Sep 21 - Stella Maris Catholic Church
Sep 21 - Stella Maris Catholic Church
Stella Maris Catholic Church Founded in the Marian Year 1954 2901 S. 10th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148 Rev. John R. DiOrio Pastor (ext. 3) Rev. James T. McCabe Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. James F. Connelly Pastor Emeritus Staff: Mrs. Carmella DeSimone — Business Manager (ext. 6) Mrs. Lucille Hillerman — Director of Religious Education (ext. 5) Sister Mary Agnes Kinee, IHM — Music Director (ext.7) Sister Veronica Maier, SSJ — Parish Services Director (ext. 8) Ms. Joanne Ruggiano / Ms. Regina LaSpada — Secretary (ext. 0) Rectory: 215-465-2336 Perpetual Adoration: Come adore our Eucharistic Lord in the Little Flower Perpetual Adoration Chapel located in the basement of the rectory. The chapel is available for prayer at all times. However, a key fob is necessary to gain entrance. Key fobs are available at the Rectory. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Sunday: 5:00 pm (Saturday Vigil) 8:00 am; 9:30 am; 11:00 a.m. Weekday: 8:00 am (Monday – Saturday) Holy Days: 5:00pm Vigil; 8:00am; 7:00pm Confessions: 4:00pm - 4:45 pm Saturday in Church Anointing of the sick: In case of serious illness or advanced age, please call the rectory. Miraculous Medal Novena: Each Saturday immediately following the 8am Mass. Veneration of the relic of St. Catherine Laboure concludes the service. Convent: 215-462-1111 Baptism: Anyone who plans to have their child baptized is asked to call the Rectory to make arrangements. Prior to the Baptism of your child— parents must attend a Pre-Jordan Class, which is held every third Wednesday of the month. Please pre-register for Pre-Jordan by calling the Rectory. The next Pre-Jordan Class will be held Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the Rectory. Baptisms may be held any Sunday of the month— once Pre-Jordan is completed. Sponsors for Baptism And Confirmation: Anyone asked to be a Godparent/Sponsor should contact the rectory regarding their Letter of Eligibility. Matrimony: Couples must contact the priest at least six months prior to the intended wedding date. All couples are required to attend pre-marital instructions in preparation for marriage. Stella Maris — a tithing parish Website:—E-mail: September 21, 2014 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions For the Week of September 21, 2014 God’s Plan for Giving—Tithing—A Way of life Collections for the weekend of September 13 and 14, 2014: Income: Plate; $6,719.00 + AWC; $120.84 = $6,839.84 Bills paid this week = Total Disbursements = (25,269.88) Total =($18,430.04) Sunday—September 21 8:00 + Antoinette Castagna 9:30 + Michael Saia 11:00 + Living & Deceased Members of Stella Maris Living Stewardship Now - Living God’s Word: Everyone who participates in God’s reign has God’s own generous justice to thank. That humble knowledge of God’s generosity to us should compel us to show the same generosity to the poor and to the marginalized in our Church and our society. Monday—September 22 8:00 + Communion Prayer Service Automated Withdrawal Contributions (AWC): Your Church contributions can be automatically withdrawn from your account and deposited directly to your parish account. Your offering can be any amount you desire—and it would eliminate your need to write checks. Please call the rectory for more information. Sick Relatives & Friends Please pray for all the sick that they may be comforted: Rosario Allia, Martha Basualdo, Kelly Anne Bodine, Anthony Bologna, M/M Bracy, Donna Bria, Dominick Bucciarelli, Rose Cappetto, Rose Correnti, Sister Jeanne Crane SSJ, Donna Cunningham, Josephine DeCroce, Thelma DeSimone, Arlene DiNicola, Joseph DiStephani, Marie Donato, Frederick Earlori, Virginia Faulkner, Samuel Fiore, Clara Fioravanti, Russell Fiujalski, Marlene Flocco, Rose Fortuna, Joan Gain, Evelyn Gardella, Keith Green, Maribel Guerrero, Carol Holman, Howard Horner III, Lucy Intelisano, Ann & Anthony Ippolito, Frank Kane, Vito LaFranci, Ronald Lalli, Maria Russo-Landy, Samantha LaSpada, Kathleen Magnotta, Samuel Marinelli, Marie Marino, Carmela Martini, Edward Marquis, Michael Massaro, Donald McDermott, Danielle McDevitt, Louise Mento, Lucy Michielli, Rose Mirarchi, Cecelia Moore, Ricky Napoli, Philomena Nardello, Thomas Nardone, Patrick Oldfield, Marie Ordine, Theresa Pagnotto, Madeline Perri, Louis F. Pintarelli, Madeline Porsia, Constantino Pozzi, Angela Raffa, M/M Robert Reed, Jason Rindone, Carmella Roselli, Keith Ross, Maria Russo, Tony Saia, Marie Salvatore, Theresa Salvatore, Domenic Santaguida, Steven Scanlon, Grover Simpson, James Trainor Jr., Lori Trischler, Caila Tuohey, Cynthia and Stephen Tuohey, Caila Tuohey, Robin Twaddell, Mike Vicario, Nicholas Viggiano, Joseph Vitello, Ed Williams, Pat Zollo, the military disabled, the home-bound, and their families. We Pray for our Deceased Parishioners, Relatives, and Friends: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them. May their souls, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Tuesday—September 23 8:00 + Giuseppe Maniaci Wednesday—September 24 8:00 + Antoinette Palermo Thursday—September 25 8:00 + Giuseppe Calabretta Friday—September 26 8:00 + Anna Marie McDonald Saturday—September 27 8:00 + Louise Paynter 5PM + Mary Cirucci Sunday—September 28 8:00 + Anthony Sr. and Marie DeMarzio 9:30 + Living & Deceased Members of Stella Maris 11:00 + Vincent & Mary Garofola Church Sanctuary Lamp In memory of Giuseppe Calabretta At the request of His Grandchildren Bread & Wine In memory of Domenick Latorre At the request Bernadette DePaul Adoration Chapel Lamp 1) In memory of Anthony Sammarone At the request of His Mother and Family 2) In memory of Richard Varker At the request of Howard Baker SEEK THE LORD Dear Sisters and Brothers, Our annual Forty Hour Devotion will take place after the 11:00AM Mass on October 12, 2014 and will conclude on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 7:00PM with evening prayer. Fr. Michael Olivere, Pastor of St. Timothy in Philadelphia, will be our homilist during this wonderful grace-filled time for our parish. Also the Mass book for 2014 will open on Tuesday, October 21, 2014. More information about this will be forthcoming. In today’s Gospel from St. Matthew we are challenged to examine our notions of fairness and justice. The general opinion is that those who stay the course longer should get the greater reward - even in heaven. However, God’s ways are not our ways, especially in areas of love, forgiveness and generosity. God is generous; however, we must learn to let God be generous in His own way. We try too hard to create God in our image and likeness rather than the other way around. We often think our ways are better or make more sense than God’s; guess again. We cannot earn grace. It is a gift. It is given for reasons other than putting a lot of hours in the fields. God will treat those who have done His will justly giving what He has promised: life with Him in the Kingdom. But God is also merciful. All his children are equally precious to Him, and He wants nothing more than to have all of us with Him. The challenge is to let God be merciful and generous even when “It’s not fair!” We must let God be God. How is it that sometimes it is the very generosity of God that we resent? Let God be God. It’s better for all of us. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways, my ways, says the Lord.” Be assured of my prayers. I ask you to pray for me. God bless you! Fr. Di Orio — ATTENTION — PARENTS OF STELLA MARIS CCD PROGRAM IMPORTANT DATES Tuesday, September 23, 2014 CCD Parents’ Back to School Night—7 to 8 PM in Church Tuesday, October 7, 2014 First Penance Parents’ Meeting—7 PM in Church STELLA MARIS MINISTRY Our faith calls us to share our time, talents, and treasures with each other, through Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Our parish is asking if you would kindly share some of your time and talent with us in serving in any of the following ministries: Lectors/Readers, Adult Altar Servers, Cantors/Singers. P.S.: If you like to sing, we would be so happy if you joined our Choir. There is no experience necessary - the only requirement is the love of singing. If you are interested, please call the Rectory. Thank you! In today's opening reading, Isaiah urges us to “seek the Lord” who is “near” and can be “found” (Isaiah 55:6). Then Isaiah says God’s ways are as high above our ways “as the heavens are above the earth” (Isaiah 55:9). So we search, not because God is hiding, but because our tendencies are so different from God’s ways that we get lost. How are God’s ways so high above our ways? The example Isaiah gives is that God’s way is to be “generous in forgiving” (Isaiah 55:7). And our way? We try to be “fair.” You hurt me, so then I hurt you back, just as hard. Then, of course, you … And on it goes. In today’s Gospel Jesus teaches that God is not “fair” like that. Instead, God is so generous we can hardly understand it. The same wage for one hour as for a whole day of work? Not fair! “See the Lord,” and we might find a God who calls us to be, not fair, but generous beyond expectations. Copyright @ JS Paluch Co. IS THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) FOR YOU? Are you, or is someone you know, interested in joining the Catholic Church? Are you curious about the Catholic Faith, but not sure you want to make a commitment? Are you married to a Catholic spouse, raising the children Catholic, and interested in knowing more to be able to share with them? Are you a Catholic who desires to complete the initiation process by receiving Eucharist and/or Confirmation? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, the RCIA may be for you. The RCIA is designed to assist youth and adults who: - Have never been baptized, and wish to be baptized in the Catholic Church - Have been baptized in another Christian Tradition (Lutheran, Episcopalian, etc.) and wish to become Catholic - Were baptized Catholic, but have not received First Eucharist and/or Confirmation There is no time like the present to begin your inquiry in the faith. If you are interested in learning more about RCIA for yourself or someone you know, please contact Mrs. Lucille Hillerman at the Rectory (215-465-2336, ext. 5). “CHANGE FOR LIFE” BABY BOTTLES Sunday, October 5, is Respect Life Sunday. On the weekend of October 4/5, Stella Maris ProLife Organization will be in the vestibule at all the Masses with pins, bumper stickers, bookmarks, bracelets, and saint bracelets for your donations. They will also be distributing the “Change For Life” Baby Bottles at this time. The money raised will be donated to the Pro-Life Union on our behalf. After collecting “change” in your baby bottles, you may return them to Stella Maris, at any Mass on or before the weekend of November 1 and 2. Thank you for your support. PARISH FOOD PROGRAMS Our Parish Food Program is in need of all kinds of dinners: pasta, chicken, beef, ham, pork and fish. We kindly ask that meals prepared contain meat or fish, a starch (pasta/potatoes/rice) and a vegetable. Those who receive these meals are elderly and we would like to give them a balanced, nutritious meal. We are grateful to those who faithfully take home the aluminum trays and return them with their leftovers or specially prepared meals. FORTY HOURS DEVOTION OCTOBER 12th—13th—14th Guest Preacher: Reverend Michael Olivere Pastor, St. Timothy Parish, Philadelphia Our Food Pantry can use some help as well. Non-perishable items especially boxed/bagged pasta, pasta sauces/gravy; canned meals/stews, vegetables and soups; boxed crackers, canned potatoes, are always appreciated by those in crisis and/or emergency situations. Sunday, October 12th Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Following 11:00 AM Mass 4:00 PM Evening Prayer, Homily, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament May God reward you for this kindness in sharing with the needy. Monday, October 13th Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Following 8:00 AM Mass 7:00 PM Evening Prayer, Homily, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament BEREAVEMENT EDUCATION & SUPPORT GROUP If you are grieving the loss of a significant person in your life, you may want to consider this program which includes information on the grief process, the stages of grief and the feelings which usually accompany grief. This program provides understanding of what happens to us when we experience the death of a loved one, and help the healing process to begin. For more information, please contact Sister Veronica at the Rectory. Our next group will begin in the near future. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE CLASS ALL NATIONALITIES WELCOME! Anyone interested in learning English, or improving your English, may contact Sister Lawrence Elizabeth at Stella Maris Convent (215-462-1111) or you may send an email to It is hopeful that classes will begin in this month of September. Classes will run Monday to Friday. There is a registration fee of $25.00 Classes are free. Please call the Convent for more information and/or to make an appointment to set up time and days for class. All nationalities are welcome. We look forward to hearing from you. STELLA MARIS HELPING HANDS CLOTHING DRIVE A truck from the Salvation Army will be in our parking lot at Stella Maris on Saturday, October 4, from 9am to 2pm. You can bring usable men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing; shoes; books; small household goods (bed and bath linens, pots and pans, dishes, cooking utensils, and small appliances in good working order). However, NO baby equipment please – only baby clothing. Tax receipts will be available upon request. We appreciate your continued support of our projects, which help the underprivileged of the Philadelphia area. Tuesday, October 14th Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Following 8:00 AM Mass 7:00 PM Evening Prayer, Homily, Procession and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament All are welcome and encouraged to attend The Forty Hours Devotion of our parish. Kindly Note: Our Perpetual Adoration Chapel will be closed at 8:00 AM on Sunday, October 12th, and will reopen on Tuesday, October 14th, at 9:30 AM. SAINT MONICA ELDERCARE PROGRAM The Saint Monica Eldercare Program is sponsoring a seminar “Understanding Medicare, on Wednesday, September 24, from 1pm until 2:30pm. The seminar will be held at St. Monica Senior School, lower level. The presenter will be Monique Scott of CMS (Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services) Monique will present information about Medicare A, B, D (prescription drug plan), Medicare Advantage plans, Enrollment, and how Medicare works with employee sponsored or spousal health insurance. The seminar is free. ********************************************* The Saint Monica Eldercare Program is sponsoring “Safety on the Streets” which will be presented by the Philadelphia Police Department, on Thursday, September 25, from 1pm until 2:30pm, at St. Monica Senior School, 16th & Porter Streets. All are welcome to this very important program, which will include tips on how to keep oneself safe when walking in our South Philadelphia neighborhoods, as well as information on how to keep from falling prey to those who try to scam the elderly. To attend either, or both, of these events, please RSVP to Saint Monica Eldercare Program by calling 215-334-0285, or by email to Please provide your name and contact information. ADORATION CHAPEL CANDLES UPCOMING EVENTS Movie Night in Marconi Plaza The Friends of Marconi Plaza will present a showing of the movie “Frozen” on Friday, October 3, at approximately 6:30pm at the East side of Marconi Plaza, across from the playground. Light refreshments and face painting will be available. This event is sponsored by the SCSSD of South Philadelphia. All proceeds go to the Friends of Marconi Plaza group who hosts these events and helps maintain the Plaza. ****************************************** St. Casimir Church presents “Designer Bag & Basket Bingo” Friday, October 3, at EOM Athletic Association, 144 Moore Street. Doors open at 6pm / Bingo begins at 7pm and includes 10 rounds of Bingo, soft beverages and desserts. Extra cards, specials, daubers, and raffles will be available for purchase. Ticket Price is $25 per person; at the door will be $30 per person. BYOB and snacks. To purchase tickets, please call Marge Petronis (215-462-0464), Karen Lemba (215-389-1320), or email ****************************************** St. Nick’s Italian Festival and Procession of Saints will take place on Sunday, October 5, from 12 noon to 9 pm on the 1700 block, and beyond, on 9th Street. Great food, games for children & adults, live music, and special guest Bobby Rydell. Free parking in the Neumann-Goretti High School lot. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Two Adoration Chapel candles are available to be offered for the living or deceased, which remain lit for seven days. If interested, please complete the information and return it to Stella Maris Rectory with a $20 donation for each candle. All names will appear in our Church Bulletin. IN HONOR/MEMORY OF: ________________________________________________________ REQUESTED BY: ________________________________________________________ SAVIO BOYS’ CHOIR AUDITIONS The Savio Boys’ Choir offers a rich musical and spiritual experience for boys in grades 2 thru 8. Under the patronage of St. Dominic Savio, this world-class choir will tour locally in the US, and in Europe during Easter. They sing many traditional hymns and choral pieces in a variety of languages, including Latin, French, German and English. The choir, directed by Tom Windfelder (former 25 year director of the Archdiocesan Boys’ Choir of Philadelphia) will hold auditions on Saturday, September 27. Please call the Director at 215-425-6995, to schedule an audition. You may visit the website at Following Jesus Every Day: VINCENT GANGEMI Funeral Home, Inc. Dignified Service Since 1937 GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Vincent Gangemi, Founder For further information, Vincent C. Gangemi Jr., Supervisor please call the Parish Office. James L. Guercio, Director Free Prescription Pre-Need Arrangements Pick-Up & Delivery CENTER APOTHECARY 24 Hour Availability 215-467-3838 2232-40 South Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19145 800-566-6150 • (Broad and Wolf) MONTI-RAGO Flu Shots & Vaccines Ernie Coccia, R Ph Parishioner 800 W. Moyamensing Ave. 215.334.1833 Fax 215.334.5046 FUNERAL HOME CAROLYN M. MONTI, Associate Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise “Graduate of Stella Maris School” starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person SAMUEL J. MONTI MARK J. RAGO will reserve your cabin. Funeral Directors Most Insurances Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Accepted Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 215-462-0992 ATM Inside 896500 Stella Maris Church (B) 2533-35 S. BROAD ST. For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 T H O M A S H E A LY B R O K E R /S A L E S A S S O C I AT E The Only Realtor You’ll Ever Need!! Licensed in NJ & PA Lucille M. Gallo OFFICE 856.582.0366 CELL 856.906.7313 EXPERIENCED • PROFESSIONAL • COMMITTED 508 Hurffville Crosskeys Rd., Sewell, NJ Parishioners Please Visit My Website: REPAIRS NEW PORCH ROOFS 468-1546 In South Phila 9th & Wharton Sts. HOT COATING $95.00 $250.00 $195.00 $695.00 as as low as low as as low as as low as 215-389-4253 UNION ROOFING NEW ROOFS Independent Sales Rep. 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Girardo, M.D. Barry A. Bravette, M.D. COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Pasquale F. Nestico, M.D. Snow Plowing 215-389-9979 896500 Stella Maris Church (A) 1809-13 Oregon Ave., 2nd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19145 215-465-3435 Howard Rosner, D.O. on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. Your ad 1809-13 Oregon Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19145 215-389-3890 • under an ADVERTISED blanket WHY IS IT? Over 30 Years in Business Licensed & Insured WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping could be in this space! For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263