PSD eNews – January 29, 2015


PSD eNews – January 29, 2015
As the Pacific Southwest District our mission is to
“Effectively resource congregations and schools to fulfill the Great Commission”
PSD eNews – January 29, 2015
Serving the congregations and schools in Arizona, California, and Nevada
New items highlighted in blue.
Weekly Word
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”
1 Corinthians 13:4-5
Please send updated condition information to
Baptism Celebration - "We praise Almighty God, Father, Son and especially the Holy Spirit, Who led Qin
and Peiyun to seal their budding faith in the waters of Holy Baptism on January 4. From China, Qin and
Peiyun have been participants of the International Friendship House ministry at Arizona State University
for the past two years as they pursue graduate degrees." Rev. Gary Boye
Mike Borland, recovering from bladder reconstruction and prostate removal surgery on January 28.
Rev. Lenny Busch, brother of Rev. Lewis Busch, is now in hospice care at home in Oklahoma.
Rev. Rodger Gredvig – “I'm doing very well after prostate surgery last week (biopsies benign) but
recovery is expected to be several weeks. Thank you all for your prayers.”
Deacon Al Jesse, is in the early stages of dementia. His new residence is at the Oakdale Community
Center in La Mesa. Al has served as a Deacon since 1994. Until recently, he served at Bethany, San
Diego. Al would enjoy visitors.
Pastor Dave Poedel, Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, Phoenix, is awaiting prostate surgery.
We pray for all congregations currently in the calling process.
Barbara Andrews, wife of Rev. Arthur Andrews – fighting cancer
Rev. Bill Bartlett – recovering from a stem cell transplant
Rev. Lenny Busch, brother of Rev. Lewis Busch – fighting cancer
Linda DeVore, wife of Rev. Greg DeVore – fighting cancer
Michael Doyle, District Archivist - prayers for renewed strength and healing
Rev. George Duerr – recovering from a stroke
Rev. Gerald Gettis, under chemo treatment for multiple myeloma
Sharon Giese, wife of Rev. Burton Giese, undergoing cancer treatments
Rev. Loel Haak, sight and hearing difficulties, prostrate issues, Alzheimers
Rev. Ron Howard – fighting cancer
Jan Just – fighting cancer
Rev. Ray Kibler - cancer continues to multiply and treatments have become more intense
Ruth Koenig, widow of Rev. Wayne Koenig – battling liver cancer and heart issues
Leeann Kotal, wife of Deacon Charles Kotal – fighting cancer
Rachel Klitzing, Director of School Ministries – om medical leave of absence for dystonia
Cookie Krueger – battling breast cancer
Ruth Ann Krueger, wife of Rev. Dennis Krueger, Sr. – battling liver and lymph system cancer
Rev. Jerald Lindemann – recovering from back surgery and memory loss
Rev. Dr. Charles Manske – fighting cancer
Deacon Dennis Nash – fighting stage 4 chest, lung, neck, and pancreas cancer
Rev. Gregory Otte – recovering from a heart attack and stent surgery
Rev. R.J. (John) Perling - undergoing treatment for his heart and kidney
Rev. Dr. James Rahn – fighting cancer
Rev. Daryl Robarge – recovering from a stroke
Debbie Robarge, wife of Rev. Daryl Robarge – recovering from a heart attack
Deacon Larry Sanders – fighting cancer
Jonathan Schilling, son of Rev. David Schilling – fighting cancer
Rev. Eric Trickey – fighting cancer
Important information from the President’s Office.
TIME FOR ANNUAL REPORT - It is time for all congregations to submit their annual statistical report.
The numbers submitted on the report for 2014 will determine Circuit Eligibility for sending delegates to the
2016 Synod Convention. No Report – No Delegates
AN INVIATION FROM PRESIDENT STOTERAU - I invite you and your congregation to join in the
installation service for Rev. Dominic Rivkin as Director for LINC – LA. The service will be at Hope Memorial
Lutheran Church, 3401 S. Somerset Drive, Los Angeles on February 15 at 2:00 pm. All pastors are
encouraged to participate and bring red stoles. After several years of conversation in the City about how
to strengthen and expand our outreach with the Gospel I am excited about how partnership with LINC Los
Angeles can strengthen our efforts. He is called by LINC Houston and deployed to the Pacific Southwest
District. To quote Dominic, “LINC Los Angeles identifies, equips and empowers local leaders to both launch
new and support existing church, service and social enterprise ministries.” I pray you and your
congregation will join us for this celebration of ministry.
EXPANDING THE CIRCLE: Regional Workshops for 2015 – The topic for the 2015 Expanding the
Circle Regional Workshops will be Bereavement Education and Christian Care Giving. These workshops
are open to all that are interested. Registration fee is $25.00 and includes continental breakfast, lunch,
handouts and all the coffee you can drink. Please pre-register so we know how many attendees to plan
for. Workshop dates: February 7, 2015 at Mt. Calvary, Phoenix; February 28, 2015 at Mt. Olive,
Poway; and March 7, 2015 at Concordia, Cerritos. Click here for a registration packet.
2015 DISTRICT CONVENTION (UPDATE) - The 2015 Pacific Southwest District
Convention “Chosen for this Moment” will be held on Wednesday, June 24 - Friday
June 26, 2015. The location is The Irvine Hotel at Jamboree Center. This hotel is
formerly the Hyatt Regency, Irvine where past conventions have been held.
Questions or concerns, please call the District Office at 949-854-3232 or toll-free at
855-856-5350. Nomination and Delegate forms have been posted to the PSD
website. On the home page click on District; you will then find instructions and forms in the left hand
Convention Information column. Click here for the Convention website that includes online registration.
PSD JOB SITE – The PSD Job Site lists job opportunities at PSD churches and schools. The Job Site is
published every other Thursday. Each new job posting will be listed for four weeks. To submit available
job positions or to be added to the subscription list, please email
IT’S A NEW DAY DEVOTIONAL BROADCAST – “It’s a New Day” is a brief broadcasted devotional that
can be heard every day of the year. Our speaker is Reverend Richard Schumm, Emeritus. We invite you to
join us each day, click here to access the “It’s A New Day” broadcast.
Jesus Christ’s ministry on earth, and a model for our congregations’ demonstration of the connected-ness
of body, mind and spirit. The church provides a place where health and healing can be more than the
absence of illness: we can be a conduit of God’s love for those in need of physical, emotional or spiritual
repair! To learn more, click here. Your topic suggestions for future issues of HealthNotes are welcome
please email Marla M. Lichtsinn, RN, MPA, FCN.
Sharing what the Lord is doing within our Pacific Southwest District family.
RUMMAGE SALE - Redeemer Lutheran Church, Huntington Beach will hold a rummage sale on Saturday,
January 31 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Donations are accepted Monday through Friday between 10:00
am – 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm -3:00 pm. Tax dedication forms are available. Please come and shop! There
will be furniture, small appliances, clothing, sporting equipment, fabric, craft supplies, stamp and coin
catalogues, seasonal items, books, toys and much more! Proceeds will be split to benefit Redeemer’s
preschool and for renovations to the parsonage.
RUMMAGE SALE - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Downey will hold a Rummage Sale and Bake Sale on
February 6 & 7 from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm. Tax deduction forms are available. Come and see our
treasures and shop! Small appliances, clothing, picture/diploma frames, fabric, seasonal items, books,
toys, baked goods and more! Proceeds will be used for missions & ministry.
PSD LWML WOMEN’S RETREAT: “God’s Feminine Power Suit!” – Please join us February 6-8 at the
Embassy Suites in Ontario for a retreat weekend of Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and rest. Sharon
Norris Elliott, a dynamic teacher at Orange Lutheran High School, will be the leader. She is author of nine
published books and a popular speaker. She “is determined to live a life that matters, which is the basis
for her writing, speaking, and teaching ministry model.” We’ll be led in music by Sheila Bosch and Bev
Rasmussen. Register today – deadline to register is January 5, 2015! Forms are on our website.
CONCORDIA HANDBELL INVITATIONAL CONCERT – The Concordia Handbell Invitational Concert is a
richly varied program of the finest handbell repertoire with some of the best ensembles in Southern
California’s universities, churches, and high schools. Each ensemble rings its own selections, and the
concert culminates in a mass ring. Join us on Saturday, February 7 at 4:30 pm for this free concert
featuring Concordia's own Concert Handbells, Spirit Bells, and Chapel Bells with guest ensembles
Concordia Alumni Handbell Ensemble; Mater Dei High School, Santa Ana; Valley Christian High School,
Cerritos; and Will C. Wood High School, Vacaville. For more information call 949-214-3419 or visit
TEACHER CREDENTIAL PROGRAM INFORMATION NIGHT - Are you looking to change careers? Have
you felt the call to teach? Do you know someone who has the spark and potential to become a teacher? If
so, join us for Concordia University Irvine’s Teacher Credential Program Information Night on Tuesday,
February 10 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm in Grimm Hall Conference Room, 3rd Floor. Learn about program
structure and the admissions process; and meet professors and talk to current CUI student teachers.
CUI’s Credential Programs: Multiple Subject Credential; Single Subject Credential; Education Specialist:
Mild to Moderate Credential now with Internship option! New Program! Have a Preliminary CA Credential?
Clear it through CUI’s new Clear Induction Program. Feel the calling? Call CUI. We understand! RSVP for
Concordia University Irvine’s Teacher Credential Program Information Night here or call 949-214-3338.
DECLARE AND DEFEND - Redeemer Lutheran Church, Huntington Beach is hosting another Declare and
Defend seminar with Pastor Mark Jasa on Saturday, February 14. Those of you who have attended
previously know how valuable and enjoyable these seminars are. Breakfast will be served at 8:30
followed by the seminar from 9:00 to noon in the Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP to the Church office at
714-846-6330 if you plan to attend. Our website is
NATIONAL LUTHERAN CHOIR - The National Lutheran Choir, led by artistic director and nationally
recognized composer, organist and hymn festival leader, David Cherwien, returns to the Phoenix area for
four unique choral concerts and a hymn festival, February 19-22! The 62-voice choir, based in
Minneapolis, MN, strives to strengthen, renew and preserve the heritage of sacred choral music through
performance, recordings and touring. Don’t miss this limited opportunity. For concert dates, locations and
to purchase tickets visit their website at
LLL (LHM) ANNUAL CELEBRATION/RALLY - The Grand Canyon District International Lutheran
Laymen’s League Annual Celebration/Rally will be on February 21 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm! The
featured speaker is to be Dr. Micah Parker. This event is to be held at Apostles Lutheran Church, Peoria,
AZ. A free will offering will be taken for lunch. A collection will be taken to support Lutheran Hour
Ministries’ work in Paraguay. Dr. Parker's mission is to: share how God can use an ordinary man and
women to get through extraordinary circumstances; motivate others with humor and Biblical truth toward
action in their relationship with Jesus Christ; and equip Christians of all ages to glorify God despite the
challenges of this world. RSVP to Kathy Baumhofer with names of attendees at 480-759-1147 or at
BEST PRACTICES FOR MINISTRY – Do you want to gain ideas of what to do next? Do you want to talk
to others who have gone through the same things? Do you need encouragement at this crossroad in your
life and ministry? Do you want to bring your whole team so you can be on the same page? In the spirit
of the great commission convocation Christ Church Lutheran, Phoenix is offering this FREE conference,
February 26-28 for a 4th year. All costs for the event are being donated or are being covered by the
congregation. If you would like to donate to this cause you are welcome to do so. Participants are
responsible for travel and lodging (if wanted they can house folks with church members). We have
gathered a “coalition of the willing” to offer almost 200 breakout sessions to help one another be and do
the best we can for our Lord Jesus Christ. Click here for more information and to register.
CANCER COMPANIONS TRAINING - Let Christian therapist Karen Tripp MS, LMFT, train your volunteers
to be Cancer Companions who reach into the lives of cancer families and support them through their
struggles. This full day training being held at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Orange on Saturday, March 14
from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm includes important content concerning the cancer experience as well as skill
training which is vital for any Cancer Companion. The cost is $110.00 per person (lunch and training
materials provided). For more information and to register, click here.
JR. HIGH DYG - Jr. High DYG returns to Concordia University next March. Whether you bring your
confirmation class, the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders in your Lutheran school, your junior high or your middle
school youth group, the annual Jr. High DYG (dating back to the mid-80's) is not to be missed. Here are
the details early in the planning process: Dates - March 7-8; Theme – HIStory; Theme Verse - John
15:26-27; Speaker - Pastor Bob Hiller. Registration packets have been mailed and online registration is
now open. For more information and instructions on registering and getting your hotel room(s) click here.
Questions? Contact Timothy Potthoff – Jr. High DYG Coordinator
ADULT CHURCH CHORAL FESTIVAL - Adult Church Choral Festival to be held at Concordia University,
Irvine, on Sunday, March 15 at 4:00 pm. Choirs will sing 3-4 mass anthems under the direction of Dr.
Michael Busch, and will be given the opportunity to sing one anthem on their own, if they so desire. To
inquire about participation OR to register for this event, please contact Dr. Carol McDaniel, associate
professor of church music at Concordia:
THE SUMMIT – The Summit, Saturday, April 18, being held at Crean Lutheran High School, Irvine is
one of the unique youth events of our district. The Summit is an event designed for youth in 4th to 6th
grades. Building on John 16:33, our theme “Troublemaker” will explore how Christ overcomes trouble in
each of our lives. The Summit will be filled with active learning, fun, meaningful games and activities, as
well as service opportunities for each student. This year we have two amazing speakers, Casey & Jacob
Sitze. Additionally there will be a service project that all participants will be able to help with.
Registration packets have been mailed and online registration is now open. For more information and
instructions on registering click here.
Church, Long Beach for Grades 4-8; Beginning to Advanced Levels. Opportunities for Solo Instrument
Adjudication and Large Group Ensemble playing. Morning to mid-afternoon. Co-sponsored by Concordia
Instrumental Department and Bethany Lutheran, Long Beach. Guest Conductor, Dr. Jeff Held from
Concordia, Irvine. Organizers/Coordinators: Mrs. Mara Widmann (Bethany) and Dr. Carol McDaniel. For
more information email
News and events from our LCMS partners in ministry
INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS GIFT REGISTRY - Men and women called to serve in the mission field are
in constant need of printed resources to support their ministry. With the launch of the International
Missions Gift Registry, Concordia Publishing House has made it easier than ever to provide these needed
books and resources to workers in the mission field. Individuals and congregations who wish to provide
LCMS missionaries with books can do so by visiting There customers will
find the books and items specifically identified by regional missionaries as needed in the field. Simply
select the items and quantity you would like to help send to the mission field, click “Add to cart,” and
proceed to Checkout to complete the purchase. The registry feature is also available to all customers,
individuals and congregations. Visit to start your own wish list. For more
information, contact Elizabeth Pittman at 314-268-1291 or
HOW WILL I KNOW? - Most of us who have ever wondered if becoming a pastor or deaconess was for
us must have asked the question, “How will I know?” It comes in many forms. “What is God’s will in my
life?” “How do I find happiness and fulfillment in my life?” “What is the ultimate purpose of my life?” “How
will I know that God is calling me?”
I imagine that before the rainbow shown in the sky, Noah wondered, “How will I know?” Before John
the Baptist sent his disciples from his prison cell to find Jesus he must have asked, “How will I know?”
When Thomas heard from the disciples that Jesus rose from the dead, he must have struggled with the
question, “How will I know?” As Mary Magdalene gazed into the empty tomb that first Easter morning, she
must have pondered, “How will I know?”
It is a good question and a large part of my job as an Admissions Officer for Concordia Seminary, St.
Louis to help people move through a process of discernment. God gives ways or tests to help us to decide,
to discern and to know what He is asking us. Here are several tests which you can use.
Read Scripture with great care. Be attentive to the stories and patterns of the Bible. What is it
telling you about your life? How is your life fitting into one of these patterns? Be a careful reader of the
Bible. Pay special attention to 1 Timothy and Titus. Paul directs these letters to “pastors” or shepherds of
the church, helping them deal with the office of the pastor.
Pray, pray, and pray. As Luther put it in the Small Catechism, “God would encourage us to believe
that he is truly our Father and we are truly his children in order that we may approach him boldly and
confidently in prayer, even as beloved children approach their dear father”. Ask God: “Is this what You
want? Tell me! Show me!”
Worship regularly. If you are discerning whether or not to enter the pastoral ministry, go to the
Divine Service every chance you get. Be very attentive to the Word proclaimed and the grace received in
Holy Absolution and Holy Communion.
Be attentive to the people around you: parents, friends, pastor, and acquaintances. Ask people that
know you if they see in you signs that would indicate, “Yes! You would be a good pastor.” Often, they see
more clearly than we do. Talk with your pastor, and seek his advice and counsel.
The test of joy. When you think about the office of the public ministry, does that increase in you
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control? Go to Galatians
5:16-26, and find the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Do you sense a degree of satisfaction, hope, or joy when you
consider the office of the public ministry and things that a pastor does – preaching & teaching God’s Word,
administering the Sacraments, praying for God’s people, visiting the sick and shut-in? This is a major test
of discernment.
Finally, attend the church vocation events offered through the Concordia University System schools
and those offered by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne.
These events and the people at each of these schools are incredible resources as you work through the
discernment process.
These are some important tests for discernment, and they work! If you are attentive to them, I am
certain that you will come to clarity. If you would like to learn more about seminary preparation and the
Concordia Seminary community, please contact me at or (314) 505-7224.
CHRIST ACADEMY - For two weeks each summer, June 14-27, high school-aged men of the LCMS are
offered the opportunity to delve deeper into their faith, enjoy the seminary experience and make
friendships that will last a lifetime while attending Christ Academy—High School. Space is limited, so be
sure to get your registration in early. Information concerning the registration process can be found here.
If you know of a young man who may be interested in this opportunity please contact us at or 800-481-2155.
PHOEBE ACADEMY - Phoebe Academy–High School, July 9-12, provides an opportunity for high school
women to learn about the vocation of deaconess in the church from a theological perspective. Attendees
will explore God's Word on Mercy and what it means for us today while developing friendships with likeminded women that can last a lifetime. They will also meet deaconesses who are serving in the church,
learn what they do and how they are trained to serve. The schedule for the event and the registration
form can be found here. You can also email or phone 800-481-2155 for
additional information.
WEEKLY LECTIONARY PODCAST - Providing valuable resources for the clergy and laypeople of The
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) is a task the faculty of Concordia Theological Seminary takes
seriously. The latest offering from the faculty is a weekly Lectionary Podcast based upon the Gospel
reading for the upcoming Sunday from the three-year lectionary. The podcasts is posted every Tuesday on
the Seminary’s Facebook. No login is required to view the podcast. The Seminary’s media site, is another
excellent option for resource material. Items available include theological articles, course videos, chapel
sermons and other resources for the good of Christ's Church.
As an LCEF investor, you help make funds available for loans and support services that empower
ministries and rostered church workers to carry out their call.
● ConnectPLUS - An investment for new LCEF investors. Features: 3% fixed rate on the first $5,000;
Second-tier rate on balance over $5,000; $500 minimum to open; Two-year term; Additional investments
of at least $25 allowed; For new investors 18 and older. Offer subject to change.
● PartnerPLUS – An investment for current LCEF investors. Benefits and features: Low minimum $500
to start; competitive fixed rate of 2% on two-year notes or 2.5% on four-year notes; balance over
$25,000 earns second-tier fixed rate of 1%; additional funds can be added at any time ($25 minimum);
IRA investments allowed; interest compounded and paid quarterly; offer available for a limited time only.
● Young Investors (Y.I.) Club – An investment for young LCEF investors. Features: available to
children 0-18 years old; minimum of $25 to open account; 3.5% interest rate on balances up to $1,000;
savings grow with the child, but are accessible; checks and debit card available to custodian; debit card
available at age 16; interest compounded and paid monthly.
● Family Emergency StewardAccount – An investment for adult LCEF investors. Features:
minimum $25 investment to open account; minimum $25 monthly electronic investment required until
account reaches and maintains a balance of $10,000 or more; limit 12 checks per calendar year, with
per-check minimum of $250; initial quantity of checks FREE; interest compounded and paid monthly;
no monthly maintenance or membership fees; free MyAccount online services, including e-statements.
Invest today! Visit or call 800-843-5233.
JANUARY NEWSLETTER – Keep up-to-date on all the LCEF news from the Pacific Southwest District.
Click here to read the January issue. Click here to get the newsletter sent directly to you each month.
LCMS CHURCH INFORMATION CENTER - Have a question about The Lutheran Church—Missouri
Synod? Do you need help navigating the LCMS website or finding resources for your church? The LCMS
Church Information Center is here to help. The Church Information Center is open Monday through Friday
from 7:45 am to 4:15 pm CT with trained staff who can answer your questions or put you in touch with
the person who can. Next time you need an answer or resources, call the LCMS Church Information Center
at 888-843-5267 or send an email to
LENTEN DEVOTIONS - The light of God is shining in a very dark world! That's the message of these
Lenten devotions from Rev. Wayne Palmer, theological editor and writer for Lutheran Hour Ministries. In
The Light Shines in the Darkness, he has penned a thoughtful meditation on Christ's life and passion
presented in the Gospel of John, which illuminates this beloved book with insight and clarity. Written in a
fresh but familiar style, The Light Shines in the Darkness is a captivating portrait of Jesus' battle against
the darkness of unbelief, prejudice and blind, murderous hatred as He fought for us all the way to the
cross and back from the empty tomb. Available to read online beginning February 18, The Light Shines in
the Darkness can also be received as an e-mail subscription throughout the Lenten season. Churches can
also download, personalize and print them to give to congregation members or use as an outreach tool.
The audio version will begin February 18.
LLL (LHM) ANNUAL CELEBRATION/RALLY - Please join us for the Grand Canyon District International
Lutheran Laymen’s League (Lutheran Hour Ministries) Annual Celebration/Rally to be held on February
21, 2015 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm! The featured speaker is to be Dr. Micah Parker, a 1991 graduate
Concordia University – Nebraska. This event is to be held at Apostles Lutheran Church, Peoria, AZ. A free
will offering will be taken for lunch. A collection will be taken to support Lutheran Hour Ministries’ work in
Paraguay. Dr. Parker's mission is to: share how God can use an ordinary man and women to get through
extraordinary circumstances; motivate others with humor and Biblical truth toward action in their
relationship with Jesus Christ; and equip Christians of all ages to glorify God despite the challenges of this
world. For more information about Dr. Parker, see his website at RSVP to
Kathy Baumhofer with names of attendees at 480-759-1147 or email
DAILY DEVOTIONS –Get devotions sent to your inbox by clicking here.
MOBILE APP - To download the free Lutheran Hour app, click here.
JC PLAY ZONE – A safe online play space for children ages 2-6 and their parents, click here.
OUTREACH PLANNING REPORT - To receive your complimentary report, click here.
BIBLE STUDIES W/SUBTITLES – Get video Bible studies with subtitles, click here.
PSD eNews is not responsible for the contents, opinions or accuracy of the following items.
WANTED “SING TO THE LORD” SONGBOOKS - St. John Lutheran Church, Covina is looking for any
new or gently used "Sing To The Lord" little blue songbooks, 1982 Copyright with Gospel Communications.
Ours are looking worn. If you have any you don't use please let us know by calling 626-332-3142 or
email Jan at
ISRAEL-JORDAN TOUR WITH SINAI EXTENSION – May 22 - June 3, 2015 (June 7, includes Sinai
Extension) - 12/16 Nights - $2499 + airfare. 4-5 star accommodations. Experience rich! Bible studies,
walking tours, marriage renewal service in Cana, half-day archaeological dig, baptism renewal at Bethany
Beyond the Jordan & a lot more. Tour hosted by Pastor Paul Frank, Hosanna Lutheran Church, Mesa, AZ,
Click here for more information. Contact Richard Ross at 714-334-1252 for details.
CUSTOM FAITH-BASED TOURS - Christian tours at affordable prices for you and your congregation.
Pastor and spouse travel for free. Germany, Israel, Greece, Turkey & more.
Contact Richard Ross at 714-334-1252.
INTERESTED IN SUBSCRIBING? Send an email to with the words “subscribe”
in the subject line. Please indicate whether you would like to subscribe to PSD eNews, PSD Job Site, or
both. To unsubscribe, reply back to this email and put the words “Unsubscribe” in the subject line.
Prayer requests will be posted for 6 weeks, subject to updates.
TO SUBMIT NEWS AND INFORMATION Email (or simply reply back to this
email) with the ‘who, what, when, where, and why’ of the news item. Items must be received by 2:00
PM Wednesday in order to be included in the next issue. The Pacific Southwest District will NOT
sell, give or otherwise transmit your email address for any reason other than its intended purpose.
God’s blessings to you, in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ!
Pacific Southwest District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
1540 Concordia Drive East, Irvine, CA 92612, 888-773-5267