July 2009 Newsletter
July 2009 Newsletter
Community News Through a Mirror Dimly Everyday—9-11 Get Movin’ - Join the many men and women for an everyday walk around the mall— Everett, Marysville, & Alderwood Malls. Snohomish County - Exercise & Weight Loss activities. Want a buddy to exercise or lose weight with, so you stay motivated? People to go to the gym with, walk with, even do a one time event like a hike? Join our meet-up group (free) and find exercise and weight loss activities to do with others. We are a new group but growing fast with a wide diversity of people interested in a wide variety of exercise activities. For more information, go to: http://www.meetup.com/Snohomish-County-Exercise-Weight-Loss-buddies/ July 7-8—Mill Creek Festival and Street Fair—Free 425-673-6200 Arts & Crafts and more—www.millcreekbiz.com/meetme.htm July 10-12—Arlington Street Fair—Free 360-659-5453 www.arlington-smokeypointchamber.com July 10-12—Sultan Summer Shindig—10 am—11pm River Park, Main Street—Free—360-568-5960 July 11—Marysville Lavender Hills Farm Festival—10am-5pm 7508 108th St. NE; Parking—$1.00—360-651-2086—www.lavenderhillsfarm.com July 15—Compassionate Volunteers Needed—Informational Session—2-4pm Call 425-261-4815 by July 13th to pre-register. July 15-19—Snohomish 2009 Kla Ha Ya Days—Call for specific show times—FREE 206-728-0123, www.klahayadays.com July 16-19—Edmonds ArtSplash—www.artists-connect.com July 17-19—Darrington Bluegrass Festival– Call for information, times & costs 360-436-1179, www.glacierview.net/bluegrass — Keeping You Informed — We are still adding e-mail addresses to our newsletter mailing list. If you have not already sent your request to the church to receive the newsletter by e-mail—please send an e-mail to: firstcongucc@eschelon.com. We tend to take so much for granted until we no longer have it. Most of us do not think of our body parts until they are aching or perhaps missing. Who focuses on the inner ear until it becomes infected and causes dizziness? We don‟t thank God for a healthy gall bladder until gall stones form and it must be removed. In our ignorance about our body, we are perfectly happy until one of its parts begins to hurt or malfunction. Then it dawns on us how important that part is, both physically and psychologically, to our well-being. Regardless of the infinite variety of parts that compose our bodies, whatever is hurting at the moment becomes the inescapable focus of our of attention. If it persists, we will go anywhere and will pay any price to anyone who might offer us relief. In his First Letter to the Corinthians [12:12-27], Paul knew he would be able to connect with the diverse Corinthian congregation when he said the community of faith is like the various parts of the body because Roman and Greek orators frequently used the image of the body and its limbs when trying to express unity and tolerance when speaking about the State. As of June 10th, the day that the Ukrainian Pentecostal Association vacated the premises, we have opened ours hearts to what God is calling us to do next. By now, we have discovered that when we build our faith on a Scriptural foundation, when we remain true to our core values, when we stay in communication with others even when we disagree and stay in touch with God, when we take our concerns to the appropriate person or group, when we speak the truth in love, God is able to work through us in ways we never thought possible. It‟s wonderful and it‟s exciting! What works for the church will also work for our family and friends. When there is disharmony and alienation among family members or friends, they can not function together the way they had before. There is hurt and anger. There is seldom any communication. Concern for one another is replaced by the desire to control or seek to hurt others as they have hurt us. When God is left out, pain, guilt and shame are invited in. Through a Mirror Dimly—Continued Clearly, it is mutual love and respect that Paul has in mind when, in verse 21, he wrote, "The eye cannot say to the hand, „I have no need of you.‟ nor again, the head to the feet, „I have no need of you.‟" Bottom line -- We need each other. With tongue in cheek, Amy Tan, author of The Joy Luck Club and The Bonesetter’s Daughter, in an appearance on Public Television, put it this way: "The family is a divine institution established to test the limits of our abilities and patience." So, if you feel like Humpty Dumpty with your life (or family) falling apart, God will gladly help you put it together again. All you have to do is ask. Blessings, Pastor Steve Church Fundraiser July Tana —07/03 Becky —07/04 John —07/08 Joe —07/16 Sue —07/18 Jausen —07/18 Kathy —07/23 Guido —07/23 Sally —07/24 Ardelle —07/27 Everyone was given a $20 bill who attended the service on May 31st to use in any way they wish to increase it, such as selling cookies, having dinners, lemonade stands, or whatever your heart desires. The 2nd Sunday in September is Happy Anniversary Rally Day and this is when we will bring our fundBecky & Claus raising profits 07/05 back and share Matthew & Megan how you were 07/18 able to raise the money. Even if Peggy & Mimi you don‟t or are 07/29 not able to do the fundraising, Guido & Mike please bring back 07/29 the $20 you were given. Good luck Sorry we missed you and have fun!!! last month— Joy & Stephanie 6/29 For all those who are celebrating their birthday or anniversary this month —congratulations & hope it is wonderful!! And if we missed you, please let us know! Welcome To A New Day Of Positive Thinking A wonderful thing about being alive is that every day is a new day of positive thinking... Talk about opportunities! It doesn't matter if you went to bed in a negative mood yesterday, because today gives you another chance to benefit from positive thinking. Start with the right foot with some of the following affirmations for today Today I choose to be at peace with myself Today I choose to see all difficulties as opportunities to make me stronger Today I am thankful for all I have Today I welcome abundance into my life Creating a good day is in your hands The first minutes and hours of your day are the most important ones, because your mind is just awake and receptive to anything that comes along without the filters of clear thinking. That is why it is very important that you feed yourself with positive thinking at the beginning of your day. You can bring a positive outlook on life by using affirmations. Grab any positive affirmations to help you create a new day of positive thinking. Seeking More Involvement in Your Church? Are you an active member of our church? Do you presently come just for services on Sunday morning but seek to be a more involved member of our church and community? Looking for a place to start? Look no further— we want You! We definitely have many needs in our church. Feel free to share other abilities, skills and talents you may be interested in sharing within our church and community . Just a few items come to mind that could use a little TLC and need attention in our church: (1) painting—women‟s bathroom, nursery bathroom (2) organizing the nursery area, (3) cleaning up and organizing the books in our library (4) weeding around the church is always a big need to keep our church looking tip-top (5) making the foyer more attractive to our members and visitors (6) maybe your talents lie in the area of financial auditing— hint, it is time for our annual audit (7) Organizing a purging session (cleaning out old records) Contact the office to let Linda V. know what you are ready to do! IN KIND DONATIONS: I can‟t find the words to express my thanks to all of you who celebrated with me during my “month long” birthday celebration! - Billie *********************** There will be no regularly scheduled meetings for the Care Team during the months of July & August. We will be available for care by calling the church office or 425-353-7675. ********************** Interfaith Association of Northwest Washington Dinner Program reports for the year ending (June 08—May 09) we served 2007 individuals. Income from Crop Walk ($A1,000) 2008/09 & Everett Human Needs ($1,000) was $2,000 total with expenses being $2,048.94 equaling a shortfall of $48.94. Were it not for donations from volunteers and church members, we could not continue this program. Thanks to all who keep this program going!! Von Summer is here—Rejoice! Please keep in your continued prayers: Floyd who will be having surgery on July 9th. Joy for healing after her recent surgery. Linda V. & Joe for healing and more good continued good news regarding his progress through his difficult bout with cancer. There are certain things we always need at the church: Office Supplies: * First Class Stamps (Forever Stamps if possible) Food Pantry: * Grocery store plastic bags & personal items (travel soaps), proteins (chili, beans, canned meats, veggies (fresh/canned), top ramen, cereals, powdered milk, frozen dinners, rice, instant potatoes, toilet paper, feminine products and baby items. Thanks for your continued donations. For anyone interested, every Thursday evening we will have free day-old bread to give to whomever needs it. PASTOR STEVE’S SUMMER SCHEDULE Pastor Steve will be away July 14 - 25 and then July 27 -30. Pastor Mimi will be available for pastoral assistance and she can be reached at 425-760-4989. Pastor Mimi will be at the pulpit July 12th and 19th. If you need to contact Pastor Steve during these times, you may send an e-mail to: stephenhanning@verizon.net or by phone: 708-951-0625. NEWS FROM YOUR MODERATOR For those of you who haven‟t been to church lately, you will be happy to know that the Ukrainian church is no longer with us. They left very quietly and with dignity. We are actively looking for groups to rent our facility, so pass the word around that we have rooms available to rent. If you hear about a church or group looking for a place to meet, send an email to the church office or to Rick W. We have started a new small fundraiser. Each month we will have a different type of basket to raffle off. Our winner for the month of June was Sally B. and we made over $150.00 profit from the basket raffle. Be sure to save Sunday August 9th, for our annual church picnic and Ice Cream Social following the worship service. More information will be coming. Thank you to our special Garden Angel for all the hard work you have done. The gardens look great, inside and out and I even think our fish are happier! Now that summer has arrived, take advantage of some of the free entertainment that is available in the community and surrounding areas. I know that some of our members will be going on vacation, and we hope you have a great time and will return to us safely. See you in church! Blessings in Christ, Good Mood—Three powerful techniques (Cont.) Handle just the present (Cont.) Pay attention at doing it with care and to the best of your abilities. You can reach a state of calm easily when you simply focus on doing well whatever you are doing. You block any other thoughts that keep your mind distracted and you gain a sense of fullness: the beauty of you being alive at that moment, doing what you are doing. There are many great books that focus on the power of the present and give great techniques to live in the NOW available at your local library. Apply these techniques frequently to create a habit of maintaining your positive mood and to start building a positive attitude. When you start your day in a positive mood you are more likely to see life flowing your way smoothly. Use deserving affirmations to allow abundance to come into your life. I have come across an attractive ebook that gives practical ways in which we can make our lives less cluttered and more peaceful: it is the "Zen Habits handbook for life". The tips in this easy-to-read ebook are applicable straight away and help us build a happier life. No matter what happens today, every day is a new day of positive thinking. In the words of a famous cyclist: Joan Willits, Moderator HAS ANYONE SEEN ALL OF OUR CHURCH ANGELS???? WE NEED CHURCH ANGELS FOR WORSHIP LEADER, GREETERS/USHERS, COFFEE HOSTS & ALTER FLOWERS. SIGN UP TODAY AS WE NEED YOU!!! "I take nothing for granted. I now have only good days, or great days" Lance Armstrong Upcoming Sermons Good Mood—Three powerful techniques * * * JULY / AUGUST * * * * The following techniques can help you maintain your initial good mood throughout the day: Breath Breathing is essential to life. When you breathe properly you help your body and your mind relax. Learn to control your breath to gain calm and feel better. Take some time for yourself or find a quiet spot to focus on breathing properly. With your mouth closed, take a slow deep breath and let it go slowly too. Focus on the air coming inside your diaphragm and out. Repeat for a few times or a minute - you will feel better. Practice this slow breathing every time you feel stressed or negative, or simply to improve your general state. 05 July - FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM—COMMUNION SUNDAY Isaiah 60: selected versus Mark 15:33—16:8 Matthew 6:5-15 12 July - God Inspired Joy—Guest Preacher—Mimi Lane 19 July - Wherever You Are—Guest Preacher—Mimi Lane 26 July - Taking Life for Granted Exodus 1:6-2:10 Matthew 10:16-23 02 Aug. - Pride, The Great Barrier—Communion Sunday Psalm 90 Luke 18:9-14 09 Aug- Living The Word Focus It is easy to get distracted and lose focus of a new day of positive thinking with the amount of information we come across (think newspapers or TV, or someone complaining at the office). If you find yourself being overwhelmed or negative, it is time to focus. Go back to yourself and your goals. Remind yourself of the moment of life you're at, and what it is that you are creating in your life. Think about what you want to achieve. Feel the satisfaction of accomplishment in advance. You may find it useful to think about who and how you want to be - mainly a negative or a positive person? Focus on yourself and regain peace. Handle just the present Although our bodies are physically here, our minds are many times somewhere else reviving the past or fearing the future. This makes us loose focus of our positive day, as we become easily wrapped into the negative thoughts of uncertainty, fear, worry or anger. An excellent way to gain calm is by living in the present. Focus on what you are actually doing - be that making dinner, brushing your teeth or having a conversation. . Isaiah 55: 10-13 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-22 ―Planning Ahead‖ Calendar July 04- Independence Day July 05July 16 July 23 - Deacons Meeting, 11:30 am Council Meeting—6:30—L NEWSLETTER ARTICLES DUE TODAY! NO Choir during the months of July and August. NO Care Team Meeting will be held during the months of July & August—but phone calls will continue for the team. Committee Updates! Trustees The Trustees met and walked through the church building making notes of things that need to be done. We will be having a work party on a date to be announced. The YMCA is again renting the downstairs area. The lights have been repaired and they have pressure washed the outside area. With the Ukrainian Pentecostal Church gone, we are finding new storage areas and rooms to rent out. The youth has requested a room to meet and turn into their own. We now have a listing each week on Craig‟s List looking for renters. If you know of anyone, please let the Trustees know. Planning For . . . . Upcoming Events August 3rd—Bible Study at Polly‟s! August 9th—All Church Potluck/Picnic & Ice Cream Social August 19-21—Rest Area Fund Raiser—Smokey Point Now taking reservations for volunteers to man the rest area. Also accepting donations for the following items: Tea, Coffee, cream, sugar, wood stir sticks, napkins, paper & coffee cups and of course—lots of cookies! Rick W., Chair NEW DIRECTORY ************************************************ *** Care Team Report Care Team is a group of compassionate people whose ministry includes phone calls, cards, visits and other acts of kindness to our church community. This past month, we reached out to many in need with our cards & phone calls. Our phone calls and cards are well received and appreciated. Ardelle B., Chair Monthly Fundraiser Baskets Let us know what you think about the fundraiser baskets and if you have an idea for the next one or two! DON‟T FORGET— JULY 15TH IS THE DEADLINE FOR COLLEGE APPLICATIONS Linda is getting ready to publish a new church directory. However, we have had mail returned and emails returned when sending out our newsletters and important information to our members. So, it is VERY important to have your CURRENT mailing address and email address (along with phone numbers, birthdays and anniversaries). If you have moved or changed your telephone number or pertinent information in the last six months, please contact the church office with your changes.