March 2015 - Christ the King Lutheran Church


March 2015 - Christ the King Lutheran Church
March 2015
As the Body of Christ we are called and sent to love and serve the world
A Word From Pastor Steve
“Create in me a clean heart!” was the cry of the Psalmist, a fervent prayer attributed to King David. On Ash Wednesday, Lent got underway with those
words from Psalm 51. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right
spirit within me.”
I recall that during my youth those words were part of the liturgy. We sang
them as the offertory week after week: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and
renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take
not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with your free Spirit.”
Cleanse what has become soiled, O God. Make new what has become tattered and torn. Lift from
me this heaviness of heart and put me back on a good path. Fill me with joy as you enable me to begin anew once again.
We no longer sing “create in me” week after week. But through Word and Meal God does just that
week after week. God creates in us a clean heart. Makes new. Fills us with joy. Puts us on a good
path as we begin anew again and again.
Recently I resonated with the words of a fellow who said to me, “I’m a better person when I worship
regularly, when I receive the Meal and hear God speak to me through the Word. I’m more kind and
considerate, more patient with others, and more compassionate toward the folks I encounter
throughout the week.”
Pastor’s Reflection
INTO Update
First Communion
30-Hour Famine
Holy Week / Library
Confirmation Camp
Thank You
Ice Skating / Dismas
Social Ministry / WCC
Sunbeam / Hacienda
Thrivent Workshops
Spiritual Life / TWIGS
Financial / Passages
I-K Synod Newsletter
March Calendar
I feel the same way. The Word and the Meal affect me in significant and powerful ways, in very positive and life-giving ways. How about you? Kathy and I
visited Barefoot Church, located in an old movie theater in North Myrtle
Beach, a few weeks ago. (No one was barefoot, by the way.) Amidst the jammin’ guitars and drums we heard the Word, but there was no Meal. It was
sorely missed. Also missed were songs we could sing and prayers for the community and world.
It’s good to be home and back to worship in a familiar place. It’s good to be
back into the routine of weekly Word and Meal. I am a better person for it.
How about you?
OK. I am suggesting that regular worship is beneficial to each of us. (There
are numerous health studies that bear out the same conclusion. Lower blood
pressure, fewer heart issues, etc.) I am concerned that the trend has been that
church members participate in public worship much less frequently now than
say 15 or 20 years ago. (This is borne out in many studies and surveys.) My
concern is not for increasing average worship attendance. My concern has to
do with the effect of this trend on individual lives, on the faith community, and
on the wider community in which we live.
It’s a bit late to make a New Year’s resolution. It’s not too late to take up
something for Lent – what’s left of it – and beyond. Weekly worship. Perhaps
you’ll see that you are a better person for it. Besides, the most important reason is simply that God deserves to be worshiped. God is worthy.
Thanks be to God! Always! Thanks and praise. Frankly, it’s what God ex11 pects… and in doing so we receive blessing. Thanks be to God, indeed!
2 · The King’s Herald · Christ the King Lutheran Church ·
impact, status, options, and timeline…
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for prayers and
pledges and gifts already given. Thus far the INTO campaign has
received 148 pledges for a total of $945,015 with $199,901 of that already given. Thank you
Please mark April 19 on your calendar for a congregational meeting. The time hasn’t been
set, but it is anticipated that it will be in the afternoon. The primary agenda item will be
whether or not to go ahead this summer with most of the renovation / maintenance projects
that will be funded by the INTO campaign.
Reasons that it might be beneficial to do all or most of the projects this summer include:
Bids likely will come in lower when bidding on a larger project to be done at one time
instead of bidding on several projects over 2 or even 3 years.
We can expect to have cost savings by completing projects this year because costs will
rise each year.
Completing the work soon will likely create great enthusiasm and interest, which may
encourage more financial support.
It is anticipated that the cost of borrowing short term is very low at this time and the
cost of borrowing money short term may end up costing less than the increased cost
we would incur (because of higher bids and/or increased costs each year) by
stretching out the projects over 2 or 3 years.
There are no weddings on the calendar for summer of 2015!
It’s anticipated that we will need to borrow $200,000 to $250,000 for a couple of years in
order to complete this summer 1) the core renovation (narthex, music room, youth room,
storage for Van Oort Hall, 2) the leveling work in front of the main entrance that will improve accessibility (though this does not include adding a canopy), and 3) repaving the parking lot. The cost of borrowing this money is being investigated at this time and that information will be shared as soon as it is known. (We have about $90,000 on hand at this time
that is available for these projects.)
Meanwhile, the INTO campaign has enabled us to move ahead with adding a Mission Coordinator on a part time basis (10 hours per week). Sally Dixon began on Feb 17 and we welcome her to this position. She already has been in conversation with many people as she begins to immerse herself in this challenge.
The development of the job description for a part time IT / Communications person is being
refined and it is hoped that we can move ahead with filling this position in the near future.
Of course, I continue to remind folks that the faith formation director position is funded in
part by INTO funds and that we are thrilled with the addition of Craig Swendsen to our
The Hebard and Hebard Architects team continues work on developing plans that will be
put out for bid in early April. We anticipate that by mid-May we will be reviewing bids and
approving contracts. If we choose to borrow money in order to complete most or all projects
this summer, the work can begin following Memorial Day and be completed by Labor Day.
As you can see, things are moving along. If you have any questions about anything mentioned above please do not hesitate to contact one of the pastors or business manager John
Peace+ Steve
· The King’s Herald · Christ the King Lutheran Church · 3
Hello, families with children interested in taking their FIRST COMMUNION:
At Christ the King, we believe that the development of faith is a life-long journey beginning
at Baptism. At Baptism, through Word and Spirit, a child is blessed and becomes a member
of God’s family and kingdom. At this time the parents, family, and congregation make a
pledge to help the child grow in their faith to understand the teachings of Christ.
As the child grows, the church helps equip them and their families in this process. Through
their early years there are a series of classes to help families pass the faith on to their children. Each class is another step along the journey. We refer to this ministry as Milestones.
Every year at Christ the King, we offer a series of classes for children and their parents to
take a together to learn some basics of Holy Communion. We study its history, Christ’s
teachings, stories, and its messages. At the end of the class there is a public presentation of
where the child will receive their first communion.
If you are interested in taking part in this series of classes, they will be offered at the following time:
Class 1: Sunday, April 19, at 9:30 am in room 502
Class 2: Sunday, April 26, at 9:30 am in room 502
Class 3: Sunday, May 3, at 9:30 am in room 502
Presentation: Sunday, May 10, during a worship
service of your choice.
If you are interested in participating, please RSVP to Craig
Swendsen at If you have any
questions, don't hesitate to call or email. Thank you for
taking this important step in your child's faith journey.
- 2015
It is that time of year again for our 30 Hour Famine Lock-In,
STARTS: on Friday, March 13, at 6 pm, and
ENDS: on Saturday, March 14, at 6 pm, with a dinner at Ctk (the whole family is invited).
This year will be lots of fun, including a service event at the Northern Indiana Food Bank.
Any child in grades 7-12 is eligible to attend. Friends are welcome. But we only have room
for the first 25 people that sign up, and that INCLUDES ADULT CHAPERONES. So
make sure you sign up early and include any friends you may want to bring.
Things you need to bring: sleeping bag, toiletries (sorry, no shower), a warm change of
clothes (we will be walking outside to collect food for the Food Bank), shoes (no sandals),
and finally the CtK HEALTH, EMERGENCY, and LIABILITY form available on the church
You may sign up here:
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns by email at
4 · The King’s Herald · Christ the King Lutheran Church ·
Wednesday evening worship
during Lent will be at 7 pm
through March 25, and will
include the singing of Holden
Evening Prayer as well as a
focus on five of the texts that
are read at the Vigil of Easter
Please join us for Holy Week services:
PALM SUNDAY - March 29
8:15 am Traditional Worship
9:30 am Contemporary Worship
11:00 am Traditional Worship
6:30 pm Worship
11:30 am Worship
7:00 pm Worship
11:30 am Worship
7:00 pm Worship
7:00 pm Worship
8 am Traditional Worship
With Choir & Bells
9:30 am Traditional Worship
With Choir, Bells, and Xalt!
11 am Traditional Worship
With Choir & Bells
Confirmation Camp - Sixth graders
(rising 7 graders) and all confirmation students are invited to Confirmation Camp this
summer. June 21-26. Please contact Pastor
Terri or Craig Swendsen if your child is eligible to attend camp this summer.
Join us for a special
Good Friday worship
experience especially
designed for families
with children. Come
see, smell, taste, hear,
and feel what Christ
did FOR US with a
service based on the
traditional “stations of the cross.”
Date: 3/29/15
Time: 4:00 pm, at Christ the King
During lent this year, there
will be a display case
placed in the narthex outside the sanctuary. These
books are resources for you and family to
use during lent to help you focus on what
Jesus will do on the cross. You have two
options. One, you may check out a book as
described on the display, Or two, you may
use any of the children’s books in conjunction with your worship bags. Please make
sure you return the book to the display after
worship. Thank you and enjoy.
Thank you for
the outpouring
of love and
p r a y e r s
many cards and
expressions of sympathy at this difficult
time for me and my family, at the loss of my
husband Loren.
God’s Peace,
Pat Dahlberg and family
· The King’s Herald · Christ the King Lutheran Church · 5
Ice Skating EventSunday, March 22,
2 - 4 pm
We would like to invite all
youth, parents, friends,
families, and everyone else
to come skating with us at
the Compton Ice Arena on
Sunday, March 22, from 2 - 4 pm. This is an
intergenerational event and a time to skate and
have fun with members from CtK. The cost is $5
per person for both parents and youth when you
mention Christ the King. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Layman or Craig
Food 4 Kids
FunPack Program
A BIG “Thank You”
63 kids from Madison Primary School
have enough to eat this weekend
Prayer Shawl
Please join us on the 1st
Thursday of each month
at 10 am in room 303
for some general knitting and crocheting.
Each individual in the
group works on their
own project of prayer shawls, hats, scarves,
or baby items that are donated to various
ministries. March 5 will be our next meeting.
Souper Bowl Sunday
$388.00 was raised for
Little Flower Food Pantry
“Thank You”
because of all of our efforts.
We would like to raise an additional $980
by the end of March
to sponsor the remaining 7 kids.
Thank You From
The Women’s Care Center
Thanks to the Members of Christ the King
for the loose monetary donations in November, I had some money remaining that I
could spend for Women's Care Center Crib
Club. I purchased another diaper bag, six
long-sleeved onesies, six teethers and two
sleep sacks. Thanks also for the blankets
and caps given to me this winter from the
ladies of the Prayer Shawl Ministry. We appreciate the support of CtK. We will have
the bassinet out again in May and will have
a list of items we could use then.
Sandy Whiteman
Dismas House 29th Annual
Benefit Dinner & Silent Auction
Join us on Wednesday,
April 1, 6:30 pm, at St.
Center, 331 S. Scott St.,
Sou t h
The keynote
speaker will be Shaka
Sengor, a writer, mentor and former offender. He has turned his life around and
his message of hope and forgiveness mirrors that of Dismas House. Tickets are
$35.00. Event proceeds will be use to provide housing, services, and programs so returning prisoners can transform their lives.
Tickets available through Eventbrite or by
email through
6 · The King’s Herald · Christ the King Lutheran Church ·
Donations For April 2015 Rummage Sale
Just a reminder that we are still collecting items for
the next rummage sale scheduled for April 24-25.
Please keep us in mind when you are moving out the
old to make room for the new. You can bring the
items to the church and place them on the tile section of Van Oort Hall. For the bigger items, just give
us a call and we will pick them up. Thanks for all
your support.
Days lacking sunshine and zest? Meet your
CtK friends at Hacienda Restaurant on
Tuesday, March 3, from 11 am to 11 pm.
20% of all sales purchased using the token,
found in the CtK narthex or on this page, go
to Jamaica Missions.
Jamaica Mission Trip
· The King’s Herald · Christ the King Lutheran Church · 7
Two Thrivent Workshops Offered At CtK:
March 25 at 6 pm in room 504 = “Retire Wisely”
March 29 at 9:30 am in VOH = “Your Legacy”
March 25, 6 pm
room 504
March 29, 9:30 am
in VOH
8 · The King’s Herald · Christ the King Lutheran Church ·
Holy Spirit Connections!
In October 2009, I was required to appear at South Bend’s County City Building for jury
selection. The Holy Spirit led me to take a cab, which I hadn’t done in years, but I was
learning to hear this voice and be obedient to it.
While waiting, I prayed:
1. that God would use me to touch someone who needed a word from Him,
2. that I would recognize that person, and
3. that the person would see God – not me – in the words I spoke.
The cab took so long to arrive; I thought I’d be late. Upon arrival, the cabbie explained,
he was so late because none of the other drivers wanted to make the Granger run. They
could make more money in fares if they stayed in South Bend. So, he decided to make the
run north. Of course, that cabbie was the answer to my prayer.
He had been struggling with some tough issues -- finding a job and locating an apartment
that was affordable and in a safe place. He said he frequently chose temptation rather
than resisting it. He realized choosing God did not eliminate tough circumstances, but
they were more manageable when you walked with Him. Without God, you fall and
stumble over the hurdles. With God, you were sustained on the journey. With God, the
cabbie quit drugs and returned to church where he now sings in a praise band.
He wanted to stop swearing, and he knew he should stop smoking, but he didn’t want to.
The Holy Spirit had no sooner told me that it was my time to be listening, when the cabbie apologized for talking so much. I told him it was okay; I was being told to listen. He
said he knew the Holy Spirit was at work, and that I was there to share my experiences
with smoking and quitting. We held hands and prayed aloud together. Both of us were
thankful God brought us together that morning.
I believe God waits for us to offer ourselves to Him…….daily. He longs for our companionship with Him. He created us to be His children – about His business during our time
on this earth.
In His Name,
Diane Huwaldt
INTO Spiritual Life Team Member
Tuesday, March 24 6:30 pm- St. Joseph County Public Library – Local and Family History
Center and Studio 304 Tour.- We will meet at 6:30 in the Family History Center for an update on new resources available and then tour the new Studio 304. We’ll learn how the studio
can benefit genealogists. The lab features seven MacBook work stations, a MakerBot Replicator 3D printer, audio and video recording equipment, a large format printer and two color
printers. Coordinator Margel Soderberg (
· The King’s Herald · Christ the King Lutheran Church · 9
We rejoice in the birth of Emilia Brynne Bruckert, born on January 28, to Julia and Will
Bruckert. She joins her sisters Evelyn, Eila, and Eden.
We rejoice in the birth of Wyatt Joseph Scheibelhut, born on February 8, to Joe & Ana
Scheibelhut. He is welcomed by his grandparents, Larry & Freda.
Please pray for the family of Sharon Esmont as they mourn the passing of Sharon’s uncle,
Charles McCormack, who died on February 17, at the age of 94.
Joseph & Lisa, Austin, and Tyler Gregory – The Gregory family lives in Niles, MI. Joe enjoys hunting and fishing, and Lisa enjoys scrapbooking and knitting. They came to CtK
looking for a church with programs for their children. They are already active in Sunday
School and in the Women’s Study Group.
10 · The King’s Herald · Christ the King Lutheran Church ·
· The King’s Herald · Christ the King Lutheran Church · 11
March 2015
Sunday Schedule
8:15, 9:30 & 11
9:30 Sunday School
For All Ages
7 AA Meeting
1 Second Sunday in Lent
8 Third Sunday in Lent
Daylight Savings Time
Wed. Schedule
10 Adult Study Grp.
10 Women’s Journey
11:30 Mid day Prayer
5 Evening Meal VOH
6 Devotional Discussion
7:30 Confirmation
7:30 Adult Choir
7 AA Meeting
Sunday Schedule
9:30 Adult Forum
“grace & peace”
12:30 Lunch Bunch
Wed. Schedule
7:30 Men’s Bible Study
10 Prayer Shawl
6 Bell Quintet
6:15 Fit &Faithful 6:15 Pastoral Care
6:30 Worship
6:30 Boy Scouts
6:30 Venture Crew 7 Social Ministry
7 Alleluia Ringers
11:45 Staff Meeting
7 Lent Mid Week Service
7 Women On Wed
6 Basketball at
Madison School
7 Xalt! Rehearsal
7 AA Meeting
12 Honker’s
Wed. Schedule
8 AA Meeting
10 Michiana
Calligraphy Guild
8 AA Meeting
10 Card Ministry
5 SCC - Grieving
Out Loud
9:30 Adult Forum
6 Bell Quintet
6:30 Boy Scouts
“grace & peace”
6:15 Fit &Faithful
6:30 Worship
5 Nat’l Youth Meeting 7 Alleluia Ringers
in Goshen
7 Lent Mid Week Service
15 Fourth Sunday in Lent
Sunday Schedule
Sunday Schedule
9:30 Adult Forum
“grace & peace”
1:30 Worship offsite
St. Patrick’s Day
8:45 CDF Mtg at
6 Bell Quintet
6:15 Fit &Faithful
6:30 Worship
6:30 Venture Crew 6:30 Boy Scouts
7 Alleluia Ringers 7 Council Meeting
22 Fifth Sunday in Lent 23
12 Honker’s
Sunday Schedule
6 Bell Quintet
9:30 Adult Forum
6 SCC Board Mtg
“grace & peace”
6:15 Fit & Faithful 6:30 Boy Scouts
6:30 Worship
7 Genealogy
7Alleluia Ringers
Wed. Schedule
9:30 “Your Legacy”
Thrivent Workshop
6 Bell Quintet
6:15 Fit & Faithful 6:30 Boy Scouts
6:30 Worship
7Alleluia Ringers
9:30 Adult Forum
“grace & peace”
4 Family Lenten Activity
“Walk To The Cross”
6 “30-Hr Famine”
Youth Lock-In Begins
7 AA Meeting
7:30 Men’s Bible Study
11:45 Staff Meeting
6 “Retire Wisely”
Thrivent Workshop
6 Stephen Ministry
7 Lent Mid Week Service
7 Women On Wed
6 Basketball at
Madison School
6:30 PHJC Assoc.
7 Xalt! Rehearsal
7 AA Meeting
Wed. Schedule
6 Basketball at
Madison School
7 Xalt! Rehearsal
7 AA Meeting
11:45 Staff - Worship
12 Stephen Ministry
7 Lent Mid Week Service
29 Palm Sunday
Sunday Schedule
6 Basketball at
Madison School
7 Xalt! Rehearsal
7 “30-Hr Famine”
Youth Lock-In Ends
8 AA Meeting
1 AA Symposium
in VOH
8 AA Meeting
Christ the King Lutheran Church
17195 Cleveland Road
South Bend, IN 46635
Rev. Steven Schwier
(574) 273-8836
Cell: (574) 514-2051
Rev. Terri Peterson
(574) 855-1312
Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Loren Van Oort
Faith Formation
Craig Swendsen
Music Ministries
Hillary Doerries
Ministry Coordinator
Business Manager
Mission Coordinator
Marie Zell
John Huchko
Sally Dixon
Jean Schlemmer
Choir Accompanist
Bev Butler
Music Ministry Admin. LeAnne Marsh
Christ the King Lutheran Church
17195 Cleveland Road
South Bend, IN 46635
(574) 272-4306
A congregation of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America
“God’s Work. Our Hands.”
Samaritan Counseling Center
(574) 277-0274
Executive Director Alexandra Sobieski
Clinical Director
Tony Garascia
Director of Operations Deborah Campoli
Business Director
Don Zerfas
Professional counselors available by appointment.
Holy Communion
Sunday 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00 am
Monday 6:30 pm
Office Hours
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Monday through Friday
The King’s Herald is a monthly newsletter of Christ the King Lutheran Church
published monthly at 17195 Cleveland
Road, South Bend, IN 46635.
The King’s Herald can also be found
under the “News” tab on our website
“As the body of Christ, we are called and sent to love and serve the world”