Volume 67 OCTOBER 2010 Issue 10
Volume 67 OCTOBER 2010 Issue 10
Volume 67 OCTOBER 2010 Issue 10 http://www.pointpleasantelks.org OCTOBERFEST 2010 by Ron Panuska On behalf of the Octoberfest Committee I would like to thank all the ELK members and Volunteers who came out to support this great fund raiser. The committee started the planning the day after the Fluke Tournament. Planning Committee members were Bob Kierstead, Bob Scott, Gus Schipani, Mike Travisano, Jay Ramirez, Scott Famous and Ron Panuska. Our setup crew was Bob Pursel, Les Hill and John Gartz. Thanks to Kim McLure, Helen McDermott, Anna Potter and Marianne Nilsen in the office. Our security staff, Paul Brundage, Dino Castronova, Frank Rizzo, Alan Lavitola, Garry Laudisi and John Dobermiller for checking ID’s. John Veprek making sure we had insurance for this event. The front lawn for Vendors was sold out. We had a large assortment of food, beverages, games, Officer dunk tank and music supplied from a great band called The Retro Junk played for five hours.. We had a great crowd and our volunteers, cooks and bar staff worked very hard to please everyone. The committee returned on Sunday and Monday to clean the parking lot and cleaned and put all the equipment away until next year. Thanks again to all ELK Members for your support. LODGE OFFICERS 2010 - 2011 Exalted Ruler Leading Knight Loyal Knight Lecturing Knight Secretary Treasurer Tiler Esquire Chaplain Inner Guard Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Valerie Famous Scot Famous Dawn Tortoriello Cliff Van Nest Helen McDermott Kim McLure Gus Adamo Jan Picarell Joe Chickene Jack Secor Joe Miller Dino Castronova Bob Haugh Cus Dalik, PDD Ron Panuska 908-307-3234 202-7030 714-2505 306-5935 785-3323 892-1763 899-2722 892-4522 840-0891 701-0535 714-9553 528-5582 330-6426 295-8370 714-9966 COMMITTEE CHAIRPEOPLE Americanism Americanism Audit Audit Banquets Banquets Bar Steward Bar Steward Community Service Community Service Convention Convention Drug Awareness Drug Awareness ENF ENF Flag Day Flag Day Fluke Tournament Fluke Tournament Friday NightDinner Dinner Friday Night Government Relations Government Relations Hoop Shoot Hoop Shoot House House Indoctrination Indoctrination Investigating Investigating Justice Justice Lapsation Lapsation Lodge Scholarship Lodge Scholarship Mediator Mediator Membership Membership Memorial Service Memorial Service Nat’l Veterans Service Nat’l Veterans Service Octoberfest Octoberfest Pianist Pianist Photograher Photograher Soccer Shoot Soccer Shoot Special Needs Children Special Needs Children Tear off Raffles Tear off Raffles The Antler The Antler Webmaster Webmaster Youth Activites JerriParlow Parlow Jerri Sue Kronenberger Kronenberger Sue Georgianna Walsh Georgianna Walsh Jay Ramirez Ramirez Jay Bob Haugh Mike Donahue Scot Famous Scot Famous DonnaTranchita Tranchita Donna Colleen Castronova Colleen Castronova Joe Chickene Chickene Joe JohnVeprek Veprek John Bob Scot Chef Larry Sharon Haugh Linda Muir GregSmith Smith Greg Bob Kierstead Bob Kierstead Cus Dalik, Dalik,PDD PDD Cus RonPanuska Panuska Ron Robert Cook Robert Cook HelenMcDermott McDermott Helen JerriParlow Parlow Jerri Colleen Castronova Colleen Castronova Ron Panuska Panuska Ron Dory Lennon Dory Lennon Nancy DeVito Nancy DeVito Sharon Haugh Ron Panuska Paschal Drew Paschal Drew Ray Staab Ray Staab Dino Castronova Dino Castronova Tom Watters Tom Watters Cus Dalik, PDD Cus Dalik, PDD Linda Regec Linda Regec Terry LaDu Terry LaDu Vacant 814-6092 814-6092 581-4136 581-4136 910-3801 910-3801 899-8620 899-8620 330-6426 892-4663 202-7030 202-7030 908-965-3733 908-965-3733 241-0769 241-0769 840-0891 840-0891 908-910-9363 908-910-9363 714-2505 295-1624 908-910-0041 920-7516 920-7516 272-7307 272-7307 295-8370 295-8370 714-9966 714-9966 295-5699 295-5699 785-3323 785-3323 814-6092 814-6092 241-0769 241-0769 714-9966 714-9966 295-8490 295-8490 892-8961 892-8961 295-1624 295-1624 892-5406 528-5582 528-5582 848-992-6194 848-992-6194 295-8370 295-8370 895-7100 895-7100 899-4635 899-4635 EXALTED RULER’S MESSAGE by Valerie Famous, ER Hello Fellow Elks……. Can you believe it’s October already? It seems like yesterday, I was being installed….and now the year is half over! We have held our two largest fund raisers, Fluke Tournament and Octoberfest and they were not only well-run, they were profitable! Our kitchen is finally showing signs of being profitable and we are almost through our first phase of Chef Larry’s contract. In phase 2 we will address some items that have arisen over the past two months, but over all leasing the kitchen has been a resounding success. Bar attendance has increased and preliminary reports show that revenues have increased as well, stay tuned! In case you hadn’t noticed we finally got an ATM. HOORAY! Now, you don’t have to leave to get some cash! Thank you House Committee for getting it done. At our last trustees meeting we reviewed the financials and made adjustments to the budget. The Trustees are working diligently to keep our spending in line, and to that end we need the support of our members. If you haven’t paid your dues…please…please pay them. As a lodge, we still have issues to resolve and to-do’s to get done but overall, I think we (the membership) have done a great job this year and I want to thank each and every one of you. Continued on Page 3 ER's Message Continued from page 2 On a personal note, recently, we lost a beloved member of our lodge, Linda VanDuyn. Linda was one of the first people I volunteered with when I joined the lodge, one could say she “reeled” me in when I was thinking of joining the Fluke Committee. One of Linda’s talents was running the “back” office of the tournament, preparing paperwork and Captain’s packets and boy she rarely made a mistake! It was an honor and privilege to know Linda and I will miss her. Thank you to the entire VanDuyn family for allowing us to perform the Elk Service in her honor last week. It once again reminded me why I am proud to call myself an ELK. Fraternally, Valerie Lets give a big welcome to our newest members Initiated Sept. 21, 2010 William Cooper, Linda Contract, Patricia Hurley, Arlene Laskowski, Christopher Munyan, Randall Olsen, Eric Schaffar, Joan Schmidt, James Skinner, Victoria Vitkevich, Kyle Walters and Jerry Wardell. By Dimit, James Faugno from Springfield Hillside Lodge # 2004 WELCOME! Special Need Committee News: by Tom Watters I would like to thank the members who participated in the Special Nees Childrens golf outing (you know who you are). I would also like to thank my friends and new friends who drove from up north to play, I hope to see you next year. Without the support of these individuals we would not be able to help our Special Needs Children with the needs that they deserve, nor would we be able to supply the elderly with the equipment that they so desperately are in need of. To all the sponsors that year after year support us, thank you. A special thank you to my wife, you are my strength, and her friends who collected and ran the gift auction. Great job! Finally, to my committee need I say more? 1st. Michael Antonelli, Francis Barney, Vincent Del Priore, 3rd. Terrence J. Calgut, Kenneth Krug 5th. Albert J Clericuzio 7th. Michael Adamo, Joseph Chickene, Ronald Crescenzo, Robert H Schlosser, Lauren Sherman 8th. Adolph Ploger 9th. Daniel J DiCorcia, William V Hennessy PER, James W Holzapfel, Terrence R. Kenny Carol King 10th. Leigh G Miller Jr., Michael Ollendorf 11th. Lila Becker, Rudolph W Krone 12th. John Acierno, Robert Giovine, Dean Magnusson, Michael J Murphy, Thomas Napolitano, John Roach, John J Sheean 13th. Peter A Flipse 14th. Anthony Falzarano, Janice Geiges 16th. Andrew Barber, Michael Fastnacht, Sean Henry, Edward Maher, Joseph Mayfield, Bret Parcinski, Raymond C Ruffini, Dawn Tortoriello 17th. John W Dunne, Michelle L Ramirez 18th Frank Onorato 19th. Frank Jordan, Marjorie Mc Ghee 20th Ralph De Sordi, Paul Panuska 21st. Frank Kraus, Arthur A Phillips, Paula Zullo 22nd. Robert A Stoetzel 23rd. George Edson, R Scott Maas, John D Toole, Daniel J Vescovi Jr. PER 24th. John J McGeehan, Richard T Stair, Carl C Sterling, Michael Wright, Joseph Zavattieri 25th. John W Clear, Raymond P Smalling Sr. 26th. Albert Immen, Robert R Picton, Greg Smith 27th. Edward Cafiero Sr., William G Holsclaw, Franklin Rose 29th. Kristen Brundage,Kenneth L Honan, James Marsetti, Steven L Schwab 30th. Robert E. Schug, Leah Shwahla 31st. Robert Schug OCTOBER 2010 SUN 3 10 MON 4 11 Columbus Day Parade TUE WED 5 6 Lodge Meeting 8 pm 7-NVSC & Oktoberfest meeting 8-SPECIAL NEEDS 12 13 Trustee Meeting 7 pm THU FRI SAT 1 Rental 2 7 Thirsty 8 Thursday 4-7 7:30 Line Dancing & Saturday Special 9 Saturday Special Veterans Dance Shuffleboard 14 Thirsty 15 Thursday 4-7 7:30 Line Dancing & 16 Saturday Special Casino Night Shuffleboard 17 18 Show Boat AC 24 25 19 20 Lodge Meeting 8 pm 7-NVSC & Oktoberfest meeting 8-SPECIAL NEEDS 26 27 Trustee Meeting 7 pm 21 Thirsty 22 Thursday 4-7 7:30 Line Dancing & 23 Saturday Special Shuffleboard 28 Thirsty 29 Thursday 4-7 7:30 Line Dancing & 30 Halloween Party! Shuffleboard 31 7 Nov 1 8 2 3 Lodge Meeting 8 pm 7-NVSC & Oktoberfest meeting 8-SPECIAL NEEDS 9 10 Trustee Meeting 7 pm 4 Thirsty 5 Thursday 4-7 7:30 Line Dancing & 6 Saturday Special Shuffleboard 11 Thirsty 12 Thursday 4-7 7:30 Line Dancing & 13 Saturday Special Shuffleboard 14 15 16 17 18 Thirsty Lodge Meeting 8 pm 7-NVSC & Oktoberfest meeting 8-SPECIAL NEEDS Thursday 4-7 7:30 Line Dancing & Shuffleboard 19 20 Beauty Pagent ELK OF THE MONTH by Valerie Famous, ER Eileen Miller Our October Elk of the month is Eileen Miller. Eileen who has been a member of our lodge for many, many, years has come back this year in full force. Eileen serves on our Special Needs Children's committee and has been volunteer at both the Octoberfest and Fluke Tournament. Eileen has played and supported both golf outings hosted our lodge and, from what I am told, a very good golfer (for a girl!). Eileen and her husband, Joe, are big contributors to our pull tab profits! And, I am sure they will be VERY happy when the machine is soon up and running. Elkdom is a family thing for the Miller's. Joe is one our current Trustees and a Past Exalted Ruler; daughters Diane and Ellen have recently become Elks and their youngest daughter, Laura, is sure to follow in their footsteps. Please join me in congratulating Eileen as our October Elk of the Month. Congratulations Eileen! Shuffle News by Dave McWilliam The shuffleboard league held its annual banquet at Villa Victtoria in Brick on Thursday, September 23rd. Prizes for Hanger/Chipper champions for the 2009/2010 season were awarded to Gus Schippani for the men (14) and Marge McGhee (9) for the women. Jack Cimino (10) came in second and Sonny Bartus (8) came in third for the men. The runners up for the women were Camille Cimino and Barbara Smith, both with (7). At the end of this summers warm up session, Sonny Bartus came in first for the men, while Camille Cimino came in first for the women. The new season began on Thursday September 9th and from the looks of things, a number of last seasons also rans must have been taking extra practice over the summer. Look out Gus and Marge!! Since several of our shufflers have worn out their pucks and are retiring for this season, we may have room for new players. If you are interested, please contact Pauline Wycoff at 732-793-3076. We play on Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM. Pauline will answer any questions you may have. since we already have a few weeks in, please contact her as soon as possible. Your reporter, Dave McWilliam, one of the rans. “Find the Brick” by Cliff Van Nest, Since the group was unable to find the brick, I wanted to bring the brick to you. The reason you couldn’t find it physically is because it was never really hidden. The brick is really a symbol of our brotherhood. I told you that it is at eye level. When you speak with your fellow ELKS you will always look them straight in the eye. You may not always see things eye to eye but you should be man enough to confront each other and air things out face to face. I also told you that the brick can be found anywhere. Elkdom is not confined to the walls of the grill room. The lodge is merely a building. A lodge is built on friendships and our common purposes of: charity, justice, brotherly love, and fidelity. This brick is also a symbol of our fraternal unity. The brick is made of mortar, stone and water. And, like the brick, we are a lodge of members with unique backgrounds, values, and experiences. As you look around the room you can see that the lodge is not a single unit. You are a part of a greater whole. You will always have fellow ELKS at your sides for support. This brick will also symbolize the foundation you will establish for future members of our lodge. What will YOU contribute to our lodge? The $50.00 was donated back to the lodge $25.00 to the Veterans Committee and $25.00 to the Special Needs Committee. Save the Date... Upcoming event 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1... Happy New Year!!! Friday, December 31st New Years Eve Party Dinner, Dancing, Open Bar, Midnight Toast, Continental Breakfast. More details to come... Veterans Committee by Nancy DeVito, On September 15th Veterans from Menlo Park and Vets Haven had at great picnic at the Elks. They enjoyed playing horseshoes, bean bag games and the barbeque cooked by our expert chefs. We give nothing but the best for our Veterans. Thank you to all my volunteers that came out to help make their day enjoyable. Nobody wears hats better then the Point Pleasant Elks Volunteers. On September 2nd, Dino, Regina, and Gus manned the grills out at Joint Base McGuire. Also a big thank you goes to, Gus A. Gus S, Lois F, Dee D, Frank O, Rosemary T, John K, Sharon and Bob Haugh, Carol and Megan M and Antsy the Clown. I can’t thank my volunteers enough. On September 19th our volunteer were back out at Joint Base McGuire cooking and clowning for the 2D Battalion ,309th Regiment, 72D FA Brigade, and the 1st Army east .We all received a certificate of appreciation . The weather was perfect and so was the picnic. Thank again to my fellow Elks and to Nicholas and Laura for all your help. I’m coming to get you!! Come on down to our Veterans’ dinner dance on October 9th. Doors open at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $25.00 per person. Buffet by Chef Larry and music by Ed Austin. Must come to see what else is in to store for you. Help us support our Veterans. I’ll be looking for you. Need a paver? Forms are available at the Lodge. QUOTE OF THE MONTH “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” -Maya Angelou DEADLINE FOR THE NEXT ANTLER IS: October 25, 2010 Regec4@yahoo.com Or mail box at the lodge A Recent Letter thanking the Elks for our Care Packages. 19th Annual Columbus Day Parade Seaside Heights Dear Nancy & all of the Point Pleasant Elks 1698, Thank you so much for your generous care packages. I am a Chaplain Assistant assigned to the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing in Southwest Asia and I recently met SMSgt Hanna who stated you sent him over here with care packages for the troops. It was so wonderful to receive these goodies. They came at the perfect time, as our supply of care package items was dwindling. We have now restocked our Ministry Center with the goodies you sent. I can’t begin to count how many Airmen and Soldiers have stopped by the Chapel looking for items to brighten their days. Your goodies will definitely do that. Just this week, we had a transient crew stop by in need of toiletries because they ended up having to stay here much longer than they planned. Thank you for assisting our ministry and mission here and for your support to our service men and women. Take care and have a wonderful! SADIE L. CHAMBERS, TSgt, USAF NCOIC Chapel Operation Sunday October 10th, 2010 Step off at 1:00PM This parade is the centerpiece of their 3 day Italian Festival. OFF TO THE RACES AGAIN by Jan Picarell Saturday, August 28th, members and guest enjoyed the televised TRAVERS Cup Race from Saratoga Springs, NY, The winning beautiful horses were: NO.1 A FLEET EXPRESS NO.2 FLY DOWN NO.3 FIRST DUDE Lucky winners were Jimmy Brogan and Tom Watters, “PARTNERS IN CRIME”, Tim Haley came in second and finishing in third was Helen McDermott and Jim Brogan. Light evening fare was provided by Chef Larry. Thank you again to Vick and John our track officials. Also, a thank you goes out to our bartenders Bat, Karen and Jay. The next race is the Breeders’ Cup Running at Church Downs on Saturday November 6th, time TBA. See you at the starting gate! MANDATORY MEETING FOR ALL $1.98 BEAUTY PAGEANT CONTESTANTS SSSSSH….. IT’S A SECRET (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) Wednesday Oct 12 7 at :00 PM GRILL ROOM NO BACKING OUT NOW GUYS! SEE YA THERE!! SATURDAY NOVEMBER 20TH THE $1.98 BEAUTY PAGEANT RETURNS TO Point Pleasant Elks 7 PM to 11 PM $20.00 includes admission and buffet CASH BAR Book a group of (5) or more before Nov. 1st and receive $1.00 discount per ticket Contact Colleen @732 295-0989 For ticket sales and questions COME ON DOWN TO THE GRILL ROOM! Saturday Night Roast Beef and Wings FEAST Every Saturday Night From Noon until 8 PM Every Saturday Monday Night Football! Kitchen will be open 7 PM For The Season! Kitchen Lunch Hours: Monday– Closed Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 11:30 AM-3 PM Thursday 11:30 AM-7:00 PM Saturday 12:00 PM-8:00 PM Sunday 2:00 PM-7:00 PM Lunch Menu Changed Daily Come On Down To Eat and Spread The Word! Time to channel your inner witch or goblin folks… All Hallows Eve will soon be upon us, and you know what that means… Join us on Saturday October 30, as we usher in Halloween 2010. D.J. Joe Oz will be back to ensure we dance the night away. Admission is $10.00 and the party starts at 8 PM. There will be a cash bar along with drink specials for the night. We are asking everyone to bring their favorite food with them to share with everyone. Whatever you want bring; appetizer, entrée, or dessert (we’re not picky!!) Prizes will be awarded for best costumes (male and female) along with best “Halloween” food presentation. Always looking for volunteers to help decorate… Call Colleen at 732 241 0769 SEE YA THERE!!!!!! Antler Boosters 2010-2011 BOOSTERS James and Rochelle Baine Jr. Sonny Bartus & Barbara Smith Richard & Lois Campbell Nancy & Jack Carley Joseph & Barbara Chesnicka Joe & Marianne Chickene Jack & Camille Cimino Robert & Bridget Cook Cus & Dee Dalik, PDD Roxane & Arnie D’Ambrosa Lee & Jeanne Dawson Harold & Suzanne Demarest, Jr. John & Joyce Diercks Patrick & Susan English Rosemary & Joe Esposito Ken & Fran Hageman Glenn & Nancy Henry John & Anna Kaufman Robert & Joyce Kieffer, PER Ken & Kathy Mathis Dave & Lois McWilliam John Menschner, Sr. Eileen & Joe Miller, PER Joan & Ron Panuska Robert W. Pursel Alvin & Marybeth Reffitt Marybeth & Alvin Reffitt Mike & Linda Regec Sr. Gus J. Schipani Bob Scott & Dawn Tortoriello Bill & Pat Shay Carol & Ed Sholander Stephen & Rosemary Tassie BOOSTERS Mike and Judy Travisano Richard & Linda Van Duyn Taylor G. Weisleder Stephanie & John Wohlrab Harold & Pauline Wyckoff MEMORIALS Gloria Adamo Mary B. Arms Melita Curry DeBellis Hy A. Dooley Captain Clinton Edson Herbert Francis Daniel J. Hennessy Sr. Gregory Hornish Patricia J. Kierstead Edward O. Klein Sr. Ellen C. LaStella Edward Magley, PER Jack Magley Louis L. Meyer Jean & Billy T. Morrow Nancy O’Brien Kyle Joseph Rager Barbara Ann Rizzo Corky Rogers Lillian Schipani Roxann Schipani Bernie Smith, PER Dorrie & Herman Stabile Jerry Staraci Joseph G. Tortoriello William Van Druten Sr. PER Justin Weisleder Your contributions help maintain this publication’s standard of excellence. Thank you. BUSH TRIMMING & REMOVAL LAWN CUTTING 732-892-6772 Point Pleasant, NJ APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP POINT PLEASANT ELKS #1698 NAME ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ OCCUPATION DAN WHITE JOHN RAMUS MATTHEW BROGAN RORY BROGAN TIM BROGAN CRAIG J. SCARPELLI ROBERT MELLETT TEACHER ST. ROSE HS CLAIMS REP. SS ADIM. TEACHER – NEW EGYPT HS LANDSCAPE TECH. BARTENDER – SHORE HOUSE CHIPOPRACTOR PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT PROPOSER JAMES BROGAN JAMES BROGAN JAMES BROGAN JAMES BROGAN JAMES BROGAN DENNIS NOBEL CLIFF VAN NEST Don’t miss it.. ANNUAL HALLOWEEN PARTY SATURDAY OCT 30th 8 PM TO MIDNITE $10.00 admission DJ and CASH BAR more information inside the antler The Antler Address Service Requested Published monthly by The Point Pleasant BPO Elks Lodge #1698 P. O. Box 1069 820 Arnold Avenue Pt. Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742 Editor: Linda Regec Coordinator: Terry LaDu Publisher: Exalted Ruler Valerie Famous Lodge telephone (732) 892-9843 Sec./Voice Mail (732) 899-7638 Fax: (732) 899-7412 PLEASE RUSH... DATED MATERIAL Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid BPOE #1698 Permit #74 Lakewood, N.J.