Retreat Brochure/Pictures - Merriwood Christian Camp


Retreat Brochure/Pictures - Merriwood Christian Camp
Merriwood Christian Camp is located in
Clemmons, NC (just west of WinstonSalem). We specialize in summer camp
programming as well as our fall and spring
We are available for lease from March to
mid-May as well as late-August through
November. We provide housing, food
service, facilities and outdoor areas.
Our Quality Facilities Include:
Our summer camps are open to the individual camper as well as youth groups. Our
overnight summer campers will experience
a small-group emphasis, packed-full programming, times of personal challenge in
our team building activities, and an opportunity to choose what skills classes they
would like for the week.
Some of the Skills Classes include:
Riflery, Archery, Outdoor Cooking, Outdoor
Survival, Geo-tracking, Bead-looming, Duct
Tape Crafts, Leathercraft, Sign Language,
Drama, Canoeing, Climbing Wall and High
Ropes Course, & Biking. (Some skills classes are limited to certain age groups.)
Other Summer Camp Activities Include:
Swimming, Paddleboating, Canoeing, Blob
and Water Trampoline, Bounce House,
Softball, Basketball, Volleyball (indoor and
outdoor), Soccer field and Soccer Arena,
Broom Hockey Court, Foos Ball, Carpet
Ball, Ping-Pong, and More!
Summer Camp Weeks include:
 Day Camp - Rising 1st-4th Graders
 Junior Weeks - Rising 4th -6th Graders
 Middle School Weeks - Rising 7th-9th
 Teen Week - Rising 10th-Graduating
Activity Center (Chapel & Gym)
Twelve Cabin Units (Housing 144)
Outdoor Volleyball Court
Full-Size Swimming Pool, in season
Dining Hall
3 Motel Units
Four-Acre Lake
Large Athletic Field
3 Campfire Areas
Groups are welcome to run their own
program during for their retreat. In addition to this, Merriwood Staff are available
to facilitate Team Building Activities and/
or the Climbing Wall if desired. All activities are included in the per-person rate.
Please call for availability or for a retreat
Our Merriwood Team is available to facilitate team building activities for your
group. We choose specific events that
will challenge your group at the level
you desire, to meet your specific purposes.
Results of Team Building at MCC:
Better communication among your
group, Perseverance, Learning others’
strengths, Working as a team unit,
Trusting one another, Thinking before
acting, Leadership development, Appropriate risk taking, and Personal challenge, and Introspection.
Climbing Wall:
MCC Personnel are also
available to facilitate the 48foot Climbing Wall. It
boasts six separate climbs,
all varying in level of
Please Call Us For:
 Church Youth Retreats
Back-to-school camps
Campus Ministries
School Retreats
Field Days
Men's or Ladies Retreats
Senior Adult Day Events
The Following Groups
Will Benefit From Team Building at
MCC: Ministry Teams, Leadership
Teams, Youth Groups, Church Groups,
Sports Teams…
Please contact us for more details!
Merriwood Christian Camp is located on
66 acres of land, 14 miles west of
Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Doctrinal Statement
The Bible - We believe the Bible to be the
infallible, verbally inspired Word of God, inerrant in
Clemmons, North Carolina
the original writings, and final authority for faith and
practice (II Tim. 3:16-17; II Peter 1:20-21).
2. The Godhead - We believe in one triune God,
eternally existing in three coequal Persons - Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit (Deut. 6:4; II Cor. 13:14).
3. Person and Work of Christ - We believe that the
Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became
man without ceasing to be God, having been
conceived by the Holy spirit and born of the Virgin
We believe that He accomplished our
redemption through His death on the cross as our
Substitute, and that our justification is made sure by
“This is the most fun
I’ve had in my whole life!”
His literal physical resurrection from the dead. We
believe that He ascended to heaven and is now
exalted at the right hand of God as our High Priest
- Church Retreat Quote
(John 1:14; Romans 3:24-25; Acts 1:9; I John 2:1-2).
Person and Work of the Holy Spirit - We
believe that the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin,
of righteousness, and of judgement; that He baptizes
For More Information, or Rates,
Please Contact our office at:
Your source for:
Summer Camps
Fall and Spring Retreats
Leadership Development
Field Days
Personal Challenge
Quiet Times & Introspection
all believers into the Body of Christ, indwelling and
sealing them unto the day of redemption; and that He
is the Divine Teacher who guides believers into all
truth (John 16:8-13; I Cor. 12:13).
5. Salvation - We believe that salvation is the gift of
Merriwood Christian Camp
9640 Center Grove Church Rd.
Clemmons, NC 27012
God received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ, whose precious blood was shed on Calvary for
the forgiveness of sin. We believe that all those thus
redeemed are kept by God’s power and are secure in
Christ forever (I Peter 1:5,18,19).
6. The Church - We believe that the Church, the
Body of Christ, is a spiritual organism made up of all
Phone us: 336-766-5151
Fax us: 336-766-9799
E-mail us:
View us:
born-again persons of the present age. We believe
that the establishment and continuance of local bodies
of believers is clearly taught and defined in the New
Testament (I Cor. 12:12,14).
“Thank you so much for giving
me the best week of my life...
both spiritually and physically.”
- Summer Camper Quote
Merriwood Christian Camp
9640 Center Grove Church Rd.
Clemmons, NC 27012
Phone: 336-766-5151
Fax: 336-766-9799