energy which has to be emitted to the atmosphere, this heat energy is called as waste heat. The use of flue waste heat which is one of the two waste heat sources at thermal power plants decrease the temperature of flue gas. However, this temperature has a lower limit depending on the content of the fuel since in the event that flue gas temperature falls below a certain value, the acidic gas would pass to liquid phase and the flue would be damaged. As a result of this, although having a higher temperature, waste heat energy from the flue forms only a small portion of the total usable waste heat potential at the plant. For this reason, the priority of waste heat evaluation at thermal power plants is the heat energy emitted from the condenser which has a higher potential. As the heat temperature of waste heat at the condenser is at a level of 3540°C, its quality is low and it requires additional investment in housing and greenhouses using conventional heating systems (low temperature heating system investment). For this reason, as investment will increase although the cost of this waste heat is lower, it use in current housing and greenhouses is usually not economical. In waste heat evaluation applications at power plants, indirect methods like the use of intermediate steam is used instead of the use of waste heat emitted to the environment directly from the condenser. The use of these indirect methods are also investigated in the TSAD Project. The Investigation of Methods of the Conversion, Development of Thermal Power Plant Waste Heat to Benefits and Heating Application of Buildings which of the objective is to enhance Energy Efficiency in energy production by evaluating plant waste heat potential in the most effective way – Within the scope of the TSAD project, there are thermal power plants in our country which operate under EÜAŞ and Subsidiaries (YEAŞ, KEAŞ, SEAŞ ve HEAŞ) 4. Useful heat energy to be obtained at thermal power plants can be used in various fields which are; • • • District Heating Systems District Cooling Systems Heating Purposes in Greenhouses The planned power plant’s efficiency is 60%. The waste heat from gas engines will be taken to waste heat boilers and will be used in the steam-obtaining from water process. The steam obtained through waste heat boilers will be evaluated in the steam turbine and subsequently in the generation of electricity. The temperature of the gas released from the flue is around 100 °C and remains well below the emission limit values. Although that the investor company dos not have a waste heat evaluation project in current situation, the investor company will examine the above given waste heat assessment methods during the operation phase and will those have projected if found appropriate. Demineralised water steam is obtained at waste heat boilers by evaluating the exhaust gas from gas turbines. There is steam at 3 different pressure stages at the boiler. These 3 separate steam 4 www.tsad.org.tr CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 21 is sent to the steam turbine after being superheated steam from particular section of the waste heat boiler. As the thermal power plant is a combined cycle system, steam which is operated in the turbine is resend to the boiler after being condensed and thus the system operates in a closed loop manner. Dwindling water is approximately 46 tons/hour which is supplied from the demineralization plant. The exhaust gas system is emitted from the flue at about 100 degree after being used at the waste heat boiler. Steam Turbine It is 220 MW. 3 separate steam obtained from the waste heat boiler is sent to the superheated steam turbine and converts thermal energy into mechanical energy. Mechanical energy rotates the turbine shaft and the generator located on the same shaft performs electricity production. Used steam is sent to the condenser and from here to the waste heat boiler feed water tank by means of condensate pumps. Sub-units at the Steam Turbine system are as following: Lubrication Oil System Hydraulic Control System Main Steam Lines and Instrumentation Steam Bypass Stations Vacuum System Turbine Condensate System Turbine Control System Generator The Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine which are located on the same shaft with a single shaft design transfer mechanical energy to the generator on the same shaft. The generator capacity is approximately 610 MW. The following are located on the generator; Sealing Lubricating System Bearing Lubrication System Cooling System with Hydrogen Natural Gas Pressure Reducing and Gas Pre-Heatment and Filtration System Gas pressure on the pressure values that are required for gas turbine system because it is not considered by the gas pressure line must be regulated. A pressure of about 41 bar is required in front of the gas turbine. The capacity of the natural gas system is around 65 tons/hour. At the same time, the gas heating process is both increase in efficiency and condensation at low temperatures which is required as it constitutes a risk for the machine. Gas filtration is necessary to prevent ingress of undesirable gases. Particles above 2 µm are hold during the filtration system. Instrument and Service Air Compressor System Instrument air is used in valves instruments operating with air in the system. Service air is used in workshops for maintenance purposes. The amount of air to be used in the system is approximately 400 Nm3/h. Air pressure is 7 bar and dew point is around -40 degree. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 22 Sea Water Cooling System The sea water system is used to cool the closed loop condensate water at the steam turbine condenser. As the system operates completely under closed loop logic, water having cooled the condernser is returned to the sea. Sea water is moved from pools close to the plant to the system by means of pumps. The line pressure will be max. 4 bar as the flow rate will be approximately 36.000 m3/hour. The use of sea water together with the current system would be 60 000 m3/hour. Auxiliary Boiler System The auxiliary boiler will be used to keep the steam turbine and waste heat boiler ready or for early commissioning when units are not in operation. It is natural gas fuelled. It will produce 11 bar 190 degree 15 tons/hour steam. Below, a Typical Natural Gas Combine Cycle Power Plant, the process flow chart of the plant and a representative image of the process are given. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 23 Figure 3. Typical Natural Gas Combine Cycle Power Plant CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 24 Figure 4. Flow Process Chart of Plant CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 25 Figure 5. Process Representative Image CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 26 Electrical energy obtained with the use of natural gas at the facility will be delivered to the national transmission line aiming to contribute to meeting the energy needs of Turkey. Electricity to be generated in the plant will be connected to the network at two points of a connection voltage of 380 kV. The connection of the facility at which a capacity addition will be conducted will be delivered to the Cengiz 380 kV switchyard centre to be newly built and from here to the Çarşamba – Altınkaya line by means of energy transmission lines to be newly established and to the San-Sal Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant in the event that it is constructed. Within the scope of the project the operation period of the plant is determined as 7.000 hours/year and the economic life of the project is determined as 30 years. The facility will operate 11 months in a year at full load and in 3 shifts. The flow charts of the project units are given in Annex-6. The Work Flow Diagram summarizing the project phases is given in the following figure and the Time Schedule of the project is provided in Annex-7. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 27 Survey and • Site Selection and Layout Plan • EIA Study Project Studies • Basic Design and Engineering Studies • Finalization of Design Studies • Signing of Connection and System Use Agreements Civil Works • Submission of Final Compliance Report • Detailed Design Large Orders • Gas Turbines • Boilers • Steam Turbine • Automation and Control Systems • Switchyard Plant and Equipment • Transformers • Cooling Towers • Water Treatment Plant • Natural Gas Compressor Plant • Site Preparation and Construction Works • Turbine-Generator Foundation Works • Buildings and Auxiliary Units Foundation Works Constructio • Equipment Erection n/Erection • Piping • Installation of Electrical Equipment • Simple Cycle Preliminary Cold Tests and Controls • First Ignition • Unit Load Import / Synchronization • Simple Cycle Performance Tests / Completion of the Unit Commision • Combined Cycle Preliminary Cold Tests and Controls ing • Issuance of Steam to the Turbine • Unit Load Import / Synchronization • Combined Cycle Performance Tests / Completion of the Unit Figure 6. Process Flow Diagram CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 28 3.2. Location of the Project The Project is located in the province of Samsun, Tekkeköy District, Selyeri Region. The project area has been identified as an Energy Production Plant on the 1/5000 scale Master Development Plan. At the northwest of the Project Area, there is the Samsun 2 Mobil Power Plant currently established under the Ordinary Partnership of Cengiz İnşaat San. ve Tic. A.Ş and Cengiz Enerji San. ve Tic. A.Ş and approximately 1,5 km northwest of the area there is Eti Bakır A.Ş. which is also a Cengiz Holding subsidiary. Approximately 1,9 km west of the area there is the Samsun Fertilizer Industry and 3,3 km northwest there is the Samsun Machinery Industry. The nearest residential areas to the Project Area are the settlement units at the Selyeri Region located approximately 1050 m south of the area and approximately 3,5 km southwest of the area there is the Tekkeköy District Centre. Immediately east of the project area there is the drainage channel which is located 1 km east of the Black Sea area. Access to the plant area will be provided by the asphalt road allocating from the Samsun-Ordu highway. The site location map of the project area is given in Annex-8. The facility subject to the project is located on the Energy Production Plant Area on the 1/5.000 scale Master Development Plan (See Annex-9) and on the Industry Area on the 1/100.000 scale Environmental Master Plan and 1/50.000 scale Samsun Environmental Master Plan (See Annex10, Annex-11). The coordinates for the energy production plant capacity addition facility area are provided in the following table. The 1/25.000 scale Topographic Map showing the facility location is provided in Annex-12. The ED-50 UTM 6 degree coordinates of the project area and deep sea discharge are provided in the following table. Table 8. UTM Coordinates of the Project Area Point no: Y X 288710.877 4568645.894 1 288746.721 4568644.656 2 288754.330 4568864.957 3 288827.103 4568865.071 4 288817.936 4568599.702 5 6 288996.422 4568593.537 7 288986.011 4568509.459 288706.233 4568511.432 8 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 29 Table 9 Pipe line (from the Pool to the Sea) Point no: Y X 1 288515.138 4568530.442 2 288462.274 4568704.859 3 288408.146 4568881.825 4 288400.916 4569007.765 5 288400.073 4569142.588 6 288396.678 4569274.876 7 288392.708 4569412.219 Below, the satellite map of the proposed Project and the existing facility is shown. CENGİZ 240 MW NGCCPP Project Site Figure 7. Satellite Image of the Project Area (1) CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 30 Project Figure 8. Satellite Image of the Project Area (2) CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 31 Figure 9. The photo showing the project site The representative image provided from the provider of the gas and steam turbines are given below. Figure 10. Representative Photo Technical drawing of process units are also provided in Annex-13. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 32 Within the scope of the project, the use of an area of 46.000 m2 is in question which of 38.750 m2 is open area and 7250 m2 I closed area. Number of floors, their height and area to be included in 7250 m2 closed area is provided below. The facility general layout is seen on the Layout Plan provided in Annex-14. Main Building Boiler Pump Building OG, AG and Local Control Building Water Preparation and Storage Building Workshop and Storage Building Dining Hall and Cafeteria Auxiliary Boiler Building Auxiliary Transformer Building : 1 floor, 60x50 m = 3000 m2, Height: 24 m : 2 floors, 25x16 m = 400 m2, Height: 12 m : 2 floors, 50x25 m = 1250 m2, Height: 10 m : 1 floor, 25x16 m = 400 m2, Height: 12 m : 2 floors, 50x25 m = 1250 m2, Height: 10 m : 1 floor, 25x16 m = 400 m2, Height: 12 m :1 floor, 15x10 m =150 m2, Height: 18 m : 1 floor, 25x16 m = 400 m2, Height: 12 m CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 33 4. ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE DATA The Equator Principles recommend an environmental and social assessment. Below the relevant principle is given; Principle 2: Social and Environmental Assessment For each project assessed as being either Category A or Category B, the borrower has conducted a Social and Environmental Assessment process, appropriate to the nature and scale of the proposed Project. To conduct such assessment, first the baseline conditions should be known. This chapter provides information on the physical, biological and socio-economic elements of the environment, which shall be used as benchmarks for future monitoring. The area considered for assessment of baseline conditions of whole Samsun region which will be large enough in extent to include all potential impacts from the proposed project. 4.1. Physical, Biological and Social Environment 4.1.1 Geological Characteristics Regional Geology The study area is located south of the mobile plant owned by Cengiz Energy within the boundaries of the Kutlukent Municipality in the Tekkeköy District, province of Samsun. The area has a straight topography. Although there are alluvials in the young delta plains in the region, old alluvial is observed at terraces separated with steep slopes. The transition area to the southern highlands sector is covered with Neogene, clayey-calcareous sediments. Coastal mountains are composed of Cretaceous lavas. There are clay-gravel sediments located in the inner parts of the same mountains. Neogene sediments in the inland areas and in places covered with alluvial plains in the south 1 and 2 Cretaceous and Eocene rocks found in the sprouts of the old and curly. In large areas, volcanic formations are observed again. Eocene, Cretaceous, and Neogene-term formations are frequently seen in the region. Junction of the Green river in the southern border of the province territory Göksu spread to large areas of the Upper Cretaceous formations. Eocene formations are encountered on the east of the Abdal River. These formations continuoing on the east of the Yeşilırmak River are usually composed of sandstones, marls and conglomerates. The northern half of the region is covered completely with Holocene new alluvium. On these areas sand-gravel and blocks carried by the Yeşilırmak River are observed. The geological map of the region from southwest to east is tapering along the Kelkit Stream, again a large footprint in Ağvanis region being regarded as the oldest formation. However, this series is likely to be found inside almost all found metamorphosed have destroyed or made fossils unrecognizable. Therefore, the age of the metamorphic series is unknown. In general, although accepted as Paleozoic, it is most likely that Mesozoic layers are also included. The 1/25.000 scale geology map showing the project area is given in Annex-15. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 34 Stratigraphic Geology The stratigraphic cross-section outcropping on the project area and its vicinity is given in following figure. Figure 11. Stratigraphic Cross-Section of the Study Area and its Vicinity CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 35 Mesozoıc Upper Cretaceous • Cankurtaran Formation (Kc) The formation is composed of tuff, tuffite, sandy limestone and marl intermediate-level sandstone- shale. The formation, located on the fault between KAF and Erikli Fault axis and flanks is outcropping on an area of approximately 1500 km2. The unit is alternating usually in sandstone-shale. Formation has deposited in a deep marine environment. • Akveren Formation (Kta) It consists of sandy limestone, limestone and marl alternation. The formation is in the state of sandstone, sandy limestone, marl and shale alternation at lower levels. It continuous as limestone-marl alternation in middle and upper levels. Cainozoic Tertiary Palaeocene • Atbaşı Formation (Ta) It consists of gray colored sandstone and burgundy colored marl. The typical cross-section of the formation is located to the south of the Düzören village. The unit consists of thin-medium bedded, beige-coloured limestone, red sandy limestone and marl alternation. The formation thickness is approximately 150-450 meters. Eocene • Kusuri Formation (Tk) Gray marl consists of sandstone and cream-colored limestone and calcareous sandstone alternation. It outcrops on the west and south of Samsun. The formation is thinly bedded sandstone, marl and thickly shaped tuffite at the base. In the upper succession in continnues in the form of basalt, tuff, agglomerate. Agglomerates, in a matrix of tuff is formed of andasite, basalt, dacite, gravel and blocks. The İlyaslı member of the Samsun formation uncomfortably overlies the formation. The lower boundary is bordered with the Erikli fault. • Tekkeköy Formation (Tt) The formation consists of sandstone, marl and tuffite alternation at the base and from basalt and anglomerate. The unit outcrops on a large area between the Erikli fault and Black Sea. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 36 The formation is in the form of thinly bedded sandstone, marl and thick-layered tuffite at the base. Towards upper succession it continues in the form of basalt, anglomerate and tuffite. Anglomerate consists of andesite, basalt, dacite, pebbles and block within a tuffite matrix. The İlyaslı member of the Samsun formation overlies uncomfortably the formation. The thickness of the formation is about 1000 meters. The formation has been accepted as MiddleUpper Eocene. The unit is a volcanic and volcano sequence. Basalt lava in upper levels and the existence of anglomerate shows that the middle part is shallowed. • Samsun Formation The unit consist of grey-blue marine marl gypsum and clay intermediate level including sandstone, siltstone and conglomerate in lower levels and at the transition level and upper section of terrestrial conglomerate (pebbles) covering siltstone, sandstone and marl lenses. Marine marl forming the lower levels of the Samsun formation and the transition level İlyas Member (Tsi) over it and conglomerate forming the top part are called as the Karasamsun member (Tsk). -İlyas Member (Tsi) This unit starts with a base conglomerate consisting of volcanic pebbles. The upper gray-bluecolored clay with marine marl and gypsum and intermediate leveled sandstone and siltstone and conglomerate levels. It is outcropping on the west of the Kürtün River, on an area which also covers the residential area between the Mert and Kürtün Rivers. The thickness is about 130 meters. It has been aged as Upper Miocene – Lower Miocene based on the fossil community. It is deposited in an lagoonal-marine environment. -Karasamsun Member (Tsk) It consists of terrestrial conglomerate which forms the upper level of the Samsun formation. As the unit is resistant to erosion, it outcrops on ridges and hills. It is widely outcropping around the Karasamsun ridge, Kalkanlı and Köydüzü ridge, Karasamsun region, Çatalarmut village and Toroman Hill. The base of the unit is grade-transitioned with the transition level that forms the top section of the İlyas member and is overlaid by alluvial deposits. The unit consists of sandstone, siltstone and marl containing lenses, tightly attached to the middle, in places, composed of wellcemented conglomerates. Type of conglomerate pebbles mostly basalt-andesite volcanic rock, a small amount of limestone, sandstone and marl. Marl with siltstone and sandstone lenses in places, cross-layer thickness is of 1-2 m, 5-10 mm; length varies between 1-20 meters. The thickness of the member starts at about 70 meters. This thickness is increasing towards the Black Sea. Due to being grade-transitioned with the İlyas member, it has been aged as lower Pliocene. The unit is deposited in river environment. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 37 Quartenary Holocene •Alluvium (Qal) The largest alluvium expansions are observed around Tekkeköy, on the western part of the Yeşilırmak Delta and at sections where the flow rate of Kızılırmak is decreasing. Quartenary sediments observed along the Kızılırmak Valley consist of loose sand, gravel, silt and mil. The alluvium formed by the Kürtün and Mert Rivers at Samsun center have a thickness between 2050 meters. Tectonic The region is outcropped by forming an anticline of the Cretaceous and Eocene strata exposed to the Alpine orogeny. Thr Eocene flysch overlying the upper Cretaceous with discordance is in the same direction with the Cretaceous flysch. Neogene layers covering the Eocene with discordance forward to northeast or to the north with an inclination of 50-150. Fractured lines which are created as a result of tectonism mainly reach the deep and thus to Cretaceous and along fractures in the Eocene andesite, basalt and exhumation splits and sometimes participated in stratification. The main neotectonic period structure and earthquake source of the region is the NAFS (North Anatolian Fault System). The NAFS has a length of about 1600 km right directed being a dextral transform qualified active plate boundary (Şengör 1979). The research area is NAFS linear on the eastern parts and on the western parts of the splash zone areas include the development of a wide range of branches and leaves. NAFS on the east and from Gölova until Niksar on the west it continues as simple and linear. It makes both a right leap in the Niksar region and is separated to the south to branches which are concave. At the Niksar çek-ayır basin, the main stran of NAFS which makes a right leap continues in northwest direction after this basin. The Ezinepazarı fault which is also an important tributary of NAFS seperates from Niksar and continues to the Çankırı Basin towards the south (Şaroğlu et al., 1992). Throughout the history, on the 1/500.000 scale Samsun plot where also the the project area is located NAFS sourced earthquakes have occurred. The 1939 Erzincan (M=7.9) earthquake which formed a 350 km long surface rupture, 26 November 1943 Ladik (M = 7.2) earthquake (Şaroğlu et al, 1992), 20 December 1942 Erbaa-Niksar (M = 7.1) earthquake (Bozkurt, 2001) are the largest earthquakes although being far to the project area. Although tha the study area is affected by large earthquakes, landslides triggered by earthquakes in the region are not available. Geomorphology The project area is located in the central parts of the North Anatolian Mountains. Under this heading, the geomorphologic structure of the 1/500.000 scale Samsun Plot is given on which the project area is also located. The middle row of the North Anatolian mountains are lower than the east and west segments. The average height of the mountains at the Central Black Sea is between 1000-2000 m. The CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 38 upper sections of these mountain sequence is in the form of a plateau which corresponds to former erosion surfaces. During the periods when this plateau was not fragmented, Yeşilırmak which flows by forming meanders was slowly eroding this mass and formed the Ayvacık Strait (Atalay and Mortan, 2003). In terms of general physiographic features of the geomorphology of the region, the region is divided into three sub-relief groups as the Canik Mountains, the North Anatolian Fault Corridor and the Central Anatolian Plateau. Regional morphological structures in the study area formed by NAFS are separated from each other in the form of different units as northern and southern tectonic grooves. The northern slopes of the high relief group created by the Canik Mountains which remain in the north are fragmented with frequent river network which drain into the Black Sea. Valleys forming this river network are short but have a high inclination. The peak sections of the mountain ridge, throughout the narrow areas on the north of the Kelkit Valley are in the form of plateaus corresponding to swept plains. By means of the river system erosion developed by northern slopes it narrows this plateau area towards the south. The south of the mountain range is bounded by the tectonic groove created by NAFS. At the central and western sections of this relief group, the Niksar-Erbaa depression areas are situated with a sharp morphological margin. However, on the east, the southern boundary of this relief group shows a smoother transition by the the separation of the Kelkit Stream from the NAFS groove. In these sections, valley system which cause erosion at the southern slopes of the Canik Mountain Belt merge to the Kelkit Stream. The Kelkit Stream then forms a linear valley until Niksar along NAFS on the east-west line. The Kelkit Valley has narrow and steep slopes which is a tectonic controlled developed valley. Valley slopes are frequent but eroding with a network of shallow streams. In this region, the Kelkit Valley is represented approximately in east-west direction but the side-arms, and nearvertical position perpendicular to the direction of north-south valleys are represented by frequent and short directions. At Niksar, the tectonic valley which developes due to NAFS subsides and there are suppression areas which also develop due to this system. At NiksarErbaa subsidence areas are areas occurred by the right leap of the NAFS. On the south of NAFS, the northern edge sections of the Central Anatolian Plateau are situated. Yeşilırmak which drains into this plateau is situated immediately south of the Kelkit Valley and is positioned in parallel to this valley. There is a height difference of approximately 500 m between these two systems which are very close to each other. On the plateau, there are the valley systems which form the Yeşilırmak upper basin. In general, the length of the valleys to the east side of the developing and participating in the main valley is less than the northern slopes. The northern limit of the plateau east of the study area is bounded by NAFS. For this reason, these parts of the plateau to the north, gained a short but steep slope Kelkit River valley systems. On the eastern sections of the Plateau, the mountain ridge through which also Yesilirmak is passing there is the Tokat basin situated. Further east, because of the arms separated from NAFS, tectonically controlled and enhanced valley systems are observed. In addition, the Yesilirmak River forms the Yeşilırmak Delta which has an area of 600 km2 bordering the Black Sea. Hydrogeology The region where the activity area is located starts from the Kirazlı region which is 3 km east of the Samsun city center, includes the Tekkeköy, Çarşamba and Terme districts extending up to CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 39 the Akçay Creek which forms the Samsun-Ordu provincial border on the east and is called as the “Çarşamba Delta Plain”. The plain begins at sea level in the west and extends to the east by passing through the foothills which are rising towards the south. The aquifer ceiling depth on the left coast of Yeşilırmak is generally between 4 to 40 meters. The thickness of the aquifer varies between 1-20. Aquifer levels usually consist of gravel, clayey-sandy gravel, silt-sand-shells and of gravel and silty sand. The conductivity coefficiency of operating drilling wells opened for Toros Gübre and Eti Bakır Enterprises on the west of the plain and for the Aksa Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises varies between 50 and 2064 m2/day and specific yield between 0.61 l / s / m and 10.86 l / s / m. According to the “Turkey’s Groundwater Potential and Use Status Report” prepared by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, General Directorate of DSI, Planning-Design Reserve Control Branch Office, the total exploitable groundwater reserves available in the center of the province of Samsun and its vicinity where the project area is located has been determined as 22,5hm3/year. From this depth up to 60 meters saline water was observed. Geology Of The Study Area In drilling works carried out on the study area, dark gray colour, thin-medium grained, subsequent to marine sand, soft-smelling loam Clay-Silty Clay units at a thickness of 26.5028.50m were encountered. The detailed geological and geotechnical survey report of the study area is given in Annex-16. Seismicity The project area which is located in the province of Samsun, Tekkeköy District is located within a 2nd degree seismic belt according to the Turkey’s Map of Earthquake Regions by the Ministry of Public Works and Settlement (1996). During the final project phase, the principles set forth in the “Regulation on Buildings to be Constructed on Disaster Zones” shall be considered. The active fault map of Turkey on which the project area is also located is provided in Figure 14. The Earthquake Map on which the project area is located is given in Figure 13 . Earthquakes measured on the project area and its vicinity and their relevant magnitudes are provided in following table. Table 10. Earthquakes Measured on the Project Area and its Vicinity and their relevant Magnitudes. Latitude Date Time (GMT) Longitude Depth (km) Magnitude 02.04.2008 10:14 40.62 34.79 5 4,1 29.03.2008 03:12 40.65 34.73 5 4,5 14.01.2008 02:06 40.56 34.76 7 4,3 29.04.2005 22:28 40.70 34.86 13 4,6 03.02.2004 11:50 40.65 36.52 5 4 27.09.2003 19:34 40.61 35.82 5 4,2 03.05.2001 06:10 40.56 36.66 5 4,1 05.04.1999 07:57 40.74 35.27 0 4 08.03.1997 23:01 40.78 35.44 5 6 28.02.1997 00:03 40.68 35.30 5 4,7 07.12.1996 23:13 40.67 35.22 5 4 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 40 22.11.1996 25.09.1996 12.09.1996 11.09.1996 09.09.1996 25.08.1996 25.08.1996 21.08.1996 20.08.1996 20.08.1996 19.08.1996 14.08.1996 14.08.1996 14.08.1996 14.08.1996 14.08.1996 14.08.1996 14.08.1996 14.08.1996 29.07.1996 17.03.1996 12.06.1993 03.06.1993 12.05.1992 12.02.1992 12.02.1992 31.05.1988 03.09.1985 10.06.1985 10.06.1985 07.12.1981 15.07.1975 01.08.1973 17.04.1971 17.10.1970 10.07.1970 07.08.1969 12.08.1967 24.03.1965 21.09.1964 01.04.1962 19.08.1954 04.09.1950 30.09.1944 07.12.1943 20.12.1942 11.12.1942 02.12.1942 21.11.1942 23.08.1940 04.01.1940 28.12.1939 27.12.1939 27.12.1939 05.03.1935 11:59 01:52 16:37 14:33 06:05 13:58 03:54 02:17 23:25 03:32 04:47 19:47 12:41 12:04 11:24 10:32 02:59 02:25 01:55 22:04 14:12 08:58 07:46 23:38 15:59 15:55 21:06 08:47 12:02 11:41 21:17 21:59 19:56 16:37 01:50 13:29 01:57 16:59 06:59 18:07 01:39 21:03 12:17 04:13 01:19 14:03 02:39 19:04 14:01 05:11 20:44 02:23 22:34 20:00 16:10 40.68 40.71 41.67 40.78 40.84 40.72 40.93 40.75 40.73 40.68 40.66 41.09 40.69 40.87 40.71 40.74 40.79 40.78 40.74 40.85 40.71 40.62 40.89 40.84 40.55 40.58 40.65 40.85 40.56 40.60 40.66 40.93 40.91 41.24 40.61 40.99 41.60 41.06 41.60 41.10 40.80 41.21 41.28 41.11 41.00 40.70 40.76 41.04 40.82 41.00 40.80 41.05 40.83 40.80 41.50 35.24 35.28 36.05 35.30 35.33 35.28 35.33 35.31 35.23 35.34 35.33 35.01 35.27 35.35 35.28 35.31 35.23 35.27 35.29 36.24 35.38 35.79 35.96 35.93 35.86 35.80 34.77 34.59 35.81 35.80 36.00 36.08 34.60 37.08 35.79 35.91 36.20 34.31 38.40 37.60 36.10 36.41 34.25 34.87 35.60 36.80 34.83 34.88 34.44 38.00 36.80 37.01 36.80 36.80 34.50 0 2 15 0 5 5 5 4 5 2 8 21 5 29 0 3 16 1 17 5 7 10 10 10 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 18 19 33 33 37 33 33 3 33 10 30 10 10 0 16 40 20 80 0 0 10 10 0 0 4,1 4,2 4 4 4,2 4,1 4 4,1 4,1 4,1 4 4 4,1 4,3 4 4 5,4 4,1 5,6 4 4,4 4,6 4,3 4,5 4,9 4,5 4,1 4 4,4 4,8 4,5 4,7 4,2 4,8 4,2 4,5 4,6 4,1 4,1 4,3 4,7 5 4,9 5,5 5,6 7 6,1 5,4 5,5 4,2 4,2 4,5 4,9 4,5 4,6 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 41 21.08.1929 16.08.1923 29.08.1918 21.06.1908 01:24 03:52 06:39 03:55 41.00 41.02 40.58 40.60 37.00 34.41 35.16 35.90 0 40 10 0 4,4 5,2 5,5 5,2 Figure 12. Earthquake Map of the Project Area CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 42 Proje Alanı Figure 13. Active Fault Map of the Project Area 4.1.2 Soil Characteristics Climatic and geological structure differences observed in the province as well as the diversity in vegetation caused the formation of soils of different characteristics. Agricultural lands are focused on I, II, III and IV. class lands. However, it is observed that forest areas and grasslandpasture areas having the largest surface area are located on VII. class lands. Agriculture being carried out in the range I-IV on an area of 344.966 hectares and agriculture carried out in the range V-VIII on an area of 130.549 hectares show that agro-ecological factors constitute an important section in production in the province of Samsun. The total surface area of the province of Samsun is 957.900 hectares and the distribution is given in the following table. Table 11. Land Distribution in the Province of Samsun Parameter Relevant Data Surface Area (Ha) 957.900 Agricultural Land (Ha) 455.324 Forest Area (Ha) 358.107 Pasture, Meadow (Ha) 33.721 Non-Agricultural Land (Ha) 110.748 Field (Ha) 292.265 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 43 Vineyard-Orchard (Ha) Exposed to Erosion (Ha) 28.654 813.384 The following Figure shows the land features of the project area: Project Area Figure 14. Land Features of the Project Area Accordingly, the overall features of the land on which the site is located are as following: A 9 F IV sw A : Alluvial Soil 9 : Body: Rough; Drainage: Bad drainage F : Heather IV : IV. class land property sw : Soil insufficiency (stoniness, salinity, alkalinity), wetness, impaired drainage or flood damage. The facility subject to the Project is given on the 1/5.000 scale Master Plan (in Annex-9), on the Energy Production Plant Facility Area and on the 1/100.000 scale Environmental Master Plan (in Annex-10) on the Industry Area. Currently, there is not any land on the project field on which an agricultural activity is carried out. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 44 Soil Pollution Domestic and industrial qualified solid wastes, industrial, commercial, mining and agricultural activities cause soil pollution in various ways. In recent years, rapid urbanization and industrialization along with population growth as well as increase in consumption by diversity, changes in living standards have increased the solid waste amount per capita. However, the collection of solid waste collection and their disposal have not yet reached the desired level. Waste areas generated at city environments both make the soil unavailable for use and cause various environmental problems, particularly in health. Waste as a result of a variety of activities are discharged to receiving environments such as soil and water without being subjected to any processing. Waste which is a big issue especially in the city center and the districts are randomly buried or left. Soil is polluted in microbial aspects in this way and waters leaking from solid wastes can pollute groundwater or streams. Soil pollution also occurs as a result of industrial activities. Regarding studies on the effects of industrial facilities operating in the areas of Samsun on planting areas, the amount of residual pollutants in soil were determined to be greater than the amount of pollutants especially in iron, copper, fluoride accumulation. In addition, decrease in pH was also observed in the deep. The analysis of samples taken from plants located in the surrounding area have shown that they are under the influence of intensive fluoride, iron and copper emission depending on the wind direction between 3-6 km. Accordingly, this caused an acidification effect on soil surface. In addition, there is also soil contamination caused by pesticides and fertilizers used in agricultural activities. Pesticides are chemical substances used against plant diseases, insect pests and weeds which adversely affect agricultural products. Some of these substances may remain intact in the soil for a long time to cross some water or soil contamination in the new pose. The use of pesticides in our country is increasing with each passing day in Samsun. Despite the positive effects on product yield, wrong usage causes significant environmental problems depending on the type of pesticide being selected. It is known that plants grown in soil contaminated with pesticide residues intake some of these pesticides and join in this way the food chain. In addition, pesticides residues partially or completely destroy beneficial microorganisms in soil. It is known that chemical pollution in the province of Samsun is very high caused particularly by pesticides and fertilizers. It is also known that soil contaminated in this way is accumulating at the same time in a variety of ways by harmful substances in soils, rivers and seas. For example, to increase agricultural production, intensive fertilizers and pesticides are used at the Yeşilırmak Basin (Çarşamba Plain). The average per hectare of agricultural products within the basin in general and commercial fertilizer are taking between 3-20 kg. In addition, large and small animals are often used in solid and liquid droppings and straw occurring substances such as farmyard manure is used as a very intensive agricultural fertilizer. About 300-400 kg manure per decares is used in the region. Manure used at the Yeşilırmak Basin is about 28.000 tons per year. Approximately %25 of this amount is Amoniumnitrate and 75% is Amoniumsulphate. High amount of pesticides are used CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 45 in agriculture on the Çarşamba Plain where all kinds of agriculture is performed. As a result of this implementation having a wide variety of dosage forms and styles, Yesilirmak is mostly polluted in this way in our province. Discharge of untreated industrial and urban waste waters and sources such as streams, rivers and lakes polluted by these waters cause a significant soil pollution. Due to limited resources, these types of water resources are used for irrigation. As a result, suspended and solid substances in contaminated water, heavy and trace elements accumulate in the soil and affect the physical, biological, and chemical structure. The enrichment of heavy metals and trace elements in soil at phytotoxic levels affects plant growth and yield as a part of contaminants passes to the food chain through the plants being grown in these areas. Fertile plains and agricultural lands are affected by wastewater and by irrigation made especially from sources carrying sewage wastes, it is seen that fruits and vegetables are adversely affected with a variety of parasites. 4.1.3 Land Use Agricultural land The surface area of the province of Samsun is 957.900 hectares and 455.324 hectares thereof is arable agricultural land. Irrigable agricultural land constitutes 24,6% of total agricultural land and this area is 112.098 hectares. Non-irrigable agricultural land constitute 75,4% of total agricultural lands which is approximately 343.226 hectares. Table 12. Basic Information about Agriculture According to 2007 Statistical Data Parameter Relevant Data Surface Area (Ha) 957.900 Agricultural Land (Ha) 455.324 Irrigated (Ha) 112.098 Non-Irrigated (Ha) 343.226 Sown (Ha) 417.576 Fallow (Ha) 12.656 Forest Area (Ha) 358.107 Pasture, Meadow (Ha) 33.721 Non-Agricultural Land (Ha) 110.748 Field (Ha) 292.265 Orchards-Vineyards (Ha) 28.654 Exposed to Erosion (Ha) 813.384 Most Important Vegetable Product Fındık Growing Area (Ha) 87.866 Production Amount (Tons) 107.298 Number of Plows 48.754 Number of Tractors 34.232 Number of Fishing Boats 784 Number of Fishing Families 2.484 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 46 Table 13. Distribution of Agricultural Lands Type of Land Amount (ha.) Cereals 197.866 Industrial Crops 23.675 Edible Legumes 18.539 Edible 28.645 Fruit 91.334 Fallow 12.656 Lumpy Plants 2.370 Others 80.239 Total Agricultural Land 455.324 Rate to Agricultural Land (%) 42,45 5,20 4,07 8,43 20,06 2,77 0,52 16,50 100 Polycultural farming is carried out in the province of Samsun. Aquaculture production and animal production, taking into account items of strategic importance in the production pattern, yield, production volume, the weight of the products will be examined further. There is a total of 455.324 hectares of agricultural land available in the province as the area of cereal crops takes the I. rank with a share of 42.45%. Although it seen that fruit cultivation takes the II. rank with a share of 20.06%, 85.532 hectares of 91.334 hectares of fruit orchards are areas where hazelnut cultivation takes place. The most important products cultivated in our province in terms of economical value are wheat, corn, rice and tobacco. Sunflower is cultivated as an industrial plant. Closed-type fruit production is conducted. An important part of this is the hazelnut area. Hazelnut production is carried out in the Merkez, Terme Çarşamba, Salıpazarı, Ayvacık, Tekkeköy, Ondokuzmayıs, Bafra, Alacam, Yakakent and Asarcık Districts. Again, in closed-type, peach production is conducted in the Merkez and Çarşamba Districts which forms the most important source of income. Closed garden kiwifruit production is applied by farmers in recent years. The most cultivated vegetables in our province are tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, spinach, beans, squash, cabbage, leeks, watermelon and melon. In addition, vegetable cultivation is made in plastic greenhouses and high tunnels which increased in recent years. The following table shows the amount of production yield and areas of field crops produced in the province: Table 14. Cereals Growing and Production Products CEREALS Wheat Barley Rye Oats (grain) Spas Corn (grain) Rice Values Planting (ha) 139.825 13.328 1.628 275 380 36.521 10.090 Production (tons) 459.177 36.902 3.692 463 444 205.037 80.607 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 47 Table 15. Legumes Growing and Production Products Broad Bean (dry) Peas (dry) Chickpea Beans (dry) Lentils (green) Vetch (grain) LEGUMES Values Planting (ha) 11 100 1.338 15.340 2 1.778 4 50 1.309 9.336 2 2.895 Values Planting (ha) 834.6 781 4.850 1.030 15.945 451 31.904 - 10.244 5.476 12.125 20.300 387.905 3.726 120.036 - Values Planting (ha) 12.400 11.228 47 11.930 487.365 52 Table 16. Forage Crops Growing and Production Products FORAGE CROPS Alfalfa Sainfoin Oats (grass) Corn (sized) Corn (silage) Triticale (grass) Vetch (grass) Clover (grass) Table 17. Industrial Plants Growing and Production Products INDUSTRIAL PLANTS Tobacco Sugar Beet Hemp (fiber) Table 18. Number of Fruits and Trees and Production FRUITS Number of Trees Bearer New World 0 POME FRUITS STONE FRUITS HARDSHELL Non-Bearer 0 Production (tons) 0 Pear Quince Apple Medlar Oleaster Plum 202.418 52.275 324.630 28.660 0 135.550 68.727 10.133 180.379 4.185 0 34.780 8.045 787 13.063 515 0 3.245 Apricot Cherry Cranberry Peach Berry Pistachios 260 95.250 97.810 589.672 31.452 0 75 44.686 3.965 107.335 31.895 0 6 3.178 1.055 28.146 937 0 Walnut Almond 107.325 690 105.026 0 2.716 20 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 48 BERRIES BERRIES Hazelnut Chestnut Raspberry (da) 42.105,155 27.000 38 6.181,665 4.670 35 107.298 602 36 Strawberry (da) Mulberry Fig Kiwi Banana Pomegranate 1.454 47.510 59.840 13.050 0 9.487 29 10.690 11.865 20.131 0 2.155 1.005 1.413 2.148 429 0 198 Trabzon Persimmon Grape 10.475 8.225 520 216.375 26.800 1.318 Table 19. Area, production and yield of vegetable crops Cultivated Area Name of Product (ha) Cabbage (White) 27.715 Cabbage (Red) 20.060 Cabbage (D.Leaves) 21.800 Lettuce (tummy) 1.440 Lettuce (curly) 8.430 Spinach 14.750 Leeks 6.305 Red Beet 1.025 Parsley 370 Green Beens 56.685 Tomato (sauceboat) 5.770 Green Peas 2.620 B.Beens 11.485 Okra 575 Pumpkin 4.745 Melon 10.175 Watermelon 26.006 Courgette 1.340 Cucumber 20.430 Eggplant 19.745 Tomato 41.771 Pepper (bell) 18.915 Pepper (sharp) 18.915 Pepper (sauceboat) 23.340 Garlic 170 Onion 2.071 Carrots 290 Radish (slope) 786 Radish (red) 385 Cauliflower 4.710 Broccoli 528 Artichoke 430 Total 383.937 Production (tons) Yield (kg/ha) 83.029 60.296 40.723 1.375 8.397 17.078 15.623 3.075 331 85.320 26.870 2.710 11.425 485 7.091 34.350 111.406 3.233 68.221 56.822 221.108 50.682 50.682 46.693 228 2.190 870 2.284 1.087 9.420 540 764 1.061,517 2.300 2.350 1.400 1.000 850 1.000 1.950 3.000 650 900 3.500 1.000 1.000 750 2.200 2.500 3.900 2.200 2.400 2.050 3.000 1.500 1.500 2.000 1.100 1.100 3.000 2.000 2.100 2.000 1.000 1.200 The facility subject to the project is located on the Energy Production Plant Area on the 1/5.000 scale Master Development Plan (in Annex-9) and on the Industry Area on the 1/100.000 scale CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 49 Environmental Master Plan and 1/50.000 scale Samsun Environmental Master Plan (in Annex-10, Annex-11). Forestry Area The proposed activity is allocated as a energy production site and is within the industrial area. For this reason, the activity area and its vicinity has largely lost its forest existence. Again, about 600 m away from the project area, at the racecourse of the Turkey Jockey Club, there are tree populations of the Pinus pinea (stone pine) species. The EIA Examination and Assessment Report was obtained from the Amasya Regional Directorate of Forestry in which it is stated that the entire area being applied is “on places carried outside forest boundaries on behalf of the Treasury within the scope of Article 2/B of the Forest Law No. 6831 and that a capacity addition at the plant of the relevant company is suitable in terms of forestry activities” 4.1.4 Topography The province of Samsun which is situated between the deltas where the Yeşilırmak and Kızılırmak Rivers are pouring to the Black Sea at the middle part of the Black Sea coastal line has a surface area of 9,579 km². Geographically, it is latitude 40° 50‘ - 41° 51 and longitude east 37° 08‘ ve 34° 25. The neighbours of our province of which the Black Sea is located in the north are Ordu on the east, Sinop on the west, Tokat and Amasya on the south and the province of Çorum on the southwest. The province of Samsun shows three different characteristics in terms of the earth behaves. The first is the mountainous part on the south, the second are the plateaus remaining between the mountainous part and the coastal strip, the third is the coastal plains between the plateaus and the Black Sea. At the coastal plains formed at delta areas created by the Kızılırmak and Yeşilırmak Rivers, the Bafra and Çarşamba Plains are situated which are the plains with highest agricultural potential. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 50 Figure 15. Topographical Status 5 Mountains The lands of the province of Samsun are covered with plains at the coastal line of the Black Sea and inner parts extending to the south are covered with mountain ranges which are not very high. The region is located between the coastal line of the Black Sea and high mountains which are parallel to this coastal line. These mountains follow east-west direction at the ÜnyeÇarşamba section, east-south and west-northwest direction at the Samsun-Bafra section. There are mainly two mountain ranges which extend from east to west and which appear to be following each other. The one in the east is called the Canik Mountains and the one on the west is called the Çangal Mountains. - Canik Mountains: The western ends of the Canik Mountains, which of a large part is located in the province of Ordu, are located in the territory of Samsun. These mountain ranges having a low height do not interfere the transportation between the Black Sea and inner parts. - Çangal Mountains: A large part of the Çangal Mountains which enter the boundaries of the Samsun Province from the western end are located within the boundaries of the province of Sinop. The average height of the Çangal Mountains is 1500 meters. 5 DSI 7th Regional Directorate, 2005 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 51 - Sıralı Mountains: Sıralı Mountains being one of the important heights of the province of Samsun is located on the east of the Kavak District and the height is 1300 meters. - Kocadağ: Kocadağ which is located in the northern part of the province of Samsun near to the KAvak District has a height of 1310 meters. - Akdağ: Akdağ, which is the highest mountain of the Samsun province has a height of 2062 meters. Akdağ which is located between the Ladik District and Amasya has a rich forest structure. - Kunduz Mountains: The height of the Kunduz Mountains which are located on the lands of the province of Samsun, Vezirköprü District is 1783 meters. The mountain which is mentioned with famous kunduz forests has a country-wide reputation for the plentiness of its products. - Hacılar Mountain: The height of the Hacılar Mountain which is located on the AnkaraSamsun Highway, after the Kavak District is 1150 meters. Then we see the Mahmur Mountains. - Nebyan Mountain: The Nebyan Mountain which is located on the west of the Kocadağ has a height of 1224 meters. Except these mountains there are also hills with following heights; • • • • • • Akpınar in south-east with a height of 900 meters, Böğürtlen Hill 950 meters, Büyük Mountain and Topuzlu in the east of 950 meters, Sofu area and Örencik of 800 meters, The Saltuk Hill in the east with a height of 1150 meters, Kocaçal Hill in Kavak of 913 meters, Çadır Hill in the right direction of the Mert river with a height of 110 meters, Toraman Hill which extends towards the port on the right of the Kürtün River with a height of 125 meters. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 52 Plains Çarşamba Plain: The Yeşilırmak River which passes through the Erbaa district reaches Çarşamba. While the Yeşilırmak River discharges to the Black Sea from the Cıva Cape it forms behind the Çarşamba Plain with very valuable alluvial. The surface area of the Çarşamba Plain, which starts from Kirazlık is 89.500 hectares. By virtue of water channels made by DSI, 70% of the land has been made suitable for agriculture. The remaining 30% consists of forest, reeds and marsh. Bafra Plain: The Kızılırmak River which reaches the Bafra district divides into several arms at Bafra. Kızılırmak which is tributing into the sea at the Bafra Cape leaves behind a large and alluvial soil. The plain having a surface area of 76.000 hectares is one of the most fertile plains of Turkey. The northern sections of the plain irrigated by irrigation canals made by DSI are barren lands. Livestock is conducted at these placed. Plateaus The plateaus in the region are usually originated in the second and third time. Mountain slopes in the Black Sea region are very eroded. In addition, rivers in the region have fragmented the soil and have formed plateaus in the territory in places. The most important among those is the Ladik Basin and Kavak Plateaus. 4.1.5 Water Resources Rivers Yeşilırmak: The Yeşilırmak River springs from the Köse Mountains. Yeşilırmak which reaches Çarşamba after passing the Erbaa district, divides the district into two from the middle and tributes to the Black Sea from the Cıva Cape. It joins at the Üç Taşlar region with the Ters Akan River. Yeşilırmak having a length of 416 km, has a flow rate of 5 km and its water height in the driest season is 9 meters and 5.5 meters in the eastern coast. . Kızılırmak: Kızılırmak which springs from the Kızıl Mountain in the province of Sivas is the longest river of Turkey. The river which enters the Black Sea Region from the Osmancık district has a length of 1151 km. Around Karkı it enters the northeast Samsun-Sinop boundary. The river which separates into branches on the west of Bafra tributes into the Black Sea at the Bafra Cape. Delice, Devres and the Gök River are the most important branches of Kızılırmak. According to measurements carried out near Bafra, it width during the driest period is 46 meters and its depth is 1.30 meters. It flows 21 cubic meter of water per second. The flow rate is between 4 and 6 km. Terme Stream: The Terme stream springs from the Kara forest. The Terme Stream which feeds the reed around Simenit divides the district into two and tributes into the Black Sea. The Terme Stream which has a width of 30 meters and a depth of around 1 meter gives life to the paddy fields. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 53 Except these rivers there are small and large other rivers in the region such as the Mert River, Kürtün Stream, Ters Akan Stream, Kara Boğaz Creek, Akçay, Uluçay, Esenli, İncesu, Hızırilyas, Ballıca Creek and Güdedi. Lakes and Ponds The lakes in the region are formed from river beds which change from time to time. The lakes of the region are gathered in the Bafra, Çarşamba and Ladik Districts. Port Lake: It is at a distance of 20 km to Bafra. The lake at a size of 3 km is opened to the sea through some branches The length of these branches reaches 2000 meters in some places. Mullet and Carp fishing is performed in the lake. On the south of the Port Lake there is the Fish Lake as the Kara Boğaz Lake is situated to its north. Ladik Lake: The Ladik Lake which constitutes the source of the Ters Akan River is at a distance of 10 km to Ladik. The lake contains trout and pike. Reeds collected from the Ladik Lake which has a large reed area besides fishing are used in making reed mats. The length of the lake is 5 km, its width is 2 km and its surface area is 10 km. Simenit Lake: The Simenit Lake has originated as a result of the change of the Terme Stream Bed. Fishing is conducted in the lake which is located within the boundaries of Terme. The lake which is at a distance of 20 km to Terme has the appearance of two lakes connected to each other through a channel. The lake which is fed with rain water in the Winter is filled up from time to time in stormy periods by mixing sea water. Except the lakes mentioned above there are many small and large lakes in the region. These are the Karagöz, Dut dibi, Çernek, Uzun Lake and Tombul lakes which are formed by Kızılırmak at Bafra. Drinking Water Sources and Dams Altınkaya Dam (Bafra): The Dam which is established over the Kızılırmak has a storage capacity of 5763 hm3 and a depth of averagely 50 m and its height from the river bed is 140 m. The surrounding of the dam is covered with wooded area. The environment is used a recreation and icnic area as well as fishing and net fishing area. In summer, there are carp and similar fish available. The dam water will be used for energy production. Derbent Dam (Bafra): It is constructed over the Kızılırmak River under the Altınkaya dam. The Derbent Dam has a height of 29 meters from the sea bed (The height of the dam filling body measured from the river bed) and has a capacity of 213.000.000 m3. Average water depth is 11.50 m. It is used for electricity production like the Altınkaya Dam. At the same time it is used for irrigation purposes and it is more poor in terms of fish existence according to the Altınkaya Dam. Hasan Uğurlu Dam (Ayvacık): The dam over the Yeşilırmak River has a height of 135 m from the river bed and a water storage capacity of m3. Average water depth is 54 m. The dam was constructed for energy production purposes. It surrounding is covered with pine forests and is used as picnic and recreation area. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 54 Suat Uğurlu Dam (Ayvacık): The dam over Yeşilırmak located under the Hasan Uğurlu Dam has a height of 38 m from the sea bed and a water storage capacity of 175.000.000 m3. Average water depth is 13 m and it is used for energy production. The dam will be used at the same time for the irrigation of the Çarşamba Plain. Güven Dam (Kavak): The dam having a water storage capacity of 2.200.000 m3 has a average water capacity of 14 m. Its height from the river bed is 30 m. It is used for irrigation purposes. Kozansıkı Pond (Kavak): The dam has a height of 3 m from the river bed and a water storage capacity of 373.000 m3 and a depth of 11.5 m. It is a small pond and is used for irrigation purposes. Divanbaşı Pond (Kavak): It has an average depth of 10 m and is used for irrigation purposes with a water storage capacity of 1.650.000.000 m3. It height from the river bed is 23 m. Ondokuzmayıs Pond (Merkez District): The pond having a water storage capacity of 600.000 m3 has an average depth of 11 m. It height from the river bed is 22 m. The potable water of the university is supplied from this lake. Çakmak Dam (Çarşamba): The dam which will serve as the storage facility of the Samsun dirnking water project was constructed on the south of the Çarşamba Plain, 20 km southwest of the Çarşamba District over the Abdal River. Sea Black Sea The length of the coastal line of the Black Sea, which has the appearance of an inland sea, is 1.695 km. The deepest point is 2.244 and the surface area is 424.000 km2 6. As the Black Sea shows a “longitudinal coastal line type”, the shelf area s very steep and the depth in short distance reaches 1.500 m. As there is less evaporation and as there are many tributing rivers, salinity rate is low in the Black Sea. Average salinity ratio is 18%, this ratio in river mouths is around 15-16%. Salinity of the Black Sea substrate is approximately 22%. The piknoklin layer which is in the form of a dome separates the two layers from each other. The piknoklin depth which has a depth of 80-120 m in the middle of the east-west thresholds is more on the edges (150-200 m). The temperature of the surface layer varies between 320˚C and 260˚C according to the seasons. The central part of the temperature difference, is at least about 50 m. Minimum temperature, at the edges toward the center of the shallow water, growing more and 100 m depths. Black Sea and Samsun Gulf Oceanography The most distinctive feature of the Black Sea from other seas is the deep basin at the bottom layer of oxygenated surface waters and towards the base it is constantly growing large amounts of oxygen containing hydrogen sulfide (H2S) (Yılmaz, 2002). The main reason for this formation, all the deep basin filled the salty waters of Mediterranean origin (> 22 ppt) on the 6 http://www.almula.com/turkiye.asp CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 55 surface less salt (18 ppt) waters are separated by a continuous haloklin (Yılmaz, 2002). Veritcal mixtures at the Black Sea are as effective as the upper limit of haloklin. Therefore, the surface layer of the sulfur-oxygen deep water dissolved oxygen (DO), transport is very limited. Ambient air to meet oxygen requirements bacteria to oxygen input of organic matter decomposition fug is collapsing and being through the reduction of SO4 consists H2S environment. Constant of the upper depths of the oxygen-deficient Haloklin (DO <20 microM and H2S <5 microM) with a layer of sub-oxic waters of H2S all basin boundaries of initial densities, the difference is the same water depth (Yılmaz, 2002). The layer boundaries of suboxy Murray et al., (1995), ÇO<10μM falls and H2S <10μM layer is defined as a mutual σt = 15.65 and density of the water is provided as σt = 16:15. Today's Black Sea ecosystem H2S initial boundary waters open waters 90-100m is dominated by cyclonic loops along the shore, the more deep inside (160-180m). Dramatic changes were observed in the ecosystem of the Black Sea in the last 30 years. CO and H2S findings for the years 1960 and 1980 compared with the findings of the 90s, suboxide layer thicker and were thinner than in the past. (Murray et al., 1989, 1995, Tugrul et al., 1992; Baştürk and et al., 1997; Konovalov and Murray, 2002, 2001). The upper limit of this time, the same intensity in anoxic layer plane (σt = 16.2) remains. The coastal areas of the Black Sea, river inputs (Cociasu et al., 1996, 1997; Tuncer et al., 1998 Yilmaz was taken in 2002) in parallel with the vertical and horizontal sediment transport mechanisms, which are the source inputs of nutrients salts. Cyclonic loop systems to be effective in deep basins surface layer of the more vertical mixing light, and nutrients are transported from nutriklin by diffusion (Yılmaz et al., 1998 views taken 2002). Cyclonic currents are usually observed in surface waters of the Black Sea. Structure of western and eastern basins of the Black Sea has two different main stream. The flow of the Black Sea were examined in many scientific modeling studies in recent years in details. As a result of this analysis, it was found to be of a very different and complex discharge structure. Besides the main basin cyclonic currents along the coast, the bottom edge of the structure and bathymetric antisiklonik steering with induced flow is also available. All of these flows are composed in connection with each other and are following each other. (Oguz, et al., 2004). Groundwater Resources The province of Samsun and its immediate vicinity, the area being important in terms of groundwater along the coast, the Atakum Costal Plain is constituted by means of the alluvial plains formed by the Mert and Kürtün Rivers which tribute into the Black Sea from the southeast and northwest of the city. The eastern border of the site which include also the City Center of Samsun passes about 2 km southeast of the province and extends 28-30 km to the south. It is bounded with a line of 45-50 km in the west. The site is located between 36 °-37 circles longitude and 41°-42° latitude circles according to the Greenwich starting point. The basin area is 1120 km2. The topography starting with a sweet slope from the sea shore rises towards the south and passes 100 m. The area is split by steep terrain and deep valleys. The high points of the area reach 500-700 m in the east and southeast of the field and 1000 m in the south. In the west, Kocadağ has a height of 1310 m (Böğürtlen). Southward along the western edge of the field, the Ömerpaşa Peak 1158 m, and the Elik Hill 1255 m constitute the highest points of the area. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 56 The morphological structure was constituted depending on the geological character. Neogene clays occurring in the yellow land, starts from the coast, partly smooth and continuous curved ridges to the south in an altitude of 100-150 m. Also present in the body caused by gypsum adosolerinin band and landslides, the essential shape of the topography has been disturbing the bench and gave rise to a bumpy structure. The outcropd area of cretaceous, in connection with geological structure, the plate is less than slope of the parts, plains, where there is more inclination of the curved ridges, deep valleys and steep draws Volcanics are more observed in high parts in the form of sharp peaks. The river network was also formed within the control structure and is of dantritik character. Waters of the area are emtied to the Black Sea through two rivers. One of them, the Mert River that flows through the province of Samsun is 770 km2 and drains an area that collects water. The other is the Kürtün River which tributes to the Black Sea from the northwest of the province which discharges the water of an area of 350 km2. Sources observed in the field are Upper Cretaceous flysch series volcanic series, quite a few from the alluvium. Efficiencies of the sources varies depending on the type of rocks. Maximum efficiency belongs to the resources from alluvium. (1 lt / s). In 90% of identified resources the yield is below 1 lt/s. This determination reveals that the existing formations studied in the field do not form a substantial asset in terms of groundwater. There are 79 drilling wells within the area collected mainly in four areas. These wells opened for research, drinking water and foundation are described below. I-Drilling Wells opened at the Mert River Alluvion: 16 drilling wells taking water from the alluvium were opened. One of these wells is a research well and 15 are drinking water drilling wells.. Well depths vary between 22 m and 90 m. Flows from 4.5 to 76 l/s, this corresponds to its flow range from 1.91 to 19.60 m. Specific flow rate, depending on the feeding status of the Mert River, vary from 0.23 to 33.6 l/s/ m. II-Drilling Wells opened at the Kürtün River Alluvium: There are 9 drilling wells along the Kürtün River opened for drinking water and irrigation purposes. Well depths vary between 13 m and 62 m. Flows from 2 to 2.5 l/s, this corresponds to its flow range from 0.47 to 9.61 m. The specific flow rates are sequenced from 0.25 to 16.6 l / s / m. III- Drilling Wells opened at the Atakum Coastal Plain: 10 drilling wells were opened at the Atakum coastal plain which extends along the coast on the west of Samsun which of their depth varies between 20 and 45 m. These wells were opened usually for drinking water and potable water supply for beach facilities which are established along the coastal line. Their efficiencies vary between 3-12 lt/s, flow between 1,00-5,40m and specific flow between 1,1-7,05 lt/s/m. IV-Drilling Wells opened within the province of Samsun: Within the province 2 drilling wells for potable water usage and 15 drilling wells for foundation purposes were opened. The CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 57 well opened for the States Railway among potable water wells is salty. A flow of 3,94m and efficiency of 5 lt/s was achieved from the well opened for the Port Directorate. The depth of foundation wells vary between 10-30 m. The Çarşamba Delta Plain is located in the Black Sea Region, between the 36°23 and 37°07 longitude and 41°06 to 41°22 latitude circles. Within the field, there are numerous village settlements connected to the district centers of Çarşamba, Terme and Tekkeköy. The surface area of the plain is 1000 km2 and the surface area of the study area is 1460 km2 The plain starts from the Kirazlı region which is 3 km east of the Samsun city center, includes the Tekkeköy, Çarşamba and Terme districts extending up to the Akçay Creek which forms the Samsun-Ordu provincial border on the east and is called as the “Çarşamba Delta Plain”. The plain begins at sea level in the west and extends to the east by passing through the foothills which are rising towards the south. Heights at the Çarşamba Delta plain vary between 0 to 40 m. It is surrounded by the Black Sea in the North and by Black Sea coastal mountains in the south. The morphology of the field is largely developed depending on petrographic features, tectonic structure and geological formations. Volcanic outcrops in the west, rising suddenly from the edge of the plains, they constitute a very rugged topography. Stretching to the south slopes and divides them like a knife, especially in the valleys north-south direction, perpendicular to the advanced Tekkeköy, China and around Kutlukent creates the characteristic topography. Here, the height varies between 150-250 m. Towards the east it is observed that height and slope inclination is decreasing. Ridges around the Sıtmasuyu, Kışlaköy and Şehgüven extend inside the plain in the form of a half moon. Southwest of Dikbıyık, within the alluvial area, dome-shape neogene hills are outcopping. The elevation of these hills vary between 15 to 30 m, width between 50-250 m and length between 200-750 m. South to the Çarşamba District Center, between the Yeşilırmak River and Abdal Creek, Neogene hills with a height varying between 50-110 m extend into the plain in the form of a tongue. The river network has developed usually in parallel and in dentritic system in the south-north direction. The Alpine orogeny and the the rising of the Pontides by means of epirogenic movements has provided contact with the Black Sea pit Thus, Yeşilırmak, Terme River, Abdal Creek and other rivers reaching the sea continue to accumulate the process of material deposition in the sea into this pit which has formed to this day the Çarşamba Delta Plain with a surface area of approximately 1000 km2. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 58 4.1.6 Climatology In the province of Samsun usually the characteristics of the Black Sea Climate are observed. Summers in the Black Sea climate are relatively cool as winters are mild at coastal lines and snowy and cold at higher sections. Every season is rainy. It was benefited from the Samsun 1975-2010 meteorological bulletin in creating the meteorological data of the Project Area. (In Annex-17) Pressure Distribution of the Region According to the long years bbservation records of the Samsun Meteorology Station (19752010), the average pressure in the region is annually 1016,1 hPa and the maximum annual pressure is 1044,6 hPa and annual minimum pressure is 992,2 hPa. Table 20. 1975-2010 Samsun Meteorology Station Pressure Values during the Years 1975-2010 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Average Pressure (hPa) 1019,3 1018,2 1016,9 1014,6 1014,7 1013 1011,6 1012,4 1015,6 1018,4 Maximum Pressure (hPa) 1038,1 1037 1044,6 1033,8 1026,7 1025,8 1021,9 1022,3 1030,6 1035,2 Minimum Pressure (hPa) 992,2 996,3 994,5 997 1000,4 1000,8 999,3 1001,3 1000,1 1002,5 XI XII Annual 1019,1 1019 1016,1 1034,8 1035,6 1044,6 998,2 996,4 992,2 Figure 16. Pressure Distribution Graphic Between 1975-2010 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 59 Temperature Distribution of the Region According to the observation records of the Samsum Meteorology Station between 1975-2010, the average temperature is 14,4°C. The highest temperature was measured in October with a degree of 38,4°C and the minimum temperature was measured in March as -7 °C. In the following table temperature values obtained from a data of 36 years are provided. Table 21 Samsun Meteorology Station Temperature Values Between 1975-2010 I Months Average Temperature (°C) II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Annu 6,7 7,9 11,1 15,3 20,2 23,3 23,6 20 16 12 9 14,4 24,2 26,2 32,3 37 35,2 37,4 35,4 35,2 34,8 38,4 29,7 28,9 38,4 10,8 10,7 12,1 15,2 18,7 23,6 26,6 27,2 24 20 16,3 12,9 18,2 4,1 3,6 4,7 7,7 11,7 16,1 19,1 19,7 16,5 12,8 8,7 6,1 10,9 -6,6 -6,8 -7 -2,4 2,7 9 13,6 14 7 1,5 -2,2 -3,6 -7 7,1 Maximum Temperature (°C) Average of Maximum Temperatures (°C) Average of Minimum Temperatures (°C) Minimum Temperature (°C) 45 40 35 Maximum Temprature (°C) 30 Average Temperature (°C) 25 20 Average of Maximum Temperatures (°C) 15 10 Average of Minimum Temperatures (°C) 5 Minimum Temperature (°C) 0 -5 -10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Months Figure 17. Graphic of the Distribution of Temperature Values Between 1975-2010 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 60 Rainfall Distribution of the Region According to the observation records of the Samsun Meteorology Station between 1975-2010, the total annual average rainfall amount is 692,8 mm. Daily highest rainfall was measured in August with 113,2 mm as minimum amount of rainfall was measured in March with 31,1 mm. The average number of days when rainfall is 0.1 mm and greater is annually 139,8 in total. Table 22. Samsun Weather Station Precipitation Values Between 1975-2010 I II III IV V VI VII VIII Average Total Precipitation (mm) 61,8 51,4 57,8 58 48,4 49,2 31,3 36,1 Daily Maximum Precipitation (mm) 45,7 39,9 31,1 45,6 56,2 77,5 54,6 113,2 IX X XI XII Annual 51,7 90,9 82,2 74 692,8 58,4 63,1 66,5 39,8 113,2 120 100 80 60 Average Total Precipitation (mm) 40 Daily Maximum Precipitation (mm) 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Months Figure 18. Rainfall Distribution Graphic Between 1975-2010 According to highest rainfall values observed in standard times of the Samsun Meteorology Station obtained from the State Meteorology Directorate in the following table. The 24-hour highest rainfall value which is observed once in 100 years is 184,7 mm. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 61 Table 23 Largest Precipitation Values Observed at Standard Times 7 OBSERVATION MINUTE HOUR YEAR 5 10 15 30 1 2 3 21,2 22,4 33,1 54,8 98,1 111,8 113,0 2005 5,4 7,4 8,5 10,3 11,2 16,2 22,3 2004 19,6 19,6 19,6 19,6 20,1 22,7 24,0 2003 7,3 11,6 14,2 21,4 35,7 40,4 49,0 2002 3,1 4,1 4,9 6,7 6,9 10,1 14,1 2001 10,7 20,1 27,2 45,2 59,6 77,0 77,3 2000 24,3 35,4 46,4 56,6 56,6 56,6 56,6 1999 8,5 13,0 15,8 16,2 16,7 18,6 19,2 1998 17,1 23,0 25,1 25,4 25,4 25,4 25,5 1997 10,1 14,1 20,1 30,8 35,9 38,6 38,8 1996 5,0 6,8 8,9 12,7 23,1 34,9 36,5 1995 10,0 13,5 17,3 22,2 24,4 25,0 25,5 1994 7,6 10,6 11,3 16,4 21,4 22,6 22,7 1993 6,6 9,8 12,2 23,4 35,3 44,9 46,4 1992 14,8 21,9 27,6 41,6 60,9 66,7 66,7 1991 9,1 17,2 18,2 19,0 23,8 23,8 25,1 1990 7,2 11,3 15,3 21,4 27,5 35,7 38,7 1989 3,5 6,0 7,0 9,7 14,6 15,6 25,5 1988 8,2 10,9 13,1 20,8 22,9 23,2 26,4 1987 5,0 7,2 7,6 7,9 12,6 24,0 28,2 1986 7,3 8,9 8,9 9,4 10,7 18,6 26,6 1985 7,8 9,4 11,4 19,5 24,9 33,5 36,1 1984 8,9 10,1 10,4 10,4 11,6 13,7 17,7 1983 5,5 8,8 10,4 12,9 21,3 21,9 21,9 1982 3,6 6,1 8,0 8,9 13,5 16,3 18,6 1981 5,9 8,6 9,1 9,7 13,8 18,8 21,0 1980 14,1 18,6 26,8 38,2 44,1 46,6 47,0 1979 6,8 11,7 14,8 19,7 26,9 32,4 44,3 1978 6,4 8,8 10,7 15,8 21,9 31,4 34,2 1977 6,1 8,8 10,8 13,3 14,4 15,6 15,8 1976 14,8 20,9 23,8 38,3 48,7 57,3 57,8 1975 8,4 9,4 11,6 13,2 13,5 16,3 20,6 1974 4,1 5,5 7,5 9,4 12,9 14,9 19,0 1973 8,8 12,0 16,1 22,1 44,1 57,3 78,5 1972 7,4 10,6 14,3 20,2 25,4 25,8 25,8 1971 3,2 3,6 4,4 5,9 9,1 14,8 19,3 1970 8,2 9,9 9,9 10,5 10,5 14,6 15,2 1969 14,0 15,8 16,2 24,8 38,6 64,1 64,1 1968 11,0 16,0 19,4 26,8 39,8 62,2 84,0 1967 12,3 17,2 24,3 39,0 66,3 87,1 91,9 1966 3,6 7,1 9,1 14,9 19,4 23,3 27,6 1965 7,0 9,3 10,1 13,7 14,3 14,4 14,4 1964 10,8 13,6 16,3 20,6 35,8 37,5 38,7 1963 5,9 8,1 10,1 14,3 14,8 16,1 16,5 1962 6,5 8,4 9,8 11,6 14,1 15,6 15,8 1961 3,7 5,9 7,4 10,8 13,6 22,1 27,7 1960 7,5 15,0 15,0 25,9 31,3 40,9 41,5 1959 7 4 113,0 26,1 26,4 53,0 17,5 77,4 56,6 19,7 25,5 38,8 39,2 38,9 22,9 50,4 66,7 27,9 44,7 31,6 30,5 30,2 34,9 38,2 21,7 21,9 22,7 24,1 47,0 50,3 35,8 15,9 57,8 24,2 21,9 81,7 25,8 24,1 18,5 66,8 105,3 93,5 33,6 14,4 43,1 16,7 15,8 28,8 41,7 5 113,1 30,3 31,4 53,8 20,1 77,4 56,6 19,8 25,5 38,8 43,0 40,3 26,2 52,0 68,2 29,8 48,3 36,6 30,5 32,6 43,6 38,8 25,3 21,9 27,0 24,6 47,2 59,5 36,3 16,5 57,8 27,2 24,3 81,7 25,8 25,6 18,9 66,8 124,4 93,6 39,6 16,1 60,4 17,0 18,8 30,3 48,4 6 113,1 35,1 35,7 53,8 22,3 77,4 56,6 20,0 25,5 38,8 43,1 41,3 29,1 54,8 68,2 30,4 51,2 43,0 30,5 34,3 54,0 51,0 28,3 21,9 30,0 24,7 47,2 60,0 36,9 18,8 57,8 30,1 26,2 81,7 25,8 26,9 23,4 66,8 136,6 112,7 43,8 18,6 72,5 20,4 19,8 31,0 48,7 8 113,1 39,1 40,8 53,9 27,1 77,5 56,6 20,5 25,5 38,8 44,2 51,9 29,8 54,5 68,2 37,9 54,0 49,3 30,5 35,1 58,1 54,1 30,3 23,2 33,5 25,3 47,2 61,6 41,4 19,8 57,8 32,7 28,5 81,8 29,0 30,1 29,8 66,8 164,7 114,4 49,8 22,8 84,6 24,5 21,9 34,3 68,1 12 113,1 39,2 44,2 53,9 29,1 77,5 56,6 21,0 29,4 38,8 44,3 64,4 40,3 54,8 68,2 42,6 61,0 49,7 34,2 35,7 76,5 62,1 30,9 32,4 35,5 30,8 47,4 63,8 41,4 21,6 68,7 35,8 37,2 81,8 36,7 40,5 35,8 67,5 235,4 115,2 51,7 29,4 84,6 28,6 26,2 35,4 68,4 18 113,2 39,4 45,7 76,1 34,2 77,8 56,6 21,3 40,8 39,0 44,7 66,2 43,7 54,8 68,2 45,4 63,1 52,1 39,7 60,8 80,2 64,8 36,0 32,7 41,4 40,2 51,4 67,0 53,5 29,1 69,0 37,8 46,6 81,8 38,3 42,1 48,0 67,7 238,2 115,2 54,2 34,2 85,7 35,0 34,4 45,7 68,4 DMİ CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 62 24 24 + 113,2 40,1 50,0 76,1 40,8 78,1 56,6 22,0 48,1 42,7 45,6 66,5 45,6 54,9 68,2 50,9 71,0 61,0 45,6 67,6 80,4 64,8 48,7 58,4 * 43,6 44,5 54,3 67,6 55,8 45,7 69,0 44,4 46,8 92,0 38,3 42,1 60,7 67,7 244,2 115,2 54,5 37,2 86,1 45,8 39,6 55,4 68,4 1958 1957 N Y-ORT Y-EB Std.S Car.K U.D.F 2 5 10 25 50 100 PLF PLV 5,0 3,9 48 8,69 24,3 4,77 1,46 LN2 7,62 11,74 14,71 18,71 21,85 25,13 0,15 0,15 8,0 7,7 48 12,1 35,4 6,1 1,49 G2P 10,68 16,28 20,16 25,1 28,77 32,42 0,2 0,22 8,8 9,2 48 14,74 46,4 8,09 1,71 G2P 12,62 19,99 25,31 32,24 37,47 42,73 0,25 0,26 12,1 17,7 48 20,39 56,6 12,04 1,41 LP3 17,18 27,56 35,74 47,62 57,64 68,68 0,37 0,35 12,1 18,9 48 27,04 98,1 18,24 1,77 G2P 22,12 38,71 50,79 66,63 78,62 90,69 0,51 0,45 12,5 22,7 48 32,92 111,8 21,91 1,63 LP3 26,24 44,06 59,51 83,9 106,1 132,2 0,64 0,53 13,6 23,0 48 36,2 113 22,91 1,54 LP3 29,31 48,04 64,08 89,26 112 138,7 0,68 0,58 14,7 23,6 48 39,16 113 23,58 1,53 LP3 32,44 52,03 68,25 92,85 114,5 139,2 0,72 0,63 16,0 23,9 48 41,87 124,4 24,55 1,59 LP3 35,09 55,62 72,32 97,22 118,8 143,2 0,76 0,67 16,4 23,9 48 44,55 136,6 26,09 1,72 G2P 37,67 61,46 78,62 101 117,9 134,9 0,79 0,71 18,6 24,8 48 48,01 164,7 28,14 2,07 LN2 41,42 65,44 83,11 107,3 126,4 146,6 0,84 0,77 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 23,4 37,7 48 53,08 235,4 34,42 3,47 LP3 43,53 67,11 87,9 121,4 152,5 189,8 0,95 0,84 35,2 38,6 48 57,55 238,2 33,24 3,7 LP3 48,43 70,94 90,7 122,3 151,4 186,2 0,97 0,93 63 46,9 39,7 48 61,33 244,2 32,74 3,98 LP3 52,46 74,25 93,33 123,7 151,6 184,7 1 1 49 61,27 244,2 32,4 4,02 LP3 52,52 74,07 92,9 122,8 150,2 182,8 0,99 1 SAMSUN METEOROLOGY STATION RAINFALL-INTENSITY-TIME REPEAT CURVES Figure 19. Samsun Meteorology Station Rainfall-Intensity-Time Repeat Curves CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 64 Distribution of Numbered Days in the Region According to observation records of the Samsun Meteorology Station between the years 19752010, the annual average of number of days when rainfall is 0,1 mm and greater was measured as 139,8, number of days with snowfall is annually 13,4, number of days with snow coverance is 5,4, number of foggy days is 10,6, number of days with hail is 0,6 and number of frosty days was measured as annually 4,8. Table 24. Rainy, Misty, Hail and Frosty Days Between 1975-2010 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Annual 6,3 10,2 12,8 12,5 13,3 139,8 Average Number of Days on which Rainfall is 0,1 mm and greater 13,4 13,7 15,1 14,7 Number of Days with Snowfall 3,9 4,9 2,1 0,2 0,4 1,9 13,4 Number of Days Covered with Snow 1,6 2,4 0,6 0,1 0 0,7 5,4 Average Number of Misty 0,6 Days 0,7 2,3 3,3 2,4 0,4 0,3 0,5 0,1 10,6 Average Number of Haily 0 Days 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,2 0 0 0,1 0 0,6 Average Number of Frosted Days 1,4 1,4 0,2 0,2 0,6 4,8 1 12,3 9,6 5,9 0 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 65 16 Average Number of Days on which Rainfall is 0.1 mm and greater 14 12 Number of Days with Snowfall 10 8 Number of Days Covered with Snow 6 4 Average Number of Misty Days 2 Average Number of Haily Days 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Months Figure 20. Distribution of Rainy, Misty, Hail and Frosty Days Between 1975-2010 Cloudiness Table 25. Cloudy, Closed and Open Days Between 1975-2010 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Annual Average Cloudiness 6,8 6,9 6,9 6,5 5,7 4,5 4 4,1 4,9 5,8 6 6,5 5,7 Average Number of Open Days 2,3 2,3 2,2 2,9 4 6,2 7,2 6,9 4,9 4,6 3,9 3,1 4,2 Average Number of Cloudy Days 16,3 13,9 16,1 16,1 19,9 21,4 22,2 22,1 21 18 17 16,8 18,4 Average Number of Closed Days 12,4 12,1 12,7 11 7,1 2,4 1,6 2 4,1 8,4 9,1 11,1 7,8 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 66 25 20 Average Cloudiness 15 Average Number of Open Days 10 Average Number of Cloudy Days 5 Average Number of Closed Days 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Months Figure 21. Distribution Map of Cloudy, Closed and Open Days Between 1975-2010 Relative Humidity Distribution of the Region The annual average relative humidity according to the Samsun Meteorology Station observation records between the years 1975-2010 is % 73,5. Table 26. Samsun Meteorology Station Relative Humidity Values Between 1975-2010 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Average Humidity(%) 66,8 Minimum 6 Humidity (%) Annual 69,7 75 79,4 80,3 76,3 73,5 73,8 75,3 76,1 70,1 66,1 73,5 2 14 20 31 21 10 5 20 36 5 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 5 2,0 67 90 80 70 60 50 Average Humidity(%) 40 Minimum Humidity (%) 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Months Figure 22. Distribution Map of Relative Humidity (%) Between 1975-2010 Evaporation Status of the Region According to observation records of the Samsun Meteorology Station between the years (19752010), the annual average total evaporation amount is 882,4 mm. The highest open surface evaporation occurred in February and November with 11,8 mm. Table 27. Samsun Meteorology Station Evaporation Values Between 1975-2010 Months I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Annual Average Open Surface Evaporation (mm) 19,5 16,3 15,9 65,2 91,2 123,1 157,5 150,2 100,3 68,7 47,3 27,2 882,4 Maximum Open Surface Evaporation (mm) 9,5 7,2 8,6 11 9 11,8 10 11,8 11 10 10,2 8,6 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 11,8 68 180 160 140 120 100 Average Open Surface Evaporation (mm) 80 Maximum Open Surface Evaporation (mm) 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Months Figure 23. Distribution Graphic of Evaporation (mm) Between 1975-2010 Wind Distribution of the Region Wind Data According to Blowing Numbers According to the Samsun Meteorology Station observation records between 1975-2010, the 1st degree prevailing wind direction is from south-southeast (SSW) to north-north-east (NNE), the 2nd degree prevailing wind direction is from southwest (SW) to northeast (NE), the 3rd degree prevailing wind direction is from north-northwest (NNW) to south-southeast (SSE) and the 4th prevailing wind direction is from north-northeast (NNE) to south-southwest (SSW). According to the Samsun Meteorology Station observation records between 1975-2010, the total numbers of wind blows are given in the following table. Table 28. Total Number of Wind Blows Between 1975-2010 ANNUAL MONTHS I II III IV V VI VII VII IX X XI XII N Direction 1079 1206 1918 1938 2255 1954 2106 2177 1464 1511 1198 1067 19873 NNE Direction 866 1201 2093 2803 3773 3733 3824 3634 2610 1782 1097 753 28169 NE Direction 356 565 1089 1594 1914 1695 1497 1614 1319 1011 545 265 13464 ENE Direction 520 834 1852 2314 2785 2392 2167 2053 1982 1606 732 408 19645 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT TOTAL 69 E Direction 337 544 1072 1163 1131 928 666 668 846 744 491 274 8864 ESE Direction 587 730 1199 1284 972 638 447 436 763 823 632 541 9052 SE Direction 522 503 647 433 241 181 121 269 415 484 464 5036 SSE Direction 1547 1247 1166 1041 807 756 658 510 708 850 1185 1356 11831 S Direction 1853 1364 1324 1037 950 953 913 745 856 963 1546 2170 14674 SSW Direction 4455 3264 2511 2142 2503 2864 2493 2712 3318 3719 4509 4970 39460 SW Direction 4105 3167 2318 1915 2364 2518 2694 3304 3512 3777 3855 4470 37999 756 WSW Direction 3217 2315 1701 1393 1367 1727 2019 2015 1985 2434 2778 3279 26230 W Direction 1191 1049 866 617 515 622 753 746 717 1118 1183 1144 10521 WNW Direction 1881 1870 1880 1350 1058 1144 1599 1684 1637 1873 1868 1733 19577 NW Direction 1769 1974 1871 1453 1234 1162 1641 1654 1554 1755 1780 1719 19566 NNW Direction 2373 2466 3161 2989 2524 2522 3095 2674 2313 2245 1889 2029 30280 According to the Samsun Meteorology Station observation records between 1975-2010, the 1st degree prevailing wind direction is from south-southeast (SSW) to north-north-east (NNE), the 2nd degree prevailing wind direction is from southwest (SW) to northeast (NE), the 3rd degree prevailing wind direction is from north-northwest (NNW) to south-southeast (SSE) and the 4th prevailing wind direction is from north-northeast (NNE) to south-southwest (SSW). The annual wind diagram according to blowing numbers is given below. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 70 N Direction NNW Direction 40000 35000 30000 NW Direction 25000 20000 WNW Direction 15000 10000 5000 W Direction 0 NNE Direction NE Direction ENE Direction E Direction WSW Direction ESE Direction SW Direction SE Direction SSW Direction SSE Direction S Direction Figure 24. Wind Diagram According to Number of Blows Between 1975-2010 According to the Samsun Meteorology Station observation records between 1975-2010, the number of blows were seasonally calculated which are provided in the following table. Table 29. Total Number of Seasonal Blows Between 1975-2010 SEASONAL WINTER SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN N Direction 3352 6111 6237 4173 NNE Direction 2820 8669 11191 5489 NE Direction 1186 4597 4806 2875 ENE Direction 1762 6951 6612 4320 E Direction 1155 3366 2262 2081 ESE Direction 1858 3455 1521 2218 SE Direction 1489 1836 543 1168 SSE Direction 4150 3014 1924 2743 S Direction 5387 3311 2611 3365 SSW Direction 12689 7156 8069 11546 SW Direction 11742 6597 8516 11144 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 71 WSW Direction 8811 4461 5761 7197 W Direction 3384 1998 2121 3018 WNW Direction 5484 4288 4427 5378 NW Direction 5462 4558 4457 5089 NNW Direction 6868 8674 8291 6447 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 72 Figure 25 Wind Diagram of Seasonal Number of Wind Blows Between 1975-2010 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 73 ŞUBAT OCAK N… N… NNW5000 … 4000 NW… 3000 WNW… 2000 1000 W… 0 NNE… NE… ENE… E… WSW… ESE… SW… NNE… NE… ENE… E… WSW… ESE… SW… SE… SSW… NNW3500 … 3000 NW… 2500 2000 1500 WNW… 1000 500 W… 0 SE… SSW… SSE… SSE… S… S… MART NISAN N… NNW3500 … 3000 NW… 2500 2000 1500 WNW… 1000 500 W… 0 N… NNE… NE… ENE… E… WSW… ESE… SW… SE… SSE… S… HAZIRAN N… N… NNE… NE… ENE… E… WSW… ESE… SE… SSE… S… E… ESE… MAYIS SSW… ENE… SSW… SSE… SW… NE… WSW… S… NNW4000 … 3500 3000 NW… 2500 2000 WNW… 1500 1000 500 W… 0 NNE… SW… SE… SSW… NNW3000 … 2500 NW… 2000 1500 WNW… 1000 500 W… 0 NNW4000 … 3500 NW… 3000 2500 2000 WNW… 1500 1000 500 W… 0 NNE… NE… ENE… E… WSW… ESE… SW… SE… SSW… SSE… S… CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 74 AĞUSTOS TEMMUZ N… NNW4000 … 3500 3000 NW… 2500 2000 WNW… 1500 1000 500 W… 0 N… NNE… NE… ENE… E… WSW… ESE… SW… NNE… NE… ENE… E… WSW… ESE… SW… SE… SSW… NNW4000 … 3500 3000 NW… 2500 2000 WNW… 1500 1000 500 W… 0 SE… SSW… SSE… SSE… S… S… EKIM EYLÜL N… N… NNW4000 … 3500 3000 NW… 2500 2000 WNW… 1500 1000 500 W… 0 NNE… NE… ENE… E… WSW… ESE… SW… NNE… NE… ENE… E… WSW… ESE… SW… SE… SSW… NNW4000 … 3500 3000 NW… 2500 2000 WNW… 1500 1000 500 W… 0 SE… SSW… SSE… SSE… S… S… KASIM ARALIK N… NNW5000 … 4000 NW… N… NNE… NE… 3000 WNW… ENE… 2000 1000 W… E… 0 WSW… ESE… SW… SE… SSW… SSE… NNW5000 … 4000 NW… 3000 WNW… 2000 1000 W… 0 NNE… NE… ENE… E… WSW… ESE… SW… SE… SSW… S… SSE… S… Figure 26. Diagram of Monthly Number of Blows Between 1975-2000 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 75 Wind Speed Distribution by Directions Based on the Samsun Meteorology Station observation records between 1975-2010, wind speeds are given in the following table. Table 30 Average Wind Speed According to Directions Between 1975-2010 MONTHS N Direction (m/sn) NNE Direction (m/sn) NE Direction (m/sn) ENE Direction (m/sn) E Direction (m/sn) ESE Direction (m/sn) SE Direction (m/sn) SSE Direction (m/sn) S Direction (m/sn) SSW Direction (m/sn) SW Direction (m/sn) WSW Direction (m/sn) W Direction (m/sn) WNW Direction (m/sn) NW Direction (m/sn) NNW Direction (m/sn) I 2 1,9 1,6 1,7 2 1,9 2,2 2,6 3 3,1 3,3 2,6 2,2 2,1 2,4 2,3 II 2,1 2 1,8 1,8 1,9 1,9 2,1 2,1 2,5 2,7 2,8 2,4 2 2,1 2,4 2,4 III 2 1,9 1,8 1,8 1,9 1,8 1,6 1,9 2 2,1 2,1 1,9 1,7 2 2,2 2,3 IV 1,8 1,8 1,6 1,7 1,7 1,6 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,8 1,6 1,6 1,4 1,8 2 2,2 V 1,7 1,8 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,5 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,3 1,2 1,2 1,5 1,7 2 VI 2,2 2,2 1,9 2 2 1,8 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,3 1,3 1,5 1,8 2,1 2,3 VII 2,9 2,8 2,4 2,4 2,3 1,8 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,9 2,3 2,7 VII 2,8 2,9 2,5 2,5 2,4 2 1,3 1,4 1,3 1,6 1,5 1,4 1,4 1,8 2,3 2,8 IX 2,5 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,4 2,1 1,6 1,4 1,3 1,6 1,5 1,4 1,3 1,7 2,1 2,5 X 2 2 1,9 2 2,2 1,8 1,5 1,6 1,6 1,7 1,6 1,5 1,4 1,7 2 2,2 XI 1,9 1,7 1,7 1,6 1,8 1,8 1,8 2 2,2 2,4 2,2 1,8 1,7 1,8 2,1 2,1 XII 2 1,8 1,5 1,7 1,9 1,9 2 2,4 2,9 3,1 3,1 2,5 2 1,9 2,2 2,2 Average Wind Speed 2,7 2,1 1,9 1,9 2,0 1,8 1,6 1,7 1,9 2,0 2 1,8 1,6 1,8 2,2 2,3 The long years average wind diagram according to blowing speeds is given below. In this respect, directions with highest blowing rate are from north-northwest (NNW) to southsoutheast (SSE) and from Northwest (NW) to southeast (SE). CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 76 Figure 27. Diagram of Wind Rates According to the Long Years Blowing Rates Based on the Samsun Meteorology Station observation records between 1975-2010, the seasonal wind blow rates are given in the following table. Table 31. Seasonal Wind Blow Speeds Between 1975-2010 SEASONS N Direction (m/sn) NNE Direction (m/sn) NE Direction (m/sn) ENE Direction (m/sn) E Direction (m/sn) ESE Direction (m/sn) SE Direction (m/sn) SSE Direction (m/sn) S Direction (m/sn) SSW Direction (m/sn) SW Direction (m/sn) WSW Direction (m/sn) W Direction (m/sn) WNW Direction (m/sn) NW Direction (m/sn) NNW Direction (m/sn) WINTER SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN 2,0 1,9 1,6 1,7 1,9 1,9 2,1 2,4 2,8 3,0 3,1 2,5 2,1 2,0 2,3 2,3 2,6 2,6 2,3 2,3 2,2 1,9 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,2 2,6 1,8 1,8 1,7 1,7 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,8 1,7 1,6 1,4 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,1 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,1 1,9 1,6 1,7 1,7 1,9 1,8 1,6 1,5 1,7 2,1 2,3 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 77 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 78 Figure 28. Diagram of Seasonal Average Wind Rates by Directions CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 79 ŞUBAT FEBRUAR OCAK JANUARY N… NNW…3.5 3 NW… 2.5 2 1.5 WNW… 1 0.5 W… 0 N… NNE… NE… ENE… E… WSW… ESE… SW… SE… SSW… NNW… 3 2.5 NW… 2 1.5 WNW… 1 0.5 W… 0 SW… SSE… SE… SSW… SSE… S… MART MARCH NISAN APRIL N… NNW…2.5 2 NW… NNE… NE… ENE… WNW… NE… E… W… ESE… WSW… ENE… 1 0.5 0.5 0 WSW… SW… SE… SSW… ESE… SW… SSE… SE… SSW… SSE… S… MAYIS MAY HAZIRAN JUNE N… NNW… 2 N… NNE… 1.5 E… 0 S… NNW…2.5 2 NW… NE… NNE… NE… 1.5 1 ENE… WNW… ENE… 1 0.5 W… NNE… 1.5 1 WNW… E… ESE… 1.5 NW… ENE… WSW… N… W… NE… S… NNW…2.5 2 NW… WNW… NNE… 0.5 E… W… ESE… WSW… 0 WSW… SW… SE… SSW… SSE… S… E… 0 ESE… SW… SE… SSW… SSE… S… CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 80 AĞUSTOS AUGUST TEMMUZ JULY N… NNW… 3 2.5 NW… 2 1.5 WNW… 1 0.5 W… 0 N… NNE… NE… ENE… E… WSW… ESE… SW… SE… SSW… NNW… 3 2.5 NW… 2 1.5 WNW… 1 0.5 W… 0 SE… SSW… SSE… S… EKIM OCTOBER N… N… NNE… NE… NNW…2.5 2 NW… 1.5 ENE… WNW… NE… E… W… ESE… WSW… ENE… 1 0.5 0.5 0 WSW… SW… SE… SSW… ESE… SW… SSE… SE… SSW… ARALIK DECEMBER N… N… NNE… NE… 1.5 ENE… 1 0.5 E… 0 WSW… ESE… SW… SE… SSW… SSE… S… KASIM NOVEMBER NNW…2.5 2 NW… E… 0 S… W… NNE… 1.5 1 WNW… E… SW… EYLÜL SEPTEMBER W… ENE… ESE… S… WNW… NE… WSW… SSE… NNW…2.5 2 NW… NNE… SSE… NNW…3.5 3 NW… 2.5 2 1.5 WNW… 1 0.5 W… 0 NNE… NE… ENE… E… WSW… ESE… SW… SE… SSW… S… SSE… S… Figure 29. Diagram of Monthly Average Wind Rates by Directions CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 81 Monthly Average Wind Speed Distribution According to observation records of the Samsun Meteorology Station between the years (19752010), the average wind speed is 2,4 m/s. Table 32. Monthly Average Wind Rates Between 1975-2010 MONTHS I II III IV V VI VII VII IX X XI XII ANNUAL Average Wind Speed (m/s) 2,1 2 2,4 3,1 2,4 3,3 2,9 2,4 1,9 1,7 1,9 2,3 2,3 Average Wind Speed (m/s) 3.5 3 2.5 2 Average Wind Speed (m/s) 1.5 1 0.5 0 I II III IV V VI VII VII IX X XI XII Figure 30. Graphic of Monthly Average Wind Rates Number of Stormy Days, Strong Windy Days Based on the observation records of the Samsun Meteorology Station between the years (19752010, the number of total average stormy years is annually 15,3, number of strong windy days is 61. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 82 Table 33. Number of Stormy Days and Strong Windy Days Between 1975-2010 MONTHS I II III IV V VI VII VII IX X XI XII ANNUAL Average Number of 4,4 Stormy Days 2,9 1,4 0,7 0,3 0,4 0,2 0,1 0,2 0,3 1,1 3,3 15,3 Average Number of 9 Strong Windy Days 7,5 7 4,8 2,6 2,8 2,8 2,4 2,4 3,4 6,6 9,7 61 10 9 8 7 6 Average Number of Stormy Days 5 4 Average Number of Strong Windy Days 3 2 1 0 I II III IV V VI VII VII IX X XI XII Months Figure 31. Number of Stormy Days, Strong Windy Days Between 1975-2010 4.1.7 Water Quality The main causes of water pollution occurring in the area is due to the unconcious use of pesticides and giving municipal waste and urban and industrial waste directly into the soil and waste water without treatment into the environment. Pollution factors of water resources in Samsun are given below Water Source Causes of Pollution Black Sea Domestic liquid waste, domestic solid waste, industrial wastes, agricultural activities, marine Kızılırmak Domestic liquid waste, domestic solid waste, industrial wastes, agricultural activities Yeşilırmak Domestic liquid waste, domestic solid waste, industrial wastes, agricultural activities CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 83 Mert River Domestic liquid waste, domestic solid waste, industrial wastes, agricultural activities Kürtün Stream Domestic liquid waste, domestic solid waste, industrial wastes, agricultural activities Yılanlı Creek Domestic liquid waste, domestic solid waste, industrial wastes, agricultural activities Terme Stream Domestic liquid waste, domestic solid waste, industrial wastes, agricultural activities Abdal Creek Domestic liquid waste, domestic solid waste, industrial wastes, agricultural activities Karaboğaz Creek Domestic liquid waste, domestic solid waste, industrial wastes, agricultural activities Marine Pollution Sources that pollute the marine are many and varied as the sea is an receiving environment. -Pollution from Air: Burned petroleum derivaties for heating and energy production, coal and other fuels, factories and exhaust fumes caused by the increasing number of vehicles not only contaminates the atmosphere, polluting the seas as a result of meteorological events -Pollution caused by marine vehicles; Generally caused by ship bilge waters compressed into the sea, leakages during fuel supply, tanker accidents as well as ship toilet, garbage and from waste food. Residential units especially established at seafront given sewage waste without any treatment directly to the sea via rivers and coastal zones is the most widely reason that contaminates the sea. There are 4 small industrial zones in Samsun including one within the boundaries of the Metropolitan Municipality and there is one organized industrial zones within the boundaries of Tekkeköy. Organized Industrial Zone located within the boundaries of the zoning application area is 1,590,933 m2 and the treatment facility are is allocated a space of 12.785 m2. There are 117 industrial plots within the OIZ. The OIZ Directorate has conducted the necessary application to submit the work schedule plan related to the treatment plant to be established until 13.5.2007 to the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Forestry. They have reported that the wastewater emerging from the 4 small industrial sites within the boundaries of the fMetropolitan Municipality are within the AAT project 8. 8 Samsun Provincial Environment Status Report, 2008 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 84 Within the scope of the project environmental marine researches were carried out. Under the scope of the research, on-site and laboratory analysis were procured and the relevant report is given in Annex-18. Marine researches and reporting were carried out by Derinsu Sualtı Mühendislik ve Danışmanlık Ltd. Şti and laboratory analysis were carried out by Düzen Norwest Çevre Gıda Ve Veteriner Sağlık Hizmetleri Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. A.Ş. which is issued an Environmental Compliance Certificate by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Certificate No. 06/053/2006). Within the scope of marine researches, at the project site at 4 points CTD {Conductivity, Temperature, Density was measured. According to these measurements in the region due to temperature and salinity stratification (piknoklin) occurrences have been observed. It is observed that seasonally available data and the literature values for the Samsun Gulf are Black Sea are in accordance. Furthermore, in the analysis in pH dissolved oxygen (mg / l), dissolved oxygen (%) and total dissolved solids (TDS) (mg / l) were analyzed in Annex-18. Within the scope of the laboratory analysis, at the project field at 6 ponits, surface and deep water ammonia, colour, turbidity, AKM, oil and grease, phenols, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, lead, cadmium, aluminium, chromium, copper, silver, nickel, zinc, arsenic and mercury measurements were performed. On the field where the study was carried out, the Water Pollution Control Regulations Table 4, "General Quality Criteria for Marine Water” and the parameters measured in this study from stations number 1, 2, 3 and 6, surface water ammonia (NH3) values were measured higher than the limit specified in the regulations. According to the Water Pollution Control Regulations in sea water Ammonia (NH3), the highest value must be 0.02 mg / L. Analysis of the parameters, phenols, total phosphorus, cadmium, chromium, copper, silver, copper, nickel, zinc and arsenic values at both depths at all stations were below the method detection limits. The analysis results (average values for the water arm) performed measurements of the parameters examined, ammonia, color, turbidity, oil and grease, and the highest values of mercury from the station No. 1, suspended solids and the highest values of aluminum in the station No. 6, the total nitrogen high value were measured by the station No. 4 and 5. For the evaluation of the physicochemical analysis of marine sediment in our country, the sea water used in the Water Pollution Control Regulation comparison of physicochemical measurements are not available in a similar regulation. For this reason, comparisons to Soil Pollution Control Regulation Parameters Limit Values table in Annex I-A under the soil pH values are greater than 6. When the analysis are evaluated in this context, copper values at stations 3, 4 and 6, nickel values at stations 1, 2 and 6, mercury values at stations 3 and 6 were measured higher than the limit values specified in the TKKY. During biodiversity studies Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, and adopted as indicators of pollution, species have been identified Makrobentik creatures but these creatures living in the area over the pollution level in the project in order to provide precise information about the more detailed sampling is required. However, the biodiversity sampling and physico-chemical parameters measured in the region were combined with available literature values it appears that there is an accumulation of pollution in the region. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 85 4.1.8 Ambient Air Quality Climate and Weather Samsun generally has a temperate climate. However, the coast inland climate shows two different features. Along the coast (Central District, Terme, Çarşamba, Bafra, Alaçam, 19 Mayıs, Tekkeköy) effects of the Black Sea climate are observed. For this, at the coastal line, summers are hot, winters are mild and rainy. Inner segments (Vezirköprü, Havza, Alaçam, Kavak, Salıpazarı and Asarcık) is under the influence of Akdağ with a height 2000 m and Canik Mountains with a height of 1500 m. Here, due to the influence of the mountains winters are cold with rain and snow while summers are cool. Altitude in Samsun is 4 meters. Conditioning and radiosonde observations are carrie out under the Regional Directorate of State Meteorology Affairs. There are seven meteorlogical stations under the Regional Directorate. Conditioning observation is carried out at the Bafra, Osmancık, Ünye Station Directorates, Synoptic and conditioning observations are carried out at the Ordu, Sinop and Çorum Stations and sinoptic observations are carried out the Çarşamba Field Directorate. The İlkadım County having the the highest density of population in the province, Department of Obstetrics and locality measurements of SO2 and PM10, which is the region where the industry is mostly concentrated in Tekkeköy District (PTT Directorate garden) and type of air quality measurement station in the city of SO2, PM10, CO, NO, NO2, NOX are measured. 24 hours of continuous measurements and data taken with an interval of one hour is published to the public via Internet. İlkadım District Station Coordinates: 41 degrees 16 minutes 43 seconds north, 36 degrees 20 minutes 18 seconds east. Tekkeköy District Station Coordinates: 41 degrees 13 minutes 28 seconds north, 36 degrees 27 minutes 20 seconds east. The graphic indicating the 24-hour air quality of the Samsun (1-2) Province of 2011-2012 is given below. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 86 Figure 32. Air Quality of Samsın (1-2) Province 9 Air quality data from air quality monitoring station in Samsun in 2010 with the project area and which are more suitable to represent the district borders at Tekkeköy, air quality data by the Tekkeköy Air Quality Monitoring Station 2010 which was established on 27.12.2007 are presented in Annex-19. Calculation and evaluation of air pollution levels resulting from the facility are made using a model as the Air Quality Modelling Report is given in Annex-20. 9 www.havaizleme.gov.tr CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 87 Industrial Emissions At the end of 2008, a total of 104 companies being issued an emission permits and permits obtained over the years by the Provincial Directorate of Environmental Management are provided in the following graphic. Distribution by Year of the Number of Companies being issued an Emission Years Figure 33. Distribution by Year of the Number of Companies being issued an Emission Licence 10 Emissions caused by Traffic As of January 2007, exhaust measurements in the province are made by authorized stations which fulfil the requirements of TS 12047. 12 stations in the province centre, 2 in Çarşamba, 1 in Vezirköprü have been issued a license from the Ministry and a total of 19 stations throughout the province as of now begun measurements of exhaust emissions. Vehicle exhaust measurements of 61.306 units of vehicles were carried out by these stations in 2008 10 İl Çevre ve Orman Müdürlüğü-2008 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 88 Table 34. Annual Quantities of Gasoline and Diesel Use 11 MOTORİN (L) K.B. 98 OCTANE (L) TOTAL Center total Province general total Center total 116.963,115 2.580.913,796 92.775 Table 35. Annual Vehicle Types and Numbers 12 VEHICLE TYPE CITY CENTER 7925 Motorcycle 47607 Cars 3808 Minibus 704 Bus 17139 Pick-up Truck 3812 Truck 9943 Tractor 293 Tow Truck 308 Special Purpose Vehicle 211 Tanker 868 Land Vehicle Province general total 140.477 L. GASOLINE (L) Center total 4.010.455,043 Province general total 4.617.992 EURO DIESEL (L) Province general total 1.448.041 PROVINCE GENERAL 20824 655 9598 1321 31092 6932 41116 574 402 316 1214 There are two international airports in the province. Aircraft per year landing is 1200, the average aircraft is in transit is 2500. Annual average of 2 million liters of Jet A-1 fuel is used. Air Pollutant Gasses and their Sources Located within the boundaries of the province of Samsun Organized Industrial Zone in particular Kutlukent-Tekkeköy there are large and small plants. Especially, high-polluting plants characteristic of the condition to begin trying to be taken under the control the Ministry of Environment and Forestry General Directorate of Environmental Management dated 27.04.2004 and 2004/4 No. Air Pollution Control Circular No. 5884-314055 and the amending circular letter dated 16.06.2004 was provided. Samsun is a province of Intensive Air Pollution as it was tendered that by the Ministry of Environment and Forests on 11.6.2004 that is located in the group of first degree and a fixed-type measurement station to carry out sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM) measurements was established in the province of Samsun on 25.07.2006. The station, being one of the 25 stations established in the first place in our country, 24 hours of continuous sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM) are measured at the Air Pollution Monitoring Network Station. In the region where the project area is located, there are currently air pollution measurement stations and meteorological factors in the impact zone of SO2, NO2, CO and dust measurements can be made. However, in case of need and / or official institutions, the new air quality monitoring stations will be set up if requested. 11 12 Provincial Directorate of Environment and Forestry-2008 Provincial Directorate of Environment and Forestry-2008 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 89 In the following figures, the 2010 SO2 and PM graphics obtained from the air quality monitoring stations in Samsun and Tekkeköy are provided. Figure 34. Samsun 2010 Air Quality – Source: MoEF, www. havaizleme.gov.tr Figure 35. Tekkeköy 2010 Air Quality – Source: MoEF, www. havaizleme.gov.tr CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 90 Carbon Monoxide One of the most common pollutants within settlements is carbon monoxide gases. Carbon monoxide is an odourless, colourless and poisonous gas. Gas is quite stable in the atmosphere with a duration of 2-4 months. This gas, the exhaust gases of internal combustion engines with a full-combustible fuels are produced in large quantities. It is available in normal exhaust gas in an amount of 3-4% and of 7% in poor-burned fuel gas. Long-term limit value of carbon monoxide is 10 000 mg/m3 as the term limit value is 30 000 mg/m3. Nitrogen Oxides Nitrogen, bringing together the seven kinds of oxides, the most important of these air emissions are nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). These together (NO + NO2) are designated as NOX. Table 36. Main Sources of NOX 13 Sources tons/year 1. Natural Resources 19 2. Human Activities a. Use of Fosil Fuels -Energy Gain -Transportation 11 9 b.Agircultural Activities -Biomass Combustion -Inorganic Fertilizers - Organic Fertilizers 7 2 2 Considering these sources, the largest source of NOx in Samsun is known to be in energy saving, transport and agricultural activities. Measurement of nitrogen oxides in the air could be made in the province of Samsun. Measurements of nitrogen oxide gases in the exhaust gases from vehicles in traffic in our city and are being inspected. Hydrogen Carbonate and Lead Emissions Measurements of hydrocarbon emissions in the air and lead are not performed in the province of Samsun. 13 Provincial Directorate of Environment and Forestry-2008 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 91 Atmospheric Pollution Effects of Ozone Depletion The most important feature of the ozone layer is to absorb the sun's ultraviolet rays, ultraviolet radiation which negatively affect all living beings, natural resources and agricultural products. This ray adsorption process, oxygen broken down into ozone and ozone again into oxygen occur as a result of the use of ultraviolet rays. Depletion of the ozone layer has a significant impact on human health. These effects increase in skin cancers and cataracts, changes in the immune system, marine organisms will result in significant changes in their life cycle and climate change. Ozone depleting is caused more by chlorofluorocarbons used as a more-cooling factor in refrigerators. In many developed countries and the EC countries, the less use use of this gas in sprays and to to use from 2000 is requested. The measurement of chlorofluorocarbon gases which cause depletion in the ozone layer cannot be performed in the province. Effects of Acid Rain Acid rain cause in surface water, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium sulphate, aluminium, manganese, iron and zinc concentrations increase and causing decrease in pH value. Acidification in water affects all living things in ecosystems. The lower the pH value, changes in phytoplankton species composition. Acidification of waters, may increase concentrations of some metals. Most important of these are aluminium and mercury emissions. Aluminium toxicity, pH values and the environment depends on the substances formed. Fish is mostly affected from acidification causing reproductive disorders. The effect of decreasing pH value and the reproductive organs of some fish species may increase the abandoning from natural environments. Sudden fish kills in rivers, first encountered this situation as a result of heavy autumn rains or melting snows in spring cause low water pH. 4.1.9 Noise In the region, there will be formation of noise due to traffic, industrial activities, construction work, social activities carried out in residential areas and ffrom the airport. According to conducted surveys, noise constitutes the most prevalent disturbance of environmental pollution at a rate of 60%. In addition, people living in cities indicated that 73% of traffic-related noise disturbance. The project is located in the Industrial Area where the activity in the region as there is the formation of noise pollution caused by the industry. In addition, there is formation of noise in question from the traffic on the Samsun-Ordu Highway. The background noise measurements have been conducted according to the relevant regulations in order to see the baseline noise condition of the region. With this regard, the measurements were taken from 6 determined points around the facility in the enterprise.1 and 2 numbered measurement points were performed in Selyeri Mahallesi, 3 and 4 numbered points were performed in Yalı Mahallesi, 5 numbered measurement point was performed in front of CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 92 N.Serap Ulusoy Anadolu Denizcilik Meslek Lisesi and as for 6 numbered measurement point was performed in front of Eti Bakır A.Ş. Misafirhanesi. The tables below show the measurement locations' distances to the project site and the measurement results. Table 37. Distances of Measurement Locations to the Project Site The Distances Of Determined Points To Measurement Points The Project Area (M) 1 894 2 899 3 1176 4 1182 5 890 6 1555 4.1.10. Archaeological and Cultural Resources The province of Samsun has a background rich in cultural and natural assets. Especially Ladik, Merkez, Vezirköprü, Havza, Kavak and Bafra districts are quite intense for the presence of archaeological sites. Tumuli and mounds of ancient times were declared as protected area with various degrees. The nearest archaeological site of the project area are the "Tekkeköy Caves" which are at a distance of approximately 3.5 km. It is located within the boundaries of the Tekkeköy 14 km south of Samsun. Along the valley watered by Fındıcak and Çınarcık streams it was understood that shelters and caves in the rock mass in the plain with large and small settlements at the end of the research and excavation are of 1941 and belong to Prehistoric and Protohistoric Ages. At the junction of Fındıcak and Çinarcik valleys, a rock mass is known as the "hollow rock". It is argued to be a Phrygian fortress. This place is I. degree archaeological area. 4.2. Biological Enivronment 4.2.1 Flora The project area, when considered in terms of the Davis's grid system (Flora of Turkey and the East Aegen Islands) it enters the A-6 frame, when investigated phytogeographically it is seen that the region is under the effect of the European-Siberian Phytogeographical Region. The regions of Turkey on the grid system and the vegetation formations of the Black Sea Phytogeographical Region are given in following figures. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 93 Proje Alanı Figure 36. Regions of Turkey Phytogeography (Davis P.H, Harper P.C. and Hege, I.C. (eds.), 1971. Plant Life of South-West Asia. The Botanical Society o f Edinburgh) Abbreviations: Eur.-SIB (EUX): Euro-Siberian Region (oxy sub-regions), Col: Colchis sector of auxin bottom. MED. : Mediterranean Region (Eastern Mediterranean sub-region); WA : Western Anatolia region; T. : Taurus region; A. : Amanus region IR.-TUR. : Iran-Turanien Area; C.A. : Central Anatolia; E.A. : Eastern Anatolia (MES: Mesopotamia) X. : Probably of the European-Siberian Central European / Balkan sub-region ----> Euro-Siberian penetration -------> Mediterranean penetration CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 94 Project Area Figure 37. Vegetation Formations of the Black Sea Phytogeography Region Remarks: 1 - Humid temperate deciduous beech, oak, alder, linden, chestnut forests 2 - section of the spruce forests of the eastern Black Sea 3 - mostly coniferous larch, fir and pine forests 4 - The needle and dry broad-leaved forest 5 - the dry forests of pine and oak 6 - originating from the Mediterranean shrub (maquis), and the dry forests of pinus brutia 7 – Anthropogen step 8 - Alpine Meadow The project area is located within the power generation plant area. The area is exposed to intense anthropogenic effects have lost property due to natural terrestrial flora. Observation of the project site and surrounding land in order to determine the flora and the literature was conducted. These studies were carried out by our company staff biologist Efsun AĞIRTAŞ as identified species are given in the following lists. In these studies, species endemism status, hazard classes and the phytogeographical region element of species were indicated. Turkish equivalents of the plants were given by benefiting from the 'Turkish Dictionary of Plant Names" (Baytop, 1994). CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 95 Table 38. Flora Table PAPAVERACEA Fumaria officinalis E ROSACEAE Crataegus monogyna ssp monogyna ROSACEAE Potentilla reptans Şahtereotu - - 0-700 m - L, A COVERANCE ABUNDANCY DANGE (BraunEND. R Balanquet CLASS Method 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 L B Y X X Alıç - - 0-1800 m - L X X - - Avrupa-Sibirya 0-2300 m - L LEGÜMİNOSAE Medicago orbicularis Yonca - Avrupa-Sibirya 0-900 m - L, A LEGÜMİNOSAE Trifolium arvense var arvense LEGÜMİNOSAE Vicia tetrasperma Üçgül Akdeniz 0-2300 m - L - - - 20-1950 m - L X LABİATAE Lamium amplexicaule Ballıbaba - Avrupa-Sibirya 3-2770 m - L X X LABİATAE Stachys byzantina - - Avrupa-Sibirya 30-2000 m - L X X X LABİATAE Teucrium polium Acı yavşan Peryavşan Akdeniz 0-2050 m - L, A X X X X COMPOSİTAE Pulicaria dysenterica - Avrupa-Sibirya 0-1600 m - L COMPOSİTAE Crepis foetida Tüylü kanak - - 0-1300 m - L COMPOSİTAE Anthemis altissima - - 0-1200 m - L FAMILIA SPECIES PLANT PHYTOGEOG ACORDI TURKISH REGIONAL LOCALIT IDENTIF RAPHICAL NG TO HABITAT NAME NAME Y ICATIO REGION BERN N TYPE - - CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 96 COMPOSİTAE Köy göçüren Keçe otu Hamurkesen İran-Turan COMPOSİTAE Cirsium arvense ssp arvense Filago eriocephala - COMPOSİTAE Pallenis spinosa - BORAGİNACEA Buglossoides arvensis E BORAGİNACEA Heliotropium supinum E CRUCİFERAE Alyssum desertorum var desertorum - L Avrupa-Sibirya 1152500 m 0-1200 m - L - Akdeniz 0-250 m - L - - - 0-2500 m - L X - - - 0-1200 m - L X - - - 0-2000 m - L X CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 97 FAMILIA SPECIES CRUCİFERAE Capsella bursa-pastoris Kuşkuş otu CARYOPHYLLACEAE Silene gallica CARYOPHYLLACEAE Stellaria holostea CYPERACEAE Carex flacca ssp serrulata UMBELLİFERAE Artedia squamata UMBELLİFERAE Caucalis platycarpos Küçük pıtrak UMBELLİFERAE Ammi visnaga Diş otu UMBELLİFERAE Scandix pecten-veneris Kişkiş GRAMİNEAE GRAMİNEAE SALİCACEAE Poa bulbosa Lolium rigidum var rigidum Salix alba COVERANCE DANGE ABUNDANCY END. R (BraunCLASS Balanquet Method 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 L B Y X X X PLANT ACORD REGION PHYTOGEOGR IDENTIFI LOCALIT TURKIS HABITAT ING TO APHICAL AL CATION Y H NAME BERN REGION NAME TYPE Karaçim Çoban çantası - Avrupa-Sibirya 0-2000 m - L Avrupa-Sibirya Akdeniz 0-400 m 50-1600 0-1600 m - L L L X - - 0-1500 m 0-2200 m - L L X X Hilal otu Zühre tarağı Akdeniz Akdeniz 0-700 m 0-980 m - L, A L X X X Avrupa-Sibirya - 0-3000 m 0-1850 m - L L Avrupa-Sibirya 0-2000 m - L - Ak söğüt Köy söğüdü CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 98 HABITAT CLASSES DANGER CLASSES OVERLAY-ABUNDANCE LEVEL ENDEMISM 1. Forrest Ex : -Extinct Endemic Species (Extinct) 1. Very Rare L : Local Endemic 2. Maki Ew : Endemic Species Extinct in Nature (Extinct in Natureş) 2. Rare B : Regional Endemic 3. Frigana CR : Critically Endangered Endemic Species 3. Moderately Abundant Y : Common Endemic 4. Cultural Areas (Vineyard, garden,etc) EN : Non-Endemic Species under Danger (In Danger) 4. Abundant 5. Meadow VU : Damagable Species 5. Very Abundant or Creating a Pure Population 6. Humid Meadow, March and Wetland LR : Low Risk Plants (Under Lower Risk) 7. Steppe cd : Plants not entered in any of the categories above but which have a Taxon-Specific or 8. Rocky nt : Habitat-Specific Protection Program (Requiring Protection Measures) HOW PLANT DETERMINATION IS MADE LOCALITY: Excat address and lc : Least Concerned (that does not require any protection, and that is not under threat) A : Field Work Results Height of the Plant DD: Plants requiring more information rather that the plant being under threat L : Literature Scanning Result NE: Not Evaluated A, L : Field Work and Literature Scanning CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 99 In order to determine the endemic and endangered species from the above specified list, the Red Data Book of Turkish Plants, Association for the Conservation of Nature, Turkey, Van 100th Year University 2000 publication was screened and any plant species being under danger were not observed. In addition, species which are under protection according to national or international conventions were also not determined. 4.2.2. Fauna As our project area remains within a energy production plant facility area wild life is not in question. Land observation and literature screening was carried out in order to determine the fauna of the activity area. These studies were carried out by our company staff Biologist Efsun AĞIRTAŞ and species likely to live in the region are identified in the lists below. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 100 Table 39. Fauna Table / Bird Species List Latin Name Turkish Name AVES BIRDS TAKIM : PELECANİFORMES FAM : PHALACROCORACİDAE Kürekayaklı kuşlar Karabatakgiller Sp Karabatak : Phalacrocorax carbo TAKIM : ANSERİFORMES FAM : ANATİDAE Kazsılar Ördekgiller Sp Yeşilbaş ördek : Anas platyrynchos TAKIM : ACCİPİTRİFORMES FAM : ACCİPİTRİDAE Yırtıcıkuşlar Yırtıcıkuşlar Sp Saz delicesi : Circis aeroginosus English Name EVRDB IUCN END BERN AVL CONVENTION (2010-2011) SOURCE Pygmycormorant A-2 LC - Ek-III Ek Liste-II L, A, G Mallard A-4 LC - Ek-III Ek Liste-III L Marsh Harrier A-4 - - Ek-III Ek Liste-I L TAKIM : FALCONİFORMES FAM : FALCONİDAE Doğanlar Doğangiller Sp : Falco tinnunculus Kerkenez Kestrel A-4 LC - Ek-II Ek Liste-I L Sp : Falco peregrinus Gezgincidoğan Peregrine Falcon A-4 LC - Ek-II Ek Liste-I L Quail A-4 LC - Ek-III Ek Liste -III L TAKIM : GALLİFORMES FAM : PHASİANİDAE Tavuklar Tavuksular Sp Bıldırcın : Coturnix coturnix CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 101 Latin Name Turkish Name AVES BIRDS TAKIM : COLUMBİFORMES FAM : COLUMBİDAE Güvercinler Güvercingiller Sp : Columba livia Kaya Güvercini Sp :Streptopelia decaocto Kumru English Name EVRDB IUCN END BERN AVL CONVENTION (2010-2011) SOURCE Haustaube: Domestis Pigeon Türkentaube: Collarede Dove A-4 LC - Ek-III Ek Liste-III L, A, G A-4 LC - Ek-III Ek Liste-II L Ek-III Ek Liste-III L, A, G TAKIM : PASSERİFORMES FAM : CORVİDAE Ötücü Kuşlar Kargagiller Sp : Pica pica Saksağan Elster :Magpie - LC Sp : Corvus corax Kara Karga Koikraba:Roven - LC - Ek-III Ek Liste-II L Sığırcıkgiller Sığırcık Star: Starling - LC - Ek-III Ek Liste-II L, A, G FAM : STURNİDAE Sp : Sturnus vulgaris EVRDB : European Vertabrate Red Data Book AVL (2011-2012) : Decision of the Central Hunting Commission END : Endemic KAYNAK : A : Poll (Information from local people) G : Observation L : Literature CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 102 Reptiles, amphibians and mammals Latin Name Turkish Name MAMMALİA TAKIM : İNSECTİVORA FAM : SORİCİDAE CİNS : Sorex Sp : Sorex minutus MEMELİLER Böcekçiller Sivrifareler FAM : TALPİDAE CİNS : Talpa Sp : Talpa levantis levantis Köstebekler TAKIM :CHİROPTERA ALT TAKIM :MİCROCHİROPTERA FAM : VESPERTİLİONİDAE CİNS : Eptesicus Sp : Eptesicus serotinus TAKIM : RODENTİA ALT TAKIM : MYOMORPHA FAM : SPALACİDAE CİNS : Spalax Sp : Spalax leucodon (Nannospalax leucodon) Cücefare Körköstebek ERL END IUCN BERN Convention AVL (2010-2011) SOURCE HABİTAT Observation Station Nt - LC Ek-III - L Çayırlarda, kırlarda, parklarda, bataklıklarda, ormanlarda, göl ve deniz kıyılarında - Nt - LC - - L Kumlu, gevşek, nemli toprakları tercih ederler - V - LC - Ek Liste-I L Terkedilmiş harabelerde Nt - DD - - L Verimli alanlarda, bağ ve bahçelerde Böcek Yiyen Yarasala Düz Burunlu Yarasalar Genişkanatlı Yarasa Kemiriciler Fare Benzeri Sincaplar Körfareler Körfare CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 103 Latin Name Turkish Name ERL END IUCN BERN Convention AVL (2010-2011) SOURCE HABİTAT REPTİLİA TAKIM : SQUAMATA ALT TAKIM : LACERTİLİA FAM : LACERTİDAE Sp : Lacerta trilineata SÜRÜNGENLER Kertenkeleler Kertenkeleler Asıl Kertenkeleler İri Yeşil Kertenkele Nt - LC Ek-II Ek Liste-I L Kurak arazilerde, tarla ve bağların arasında yaşarlar ALT TAKIM : OPHİDİA FAM : COLUBRİDAE CİNS : Elaphe Sp : Elaphe quartuorlineta sauromates CİNS : Natrix Sp : Natrix natrix persa Yılanlar Sarı Yılan Nt - - Ek-II Ek Liste-I Küpeli Suyılanı Nt - - Ek-III Ek Liste-I L Suya yakın taşlık ve çayırlık yerlerde - AMPHIBIA TAKIM : ANURA ALTTAKIM : DİPLASİOCAELA FAM : RANİDAE CİNS : Rana Sp : Rana dalmatina AMFİBİLER Kuyruksuzkurbağalar R - LC Ek-II - L Yaprağı döken ormanlarda, yüksek boylu çayırlarla kaplı ıslak yerlerde - Observation Station HABİTAT ERL Sukurbağaları Su kurbağaları Çevik Kurbağa Observation Station Taşlık yerler, bahçeler ve tarlalarda : Detection of Species, in which the field studies performed in and around the Field of Activity : Feature of the Living Area where Species were detected : European Red List CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 104 Related to the above-mentioned species from international trade "in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Convention on International Trade in (CITES) was examined. The region's flora species or subspecies included in this contract there through the list. Again, the list of fauna in the region of the living environment of this User Agreement, and the two species were identified in the region. These are: Columba livia (rock dove) (Annex III) and Falco peregrinus (born wanderer) (Appendix I). Accordingly. CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) Annex I: shall include all species threatened with extinction which are or may be affected by trade. Trade in specimens of these species must be subject to particularly strict regulation in order not to endanger further their survival and must only be authorized in exceptional circumstances. Annex II: shall include all species which although not necessarily now threatened with extinction may become so unless trade in specimens of such species is subject to strict regulation in order to avoid utilization incompatible with their survival. Annex III: shall include all species which any Party identifies as being subject to regulation within its jurisdiction for the purpose of preventing or restricting exploitation, and as needing the co-operation of other Parties in the control of trade. In order to determine the species taken under protection among the species above, the Turkish Environmental Legislation “Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats” and its annexes were examined. Species under conservation according to the Bern Convention are specified. In order to determine the species taken under protection among the species above, the Turkish Environmental Legislation “Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats” and its annexes were examined. Species under conservation according to the Bern Convention are specified. Fauna species under protection according to the Bern Convention are divided into two categories. Species being precisely under protection III Protected Species Bern Convention Article 6 Provisions Each Contracting Party shall take appropriate and necessary legislative and administrative measures to ensure the special protection of the wild fauna species specified in Appendix II. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 105 The following will in particular be prohibited for these species: • • • • • all forms of deliberate capture and keeping and deliberate killing; the deliberate damage to or destruction of breeding or resting sites; the deliberate disturbance of wild fauna, particularly during the period of breeding, rearing and hibernation, insofar as disturbance would be significant in relation to the objectives of this Convention; the deliberate destruction or taking of eggs from the wild or keeping these eggs even if empty; the possession of and internal trade in these animals, alive or dead, including stuffed animals and any readily recognisable part or derivative thereof, where this would contribute to the effectiveness of the provisions of this article. Bern Convention Article 7 Provisions Each Contracting Party shall take appropriate and necessary legislative and administrative measures to ensure the protection of the wild fauna species specified in Appendix III. Any exploitation of wild fauna specified in Appendix III shall be regulated in order to keep the populations out of danger, taking into account the requirements of Article 2. Measures to be taken shall include: closed seasons and/or other procedures regulating the exploitation; the temporary or local prohibition of exploitation, as appropriate, in order to restore satisfactory population levels; the regulation as appropriate of sale, keeping for sale, transport for sale or offering for sale of live and dead wild animals. Fauna species under protection according to IUCN are classified as following: EX (Extınct) Extinct Taxon (Extinct) EW (Extinct in the Wild) Became extinct in nature (Extinct in the Wild) CR (Critically Endangered) Critically Endangered) as a critical endangered taxon (Critical) EN (Endangered) Endangered Taxon (TEndangered) VU(Vulnerable) Taxon which of the species is under high risk for extinction(Sensitive) NT(Near Threatened) Can be Threatened (Close to Danger) LC(Least Concern) Widespread taxon with high population (Low Risk) DD (Data Deficient) there is insufficient information for the distribution and / or the population at risk of extinction based on the condition it is not possible to do an evaluation of the taxa (Data Deficient) NE (Not Evaluated) Not Evaluated Taxon (Not Evaluated) CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 106 Based on the work called “Turkey birds" (Kiziroglu, 1989) Protected by national and international legislations and some bird species described in the project area around the "Red Data Book" (ERZ, 1977; HEINWALD et all., 1981; Bayerische STAATSMINISTEIUM 1982 a and b; GEEP 1984) are classified into categories as follows: A.1 Endangered Species A.2 Under Severe Threat A.3 Under Threat A.4 Those who signal potential danger B Categories Temporary-Transit Species According to the Central Hunting Commission 2011-2012 Hunting Period decision of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry General Directorate of Nature Protection and National Parks which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette, the following categories were classified. Additional List- I Wild animals which are protected under the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Additional List -II Hunting Animals which are under protection by the Central Hunting Commission Additional List III Animals for which Hunting is permitted in certain periods by the Central Hunting Commission The species included in the conservation lists of the 2010-2011 Hunting Period prepared pursuant to the Republic of Turkey Hunting Period decision of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry General Directorate of Nature Protection and National Parks, the protection measures specified in these commission decisions shall be complied. In addition, the provisions of the BERN and CITES Convention shall also be complied. 4.2.3. Aquatic Flora and Fauna Water intake pipelines planned to be laid at the sea section are at a length of 977 m from the shore as longest line (4 units of water intake structures between KP0+755 and KP0+977) as the exact route of the pipelines are identified within the scope of this repored 14 being prepared. Under the scope of the project, the cooling water requirement of 60.000m3/hour from the sea and the discharge to the sea of 60.000m3/hour plant cooling water has been planned (4 units of diffuser pipes with 22 outlets at a length of 209m between KP 0+467 and KP 0+676 is planned. 14 Samsun Tekkeköy Combined Cycle Power Plant Water Intake and Discharge Pipeline Design Project Final Report, DERİNSU SUALTI MÜHENDİSLİK VEDANIŞMANLIK LTD.ŞTİ., 11.02.2011 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 107 About 1 km north of the activity area the Black Sea is located and water intake to be performed under the project and discharge processes will be performed at the Black Sea. General Characteristics of the Black Sea The Black Sea which is featuring to be an inland sea between Europe and Asia has a coastal line of 8350 kilometers and a surface area of 461000km2. Widest part from east to west is 1175 km and the deepest point is is about 2210 km. Its water is cooler and less salty than other seas. The most distinctive feature of the Black Sea is the lack of vibrant life after a depth of 200 m as oxygen is only available at the surface of the water of 200 m. Increasing toward the bottom layer with oxygen under the high rates of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) are available which causes a toxic effect for living species. Hydrogen sulphide formation at the Black Sea (H2S): oxygen input, aerobic (oxygen breathing) bacteria in anaerobic degradation of organic matter collapsing to meet the oxygen requirement (oxygen breathing) bacteria SO4 (sulphate) and H2S'li environment through the reduction becomes composed. Because of the concentration of hydrogen sulphide at the bottom part, on the surface waters less salty waters of Mediterranean origin haloklin continuous layer (salinity varies according to depth in the region more quickly than other parts). Vertcial mixtures at the Black Sea are effective up to the upper limit of vertical haloklin. For this reason, sulphur in a surface layer of oxygen in the deep sea transport of dissolved oxygen is very limited. 1. Analysis of Marine Flora and Fauna Within the scope of the said project, the “Samsun Tekkeköy Combined Cycle Power Plant Project Environmental Marine Research” report was prepared by DERİNSU SUALTI MÜHNEDİSLİK & DANIŞMANLIK LTD. ŞTİ on behalf of CENGİZ ENERJİ SANAYİ ve TİCARET A.Ş. Within this research, between 04.25.09 -29.04.09 hydrographic, oceanographic, geophysical and geological (sediment sample intake) studies as well as a variety of sea water and sediment samples for physico-chemical and biological analyzes were performed. The figure below shows the sampling stations. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 108 Station where biodiversitiy analysis is performed Figure 38. Sampling Stations İST_1, İST_2: Stations where Sea Water and Sediment Analyses are Carried out BIO: Station Where the Biodiversity Analysis is carried out Biodiversity Analysis Within the scope of biodiversity studies performed in the project area phytoplankton, zooplankton and makrobentos sampling was carried out at one point. Plankton: Plankton is defined as all organism living in water in a free state, even if the organelle movement can move only a limited effect and therefore it is displaced more or less passively and from microscopic organisms (bacteria, etc.) to jelly fish many organism are defined as plankton. Phytoplankton: A vegetable plankton having the ability to synthesize a portion of their own material through photosynthesis (ototrof). Zooplankton: Animal Plankton feeding (heterotrophic) with organic particles and/or organism available in the environment. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 109 Benthos: Benthos or benthic organism is the general name for all the organisms living in deep sea. Depending on the bottom structure, benthic organisms live in the sea floor (infauna) or on the sea floor (epifauna) Benthic organisms are separated according to size into 3. These are from small to large; Mikrobentos, Meiobentos and Makrobentos Working Method Within the scope of biodiversity studies carried out in the project region, (see Figure 31 Sampling Stations), phytoplankton, zooplankton and makrobentos sampling was carried out at one point. 2 methods were used for the Phytoplankton samples. 1) 15 m deep vertical upward (vertical) with a plankton net with mesh captured of 55 µm 2) mid-point of the water column (10 m deep) were made with Niskin-type water sampling device. For zooplankton samples 200μm mesh plankton net with a depth of 15 m were used and sampling was carried out in vertical upward direction. For makrobentos samples the Van Veen Grab was used and samples were put into a jar after being filtered through a 0.5 mm mesh. All examples of biodiversity, deterioration of the samples to be 4% formaldehyde was added to the result. Determinations of samples were made by the Sinop University at the Faculty of Fisheries. Findings Samples were brought to the laboratory to be analysed. Samples were subjected to various processes and then counts were carried out. Accordingly, phytoplankton and zooplankton species were detected and abundance and biomass values are given in the table below. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 110 Table 40 .Phytoplankton Samples Taken with the Niskin Bottle Species Abundance (cell.I-1) Biomass (µg.I-1) Kingdom (alem) :Protoctista Phylum (şube) : Dinomastigota Classis (sınıf) :DINOPHYCEAE Ceratium furca 60 0,216 Ceratium fusus 300 3,281 Ceratium tripos 110 0,568 Dinophysis fortii 15 2,053 Gyrodinium lachryma 10 0,752 Phalacroma rotundata 15 0,086 Prorocentrum micans 80 1,368 Protoperidinium bipes 95 0,199 Protoperidinium conicum 57 2,459 Protoperidinium depressum 62 1,992 Protoperidinium steinii 30 1,272 Pyrocystis elegans 20 0,196 Kingdom (alem) : Chromista Phylum (şube) : Ochrophyta Classis (sınıf) : DICTYOCHOPHYCEAE Dictyocha speculum 15 0,126 Kingdom (alem) : Chromista Phylum (şube) : Bacillariophyta Classis (sınıf) : FRAGILARIOPHYCEAE Thalassionema nitzschioides 140 0,106 Kingdom (alem) : Chromista Phylum (şube) : Bacillariophyta Classis (sınıf) : COSCINODISCOPHYCEAE Chaetoceros affinis 235 3,048 Chaetoceros curvisetus 245 12,637 Chaetoceros sociale 580 9,601 Coscinodiscus centralis 10 0,686 Leptocylindrus danicus 7500 43,354 Proboscia alata 61390 1687,546 Pseudo-solenia calcar 83490 4211,091 Skeletonema dohrnii 60000 147,262 Kingdom (alem) : Chromista Phylum (şube) : Bacillariophyta Classis (sınıf) : BACILLARIOPHYCEAE Nitzschia tenuirostris 7000 6,213 Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima 935000 1195,098 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 111 Table 41. Samples Taken with the Phytoplankton Bucket Species Abundance (hücre.I-1) Kingdom (alem) :Protoctista Phylum (şube) : Dinomastigota Classis (sınıf) :DINOPHYCEAE Ceratium furca 158,73 Ceratium fusus 1587,30 Ceratium tripos 984,13 Dinophysis fortii 380,95 Gonyaulax polyedra 190,48 Phalacroma rotundata 349,21 Prorocentrum compressum 253,97 Prorocentrum micans 444,44 Protoperidinium bipes 920,63 Biomass (µg.I-1) 0,572 17,361 5,081 52,127 2,286 1,997 4,827 7,602 1,928 Protoperidinium conicum 730,16 41,289 Protoperidinium depressum Protoperidinium pellucidum 1142,86 698,41 82,088 9,362 Protoperidinium steinii 190,48 8,078 Kingdom (alem) : Chromista Phylum (şube) : Bacillariophyta Classis (sınıf) : FRAGILARIOPHYCEAE Asterionellopsis glacialis Licmophora ehrenbergii 31,75 63,49 0,041 1,016 Thalassionema nitzschioides 2220,00 1,673 Kingdom (alem) : Chromista Phylum (şube) : Bacillariophyta Classis (sınıf) : COSCINODISCOPHYCEAE Chaetoceros affinis Chaetoceros curvisetus 2253,97 18603,17 29,232 959,575 Chaetoceros sociale 38476,19 636,903 Chaetoceros constrictus Coscinodiscus centralis 4000,00 12,38 66,213 0,849 Leptocylindrus danicus 5301,59 30,646 Melosira moniliformis Proboscia alata 126,98 571428,57 0,117 15707,963 Pseudo-solenia calcar 610476,19 30791,363 Skeletonema dohrnii Kingdom (alem) : Chromista 457142,86 1121,997 Phylum (şube) : Bacillariophyta Classis (sınıf) : BACILLARIOPHYCEAE Nitzschia tenuirostris 6949,21 6,168 Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima 852,120 666666,67 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 112 Table 42. Samples taken with a Zooplankton Bucket Groups Samples Copepoda Acartia clausi Calanus euxinus Oithona similis Pseudocalanus elongatus Paracalanus parvus Copepod nauplii Copepod (egg) Cladocera Pleopis polyphemoides Abundance (cell.I-1) 3821,66 1194,27 2945,86 2707,01 6767,52 12738,85 4140,13 477,71 Biomass (µg.I-1) 35,19 57,17 13,83 78,50 56,34 12,74 3,73 4,30 Dinophyceae Appendicularia Chaetognatha Meroplankton Noctiluca scintillans Oikopleura dioica Parasagitta setosa Bivalvia (larva) 70700,64 28343,95 15,92 3503,18 6221,66 206,11 107,44 17,52 Gastropod (larva) Medusae planula Polychaeta (larva) Cirripedia nauplii 79,62 79,62 955,41 9235,67 0,87 0,48 9,55 58,18 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 113 Table 43. Samples of Macrobentic Species GROUPS NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS (0.01 m2) Nemertini Nemertini sp. 50 Nematoda Nematoda sp. 3 Oligochaeta Tubificoides sp. 6 Polychaeta Heteromastus filiformis 13 Polydora sp. 33 Melinna palmata 14 Capitella capitata 31 Nereis zonata 28 Perinereis cultrifera 9 Platynereis dumerilii 5 Polyophthalmus pictus 9 Prinospia (Minuspio) multibranchiata 4 Mysta picta 2 Crustaceae Balanus improvisus Ampelisca pseudospinnimana Mollusca Hinia sp. Pitar rudis Bittium reticulatum 1 3 1 2 2 Productivity of marine ecosystems is more than the density of phytoplankton because of high levels of nutrients, particularly on coastal areas where there is high density of phytoplankton. Coastal areas and increasingly residential areas, industrial enterprises and agricultural activities, there is increasing entry of organic matter in marine ecosystems. Increased concentrations of nutrients needed for algae growth substance input. Presence of large amounts of nutrients leads to overgrowth of algae in the environment. This event is called as the "red tide" and this decline in water quality, fish kills due to toxicity problems, losses in aquaculture, adverse impact on public health, aquatic environments due to bad odor and aesthetic problems of appearance leads to undergo losses. Values obtained from studies conducted in the project area in phytoplankton cell numbers per litter higher in some species have been identified (see Table?? Phytoplankton samples taken from the bucket). These species are: Proboscia alata Pseudo-solenia calcar Skeletonema dohrnii Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 114 These species are among the species that cause excessive reproduction in the marine. The high rate of these species on the project site is probably as a result of agricultural activities due to the Kızılırmak and Yeşilırmak in the region. Therefore, the region should be kept under constant control. Zooplankton is the main consumer of phytoplankton and in the steps of the food chain is located between the upper and lower stages of fish, birds and mammals. Changes in abundance or species composition of zooplankton detected that perform primary production of phytoplankton in seas and oceans indication of the important changes that are affected. At the same time to create food for commercially important fish species in this business because of the changes in zooplankton abundance or diversity of species is reflecting sudden changes in nutrient conditions could be decisive in determining the future increasingly higher hunting quotas. Many species of zooplankton are capable of growth for the short life cycle and high stress caused by changes in environmental conditions (pressure from predators, the point pollutants, climate change, and so on.) react as soon as possible in terms of diversity and abundance. As a result of the studies carried out in the Project area is abundant zooplankton species were identified and are given below. Especially Pleopis among those, the Acartica and Noctiluca species find living environment and pollution indicator species eutrophic regions (especially Pleopis) species cause the region to be identified as contaminated or potentially contaminated in the region. Pleopis polyphemoides: Eurythermal (resistant to a wide temperature range), eutrophic (nutrient rich) and a species as an indicator of pollution. Acartia clausi: It is a Eutrophic kind of cosmopolitan distribution, with a wide temperature and salinity tolerance. Oithona similis: Although not being eutrophic it is resitant to pollution. Oikopleure dioica: It is a typical Black Sea, in other words upper layer species. Noctiluca scintillans: It is a eutrophic species. Benthic invertebrate species have very limited ability to move very quickly because they are affected by changes in the environment. Organisms that give the most quick response to ecological degradation and stress. As a result of studies carried out on the project site, Capitella capitata being a poliket showed that it is represented with a high value. Such a region prone to contamination or pollution is an indicator and gives us some clues that the environment is dirty. In addition, Heteromastus filiformis and Prinospia (Minuspio) multibranchiata among identified species are not accepted fully as pollution indicator organisms they are known as species which like organic pollution. Again Melinna palmate among polikets is a species that likes waters rich in organic matter. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 115 Crustaceae species among Bentic organisms are known as species being sensitive to pollution in the environment. As a result of studies carried out on the project field, totally 4 crustaceae individuals were found which shows that the region is polluted or is tend to pollution. Results Although a more detailed sampling is required to be made on the project field, detected phytoplankton and zooplankton and species were considered as indicators of pollution makrobentik organisms. When biodiversity sampling and physicochemical parameters were combined with available literature values, it is concluded that there is an accumulation of pollution in the region. Fish Fish species being hunted in the Black Sea and which are economically important are given in the following table: Table 44. Black Sea Fish Species Family Species Mullidae Mullus barbatus Gadidae Merlangius merlangus Serranidae Dicentrarchus labrax Carangidae Trachurus trachurus Engraulidae Engraulis encrasicolus Sadra sarda Scombridae Scomber scombrus Scophthalmidae Belonidae Pomatomidae Acipenseridae Acipenseridae Scopthalmus maeticus Belone belone Alosa fallax nilotica Alosa finta Sprattus sprattus Umbrina cirrosa Mugil cephalus Mugil ramada Mugil auratus Mugil labeo Mugil saliens Pomatomus saltator Huso huso Acipenser stellatus Acipenseridae Acipenser güeldenstaedti Clupeidae Scianidae Mugilidae Turkish Name Barbunya Mezgit Levrek İstavrit Hamsi Palamut Uskumru English Name Striped mullet Whitting Sea bass Horse Mackerel Anchovy Atlantic bonito Atlantik Mackerel Kalkan Zargana Tirsi Tirsi Çaça Minekop Has kefal Dudaklı kefal Altınbaş kefal Topanbaş Benekli kefal Lüfer Mersin balığı Marmara mersin balığı Rus mersini Turbot Gav fish Twaite shad Twaite shad Sprat Corb Striped mullet Thilipped mullet Golden mullet Prey mullet Grey mullet Blue fish Beluga Sturgeon Russio sturgeon CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 116 Reproduction Periods: Table 45. Reproduction Periods of Fish Species in the Black Sea REPRODUCTION SPECIES Species Oc Şub Mar Nis May Mullus barbatus X Merlangius merlangus X X X X X Dicentrarchus labrax X X X Trachurus trachurus X Engraulis encrasicolus X Sadra sarda X Scomber scombrus X X X Scopthalmus maeticus X X Belone belone X X Alosa fallax nilotica X Alosa finta X Sprattus sprattus X Umbrina cirrosa Mugil cephalus X Mugil ramada Mugil auratus Mugil labeo Mugil saliens Pomatomus saltator X X X Huso huso X X Acipenser stellatus X X Acipenser güeldenstaedti X 15 Haz X Tem X X X X X X X X X X X X Ag Ey X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Ek Kas Ar X X X X X Among the fish species given above there are no species which are endemic for our country. The Scale of international protection status of species endangered species under the IUCN Red List, 2008 (http://www.iucnredlist.org) was benefitted as a source. The species sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), Twaite (Alosa fallax) and mullet (Mugil cephalus) species according to IUCN Red List categories, "LC (Least Concern-low-risk)", which belongs to the family Acipenseridae Huso huso, Acipenser stellatus and Acipenser güeldenstaedti ( Mersin fish) in the "EN (Endangered-in danger) class. In addition, Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention), in accordance with the Huso huso (sturgeon), type in Annex II, Alosa fallax (shad) type is covered by Annex III. According to the IUCN Red List categories, EN (Endangered-in danger) in the classes of Mersin fish (Huso huso, Acipenser stellatus, Acipenser güeldenstaedti) properties anadromous fish. In other words, the growth phases of the sea, fresh water spend in the reproductive stages. Generally, Sakarya, Kizilirmak and 4-5 km inland places pass Yesilirmak river estuary. Return 15 www.kkgm.gov.tr CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 117 to sea again before the end of summer, leaving their eggs in May to fresh waters. Reproductive maturity of the Access varies between species. 16-18 For example, females of species of Huso huso, Acipenser stellatus'un reaching sexual maturity in males in 13-14 years, females 14-18, males 12-15, the female of the Acipenser güeldenstaedti at 10-16, male at an age of 8-12 gain ability to survive and propagate. Although it is tasty in terms of its meat it is rather used for its eggs. Due to impoverishment and due to being under threat, their fishing is strictly prohibited. 4.2.4. Sensitive Zones Protected Areas National Parks, Nature Parks, Wetlands, Natural Monuments, Protected Areas, Wildlife Conservation Areas, Biogenetic Reserve Areas, Biosphere Reserves, Natural Sites and Monuments, Historical and Cultural Sites, Special Protection Areas, Special Protection Regions, Tourism Areas and Centers, Areas under the Pasture Law) 1. Areas required to be protected under the legislation of our country a) National Parks, Nature Parks, Natural Monuments and Natural Protected Areas defined in Article 2 and determined in accordance with Article 3 of the Act on National Parks Act No. 2873, dated 09/08/1983”, Nature Conservation Areas: Hacıosman Forest Nature Conservation Area: It is located in the Central Black Sea region, 20 km east of Samsun province in Çarşamba District- within the boundaries of the Çınarlık village. Forested area of 86.2 hectares, 35.3 hectares including open space area, it has a total area of 121,5 hectares. The distance is approximately 4 km from the project area and is not considered to be adversely affected by the project. Within the boundaries of the province of Samsun, there are no “national parks”, “nature park” or “natural monuments”. b) “Wildlife Conservation Areas and Wild Animals Placement Areas” determined by the Ministry of Forestry in accordance with the Land Hunting Act No. 4915, dated 01/07/2003” Wildlife Conservation Areas and Wild Animals Placement Areas: Terme Gölardı Simenlik Lake Wildlife Development Area: 20 km2 land area, 13.5 km2 water surface and a total area of 33.5 km2. The length of the coast is about 13 500 m. West along the north and east of the Black Sea after the Sancaklı Region, Üzümlü Region and subsequently Aybeder Bridge, in the south the Kabalı village, followed by the District of Karabıyık, Kemer Region and in the direction of Sivaslar Çobanyatağı entrance gate to the Black Sea. The Terme Gölardı Simenlik Lake Wildlife Development Area remains outside the influence area of the planned project (about 37 km away). CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 118 Bafra Kızılırmak Delta Wildlife Development Areaı: It spreads on an area of 5174 hectares. Common species in the field are waterfowl species. It remains outside the influence area of the project. It is at a distance of about 45 km to the project field (air distance). c) Areas determined and registered in accordance with the Natural Heritage Protection Act No. 2863, dated 21/07/1983 defined as Cultural Heritage", "Natural Heritage", "Sit" and "Conservation Area" in sub-paragraphs 1.,2.,3. and 5 regarding “Definitions” headed paragraph (a)of the first paragraph of Article 3 of this Act (No. 2863 Amendment of certain Provisions of the Law on Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage on the Addition of Certain Substances to this Act), Although, there are no areas defined as Cultural Heritage", "Natural Heritage", "Sit" and "Conservation Area, the nearest protected area to the project field are the Tekkeköy Caves being 1st degree archaeological protected area and the Hacı osman Nature Protection Area. As the Tekkeköy caves are at a distance of approximately 3,5 km and the Hacıosman Forest Nature Conservation Area at a distance of 4 km to the project area, it is considered that they will not be adversely affected from the project. ç) Water Products Production and Reproduction Areas within the scope of the Fisheries Act No. 1380, dated 22/3/1971, As issued in the Official Gazette dated 28 March 1983 and numbered 18001, the active site where the triangulation of the point of the Gelemen Creek into the Black Sea in the west of the coastal strip between the triangulation points Engiz River into the Black Sea coast at 12 miles to the section of the Fisheries Act 2 of 1380 pursuant to the "Fisheries Production Law", respectively. For this reason, installation and operation phases of activity and the Regulation of the Fisheries Law No. 1380 shall be complied and the parameter values in environment and waste water pollution laws and the regulations shall be complied. d) Areas defined in Articles 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Water Pollution Control Regulation which was published in the Official Gazette No. 25687, dated 31/12/2004, There are no areas in the project field defined in Articles 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Water Pollution Control Regulation. e) “Sensitive Pollution Zones” defined in Article 49 of the Regulation on the Protection of Air Quality which was published in the Official Gazette No. 19269, dated 02/11/1986”, There are no areas in the project field and its vicinity defined as “Sensitive Pollution Zones” f) Areas determined and declared as Special Environmental Protection Areas by the Council of Ministers in accordance with Article 9 of the Environmental Law No. 2872, dated 09/08/1983, There are no areas in the project field and its vicinity determined and declared as Special CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 119 Environmental Protection Areas . g) Areas under protection according to the Bosphorus Law No. 2960, dated 18/11/1983, There are no areas in the project field and its vicinity under protection according to the Bosphorus Law ğ) Regions considered as forest area according to the Forest Law No. 6831, dated 31/8/1956 Within the activity area, there are no areas considered as forest area pursuant to the Forest Law No. 6831. The nearest tree communities are located immediately to the Selyeri drainage channel, pine trees located at the racecourse of the Turkey Jockey Club. h) Areas with construction ban according to the Coastal Act No. 3621, dated 04.04.1990, The area where the activity is to be conducted is not located within an area Areas with construction ban according to the Coastal Act. ı) Areas specified in the Olive Growing Rehabilitation and Grafting of Wild Varieties Act No. 3573, dated 26/01/1939, There are no areas in the project field and its vicinity specified in the Olive Growing Rehabilitation and Grafting of Wild Varieties Act. i) Areas specified in the Pastures Law No. 4342, dated 25/2/1998, Within the activity area there are no areas specified in the Pastures Law No. 4342. j) Areas specified in the “Regulation on the Protection of Wetlands” which was published in the Official Gazette No. 25818, dated 17/05/2005, Kızılırmak Delta: It is 21700 hectares wide. Hosted bird species, with 20 large and small lakes and marshes and reedbeds, being spread over a wide area it is very important to the ecology of Turkey and the world. It was declared as a Ramsar Site in 1998. In addition, section 5174hectare "Wildlife Development Area" in 1994, the "water birds living space environment", located in the eastern part of the wetlands of the delta in 1994, all "natural sites" were determined. The Kızılırmak Delta covers the Ondokuzmayıs, Alaçam and Bafra districts. However, the place of activity is not considered to be adversely affected because of the distance of the Tekkeköy District. Yeşilırmak Delta: Its area is 3000 hectares. Districts included in its boundaries are Çarşamba, Terme and Tekkeköy. The wetland where the Yesilirmak River flows into the Black Sea is complex. However, a large part of the delta has been converted into agricultural land. Paritcularly the Akgöl and Simenlik Lake there are especially small lakes, marshes, salt marshes. In addition, the Simenlik Akgöl Lake and its vicinity are declared as “wildlife conservation area”. However, the area is not considered to be negatively affected from the project because of the distance. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 120 2. Areas required to be protected by International Conventions to which our Country is a Party a) The Meditteranean Monk Seal and Reproduction Areas”, I. and II. Protection Regions stated in the “Important Sea Turtle Reproduction Areas” under protection in accordance with the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats" (Bern Convention) which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 18318, dated 20.02.1984”, There are no areas in the project field and its vicinity specified in the the Meditteranean Monk Seal and Reproduction Areas”, I. and II. Protection Regions stated in the “Important Sea Turtle Reproduction Areas” under protection in accordance with the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats" (Bern Convention) b) Areas under protection according to the “Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution" (Barcelona Convention) which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 17368, dated 12/06/1981 There are no areas in the project field and its vicinity under protection according to the “Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution" (Barcelona Convention) ı) Areas identified as “Special Protection Area” in our country according to the Protocol Concerning the Protection of the Mediterranean Specially Protected Areas” which was published in the Official Gazette No. 19968, dated 23/10/1988, There are no areas in the project field and its vicinity specified as “Special Protection Area” in our country according to the Protocol Concerning the Protection of the Mediterranean Specially Protected Areas” ıı) Areas included in the “Mediterranean Joint 100 Historical Sites of International Importance” published by the United Nations Environment Programme selected according to the Declaration of Genoa, dated 13/09/1985, There are no areas in the project field and its vicinity included in the “Mediterranean Joint 100 Historical Sites of International Importance” published by the United Nations Environment Programme selected according to the Declaration of Genoa. ııı) Coastal Areas being living and nutrition environments of “Mediterranean Endangered Sea Species” included in Article 17 of the Declaration of Genoa, There are no areas in the project field and its vicinity specified as Coastal Areas being living and nutrition environments of “Mediterranean Endangered Sea Species” included in Article 17 of the Declaration of Genoa. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 121 c) Cultural, historical and natural areas given the status of “Cultural Heritage” and “Natural Heritage” taken under protection by the Ministry of Culture according to Article 1 and 2 of the "Convention for the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage" which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 17959, dated 14/02/1983, The Kızılırmak Delta and Yeşilırmak Delta located within the provincial boundaries carry a natural heritage feature. In addition, the “Tekkeköy Caves” located in the Tekkeköy district are 1st degree archaeological protected areas. However, these areas are not considered to be adversely affected from the project due to their distance to the project area. ç) Areas under protection according to the “Especially Waterfowl Habitat Convention on the Conservation of Wetlands of International Importance" (Ramsar Convention) which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 21937, dated 17/05/1994, According to the RAMSAR Convention Especially Waterfowl Habitat Convention on the Conservation of Wetlands of International Importance”: It is 21700 hectares wide. Hosted bird species, with 20 large and small lakes and marshes and reedbeds, being spread over a wide area it is very important to the ecology of Turkey and the world. It was declared as a Ramsar Site in 1998. In addition, section 5174-hectare "Wildlife Development Area" in 1994, the "water birds living space environment", located in the eastern part of the wetlands of the delta in 1994, all "natural sites" were determined. The Kızılırmak Delta covers the Ondokuzmayıs, Alaçam and Bafra districts. However, the place of activity is not considered to be adversely affected because of the distance of the Tekkeköy District. d) The European Landscaping Convention which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25181, dated /7/2003 Within the scope of the European Landscaping Convention, there are no urban, rural, semiurban or cultural landscaping areas. Therefore, any adverse effect on the natural and cultural landscaping by the project is not considered. 3. Areas required to be protected a) In the Certified Environmental Master Plans, as determined in the existing features to be protected and banned from construction areas (area of which the natural character is to be protected, biogenetic reserve fields, geothermal areas, etc.) The facility subject to the project is located on the Energy Production Plant Area on the 1/5.000 scale Master Development Plan (in Annex-9) and on the Industry Area on the 1/100.000 scale Environmental Master Plan (in Annex-10). There are no areas in the project field and its vicinity under the Certified Environmental Master Plans, as determined in the existing features to be protected and banned from construction areas (area of which the natural character is to be protected, biogenetic reserve fields, geothermal areas, etc.). The nearest protected area to the project field are the Tekkeköy caves CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 122 at a distance of 3,5 km and the nearest nature conservation area is the Hacıosman Nature Conservation Area at a distance of 4 km. These areas remain outside the activity area. b) Agricultural Lands: Agricultural development areas, irrigated, irrigation, and possible land use capability classes I, II, III and IV areas, depending on rainfall for agricultural I. and II. with the class, all specific areas of plantation crops, When the land properties of the project site are investigated, it is seen that it is in IV. class soil feature. However, the facility subject to the project is located on the Energy Production Plant Area on the 1/5.000 scale Master Development Plan (in Annex-9) and on the Industry Area on the 1/100.000 scale Environmental Master Plan (in Annex-10). c) Wetlands: Natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, water is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including sea depths not exceeding six meters circuit of the withdrawal movement of the tide, especially important as habitats for waterfowl species, including all waters, swamps, , reed beds and coastal areas with turbiyeler right sideline from the ecological point of land, the remaining wetland areas, "(According to the Regulation Amending the Regulation on Protection of Wetlands which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 27684, dated 08.26.2010)., Yeşilırmak Delta Wetland Area (Çarşamba Delta Wetland Area):The total area of the plain is about 900 km2. It extends from the neighborhood of 3 km east of Samsun city center Kirazlık to the the Akçay Creek forming the boundary of the Province of Ordu. While it was the largest delta of the Black Sea in the past, a large part of the delta turned into agricultural fields. As a result of increasingly shrinking and degradation of habitats, it contains less animals than in the past. Kızılırmak Delta Wetland Area: The area which is approximately 21.700 hectares has has been declared at the same time as Ramsar site in 1998. It remains within the boundaries of the districts of Bafra-Ondokuzmayıs-Alaçam. Existing problems at the moment are: hunting pressure, interventions to the living environment, and domestic animals grazing on the relations, particularly relations with agricultural activities. Ladik gölü: The Ladik lake is located on the east of the district on the 7th km on the Erzincan road and the coastal line is 8 km. Normal lake area is 13.04 x 106 m3. The regulator was renewed in 1986 and restoration studies were commenced and the Ladik Lake was turned into a lake for irrigation purposes. Within the activity area and its vicinity there are no areas in the feature of wetlands. ç) Lakes, rivers, ground water management areas, Rivers: The most important rivers of the province are the Kızılırmak River, Yeşilırmak River, Terme Streamı, Abdal Riverı, Mert River, Kürtün River, Engiz Creek, Tersakan Stream and their side branches. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 123 Lakes: Bafra Lakes, Cernek Lake, Liman Lake, Karaboğaz Lake, Simenit Lake, Akgöl, Ladik Lake Ponds and Dams: Hasan Uğurlu DAm, Suat Uğurlu Dam, Altınkaya Dam, Çakmak Dam, Derbent Dam, Güven Pond Irrigation, Divanbaşı Pond ırrigation, Kozansıkı Pond Irrigation, Güldere Pond Irrigation, Karabük Pond and Irrigation, Dereköy Pond Irrigation Ground Water Management Areas: DSI General Directorate of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Division prepared by the Planning-Design and Control Reserve "Turkey and Use Potential of Groundwater Status Report," according to the project area is located in Samsun province, the total exploitable groundwater reserves in and around the Center are determined as 22.5 hm3 /year. Within the project area there are no lakes, ponds, dam groundwater management areas. d) Areas which are important for scientific research and / or endangered species or fall species and habitat areas that are endemic to our country, biosphere reserves, biotopes, biogenetic reserve areas, areas where the unique properties of geological and geomorphological formations, There are no areas in the project field and its vicinity which are important for scientific research and / or endangered species or fall species and habitat areas that are endemic to our country, biosphere reserves, biotopes, biogenetic reserve areas, areas where the unique properties of geological and geomorphological formations. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 124 4.3. Social Environment 4.3.1. Economy One of the sectors that make up the economic structure of the province of Samsun is the agricultural sector as industry, farming and tourism are also occupy an important place. Agricultural Production Polycultural farming is practiced in the province. Aquaculture production and animal production, taking into account items of strategic importance in the production pattern, yield, production volume, the weight of the products will be examined further. Total 455.324 hectares of agricultural land is available in the province, the area of cereal crops is 42.45% with a share of I. rank, II with a share of 20.06%. with an area of 91.334 hectares of fruit orchards in the area are seen taking place hazelnuts in an cultivation area of 85.532 hectares. The most important products grown economically in Samsun are wheat, corn, rice and tobacco. As an industrial plant sunflower is cultivated. Closing fruit production is conducted. An important part of this is the hazelnut area. Hazelnut production centers are Terme, Çarşamba, Salıpazarı, Ayvacik, Tekkeköy, Ondokuzmayıs, Bafra, Alaçam, Yakakent and Asarcık Districts. The most widely produced vegetables in the province are tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, spinach, beans, kabakan, cabbage, leeks, watermelon and melon. Plastic greenhouses and high tunnels also increased in recent years. City has an important place in agriculture in total 122.410 hectares of agricultural area which has plains and of Çarşamba and Bafra. Here, vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, melons, watermelons, etc.) The agriculture sector in this region is mainly influenced by agriculture to the first stage the structure of employment in the province of Samsun. 67% of the labor force works in agricultural areas. Below the agricultural data and the statistical data of the region is provided. Table 46. Distribution of Agricultural Lands LAND TYPE AMOUNT (ha) Cereals 197.866 Industrial Plants 23.675 Edible Legumes 18.539 Edible 28.645 Fruit 91.334 Fallow 12.656 Lumpy Plants 2.370 Others 80.239 Total Agriculural Land 455.324 16 16 RATE TO AGRICULTURAL LAND (%) 42,45 5,20 4,07 8,43 20,06 2,77 0,52 16,50 100 Samsun Provincial Environment Status Report, 2008 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 125 Table 47. Basic Information on Agriculture according to Statistical Data Parameter RELEVANT DATA Surface Area (Ha) 951.200 Agricultural Area (Ha) 432.718 Irrigated Agricultural Area (Ha) 119.350 Non-irrigated Agricultural Area (Ha) 313.367 Forestland & Moor (Ha) 385.654 Pasture & Meadow (Ha) 16.683 Non-Agricultural Land (Ha) 116.145 Field (Ha) 259.170 Sown Field (Ha) 243.567 Fallow (Ha) 15.603 Exposed to Erosion (Ha) 811.684 Most important Vegetable Product Nut Growing Area (Ha) Nut Production Amount (Tons) Number of Plows Number of Tractors Number of Fishing Boats Number of Fishing Families 17 18 , Nut 88.341 73.085 48.754 34.232 784 2.484 Organic Farming Samsun is a region that has the climate, environment, land and the the human factors required for organic farming. Organic farming in the province of Samsun in the production process on the basis of both producer and intermediary organizations and farming organizations. In this regard, and in 2001 founded a company called SAMSİAD within the ekosam training in organic agriculture in the region meant to give farmers the relevant public agencies to cooperate with everyone, now the other direction and become a pioneer for commercial purposes, in Samsun it initiated research in organic farming through the opening to the world. This is within the scope of the company's organic agricultural production of pulses, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables, honey, and there are varieties of tea. A portion of these products is exported and a portion is sold on the market for domestic consumption. Animal Production Livestock data obtained from the Samsun Governorship are given in tables as follows. 17 18 Samsun Provincial Directorate of Agriculture, 2011 Data Samsun Provincial Environment Status Report, 2008 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 126 Table 48. Animal Presence in Samsun 19 ANİMAL PRESENCE, Number 2011 A-Small Ruminant 161.448 1- Sheep (Domestic) 146.861 2-Merino Sheep 586 3-Hair Goat 13.963 4-Angore Goat 38 B-Cattle 321.001 1-Culture 70.411 2-Hybrid 157.574 3-Domestic 79.864 4-Mandate 13.152 C-Equidae 10.913 1-Horse 2.469 2-Mule 3.829 3-Donkey 4.615 D- Poultry Presence 3.533.658 1-Layer Chicken 1.600.970 2-Broiler Chicken 1.858.300 3-Turkey 21.422 4-Duck 75.850 5-Goose 58.405 E- Beekeeping (Hiv No.) 72.910 Table 49. 2011Animal Presence by Districts 20 DİSTRİCTS CATTLE SMALL RUMİNANT Alaçam 23.000 15.000 Asarcık 9.700 650 Ayvacık 9.619 295 Bafra 50.500 28.000 Çarşamba 40.093 9.038 Havza 27.760 11.500 Kavak 16.265 6.800 Ladik 12.700 11.478 19.Mayıs 11.251 1.550 Salıpazarı 9.000 1.000 Tekkeköy 16.134 19.608 Terme 20.800 2.250 Vezrköprü 39.400 32.500 Yakakent 5.779 10.546 19 20 EQUIDAE POULTRY BEEKEEPING 1.508 320 359 2.795 117 810 1.247 127 30 348 32 495 800 705 531.620 55.240 5.710 480.400 96.540 135.050 1.403.695 8.640 84.750 28.400 63.843 350.555 128.350 99.240 3.880 180 0 12.100 2.339 2.966 2.585 1.950 3.300 3.500 2.680 25.375 5.550 557 Samsun Provincial Directorate of Agriculture Samsun Provincial Directorate of Agriculture CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 127 Atakum Canik İlkadım 12.500 10.500 6.000 3.920 4.650 2.663 180 900 140 7.700 26.830 27.095 1.755 2.120 2.073 Poultry Table 50. Activity Status of Poultry Enterprises 21 ENTERPRISE FIELD NUMBER Active NonActive Chick Dev. 1 1 Broiler Dev. Layer Chicken Integrated Facility Total 102 14 1 118 148 16 1 155 Beekeeping Table 51. In 2011 Beekeeping Activities 22 BEEKEEPING STATUS YEAR 2011 Number of Hives (Number) 72.910 Honey Production (Kg) 1.192.997 Wax (Kg) 102.586 Dairy Cattle Table 52. 2011 Milk Production by Districts 23 DISTRICT MILKER NO. CAPACITY (TONS) Alaçam 21.121 35.177 Asarcık 2.994 9.006 Ayvacık 2.140 4.466 Bafra 37.587 67.962 Çarşamba 16.552 40.080 Havza 18.208 40.773 Kavak 10.967 24.511 Ladik 13.491 22.202 Ondokuz Mayıs 7.228 19.153 Salıpazarı 4.414 10.148 21 Provincial Directorate of Agriculture Samsun Provincial Directorate of Agriculture 23 Samsun Provincial Directorate of Agriculture 22 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 128 Tekkeköy 17.836 15.145 Terme 11.210 28.522 Vezirköprü 25.175 39.742 Yakakent 9.400 4.549 Atakum 6.947 13.719 Canik 5.420 9.217 Ilkadım 2.424 4.130 Total 213.114 388.504 Table 53. Wool, Hair and Angora Production with Number of Animals 24 SMALL RUMINANT ANIMAL NO. PRODUCT AMOUNT (KG) Merino Sheep 115 173 Sheep (Domestic) 115329 172.994 Hair Goat 11.218 13462 Angore Goat 24 48 Total 126.686 186.676 Table 54. Number of Animals Slaughtered by Years 25 YEARS NUMBER Slaughtered Animals 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 64.440 35.924 56.243 47.987 58.493 60.497 Animal Production by Years Red meat production in 2002 total production is 5314 tons. 4867 thereof is cattle as 447 tons were obtained from sheep. The total is 70.358 pieces of leather production; their number of 40. 558 bovine animals, ovine animals, the number of 29.800 tons. In 2003 total production is 5144. 4875 thereof is cattle, 269 tons were obtained from sheep. The total is 26.298 pieces of leather production; their number of 15.916 bovine animals, ovine animals, the number obtained is 10.382 tons. In 2004 total production is 4746. 4406 thereof is cattle as 340 tons have been obtained from the small ruminant animals. The total is 56 243 pieces of leather production; their number of 29 856 bovine animals, ovine animals were obtained from 26.387. In 2005 total production is 3816. 3519 thereof is cattle as 297 tons were obtained from sheep. The total is 47.987 pieces of leather production; their number of 25.140 bovine animals, 22 847 obtained were obtained from ovine animals Total production in 2006 is 57.287 tons. 31.494 tons thereof is cattle and 25.793 tons was obtained from ovine animals 24 25 Samsun Provincial Directorate of Agriculture Samsun Provincial Directorate of Agriculture CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 129 Industrial Activities Commercial and industrial life is alive because of population density in the province of Samsun. Especially after 1980, the city contracted for the development of employment in accordance with the age of industry and townships around the city have formed a small industrial estates, employment began to slowly move towards capital-intensive small businesses. In addition, they become contributing significantly to the Organized Industrial Zones. The most important products produced by the manufacturing industry and the province of Samsun are cement, fertilizer, copper, synthetic jute, auto spare parts, various sizes, pumps, furniture, textiles, iron, clothing, medicines and medical tools. Large and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the boiler will be a labor-intensive small-scale enterprises, plastic PVC plants, agricultural equipment and machinery, copper products, rebar, plastic bags, various candies, jams and commercial kitchen appliances are available in small plants. Table 55. Number of Samsun Industry by Sectors 26 DIVISION NUMBER OF COMPANIES EMPLOYMENT Machinery, Steel Construction, Casting 67 1.750 Knitwear and Apparel Manufacturers 41 1.691 Rubber & Plastic Goods Manufacturers 53 1.336 Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry 22 1.158 Food 71 1.139 Wood and Furniture Industry 54 999 Stone and Soil Industry 27 743 Copper-Brass-Aluminum-Iron Tensile 11 707 Flour and Feed Manufacturers 20 384 Auto Maintenance Services 10 368 Medical and Surgical Instrument Manufacturers 4 196 Confectionery, Sesame Oil, Sesame Seeds, Halva 13 194 Glass-Lamp Industry 11 186 Elevator Installation 13 134 Paper and Printing 9 116 Miscellaneous Manufacturing 38 1.201 Total 465 12.302 Tourism Although having a little share in the economy of the province of Samsun, there are many historical and touristic places to visit well worth seeing. It can be benefited from the sea and sand in the summer as hunting tourism can be made in the winter. 26 Samsun Provincial Directorate of Agriculture CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 130 4.3.2. Demography Address-based population census results of 31.12.2011 and Samsun Province of Turkey's general population data are given below. Total Turkey – total population: 74.724.269 Samsun – province population: Male 37.532.954 Female 37.191.315 1.251.729 617.701 634.028 Samsun – province/district population 827.796 407.763 420.033 Samsun – town and village population: 423.933 209.938 213.995 2011 Tekkeköy District population data according to the Turkish Istatistic Corporation(TUIK), where the project area is located is given in the table below. Table 56. Tekkeköy district 2011 population data 27 TEKKEKÖY TOTAL MALE FEMALE City 37.111 18.511 18.600 Town total 12.134 6.073 6.061 District total 49.245 24.584 24.661 Table 57. Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS) by provinces and immigration, migration and net migration rate 28 Regıon Regıon Adnks Net Net Migration Rate (Per Immigration Migration Year Code Name Population Migration Thousand) 2011 TR831 Samsun 1.251.729 35.103 43.408 -8.305 -6,61 4.3.3. Education According to the results of work done for the year 2010-2011 the distribution of educational status of the population is given below both in Samsun and Tekkeköy. 27 28 TÜİK TÜİK CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 131 Table 58. The Distribution Of Educational Status Of The Population Education Status Tekkeköy Samsun Illiterate 2.190 57.629 Literate 9.130 239.517 Primary School 13.390 300.327 Elementary School 9.475 210.702 Junior High School 1.530 42.460 Senior High School 6.086 179.395 University 1.694 81.881 Master’s Degree 67 4.346 Doctor’s Degree 14 1.792 Unknown 1.274 25.879 Total 44.850 1.143.928 4.3.4. Health While rate of the number of public hospitals in Turkey is 76%, this rate is 82% in the Black Sea Region and 86% is in the province of Samsun. From across the Black Sea Region of Turkey is very low ratio of private hospitals and 4% which is 14% in the Samsun province. Looking at the number of beds in the province of Samsun and Turkey and throughout the region as well as a higher ratio is seen that the number of beds in public hospitals. There are 12 State Hospitals under the Ministry of Health, 4 Branch Hospitals, 1 Oral and Dental Health Center, 125 Health Centre, and 118 health centres are available. In all these units 6121 health personnel is working. The number of health institutions in the province of Samsun and its districts are given as following table. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 132 Table 59. Distribution of Health Institutions and Private Hospitals in 2007 by Locations 29 Name Of Hospital Publıc Famıly Emergency Tuberculosis District Health Helath Rescue Dispensary Center Center Station Merkez 11 4 40 8 1 Alaçam 1 1 3 1 Asarcık 1 1 1 Ayvacık 1 1 3 1 Bafra 2 1 18 1 1 Çarşamba 1 1 18 1 1 Havza 1 1 8 1 1 Kavak 1 1 3 1 Ladik 1 1 2 1 19 Mayıs 1 3 1 Salıpazarı 1 2 1 Tekkeköy 1 5 1 Terme 1 1 9 1 Vezirköprü 1 1 9 1 1 Yakakent 1 1 1 Province 21 18 125 22 5 total Family Planning And Maternal And Infant Health 1 1 2 Notifiable infectious diseases occurring in the districts of the province distribution are given in the table below. 29 Samsun Provincial Environment Status Report, 2008 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 133 1 Bafra 1 Çarşamba 2 Havza 1 Kavak 2 12 Ladik 1 10 80 3 32 2 33 186 1 3 45 6 17 431 3 2 4 2 4 0 2 6 Terme 1 1 7 1 52 2 74 6 66 3 2 24 4 3 25 181 4 20 2 26 89 1 5 2 8 Yakakent 0 3 1 11 5 253 52 1 55 2 2 20 2 97 1 CAMP FEVER 1 TETANUS 89 RUBEOLA 7 99 Salıpazarı Total 1 17 5 Vezirköprü 6 1 4 4 795 2 21 19 mayıs Tekkeköy 1 NEONATAL TETANUS 493 MENINGOCOCCAL 320 HYDROPHOBIA 112 GERMAN MEASLES 59 CHARBON Ayvacık 6 SYPHILIS 1 MUMPS Asarcık HEPATITIS C 1 HEPATITIS B Alaçam HEPATITIS A 7 BRUCELLOSIS Center WHOOPING COUGH ACUTE BLOODY DIARRHEA DISTRICTS Table 60. Distribution of notifiable diseases districts occurred in 2008 653 1 126 1 1 1 1 10 10 8 0 4 2428 0 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 0 134 1 4.3.5. Cultural Services Under the property of Samsun Metropolitan, - Motel-restaurant and cafe features Metropolitan Social Facilities located at the Doğupark Sea Filling Area - Mother's Park, the Tea Garden, Cafeteria, and outbuildings - Kefeli Park - Amisos Cafe, Rest. and Park - Adnan Kahveci Park, Tea Garden - City Hall Wedding Hall - Cumhuriyet Park and Tea Garden - Mert Park, Mert Cafe - Sevgi Lake Sevgi Park- Sevgi Cafe landscaping area located at the coast road, - Yalova's Ark Restaurant and Café at the Coast road - Change Stage theater and performance hall. There are 20 libraries in the Samsun province. There are a total of 198.594 books in these libraries. 18 One of these libraries are public libraries and two of them are children's libraries. In our province there is the Archaeological-Ethnographic museum and the Veterans Museum totally 2 museums in our province. In addition, the Ministry of Culture's Directorate General of Circulating Capital serves as the Book Store. The Ataturk Cultural Center which of the construction is completed, exhibition halls, a library and gallery opened by departments and administrative departments and the equipment and furnishing, arts and cultural life of our city and our region will open new horizons and education, as well as important contributions to the show and conference services. Table 61. Various Cultural Statistical Data 30, 31 SUBJECT Library Book NUMBER 15 211.372 Reader 256.502 Circulated book 105.841 30 31 SUBJECT Cinema hall Cultural and Natural Properties Local Newspapers(Daily) Local Published NUMBER 33 417 18 7 Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism, 2011 Governorship of Samsun, 2009 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 135 by reader Speaking library use Internet use Site Area 30 Magazines Museum 3 76.675 68 Local TV Channel Local Radio 4 9 Under the Ministry of Culture the following activities are carried out; Samsun State Classical Turkish Music Choir, under the Provincial Directorate of Culture Turkish Folk Music Choir (Adults, Youth and Children's choir has been working), Youth Choir of Turkish Art Music, Turkish Folk Dance (Adults, Youth and Children's sections) Travel and Camping Places: • Atakum • Airport • Forest Nursery • Kurupelit İncesu • Kocadağ Picnic Area • Hasköy Beaches and Camping Places: • Highways Facilities • DSİ Facilities Directorate of Public Works and Settlement Facilities • Directorate of 12th Regional Rural Services Facility • Provincial Directorate of Physical Education Facilities • Regional Directorate of Meteorological Facilities • DDY Camp • Red Crescent Holiday Camp CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 136 4.3.6. Urban and Rural Land Usage in the Vicinity of the Project In spite of Samsun city centre having an urban structure on a regular basis, due to too much intensity, it is very congested. Also areas outside the city centre, the point was unplanned settlements in urban areas is composed of very low standard. Especially 100th Boulevard is totally unplanned and illegal structuring southern parts of the year have advanced and are urbanized distorted. Completion of construction in these areas eliminates the chances of intervention in these areas. If we would divide the central settlement of Samsun 100th Avenue, north of the Boulevard is dominated by the use of trade, despite having a high density of use on a regular basis the urban structure is not enough. The south of the Boulevard is residential use, irregular construction, narrow streets, the continuity of nonnegative, such as access roads in urban areas is composed of a low standard. The city center to reach saturation, and high-density structuring takes place irregularly. In these areas, planning and zoning applications come before structuring prevented irregular urbanization and urban spaces occurred in the city centre than the high standard. Metropolitan Municipality in 1994 and sub-municipal planning and zoning practices have accelerated the establishment of the zoning and planned development has been ensured to establish infrastructure. The urban development at the Metropolitan Municipality areas of across the borough is located in the southern and western parts of the predominantly residential. Directed development of joint studies are conducted by the Mass Housing Administration Department Municipalities located outside the Metropolitan Municipality have reformed and completed the work in the development plan and application. Planning Area municipalities are located in the western area in the planning work have been completed in this sense. Future urban development will occur in these areas than in urban centres of urban development will have a high standard. Irregular settlements around the city centre and the subsequent complete economic life, urban renewal and regeneration projects to these areas will also make them become more favourable areas. In the region within the project area and its vicinity the development is mainly related to industry and commerce. Important large industrial organizations in Samsun (Nitrogen Factory., Copper Factory) have taken their place in these areas and heavily developed eastern part of the industry and the workplace, as a residential area developed in the western region. Municipalities in this region have created the infrastructure of urban development planning and implementation. Density in urban areas shows variety from the urban city bowl in south and west directions as 900, 750, 450, 350, 250, 150, 100 ki/ha. Except the Conservation purposed development plans approved in 1992, there are not any new studies. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 137 While the pattern of rural settlement in the region of the province in 1927 was 21.26%, the population of the district and sub-districts is 78.74%. Later in the year 2000, province and district population advanced to 52.54% as town and village population declined to 47.46%. 4.3.7. Income and Unemployment Nearly 65% are unemployed are unskilled, but the profession is still at high school level, 64% of the total attendees. The need for trained personnel is at a high level. The level of employment according to businesses is given below. Table 62. The level of employment by kind of businesses 32 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY FIELDS Other Social, Public and Personal Services Wholesale and Retail Trade Construction Not Elsewhere Classified Productions Transportation, Storage and Communication Food Production, Beverage and Weed Production Health and Social Service Hotels and Restaurants Textile Financial Intermediary Company Education Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry Public Administration and Defense, Forced, Social Security Wood Product Industry Electricity, Gas, Steam and Hot Water Production and Distribution 2011 4.314 5.492 4.878 1.531 1.761 2.019 2.184 680 783 1.541 1.359 435 3.277 512 751 Table 63.Unemployment-Population Information 2008 33 SECTOR Unemployment Unknown 1.010 Office and customer services 1.137 Service and Salesperson 542 Lawmaker, senior manager, and directors 88 Non-Qualified Workers 7.627 Qualified Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Hunting, Forestry And Aquaculture Workers 21 Professional Occupational Groups 2.199 Craftsman and Little Artisan 840 Armed Forces 0 Operators and Assembler 679 Co-Professional Occupation Groups 2.685 Total 16.828 32 Samsun Provincial Directorate of Employment Agency 33 Samsun CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 138 Labour force status by non-institutional population, years and sex are given by Turkish Statistical Institute. The statistical data belongs to a province or provinces. Samsun is in a group of provinces which is named as TR83 involving Samsun,Tokat, Çorum, Amasya. Table 64. Labour data in the province of Samsun 34 Labour market Labour market Year Code Name Labour market Labour market Number of Unemployment Unemployment Unemployment unemployed rate rate-male rate-female Samsun,Tokat, 2011 TR83 56 5.3 4.9 6.1 Çorum, Amasya 34 TÜİK CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 139 5. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS This chapter provides information regarding the possible environmental impacts on the parameters given in chapter 4. 5.1 Impacts on Physical and Biological Environment in the Construction Phase 5.1.1 Topography and Soils Within the scope of the said project, the entire operations during land preparation and the construction phase will be conducted within the project area located in the province of Samsun, Tekkeköy District, Selyeri Region. The Plant area covers and area of 46.000m2. During the preparation of land in this area, and construction operations, there will be approximately 25,000 m3 of excavation process. For extra deep sea outfall pipeline,5250 m3 of excavation process will take place on land. After extra pipes are laid, pipeline excavation material from the site will be closed with excavation soil. As the filling material from excavation will be is used for filling processes, additional filling material will not be required. After placement of the pipeline under the sea in the channel excavation will be used by the natural soil material. Finally, the natureal sea floor elevation of 30 cm after backfilling of the channel over to the bottom of concrete covered with wire mesh. The remaining portion of 20 cm will be filled spontaneous over time through sediment movement. Vegetal soil to be emerged during excavation will be separately collected and stored to be used in landscaping and similar studies. Excavation materials emerge from foundation excavations will be used in leveling and filling operations and will be evaluated in post-construction landscaping. As all the excavation material will be used in land leveling, any storage will not be in question. Actions for providing ground safety The specialities of the ground of the Project area is as follows; Ground Group: C2 Effective Ground Momentum: A=0.3g Local Ground Class: Z2 Periods: TA =0.15 sc and TB=0.40 cd The endurance, carriying capacity and settlement calculations of the areas those the sturctures will take place are given in the Annex-16. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 140 5.1.2 Air Emissions The construction phase of the planned activity (land preparation, construction and installation phases) will take approximately 19 months. Air emissions resulting from construction activities would be temporary and intermittent. Business machines and related emissions are expected during the construction stage and the majority of the excavation operations will be gas emissions and dust emissions. Emissions from Construction Machines: Heavy machinery will be used on site such as excavator, dozer, roller, compressors, loader, etc. The formation of field emission as a result of work activity will be in question. Construction equipment used in the field will use Tüpraş-404 diesel fuel as the general characteristics of diesel fuel are given in the table below. Table 65. General Properties of the Tüpraş-404 Diesel Fuel 35 Property Unit 0 kg/m3 Density (15 C’ta) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Flash Point Cold Filter Plugging Point (SFTN) Winter (a) % weight 0C 0C Value 820845 11 55 -15 5 Summer (b) Limit Test Management TS 1013 EN ISO3675 TS EN ISO 12185 En az TS EN ISO 2719 TS EN 116 En çok En çok TS 1232 EN ISO 3405 Distillation Achieved in 250 0C’ Achieved in 350 0C Temperature where %95 is achieved (volume/volume) % volume % volume 0C mg/kg Sulphur Carbon residue (in distillation residue % 10) Viskosity (400C) 35 360 % weight cst 2,0-4,5 % weight Number of Cetane calculate Cetane Index 85 111000 0,3 Copper Strip Corrosion (3 hours at 500Ct) Ash 65 En çok En az En çok En çok No.1 En çok 0,01 51 En çok En az 46 En az TS 6838 EN ISO 8754 TS 6148 EN ISO 10370 TS 1451 EN ISO 3104 TS 2741 EN ISO 2160 TS 1327 EN ISO 6245 TS 10317 EN ISO 5165 TS EN 15195 TS 2883 EN ISO www.tupras.com.tr CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 141 Water mg/kg 200 En çok Total Contamination mg/kg 24 Oxidation Stability g/m3 25 µm 460 En çok En çok En çok Lubricity feature, corrected wear scar diameter (wsd 1,4), 60 0C) 4264 TS 6147 EN ISO 12937 TS EN 12662 TS EN ISO 12205 TS EN ISO 12156-1 Fuel requirement of construction machines operating on site will be approximately 50 lt/hour. Accordingly; Q=50 lt/h x 0,835kg/lt = 41,75 kg/h (0,04 t/h) Table 66. Release Factors of Pollution Emitted from Vehicles (kg/t) 36 POLLUTANT DIESEL Carbon monoxides 9.7 Hydrocarbons 29 Nitrogen oxides 36 Sulphur oxides 6.5 Dust 18 Accordingly, pollutant expected values from construction machines Table 67. Emission Factors from diesel Vehicles (kg/h) :9,7kg/tx0,04t/h=0,39 kg/h Carbon monoxides Hydrocarbons :29kg/tx0,04/h=1,16 kg/h Nitrogen oxides :36kg/tx0,04t/h=1,44 kg/h Sulphur oxides :6,5kg/tx0,04t/h=0,26 kg/h Dust :18kg/tx0,04t/h=0,72 kg/h 36 Principles of Air Pollution and Control, 1991 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 142 On the activity area, there will be formation of emission depending on the fuel to be used by construction machines. As the flow values calculated for construction machines are very low, there will be no adverse effect on current air quality. The fuel system of vehicles to operate on the project field will be continuously controlled as the “Exhaust Gas Emission Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 27190, dated 04 April 2009, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, will be complied. Dust Emission: The operation area and the cover soil which is temporarily stored shall be regularly humidified and dusting shall be prevented to keep dust emissions at minimum level. Construction machines to operate on site are given as following Table 68. Construction Machnies to be used on the Activity Area EQUIPMENT NUMBER Crane 3 Truck 2 Roller 1 Forklift 2 Compressor 1 Excavator 2 Within the project area operations such as crushing and grinding will not be performed. Land preparation and construction operations are planned to continue for 6 months. Dust emissions from excavation works are calculated as follows. Dust emission factors used in the calculation of dust emission formation 37: 37 Disasembling emission factor = 0.025 kg/tons Transport (dust from roads) = 0,7kg/km-vehicle Material loading = 0,01kg/tons Material unloading = 0,01kg/tons www.cevreorman.gov.tr. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 143 Excavation Amount to emerge at Plant Area: Any type of soil excavation = 25.000 m3 = 1,6 ton/m3 Density Excavation amount to emerge = 25.000 m3x1,6 ton/m3= 40.000 ton Excavation amount at the pipeline: Any type of soil excavation = 5.250 m3 = 1,6 ton/m3 Density Excavation amount to emerge = 5.250 m3x1,6 ton/m3= 8.400 ton Amount of Dust to Emerge during Mechanical Excavation at the Plant Area: Central area of approximately 21.4 tons per hour (13.4 m3) of excavation will be held at the area where the removed leveling uneven soil pit to ensure the filling process will take place somewhere to unload. Studies in the field during the day, about 257 tons of material is transported by trucks of 20 tons, 13 times a day. Table 69. Plant Area Dust Emission Factors and Emission Flows (land preparation phase)) Dust Factors Emission Values Emission Flows Disassembly 0,025 kg/tons 21,4 ton/sa x 0,025 kg/ton= 0,54 kg/sa Transport 0,7 kg/km-vehicle (13 times/day x 0,7 kg/km.vehicle x 0,01 km)/ 12 hour = 0,0076 kg/hour Unloading 0,01 kg/tons Total Emission Amount 21,4 ton/sa x 0,01 kg/ton = 0,21 kg/sa 0,76 kg/hour Amount of Dust to Emerge during Mechanical Excavation at the Pipeline: Approximately 13.46 tons per hour (8.41 m3) will be excavated. During the studies in the field about 162 tonnes of material per day will be transported by trucks of 20 tons, 9 times per day. Material from the excavation process will be re-laid to the area when the pipeline is installed. Therefore any storage will not be carried out on the field. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 144 Table 70. Dust Emission Factors and Emission Pipeline Flows (land preparation phase) Dust Factors Emission Values Emission Flows Disassembly 0,025 kg/ton 13,46 ton/sa x 0,025 kg/ton= 0,34 kg/sa Transport 0,7 kg/km-araç (9 sefer/gün x 0,7 kg/km.araç x 0,01 km)/ 12 saat = 0,0053 kg/saat Unloading 0,01 kg/ton Total Emission Amount 13,46 ton/sa x 0,01 kg/ton = 0,14 kg/sa 0,49 kg/hour Within the scope of the project, in respect to the excavation works to be conducted on the plant area and pipeline area, the dust emission flow to emerge is below the limit value of 1 kg/hour specified in the provisions of the Regulation on Industrial Based Air Pollution” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 27277 dated 03.07.2009 For this reason, a modeling study was not carried out related to the dust emission to emerge at the plant area. Regarding dust emissions that will emerge during land preparation within the scope of the project, the provisions of the “Industrial Based Air Pollution Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 27277, dated 03.07.2009, the “Air Quality Assessment and Management Regulation” published in the Official Gazette No. 26898, dated 06.06.2008 and the the “Excavation Soil, Construction and Demolition Waste Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25406, dated 18.03.2004 shall be complied. Vegetable soil that will emerge during excavation will be reused in landscaping and similar works. Excavation waste from foundation excavation will be used in leveling operations, filling operations and in post-construction landscaping. As all of the excavation material will be used in land leveling any storage will not be in question. 5.1.3 Noise Noise formation is expected from land preperarion phase till the completion of the construction works Aires from the construction machines. Necessary measurements have been conducted and an acoustic report has been prepared. The acoustic report can be found in Annex-21. The results of conducted acoustic report are given in following table and figure. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 145 Table 71. Values according to the distances of noise levels which will ocur in construction stage Distance (m) 5 25 50 150 500 1050 2000 3000 5000 VOICE LEVEL (dBA) Hz 10000 Voice Level (dB) 125 89.7 75.7 69.7 60.1 49.7 43.2 37.6 34.1 29.6 23.5 250 89.7 75.7 69.7 60.1 49.7 43.2 37.5 33.9 29.4 23.0 500 89.7 75.7 69.7 60.1 49.6 43.0 37.1 33.4 28.4 21.1 1000 89.7 75.7 69.6 60.0 49.2 42.2 35.6 31.0 24.6 13.4 2000 89.7 75.6 69.5 59.5 47.6 38.9 29.4 21.8 9.1 -17.4 4000 89.6 75.3 68.9 57.7 41.5 26.0 4.8 -15.2 -52.5 -140.8 95.9 81.8 75.6 65.5 53.7 46.1 39.1 34.6 28.9 20.7 VOICE LEVEL (dBA) Figure 39. Equivalent noise level impact distance 120.0 100.0 Leq (dBA) 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 5 25 50 150 500 1050 Distance (m) 2000 3000 5000 10000 The highest effective value of exposure has been assumed at 85 dBA according to Article 5 of the “Noise Regulation” prepared by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, which took force after it was issued in the Official Gazette Issue No 25325 of 23.12.2003. Accordingly, the noise level which would generate would be higher than the limit value set forth by the regulation and in order to eliminate any adverse effects of the noise level on the staff, it shall be ensured that the staff would use labour clothes and gadgets such as earplugs, gloves, goggles, CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 146 masks, helmets, etc., and again, the provisions stipulated by Article 78 therein shall be strictly complied with. In addition, the members of staff who would be employed shall be prevented from being exposed to noise for extended periods. However, the construction machines shall be kept in a well maintained condition all the time and there shall be strict compliance with the provisions of the Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise and Labour Health and Worker Safety Ordinance which took force after it was issued in the Official Gazette Issue No 14765 of 11.01.1974 with respect to the issue of noise. The nearest settlement to the Project Area is the house located within the boundaries of the Selyeri Neighborhood, which is at a distance of about 1050 m in the south of the site. According to Table 5 of Annex VIII to the Regulation on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise, the day limit value for the activity has been determined as 70 dBA. According to the calculations made above, the noise level, which would generate at 1050 meters due to the activity, would be 46,1 dBA and this value value remains below the limit values specified by Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise; therefore, the project would not have any adverse effects on the settlements / residential areas. 5.1.4 Hydrology The existing Cengiz NGCCPP has a wastewater treatment facility. The wastes will be treated in that facility and than discharged to the sea(deep see discharge) by compliying the discharge limits given in the Water Pollution Control Regulation. Therefore no negative impact is expected. 5.1.5 Water Usage and Quality During land preparation and construction phase of the planned power plant, drinking water and potable water as well as water for spraying the area will be needed. During the construction phase of the facility, the drinking water and potable water requirement of the personnel will be supplied from the city network. If needed, it will be provided from the market. During the construction phase of the project, any other formation of wastewater except the domestic qualified wastewater from the personnel is not in question. Within the scope of the project, with the "Water Pollution Control Regulation No. 25687, dated 31.12.2004 (Amending Regulation on the “Water Pollution Control Regulation” published in the Official Gazettes No. 26786 dated 13.02.2008 and No. 27537, dated 30.03.2010) shall be complied. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 147 5.1.6.Wastes Liquid Waste Type and Amount of Domestic Qualified Wastewater, Environments to be Discharged The number of personnel to be employed within the project is 300 people and if the amount of required water per person is taken as 150 lt/day 38 Table 72. Liquid Waste Amount During the Construction Phase Construction phase Number of employees = 300 Amout of water to be used = 150 lt/person-day = 0,15 m3/person-day Total water requirement = 0,15 m3/person-day x 300 person= 45 m3/day A significant amount of wastewater during the prevention of dust formation is not expected. There will only be domestic qualified wastewater from the personnel to be employed during the construction phase. If accepted that all used water will be returned as waste water within the scope of the project, the amount of domestic qualified waste water from the personnel during the construction phase will be at a total of 45 m3/day. As domestic based wastewater from the personnel requirements to be employed during the construction phase of the facility (accommodation, WC, shower) will be given to the adjacent biological wastewater treatment facility at the power plant which also belongs to Cengiz Holding and shall be discharged by being delivered to the deep sea discharge system in compliance with the discharge standards of wastewater to receiving environments pursuant to the “Water Pollution Control Regulation » which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25687, dated 31.12.2004. According to the provisions of the Project Approval Circular No. 2005/5, a wastewater treatment plant project approval is not required from enterprises which evidence that they were established before 27.04.2004. The power plant of Cengiz Holding which is located adjacent was commissioned on 02.03.2004 and according to the provisions of the circular a project approval is not sought for the biological wastewater treatment plant Solid Waste 38 Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Practices of ITU-1998, Prof.Dr.Dinçer TOPACIK, Prof. Dr. Veysel EROĞLU CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 148 During the land preparation and construction phase, from the personnel working in construction, a variety of domestic solid waste and construction debris (pieces of iron, steel, sheet metal, packing material and so on. solid waste) will occur. During the land preparation and construction phase 300 people from different professions will be employed. The domestic qualified solid waste amount from , daily produced domestic qualified solid waste is calculated as following by using the value of 1,15 kg (source:tuik.gov.tr-municipal solid waste, 2008) is calculated as follows). Table 73. Solid Waste to emerge during the Construction Phase of the Project Construction Phase Number of Employees to beEmployed Amount of Solid Waste to be used Amount of Solid Waste to emerge = 300 = 1.15 kg/day = 1.15 kg/dayx300person=345 kg/day-person Within the scope of the project, the amount of domestic qualified solid waste to emerge during the construction phase has been calculated totally as 345 kg/day-person and the “Solid Waste Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 20814, dated 14.03.1991 will be applied. In accordance with Article 8 of the “Solid Waste Control Regulation”, this waste will be separately collected and necessary measures will be taken in order to facilitate the disposal and evaluation of this wastw, to prevent environmental pollution and to contribute to the economy. Solid waste will not be discharged to places which would adversely effect the environment and will be collected and stored in sealed standard garbage containers by complying with the 18th Article in the fourth section related to solid waste collection and handling specified in the “Solid Waste Control Regulation”. In compliance with Article 20 of the “Solid Waste Control Regulation”, solid waste shall be continues to be collected by the Tekkeköy Municipality for disposal by means of necessary equipment and in a state without giving any harm to the environment in terns of odor, dust, leakage and similar factors. As excavation to emerge during the construction phase, foundation and pit filling as well as in landscaping, any excavation waste is not in question. In the event of formation of excavation waste on the project area, the provisions of the “Excavation Soil, Construction and Demolition Waste Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25406, dated 18.03.2004 shall be complied. During the land preparation and construction phase, excavation works will be carried out for the foundations of structures. During excavation works vegetal soil will be removed and will be temporarily stored in accordance with standards in relevant regulations to be used in landscaping works upon the completion of construction operations. Excavation outside vegetable soil will be used in leveling and landscaping processes and the reimaining portion will also be evaluated in landscaping works. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 149 Flammable, explosive, hazardous and toxic substances will not be used as operation will be carried out only with construction machines, picks, shovels etc. equipment. Waste oil and grease that may emerge from the maintenance and repair work of construction machines and in order to minimize the effect of fuels harmful for human health, a waste management in compliance with the provisions of the “Hazardous Waste Control Regulation” No. 25755, dated 14 March 2005 and the “Regulation on Control of Waste Oils” No. 26952, dated 30.07.2008 will be provided. In order to ensure recycling and recovery of packaging waste which is included among domestic origin and construction based solid waste, they will be separately collected and source in accordance with the "Packaging Waste Control Regulation” which entered into force after being issued in the Official Gazette No. 26562, dated 24.06.2007 and shall be given to the relevant municipality and/or licensed collection, separation facilities. Unusable tires that may originate from business machines will be given to licensed recycling facilities in accordance with “Regulation on the Control of Worn-Out Tires” which enter into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 26357 dated 25.11.2006. In case of any leakage from equipments used in the facility, the “Regulation on Point-Based Contaminated Areas and Soil Pollution Control” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 27605, dated 08.06.2010 shall be complied and in order to minimize any substances harmful to human health and the environment the provisions of the “Hazardous Waste Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No.25755, dated 14.03.2005 as well as the provisions of the “Waste Oil Control Regulation” published in the Official Gazette 26952, dated 30.07.2008 shall be followed. Hazardous waste to emerge shall be stored in red color tanks/containers having a phrase “Waste Oil” on it and shall be transferred to disposal facilities by licensed vehicles. Worn-out batteries and accumulators in the plant, will be seperately collected from domestic qualified solid waste and will be delivered to collection points in compliance with the 13th article of the “Waste Batteries and Accumulators Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25569 dated 31.08.2004 (Amendment in the Waste Batteries and Accumulators Control Regulation published in the Official Gazette No. 27537, dated 30.03.2010) . Medical waste that will emerge from the infirmary to be established for the workers on field will be collecd seperately from all other waste in accordance with the "Medical Waste Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25883 dated 22.07.2005 and will be disposed in compliance with the regulation. Throughout the construction phase of the the provisions of the “Regulation on the General Principles of Waste Management” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 26927, dated 05.07.2008 shall be complied. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 150 5.1.7 Flora and Fauna No loss of vegetation during the construction stage of the activity is expected since the proposed project is a capacity addition and will take place in industrial zone. Moreover, since the proposed project site is situated within the industrial zone and exposed to intensive antropogenous effects, it has lost its natural fauna and vegetation characteristics. As a result, the elements of fauna, which are a part of wild life, do not prefer this zone as their reproduction, sheltering and egglaying spots. Therefore, it would be out of the question for any plant and animal specifies to be endangered at the construction stage of the activity in terms of their next generations. 5.1.8 Demographic During the whole Project process the Project company will comply with the relevant requirements of IFC Performance Standard 2 Labour and Working Conditions, to ensure consistency with the four core labour standards (concerning the use of child labour, forced labour, non-discrimination and freedom of association and collective bargaining). Employment opportunities would be increased in the region as a result of employment of about 100-300 persons at the stage of construction under the said activity. The company will also be responsible for providing social security and health insurance to their employees. In addition to this direct affect, the region would gain further economic inputs thanks to the income of those working in the facility and commercial services received by them regionally (accommodation, catering and clothing, consumption, etc.). Activities would also increase in many allied industries in connection with production thanks to the Project. Thus, the local trading activities would pick up, leading to increases in the income brackets of local communities. Land Acquisition and/or Resettlement: The IFC's Performance Standard 5 - Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement recommends; • • • To avoid or at least minimize involuntary resettlement wherever feasible by exploring alternative project designs To mitigate adverse social and economic impacts from land acquisition or restrictions on affected persons’ use of land by: (i) providing compensation for loss of assets at replacement cost; and (ii) ensuring that resettlement activities are implemented with appropriate disclosure of information, consultation, and the informed participation of those affected To improve or at least restore the livelihoods and standards of living of displaced persons CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 151 • To improve living conditions among displaced persons through provision of adequate housing with security of tenure at resettlement sites The proposed project will be established in to the existing Cengiz NGCCPP boundaries. Therefore no resettlement or any kind of expropriation will be done in the scope of the Project and by avoiding this, the relevant PS will be complied with accordingly. 5.1.9 Occupational Health and Safety Dust and noise are one of the most important issues for health and environment concerning the overall project activities. In addition to this, occupational accidents are probable due to fire and utilization of equipments and machines. Incautiousness, not obeying security alerts or not using safety equipments may lead to accidents during the project activities. Qualified labour will be hired and educated for work safety to minimize occupational accidents. There will be short time breaks during the shifts to decrease accident due to decreased concentration. Warning plates will be placed to appropriate places to minimize danger and risks. Protection and work safety equipments will be delivered to workers. If accident happens despite all the precautions an ambulance will be made available to carry the patient to nearest health institution after first aid in the project site. There will be enough hand tools (mattock, shovel, axe, bucket, etc.) as a precaution to an incidental fire. Labour Health and Occupational Safety Charter (Official Gazette 04/11/1974, No: 14765) Chapter 5 Section 1 “Safety Precautions against Fire in Workplaces” will be obeyed. Workers will be educated against fire. Neighbouring institutions will be informed in case of fire. Labour Law (Official Gazette June 6th 2003, No.25134) and related occupational health legislations will be complied with in the plant. In construction phase, both the national (Turkish Regulations) and the international ( IFC Performance Standards) requirements will be meet. In addition, to provide maximum safety; an Emergency Action Plan has been prepared. (In Annex-22) Considering the international requirements, the IFC Performance Standard 2 will be achieved. Paragraph 16 of Performance Standard 2 states that ‘The client will provide the workers with a safe and healthy work environment, taking into account inherent risks in its particular sector and specific classes of hazards in the client’s work areas , including physical, chemical, biological, and radiological hazards. The client will take steps to prevent accidents, injury, and disease arising from, associated with, or occurring in the course of work by minimizing, so far as reasonably practicable, the causes of hazards. In a manner consistent with good international industry practice, the client will address areas, including: the identification of potential hazards to workers, particularly those that may be life-threatening; provision of preventive and protective measures, including modification, substitution, or elimination of hazardous conditions or substances; training of workers; documentation and reporting of CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 152 occupational accidents, diseases, and incidents; and emergency prevention, preparedness and response arrangements’. In addition, the necessary mitigation measures will be taken as recommended in the section 2.0 of the IFC General EHS Guidelines(Refer to Section 6). Incidents which are dangerous and risk full for human health and environment that may emerge from the start of the project until the opening of units for activity and events possible to happen nearly on any construction work such as possible injuries, internal construction traffic accidents, material splashes, people falling, heavy construction equipment accidents, etc. Based on this context, warning sheets will be placed on the working area and employees will be given occupational safety training. There will be compliance with the labour law Act No 4857 that was issued against industrial accidents in construction work and provisions of relevant articles of "Regulation on Occupational Health and Safety and Regulation”, being issued correspondingly to above law. Besides, a workplace safety and accident prevention plan will be prepared and implemented according to current regulations and legislation. The staff and workers will be equipped with relevant safety equipment required by the work and they will be provided to work under ideal conditions in terms of health and safety rules. The greatest potential dangers in terms of workers’ health are infectious diseases that may be faced in the work force. The status of workers will be inspected periodically in an infirmary to be installed in order to minimize this issue accordingly. The contact of construction workers with local people will be kept at minimum in order to reduce the risk of disease transmission. In the event of important diseases and injuries, facilities of a hospital located in the nearest settlement will be utilized. Medical wastes that will emerge from the infirmary installed for workers in the project field will be collected separately according to all the other waste in compliance with the regulation of “Medical Waste Control Regulation" that entered into force after being issued in Official Gazette No. 25883, dated 22.07.2005, and their disposal will be carried out accordingly. 5.2. Impacts on Physical and Biological Environment in the Operation Phase 5.2.1 Topography and Soils The primary impact on soil arised from a thermal power plant is the soil acidification. Soil acidification can be defined as a general increase in soil acidity. The flue gas emissions from industrial facilities in and around the industrial areas of intense concentration and content of these emissions according to the state, depending on the return to earth with rain, soil acidification is increasing acidity of the soil formed. Asitleşmesine substances that contribute most to the soil, the soil as a result of the sulfur compounds and nitrogen compounds accumulate in the atmosphere. Nitrogen compounds, the plants when the soil is more than the amount özümseyeceği asitleşmesinde role. SO2 and NOx in the atmosphere, combined with water vapor as the main cause acid rain. Acid rain reacts with the soil structure breaks down in soil minarellerle of the soil affects the chemical structure and biological conditions. Present in the composition of the soil calcium, magnesium, elements such as washing the floor to carry water, soil and agricultural productivity decline is caused. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 153 The weighed soil pH of the Black Sea Region where province of Samsun, Tekkeköy District is located is is varying largely between 6.0 – 7.9 as the pH distribution of Turkey by lands is given in the following Table. Table 74. pH+ Distribution in Lands of Turkey According to Regions 39 NUMBER OF ANALYSED SOIL REGION pH 4,0-4,9 5,0-5,9 6,0-6,9 7,0-7,9 8,0-8,9 Trace and Marmara 8462 %9 %10,2 %30,7 %57,1 %1,1 Black Sea 10095 %4,7 %16,2 %25,4 %51,8 %1,9 Central Anatolia 25778 - %0,7 %4,2 %89,7 %5,4 South East 4272 - - %93,3 %2,2 East Anatolia 1342 - %0,3 %85,6 %6,7 Aegean 7404 - %2,7 %66,7 %7,9 Lakes 3871 - %0,6 %84,2 %8,2 Mediterranean 3367 - - %85,9 %8,6 Turkey 64591 %9 %4,5 %76,5 %4,7 * Determined in pH Saturation mud. As the project area is located within an “industrial area” and as there are no agricultural lands within the impact area, the project will not have an adverse effect on agricultural lands. However, within the scope of the project to eliminate the negative impacts of agricultural commodities and land acidification, the flue gas emissions that will emerge during the operation of the plant, will be provided to remian under the limit values specified in the "Industrial Air Pollution Control Regulation” which was published in the Official Gazette No. 27277 dated 03.07.2009 and in the limit values specified in the “Regulation on Large Combustion Facilities”. The said flue gas emissions shall be monitored on-line and it shall be certificated that relevean limit values are provided. Methods for the Prediction of Soil Acidification 39 Plant and Soil Chemical Analysis III: Soil Analysis, Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture. Education, Research and Development Foundation Publications No. 3, Professor. Dr. Burhan Kaçar CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 154 Sensitivity level of the project area and its vicinity; Holowaychuk and Fesseden (1987) was developed by a qualitative approach to study. Reviews are carried out taking into account soil pH and cation exchange capacity. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 155 Table 75. Criteria for Soil Acidification Sensitivity 40 CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY pH SENSITIVITY AGAINST BASIC CATION LOSS SENSITIVITY AGAINST ACIDIFICATIO N SENSITIVITY AGAINST Al DISSOLUTIO N GENERAL SENSITIVIT Y <4,6 Y D Y Y 4,6-5,0 Y D Y Y 5,1-5,5 Y O Y Y 5,6-6,0 Y Y O Y 6,1-6,5 Y Y D Y >6,5 D D D D <4,6 Y D Y Y 4,6-5,0 O D Y O 5,1-5,5 O D-O O O 5,6-6,0 O D-O D-O O >6,0 D D D D <4,6 Y D Y Y 4,6-5,0 O D Y O 5,1-5,5 O D O O 5,6-6,0 D D-O D-O D >6,0 D D D D <6 6-15 >15 D: Low Sensitivity O: Medium Sensitivity Y: High Sensitivity When compared soil properties with the overall classification accuracy, it is seen that the sensitivity of soil against acid precipitation is at low degree in the immediate vicinity of the project area. In this case, the soil structure is not sensitive to soil acidification and it is envisaged that the project will not cause a negative impact on the soil. However, all transactions made under the project shall comply with the “Regulation on Soil Pollution 40 A qualitative sensitivity analysis developed by Holowaychuk and Fesseden (1987) CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 156 Control and Point-Source contaminated the sites” which was published in the Official Gazette No. 27605 dated 08.06.2010. 5.2.2 Air Emissions As stated in the IFC Guideline for Thermal power plants, the amount and nature of air emissions depends on factors such as the fuel (e.g., coal, fuel oil, natural gas, or biomass), the type and design of the combustion unit (e.g., reciprocating engines, combustion turbines, or boilers), operating practices, emission control measures (e.g., primary combustion control, secondary flue gas treatment), and the overall system efficiency. For example, gas-fired plants generally produce negligible quantities of particulate matter and sulfur oxides, and levels of nitrogen oxides are about 60% of those from plants using coal (without emission reduction measures). Natural gas-fired plants also release lower quantities of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Therefore, the emissions of proposed project will also be minimum and even negligible. However even the emission are negligible the good practise is to assess them conservatively. Exhaust gas which would be released by the gas turbine generator as a result of combustion would be fed into the steam turbine to achieve combined cycle. There are two factors leading to development of nitrogenous oxide emissions which would take place as a result of the combustion operation that would be carried out at the facility to be built. First of them is nitrogen contained by fuel used in the combustion operation. However, more importantly, nitrogenous oxide emission stems from oxidization of free nitrogen in the air at a high temperature during the combustion operation. Burners of a special type shall be used in the gas turbine of the facility. As stated in the IFC guideline for thermal power plants, gas-fired plants generally produce negligible quantities of particulate matter and sulphur oxides, and levels of nitrogen oxides are about 60% of those from plants using coal (without emission reduction measures). Natural gasfired plants also release lower quantities of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Nonetheless, the emissions of the plant has been assessed separately below. The origin of SO2 emissions is the result of oxidization of sulphur inside fuel. Control of this emission would be the method of reducing the sulphur content in the fuel or treating SO2 gas from the stack gas. Because natural gas containing a sulphur content at a negligible level would be used by the facility as fuel, no note worth emission would develop in connection therewith. Dust emissions, which comprise combustion sources, generally depends on the content of the fuel. In this context, fuels which have lower ash contents cause lower dust emissions. In other words, since the dust volume is lower, the stack gas values which would develop would also remain below the limits. CO emissions would develop as a result of inefficient combustion. It must be ensured that there must be an appropriate period of stay and that there must be a high temperature so that controlled combustion could be completed. These conditions would be met thanks to the CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 157 special burners to be used in the facility and no emission of a considerable volume would develop. C02 is a product, which develops as a result of full combustion and generally leads to a global greenhouse gas effect. Therefore, local air quality and emission standards are not in place for CO2. Combined cycle gas turbines operate at higher efficiency as compared to other fossil fuel fired plants and produce less CO2 per MW of electricity generation. CO2 emission which would develop in the facility would be at a negligible level. In the facility subject to the Project, natural gas will be used as fuel in the plant, hourly natural gas consumption will be 170 000 m3. The heating value of the natural gas to be taken from Samgaz Natural Gas Distribution Inc. is 9.042.93 kcal/m3 and sub-heating value is 8.144,94 kcal/m3. The characteristics of natural gas to be used is given in the following table. Table 76. Properties of Natural Gas to be Taken from Samgaz Doğalgaz Dağıtım A.Ş Upper Calorific Value (kcal/m3) 9,042.93 Lower Calorific Value (kcal/m3) 8,144.94 Specific Gravity: 0.56601 Standard Density 0.69360 N2 0.8468% CO2 0.0498% METHAN 98.0670% ETHAN 0.7096% PROPAN 0.2346% I-BUT 0.0387% N-BUT 0.0383% I-PEN. 0.0076% N-PEN. 0.0054% HEXZA 0.0024% Gas Turbine Unit: It is the unit where natural gas and air compressed in the compressor area is mixed and burned and where subsequently mechanical power is obtained as a result of the move of the shaft to which also the generator is connected. The gas turbine provides an electrical power of 390 MW. The air compression ratio is 19:1. Before air is aborbed from external environment to the gas turbine it is filtered. Exhaust gas which emerges as a result of combustion goes to the boiler to be evaluated in waste heat boilers. Steam Turbine: It is 220 MW. 3 separate steam obtained from the waste heat boiler is sent to the superheated steam turbine and converts thermal energy into mechanical energy. Mechanical energy rotates the turbine shaftand the generator located on the same shaft performs electricity production. Used steam is sent to the condenser and from here to the waste heat boiler feed water tank by means of condensate pumps. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 158 At the plant, there will be a gas turbine with a capacity of 390 MW. There will be a flue gas output unit and 1 emission point in the facility.The characteristics of the flue of the gas turbine are given in the table below. Table 77. Flue Properties of the Gas Turbine Flue Height Flue diameter Number of Flues Flue Gas Flow Rate Flue Temperature 60 metre 8 metre 1 700 kg/sn 100 ºC In order to increase natural gas conversion technologies, thermodynamic efficiency, high combustion temperature is required. However, the high combustion temperature leads to high NOx production. The project is one of the most important features used in the facility NOx Gas Turbine is almost nonexistent. Within the combustion control system (O2 set) by minimizing the unburned O2 reaction rate is reduced to minimize NOx emissions generated as a result. Turbines will be operational during the mitigation measures will be provided with the limit values specified in the relevant legislation. The project facilities will be installed in the domain of air quality monitoring station and online monitoring can be made Samsun Provincial Directorate of Environment and Forestry. Standards, measurement systems and methods will be accepted by the MoEF. The same will apply in the flue gas system, the flue gas emissions monitoring measurements will be done online. Given the sensitivity of the region, giving rise to a cumulative effect, however, the present case, the highest of the ETI Bakır A.Ş. Flue of 152-meter chimney effect taking into account the area of 7.5 km of the emission is most intense in the region to be determined by the Directorate of Samsun Province Environment and Forestry where air quality monitoring stations will be established and followed on-line by the relevant department. Systems to be Installed for the Instant Measurement and Assessment (On-Line) of Flue Gas Emissions exhaust stack flue gas for emission measurement system shall be installed and shall be CO-NOx-O2 measurement. Measurement shall be continuous. Conditioning units and a central control unit and the sampling lines will be required. Conditioning and sample lines, will include all necessary equipment for the measurement accuracy. Proven brand-models to the analyzer and all necessary equipment will be selected. The central unit must be within the frame work will include all necessary equipment. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 159 The system, central control room will be placed in one computer and shall include one laser printer. Via a computer online values, alarm conditions and historical trends shall enable being observed. In addition, daily, monthly and annual reports will be available. The system of gas temperature, pressure and flow to measure the amount of critical values and be capable of generating an alarm. The system automatically purge the sample line to be appropriate for the cleaning. The Analyzer device shall have the ability to function in temperatures between 5°C and +50 °C.. The measurement system shall have a system to draw the humidity of the gas from the flue. The emission measurement system to be installed shall comply with TSE, EPA, DIN standards and the "TC Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Industrial Air Pollution Control Regulation (SKHKKY) 03.07.2009-27277. Regarding emissions from the flue of the plant as a result of operation, as the Cengiz Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant is evaluated within Article 1. Energy Industry in the list of Annex-1 of the “Regulation on Permits and Licenses to be obtained pursuant to the Environmental Law” which entered into force after being issued in the Official Gazette No 27214, dated 29.04.2009, stating; “1.3 Combined Cycle, combined heat power plants, internal combustion engines and gas turbines (including internal combustion engines and gas turbines used in mobile plants), An Environmental Permit Certificated pursuant to the relevant regulation shall be obtained. Within the scope of the project, related to the emissions from the facility, an air quality modeling study was carried out. It was observed in the modeling that the limit values specified in Annex-4 of the Regulation on Large Combustion Facilities are met. The “Air Quality Modeling” prepared for the project is that given in Annex-20. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 160 Assesment Againts National Regulations In accordance with the annex -2 of the regulation for control of the air pollution caused by the industry, hourly mass debits (rates) of the emissions released from the chimneys of existing or new facilities to be established or emitted into the atmosphere from other sources outside of the chimneys are determined by measuring emission in chimneys for existing facilities and calculated by using emission coefficients for the emissions emitted from other parts outside of chimneys and those of new facilities to be established as well. If the values of hourly mass debit (kg/hour) exceed the values given in Table 2.1 contribution of the emission to air pollution in the area affected by the facility is calculated hourly if it is possible, otherwise it is calculated on daily, monthly and annual bases. Establishing at least two monitoring stations in different study fields for the existing facility where the contribution value to the air pollution calculated monthly is at the crest such that a station is assigned for each study field, air quality measurements are conducted constantly during at least one month. Competent authority determines measurement times at regions where pollution rates vary and accordingly increase according to the months. If the results of measurement are higher than 60% of long term limit values (LTLV) specified in Annex-2, duration for measuring air quality is extended and measurement duration is determined by competent authority. Limit values specified in Annex2, Table 2-2 of this regulation should be ensured in the area affected by the facility. g) Measurement and calculation of air quality in the facility impact area and period of measurement: In the facilities to be established as new, values for contribution to air pollution are determined in accordance with the principles specified (a) through (g) paragraphs of this section in Annex2. In addition, long term value (LTV) is determined by calculation or measurement method taking all major contaminants in the facility impact zone into accounts. Total pollution value (TPV) for the facilities to be established new is determined by addition of the value of contribution to air pollution calculated within facility impact area to the long term value (LTV) found by measurement or calculation method. Depending on concentration of the pollutant source within the area affected by the facility to be established, the competent authority may get air quality measurements performed in the station for a period of one (one) month if it so requires. Table 78. Industrial Based Air Pollution Control Regulation -Mass debits Mass debits for operational hours during weekly workdays under ordinary operational conditions (kg/hour) Emissions From chimney From other spots except for chimneys Carbon monoxide 500 50 Nitrogen dioxide [NO, (NO2 type)] 40 4 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 161 Note: The emission values indicated in the table are the static debit values emitted by all chimneys (total of chimneys). Model region covers an area of 7.5 square kilometer such that all fields of study are covered within this area. Starting coordinate for the model has been adopted as 288625, 96; 4568534, 60 and polar grid system has been selected with angles of 10 degrees. Since the scheduled field is mountainous zone, mixed topography calculation has been applied. The modelling study was cunducted according to the values given below. Table 79. Chimney Parameters Chimney height Emission source (m) Temperature Diameter Rate (speed) (°C) (m) (m/s) 100 8 34 60 Power plant chimney Table 80. Concentration values of the emissions that might be released from the plant Concentration Pollutant Mass debit Concentration Mass debit (g/s) (mg/m3) (kg/h) CO 81,023 100 291,682 NOX 60,767 75 218,761 Table 81. Pollutant Mass Debit Values Pollutant mass debits Emission source Power plant chimney Concentration Pollutant mass debits (mg/m3) (kg/h) (g/s) NOX CO NOX CO NOX CO 60,767 81,023 75 100 218,761 291,682 218,761 291,682 Total mass debit (kg/h) CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 162 Mass debit values for CO and NO2 emitted from the total (all) of the chimneys in the facility are successively 291,682 and 218,761 kg/hour and the limit values specified in Table 2.1 are given for CO while it is observed that NO2 values are above limit values. Therefore, it was concluded that an air quality measurement to be performed in accordance with the decision of competent authority before taking the facility into operation. With this regard, baseline air quality measurements have been conducted between 19.12.2011 and 19.01.2012. The assessment of the modeling result agains three relevant regulations; “Regulation for evaluation and management of air pollution”, “Regulation for Air quality evaluation and management(Annex 1-a and Annex 1-b)”, and “Regulation of Large Combustion Plants” are given below respectively. The whole model sdudy is also given in Annex-20. Table 82. Regulation for evaluation and management of air pollution Table 2.2 :Long term, short term limit values in the Facility Impact Area and Gradual Reduction Table YEAR Duration Limit value [µg/m3] Parameter [CO mg/m3] NO2 CO [Precipitated powder mg/m2gün] 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 STL 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 LTL 100* 100 92 84 76 68 60 STL 30* 30 26 22 18 14 10 LTL 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Results of air quality modeling meet the limit values concerning content of NO2 and CO in the region where the facility is to be constructed. Table 83. Regulation for Air quality evaluation and management Annex-1A: Gradual reduction in long term and short term limit values during temporary period Average time Limit Annual reduction in limit value 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 value No reduction is foreseen STL-Average of winter season 400 Annual stable reduction until Limit value is 250 µg/m3 LTL-Average of 250 Annual stable reduction until 370 225 340 200 310 175 280 150 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 250 125 First level 260 µg/m3 f i 900 Regulation for control and Hourly Warning threshold 163 2nd level 400 winter season(1 October-31 March) PM10 Limit value is 125 µg/m3 µg/m3 No reduction is foreseen 3rd level 520 µg/m3. Target limit value (annual arithmetical average) 60 Target limit value (Average of winter season) 120 No reduction is foreseen LTL 150 No reduction is foreseen LTL 60 Annual stable reduction until Limit value is 20 µg/m3 STL 300 No reduction is foreseen LTL 100 STL 4th level 650 µg/m3. (Given values are average of 24 hours) 52 44 36 28 20 Annual stable reduction until Limit value is 60 µg/m3 92 84 76 68 60 300 Annual stable reduction until Limit value is 100 µg/m3 260 220 180 140 100 LTL(Average of winter season, 1 Oct. -31 March) 200 Annual stable reduction until Limit value is 90 µg/m3 178 156 134 112 90 LTL 150 Annual stable reduction until Limit value is 60 µg/m3 132 First level 500 µg/m3 2nd level 350 µg/m3 114 % 78 60 3rd level 1.100 µg/m3. Given values are average of 24 hours PO LTL 2 Annual stable reduction until Limit value is 1 µg/m3 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 CO STL 30 Annual stable reduction until Limit value is 10 mg/m3 26 22 18 14 10 LTL 10 No reduction is foreseen Results of air quality modeling performed concerning content of NO2 and CO provide limit values required by the respective regulation (S.K.H.K.K.Y. ) in the region where the facility is to CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 164 be constructed. The facility shall comply with the foreseen limit values required by CYGM for the year of 2014 within the scope of the regulation concerned (HKDYY). Table 84. Regulation on Air quality evaluation and management Annex-1.B Pollutant Average Limit Tolerance Upper Lower Date to time value share assessment Assessment reach threshold threshold limit value NO2 50 % of January Hourly 200 100 µg/m³ 70 % of ( 50% ) at limit value limit value 1st µg/m3 -For 1.1.2014 2024 (It protection should and it is to of human be reduced not (100 µg/m3 health exceeded in a stable It should for more way in not be (140 µg/m3 equal rates It should than 18 exceeded in every times in more than not be period of a year) 18 times in exceeded 12 months for more a year) to zero than 18 tolerance times in a share until year) 1.1.2024 Annual - For protection of human health - 40µg/m3 20 µg/m³ ( 50% ) at 1.1.2014 and it is to be reduced in a stable way in equal rates in every period of 12 months to zero tolerance share until 1.1.2024 80 % of limit value (32 µg/m3 ) 65% of limit value (26 µg/m3) Warning threshold 400 µg/m3 (It is measured in three sequential hours in representative zones of air quality that is a whole zone or a subzone or an area of 100 km, whichever is smaller) January 1st 2024 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 165 Carbon monoxide Maximum daily average for 8 hours 10 mg/m3 - For protection of human health NOX Annual – for protection of vegetation - 30 µg/m3 6 mg/m³ (60% ) at 1.1.2014 and it is to be reduced in a stable way in equal rates in every period of 12 months to zero tolerance share until 1.1.2017 - 70 % of limit value 50% of limit value (7 mg/m3) (5 mg/m3) 80% of limit value, (24 µg/m3) 65% of limit value (19,5 µg/m3) January 1st, 2017 Carbon monoxide January 1st 2024 According to results of modeling, 20 concentration values of NO2 calculated for an hour and 10 concentration values of CO2 calculated annually and 20 concentration values of CO calculated for 8 hours are in conformance with the limit values given in Table 2, Annex-1 of the regulation for air pollution assessment and management. Table 85. Regulation for Large combustion Plants Annex- 4 Emission Limit Values For Gas Turbines Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) NO2 Fuel type (NO and NO2) CO sootiness (Bacharach) SO2 General gas fuels 11,7 Liquefied gas 1,7 Gases with low calorie formed in coke burning furnace 117 Gases with low calories formed in high furnaces 67 100 120 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 166 Natural gas 11,7 50 Gas fuels (except for natural gas ) 120 Liquid fuels 2 (constant operation ) 120 4 (start up) It is guaranteed that the concentrations of CO and NO2 emitted from the chimneys in the facility would conform to limit values specified in Annex 4 of the regulation. Assessment Against International Guidelines To be able to assess the emissions against the international guidelines, the IFC Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants is preferred as bencmark. Below, the limit values for all applicable parameters are given. Table 86. Air Emissions from Gas Turbines Pollutant Unit NOx mg/Nm3 CO mg/Nm3 CO2 SO2 mg/Nm3 PM Turkey 41 50 100 not specified 11,7 not specified IFC 42 51(25ppm) not specified not specified not specified not specified As it is seen from the table above, Turkish limit values are more stringent than the specified IFC limits. Since the Turkish Regulation’s limits will be complied anyway, the IFC limits will also be copmlied accordingly. 5.2.3 Noise The IFC's General EHS Guideline recommends that the noise prevention and mitigation measures should be applied where predicted or measured noise impacts from a project facility or operations exceed the applicable noise level guideline at the most sensitive point of reception. To be able to apply the necessary measures as requested, first the receptor should be determined. Receptor is, according to the IFC Guideline, "a point of reception or receptor may be defined as any point on the premises occupied by persons where extraneous noise and/or vibration are received. Examples of receptor locations may include: permanent or seasonal residences; hotels / motels; schools and daycares; hospitals and nursing homes; places of worship; and parks and campgrounds". 41 42 Regulation on Large Combustion Plants IFC EHS Guidelns for Thermal Power Plants CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 167 Since the proposed Project will be implemented near the existing facility; and since planned area is in the industrial zone, the nearest receptor is quite far at a distance of 1050m. Therefore no negative impact is expected in vicinity of the proposed Project. However, an acoustic report including the baseline measurements has been prepared in order to determine the possible impacts of noise if any. To be able to see the backgorund noise level, measurements have been conducted by an acreddited company(See Annex-21). According to the measurement results, the average background noise was found as 49,1dBA. To see the cumulative noise pollution including the plant’s noise; the noise level of the plant was also calculated. The average voice power of the equipments to be in the facility is calculated by using the following formulas: W = F*Wm W: Approximate voice power of the device F : Reduction coefficient according to the type of the machine (For electric motors F:1*10-8, for pumps F:1,1*10-6) Lw = 10 * log W/W0 Lw : Voice power level, dB W : Average voice power of machine W0 : 10-12 watt Table 87. The Equipments used within the Project and its technical specifications Equipment Number Engine Power (kW) Lw Gas Turbine Generator 2 138750 91.42 Gas Turbine 2 104210 90.18 Gas Compressor Engine 1 1400 71.46 Turbine Pumps 4 450 86.94 1 149 61.73 1 75 58.75 2 7.2 48.57 3 90 59.54 Cranking Motor Lubrication Motor Fans Air Kompressor CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 168 Sea Water Pump LWT 8 400 86.43 2 ⋅10 91.4210 + 2 ⋅10 90.1810 + 1 ⋅10 71.4610 86.94 61.73 58.75 = 10 ⋅ log + 4 ⋅10 10 + 1 ⋅10 10 + 1 ⋅10 10 = 98.8 dBA 48.57 59.54 86.43 + 2 ⋅10 10 + 3 ⋅10 10 + 8 ⋅10 10 From the calculation and the measurements above, the total noise level expected in the plant is found as 98,8000465dBA. The assessment of the noise level with international and national limits The facility falls in Table 4: “Industrial Areas” in Annex VII to the Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise which entered into force upon promulgation in Official Gazette Issue No 27601 of 04.06.2010. Table 88. Environmental noise limit levels for the Industrial plants given in Table-4, ANNEX-VII of Turkish Assessment of Environmental Noise Regulation. Ldaytime Levening Lnight Areas (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) Of the noise-sensitive areas; training, culture and health areas as well as areas where the summer resorts and camp sites are dense 60 55 50 Of the areas where commercial structures and the usages sensitive to the noise exist together, the areas where the residents are dense 65 60 55 Of the areas where commercial structures and the usages sensitive to the noise exist together, the areas where the business offices are dense 68 63 58 Industrial areas 70 65 60 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 169 Table 89. The values of Noise levels to occur in actuating inaccording to the distances Distance (m) 5 25 50 150 500 1050 2000 3000 Noise Levels (dB) Hz 5000 10000 Sound Level (dB) 125 73.8 59.9 53.8 44.3 33.8 27.4 21.8 18.2 13.8 7.6 250 73.8 59.8 53.8 44.3 33.8 27.3 21.7 18.1 13.5 7.2 500 73.8 59.8 53.8 44.2 33.7 27.1 21.3 17.5 12.5 5.2 1000 73.8 59.8 53.8 44.1 33.3 26.3 19.7 15.2 8.7 -2.5 2000 73.8 59.7 53.6 43.7 31.8 23.1 13.6 5.9 -6.7 -33.3 4000 73.7 59.4 53.0 41.8 25.6 10.1 -11.1 -31.1 -68.4 -156.6 SOUND LEVEL (dBA) 80.0 65.9 59.8 49.7 50 150 37.9 30.2 23.3 500 1050 Distance (m) 2000 18.8 13.0 4.8 90.0 80.0 70.0 Leq (dBA) 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 5 25 3000 5000 10000 Figure 40. Impact Distances of equivalent noise levels The housing unit of the Residential Area closest to the project area where the facility is to be installed, which is closest to the facility is at a distance of about 1050 m. The value of the noise which would reach the house in question would be 30,2 dBA and this value remains below the daytime, evening and night limit values, which are respectively Lday (dBA) 70, Levening (dBA) 65 and Lnight (dBA) 60, set forth by the regulation. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 170 When it comes to international guidelines, again IFC EHS guideline was preferred. According to the guideline, the noise level should not exceed the limits given in the following table; Table 90. Noise Level Guidelines of IFC General EHS Guideline Noise Level Guidelines Receptor One Hour LAeq(dBA) Daytime Nighttime (22.00(07.00-22.00) 07.00) Industrial, Commercial 70 70 According to the Figure 40 and the Table 89 above the noise level at site border will remain under the determined values. In conclusion, the baseline (background) measurements and the acoustic report shows that the valid noise limits will not be exceeded. 5.2.4 Hydrology No damages shall be made to any receiving environment such as lakes, rivers, brooks etc. The most intensive water need which is the cooling water will be provided from sea and than again will be discharged to sea by complying with all the limits given in the “Water Pollution Controll Regulation”. 5.2.5 Water Usage and Quality The most important feature of gas turbines to be used at the facility is that they have an intercooler system which cool the combustion air at intermediate level, lowers temperatures to high compression rates at the intermediate level and which sends it to the second compression section at lower temperatures. As this system is a heat balance system, the energy taken from the air needs to be cooled so that the system can operate as a closed circulation. For this purpose, dry-type of wet-type cooling towers will be used in the system. The water at the said towers will be used after being subjected and passed through a pre-filtration and the system will operate as a closed-cycle. Water which is decreasing due to evaporation will be eliminated with the water supplement from the pre-filtration. Steam will be generated by benefiting from the exhaust gas which is emerging from the gas turbines at the waste heat boilers. Water to be used at this stage will be provided from the water treatment plant (demineralization). Processed waste steam from the steam turbines will be cooled at the waste steam condenser and will be resent to the boiler. Meanwhile, water being decreased due to evaporation will be provided from the water treatment plant (demineralized). After sea water has completed the cooling process at the condenser it will be discharged again to the sea. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 171 The flow diagram related to water use at the plant subject to the project is given below: Figure 41. Flow Diagram Related to Water Use at Plant Units Demineralized Water System: Demi water aims to meet the water amount which is diminishing in the combined cycle. The amount of demi water to be used is approximately 45 tons/hour. Demi water is directly added to the boiler. Sand filtration, reverse-osmosis and mixed bed resin sub-systems are available in the demineralized water system. Sea Water Cooling System: The sea water system aims to cool the closed cycle condense water at the condenser of the steam turbine. As the system operates completely under closed cycle logic, water returns to the sea after having cooled the condenser. Sea water is transported by means of pumps from the pool region located near to the sea water plant. The line pressure will be maximum 4 bars and the flow rate will be approximately 36.000 m3/ hour. Use of sea water will be 60.000 m3/ hour together with the current system. During the operation phase of the plant, there will be formation of domestic qualified wastewater from various processes and from the personnel to be employed at the plant and there will be formation of industrial based wastewater from the demineralization unit. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 172 Water used at the gas turbine cooling tower is to be used after being passed from pre-filtration and the system will operate as closed cycle. Diminishing water due to evaporation will be eliminated by means of water supplement from the pre-filtration. At this stage, formation of wastewater is not in question. Water to be used at this stage will be supplied from the sea which is to be returned to the sea again without being subjected to any chemical changes. There will only be a change in the temperature parameter of water and the limit values specified in the Regulation on Water Pollution Control, Table 23: Criteria to be Applied for Deep Sea Discharge” shall not be exceeded. Discharged water temperatures change with the alteration in the temperature of the sea water which is taken seasonally from the sea for cooling purposes. According to calculations, water which is heated approximately +10°C in the facility; the Discharge Water Criteria of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry have been taken into consideration. Accordingly, dilution models (Cormix Mixing Zone) have been conducted which are required to prevent that the increase in the temperature of sea water does not have a difference more than +10°C according to the summer season and winter season. The number of diffusers, water depths, environment water temperatures, sea water physical parameters as well as oceanographic effects has been taken into consideration in the model. At the Cengiz Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant, the differential temperature (temperature difference) will be maximum 10°C at all stations and all climate conditions. The water entering the Demineralized Water Treatment Plant after passing the pre-filtration will be demineralized and made available to be re-used in the system. The objective herein is to remove the ions within raw process water and enable the purification of the water. Demineralized water is taken to waste heat boilers and steam production is performed by utilizing from the heat of the gas turbine exhaust. Finished waste steam from the steam turbine is cooled in the condenser and is sent back to the boiler. In the meantime, the water being reduced due to evaporation will be provided from the water treatment plant (demineralized). Regarding the chemical treatment plant, the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Approval has been obtained. The Process and Technical Data of the Approved Wastewater Treatment Plant is given as follows; At the demineralization unit, raw water, boiler blowdown waters and condensation waters of gas turbines will be primarily taken into 5000 m3 raw water tanks and will be transferred to sand filters by means of a feeding pump. There will be 3 sand filters at the plant which of 2 are original and 1 is spare. Particulate matter in raw water given from the top section to the sand filter and AKM’s are held by the filter. Sand filters will be subjected averagely once in 3 days to reverse washing with 1-time filtered water. There will be formation of 60 m3 of wastewater during this process. Water exiting from sand filters is passed through 7 membranes (pipe type). The reverse osmosis unit is operating with a yield of averagely 75% as the conductivity of water will vet reduced in this unit and salt and minerals dissolved in water will be held. Salt and minerals held at the reverse osmosis unit are discharged by the membrane. In the meantime, while the plant is operating at full load, 80 m3/hour of pure water will be produced. Salt and minerals which were CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 173 unable to pass from the membranes will be sent to the neutralization pool or sand filter discharge line of the plant. There will be formation of 37,5 m3/hour waste water if the plant will operate at full capacity. In addition, remaining chlorine in this water will be held with SMBS (sodiummetabisulphite) and membranes will be protected against silica and lime with the addition of antiscalant. Water exiting from the reverse osmosis membranes will be taken to the 150 m3 degasser tank where air will be given to the water and the CO2 in water will be taken. Water from which the CO2 gas is taken will be pressed to mixed beds by means of the degasser pump. There will be 3 mixbeds at the unit which of 2 will be original and 1 spare. By virtue of the ionaltering resins, mixbeds reduce the conductivity of water to the lowest level (<0,20µs), the silica amount in water reduces to the lowest level and the pH value of water is adjusted between 6-7. Regarding the regeneration of this unit, resins in mixbeds will be reverse-washed with NaOH, HCl and distilled water. Distilled water exiting from mixbeds will be taken to the 650 m3 distilled water tank to be used in gas turbines and waste heat boiler. Mixbeds will be subjected averagely once in 3 days to a reverse-washing process and as a result of this, there will be formation of 45 m3 wastewater which will be transferred to the wastewater neutralization pool. Up to this stage, distilled water required by the plant was being realized. After this stage, the balancing of the pH value of wastewater in the neutralization pool and the provision of limit values specified in the Regulation on Water Pollution Control will be conducted. The pH of the water from the reverse osmosis unit will be at an average of 7.6. The backwash process of mixbeds will be carried out first with NaOH and will be taken to the backwash neutralization pool. The pH of this water will be at a level of 11-12 as mixbeds will be taken subsequently to a backwash process with HCI. Acidic characterized water as a result of this process will be taken to the neutralization pool and will be mixed with the water which of the pH was 11-12 and the pH balance will be provided accordingly. Here, pH will be between 6-9. An automatic pH gauge will be placed at the neutralization pool. In the event that pH remains to be still high, HCL will be added by means of the automatic dosage pump and water will be discharged after being adjusted at an pH level of 6-9. Neutralized wastewater will be given to the deep sea discharge system and discharged after being treated in accordance with the “Regulation on Water Pollution Control”, Table 20.1 “Softening, Demineralization, Regeneration, Active Carbon Washing and Regeneration Plants, Discharge of other Industrial featured Waste Water into the Receiving Environment, which entered into force after being issued in the Official Gazette, The analysis results by the Samsun Directorate of Public Health Institute based on the sample taken from the neutralization pool exit water is given Annex-23. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 174 Table 91. Softening, Demineralization, Regeneration, Active Carbon Washing and Regeneration Plants, Water Pollution Control Regulation Table 20.7 PARAMETER UNIT KLORÜR (Clˉ) SÜLFAT (SO4‾2) DEMİR (Fe) BALIK BİYODENEYİ (ZSF) pH (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) - COMPOZITE SAMPLE 24-HOURS 2000 3000 10 10 6-9 COMPOZITE SAMPLE BY 24-HOURS 1500 2500 6-9 Water used at the steam turbine cooling tower will be used upon being passed through prefiltration and the system will operate as a closed cycle. Water which is decreasing due to evaporation will be eliminated with the water supplement from the pre-filtration. At this stage, formation of wastewater is not in question. The number of personnel to be employed within the project is 30 people and if the amount of required water per person is taken as 150 lt/day (Source: Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Practices of ITU-1998, Prof.Dr.Dinçer TOPACIK, Prof. Dr. Veysel EROĞLU). Number of employees = 30 people Amount of water to be = 150 lt/person-day used = 0,15 m3/person-day Total water requirement = 0,15 m3/person-day x 30 people = 4,5 m3/day The drinking water requirement of the personnel will be supplied from the city network. If considered that complete water to be used by the personnel will return as wastewater there will be formation of 4,5 m3/day wastewater during the operation phase. Pollutants in typical nontreated domestic type wastewater and their average concentrations are given as follows; Table 92. Pollutants and Average Concentrations in Domestic Qualified Wastewaters 43 PARAMETER CONCENTRATION pH 6-9 AKM 200(mg/lt) BOİ5 200(mg/lt) KOİ 500(mg/lt) 43 Benefield, L. And Randall, C., 1980 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 175 Total Nitrogen 40(mg/lt) Total Phosphorous 10(mg/lt) According to the above table, pollutant loads to emerge in domestic qualified wastewater during the construction phase is as follows; AKM 4,5 m3/day x 200 mg/lt /1000 = 0,9 kg/day BOI5 4,5 m3/day x 200 mg/lt /1000 = 0,9 kg/day KOI 4,5 m3/day x 500 mg/lt /1000 = 2,25 kg/day Total Nitrogen 4,5 m3/day x 40 mg/lt /1000 = 0,18 kg/day Total Phosphorous 4,5 m3/day x 10 mg/lt /1000 = 0,045kg/day Domestic qualified wastewater to emerge from the personnel will be delivered to the biological treatment plant which is located within the adjacent power plant which belongs to Cengiz Holding. The current capacity of the said treatment plant is 10m3/day and the capacity of the treatment plant will also increase upon the capacity increase. Necessary permits under the scope of the provisions of the Project Approval Circular No. 2005/5 related to treatment plant to be newly established shall be obtained. According to the provisions of the Project Approval Circular No. 2005/5, wastewater treatment plant project approval will not be requested from enterprises which evidence that they were established before 27.04.2005. The power plant located adjacent which is owned by Cengiz Holding was commissioned on 02.03.2004 and a project approval is not sought for the biological wastewater plant according to the provisions of the circular. The personnel-based wastewater on the facility area will treated in accordance with the standards specified in Table 21.1 of the Water Pollution and Control Regulation” which entered into force after being issued in Official Gazette dated 31.12.2004 No.25687 and shall be discharged in accordance with the regulation. The exit water analysis of the biological treatment plant is given in Annex-23. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 176 Table 93. Qualified Domestic Wastewater Discharge Criteria, Water Pollution and Control Regulations, Table 21.1 PARAMETRE BİRİM KOMPOZİT KOMPOZİT NUMUNE NUMUNE 2 SAATLİK 24 SAATLİK Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOİ5) (mg/L) 50 45 Chemical (KOİ) (mg/L) 180 120 (mg/L) 70 45 - 6-9 6-9 Oxygen Demand Suspended Solids (AKM) pH Throughout the activity, the provisions of the “Water Pollution and Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette no. 25687, dated 31.12.2004 shall be complied. Regarding the discharge of wastewaters from the facility subject to the project, the provisions of the Fisheries Law No. 1380 shall be complied. The criteria specified in Annex-5 of the “Fisheries Regulation” which entered into force after being issued in the Official Gazette No. 22223, dated 10.03.1995 stating “Hazardous Substances Prohibited to be discharged to Inland Waters and Reproduction Areas is Seas and List of Receiving Environment Acceptable Values” shall be complied. In addition, for the oily wastewater that may emerge within the facility, the oil seperatör which serves as a oil holder located at the adjacent power plant which belongs to Cengiz Enerji shall be used. Any type of used oil (machinery oil, turbine oil, etc) from the plant shall be given to facilities licensed by the Ministry of Forestry and Environment and the “Regulation on Waste Oil Control” shall be complied. The amount of boiler and/or cooling water to be used Within the scope of the project, cooling water will be supplied from the Black Sea. Water to be used as cooling water in the process will be discharged again to the sea by means of a deep sea discharge system. The “Deep Sea Discharge” Project EIA Report related to the deep sea discharge has been submitted to the MoEF and a “CEI Positive Certificated has been issued under the decision no. 1828, dated 12.01.2010 In addition, upon the receipt of the EIA Positive Certificate, the Deep Sea Discharge Project was procured and the project approval from the MoEF was received on 29.12.2010 under the number 76558. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 177 The information included in the “Samsun Tekkeköy Combined Cycle Power Plant Water Intake and Discharge Pipe Lines Design Project Final Report” prepared by Derinsu Sualtı Mühendislik ve Danışmanlık Ltd. Şti is given below. The complete report is provided in Annex-3. Amount of water to be drawn from the sea is 60.000 m3/hour in total as 24.000 (current status) + 36.000 (capacity increase). Within the scope of the project, cooling water requirement from the sea of 60.000 m3/ hour and the discharge of the plant cooling water to the sea has been planned (by means of 4 diffuser pipes with 22 outlets, at a length of 209 m between KP 0+467 and KP 0+676). Water intake and discharge pipe lines are selected from 1600mm HDPE pipe material. In order to be able to meet the capacity, totally 4 units of 1600mm HDPE water intake pipelines (1 line as spare) and 4 units of 1600mm HDPE discharge lines have been planned. At each of the water intake line separate water intake structures have been planned. At discharge lines totally 22 units of (6+5+6+5 units, separate for each line) 800mm HDPE diffuser exit chimneys are located to have at a height of 1 m from the seafloor. Dilution calculations were calculated in a state to be compliant with the sea discharge regulations of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and in a manner not exceeding sea water ambient temperature increase of +1C°. Total flow rates planned for the water intake structure and sea discharge system are as follows: Qwater intake = 60.000 m3/hour 16,666.67 lt/s Qdischarge = 60.000 m3/hour 16,666.67 lt/s Within the scope of the project, any chemical alteration in water to be used as cooling water is not in question. There will only be an increase in the temperature parameter of water. Discharged water temperatures change with the alteration in the temperature of the sea water which is taken seasonally from the sea for cooling purposes. According to calculations, water which is heated approximately +10°C in the facility; the Discharge Water Criteria of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry have been taken into consideration. Accordingly, dilution models (Cormix Mixing Zone) have been conducted which are required to prevent that the increase in the temperature of sea water does not have a difference more than +10°C according to the summer season and winter season. The number of diffusers, water depths, environment water temperatures, sea water physical parameters as well as oceanographic effects has been taken into consideration in the model. For the 850 MW CCPP, temperature difference will be maximum 10°C at all climate conditions and all sections. As a result of calculations, in the event that cooling water flow rate is 60.000 m³/ hour, the following input-output temperature values were found. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 178 Table 94. Input-Output water temperatures in the process Sea water temperature (°C) Discharge water temperature (°C) 10 20 15 25 20 30 24 34 In the following table, the criteria specified in the “Water Pollution Control Regulation” Table 23; “Criteria to be applied for Deep Sea Discharged” is provided. As it can be seen from the table, the limit value of the discharge water temperature shall not exceed 35° and the highest discharge water temperature under the project will be 34°. Table 95. Applicable Criteria for Deep Sea Discharge PARAMETER LIMIT Regardless of the dilution capacity of the marine environment, to be discharged to the sea water temperature shall not exceed 35 ˚ C yi. Hot water in which the first dilution of sea water, the physical (S1) of the diffuser 1 ˚ C in summer from June to September, other months it can not increase more than 2 ˚ C. However, when the sea water temperature is above 28 0 C, the discharge temperature of sea water used for cooling the ambient temperature without imposing any restrictions that will not increase more than 3 0 C may be allowed to discharge Temperature The most probable number (EMS) of total and fecal coliform As a result of the total dilution regarding deep sea in the protection of people, 90% of the time, as EMS TC/100 ml total coliform and fecal coliform level of 1000 level of 'should be less than 200 ml of FC/100 Solid and Floating Material There shall be no visible solid and floating material at the diffuser outlet, outside the strip equal to the sea water depth at that point. Other parameters Limits given in Table-4 shall be provided. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 179 Regarding deep sea discharges, the temperature of the discharge water at diffuser exit points must be in compliance with the marine environment. For this reason, a CORMIX Dilution Program Modeling was carried out under the project and the following results were obtained (See Annex-3, Samsun Tekkeköy Combined Cycle Power Plant Water Intake and Discharge Pipe Lines Design Project Final Report, page 18). When looked at dilution values, total dilution value at the diffuser exit along X:9,00 m horizontal and Z:1,80 m along depth (at a height of +0,80 m from diffuser exits) is S: 14,8. This value is an acceptable dilution value. When sea water densities are taken into account, X:9,00 m horizontal and Z:1,80 m along depth (9 m ahead from the diffuser exits and at a height of +0,80 m), amount of dilution has been calculated as S: 14,8 (Dilution effect at a rate of S=1/14,8). In this case, the discharge water environment temperature excessive value from port exits reduces to a level of +0.68 0C after 9m at horizontal. This value is below the level specified in the “Regulation on Water Control Pollution”, Table 23 which is providing the criteria for deep sea discharges. During site studies, seabed water temperatures were measured at the discharge point. Accordingly, seabed water temperatures were taken into account during modeling. The dilution of approximate +10°C temperature difference in winter in a state of being below +1°C is on the safe side. In order to achieve these values, a diffuser pipe at a length of 209 m having 22 outlets at a diameter of 800mm has been planned. 5.2.6 Wastes Liquid waste Within the scope of the project, there will be formation of domestic qualified liquid waste from the personnel to be employed during the opration phase and industrial wastewater and cooling water from the deminieralization unit. Wastewater to emerge from the project and the approximate amount is as follows:; - Domesitc qualified wastewater (4,5 m3/day) Demi water (37,5 m3/day) Cooling water (60.000 m3/sa) Domestic qualified wastewater at the current facility is given to the biological treatment plant. Emerging demi and condensation waters are collected by means of 5000-tons tanks and are given to the Çoban Yatağı Channel after being treated at the demineralization plant. However, pursuant to the Circular of the DSİ General Directorate, dated 25.07.2006 and numbered 2005/23 “irrigation system and the high base in parallel to discharge water reserve and tertiary drainage channels in the task, additional capabilities and functions of these channels would force the amount of water treated strictly even be allowed to discharge waste water, the cancellation of previously granted conditional permission is required.”, wastewater discharge will not be carried out into the Çoban Yatağı Drainage Channel in any way, including current facilities of the investor company, during the operation phase of the project. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 180 For this reason, the investment firm supplying cooling water from the deep sea discharge system, domestic and process waste water will be added to the regulatory limit values after reconditioning. Thus, underground and / or procedures performed and discharge of all liquid wastes shall be discharged to the sea. Domestic Qualified wastewater disposal: If it is accepted that all used water will be returned as waste water within the scope of the project, the amount of domestic qualified waste water from the personnel during the construction phase will be at a total of 4,5 m3/day. Domestic qualified wastewater will be discharged with the deep sea discharge system after suitably treated accordance with the discharge standards of domestic qualified wastewater to the receiving environment specified in Table 21.1 of the “Wastewater Pollution Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25687, dated 31.12.2004. The biological treatment plant effluent analysis report is given in Annex-23. Table 96. Qualified Domestic Wastewater Discharge Criteria, Water Pollution and Control Regulations, Table 21.1 PARAMETER UNIT COMPOSITE SAMPLE COMPOSITE SAMPLE 2 -HOURS 24 -HOURS Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOİ5) (mg/L) 50 45 Chemical (KOİ) (mg/L) 180 120 Suspended Solids (AKM) (mg/L) 70 45 pH - 6-9 6-9 Oxygen Demand Throughout the activity, the provisions of the “Water Pollution and Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette no. 25687, dated 31.12.2004 shall be complied. Demi water disposal: Wastewater formation of approximately 20% of the water processed in the demineralization unit is in question. Wastewater from the demineralization unit will be taken to the neutralization system and will be neutralized. Wastewater to be neutralized will be treated in accordance with the standards of Water Pollution Control Regulations" Table 20.7 Water CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 181 Softening, Demineralization and Regeneration, Activated Carbon and Regeneration Plant Wash, the discharge Industrial Wastewater which entered into force after being issued in the Official Gazette No. 25687, dated 31.12.2004. The analysis of the water from chemical treatment was made by Samsun Institute of Public Health and analysis results are given enclosed (In Annex-23). Table 97. Sector: Water Softening, Demineralization and Regeneration, Activated Carbon Washing and Regeneration Plants, Water Pollution and Control Regulations, Table 20.7 PARAMETER UNIT Chloride (Clˉ) Sulfate (SO4‾2) Iron (Fe) FISH BIO TEST (ZSF) pH (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) - COMPOSITE SAMPLE 2-HOURS 2000 3000 10 10 6-9 COMPOSITE SAMPLE 24-HOURS 1500 2500 6-9 Cooling Water Disposal: Calculations made for the project as a result of the deep sea discharge system, the cooling water flow rate 60,000 m³ / h was then the following input and output temperatures were found. Table 98. Inlet-outlet water temperatures in Process Sea Water Temperature (°C) Discharge Water Temperature (°C) 10 20 15 25 20 30 24 34 The following table provides the Deep Sea Discharge Criteria specified in Table 23 in the Water Pollution Control Regulation. As seen from the table, the discharge limit temperature of water is stated not to exceed 35°C as the temperature of discharge water under the project will be 34°C CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 182 Table 99. Applicable Criteria for Deep Sea Discharge PARAMETER LIMIT Regardless of the dilution capacity of the marine environment, to be discharged to the sea water temperature shall not exceed 35 ˚ C . Hot water in which the first dilution of sea water, the physical (S1) of the diffuser 1 ˚ C in summer from June to September, other months it can not increase more than 2 ˚ C. However, when the sea water temperature is above 28 0 C, the discharge temperature of sea water used for cooling the ambient temperature without imposing any restrictions that will not increase more than 3 0 C may be allowed to discharge Temperature The most probable number (EMS) of total and fecal coliforms As a result of the total dilution regarding deep sea in the protection of people, 90% of the time, as EMS TC/100 ml total coliform and fecal coliform level of 1000 level of 'should be less than200 ml of FC/100 Soild and Floating Material Solid material floating on the diffuser outlet, the total width of the strip at that point is equal to the depth of the sea water outside the eye and the floating solid objects which can be viewed Other parameters Limits given in Table-4 shall be provided. With all treatment systems will be all kinds of activity (household, process) of all the waste water discharge into the sea, and ground-water drainage channels and will not be any intervention. The Project activity will be carried out in the Central Black Sea Region, the Province of Samsun, Tekkeköy District, Selyeri Region. Also be involved in this region, triangulation point Gelemen creek empties into the Black Sea in the west of the coastal strip between the triangulation points Engiz creek empties into the Black Sea extended to 12 miles up the coast section, 28 March 1983 and 18 001 in the Official 2 to Gazette No. 1380 Fisheries Act pursuant to the "Fisheries Production Course", respectively. For this reason, in conjunction with the project work deep sea outfall pipe installation and operation system in addition to the Fisheries Law of 1380 and will comply with the Regulation on the receiving environment and waste water pollution parameter values. Professional fishing activity in the region with the amateur fishing is still carried out by the locals. These activities are small scale, rather than to contribute to the country's economy and living nearby in the nature of being a source of livelihood of the people engaged in fishing. For this reason, the project area related to the prohibition of commercial fishing have already been made Samsun Provincial Directorate of Agriculture. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 183 In addition, Intake and Discharge Structures, the final location of pipelines (offshore 460M, 680M, 765m, 848 and 977m in the open) on the area will have an underwater pipeline marker buoy in order to understand that. This process is done in order to inform local fishermen and other marine scientists. 3-leg floats defined as a fixing method for the three different points along the seabed (1200 angles is preferred) connected. Marker buoy, a length of up to three times the depth of water in the bottom three separate concrete blocks will be connected with galvanized chain system. In this case, for example, 20m of water to the depth of each chain length direction (3 * 20) is 60m. 19mm wall thickness of the selected chain ring chain. Buoy chain hanging weights and calculated its own weight, its buoyancy of the pontoon system was float. Horizontal displacements at the bottom of the sea to prevent the concrete blocks with 3 different locations and each one designed to 1m3. Marker buoys shall be at a height visible in the night. . Solid Wastes Within the scope of the project, domestic qualified solid waste to emerge during the construction phase is 34,5 kg/day-people and the “Solid Waste Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 20814, dated 14.03.1991 will be applied. In accordance with Article 8 of the “Solid Waste Control Regulation”, this waste will be separately collected and necessary measures will be taken in order to facilitate the disposal and evaluation of this waste, to prevent environmental pollution and to contribute to the economy. Solid waste will not be discharged to places which would adversely affect the environment and will be collected and stored in sealed standard garbage containers by complying with the 18th Article in the fourth section related to solid waste collection and handling specified in the “Solid Waste Control Regulation”. In compliance with Article 20 of the “Solid Waste Control Regulation”, solid waste will be continued to be collected by the Tekkeköy Municipality in a state without giving any harm to the environment in terns of odor, dust, leakage and similar factors Waste batteries and accumulators at the plant shall be separately collected and delivered to collection points in compliance with Article 13 of the “Waste Batteries and Accumulators Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No 25569, dated 31.08.2004 (Amending Regulation on Waste Batteries and Accumulators Control Regulation published in the Official Gazette No. 27537, dated 30.03.2010). It shall be utilized from the ETİ Bakır infirmary for workers to be employed at the facility and an agreement has been undersigned between ETİ Bakır, workplace physician and the investor company. medical waste that will emerge from the infirmary to be established for the workers on field is collected seperately from all other waste in accordance with the "Medical Waste Control Regulation” No. 25883 dated 22.07.2005 and shall be disposed in compliance with the regulation Within the scope of the project, all regulation on waste shall be complied. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 184 Hazardous wastes Any empty packages of chemicals to be used during operation of the power plant, which contact chemicals, as well as used air filters upon their replacement would pose as hazardous wastes. About 0.03 ton/day of hazardous waste would generate at the power plant. Any such wastes, which would generate, would be sent to the disposal companies licensed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry with the licensed vehicles and disposed there in compliance with the Regulation on the Control of Hazardous Wastes, which has taken force upon promulgation in Issue No 25755 of the Official Gazette dated 14.03.2005. The provisions of the Regulation on the Control of Hazardous Wastes, which has taken force upon promulgation in Issue No 25755 of the Official Gazette dated 14.03.2005 shall be duly complied with. 5.2.7 Flora and Fauna When biological effect on soil are in question, it is considered that generally air emissions will mostly affect the terrestrial bioata. Fauna species themselves could give physiological responses plants could respond to pollution, such as pollution can damage plant tissue, may also cause the death of the plant. Depending on the realization of the project envisaged the construction site should be cleared during the realization of the central area of the crop patterns will be eliminated. Project of the facility, 1/5.000 scale Master Plan (in Annex-9) Power Generation Plant Facility Master Plan Area and 1/100.000 scale environment (see Appendix-9) is included in the Industrial Area. Therefore there is no appropriate habitat for fauna and also not for wildlife. For this reason, the project operation phase of the fauna will not be affected. During the operational phase of the project NOx emissions derive from their effects on flora. NO x 's, plant leaves, then lesions on the leaf (brown or dark brown spots) it is determined that cause color deterioration. Reductions in the loss of carotene and chlorophyll, plants, NOX to their main reactions when exposed. NOX 's effect on plants of the type and severity, and the amount may vary depending on both internal and external factors. Environmental conditions, the presence of pollutants in the atmosphere and the other the current state of the plant, the plant NOX versus affect responses. NOx emissions will remain below the limit values as a result of the emission calculations. Accordingly, NOx emissions resulting from the project will not have an adverse effect on flora and fauna. Within the scope of the project there will be no change in the chemical structure of the water which will be used as cooling water and which is to be discharged again into the receiving environment. Only a change in temperature of the water to be discharged to the environment (increase) will occur. This change is indicated in the Water Pollution Control Regulation 35 º C remains below the limit value and limit value does not exceed the temperature of the water will be provided throughout the project. However, sprinklers and discharge pipelines, marine in the organisms (mussels, larvae, etc.) chlorination will be changed to avoid clogging of sticking to the grills. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 185 Chlorination Application in Discharge Systems One of the biggest problems of plants using cooling water inlet and outlet pipes, fouling the water (decomposition) is obstruction by organisms over time. Be achieved because of the water flow pipe blockage, and this process leads to a great loss of energy. That's why the water supply needs of the sea, resort to various ways to prevent fouling of the industrial facilities. This is the most common ways is the use of antifouling chemicals. This chemical is the most preferred compounds of the hypochlorite. Chlorine: a sharp-smelling, greenish-yellow color, irritating and toxic gas. Does not occur free in nature. Hypochlorite is a chlorine compound. Disinfectants, deodorant and bleach industry, pool cleaning, wastewater treatment, industrial facilities discharge and water intake structures are extensively used in activities such as prevention of fouling. Chlorine compounds (hypochlorite) chlorine plants to give a continuous media application or as shocking as a discrete system can be performed continuously. In addition to being a fairly common and easy to apply this method also may be some disadvantages. Among these chlorinated compounds are used in the discharged water temperature and are deleterious effects on marine organisms. However, the limit values related to the emergence of scientific research results show that over-limit chlorine has an deadly effect on living creatures . Çukurova University, Faculty of Fisheries, M. Ziya Lugal GÖKSU, Fatma ÇEVİK and Özlem FINDIK, between May 1999-April 2000, at the Mersin-Akkuyu Bay, "Pinctada radiata (pearl oyster)" lethal concentration of chlorine levels were determined in their study. In the study samples collected from the sea were brought to the laboratory environment, where the aquarium with 12 units (six, including one control group) for 10 pieces and put them in 5 different chlorine concentration of the organism used. Been feeding during the experiment (48 hours before the feeding is stopped without the aquarium organisms), temperature 20 º C, pH 7.1-7.4, the dissolved oxygen 5.5-6.0 mg / l were measured. Sodium hypochlorite is used as a source of chlorine in aquaria 1.35; 1.80, 2:40, 3:20, 4:20, and 0.00 (control) mg / l were applied. A concentration of 2-stage study was conducted to determine Biyodeneylerle. In the first stage, 24-hour LC values that were lethal effect. In the second step taking into account the chemical behavior of the chlorine, the amount of residual chlorine was determined by means of an iodometric method. As a result, the first 6 hours, 2.40 mg / l chlorine concentrations in the aquarium is applied outside the aquarium and lower mortality was observed. The reason for this stems from the way the biological behavior Pinctada radiata. Where the organism from the moment of application of chlorine covers quite a long time to close the cut and its relationship with the external environment. So the deaths in the concentration of chlorine, might emerge much earlier, perhaps, be seen in next time. Indeed, other mussel species causing fouling by the chlorine, which is more tolerant to applications of a study of Mytilopsis leucophaeta, valve movements were examined in the presence of chlorine, 0.0 mg / l in the control group, 0.1 mg / l residual chlorine group observed 10-fold more than the movement of the cover and 0.75 mg / l residual chlorine in the presence of negatively affected by movements of the valve set and increasing the chlorine content was determined closes valves. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 186 For this study, Pinctada radiata identified a 24-hour LC50 lethal concentrations of chlorine (*) for the 1.75 mg / L, LC90 (**) for the 5:36 mg / l and LC95 (***) For the 7:58 mg / l, respectively. Note: * The dose that kills 50% of organisms 90% of the dose that kills organisms ** 95% of the dose that kills organisms *** Indeed, the effect of chemical substances used in the type of organism, life cycles, administered according to the amount, type and amount of oxygen in the water, such as temperature-pH varies according to the parameters. For example, ambient temperature effect by increasing the intensity of chlorine arttırılabilmekte, similar results can be obtained thus lower the chlorine application. Another source on this subject at Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. faculty. Dr. ATAY born with the Assoc. Dr. Serap PULATSÜ who prepared the "Water Pollution and Control (ANKARA/2000)" book. This source of chlorine in seawater in the laboratory is lethal (potentially lethal) dose of 0.5 mg / L are given. The entrance and discharge pipes, sprinklers and pipes the output of the project, shelled organisms such as mussels clogging leads to degradation and chlorine will be applied so that they are not stuck in the grid. In this context, "Fisheries Regulations" of the Annex V List: Domestic Production Areas in the waters and the seas and the Receiving Environment Spilled Hazardous Substances Prohibited List Of Acceptable Values that are stated in 0.01 mg / l free chlorine will not be exceeded. Under the project, Appendix-III of Annex II of the Bern Convention 'fauna species which are protected under the Bern Convention for the measures specified in Article 6 and 7 and the relevant provisions of the " Water Pollution Control Regulation which entered into force after being published in Official Gazette No. 25687 of 31.12.2004 shall be complied. References: Tubives Turkey Plants Data System CITES Convention Ekim,T. Koyuncu, M.Vural, M.Duman, H.Aytaç, Z. Adıgüzel Red Data Book of Turkey Davis.P.H, Flora Of Turkey And The East Aegean Islands, Vol.1-10,Edinburg(1965-1988) BERN, Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (1984) IUCN Red List Categories,IUCN Species Surrival Commision, 40 th Meeting of the IUCN Council, Gland, Switzerland (1994) Baytop, T., Turkish Dictionary of Plant Names, Ankara (1997) Demirsoy A. “"General Zoogeography Zoogeography and Turkey"”, Ankara (2002) Demirsoy A. “Life Basic Rules-Vertabiles/Amniyota (reptiles, birds and mammals) Volume-III/Section-II”, Ankara (2003) CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 187 2010-2011 Hunting Period MAK Decisions Atay, D., Pulatsü, S., Water Pollution and Control (ANKARA/2000) Göksu, M.Z.L., Çevik, F., Fındık, Ö., Pearl oyster Pinctada radiata (Leach, 1814) lethal concentrations of chlorine, Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences-TUBITAK Archaeological and Cultural Resources The area being below the limits specified in the emision values and due to the distance to the project, any advese effect is not considered. In addition, if any structure is encountered during construction, the construction shall be stopped and the closest Museum Directorate shall be notified. 5.2.8 Land Use Regarding the “Cengiz 240 MW Gas Fired Combined Cycle Power Plant Capacity Increase planned in the Provinceof Samsun, Tekkeköy District, Selyeri Region by Cengiz Enerji Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş on 46.000m2 portion of the registered plot No. 3756 of 132.86.94 m2 is located in the 1/5.000 scale Master Development Plan (in Annex-9) on the Industry Area and on the 1/100.000 scale Environmental Master Plan (in Annex-10) as an industrial area. The area remains outside a forest area. 500 m east to the project field, immediately on the right og the Selyeri drainage channel, there is the racecourse of the Turkey Jockey Club. The shipyard area is located north of the racecource area. The nearest forest area to the project field is the “Hacıosman Forest Conservation Area” which is at a distance of approximately 4 km. 5.2.9 Social Environment Industrial activities in order to realize the project site are defined as "industrial area". For this reason, the project will not have an adverse effect on agriculture, animal husbandry, beekeeping. During the operational phase due to flue gas emissions remain below the limit values specified in the legislation, any adverse impact on the environment is not expected. Personnel working at the plant in this sense an economic input to local people and the region will be provided. Given the personnel in their families (when calculated on an average of 4 persons), the project will have positive effects in terms of employment. As issued in the Official Gazette dated 28 March 1983 and numbered 18001, the active site where the triangulation of the point of the Gelemen Creek into the Black Sea in the west of the coastal strip between the triangulation points Engiz River into the Black Sea coast at 12 miles to the section of the Fisheries Act 2 of 1380 pursuant to the "Fisheries Production Law", respectively. For this reason, installation and operation phases of activity and the Regulation of the Fisheries Law No. 1380 shall be complied and the parameter values in environment and waste water pollution laws and the regulations shall be complied. Professional fishing activity in the region with the amateur fishing is still carried out by the locals. These activities are small scale, rather than to contribute to the country's economy and CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 188 living nearby in the nature of being a source of livelihood of the people engaged in fishing. For this reason, the project area related to the prohibition of commercial fishing have already been made Samsun Provincial Directorate of Agriculture. In addition, Intake and Discharge Structures, the final location of pipelines (offshore 460M, 680M, 765m, 848 and 977m in the open) on the area will have an underwater pipeline marker buoy in order to understand that. This process is done in order to inform local fishermen and other marine scientists. 3-leg floats defined as a fixing method for the three different points along the seabed (1200 angles is preferred) connected. Marker buoy, a length of up to three times the depth of water in the bottom three separate concrete blocks will be connected with galvanized chain system. In this case, for example, 20m of water to the depth of each chain length direction (3 * 20) is 60m. 19mm wall thickness of the selected chain ring chain. Buoy chain hanging weights and calculated its own weight, its buoyancy of the pontoon system was float. Horizontal displacements at the bottom of the sea to prevent the concrete blocks with 3 different locations and each one designed to 1m3. Marker buoys shall be at a height visible in the night. An intense increase in the comsumption of electrical energy has been experienced in Samsun and surrounding regions depending on years. As it can be seen in following tables and figures, electricity is consumed at an higher amount in the province of Samsun that the total amount of electricity consumed in the provinces of Kastamonu, Çankırı and Sinop. At the same time, when looked at the total consumed electricity amount in the provinces of Samsun, Tokat, Çorum and Amasya, only in the province of Samsun, we see that the amount of energy being consumed in Samsun forms approximately the half of the total amount consumed in the 4 provinces. Table 100. Samsun and the surrounding Region Yearly Electricity Consumption (MWh), 1995-2005. YILLAR KASTAMONU, SAMSUN TRABZON, ORDU, GİRESUN, SAMSUN, ÇANKIRI, SİNOP RİZE, ARTVİN TOKAT, ÇORUM, AMASYA 1995 424.239 695.219 1.444.609 1.497.855 1996 472.040 742.929 1.495.443 1.626.629 1997 526.233 796.327 1.553.754 1.758.501 1998 560.580 970.110 1.733.416 2.031.088 1999 590.506 1.015.359 1.882.861 2.128.151 2000 630.502 1.076.309 2.028.415 2.242.386 2001 615.307 1.066.574 1.913.313 2.203.526 2002 643.052 1.140.018 1.957.481 2.245.754 2003 633.382 1.194.816 2.003.550 2.339.312 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 189 2004 683.325 1.259.763 2.139.640 2.471.800 2005 745.725 1.390.797 2.347.769 2.685.826 Considering that a substantial portion of electrical energy produced in Turkey is lost in lines during the transportation routes at energy transmission lines, the need of the region in this sense for the production of electrical energy can be clearly seen. Contribution to the country’s economy with the said project will also be of benefit in Samsun as all other regions. In addition, by virtue of the facility subject to the project, an increase in income level will be experienced and accordingly there will be an increase in commercial activities. 5.2.10 Occupational Health and Safety The national regulations and IFC EHS Guidelines ( Section 2.0) will be achieved for whole operation phase. The protecting measures determined in the mentioned section (Section 2)of the guideline; • Eliminating the hazards will be by removing the activity from the work process. Examples include substitution with less hazardous chemicals, using different manufacturing processes, etc; • Controlling the hazard at its source through use of engineering controls. Examples include local exhaust ventilation, isolation rooms, machine guarding, acoustic insulating, etc; • Minimizing the hazard through design of safe work systems and administrative or institutional control measures. Examples include job rotation, training safe work procedures, lock-out and tag-out, workplace monitoring, limiting exposure or work duration, etc. • Providing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) in conjunction with training, use, and maintenance of the PPE. will be meet as necessary. All kinds of waste generated in the plant will be treated in accordance with the standards determined by related regulations and in a way that would not threaten human health. Health and safety impacts of the project on workers and communities in the area of influence of the project will be reasonably managed according to the national Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (Date: 9.12.2003, No: 25311) in order to reduce the likelihood of accidents CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 190 and work-related illnesses on the job as well as accidents occurring between constructionrelated equipment and local vehicles. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 191 6. MITIGATION MEASURES Table 101 Environmental Impacts and Planned Mitigation Activities in the Construction Phase Environmental Impacts Topography and Soils Mitigation Excavated material which would generate during construction would be used for filling purposes later. Vegetable soil to emerge during excavation will be separately collected and temporarily stored to be used in landscaping and similar studies. The topography of the Project region is not sloppoed. Therefore no landslide, rock falling or flood is expected. To protect the plant from surface waters, water channels and drainage systems will be established. Air Emissions Noise The fuel systems of the construction machines will be controlled and their periodic maintenance will be performed continuously to reduce exhaust emissions. Regulation on Control of Exhaust Gas Emissions Dated 04.04.2009 No: 27190 will be applied. There will be dust emission during planned construction activities. Calculated emission is below the limiting values depicted in the relevant regulation. However, the places where the work is going on and where machines are moving on and the cover soil which is temporarily stored will regularly be watered and loading/unloading works will be done with upmost care to minimize the dust emission. During the construction phase, excavations, carriage, loading and unloading of materials will be made according to the requirements of Industrial Based Air Pollution Control Regulation (Official Gazette June 3rd. 2009 No.27277), the “Air Quality Assessment and Management Regulation” (Official Gazette June 6th 2008 No. 26898 and the “Excavation Soil, Construction and Demolition Waste Control Regulation” (Official Gazette, dated March 18th .2004 No. 25406) There will be no activity that may cause vibration during the planned construction phase. Utilization of trucks, bulldozers, road rollers, compressors, loaders is expected to cause noise. The noise levels due to construction activities will be negligible since the area is in organized industrial zone and the level remains below the limit values specified by Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise. All noisegenerating equipment will be inspected and maintained to reduce noise emissions. Hydrology No mitigation needed. During the construction phase of the facility, the drinking water and potable water requirement of the personnel will be supplied from the city network. If needed, it will be provided from the market. Water Quality There will be no wastewater formation due to dust elimination since the water will evaporate partially and remaining portion will be absorbed by the soil. A biological treatment plant will be established in the construction phase to treat domestic waste water. Solid Waste Treated wastewater shall be discharged by being delivered to the deep sea discharge system in compliance with the discharge standards of wastewater to receiving environments pursuant to the “Water Pollution Control Regulation” . Solid Waste Control Regulation (Official Gazette March 14th 1991, No.20814) will be complied with during the disposal of solid wastes. Wastes will be collected separately and necessary precautions will be applied to prevent environmental pollution and contribute to the national economy. In accordance with Article 18 of the above mentioned regulation, solid wastes will not be put in places where they may cause the environment to be negatively affected, and they will be kept in standard closed garbage containers. In accordance with Article 20 of the same regulation, wastes will be carried CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 192 in closed vehicles that will prevent pollution in terms appearance, smell, dust, leakage and other factors, and disposed to a place shown by the related (Tekkeköy) municipality. Part of the excavations generated during the preparation of the project site will be used as ground fill. With regard to the disposal of debris waste generated as a result of the excavations during the preparation of the project site, Regulation on Control of Excavation Soil, Construction and Debris Waste (Official Gazette March 18th 2004, No.25406) will be applied. In order to ensure recycling and recovery of packaging waste which is included among domestic origin and construction based solid waste, they will be separately collected and source in accordance with the "Packaging Waste Control Regulation” which entered into force after being issued in the Official Gazette No. 26562, dated 24.06.2007 and shall be given to the relevant municipality and/or licensed collection, separation facilities. Unusable tires that may originate from business machines will be given to licensed recycling facilities in accordance with “Regulation on the Control of Worn-Out Tires” which enter into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 26357 dated 25.11.2006. In case of any leakage from equipment used in the facility, the “Regulation on Point-Based Contaminated Areas and Soil Pollution Control” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 27605, dated 08.06.2010 shall be complied. Worn-out batteries and accumulators in the plant, will be seperately collected from domestic qualified solid waste and will be delivered to collection points in compliance with the 13th article of the “Waste Batteries and Accumulators Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25569 dated 31.08.2004 (Amendment in the Waste Batteries and Accumulators Control Regulation published in the Official Gazette No. 27537, dated 30.03.2010) . Medical waste that will emerge from the infirmary to be established for the workers on field will be collecd seperately from all other waste in accordance with the "Medical Waste Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25883 dated 22.07.2005 and will be disposed in compliance with the regulation. Throughout the construction phase of the the provisions of the “Regulation on the General Principles of Waste Management” shall be complied. Waste will be managed so as to reduce the negative effects of waste oil, grease and fuel that may be generated as a result of the repair and maintenance of the equipment used for excavation on humans and environment to the minimum in accordance with the Regulation on Control of Hazardous Wastes (Official Gazette March 14th 2005, No.25755), Regulation on Control of Waste Oils (Official Gazette 30th June 2008 No. 26952,) No mitigation needed since the proposed project site is situated within the organized industrial zone. No mitigation needed. There will be a total of 300 workers from different branches in the operation phase. This will have positive effect on local economy. Flora and Fauna Land Use Demographic Occupational Health and Safety Wastewater generated in the project site will be subjected to biological treatment. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 193 Adequate sanitary facilities, potable water, and garbage bins will be provided. Qualified labour will be hired and educated for work safety to minimize occupational accidents. There will be short time breaks during the shits to decrease accident due to decreased concentration. Warning signs will be placed to appropriate places in the site and workers will be given safety training to minimize danger and risks. Protection and work safety equipments will be delivered to workers. If accident happens despite all the precautions an ambulance will be made available to carry the patient to nearest health institution after first aid in the project site. All precautions will be applied against the possible danger of fire. Fire extinguishers will be placed in necessary places and fire fighting systems will be established in the administrative area. There will be enough hand tools (mattock, shovel, axe, bucket, etc.) as a precaution to an incidental fire. Labour Health and Occupational Safety Charter (Official Gazette 04/11/1974, No: 14765) Chapter 5 Section 1 “Safety Precautions Against Fire in Workplaces” will be obeyed. Workers will be educated against fire. Neighboring institutions will be informed in case of fire. Labour Law (Official Gazette June 6th 2003, No.25134) and related occupational health legislations will be complied with in the plant. In order to eliminate any adverse effects of the noise level on the staff, it shall be ensured that the staff would use labour clothes and gadgets such as earplugs, gloves, goggles, masks, helmets, etc., and again, the provisions stipulated by Article 78 therein shall be strictly complied with. In addition, the members of staff who would be employed shall be prevented from being exposed to noise for extended periods.(aynen aldım noisedan) The Project company will comply with the relevant requirements of IFC Performance Standard 2 Labour and Working Conditions, to ensure consistency with the four core labour standards (concerning the use of child labour, forced labour, non-discrimination and freedom of association and collective bargaining). The greatest potential dangers in terms of workers’ health are infectious diseases that may be faced in the work force. The status of workers will be inspected periodically in an infirmary to be installed in order to minimize this issue accordingly. The contact of construction workers with local people will be kept at minimum in order to reduce the risk of disease transmission. In the event of important diseases and injuries, facilities of a hospital located in the nearest settlement will be utilized. Table 102 Environmental Impacts and Planned Mitigation Activities in the Operation Phase Environmental Impacts Topography and Soils Air Emissions Mitigation SO2 and NOx emissions will be kept at minimum in order to prevent soil acidification. The flue gas emissions shall be monitored on-line and it shall be certificated that relevant limit values are provided. Since of the natural gas would be used as fuel, concentrations of S02, dust, CO and C02 would be expected to be low. NOx’s are the most important air pollutants in the case of natural gas fired power plants. A special type burner would be used in order to reduce NOx concentration in the gas turbine at the facility. The project facilities will be installed in the domain of air quality monitoring station and on-line monitoring can be made Samsun Provincial Directorate of Environment and Forestry. And also, the flue gas emissions monitoring measurements will be done on-line. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 194 Instant Flue Gas Emissions On-line Measurement and Assessment System will be installed. This system will include; • Measurement will be continuous. A central control unit, the sampling lines and conditioning units will be required. • Online values, alarm conditions and trends for the past will be followed with computer. In addition to this, daily, monthly and annually reports can be formed. • The system will measure gas temperature, pressure and amount of flow. It can generate alarms for critical values. Noise Gas engines and other noise generation machines will be carefully placed so as to keep the noise level in the way that may affect workers at minimum. Plant site environmental noise levels will not exceed the limits specified in the Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise Pollution (Official Gazette June 04th 2010, No.27601). Besides, the settlements adjacent to the facility would not be expected to adversely affected by noise because the facility would be located inside the organized industrial zone. Where the noise levels indicated by the Regulation on the Assessment and Management of Environment Noise would have to be exceeded inside the plant and technical means for reduction of noise and vibration at source would prove inadequate, the protective clothes and gadgets would be distributed to the works as stipulated by Law No 4857 on Labour. Any measures and obligations in connection with the Workers Health and Labour Safety which are based on this law shall be met by Cengiz Enerji Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş. (Cengiz Energy Industry and Trade Inc.) Hydrology Water, which will be used for cooling tower of gas turbine, will be supplied from the Black Sea and it will be discharged to sea without any chemical change. Only water temperature will change. The determined limit values in the Regulation on Water Pollution Control, Table 23: Deep Sea Water Discharge Criterias will be complied. Water Quality The investment firm will supply cooling water from the sea and discharge the water to the deepsea discharge system. Domestic and process wastewater will be added to the regulatory limit values after re-conditioning. Thus, underground and / or procedures performed and discharge of all liquid wastes shall be discharged to the sea. Domestic qualified wastewater will be discharged with the deep sea discharge system after suitably treated in Biologic Water Treatment Facility accordance with the discharge standards given in the “Water Pollution Control Regulation” Table 21.1: The Discharge Standards to Receiving Environment For Domestic Qualified Wastewater. The process wastewater will be discharged with the deep sea discharge system after suitably treated in Chemical Water Treatment Facility accordance with the discharge standards given in the “Water Pollution Control Regulation” Table 20.7: Discharge Standards to Receiving Environment For Water Softening, Demineralization and Regeneration, Activated Carbon Washing and Regeneration Facilities, Industrial Qualified Other Waste Water. Solid Waste In compliance with Article 20 of the “Solid Waste Control Regulation”, solid waste will be continued to be collected by the Tekkeköy Municipality in a state without giving any harm to the environment in terms of odor, dust, leakage and similar factors. Hazardous wastes (0.03 ton/day) would be sent to the disposal companies licensed CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 195 by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry with the licensed vehicles and disposed there in compliance with the Regulation on the Control of Hazardous Wastes. Waste batteries and accumulators at the plant shall be separately collected and delivered to collection points in compliance with Article 13 of the “Waste Batteries and Accumulators Control Regulation” It shall be utilized from the ETİ Bakır infirmary for workers to be employed at the facility and an agreement has been undersigned between ETİ Bakır, workplace physician and the investor company. Medical waste that will emerge from the infirmary to be established for the workers on field is collected seperately from all other waste in accordance with the "Medical Waste Control Regulation” No. 25883 dated 22.07.2005 and shall be disposed in compliance with the regulation. Flora and Fauna No mitigation needed. Appendix-III of Annex II of the Bern Convention 'fauna species which are protected under the Bern Convention for the measures specified in Article 6 and 7 and the relevant provisions of the " Water Pollution Control Regulation which entered into force after being published in Official Gazette No. 25687 of 31.12.2004 shall be complied. Land Use No mitigation needed. Demographic Personnel working at the plant in this sense an economic input to local people and the region will be provided. Given the personnel in their families the project will have positive effects in terms of employment. Fire Basic measures to be taken are as following: - Fire-extinguishing system shall be installed. The system of natural gas leaks, fire, and so on. automatically shuts off the gas valves and gas flow at the plant - Raw water tanks, which are used by means of fire, fire pumps and fire water supply is prevented. - The facility will be located within the fire alarm detectors. Fire extinguishers should the facility be put into place. Personnel working in the plant so that there is a possible danger in the case of fire, fire extinguishing systems have been designed into action automatically. The training will be provided the necessary awareness of the personnel assigned to the plant. Occupational Health and Safety The protecting measures determined in the mentioned Section 2 of the IFC EHS Guidelines; • Eliminating the hazards will be by removing the activity from the work process. Examples include substitution with less hazardous chemicals, using different manufacturing processes, etc; • Controlling the hazard at its source through use of engineering controls. Examples include local exhaust ventilation, isolation rooms, machine guarding, acoustic insulating, etc; • Minimizing the hazard through design of safe work systems and administrative or institutional control measures. Examples include job CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 196 rotation, training safe work procedures, lock-out and tag-out, workplace monitoring, limiting exposure or work duration, etc. • Providing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) conjunction with training, use, and maintenance of the PPE. will be meet as necessary. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 197 7. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 7.1 Site The project covers the existing plant capacity building activities will be set up right next to the facility to be integrated with existing facilities. However, the project will be built in the area for the facility operates as a field of other reasons for the selection of the plant are listed below. - 1/5000 scaled Master Development Plan, facility location is defined as "Energy Production Plant Area", - Activity Area property belongs to Eti Aluminum which is one of the companies of Cengiz Holding in the field of mining, - Samsun Organised Industrial Zone and proximity to the most important industrial organizations which have a regular and uninterrupted energy needs, - Energy production of natural gas supply will be provided with the main entry Samgaz Natural Gas Distribution Inc. 's proximity to natural gas lines, - Possibility of the national energy transmission network, - Topographical conditions, - Water supply facilities, - Soil conditions, - Supplier of industrial companies around the same activity in the presence of the owner. Therefore, the preferred alternative is the most feasible(environmentally and economically). 7.2 Fuel Types Currently, any countries whether developed or developing have adopted the principle of meeting their energy requirements through most cost effective and reliable methods out of appropriate combinations of various energy resources. In this context, it is agreed that dependence on a single source for energy generation would be risky. For instance, hydroelectric energy is considered risky in terms of sustainability and reliability given the fact that dams could be used for irrigation purposes in addition to energy generation and that they could be directly affected by drought. In addition, it could take many years to plan and build such a type of power plants and considerable investment would be required. Therefore, many countries agree that the most reliable energy generation must comprise hydro-electric energy and steam power (fossil and nuclear) at the rates of 40 % and 60 % approximately on a nationwide basis. As an alternative to hydro-electric energy, relatively newer technologies such as nuclear power plants, natural gas fired power plants, coal or fuel oil fired thermal power plants as well as geothermal power plants, wind farms and solar energy may be cited. An import of electric energy is another alternative applied in the country in order to meet national electricity requirements. Natural gas fired power plants have a number of positive features environmentally given the fact that they have less hazardous emissions as compared to conventional thermal power plants. The gas turbine technology, which started being developed in the 1940’s, now has an application field in the combined cycle power plants since the late 1970’s. In the 1980’s, CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 198 parallel to the advancements in the material technology, considerable increases have been achieved in energy generation efficiencies of gas turbines. Besides, the IFC Guideline for Thermal power plants recommends; use of the cleanest fuel economically available (natural gas is preferable to oil, which is preferable to coal) if that is consistent with the overall energy and environmental policy of the country or the region where the plant is proposed. The major advantages of natural gas based energy generation plants are outlined below: * As the highest efficiency attainable by conventional thermal power plants is about 40 %, this value is over 52 % in the case of natural gas fired power plants. * C02 emission per unit of electric energy produced is lower in the natural gas fired power plants due to their higher efficiency as compared to the conventional thermal power plants. * Depending on the compounds of natural gas used, particulate substance emissions are zero as S0x emissions are at negligibly low concentrations. * NOx emissions may be retained well below the emission standards thanks to special type burners used by the gas turbines. * Depending on the simple block structure style, the land area required for the power plant is relatively smaller. In consideration to an efficiency of 35% reached in modern industrial gas turbines and to an efficiency of approximately 36% at fossil-fuel based conventional plants, this value at natural gas combined cycle power plants is over 52% due to developed combined design. Highefficiency leads to positive results in addition to economic factors as well as on behalf of environmental impacts. Due to high efficiency, compared to conventional themal power plants, the unit being produced per electrical energy, particular matter emissions are very low depending on the composition of used natural gas and SOX and NOX values are at zero level. Table 103. Air Emission Values of Alternative Energy Production Plants Type of Plant SO2 NO2 CO Fuel-Oil Thermal Power Plant (kg/m3) 19S* 6,3-12,6 0,63 Coal Thermal Power Plant (kg/ton) 15S* 3-8,5 0,5-1 Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant (kg/m3) Negligible 0,0112 0,000272 * S, the percentage of sulfur in fuel by weight The technology selected within the scope of the project is a Combined Cycle System at which higher thermal efficiencies are achived which has become one of the mostly applied energy technologies today to produce energy from natural gas. In addition, one of the most important features of Gas Turbines to be used at the facility subject to the project is that NOx emissions are almost nonexistent. High pressure water will be directly sent to the combustion chamber in order to minimize NOx emissions. The NOx Water İnjection Skid sistemi which is to provide this is available together with the main package. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 199 7.3 Technology A technological alternative to proposed project would be a Project with gas engines. However more engines and more equipments would be needed for the Project. In addition it would be need to store the waste oil in the area. Another alternative is diesel engine. This system works with diesel or fuel-oil which result to more polluted emissions than natural gas at stack. Besides, this system need more filtration and maintenance cost compared with proposed Project when we consider the environmental responsibilities. Natural gas Turbine systems has much lower CO2 and NOx emission and even ignorable SO2 and PM emissions compared to the diesel engine systems. 7.4. The "Do Nothing" Scenario Energy demand of Turkey is expected to expand at an average of % 6.3- % 7 until 2018 44 in addition; the figure below shows the energy demand projection (conservative scenario) between 2010 and 2019 prepared by TEİAS. Figure 42. The energy demand projection between 2010 and 2019 (low demand) 45 Based on this fact, the electric generation in Turkey should be increased anyway in accordance with the expected energy demand. Therefore, no action alternative is not a plausible option and powe plants should be constructed in order to generate energy where applicable. 44 45 E. Kavukçuoğlu, Türkiye Elektrik Enerjisi Piyasası 2010-2011, Deloitte Turkey Retrieved from http://www.teias.gov.tr/projeksiyon/KAPASITE%20PROJEKSIYONU%202010.pdf, Page 13 CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 200 8. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) Cengiz Enerji Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş is committed to minimizing any adverse impacts that could arise from the construction and operation of the project in accordance with the Equator Principles. The relevant principle recommends an action plan to prevent or reduce possible impacts.( Principle 4 Action Plan And Management System) To achieve this, an environmental management plan (EMP) was formulated to manage impacts, to adopt the best available proven control technologies and procedures, to ensure a continuing process of review and positive action in the light of available monitoring results, and to consult with local communities on a continued basis. An environmental and safety officer will be hired to oversee implementation of the EMP, the environmental monitoring program, and compliance with ECC conditions. The officer will closely coordinate with the plant general manager, the management staff, and the monitoring team. The EMP will aim to achieve an exemplary environmental performance during construction and operation. To meet this goal, the following activities, measures and programs will be implemented in Cengiz Enerji Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş.: (i) environmental policy; (ii) application of all mitigation and management measures; (iii) an environmental monitoring program; (iv) an emergency and contingency plan (v) an institutional plan (vi) an environmental and safety officer. Environmental monitoring is an important component of the EMP. It provides the information for periodic review and refinement modification of the EMP as necessary, ensuring that environmental protection is optimized at all project phases. Through monitoring, unwanted environmental impacts are detected early and remedied effectively. It will also validate the impacts predicted in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the effectiveness of the proposed mitigation measures. Lastly, it will also demonstrate compliance with national and World Bank regulatory requirements. A comprehensive monitoring program for the plant complex has been developed, covering the measurement of relevant environmental indicators. At the plant, it will involve noise, safety concerns, site drainage, solid waste and wastewater disposal, groundwater extraction, and structural integrity of the tanks and buildings. The results of the monitoring program, which will be implemented by the Monitoring Team (MT) to be created for the project, will be used to optimize plant operations and adjust to management practices. The monitoring of required parameters to check the environmental impacts, frequency of their measurement, recording and reporting to related national authorities will be carried out strictly as required by the related national regulations. The legal framework to be complied with for environmental monitoring is provided in Table 27. Table 104 Legal framework for environmental compliance Monitoring of Regulation to be complied with Air Emissions Regulation on Prevention and Control of Industrial Air Pollution, Regulation on Large Combustion Plants, Regulation on Air Quality Management CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 201 Wastewater quality Water Pollution Control Regulation (Official Gazette December 31st 2004, No.25687), Handling and disposal of solid wastes Solid Waste Control Regulation and Regulation on Control of Excavation Soil, Construction and Debris Waste Handling and disposal of oil wastes Regulation on Control of Waste Oils and Regulation on Control of Hazardous Wastes Handling and disposal of medical wastes Regulation on Control of Medical Wastes Noise Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise Pollution Safety concerns Regulation and Guidelines on Occupational Health and Safety All measurements for the required parameters will be made with methods described under related national and international standards. In the event that monitoring indicates that any environmental quality is deteriorating to unacceptable levels, the proponent will correct operation procedures that are contributing to the problem and/or undertake necessary engineering installations. 8.1.MONITORING Regarding Article 18.3 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 26939, dated 17.07.2008, upon having received the "Environmental Impact Assessment Positive" or "Environmental Impact Assessment Not Required" decision are obliged to submit to the Ministry or Governorship the monitoring reports related to investment starting, construction, operation and post-operation phase. The monitoring reports and monitoring of the planned project will be carried out by EN-ÇEV Ltd. Şti., which has prepard the EIA, and shall be submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Urban Affairs in 3 months periods to be determined by the Ministry of Environment and Urban Affairs. 8.1.1.Monitoring Program During the Construction Phase Environmental effects that will emerge during the implementation of the project and the monitoring program planned to be implemented against these effects is given as following according to the feature of originating effects. An Environmental Monitoring Program shall be established before the work is initiated in order to make a more detailed questioning and determinaiton. The Environmental Monitoring Program should include minimum the following main headings. Monitoring of Liquid Waste During the construction phase of the planned activity, depending on the use of water and wastewater issues that should be taken into account include: water supply, accumulation and CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 202 discharge of personnel-based domestic wastewater, depending on climatic conditions of the discharges of rain water management. Personnel-based wastewater on the facility area will treated in accordance with the standards specified in Table 21.1 of the Water Pollution and Control Regulation” which entered into force after being issued in Official Gazette dated 31.12.2004 No.25687 and Annex-5 provisions of the “Water Products Manangement” and shall be discharged in accordance wth the regulation. Monitoring of Solid Waste Solid wastes are excessive construction wastes that will emerge during the construction phase and personnel–based domestic qualified wastes. Whether these wastes are regularly stored and in appropriate conditions, whether they could produce any risk to the environment during a slide in rainfall shall be monitored as the excessive excavation waste that will emerge during the construction phase shall be disposed in compliance with the provisions of the "Excavation Soil, Construction and Demolition Waste Control Regulation" No. 25406, dated 18.03.2004. Domestic solid wastes arising from the staff considered the separate collection of quality ones, qualify for the accumulation in closed containers and solid waste storage area will be monitored. Solid waste left in the field, considered the nature of those which are separately collected, the solid waste storage area shall be evaluated and monitored. Monitoring of Emissions Dust emissions and exhaust emissions are among those to emerge during the construction work. The measures taken not to exceed limit values and spraying activities shall be monitored. The exhaust emissions of vehicles to be used on site and the provision of relevant certificates shall be monitored. Monitoring of Noise Noise will emerge within the scope of the project from the machinery being used and operations carried out on the field. Necessary measurements will be carried out in order that limit values of noise are not exceeded and the implementation of measures shall be monitored. Monitoring of Medical Waste During the construction phase there will be an infirmary on the project field. It will be monitored that procedures related to the medical waste that will emerge from the infirmary to be established for the workers on field is collected seperately from all other waste in accordance with the "Medical Waste Control Regulation” No. 25883 dated 22.07.2005 and ,s disposed in compliance with the regulation. Monitoring of Hazardous Waste CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 203 Waste oil and grease that may emerge from the maintenance and repair work of construction machines and in order to minimize the effect of fuels harmful for human health, a waste management in compliance with the provisions of the “Hazardous Waste Control Regulation” No. 25755, dated 14 March 2005 and the “Regulation on Control of Waste Oils” No. 26952, dated 30.07.2008 will be provided. 8.1.2.Monitoring Program during the Operation Phase At this stage, an Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan” shall be created by the project owner company. After having received the “EIA Positive” decision for the said project, pursuant to the relevant legislation, subjected pernits and licenses shall be obtained and shall be submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry together with reports to be prepared in respect to the operation and post-operation phase of the investment. The issues to be monitored with the “Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan to be created during the operation phase are given in general as following: Monitoring of Liquid Waste During the operation phase of the planned activity, depending on the use of water and wastewater issues that should be taken into account include: water supply, accumulation and discharge of personnel-based domestic wastewater, depending on climatic conditions of the discharges of rain water management. . The personnel-based wastewater on the facility area will treated in accordance with the standards specified in Table 21.1 of the Water Pollution and Control Regulation” which entered into force after being issued in Official Gazette dated 31.12.2004 No.25687 and Annex-5 provisions of the “Water Products Manangement” and shall be discharged in accordance wth the regulation. Monitoring of Solid Wastes The separately collection of personnel-based domestic qualified solid waste, their maintaining in appropriate sealed containers and disposal shall be monitored. Monitoring of Emissions Exhaust emissions and emissions from the plant flue are among the emissions to emerge during the construction phase. The measurement of exhaust emissions of vehicles to be used during the construction and the receipt of relevant certificated will be monitored. Regarding emissions from the flue of the plant as a result of operation, as the Cengiz Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant is evaluated within Article 1. Energy Industry in the list of Annex-1 of the “Regulation on Permits and Licenses to be obtained pursuant to the Environmental Law” which entered into force after being issued in the Official Gazette No 27214, dated 29.04.2009, stating; CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 204 “1.3 Combined Cycle, combined heat power plants, internal combustion engines and gas turbines (including internal combustion engines and gas turbines used in mobile plants), An Environmental Permit Certificated pursuant to the relevant regulation shall be obtained. In addition, “Air Quality Assessment and Management Regulation” published in the Official Gazette No. 26898, dated 06.06.2008 (Amending Regulation on the Regulation on Air Quality Assessment and Management which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 27219 dated 05.05.2009) and the “Regulation on Large Combustion Facilities” which entered into force after issued in the Official Gazette No. 27605, dated 08.06.2010 shall be complied. Monitoring of Noise Noise will emerge within the scope of the project from the machinery being used and operations carried out on the field. Necessary measurements will be carried out in order that limit values of noise are not exceeded and the implementation of measures shall be monitored. In the event that noise levels are exceeded in terms of employees, necessary protective equipment and tools shall be provided and used. Monitoring of Medical Waste The solid waste that will emerge in the infirmary shall be collected, marked and disposed in compliance with the “Medical Waste Control Regulation”. It shall be monitored that all transactions related to this matter are performed in compliance with the “Medical Waste Control Regulation. Monitoring of Hazardous Waste Hazardous waste may emerge during oil changes of the equipment to be used during the operation phase of the facility. These processes will be carried out within the facility on maintenance and repair areas and it will be monitored whether the provisions of the “Waste Oil Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 26952, dated 30.07.2008 (Regulation on the Amendment on the Regulation on “Waste Oil Control which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No.27537, dated 30.03.2010) and the provisions of the “Hazardous Waste Control Regulation” which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25755, dated 14.03.2005 (Regulation on the Amendment on the Regulation on Hazardos Waste Control which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 27537, dated 30.03.2010) are complied. 8.1.3.Post-Operation Period After the closure of the plant there will be no impact on surface or groundwater. Similarly, after the end of the activity, as there will be no emission source, there will also not be any adverse CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 205 effect on the existing air quality. Therefore, any monitoring done at this stage is not planned. However, according to the evaluation after the activity at the plant has ended, restoration studies will be carried out before the site is abandoned, it will be provided to be in compliance with the surrounding topography, thus ensuring it to be convenient for use by new projects. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 206 9. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND DISCLOSURE Community engagement is an on-going process involving the client’s disclosure of information. When local communities may be affected by risks or adverse impacts from a project, the engagement process will include consultation with them. 46 Since the project may have several environmental and social impacts(even they are easily mitigable/removable), a public consultation process has been started in including the grievance mechanism, in order to inform stakeholders regarding the projects, get their comments and feedbacks. This chapter provides information regarding the implemented physical meeting and the grievance mechanism. 9.1 Purpose, Structure and Content Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation have a number of purposes: • • • • • • Identification of stakeholders with an interest in the Project and/or who could affect the outcome of the Project; Ensuring that Project stakeholders are informed about the Project and its potential to (positively or negatively) affect them; Identifying potential Project impacts; Giving stakeholders the opportunity to make inputs into the Project’s plans for avoiding, mitigating or managing Project impacts; Working with Project stakeholders to maximise the positive contribution of the project may make to neighbouring communities; Building a positive working relationship between Project stakeholders and the Project, to ensure they view "The Project" as a ‘good neighbour’. This last point is most significant in transitional and/or conflict context consultations 46 IFC Performance Standards-Community Engagement CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 207 9.2 Public Consultation and Disclosure Meetings As the IFC PS recommends; "If affected communities may be subject to risks or adverse impacts from a project, the client will undertake a process of consultation in a manner that provides the affected communities with opportunities to express their views on project risks, impacts, and mitigation measures, and allows the client to consider and respond to them", a consultation process has been started by the project owner. Preparation: According to the IFC PS, an Effective consultation: (i) should be based on the prior disclosure of relevant and adequate information, including draft documents and plans; (ii) should begin early in the Social and Environmental Assessment process; (iii) will focus on the social and environmental risks and adverse impacts, and the proposed measures and actions to address these; and (iv) will be carried out on an ongoing basis as risks and impacts arise. With this regard, the scoping study has been started even before the National EIA process. In the scope of the scoping study, the region has been assessed with regard to the social baseline and the stakeholders has been determined even they might get affected directly or indirectly. Afterwards, a non technical summary (See Annex-24) has been prepared and necessary announcements has been made via public announcements; national and local newspapers (See Annex-25 for the Newspaper announcements) and by informing the Muhtars(head of a village) and other local authorities by fax, mail and personally. The meeting took place in Kutlukent Tekkeköy,Turkey; on 21.12.2010. Kültür Merkezi Wedding Palace,Samsun Minutes of the Meeting: Before the meeting, the non-technical summary of the Project has been distributed to the stakeholders. The meeting was held by the organisation of ENCEV Energy and participation of legal authorities, local stakeholders and officials from the project owner. First the project has been told to the stakeholders by ENCEV stuff by a power point presentation and the environmental and the socioeconomic impacts were told objectively and with no comments. Then the meeting was proceeded with the Q/A. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 208 The questions and comments raised by participants are given below: Q: Will you use any extra land? A: No, the Project it self is a capacity addition and will be established near the existing facility. Q: Could please give details on the emissions? A: The emission of the new plant will also comply with the limits. all the necessary measures has already been considered in order to avoid or minimize possible emissions. Conclusion: According to the people reviews, the project will contribute to the region positively once the necessary measures, in regard with the environmental issues, are taken. 9.3. Grievance Mechanism The IFC Performance Standard 1 recommends a grievance mechanism in order to include stakeholders in to the project. The relevant Standard recommends; The client will respond to communities’ concerns related to the project. If the client anticipates ongoing risks to or adverse impacts on affected communities, the client will establish a grievance mechanism to receive and facilitate resolution of the affected communities’ concerns and grievances about the client’s environmental and social performance. The grievance mechanism should be scaled to the risks and adverse impacts of the project. It should address concerns promptly, using an understandable and transparent process that is culturally appropriate and readily accessible to all segments of the affected communities , and at no cost and without retribution. The mechanism should not impede access to judicial or administrative remedies. The client will inform the affected communities about the mechanism in the course of its community engagement process. In order to include the stakeholders comments in the decision making process of the project, the ESIA report(This Report) will be made public available in Villages and other local authorities, to get comments/feedback regarding the project. The EIA report that has been prepared and approved was already made public avaliable during the EIA process. CENGİZ NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITION ENVIRONMENTALAND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 209