July 2016 - United Lutheran Church
July 2016 - United Lutheran Church
A publication of United Lutheran pg. 1 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America God’s work. Our hands JULY 2016 In this issue: “It all started with the removal of one pew.” In July I will be attending a Congregational Leadership Seminar at Luther Seminary entitled, “Rethinking Sunday Morning: Better Questions, Bolder Experiments.” As I looked over the various workshops, I smiled knowingly when I read this title: It All Started With the Removal of One Pew. Now, I’m not sure what that is going to be about but I have a good idea, and you can bet that I’ll attend that one. People get attached to their pews and where they are placed. Lutherans tend to get pretty territorial about where they sit. Hey, I’ve been there. We aimed for the same back pews every Sunday when I was growing up. I also had “my pew” that I sat in when I attended church with my own family. I used to always aim for the back. There was some sort of unwritten code that parents with young children should sit in the back so they would not bother the other worshippers. That code is still out there. I urge people with young children to move towards the front so their kids can actually see what’s going on, but staying in the back pews persists. We had a pew removal program in my last congregation. Merwyn Larson, a longtime member of that church, informed me that he had been sitting in the same back pew for 85 years (and that was no exaggeration) so the thought of his pew being removed was monumental. We ended up moving out several of the front pews at that church and that didn’t cause any anxiety because no one ever sat there. Which brings me to our church, United Lutheran, where we removed the back pew a few weeks ago. And I mean the way back pew – the one that has been in the narthex/gathering area for these many past years. The one that the ushers always sat on. The question I was asked multiple times on Sunday, the 19th of June, was: “When is it coming back?” The pew is not coming back. At least not into the gathering space. Now, I know that people are attached to that pew. They’ve sat on it before worship for a long time and that’s where they’re comfortable. I would ask that you take a different view – not from the pew – but as a visitor walking in the doors. As they come in folks on the pew are naturally drawn to the people entering the doors – who then feel all the eyes from the pew following them like they’re being observed by the judgment seat. I know that is not the intention – but it feels that way to a newcomer – or even to a member of United that doesn’t come that often. Would you like to join us for Worship on Sundays, or come to a church event? Drivers are available to pick you up and take you home for Church services and events. Please call the church on Thursday by noon, if you would like a ride. We would love for you to come join us! Office number: 218-685-4179 ULCW Circle date & times Memorial Service for Bennie & Alice Cooper Vacation Bible School pictures on pg. 5 Reimbursement information from Karen McGee Julie out of office for the Grant County Fair Offices & building closed for the 4th of July Mark Your Calendar Men’s Group meetings July 5th-Red Cross Bloodmobile Wednesday Evening Healing Service July 20-Free Community Supper at the part-details on page 8 Val Johnson’s 80th Birthday Celebration United Lutheran Church 215 - 10th Avenue SE Elbow Lake, MN. 56531 218-685-4179 Church email: ulc@runestone.net Pastor: Jean Ohman Cell phone: 651-402-7674 Pr. Jean’s email: ulcpastor@runestone.net Secretary: Julie Johnson Janitor: Beth Schneeberger pg. 2 Newcomers often see things from different perspectives. We get used to how things are over time and don’t often think about how it might be perceived by others. I was a newcomer a year and a half ago. Part of my call here was to focus on building up the community of faith and being welcoming. Removing that back pew is part of that work. It hurts a little, but it will be worth it. It really is for the greater good. This new change didn’t end with one pew. We also removed two back pews out of the sanctuary so that the ushers could navigate that area without having to go outside the doors of the sanctuary. We moved the shorter pew to the middle of the sanctuary so that folks with disabilities would not get the message that we wanted them in the back. The ‘back’ pew is now inside the sanctuary and gives the ushers a new place to work from. What will become of those pews we removed? It has been proposed that they be shortened and placed in the balcony as they are much sturdier and more comfortable. As to the pews that would have to be removed from the balcony? What becomes of them is a challenge for another day. Perhaps we don’t have to keep every pew the church has ever had. You may think this pew removal is a sudden move, but I’ve been talking to the Trustees about doing it since I arrived here a year and a half ago. It’s no easy job to remove those very long and heavy pews and so when the manpower arrived they all were moved at the same time. Now, I realize that it seems pretty empty in the Narthex, but that will only be momentary as painting is done and the new furnishings arrive to create a more welcoming gathering space. Due to a generous donation of memorial gifts, these expenses will be covered. New carpeting is also in the plan and half of that money will be raised by the congregation before it goes in. So, change has come. 500 years ago the church was turned upside down because a monk called Martin Luther insisted that God’s grace was sufficient. We didn’t have to buy, earn or be driven to despair figuring out how to earn God’s love. God is for you! God is with you. Martin’s churches seldom even had pews so he didn’t have to work that one out – but there were people who were closed off from the gospel. Martin wanted the church to be welcome to all. Maybe that is our work too – and perhaps a very small part of our reformation work begins with the removal of one pew. Soli Deo Gloria. To God alone, the glory. Pastor Jean Email: ulcpastor@runestone.net Cell: 651-402-7674 Women’s Circle Groups Will meet on dates as follows: Morning Circle-July 28th-9:30a.m. at church Afternoon Circle-July 28th-2p.m. at church Evening Circle-July 26th-7p.m. at parsonage. Please pray for these members of United Lutheran: Charlie Buehring Royal Lyson DeWayne Hauglie Marlys Kruize John Swanson Irene Spaulding Shirley R Olson Jim Smith Clareen Bartness Don Dally Bonnie Mickelson Val Johnson Dwaine & Bonnie Pikop Josh Olson Charles & Lorene Schumacker (parents of Charlene Nelson) Shirley Peterson (mother of Owen Peterson) Tom Randol - (friend of Don Dally) Attention ULC Committee Members: The Board of Trustees has scheduled a one day, Sat. July 9th (9 am – 3 pm) retreat to get to know one another better, brainstorm, have a little fun and look towards the future. You are all invited to attend. We will be meeting at my home on Lake Lida: 42670 Thompson Beach Lane, Pelican Rapids. I would suggest carpooling (it is a 50 minute drive). Those who want to stay beyond 3 pm and relax lakeside are welcome to do so. I know John wouldn’t mind doing a little fishing… I do need an RSVP, so I can plan accordingly. Please let me know by July 5th if you plan on attending. Thanks for the work and energy you put towards United Lutheran Church. Pastor Jean (See contact information at the bottom of her article) Nursing Home Visitation We will have a meeting on Monday, July 11th at 9a.m. in the Fireside room. It is such a blessing (not only for our members, but the visitation team) to visit with those who are homebound. If you would like to be part of this team, or are wondering what this entails, join us for a meeting . All are welcome to join this team! Please sign-up for Ministry in Worship positions. It is very important for our Team pg. 3 Leaders to have volunteers from the congregation to help with these Ministries. Sign-up sheets, for August & September, are on the table by the large bulletin board. Thank you for your time! United Lutheran’s Men’s Group meets the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month at 7a.m in the Fireside room at United Lutheran, treats are provided. They will meet on Thursdays, July 7th and 21st. All men of United are welcome, please call the church office at 685-4179 to have your name added to the email list. Attention All Committees and Board of Trustees: As we continue to improve communication, Wednesday of every month. This month’s meeting is July 13th at 6p.m. *Board of Trustees will meet at 7p.m. Deadlines: August Newsletter: July 19th @ noon Bulletin: Every Wednesday by noon May 11, 2016 Boar d of Trustee minutes Members Present: Gary Nelson, Jay Johnson, Debbie Krusemark, Jon Nelson, Darrell Frykman, Kari Kreft, Aaron Weinandt, Karen McGee, Dean Schneeberger, Chad Westrom and Pastor Jean Ohman Devotions were led by Aaron Weinandt Secretary’s Report was given and accepted. Treasurer’s Report was given and accepted. The pastor’s report was shared. The upcoming NWMN Synod Assembly was discussed. Stephen Ministry was discussed. It appears there may be an interest to share training with Messiah Lutheran in Hoffman which would be advantageous for both groups, allowing for training to happen and yet maintain separate ministries at both churches. Coffee hour will take place after church during the summer schedule of 9:00 church which begins On June 5th. There was some talk about changing worship time from 10:15 to 10:30 next year and doing coffee hour from 10:0010:30. This would allow for the coffee fellowship time without interfering with Sunday School or Choir. Altar rail communion will take place on the first Sunday in June and in August and the choice of both will continue on other communion Sundays. First communion plan for next year may be to move to Reformation Sunday on October 30th. Plans for updating the Narthex, are underway. The Coleman family is donating the furniture in memory of Gail Coleman. Ideas were discussed for possible decorations. Pastoral Acts in May were a memorial service for Leslie (Butch) Folken on May 6 and a baptism for Laeken Rae Borstad on May 8th and the National Day of Prayer on May 5th Committee Reports: Building and Grounds – Bell Tower refurbishing continues to be worked on and bells should be ringing within a week . A two tiered approach for landscaping in the front on the west side is being looked at. The plan is to use some of the Rosengren donation money for plants and donated labor to complete this project. Endowment Fund – none Altar Guild – none Personnel Management – Aaron reviewed the contracts Worship Committee – Choir will decide where to donate the $255.00 they collected during Lenten meals. Education Committee – VBS is on track. St. Olaf may join us this year. Life and Growth – There was talk of organizing a work Sunday to do a deep clean of the kitchen in the near future. This group is willing to oversee the kitchen and take care of its needs if everyone is agreeable. Stewardship – Gary Nelson will do a Seeds for Mission update and organize a work day. Youth and Family – The school year is wrapping up and things will remain pretty quiet until school is back in session. There was some talk of a possible picnic and possible Flekkefest activities. Old Business: The new and improved web site is getting close to being up and running. Kari will ask the congregation to get things such as pictures, articles and other interesting items to Julie and she will get them placed on the website. Elaine Nelson has the most accurate membership list and can be a resource if needed. New Business: A tentative date of July 9th has been set for the Trustees Retreat. A media update was shared by Jay Johnson. There was a motion to approve $3000.00 to fund needed microphones and materials for better audio on television and in the church. This money will come from the dedicated technology fund. Motion was made by Kari Kreft and seconded by Dean Schneeberger. The motion was approved. There was also a motion by Aaron Weinandt and seconded by Debbie Krusemark to approve the $500.00 software update needed to make the broadcasting of the church service on the screen and TV a better quality. This was approved, but will wait until needed. This money will also come from the technology fund. The head usher instruction sheet was looked at and discussed. A family movie night and date night for couples was mentioned as something we may want to pursue. Motion to adjourn by Karen McGee and seconded by Aaron Weinandt. pg. 4 See you all in September for Rally Sunday! Luther Crest VBS was a great success! There were 20 children who attended. The kids had so much fun interacting with the Luther Crest counselors! The kindergarten and first graders picked up garbage at the athletic park, and the 2nd - 4th graders went to the humane society on Tuesday. Next year VBS is June 25-29, 2017! Mark it on your calendars!! See VBS pictures on the next page! September 11th Rally Sunday Sunday School Kick-Off United Lutheran Board of Education Sunday School Committee Theron Jeppesen Kim Gulbrandson Lauren Kujawa Chelle Dewey The Committee of VBS Committee Education and the ULC Jenni Tischer Sunday school children Mindy Beyer would like to thank Christmas Program LeRoy and Val Mude for supplying the paint for Committee the Sunday School “big” class room. Michelle Toso *Vacant It looks amazing! You are invited to join us for contemplative healing services this summer at United Lutheran Church. Wednesdays at 7:00p.m. June 29, July 20, August 31 “Healer of our every ill, light of each tomorrow, give us peace beyond our fear, and hope beyond our sorrow.” Marty Haugen LYO News Attention upcoming 7th-12th Graders and new families at United Lutheran: Please contact the church with your information so we can include you in our Youth activities email. You may call the church at 685-4179 or email Julie in the office at ulc@runestone.net Watch your emails for any events happening in the fall, or check our Youth Page in the August Newsletter for any details. pg. 5 pg. 6 Nursing Home & Home bound listing Broen Nursing Home - Fergus Almyra Kapphahn Barrett Care Center - Barrett Clareen Bartness Don Kruize Bonnie Pikop 03 Melinda Beyer Eli Reeve 04 Joe Kimber Vanessa Pikop 05 Rosemarie Larson 06 Keiran Gehrke Lexi Dahl Savanna Westrom 07 Bill LaValley Janice Mickelson Marion Mobraaten 08 Kasey Maier Matthew Poyzer 09 Travis Kimber Madilyn Connolly Brady Reeve Rasalee Shervey 10 Logan Jensen Beth Palm Heather Reeve 11 Samantha Kapphahn 12 Irving Sax Kevin Westrom 14 Tucker Lohse Shirley R. Olson Paul Rath 15 Megan Endreson 16 Beth Kurz 18 Terry Christenson Teri Christenson 20 Carroll Mau 21 Brent Hemingsen 22 Josh Eide Missy Rustan 23 Val Johnson 24 Lindsay Miller John Swanson 25 Lowell Hinrichs Angi Jensen 27 Michelle Wentland 28 Miley Dewey Travis Fosness 29 Sierra Westrom Tenley Strunk 30 Kimberly Amundson Curt Ostenson Rolling Hills - Barrett: Helen Swenson - apt. 20 Jeanette Huseth - apt. 23 Irene Spaulding - apt. 21 DeWayne Hauglie - apt. 14 Kathleen Weossner - apt. 10 If there are any changes or additions to the JULY listing, please contact Julie in the church office. 685-4179 *Marge Hanson has returned to her home in Elbow Lake Woodland Center - Fergus: Ruth Lange Sonja Gurel Home - Henning: Janet Stalnecker Evansville Care -Evansville: Mae Wick Veteran’s Home Jim Larson - room 113 80th Birthday Celebration for Val Johnson - Please join Val Johnson and her family, as they celebrate her 80th Birthday on Sunday, July 24th, after worship in the Fellowship Hall. Coffee, Lemonade and cake will be served. Fergus: pg. 7 From The Men’s Group Mission Trip to Cuba Your ULC Men’s Group meets a couple of times a month offering great discussion on how we can go outside the walls of the church to bring our mission to the community. To show that we are just not a lot of talk, we have slotted a time in February 2017 for a mission trip to Cuba. Though we are in the early stages of planning, we need to be on the fast track to formalize our plans. “We invite you to discover a place unlike anywhere you've ever served, where the local church is vibrant, passionate, and rapidly growing, all under the rule of an anti -religion, communist government. Experience the real Cuba while interacting with Christians and churches of many different denominations, investing in relationships with local people, and serving in a variety of ways.” Though this is not definite, the cost will be about $1,300 per person. This includes the week in Cuba as well as flying to Havana from one of three airports in Florida. Outside of misc. personal expenses, you will also need to get transportation to Florida. The tentative date is February 18 – 24, 2017. Please let me know through phone call (320-761-0406) or email (jdomcf@gmail.com) if you have an interest and would like more information. John Ohman (There is a sign-up sheet on the table by the large bulletin board) ULC Reimbursement Forms United Lutheran Team Leaders If you have purchased an item/items for your committee/group of United Lutheran Church, there is a reimbursement form to fill out. They are located on the table by the large bulletin board, off of the Fellowship Hall. Please fill it out, attach your receipts and turn it into the office for Karen McGee, ULC Treasurer. In order to give Team Leaders and their teams a heads-up, we will be printing which Teams will be serving for the next three months. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated! Thank You! Serving in August 2016: Team 9 Leaders are Lyle & Deb Krusemark Serving in September 2016: Team 10 Jeff & Pam Holsen Serving in October 2016 : Team 1 Leaders are John & Kari Kreft Next Funeral: Team 9 Lyle & Deb Krusemark pg. 8 Red Cross Bloodmobile United Lutheran Church Tuesday, July 5th 1-7p.m. Aug. 3: 1p.m. - Dorcas meeting 7p.m.-Coffee Gathering at the Parsonage Aug. 4: 7a.m. - Men’s Group meeting Aug. 8: 9a.m. - Visitation Team meeting Aug. 10: 6p.m. - All Committee meeting 7p.m. - Trustee Board meeting Aug. 12: 3p.m. - Wedding Rehearsal Aug. 13: 3:30p.m. - Wedding of Leslie Johnson & Scott Lembcke Aug. 17: 1p.m. - Dorcas meeting 5-6:30p.m.-Community Meal Aug. 18: 7a.m. - Men’s Group meeting 7p.m. - Maplewood Manor ServicePr. Jean attending Aug. 23: 7p.m. - Evening Circle at the parsonage Aug. 25: ULCW Circle day 9:30a.m. - Morning Circle meets at the church 2p.m. - Afternoon Circle meets at the church Aug. 28: Last 9a.m. Worship Service. Worship time will change back to 10:15a.m. on Sunday, September 4th. Aug. 31: 7p.m. - Healing Service Coffee Gathering at the Parsonage Wednesday, July 6th at 7p.m. If you haven’t had a chance to visit with Pr. Jean at the parsonage, or if you are new to United, please come for coffee and conversation! If you would like to set an appointment to donate blood, please call Elaine Bordson at 685-4086 Memorial Service for Bennie & Alice Cooper Saturday, July 2nd 10 a.m. at United Lutheran Church Free Community Meal Wednesday, July 20th From 5:00-6:30p.m. Veteran’s Memorial Park Provided by United Lutheran Church (if raining, it will be indoors at United Lutheran) Sunday, July 10th Audrey Marie Gerber Daughter of Jake & Krista Gerber Pastor Michael Nelson presiding over baptism Summer is upon us with its long, warm days and short, cool nights. We delight in the beauty of the flowers, the movement of the trees in the breeze, the soaking rain and the children at play in God’s creation. We invite all women of ULC to come to our Bible study in July. The title is “The Heart of the Matter – Seeking God.” The theme verse from Jeremiah 29:13 states, “When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart.” We seek God in many ways; during worship, Bible study, in prayer and also in times of conflict. We should ask God to help us learn from any conflict and to grow from the experience. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” The Bible study circles meet on Tuesday, July 26, at 7:00 PM at the parsonage and on Thursday, July 28, at 9:30 AM and 2:00 PM. We invite all of you to come and be a part of our Bible study. We have such a wonderful time as we fellowship with one another over coffee and lunch. We need you! Come and bring a friend. There are 3 Gather magazines available in the narthex for anyone who would like to take one. Enjoy reading the articles and the Bible study. This is the Bible study we use every month. We will be putting school kits together in September to send to LWR. The supplies that are needed are: crayons – 16 or 24 count, sharpeners, rulers – 30 cm or both cm &in., pens – black or blue ink, erasers – 2 ½ in., spiral notebooks – 70 pages wide-lined. There will be a box in the narthex to place the items. Monetary donations are also appreciated. Thank you. The coffee donations on Sunday mornings for the month of July will be given to Seeds for Mission. There was a special ULCW meeting on June 9 to discuss a fund-raising event. We will have a salad and sandwich luncheon on Saturday, October 1, 2016, from 11:00 – 2:00. We also plan to have a bake sale and a basket auction. We are asking members of the congregation to volunteer in any way they can – providing a salad, baking bars, or goodies for the bake sale, donate a basket for the auction, and working in the kitchen or fellowship hall. The meal will be a free will donation. All proceeds will be given to the Grant County Food Shelf. The next ULCW business meeting will be on Thursday, September 8, 2016, at 1:30 PM. The morning circle will provide the coffee and lunch. All women of ULC are invited. Please come! The Northwest Minnesota Synodical Women’s Organization is having their convention on September 16 and 17, 2016 at Perham. Call if you are interested in attending. Pam Lyson, ULCW President If you have any questions or concerns, you may always contact me. Home: 218-685-4004 Cell: 701-301-0095 The Nutrition Center is open to everyone in the Community, any day of the week If you would like to come for a healthy meal on Mondays through Fridays, please give us a call by 9a.m. at 685-4709. Your call helps us to be prepared for the amount of people coming. Come to the Grant County Fair July 21st - July 24th There are a lot of events to come and enjoy! Ag Bash, Black Hawk Concert, Rodeo, Enduro, Lawn Mower Derby, Iron Truck & Tractor Pull, Kiddy Pull, Free Cherry Run Band, Fireworks, Saturday kid’s Magician shows, Balloon Twister/Water balloon artist, Carnival, lots of food and fun, 4H shows, events & food stand, Craft Fair, and so much more! pg. 10 pg. 11 Sun Mon 11 9a.m. - Visitation Team meeting 3p.m. - Night Owls Offices & church building closed 10 9a.m.-Worship with a baptism of Audrey Gerber *after worshipcoffee fellowship 18 3p.m. - Night Owls 3 9a.m.-Worship with Communion *after worshipcoffee fellowship 17 9a.m.-Worship with Communion *after worshipcoffee fellowship 24-9a.m.-Worship 25 *after worship-80th 3p.m. - Night Owls Birthday Celebration for Val Johnson Grant County Fair Julie out of office 31 9a.m.-Worship *after worshipcoffee fellowship 5 11:30a.m.-Pastors’ meeting 1-7p.m.-Red Cross Bloodmobile 13 6p.m.-All Committee meeting 7p.m.-Trustee mtg. 6 1p.m. - Dorcas mtg. 7p.m.-Coffee & Conversation at the parsonage 1 9 9a.m.-3p.m. ULC Leaders Retreat at Pr. Jean’s cabin on lake Lida 2 10a.m. - Memorial Service for Bennie and Alice Cooper Sat 8 16 Fri 15 23 Thu 14 2:30p.m.-Vart Hjem service-Pr. Jean 22 7 7a.m. - Men’s mtg. 21 7a.m. - Men’s mtg. 30 28-ULCW Circle Day 9:30a.m.-Morning circle at church 2p.m.-Afternoon circle at church Grant County Fair Julie out of office 29 JULY 2016 12 20-1p.m. - Dorcas mtg. 2:30p.m.-Barrett Care Service-Pr. Jean 5-6:30p.m.-Community Supper @ the park 7p.m. - Healing Service Wed 19 27 Pr. Jean away at continuing education class July 27 - July 29 Tue 26 7p.m.-Evening Circle at the parsonage TAB TAB UNITED LUTHERAN CHURCH 215 - 10th Avenue SE. Elbow Lake, Minnesota 56531 Non Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 47 Elbow Lake, MN. JULY 2016 ULC Newsletter
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