April 27, 2006


April 27, 2006
April 27, 2006
Volume 96, Issue 24
Mostly Sunny
High 84, Low 57
High 85. Low 59
Baseball, see Sports
University of the Pacific’s Newspaper since 1908
Mostly Sunny
High 85, Low 61
Showcases Pacific
Speech & Debate
Melody Demel
Department’s 3rd annual
Communication Symposium
kicked off on Thursday. It
was themed “Practicing the
Communication Arts in the
21st Century.” Many Pacific
students attended, as well
as established alumni and
the Communication Department’s faculty. Food and refreshments were served and
there were many speakers
and panels.
The panels included tips
for students who seek a future in the Communication
Recipient of Phi Kappa Piʼs
industry. Pacific’s nationally
Award of Excellence, Kristen
recognized Speech and DeMarie Kalend
bate team also made an apAP Release
BATON ROUGE, La.- KrisDr. Marlin Bates, Director
ten Marie Kalend, of Lodi,
Calif., was awarded on April
17 an Award of Excellence
by The Honor Society of Phi Andrew Mitchelle
Kappa Phi for the 2006-2007 StaffWriter
academic year. Kalend is a DeAmidst the nightmarish
cember 2005 graduate of the horrors of the Holocaust,
University of the Pacific. The there was a secretive operaAward of Excellence will en- tion to aid Jews residing in ocable her to pursue a graduate cupied France during World
degree in speech and hearing War II. Eliminated from most
science at the University of history books and unheard of
Arizona. She is the daughter by today’s society, the story of
of Michael and Denise Kalend the Mosque of Paris provided
and Megan Kalend.
a glimmer of humanity and
This honor counts Kalend hope in this dark part of the
among 100 students nation- world.
wide to receive the Phi Kappa
An historical explanaPhi Fellowship and Award of tion of this amazing event
Excellence. Since its creation happened at the Pacific Thein 1932, the Fellowship Pro- atre on Tuesday where the
gram has become one of the Muslim Student Association
Society’s most visible and (MSA) sponsored a discusfinancially
well-supported sion on the issue with Dr. Anendeavors, allocating nearly nette Herskovits.
$380,000 annually to deservTuesday, April 25 was also
ing students for first-year Holocaust Memorial Day. Dr.
graduate study.
Herskovits told the crowd
about the history behind
Continued on page 2
Muslim relations and activi-
Photograph byTine Brehmer
Photograph byTine Brehmer
Dr. Marlin
Bates, Director of Forensics
of Forensics, has coached the
Debate team all year. They
have traveled all around
the United States, and even
made a trip to China where
teammates Jackie Evans and
Jeff Toney took first place.
The topic that was debated at
the symposium was whether
Pacific should remove Public
Speaking from the General
Mosque of Paris
ties in France during the first
half of the twentieth century. She also provided some
background on her personal
experience through the German Nazi rule.
Scholar Dr. Masood Cajee
introduced Dr. Herskovits
after MSA co-president
Saduf Ashfaq gave a brief
overview of the Holocaust.
The forum included a documentary made in 1991 by
Derri Berkani, a Frenchman
of Algerian descent, called
“A Forgotten Resistance: The
Mosque of Paris.” The film,
in French with English subtitles, focused on the history
and operation of La Grande
Mosquée de Paris in modern
day. This is the first time
the film was shown outside
of Berkeley, where Dr. HerContinued on page 2
Jeff Toney uses some hand gestures to
further his claim in last Thursdayʼs Debate over the General
Education program in regards to Public Speaking.
Education curriculum.
The Pacific students who
competed in the debate
are all seniors and will be
graduating in May. They
included: Jackie Evans,
Jeff Toney, Raman Deol,
and Sandeep Vishwa. “I
never knew there could
be such a competition in
debating, these students really represent Pacific well,”
commented Kate Walters.
A winner was not decided
at the end of the debate,
however Dr. Bates congratulated both teams on a great
season. “Our debate team has
not been this good in over 40
years,” said Bates. The Speech
and Debate team is just one
way of getting involved in the
Communication Department.
Continued on page 2
Online Update
Nick Hansen
Since the unveiling of
January 25 th , 2006, the
website has received more
than 25,000 visitors. The
sports section is the most
actively viewed section of
the website, and the polls
are beginning to have an
active user base. In four
months the website is doing better than I expected
it to.
Google News, a computer automated, news
displaying program uses
as one of its news sources.
Every day, around three to
four a.m, the Google Newsbot searches through all
the stories on our website
and puts up the most relevant
articles on their website.
Arash Scott Behnam, The
Sports Editor,
“feels really good” about himself when his articles appear
on GoogleNews. So here’s an
official update:
Most viewed Articles
The sports articles written
by Ryan Mathews and Arash
Scott Behnam are usually
the most popular. Arash’s
article titled “An Olympic
over 1250 hits within its first
week online. Ryan’s article on
“Super Bowl XL: XL Controversy, Small Performance” is
the third highest hit article at
732 hits.
Continued on page 2
AWARD from page 1
Currently, 60 Fellowships
of $5,000 and 40 Awards
of Excellence of $2,000 are
awarded each year.
The selection process
for the Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships and awards of
Excellence is based on the
applicants’ 1) undergraduate
academic performance; 2)
leadership and service on the
campus and in the community; 3) evidence of graduate
potential; 4) personal statement of educational perspective, purpose and objectives;
and 5) the evaluation reports
from three individuals who
are in a position to attest to
the student’s performance,
citizenship and character.
S&D from page 1
The Speech and Debate
Society’s Showcase was just
the beginning of what lay
ahead in the Communication
Symposium. Students who
attended left with a better
idea of the communication
world. “I am so happy I went,
it gave me good tips to steer
me in the right direction,”
said attendee Leah Shelton.
The art of communication is
sometimes overlooked, however the symposium showed
that there is much more to
the art than simply “communicating.”
PARIS from page 1
skovits and her husband, Dr.
Peter Solomon, live.
The mosque was built in
1926 as a tribute to Muslim
soldiers under French imperialism who fought for France
in the First World War.
Dr. Herskovits was born
in France in 1939. Raised in
a Jewish family, Herskovits became a Buddhist at a
young age and has remained
one since. Dr. Herskovits
was only a toddler when
her parents were arrested by
Nazi soldiers and sent to the
Auschwitz death camp. Her
siblings, an older brother and
sister, cared for her throughout the rest of the war.
Herskovits was taken into
the care of a rescue organization. She stayed at the
mosque which was run by
Si Kaddour Benghabrit. Most
of the workers at the mosque
were Algerian Muslims who
aided in protecting Jews
April 20, 2006
The Pacifican
from the Nazi army. “Four
out of five of the 360,000 Jews
in France were saved from
almost certain death,” said
As a child, when told
about the Holocaust, Herskovits wondered, “How
could such things happen?”
It opened her eyes to the
power of hatred that every
human possessed.
Algerians also contributed
to the effort to protect and liberate France in World War II.
Once Europe was rid of war
in May 1945, the Algerians
took to the streets of Paris to
demand independence from
French imperialism.
France refused for 17 years.
During this same time period, France attempted to erase
the contribution of Algerian
soldiers during World War II.
Herskovits surmised that the
French wanted to take all of
the credit and may have been
ashamed of their collaboration with the Algerians.
Finally in 1962, Algeria
gained its independence
from France. Since 1974, the
Algerians began to get recognition for their contribution
in the war. Herskovits only
began to research her childhood relatively recently.
She learned her entire story
in 1990 and met with her two
siblings in 1999 to discuss
their childhood past.
After hearing all of this
information, audience members queried Herskovits. One
person asked if Herskovits
has at all forgiven her oppressors. To create a sense of
compassion, Herskovits put
things in perspective: “One
is not pure in oneself,” she
said. “Every one of us could
do terrible things.”
Herskovits also expressed
her thoughts on those who
deny the Holocaust. “I think
it’s anti-Semitism,” she said.
“The evidence is there for
everybody to see.”
Herskovits also gave
thoughts on current events
like the Iraq war and the conflict in the Holy Land.
The Muslim Student Association works to meet the
spiritual needs of Muslims
on campus. The group was
recently voted the number
one organization at Pacific
in terms of organization,
awareness, and education.
Co-presidents of the club are
Rayhana Khan and Saduf
ONLINE from page 1
One of the key features
The Pacifican Online has
implemented is the ability
to comment on articles. This
ability has given writers
minute-by-minute feed back
from web users on their articles. This feature helps to
point out mistakes in factual
information or to present the
reader’s own take on the
Each week Richmond
Hollen creates a podcast of
the songs he reviews in his
weekly music review. About
20 people each week download the podcast and listen
to it.
Last week, Logan Ahlstrom commented on Richmond’s article saying “I was
just laying around and it was
3pm in the afternoon and I
didn’t have anything to do, I
would listen to one of your
podcasts. The beginning of
“Hello and welcome back
to the Hollencomium Music
Reviews...” of each podcast
is priceless. Really, though,
your podcasts have satisfied
even my most profoundly
insatiable of desires...”
Some of the bands reviewed by Hollen have asked
him how many listeners are
hearing their music. The
podcast is usually 20 to 30
megabytes in size and takes
about a minute to download
on cable modem. The songs
usually last between eleven
and thirty-three minutes and
feature four to eight songs.
Each week The Pacifican
online has a poll regarding something that was in
the paper, or current events
from the week. It is also used
to gather information for an
article the following week.
While the search feature
on the website produces
very broad results, if you
select the “exact phrase” or
“all words” options you will
produce the best results.
The Future
Dr. Ray, the advisor to The
Pacifican, sees The Pacifican
Online as the future of the
campus newspaper.
APRIL 9-15, 2006
1. VANDALISM McCAFFREY CTR APTS. Officers responded to a report
of a broken window.
2 . VA N D A L I S M
responded to a report that
someone drove onto the
field and damaged the turf.
Report filed.
LIBRARY Subject reports
someone tried to take her
bag. The victim left her
bag at one of the tables to
gather research material.
She observed the subject
picking up her property
but the subject left when
the victim returned to the
4. CASUALTY BROOKSIDE HALL Officers dispatched to assist someone
having difficulty breathing.
Ambulance and medics assisted the subject who was
transported to St. Joseph’s
discovered a vehicle with
its window broken out.
Officers located the victim
who reported the stereo
was missing.
6 . VA N D A L I S M
dispatched to parking lot
when it was reported there
were juveniles throwing
rocks at the vehicles in
the parking lot. The juveniles
were gone upon arrival but
officers located a vehicle with
a cracked windshield.
responded to a report of a
broken window to one of the
Officers received a call at
2:30 a.m. that a subject was
sitting on the steps of the
theater and appeared in need
of medical assistance. Officers located a subject who
was extremely intoxicated
and had him transported to
St. Joseph’s Hospital.
HALL Officers responded to
a report of a broken window.
KNOLES Officers took a report of a missing “Strawberry
Festival” banner. The banner
was white with red lettering.
Banner was valued at $200.
reports a subject came into
the Summit, grabbed some
food and ran off without
paying. 13. ARREST A.G.
security observed a subject
arguing with a female and
called for an officer. Officers
located the male subject who
was intoxicated and booked
him into jail for his safekeeping. He was released the following morning.
April 27, 2006
Fear and Loathing on a College Campus
small school. Take a trip to
Davis and let loose. Tonight,
read a book.
By Mikey Vu
Miscommunication is a
tricky thing someone once
said. It can end relationships, strain friendships, or
turn even the manliest of
men into blubbering babies.
Hasn’t everyone had one
of those moments when
they’ve been talking to
someone on AIM and just
completely mistyped something? Such as asking your
buddy “Are you busy?”
when in actuality you end up
typing “Are you busty?”
Who knew that a slip of
the index finger could lead
to such an awkward pause
in conversation? It’s an even
stranger moment when you
press enter and realize that
your mother has just IMed
you mid-sentence, so the only
thing that has appeared in
that conversation window is
“Busty?” Worst case scenario,
she could respond with,
“Well…Yes, but that all went
downhill after I had you and
your sister.” Ugh.
I’m going to go out on a
limb here and say that AIM
fails miserably when it comes
to sarcasm. I personally think
there should be some sort of
sarcasm detector when using
online chat. Like, “HEY MAN
COOL” could mean either
you are indeed totally cool
or it could mean that they
are calling you a complete
douche bag. I don’t know
about you, but I don’t need
some stranger evaluating my
coolness in caps.
also be used as an excuse,
such as when your friend
confronts you because they
have just found out that they
have been removed from
your Top 8 on Myspace.
“What? You’re not on my top
8 anymore? Oh….uhh….. of
course…. I think Myspace
I’ll fix that as soon as I get
a chance…” And you pray
that they forget about it,
just as hard as you pray that
those damn videos and songs
don’t load when you click
someone’s page.
But honestly, I believe
that the epitome of miscommunication can be found not
online, not during class, but
in any restaurant. I recall a
time when I was sitting in an
Applebee’s waiting to order
my food, when the waiter
came by and asked. “Would
you like a soup or salad?”
I, or course, heard, “Would
you like a super salad?” Now
first off, you have to understand how this would sound
to someone suffering from
extreme hunger. A super
salad? Hell yes, sign me up!
I came expecting a regular
salad, but man if it’s a super
salad then all bets are off.
What could possibly make
it so super? Perhaps gold
croutons forged from the fiery depths of Mt. Doom? Or
maybe lettuce leaves brought
by Peter Rabbit straight from
Mr. McGregor’s garden?
So naturally, I told the
waiter, “Hell yeah, I would
like a super salad.” His reaction came in waves. First was
the puzzled look on his face,
that could only be described
as, “…wtf, mate?” Clearly he
had no idea what a “super
salad” was. It was around
this point where I had the
epiphany, “Oh! Soup OR salad!” The waiter had to have
realized this at the same time
I did because I think his lip
was bleeding from how hard
he had to bite it to keep from
Hollencomium Music Reviews
By Richmond Hollen
I try to include every genre
of music in the Hollencomium review, but unfortunately I am still approached
from readers claiming that
they aren’t submitting songs
to be reviewed because they
don’t listen to “your people
music.” With the semester
coming to a close I would
like to be bombarded with
suggestions that don’t fit
in the “your people music”
category. I don’t know what
doesn’t fit right now, but
would like to find out. For
this week we will be reviewing some new releases and
one of them has a really
sweet name.
Fiery Furnaces
Teach me Sweetheart
“Bitter Tea”
Bitter Tea should have
been released as a double album release with Rehearsing
My Choir, their controversial collaboration with their
grandma, Olga.
The release of this double
album would have made a
lot of sense, mostly because
Bitter Tea is much more accessible than the narrative
concept album Rehearsing
My Choir.
The albums are similar in
a lot of ways, though. They
both have quirky little moments, such as Matt Friedberger (50% of Fiery Furnaces) vocals being played in
reverse so that they are completely incomprehensible.
I don’t think this detracts
from the overall quality of the
album, which is another concept album depicting Eleanor
Friedberger’s life (the other
50% of Fiery Furnaces).
“Teach Me Sweetheart” is
a series of perfectly placed
loops and blips that create a
feeling of anxiety and loss.
Personally I think it is one
of the Fiery Furnaces best
singles. It definitely takes a
certain type of person to appreciate their unique style,
but those that do usually
become fanatics.
Originality: 9.4
Catchiness: 4.1
Personal: 8.9
When I hear Devin Davis
I think Tom Petty mixed
with Bright Eyes. I know this
seems like a marriage made
in wild fields of whine, but
the dynamic seems to work
out for him.
“Iron Woman” is the albums opening track. It is
one of the more Tom Pettyish
tracks, with obvious influences from classic rock. What
makes Devin Davis different
is his frail voice that leads the
solid classic rock riffs.
Originality: 5.3
Catchiness: 7.2
Personal: 6.5
Quien Es, Boom!
Words From A Beak
“Cast Your Burdens Aside”
If you guessed this as the
band with the sweet name
then you are smarter than I
thought you were.
I got interested in Quien
Es, Boom! for their name,
but soon found out that they
do indeed make pretty good
They sound somewhat
similar to Pinback with a
pluck driven guitar as their
melody in most songs. Pinback is still more creative,
but these guys are worth a
listen or two.
Cancer 6/22-7/22
Today, I will tell you about
your inner sexual personality. You will never want to
make the first move, until
things get hot as long as the
setting is just right. Stay
away from Cowell and you
should be fine. Tonight, play
By Dan Cammarano
Taurus 4/20-5/20
Today, I will tell you about
your inner sexual personality. You expect your partner
to be a kind person who is
not adventurous right off
the bat, perhaps you should
look for an engineer to occupy your time. Tonight,
talk the talk.
Gemini 5/21-6/21
Today, I will tell you about
your inner sexual personality. The boredom of just one
partner is too much for you
to handle, you need variety
and change. I do not however suggest this in such a
Leo 7/23-8/22
Today, I will tell you about
your inner sexual personality.
You’re always wanting to be
the alpha male even if you’re
a women. So find a freshman
and demand they bend over
and lick your shoes. Tonight,
go hunting.
Virgo 8/23-9/22
Today, I will tell you about
your inner sexual personality. You are a by the book
person, once one steamy
act is over, you have the next
step planned out. Write a
manual and submit it to the
library. Tonight, photocopy
your face.
Libra 9/23-10/22
Today, I will tell you about
Devin Davis
Iron Woman
“Lonely People of the World,
your inner sexual personality. During a wild romp, you
do not like it when your hair
is pulled, so have a heavy bio
book ready to smack the silly
goose. Tonight, don’t accuse
people of things they didn’t
Scorpio 10/23-11/21
Today, I will tell you about
your inner sexual personality. You love to flirt with the
danger of exciting uncontrollable urges. This is not a person you want to be around
in the Quad communities,
someone might blush. Tonight, bite someone.
Sagittarius 11/22-12/21
Today, I will tell you about
your inner sexual personality. Always a happy person,
you work extra hard to make
sure your partner is just as
happy. Being as good in
bed as you are, this isn’t that
hard. Tonight, sail away.
Capricorn 12/22-1/19
Today, I will tell you about
your inner sexual personality. There isn’t much foreplay involved for you, this is
because youfre not that good
in bed and its better you just
get it over with. Tonight, cry
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yourself to sleep.
Aquarius 1/20-2/18
Today, I will tell you
about your inner sexual
personality. You are such
a prude, if you’re partner
even hints at treating you
like a piece of meat, you
freak out in a very unnecessary way, oh and you’re a
little bisexual. Tonight say
good morning.
Originality: 6.9
Catchiness: 5.5
Personal: 7.3
Check out thepacifican.com
for a weekly podcast of the
songs reviewed on the Hollencomium Music Reviews.
April 27, 2006
SUMMIT: Ryan Forrester performs at one of the weekly student showcases.
Photo by Tina Brehmer
Pisces 2/19-3/20
Today, I will tell you
about your inner sexual
personality. You do not like
to delay the fun, when you
want it, you get it, that’s it,
end of story. Maybe a communications major is best for
you, they have ample free
time for you. Tonight, try on
your roommates pants.
Aries 3/21-4/19
Today, I will tell you about
your inner sexual personality.
You care much more about
your pleasure than anyone
else, you don’t play games
but you also don’t care where
the fun goes down. Perhaps
around the base of the Tower
and its phallic greatness is a
good spot. Tonight, walk the
The Epicurean Restaurant Review
Gian’s Delicatessan
the owners were really nice
while they were making it. “I
have never met anyone who
went here and didn’t like the
food” Scooter declares as he
joyfully takes another bite
from his sandwich. It was
quick, tasty, and a nice environment. I would advise all
students to check out Gian’s
and I give it a perfect score of
five tummy rubs.
By Jeffrey Morgan
It is interesting to contemplate the words that come
to mind as one sink’s their
teeth into that very first bite
of a good sandwich. Words
like voluptuous, divine,
and sandwichgasm come to
mind. As we imagine great
sandwiches we had in the
past we salivate remembering that beautiful first bite
where we utter those immortal words “Dear God
thank you for this amazing
gift.” Good sandwich places
are not easy to find and certainly when we find them
we almost immediately want
to keep them secret so that
they never change. Scooter
was hesitant this week to
show me his favorite sandwich place Gian’s. With an
eclectic choice of deli meats
and cheeses, Gian’s offers a
friendly environment with
satisfying dining. To put
it quite simply this place
everything I want in a local
sandwich deli. I knew that
the sandwich was the way I
wanted it because they made
it right in front of me and
5 out of 5
Tummy Rubs
April 27, 2006
2005-2006 Pacifican Staff
Editorial Staff
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Managing Assistant
Perspectives Editor
Lifestyles Editor
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Dan Cammarano
Business Staff
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Advertising Manager
Advertising Designer
Layout Design
Gian’s Delicatessan
2112 Pacific Ave
Stockton, CA 95204
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Erin Birmingham
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April 27, 2006
John Lennon
“Give peace a chance”
reitereated by a ghost
The ‘spirit’ of a famed musician allegedly
contacts a pay-per-view cable TV program
By Dan Slomin
A televised séance that
was shown on pay-per-view
cable television on Monday
claimed that it had contacted
the spirit of famed musician
John Lennon. For $9.95,
Beatles fans and the curious could hear what is supposed to be the disembodied
voice of Lennon, recorded
at a New York restaurant in
“electronic voice phenomena,” or EVP.
Electronic voice phenomena is based on the paranormal idea that spirit voices
can communicate through
Miss Cleo
electromagnetic frequencies
such as TV and radio broadcast signals.
The program was sponsored by a production company that televised a pay-per-
view séance which attempted
to contact the spirit of the late
Princess Diana.
That attempt, in 2003,
failed miserably in its stated
intent to contact Diana. The
televised séance for Diana
raked in close to 8 million
dollars in pay-per-view sales,
so it succeeded wildly in its
unstated intent. This started
me thinking about so-called
psychics, a subject I hadn’t
given much thought to since
the telephone psychic “Miss
Cleo” started getting sued.
Psychic reading and other
“Psychic reading
and other paranormal-related
businesses are
flourishing in the
businesses are flourishing in the
U.S. The Stockton Yellow
Pages, for example, contains
nine listings for various
services under the heading “Psychic Consulting &
Healing Services.” I think
it’s kind of remarkable that
psychic services are legal—I
know they are considered
to be “for entertainment
purposes only,” but they still
seem a little shady to me.
I mean, there must be
some people who actually do
believe in this stuff, and it af-
Musician John Lennon was portrayed on the cover of TIME
magazine after his murder in 1980.
See SPIRIT page 9
7 little-known
facts: campus
Monagan to Fitness Center
By Kilgore Trout
With the school year coming to a close, Pacific will
begin to enforce its “Giving
To Pacific” program where
it attempts to milk even more
money out of Pacific students, parents and alums.
So I thought to myself,
how much would I have to
give to Pacific to change not
only a building, but the name
of the school to my name?
Imagine… Kilgore Trout
This list is compiled in no
particular order.
1. Monagan Hall – Named
Pacific benefactor Alex Spanos
leyball teams, Alexander
Gus Spanos has his name attached to this arena. Born in
1923 in Stockton, and owner
of AG Spanos Co, one of the
largest construction service
companies in the US, Spanos
owns the San Diego Chargers
and is reportedly worth $1.1
billion. Spanos has said “I’ve
given millions away, and I’m
happy doing it.” Although
Kilgore Trout
Monagan Hall
after Robert Timothy Monagan Jr. (‘42) and Ione Angwin
Monagan (‘45) and dedicated
in August 2001 by President
DeRosa, this hall for juniors
and seniors sits on Brookside
Road next to Cowell. Robert
T. Monagan was born in 1920
and served on the California
State Assembly from 1960
to 1973. Prior to being in
the CSA he was mayor and
councilman of Tracy. There is
also a portion of I-205 named
after him.
2. Alex G. Spanos Center – A 6,150 seat stadium
which is home to the Pacific
Tigers basketball and vol-
Pacific shouldn’t feel all giddy that they have a building
named after Spanos, as Cal
Poly has received more than
$1.6 million to remodel parts
of their theater.
Faye Spanos
See SEVEN page 8
The Pacifican
SEVEN from page 7
3. Faye Spanos – Married
to Alex G. Spanos and has
her named attached to the
concert hall for the Conservatory. This concert hall was
dedicated in 1987 and was
used as the background in
the opening scene of “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” said a
Pacific Faculty member.
4. Tully C. Knoles, Robert
E. Burns & Stanley McCaffrey – All three are the first,
second and third presidents
of the University of the Pacific, respectively. The presidencies of Knoles, Burns and
McCaffrey spanned from
1926-1987. The Robert E.
Burns tower was completed
in 1964 and is 256 feet tall
and includes a water tower
and carillon bells.
5. Long Theater – Said
to be named after the Long
Family which also has
Thomas J. Long attached to
the Pharmacy and Health
Sciences schools. The Jo-
Baun Fitness Center
firm that has donated to
Pacific. A subsidiary of Haliburton (the company which
won the contract to re-build
Iraq), it has also built such
systems as BART (in the Bay
Area), the Chunnel (32 mile
underwater English/France
tunnel) and one of their biggest projects was the Hoover
Dam. The Bechtel family has
strong ties with our current
faulty Bush Administration
as many of its members also
work for G. W. Bush.
7. Baun Fitness Center
– The Baun fitness center was
named after one of the first
graduates from Pacific when
the school became centeredb
here in Stockton. Dr. Ted
Baun was a major benefactor
for the university. An interesting fact which I found a
little disturbing: His wife,
who passed away on December 17, was named Grace
Burns Baun. Grace married
Robert E. Burns and was the
First Lady of Pacific during
her husband’s presidency.
When Burns died in 1971, she
then also married Ted Baun,
whom she had 3 children
with, as well as 2 children
from Mr. Burns.
Bechtel International Center
seph M. Long foundation
granted Pacific $2.5 million
in 2002 to establish a chair
in Health Care Management
which was named in honor
of Joseph M. Long. He also
helped start the Long’s Drug
store chain.
6. Bechtel
Center – Created and funded
by the Bechtel Family which
is another billionaire family/
organization is another engineering and construction
Self-proclaimed psychic John Edwards has claimed to contact the
deceased family members of his studio audience.
Student athletes
The life of freshmen athletics
By Joseph Ford
The University of the Pacific has approximately 300
student-athletes. The life of a
student-athlete at a Division
I school is extremely tough
for some and a walk in the
park for others.
The freshman year of a
student-athlete is usually an
odyssey into the unknown
and is the beginning of a four
to five year journey that will
changes his or her life. Several student-athletes were
asked their opinions on the
life of a student-athlete.
Alex Zanini is a freshman
infielder on the UOP baseball
team. Zanini said the most
difficult adjustment for him
was managing time.
“It is harder to stay organized and focused, when you
don’t have a guiding force
like your parents watching
over you,” said Zanini.
For another freshman,
catcher Joseph Olivera, the
transition has given him no
problems. Olivera said, “It’s
easy.” Olivera is one of the
few freshmen that are having
no problems with the transition.
Student-athletes travel a
lot during their seasons and
miss many classes. “It’s hard
keeping up in school with
missed days,” said Zanini.
In order for a student athlete
to succeed in his or her freshman year they need support
from friends and faculty.
“The coaches have been a
big support throughout the
year,” said Zanini.
Coaches can be a positive influence on an athlete’s
career or a negative one.
Coaches are placed on a
pedestal in an athletes mind
and when a coach can be
truthful and positive at the
same time it can help an
athlete. “In order to help out
a freshman you must listen
to their problems, talk about
their problems, and comfort
them during his or her time
of need. Staying positive and
constructive allows the freshman to respond positively,”
said Coach Ben Sanders.
Freshman year for most
student-athletes is a tough
transition, but is usually finished with the athlete growing up and becoming a better
person. Freshman year is a
year when children grow up
and become adults.
ally have of them are your
memories of them. It’s not
hard to understand how
some people, in their grief
at the death of someone they
love, might be tempted to
consult a supposed psychic
who will claim to put them
in contact with the deceased.
What I find it harder to
understand is how some
people can take advantage of
the genuine grief of others.
Even in the case of an iconic
musician like John Lennon,
his senseless murder in 1980
led to a huge outpouring of
grief and mourning by millions of his fans who never
The Harrison Ford movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark” was
partially filmed on Pacific campus.
SPIRIT from page 7
ing Over” regularly claim
to contact the dead family
members of people in the
studio audience. Fun is
fun, but where do people
draw the line when it
John Edwards has made a career out of claiming to contact
dead spirits.
fects them emotionally.
Television shows like
John Edwards’ “Cross-
comes to spiritual matters?
Once a loved one has died,
the only thing that you re-
April 27, 2006
met him, but who had been
touched by his music.
“...there must
be some people
who actually do
believe in this
stuff, and it
affects them
emotionally. “
might say that Lennon was
an entertainer and that this
supposed encounter with
his spirit is just another form
of entertainment. But I can’t
help but find it disrespectful
to the memory and legacy of
one of my favorite musicians
and human beings.
For the record, the supposed message from John
was: “Peace…the message is
peace.” Not exactly an unexpected or surprising message,
considering that he preached
peace for half of his life and
in countless songs. And you
didn’t even have to pay $9.95
to some cheesy TV hucksters
to hear it.
April 27, 2006
McKenzie back in Stockton
Marcel Gibson
Stockton is home to the
Lightning, the Thunder, and
the Rain Clouds indoor figure
skating; wonderful family
fun filled sporting events.
Then the Zeus of all sporting events shows up, and like
the Greeks of yore, Northern
California’s only response is
in awe. Aww!
To Hades with the balls,
the pucks, and the cheerleaders doing their half-time
shimmy-number thing. May
12, that’s in three weeks, the
Stockton Arena will host
International Cage Fighting
Showdown.” Kathleen and
her pom-poms will be replaced by Kiki the ringside
sign-holder girl in short
Does anyone see a problem with this? Is there any
rational reason to buy tickets
to watch men beat each other
while women walk around in
really skimpy attire? I personally am strongly against
such lurid shows of violence
and sex.
For it’s called civilization, things are civilized, we
should not allow our senses
be disturbed by savagery;
there’s a reason for deodor-
ant and tampons.
The May 12th fight night
can only be condoned because one of our alumni,
fellow brother Tiger roaming the jungles like Romelus, will be beating up
a foul-fisted Remus-like
chap. Tim “The Wrecking
Machine” McKenzie will
face off against the likes of
brown belt ju-jistu superstud in the main event.
“I’m going to knock him
out. He’s gonna meet my
left and right hand, and I’ve
got two pillows for him.
Sweet dreams.”
up and coming
battle will surely not mark
the first time he’s knocked
out an opponent nor used
such grotesque metaphors
to describe it, but it is the
first time since 2001 Mckenzie will be fighting at 185.
“I’m going to be Tiny Tim
for the fight. I’m like skin
and bones. It’s holy- molyguacamole.”
graduation from Pacific
last spring, McKenzie has
joined Arizona Combat
Sports to further his art.
He’s now training with
the top-notch. “The training is totally different than
the slaughterhouse. Back
in Stockton it was hard to
improve myself, but now
Copies are available in the Burns Tower Lobby and in the Pacific
Registrar’s Office in Knoles Hall or go to www.pacific.edu/cpce
to view and download.
I’m training with really experienced guys. I mean just
today I was put on my ass
by my training partner, Ray
McKenzie still claims what
some call ethe 209f, with local sponsors like Stockton
Chase Chevrolet, Primer Real
Estate, and Chin-Check. But
as a Phi-Alpha Pacific SAE,
Pacific is his ‘real’ home.
“I’m coming back home.
I’m coming to cash checks
and break necks.”
The other Stockton native
who will appear in a bout
will be Nick Diaz, a gladi-
ator who’s appeared on PayPer-View and holds an 11-6-0
record. His opponent, who
ironically is our very own
Ray Steinbeiss, acknowledges
Diaz’ experience by stating in
See BOXINGL Page 11
April 27, 2006
From BOXING Page 10
some of the of terms, “Nick’s
a great fighter. There’s going
to be a lot of blood, and hopefully it’s not going to be all
By my accounts, Steinbeiss
is like a 170 lb David fighting the Trojan army’s most
revered soldier. He’s an up
and coming fighter, already
with big sponsors like O’Rein
Fighter Gear and Adio, who
has to beat up the prettiest
thing in Stockton ante- Regal
Cinema downtown. But he’s
not worried as he explains,
“I’ve been training a lot harder. I don’t have a girlfriend
now and I’m getting time off
work, so I can push myself
a lot harder.”
Diaz might be the pride
and joy of this town, and
Steinbeiss might be the scum
of the earth in comparison,
but anyone with half formal
education and is somewhat
versed in the ancient mythology knows that gods fall.
“I’ve fought a lot of guys in
their hometown. I once fought
in Lake Havasu and got a
beer thrown at my back.”
His 8 and 0 record might be
considered a sort of indicator
that the ‘at home’ advantage
will not at all to be a factor in
the fight. On the other hand,
a beer bottle is probably the
least of his worries
in this town of hard knocks
of sorts
Steinbeiss indeed has been
painstaking in his training,
having taken
the sacrificial blood of the
Greek Gods, and painted Nick
Diaz on his
right hand, his self *titled
Little Money Punch hand.
“Steinbeiss is
coming for Diaz, and hell’s
coming along with him,” comments Tim. When he’s not
bathing in blood and bruising
Tim, he’s a full-time engineer,
a good Samaritan, and a citizen who’s always willing to
give a helping hand, his left
Tickets are on sale now,
and though those with weak
stomachs akin to yourfs truly
should be wary, McKenzie
comments, “Support your
alumni friend. When I become more personable I think
Pacific should get me a honorary masters. I don’t need a
building with my name on
it. And Steinbeiss should get
an honorary degree from Pacific, and maybe a park of his
own.” In other words, come
support the honorary and full
fledged Tigers in their greatest
On an interesting sidenote, Tim McKenzie and Ray
Steinbeiss will be moving in
with each other this week.
There address will be 3601
Champions Avenue, Mount
Sports Calendar 11
Thursday, Apr 27
Women’s Water Polo
MPSF Tournament
irvine, Calif.
All Day
Long Beach State
MPSF Tournament
Big West Tournament
Blair Field
6:30 PM
Irvine, Calif.
Wells, Calif.
Indian Wells, Calif.
All Day
All Day
Blair Field
Long Beach, Calif.
2:00 PM
1:00 PM
Long Beach, Calif.
3:00 PM
MPSF Tournament
Indian Wells, Calif.
Irvine, Calif.
All Day
Men’s Tennis
Indian Wells, Calif.
All Day
Sunday, Apr 30
Long Beach State
Blair Field
1:00 PM
Long Beach, Calif.
1:00 PM
Women’s Water Polo
MPSF Tournament
Big West Tournament
Friday, Apr 28
Women’s Water Polo
Men’s Tennis
Women’s Tennis
Saturday, Apr 29
Long Beach State
Big West Tournament
Women’s Tennis
Women’s Water Polo
Women’s Tennis
Men’s Tennis
Irvine, Calif.
All Day
Indian Wells, Calif.
Indian Wells, Calif.
All Day
� � � � � � � � � � ��� � ��� � � � � � �� � � � � � � ��� �� � �
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Sports Wrap
Mens Golf
Rancho Santa Margarita,
Calif. - The Pacific golf team
fired a season-low 292 to finish the Big West Conference
Championship in fifth place,
Tuesday, April 25. The Tigers
shot five over par at Tijeras
Creek Golf Club.
Freshman Charles Van Sicklen led Pacific with a three-day
score of 74-73-73=220 to finish
in a tie for 11th place while
sophomore Chris Rosenau
carded a final round one-over,
73 at Tijeras Creek’s 6,918yard course.
Junior Thomas Petersson
opened the tournament with a
76 and 75 but finished strong
Tuesday morning with an
even 72 to finish in 21st place.
Sophomore A.J. Hohn finished
his second round strong, going two-under over the last 16
holes and fired a 76 this morning for the Tigers. Freshman
Adam Beckman rounded out
Pacific’s scoring, rebounding
from an opening round 78 to
fire a two-over 74.
“To have the last round of
our year be the best round of
our year is something special,” said Pacific head coach
Brandon Goethals . “The guys
fought hard and finished
strong and I’m really proud of
that. We’re going to take that
effort that we showed out
there today and build on it for
next year.”
Cal Poly took the team title,
posting a combined 853 during the 54-hole event. Ryan
Panichpakdee of Long Beach
State rolled to the individual
title by shooting a -16, 200.
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The Pacifican
Sports Wrap
Womens Water Polo
The Pacific women’s water polo team fell to No. 6
Cal by the score of 15-3 in
a MPSF contest held at Chris
Kjeldsen Pool on Saturday,
April 22.
California stormed out of
the gate to start the game,
scoring the games first nine
goals. Pacific senior Julia
Snyder scored her first of two
goals on the day to make the
score 9-1. The two teams
struggled offensively to start
the third period, as at one
point each team traded a pair
of 35 second shot-clock violations. Sophomore Jocelyn
Gray scored with :31 seconds
remaining in the period to
make the score 11-2.
The final period saw Cal
once again go on the offensive, scoring three unanswered before Snyder scored
her second of the day for the
Tigers, making the score 143. Snyder’s two goals led
the way for the Tigers, while
she also added an assist.
Junior Tina Tkalcevic also
added an assist and a steal
for the Tigers.
Pacific honored seniors
Leila Andrews ,Kara Buchanan ,Vicki McMurchie
,Julia Snyder and Tory Ungari before the match, as
each played their final home
game at Chris Kjeldsen Pool.
These two teams will play
again in first round action
of the MPSF Women’s Water Polo Championships at
Anteater Aquatics Complex
in Irvine, Calif. on Thursday,
April 27th.
The Pacific Tigers dropped
their third straight contest to
No. 1 Cal State Fullerton, 84, on Sunday, Apr. 23.
The loss dropped Pacific to
22-15 on the season and 3-6
in the Big West Conference,
while Cal State Fullerton
moved to 31-10 overall and
8-1 in conference play.
Trailing 2-0 in the bottom
of the first inning, Pacific
sophomore Adam Ching
drew a leadoff walk. Ching
stole second later in the
inning, then scored on an
RBI single from senior John
Devany to make it a 2-1
The top-ranked Titans,
however, added three runs
on two hits and two walks
in the second to extend their
lead to 5-1 after two innings.
This year, The Pacifican introduces the first annual BEST OF PACIFIC AWARDS. This
will be the final issue of the academic year. We need your input!! Please fill out the following survey online at: www.thepacificanonline.com, OR email it to: pacificaneditors@
pacific.edu OR send it through campus mail to The Pacifican, Southwest Hall OR find us
on Facebook!
Best meal in the dinning hall?
Best professor?
Best guest speaker event?
Best residence hall?
Best off campus party?
Best administrative staff?
Best party theme?
Best class for....?
Engineering and Computer Science Best party foul? (Names can be anonymous)
Best rumor? (Names can be anonymous)
Best tree on campus?
Best place to do your homework?
Best place to not be doing homework?
Best study room in the library?
Best midnight snack from the Summit?
Best on campus apartments?
Best all around spot on campus?
Graduate Studies
Best workout at Baun Fitness Center?
Best ASUOP event of the year?
Best workout outside of Baun Fitness Center?
Best Club event of the year?
Best Mens and Womens athletic teams?
Best social Sorority?
Best Mens athlete?
Best social Fraternity?
Best Womens athlete?
Best professional Fraternity?
Best athletic individual performance in a game?
Best professional Sorority?
Best Dean?
Best unforgettable memory at Pacific?
Pacific scratched across
single runs in the third and
fifth innings to pull within
two runs at 5-3. In the
third inning, Tiger
led off
t h e
Photograph by Dan Cammarano
Best of Pacific 2006
Mens Baseball
inning with a single to left
field. Saunders moved to
second on a ground out from
Ching, then went to third
on a bunt sinlge by senior
Anthony Jackson . Saunders
came in to score on a sacrifice
fly by senior Matt Berezay .
It was the top of the lineup
again in the fifth for the Ti-
gers, as
Ching reached
on a bunt single, then
Jackson legged out an infield single on the right
side. With runners at first
and second, Berezay plated Ching with a single to
left field.
The two teams traded
runs in the seventh
as Cal State Fullerton
scored on an RBI single
from Jared Clark, then
the Tigers got a solo
home run from Jackson
to make it a 6-4 game.
That, however, was all the
offense the Tigers could
manage, falling 8-4.
Cal State Fullerton’s
Dustin Miller (8-1) picked
up the win, allowing three
runs on six hits in six innings. Pacific starter, freshman Ty’Relle Harris (4-2)
suffered the loss, allowing
five runs on three hits and
four walks in 1.2 innings.
Pacific will return to the
diamond on Friday, Apr. 28
as the Tigers travel to Long
Beach, Calif. to take on the
Long Beach State 49ers at 6:
30 p.m.
Photograph by Dan Cammarano