2013 Summer Newsletter - Butler Springs Christian Camp
2013 Summer Newsletter - Butler Springs Christian Camp
Summer Camp 2013 Individual Church Camper Totals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Adena Road Church of Christ 3 Allensburg Church of Christ 23 Bainbridge Church of Christ 18 Beavercreek Christian Church 55 Bethany Church of Christ 14 Bethlehem Church of Christ 53 Blanchester Church of Christ 25 Bowersville Church of Christ 9 Bridge Street Church of Christ 2 Church of Christ of East Dayton 13 Community Christian Church 31 Countryside Church of Christ 31 Crossroads Christian Church 8 Crossview Christian Church 105 Danville Church of Christ 5 Eastside Christian Church 35 Enon Church of Christ 2 Fairview Church of Christ 7 First Chrisitan Church of Huber Heights 14 First Christian church of Franklin 2 First Christian Church of Springfield 74 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 First Church of Christ of Lynchburg First Church of Christ Winchester First Church of Christ of Xenia Georgetown Church of Christ Good News Gathering Grace Chapel of Mason Greenfield Church of Christ Hillsboro Church of Christ Jamestown Church of Christ Lake Avenue Christian Church Leesburg Church of Christ Lifeway Christian Church Macon Church of Christ Martinsville Church of Christ Mayhill Church of Christ Miamisburg Christian Church Mowrystown Church of Christ Mt. Olive Church of Christ Mt. Orab Church of Christ Mt. Washington Church of Christ New Antioch Church of Christ 8 2 74 15 19 16 2 44 19 1 22 2 6 11 11 62 6 2 8 13 1 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 New Vienna Church of Christ North Side Christian Church of Xenia Other Churches Peebles Church of Christ Pricetown Church of Christ Rainsboro Church of Christ Ripley Church of Christ Russellville Church of Christ Sabina Church of Christ Sardinia Church of Christ Seaman Church of Christ Smith Hill Christian Church Southbrook Christian Church Spring Hill Church of Christ Springfield Church of Christ Sugartree Ridge Church of Christ Union Church of Christ Waverly Church of Christ West Side Church of Christ of Lebanon West Union Church of Christ Wilmington Church of Christ Total Top Ten Church Camper Attendance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Crossview Christian Church Southbrook Christian Church First Christian Church of Springfield First Church of Christ of Xenia Miamisburg Christian Church Beavercreek Christian Church Bethlehem Church of Christ Hillsboro Church of Christ Sardinia Church of Christ Wilmington Church of Christ 3701 State Route 41 Hillsboro, OH 45133 Phone: 937-588-2205 Fax: 937-588-2205 105 102 74 74 62 55 53 44 41 41 16 3 328 35 32 7 14 18 9 41 4 1 102 13 19 4 17 2 7 4 41 1,590 Butler Springs Christian Camp Summer Highlights Upcoming Events What a summer! If you spent any time here at Butler Springs, whether volunteering, visiting, or dropping off or picking up you child, you probably realized in that period of time what a great summer we had! Even with all the rain we had this summer, we were still, without hindrance, able to accomplish our mission...and that is to begin, develop, and strengthen relationships with our Lord, Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit! God was absolutely amazing this year with all the stories, testimonies, and accounts of how children and adults have changed their lives forever eternally! Here are some of the numbers that we got to experience and be a part of this summer: September 20thGolf Outing at Snow Hill Country Club Art Merkle Scholarship Fund Campers Volunteers Total Camp Sessions Baptisms Mission Money Donated 1,590 525 51 114 $20,826.40** **Includes BSCC’s matching gifts of $8,085.35 Scholarships Awarded Scholarship Total Butler Springs Christian Camp & Retreat Center NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION POSTAGE PAID HILLSBORO, OH PERMIT NO. 12 80 $7,080.00 As you can see, the Blessings did not stop pouring on us (kind of like the rain!) this year and it truly is a great joy just to know that together as a team—campers, kids, volunteers, donors, prayer warriors, supporting churches, etc…—we accomplished wondrous and marvelous works only by the Grace of God! Thank you to everyone who had a part in making this summer a true success story! Help Us Label the New Property We are in need of a catchy, fitting name for the new property. We are trying not to call it the “Happy Hollow” property. Instead, we want to find a name that will fit in according to the surroundings and nature of Butler Springs “lingo”. Any suggestions are definitely welcome and encouraged. Who knows, there may even be a prize for the selected name?!?! Maybe a Butler Springs shirt or partial scholarship towards a camp session? So be sure to think and pray hard about a deserving name. Send any and all suggestions via email to info@butlersrpings.com . Chris Osborne, Retreat Coordinator cosborne@butlersprings.com Visit us online at: www.butlersprings.com 2013 Summer Newsletter September 28thLadies Day “A Cord of 3 Strands” October 18th“Young at Heart” Leroy Blankenship October 25-2779er’s Fall Retreat “Mirrors” (7th-8th Grade) November 1-3One21 Retreat I “Experience Change” (9th-12th Grade) November 8-10One21 Retreat II “Experience Change” (9th-12th Grade) Keith Warner, Camp Director keith@butlersprings.com Gus Denzik, Director of Special Projects gus@butlersprings.com Summer 2013 November 22-24“Creative Souls Retreat” (Scrapbooking) December 5 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner for ALL volunteers New Session Update For the 2013 Summer, BSCC offered 4 new sessions—First Chance Camp, Scuba Camp, Father/Son Safari, and Red River Gorge Expedition. All were a huge hit and was packed with all kinds of activities and powerful teachings. First Chance Camp had 41 moms and dads and 43 boys and girls come together and have that first opportunity (or second) for kids to spend a day and night at camp with one of their parents. Scuba Camp is exactly what it sounds like. As far as we can tell, this is the first Scuba Camp east of the Mississippi River where you can get a world wide recognized certification at a Christian Camp!!! We had 10 campers (8 male, 2 female = 7 kids, 3 adults) with 9 getting certified. Father/Son Safari was a weekend session where no females were allowed! Fifteen dads (granddads) and seventeen sons (grandsons) spent a weekend at our very popular Safari Camp and had that opportunity to really deepen the father/son relationship all while praising God! Red River Gorge Expedition was an excursion camp that traveled to central KY’s Red River Gorge where 15 kids spent time hiking, zip lining, caving, and much, much more! All of these sessions were so popular that we are planning the same sessions for 2014 with the addition of a Mother/Daughter (grandmother/granddaughter) Safari Weekend, Advanced Scuba Camp (parents and adults welcome too), an additional Junior High Paintball Camp, and a couple additional undetermined excursion sessions (off campus) as well!!! Full Circle: One Camper’s Journey By: Danielle Penrod I made my decision to become a Chris an during a week of camp June 1-7, 1986. The dean was Tom Claibourne. I s ll remember that day when Steve Hill and I talked about my decision to follow Christ. We sat under the big tree just the other side of the creek from the dining hall. I was bap zed at Adena Road Church of Christ on June 8, 1986. Camp life con nued….I went every opportunity I could. In 1990, I became full me camp staff – Keith Warner’s first year as director. We worked hard, but played harder. My years as staff at BSCC helped define who I am today. God chose to place so many important people in my life that have remained friends throughout the years. I couldn’t wait to have kids of my own to share camp with, so I brought cousins, nieces, and nephews. We watched camp friends fall in love and get married. When I trust God to guide my path, I accept the closed doors as well. Have faith that he has something be er in store according to His Will. We had kids of our own that were able to experience camp. Part of my story led to Andrew Johnson coming to BSCC. This was God’s design; he led Andrew to camp to become a husband, father and leader at the camp and a local church community in Ohio. My son Trevor made his decision to follow Christ at Butler Springs during Midler Week, June 26 to July 1, 2011. The dean was Steve Williamson. Trevor was bap zed in a creek in Waverly, Ohio on July 2, 2011 by his father and pastor -uncle Jeff Dunn. Camp became a place where my family and I could enjoy me together. My daughter McKenzie made her decision to follow Christ at Butler Springs during Kid’s Café the week of July 29 to August 2, 2012. Tracey Reeves was the dean. McKenzie was bap zed on August 2, 2012 in the pool at Butler Springs Chris an Camp by Tony Brackemyre. We try to serve God in ways we can…Proverbs 22:6, Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. This summer, I was the dean of Science Camp from July 28 – August 1. I have gone full circle from camper, to volunteer, to staff, to mother of kids who decided to follow Christ at camp, to camp dean. Who knows what God has in store next! Summer camp is over, so what’s going on now? Glad you asked! You would not believe the amount of work that has to be done to finish summer camp and enter into our Retreat Season. We have finally se led into a rou ne a er prepping for retreat season and now we are gradually ge ng things on our master list accomplished. With the help of your financial gi s towards the Capital Campaign Drive, we have 300 feet of new asphalt behind the offices as well as a couple of patched areas near the entrance. If you visited this summer, you experienced the desperate need for this. We have had a bunch of trees cut that are threatening our facili es and as you can see, it is a much different view! In the very near future, we are in the process of ge ng bids to have the original asphalt covered with a “chip and seal” as this is tremendously cheaper than resurfacing the 1,800 feet of exis ng asphalt. Engineers have drew up plans for a toilet/shower house on the new property and we are now wai ng on the lengthy state approval process. These are some of the major cket items but we have also star ng/accomplished of a lot of minor cket items—pain ng/staining; landscaping; endless repairs, cleaning, cooking; 2014 planning; church visits; etc… Thank you once again for your support via prayers, encouraging words, volunteering, financial gi s, and promo ng this wonderful ministry. Without God calling you to be a vital part of this ministry, it would not be as successful as it is!!! Homer Holsted’s Experience at Butler Springs Butler Springs has a special meaning to my family and me. Going back to when my Grandmother (Inez McCleese) was a cook, my mom a ending there as a child, then me hanging out before I was old enough to a end with (Cur s Kelley). I then a ended for twelve years (minus the year camp closed due to the water). Now I have either been on staff or served as dean for thirteen years. I have learned many life impac ng lessons, been involved in life changing ac vi es. At Butler Springs I was bap zed in the pool almost 30 years ago, answered the call to ministry 26 years ago and then met my wife Erin, who a ended camp for many years, 21 years ago. I have also been serving on the Board of Directors for almost 10 years and it’s been a tremendous Blessing thus far! However the story does not stop there. This past summer two of my daughters had the opportunity to a end camp, one for the first me, the older one for her first full week. Four genera ons going to Butler Springs. Then something even more amazing happened this past summer, I had the honor and privilege to bap ze my oldest daughter, Claire, in the same pool that I was bap zed in 30 years ago. That almost overwhelmed me and s ll gets me choked up today. God has blessed Butler Springs and thousands of people (including me). Thank you to the people who had the vision and guidance from God to start a summer camp, and a con nued thanks to those that serve today to make Butler Springs a place that con nues to change lives. Homer Holsted (A Life Camper)