Intermediate Sewer Project


Intermediate Sewer Project
2016-2017 School Year
Dear future sewing student,
On the next few pages you will find sewing projects. You will work on the following projects in sewing
class, which is your next midterm class. In addition, please pick a design for the second project we
will work on as a class, if time allows.
You will focus on sewing one project, rather than both, because one project is for the beginner sewer
and the other is for the intermediate sewer. To find out what type of sewer you are and which
project is for you, please see the chart below.
Beginner Sewer:
Intermediate Sewer:
No sewing experience or at least
one year of summer school sewing.
Required Projects:
Two Jelly Roll Pillowcases
At least two years of summer
school sewing or at least one
completed sewing class at a
reputable sewing center. These
classes or class should have been
taken during the fourth and fifth
grade years.
Possible Extra Projects:
Fabric Testing
Capri-Sun Purse/Case/Tote
Flannel Print Boxers
Etch.- please ask, there are many
options available.
Required Projects:
Two Jelly Roll Pillowcases
Flannel Print Boxers
Reversible Fun Print Apron
or Approved Project of Choice
Extra Projects:
Fabric Testing
Capri-Sun Purse/Case/Tote
Reversible Fun Print Apron
Etch.- please ask, there are many
options available.
** Please note if you do not fit into the intermediate sewer category, but believe that you should be in the
intermediate sewer category, please set up a time to try-out with Mrs. VanDyke. This must be completed prior
to the third day of class. Mrs. VanDyke will talk about this on the first day of class. You may email Mrs.
VanDyke to set up a try-out time.
Since we have six weeks together your order needs to be turned in to me no later than the
second day of class. By doing this you will receive your order quicker, which means we will
have more time to work on sewing!
Please follow the directions on the following page, by circling your choice of fabric for your
projects. Also, bring this sheet to class on the first day of class. This will be part of your
homework grade.
1 You will have a few supplies you will need to bring to class. One of the supply items you will need
include one check of $10.00. In addition, two spools of thread for your project are required. You
may choose the color. This will not be due until the second week of class, however, if you decide to
buy it earlier, that is fine. Hobby Lobby or JoAnn Fabrics in Vernon Hills are the closest
sewing/craft stores. You may find an app on your smart phone to help with your bill by searching in
your on your phones app store. Both stores have coupons available, however, Hobby Lobby has great
coupons throughout the year.
The check of $10.00 needs to be made out to Highland Middle School with the students first and
last name in the memo area. This check is used for classroom materials and sewing machine upkeep
throughout this midterm.
The thread is Dual Duty All Purpose thread at 250 yards, made by Coats. Each spool of thread
runs approximately $2.79 per spool. We use this brand of thread because it helps to preserve our
machines and will help to assure your project maintains a newer look over years of use.
In addition, you will need TWO SETS OF FABRIC (this is 6 total pieces, 2 of each size shown below)
for the Jelly Roll Pillowcase project. The fabric will need to be a high quality 100% cotton fabric,
NOT FLANNEL. This fabric may also be found at Hobby Lobby or JoAnn Fabrics in Vernon Hills or
any similar stores. Below is a diagram of the fabric quantity needed for one pillowcase. Don’t forget
you will need to double this amount so you have enough for two sets.
Please feel free to email me with questions.
I look forward to having you in class!
Mrs. VanDyke 2 Beginner & Intermediate Sewer Project: Please go to a fabric store and purchase TWO SETS of three different designs of fabric. The fabric must be high quality 100% cotton fabric, no flannel. We will be making a Jelly Roll Pillowcase. See the amount needed per pillowcase below.
Jelly Roll Pillowcases **Amount needed for one pillowcase. Double the below amount for two pillowcases.** 3 Option 1 à Intermediate Sewer Project: Please follow the directions below. This order is due on the first day of sewing class. If you would like to see the options in color please look at the catalogue online, Novelty Print Apron: Reversible Fun Print Apron: Name: _______________ Period: ______________ Reversible or Novelty Fun Print Apron 1) First, choose your print. Circle your choice below and write the name somewhere in the white space below. Reversible Fun Prints Apron (#3472) or Novelty Print Apron (#2472: available starting midterm two) are your options. Reversible Fun Print Apron Hedgehog (HH) Universe (UN) ** Note: The following patterns are no longer available: Dragons, Leap Frogs, Red Hot.** Novelty Print Apron Batman (BA) Frozen (FR) Hello Kitty (HK) Marvel (MA) Mickey Mouse (MI) M&M’s (MM) Star Wars (SW) Turtles (TU) 2) Lastly, write the name of your choice on the line below. ______________________________________________________________ 4 Option 2 à Intermediate Sewer Project: Please follow the directions below. This order is due on the first day of sewing class. If you would like to see the options in color please look at the catalogue online, Name: _______________ Period: ______________ Flannel Print Boxers Order, #3861 1) First, using a measuring tape, measure your waist (males) or hips (females) to find out what size you need to order. Circle your size below. 2) Next choose your print. Circle your choice below and write the name somewhere in the white space below. Blue Flames (BF) Cupcakes (CU) ** Note: The following pattern is no longer available: Sheep (SH). ** 5