June 2016 - United Lutheran Church


June 2016 - United Lutheran Church
A publication of United Lutheran
pg. 1
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God’s work. Our hands
JUNE 2016
In this issue:
Church Under Construction: Build Up!
On May 15th we recognized and blessed our seniors who are moving onto
the next phase in their lives and wrapped up another Sunday School Year.
The kids sang, “Kids Under Construction” and put together many ‘socks of
love’ as a mission project to people in need of the very basic necessities of
life. A church under construction has been our theme for this past a
cademic year. You may remember the youth dressed as construction
workers on last year’s Rally Sunday as we kicked off the year by singing,
“Build up!” With the back beat of saws, a pneumatic hammer and
construction sounds the congregation was led in singing: “Build up!
a year of building projects on United’s building of brick and mortar
(although there have been some improvement projects undertaken since I
arrived as your pastor), but a year focused on building up the Body of
Christ. With the introduction of the Narrative Lectionary we hoped to
reintroduce worshippers to the broad and overarching story of God’s work
in the world since the beginning of time and how we, in this day and age,
become a part of that story. There has been attempt to involve members
of all ages into the ministry of the church and during Sunday morning
worship. Many have appreciated the children reading from the Spark
Story Bible on Sunday mornings.
Prepare the way. Remove the obstructions from my people’s way. Build
up! Prepare the way – God is near, God is here today!” This hasn’t been
ULCW Circle date & times
United Lutheran’s Luther
Crest VBS dates
Wedding of Emily Frykman
& Mariano Sanchez
Wedding of Caitlyn
Peterson & Kyle Pederson
Endowment funds
information for members
and families on pg. 5
Reimbursement information
from Karen McGee
Mark Your Calendar
Worship time change
June 5th - 9:00a.m.-coffee
fellowship follows worship
 Men’s Group meetings
 June 22nd - All State
Lutheran choir performs
during worship
 Heads-up for July - Red
Cross Bloodmobile
 Women’s Week at Luther
Crest Bible Camp
 ULCW planning meeting
To improve communications and work together in ministry we have moved
to having all committee meeting nights once a month followed up by a
meeting of the Trustees. I believe this has allowed us all to better
appreciate how our various committees enrich the ministries of United and
can support one another in sharing the life-changing love of Christ with
one another and the world beyond our doors. The men’s group has
introduced a Valentine’s Supper and several community meals as an
outreach to our community and to also build relationships within. A United Lutheran Church
215 - 10th Avenue SE
monthly gathering for area church leadership in
Elbow Lake has
Elbow Lake, MN. 56531
been formed and we worked together to
provide a concert to fund
homeless concerns in Grant County. This is only the beginning and the
 Church email: ulc@runestone.net
construction – the shaping of people as the body of Christ-- is ongoing.
Pastor: Jean Ohman
As the Sunday School children sang in May:
Reminder: Wor ship time changes from
10:15a.m. to 9a.m. on Sunday, June 5th.
 Coffee Fellowship will be after the worship
Cell phone: 651-402-7674
Pr. Jean’s email:
Secretary: Julie Johnson
Janitor: Beth Schneeberger
pg. 2
Kids under construction - maybe the paint is still wet.
Kids under construction - The Lord may not be finished yet.
Dear Jesus, please make me more patient and kind, and help
us to be more like you. And make room for all other children
of Yours, for they are still growing up, too.
Indeed, we will always be learning and growing as the body
of Christ. As we look forward to another Rally Sunday in the
fall, there is much planning, dreaming and envisioning to do
this summer. Where is God leading us? Challenging us?
Inviting us? If you have desires, dreams, or visions for
ministries and United Lutheran, please bring them to the
leadership of this congregation. We need your input and
ideas to enrich our ministry in this place and also to bring
healing to places of brokenness. We have been empowered
and commissioned to share the love of Christ with our
neighbors which includes everyone outside of our own skin.
We don’t do this on our own. God continues to work in us:
Build Up - God is near, God is here today.
Pastor Jean
Email: ulcpastor@runestone.net
Cell: 651-402-7674
Please pray for these members
of United Lutheran:
Charlie Buehring
Royal Lyson
DeWayne Hauglie
Marlys Kruize
John Swanson
Irene Spaulding
Shirley R Olson
Jim Smith
Clareen Bartness
Don Dally
Bonnie Mickelson
Val Johnson
Dwaine & Bonnie Pikop
Josh Olson
Shirley Peterson (mother of Owen Peterson)
Tom Randol - (friend of Don Dally)
Would you like to join us for
Worship on Sundays, or come to a
church event? Drivers are available to pick you up and take you home
for Church services and events.
Please call the church on Thursday by
noon, if you would like a ride.
We would love for you to come join us!
Office number: 218-685-4179
Nursing Home Visitation
We will have a meeting on
Monday, June 13th at 9a.m.
in the Fireside room.
Please join us on Sunday, June 19that the
All State Lutheran Choir w ill be
performing for us during our worship
service. These students work really had to
bring us an amazing performance and a
show of our gratitude is to come enjoy their
There will be a second offering to help
support this group.
It is
such a
blessing (not only for our members, but the visitation team) to
visit with those who are
homebound. If you would like to
be part of this team, or are wondering what this entails, join us
for a meeting .
All are welcome to join this team!
Please sign-up for Ministry in Worship positions. It is very important for our Team Leaders to pg. 3
have volunteers from the congregation to help with these Ministries.
Sign-up sheets, for July and Agust, are on the table by the large bulletin board.
Thank you for your consideration.
United Lutheran’s Men’s Group meets the
1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month at 7a.m
in the Fireside room at United Lutheran, treats are
provided. They will meet on Thursdays, June 2nd
and June 16th. All men of United are welcome,
please call the church office
at 685-4179 to have
your name added
to the email list.
Attention All Committees and
Board of Trustees
As we continue to improve communication, we will have
All Committee Meetings, with the Board of Trustees, on
the 2nd Wednesday of every month.
This month’s meeting is June 8th at 6p.m.
*Board of Trustees w ill m eet at 7p.m .
Women’s Circle Groups
Will meet on dates as follows:
July Newsletter: June 20th @ noon
Bulletin: Every Wednesday by noon
Morning Circle-June 23rd-9:30a.m. at church
Afternoon Circle-June 23rd-2p.m. at church
Evening Circle-June 28th-7p.m. at parsonage.
April 13, 2016 Boar d of Trustee minutes
approved and corrections made.
Members Present: Gary Nelson, Jay
Johnson, Debbie Krusemark, Jon
Nelson, Darrell Frykman, Kari Kreft,
Aaron Weinandt, Karen McGee, and
Dean Schneeberger. Not present: Chad
Westrom and Pastor Jean Ohman
Devotions were led by Gary Nelson
Secretary’s Report was given and
accepted by Deb/Aaron
Treasurer’s Report was given and
accepted by Jon/Kari
There was some discussion on the
dedicated funds pertaining to World
Hunger, LYO and ELCA Benevolence.
These expenses are part of the annual
budget. The dedicated funds designated
to these accounts will be part of the
budgeted funds and not in addition to
the budgeted amounts.
The pastor’s report was shared. Synod
Assembly representatives will be Fred
and Nancy Hahn and Harold Nelson.
The confirmation students will assemble the compassion baskets. Hospitality
team feedback was collected and
shared. A communion schedule that
includes communion at the rail will be
coordinated with Pastor Jean.
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds – A bid was
given by Outdoor Renovations for
$1613.35 for supplies to landscape the
planter area. The plan if accepted will
include donated labor. This would be a
donated projected so a motion was not
made at this time. A rough estimate
was sought for the bell tower. A firmer
estimate and specifics will happen at a
later time. A ringer has been ordered so
the bells can be rung.
Endowment Fund – no report
Altar Guild – New flowers have been
put out and a new Christmas tree that is
more manageable is on a wish list for
the future.
Personnel Management – no report
Worship Committee – no report
Education – VBS is being held from
June 13-16, from 8:45-3:00.
Registration is due May 22nd. The
format will be very similar to last year’s
and include a service project.
Volunteers will be needed to provide
meals for the Luther Crest workers and
to support the VBS service project day
and the Luther Crest traveling day. The
student song books were ordered and
already used for a cost of $307.78. (Paid
with dedicated hymnal funds.) The
Sunday school schedule is being
worked on for next year and all area
school schedules will be considered.
There is a curriculum meeting in the
Life and Growth – A cake is being
ordered for confirmation. Rootbeer
floats will be served during reading of
the faith statements. This group will be
taking care of one of the downtown
planters and making the required
donation of $100.00.
Stewardship – Seeds for Mission will
happen, with the details still getting
figured out.
Youth and Family – no report
Old Business:
The books were reviewed by terry, Jay
and Karen.
Easter breakfast planning for next year
should include numbers of 50. Too
much food was ordered for this year.
The membership list was reviewed and
the report will be housed at the church
for future reference.
The website is in the process of crossing over and should be finalized soon.
New Business:
Date for the Trustee Report is tabled
until Pastor Jean returns.
A motion, second and vote was presented to purchase a Hoover FloorMate
Scrubber for an approximate cost of
$120.00. Kari/Jay
There was some discussion on Pastor
Jean’s allotted vacation time as stated
in the contract. This information will
be checked into and shared if needed.
Motion to adjourn. Kari/Jon
pg. 4
Luther Crest VBS
The Sunday School children successfully completed 45 "Socks of
Love" which are being donated to Grant County Social Services.
Thank you for your contributions!
Thank you to all those who volunteered/taught/donated items to
Sunday School this year. We are planning and looking forward to
next school year already. Enjoy your summer!
 Parents: 3rd grade Bibles and kindergarten Bibles will be
presented during Rally Sunday Service in September.
United Lutheran
Board of Education
Sunday School Committee
Theron Jeppesen
Kim Gulbrandson
Lauren Kujawa
Chelle Dewey
VBS Committee
Jenni Tischer
Mindy Beyer
Christmas Program
Michelle Toso
June 13 - 16
MAY 22
To register call: Jennifer Tischer:
To volunteer call: Jennifer Tischer:
K - 4th grade
pg. 5
Seeds for Missions
to help with picking rocks for our Seeds for Missions
Fields this month!
DATE: Sunday, M ay 5th
TIME: 1p.m .
WHERE: at Gary N elsons Farm (12285—280th
Please consider helping out with this very important
task for our Seeds for Missions!
Watch for more details to come!
United Lutheran Church Endowment Committee-Commitment to Help Families
This year, the ULC Endowment Committee will be helping our families by providing great
opportunities for students of all ages.
For the younger students, Luther Crest will be providing Vacation Bible School this summer.
The cost of the day camp will be covered by the Endowment Committee again this year.
Watch for the dates and times in upcoming newsletters and bulletins!
For older students, scholar ships are available to cover 50% of Luther Crest Bible Camp
tuition with a maximum of $400 per student.
Here’s how this process will work:
ULC families interested in applying for the scholarships should contact the ULC office for
an Endowment Request Form
Turn in the Form along with proof of registration for the camp to the Endowment
Committee (Mike Burgess, Treasurer).
Endowment pays for the scholarships directly to Luther Crest where it will be applied to
the camper’s tuition.
Any remaining balance is due when your student checks in for camp this summer.
For college students, $400 scholar ships for students enrolled in a Luther an College with a
$400 match from the college, $800 total.
Here’s how this process will work:
For ULC students enrolling in or continuing their studies at Lutheran colleges,
contact the ULC office for an Endowment Request form.
Turn in the Form and proof of attendance to the Endowment Committee
(Mike Burgess, Treasurer).
Contact your college for the application process and their deadline to apply for the
matching scholarship.
The ULC Endowment Committee is able to fund these outstanding opportunities thanks to the
generous support of our donors, both past and present. If you would like to contribute to the ULC
Endowment Fund in order to continue this great work, please make a donation today.
Betsy Ostenson, Endowment Committee Chair
Nursing Home &
Home bound listing
Broen Nursing Home - Fergus
Almyra Kapphahn
Barrett Care Center - Barrett
Clareen Bartness
Bonnie Pikop
01 Tiana Christenson
Gail Schneeberger
02 Mark Brekke
Kari House
Emily Ostenson
Ryan Rustan
03 Colby Buehring
Julie Nelson
04 Loren Hams
Grayson Willard
05 Jade Gehrke
Kevin Walwick
07 June Richards
08 Stephanie Steffan
Jay Johnson
Kim Juergens
Karen Ladwig
Amy Lohse
09 Michele Frykman
Lexi Poyzer
Libby Poyxer
09 Teresa Shuck
Mark Soberg
10 Hailey Kreft
Marlys Kruize
10 Daric Pfingsten
11 Hunter Coleman
Betty Johnson
12 Steve Bordson
Kari Kreft
Rod Melin
13 Marion Swenson
14 Mark Dewey
15 Brandon Gruchow
Cory Mickelson
Joyce Shuck
16 Diane Bender
Renee Larson
Randy Warde
17 Marge Hanson
Bonnie Pikop
18 Taylor Brekke
Jaxson Splichal
19 Craig Gardner
Eric Gardner
20 Clayton Hauglie
20 Marlene
20 Dwaine Pikop
21 Susan Maier
Marissa Hayward
22 Blake Flint
Brandi Gruchow
Daryl Jensen
Brad Jessen
23 Christopher Davis
Brianna Kreft
24 Logan Niblett
25 Summer Benson
26 Ann Hage
Lyle Krusemark
27 Jeannette Huseth
Brenda Nisbet
Scott Soberg
28 Orvin Amundson
29 Bonnie Harstad
Allen Lee
30 Gage Larsen
If there are any
changes or additions to
the May listing, please
contact Julie in the
church office.
Don Kruize
Rolling Hills
- Barrett:
Helen Swenson - apt. 20
Jeanette Huseth - apt. 23
Irene Spaulding - apt. 21
DeWayne Hauglie - apt. 14
Kathleen Weossner - apt. 10
*Marge Hanson has returned to her
home in Elbow Lake
Woodland Center
- Fergus:
Ruth Lange
Sonja Gurel Home - Henning:
Janet Stalnecker
Evansville Care -Evansville:
Mae Wick
Veteran’s Home Jim Larson - room 113
pg. 7
From The Men’s Group
Mission Trip to Cuba
Your ULC Men’s Group meets a couple of times a
month offering great discussion
on how we can go outside the walls of the
church to bring our mission to the
community. To show that we are just not
a lot of talk, we have slotted a time in February 2017 for a mission trip to Cuba. Though we are in the early stages of planning, we need to be on the fast track
to formalize our plans.
“We invite you to discover a place unlike anywhere you've ever served, where the
local church is vibrant, passionate, and rapidly growing, all under the rule of an anti
-religion, communist government. Experience the real Cuba while interacting with
Christians and churches of many different denominations, investing in relationships
with local people, and serving in a variety of ways.”
Though this is not definite, the cost will be about $1,300 per person. This
includes the week in Cuba as well as flying to Havana from one of three airports in
Florida. Outside of misc. personal expenses, you will also need to get transportation
to Florida. The tentative date is February 18 – 24, 2017. Please let me know
through phone call (320-761-0406) or email (jdomcf@gmail.com) if you have an
interest and would like more information.
John Ohman
(There is a sign-up sheet on the table by the large bulletin board)
ULC Reimbursement Forms
If you have purchased an item/items for
your committee/group of United Lutheran
Church, there is a reimbursement form to fill
out. They are located on the table by the
large bulletin board, off of the Fellowship
Hall. Please fill it out, attach your receipts
and turn it into the office for Karen McGee,
ULC Treasurer.
Your cooperation is
greatly appreciated!
Thank You!
United Lutheran Team Leaders
In order to give Team Leaders and their teams
a heads-up, we will be printing which Teams
who will be serving for the next three months.
Serving in June 2016: Team 7
Leaders are LeRoy & Val Mude
Serving in July 2016: Team 8
Leaders are John & Kari Kreft
Serving in August 2016: Team 9
Leaders are Lyle & Deb Krusemark
Next Funeral: Team 9
Lyle & Deb Krusemark
pg. 8
June 3rd: 6p.m. - Wedding Rehearsal
June 4th: 4p.m. - Wedding of Emily Frykman
and Mariano Sanchez
June 5th - Worship Time changes from
1015a.m. to 9a.m.-coffee fellowship will
be after the worship service
June 8th:
6p.m.-All Committee meeting
7p.m.-Trustee Board meeting
June 9th: ULCW Planning meeting- details on
page 9
June 10: 3p.m. - Wedding Rehearsal
June 11th: 3p.m. - Wedding of Caitlyn
Peterson and Kyle Pederson
June 13th - June 16th:
Luther Crest Vacation Bible School at United
Lutheran Church - see details on page 4
June 19th - All State Lutheran Choir performs
during the worship service
June 20th - June 24th
Women’s Week at Luther Crest-details below
June 23rd-ULCW Circle Day
9:30a.m. - Morning Circle meets at church
2p.m. - Afternoon Circle meets at church
June 28th-Evening Circle at the Parsonage
July 2nd: 10a.m. - Memorial Service for
Bennie & Alice Cooper - Pr. Jean presiding
July 4th - Offices/building closed
July 5th: 1-7p.m. - Red Cross Bloodmobile
July 13th:
6p.m.-All Committee Meeting
7p.m.-Trustee Board meeting
July 14th: 2:30p.m. - Vart Hjem Service Pastor Jean attending
July 20th: 2:30p.m. - Barrett Care Service Pastor Jean attending
July 21st - July 25th: Grant County Fair
Julie will be out of the office as she is a
Fair Board member
July 26th: 7p.m. - Evening Circle at the
July 28th: ULCW Circle Day
9:30a.m. - Morning Circle meets at church
2p.m. - Afternoon Circle meets at church
Monday - Friday, June 20th - 24th
Day Camper Program: Tuesday - Thursday, June 21st - 23rd
Cost: $50 dollars a day or
$100.00 per car load
Theme for the Week: A W om an’s Life in Christ: Mary & Martha
Guest Speaker - Marilyn Sharpe: M arilyn Sharpe k now s it ’s all about Faith! She is the
principal of Marilyn Sharpe Ministries, dedicated to helping congregations equip households to
nurture faith in all generations, all the time, wherever they are. She is a congregational coach,
trainer, writer, presenter, speaker, retreat leader and teacher. She presents with energy, passion,
and a contagious enthusiasm.
We are looking forward to the summer months. The warmth of God’s sunshine spreads over us just like
the sweet fragrance of the flowers and the freshly mowed grass. May we all soak up God’s love this
summer, wherever we are.
The Bible study for June is entitled “Treasure in Clay Jars – a lesson on conflict, forgiveness and
reconciliation.” The theme verse is from 2 Corinthians 4:7 which says, “But we have this treasure
in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us.” When we
experience jealousy, unkind words or conflicts of any nature, remember that humility is helpful in
easing our differences. Proverbs 15:1 says, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up
anger.” Picture God as the potter, putting us back together with his grace of forgiveness and
reconciliation. Then God fills each of us with the power of his love.
The ULCW business meeting on May 12 was held at the parsonage. Pastor Jean was a very gracious
hostess. We thank her so much for opening her home to us. We had a delicious lunch and enjoyed
fellowship with one another.
A date has been set to clean the kitchen at church. Thursday, May 19, at 9:00 AM we welcome all who
are interested in giving the kitchen a good scrub to come and join us. We’ll have coffee and goodies.
We discussed the idea of remodeling the kitchen in the future. All this would need to be brought to the
Board of Trustees and the property and management committee. ULCW does have extra money that
could be used to help pay for any project.
Fund raising ideas were also discussed. One possibility that most agreed upon was a salad and bread
luncheon, or a salad and soup luncheon in September. We will meet on Thursday, June 9, at 9:30 AM to
make plans. All women of United are encouraged to come with their ideas.
ULCW is ordering 3 subscriptions to the Gather magazine (which includes the monthly Bible study) to have
available for anyone who is interested in them. Also, we will put old Gather magazines in the library for
anyone to take home.
The women will be putting together school kits again in the fall to send to Lutheran World Relief. A list of
supplies will be published at a later date. We welcome all your donations of supplies and also monetary
contributions. Thank you so much!
Women’s week at Luther Crest is June 22 – 26. We can go for just one day, too.
The coffee donations on Sunday morning will go to Grant County Mental Health in June, Seeds for Missions
in July, Gather magazine subscriptions in August and shipping costs to LWR in September. The morning
and afternoon Bible study circles meet on Thursday, June 23, at 9:30 AM and 2:00 PM in the fireside
room. The evening Bible study will be on Tuesday, June 28, at 7:00 PM at the parsonage.
A clock was purchased for the fellowship hall.
The ULCW business meeting will be Sept. 8, at 1:30 PM. Morning circle ladies will serve lunch.
Pam Lyson, ULCW President
If you have any questions or concerns,
you may always contact me.
Home: 218-685-4004
Cell: 701-301-0095
Have a Blessed Summer!
pg. 10
pg. 11
Mark your
 Sunday, June 5th
summer worship
starts at 9a.m.
with Communion
*after worshipcoffee fellowship
1p.m. Rock picking
for Seeds for
Missions– inf. pg. 5
*after worshipcoffee fellowship
19-Father’s Day
with Communion
*The All State
Lutheran Choir
will perform
*after worshipcoffee fellowship
3p.m.-Night Owls
Team mtg.
3p.m.-Night Owls
3p.m.-Night Owls
Women’s Week at
Luther Crest
June 20th - 24th
3p.m.-Night Owls
4p.m. - Wedding
Emily Frykman &
Mariano Sanchez
3p.m.— Wedding
Caitlyn Peterson &
Kyle Pederson
9:30a.m. - ULCW
Planning meeting
23-Circle Day
Circle at church
Circle at church
7a.m.-Men’s Group
7p.m. - Maplewood
Manor service-Pr.
Jean attending
7a.m.-Men’s Group
June 2016
1p.m. - Dorcas
Heart parenting
Heart parenting
6p.m.-All Committee
7p.m.-Trustee mtg.
1p.m. - Dorcas mtg.
Heart parenting
Circle at the
215 - 10th Avenue SE.
Elbow Lake, Minnesota 56531
Non Profit Org.
Permit No. 47
Elbow Lake, MN.
JUNE 2016
ULC Newsletter