Pasifika Pride Issue 15 v2


Pasifika Pride Issue 15 v2
Issue 15
Winter 2012
Pacific Students newsletter
Fakaalofa lahi atu kia mutolu oti!
Warm Whitireia greetings to Pasifika Pride, our Pacific
students newsletter that delivers a taste of the Pacific
focused events and celebrations at Whitireia New Zealand.
As we celebrate Matariki (the Maori New Year) we hope
that your academic journey at Whitireia continues to shine
bright. Building redevelopments at Porirua Campus have
meant that I have relocated. My office is now behind E
Block. I have an open door policy so feel free to drop by.
Alternatively you can txt or email me. I also encourage you
to access the student support services that are available to
maximise your time at Whitireia New Zealand.
Ki Mua (Look forward!)
Leisha Williams
Pasifika Academic Advisor
ILLUMINATING our Communities
Kapiti Campus Opens
Whitireia New Zealand had an exciting
facility. The new building will house
start to the new academic year, opening
laboratories, simulation suites,
the new Kapiti Campus. Formally located
administration & learning spaces and is
at Lindale, the new, state of the art
scheduled to open in early 2013. Further
campus is in the heart of Paraparaumu in
building projects are planned to ensure
the former Mitre 10 building. Officially
Whitireia continues to lead & illuminate
opened in February, the new student and
excellence in tertiary education.
community hub includes a new commercial
kitchen, beauty salon,
training restaurant, café
& bar. The new purpose
built campus aims to
provide quality vocational
education to the Kapiti
Coast region. As well as
the new Kapiti Campus,
Porirua Campus is
undergoing a major
upgrade with the
construction of the new
Health faculty building
well underway. This has
seen the relocation of old
re-fabricated buildings to Roger Sowry, Don Campbell, Hon Hekia Parata, Hon Nathan Guy,
make way for the modern Ra Higgins & Mayor Jenny Rowan cut the ribbon at the official opening
Poly Performers
Graduation Day
Niu Location–
Ako Ake
Message from Don
Warm Pacific Greetings
Kia Orana
Fakaalofa lahi atu
Halo Olgeta
Malo e Lelei
Ni Sa Bula Vinaka
Talofa lava
Taloha Ni
Pacific Students Orientation
For the second year the PolyPrep orientation
programme was offered for new Pacific students.
The aim of PolyPrep is to welcome new students
and equip them with the tools to begin their
academic journey. A series of five workshops were
offered at Porirua Campus to help students make
cultural connections and feel part of the extended
Whitireia family. Pacific students at the Industry
Training Centre and Performance Centre also
completed workshops this year. Students could
attend one or all but were challenged to complete
all five workshops. A BBQ was held to celebrate
the end of the programme and present new
Whitireia Pacific t-shirts to those students who
had successfully completed the programme. Watch
our for more activities next semester.
Students show off their 2012 t-shirts at the PolyPrep Celebration
Pacific students complete their final PolyPrep workshop
A fresh start to the academic year
Steps to academic success– PolyPrep 2012
W is for Whitireia (Industry Training Centre)
Page 2
Performing Arts Graduates
Bachelor of Applied Arts (Performing Arts)
graduates Jasmine Leota and Taofi Mose-Tuiloma are
putting the “poly” into performance. Both Samoan
graduates recently landed roles in theatre
productions. Jasmine has been touring New Zealand
with The Theatre in Health Education Trust
(THETA). She is a cast member of Sexwise, a sexual
health programme aimed at secondary school
students in Years 9-13. Teamed with fellow Whitireia
NZ graduates Ngahira Rauhina and Shaun Martin,
the programme challenges young people to process
and evaluate behaviours that affect their health and
that of others.
After the success of her first show Poly-Zgotic,
Taofi landed the role of Pata (step sister) in the
Auckland Theatre Company & PIPA (Pacific Institute
of Performing Arts) production of Sinarella. Set in
South Auckland, the musical extravaganza tells the
fairy-tale of Cinderella, with a Pacific twist. The role
saw Taofi join forces with New Zealand Idol winner
Rosita Vai and Shortland Street’s Pua Magasiva.
Taofi has now returned to Whitireia to complete
post graduate studies in Performing Arts.
Jasmine Leota and her THETA colleagues
Community Connections
Nofoaga Faletolu (Bachelor of Nursing Pacific) checks the blood
pressure of a member of the public
Winter 2012
Whitireia New Zealand was part of the festivities
at the annual Creekfest this year. Thousands of
people attended the day-long event which
combines music, culture and family fun to promote
key health messages. Bachelor of Nursing Pacific
staff and students worked with festival goers,
providing free blood pressure check ups, while the
public also had the opportunity to explore study
options at Whitireia. Live stage music from both
local and international artists combined with
community stalls drew the large crowds. The event
also included sports competitions by local schools
to promote healthy action and encourage
participation. Originally established in the heart
of Porirua, Whitireia has a strong connection to
it’s local communities, providing educational
opportunities for over 25 years.
Creekfest provides the opportunity for the
polytechnic to reinforce its commitment to the
delivery of world class education.
Page 3
Pacific Scholars
Lolly lei, fresh flower garlands and
traditional dress adorned Pacific
graduates that received their well
earned Diplomas, Degrees and
Postgraduate qualifications. Held at Te
Rauparaha Arena, the graduation event
celebrates the academic achievements
of students from the Faculty of Arts,
Faculty of Business and Faculty of
Health. Combined Council Chair Roger
Sowry ONZM told graduates
“The education you have received has
Veronica Vaovasa– Co-ordinator
given you a solid foundation in which
to build your professions”.
A community event, graduates
shared the day with friends and
family, inspiring others to follow in
their footsteps. More than fifty
Pacific students graduated on the
day. Whitireia staff, families and
the wider community are proud of all
Pacific students and are privileged
to share in your success.
Graduation smiles- Jacqueline Maru, Hon ‘Inoke Luani &
Paula Laumemea
We did it!- Bachelor of Applied Business Studies (Management)
Page 4
Pacific Community Liaison
Helen Kisona– Tokelau Advisor
Tuaine Robati– Cook Islands Advisor
Tevita Finau– Tonga Advisor
Tupe Lualua– Samoa Advisor
Leisha Williams– Pasifika Academic
The Pacific Community Liaison team
also collectively liaise with Niue, Fiji
Tuvalu and other Pacific Communities
Bachelor of Applied Arts (Performing Arts)Ian Lesa, Jullienne Nanai, Seruia Pou & Amber- Maree Ratima
Catherine Fretton, Sia Ioapo, Venus Tauauvea & Seutatia Valasi
(Bachelor of Nursing Pacific)
Pacific Students Graduation Celebration
Camera flashes, Pacific glitz & glamour marked
the annual Falarazzi celebration for Pacific
students completing Diploma, Degree or Post
graduate qualifications. Held the night before
the formal March graduation, the celebration &
dinner provides an opportunity for Pacific
students to be acknowledged by family, friends
and the wider community. Nomeneta Seuala
(Bachelor of Social Work) addressed the
gathering on behalf of Pacific graduates,
likening their academic journey to “climbing Mt
Everest”. All Pacific graduates were presented
with a gift in acknowledgment of their success.
We remember Bachelor of Nursing Pacific
graduate Mary Kupa, who passed away recently.
Our thoughts & prayers go out to her family and
BNP friends.
Bachelor of So
cial Work grad
uates– Hon ‘In
Paula Laumem
oke Luani (bac
ea, Nomeneta
Seuala & Rew
a Walters
Pacific Nursing graduates
Sailosa Kabiriera, Louisa Muller, Tiantaake Taoaba & their
extended Kiribati family
Apikaila Lameko & Malia Meli- Bachelor of Teaching (ECE)
Faculty of Business graduates
Winter 2012
Page 5
Pacific Whitireia Recipients
Uputaua Matagi & her scholarship sponsor Tim Sheppard
There is a range of scholarships, grants & awards that
are available to Pacific students, so we encourage you to
explore these opportunities to help meet your study
costs. Pacific students were amongst the lucky
recipients of the Whitireia Foundation Scholarships and
Whitireia Secondary School Leavers Scholarships.
These scholarships provide financial support for those
studying at Whitireia or pathwaying from secondary
school. Twenty five Pacific health students were
successful in receiving either the Pacific Health
Workforce Award or Pacific Mental Health & Addiction
Scholarships. Both programmes are key to addressing
the workforce shortages in areas of health like
medicine, oral health, allied health, midwifery,
psychology & addictions. Successful recipients gain a
placement on the Le Va “Futures that Work” programme
that aims to achieve “a more qualified and competent
Pacific health workforce who are well connected with
Pacific communities”. The Pacific Trades Training
Scholarships were also awarded to a number of Pacific
students at our Industry Training Centre. This initiative
involves Pacific churches and is part of the government's
commitment to the redevelopment of Christchurch.
Page 6
Akisa Fomai, Ana Sua-Ulberg & Nofoaga Faletolu at the
Whitireia Foundation Scholarship Awards Evening
Whitireia Secondary School Leavers Scholarship recipients
Talented Youth Guarantee students at the Whitireia School
Leavers Scholarship Function
NIU Location
Pacific & Maori Study Space (Ako Ake)
Campus redevelopments at Porirua Campus
have led to Ako Ake (Pacific & Maori Study
Space) being relocated. The building housing
the study space has moved to accommodate
the new Faculty of Health buildings.
The room is now behind E Block, off
Entrance 4. Students can access the room
until 11pm during the week, while weekend
hours are until 6pm by swipe card.
The offices of the Pacific & Maori Academic
Advisors are still in the same building. The
study space allows students to engage in
study in a family friendly environment.
Students are asked to respect the study
space and always clean up after use.
Ako Ake (Pacific & Maori Study Space)
Celebrating Pacific SUCCESS
Dyana Reuelu– Marchant
(Bachelor of Nursing)
Apikaila Lameko, Leautuli’ilagi Sauvao & Tapu Alaifatu
Orepa Pedro & Johanna Tukaroa with their supporters
Winter 2012
Epifania Partsch (Bachelor of Social
Smiling Bachelor of Nursing Pacific graduates
Page 7
A Message from DON
Pasifika Academic Advisor
Leisha Williams
F10 office
Porirua Campus
04 2373103 Ext: 3766
or 0800 Whitireia
04 2373101
Achieving begins with believing!
“Warm pacific greetings to all Pacific
I am delighted to contribute to this
issue of Pasifika Pride. 2012 has
proven to be another great year with
many achievements to celebrate
as we continue to “lead and illuminate
our communities through
tertiary education”. Whitireia is reco
gnised as a leading provider of
tertiary study for culturally diverse
communities. This is reflected in
the growth of students of Pacific origi
n. Strong links between
Whitireia and Pacific communities cont
inue to nurture this,
strengthened by our Pacific Strategy
. The new Pacific Trades
Scholarships initiative was introduce
d this year, to provide fees free
places for Pacific trades students. Supp
orted by Pacific churches,
this scheme was developed to assist
with the Christchurch rebuild.
We welcome Chris Gosling as our new
Deputy Chief Executive
(Operational). The experience and expe
rtise Chris will bring to
Whitireia, will be of huge benefit. We
wish Chris well in the new
position. As we bring to a close seme
one, I wish you continued success in
studies. Study hard & go well in your
& exams. Best wishes to those who are
completing your studies. I am confiden
that you are leaving us with industry
Don Campbell
Chief Executive
Coconut Mail
Pacific faces & events
Sarona Muna & Maria Finau
Hon ‘Inoke Luani (Bachelor of Social Work)
& friends
Venus Tauauv
ea & Supiesi
(Bachelor of
Nursing Paci
Sipi Tuioti & Tagi Sini– Ahohako
Rose Halapua (Bachelor of Applied
Arts- Visual Arts & Design)
Isaac Isaako (Bachelor of Health
Science- Paramedic)