August 2016 - United Lutheran Church


August 2016 - United Lutheran Church
A publication of United Lutheran
pg. 1
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God’s work. Our hands
August 2016
In this issue:
Some men arrived carrying a paraplegic on a stretcher. They were looking
for a way to get into the house and set him before Jesus. When they
couldn’t find a way in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof,
removed some tiles, and let him down in the middle of everyone, right in
front of Jesus. Impressed by their bold belief, he said, “Friend, I forgive
your sins.”
Luke 5:18-20
What was Jesus thinking? The guy can’t walk. Isn’t it obvious that his
friends made the effort to bring him to Jesus because he needed healing?
But, even before Jesus tells the paraplegic to pick up his mat and go home
(which he does), healing has happened. Jesus, in announcing forgiveness 
has broadened the category of healing to go far beyond physical ailments. 
If you have a pulse, you are in need of healing.
In our cranberry hymnal there is a beautiful hymn written by
Marty Haugen called, Healer of Our Every Ill. It is often sung by a
congregation if there is a scripture reading about Jesus’ healing someone
from a physical ailment. The refrain’s words are, “Healer of our ev’ry ill,
light of each tomorrow, give us peace beyond our fear, and hope beyond
our sorrow.” (Marty Haugen)
Healing is not restricted to our bodies alone. What about our hearts and
souls? What about the environment and relationships?
This summer we scheduled three healing services at United Lutheran –
one for each month of the summer that takes place on Wednesday
evenings at 7 pm. They are simple, contemplative services originally
written by Susan Briehl and Tom Witt for use at Holden Village, a Christian
retreat community in Washington State. They were called “prayers
around the cross” and they arose out of the community’s desire for a time
Would you like to join us for Worship on Sundays, or come to a
church event? Drivers are available to pick you up and take you home
for Church services and events. Please call the church on Thursday by
noon, if you would like a ride. We would love for you to come join us!
Office number: 218-685-4179
Carpet Fundraiser
S. S. Registration/update
Sunday school teacher
sign-up, please consider
Furniture update
Heads-up for September
Men’s Group meeting
Cuba Mission Trip
Mark Your Calendar
Men’s Group meetings
Rally Sunday-Sunday
school Kick-off
Wednesday Evening
Healing Service
Aug. 17-Free Community
Supper at the park-details
on page 8
Coffee Gathering at the
parsonage with Pr. Jean
Pr. Jean on vacation
United Lutheran Church
215 - 10th Avenue SE
Elbow Lake, MN. 56531
 Church email:
Pastor: Jean Ohman
Cell phone: 651-402-7674
Pr. Jean’s email:
Secretary: Julie Johnson
Janitor: Beth Schneeberger
pg. 2
of reflection on scripture, prayer and healing. Holden Village
is a healing place because of their comprehensive view of
who is in need of God’s healing:
“Prayers for healing are not restricted only to individuals who
are broken by physical disease and pain. They also include
those torn by relationships; those who are depressed,
hopeless, or homeless; those who are burdened by the harm
they have caused to someone else; those grieving the loss of
someone close. We pray for the healing of creation’s
wounds: misused land, polluted air, and poisoned water.
Our prayers embrace those suffering the ravages of war,
racial or ethnic divisions, or society’s structural injustices.
Our understanding of healing is far reaching because
the mercy of God reaches even farther than our
(Holden: Prayer Around the Cross by Susan Briehl and
Tom Witt.)
Can you relate to any of those categories? You might
consider joining your faith community for our next healing
service on August 31 at 7p.m. Your global neighborhood
and the earth itself are in need of your prayers for healing.
Gather around the hope and mercy of the healer of our every
ill – the one who gives us “peace beyond our fear, and hope
beyond our sorrow.”
Pastor Jean
Cell: 651-402-7674
Please pray for these members
of United Lutheran:
Charlie Buehring
Royal Lyson
DeWayne Hauglie
John Swanson
Marlys Kruize
Irene Spaulding
Shirley R Olson
Jim Smith
Clareen Bartness
Bonnie Mickelson
Don Dally
Val Johnson
Dwaine & Bonnie Pikop
Josh Olson
Janice Mickelson
Gary Bartness (son of Clareen Bartness)
Charles & Lorene Schumacker (parents of
Charlene Nelson)
Shirley Peterson (mother of Owen Peterson)
Tom Randol - (friend of Don Dally)
Nursing Home Visitation
We will have a meeting on Monday,
Aug. 8th at 9a.m. in the Fireside room.
It is such a blessing (not only for our
members, but the visitation team) to visit
with those who are
homebound. If you would like to be
part of this team, or are wondering
what this entails, join us for a meeting .
All are welcome to join this team!
You have probably noticed the changes
made to the Narthex to make it a more
welcoming space.
The new furnishings were a gift from the
Jerry Coleman family in memory of Gail
Coleman. Other artwork and furnishings
will be arriving soon.
When it is completed, we will have a
special dedication and blessing for this
newly updated welcoming space.
“All are welcome, all are
welcome, all are welcome in
this place…”
Please sign-up for Ministry in Worship positions. It is very important for our Team
pg. 3
Leaders to have volunteers from the congregation to help with these Ministries.
Sign-up sheets, for September, are on the table by the large bulletin board.
Thank you for your time!
United Lutheran’s Men’s Group meets the
1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month at 7a.m
in the Fireside room at United Lutheran, treats are
provided. They will meet on Thursdays, August
4th and 18th. All men of United are welcome,
please call the church office
at 685-4179 to have
your name added
to the email list.
Attention All Committees and Board of
Trustees: As we continue to improve communication,
Wednesday of every month.
This month’s meeting is Aug. 10th at 6p.m.
*Board of Trustees will meet at 7p.m.
September Newsletter: Aug. 18th @ noon
Bulletin: Every Wednesday by noon
June 8th, 2016 Boar d of Trustee meeting
minutes approved and corrections made.
Members Present: Gary Nelson, Jay
Johnson, Debbie Krusemark, Kari Kreft,
Aaron Weinandt, Karen McGee, Dean
Schneeberger and Pastor Jean.
Members not Present: Chad Westrom,
Darrell Frykman and Jon Nelson
The Secretary’s Report was moved
and seconded by Deb and Dean and
The Treasurer’s Report was moved and
seconded by Kari and Jay and accepted.
Building and Grounds: A request was
made to gather a group for the planned
removal of pews prior to June 20th
when the narthex furniture is expected
to arrive. There was some discussion
on enhancing the narthex area further
with new carpeting, cushion covers and
hanging fabric. This was tabled for now
but will be discussed further as well as
the ideas to fund it. Julie’s office is long
overdue for an update. When dollar
amounts are determined, a email vote
will take place with 50% of funds
coming from the Rosengren Estate and
50% from church funding. The remaining money in the Hank Schroder fund
will be used to supplement the costs of
landscaping on the west side. The west
side has been painted with the rest to
follow. The possibility of a Memorial
Book listing church donations was
briefly discussed.
Endowment – A check for $250.00 to
fund the All State Lutheran Choir was
granted and scholarships for students
attending ELCA colleges were approved.
These scholarships are matched by the
Altar Guild – There is a request to
replace the current Christmas tree with
two more manageable and smaller trees
for each side of the sanctuary.
Personnel – none
Worship – New speakers and microphones have been installed to enhance
the audio quality. Research is being
done to continue the screen worship
activities in a manageable manner. An
estimate on a new desk top, along with
$618.00 of interface will be voted on via
email later this month to help in this
endeavor. A new camera, mixer and
additional moveable camera were
mentioned as wished in the future.
When discussing this, the need to bring
in a lift in the near future was brought
up. When it comes, items needing
attention are: microphones, cleaning
the ceiling and fans and lifting the lights
in the fellowship hall.
There will be a healing service held on
June 29th, July 20th and August 30st .
Education – There was a request for
curtain rods to be installed. VBS is
good to go and the leaders are excited.
There is a tentative Sunday school
schedule for 2016-2017.
Kindergarteners and third graders will
receive their Bibles on September 11th
which is also Rally Sunday and a service
project of potato soup jars.
Life and Growth – Communion servers
will be called by the Life and Growth
committee, using the time and talent
surveys that were filled out.
Stewardship - $250.00 of Thrivent
Action Plan Money was donated to
Seeds for Mission. The rock picking for
this field was done on June 5th and had
about 25 volunteers.
Youth – Discussion on programming is
needed for this group and there was
talk on how to make this happen.
Web-site – none
Membership list – Gary, Elaine Nelson
and Pastor jean will arrange a meeting
in hopes to arrange for some communication.
The Board of Trustees retreat will be on
July 9, from 9:00-3:00.
Furnishings – Thanks to the Gail
Coleman memorial, these are ordered
and should be in soon.
The air conditioner in the Fellowship
Hall is out. A bid from Kruize plumbing
was $3995.00. A second bid will be
sought for comparison purposes and
voted on via email so it can get taken
care of as soon as possible. Three
compressors were cleaned at the time
of the bid for about $200.00.
Debbie moved to adjourn the meeting
and Dean seconded it.
Submitted by
Kari Kreft
pg. 4
11th Rally Sunday
Rally Sunday will be approaching soon, here are details for
September through October:
Rally Sunday is September 11th with Sunday school Kick-off.
Pastor will meet with Parents starting at 9:00 a.m.
We will be kicking off the new school year with a "Potato Soup
Jar" service project!
 Kindergarten and 3rd Grade Bibles will be presented to the
children during the worship service at 10:30 a.m.
 Following the service a congregation/visitors potluck will be
held in the fellowship hall.
Sunday School Kick-Off at 9a.m.
18th at 9a.m.
Sunday school classes begin,
please make sure your child/
children are here by 9a.m.
25th at 9a.m.-Sunday school
Heads-up for October
2nd - 9a.m. Fireside room -
First Communion Parent meeting
with Pr. Jean
9a.m.-Sunday school
9th-9a.m.-Sunday school
9th-9a.m.-Communion class
with Pr. Jean for 3rd-5th grade
16th-9a.m.-Sunday school
We are asking all parents, current and new members, with
children 4 yrs. old through 6th grade to fill out a Sunday school 16th-9a.m.-Communion class
with Pr. Jean for 3rd-5th grade
registration form, so we can update our records.
You will find a copy in this newsletter on page 11. Please return October 23rd—No S. S. due
to MEA weekend.
it to the church no later than Sunday, August 28th, we truly
30th-9a.m. – Sunday School
appreciate it!
30th-during worship at
Heads-up for October:
 First Communion will be on October 30th, Reformation Sunday,
this year.
 This is open to all children in 3rd grade through 5th grade.
10:30a.m. - First Communion for
3rd - 5th grade students.
S. S. children sing in worship
United Lutheran
Board of Education
Mark Your Calendars: There will be a parent meeting with
Pr. Jean on Sunday, October 2nd at 9a.m. in the Fireside room.
If you are wanting your child to start receiving communion,
Sunday School Committee
please make sure you attend this meeting.
Theron Jeppesen
Kim Gulbrandson
Children in 3rd-5th grade will meet with Pr. Jean on Sundays
Lauren Kujawa
October 9th and 16th
Chelle Dewey
Mark Your Calendar!
Next year VBS is
June 25-29, 2017!
This will be with Luther Crest Again!
Everyone is invited to join us!
VBS Committee
Jenni Tischer
Christmas Program
Michelle Toso
pg. 5
LYO News
September 18th – Youth Meeting.
 We’ll still have our Youth Meeting at 9am in the Youth
 Later on this day, September 18th, we will also have
a grill-out. Please email Dawn Bumgardner with times
that will work for you and your family.
Please bring yourselves and your ideas for what you
would like to do for the 2016/2017 new season!
You are invited to join us for contemplative healing
service at United Lutheran Church.
Wednesday at 7:00p.m.
on August 31st
“Healer of our every ill, light of each tomorrow, give us
peace beyond our fear, and hope beyond our sorrow.”
Marty Haugen
Attention ULC members: Over the past 3-5 months, jewelry items have been found at
the church, and no one has called to claim them.
If you have lost an ear ring, bracelet, or rings, please contact the church office to see if they
are here. (218-685-4179)
If there is no calls to claim these 4 item’s, they will be donated/given away.
Thank you,
Julie, Church Secretary.
pg. 6
Nursing Home &
Home bound listing
Broen Nursing Home - Fergus
Almyra Kapphahn
Barrett Care Center - Barrett
Clareen Bartness
Don Kruize
Bonnie Pikop
01 Helen Knutson
02 Orvin Erickson
Austin Joecks
Patti Nordby
JoAnn Swenson
03 Jacob Gerber
Elaine Larson
Neil Soberg
04 Jeffrey Amundson
Sharon Ehlers
Melanie Kapphahn
06 Tammy Dally
07 Aubrey Amundson
Matthew Coleman
Kim Fleischfresser
Ben Bye
John Toso
08 Sam Aschnewitz
Jared Spittle
09 Beth Ann
Ken Greiner
Pam Lyson
10 Darin Hanson
11 William Schuck
12 Griffin Anderson
Tate Christenson
Zach Kapphahn
Charles Ladwig
Angie Raths
13 Marvin Gunderson
Janice Huseth
14 Lezlie Sumstad
Mary Byron
Devin Nelson
15 Dean
16 Eljene Amundson
Don Kruize
Bernice Lindblom
17 Don Dally
Stephanie Jessen
Elaine Nelson
Michael Skoglund
Richard Swenson
18 Tammy Giffey
Tom Lohse
Pat Westby
19 Logan Kemper
20 Ken Hubbard
21 Vessa
21 Ella Gulbrandson
Angie Nelson
22 William Rustan
24 Lillian Jensen
Scott Tyberg
26 Jonathan Pikop
27 Brynn
28 Julie Johnson
Bob Swenson
29 Michael Bah
Michael Gerber
30 Kayla Gunderson
31 Stephanie Frary
Michael Nohre
If there are any
changes or additions to
the August listing,
please contact Julie in
the church office.
Rolling Hills
- Barrett:
Helen Swenson - apt. 20
Jeanette Huseth - apt. 23
Irene Spaulding - apt. 21
DeWayne Hauglie - apt. 14
Kathleen Weossner - apt. 10
*Marge Hanson has returned to her
Woodland Center
- Fergus:
Ruth Lange
Sonja Gurel Home - Henning:
Janet Stalnecker
Evansville Care -Evansville:
Mae Wick
Veteran’s Home -
Jim Larson - room 113
Wedding of Lesli Johnson and Scott Lembcke is
on Saturday, August 13th at 3:30p.m. in the
Lesli is the daughter of Jay & Betty Johnson
Rehearsal is Friday, Aug. 12th at 3p.m.
pg. 7
From The Men’s Group
Mission Trip to Cuba
Your ULC Men’s Group meets a couple of times a month offering great discussion
on how we can go outside the walls of the church to bring our mission to the
community. To show that we are just not a lot of talk, we have slotted a time in
February 2017 for a mission trip to Cuba. Though we are in the early stages of
planning, we need to be on the fast track to formalize our plans.
“We invite you to discover a place unlike anywhere you've ever served, where the
local church is vibrant, passionate, and rapidly growing, all under the rule of an anti
-religion, communist government. Experience the real Cuba while interacting with
Christians and churches of many different denominations, investing in relationships
with local people, and serving in a variety of ways.”
Though this is not definite, the cost will be about $1,300 per person. This
includes the week in Cuba as well as flying to Havana from one of three airports in
Florida. Outside of misc. personal expenses, you will also need to get transportation
to Florida. The tentative date is February 18 – 24, 2017. Please let me know
through phone call (320-761-0406) or email ( if you have an
interest and would like more information.
John Ohman
(There is a sign-up sheet on the table by the large bulletin board)
ULC Reimbursement Forms
United Lutheran Team Leaders
If you have purchased an item/items for
your committee/group of United Lutheran
Church, there is a reimbursement form to fill
out. They are located in the clear brochure
holder, on the wall by the coffee cabinet.
Please fill it out, attach your receipts and
turn it into the office for Karen McGee,
ULC Treasurer.
In order to give Team Leaders and their teams
a heads-up, we will be printing which Teams
will be serving for the next three months.
Your cooperation is
greatly appreciated!
Thank You!
Serving in August 2016: Team 9
Leaders are Lyle & Deb Krusemark
Serving in September 2016: Team 10
Jeff & Pam Holsen
Serving in October 2016 : Team 1
Next Funeral: Team 9
Lyle & Deb Krusemark
pg. 8
Moving towards our
goal one square at a
Sept. 1:
Sept. 2:
Sept. 3:
7a.m.-Men’s Group gathering
Julie out of office/offices and
building closed
10a.m.-Wedding of Josh Eide
and Lauren Kujawa,
Pr. Jean presiding
2:15p.m.-Wedding of Megan
Willard & Chad Bergan in Fargo
Pr. Jean presiding
Sept. 4:
Service time changes to 10:30a.m.
Sept. 5:
Labor Day Holiday-office and
church building closed
Sept. 7:
1p.m.-Dorcas meeting
Sept. 11: Rally Sunday, 9a.m.-Sunday school
Kick off, Church pot luck after worship
Sept. 12:
3p.m. - Night Owls
Sept. 14:
6p.m. - All Committee meeting
7p.m. - Trustee meeting
Sept. 14:
7a.m.-Men’s Group gathering
Sept. 16th & 17th: NW Synod SWO convention
Sept. 19:
3p.m - Night Owls
Sept. 21:
1p.m. - Dorcas meeting
5-6:30p.m.-Free Community Meal
Sept. 22:
ULCW Circle Day
9:30a.m. - Morning Circle meets at church
2p.m. - Afternoon Circle meets at church
Sept. 26:
3p.m. - Night Owls
Sept. 27:
7p.m.-Evening Circle of Hope at
the parsonage
Coffee Gathering
at the Parsonage
on Wednesday,
August 3rd at 7p.m.
If you haven’t had a
chance to visit with
Pr. Jean at the parsonage,
or if you are new to
United, please come for
coffee and conversation!
As we work on updating the Narthex
to make it a more welcoming space,
we are fundraising to carpet the
Narthex/Hallway and Julie’s Office
with new carpet squares that can be
easily replaced if there is a permanent
stain. Also, we want to install vinyl
tile in all the entryways to the Narthex
and hallway to make cleaning easier.
Half of the carpeting cost will be
covered by the generous gift from the
Harriet Rosengren Memorial Fund.
We are encouraging members to
purchase a carpet square for $20.00.
Or contribute to a number of squares
if you so choose. When we reach our
goal of $4,500.00, the carpeting will
You can take a look at the carpet and
watch our funds grow on the graph
mounted on the wall under the stairs.
For every contribution we will color in
the squares to reflect the amount
If you write a check, designate
“carpet fund” in the lower left hand
Thanks for taking part!
Free Community Meal
Wednesday, August 17th
From 5:00-6:30p.m.
Veteran’s Memorial Park
Provided by United Lutheran Church
(if raining, it will be indoors at United Lutheran)
Invite your friends and neighbors!
Here we are in the month of August already. Hopefully everyone is enjoying the lovely summer we are
having. We give thanks and praise to God for giving us such a beautiful world in which to live.
We invite all women of ULC to join us for our August Bible study that is entitled “The Heart of the Matter
– Reconciliation as New Creations.” The theme verses are from 2 Corinthians 5: 17-19. “So if anyone is in
Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is
from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; that
is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and
entrusting the message of reconciliation to us.” We pray to God that he will help us work as reconcilers
and people of forgiveness and grace, so we can make the world a more peaceful, compassionate place for
everyone. The Bible study circles meet on Tuesday, August 23, at 7:00 PM at the parsonage and on
Thursday, August 25, at 9:30 AM and 2:00 PM in the fireside room. All are invited to join our study and
fellowship with coffee and treats provided.
The coffee donations on Sunday mornings for the month of August will go toward the Gather magazine
subscriptions that ULCW ordered to have available for anyone to read. The Bible study for each month is
included in the magazine. Thanks for your generosity!
The NWM Synodical Women’s organization is having their convention at Calvary Lutheran in Perham on
Sept. 16 & 17. The Theme is “She is …” taken from Proverbs 31:25. “She is clothed with strength and
dignity and laughs without fear of the future.” If anyone is interested in going please let me know.
The deadline to register is September 9.
ULCW plans to put together school kits in September to send to LWR. The supplies that are needed
crayons - 16 or 24 count,
pencil sharpeners,
rulers – 30 cm or both cm & in.,
pens – black or blue ink,
erasers 2 ½ in.
spiral notebooks – 70 pages wide-lined.
There will be a basket in the narthex for the supplies. Monetary donations are appreciated, also.
Saturday, October 1, 2016, from 11:00 – 2:00 is the day we are having a salad and sandwich luncheon to
raise money for the Grant County Food Shelf. We also plan to have a bake sale and basket auction. We are
asking members to volunteer in any way they can – make a salad, bake bars or goodies for the bake sale,
donate a basket for the auction or work in the kitchen or fellowship hall. The meal will be a free will
donation. We hope everyone at United will join us to help make this a great day.
The next ULCW business meeting will be on Thursday, September 8, 2016, at 1:30 PM. The morning circle
will provide coffee and treats. All women of ULC are invited. Please come!
Pam Lyson, ULCW President
If you have any questions or concerns, you may always contact me.
Home: 218-685-4004 Cell: 701-301-0095
pg. 11
3p.m.-Night Owls
9a.m. - Visitation
Team meeting
3p.m. - Night Owls
Pr. Jean out of
3p.m. - Night Owls
3p.m. - Night Owls
Pr. Jean Vacation
7a.m. - Men’s Group Flekkefest
12 noon - Pr. Jean
away at Synod
Ministerial mtg.-Pr.
Jean attending
1p.m. - Dorcas mtg.
7p.m. - Coffee
Gathering at the
3p.m. - Wedding
3:30p.m. Wedding
of Leslie Johnson &
Scot Lembcke
6p.m.-All Committee
7p.m.-Trustee mtg.
1p.m. - Dorcas mtg.
5-6:30p.m. - Free
Community Meal
7a.m. - Men’s Group
Manor Service-Pr.
Pr. Jean on vacation
Jean attending
Circle of Hope at
the parsonage
25-ULCW Circle day
Circle meets
Circle meets
(both at church)
7p.m. - Healing
3p.m. - Night Owls
*Last worship
service at 9a.m.
For Your Information:
* September 4th - worship time changes to 10:15a.m.
Please mark your calendars.
* August 28 is the last Summer Worship at 9a.m.
9a.m. Worship Service
Communion will be on the 14th and
28 this month due to Pr. Jean away.
pg. 10
Sunday School Registration Form 2016
Parent (s) Name:_______________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________________________
Cell Number: __________________________________________________
Emergency Contact (other than parent) _____________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________________________
Child # 1 Name:___________________________________________________
Date of Birth:____________________
Grade Level:_____________________
Baptismal Date___________________
Child # 2 Name:___________________________________________________
Date of Birth:____________________
Grade Level:_____________________
Baptismal Date___________________
Child # 3 Name:___________________________________________________
Date of Birth:____________________
Grade Level:_____________________
Baptismal Date___________________
Child # 4 Name:___________________________________________________
Date of Birth:____________________
Grade Level:_____________________
Baptismal Date___________________
Please bring return this to the church office by August 29th.
We are asking everyone to fill out this form, even if your child/
children have attend ULC Sunday school in the past. We are
hoping to update our files and have more accurate information.
Also, if your child is 4 years and hasn’t attend Sunday school at
United but would like to join us this year, please fill out the form
as well.
215 - 10th Avenue SE.
Elbow Lake, Minnesota 56531
Non Profit Org.
Permit No. 47
Elbow Lake, MN.
ULC Newsletter

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