Courageous - Trinity Lutheran Church, Pekin
Courageous - Trinity Lutheran Church, Pekin October, 2011 A new movie from the creators of FIREPROOF Courageous Honor Begins at Home Four men, one calling: To serve and protect. As law enforcement officers, these men are confident and focused. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. While they consistently give their best on the job, good enough seems to be all they can muster as dads. But they're quickly discovering that their standard is missing the mark. When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Currently showing at AMC Showplace Pekin 14 at the following times: 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. How a movie preforms on the first weekend (Sept. 30) is how movie theaters judge how long they will keep showing it. Plan on going this weekend! GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN SCHOOL 31st Annual Jog-A-Thon Sunday, October 2 4-H Shelter in the Mineral Springs Park Dinner Served from 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Menu includes: Chicken Breast - Butterfly Pork Chops Bratwurst and Hot Dogs Dinners are served with a variety of sides, dessert and drinks. Bring the whole family for a day of fun, food and fellowship. Bring lawn chairs to watch the joggers. All proceeds will go toward the support of Good Shepherd Lutheran School’s program of quality Christian education. Donations of bottled water or cans of Pepsi or Coke products would be most helpful. Monetary donations are also being accepted at the event or by sending them to: Good Shepherd Lutheran School 3201 Court Street Pekin, Illinois 61554 “The Legacy of Martin Luther” For years Martin Luther had labored seeking to earn God’s favor. He had kept the law; he had prayed and meditated; he had preached and taught. He had fasted and done countless acts of devotion. He walked from Nuremburg to Rome where he climbed the same steps Christ had ascended to the palace of Pontius Pilate in order to free his loved ones from purgatory. Still peace in his soul eluded him. What changed? What transformed Luther, the pious monk, into Luther, the Reformer? The same thing that transforms us; the Word of God. How important is this treasure that God has given us! How we cheat ourselves when we neglect this great gift! The weight of the Law is lifted from us, as it was for Luther, when we read Ephesians 2:8-9: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Somehow many miss this truth. Although they have been brought up in the church, have read and studied their Bibles almost daily, the Gospel has eluded them. They strive, as did Luther, to appease God, our judge; they work to earn the favor of the One Who sits enthroned above. They live by the Law, burdened with the guilt of sin they can never rid themselves of. Let us pray for those who labor under this load that they may hear the freeing words. “For by grace you have been saved through faith.” Then having been freed from the constraints of the Law, we can view ourselves as God’s “workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). We are saved by grace, and we are empowered by grace to give ourselves “fully to the work of the Lord, because [we] know that [our] labor is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58). AUGUST PAROCHIAL REPORT 2010 Average Attendance 134 2011 128 Average Sunday School Attendance 59 57 Average Communion Attendance 90 53 AUGUST FINANCIAL REPORT August Income: $20,356 Expense: $22,869 Surplus (Deficit) $(2,513) Year-To-Date $178,099 $166,990 $11,109 Contributions held up well for the last summer month, but a major repair to the drainage system around the Fellowship Hall gave us a deficit for the month. THE CONCORDIA SOCIETY I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess.” Martin Luther Get more news and information at The Concordia Society held their meeting on Thursday, September 8. Betty Ingrassia led the devotions and Dorothy Drake was the hostess. The next meeting will be Thursday, October 13 at 1:30 p.m. Rosemary Lutz will give devotions, and Mary Gronau will be the hostess. Visitors and new members are welcome! Stewardship Fundamentals A great church building was in process of construction. Among those employed in the undertaking were three workmen preparing stones for the walls of the structure. A bystander asked one of these workmen what he was doing. “I am trying to make a living,” he said. The next was asked a similar question, and he answered, “I am cutting stone.” When the same question was addressed to the third, he said, “I am helping to build a cathedral.” There can be no difference of opinion as to which of these three had the noblest conception of his task and hence was performing his work most intelligently and efficiently. There are those in the church who are “only making a living,” They are interested not in what they can put into it, but rather in what they can get out of it in the shape of material profits and benefits. They are not an asset or a credit to the Church. They do not advance, but retard the Church’s work; for, as a rule, they do little, if anything, worthwhile for the Church. There are others who are merely “cutting stone,” doing what they are told to do, but nothing more, caring little, if anything, for the general plan and scope of church work, rarely stopping to think what it is all about. What little they do is usually done neither cheerfully nor well, and often when they are needed most, they are nowhere to be found. The best the church can do with members of this stamp is to be patient and bear with them. There is little satisfaction, even to themselves, in their connection with a Christian congregation. Fortunately, we still have those who are “building a cathedral,” who are filled with a vision of the glory of the Church, are impressed with its high mission on earth, and appreciate their privileges as citizens in the Kingdom, who are well aware of the responsibility and are valiantly striving to do their duty to the best of their ability. It is they, too, who will gladly add the neglected tasks of the shirkers to their own, thus not only bearing a double burden, but also storing up and preserving for those drones in the hive of the church the honey of divine blessings. Thoughts for the Day _ A Christian can never serve God and money, but they must learn to serve God with money. _ The world asks: “What does a man own?” God asks, “How does he use what he’s been given?” _ Money isn’t everything, but it sure keeps you in touch with your children. _ A “bargain” is something you can’t use at a price you can’t resist. _ The poorest man in the world is the man who has nothing but money. Jr. High Youth Group News CID Jr. High Lock In November 11 & 12 Lots of Fun: Basketball, racquet ball, dodge ball, swimming, mission projects and a concert! Bowling at Sunset Lanes Mark your calendar now for this event. More information and details will be available at a later date. Wednesday, October 12 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Cost - $5.00 Transportation will be provided to Sunset Lanes from the church - or you can drop off your young person at the bowling alley. They should be picked up at Sunset Lanes. Questions about either of these events? Contact Cori Spaeth at 642-7657 or Jane Miller at 347-3745. Walther Bicentennial Tour Join the celebration to honor the Rev. Dr. C.F.W. Walther - a founding father and the first president of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Highlights of the special Walther Bicentennial motor coach tour include the LC-MS International Center, Concordia Historical Institute Museum, Historic Trinity Lutheran Church, Concordia Seminary where Walther taught; and the Saxon Lutheran Memorial, on the Saxon Lutheran immigrants’ original homestead; and the Lutheran Heritage Center & Museum. Tour dates are: Sept. 23-25, Oct. 7-9, Oct. 14-16 and Oct. 2123, 2011. To make reservations and get more details, contact Luther Tours at 866-777-1517 or Good Shepherd News Building Fund Our capital building fund is now over the $800,000 mark. Let make it our goal to reach the $1,000,000 by the end of the school year. Volleyball News Congratulations to our volleyball team that took second place at the Salem, Jacksonville, Tournament on Saturday, September 17th. Best Wishes also go out to Bayley Driskell who won the overhand serving contest! Auction Make plans now to attend the 6th Annual GSLS Benefit Auction to be held at the Par-a-dice Hotel Ballroom on Saturday, March 17th under the theme, “Ewe are our Pot O’ Gold!” Sponsors are needed for our three “Pot O’ Gold” electronic items. Contact Faye Kesselmayer if you can assist with the sponsorship or know of a business or individuals that might underwrite this fun item. August Sunday School Perfect Attendance Hunter Anton Alyssa Hand Lauren Hand Clara Mattheessen Alicia Moldenhauer Alex O’Conner Nathaniel Prather Nicholas Prather New Member Welcome Sunday, October 30 New Member Welcome Dinner 12:00 p.m. Following our 10:45 service that Sunday, where we will be officially receiving our new members, the Board of Elders is hosting a New Member Welcome Dinner in honor of these new members. This will be a catered meal and everything is provided, so all you have to bring is yourself! Please plan on taking part in these activities and become better acquainted with Trinity’s newest members. October 2011 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 8:15 AM W O R S H IP / C O M M U N IO N 9:30 AM S.S . & B IB LE C LAS S 10:45 AM W O R S H IP 11:30 AM JO G -A-TH O N 7:15 PM DAR TBALL AT B E TH E S D A C H U R C H OF GOD 10 AM B O AR D O F C H R IS TIAN S E R V IC E 4:30 P M C O N FIR M A TIO N 7 P M C H O IR R E H EA R SA L 7 PM CHURCH C O U N C IL 9 10 11 12 13 8:15 AM W O R S H IP 9:30 AM S .S . & B IB LE C LAS S 10:45 AM W O R S H IP / C O M M U N IO N 6 P M H IG H S C H O O L YO U TH G R O U P 7 P M B O AR D O F YO U TH 7:15 P M D A R TB ALL V S 1ST C H R ISTIAN AT TR IN ITY 7 P M B O AR D O F C H R IST IA N E D U C ATIO N 4:30 P M C O N FIR M A TIO N 5:30 P M JR H IG H YOU T H B O W L IN G A T S U N S E T LAN E S 7 P M C H O IR R E H EA R SA L 1:30 P M C O N C O R D IA SO C IET Y 16 17 18 19 20 8:15 AM W O R S H IP / C O M M U N IO N 9:30 AM S.S . & B IB LE C LAS S 10:45 AM W O R S H IP 12 P M P R AYE R PAR TN E R S 7:15 PM DAR TBALL AT 1ST PR ES B YTER IAN 7 P M B O AR D O F E VAN G E LIS M 7 P M G S LS B O A R D 4:30 P M C O N FIR M A TIO N 7 P M C H O IR R E H EA R SA L 7 P M B O AR D O F TR U S TE E S 23 24 25 26 27 8:15 AM W O R S H IP 9:30 AM S .S . & B IB LE C LAS S 10:45 AM W O R S H IP / C O M M U N IO N 6 P M H IG H S C H O O L YO U TH G R O U P 7:15 PM DAR TBALL AT FAITH TAB E R N AC LE 4:30 P M C O N FIR M A TIO N 7 P M C H O IR R E H EA R SA L 9 AM N E W S LE TTE R AS S E M B LY 7 P M B O AR D O F E LD E R S 30 31 8:15 AM W O R S H IP 9:30 AM S .S . & B IB LE C LAS S 10:45 AM W O R S H IP 12 P M N E W M E M B E R W E LC O M E D IN N E R 7:15 P M D A R TB ALL V S SAN D PR AIR IE AT TR IN ITY R eform ation D ay 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 October 2011 ~ Service Schedule ACOLYTES October 2 October 9 October 16 8:15 Austin Juergens Jace Link 10:45 Alexis Crain Dave & Theresa McDonough Marty & Betty Ingrassia Eric & Cori Spaeth 10:45 Jacob Weyhrich Dave & Linda Nash 8:15 Summer Watson Brad & Kim Cordts Terry Knollenberg Millie Cordes Martha Nelms Scott Thompson Gary & Sheila Schumm Bill Heren Mike & Kathy Seidell Rob Fornoff Bill & Sonia Heren Owen Miller Ron & Hermeme Upchurch Scott Thompson 8:15 Kaydi Steele 10:45 Nathaniel Prather October 30 READERS 8:15 Austin Juergens 10:45 Jarrod Vaupel October 23 GREETERS 8:15 Nicole Lynn 10:45 Casey Whitley USHERS FLOWERS B. Juergens, B. Cordts O. Miller, G. Schumm D. Alexander, L. Cox J. Risinger Given by Grace Eggena, in memory of William Eggena. D. Harms, C. Whitley B. Schmidt, J. Weisert M. Seidell, M. Cordes L. Weyhrich Given by Dick & Janice Scherer, for their 50th wedding anniversary. B. Juergens, B. Cordts O. Miller, G. Schumm D. Alexander, L. Cox J. Risinger Given by Owen & Jane Miller D. Harms, C. Whitley B. Schmidt, J. Weisert M. Seidell, M. Cordes L. Weyhrich Given by Gail Williamson B. Juergens, B. Schmidt M. Suhs D. Alexander, L. Cox L. Weyhrich Given by Lisa Fuchs, in memory of loved ones.