January 2010 - University Lutheran Church
January 2010 - University Lutheran Church
Serving Greater Gainesville, the University of Florida, & Santa Fe College—January 2010 Nine New Members Welcomed Nine new members were welcomed into the ULC family on Dec. 6th. Sondra Collins; Dr. Kamran Fakhimzadeh; Rod, Lisa, Trenton and Taylor Gobber; Rachel Lowes; Marissa Tweed; and Brent Walbolt all became official members of ULC. As usual, Pastor Collins stressed that not only do the new members join us, but be we pledge to accept and support them in all our walks with God. Sondra is the wife of Pastor (Photo by Sam Brill) Rachel Lowes (Left), the Gobber family—Trent, Lisa, Taylor and Rod (not pictured), Marissa Tweed, Sondra Collins, Kamran Fakhimazdeh, and Brent Walbolt all joined the ULC family on Sunday, Dec. 6th. Collins. They were married on May 30th at the UF Baughman Center. She has a Bachelor of Music in Voice Performance from UF and a Master of Music in Voice Performance from Georgia State University. She teaches mu- (Photo by Sam Brill) Inside: All but two members of the 2010 Congregational Council are pictured following the Dec. 6th election of four members. Pictured are Ray Goldwire, Phil Noss, Emily Robinson, Pastor Collins, Shanti Samuel, Mark Johnson, De Ann Connor and Don Koons. Not pictured are Eckhard Schadow and Ron Kuehl. Birthdays ...............................3 Calendar ................................7 Campus Ministry Sunday......2 Cantata (Pictures)..................4 Christmas Tree (Picture) .......6 Deadline................................ 2 IHN Needs More Support ..... 4 LIFT...................................... 5 My Father’s World ............... 6 President’s View ................... 5 sic at Romeo Elementary in Dunnellon, FL. Sondra was an active campus ministry member while at UF and is now active with Lutheran CM here at ULC, UF and at Santa Fe College. She is the daughter of Roger and Susan Wenninger. She is transferring from Grace Lutheran in Melbourne Beach where Roger is pastor. Sondra is a lifelong Lutheran who likes pot-lucks, fourpart harmony in hymn singing, and wearing Martin Luther t-shirts. Kamran has lived in Finland for the last 28 years where he earned his doctorate at the University of Helsinki. He came to Gainesville last summer to do research on a grant from the UF to discover which parasite is killing honey bees world-wide. His Finnish wife, Paivi, and their younger Thanks for Dinner ................ 2 ULC People ......................... 3 Volunteers ............................ 8 Where in the World is…? .... 2 (See New Members… Page 6.) Annual Congregational Meeting-Jan. 31st (Photo by Sam Brill) Becca Clinton, Katie Newman and Nakole Stephens greet Jackie Klein at the Dec. 13th Campus Ministry Sunday Service. (Photo by Sam Brill) Rikki Schwarz and Marissa Tweed serve as Assisting Ministers for the CM Sunday Service. Campus Ministry Sunday — Dec. 13th Saying good-bye after the CM Sunday Service. The Campus Ministry Board and the students want to thank the Hospitality Action Team for its Survival Dinner, a dinner intended to relieve students of cooking during finals and recognizing the end of the semester. Dinner included chili, baked potatoes, lettuce salad, turtle cake, and apple cake. Campus Ministry wants to thank the HAT, particularly Caroline Yale, Loretta Fauerbach, Mary Lou and Dutch Schirmer, and Jeanne Chamberlin. Food also was provided by Shanti Samuel, DeeAnn Connor, Lois Wilkowske and Ann Goldwire. The Schirmers also provided “survival bags” including such things as food bars. 22 The ULC Newsletter — June- (Photo by Sam Brill) Kate Herzhauser reads lessons during the CM Sunday Service. (Photo by Sam Brill) “Thanks for Dinner” (Photo by Sam Brill) UF Senior Sarah Clinton talks about her experiences and feelings while involved in CM at ULC. (Photo by Sam Brill) ULC CM “Gator Choir” sings during the CM Sunday Service. Where In the World is ...? The ULC Family Bible has been on the road for nearly two years now, making its way through congregation members' homes. At the moment, our tracking system has lost the trail of the ULC Family Bible, and there are homes yet to visit! Do you know where it is? If so, please contact Joan Anderson (jrandfug@aol.com or 331-5657). The ULC Newsletter — January 2010 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Thursday, Jan. 21st is the deadline for articles and pictures for the February newsletter. Please send them to the church office or e-mail them to ULC at info@ulcgainesville.com or to Ron Bauldree at ronbauldree@msn.com. Please use either Microsoft Word® format or a text format that Microsoft Word® can open. If you can only submit hard copy, please submit the article early so there is time to retype the item. Use .jpg or .tif format when submitting pictures. Please identify everyone in the picture. The caption should be submitted in the same The editor format as articles. ULC People Dedicated to news of our church family. PRAYERS: For God’s loving presence to continue surrounding Adeline Bauman, Dee Ann Connor, Jim and Janet Janke, Shari O‘Brien’s brother Thom Hart, Frank and Betty Reisner, Al Schilling, Helen Wiegman, Lois Wilkowske, Betty and Bob Young, holiday travelers and all those who face the holidays missing a loved one… A NEW GRANDCHILD: Anne and Ray Goldwire welcomed Ellie Frances Goldwire, named after Anne’s mom Frances, to their son Ryan’s family, as grandchild number eight (fourth granddaughter). Born during a Colorado snowstorm on Nov. 14th weighing six pounds four ounces, baby Ellie joins three brothers, ☺ January 2 4 6 7 8 11 11 13 14 16 16 19 24 26 26 26 27 28 28 29 Patricia Simpson Joy Schmertmann Colley Benjamin Brandner George Chappell Gene Ryerson Agnes Martinsen Karl Pagenkopf Beverly Ryerson Ronald Bauldree Benjamin Borgert Barbara Dalsheimer Dutch Schirmer Steven Fourman Helen Wiegman Keith Walbolt Kris Pagenkopf Lisa Manion Rikki Schwarz Scott Simpson Bill Ezzell by Pauline Schmertmann 378-6414 Please feel free to share news with Pauline in person or via the phone. (Photo by Sam Brill) Campus Ministry Students Emily Robinson, Heather Humphrey and Leanna McKenzie check out the Social Justice Garden in the Kaiser Center patio. The garden, planted in August, continues to yield fresh vegetables to feed the hungry. twins Gavin and Travis (7 on Nov. 13th) and Ian (3). She is loved very much by her brothers, her adoptive parents Ryan and Cheryl Goldwire in Castle Rock, CO and all the Goldwires. Anne and Ray plan to see her at her baptism in April. TRIPS, TRAVEL: Sandy and Ron Bauldree drove to Asheville, NC for an early November visit with their granddaughter Zoe (11-mo.) and her parents Cindy and David Muse. Cindy and family returned the visit on Dec. 30th for a celebration of Zoe’s 1st birthday and the New Year. Janete Brito and her husband Don Dickson will travel to Spring Hill, TN over the Christmas holidays to visit his extended family which includes 16 children and 14 adults, including sons, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and spouses. Jeanne and Bill Chamberlin spent three weeks in Oregon and Washington State recently. During that time they celebrated Thanksgiving with her parents and brother’s family, enjoyed visits with his sister’s family, and celebrated Jeanne’s birthday where the Columbia River and Pacific Ocean meet. Dee Ann Connor was with family during the Christmas holiday season. While at the home of her daughter Noelle and Al Franco in Ponte Vedra Beach, she enjoyed the special activities of grandsons Kelland (5) and Connor (4). Christmas was spent in Seattle with her son, Kevin, his wife, Erika, grandson, Oliver (5), and granddaughter, Ida (10 mos.). John Drake‘s daughter Barbara Drake, her husband Jorge Vera-Dubois and their 11-year-old son Samuel, who live in Lima Peru, came in mid-December for a month long visit with him. Barbara edits manuscripts, Jorge (a native of Peru) is working with the The ULC Newsletter — January 2010 The ULC Newsletter — June-July 3 2009 3 (See ULC People… Page 4.) IHN Needs More Support By Martha McInnes Executive Director Dear Friends, Thank you for your work and support of IHN. Your participation has enabled us to serve families in Alachua County and the surrounding area for over 11 years. We are currently working with nine host congregations taking four weeks of hosting per year. This has left a significant gap in our hosting schedule. For the year ahead our plan is to do several weeks of all-church hosting. Highlands Presbyterian Church, on NE 16th Ave., has agreed to be our host congregation. We need to provide the volunteers to serve meals, staff the church in the evening, overnight, set up the bedrooms, and host breakfast. I am asking you, and many others to take part in this effort to serve homeless children and their families in Gainesville. Our first week of hosting is Jan. 17th. If you can participate in any way, please email me directly (gainesvilleihn@gmail.com) or call the office, 378-2030. (Photo by Sam Brill) Members of ULC’s Choir are joined by members of the High Springs United Methodist Church Choir for a cantata on Sunday, Dec. 13th. Upon finishing, everyone went to the Kaiser Student Center for the annual ULC Congregational Advent Dinner. ULC People... (Continued from Page 3.) Peruvian government on a twoyear grant, and Sammy attends the American School. John and Pauline Schmertmann and their Boynton Beach son Neil enjoyed a Thanksgiving Day Dinner with their Tallahassee son Carl and his family. They expect Neil, Carl and family, and daughter Joy and her husband Greg Colley from SC for a Christmas visit. Their son Gary and his family live in Sydney, Australia. Caroline and Jim Yale enjoyed their Thanksgiving weekend visit in Clearwater and Dunedin with her parents, Carl and Emeline Koch, her brother, Jeff Koch and his wife Maureen, and nephew, John Koch, his wife Shannon and (Photo by Sam Brill) On Sunday, Dec. 20th, members of ULC’s Choir joined members of the High Springs United Methodist Church Choir in High Springs for a cantata at their church. 4 The ULC Newsletter — January 2010 their three daughters. VISITORS: Chase Collins’ friends, Sapp brothers Caleb and Jacob, and the McClay brothers Jesse Jones, with Virginia “Gina” Lakatos Brenda Mayvan, here from West Virginia Luke Neal’s parents Sue and George from Morton, IL (Luke (PhD. Dec ‘09), continuing his UF research) Alex Firkov, researcher with the UF Chemistry Deptpartment, from Georgia (the country) MEDIA GLEANING: —from the Gainesville Sun Don and Kathy Koons’ son Jay C. Koons, MD, PhD, an Interventional Cardiologist, in a letterto-the-editor in early December stated his opposition to the health care legislation being proposed. He expressed his concern that the proposed reduction in Medicare payments to providers being considered would result in a reduction of services currently provided to Medicare patients. From Mark Johnson As we bid adieu to Advent Season and 2009, we look forward to a new year filled with great challenges and great opportunities. A great milestone for this Church is coming up soon in the form of our 60th Birthday on April 17th and April 18th. Talented and passionate volunteers are working tirelessly to pull off a celebration worthy of our heritage and mission. If you would like to get involved, please speak with Eckhard Schadow. He and his planning team are hard at work crafting recommendations to the Council on a variety of issues from venues to food. Your church leadership needs your continued support and prayers in order to effectively and efficiently manage our limited resources in 2010. The Council will again work openly and cooperatively with our Ministry Boards and committees to be good stewards of the resources we have. We will continue to balance our primary mission with our need to “live within our means.” Please be present at worship services on Jan. 10th as we install our 2010 Congregation Council. Also, members of the congregation are invited to the Annual Meeting on Jan. 31st to review, discuss, and approve the 2010 Spending Plan. Stewardship efforts throughout 2010 will be marked by the theme of “Blessings Abound.” All members, students, and visitors are asked to reflect on how their giving can renew and replenish our commitment to this church’s mission. Your Council and Ministry Board leadership will be monitor- ing pledges and giving on a weekly and quarterly basis in 2010. Moreover, we may be coming to you at various times next year to consider making your pledges in a manner that is timed to coincide with the rhythms of our church’s financial operations. Although at times we may struggle and have disagreements, we must always remember that we are truly blessed to live in the glory of God’s love and the warm embrace of our Christian brothers and sisters. Together there is nothing we cannot accomplish as long as we place our hopes and fears in the Lord! Given our beautiful and successful Advent Season of activities, we are once again in the midst of composing a letter and calendar of events for the 2010 Lenten Season. We are asking all Ministry Boards to send a representative to a Cabinet meeting in January 2010 to secure firm dates and times for all Lenten Season services, events, and activities. We hope to send out the Lenten Season letter in early February so that everyone has plenty of time to circle those events and activities on their own calendars at home. Finally, we ask that you keep the congregational leadership in your thoughts and prayers. We are struggling our way through a difficult year in solid fashion due to the hard work of Pastor Collins, the Congregational Council, and the various Ministry Boards. We need your continued support, love, and care. While it may be easy to simply give up and worry about what the future holds, we should always remember that when we feel that our struggles are too much to bear, we should give up our struggles and fall into the arms of a loving God. LIFT Luncheon News By Agnes Martinsen Christmas was the theme for the Dec. 10th LIFT (Lutherans in Fellowship Together) potluck lunch. White tablecloths and pink roses adorned the tables. A Christmas design table cloth was on the serving tables. Sixteen people joined hands for the thanksgiving prayer at the start of the lunch and a prayer for those who could not attend. As usual, the food was delicious and plentiful—seemed to be a day for Italian food. Dessert consisted of some great tasting pies, cakes and cookies. Otto Johnston was host and program director. He also put on the program, talking about ancient structures—over 5,000 years old— located a few kilometers west of Dublin. Otto showed pictures he took and purchased when he and Sherrie visited Ireland. Thanks to all who helped set up and take down tables and chairs. We hope all had a blessed and safe Christmas and new year. Come and join us on Jan.14th for our next LIFT luncheon. Ron Bauldree and Otto Johnston will serve as hosts. The ULC Newsletter — January 2010 5 (Photo by Sam Brill) THIS IS MY FATHER'S WORLD The Christmas tree in the sanctuary this year was a gift from the funds of ULC’s Campus Ministry. The tree was decorated by congregational members and campus ministry students including Leanna Mackenzie, Virginia Latakos, Phil Noss, Kathy Brill, Shari O’Brien, Pastor Collins, and Leah Gidwani. Not pictured are Emily Robinson and Sam Brill. By Joan Anderson Watch for the rebroadcast of "THE NATIONAL PARKS: America's Best Idea", starting on Jan. 27th on PBS. Also, watch for announcements about a special four-week study/ discussion ("And God Saw That It Was Good") at ULC, based on this acclaimed film series. New Members Welcomed... (Continued from Page 1.) daughter, Sofia (15), arrived just before the New Year to stay in the US with Kamran. Their oldest daughter, Sonia (20), will remain in Finland to finish her university studies. Kamran was born in Iran and lived in Pakistan for five years. He is an excellent cook and has shared his culinary talent at Sunday Hospitality Time and at the recent Iranian Barbeque Benefit for the campus ministry students’ 2010 Spring Mission Trip to Mexico. The Gobber’s came to Gainesville from near Des Moines in July after Lisa was transferred by Nationwide Insurance to Florida as the Associate Vice President of Underwriting and Product. Rod and Lisa own farm ground in Nebraska where Rod travels during the spring and fall to help his brothers and father. Trent (14) attends Kanapaha Middle School and Taylor (7) goes to Chiles Ele6 mentary School. They are transferring from Immanuel Lutheran in Waukee, Iowa, where Lisa taught Sunday school the last three years and Trent completed the first year of his confirmation studies. Prior to transferring to Des Moins in 2004, the Gobber family resided in rural southeast Nebraska where they were lifelong members of St. James Lutheran Church in Humboldt, NB. Rachel came to Gainesville in August to attend law school. She comes from Jackson, MO, where her parents, younger brother and grandmother live. She is a graduate of the University of MissouriKansas City where she majored in Spanish. Rachel wants to work with children, documented and undocumented, from other countries and has a concern about human trafficking. When not concentrating on her law books, she enjoys her dog “Tucker.” She is transferring from St. Paul Lutheran The ULC Newsletter — January 2010 Church in Jackson. Marissa is currently a sophomore at UF pursuing a psychology major with a minor in communication studies. She grew up at Joyful Servants Lutheran Church in Tampa with her father the Rev. Dr. Dave Gardner Tweed, her mother the Rev. Dr. Rita Gardner Tweed, and siblings Wesley (16) and Marina (13). Marissa enjoys helping out with the Altar Guild and as an Assisting Minister. She is active in CM, serving as treasurer and planning the annual Spirituality Beach Retreat this past October. Brent graduated from UF in April of 2008 with a bachelor degree in advertising and minor in business. He was active in CM while a student and is still participates as he can now that he is working in Gainesville. Brent is transferring from Grace Lutheran in Clearwater, where he was baptized and confirmed. Sun SUNDAY SERVICE: 10:25 A.M. SUNDAY Learning/Fellowship Tue 6 Wed 7 Thu Noon- CM Coop 19 8 am- UF Crisis Team 4 pm- Executive Committee Meeting 5:15 pm- Peer Minister Meeting 12 1:30 pm- Staff Meeting 5:30 pm- Wednesday With The Word 7:15 pm- Choir Practice 20 9:30 am- Learning Board 1:30 pm- Staff Meeting 5:30 pm- Wednesday With The Word 7:15 Choir Practice 13 28 7 pm- Council Meeting 21 1:30 pm- Staff Meeting 5:30 pm- Wednesday With The Word 7:15 pm- Choir Practice 5:15 pm- Peer Minister Meeting 27 14 26 1:30 pm- Staff Meeting 5:30 pm- Wednesday With The Word 7:15 pm- Choir Practice Noon- CM Coop Noon- LIFT Luncheon 5:15 pm- Peer Minister Meeting 4 pm- Executive Committee Meting 5:15 pm- Peer Minister Meeting 5 January 2010 Mon 6-10 pm- Alcoholics Anonymous 25 6-10 pm- Alcoholics Anonymous 18 6-10 pm- Alcoholics Anonymous 11 6-10 pm- Alcoholics Anonymous 4 9-10 a.m.—Adult Forum 11:30 a.m.—Fellowship and Refreshments 11:45 a.m.—“Come and See” discussion for Adults 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.—Children and Teen Classes 3 Food Sunday 10 Installation of Council 17 24 31 After the service Annual Meeting of the Congregation 1 8 15 22 29 Fri 2 Sat 6-10 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous 9 6-10 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous 16 6-10 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous 23 6-10 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous 30 6-10 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous 7 The ULC Newsletter — January 2010 January Volunteers ACOLYTE 3 10 17 24 31 Adam MontMarquette Austin MontMarquette Anna Grace MontMarquette Adam MontMarquette Austin Mont Marquette COUNTERS Brandner/Ling Bev & Ron Gronwall Dick Dienhart Bauldree/Chappell 31 Ron and Bev Gronwall ALTAR GUILD 3 10 17 24 31 Lois Wilkowske Mary Lou Schirmer Kathy Brill Jackie Klein Bev Gronwall 3 10 17 24 31 Ron Bauldree/Shari O’Brien Dick Dienhart/Marissa Tweed Otto Johnston/Stephanie Babcock Shari O’Brien/Heather Humphrey Ron Bauldree/Rachel Lowes LAY READERS 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31 DOOR STEP VISITORS SOUND SYSTEM OPERATOR 3 10 17 24 31 Dutch & Marylou Schirmer Philip & Cecilia Noss Joan Anderson/Ruth Fugmann Jackie Klein/Janete Brito Gene Brandner/George Chappell 3 10 17 24 31 Dutch & MaryLou Schirmer Eckhard & Jean Schadow Ron Gordon Gilbert & Sara Daniel Pauline Schmertmann/ DeeAnn Connor ASSISTING MINISTERS 3 10 17 24 31 Dutch Schirmer Ron Kuehl Sam Brill Ray Goldwire Chase Collins USHERS GREETERS 3 10 17 24 31 Sam & Kathy Brill Ron & Mary Kuehl Ron Gordon/Al Schilling Jacob Sapp/Chase Collins Rick & Laurie Ezzell Office (352) 373-6945 • FAX (352) 373-1679 Web Site: www.ULCGainesville.com Email: Info@ulcgainesville.com The Rev. Dr. Michael L. Collins, Pastor Pastor’s email: pastor@ulcgainesville.com The University Lutheran Church & Campus Center Newsletter is a monthly publication of University Lutheran Church The mission of University Lutheran Church and Campus Center is to INVITE people to gather as a Christian family to SHARE in worship, prayer, and the sacraments to SERVE as disciples of Christ’s teachings January 2010 1826 W. UNIVERSITY AVENUE GAINESVILLE, FL 32603 Non-Profit Org. US Postage Paid Gainesville, FL Permit No. 261
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