“Let`s Talk” Hits Pacific Today!
“Let`s Talk” Hits Pacific Today!
University of the Pacific’s Newspaper Since 1908 http://www.thepacifican.com University Of The Pacific Volume 98, Issue 23 Thursday, April 12, 2007 “Let’s Talk” Hits Pacific Today! By Melody Demel GuestWriter The moment has arrived and so have four of America’s top Communication pros! At 8:00 am this morning, Pacific’s Communication students began a day of learning, networking and exploring. The 4th Annual Communication Symposium, Let’s Talk: Pacific to Professional is finally here! Pacific mourns for Virginia Polytechnic University See Symposium, page 3 Malalai Joya gives passionate speech Pacific’s Peace and Justice Coalition hosted Joya in the afternoon and Sacramento City College’s Peace and Justice Coalition hosted her in the evening. Joya, a woman with attention-grabbing passion in her voice, called the leaders of Afghanistan warlords, drug lords, and war criminals. She has been called an “infidel” and a “communist” by her opposition. Melody Ermachild Cha By Jennifer Hite-Smith ManagingEditor What could an Afghan woman do to provoke four assassination attempts? Malalai Joya, a member of Afghanistan’s parliament is one such survivor. She is the youngest member of her parliament and an activist for human rights. She spoke at University of the Pacific on Monday in the Pacific Theater from 2: 30 to 3:30 PM. See Joya page 3 Discussion of diversity continues By Andrew Mitchell NewsEditor Pacific’s ongoing campaign to raise awareness of and campaign for diversity continued Monday with the third in a frequent series of Town Hall Meetings. The 90 minute discussion featured a new University Diversity Statement which will even- Forecast Thursday High 67, Low 45 Friday High 75, Low 49 Saturday High 69, Low 46 Sunday High 75, Low 50 tually be displayed on the Pacific website. The University Diversity Committee helped to draft the statement, which puts into writing the goals Pacific has in regard to inclusion of all students. Joanna Royce-Davis, the Dean of Students, stated that the agenda of these meetings was three-fold: 1) to address Inside... Weekly Police Record Page 2 Nick Hansenʼs Column Page 5 Mikey Vuʼs Column Page 8 Scoot and Big Tone Page 9 Horoscope Page 10 Sports Page 11 the problems with intolerance on campus, 2) monitor the progress as changes are made to improve diversity, and 3) move forward with the implementation of programs and opportunities to become all-inclusive. The University Statement is one of many avenues Pacific See Diversity page 4 Photograph by Dan Cammarano “We are stunned by the news of this tragedy and mourn the senseless loss of life that occurred today at Virginia Tech,” said University President Don DeRosa. “All of us here at University of the Pacific express our deepest sympathy to the families of faculty, staff, and students that were killed, and wish for speedy recovery of those who were injured. At Pacific, we take the security of our students and staff very seriously, and are continually looking for ways to improve our practices. In the light of this tragedy, we will again make sure that we are doing every thing we can to assure the Pacific community of our vigilance in this area.” Summary of the weekend! Page 7 Events Interfaith Gathering in Support of Virginia Tech” on Thursday, April 19 at 6:00pm. Morris Chapel The Pacifican 2 Our Staff Editoral Staff Editor-In-Chief Managing Editor Adviser News Editor Perspectives Editor Lifestyles Editor Sports Editor Erin Birmingham Prof. Dave Frederickson Andrew Mitchell Priscilla Park Mikey Vu Scott Behnam Marty Bormolini Staff Writers Linda Lopez Nicole Van de Star Website Admin Dan Cammarano Tina Brehmer Abbey Golden Nick Hansen Business Staff Business Manager & Advertising Manager Distribution Department Of Public Safety Weekly Report Jennifer Hite-Smith Copy Editor Photographers University Of The Pacific Parmbir Mann Erin Birmingham Questions? Comments? Phone: (209) 946-2115 Fax: (209) 946-2195 Advertising: (209) 946-2114 News: pacificannews@pacific.edu Lifestyles: pacificanlifestyles@pacific.edu Perspectives: pacificanperspectives@pacific.edu Sports: pacificansports@pacific.edu Mailing Address: The Pacifican 3601 Pacific Avenue Stockton, CA 95211 Advertise With Us • Display Ads • Classified Ads • Inserts Please Contact Advertising @ (209) 946 - 2114 or email pacificanads@pacific.edu The Pacifican staff meets every Thursday at noon. Meetings are in the Spruce Room in the McCaffrey Center. Everyone is invited. We want to hear from you! April 1-7, 2007 Please report any suspicious activity to the Department of Public Safety at 62537 (Non-Emergency) and 63911 (Emergency) . VANDALISM PACIFIC HOUSE 4-8-07 Officer responded to a report of a female subject who had broken a window. Officer located the subject and tried to make contact. Subject ran from the officer but was later arrested. Subject was arrested at 1:55 AM for vandalism and resisting arrest. Report forwarded to Judicial Affairs. viewed. Subject was warned for driving on the wrong side of the road. AIDED STOCKTON PD PRESIDENT’S DR. 4-9-07 Officer observed a full-sized pickup with major front end damage driving eastbound on Brookside at Pershing. Officer turned around to stop the vehicle and was unable to locate it. Stockton PD aired a hit and run that struck a tree at Brookside and Feather River at 1:16 AM. Vehicle was located on campus and turned over to Stockton Police. SUSPICIOUS INCIDENT MAIN GYM 4-10-07 Officers responded to a report of two male subjects trying to break into a vending machine. One possible subject was contacted, interviewed and released. Officers checked surrounding areas with negative results. No damage done to the machine. NARCOTIC ARREST PACIFIC HOUSE 4-9-07 Officer initiated a checkout of a male subject at 2:07 AM. Subject brought into custody for violation of being under the influence of a controlled substance. Officer learned the subject also had two $20,000 misdemeanor warrants. ARREST STADIUM DR AT PACIFIC AVE 4-9-07 Officers conducted a field check on two male subjects. One subject ducked into an alley between Dwight and Pacific. Officer located the subject. One subject had credit card applications in the name of a student. He admitted to taking from a garbage can on Dave Brubeck and a wallet that did not belong to him. Subject was arrested for stolen property, burglary tools and prowling. FIELD INTERVIEW PERSHING AVE 4-9-07 While on a traffic stop, an officer witnessed a male subject looking into vehicles. Officer contacted the subject and inter- SUSPICIOUS INCIDENT KNOLES HALL 4-10-07 Officers responded to a report of a male subject pulling a Pacific trash receptacle from the campus. Officer contacted and advised of laws concerning stealing and taking property. CASUALTY FARLEY HOUSE 4-11-07 Officer responded to a report that a male subject fell into and broke a window. Subject refused medics. Officer initiated a report. BURGLARY MCCAFFREY CENTER APTS 4-12-07 Victim reported someone possibly tried to pry the front screen off of the window. Officer responded and initiated a report. FIELD INTERVIEW QUADS 4-12-07 Staff reported two juveniles skateboarding in the area. Officer contacted the subjects. They were interviewed and revoked from campus. Parents were notified of the incident. UNIVERSITY REGULATION KLEIN FAMILY FIELD 4-13-07 Officer observed a group of subjects jump the fence from Lot 3 into Klein Family Field. Officers contacted and counseled the five subjects about entering a closed area. Officer initiated a report of the incident. BURGLARY LOT 7 4-13-07 Victim reported his vehicle had been broken into over three weeks ago. Items stolen were used to make phony checks. ARREST BONNIE & STADIUM 4-13-07 Officer made contact with a male subject on a bike. Officer learned the subject had a felony warrant out of Cleveland, Ohio. BURGLARY MCCONCHIE HALL 4-13-07 Victim reported that when he returned from dinner, someone had taken his computer from his unlocked room. Officer responded and initiated a report. ALCOHOL ARREST ATCHLEY WAY 4-14-07 Officers responded to a report of two male subjects fighting in Fraternity Circle. One of the subjects was contacted and the other ran into the McCaffrey Center. The first subject was contacted and arrested for being under the influence. Subject was transported to the county jail. INJURY ACCIDENT ANDERSON HALL 4-14-07 Staff reported his electric cart rolled over on its side when he took a turn. Staff refused medical but had pain in left hand and left leg. Officer initiated a report of the incident. SUSPICIOUS INCIDENT PRESIDENT’S DRIVE 4-14-07 Officers initiated a checkout of two subjects carrying an Aframe barricade. CASUALTY STAGG MEMORIAL STADIUM 4-14-07 Staff reported a female soccer player with a leg injury. Medics were already en route. Subject was transported to a local hospital. Officers responded and initiated a report of the incident. News Malalai Joya continued from page 1 vis, author of “Meena,” the biography of the founder of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), introduced Joya at the event. Chavis said that Joya is “in the same pool with Shirin Ebadi,” a human rights activist from Iran. Ironically, Shirin Ebadi will also be speaking on campus on May 3, 2007. “She ran for parliament against fundamentalism, misogyny, and warlordism,” said Chavis before comparing her to Rosa Parks. “Many people weren’t ready for Rosa Parks… [In Afghanistan] they think a woman cannot represent them; they [too] are not ready for Malalai Joya.” Being ready for Joya would mean giving up power to the people. Joya began her presentation by greeting the crowd with: “In the name of democracy and peace dear friends… “ Joya introduced ����������� Afghanistan as a “tragedy.” It has been five years since the United State’s invasion of Afghanistan, but “Afghanistan is still in the chains of fundamentalism.” Although the Taliban was removed by U.S. forces, “selected criminals and enemies of democracy, just as dark- “Afghanistan is a failed state; it is a disaster.” -Malalai Joya minded and cruel as the Taliban” were put into power. The U.S. began with the intention of bringing freedom to the people of Afghanistan, but acted in their own interest when they chose the key power holders, illustrated Joya who continually called the crowd “freedom- loving people.” There are hundreds of men inside Afghanistan’s ������������ �������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� �������������������������� ������������������������ � ��������������������������� ���������� � ��������������������������� ������� � ����������������������������� ����������������� � ���������������������������� ����������� � ���������������������������� ��������������������������������� ���������������������������������� � ���������������������������� ������������������������������������ � ������������������������������� ��������������������������������� � ���������������������������������� � ��������������������������������� � ���������������������������������� � ��������������������������� ������������ ���������� ������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� ������� ����� ������ ����������������������������� ������������������� government that “should be removed from power and put on trial,” she said. “Afghanistan is a failed state; it is a disaster,” she continued. Economic insecurity has caused people to engage in illegal activities such as opium farming or working for the Taliban. Joya told tragic stories about rape incidents involving girls younger than ten years old, and of an increased number of suicides as young women turn to killing themselves to escape fates such as being married to 60 year old men. The life expectancy in Afghanistan is only 45 years old. “Human dignity has no price,” she said. Joya explained her outrage at a recent law passed giving amnesty to anyone committing war crimes in the past 25 years. She attributed the law’s creation to fear that arose at the hanging of Saddam Hussein. The president, Hamid Karzai, also signed the bill passing the law. “The current administration is the most corrupt ever,” stated Joya. “Freedom of speech is a joke among people,” said Joya, as she explained that censorship is a big problem. Journalists have chosen not to print some of her comments out of fear. Even inside of parliament she has been “attacked,” where a fellow parliamentary member even shouted, “she is a whore, rape her.” The state of Afghanistan is suffering under its current power-hungry regime, according to Joya. Joya came to Pacific to tell her story and hope that the international community will take the right steps to build democracy and help her people. The events for Afghanistan continue with an all-you-can-eat dessert event: “Sweets for Sakeena” on Thursday, 4-7pm in the Bechtel International Center. All of the proceeds will go to Sakeena Yacoobi’s Afghan Institute of Learning. Symposium continued from page 1 The symposium was kicked off last night at a special welcome reception. Pacific alumni attended this event where outstanding communication seniors were recognized. “I was very excited that I won this prestigious award,” said Erin Hover, senior award recipient. The symposium continues today with a day full of activities. “This is one of the most exciting events to hit Pacific,” commented Wagner Muhly, symposium producer and director. All Pacific students are encouraged to attend. Whether it’d be for 20 min- 3 utes, an hour or the entire day, you will get something out of this event! “This year’s program is definitely attracting attention, it’s going to be a good time,” said Muhly, “We have people from Vogue, CBS and The Weather Channel speaking to us and it’s going to be great!” The Communication Symposium is happening today in the Grace Covell Dining Room. Not sure if this is for you? Come by and check it out to see if it is! The entire community of Pacific is invited to attend, faculty and students. Admission is free. Let’s Talk: Pacific to Professional, see you there! 4TH ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE 8:00 AM – 8:45 AM: Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM: Welcome & Elissa Lumley (Vogue) and Ali Pollock-Gagerman (film publicist) speak 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM : Let’s Talk Session I - Group Break-outs (meet the speakers!) 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM: Let’s Talk Session II - Group Break-outs (meet the speakers!) 12 Noon: Symposium Luncheon 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM: Marci Spencer (48 Hours) and Ned Greenburg (The Weather Channel) speak 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM: Let’s talk Session III – Group Break-outs 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM: Let’s Talk Session IV – Group Break-outs 3:45 PM: Symposium Concluded 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Special Recognition Program / Reception honoring professors Emeriti Jan & Roy Timmons, Communication Building, South Campus 4 Diversity continued from page 1 has taken to fix what many view as a problem. There is also currently a documentary about Pacific being filmed, where students are interviewed about their perceptions on the current climate of diversity. So far 25 students have talked and shared their thoughts, with not one requesting to be anonymous. John Carvana, the chair of the University Diversity Committee, has helped several students as they proceeded with the film, which could potentially be seen by a wide audience of prospec- News tive students, faculty, current students, parents, and the community. A separate group of students has formulated a proposal to create a council of around 15 students to aid in making the Pacific Seminar classes more reflective of Pacific and the challenges it faces. Diversity, already a component of these classes, will have a more specific definition. Students may also be placed on the Pacific Seminar Course Outline Committee. The proposal was handed to University Provost Philip Gilbertson during the meeting. “Pacific Seminar is unique Editorial Here at The Pacifican we are concerned with the lack of communication between campus entities. We would like to focus this, our first editorial, specifically on the school’s lack of adequate advertising. Our desire to write about this materialized when we heard that Michael Midgley from Bravo’s second season of Top Chef attended Tiger Nights and cooked for the guests. Some of us are avid Bravo viewers, and while watching Top Chef we got a great kick out of the fact that Michael Midgley came from Stockton. Eliminated late in the season, Michael Midgley became one of Top Chef’s most entertaining contestants. He had a loud and in-your-face attitude that caused him to stand out amongst the other more subdued chefs and, in my opinion, he is a celebrity. The fact that he was scheduled to appear at Tiger Nights should have been advertise with a visible picture of him on posters all over campus; an ad should have been in The Pacifican, on KPAC and PAC2tv; and in addition an e-mail should have been sent out through InsidePacific (which was done). There were posters advertising Tiger Nights but they highlighted what ASuop considered the main attraction: The Outline. We heard a lot of great stuff about this band from people who did attend, and I do think they deserved advertising—but so did Midgley. Instead Midgley got one line under the picture of The Outline that said, “Free food with Mikey from Top Chef”. It did not say that he would be cooking the food and there was no picture of him. Midgley is a in the country, but it is special at Pacific because it is the only course every student takes before they graduate,” Gilbertson said. At the previous town hall meeting, Gilbertson challenged the group of students to form the proposal for the next meeting. If they did, he would immediately take it into consideration. Vice president of student life Elizabeth Griego then spoke to the audience. She encouraged an open discussion on issues important to audience members. “To me diversity is a verb,” she said. “It is the quality of engagement.” She explained the : a failure to communicate celebrity to those who watch the show and the school have been excited about his appearance. If high attendance is desired then advertisers should get the message out. When asked if he had heard about Midgley’s being at Tiger Nights Junior Raj Matani said, “Nobody knew—I didn’t see one flyer.” It may seem like I am writing this strictly because I am angry that I missed Midgley, and while it is true that I am angry, that is not why I write this. As a staff we have noticed a lack of event advertising on more than one occasion. We had a problem with the lack of available information about running for ASuop offices before Spring Break, and more recently there was a lack of advertising for the Shakespeare in Ashland Rafting trip, and the trip to Great America. We asked 30 Pacific students if, before Tiger Nights on Friday April 13th, they knew that Top Chef’s Michael Midgley was going to be there. Out of the 30 people only two answered: yes, they did know in advance; 28 said that they had no idea. Freshman Eric DePauw said about ASuop’s advertising for the event, “I didn’t think it was very good—there might have been a Facebook group but I didn’t know about it [Midgley’s attendance] and I didn’t know when it was going to be.” In the grand scheme of things, Midgley cooking at Tiger Nights is not a big deal; the issue is that virtually no one knew about it. If Pacific wants its students to take part in fun (non-boozing) activities then they need to make them readily available and extensively advertised. Maybe ASuop needs a street team; they make beautiful posters but their presence does not reach the students. This could all be a symptom of a problem much larger than ASuop. Our school has great difficulty communicating. For example how many juniors knew the deadline for their graduation applications? There is a fine if you apply late. Have you tried to read E-news lately on the Pacific web page? It doesn’t work. The link to the events page is also broken. Why isn’t the link to the ASuop page more accessible from the homepage? Another instance of lack of communication As several specially designated trees were cut down in South Campus earlier this week, some of us at the Pacifican and many Pacific students were left wondering “why didn’t we know more about this beforehand?” While the trees were clearly marked, students still felt that they were unfairly excluded from the decision-making process. We believe that Pacific should try much harder to make students aware of the discussions that affect our environment and the Pacific campus. For sensitive issues like the environment, it seems especially important to make sure everyone at Pacific knows what is going on behind the scenes. The Pacifican Staff believes that completely open communication is an integral part of a healthy student-administration relationship, and feel that students agree. events that led to these meetings of Engineering and Computer Science, felt that the statement as “disrespectful behavior.” The meetings were a result did not contain enthusiasm or of a Pacifican article that ran in instill a sense of action. Others believe that more February, summarizing the visit staff members are needed to of Aaron McGruder to campus. help Inez Ruiz-Huston. the McGruder is the creator of the Director for the Community popular Boondocks comic and Involvement, with programs television show. and events that seek to recruit a The Black Student Union diverse student body. (BSU) on campus pointed out Regarding the draft statesome racially insensitive comment, some commented that it ments in the story by respondwas far too lengthy. The entire ing to it. Comments posted draft was two pages. Others exonline to the articles attacking pressed some antipathy to the the BSU alarmed students and administrators. These served idea of conducting assessments to demonstrate how prevalent to gauge progress in diversity, something the draft called for. intolerance was on campus. The draft was also described “I think we capitalized on an as vague, unenthusiastic, and event that is unfortunate but exclusive. also maybe fortunate,” Griego “There have from time to said. “I think this is hard work time been informal gatherings that is ongoing.” like this,” Gilbertson said. There were however, some “We’re always facing ignoquestions and critiques of the rance and fear. Those are our Diversity Statement. Camilla ��������������������������������������������������������������� enemies. Saviz, a professor in the School ��������������������������� ��������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ������� ������ ���� ���������� ������ ������� ������ �� ������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������ ����������������������������������� �������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� perspectives.thepacifican.com Perspectives 5 Procrastination is like... The positive and negative side effects By Nick Hansen Columnist It’s midterm time again and students all over campus should be hitting the books and cramming their grey matter with knowledge so they may pass their tests with flying colors. However, time and time again, when it comes down to actually studying, we as college students would rather be do something else. As you read, you will find a list of things that I know I do when I would should be studying. I have to admit I am not the only one, but my living space is messy and dirty. Sure it needs to be cleaned every once and a while, but usually that only happens when I’m in a “cleaning mood” or when I should be studying. Most of the time, doing the dishes will just satisfy my hunger to not study, but lately, its spread to vacuuming, mopping the floor, and cleaning out the refrigerator. Facebook, as we all know is the root of most time lost online. There is something �������������������������� ������������������ ���������������������������� ������������������������ ���������������� ������������������ ������������ ������������� ������� ��� ������������������� ����������� ������������� ������������������������������������ ����������������������������� about the need to refresh Facebooks’ “News Feed” over and over again while waiting for our friends to put new photos up, or to see who is posting on whose wall and saying what. AIM or any other instant messaging application is also another one of those “computer time wasters”. What you think will be a fiveminute conversation with one person turns into a two hour conversation with four people. Combine that with surfing the internet, checking your e-mail and downloading media and suddenly, its midnight and you are sitting, wondering where the time went. Others may choose to spend their time working on their World of Warcraft character, playing Oblivion or playing online poker to pass their time. For you non-technology dependent students, perhaps hitting the gym is your anti-study. The feeling after coming back from running in place or lifting weights makes you feel like you have been productive, but not in the important academic fields that you should be studying. I will admit, I have been to Baun Fitness Center maybe five times in the past fours years that I have been here. However, running the stairs in the stadium, or long boarding around campus or throwing a Frisbee around is pretty similar to watching TV while running on a treadmill. We, as college students know we have to study to pass our classes, but as the old saying goes “Procrastination is like masturbation, in the end you only screw yourself”. Spin-a-thon “Put a Brighter Spin on Tomorrow” 11-year-old Laura Snider, daughter of Humanities Hub Administrative Assistant Nancy Snider, suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage and passed away. All of the money will go to her family. Each team gets a stationary bike : Take turns riding for 4 hours in 30 min to 1 hour segments Teams of at least 4 (but no limit!) Individuals can ride too! Best Costume Prize!! Free Lunch & Event T-shirt! $25 Regular $10 Pacific Student Register at Baun Fitness Center or at the event! BAUN FITNESS CENTER SATURDAY APRIL 28TH 11AM - 4PM 6 Greek Life ODPhi gives back to Stockton Community Press Release ODPhi Two weeks ago, April 4th, ODPhi did what Fraternities do. They continued their tradition. This wasn’t a tradition of hazing or drinking, it was a tradition of community service. Every year since ODPhi’s establishment at University of the Pacific they have participated in Omega Delta Phi’s annual Easter event, where they go to the Stockton homeless shelter and spend time with the kids, playing games, doing crafts and bringing Eas- “Community Service is a big part of ODPhi, and seeing the smiles on the kids faces, reminds me that Stockton is my community and I am proud to be a part of it.” ter eggs for an Easter egg hunt. This year OPhi was excited to continue their dedication to service. They were glad to have the opportunity to hang out with the kids and even made the same crafts as the kids. It was one of the most successful years to date. The President of ODPhi, Seyla “Jun” My, said “Community Service is a big part of ODPhi, and seeing the smiles on the kids faces, reminds me that Stockton is my community and I am proud to be a part of it.” A New Proactive Council Press Release IFC On Monday March 19th all new pledges from each of the interfraternity council houses were sent through a sober monitor training. The goal of this training was to make each pledge aware of the dangers of alcohol and how to deal with situations that may occur in their houses. The training session lasted for roughly an hour. This training was given by Meghan Hoenthaner and sponsored by the Interfraternity council. The council decided through a vote that this training would benefit the Greek community as a whole. If this training is continued each semester all new members will be more prepared for social situations involving alcohol in their houses and will be able to handle the situations that arise. The IFC has also decided to require CPR training for all house presidents, social chairs and risk managers for the house. The IFC also sponsored this training. The training encourages better safety at social events held by IFC fraternities. The IFC also invited any member who wished to go to the training at no cost to them. The IFC has decided to take an active approach to alcohol safety on our campus and will continue to do so. The interfraternity council hosted a sober monitor training program for their recent pledges. In addition they recuired CPR training for all house presidents, social chairs, and risk managers. Lifestyles 7 lifestyles.thepacifican.com Tiger Events This Week at Pacific Right: Former Top Chef contestant Michael Midgely creates some fantastic deep fried Twinkies during Tiger Nights on April 13th the Sumit. Below:The Outline rocks out in the McAfree center for a crowd of around 60 students. ���������� ������������ ��������� Above: Dancers perform a traditional African dance in the Static Attic during Profile Day. Right: An RA talks to a potential Pacific parent at the RHA table for Profile Day. Photographs by Dan Cammarano ������ �������� ���������������� ���������������� �������������� ������������� ����������������� Copies are available in the Burns Tower Lobby and in the Pacific Registrar’s Office in Knoles Hall or go to www.pacific.edu/cpce to view and download. 8 The Pacifican lifestyles.thepacifican.com Fear and Loathing on a College Campus Laughterhouse 5 By Mikey Vu LifestylesEditor In last week’s article, I commented on the various different types of people that fall asleep in class, from the head nodders, to the full on passing out sleepers. But what I realized as I sat in class today is that there are far more menacing and insidious characters to be on the look out for during class time. Imagine, you have just gotten out of a meeting and had to run halfway across campus (the long way, mind you, since half of the school is under construction) and you barely make it to class in time, and plop into your seat. The teacher opens up her same bland PowerPoint presentation, with all the bells and whistles like the dissolving text and sound effects, yet something seems off. Your stomach begins to ache. It’s singing a four part harmony of hungry rumbles as you do your best to stifle what sounds like a large animal yawning from your tummy region. Too bad you didn’t have time to stop by the Summit. But then, in the midst of the cheesy powerpoint sounds and your stomachs symphony, a smell hits the air. What is it? The unmistakable scent of fried grease. Wait. Seasoned grease. Someone brought curly fries to class. You look around the room as the smell intoxicates your sense, your gaze hopping from student to student, until you spot him. “The Buffet Kid.” There he is, snacking away from his packaged Styrofoam lunchbox you got at the dining hall, dipping his curly fries in his ranch sauce. Not only that, he has actually brought a full buffet with him. He’s got some chicken noodle soup (with a soda on the side), some chicken legs, rib eye steak, a hot dog, some burger patties, two slices of congealed pizza, and a salad (you know, so he can be healthy.) You are almost surprised that he didn’t bring napkins. That is of course, until he busts out his napkin dispenser he stole from the dining hall. “The Buffet Kid.” The only reason you really hate him is because you didn’t think of it first. My most reviled person in class however, is not the “Buffet Kid” or one of the sleepers. No, because they didn’t really do anything wrong. My most hated person is “The Answer Jacker.” Without fail, there will always be someone in your class that will try to gain favor with the teacher by stealing other peoples’ answers. I’m not talking about plagiarism; I’m talking about what happens when the teacher asks the class a question. Usually one of two things will happen. One, someone may say an answer, yet the teacher will not hear or acknowledge the answer, to which Music Management’s Upcoming Events Saturday, April 21st in the Pacific Theater at 11AM Bored with the same old music all the time, then Pacific Music Management has the event for you. Pacific Music Management in association with the 2007 Mission Creek Music and Arts Festival presents a fun filled day of workshops and a FREE CONCERT. On April 21st join us in the workshop on “How to Plan a Music Festival” at 11AM in thePacific Theater. Then at 2PM rock on out to:Penchant, Radius, Ellul, and Barn Owl playing live in the McCafferyCenter. Thursday, April 26th at WPC 140 at 7:30PM Join the Pacific Music Management Club for an exclusive showing of Before the Music Dies, a documentary featuring a variety of popular musicians who share their views on the music industry. “Filmmakers Andrew Shapter and Joel Rasmussen traveled the country, hoping to understand why mainstream music seems so packaged and repetitive, and whether corporations really had the power to silence musical innovation. The answers they found on this journey–ultimately, the promise that the future holds–are what makes BEFORE THE MUSIC DIES both riveting and exhilarating.” (www.beforethemusicdies.com) the “Answer Jacker” will immediately repeat the answer and take all the credit for it. There’s not much you can do here short of calling the person a dick. If you’re lucky, he’ll repeat it out of habit. The second scenario happens when you whisper your answer to a friend or neighbor just to see if you are right, then said person will repeat your answer out loud. A good way to combat this is to first condition the “Answer Jacker” to always say your answer after you have whispered it. Then, when the teacher asks another question such as, “What country had the most to lose in the War of 1812?” Whisper an answer that is on the surface somewhat plausible yet completely not at the same time such as, “Nazi Germany.” That’ll teach ‘em. For those who care, prolific writer, artist, and outspoken Humanist, Kurt Vonnegut passed away on April 11th. Because I feel he has so heavily influenced some of my writing styles, I must leave you with one of my favorite quotes from one of his plays, Happy Birthday, Wanda June. “Don’t lecture me on race relations. I don’t have a molecule of prejudice. I’ve been in battle with every kind of man there is. I’ve been in bed with every kind of woman there is - from a Laplander to a Tierra del Fuegian. If I’d even been to the South Pole, there’d be a hell of a lot of penguins who looked like me.” Rest in Peace Mr. Vonnegut. Give ‘em hell. Sigma Chi Blood Drive This Thursday Sigma Chi will be hosting a blood drive, held in the Tiger Lounge of Grace Covell Hall. The event is open to all students and Greek houses. The Greek house that donates the most blood will receive a $300 prize! Come support our community by participating in this life saving event! Lifestyles lifestyles.thepacifican.com Scoot and Big Tone’s Getting Hyphy Restaurant Review Jordan Sumodobila WritingForMedia Gian’s Deli By Tony Madrigal & Scooter Bloom Columnists Tony and I were sitting around deciding where to go this week and sandwiches sounded really good. Tony said he didn’t want to go to Subway where your sandwich comes out looking full of junk. We were looking for a classy joint and Gian’s Deli is perfect. Gian’s Deli is a little Italian deli that specializes in sandwiches. Gian, the owner, is straight from Italy and everything is either homemade or kept fresh and prepared right in front of you. They make their own amazing focaccia bread and have every sort of deli meat and cheese. Tony went for a turkey and jack cheese sandwich on the focaccia bread with just mayonnaise and mustard. That’s it. Tony and I wanted to keep it simple. I had prechutto and provolone on focaccia with only mayonnaise. Tony said, “It doesn’t seem that much but it is so good.” Take away all olives and pickles and just keep it simple at Gian’s. Another specialty of Gian’s Deli is his homemade ravioli. Certain days you can get them for lunch but if you are ever looking for an easy but delicious meal buy them frozen with the sauce. Gian’s Deli is very reminiscent of the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld. It is a very small deli and everyone lines up in a straight line and you have to know what you want when you get up to order. They will pull out your meat and slice right in front of you so everyone gets the freshest sandwich. Gian isn’t mean but people are always waiting so you don’t want to slow up anyone. Gian’s Deli is located on Pacific Ave. just behind See’s Candy, so go South on Pacific from campus and it will be on your left hand side. Tony and I give Gian’s Deli 10 “finger licks” because sometimes the best things in life are simple. For the perfect sandwich try Gian’s Deli. Friday night, any given dance party on UOP’s campus. Arms flailing, heads shaking—insane, nonsensical dancing. “What you gonna do? Ghost ride it! Ghost ride the whip!” chanted a group of excited partiers. What’s wrong with these crazy students, you ask? Nothing! They’re getting HYPHY! Unless you have been living under a rock lately, you’ve at least heard the term. But what exactly is hyphy, you ask? “The same way the South gets crunk, the Bay Area gets hyphy,” stated rapper Goldie Gold of the Federation, in his interview with MTV News. Originally coined by Oakland-based rapper Keak da Sneak, the term hyphy is a combination of “hyper” and “fly.” Hyphy can most plainly be described as a style of music associated with the San Francisco Bay Area. This hip-hop music is characterized by gritty, pounding rhythms. Numerous rap artists native to the Bay Area, such as the Federation, Mac Dre, Mistah F.A.B., and E-A-Ski, have popularized the trend with their catchy, spirited lyrics, and completely nightclubworthy songs. “It’s the kind 9 “A way of life” of stuff that makes the ladies and the dudes get up and dance!” explained one Pacific party host. Hyphy is more than just music and dance, however. According to music producer Traxxamillion, a San Jose native, “Hyphy is a way of life; it’s basically a culture…just the way of life, period.” Elements of this unique culture include everything and anything that involves forgetting about your problems and just having fun, or “going dumb.” Slang is an important aspect of the culture. If you take a drive west of Stockton, you aren’t in the Bay Area; you’re in the Yay Area. At a party, people aren’t consuming alcohol; they are “perkin.” Calling a friend’s name across a room won’t get their attention, but a hollering “YEE!” will get everyone’s attention. “Stunna shades,” better known as oversized, sometimes ridiculously sillylooking sunglasses, are a necessity for any hyphy individual. They are preferably worn at night. At a club, you don’t dance to good song; you “gig” to a “slapper.” In the Bay, even cars are getting hyphy. Vehicles that you would expect to be in either the scrap yard or in the driveway of a senior citizen are getting their second wind with the increasing popularity of hyphy cars, or “scrapers.” Usually painted a bright, flashy color, with shiny, chrome rims, hyphy owners will do anything to show off, or “flamboast” their car. “Ghost riding,” a particularly popular practice, involves the driver getting out of the vehicle and dancing next to it while the car is still moving. Vallejo-native, rapper E-40, also known as “The Ambassador of the Bay,” brought the Hyphy Movement national with his 2006 album entitled My Ghetto Report Card. The album debuted at #3 on the Billboard 200 and #1 on the Hip-Hop/R&B charts, and has spawned the #13 hit “U and Dat”. With the increasing popularity of the music, perhaps the trend has what it takes to continue to make young people across the nation get out of their seats and get hyphy. “Turn it up, this is my SONG!” yelled a Texas-native Pacific student, as the latest hyphy track came on the radio. Young people from all over the country can’t help but to jump on the bandwagon—or as it might be described in hyphy language, “ride the yellow bus”—and groove to the hottest Bay Area tracks. Put a Brighter Spin on Tomorrow All proceeds will go to Humanities Hub Administrator Nancy Snider’s family in honor of her daughter Laura Snider. Laura suffered a severe cerebral hemorrhage passed away in March. All gifts are greatly appreciated. The event will take place April 28th, 2007 from 11:00am to 4:00pm. Please use this form to sign up for the Spin-a-thon at the the Fitness Center! Name: E-Mail: Phone Number: I will be riding with a team: ( ) I will be riding on my own: ( ) Individual riders please mark the hour that you would like to ride: 11:00-12:00 ( ) 12:00-1:00 ( ) Team Name (if applicable): Student: ( ) Non-Attending Student: ( ) 1:00-2:00 ( ) 3:00-4:00 ( ) The Pacifican 10 HOROSCOPES 3/21- 4/19 Aries Think now about future travels to far-away places that will round out your appetite for life. It is never too early to make your plans for your next vacation. 6/22- 7/22 Cancer Open your arms to change, but do not let go of your values. Your perceptive abilities are at a high point and you will enjoy a positive outcome in whatever you involve yourself with today 9/23- 10/22 Libra You have much charisma and clarity. This afternoon, while visiting with friends, you may be tempted to add your thoughts on some controversial subject. 11/22- 12/21 Sagittarius You may be unable to get the support you require just now. A holding pattern until some more appropriate time in the future might be advisable. Someone may challenge you and you are not ready Lyrical Astrologist Priscilla Park providedby www.dailyhoroscopes.com 1/20- 2/18 Aquarius You are feeling healthy and unaffected by any negatives today. There is a chance to have a special time with someone you love this evening. This a happy time. 2/19- 3/20 Pisces Think now about future travels to far-away places that will round out your appetite for life. It is never too early to make your plans for your next vacation. 04/20-5/20 Taurus Your charisma and charm are blossoming with the coming of spring. This time of the year brings invitations and makes you the recipient of many unexpected kindnesses. 5/21- 6/21 Gemini There is a possibility for material or monetary gain at this time; you could be reckless through gambling or speculation. 7/23- 8/22 Leo You are against a particular change today, but that is just what may be happening in the employment area of your life. Think your ideas through, before making your presentation. 8/23- 9-22 Virgo ou could be most persuasive with others, and eloquent in speech and communication. The situation is a natural for self-expression and lends itself to your particular ideas and thoughts. 10/23- 11/21 Scorpio This is a perfect time to be assertive and to move forward with your career decisions. You have all the drive and energy necessary. Channeling this energy should be easy. 12/22- 1/19 Capricorn Take time this evening to catch up on letter writing and phone calls and remember that being alone so much can have an alienating effect. Sudoku To solve the puzzle, each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. Intermediate COMICS Answers to this week’s Sudoku: sports.thepacifican.com Sports Rec Sports Power Rankings INDOOR VOLLEYBALL POWER RANKINGS WEEK 2 Rnk/PrvRnk Men’s Competitive 1. #1 Fa-Q – Randall Gee is just makin’ it rain 2. #3 Kappa Psi – Team out hustles everyone in the league 3. #2 Lasers – Sigma Chi seems uncharacteristically apathetic about volleyball this season Men’s Recreational 1. #1 Danielle’s Boys – Sigma Chi’s Rec team would give its competitive team a run for its money 2. #3 Pledge Monkeys – Team is able to grind out some tough games 3. #2 Flying Ace – Team just laid down in the 3rd against Pike… not the sign of a championship team 4. #5 Sigma Chi – 3 games over the next 7 games…conditioning is going to be huge 5. #2 Kappa Psi – Team should devote its energy to soccer Women’s Competitive 1. #1 iHop– The team is just scary good 2. #2 Delta Gamma – I just don’t think DG has enough firepower to hit with iHop 3. #3 Theta – Win over iHop… Not happening. Win over DG… possible. 4. #4 Delta Delta Delta – Better hope that one of the other team takes them lightly Women’s Recreational 1. #1 Alpha Phi – Locked up the #1 playoff seed…How will Alpha Phi handle the pressure? 2. #2 Delta Gamma – DG brought 37 girls to their last match so fatigue shouldn’t be an issue 3. #3 Beta Theta – On the bright side…You’ve clinched the #3 seed Co-Rec Competitive 1. #1 Flight of the Phoenix – There isn’t even a close 2nd 2. #3 Always HI – Surprising team that has made easy work of lesser foes 3. #2 Costello & Co. – Team in search of an identity 4. #4 What is the Alex Trebeck Fan Club? – Absolutely no team chemistry…McSweeney has lost his team 5. #5 The Next Best Thing – It will be a showdown with “Trebeck” for the last playoff spot Co-Rec Recreational 1. #1 Awwwright – Sakamoto makes everyone around him better 2. #2 Alpha Chi Sigma – Joe King has Jeter-like intangibles 3. #3 Diggin’ & Swingin’ – Team is still a little rough 11 by Bryan Lenz around the edges 4. #4 Comrades of Chairman Wang – Mitch Tom, a.k.a. Charles Barkley, has been pounding the calves over at Baun 5. #6 Fireball – Team might be able to surprise a few folks 6. #5 Phi Delta Chi – Just can’t seem to win the close games 7. #7 If We Win, U Suck – Team is witty but not athletic OUTDOOR SOCCER POWER RANKINGS WEEK 2 Rnk/Prv Rnk Men’s Competitive 1. #1 Delta 9 – Sigma Chi vs. Pike this week should live up to the hype 2. #4 Samba–Team is teetering on the verge of greatness 3. #2 The Fuglies- The team got worked by Samba, but in their defense, they were shorthanded 4. #3 King of the Castle- These boys just have it on cruise control until playoffs Men’s Moderate 1. #1 Polo –Counting dodgeball, Hirsch is on a 6-game win streak 2. #2 Kappa Psi – Kappa Psi finishes their season 3-1 and will be a fan favorite come playoff time 3. #4 Freedom – Pike needs to find another level if it wants to compete with the big boys 4. #3 Sigma Chi – Sigma Chi could find itself in playoff limbo after the Polo showdown 5. #5 Jackson – Each of Jackson’s games have been decided by 1 goal. They can stay with anyone. 6. #6 Yayoers – It just isn’t in the cards for Harris this season. Men’s Recreational 1. #1 Kings of Mediocrity – Team is well rested and ready to go on a tear 2. #3 Y God Y – Pike pulled itself out of an offensive slump by dropping 6 goals on Beyond the Hype 3. #2 Bulldogs – Team has just as much of a chance as anyone in this wide open division 4. #5 The Gorgonzolas – Not quite as bad as Pataria’s clan 5. #4 Beyond the Hype – Team is beyond bad Women’s Competitive 1. #1 Corona #2 – Corona is well on its way to a perfect season 2. #2 Delta Gamma – The only ladies that have a true shot at taking down the Club team 3. #4 Delta Delta Delta – Untested bunch that has its work cut out for them 4. #3 Underdogs – Forfeited out of league Women’s Recreational 1. #1 Kool Kidz – Team just had its way with Theta 2. #2 Alpha Phi – Alpha Phi is on a mission and is capable of the upset 3. #3 Theta – Not much Theta love 4. #4 Jzelbeck – Breakaway goal was the one bright spot for this battered bunch Co-Rec Competitive 1. #1 Better Looking Team – Berger’s defensive debacle prevented the team’s first shutout 2. #2 No Brakes – Nicco has his team primed to make a late championship run 3. #3 Kappa Psi – 2-2 will get them into the playoffs, but the team must be disappointed 4. #4 Ritter Strikers – Even with last week’s loss the team has locked up the #4 playoff seed 5. #5 Brad Delp 4 Eva – Laskey is just a sitting duck back there in goal Co-Rec Recreational 1. #1 Gangster Lady Bugs – The mid-season favorite to hoist the trophy 2. #2 We Don’t Play Soccer – Monday night showdown with GLB will prove whether team is for real 3. #5 Cincinnati Bowties- Team fights back after being left for dead a week ago 4. #3 Townhouses– A complete team that lacks explosiveness 5. #4 Nalu Shredders – The only thing they’re shredding is the loss column In The Wake of the Week By Arash Behnam SportsEditor Major League Baseball should pat itself on the back with its fantastic job of Jackie Robinson’s 60th anniversary debut in the majors. The same cannot be said with Mr. Stern and his handling of Barry Bonds and the home run record. Playoffs, we’re taking about the playoffs, playoffs, that’s right Jim Mora the Golden State Warriors are going to the playoffs. The last time Warrior fans saw their team in the post season, Don Nelson was the coach and short shorts were way rad. Head coach Lynne Roberts hard work recruiting has paid off for the women’s B-ball team. The 07-08 class includes Dallas/Fort Worth District high school players of the year Jennifer Fath. What’s up with basketball refs this month? Joey Crawford calling out Tim Duncan, and the Final Four being foul out city. The men’s volleyball team ends what looked like a promising season with a 7 game losing streak. The Sharks-Predators is what playoff hockey is all about and the best sport to watch on da tellie. Matt Goodwin left the Pacific basketball team due to personal reasons related to his family. Hopefully everything is alright with the Goodwins and personal reasons did not include realizing there will not be enough minutes next year for Goodwin if the rumors are true. No April Fools! The rumor on the streets is this blue chip B-baller from Washington might be headed to Stockton thanks in part to his friendship with Steffan Johnson. This guy is supposed to be the missing link to taking the Tigers back to the glory days of yesteryear. Student vs. teacher. Don Nelson vs. Avery Johnson. Son vs. father as Nelson works for the Dallas Mavericks front office will be great story lines but that will not take away from the fact that the Warriors match up real well with Mavs and did sweep them this year. If I was the Mavs I would be rooting for the Clippers. Hey what do you know? Pacific’s lady tennis players, playing in their last home game of the season, beat Riverside 6-1, adding to a two game win streak. The Pacific softball team is making a case and getting hopes up for postseason play with its seven game win streak, unbeaten in league and 31-13 record. The Tigers are starting to put destiny in their own two hands. The Oakland Raiders are flirting with the idea of taking Calvin Johnson with the first pick in the NFL draft but that is all a smoke screen as Al Davis has something up his sleeve and it is probably not wise. Ahhh...imagining that irresistible “new car” smell? Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos. Sports 12 PacificCrew:StrokesofSuccess Jennifer Hite-Smith ManagingEditor Pacific’s newest athletic club, Pacific Rowing has made tremendous strokes since its creation last year. Just last month, the women’s club A team won the gold metal at the 34th annual San Diego Crew Classic. The women’s club B team won fourth. The men’s team is also seeing great improvements. The eight-boat that earned the gold was powered by Ashley Lee, Liza Boyle, Jessica Cicone, Stacy Costello, Jane Unruh, Katherine Lindsey, Lindsey Garehime, and Whitney Royse with Kristin Heller as coxswain. It may seem that with such success, the team would become part of Pacific athletics officially, but Head Coach Eric Weir said that for now, “We are very proud to represent student life as a Club Sport, so we are not currently looking to become an NCAA women's sport.” Coach Weir is new to the team this year, “I started coaching in 1987 after completing my collegiate rowing career at Sacramento State, which was also a fairly new program… Rowing had a profound impact on me and I knew that I wanted t o give back to the sport.” Ashley Lee, the President of the Pacific Rowing Club was the main component to bringing crew to Pacific. Now in its second year, she is very pleased with how things are going, “This experience is like nothing else I have experienced in my whole career as an athlete. I feel totally connected to the team and the University now that I'm involved with Crew. One of the reasons I wanted to bring crew to Pacific was the raw talent and personalities that come with it. Crew is so connected. It's what we do, we tap into each other and produce fast boat speed.” This weekend a tremendous effort will be made by the team as a fundraiser. The event is called “Pacific to Pacific.” The team will row 100 miles from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to the Calaveras foot bridge behind Baun Fitness Center. The 30 person team will rotate every hour with eight people in the boat at a time. The team will stay overnight in Pittsburg, about halfway to their final destination. There will be a reception at 5PM at Baun Fitness Center on Sunday April 22nd, just as the team is scheduled to arrive. Everyone is encouraged to come and greet the team as they finish. The team is still accepting new members, no experience necessary. Practice times are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at the boathouse(10 minutes from campus at the end of March lane) from 6-7:30 am, Wednesday 6:30-7:30am at Baun Fitness Center, and Saturday at the boathouse 8:30-10:30am. Fall rowing will start again September 10, 2007. Interested future Pacific Crew members should come see Coach Eric Weir in his office, room 116 in the Main Gym, or e-mail at: eweir@pacific.edu.