October - Via de Cristo


October - Via de Cristo
Connecting National and Local Secretariats
Official Publication of the National Lutheran Secretariat, VdC
Volume 19, Number 2
From the two TX, & AOK Secretariats
Looking Forward
e are looking forward with great
joy to receiving all of you at the
campus of the University of Dallas, Irving, TX for the 2002 Annual Meeting
on July 25th - 28th. Our host teams are
already beginning work in preparation for
this special time.
Negotiations are still in progress with the
University as they have raised their prices
since we were last there in 1996. The theme
we have selected for the 2002 meeting is:
Go in Peace, Serve the Lord - Thanks be
to God, Alleluia!
John Dempsey has written a wonderful
musical setting for this text, and it continues
the thrust of the last few annual meeting
themes, which have emphasized the charge
of our Lord to Action <Winning Souls for
Christ>. (For those of you who were here in
Dallas in 1996, John is the brother who has
written many spiritual praise songs, and had
his Christian Contemporary Band share in
the first VdC jam session with a Christian
Rock band.)
More to follow in the next edition of
Tim Johnson and Nancy Shane
2002 NLS Annual Meeting Host Team
Inside Conexiones:
page 3
Conference Call Minutes
page 4
Heart of Illinois
page 5
pages 6
Annual Meeting Schedule
page 16
page 17
Annual Meeting Edition
October 2001
NLS 2001 President’s Report!
ell, it’s over and what a wonderful time for all of us that attended this celebration.
Minnesota hosted us and as the theme suggested, “He Will Raise You Up,” we
were lifted in the spirit in so many ways. I must first acknowledge Jerry Vehrs
and Don Merdink, the co-chairs for our Minnesota hosts. They did an outstanding job of
making preparations and supporting the meeting. I cannot, however, leave out the people
of the Host Community. What a service and blessing for us. Each
year I marvel at how so much is done by so few and what an awesome
job they do. This year was no exception. Hooray for the folks of
Our meeting this year was the celebration of 20 years as the National Lutheran Secretariat. We presented three presentations, the beginning of Cursillo, the beginnings of Via de Cristo, and where we
have been over the last 20 years. Mr. Tom Sarg, the Executive Director of the National Catholic Cursillo, presented the first subject. Tom’s
presentation was a history lesson for all of us. He also introduced us
to the Ultra-aya. A term Tom used to emphasize the need for Ultreya.
Tom shared some of his personal experiences, and through it all reDoug Burrows
minded us that our real task is to love God and our neighbors as ourselves. I believe Tom helped in the bridging of our two movements and helped us to become better friends.
On Friday we were treated to the knowledge, wit, and humor of Pastors Gene Hermeier
and Ed Simonsen. Both Pastors played big roles in the formation of Via de Cristo. Pastor
Hermeier from Iowa and Pastor Simonsen from Florida. We learned of how we were seeded
and how we began to grow. Former NLS officer Ed Hansen, of South Dakota, acted as
moderator for this presentation. While Ed was there to keep the subject moving, it was
quite apparent that these two Pastors were ready, willing, and able. We did receive another
lesson about how we came to be who we are. Later in the afternoon Leona Fox and Randy
Mullen presented us with a Power Point presentation of the highlights of 20 years as the
NLS. Both gave of their history with the movement and their experience in leading the
movement. There was so much in the Power Point information that only highlights could
be covered. This was a great way to see our evolution over the past twenty years.
Continued on page 4
Wheelie Competition
hio delegate Oran
“Scooter” Gough
was narrowly defeated in a “breakneck” race
by Beverly “Wheelie”
Appleby in Minneapolis.
President Burrows, however,
noted that a protest has been
made to the stewards alleging
that “Wheelie” bumped
“Scooter” at the head of the
The match race was made
possible by the host committee who provided electric carts to our handicapped brother and sister. Both Gough and
Appleby expressed their sincere thanks for the assistance which made it possible for them
to fully participate in all the meeting events.
Will there be a rematch in Dallas?
Page 2
NLS Executive Committee
October 2001
Subscribing to Conexiones
Doug Burrows
1102 Hepplewhite Street
Westerville, OH 43081-1118
614-882-8930 (H)
614-891-9991 (O)
800-726-9991 (O)
614-891-3558 (FAX)
Note to subscribers: the number in front of your name on the last page of Conexiones is the last issue included
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issue number. This issue is 19.2. If no numbers appear near your name, you are receiving a complimentary
subscription to Conexiones as a secretariat member, ELCA bishop, or a leader in another movement or
Spiritual Director
Rev. Larry Llewellyn
4285 Girand Oaks Drive
Kennesaw, GA 30144
770-975-9215 (H)
I wish to subscribe to Conexiones in order to keep abreast of what’s happening in
the Via de Cristo world of Cursillo®.
Enclosed is my check, number ___________, dated _________________
in the amount of $6.00 for a one-year subscription (four seasonal issues) Make
checks payable to: National Lutheran Secretariat.
Vice President of Administration
Debbie Speights
1336 12th Street NE
Hickory, NC 28601
828-327-6108 (H)
828-328-8101 (O)
828-328-8103 (FAX)
Vice President of Outreach
Ron Millard
1607 Greenfield Drive
Washington, IL 61571-2230
309-444-4225 (H)
309-497-3500 (O)
Lucille W. (Lucy) Hightower
404 Church Street
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
843-884-4276 (H)
843-849-7955 (FAX)
Diane Purcell
8303 Ingleside Avenue South
Cottage Grove, MN 55016-3236
651-459-7249 (H)
651-503-8657 (O)
651-768-0624 (FAX)
NLS Distribution Center
Dick Emery
PO Box 07355
Ft. Myers, FL 33919
941-590-8958 (H)
NLS Newsletter Editor
Rev. Carroll Lang
19903 225th Street
Fort Dodge, IA 50501-8473
515-576-6810 (H)
800-214-1155 (NLS Fax-24 hrs)
Palanca Coordinator
Mark Carnes
307 Hubbell Street
Berthoud, CO 80513
970-532-7337 (H)
303-924-7192 (O)
Web Page Coordinator
Oran Gough
825 Fortunegate Drive
Westerville, OH 43081-3521
614-899-1210 (H)
614-895-2600 (O)
Host Committee Chair
2002 NLS Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX
Tim Johnson, co-chair
9223 Crestlake Drive
Dallas, TX 75238
214-349-1198 (H)
214-769-0158 (Cell)
214-340-8178 (FAX)
Nancy Shane, co-chair
3708 Wimberly Drive
Bedford, TX 76021
817-354-4015 (H & Fax, call first)
Keep your copy of Conexiones intact. Please copy this form and use the copy to subscribe.
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Mail to: Conexiones Subscriptions
Rev. Carroll Lang
19903 225th Street
Fort Dodge, IA 50501-8473
Volume 19, Number 2
October 2001
CONEXIONES is the official publication of the National Lutheran Secretariat, a national association of the
Via de Cristo (Way of Christ) movement, representing over 67,000 who have participated in 34
movements across the U.S. Via de Cristo is a Lutheran expression of Cursillo®, a renewal movement
developed within the Roman Catholic Church in the late 1940s. The Lutheran movement had its
beginning in Florida and Iowa in 1972. The purpose of this publication is to inform all members of each
NLS affiliated secretariat, ELCA bishops and the Directors of the Division for Ministry and the Division
for Ministry in Daily Life about the activities of the National Lutheran Secretariat and its affiliated
secretariats. Subscriptions to the above are free. If you know one of the above is not receiving CONEXIONES,
call 800-214-1155. If you wish to receive Conexiones by e-mail, send your e-mail address.
Subscriptions for the general public are $6.00 per year, and are available by sending your name,
complete mailing address, and phone numbers to CONEXIONES Editor, Carroll Lang, 19903 225th Street,
Fort Dodge, IA 50501; 800-214-1155; or by e-mail: cdlng@aol.com (please note there’s no “a”).
Material for CONEXIONES
If you have information for CONEXIONES, items, requests and/or information, address corrections, changes
or additions - even inspirational bits - send them to the CONEXIONES Editor at the above address.
DEADLINES: January 1 for February (spring) edition; April 1 for May (summer) edition; August 1 for
September (Annual Meeting) edition and November 15 for December (winter) edition.
October 2001
From the Vice President
of Administration
The Help of the Few
Debbie Speights
Page 3
or the past five years or so as I have returned to Charlotte
from wherever the Annual Meeting had been held I recall
being on a “spiritual high” as I boarded the plane. Despite
crowded airports, long waiting lines, delayed or even cancelled
flights, my primary focus was reflecting on the events of the past
several days. This year’s return trip was certainly no exception.
The theme that was chosen by the Minnesota Lutheran Via de Cristo
for this year’s Annual Meeting “He Will Raise You Up” proved to
be both fitting and prophetic.
It would be impossible in this writing to enlist each face-to-face
encounter with Christ through a brother or sister in Christ; each
event that provided a clearer picture of who we are as a community
of believers; each worship opportunity that enabled us to sing His
praises and partake of the gift of His body and blood. I am constantly
amazed how God, in His infinite wisdom and love for His children,
affords us with countless opportunities to raise each other up and in
so doing lifts us to new heights—soaring as eagles.
To the countless number of people that came together for the
sole purpose of humbling themselves as servants we express our
gratitude: To the entire Host Committee from the Minnesota
Lutheran Via de Cristo for their collective efforts as a team taking
care of our every need—transportation, food, lodging, inspiring
worship opportunities, Christian fellowship and much, much more;
to those who led us on a journey from our humble beginnings,
through our developmental years—sharing the history of our evolution into the National Lutheran Secretariat; to those who spent
many hours planning and preparing for this year’s celebratory gathering; to those who have given of their time and talents not only
during the Annual Meeting but throughout the year as well editing
the newsletter, managing the website, writing educational materials; and, especially to those who came with a open, caring heart—
eager to share, willing to learn and grateful to receive. Each one
using his/her distinctive gifts in His service.
I love the analogy Max Lucado uses in his book In the Grip of
Grace to describe a life of service: “God has enlisted us in His navy
and placed us on His ship. The boat has one purpose—to carry us
safely to the other shore. This is no cruise ship; it’s a battleship. We
aren’t called to a life of leisure; we are called to a life of service. Each
of us has a different task. Some, concerned with those who are
drowning, are snatching people from the water. Others are occupied
with the enemy, so they man the cannons of prayer and worship. Still
others devote themselves to feeding and training the crewmembers.
Though different we are the same. Each can tell of a personal
encounter with the captain, for each has received a personal call…We
each followed Him across the gangplank of His grace onto the same
boat. There is one captain and one destination. Though battle is
fierce, the boat is safe, for our captain is God. The ship will not sink.
For that, there is no concern.”
A Fellow Servant,
Debbie Speights
hen I took over the position of Outreach at the end of July,
I was given files, folders, old e-mails, correspondence,
and lots of other “stuff” from outgoing Outreach VP Mike
Swecker. In going through all that material, it became apparent there
is tremendous interest throughout the country (and outside the US)
in a renewal ministry such as Via de Cristo. I’m currently “tooling
up” to get back with all those previous contacts.
In addition to those, I have already received
interest from two new areas, and am in communication with them. I will keep you posted.
For those who weren’t at the NLS meeting
in Minneapolis, here is a small bio of myself. I
retired from the data processing department at
Caterpillar, and now am an independent computer consultant and software developer. I’m a
class A-rated chess player, enjoy travel, readolympic-style weightlifting and working
Ron Millard ing,
out, classical music and family activities. My
wife Norma and I live back in Washington, Illinois (near Peoria),
but attended our VdC weekends at Heart of Florida in 1990. We
were living in Daytona Beach (for 9 years) at the time. We brought
the dream of a VdC community to Central Illinois back with us and
it came to fruition in 1997.
Thanks to Mike Swecker for all the wonderful work he has done
and accomplished over the past two years. If I only do half as well
as he did, I will be extremely pleased. With your help and prayers,
we can do much. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. I
need the help of the few.
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.
Ron Millard
International Addresses
Cursillos Di Cristianita’ -Arcidiocesi Di Napoli
Gruppo Di Coordinamento Diocesano
C/o Parrocchia S. Teresa del Bambino Gesu
Via Nicolardi 233
80131 Napoli - Italy
Ottawa Catholic English Cursillo and Challenge Community
John & Jeannine Masson
Ottawa Ontario.
Movimento De Cursilhos De Cristandade
Diocese De Bauru
GED-Grupo Executivo Diocesano-Secretaria
Rua Cyro Wenceslau, 10-132
Bauru (SP) - Brasil
Valley Cursillo Movement
Yarmouth Diocese of Nova Scotia
Mail To:
Gordon and Connie Willden
R,R #1
Deep Brook N.S, BOS 1J0
Page 4
October 2001
President, continued from first page
On Saturday we held our business meeting and went into a question-and-answer
period with the NLS board as panelists. We
wanted to take a look at where we are going. We found the time frame very unfair, as
there was just too much material to discuss.
I think it’s good for us to listen to the communities and not try to function from the
proverbial ivory tower. We are, after all, a
collection of independent secretariats with
the right to be heard and to have our own
input. We are searching for the best ways to
address our affairs and needs and this was a
very helpful if limited time.
Our worship and Music this year was
again outstanding. If all you attended were
the worship and music times, it would have
been more than worth it. This year’s highlight was the Barbary Coast Dixieland Band.
They led us in the worship on Friday night
and then gave a concert after the service.
You had to be there, as I can’t possibly tell
you how good they were. Thanks for this
special treat, Minnesota.
Elections returned Lucy Hightower and
me to office for a second term. Ron Millard,
of Heart of Illinois, was elected our new VP
of Outreach. Carroll Lang was again appointed to the board as editor of Conexiones,
while Leona Fox was appointed our new archivist.
I must also send formal congratulations
to Lori Kemper and her Bolivia team for the
tremendous success in starting Via de Cristo
in Lapaz Bolivia. We received a Palanca letter from Sheldon Groff to be read before
Lori’s presentation and it brought a tight
throat to all of us as we watched the Holy
Spirit at work. There was a request for raising $2000 to wire to the church in Bolivia.
We then dedicated our weekend offering to
this effort and, as of this writing, we raised
over three thousand dollars. “God at work,”
is all I can say. The money will go to Bolivia and will help with renovations to the
church and beyond, I pray.
God Bless all of you and I hope to see
even more of you in Texas next year.
In His service,
Doug Burrows,
President NLS
Appreciates e-Conexiones
just wanted to let you know that I much
appreciated the e-mail edition of
“Conexiones.” I spent as much time
with it as with the hard copy edition, and I
didn’t have to get up out of my chair to
dispose of it. I was able to print the pages I
was interested in. This is a great idea. I hope
it is less costly for the Secretariat. I encourage everyone who recieves the publication
to consider switching to the e-mail version.
George Cyphers, Cleveland, Ohio
Thanks for the Help!
The 2001 NLS Annual Meeting Host team receiving AAL check.
A special thank you to Aid Association for Lutherans - Tim Schmidt, General
Agent, for Five Hundred Dollars ($500) grant money. This will be used to offset
rental costs for the Hoversten Chapel.
We also wish to extend a huge thank you to Aid Association for Lutherans - Bonnie
Ebbesen, National Event Program Manager, for the Fifteen Hundred Dollars
($1500) grant money. This will be used to help offset the costs for the Saturday
Evening Agape Dinner.
Fund Raising Committee, Ellie Henning, Past NLS President
Banners from the Movements
The representatives of the movements brought banners from home.
Regrets from one of the 1981 NLS Startup
Greetings Brother;
I am sorry to say that I will miss the meeting at Augsburg College in two weeks. Your
phone call a couple weeks ago was a rude reminder of “how time flies”. Has it really been
twenty years? Are you and I getting old?
I will pray for the meeting and continued success of Via de Cristo.
While I am not active in the Lutheran Chruch or Lutheran Via de Cristo movement at this
time, I find that it is not just the fond memories I have of my years of association with the
brothers and sisters of Via de Cristo and our work together that come to mind. Rather, it is
the many enduring lessons learned though the number of weekends worked. Although I may
not be active in Via de Cristo now, Via de Cristo is very active in me! By God’s grace, it
will continue to be an integral part of my life until I meet Jesus face to face.
Please extend my best wishes to the saints as they gather this month in Minnesota. I will
continue to pray for the movement and and it’s eternal effect on the lives of those it touches.
Also, to save some paper and a few cents, please move my subscription to e-mail at this
Tom Amenell
Editor’s note: Tom attended the first meetings of the National Lutheran Secretariat and his
name appears as a signer of the intent statement that put the NLS into existence in 1981.
October 2001
New Era in Communications for VdC
t the meeting in Minneapolis the Executive Board and the
general meeting approved an ambitious agenda for your
website team, Pastor Carroll Lang, Bob Northrup, Edward
Hillers, Mark Carnes, Lucy Hightower and other officers or standing
committee chairs as required, the task of
moving the bulk of our communications to
our website. It is the objective to have every
piece of material published by the NLS available through this means. Beginning September 3, 2001 the ability to order NLS Supplies
online was added under the “Resources for
Secretariats” section. Over the next year the
website will become the primary means of
distributing Conexiones which will be published at the same intervals as in the past. It
will be available on line at viadecristo.org
for reading or downloading for further re- Oran Gough (Ohio),
production as a PDF (Portable Document NLS Website Mgr.
File) which can be read by both Microsoft
and MacIntosh OS. This file can also be taken to a printer if an
individual secretariat wants to distribute the issue widely.
In the months ahead you can expect to be able to listen to past
forums, keynotes, presentations, even see streaming video as time
You will be able to read and print all of the literature on conduct
of the weekends, pre and post weekend, in short, you will be able to
find out anytime you may wish to know about Via de Cristo.
It will be available to all at no charge, to anyone who desires to
know more about the Cursillo® method. We are no longer to be
secretive about this information and it is currently the practice to
make complete disclosue of the weekend to any prospective participant.
The potential for this tool to make our movement and mission
more effective for the Great Commission he has entrusted to the
universal priesthood of believers is unlimited. Give us your ideas. If
you have a skill or resource to offer to the Lord in this effort in his
behalf, contact any member of the web team or Executive Board.
You’ll find the information you need on the “Contact Us” page of the
website. God bless your 4th day.
by Web Manager Oran Gough
8/16/01-Columbus, Ohio
Page 5
Palanca Perspectives
have recently been asked how each of us can best get Palanca to
secretariats for the many weekends. The answer starts with the
NLS web site. I would suggest that you first access the site at
www.viadecristo.org. Then click on the link to the Palanca area.
You will find a number of other links. These links are intended to
make it quick and easy to find what you are looking for.
We will be changing and improving these throughout the year so
if you have any thoughts on how to improve this area of the web site,
I would love to hear from you. Once in the Palanca page you will find
five sections. They are Palanca Coordinators, 2001 Weekends, 2002
Weekends, 2001 Teen/Prison Weekends and 2002 Teen/Prison
With these links you can easily find the current weekends. Each
weekend lists the Palanca coordinator for the Secretariat with an
address to which you can send general Palanca. If you would like to
send Palanca to named individuals, I would suggest that you check
out the Palanca Coordinators link and contact the coordinators
directly. This will give you the email addresses for each coordinator.
Please note that not all of the coordinators have email addresses
posted, but most do.
Using these simple tools you can find out when weekends are
coming up and who to contact. The key is checking the web site
regularly, as sometimes postings are late and groups are in great need
of Palanca. One last point. Each link has a last updated date so you
can easily know if the section has been updated since your last visit.
Each area is updated every four to six weeks depending on activity.
If it has not been updated in some time, that is due to the fact that no
changes were recieved for that area.
On another subject, I mentioned that we would be making
changes throughout the year. We will be adding links for Urgent
Palanca Requests, Foreign Palanca Contacts and General Palanca
information. To that end, if any of you have foreign contacts or
urgent requests, please make these known so we can get these
posted. If you would like to contact me with your thoughts,
please send an email to mcarnes@wi-comwireless.com.
— Mark Carnes, NLS Palanca Coordinator
Back to the Basics
Who Goes First?
y name is Hilde Hildebrandt. I made Pittsburgh Cursillo #2
in March 1978 where I sat at the table of Ruth. I am
divorced once and widowed twice. I have been asked to
give my thoughts on why the men should attend the weekend first.
While the name of our movement is called Via de Cristo, we are
using the movement and method of Cursillo on our weekends. I will
be referring to Cursillo.
The very first Cursillo was held in August 1944 in Majorca,
Spain. It was started for the benefit of males only when a priest
realized that there were no men attending masses, just women. It
took five years of preparation before the first weekend was held. The
development of the Cursillo involved study by theologians and
psychologists. The format of the first Cursillo was essentially the
same as the format (including the same rollos) that is still in use
It was never thought at the beginning that the Cursillo movement
would apply to women. Women were normally the backbone of
Christianity in their families so Cursillo became a method of
renewal for men. It was in the beginning and it still is now the method
of Cursillo to have the husband attend a weekend before the wife.
It is a very emotionally-charged, exciting and joyful weekend.
Pastor Carroll Lang, from the National Lutheran Secretariat, wrote
recently, “I think that since the movement began for men only, their
experience was paramount, so was placed first. It is better psychology as well, since women are usually more involved in spiritual
activity in church and Bible study while men often are not. So the
wife is better prepared to receive a husband who has found the joy
in Christian community she has been praying about for years,
whereas if the wife goes first and comes back even more “turned on”
it has a negative affect on the husband.”
There are only a few Cursillistas from the early Ohio Cursillo
weekends who can remember the suicides of two women who had
made our weekends. I can’t imagine how a husband would have felt
had his wife gone first and then took her life.
It is a very serious responsibility for the pastors and sponsors to
encourage the pilgrim to attend a weekend. The purpose of the
weekend is for the development of leaders to change their environment. By changing our environment we bring people to Christ which
is what the Great Commission” is all about.
God loves you and so do I!
Page 6
October 2001
A Message from the Groffs
August 3, 2001
Dear VdC National Lutheran Secretariat,
Grace and peace to you in Jesus’ name.
May His grace abound in your life more and
more as you serve Him.
Well, we have been really busy getting
things back in order after presenting two
Cursillo weekends here in Bolivia. We rejoice in what God did in the hearts of those
participating. Now we ask that you continue
praying for them that they will desire to
meet in small groups weekly to continue the
spiritual growth that God has begun in their
We are now in the planning stages for
other travel to continue teaching God’s Word.
We hope to travel to Santa Cruz to visit Dios
Con Nosotros Church in August. We hope
we can do some teaching of Bible studies to
members of the congregation while we are
there. In September, we plan to travel to
Apolo and spend a month teaching in the
Bible school. It looks like we could have
about seven students, but we never know
until we get there. We will be teaching at
least four new courses we haven’t taught
before, so we ask for your prayers on behalf
of the students and ourselves. In October,
we hope to begin training Bolivians who
participated in Cam ino de Cristo 4 1 and #2.
A team of 23 from the U.S. presented the
first two Cursillos, and now it’s up to the
Bolivians who attended to present the next
two Cursillos. In January, we’re hoping to
hold Camino de Cristo #3 and #4, again at El
Redentor Lutheran Church
We want to thank you so much for the gift
of $ 2,500. 00 you sent July 5, 2001 for our
Bolivia as Designated Via de Cristo Fund.
Those funds helped us start Via de Cristo
here with #1 and #2 weekends. God really
blessed those first two Camino de Cristo
weekends and sent an incredible team to
help. They will also help with establishing a
Cursillo Council here.
A pastor and adult Sunday school teacher
of a church in El A Ito have been attending
theological classes by extension in our home.
They have been faithful to attend regularly
as we study Galatians. We also have a class
for college students, but it hasn’t been going
too well.
Their bus schedules with university studies, exams, jobs, and church responsibilities
oft en keep them from coming, and then they
lose interest. Please pray that the classes
with these young people can be revived.
We are getting close to spring here, and
the temperatures are getting slightly warmer.
We can imagine the summer going by in a
hurry for you, and soon you will see fall
starting. We always looked forward to the
beautiful fall colors when we lived there.
Please pray for the country of Bolivia. It
has been plagued with roadblocks put up by
people in rural areas protesting about various laws or inaction of the government. As
you’ve probably heard, Bolivia’s President
Banzer has been in Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, D.C. receiving chemotherapy for lung cancer, which has spread to
his liver. He has now resigned as president
because of severe illness. So on August 6,
Bolivia’s Independence Day, the
vice-president will be officially taking over
as president. He is facing these many problems, as well as the economic problems that
the roadblocks have caused We pray that the
country will depend more and more on God’s
help to resolve these many problems.
A missionary friend of ours installed a
translation program on our computer, and
we hope it will be helpful as we translate a
manual, which we will use to train new
teams for the Camino de Cristo renewal
program we started. As with all new computer programs, it will take some time to
learn how to use it. Once I learn how to use
it, it should be helpful in translating other
materials into Spanish.
Recently, Sharon and I celebrated our
wedding anniversary. We went out to a nice
dinner one evening in a hotel restaurant
where we could see the city at night. We
enjoyed it a lot, and we reflected on how
much the Lord has blessed our marriage and
our ministry here in Bolivia.
Here’s a joke I received recently by e-mail
and I thought you’d enjoy it.
Jack loves the racetrack. One day he was
there betting on the ponies and nearly losing
his shirt when he noticed this priest who
stepped out onto the track and blessed the
forehead of one of the horses lining up for
the fourth race. Lo and behold, this horse, a
very long shot won the race. Jack was most
interested to see what the priest did for the
next race. Sure enough, he watched the
priest step out onto the track as the fifth race
horses lined up, and placed his blessing on
the forehead of one of the horses. Jack made
a beeline for the window and placed a small
bet on the horse. Again, even though another
long shot, the horse the priest had blessed
won the race. Jack collected his winnings
and anxiously waited to see which horse the
priest bestowed his blessing on for the sixth
race. The priest blessed a horse, Jack bet on
it, and won! Jack was elated. As the day
went on, the priest continued blessing one of
the horses and it always came in first. Jack
began to pull in some serious money and by
the last race, he knew his wildest dreams
were going to come true. He made a quick
stop at the ATM and withdrew every penny
he owned and waited for the priest’s blessing that would tell him which horse to place
the bet on. “True to his pattern, the priest
stepped out onto the track before the last
race and blessed the forehead, eyes, ears and
hooves of one of the horses. Jack placed his
bet, every last cent he owned, and watched
the horse come in dead last. Jack was dumbfounded He made his way to the track, and
when he found the priest, he demanded,
“What happened, Father? All day you blessed
horses and they won. The last race, you bless
a horse and he loses. Now I’ve lost my life
savings, thanks to you! “ The priest nodded
wisely and said: “That’s the problem with
you Protestants. You can’t tell the difference between a simple blessing and the Last
It’s said that a joke a day keeps the doctor
away. So, send us new jokes so we don’t
need the doctor. Thanks for your prayers,
cards, and letters. May God bless you richly.
In His love and service,
Shel and Sharon Groff
Smile, Jesus loves you!
The Chapel at Augsburg College, decorated with movement banners.
October 2001
Prayer Requests
ear Praying Friends, the following is
a list of our latest prayer requests.
Shel and I will be leaving Sept. 7 for
a month of teaching Bible institute classes in
Apolo, returning Oct. 5. (Originally, we
planned to leave Aug. 31 and return Sept. 28,
but classes were delayed a week because of
a national census.)
1. Please pray for our trip to Apolo. The
road often has slippery, clay mud about
two feet deep. The trip is like slipping
and sliding around in deep snow. If all
goes well, the trip takes 12 hours. Last
year, our trip to Apolo took 30 hours,
with four flat tires and deep mud. The
return trip also involved getting stuck in
the mud and took 18 hours. We were
going to fly this time (in spite of the
poorly-maintained planes that are used),
but the one weekly flight was cancelled
for lack of passengers.
2. Please pray that students will take advantage of the opportunity to attend Apolo
Bible Institute classes. The need for
trained leaders in our churches is desperate. Yet, often we go to Apolo with the
promise of a good number of students,
but the number diminishes considerably
when we get there.
3. Please pray that all will go well with our
classes in apolo and that students will
grow spiritually as a result of their studies.
4. Please pray for the well-being of Sharon’s
mother. Sharon’s mother will be 87 at the
end of October. Right now she is living
alone in her own home.
5. Please pray that the fruit from the
Cursillos will not be lost. The first
Cursillos held in the Lutheran Church in
La Paz in June and July were a tremendous success, with a powerful impact on
the 30 men and 29 women who attended.
6. Please pray for the training of the Bolivian team that will put on the next two
Cursillos at the end of January. In August, we visited the church in Santa Cruz
that we used to work with. We discovered that there are problems in the church
again. Pastor Danilo wants to leave and
have the synod send another pastor. They
know of no one else they can send, and
yet it seems that both Pastor Danilo and
the church need a change, especially
because many things about the church
remind the pastor of his two sons that
died in a truck accident.
7. Please pray that a new pastor can be
found for the Pampa Church in Santa
Cruz. Pray for the Lord’s direction for
Pastor Danilo.
Thanks so much for your prayers!! Without
prayer, we can do nothing here.
In His love and service,
Shel and Sharon Groff
Page 7
National Lutheran Secretairat
2001 Annual Meeting
Beverly Appleby (Lay Delegate)
13414 Keating Drive
Woodbridge, VA 22193
Epiphany Lutheran
703-590-7386 (Fax)
VA: Rainbow Via de Cristo
Kathleen A. Burrows (Kathie) (Visitor)
1102 Hepplewhite Street
Westerville, OH 43081
Living Word Ev. Luthran Church
614-891-3558 (Fax)
OH: Via de Cristo of Ohio
James Arend (Jim) (Lay Delegate)
9330 Cortland Road
Woodbury, MN 55125
Woodbury Lutheran
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
James T. Caldwell (Jim) (Visitor)
Connie L. Caldwell (Visitor)
73 Nadine Place N.
Westerville, OH 43081
Hope Lutheran
614-338-0118 (Fax)
JTCFMS@aol.com (Jim)
Cone5159@aol.com (Connie)
OH: Via de Cristo of Ohio
Fred Arndt (Visitor)
5704 W 68th St.
Edina, MN 55439
Normandale Lutheran Church
952-914-0031 (Fax)
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Karen Bennefeld (Visitor)
213 South 4th
Avenal, CA 93204
Community Presbyterian Church
CA: VdC of So. California and Central
Gregory Borchert (Greg) (Lay Delegate)
5719 Plumtree Drive
Dallas, TX 75252
Prince of Peace - Carrollton
972-818-2777 (Fax)
TX: North Texas Lutheran Secretariat
William Bothwell (Visitor)
Cheryl Bothwell (Visitor)
1025 Timber Top Drive
Rogers, AR 72756
Peace Lutheran
Ed Broestl (Visitor)
Diane Broestl (Lay Delegate)
1404 Glenview Drive
Berthoud, CO 80513
Faith Community Lutheran
970-532-0730 (Fax)
CO: Colorado Via de Cristo
Douglas Burrows (Doug) (Board)
Rev.Charlie G. Carlson (Visiting Clergy)
13797 S. Ramona Ave.
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Solheim Lutheran Church
Mark Carnes (Board)
Sally Carnes (Visitor)
307 Hubbell St.
Berthoud, CO 80513
Faith Community Lutheran
mcarnes@wi-comwireless.com (Mark)
scarnes@wi-comwireless.com (Sally)
CO: Colorado Via de Cristo
Kirt Danielson (Lay Delegate)
Rhonda Danielson (Lay Delegate)
8300 159th Court North
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
Holy Spirit Lutheran
kirt@bellsouth.net (Kirt)
rdanielson714@hotmail.com (Rhonda)
FL: Gold Coast Via de Cristo
William Eckl (Bill) (Visitor)
Sylvia Eckl (Visitor)
3750 Gladeview Trail NW
Walker, MN 56484
Hope Lutheran
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Jay Enger (Lay Delegate)
1025 Bromo Ave.
St. Cloud, MN 56303
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Continued next page
Page 8
October 2001
Continued from previous page
David M. Erdman (Dave) (Lay Delegate)
Linda E. Erdman (Lay Delegate)
5120 Archwood Lane
Ft. Wayne, IN 46825
Messiah Evangelican Lutheran
IN: Indiana Lutheran VdC
Irene Ferrise (Visitor)
170 N. Crestview Drive
St. Paul, MN 55119
Gethsemane Lutheran
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Andy Foor (Lay Delegate)
Diane Foor (Lay Delegate)
960 Pittman Hollow Road
Everett, PA 15537
Zion Lutheran
PA: Vineyard VdC
Leona Fox (Speaker)
4 Wedman Way
Stafford, VA 22554
Summit Presbyterian Church
VA: Rainbow VdC Christian Community
Oran Gough (Lay Delegate)
Donna Gough (Visitor)
825 Fortunegate Drive
Westerville, OH 43081
St. Matthews Episcopal
614-899-1598 (Fax)
ogough@aol.com (Oran)
goughdonna@aol.com (Donna)
OH: Via de Cristo of Ohio
Ed Hansen (Lay Delegate)
227 N. Egan
Madison, SD 57042
St. John Lutheran
605-256-9657 (Fax)
SD: Lutheran Secretariat of South Dakota
Mary H. Harris (Lay Delegate)
1140 NE 169 Terrace
North Miami Beach, FL 33162
Miami Lakes United Methodist
FL: Sonshine VdC of South Florida
Rev. Ron Heimsoth (Clergy Delegate)
3103 Bahama
Sand Springs, OK 74063
St. Andrew Lutheran
Eleanor Henning (Ellie) (Speaker)
2009 E 122nd St. C18
Burnsville, MN 55337
Ascension Lutheran Church
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Brevard, NC 28712
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
NC: Western North Carolina VdC
Rev. Gene Hermeier (Speaker)
105 Parkview Drive
Decorah, IA 52101
IA: Iowa Lutheran Secretariat
Thomas O. Kirk (Tom) (Lay Delegate)
Cynthia W. Kirk (Cindy) (Lay Delegate)
5435 Cangro St.
Cocoa, FL 32926
Gloria Dei Episcopal
captainKirksir@yahoo.com (Tom)
kygirlck@yahoo.com (Cindy)
FL: Lighthouse VdC
William R. Hightower (Bill)(Lay Delegate)
Lucy Hightower (Board)
404 Church St.
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
St. Paul’s Lutheran
BHIGH922@home.com (Bill)
BHIGH922@aol.com (Lucy)
SC: South Carolina Lutheran VdC
Sheryl Kleppe (Lay Delegate)
505 Larchwood Dr.
Storm Lake, IA 50588
St. Mark Lutheran
IA: Iowa Lutheran Secretariat
Todd Holmes (Lay Delegate)
216 120th Ln
Blaine, MN
Redeemer Lutheran
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Merle Knudtson (Visitor)
Rhonda Knudtson (Lay Delegate)
439 Jefferson Drive
Kewaskum, WI 53040
Trinity Lutheran Church
WI: Wisconsin VdC
Charles Betts Huntley (Betts) (Clergy
2057 Arbor Drive
Clearwater, FL 33760
Tampa Bay Presbytery
FL: Sonbeam VdC
Su Kralj (Lay Delegate)
906 Beaverdale Lane
Rockledge, FL 32955
Calvary Chapel of Melbourne
321-631-2258 (Fax)
FL: Indian River Via de Cristo
Carol Jacobson (Lay Delegate)
717 SE 22 Drive
Homestead, FL 33033
FL: Sonshine VdC of South Florida
Ralph Jensen (Visitor)
Susan Jensen (Visitor)
8161 E. Ridgewood Drive
Tucson, AZ 85750
Southern Arizona Lutheran VdC
ralphjens@att.net (Ralph)
suejens@att.net (Susan)
AZ: Lutheran Cursillo Movement of
James T. Johnson (Tim) (Lay Delegate)
Carolyn Johnson (Visitor)
9223 Crestlake Drive
Dallas, TX 75238
King of Glory Lutheran
tjohn4160@aol.com (Tim)
CJohnson@rsi-ketchum.com (Carolyn)
TX: North Texas Lutehran Secretariat
Rev. George C. Kahl (Clergy Delegate)
Rachel Kahl (Lay Delegate)
200 Woodland Terrace
Carroll Lang (Board/Clergy Delegate)
Judy Lang (Lay Delegate)
19903 225th St.
Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Church of the Damascus Road
800-214-1155 (Fax)
cdlng@aol.com (Carroll)
judithlang@aol.com (Judy)
IA: Iowa Lutheran Secretariet
Jerry Lemcke (Lay Delegate)
Carlene Lemcke (Visitor)
6139 Sunnyvale Dr.
Orlando, FL 32822
Prince of Peace Lutheran
FL: Heart of Florida VdC
Pat Linden (Visitor)
5324 N. Woodcrest Dr.
Winter Park, FL 32792
St. John Lutheran
FL: Heart of FloridaVdC
October 2001
Pamela A. Lindquist (Pam) (Lay Deleg)
4129 Ruby Lane
Eagan, MN 55122
Oak Grove Lutheran Church
952-887-1740 (Fax)
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Larry Llewellyn (Board)
3210 Meadowlark Lane
Kennesaw, GA 30152
First United Lutheran
GA: Atlanta VdC
Shirley Lokken (Visitor)
719 French Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32789
St. John Lutheran
407-645-3702 (Fax)
FL: Heart of Florida VdC
Jim McConnell, Jr. (Jim) (Lay Delegate)
5921 Applecross St. N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33709
Pasadena Presbyterian
FL: Sonbeam VdC
Pastor Roger Magnuson (Clergy Delegate)
781 Sunnywood Place
Woodland Park, CO 80863
St. Lukes Lutheran
CO: Via de Cristo of Colorado
Jolene Manzey (Lay Delegate)
312 W. 6th St.
Storm Lake, IA 50588
St. Mark Lutheran Church
IA: Iowa Lutheran Secretariat
Ron Millard (Visitor)
1607 Greenfield Drive
Washington, IL 61571
Faith Evangelical Lutheran
Ron@ssi.net (Ron)
NormaMillard@flink.com (Norma)
IL: Heart of Illinois VdC
Pat Monroe (Visitor)
Sandy Monroe (Lay Delegate)
1114 West Lakecrest Drive
Peoria, IL 61614
First English Lutheran
IL: Heart of Illinois VdC
Janet Morse (Clergy Delegate)
6310 Holdrege
Lincoln, NE 68505
Our Savior’s Lutheran
NE: Nebraska Lutheran VdC
Randy Mullin (Speaker)
Linda Mullin (Visitor)
806 Hummingbird Ct.
Geneseo, IL 61254
First Lutheran
309-944-8192 (Fax)
IL: Living Waters VdC
Tracey Mummert (Lay Delegate)
5330 W. Ave.
Aurelia, IA 51005
Bethlehem Lutheran
IA: Iowa Lutheran Secretariat
Sterling Nelson (Visitor)
Jan Nelson (Lay Delegate)
1103 Overlook Drive
Rogers, AR 72756
Peace Lutheran
Bob Northrup (Lay Delegate)
Pam Northrup (Lay Delegate)
4317 Gallatree Lane
Raleigh, NC 27616
Good Shepherd Lutheran
NC: Eastern North Carolina VdC
Carol Olsen (Lay Delegate)
6237 Magda Drive, #C
Maple Grove, MN 55369
North Heights Lutheran
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Harold L. Peterson (Visitor)
901 11th Ave.
Orion, IL 61273
Southenes Lutheran
IL: Living Waters VdC
Bob Pfleger (Visitor)
8356 Fallbrook Ave.
West Hills, CA 91304
1st Lutheran Northridge
818-702-6315 (Fax)
CA: Southern CA & Central Valley
Diane S. Purcell (Board)
8303 Ingleside Ave. S.
Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Zion Lutheran
651-768-0624 (Fax)
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
James L. Randall (Jim)
Norma Randall (Lay Delegate)
Page 9
523 4th Ave. NE
Brainerd, MN 56401
First Lutheran
218-829-6037 (Fax)
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Dave Sagisser (Lay Delegate)
2618 Hayward Ave. N.
Oakdale, MN 55128
St. Andrew’s Lutheran
651-772-3794 (Fax)
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Dan Sandberg (Lay Delegate)
Marlene Sandberg (Lay Delegate)
901 Shoreacres Drive
Fairmont, MN 56031
Grace Lutheran
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Paul R. Schmidlin (Clergy Delegate)
27457 Holiday Lane
Perrysburg, OH 43551
King of Glory Lutheran
419-874-2139 (Fax)
MI: Good News! VdC
Nancy Shane (Visitor)
3708 Wimberly Drive
Bedford, TX 76021
Calvary Lutheran
TX: North Texas Lutheran Secretariat
John F. Simon (Lay Delegate)
2531 Lawton Bluff Road
Charlotte, NC 28226
St. Mark’s Lutheran
NC: Western North Carolina VdC
William C. Sistar (Bill) (Clergy Delegate)
Katie Sistar (Lay Delegate)
1996 75th Ave. N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Meadowlawn Presbyterian
FL: Sonbeam VdC
Mike Swecker (Board)
10815 Thomas Ave.
Bloomington, MN 55431
Hosanna! Lutheran
952-884-0518 (Fax)
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Continued next page
Page 10
2001 NLS Attendees
Continued from previous page
Tom Sarg (Speaker)
P.O. Box 210226
Dallas, TX 75211
TX: National Cursillo Secretariat
Fred Schneider (Lay Delegate)
Karen Schneider (Visitor)
8643 Empire Courft
Cincinnati, OH 45231
Trinity Lutheran
OH: Via de Cristo ofOhio
Diane G. Schroeder (Lay Delegate)
1911 Cody Drive
Shiner, TX 77984
United Dr. Martin Luther
361-594-2201 (Fax)
Ed Schwartz (Lay Delegate)
Dottie Schwartz (Lay Delegate)
287 Bonnlyn Drive
Orange Park, FL 32073
Advent Lutheran
FL: Sonshine North VdC
Chuck Simmons (Lay Delegate)
61 Inwood Terr
Fairfield Glade, TN 38558
Christ Lutheran
TN: Tennessee Lutheran VdC
Rev. Edward W. Simonsen (Speaker)
Sandra F. Simonsen (Sandy) (Visitor)
167 Hunter’s Trail
Gettysburg, PA 17325
St. James Lutheran
PA: Vineyard/Rainbow
Debbie Speights (Board)
1336 12th Street NE
Hickory, NC 28601
St. Stephens Lutheran
828-328-8103 (Fax)
NC: Western North Carolina VdC
Marlen Sterud (Visitor)
114 Chatham Lane
Fairfield Glade, TN 38558
Christ Lutheran
TN: Tennessee Lutheran VdC
October 2001
Bill Taylor (Lay Delegate)
PO Box 9096
N. St. Paul, MN 55109
Roseville Lutheran
651-773-4053 (Fax)
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Kenneth M. Teeters (Ken) (Lay Delegate)
Norma I. Teeters (Lay Delegate)
1032 Redwood
Owatonna, MN 55060
Mt. Zion Lutheran
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Max Turner (Lay Delegate)
2018 Pacific #107
Bakersfield, CA 93305
Community Church of Life
CA: So. And Central Valley VdC
Bob Veres (Visitor)
Chris Veres (Lay Delegate)
16688 Dunswood Dr.
Northville, MI 48167
Hope Lutheran
psufan44@aol.com (Bob)
ccjv110@aol.com (Chris)
MI: Good News! VdC
Richard Volker (Dick) (Visitor)
Loretta Volker (Visitor)
304 Elm Place
Princeton, IL 61356
St. Louis Catholic
815-875-3000 (Fax)
IL: Living Waters VdC
Susan Wager (Sue) (Lay Delegate)
1086 W. Framewood Lane
Salt Lake City, UT 84123
Good Shepherd Lutheran
UT: Via de Cristo of Utah
Roxy Wollmann (Lay Delegate)
3900 Diablo Cr
Lincoln, NE 68516
Southwood Lutheran
NE: Nebraska Lutheran VdC
Denise Woodrich (Visitor)
845 Richway Lane SE
Owatonna, MN 55060
Trinity Lutheran
MN: Via de Cristo of Minnesota
L.M. Woods (Woody) (Lay Delegate)
Joyce E. Woods (Visitor)
416 N. Chestnut St.
Princeton, IL 61356
St. Matthews Lutheran
IL: Living Waters VdC
Silver Ziebarth (Visitor)
Carol Ziebarth (Visitor)
4646 Clapper Flats Road
Laurel, MT 59044
Our Savior’s Lutheran
MT: Yellowstone VdC
Tracy Ziemke (Lay Delegate)
11461 Sylvania Ave.
Berkey, OH 43504
King of Glory LCMS
MI: Good News! Via de Cristo
Lee Zimmerman (Lay Delegate)
Mary Beth Zimmerman (Lay Delegate)
1322 SW 12th Ave.
Boca Raton, FL 33486
St. Gregory’s Episcopal
561-391-1738 (Fax)
FL: Gold Coast Via de Cristo
Glenn E. Weber (Visitor)
Suzanne Weber (Visitor)
9245 E. Indio Place
Tucson, AZ 85749
Tanque Verde Lutheran
AZ: Southern Arizona Lutheran VDC
Larry Witham (Lay Delegate)
Lois Witham (Lay Delegate)
5211 Rounding Run Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28277
St. Mark’s Lutheran
704-282-1380 (Fax)
NC: Western North Carolina VdC
The special flower cross added a special
touch to the banquet and serenade.
October 2001
Page 11
NLS Annual Meeting Minutes
July 25, 2001
Afternoon Meeting
Doug Burrows, president, opened the meeting with a prayer at 1:45 PM. Others present
were Debbie Speights. Mike Swecker,
Carroll Lang, Larry Llewellyn, and Lucy
Hightower. Diane Purcell joined the meeting later.
The primary work for this meeting is to
finalize and clarify items of the three-day
meeting schedule.
that a representative of Augsburg College
would be present to welcome the assembly.
Mike said that the Bishop of the St. Paul
Synod would also be in attendance. Doug
reported that he had a written report from
Phil Lustig, head of the nominating committee; Phil will be unable to be in attendance.
The following are the nominees: Doug
Burrows, president; Lucy Hightower, secretary; and Ron Millard, Vice President of
Outreach. Although Mike Swecker is eligible for reelection, he has declined nomination. It was agreed that Debbie would present
the report of the nominating committee.
Debbie will introduce the working committees and introduce the chairpersons. Others to be introduced include the host committee, former officers and Tom Sarg who
will conduct the first celebration; his presentation will replace the keynote speaker.
Mike asked about the small group discussions. He was told that the nametags had
been numbered from 1-10 so that the groups
can be formed according to these numbers.
After a lengthy discussion, it was decided
that the question(s) for group discussion
would be based on whether Eduardo Bonnin
would recognize the movement today.
Vespers and host time will follow.
FRIDAY SCHEDULE: The second presentation will be by Gene Hermeir and Ed
Simonsen. The business meeting will be at
1:00 PM. The formal nominations will be
presented at that time. There will be a bid
from Texas for the 2002 meeting; Ohio will
make a bid for the 2003 meeting. After the
conclusion of business, Randy Mullins will
give his Power Point presentation which is
comprised of three sections of about six
minutes each.
Leona Fox and Randy Mullin will present
the third celebration. Small group sharing
will take place after dinner. The topics will
be centered on a story read by Mike. The
question will be, “Christ is counting on you,
what can you do?”
There was a general discussion about the
structure of the worship that had been planned
for Saturday evening. Doug had requested
that it be a full service from the LBW rather
than Vespers as planned in the notebook.
Pastor Larry checked with Jerry Vehrs who
said that the host committee could handle
the change.
SATURDAY SCHEDULE: During the 1011:30 AM time frame, Lori Kemper will do
a Power Point presentation of the Bolivia
weekend. This will take about ten minutes.
In the afternoon the NLS dialog will take
place. There will be open mikes for questions and comments from the floor. Doug
presented several general topics for discussion with specific questions and topics connected with each one. They included 1)
Structure of the board; 2) Role of the Board;
3) Form of Future
Meetings; 4) Publications; 5) Our Role in
concert with other
Fourth Day Movements. The discussion
will center on only a
few of these topics.
Lucy Hightower
NLS Secretary
After a break for
supper, the Board reconvened and were
joined by Jerry Vehrs
and Don Merdink, Host
General details of the schedule and set up
for the business meeting were discussed. On
Saturday, in Sateren Auditorium, the delegates will be seated up front in no particular
order. Debbie and Doug will meet with the
Texas Host Committee at some time. Don
and Jerry were asked to join them. Jerry and
Don reiterated that there was no problem in
changing the Saturday evening worship service. Don and Jerry were then excused from
the meeting.
The topics of discussion for the Saturday
dialog continued. Doug will begin by reading Article 2 of the constitution, which states
that the secretariats are autonomous. The
topics will center on the Structure of the
Organization. The expansion of Outreach
will be a topic between Doug and Mike.
Mike will take questions as they come. The
second sub topic will be the Functions of the
Board. What are the possibilities of a paid
(halftime position) that might eventually
become full time position. What will it cost?
How can it be funded? Why? Make the
comparison with other Fourth Day Movements and their structure. Mike said that a
paid administrator might have to do some
fund raising. Another topic would be the
possible formation of a 5-10 year task force.
A third topic would be the formation of a
Publications Committee in order to ensure
that publications are printed on a timely
basis and in conformity with printing specifications. Might this be an administrative
position? Are there volunteers out there
with the expertise?
A fourth topic, should there be time,
might be expectations for the annual meeting.
OTHER BUSINESS: Diane asked about
the status of the Constitution revision and
pointed out that this has been ongoing since
Dallas (1996). She volunteered to help get it
finished. She said that there are some gaping
holes that really need to be filled.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucy Hightower, NLS Secretary
July 26, 2001
Morning Meeting
Doug called the meeting to order at 10:30
AM. The primary purpose of the meeting
was to decide on pricing of the leftover
merchandise that we are trying to close
We agreed on the following prices:
Old Price Sale Price
Sweat Shirts .......20.00........15.00
Golf Shirts .........30.00........20.00
Cups.....................4.00.. 3 or 2.00
Tee Shirts.............7.00..........5.00
Audio Tapes ..........................1.00 ea
Video Tapes...........................5.00 ea
It was noted that, since we had been
selling the merchandise at cost, we are now
taking a loss on each item. In the long run,
we will save by not having to ship the merchandise back and forth to the meetings.
Doug will ask each committee chair to
identify where each committee will be meeting. The small group discussions for the
evening will take place in the auditorium
and the chapel (5 groups in each area.) Mike
will make comments about the small group
topics today at the business meeting and
explain where the groups will meet. Diane
will announce where and when the Budget
and Finance committee will be meeting.
Debbie was asked to remind Jerry Vehrs
to make an announcement about the professional quality of the videotapes, the prices,
and when they would be available.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucy Hightower, NLS Secretary
Continued next page
Page 12
October 2001
Continued from previous page
July 26, 2001
Afternoon Meeting
The first business session of the annual meeting was called to order by Doug Burrows,
president at 2:15 in the afternoon. Doug
explained that this meeting would be different in that it would primarily be a celebration
of the twenty years that NLS had been in
existence. The schedule will include three
presentations between Thursday and Friday.
Saturday will include a dialog/ultreya and a
Celebration of Worship that evening.
Tom Morgan, a representative of
Augsburg College, welcomed the NLS.
Doug welcomed several secretariats that
had been absent in recent years. These
included Nebraska, Eastern North Carolina, and Texas Lutheran. Visitors from
the Montana movement were also recognized. Recognition was also given to
Louisiana who, although unable to attend
this year, had recently become affiliated
with NLS. Other countries where Via de
Cristo have recently taken root include
Finland and Bolivia. Bolivia held their
first weekend during 2001.
Past officers recognized were as follows:
Ellie Henning, Past President and Past Vice
President of Administration; Randy Mullion, Past President and Past Vice President
of Outreach; Ed Hanson, Past Vice President of both Administration and Outreach;
Judy Lang, Past Secretary; Leona Fox, Past
Secretary and Past Palanca Coordinator; Ed
Simonsen, Carroll Lang, and Nate Lundgren
who have all served as National Spiritual
Directors; and Jerry Vehrs, past Distribution
Doug then introduced the committee
chairs as follows: Authentic Three-Day
Weekend: Pastor Paul Schmidlin; Budget
and Finance: Diane Purcell; Constitution
and By-Laws (not meeting this year): Fred
Schneider; Lay Talk Revision: Karen
Schneider; and Larry Llewellyn: Spiritual
Directors Dialog.
Debbie Speights read the correspondence
and recommendations of the nominating
committee and briefly described some of the
duties of each position. The nominees were
as follows:
President: Doug Burrows
VP of Outreach: Ron Millard
Secretary: Lucy Hightower
Each nominee was introduced. Biographical information on each was distributed. She
explained the procedure for additional nominations. Forms were made available for that
Announcements were made concerning
the close-out prices on the merchandise that
was being sold and the fact that an offering
would be taken at the worship service on
Saturday night only.
The Host Committee gave an overview
of the schedule and layout of the campus and
made introductions. Don and Jerry, co-chairs,
made some general “housekeeping” announcements and reminded everyone that
video tapes would be available for $10 each.
Those ordered on Thursday will be available
on Friday. Other tapes, if not ready before
the weekend is over, will be mailed and
should arrive within about a week. Other
announcements of general interest were also
made. The Host Committee was given a
round of applause.
Lucy Hightower, secretary, then seated
the delegates and Pastor Wally Hed offered
a prayer.
Debbie Speights, laison to the Host Committee, gave her report. She especially welcomed the 30 first time attendees and reminded all attendees about the importance
of returning the evaluation form that was in
the notebook.
Mike Swecker, Vice President of Outreach, asked that people read his report as
found in the notebook. He said that more
information would be coming on Bolivia,
that the Erdman’s could answer questions on
the Latvia project, and that Kirt Danielson is
working on developing a movement in Israel. He also explained the small group structure for Thursday and the question for
tonight’s small group meetings, “If Eduardo
Bonnin were on your weekend, would he
recognize your movement?”
The following also gave their reports:
Lucy Hightower, secretary; Larry Llewellyn,
Spiritual Director; and Carroll Lang, Newsletter Editor. Lucy explained the importance
of returning the annual survey and sending
her current secretariat rosters. Pastor Carroll
said that the booklet, “Music on the Weekend” is now available at a nominal price. The
Leader’s Training Material and Ultreya
Booklet are in process.
Mark Carnes, Palanca Chair, reminded
everyone that true palanca is prayer. Two
posters have been made for each secretariat
and all were requested to sign them and to
pray for each secretariat while signing. He
asked that the palanca coordinators be reminded to submit timely information on
weekend dates.
Doug gave his thanks to all as his first
term is coming to an end and said that his
report is in the notebook. He reminded the
assembly that other nominations were due in
by noon on Friday.
Minnesota then presented a banner to
NLS; it had taken six months to complete
and arrived by air this afternoon. This banner will be used at each NLS meeting and
will be passed on to the next host committee.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned to Sateren Auditorium to
hear the first presentation.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucy Hightower, NLS Secretary
July 27, 2001
Afternon Meeting
Doug Burrows called the meeting to order.
He announced that there were no additional
nominations from the floor for the positions
that were open. Oran Gough moved that the
nominations be closed. Ed Hansen seconded.
Passed by unanimous vote.
Doug announced that later today there
would be two presentations relative to two
future annual meetings. Texas will make a
presentation encouraging everyone to
come to Texas for the 2002 meeting, and
Ohio will make a bid for the 2003 meeting.
Mike Swecker gave some feedback on
the small group meetings from the prior
evening. He said that many felt that their
movements could say yes to Eduardo Bonnin.
Although we are not a “cookie cutter” organization, we still have many fundamentals in
common. Mike also explained that the procedure would be the same for this evening’s
small group meetings. The question for tonight will be, “What can you do to influence
your environment?” He then read a thoughtprovoking short story to think about.
Larry Llewellyn announced where and
when the Spiritual Directors dialog would
take place, and Diane Purcell announced the
same information for Budget and Finance.
Doug invited everyone to come about 15
minutes early in order to see a Power Point
presentation by Randy Mullin.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucy Hightower, NLS Secretary
July 28, 2001
Morning Meeting
Doug Burrows called the meeting to order at
10:00 AM. Pastor Larry opened with a prayer
and Doug asked Mike Swecker to introduce
his sister, Lori Kemper who would be bringing us a message and greetings from the first
Via de Cristo weekend in Bolivia, the Camino
de Cristo. Lori presented a short slide/video
presentation. Randy Mullin then made some
additional comments. The Lutheran Church
there serves about 2000 persons. The church
itself is in very bad shape—especially the
wiring. During the weekend there, they found
bare wires when they needed to plug in
heaters in the cold winter weather. The offering from the worship service tonight is to
be donated to this church to help with badly
needed repairs. In addition, special offering
envelopes were available for anyone to make
a special offering. Lori showed us a banner
in their native Indian language from them to
us. It said, “Christ is Counting on You.”
Rachel Kahl asked about letter palanca for
their next weekend. Even airmail takes about
one month. Mark Carnes said that he would
put the information on the website.
Oran Gough was recognized as website
manager and Bob Northrup was recognized
as his assistant. Oran encouraged the secretariats to use the site to get information out
and to keep their information current. His
goal is to have all documentation on the site
available to download within the next twelve
months. Fred Schneider expressed some
concern about persons possibly reading the
lay talks and thinking that attendance at a
weekend isn’t necessary. Doug said that he
would trust the Holy Spirit. Oran also said
that if anyone had concerns about names and
information being published on the website
to contact him and he would take care of it.
Someone else observed that this information
is readily available on the internet anyway so
there isn’t really any violation of confidence.
Doug recognized Fred Arndt as a past
president and past treasurer; he had arrived
since the meeting yesterday.
Elections are complete. Doug thanked
everyone for his own reelection, welcomed
Lucy back as secretary and Ron Millard as
the new VP of outreach.
Committee Reports
Lay Talk: Karen Schneider. Karen reported that the Sunday talks are complete
and that the Saturday talks are in good working draft form. She hopes that they will be
completed by next year. (A written report
was distributed and is attached.) Someone
raised the question about whether the completed talks would be published as soon as
complete. Doug said no; they will be published when all are complete. Tracy Ziemke
asked about the title change for Christian
Community in Action. She felt that because
of this change other documentation would
have to be changed. Karen said Tracy’s
point was well taken, but the committee felt
that, because of the misconception that has
existed about the true message of the talk,
the title change would be helpful in emphasizing the real point. Doug said that the will
take a look at the issue.
Authentic Three-Day Weekend: Paul
Schmidlin. He has chaired this committee
for three years. Their goal was to create a
document that will help the local secretariats
present their weekends. He urged the delegates to take the document home and share
it with their secretariats, to study it and make
suggestions. He hopes it will be added to our
library. After correction and evaluation, he
hopes that it will be approved and published.
Bob Northrup suggested that it be put on the
web as in draft form. From this source,
people could print it and then send comments to Pastor Paul.
Spiritual Directors: Larry Llewellyn. Only
one meeting held during this year’s meeting.
He commented that outlines for the grace
talks (given by the Spiritual Directors) are
not in writing. In the original Spanish material outlines were included but were not
carried over to the English material. Pastor
Hed will share what Minnesota is using and
pass it on. He wants feedback on the Minnesota manual by March. Mike is willing to
send this material to anyone. Minnesota uses
the manual for NLS along with other material. Someone asked what was contemplative prayer—a term referred to in his report.
He defined it as a tool to use to develop one’s
prayer life—to listen.
Constitution/By-Law Revision: Fred
Schneider. Doug and Fred are working together and hope to have it ready by the next
annual meeting.
Fred Schneider moved that the proposed
budget be approved. The motion was seconded from the floor. Doug called for discussion. Bob Northrup asked about the deficit. Diane responded that about 1/3 of expenses would come out of existing cash. She
hopes that the palanca will increase during
the coming fiscal year. The organization is
growing and the budget has increased tremendously. Oran called for the question.
The budget was approved unanimously by
voice vote. Diane stated that the Emery’s
were not able to be present this year so the
final financial report is still being printed.
She said that the Distribution Center has
approximately $1200 open in accounts receivable through May 31.
This concluded formal Board business.
Leadership Training Materials: Publishing is not complete, but is in process. Other
materials will be mailed when complete.
Finance/Budget Committee: Diane
Purcell. Diane thanked Bob Pfleger for his
work in reviewing the books. Bob said that
Diane had done an excellent job and there
were no problems. Diane distributed a revised balance sheet. She stated that she has
invested most of the cash in a mutual fund
for non-profit organizations; this money is
readily available as needed. The video money
will remain there unless released by the
donor. She asked for questions on the
financials; there were none. She asked that
all secretariats check the list of those who
have paid. Please see Diane so she can check
her list of treasurers. It is possible that some
names have been lost. Fred Schneider made
a motion that the financial report be accepted. Woody Woods seconded. Passed by
unanimous voice vote. The budget for the
next fiscal year (June 1, 2001 to May 31,
2002) was presented and accepted. The expenses for VP of Outreach will change this
year; Mike did not incur many expenses due
to the nature of his position. The cost of
newsletters decreased due to decrease in
number of newsletters (two rather than four)
having published last year. The board has
been unable to accomplish online conference calling but has reduced the cost by
changing the way the calls are made. Diane
pointed out that, if all of the budget money
were spent, there would be deficit. There
was a question about the formula for “dues.”
It is based on $2 per candidate or $250,
whichever is greater.
(There was an interruption of business at this
point. The Minnesota contingent was called
forward and recognized. Jerry Vehrs and
Don Merdink then presented the NLS Banner to the Texas host committee co-chairs,
Tim Johnson and Nancy Shane. Jerry then
introduced the Minnesota committee. They
were given a standing ovation for a job well
Other Business: Chuck Simmons asked if
the completed lay outlines would be put on
the website. Doug responded that they would
not be published until all are complete. Tim
Johnson asked if there would be an opportunity to discuss the future of NLS. Doug
responded yes.
Mike was asked to come forward. Doug
and Debbie thanked Mike for his faithful
service and said that he will be missed.
Debbie then presented Mike with at small
gift of appreciation.
Jerry Vehrs made some announcements
and asked that Sherry Elliot, coordinator for
Augsburg College be recognized for all of
her help.
Debbie reminded everyone to turn in his
or her evaluation forms. A deposit box is in
the dormitory.
There being no further business, the meeting as adjourned. We are to reassemble at
1:00 in Sateren Auditorium.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucy Hightower
NLS Secretary
July 29, 2001
Morning Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Doug Burrows. Present, in addition to
the president, were Diane Purcell, Ron
Millard, Pastor Larry Llewellyn, Debbie
Speights, Pastor Carroll Lang, and Lucy
Hightower. Doug opened the meeting with a
Mid-year Meeting: To be held in Dallas,
Texas. Board members need to arrive before
12:00 noon on Saturday, December 1 and
plan to leave on Monday December 3. Debbie
will need to arrive on November 30 in order
to meet with the host committee prior to the
Board Meeting. Doug asked the Board to be
thinking about subject matter for the two
Continued next page
forums and the four seminars that are scheduled for the meeting next year.
Conexiones Publication Dates: Target dates
were established as follows:
Issue Date
Data Deadlines
September 1
August 1
December 1
November 1
March 1
February 1
May 1
April 1
Teleconference Call Dates and Times: (All
are at 9:00 PM Eastern Time)
October 7, 2001
February 10, 2002
May 19, 2002
June 23, 2002
Doug made the following announcements:
1) Leona Fox is willing to take on the job
of archivist. The Board agreed.
2) Carroll Lang was officially re-appointed
the editor of Conexiones for the coming
3) Oran Gough was officially re-appointed
the webmaster. Bob Northrup and Ed
Hillers will again be a part of this team.
Jim Arend (Minnesota VdC) has indicated a willingness to help.
4) Doug has asked Chuck Simmons to
handle Publications for the coming year.
This position will encompass some
writing and editing and also be responsible for creating and maintaining a
library of documents consolidated on
CD form in PDF format. As documents
are published, they are to be mailed to
all secretariats. (Unanimously approved.
Lucy moved, Debbie seconded.)
Ron asked about the letterhead. Doug suggested that for the coming year only the
officers and the convention hosts be included thereon.
Committee Chairs: Lay Talk Revision
Committee: Karen Schneider, chair. They
plan to have two meetings between now and
the next annual meeting in order to move on
with their work. Revision of Constitution
and By-Laws: Fred Schneider, chair. Doug
will be working with Fred. Authentic Three
Day Weekend: Paul Schmidlin, chair. Document was distributed to all delegates. They
want feedback. Otherwise ready for publication. Feedback needs to be channeled through
Chuck Simmons. Doug will leave this in
Chuck’s hands, but will talk with him directly about this.
New Movement Outreach: Doug and Ron
have been giving some thought to the structure of the committee. Mike Swecker will be
a willing and helpful resource. The most
successful efforts have come through one on
one personal contact. Lucy asked about revitalization of secretariats that seem to be
struggling. Should we be cognizant of things
that might be warning signs of trouble?
Doug said that we need to plan a travel
budget; we will have to use our budget
money in order to make personal contacts.
Doug may also need to visit Florida next
year. He asked that we think not only about
involving other persons but also who those
persons might be.
Finance Committee: Diane Purcell will
continue as chair.
Nominating Committee: Mike Swecker,
chair. Terms expiring at the next annual
meeting are the following: Vice President of
Administration (Debbie Speights, not eligible for re-election), Treasurer (Diane
Purcell) and Spiritual Director (Larry
Llewellyn) both eligible for re-election.
Debbie said that she would take care of
getting small gifts of appreciation for the
Host Committee Co-Chairs.
Doug would like to consider some kind of
presentation at next year’s meeting about
nomenclature used on the weekend—perhaps a video or Power Point presentation
could be used to supplement the instructional material. Debbie said that she would
like to get with Doug on who a resource
person might be.
Registration Forms: Lucy asked if the registration forms for the annual meeting could
be revised to include information regarding
the number of delegates a secretariat is entitled to send. There has been some confusion on this point in the past because of lack
of information. Debbie said she would take
care of this.
At this point, Lucy had to leave to connect
with her flight out. Debbie agreed to take any
further minutes.
Debbie reported that there was no further
business and that the meeting had been adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucy Hightower
NLS Secretary
Barbary Coast Dixieland Band provided m
usic for worship and then gave a concert.
Spiritual Director Notes
have just returned from working a week
end in Western North Carolina. I was the
SD in the early 80’s and I really enjoyed
going back and seeing some of the people
and having a chance to work a weekend with
one of my best and closest friends, Jim St
John. He called and ask could I serve with
him and I was able to say yes, after some
time in prayer.
I attended the second team meeting in
early August and when I arrived for the
meeting they made
me feel so welcome
that it made it easy
for me to become a
part of the team very
early in its formation.
I was surprised how
quickly it had come
together for Christ.
Jim had said his
picked team could
not serve, but the
Pr. Larry Llewellyn
team that God picked
could and did. We came together in prayer,
talk critiques, and sharing with each other.
When I left Atlanta to go for the weekend
and arrived at the camp, Jim rang the bell and
we had a worship service for the team members immediately. Yes, I was the last one to
As we gathered for the service I watched
some teasing and play going on. When the
service started it was all business. The team
worked very hard to make everything work
and played very hard when there was “free
time.” They welcomed the new pilgrims
with open arms and generally made it easy
for them to meet each other.
When we began on Friday morning I
escorted the IDEAL speaker to the chapel
for prayer. I immediately felt the presence of
the Holy Spirit and I saw our brother Jesus in
the faces of those who were praying for the
speaker. I have never seen a weekend start so
well. By the third rollo the tables were in full
swing talking and sharing together.
Every speaker knew his rollo well, because it had been well prepared and critiqued. All were within their time limits
except—guess who? We Pastors do sometimes get wound up don’t we? As each rollo
was given the intensity of the presence of the
Lord was apparent and each Rollo became
more of a sharing than a talk. Each professor
was relaxed after they started and the pilgrims as well as the team heard what the
Lord wanted them to hear. It was one of the
most amazing weekends that I have ever
been on. Pastor John Duncan was the lead
SD and gave the “Life In Grace” rollo on
Sunday morning. He started with a phrase I
had never heard before. “God is good,” the
response was, “All the time,” and then John
said, “All the time,” with the response from
Continued on page 27
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October 2001
Page 19
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October 2001
Page 21
NLS Affiliated Secretariats
A disclaimer: the list is based on the latest
information we have. We ask that each secretariat to check its list and let us know if
there are changes or corrections. Please
send them to Lucy Hightower by regular
mail or e-mail (see page 2 for her information.
A-OK Arkansas-Oklahoma
Arkansas-Oklahoma (A-OK) Via de
Lay Director, Bill Bothwell
1025 Timber Top Dr.
Rogers, AR 72756
Palanca, Maudie Stelzl
13 Braeswood Pl.
Maumelle, AR 72113
Spiritual Director, Rev. Ron Heimsoth
3103 Bahmn Dr.
Sand Springs, OK 74063-0964
Spiritual Director Rev. Durwood Bucheim
15524 Putnam Rd.
Rogers, AR 72756
Lutheran Cursillo Movement of Arizona
Southern Arizona Lutheran Via de Cristo
Lay Director
10101 E. Moccasin Pl.
Tucson, AZ 85749
Jim Dunfee, Palanca
7355 Eastview Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85710
Spiritual DirectorPastor Philip
9118 E. Calle Arroyo Rapido
Tucson, AZ 85710
Lutheran Cursillo of Southern California
President, Brian Ilten
11017 Newcomb Ave.
Whittier, CA 90603
Spiritual Director, Pastor Dave Swarthout
PO Box 337
Frazier Park, CA 93225
Colorado Via de Cristo
Lay Director, Ed Broestl
1404 Glenview Dr.
Berthoud, CO 80513
Palanca, Mark Fornwall
10485 W. Coal Mine Pl.
Littleton, CO 80127
Spiritual Director, Rev. Roger Magnuson
781 Sunnywood Place
Woodland Park, CO 80863-9413
Gold Coast Via de Cristo, Inc.
Spiritual Director, Rev. Ed Mcgee
8826 Emperor
San Gabriel, CA 91775
Palanca, Bonnie Zimmermann
19120 B Beachcrest Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
President Dale Anderson
4401 N. 85th Dr.
Phoenix, AZ 85037
Permanent Mailing Address
Lutheran Cursillo of Southern California
P. O. Box 5203
Cerritos, CA 90703
Palanca, Glen Joki
8808 W. Orchid Ln
Peoria, AZ 85345
VdC of So CA & the Central Valley
President, Max Turner
2018 Pacific #107
Bakersfield, CA 93305
Spiritual Director, Bob Collins
2390 LeLoup Dr.
Prescott, AZ 86305
Palanca, Louanna Kurtz
10257 Langmuir
Sunland, CA 91040
Lay Director, Kirt Danielson
8300 159th Ct.
N. Palm Beach, FL 33418-1878
Palanca, Marti Mang
17870 N. W. 14th St.
Pembroke Pines, FL 33029
Spiritual Director, Craig Bridgers
6109 Sunset Blvd.
Ft. Pierce, FL 34982
Heart of Florida Via de Cristo
Lay Director, Bill Pohlad
50 Sable Court
Winter Springs, FL 32708-4117
Continued next page
Page 22
October 2001
Continued from previous page
Extended Palanca, Sheila Bender
3227 Forest Oaks Court
Winter Springs, FL 32792-6552
Local Palanca, Carlene & Jerry Lemcke
6139 Sunnyvale Dr.
Orlando, FL 32822-9444
Spiritual Director, Pastor David Ludwig
5999 Lakepointe Dr. #602
Orlando, FL 32822-3786
jplemcke@juno.com (attn: Dave Ludwig)
Spiritual Director, Pastor Bob Bear
205 Cambridge Dr.
Longwood, FL. 32779-5709
Indian River Via de Cristo
Lay Director, Bill Franklin
132 Via Havarre
Merritt Island, Fl 32953
Spiritual Director, Pastor Paul Rosbury
1773 Pinewood Rd.
Melbourne, FL 32934
Palanca, Alan Gettlemen
2225 Tanglewood Lane
Merritt Island, FL 32953
Lighthouse Via de Cristo
Lay Directors, Bob and Ditsie Scobi
190 Florida Blvd.
Merritt Island, FL 32953
Palanca, Grace Brown
2327 India Palm Dr.
Edgewater, FL 32141
Palanca Mailing
PO Box 628
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170
Spiritual Director, Rev. David & Edna
2972 Portsmouth St.
Deltona, FL 32725
Sonbeam Via de Cristo
Co-Lay Director, Jack Botteicher
8874 SW 197 Terrace
Miami, FL 33157
Lay Director, Jim McConnell, Jr.
5921 Applecross St., N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33709
Local Palanca, Jan Foster
223 87th Ave. NE
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Spirtual Director, Rev. P. J. Barham
PO Box 186
Pinellas Park, FL 33510
Palanca, Debbie & Tony Basone
9129D SW 20 Place
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33324
Spiritual Director, Rev. David Haun
1743 NE 28th St.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334
Atlanta Via de Cristo Movement
Spiritual Director, Rev. Bill Sistar
1996 75th Ave N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33702-4834
Local Palanca, Burnie Lakin
1827 Michigan Ave., NE
St. Petersburg, FL 33703
Extended Palanca, Dave and Ruth
6211-27th Avenue North
St. Petersburg, FL 33710-3201
Chaircouple, Jerry and Barbara Baumgart
2521 Champion Hurdle Road
Lawrenceville, GA 30243
Palanca, Jim & Kathy Boucher
5200 Dwons Way
Norcross, GA 30093
Spiritual Director, Pastor Jim Thalaker
5390 McGinnis Ferry Rd.
Alpharetta, GA 30005-3922
Sonshine North Via de Cristo
Lay Director, Tom Beck
11223 Vera Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32218
Palanca, Brenda Rood
1817 Hearth St.
Middleburg, FL 32068
Spiritual Director, Pastor Ray Ramsburg
151 Shadow Wood Bend
St. Simon Island, FL 31322
Ecumenical Cursillo Community of IL
Lay Director, Walt Tyszko
269 Foxmoor Rd.
Fox River Grove, IL 60021-1880
Palanca/Post Cursillo, Tom & Lorry
1807 Maya Lane
Mt. Prospect, IL 60067
Sonshine Via de Cristo (South)
Spiritual Director, Tom Rick
4317 N. Oriole
Norridge, IL 60706
Co-Lay Director, Louise Pye
550 SW 138 Ave. K203
Pembroke Pines, FL 33027
Spiritual Director, Thomas G. Smith
118 Tanglewood Dr.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
October 2001
Page 23
Lutheran Via de Cristo of Central MI
Heart of Illinois Via de Cristo
Iowa Lutheran Via de Cristo
Lay Director, Dick Peterson
12212 Wake Robin Way
Dunlap, IL 61525
Lay Director, Jolene Manzey
312 West 6th Street
Storm Lake, IA 50588
Palanca Chairperson, Norma Millard
1607 Greenfield Dr.
Washington, IL 61571
Palanca, Marilyn Miller
13650 Hwy 276
Spirit Lake, IA 51360
Spiritual Director, Rev. Mark Boster
694 School Street
Washington, IL 61571
Living Water Via de Cristo
Acting Lay Directors, Paul & Carla
1021 14th Avenue A
Orion, IL
61273 309-526-3190
Palanca, Hal & Charlotte Gustafson
17 Hickory Hills
Geneseo, IL 61254
Spiritual Director, Jane Granzow
Box 477, 218 5th St.
Buffalo, IA 52728
Louisana Lutheran VdC Secretariat
Lay Director, Salina Botteron
P. O. Box 261
Loreauville, LA 70552
Lay Director, Herb Hansen
2427 Richard Ave.
Saginaw, MI 48603-4133
Palanca Chair, Ann Kazanowski
209 Hubbard St.
Midland, MI 48640-4226
Spiritual Director, Dave Hensler
2115 E. Dodge Rd.
Clio, MI 48420-9746
Good News! Via de Cristo
Palanca Administrator, Edna Hurling
1106 Birdsong Rd.
Lafayette, LA 70507
Lay Director, Tracy Ziemke
11461 Sylvania Ave.
Berkey, OH 43504
Spiritual Director, Ken Burke
105 Delcambre Rd.
Lafayette, LA 70508
Palanca, Buddy & Debbie Grazier
1180 S. Durand Road
Lennon, MI 48449
Asstant Spiritual Director, Cindy Scott
4000 Lock Ln. #14
Lake Charles, LA 70605
Spirtual Director, Rev. Paul Schmidlin
27457 Holiday Lane
Perrysburg, OH 43551
Vineyard Via de Cristo
Lutheran Via de Cristo of Minnesota
Lay Director, W. Craig Wasilius
1254 Pinecrest Avenue
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Convenor, Bill Taylor
PO Box 9096
North Saint Paul, MN 55109-0096
Palanca Coordinator, Frances Ecton
PO Box 452
Funkstown, MD 21734
Palanca, Carol Olsen
6237 Magda Drive #C
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Spiritual Director, Rev. Dennis
3320 Cranmere Lane
York, PA 17402
Spiritual Director, Pastor Bob Johnson
7501 W 77th St.
Chaska, MN 55318
Indiana Lutheran Via de Cristo
Lay Director, Chuck Westfall
1613 Airport Road
Monticello, IN 47960
Palanca, Perry Powers
621 North Main Street
Monticello, IN 47960
Spiritual Director, Jim Cress
2230 Muscoday Pass
Ft. Wayne, IN 46809
Spiritual Director, Pastor Don Rasmussen
1916 W. 155th St.
Page 24
October 2001
Burnsville, MN 55306-5310
Spiritual Director, Pastor Dennis Morreim
1306 Kenneth Drive
Cloquet, MN 55720
Yellowstone Via de Cristo
President, Thelmer Mosdal
1541 Mosdal Road
Broadview, MT 59015
Palanca, Rhonda Heidner
PO Box 22042
Billings, MT 59104
Spiritual Director, Pastor John Akre
2716 Highwood Drive
Billings, MT 59102
Spiritual Director, Fr John Nauman
2808 Louise Lane
Billings, MT 59102
Spiritual Director, Rev. Jill King
2808 Croasdaile Dr., Apt. T-6
Durham, NC 27705
Western NC Via de Cristo
Lay Director, Larry Witham
5211 Rounding Run Road
Charlotte, NC 28277-7651
Palanca, Deborah Young
3450 Patterson Rd.
China Grove, NC 28023
Head Spiritual Director, Rev. John Propst
8600 Potter Road
Weddington, NC 28104
Spiritual Director, Rev. Chris Kraft
6319 Reepsville Road
Vale, NC 28168
12 1/2 Main St.
Richmond, NY 12149
Asst. Spir Dir, Peter deBartolo
RR 1 Box 15B
Middleburg, NY 12122
Via de Cristo of Ohio
Lay Director, Jim Caldwell
73 Nadine Pl. N.
Westervile, OH 43081
Palanca Chair, Barb Ostermeier
8227 Baytree Ct.
West Chester, OH 45069
Spiritual Director, Rev. Doug Fidler
600 S. Water St.
Kent, OH 43081
South Carolina
Nebraska Lutheran Via de Cristo
Spiritual Director, Pastor Jeff Olsgaard
2802 Manhattan Dr.
Billings, MT 59102
South Carolina Via de Cristo
Lay Director, Mary Vollers
86444 578th Ave.
Concord, NE 68728-2835
North Carolina
Eastern NC Via de Cristo
President , Bob Northrup
4317 Gallatree Ln.
Raleigh, NC 27616
Palanca, Clarence Hales
422 Semmes Drive
Wilmington, NC 28412
Spiritual Director, Rev. Jim Lockley
PO Box 41
Alamance, NC 27201
Spiritual Director, Rev. John Misenheimer
12 North 6th St.
Wilmington, NC 28401
Palanca, Irene Jones
1418 H st. #407
Auburn, NE 68305-1953
Spiritual Director, Pastor Janet Morse
6301 Holdrege
Lincoln, NE 68506
Spiritual Director, Pastor Scot McCluskey
PO Box 817
Stanton, NE 68779
Lay Director, Richard Davis
2634 Marsh Creek Dr.
Charleston, SC 29414
Palanca, Rosemarie Doucette
1177 Eutaw St., NE
Orangeburg, SC 29115
Spiritual Director, Henry McKay
142 Canterfield Rd.
Columbia, SC 29212
HMMcKay @aol.com
Damascus Road Via de Cristo
Spiritual Director, Pastor Herman Yoos
3909 Forest Dr.
Columbia, SC 29204
Lay Directors, Fred and Linda Hill
7464 West Keeney Road
Cuyler, NY 13158
Spiritual Director, Pastor Angela Jennings
3707 Moss Ave.
Columbia, SC 29205
New York
Spiritual Director, Rev. Gary Edmister
October 2001
Page 25
South Dakota
Lutheran Secretariat of SD
Spiritial Director, Rev. Eric Schulze
7620 Baker Boulevard
Richland Hills, TX 76118
Rainbow Via de Cristo
Texas Lutheran Via de Cristo (South)
Lay Director, Ron Mowery
3845 Beech Down Drive
Chantilly, VA 20151-3348
Palanca, Margaret Svitak
86238 559th St.
Randolph, NE 68771-6004
Lay Director, John Stokes
2920 Rice Blvd.
Houston, TX 77005-3048
Palanca, Marilyn Bowers
8 Brookfield Circle
Sterling, VA 20164-1134
Spiritual Director, Rev. Craig Bock
3909 6th Ave.
Sioux City, IA
Asst. Lay Director, Larry Fortune
RR 4, Box 138C
Gonzales, TX 78629
Spirtual Director, Rev. Allen Behnke
12410 Madeley Lane
Bowie, MD 20715-2903
Palanca Administrator, Mark Clayton
181 Notchleaf
Cibolo, TX 78108
Spiritual Director, Rev. Norm Nilsen
HC 71, Box 32B
Franklin, WV 26807
Spiritual Director, Rev. Charlie Eckert
414 East Twelfth St.
Shiner, TX 77984-6208
Spiritual Director, Rev. George Schwantes
4770 Iceland Gull Court
Waldorf, MD 20603-4547
Spiritual Director, Jesse Essinger
7504 Palmetto Circle
Austin, TX 78749-3119
Lay Director, Virginia Lemme
46448 SD Hwy 34
Wentworth, SD 57075
Tennessee Lutheran Via de Cristo
Lay Director, David Glibbery
7724 Sevilla Road
Powell, TN 37849
Palanca, Julie Glibbery
7724 Sevilla Road
Powell, TN 37849
Spiritual Director, Rev. David Bradford
6900 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN 37919
Spiritual Director, Rev. Steven
544 Broadway NW
Knoxville, TN 37917
Utah Via de Cristo
Convener, John Bradford
6992 South 160 East
Midvale, UT 84047
North Texas Lutheran Secretariat
Lay Director, Nancy Shane
3708 Wimberly Dr.
Bedford, TX 76021
Palanca, Frann Auld
1806 Erwin Place
McKinney, TX 75069
Spiritual Director, Rev. Larry Rymer
2520 Indian Hills Drive
Plano, TX 75075-2906
Palanca, Chris O’Dowd
452 W. Creekside Way
Kaysville, UT 84037
Spiritual Director, Rev. Dave Skole
387 W. Dimaggio Dr.
Tooele, UT 84014
Spiritual Director, Rev. Gordon Young
4551 South 3700 West
Roy, UT 84067
Sonrise Via de Cristo
Convenor, Diane Voskuil
N9185 State Rd. 42
Cleveland, WI 53015
Spiritual Director, Pastor Harvey Jaeger
830 Catherine Dr.
Green Bay, WI 54313
Spiritual Director, Pastor Jim Wilson
1808 Eastern Ave.
Plymouth, WI 53073
Palanca, Linda Draeving-Hammack
PO Box 152 312 S. 3rd St.
Evansville, WI 53536
Page 26
October 2001
National Lutheran Secretariat
Statement of Activity
Diane Purcell, Treas.
For the Twelve Months Ending May 31, 2001
Cash Balance June 1, 2000
Video Outreach
Contributions - Secretariats ................................8,434..............................................................8,434
Subscriptions ...........................................................90...................................................................90
Interest ...................................................................810.................................................................810
Distribution Center ..........................................
0 ........7,383 ......................................... 7,383
TOTAL INCOME ............................................11,684........7,383...........425........2,397......21,889
We were definitely welcomed at
Augusburg College for the 2001
NLS Annual Meeting.
President .............................................................1,374..............................................................1,374
VP Administration.................................................522.................................................................522
VP Outreach ..............................................................0.....................................................................0
Secretary ................................................................679.................................................................679
Spiritual Director ...................................................479.................................................................479
Past President ............................................................0.....................................................................0
Newsletter Editor...................................................644.................................................................644
Conference Calls ................................................1,141..............................................................1,141
Telephone 800# .....................................................750.................................................................750
Web Site ................................................................403.................................................................403
Administration & Postage .....................................256.................................................................256
Annual Meeting .....................................................745.................................................................745
Mid-year Meeting..................................................250.................................................................250
Lay Talk ................................................................948.................................................................948
Printing and Reproduction.....................................425.................................................................425
Designated Board Authorized ...................................0.....................................................................0
Video .........................................................................0.............................425.............................425
Outreach ....................................................................0............................................1,033........1,033
Distribution Center ....................................................0.....................................................................0
Printing ............................................................................6,809............................................6,809
Supplies ........................................................................................................................................0
Tape Duplicating ................................................................325...............................................325
Telephone .....................................................................................................................................0
TOTAL EXPENSES ........................................12,154........8,040...........425........1,033......21,652
CHANGE IN NET ASSETS ............................... (470) ....... (657) .............0........1,364...........237
TRANSFER BETWEEN FUNDS .....................3,038...... (3,038) .................................................0
NET MERCHANDISING................................ (3,038) .......................................................... (3,038)
CASH BALANCE May 31, 2001
$6,800 $29,136
For Internal Use Only
A metallic “Burning Bush”
greeted people on the way to the
dining room.
October 2001
Page 27
National Lutheran Secretariat
(A Minnesota Not-for-Profit Corporation)
Comparative Statement
of Financial Position
For the Fiscal Year Ended May 31, 2001
Cash - General Fund
Cash - Distribution Center
NLS Savings
Unrestricted - General Fund $18,645
Unrestricted - Distribution Center831
Video Fund
Outreach Fund
For Internal Use Only
Bolivia Outreach
An offering was taken at the Saturday night worship at the NLS
Annual Meeting. The offering was designated for outreach to Bolivia. Cursillistas were generous indeed and will be blessed (He
who is generous will be blessed.... Proverbs 22:9a). The offering
total was $3,590.05!! The first $2,000 will be designated for rewiring the church where the weekends are held. (We thank you, Randy
for bringing this need to our attention.) The remainder of $1,590.05
will be used for expenses for upcoming weekends. The Spirit has
set this movement on fire! Weekends #3 and #4 of “Camino de
Cristo” are scheduled to be held in January of 2002!
In Christ’s Service,, Diane Purcell, Treasurer
Spiritual Director Notes, continued from page 14
those in the room of “God is good.”
He used this phrase several times during his rollo and it made for
a lively talk that went very well. I love to see how other movements
use the basic material and how God works in spite of all that we do
to mess it up.
The closing was wonderful with all the pilgrims speaking and
sharing what the weekend meant to them and what Jesus now means
to them. I felt blessed by the presence of God in the midst of God’s
people. This has been one of the best experiences I have ever had and
I thank God that he called me to serve. Jim and I renewed our
friendship together and we were blessed to serve the Lord in a new
way for us together. Thanks, Jim!
My prayer for all us is that we work like all depends on us and
pray that all depends on God. Hard work and attention to detail pays
off. Listening to God first and then carrying out his plan makes for
a very successful Via de Cristo weekend. God bless you, my brothers
and sisters, and may the Holy Spirit be with you always.
Larry Llewellyn
National Lutheran Secretariat
Contributions by Secretariat
For the Fiscal Year Ended May 31, 2001
A-OK Synod Lutheran Secretariat ------------------------- $150
Atlanta Lutheran VdC -------------------------------------------- 0
Colorado VdC--------------------------------------------------- 250
Damascus VdC of CNY --------------------------------------- 150
Eastern NC VdC ------------------------------------------------ 250
Gold Coast VdC Inc (FL) ---------------------------------------- 0
Heart of Florida VdC ------------------------------------------ 250
Heart of IL VdC ------------------------------------------------ 250
Heart of IL VdC ------------------------------------------------ 290
Indian River VdC----------------------------------------------- 250
Indiana Lutheran VdC ----------------------------------------- 300
Iowa Lutheran Secretariat ------------------------------------- 250
LA Lutheran VdC ----------------------------------------------- 50
Lighthouse VdC (FL) --------------------------------------------- 0
Living Waters VdC--------------------------------------------- 250
Lutheran Cursillo Movement of AZ ------------------------- 320
Lutheran VdC of C Michigan--------------------------------- 250
Lutheran VdC of Minnesota ---------------------------------- 612
Lutheran VdC of Minnesota ---------------------------------- 602
Lutheran VdC of Utah ----------------------------------------- 250
Lutheran VdC of Utah ----------------------------------------- 250
MI Good News VdC ------------------------------------------- 250
Nebraska Lutheran VdC - newly reactivated ------------------ 0
North Texas Lutheran Secretariat ---------------------------- 250
Pittsburg VdC ---------------------------------------------- inactive
Rainbow VdC --------------------------------------------------- 250
SC Lutheran VdC----------------------------------------------- 250
Sonbeam VdC (FL) -------------------------------------------- 250
Sonshine North VdC (FL)---------------------------------------- 0
Sonshine VdC------------------------------------------------------ 0
South Dakota VdC --------------------------------------------- 250
Southern Arizona Lutheran VdC ----------------------------- 100
TENN Lutheran VdC ------------------------------------------ 250
Texas Lutheran VdC ------------------------------------------- 250
Utah - palanced -------------------------------------------------- 60
VdC of CNY ----------------------------------------------------- 50
VdC of Ohio----------------------------------------------------- 250
VdC of So Cal and Central Valley ------------------------------ 0
Vineyard VdC--------------------------------------------------- 250
Vineyard VdC--------------------------------------------------- 250
W North Carolina VdC ---------------------------------------- 250
Wisconsin Sunshine VdC ------------------------------250
Minnesota pilgrims provided a beautiful serenade the banqueters.
Page 28
October 2001
Host Committee NLS 2001
These are the people who volunteered to make the Annual Meeting a success!
Committee Coordinators in BOLD
General Chairperson
Jerry Vehrs
Don Merdink
Worship Committee
Pastor Wally Hed (Spiritual Director)
Pastor Dick Beckman
Pastor Joy Johnson
Worship Presiders/Homilist
Pastor Mona Anderson
Pastor Ed Holloway
Pastor Carroll Lang
Pastor Larry Llewellyn
Pastor Nate Lundgren
Pastor Lynne Nelson
Bishop David Olson
Pastor Don Rasmussen
Worship Helpers
Marilyn & Ray Weidner
Beverly Appleby
Jim Arend
Kim Brust
Ann Carlson
Vi Christanson
Maren Coulter
Sue Foote
Keith & Niki Getschel
Ellie Henning
Marsha & Terry Horejsi
Carol & Paul Johnson
Bill & Jan Klinsing
Jerry Lemcke
Dennis & Linda Pedersen
Pam Pivec
Diane Purcell
Mary Schuh
Bonnie & Jim Skjonsby
Mike Swecker
John & Rose Lundquist
Vi Christiansen
Daphne Vierow
Public Relations/Fund Raising
Ellie Henning
Matthew Frable
Barbary Coast Dixieland Band
Jeff Gotfredson
Bob Purcell
Steve Stickles
Joanna Schulz
Brian Tanning
Becky & Jerry Maier
Dave & Evie Borg
Gayle Lobitz
Joanne Powers
Daphne Vierow
Curt Heitschmidt
Mike Zeenner
Angela Brown
Patrick Carlson
Neil Helming
Ronald Pohlen
Jim Randall
Roxanne Vehrs
Ron Wagenknecht
Norma Randall
Jay Enger
Leila Horazdovsky
Sue Foote
Newsletter Reporters
Judy Laabs Foss
Janice Burton
Coralyn Bryan
Sue Foote
Norma Randall
June Rose
Dave Sagisser
D’arcy & Janet Leck
Joel Eull
Chris Mitchell
Carol Olson
Dennis & Linda Pedersen
Joyce Sandberg (Weekend Banner)
Daryl Sandberg
Jim & Sharon Solberg
Dianne & Jim Erickson
Mary Groff
Gerald & Joyce Moran
Don & Marion Ratzlaff
Gordy Docken
Dick & Lisa Johnson
Dave Lakey
Bob Mohr
Betty Nelson
Lucy Otterness
Bob & Marion Sorensen
Eileen Quam
Beth Terpstra
Larry Nelson
Video/Sound System
Bob Niebuhr
Facilities/Physical Arrangements
Frank & Sheryll Max
Matthew Max
Dan Jackson
Daryl Rielander
Michael Schroeder
George Seim
Bruce Weinberg
Al & Kathy Weyhrauch
Becky & Larry Yonts
Bill Lundquist
Janice Burton
Ammie & Gary Gronert
Dan & Jerolyn Jargo
Judith & Michael Jones
Barb & Terry Korman
Patricia Lundquist
Patricia McNevin
Dale & Joan Nelson
Timothy Pankonen
Kris & Michael Pedersen
Patricia & Steve Reedstrom
Darryl & Sue Reilander
Lenny Risdahl
Bonnie & James Skjonsby
Joyce Sandberg
Robert & Marion Sorensen
Heidi Taylor
Beth Terpstra
Arlen & Virginia Tietel
Al & Kathy Weyhrauch
Robert Wolff
Becky & Larry Yonts
October 2001
Page 29
Note: the following is the latest information this
editor has of the Ultreyas around the country.
The Ultreya that meets at the same time and place
and on the same day of the month, has a distinct
advantage over the Ultreya that moves from
place to place and has a new time and date for
each meeting. The ultreyas that some movements
announce in their newsletters usually occur before the next edition of Conexiones can come out,
and therefore cannot be listed in timely fashion.
My goal is to list every Via de Cristo Ultreya, and
include other movements, too. If your Ultreya
group is not listed here, please, let me know.
Arizona Lutheran Cursillo
Held monthly at various locations and times.
Southern Arizona Lutheran Via de Cristo
Held bi-monthly on second Saturdays at various
locations and times. Contact Tom Medora at
Lutheran Cursillo Movement of Arizona
November 17, 6pm, American Lutheran, Sun
City, 17200 North Del Webb Blvd.
Lutheran Cursillo of Southern California:
Locations vary, write/call Tom Lambert, 807
Lime Street, Brea, CA 92621, (714)2550894(H), (310)695-2449(O)
Via de Cristo of Southern California and the
Central Valley:
None announ ced for this issue.
Colorado Via de Cristo
None reported
Gold Coast
June 30, 2001, 6:30pm at Zion Lutheran Church
in Deerfield Beach.
Heart of Florida
Monthly at various times and places.
Indian River
Monthly at various times and places.
First Fridays. 6:30pm pot luck supper. First United
Methodist Church in Hollister Hall at 310
Douglas Street, New Smyrna Beach.
Monthly at various times and places
September 22, 2001, 5:30pm at St. Timothy’s
Lutheran, 812 Tarpon Ave. E, Tarpon Springs,
potluck and worship.
December 1, 2001, 5:30pm potluck and worship
- place TBA.
Sonshine North Via de Cristo
Monthly at various times and places
Sonshine of South Florida
Monthly at various times and places.
November 10, 2001 Celebration, 7:30pm at Rader
Memorial United Methodist Church, 205 NE
87th Street, El Portal (Miami).
Atlanta Lutheran VdC Movement:
Third Saturdays of March, May, July, September
and November. Potluck Dinner at 6:00pm,
Service at 7:00pm. Call Julie Koempel at
770-943-0565 for locations.
Living Water Ultreya,
October 6, 2001 (Sat), 5:30pm potluck, ultreya
follows at Prince of Peace Lutheran, 415 W
53rd Street, Davenport, IA. Hosts: Augie and
Kim Calsyn. Call (319) 391-4519 for more
Heart of Illinois
June 16, 2001, 6pm at American Lutheran.
July 21, 2001, 7pm at Zion Lutheran.
September 15, 2001, 7pm at St. John Lutheran.
November 10, 2001, 5pm-Team/Candidate Reunion; 6pm-Potluck Dinner; 7pm-Ultreya at
Salem Lutheran
September 16, 2001, 1:30pm Secretariat Meeting, fellowship at 3pm, supper at 5:30pm.
Childcare provided.
Held in odd months on Sundays at 3:30pm. Place
to be announced.
Floyd Valley Ultreya, Sheldon United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 506 8th Street,
Sheldon, Iowa, 3rd Tuesdays, registration
7:15pm, begin at 7:30pm.
Humboldt: 3rd Sunday (except July & August),
7pm, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.
Lake Area Ultreya, Okoboji Lutheran Bible
Camp, 7:30pm, 3rd Mondays (except June &
Mason City/Clear Lake Ultreya, alternating
between Zion Lutheran, Clear Lake and Trinity Lutheran and Our Savior’s Lutheran,
Mason City, 4:00pm each 3rd Sundays.
Nevada Ultreya, Memorial Lutheran, Nevada,
2nd Thursdays, 7:30pm.
Northwood Ultreya, First Lutheran Church Fireside Room, 4:00pm, 3rd Sundays (except
May, July & December).
Rockwell-Lytton Ultreya: 3rd Sundays 4pm,
rotating through Rockwell City United Methodist, Presbyterian, and St. Paul Lutheran
Sioux City Ultreya, First Lutheran Church, 3939
Cheyenne Boulevard, 2nd Thursdays (except
July and August), 7:00pm.
Storm Lake, 2nd Sundays, 5pm at St. Mark
Lutheran Church, Storm Lake. Contact Jolene
Manzey, 312 West 6th Street, Storm Lake, IA
August 4, 2001, 11am Grand Ultreya, Storm
Vineyard — Monthly at various places and times
Central Michigan Ultreya
Monthly at various times and places.
October 26, 2001, (Fri) at 6pm at St. Paul Lutheran,
22275 4-Mile Road, Reed City
TriCities - 2nd Fridays
October 19, 2001, 7pm, Aldersgate United
Methodist Church, 2206 Airfield Lane,
Upper Peninsula - 3rd Saturdays
PortHuron/St.Clair - 2nd Fridays
Good News! Via de Cristo Ultreyas
November 18, 2001, 4-7pm at St. Paul’s Lutheran.
Potluck, post-weekend. Call Jack or Betty
Packer for more info at (313) 561-8270.
The Luther Seminary VdC Community:
Quarterly Ultreyas scheduled on the succeeding
months for Cursillistas, open worship for all.
Contact Sandra Marotz, 612-646-4995, or
Pastor Lou Flessner, 612-641-3422, or write
Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary,
2841 Como Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108.
The Carver County Community:
Serves Excelsior, Chanhassen, Chaska, Waconia
and surrounding areas. Contact Tom Heath,
113 Bade Lane, Chaska, MN 55318, 612448-4638.
The Arrowhead Ultreya Community:
Serves the Northern Minnesota area. Contact
Norma E. Swanbum, 1807 East 3rd Street,
Apt.8, Duluth, MN 55812, 218-724-4786.
Singles Ultreyas
Each month the Singles Cursillo Community of
Minnesota hosts an ultreya that is open to all
Christians unmarried or married. They are
also open to people who have not yet attended
a Cursillo weekend. They gather on the
second Saturday of the month at 5:30pm for
Eucharist, potluck dinner, witness talk, fellowship and renewal. Bring food to share,
cross, song book, nametags, musical instruments. Questions can be answered by the
contact person at each location.
June 9, 2001 at Trinity in Stillwater.
Southern Ultreya
June 17, 2001, 4pm at Rural Zion Lutheran
Church, New Richland-Ellendale area. Bring
a dish to share, your cross, a cup, a nametag,
a songbook & a smile!
Post-Weekend Ultreyas (same sites as weekends)
Ultreya dates not listed
November 4, 2001, Friendship Lutheran,
Taylorsville, NC
Eastern North Carolina - Monthly, first Saturday, 6-8pm, Holy Trinity Lutheran, Brooks
and Park, Raleigh. Potluck dinner! Bring
something to share. Singing after the meal.
Piedmont - 2nd Saturdays 6:30pm Contact Roger
Setzer at (336) 227-8390, or e-mail at
Wilmington - 4th Fridays, 7pm, held at various
churches in Wilmington, NC area.
Beach Group - Monthly Ultraya held the 4th
Fridays of each month. Faith, fun, food, festivity, all cursillistas welcome. Contact
Melinda Hales at (910) 791-8765.
Triangle - 5:30pm, 2nd Saturdays at various
churches in the Triangle area. Potluck dinner,
music, faith sharing, worship and communion at each ultreya. Call Dean Nelson at (919)
791-1955 for details.
Western North Carolina - Monthly
Cincinnati - Monthly
First Saturdays, 7:30pm - Trinity Lutheran
Church, Mt. Healthy, contact Kevin Hoch,
Continued next page
Page 30
October 2001
Continued from previous page
Columbus - Monthly - Lutheran-Episcopal
4th Fridays, 7:30pm, Contact Dick Logan at 9659420 or Donna Gough at 899-1210.
Dayton Lutheran Ultreya - Monthly
Third Tuesday, 7:30pm. For details, call Bob &
Mary Ann Sauer at 513/294-3940, or Email:
Kent - Call for dates and time
Contact Pastor Doug Fidler (330) 673-5445.
Marysville Area - Monthly
Third Sunday at First English Lutheran, 687
London Avenue, Marysville. Call Judy Hurl
513/642-4621 or Jeanne Haynes, 513/6424701.
Newark/Heath - Monthly
4th Sunday, 7:00pm. St. John’s Lutheran Church,
Linnville Road, Newark. Contact Don and
Pam PAynter, 614-323-0207.
Parma Heights - Monthly
Second Sundays, 4-8pm, contact Fred Schuller
Stow - Quarterly
Contact Gracis Luoma (330) 686-8807.
Western Lake County
Periodic joint Lutheran-Episcopal Ultreya. Hook
up through George Cyphers, 216-951-2906.
Western Reserve - Monthly
Second SaturdayEpworth United Methodist
Church, call Martha Mallen (216) 257-0254.
Urbana Area - Monthly
First Friday 6:30pm at Church of the Epiphany,
corner Scioto and Kenton, Urbana. Joint
ultreya with Episcopal, Roman Catholic,
Methodist and now Lutheran! Contact Dick
or Marv Swan, 513/484-3189.
Announced in newsletter
Up State Ultreya - place and time TBA
Midlands Ultreya - place and time TBA
Low Country Ultreya - place and time TBA
North Texas Lutheran Cursillo Ultreya are held at
various times and places.
August 25, 2001, 3-6pm, Grace Lutheran Church,
Bountiful, Utah
September 23, 2001, 3-6, St. Luke’s Episcopal
Church, Park City, Utah
November 4, 2001, 3-6pm, Good Shepherd
Lutheran Church, Sandy, Utah
December 2, 2001, 3-6pm, Our Saviour’s
Lutheran Church, Roy, Utah
Rainbow Via de Cristo, Contact Bill Carey: 703/
2nd Fridays, Rainbow Ultreya at Holy Cross
Lutheran, Herndon, VA. Contact Bill Sproat
at 703/754-2323.
3rd Fridays, Western Maryland Ultreya, rotates
different churches, contact Craig Wasilius at
1st Mondays (except holidays), Southern Maryland Ultreya, rotates different churches, contact Annie Cave at 301/297-8561
None announced for this issue
Those who attended the Annual Meeting for the first time, posed for a
group picture. It’s great to see so many new faces.
Prison Ministry
October 2001 - Arizona: Southern Arizona Lutheran Cursillo - Boy’s
Chayah #17 (youth prison ministry): October 4-6, 2001. Send
palanca to: Ralph Marino, 960 South
Peace Lane, #39, Prescott, AZ
October 2001 - Nebraska: Nebraska
Lutheran Prison Via de Cristo
#14, Nebraska Center for Women,
York: October 5-7, 2001. Send
palanca to: Joe Jones, Palanca Chairman, PO Box 407, 1418 H Street,
Auburn, NE 68305.
October 2001 - Arizona: Southern Arizona Lutheran Cursillo - Girl’s
Chayah #?? (for spouses of inmates): October 11-13, 2001. Send
palanca to: Ralph Marino, 960 South
Peace Lane, #39, Prescott, AZ
October 2001 - Michigan: Kinross Correctional Facility Michigan
Keryx, October 11-14, 2001. Send
palanca to: Terry Corrente, 2522
Brutus Road, Alanson, MI 49706.
October 2001 - Iowa: Iowa Brothers in
Blue Prison Ministry,, Fort Dodge
Correctional Facility Rockwell City,
October 18-21, 2001. Send palanca
to: Brothers in Blue Palanca, c/
oCODR, PO Box 834, Fort Dodge,
IA 50501.
October 2001 - Michigan: Chippewa
Correctional Facility Michigan
Keryx, October 25-28, 2001. Send
palanca to: Terry Corrente, 2522
Brutus Road, Alanson, MI 49706.
November 2001 - Iowa: Iowa Brothers in
Blue Prison Ministry, Newton Correctional Facility Newton, November 15-18, 2001. Send palanca to:
Brothers in Blue Palanca, c/oNCF,
Newton, IA 50208.
December 2001 - Iowa: Iowa Brothers
in Blue Prison Ministry,, North
Central Correctional Facility
Rockwell City, December 6-9,
2001. Send palanca to: Brothers in
Blue Palanca, c/oNCCF, PO Box
313, Rockwell City, IA 50579
February 2002 - Iowa: Iowa Brothers
in Blue Prison Ministry, Newton Correctional Facility Newton, February 14-17, 2002. Send
palanca to: Brothers in Blue
Palanca, c/oNCF, Newton, IA
March 2002 - Iowa: Iowa Brothers in
Blue Prison Ministry, Mount
Pleasant Correctional Facility,
March 14-17, 2002. Send palanca
to: Brothers in Blue Palanca, c/
oMPCF, Highway 218 South,
Mount Pleasant, IA 52641.
April 2002 - Iowa: Iowa Brothers in
Blue Prison Ministry, Fort
Dodge Correctional Facility
Rockwell City, April 18-21, 2002.
Send palanca to: Brothers in Blue
Palanca, c/oCODR, PO Box 834,
Fort Dodge, IA 50501.
October 2001
Page 31
All pending weekends for six months from publication will be printed in each Conexiones.
October 2001 - California: Via de Cristo of
Southern California & The Central Valley, Bethel in the Hills Coed Weekend #13:
October 4-7, 2001. Send palanca to: Roxanne
Fackler, 809 Elsey Street, Bakersfield, CA
October 2001 - Texas: Texas Lutheran Via de
Cristo, Lutherhill Camp, LaGrange, Men’s
#42: October 4-7; Women’s #42: October
11-14, 2001. Send palanca to: Cary Warner,
205 Erskine, San Antonio, TX 78201.
October 2001 - Minnesota: Minnesota Via de
Cristo-Metro, St. Stephens Lutheran, West
St. Paul, Men’s #383: October 4-7; Women’s
#384: October 11-14, 2001. Send palanca
to: Carol Olsen, 440 57th Place NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432-5568.
October 2001 - Florida: Gold Coast Via de
Cristo, Men’s #63: October 4-7, 2001. Send
palanca to: Marti S. Mang, 17870 NW 14th
Street, Pembroke Pines, FL 33029.
October 2001 - Illinois: Heart of Illinois Via de
Cristo, East Bay Camp, Bloomington, Men’s
#7: October 11-14; Women’s #8: October
18-21, 2001. Send palanca to: Norma
Millard, 1415 Flossmor, Washington, IL
October 2001 - Indiana: Indiana Lutheran Via
de Cristo, Epworth Forest, Men’s #38: October 11-14; Women’s #39: October 18-21,
2001. Send palanca to: Perry Powers, 621
North Main Street, Monticello, IN 47960.
October 2001 - Michigan: Good News! Via de
Cristo, Men’s: October 11-14; Women’s:
October 18-21, 2001. Send palanca to:
Buddy and Debbie Grazier, 1180 South
Durand Road, Lennon, MI 48449.
October 2001 - California: Lutheran Cursillo of
Southern California, St. Joseph’s Retreat
Center, Men’s #76: October 11-14; Women’s
#77: October 18-21, 2001. Send palanca to:
Bonnie Zimmermann, LCSC Palanca, PO
Box 5203, Cerritos, CA 90703-5203.
October 2001 - Texas: Texas Lutheran Via de
Cristo, Texas Elks Children’s Camp, Ottine,
Coed #43: October 18-21, 2001. Send
palanca to: Cary Warner, 205 Erskine, San
Antonio, TX 78201.
October 2001 - Tennesee: Tennessee Lutheran
Via de Cristo, Mixed #7: October , 2001.
Send palanca to: Julie Glibbery, 7724 Sevilla
Road, Powell, WY 37849.
October 2001 - Georgia: Atlanta Via de Cristo,
Coed #15: October 18-21, 2001. Send
palanca to: Jim and Kathy Boucher, 5200
Downs Way, Norcross, GA 30093-2450.
October 2001 - Minnesota: Minnesota Via de
Cristo-North, Church of the Cross, 1530
County Rd 13, Nisswa MN 56468-9510,
Men’s #381: October 11-14; Women’s #382:
October 18-21, 2001. Send palanca to:
Carol Olsen, 440 57th Place NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432-5568.
October 2001 - North Carolina: Western North
Carolina Lutheran Via de Cristo, Mixed
#17: October 18-21, 2001. Send palanca to:
Deborah Young, 3450 Patterson Road, China
Grove, NC 28023.
October 2001 - Arkansas-Oklahoma: A-OK Via
de Cristo, Mixed Weekend: October 25-28,
2001. Send palanca to: Maudi Stelzl, 13
Braeswood Place, Maumelle, AR 72113.
October 2001 - Virginia: Rainbow Via de Cristo
Walk of Faith, Baptist Center, Gainesville,
Men’s: October 11-14; Women’s: October
25-28, 2001. Mail palanca to: Cis Smail, PO
Box 2724, La Plata, MD 20646.
October 2001 - Utah: Utah Via de Cristo, Men’s
#17: October 11-14; Women’s #18: October 18-21, 2001. Send palanca to: Chris
O’Dowd, Grace Lutheran Church, 835 North
Main Street, Bountiful, UT 84010-5937.
October/November 2001 - Ohio: Via de Cristo
of Ohio (Central), Holy Cross Catholic
Cursillo Center, Columbus, Men’s #46:
October 4-7; Women’s #44: November 1-4,
2001. Send palanca to: Jeff Albrektson,
2793 Galewood Street, Kettering, OH
October/November 2001 - Arizona: Lutheran
Cursillo Movement of Arizona, Men’s #87:
October 18-21; Women’s #88: November
1-4, 2001. Send palanca to: LaWave Speck,
902 West Roma Avenue, Phoenix, AZ
October/November 2001 - Arizona: Southern
Arizona Lutheran Via de Cristo, Tanque
Verde Lutheran Church, Tucson, Men’s #11:
October 25-28; Women’s #12: November
8-11, 2001. Send palanca to: Jim P. Dunfee,
7355 Eastview Drive, Tucson, AZ 85710.
November 2001 - Illinois/Iowa: Living Water
Via de Cristo, Camp Reynoldswood, Dixon,
IL, Men’s #24: November 1-4; Women’s
#24: Novvember 8-11, 2001. Send palanca
to: Hal and Charlotte Gustafson, 17 Hickory
Hills, Geneseo, IL 61254.
November 2001 - Nebraska: Nebraska Lutheran
Via de Cristo, Camp Carol Joy Holling,
Ashland, Men’s: November 8-11; Women’s:
November 15-18, 2001. Send palanca to:
Joe & Irene Jones, Palanca Chairman, 1418
H Street, PO Box 407, Auburn, NE 683051953.
November 2001 - Minnesota: Minnesota Via de
Cristo-South, First Lutheran, Blooming
Prairie, Men’s #379: November 8-11;
Women’s #380: November 15-18, 2001.
Send palanca to: Carol Olsen, 440 57th
Place NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432-5568.
November 2001 - Maryland: Vineyard Via de
Cristo, Coed #2: November 15-18, 2001.
Mail palanca to: Frances Ecton, PO Box
452, Funkstown, MD 21734-0452.
November 2001 - Florida: Sonbeam Via de
Cristo, Rotary’s Camp Florida, Men’s #38:
November 8-11; Women’s #38: November
15-18, 2001. Send palanca to: Dave
McConnell, PO Box 8874, Madiera Beach,
FL 33738-8874.
November 2001 - North Carolina: Eastern North
Carolina Lutheran Via de Cristo, Camp
Dixie, Fayetteville, Mixed #41: November
15-18 2001. Send palanca to: Ann Thompson, 10008 Whitestone Road, Raleigh, NC
November 2001 - Utah: Utah Via de Cristo,
Women’s #19: November 15-19, 2001. Send
palanca to: Chris O’Dowd, Grace Lutheran
Church, 835 North Main Street, Bountiful,
UT 84010-5937.
November 2001 - Texas: North Texas Lutheran
Via de Cristo #53 (Coed), Bishop Mason
Retreat and Conference Center, Grapevine,
Texas, November 15-18, 2001. Send palanca
to: Lilly Gholston, 401 Campbell Lane,
Denton, TX 76209-4580.
Janaury 2002 - Minnesota: Minnesota Via de
Cristo-Metro, Gustavus Lutheran, St. Paul,
Men’s #385: January 10-13; Women’s #386:
January 17-20, 2002. Send palanca to: Carol
Olsen, 440 57th Place NE, Minneapolis,
MN 55432-5568.
January 2001 - Florida: Sonshine Via de Cristo
of South Florida, (Location TBA), Men’s
#87: January TBA, 2001. Send palanca to:
Tony and Debbie Basone, 9129D SW 20th
Place, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33324.
February 2002 - Texas: North Texas Lutheran
Via de Cristo #54(Coed), Bishop Mason
Retreat and Conference Center, Grapevine,
Texas, February 14-17, 2002. Send palanca
to: Lilly Gholston, 401 Campbell Lane,
Denton, TX 76209-4580.
February 2002 - California: Via de Cristo of
Southern California & The Central Valley, Bethel in the Hills Coed Weekend #14:
February 21-24, 2002. Send palanca to:
Roxanne Fackler, 809 Elsey Street, Bakersfield, CA 93309.
February/March 2002 - Minnesota: Minnesota
Via de Cristo-Metro, St. Stephens Lutheran,
West St. Paul, Men’s #387: February 28March 3; Women’s #388: March 7-10, 2002.
Send palanca to: Carol Olsen, 440 57th
Place NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432-5568.
February/March 2002 - Indiana: Indiana
Lutheran Via de Cristo, Lutheran Hills,
Men’s: February 28-March 3; Women’s:
March 7-10, 2002. Send palanca to: Perry
Powers, 621 North Main Street, Monticello,
IN 47960.
March 2002 - Illinois/Iowa: Living Water Via
de Cristo, Pilgrim Park, Men’s: March 710, Women’s: March 14-17, 2002. Send
palanca to: Hal and Charlotte Gustafson, 17
Hickory Hills, Geneseo, IL 61254.
March 2002 - North Carolina: Western North
Carolina Lutheran Via de Cristo, Dogwood, Mixed #18 March 7-10, 2002. Send
palanca to: Deborah Young, 3450 Patterson
Road, China Grove, NC 28023.
March 2002 - Arizona: Lutheran Cursillo Movement of Arizona, Men’s #89: March 7-10;
Women’s #90: March 21-24, 2002. Send
palanca to: LaWave Speck, 902 West Roma
Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85013-2824.
March 2002 - Minnesota: Minnesota Via de
Cristo-South, TBA, Men’s #389: March;
Women’s #390: March, 2002. Send palanca
to: Carol Olsen, 440 57th Place NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432-5568.
NLS Distribution Center
Visited our Web Site Lately?
Richard Emery, Director Phone: 941-590-8958
E-MAIL: ricisa@aol.com
Annual Meeting Items Available
Dick Emery announces that all the material that was available at
the 2001 Annual Meeting and video tapes from the meeting are
available from the Distribution Center, as well as the shirts and
the material that is on the order form.
Oran Gough (Ohio),
NLS Website Mgr.
Help Wanted
Improving Communication -
Flow of Info
t the 1996 NLS Annual Meeting, it was suggested that more
articles and information be shared both from local secretariat
newsletters in Conexiones, and also articles from Conexiones
reprinted in local secretariat newsletters.
It has always been the policy to grant permission to any secretariat wishing to reproduce an article from Conexiones in its newsletter, in fact, it is encouraged. The NLS Executive Board only asks
that you print the article as is and list the author and source
(Conexiones, or credit at end or beginning of article).
I am willing to save you re-typing by sending the articles to you
at your request via e-mail. If you, as editor of your newsletter are not
online, find out who, in your movement, is online, or ask a computer
friend for help.
This communication can be done two ways, too, and you editors
could provide the articles via e-mail to the editor of Conexiones,
Carroll Lang, at cdlng@aol.com and he would be very grateful.
– Carroll Lang, Editor
Permission to Reprint
ny original article appearing in Conexiones (that is not
reprinted from another newsletter) may be reproduced in any
local member secretariat’s newsletter without calling or
writing for permission, provided the article is reproduced
in its entirety without revision and credit is given at the
end or beginning of the article. Permission to reproduce
an article that is reprinted from a member secretariat’s
newsletter must be obtained from the editor of that movement.
— NLS Executive Board
High Returns Cost
eturned Conexiones newsletters cost up to $1.01 each. Please
notify us of any changes in address on a post card or in a letter.
Include complete information, including complete address
with Zip+4, Secretariat and position, if applicable, and both home
and work phone numbers. If you no longer want the newsletter,
please let us know.
NLS Information 800 Number
1-800-214-1155 (toll free) OR 1-515-955-1877 (toll)
e are in need of a volunteer website artist with skills in this
new medium to join the officers and webmaster, Oran
Gough, in developing our service to become an even more
effective tool for our movement. If you have the skills and would like
to become part of our web team, e-mail Oran Gough at
ogough@aol.com and let him know just how you feel you can
contribute. We are open to creative change and we want to extensively extend the resources available through the site.
Rev. Carroll Lang
19903 225th Street
Fort Dodge, IA 50501-8473